Martin Tsala Essomba Go, and Report What I Done For You!

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How Jesus Christ snatched me

from my double life as a demon-man


Editions Parole de Vie

ISBN 2-909100-08-1

Royalty Free, Can not Be Sold

Table of Contents

Foreword 1
Introduction Who is Satan? 2
CHAPTER 1 My Childhood and Adolescence 5
CHAPTER 2 My Entry into the Realm of Darkness 7
CHAPTER 3 A Rapid Progression 10
CHAPTER 4 My meeting with the Prime Minister of Satan 16
CHAPTER 5 My Rank and Activities in the Kingdom of Satan 18
CHAPTER 6 My conversion and my deliverance 31
CHAPTER 7 Message of the Lord to the Churches 40


The testimony you will read is that of a young Cameroonian, Martin Tsala Essomba,
who served the devil for more than ten years, and whom the Lord Jesus Christ
delivered on February 22, 1992.
This is one of the most striking testimonies of our century. This man, in spite of his
youth, has frequented the world of darkness for a long time. He reached the highest
levels of Satanism and worked to extend the kingdom of Satan. But it is also through
this man that the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated that He was the Almighty, the only
true God, a delivering God, the Savior of sinners. Thanks to the conversion of Martin
Tsala Essomba, the Lord also saved Cameroon and all of Central Africa from a great
Satan had succeeded in using in a double manner this young man with the very gentle
aspect, from 1981, year when he reached the higher level of sorcery. By means of this
young man, the devil had secured direct access to Cameroon, Martin's native land,
and, from Cameroon, to all of Central Africa and the entire African continent.
The work that the devil has accomplished in Cameroon is very important. But it is a
country that is dear to the heart of the Lord. Many years before Martin's entry into the
kingdom of darkness, Satan had inscribed Cameroon on his "blackboard." For this
country, like many others all over the world, threw trouble into the activities of
Satan. The Bible tells us in 1 John 5:19 that the whole world is under the power of the
evil one. But the beginning of this verse affirms that those who have accepted Jesus
Christ are of God.
This book does not claim to be a book of general culture or teaching. Rather, it aims
to warn the various Christian communities around the world.
The Word of God tells us in the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians (Ephesians 6:12) that
"we do not have to fight against flesh and blood, but against dominions, against the
authorities, against the princes of This world of darkness, against evil spirits in the
heavenly places. " All these enemies of the Christian have only one chief, who is the
devil, the very one who governs all contemporary events, unbeknownst to the leaders
of this world.

Introduction Who is Satan?

The Bible tells us about Satan. In the Old Testament we see that an astonishing thing
happened in heaven, something that had never happened before. Jealousy has invaded
the heart of the archangel Lucifer, to the point that he wanted to take the place of
God, and to receive from the other angels the worship that came to God
alone. Lucifer became proud. He conceived in his heart an infernal plan. He wanted
to convince other angels to join him in order to overthrow God. A third of the angels
followed him. Lucifer had become so thirsty for power that he wanted to declare war
on God Himself (Rev. 12: 4). In his madness, Lucifer forgot that he was a mere
creature. So God hurled Lucifer out of heaven, he and the angels who had followed
him. The name of Lucifer has been changed to that of Satan,
The angels who formed the army of Satan were transformed into demons. Millions of
these creatures sought a place to live and eventually went to live around a particular
planet. Soon after, the first man appeared on this planet, and Satan was there to
welcome him. The appearance on earth of a new creature made Satan furious, for the
earth was his dwelling.
God did not "evolve" man, as is taught to children in schools. The theory of
evolution, and the idea that man descends from the ape, are diabolical lies. The Bible
says that Christ formed man from the dust of the earth. He breathed into his nostrils a
breath of life, and man became a living being (Genesis 2: 7). The Lord created Eve
by plunging Adam into a deep sleep, and pulling out of his body a rib. On this rib
God formed the woman (Genesis 2:22).
Adam and Eve loved the garden of Eden, the place where God had placed them. They
loved animals and everything that was in this place of perfection. Unfortunately for
them, Satan detected a weakness in Adam, compared to his wife. Satan wanted at all
costs to communicate with Eve in the Garden of Eden. One of the animals God
created was the serpent. The devil took possession of the serpent. He entered the
serpent and used him to speak to Eve.
The devil is still following the same tactic today. The angels of Satan, the demons,
inhabit bodies that are not immersed in the blood of Jesus Christ. Satan did not
approach Adam, for he had himself given a name to all the animals of the earth. He
would have recognized on the spot that an external power dominated the serpent. Eve
did not have that knowledge. This lack of knowledge destroys the people of God even
to this day, for it is written, "My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge"
(Hosea 4: 6). God had given Adam dominion over the whole earth. That is why Satan
wanted to dethrone Adam, as he had tried to do with God in heaven.
This time Satan succeeds (Genesis 1:28). Satan succeeded in persuading Eve to eat
forbidden fruit. He hoped that in his love for Eve, Adam would listen to his wife's
voice and eat it too. To his delight, this is precisely what happened. The glory of the
Most High God left Adam and his wife. For the first time, they realized that they
were naked. They had sinned against God (Genesis 3: 7). Sin, being a mortal poison,
could not be consumed in the kingdom of God. They had to appear before the Lord
and submit to His judgment.
They had just died spiritually. When man sins, he seeks to blame someone else, and
that's what Adam did. God had asked Adam if he had eaten the fruit he had forbidden
him to eat (Genesis 3:11). Adam sought to make God guilty in this affair. He replied
to God, "The woman whom you have put with me has given me the fruit of the tree,
and I have eaten it" (Genesis 3:12). In other words, Adam told God that He was
responsible, because He had given her this woman. But God made Adam guilty of
what had happened.
The heart of God was broken. He was the Father of Adam and Eve, but now He was
to execute the word He had spoken. Before them stood a righteous God, a God of
Truth. He became their judge. The sentence of death was pronounced. God alone
could know the terrible chain reactions, and the diabolical problems that Eve's
disobedience would engender.
God drove them out of the Garden of Eden. The earth was cursed, and it began to
produce evil things, such as thorns, evil insects, wild animals, and snakes.

Satan becomes the master of the earth

On the legal plane, as on the spiritual plane, Satan became the god of this world. He
ordered his demons to take possession of the land and its inhabitants in order to make
their home there. Humanity was lost (Luke 4: 6, 2 Corinthians 4: 4, Romans 5:12).
That's how it all started. Satan became the master of the earth. From that moment, the
history of men was marked by evil. Men have multiplied on earth, but only a few
have obeyed the voice of God. At that time, the condition of humanity was very
similar to that of today. It was characterized by homosexuality, rape, murder,
revolutions, etc.
Satan pressed more and more on the accelerator, ordering his demons of jealousy,
hatred, envy, murder, adultery, fornication, sickness, murmuring, disobedience, anger,
worry, lust, egoism, etc., to transform the earth into an occult center. Satan aims to
install a global super-religion, of which God would be excluded, and who should rule
all the peoples of the earth. This diabolical system has been so well conceived that
there are sects and religions which bear different names throughout the world in all
countries. But it is only occultism camouflaged behind the name of our Lord Jesus
The battlefield of Satan is the Church. His main opponent is the Christian. Where true
believers found a church of God, Satan comes behind them and sets up his own false
church, to destroy their work (1 Timothy 4: 1-3). Satan prefers to infiltrate believers,
rather than fight them head on. It was then that he began to sow divisions and
compromises among the Christians. Christians thus fall under the power of sin and
the idolatry of materialism and wealth. Satan uses men to make women fall, and
women to bring down men. Satan used great means to destroy the Church of
God. Money is the principal of these means.
It is for money that one of the disciples of Jesus delivered Him into the hands of the
Pharisees. Money is the root of all evil.
Many people wonder why God, who is the Almighty, has not destroyed the devil,
after the latter has succeeded in pushing man to disobedience.
They do not know that if the Creator had destroyed Satan, he would have ceased to be
God, and his power would have been ignored on earth. The Lord God uses the works
of the devil to demonstrate His power. The world does not recognize the existence of
God, although what is known of God is manifest to them, God having made known to
them. "Indeed, the invisible perfections of God, his eternal power and divinity, are
seen in the eye, since the creation of the world, when considered in his works"
(Romans 1: 19,20).
If the Lord had destroyed the devil, through which works would the power of God
have manifested itself? Following the lies of Satan, the present world believes that
man was not created by God, that this earth was not created by God, the Father
Creator of all things, and that the universe and The man were born as a result of an
explosion. What blasphemous lies! If this corrupt world tells all this, after seeing the
power of God as with the naked eye, what could he have told us if the Creator had
destroyed the devil? His power would not be manifested in the midst of this world,
which even denies the existence of the devil.
Yet the Lord Jesus knew the existence of the devil. He told the Pharisees that their
father was the devil, and that they wanted to fulfill the desires of their father (John
8:44). It is because of the devil that the Bible was written. The devil was also a reality
for the Pharisees, for they said to Jesus (John 8:48): "Are we not right to say that you
are a Samaritan, and that you have a demon? The apostles of Jesus all knew the
existence of the devil. Matthew tells us of a conversation between Jesus and the devil:
"Then Jesus was led away by the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted by the
devil. After having fasted for forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. And the
tempter came and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command that these
stones shall become loaves. Jesus answered and said, It is written, Man will not live
by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. The devil
took him to the holy city, placed him on the top of the temple, and said to him, "If
you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; For it is written, "He will give his
angels orders concerning you, and they will bear you on your hands, lest your foot
strike against a stone."
Jesus said to him, It is also written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. And the
devil carried him again to a high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the
world, and their glory, and said unto him, I will give thee all these things, if thou wilt
bow down and worship me. Jesus said to him,
Remember, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and thou
shalt serve him alone "(Matthew 4: 1-10). In reading these few lines, one perfectly
understands the work of Satan on earth.
But today, most of the world denies the existence of the devil. Some accept its
existence only superficially. Some Christians even denigrate the power of this prince
of darkness.
Brothers and sisters, do not doubt for a moment the existence of the devil. The devil
is an intelligent creature, a powerful spirit. Do not forget that he was the highest of
the angels of God. We see his works everywhere. Just take a look at your
neighborhood, take-out shops, nightclubs, night streets, and wherever the pagan
populations are unfamiliar with Christ. Do you think that men and women filled with
the Holy Spirit, and able to see things spiritually, would act this way if they were not
driven by an invisible power? Do you think that educated, intelligent, educated men
and women, with good intentions to live in peace in their homes, in government or in
Do you believe that children of God truly possessing the Spirit of God and truly
walking with God could behave as they sometimes do, that is, abandon God's way to
run after the marabouts or healers, Or practice witchcraft within the Church, if they
were not really driven by a force?
Do you believe that men and women who call themselves truly Christians could
abandon the true teaching of Jesus to follow false prophets, false pastors and false
apostles if they were not driven by an invisible force?
In 2 Peter 1: 20,21 the Word of God nevertheless warns us of what will happen:
"Knowing first of all yourselves that no prophecy of writing can be an object of
particular interpretation. For it is not by a man's will that a prophecy has ever been
brought forth, but it is driven by the Holy Spirit that men have spoken on behalf of
God. " The Bible also warns us against the false prophets in this same epistle: "There
are false prophets among the people, and false teachers will also be among you, who
will sneakily introduce pernicious sects. Denying the master who redeemed them,
will draw upon them a sudden ruin. Many will follow them in their dissolutions, and
the way of truth will be calumniated because of them.
The reality and the authenticity of this prophecy are already seen with the naked
eye. Pentecostal churches now follow their own teachings and practices. Pastors work
for themselves, for their bellies. They have abandoned the teaching and practices
required by the Lord Jesus Christ. They are masters and ingenious in the matter of
sin, having above all the appearance of piety. By the love of money, they became the
detractors of the Gospel, and put all their intelligence to fight Christ, being disguised
as angels of light. The way they appreciate the Lord, their way of following the Lord,
and their obedience to the Lord Jesus, is limited to the observation of a number of
basic truths, commonly defined by so-called Theological Schools ,
When Satan endeavored to divert man and separate him from his Creator God, he
used honeyed words, and the attraction of knowledge. The man was turned away
from his God by this attractive promise: "Thou shalt know."
Today the devil always uses the same words! That is why he has inspired everywhere
the creation of Institutes of Theology, where the will of man is taught more than the
will of God. Only the Holy Spirit of God is able to teach men the truth and justice of
God. Let us not forget that the Lord Jesus came to save men, and teach them the
Word of Life. He promised us that after His departure He would send us the One who
was to replace him, the Holy Spirit, who is One with Jesus Christ Himself and the
Creator Father. "And these three are one" (1 John 5: 7). This verse is in the Bibles
translated from the original complete texts. Some versions have been translated from
texts amputated by Satan, who speak only of the Spirit, water and blood. Satan has
always struggled to amputate the Word of God, and man has once again fallen into
his trap.
The man is content to brandish his degrees of Theology.
Will the Lord ask you for your diplomas on the last day? Especially if they are
diplomas attributed by the devil!
The only diploma which the Lord recognizes is that of conqueror in the combat
which enable us to oppose the devil.
"Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." To him that
overcometh, I will give to eat of the tree of life which is in the heaven of God "(Rev.
2: 7). "Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." He that
overcometh shall not suffer the second death "(Rev. 2:11). "Let him that hath an ear
hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." To him that overcometh will I give the
hidden manna, and I will give him a white pebble, and on this pebble is written a new
name, which no one knows except the one who receives it "(Rev. 2:17) . "To him that
overcometh, and will keep my works to the end, I will give authority over the
nations. He shall feed them with a rod of iron, as one breaks the vessels of clay, as I
have received the power of my Father. And I will give him the morning star "(Rev. 2:
26,27). "He that overcometh shall be clothed with white garments. I will not blot out
his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father and his
angels "(Rev. 3: 5).
The true diploma of God is eternal life. Only the Holy Spirit can teach the Christian
and lead him without fail into the depths of the Word of God.

