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Computer System Service

Excellent Good Fair Unsatifactory

20 pts 17.5 pts 15 pts 13 pts
Identify On-Board Computer Excellent Good Fair Unsatifactory
Students ability to identify on-board
computers and properly name Demonstrated mastery of task. Student identified and accurately Student identified some of the on- Student is unable to identify the
computer. Student identified and labeled all named most of the on-board board computers. Student missed up amount of on-board computers or
computers accurately computers. Student missed up to two to four computers and did not name missed more than four computers.
computers. the computers accurately.

Retrieve Trouble Codes Excellent Good Fair Unsatifactory

Students ability to navigate the scan
tool to retrieve codes. Demonstrated mastery of task. No Student is able navigate scan tool and Student needed moderate assistance Student made no effort to retrieve
assistance needed to navigate scan retrieve trouble codes with minimal to navigate scan tool and retrieve trouble codes. Student displayed no
tool and retrieve trouble codes. assistance. May have missed a key trouble codes. Student needs to exposure.
point. practice more.

Follow Directions of task Excellent Good Fair Unsatifactory

Student performed task in the order
of the directions of the task. Demonstrated mastery of of task. Student completed task sheet Student completed task sheet Student did not follow directions of
Student performed task exactly questions, but did not follow the questions, but skipped the majority of the task. Student filled out task sheet
according to directions in task sheet. directions exactly. the directions of the task. after completing oil change task.

Follows Shop Safety Rules Excellent Good Fair Unsatifactory

Student follows safety rules of shop.
ie: wears safety glasses, operates Student follows all safety rules in the Student works safely, needs More frequent reminders to keep Student can not work in the shop due
equipment safely. shop and works in a safe manner. reminders to keep safety glasses on. safety glasses on. Does not always to unsafe work habits
work in a safe manner.

Clean -Up Excellent Good Fair Unsatifactory

Student cleans work area. ie: put
away tools and wipe down work Student cleaned entire work area with Student cleaned work area with Student attempted to clean work Student did not attempt put tools
area. no assistance. prompting. area, but needed to be prompted. away or clean work area.

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