CHAPTER 1 My childhood and adolescence

In this chapter, I present my family life before I entered the world of darkness. I am a
young Cameroonian of a very gentle aspect, but I was very dangerous. After having
occupied important positions in the kingdom of Lucifer, I now want to expose the
works of Satan to those who do not know the devil.
I have had the opportunity to give my testimony in many churches, but in a brief way,
without addressing certain points. This testimony was presented only in the form of
surveys, without analysis. My book must make it possible to put an end to the
speculation concerning the points which have not been discussed during my visit to
these different churches.
Before you begin to read my testimony, do not forget to address a prayer to our Lord
so that your entire being may be completely covered and protected by the blood of

Who is Brother Martin?

I am a Cameroonian, currently in his thirties. I was born in the central province, in a

small village of sixteen houses, a Catholic father and a Protestant mother. My father,
a retired railroader since 1959, before my birth, married three women during his
lifetime. The first was a Betti from the Ngoumou region. The second was a Bassa,
who died while my father was serving as a township chief on the Cameroon
railways. The third, who was my mother, was a Bassa from the Nyong-et-Kl
department. My mother was very young, the youngest of my father's wives. My
father was 28 years older than her. She gave birth to thirteen children, including three
miscarriages. My father's first wife gave him three children. The second had no
My father was a man who feared God, but in the manner of certain dead Christian
churches. He was really honest, doing a lot of good to people.
When he retired, he moved to his native village, with his two wives and children.
His children were his first concern.
He took his own meals only after making sure that his children had already been well
fed. My father played the role of a mother to her children.
Since he did not have much property, he said that his only wealth was his
children. And it was precisely on his children that the devil began his work of
The sorcerers of my village, seeing that my father was a dynamic and simple man,
and that he knew nothing about sorcery, began to kill his children one after the other,
and to provoke miscarriages to drink The blood of babies. My mother, my big sister,
and my niece had miscarriages, which were provoked by sorcerers.
With us, witchcraft is a religion established by the devil. It is transmitted from
generation to generation. The majority of sorcerers frequent assiduously churches,
and some even show themselves very zealous faithful. At least that's what I could see
in my village.
Witchcraft therefore struck my family from the smallest to the greatest. Ten children
of my family were killed one by one. Several pregnancies were also interrupted
prematurely, but my father's other children were killed when they were already grown
up. Sometimes the sorcerers ate the babies. My father, who loved his children so
much, died of rage.
Two or three weeks before each death, the sorcerers announced by their spokesman
what would happen in our little family. One of the sorcerers came to see my father,
and told him the sex and age of the person who was about to die. It was happening as
he had announced.
This was happening not only in our family but also in other families.
Almost all deaths occurred in an unusual way.
Sorcery is practiced in an intense and ferocious manner. It was even dangerous to
travel or to walk on the road alone during the night. Sorcerers awaited their victims in
the groves to bring them down. Witchcraft was therefore the main weapon of the
Then came the poison. Several young men and women were killed in our region as a
result of poisoning. The poison was so violent that the victim could not resist more
than two days. Sometimes poisoning was accompanied by occult invocations and
All this region, even today, is infected with sorcery. It was because of it that ten
children of my family were executed.
Man is a cynical animal whose civilization tries to repress the barbarous instincts. But
this was a massacre of the innocent. The sorcerers passed each family with a fine
comb. In each family, one or two people were bewitched by sorcerers.
At least three forms of bewitching were practiced: bewitched by "kong" (the victim is
delivered to Satan in exchange for a sum of money), spell by evil incantations, and
spell figurines. These last two forms of enchantment were more practiced than the
My little sister, who is still alive, was the victim of a spell by evil incantations. The
date of his death had already been announced by the sorcerer's spokesman, who was
also one of our cousins. She was narrowly saved by an eminent healer from a
neighboring village, a friend of my brother-in-law, who was also a healer.
These situations benefited the healers most, who reaped the financial benefits. The
treatment costs for one person ranged from 15,000 to 80,000 CFA francs, from 300 to
1,600 francs, a considerable sum for Africa, which can amount to one to two months'
salary. Sometimes it was even 150,000 CFA francs (3,000 francs) per person, not
counting the domestic animals that had to be given, goats, pigs, chickens, etc.
There were a multitude of healers in the region who were doing everything to exploit
this situation. Since our region was very rich in cocoa, each family had sufficient
income to solve its problems.
It was a manna that fell from heaven for healers.
One of my cousins was affected in 1974, at the age of 17 years. He eventually had to
die after four days of illness. On the day of his death, his father, who was a catechist,
and who did not believe in the darkness, was threatened by his wife because he had
not heeded the wizard's warning.
He was a catechist among the Catholics, and he believed himself to be protected by
divine power. The Word of God says:
"My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge. Since you have rejected
knowledge, I will reject you, and you will be stripped of my priesthood "(Hosea 4: 6).
Thus my father thought he was walking with God, according to the teaching which he
had received in the Catholic religion, that is to say, the adoration of statues, prayer to
the dead, and false doctrines. If this girl, who had been kidnapped at the age of 17,
had been covered with the blood of Jesus Christ, she would have been perfectly
protected, and no wizard could have even approached her.
A family that is not Christian remains under the rule of Satan. It does not live under
the power of God, the true power of Jesus Christ. It remains subject to the influence
of occultism, camouflaged behind the name of Jesus, and practiced in the sects
created by the devil, of which we will speak a little later. If my family had truly
benefited from the blood of Jesus, it would not have had to endure the onslaught of
sorcerers or massacres.
Most of our Christian religions are dead religions, they have no power of God. These
religions do not know that the Holy Spirit of God still acts in the children of God, as
in the days of the early Church.
In order to understand how we can be freed from the devil, let us read this passage
from the Acts of the Apostles: "After hearing this discourse, they were heartily
touched, and they said to Peter and to the other apostles," Brethren, what shall we do?
Peter said to them, "Repent, and baptize every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ,
for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For
the promise is for you, and for your children, and for all that are far off, as many as
the Lord our God shall call unto them "(Acts 2: 38,39).
Under the pressure of Satan, the Churches have not taught Christians that the Lord
Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, can heal all sorts of diseases, or that His precious
name can still cast out demons today in the midst of His children. It is written in
Mark 17: 15-18:
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to all
creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe
will be condemned. These are the miracles that will accompany those who believe: In
my name they will cast out devils, speak new tongues, and seize serpents; If they
drink any mortal drink, it will not harm them; They will lay hands on the sick and the
sick will be healed. "
It is this ignorance that pushed the Pentecostal Christians and the Catholics to run
among the marabouts.
The power of God is ignored in Christian circles, or rather in those who call
themselves children of God. While the power of Satan is much better known by
pagans and false Christians.
My family, who knew nothing of the power of God, went every day into the houses
of the marabouts to obtain protection and seek healings. But all this was of no use to
my dear family. Every year we lost one or two children.
After the death of the children, the first victim among the adults was my mother. She
had received an evil spirit in her belly. Her pain started from the lower abdomen to
the level of the rib cage, and she could not breathe normally. Sorcerers used powerful
means to counteract any attempt at healing or defense. The sorcerer's spokesman had
already announced her death. All attempts at treatment ended in failure, and death
came slowly. After three months of illness, she died in her native village.
One day I arrived at the village to spend my holidays.
The very first night, lying on my bed, a sorcerer, who had taken the form of an owl,
entered my room with the intention of blinding me. The sound of his wings woke me
up in time, just as he was preparing to rush at me.
To tell the truth, brothers and sisters, it was the words and the calls I made in the
name of the Eternal Father that freed me from the clutches of this sorcerer, after a
fight of more than 15 minutes, from which I emerged victorious but without reaching
to kill this evil bird.
My family was entirely Catholic, and knew nothing of the power of God. Talismans,
protections and occult cures occupied the first place in my family. I must admit that I
have never been told since my childhood of the protective power or the healing
power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But I knew that the Lord Jesus existed, and that He was the Savior of mankind in
The teaching on repentance and conversion is absolutely unknown in certain
Christian circles.
Catholics, even simple Pentecostal Christians, think that one can be Christian but live
as one likes. Again, it is a lie of the devil.
In the course of the morning, one of my uncles, who was not even aware that I had
arrived the day before, asked me the following question: "What happened that night
in your room ? It was on that day that he gave me the name of Jesus. I understood
very well afterwards that he was the alleged perpetrator, or one of those responsible
for the death of my parents.
It was perhaps also he who had taken the form of this evil bird. In the village, my
family was pretty well endowed with land. My father alone had more than ten
hectares of land. It was this ground, and the vast cocoa-tree of my paternal uncle,
which attracted the jealousy of the sorcerers, and which impelled them to wish to
destroy my family. They wanted to destroy all my family to become owners of these
My family spent their time running to the healers to protect themselves from the
attacks of the sorcerers.
Each disease was presented to the healer to find relief. The few incomes collected at
the cocoa harvest passed directly into the hands of the healers. These practices ruined
everyone in my village. Despite all the treatments and protective talismans provided
by the healers, the villagers were always struck by sorcery.
After sorcery, the second plague was poison, slow or vivid. The slow poison was an
occult potion that slowly killed. The lively poison was so violent that the poisoned
person did not survive more than two days. This village was really the jungle of
Satan. One night, about two o'clock in the morning, when my father went out to meet
his needs, he was struck down by a diabolical power. The sound of his fall awakened
many of our neighbors, because he shouted aloud. Previously, the sorcerers had cast
evil sand on his eyes, so that his sight was already disturbed. That night they just
wanted to finish it. I saw my father die before me. At this very moment, several
thoughts poured into my memory: the film of past events, assassinations, attacks of
sorcerers, etc. My father moaned before my eyes. For me, vengeance was the best
But how was it possible to avenge myself, I who knew nothing of sorcery, I who had
no weapon to carry out a massive destruction? Satan would soon give me an answer.

CHAPTER 2 My Entry into the Kingdom of Darkness

"Do not avenge yourselves, beloved ones, but allow anger to act; For it is written,
"Vengeance to me, retribution to me," says the Lord "(Romans 12:19).
So, after my father's death, I was ready to do anything. The vengeance that I was
considering had introduced a terrible hatred into my heart towards my uncles,
because they were the main cause of the death of my parents. Dear brothers and
sisters, the wickedness of men can lead you to disaster if you walk according to the
rule of this world, which is eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
As this hatred grew in my heart, I cursed earth and heaven at the same time,
wondering why nature (God) was so unjust, favoring certain people and endowing
them with certain powers of domination over others. To this end, Satan soon gave me
a solution to my problem. One day, while a classmate leafed through the horoscopes
in an occult journal, I saw in this diary the address of a great medium who resided in
France, and who was called Cakia Mouni. I was very happy with this discovery, for I
knew that at least my parents would be avenged. But I was obliged to lie for money. I
had to deceive my adoptive parents, my elder sister and my brother-in-law, who
lodged me. My sister was of an advanced age, since his children were much older
than me. Her husband was employed by the Cameroon Railways. They lived in the
camp of Km 5, in a two-bedroom apartment. One of their sons-in-law had handed me
an electric drill to resell it.
I sold it for 6,000 CFA francs. But when I got home, I lied and pretended that the
police had snatched the drill in question. This money allowed me to begin to
correspond with the great magician. In the letter I wrote, I explained to him that my
problem was to awaken my inner being, because I was not born a sorcerer. So I had to
become a sorcerer, and even more than a sorcerer, so that I could avenge myself. I
sent my letter by express mail.
Six days later, I received a positive answer. In his letter were two coupons, one
yellow and one red. The author asked me to put my saliva on the yellow coupon, and
put a drop of blood on the red coupon. All the work was free according to him. He
even encouraged me in my decision to avenge myself, considering that many young
people had gone through the same path, to avenge themselves or to become rich. In
his letter was also a list of all his clients who had succeeded in various fields. He also
explained to me that my life was really threatened in all areas, and that I could do no
good to protect myself, according to him. He told me that my village was really the
center of all this evil activity.
I saw that everything he told me was true. He also told me about the "airport" of
sorcery that was installed just behind our house. I knew that, because the wizard's
spokesman said it all the time. With us, nothing is hidden in witchcraft. What this
medium said only confirmed the truth to me.
The medium asked me to find a room in which no one was to enter. This was a
handicap for me, since our house had only two rooms. My older sister lived in a room
with her husband, and I slept with my nephew and another cousin. So it was difficult
for me to own a room for myself. I could not afford to rent a room outside.
Satan soon suggested to me to give up everything I did and go back to the village,
since there were free houses there. I made this decision without wasting time, and
without taking into account the will of my older sister. I simply told her I had to stay
in the village for certain reasons.
That day my life took another turn. The Word of God tells us this: "One way is right
for a man, but his way out is the way of death" (Proverbs 14:12). In the evening I
went to the station to borrow a train for my native village. It was the last evening
train, which transported the last natural Martin, according to the creation of Almighty
God. The second Martin, who was to be "born again" was only a diabolical
counterfeit, born in the devil's kingdom. On the train, I was already thinking about
how I was going to kill with my own hands the murderers of my family.
It had to happen and they pay. The death of my parents was to fall on them. I had
heard my father, when he was losing a child or a member of his family, that he was
putting this problem back to God alone.
Since I did not see God reacting at all, I thought that in our day God did not do
anything supernatural any more.
The train crossed the long forests of the region of the Nyong-et-Kl department at
full speed. In this train was a young child, whose evil nature of man was to make a
few days later a human-eater of human flesh and a drinker of human blood, in the
practice of satanic works. He was a living being who killed other living beings, and
the wicked man who killed the innocent. But even if I had to lose my life by avenging
myself, it did not matter to me. The main thing for me was to see these murderers six
feet underground.
The journey ended at the Minka station, where I had to find a car to take me home.
It was the last car to carry the Martin created according to the plan of God, a Martin
that would become a few days later a counterfeit of the devil.
In my bag was the famous letter which was to introduce me into the kingdom of
darkness. Graces be restored to our Lord Jesus Christ, who delivered me from the
clutches of the devil! Blessed be Thy name, O Lord!
Amen! Towards evening, I arrived in my village, a seemingly calm and peaceful
village, but it was actually the calm of the viper. I installed my room thoroughly,
placing all the materials that the medium had given me: a black thread with which I
had to fence my room, special candles, incense, coal, two packages of evil powder,
one special mirror that would allow me to see in the world of darkness, since I was
not yet able to do it with my eyes, and books of black magic.
I had to begin my studies by levitation, that is to say eliminate all the effects of
gravity on me or on any object. In the packages of powder I had received, there was a
powder that I had to put on my eyes each evening. Only two days after the beginning
of these operations, my life changed immediately, as well as my habits, my way of
speaking, my tastes ... Some nights, I lost myself in nature while sleeping. I saw
strange things in inexplicable nightmares.
Three weeks later, I was already capturing the sounds of the afterlife, and I also saw
demonstrations, but without taking part in their activities. I saw people walking on
the road in a split state, something incredible to me. One day, while I was attending a
funeral in the village, two people engaged in broad daylight in a violent fight of
sorcery. The strongest man had begun to crush his opponent's head. But with the eyes
of the flesh, there were only two men sitting comfortably in their chair. The other
man was saved only through the intervention of a group of his friends from the
neighboring village. The work of wizards during the funeral was only to cast spells
on people. That had touched me a lot.
The Lord God Almighty knows that Satan does nothing for nothing. That night, many
youngsters became more and more stunned, women and men who wanted to have
children quickly received children who were half demons. Others received curses of
infertility. The old wizards laid their hands on or sprinkled the assistants with a liquid
composed of a mixture of red wine and the blood of slaughtered animals. They
chewed nuts of cola in advance, accompanied, of course, by a powder which the
assistants could not see. The unfortunate ones expected to receive a blessing from
men, but it was rather the curse that fell upon them. The Word of God says, "Woe to
the man that trusteth in man."
Every night I attended the rites of witchcraft that were taking place at our house. This
"airport" of sorcerers whose medium had spoken to me was already visible to me.
One of the women in my village was one of the most respected witch queens. His
"pilot" was a man from the neighboring village. He was executed before my eyes.
The queen's son immediately took the place of this pilot. This new pilot was also one
of my nephews in the village.
I had a supernatural power over me. Each person is endowed with this power,
according to the measure granted by the Creator, who however forbids us to use
it. Some people have more power than others. It is this power that enables us to
develop what we call the "sixth sense". The sixth sense is one of the faculties that
allows us to penetrate into the realm of darkness if we go beyond the limits set by the
It was through this supernatural power that was in me that my advancement in
witchcraft was very rapid. I possessed all sorts of books of magic, namely the
Breviary, the Sixth and the Seventh Book of Moses, books of Egyptian magic, and
other books which I can not quote here. My life had already completely changed. I no
longer ate anything. Since I had to buy other books and had no financial means, I had
to go through dark paths to get this money: lying and influencing the thoughts of
others in order to obtain the sums required.
People lent me money without difficulty. Others even offered me colossal sums of
It did not come by themselves, but they were driven by a satanic force, the strength
that was in me. The secret of invisibility was acquired after only a few months of
work. People could then enter my room without seeing any book or occult material,
and yet everything was there. My master came to visit me almost every day in my
room to sort out certain things. He gave me precise advice, warned me about
prohibitions, and at the same time appreciated my endurance and my power on the
evil plan. He told me one day that he was going to show me the first heaven in a few
days, and that I had to do a complete fast, without eating or drinking for nine days,
except for the magic potions he gave me. Many wizards already knew who I
was. Others even tried to tempt me, but I did not respond to their provocations. I
knew already that my vengeance was only a matter of days, and that we were going
to laugh.
One day, while I was attending a ceremony of witchcraft, in my hiding place, since I
was not to appear during this ceremony, one of my uncles, who was really the king of
the wizarding band, Execution of a punishment on an adept who had not complied
with the terms of their agreement. This adept was more powerful than my uncle, and
the sentence obliged him to deliver his first-born to be executed that same night.
The adept insulted my uncle, for he did not wish to comply with the demands of evil
society. My uncle, being governor of this society, ordered that this man should be
executed himself.
The man was twice as powerful as my uncle, and he engaged in a violent battle with
my uncle's guards. Strangely enough, my uncle was not more powerful, but he
possessed terrible secrets. While the adept was overtaking my uncle's guards, the
uncle used the evil glue to control the whole crowd. Perhaps it was for his mastery of
the great combat techniques that my uncle was chosen as governor of this society. He
succeeded in immobilizing everyone and executing his opponent.
The flesh of the victim was distributed to the other adepts. (All this was happening on
the occult spiritual plane.) Two days later the sorcerer's spokesman began to
announce the death of a great man of the village. Two weeks later, the man was
already dying, and he died a few days later.
Thus, while I was preparing to attack this nest of sorcerers, responsible for the death
of my parents, I knew that my uncle, this eminent governor, was among the culprits. I
carefully studied his plans for combat. I already knew his weak points and his tricks
in witchcraft fights. My master always advised me to do nothing without his
advice. This way of submitting to me did not please me.
I was animated by a terrible hatred, especially when the events associated with the
death of these innocent people passed through my memory.
I knew that I was already well-versed in witchcraft, and that I could act alone without
anyone's help. But the golden rule of the kingdom of darkness prevented me from
acting. This rule obliged me to submit to the orders given by my superiors. Mental
alchemy was already one of my strengths, which had provoked my mistrust of me.
I will have the opportunity, if the Lord Jesus Christ permits, to speak in another book
of parapsychology, visualization, which is the science of the mind, and many other
things I have intention to reveal.
I was doing five hours of meditation every day at least. According to my master, my
first exit was near. I still had to work hard on all dimensions. The power that was in
me allowed me to go forward without a single interdict. My master gave me
permission to open my room to other people. In order not to arouse the suspicions of
those who entered my room, the secret of invisibility was laid at the very entrance of
my room. My material, my books, my potions, and all the other items had become
invisible to other people.
I was already in contact with the demons. Several times a week, I left alone in the
kingdom of darkness in several dimensions. One day I was flogged by the demons for
a strange reason, because my girlfriend, who often came to see me, had been pushed
by a demon to have sex with me before I left. It was a gross error, and, as the devil
does not forgive, it was necessary to punish me for this fault.
The time of my journey arrived, that is to say, the time of the visit which I was to
make in another dimension, of which my master had spoken to me. I was originally to
be accompanied by him, but to my surprise, he asked me rather to make this trip
alone. He gave me a little cross. I took the trouble to pierce the collar of my shirt to
put on that cross, and then sew the collar.

CHAPTER 3 Rapid Progression

"If Satan drove out Satan, he was divided against himself. How then will his kingdom
subsist? (Matthew 12:26).
Satan has an army of demons, made up of battalions fighting man and the kingdom of
But they also destroy each other.
The day of my journey arrived. My master had already given me several
instructions. He told me to find my way alone, and that I had to leave the cemetery.
I had to go to the cemetery at 11.30pm to begin my incantations at midnight five. I
had to trace at random a circle on the ground. It was a new experience for me. That
night, by chance, I had avoided a thick fog.
From the very beginning of my incantations I was surprised by the force of a wind
which began to blow. Then I heard a kind of warning, like a threat. I could not stand,
the wind was blowing with terrible violence. Suddenly the ground became soft under
my feet, and a mysterious voice rang out. This voice said to me: "You must be pure to
penetrate here, you hear! Pure!
Put down your weapons if you want to enter the paradise of reincarnation. You hear,
lay down your arms! It did not occur to me to refuse or hesitate. The one who spoke
to me was all-powerful, and dominated me naturally.
It was with a smile that I opened the collar of my shirt to remove my magic cross. His
touch was so painful that my face stiffened. I threw it on the ground.
Then the ground opened at my feet. My fall was not brutal, but it was rather a slow
slide towards the center of the earth. While a mysterious light was shining around me,
a diabolical hand seized me and a red gleam enveloped me. The voice said to me in a
whisper: "Now have no fear, for it is not a journey without return! The air around me
became suddenly lighter. The sky above me was no more than a distant little
rectangle. Horrible visions began. I saw horrible things. Demons took the form of
ferocious animals, like the lion, the dragon, the python. A voice startled me:
"Welcome to paradise! I glanced round, but I saw no one. At the cost of an intense
effort, I succeeded in articulating a few words. Then I saw a mummy, whose duty it
was to arouse in living human beings an irresistible death instinct. The mummy
spanned his sarcophagus and stood in front of me, close to touching me. His eyes,
deep in their sockets, twinkled like two precious stones. He said to me, without my
reaction: "Your death instinct will soon be so powerful that you will hate all forms of
life. You will enter another universe, to fulfill the destiny I have chosen for you. You
are going around the world to face the demons that live in the afterlife. They will
reveal to you the powers that slumber in you. You will pierce the secret of death, and
you will be initiated into reincarnation. Many others before you have overcome
death. Then you will become an immortal master, and your power will pass through
the centuries.
The mummy added: "The choice is vast in this world. You will enter another
universe. But you must first dispossess yourself of your existence. Now, you are
going to enter the world of spirits in the form that fate has decided for you. You will
become an amphibious bird.
The choice is vast in this world. So come with me. "
She held out her skeletal arm, and I felt her hand close on mine. I perceived a lively
and burning heat, as if each of its bones were devoured by a mysterious inner flame. I
remained motionless, subject to his will. The magnetism which emanated from this
frail creature was superior to all human will.
"Lie down," he whispered. I obey without discussion.
Then I had the impression that nothing existed around me, and horrible visions began.
That day, after several tests and trials concerning the nutrition of Satanists, I was
transmitted magnetism to increase my supernatural power in all spiritism. As I was
not yet able to meet the prince of the demons, I was simply allowed to visit part of the
hell, the place of torture. To tell the truth, the things I saw were so frightening that
nobody in the world could bear them. I saw a large well of several kilometers. In this
well, the sight was terrifying, like that of an upside down world.
At the approach of this place, a powerful wind began to blow, like a hurricane of 300
miles an hour, which gave me the impression of losing half my body. The demon that
guided me explained to me, as this well approached us, that this place of torture was
reserved for several categories of demons who had failed in certain tasks that Satan
had entrusted to them.
There, too, there was the majority of Christians who, in the course of their life on
earth, had cast out Satan's demons, or even wounded these demons by calling the
name of Jesus Christ to drive them away or to deliver people, and which subsequently
did not hold firm. It happened to them what is written in the book of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Bible: "For it is impossible that those who were once enlightened, who
tasted the heavenly gift, who had share in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the good
word of God and the powers of the world to come, and have fallen, be renewed and
brought to repentance, since they crucify the Son of God for their part and expose
him to ignominy (Hebrews 6: 4-6).
After their death, these Christians who fell are directly led into the well of torture. As
I passed, many demons and spirits made themselves known by giving me their name,
and indicating their origin. They knew why they were being tortured. It was exactly
like a confession of sins. A demon revealed many things to me during this journey.
While the smoke of the torture was rising, a high-ranking demon, charged with
torture, arrived and immediately discharged a power similar to molten metal at more
than 2,000 degrees. A distant whistle and a shrill cry rose from this abyss. All the
demons howled with gritted teeth, and a thick smoke rose with the howl of pain
(Revelation 9: 2-4).
The demon who wanted to tell me about his past life explained to me that he had been
sent to this earth in the form of a body of flesh. His master, Satan, had sent him to
establish a religion of the world of darkness in a part of Europe (including in a
country whose name I prefer to keep). It was a religion that is now very widespread
throughout the world, but which did not yet exist in this country. This demon held the
position of Head of State in the same country, but he told me that his mission had
failed 700 years ago.
Since that date, he had been thrown by his master Satan into this place.
He had not yet finished his narrative that the devil himself came to the scene. There is
nothing more terrible in this world of tortured demons than the arrival of Satan. A
violent wind began to blow in this lamentable pit. I was removed from there by the
demon-guide, who certainly did not want me to discover what was going to
happen. As I insisted more and more to stay, the devil told me that the fate that would
await me after the arrival of the master would be the result of my obstinacy.
He advised me to leave before the master arrived. But I, knowing that this kingdom
had only one master, Satan, and that he was also my master, I told myself that I had
nothing to fear.
I hid in a place where I thought naively that the little power I had could allow me not
to be noticed by Lucifer. But I was mistaken, for no one can hide from the devil in the
kingdom of darkness. I was attracted by a terrible force, and I found myself without
saying a word before the entrance to the well. Every second I saw newcomers who
were rushed into this well of torture by the hundreds.
Satan controls every second the good progress of this enterprise. The head of this
department came to report to Satan on the smooth running of the activities of his
department. One does not address Satan by keeping a normal position. Even to
account to Satan, one had to bow down before him. Each chief who presented himself
to give his report prostrated himself on the ground before opening his mouth.
As for me, I had already been obliged to prostrate myself before the master, and it
was not even necessary to look him in the face, which was impossible, for his eyes
resemble two television screens, through which one can see the whole world.
Satan does not resemble those shabby caricatures that portray him with horns and a
tail. It has rather the ability to take all kinds of appearances. That day, the devil took
the form of a tree several tens of meters high. Each battalion of demons passed before
him, declaring their commitment to serve the supreme master. No one could make the
mistake of looking him in the face. The power that emanated from this creature was
In this kingdom, one has the capacity to understand all the languages of the
world. The world of darkness is organized like an army, of which the commander-in-
chief is the devil. All subordinates, from the most senior to the private, are all
submissive according to their rank. All this army marched before me, and I thought it
was marvelous.
After this procession, a last treatment was offered to the spirits who were tortured in
the well. The devil stretched out his hand over the well. A violent flame and a liquid
that resembled glue descended from the sky, and flooded the well over several tens of
kilometers. Cries of pain, howls and all kinds of supplications rose from the well. It
was the day when all those who were thrown into the well received this atrocious
I want to speak to all Christians who pretend to be "children of God," but who do not
obey the commandments of God. Know, dear brothers and sisters, that he who dies in
this condition falls directly into the hands of the devil. The devil presents him with all
the demons he wounded by chasing them in the name of Jesus.
Some leaders teach that the grace of God is largely enough for a Christian and that by
this grace the Christian can enter directly into the kingdom of God, even if he lives in
sin. I tell you that this teaching comes only from the devil, who wants to divert a
whole church, by going through the one who teaches it.
That is why it is recommended that all Christians read the Word of God, study it, and
know it perfectly. Thus they will not be carried away by any wind of doctrine, which
would certainly lead them into the lake of fire.
The words you receive according to the reasoning of men come only from the
devil. The Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians, "However, just as the serpent seduced
Eve by his cunning, I fear that your thoughts will corrupt and turn away from
simplicity to Christ. For if anyone comes to preach to you another Jesus than the one
we preached, or if you receive a spirit other than that which you have received, or
another gospel that you have embraced, you bear it very well. These men are false
apostles, deceitful workers disguised as apostles of Christ "(2 Corinthians 11: 3-4, 13)
Thus, Christians who fall into the hands of a demon of torture suffer a terrible fate ,
Especially those who have wounded or driven demons in the name of Jesus during
their life on earth, who did not hold fast on the right path they had chosen, who fell
into sin, and whom the devil managed to execute quickly. The devil knows that God
is a God of truth, who respects His word. He said in the Bible, which is the
Christian's code of the road, that those who sin voluntarily after knowing the truth
can not be brought to a new repentance (Hebrews 6: 4-6). I saw these Christians
suffer terribly in the well of torture, because they had wounded the demons of Satan,
and had, by their prayers, troubled his work in the churches. Even if their prayers did
not ascend to the Almighty, because they were drowned in their sins, calling the name
of Jesus Christ in prayer disturbed the demons that were in their house or in their
church. Some demons could even be hurt. Then, if these Christians fall into his hands
after their death, Satan gives them back to them a hundredfold. These tortures are
only a down payment, waiting for the salary to be paid to them by the Supreme
Master, Jesus Christ, on the last day of judgment when they are thrown into the lake
of fire and brimstone (Matthew 25:30, Rev. 20:15).
During my visit, many unclean spirits made themselves known to me and explained
to me why they had failed in their mission on earth. Many of these spirits are sent by
the devil into a body of flesh, born of normal women, especially women who seek to
have children with healers or other Satanists. Satan gives many gifts to these children,
who carry out various missions.
Some are musicians. Satan knows very well that the songs or records that his
fledgling messengers will produce will attract millions of people to him, so that they
will not have time to think about God. Even Christians will be attracted by these
melodies, and they will have hearts snared.
Still in the field of music, Satan's laboratories produce musical instruments on which
are placed magnetism, or an occult power, and which are destined to the churches of
the whole world.
Other demons who have come into the flesh have the mission of directing certain
Christian countries as Presidents of the Republic. I know more than six Presidents in
the world, who from time to time reported their activities to Satan. They knew me
perfectly well. Their missions are different. Some must persecute Christians in the
countries they govern. Others seek to train the Heads of State of other countries, who
have been placed at these posts by God. These Demonic Presidents favor the entrance
of satanic sects into their country. They distribute important positions from their
governments to other Satanists or fleshy demons in their countries. Through their
friendly relations, they also promote the entry of Satanists into the governments of
other friendly countries.
These demons come in the flesh have a perfectly human body. They have a rapid
intellectual progression. They are gifted to break through widely in all areas. They
may very well marry and have children, but these children are all demons. Such
beings can live with normal human beings for years, without them realizing in the
least who they are dealing with. Even sorcerers may not identify them, for they are
such superior beings that it is easy for them to master and dazzle their
surroundings. It must not be forgotten that witchcraft is only the initial stage of the
activities of the world of darkness. Other demons are even sent to Christian churches
as priests, pastors, or other ministries, according to Satan's plan. Other demons who
have come in the flesh are sent to the great financial institutions of the world, all of
which are secretly ruled by the devil. The printers who print the banknotes are all
under the domination of the devil.
All the banknotes printed in the world pass into the temple of Satan, so that an occult
power is attached to them before they are put into circulation.
This power is lust, which causes some to kill or sell their mother, wife, husband,
children, and all their family for money. This occult power of lust urges men to envy
ever more the riches of this world. It even encourages Christians to abandon Jesus
Christ. This power holds the whole world under the power of the evil one (1 John
Those of God are not subject to this occult power. Those who call themselves
children of God, and who have the love of money, are not of God. They are not yet
born again. In John 3: 3 the Lord Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Verily, verily, I say unto
you, If a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God."
Demons that are sent in flesh as priests or pastors have the mission of destroying the
churches, rendering the Word of God weak and ineffective. They even involve
children of God in false teachings.
They have the mission of creating Schools of Theology, to form servants of God
without any divine power. Their teaching is now spread all over the world. For
hundreds of years man has fallen into the trap of the devil, which has given him the
ability to analyze the Word of God according to the thoughts the devil injects him.
I know that it is the Holy Spirit who teaches according to the Lord. Jesus said to His
apostles, "But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I have spoken to you" (John
14 : 26). Read the Word of God. It is Jesus Christ who speaks to you, and the Holy
Spirit who will teach you and remind you of all that the Lord has told you in the
Bible. And the apostle Paul said, "I am persuaded that he who has begun this good
work in you will make it perfect for the day of Christ" (Philippians 1: 6).
During this visit I saw goddesses, queens of the coast, and chiefs of legions, who
were constantly punished because they had joined or were married to someone who
had finally been delivered by Jesus Christ. The queen of Osaka, in Japan, is the most
respected of the goddesses, because she had succeeded in imposing witchcraft as the
only religion of a part of the Asian continent, in a single year. She was promoted as
Queen of Darkness closest to Satan. Any newcomer to the kingdom of Satan is
obliged to suck her breast. Everything she gives to someone raises her to a higher
When I sucked her breast, she handed me a potion contained in a golden jar. After
absorbing this potion, I felt that my chest was about to burst.
All the demons beside me prostrated themselves before me as a sign of adoration. I
did not understand why she ordered me to lift my right arm. To my surprise, several
demons fell to my left and to my right. She asked me to lift her left arm. I was again
surprised to see the goddess hurry away in haste. I saw that my raised arm was
destroying several demons. A power came from my eyes, from my hands, and my
whole being trembled with power like that of a possessed man.
It took the goddess of darkness several minutes to control me. She had made a
mistake in giving me this potion, but she could not do anything because I had already
consumed it. I left that day the abyss of darkness, filled with terrible supernatural
I remind you that the abyss is the prison of disobedient spirits. Therefore, Satan is
still the master of it for the moment. The abyss is still open, under the rule of Satan,
because many rebels in churches and in the world must first be thrown and
tortured. Only God holds the key to the abyss, and he will throw Satan himself at the
appointed time, to be chained there for a thousand years:
"Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a
great chain in his hand. He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the devil
and Satan, and he bound it for a thousand years. He cast him into the abyss which he
closed and sealed above him, that he might deceive the nations no more, till the
thousand years be fulfilled.
After that, he must be loosed for a little while "(Rev. 20: 1-3).
I warn you: Satan knows all these things. He even knows the Word of God better than
you. This is why he strives to annihilate it, and it twists its meaning by using those
who teach this Word. The devil knows that if the people of God are ignorant, it will
be destroyed. Three-quarters will be cast into the abyss of darkness.
The Creator God says in Hosea 4: 6 that His people perish because they lack
knowledge. He will then be rejected from His priesthood, and God will forget even
their sons because they have forgotten the law of their God.

My return to normal life in my native village

On my return, my life was completely changed. My family, who knew nothing about
my life, had difficulty controlling this situation. I was doubly calmer, and my
memory was changed. All my thoughts were confined to the world of darkness. For
several months, I saw all the people walking naked around me, while they were
dressed. I say all the people, even my family, my uncles and my aunts. I was not
interested, but I did not know what to do. I was no longer master of myself, I was
doing what I did not want to do. Sometimes I lied without knowing it, driven by more
powerful demons than myself.
I lived with these demons as if they were my brothers.
Most of the demons were subject to my will. They claimed the bodies of certain
people from my family to live there. Knowing who the demons were, I still refused
this proposal. My master no longer regularly came to see me as before. He had
ordered me to remove everything that was in my room, and to let everybody into
it. The moment of avenging had arrived. It was now time to kill the murderers of my
family, two men and one woman, all three members of my family. Before, I began to
exercise my powers on the trees.
I sometimes left alone in the bush. I did not need to utter a single summons. My left
hand was the seat of my power. It was enough for me to raise my left hand and
concentrate my attention on something, and the thing was destroyed by itself.
A palm tree could split in two, a tree split along its trunk.
I had to respect certain prohibitions, especially that of not using my left hand during
sexual intercourse with a woman, otherwise she would became sterile for the rest of
her life. One day, as I was returning from fishing, right next to the house of one of my
uncles, I destroyed a young goat who was tied up on my way.
All this proved to me that I was already able to fly with my own wings. One day,
while I was repairing the trailer to carry cocoa beans, it had a puncture. There was
with me a young nephew of 9 years, who was born a sorcerer, and who was used by
his parents. I knew this young boy was the pilot of an occult plane. Her mother was
the queen of this sorcerer community. During the day no one could imagine that this
woman of advanced age, ugly and miserably dressed, could be the most beautiful, the
youngest, the most charming, and the richest of them all who participated in this
diabolical manifestation.
This young boy came to settle in the trailer which I was repairing. He had been
instructed to come to control my inner being and to weaken my power.
The sorcerers knew very well that I was no longer at the level of witchcraft. This
wizarding child was thrown out of the trailer, just because I had asked him to come
down. I had not even touched him.
Before touching the ground, he already had a broken leg in several pieces. It was at
nine in the morning.
His father and mother, who were both sorcerers, knew exactly what had happened,
but could not say anything. In the night that followed, my master came to my room
about one o'clock in the morning. He told me I was still very young, and it was not
good to burn the stages.
To tell the truth, my master himself was already afraid of me.
I had to conclude this very night, and expedite these three murderers into the
kingdom of darkness. My master told me that I must begin with the children of these
murderers. They had twelve children in all, and my master told me that all twelve
were to die.
But that did not please me, for my cousins had nothing to do with the matter. It was
their parents who were the real murderers. I had to make them pay for their crime,
and not unleash my anger on my cousins.
That did not help me at all. Why kill innocent people? My master's plan was to
deliver these young men to Satan, to take a lot of money and take advantage of my
ignorance. He believed that the three murderers were already tired, who could not
stand. But we loved each other, my cousins and I, and I unhesitatingly refused my
master's proposal. He got irritated and became angry with me. Every night I made
trips on the astral plane. During one of these journeys, towards the morning, at the
level of the last dimension of the kingdom of darkness, I was very happy to meet my
enemies. They were transferring the body of a young cousin, who was already dead
on the occult plane. Her mother even held in her hands two members of her child's
body. What vampirism!
I instantly invoked the most ferocious and wicked demons, and in a few seconds all
the audience was tied to the teeth. In this group were the three murderers responsible
for the death of my parents. It was a good opportunity to put an end to them. But in a
few seconds my master appeared and forbade me to do anything of my own.
He told me that if I wanted to do it, I had first to deliver my cousins into his hands.
This language displeased my ears. Why deliver my cousins? I recalled all the good
times we had spent together, our fishing parties, and so on. The problems of our
parents did not concern us. We always got along very well. Why turn the sword
against them now, because of the faults committed by their parents? I would have
preferred that they remain as orphans of father and mother, and not that they die in
this way. What wickedness!
My master called me a coward, and threatened me with death if I did not obey his
orders, who were the last, "he added. But I ordered the demons to free this band of
murderers. The cousin whose mother I had seen bear the limbs found death two days
later, drowning in the river that passes by our village.
The current did not pass between my master and me. One day I went to visit one of
my cousins, who worked at Eseka as a mason at COGEFAR. Two days later, at noon,
while we were napping on a bed, a letter, sent by occult means, fell upon us. In the
middle of the paper there was a blood stain in the shape of a cross, and a few words
scribbled on the paper. The main sentence asked me to pay 37,990 CFA francs in 5
franc coins, and this in only three days ... "Otherwise, since you protect your chickens
After reading the letter, my cousin had goose bumps.
What should I do now? Was the life of my cousins more precious than mine? My
cousin, after reading the contents of the letter, asked me many questions about it. I
did not know what to say. I was obliged to lie, for he was himself concerned, his
father being one of the murderers of the village. He told me that the problem was not
so much to find this sum, but to change it into pieces of 5 Frs in just three days. He
already looked upon me as a corpse.
I was beside myself and I was already getting thin.
Every second that passed was precious to my life.
In the evening, I decided to commit suicide. But before doing that, I had to go back
immediately to the village to kill the three murderers. In the room where I was
sleeping, there were many things, toxic products and a product used to destroy insects
in cocoa trees. I prepared a bottle to swallow it quickly.
My cousin exhorted me not to worry. He told me that he would find the exact amount
of this sum the next morning. During the night he left his wife to join me in my room,
and continued to exhort me all night. Towards the end of the morning, before 11
o'clock, he had already found a sum of forty thousand francs in notes. But now we
had to find the five-franc pieces. We went through all the gas stations in the city of
Eseka. Some even laughed at us and asked us if we were not magicians. It was not
even possible to change three thousand francs.
I had to go down to Douala at my sister's house with that sum. When I arrived, she
welcomed me with joy, not knowing that only three and a half days remained for her
brother. She noticed my wicked look, and asked me what was wrong. I told him it
was because of the 5 franc coins. She asked me to explain myself clearly. Her eyes
streaming with tears, I gave her a brief explanation full of lies, and she burst into
The next day she made a tour of the banks of the place, and about three o'clock the
money was collected in coins of five francs. Another problem arose: I had to send
this sum by magic way, and I could only do it in my village room. I had to find an
opportunity to reach my village quickly before midnight, that is, before the end of the
I reached the village at 22.30, one hour and thirty before the expiry of the
period. Fortunately I had not removed from my room all my books of magic, as my
master had ordered me. If I had, I would not have been able to ship the
money. Before midnight the money was shipped, and I pushed a "pout" of relief.
Before leaving Douala, my great sister had recommended me to throw all my books
of magic into the river. She thought it was easy to get rid of Satan like that!
Later, I left this damned village to follow my training in transit in Douala. Everything
was easy for me, for from my place on my bench I could read the proofs in the
director's office as the exams approached. After my training, I entered the port
administration as a freight forwarder.
My first year of work was a year of demonstration of my occult power. I began to
build in town and in my native village. Then I put a bad fate in this house, which
actually killed the three murderers of my family. So my family was avenged.
But Satan began to give me a hard time because of my disobedience because I
refused to give my cousins into his hands. He blocked all the resources that provided
me with money, and inflicted terrible punishments on me. All the small investments I
made were destroyed by Satan. In my village, I owned a small sawmill that brought
me money. It was entirely manual, and all work was done with mechanical
A load of timber could bring me a sum of 500,000 francs CFA. Every week I shipped
a load to Yaounde, the capital. Here too Satan struck a blow. He urged the agents of
the Waters and Forests to seize all my cargoes. They also seized other boards and
rafters in my village, even on a Sunday! I was threatened by Satan, who even tried to
put me in prison, urging me to commit terrible acts.
I separated from the woman I had at the time, and I recovered with another woman
who worked at the Ministry of Finance in Yaounde. None of these women could
imagine who I was. I took care to disturb their memory, as well as that of the
neighbors or the people of the house. One day, the breath of death, sent by Satan,
struck me in the house of this woman who worked in the Ministry of Finance. I had
my throat, my tongue and my mouth seriously wounded.
The demons took me from my bed during the night, while I slept beside the woman. I
was always trained by demons in the streets of Yaounde, in dangerous places, to be
murdered. It was Satan's plan, but nothing happened to me. God, who already had a
plan for me, did not allow anything to happen to me. I was always protected by
Him. Nothing happened to me, and the demons brought me home, without the
woman noticing my absence during the night.
Sometimes Satan urged me to borrow money from some people, and not to repay
them. He knew that if I did not repay them, I would be thrown into prison.
This happened with the uncle of the woman who worked at the Ministry of
Finance. He had lent me 550,000 francs, which I could not repay him, for the demons
stole the money into my bag. Satan blocked everything. Machines and chainsaws
broke down. I suffered the tortures of Satan night and day, because I refused to
deliver my cousins.
CHAPTER 4 My meeting with the Prime Minister of Satan

"For we do not have to fight against flesh and blood, but against dominions, against
the authorities, against the princes of this world of darkness, against evil spirits in the
heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).
One day, during my multiple journeys into space, I was attracted by a celestial
body. The law of darkness is to test everything that can approach us. I was thrown at
tens of meters. Before I fell, a dragon was already on me, in a whirlwind of heat. I
found myself in India, in a great temple of Lucifer.
I was in a large circular room more than 80 meters in diameter, which rotated at a
speed of 30 meters per hour. This vast hall was in the darkness, except for dim lights
which shone at certain extremities. The temperature in this room was cold.
I was surprised to see an old man appear in the middle of the room. He gestured with
his finger, and his right arm tore from his shoulder. This arm immediately turned the
contents of a large pool in the middle of the room. This pool resembled a pot, from
which a kind of smoke escaped gently.
In a rectangle, a little farther on, was a cobra thick as the thigh, of a fantastic
size. This cobra was fed with human flesh, which was brought to it by a special
demon. The beverage that was in the pool was human blood, mixed with human
flesh. There was no fire, but a smoke rose from the pool.
There were also several other things in this room, which I can not describe. After
turning the contents of the pool, this diabolical arm resumed its place on the body of
the old man. The latter opened his eyes and said:
"I praise you for your courage, my child! Get up! I stood before him. He stared
straight into my eyes to hypnotize me, and I stared at him too. His eyes flashed blue,
mine too. Not being able to hypnotize myself, he stood up and waved his hand. My
power diminished immediately. He then told me that I was the person they had
chosen for Central Africa. They had a very important project for this region, mainly
for Cameroon. But I still had a lot to do to reach the necessary level, and we had to
work together. It was really the best possible proposal, and he made me swallow
terrible things.
He added: "On your return, you will be settled in Edea. You will have a laboratory for
your journeys and for mine, as well as for our various occult transactions.
After the opening of this laboratory, you will return here in your body of flesh, to sign
a pact with the master ".
On my return I was obliged to seek a house at Edea to install the laboratory
there. This old man, who was the Prime Minister of Satan, came to Edea for the first
time in this laboratory to set up certain things necessary for our transactions with the
three temples of Satan and to open the way for me. He also invited me to go to India
the next day for the signing of the pact.
The next day he came to fetch me at 6 o'clock in the morning. He presented himself
in the circle drawn for this purpose, and invited me to enter it also. I did so without a
moment's hesitation. No sooner had I set foot in the circle than we found ourselves in
India, in the temple. I said that I found myself in my body of flesh. The rites began,
followed by the signing of the pact.
I was installed in the circle. The fat cobra, which was used to make incisions in the
flesh, bit my right foot and sucked my blood. He swallowed some of it, and spat
another part in the pot filled with human blood and human flesh. I had to drink this
blood and eat that flesh, and do many other things. The room was almost in the
darkness. There was a kind of fog. I could see no one, only voices.
After the signing ceremony of the pact, I was allowed to visit the temple, guided by a
high-ranking demon called Billz who served in this temple.
Billz knew perfectly the human body and its weak points. He also knew that man
possesses a double power. He revealed many secrets about this temple. He spoke to
me of the temple of Great Britain, situated under the earth, and which covers all the
temples of the whole world. He also spoke to me of the temple which is in the ocean,
and which is the residence of Lucifer, also called the devil. The temple of India was
that of the Prime Minister of Satan, and it is also located underground.
It is necessary to belong to the kingdom of Satan to know all these things, and to
know the true power of Satan. The people who are in the sects completely ignore who
is Satan. Even the one who is most graded in the Rosicrucian does not know what is
really going on in the kingdom of Satan. The temple of Great Britain served only for
transactions between the various occult sects belonging to the devil.
My master was responsible for two temples, that of India and that of Great Britain,
with other high-ranking demons admitted to reign with Satan. I point out that it is
only the most ferocious demons who are allowed to reign with Satan.
On my return I became impossible. I walked without touching the ground, although
people saw me walking normally. I pretended to eat, to deceive my fiancee, for she
was not to know all these things. Sometimes I would stay for months without
touching food. One day I was invited to the temple of India by my master. After a
long discussion, he proposed to me the direction of the temple of Great Britain, while
reminding me also what was to happen in Cameroon.
He said: "If you hold on, you will have billions of francs to manage in your
country. We have the great project of installing a temple in one of the countries of
Central Africa, because we do not have the open field in this region. " To tell the
truth, I did not understand what he meant by that. The devil can never operate freely
in a country where the name of the Lord Jesus is invoked, as well as in a country
where the name is not even mentioned. The name of Jesus is a power that blurs all
activities of the devil in a region. The prayer of the righteous is very effective, the
Bible tells us.
I had to go to Britain the next day, magically, to attend the ceremony of my
enthronement as the successor of my master in the direction of this temple. It is in
this temple that the operations of transfer of the persons sold in the sects take place. It
is in this temple that we distribute the demons that work in religious sects. It is also in
this temple that the soul of a person sold goes into observation before being
executed. It is in this temple that money intended for those who sell their souls to
Satan is distributed by demons to different organizations. None of the leaders of these
organizations should know what is going on in the kingdom of Satan. They are also
deceived, as private individuals.
This temple serves as a storehouse for souls awaiting execution, from the most senior
in a sect to the smallest member. Satan therefore addressed an official invitation to
me by means of a demon, but he sowed all sorts of dangers on the road I had to take
to go to Great Britain.
Before my departure, my master sent Billz into my laboratory. He was to be my
guide. Billz knew the kingdom of darkness perfectly. He knew his master very well,
Satan. He had already served under the ocean in the temple of Lucifer himself. Billz
was a devil with terrific power. He had a burned foot, that is, a part of his celestial
body was burnt. He was the specialist in earthquakes and mass destructions. Many
Satan demons have this last ability. The devil much appreciated him because of his
power. The devil appreciates the powerful. The weak are always destroyed in his
So I had to leave my laboratory for Great Britain. The devil had blocked the system
by which I could fly to any point in the world from my Edea laboratory. Thanks to his
piercing vision, Billz was able to unlock this system, and all the traps were avoided
by him throughout the journey. Just before entering the temple, Billz became
incarnate in me, so that all the doors of the temple open themselves.
When I arrived in the room, a thunder of applause rang out.
This room contained only the high dignitaries of the kingdom of Satan, and some
representatives of occult religious sects. A square was drawn on the ground. I was
invited to put myself inside this square. Billz blew me not to, because it was a
snare. He told me to apologize. As soon as I apologized, the prince of the demons
rose and gestured with his hand. The lid which closed the square jumped, and a
smoke rose from the square. This smoke turned the room into gold. He also showed
everything inside the temple: chairs, walls, other objects, as well as the chair on
which I had to sit. My master also appeared in the smoke.
I was thrown into my chair by an unheard-of power.
Everything happens in violence in the world of Satan.
The induction ceremony began. Two goddesses brought on the golden trays two vases
containing various beverages and a piece of human flesh. It took me only a few
minutes to swallow the last bite of this flesh and the last sip of these beverages. My
master was absolutely delighted to have chosen me, on a man capable like me.
Other goddesses brought a garment woven with solid gold, a gold crown, gold
gloves, and a golden sword. It was my master who clothed me with these ornaments
and placed the crown on my head. After the ceremony, one of the assistants was
invited to join me on the podium. He was a black man like me. A goddess brought her
file, which was stained with blood. In Satan, this sign is a sign of death. The order
was given to inaugurate my reign in this temple by the execution of this man, by
means of the sword. This man was executed with my own hands, and the ceremony
Two days later, during the counting of this man's file, Billz revealed to me that he was
a Cameroonian.
A week later, this man died on the heavy road Bafia-Yaounde, just between Oballa
and Yaounde. He was an important man of that country, a member of the Rose-
Croix. Currently, he serves in this same temple as a guardian of the major. Others,
who are killed in the same way, are thrown into the abyss of darkness, to suffer
torture. Even if you sell your whole family to Satan to become rich, he will
eventually take you yourself. Satan is a liar!

CHAPTER 5 My Rank and My Activities in the Realm of Satan

After my induction as governor of the temple of Great Britain, my life passed almost
entirely in the darkness. I lived a double life. Some days I could not go home. So I
had to send a demon in my place that took my external form, my face, my character,
all that concerned me. I sent him home to represent me to my fiancee, who believed
that it was her fiance who was with her. The devil spoke to her without any problem,
as well as to my future mother-in-law, and to any visitor who might come to see
me. Sometimes I spent several days without setting foot in my house.
But there was this second Martin who was there in my place, that is, this demon.
My power had already surpassed that of the hexagram (six-pointed star), which is the
symbol of black magic, the most diabolical sign of all magic. Those who venture into
the occult circle of magic unknowingly by going to treatments with healers, for
example, not knowing that as soon as they have entered this circle, their soul goes
directly into the circle Temple of darkness to receive the mark of the devil, the 666.
This mark remains invisible on their face, and will manifest itself in due
course. Many Christians receive this mark on their faces, those who have not
confessed their sins of abomination before witnesses, and who have not received
Only the blood of Jesus can erase this invisible mark.
Satan does not waste time. It has already begun to mark the face of all its followers,
but in an invisible way. Those who consulted the marabouts or the healers before
their repentance, but who voluntarily or involuntarily did not confess these sins, still
bear this invisible mark, 666, on their faces.
Confess then all your sins of spiritism, voluntary abortion, sorcery, drugs, murder,
adultery, and fornication. All these sins open wide doors for demons. I must point out
that it is necessary to confess them before witnesses, to cut the bridges and break the
points of attachment, where the demons cling.
After confessing these sins, you must ask for the deliverance of these demons, to
erase the image of Satan on your face, 666. Only the blood of Jesus can do this when
you confessed your sins.
Christians who die with this invisible mark on their faces pass directly into the abyss
of Satan to be tortured. Brothers and sisters, pray and ask the Lord to sound your
hearts, to show you the sins hidden by Satan. The devil will not let you do this
cleaning. He will certainly conceal some sins, and erase others from your memory, to
maintain a bridge between him and you. His mark can never be erased if his demons
are still in you. God is a God of truth. He, too, can never accept someone who eats at
the table of Satan and at the table of the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:21).
So I officially took office in this temple of Great Britain. Billz was an excellent guide
and often accompanied me to inspect the temple. The first department of the temple
was reserved for the pamphlets and literatures of the various sects of the world. The
second department was reserved for demons, to study the body of man, the memory
of man, the fluid of a person. By these studies on man, the devil uses and deceives
even the highest people placed in the kingdom of darkness.
As the devil can not read the thoughts of a child of God, he listens to his
conversations to learn the different plans of this child of God, when he speaks with a
brother or sister, for example. On the other hand, the thoughts and the memory of
those who are not children of God are completely open to the devil and demons.
It is in this great department that demons also learn the Word of God, to deceive the
world of sects, and to make their members believe that they are truly in the presence
of God. Even the true children of God are deceived by demons. Since they can not
read the thoughts of the children of God, they will be content to slip into their
thoughts of false reasonings. For example, in the case of a man of God who teaches
the Word of God, demons will attack that man by weakening in his thoughts the
authority of the Word of God, or by distorting the teaching of the Scriptures.
Demons also impel some Christians to say that certain authors of the Bible, such as
the Apostle Paul, preach certain customs of his time, or that God did not really mean
what is written in His Word, or that it means other than what is written. Without being
able to read the thoughts of Christians, demons can attack them in many ways.
They can suggest a thought, making you believe that this thought comes from the
Lord. Even when you pray, you can hear a voice, and believe that it is the voice of the
Lord. Many Christians are thus deceived by demons.
Another department of this devil's temple has only one large unit of production of all
sorts of items, especially cosmetics and medicines. These items are attached to a
demonic power. A single tablet can thus be charged with several demons, or an
injection dose can be filled with demons, which will fight the one who receives it in
all the phases of his Christian life, if he is a Christian, or is not Christian to know
God. These are drugs that come on the market in presentations well known to the
public. Most doctors and satanist pharmacists know this, and sell or prescribe these
drugs much more than others.
But the true Christian must know that he is above all these things. There are, of
course, false Christians, who accept Jesus Christ for a particular interest, or who do
not respect His commandments. But the true children of God enjoy extraordinary
power, which purifies these medicines which are charged with all kinds of demons.
This high technology, developed in the occult laboratories of Satan, is developed by
demons, and by all those who died in the sects of Satan.
This great department of the temple of Satan is essential to him to dominate the
whole world by means of all these luxury products. These great laboratories of Satan
work day and night. The Department of Satanic Technology extends over dozens,
even hundreds of kilometers under the sea. The kingdom of darkness is so vast that
no one can pretend to say that he knows all the depths of this kingdom even if he is a
member of the government of Satan.
No one can imagine that such a shabby building is the entrance to the temple of
Satan. Many wizards go in search of this entry and do not find it.
Many have even died in these attempts to want to know the depths of Satan without
having any superior power. Satan is not kidding. No one can pretend to be his
friend. All of them do not even know who Satan is.
All small healers and small practitioners of witchcraft deal directly with the less
powerful demons. Even though they have the ability to summon evil spirits, their
power stops there. Even in the world of sects, followers of the Rose-Cross, from the
first degree to the upper echelon, are all deceived by little demons who can not even
approach their master, Satan. Even members of other sects, Jehovah's Witnesses,
Friends of Man, Moonism, Witchcraft, Buddhism, Freemasonry, Voodoo, Islam,
Christian Science, Children of God, Celestial Christianity, to name but a few The
followers of these religions or sects are also deceived by the devil. They are
ignorant. They believe they follow the true God or the true Jesus Christ,
Satan created an incalculable number of sects, which by his demons diverted a large
number of people throughout the world. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 4: 1: "They are
seducing spirits and doctrines of demons." It is through these sects that Satan recruits
the most employees for his laboratories under the sea and under the earth. Research is
being carried out day and night in these laboratories to produce models of all kinds of
apparatus, machinery, electronics, cars, aircraft, boats, weapons and other research
objects by scientists. During my visit to the high-tech pavilion, in these underground
laboratories, I was surprised when the demon in charge of this pavilion presented me
with a very effective electronic spy equipment. Some microphones that do not exceed
the size of a match head have a range of 400 meters. Telephones with a length of 20
cm can photograph a typewritten sheet at 200 meters. Satellites can, at 20,000 meters
of altitude, film a couple on a bed by capturing the heat emitted by their bodies. Other
techniques that I can not detail here deal with brainwashing. Special rifles can shoot
microscopic bullets through a window.
Infrared laser beams can travel several kilometers, reach a targeted target, and make a
disaster. Special demons use the brain of several scientific researchers in the
world. By these means, the devil thinks he can control the whole world.
There is much more to say about cinema, television and subliminal messages.
Man becomes like a robot, without knowing it. Viewers can not understand it. Even
our governments do not understand it. The Bible tells us, "The whole world is under
the power of the evil one" (1 John 5:19). Many things I can not talk about in this
book will be unveiled in a future book. But I assure you that everything you hear
about the arms race or the reduction of armaments is only a deception of Satan.
No one can escape the grip of demons.
All these heads of government or religious dignitaries who pretend to be servants of
God, serve only Satan without knowing it or in secret. They can not escape the
clutches of the devil, which they do not even know.
In this temple there are also other departments where no one has ever penetrated,
except the devil himself.
Even the Prime Minister of Satan is deceived like the others. The Bible tells us that
the devil is a liar (John 8:44). He is the father of lies.
That is why, because he knows that man loves luxury, his jewelery, perfumery, and all
kinds of clothing and luxury goods are found in his laboratories.
In the shops of the world, whether held by Satanists or not, demons often replace
items presented by identical items, but made in Satan's laboratories, and are full of
ferocious demons. The replacement of these items can be done even in the presence
of customers, who never realize that such a jacket or dress has been sewn in a satanic
In perfumeries, demons also replace beauty milks and perfumes. They remove the
real milks and the real perfumes, and replace them by satanic counterfeits bearing the
same labels. All this so that the pagan world forgets God, and those who are not in
the sects adhere to it as quickly as possible, driven by the power of these articles
made by Satan.
Satan prepares other terrible plans for the future battles he wants to wage against the
Christians, against all the countries which are not yet under the complete domination
of the devil, and against the whole world. The devil uses two main sects to govern the
The Rose-Croix and Freemasonry, as well as false religions, such as Buddhism. In
this same temple of darkness is the control screen where the plan of combat imposed
by the devil is displayed to the leaders of the sects, that is to the demons of high rank
who direct the sects. This control screen is directly connected to Lucifer's temple
under the sea. This new plan of combat, which I was to have executed in this
kingdom, is injected by the demons into the thoughts of the adepts of the sects.
Here are some details about this combat plan:
The first objective of the devil is to establish a single satanic religion on the whole
world. Whether he likes it or not, every human being will have to adhere to one of the
sects, which are only branches of this satanic religion.
Each sect leader must exert his influence on the political leaders, kings, or presidents
of the republic, so that they and their governments submit themselves to the supreme
master, Satan. Remember that in the kingdom of Satan, the leader of a sect can only
be a high-ranking demon, come in the flesh on earth to fulfill this mission.
The armies of the whole world will have to be subject to the will of Satan, in order to
overthrow any president or rebel leader in Satan's will. Only the kings or presidents
who will follow the principles and orders of the devil will remain in power
throughout the world.
Satan is and wants to remain the secret king of the world of thoughts and
suggestions. The ideas and suggestions of Satan must be seen by men as their own
ideas and suggestions. They should not notice that the idea of an action does not
come from themselves. Even those who are engaged in secret societies or Satanism
should not know the final goal of each action.
Politicians will have to be filled with all the riches and all the luxury possible in order
to allow the devil to pursue his own objectives, which are to provoke economic crises
to attract to him the people and all those who do not want to submit to its
requirements. For this, the devil intends to withdraw from the circulation all the
money of the world, and to leave only a small quantity to his followers. Thus, states
that are not yet under the control of the devil will be deprived of financial means, and
will turn to donors installed by Satan, to apply for loans. They will thus become
entirely dependent on the devil.
The devil wants to provoke economic crises and recessions such that the peoples
struck by these crises will not support their leaders any more. These people will be so
tormented by difficulties of all kinds, by starvation, poverty, and the powerlessness of
their leaders, provoked by Satan, that they will be driven to demand a single world
Before that, it will be necessary that all the present sects unite to form one world
religion, so that the whole world worships Satan. The Bible had already foreseen it,
and he said: "The adversary who rises above all that is called God or that which is
worshiped, to sit down in the temple of God, proclaiming himself God "(2
Thessalonians 2: 4).
No one should have time to reflect, because each people will seek its own
advantage. False peace treaties will be signed without hesitation. The people will set
in motion, driven by distress and hatred. When Satan takes over the dominion of the
world, he will not allow any other belief to exist. He wants to destroy all belief in a
God other than himself.
As soon as I returned to Edea, my work plan was established. I went twice a day into
the kingdom of darkness, like a person who goes to work from one quarter to
another. It was enough for me to enter my laboratory to leave immediately. I could
come back to earth just to deceive those in my house, so that they might feel like I
knew what I was doing.
When I was kept in the temple of Satan by the prince of demons, I was obliged to
charge a demon to represent me to my wife, who was only my fiancee at the time. All
my friends of Edea had the opportunity to greet this demon who took my
appearance. Sometimes this demon pretended to eat with them. At other times, he had
sexual relations with the multiple mistresses I had at that time.
But this demon only did so with my consent.
He could do nothing without my advice, since I was his master. But this demon never
had sex with my fiance. The followers of the Rose-croix in Cameroon, who knew
my position, came to meet me in Edea for their various problems. One day I received
a surprise invitation to go to the temple of India. When I arrived, I was asked to pick
up a folded paper, placed on a golden tray placed in the midst of demons that stood
like statues. Billz told me not to bend to pick up this sheet, but rather to squat down.
Suddenly, this paper took the form of the cobra, and the tray turned into a pool. I
found myself in the middle of the pool with the cobra, who grabbed me by the throat.
Billz told me to fix his eyes, after clearing his fangs from my neck, which had
become harder than reinforced concrete. I seized the cobra by the neck, and gradually
became a young goddess. Billz asked me to keep staring at her. After a few minutes,
this goddess was nothing but a smoke in my hands. My power diminished little by
The pool was transformed into a cage, and the smoke resumed the shape of the cobra.
There were no openings or holes in the cage. A few moments afterwards, the upper
part of this cage shattered, and a terrible power inundated me. A light accompanied
by a flame came out of my eyes, which consumed the cobra in an instant, and
destroyed some of the demons that were there like statues. The remains of the cobra,
forming a powder, were mixed with a liquid, which I was told to swallow at a stroke.
On my return to Edea, I was like a demon. The only difference between a demon and
me is that I had a body of flesh created by God, which gave me a double power,
whereas demons have not that body of flesh. My only food was nothing but human
flesh, and my only brew of human blood.
But in my future mother-in-law, I pretended to eat, without swallowing anything.
In the kingdom of Satan, I was respected as the governor of the whole region of
Central Africa, a region that disturbs the activities of the devil, and which includes in
the first place Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Zaire, Nigeria,
Benin, Cte d'Ivoire, and other African countries where Pentecostal churches are
I tell you that if there is only one Pentecostal Church in an African country, this
country disturbs the world of darkness. All these countries are displayed on Satan's
blackboard. The plan of the devil was to establish in Cameroon a fourth temple of his
kingdom. This temple was to cover all of Africa in general, to better neutralize the
true African Christians who pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
At present, it is difficult for Satan to operate in the countries I have mentioned, unlike
other countries where religious leaders are prayed who have died and who have not
been resurrected. We have a living God who died on the cross, and who was raised on
the third day, Jesus Christ! Amen!
Because of this plan, the devil displayed to me a false love tinged with hypocrisy. He
invited me into space to visit the whole world. He told me that he wanted to introduce
me things I should know. He received me in the air and inspected the whole world. At
the same time he gave instructions to each legion of demons operating in a given
You must understand that the whole world has been divided by the devil into
sections. Each section is assigned a legion comprising billions of demons,
commanded by a senior official of the devil's central government.
Satan told me that my country, Cameroon, and the other countries of this region were
disturbing all its plans for combat.
I asked him what to do. He tells me :
"Look: the whole world is under my feet. Everyone living in this world must submit
to my will. Look what is happening under your eyes. "
I saw, and I saw a desolate spectacle, demons that put pressure on every human
being, from the smallest to the greatest, from the boy to the boss, from the children to
the parents, from the soldier to the general, From the simple village chief to the
President of the Republic.
The whole world lay beneath this demonic domination. I saw whole churches extinct,
dead, lifeless, full of demons. I saw so-called shepherds with demons. In churches
awakened, demons watched for certain people who had not cut off the bridges with
Satan. Other Christians, who had demons in them, entered the Church with their
demons. These demons blocked the ears of these people, or made them sleep during
the preaching. The demons that were most numerous in all the churches were the
demons of trouble, specially trained to disturb the awakened Pentecostal churches.
They cause Christians to murmur, to jealousy, to slander, to pride, envy, and
greed. Demons gather in churches during worship, I say: in the churches! If the name
of Jesus is spoken during a prayer, the devils deviate for a moment, for the name of
Jesus is a bomb! The demons who are free in the room can not resist.
Only the demons that inhabit the bodies of the persons present remain. The other
demons return immediately to resume their place with rage, as soon as the prayer is
Demons fight Christians and push the pagans more and more to rebellion against
God. During this space journey, the devil introduced me to other countries of the
world ruled by demons. He told me that Central Africa must become like these
countries. He showed me only two churches in Cameroon, which were really his
black beasts, and wounded his demons. These two Churches almost led the life of the
early Church. There were other similar ones in other countries like Gabon, Zaire,
Congo ...
There were three in Nigeria. In these churches, even well-trained demons were afraid
of being sent, fearing to fail in their mission, and being severely punished by their
master. Satan does not forgive!
As we were inspecting the world, information came to the devil from his submarine
temple: human blood was falling into his reserves. Human flesh was also
lacking. Our return was precipitated by this bad news. The lack of human flesh and
blood is often a catastrophic event in the world of darkness. Satan organizes all the
conflicts of the whole world to have at all times food available to his people, that is to
say, human blood and human flesh.
Satan has already devised a plan to start a new world war. I say to you that Satan
would like to inflame the whole world at one time, if it were not prevented by the
power of God.
He knows that if he did, men would not have time to repent and accept Christ. That is
why Satan loves massive destruction. It also allows him to reconstitute his reserves.
Satan triggered the Gulf War with the intention of lighting a world war, and pushing
the great powers to use weapons of mass destruction, to annihilate the whole earth in
one go. The fate of the earth being in the hands of God, the Lord immediately
stopped this diabolical plan.
It is because of sin that the Almighty lets the devil maltreat men. The disobedience of
men to the commandments of God places them under the dominion of the devil. This
is how the devil organized the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait. Several million
demons came into action. The result is known. Satan himself took matters into his
own hands at the level of the coalition of the allies and the Iraqi president.
The devil urgently called a conference under the sea, concerning this war. The most
powerful demons were mobilized. I was one of the great personalities invited to this
meeting. I had donned my golden enthronement.
This was the first time I had attended such an important conference in the kingdom of
Satan. I had already attended many meetings of regional interest, but never at such a
large meeting. The audience consisted only of high dignitaries of the kingdom of
darkness. The protocol service consisted of more than one million fierce demons.
As I was still relatively unknown in the kingdom of Satan, two pretentious demons
tried to bar me. I was preparing to show them my power, when my master arrived,
and at once destroyed these two demons, because of this technical error. Satan does
not forgive.
The conference began after the arrival of the supreme master, the devil. I remind you
that no demon can use the names "devil" or "Satan".
Before the speech of Satan, each regional or group leader had to present the
difficulties he encountered in his field. Then Satan began his speech with a thunder of
applause. He said in particular in his speech:
"You know that I am the one who will soon reign in all the places you know, on earth
and under the earth. Already 90 per cent of the world is under my rule.
We will soon snatch the remaining 10 percent from the hands of this pretentious man
who wants to take my place "(Satan here speaks of the true God). "These 10 percent
of the land that still escapes my control are only small points in Africa, Europe and
the United States. The whole world is in my hands. This time, nobody will escape
Work hard! The time has come when I will put an end to this world. A world war
must be triggered.
You are doomed to do it, or I will be without pity for you." (Being a heartless
creature, the devil does not know pity).
"The supply of our reserves must be made as soon as possible. Use strong methods to
accomplish this task, that is, to trigger the world war.
We will direct the world and snatch from its throne this pretentious envoy of God,
who is called I do not know what, a weak man whom I caused to be
executed! (Remember that Satan can never pronounce the name of Jesus Christ, and
no one in his kingdom can do it).
"I will drive this band of pretentious men from the throne, and I promise you that
there will be a time when I will let you rule the throne and rest in the twelfth
heaven! (These are only lies of Satan.) The Bible tells us that the devil is a liar and
the father of lies. (John 8:44).
"So I demand from all my troops that they put even more tensions in the homes, in
the companies and the governments. I demand the withdrawal of 50% of the
banknotes in circulation in the world " (Before this conference, he had demanded
only the withdrawal of 30% of the banknotes). "Form five battalions, one for each
continent, special battalions for this war. Accelerate decisions in the minds of those
responsible, not just for the Gulf War. I repeat, set fire to the homes, the tribes, the
governments ...
Even ignite small national conflicts, and international conflicts for my glory. Multiply
more and more road accidents, plane and train crashes, earthquakes ... Sink boats,
multiply the difficulties of everyday life, cause suicides ... Get to work without
waiting! Satan ended his speech with another applause.
After the departure of Satan, it was his Prime Minister, who was my master, who had
to stay to distribute the tasks. He entrusted me with the battalion of demons who were
to work in Africa. Each African country was to receive billions of demons to
accelerate these various tasks. Each chief had under his orders a large number of
subordinates, who were responsible for every branch of human activity, to bring
disorder and disorder.
It is not for nothing that the Word of God asks us to pray without ceasing! (1
Thessalonians 5:17).
At the end of the conference, alliance pacts were signed.
On my return to Edea, when I was talking to my master in my laboratory, at a late
hour of the night, the driver of a bakery, who was returning to deliver bread, was
thrown with his van to a nearby house. This man had wanted to see with his mind
what was going on in my laboratory. It was projected in a few seconds by a diabolical
The devil had turned his true course. This is what demons often do to kill non-
Christians or false Christians. They deviate the true road in front of the driver,
presenting him a false road.
Perhaps that was what happened to the driver.
Two tasks awaited me: the direction of the underground temple of Great Britain, and
also direct the group of demons that were to work on the African continent.
This special mission entrusted to me by the devil had its base in Sudan, although I
myself resided in Cameroon. It was not possible to set up this base in Cameroon
because Cameroon is a Christian country where true Christians recognized by Jesus
Christ live and pray in the name of Jesus and not in the name of Mary or any other
If you do not pray in the name of Jesus Christ, your prayer is dead. Those who pray
in the name of Mary, Muhammad, Buddha or any name other than Jesus, pray to the
dead, which draws God's wrath upon them and opens a great door to demons.
As Cameroon is a Christian country, the high-ranking demons who come from
elsewhere suffer terribly, and their dark activities always fail because of the name of
Jesus who is invoked regularly in this region. It is the demons that have come into the
flesh, born in this country, who can best operate in such a region, having studied the
times and the favorable moments for their operations. That's what I did myself every
day. I had hours of exit and hours back for my multiple operations.
My brothers and sisters, the power of Jesus Christ is real! At Edea, in my laboratory, I
saw terrible things concerning the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. I will speak about
it at the end of this testimony. The Christian is truly clothed with the power from on
The Lord says in Luke 24:49: "I will send on you what my Father has promised; But
ye remain in the city until you are clothed with power from on high. " Be truly sure,
brothers and sisters, to be clothed in this power! The Holy Spirit that is in you
effectively protects you from the attacks of Satan and demons.
This base in Sudan, which served as a temporary temple, was a mosque, which we
used at night. This base was the meeting point of all the leaders of the groups or
battalions who worked in each African country. A single battalion had billions of
demons, and each battalion had a leader. Each country was also divided into
regions. To each region was assigned a group of demons under the command of a
chief. All these regional chiefs obeyed the chief of the battalion of each
country. These battalion leaders had to go to Sudan every night to give an account of
their activities to the chief of the African continent, that is, to me who speaks to you
in the name of Jesus Christ. I speak no more to you in the name of Satan, but in the
name of Jesus Christ, of that God who came in the flesh that delivered me from the
empire of Satan. One night, while we were gathered in this temple in Sudan, a demon
from another group sneaked in to spy on us. While I was making my speech, his
presence was pointed out to me by the service of order. I threw it out of the room, and
it was destroyed in a few seconds. The Superior Council of the devil administration
protested, considering that this demon did not deserve such destruction. But from his
submarine temple the devil himself approved the destruction, saying that this demon
was a spy he had sent to test my power. His presence was signaled to me by the
service of order. I threw it out of the room, and it was destroyed in a few seconds.
The work was seriously carried out in Africa, in all fields, not only in terms of
international conflicts, but also in national conflicts, within my country,
Cameroon. According to the Master's recommendations, Satan, there was a need to
increase the disorder in families and to raise the people against the ruling
governments in all African countries. The main task of these battalions of demons
was to inject evil thoughts to the people, to make them believe that the rulers did not
govern well, and that a change was necessary.
The demons also made the rulers believe that they had only a handful of opponents,
because they were from one tribe or another, and so on.
It had been years since the devil had begun to make such pressure. He knows that
man can not endure misery, and that it is necessary to provoke a crisis in the
world. To destabilize all governments, the devil has also introduced democracy, a
diabolical system that actually prepares the world for a single government and a
single religion, under the devil's command, of course. The rulers of the world do not
know. They believe that the thoughts they receive come from themselves, whereas it
is Satan who injects these thoughts by means of his demons. Man knew the truth of
God the Creator, but he turned from His righteousness to follow Satan
voluntarily. Men of the whole world boast of being wise, when they have become
mad (Romans 1:22).

The beginning of the Gulf War.

Satan sets fire to the powders.

A week before the ultimatum launched by the countries of the coalition, especially
the United States, I was summoned to the temple of Satan under the sea. As soon as I
arrived, the order was given by the Prince of Demonstrators to redouble the pressure
exerted on the leaders of African countries, all countries involved in the war, and
even countries not involved in the war. They had to be harassed in their thoughts until
they triggered world war.
Only a few months later, Satan set fire to the powder, it was the beginning of the Gulf
War, and the whole kingdom of darkness already saw the world war.
The men thought this war would last two days, but the devil had other plans. It took a
lot of deaths, a lot of blood and human flesh for his reserves, we had to push the
whole world into a terrible disaster. The demons more and more hardened the heart of
the Iraqi president, for Satan himself was at work. Collecting blood and bodies was
done by special demons. The natural corpses were replaced by artificial corpses, by
the power of the devil. The work accelerated and progressed to the top speed.
After two days of war, there had already been a human slaughter in Iraq to the
advantage of the devil.
God often lets the devil malign men who disobey the Lord by accepting the
deceptions of Satan. It is only at the end of time, at the time of the Last Judgment,
that humanity will know and see what the lies of the devil have been.
As the war was in full swing, the devil's plan was working normally, and his reserves
were already fully replenished, so I spent the whole time in the temple to control the
battalions of demons that were under my command. My area, that is to say, Africa,
had not suffered any loss of life, as the devil wished.
This irritated him more and more. It was necessary that African soldiers who were on
the front also die.
Concerning the world war, it was already failure, the power of God was felt at all
levels. The provocations of the Iraqi president, who was pushed by the devil, fell into
the water. Seeing that the war was already over, the devil launched threats against us
in case the war ended without the African continent paying its contribution in kind to
the Prince of Darkness.
He promised me good torture, as I was responsible for the battalions of demons that
operated in Africa. Towards the end of the war there was an event which spared me
this torture and destruction. My group of demons struck a blow by destroying a plane
loaded with Senegalese soldiers.
Satan was dissatisfied with this failure. He intended to lead the whole world into the
pool of fire reserved for him, and to all who do not follow Jesus Christ. The devil
wants to eliminate the whole world at one time, knowing that no one would have time
to repent if the great powers had entered the war with their weapons of mass
destruction. It has been hundreds of years since the devil built this plan, and has
helped researchers and scholars around the world discover weapons that can
exterminate the human race in one fell swoop. These demons sent their instructions to
these men until they managed to make the most destructive weapons of all human
All the devices of death, the advanced warplanes, have been discovered by devilish
demons in our world. No discovery inspired by the wisdom of God can lead men to
Every murderous discovery comes from the devil, so that man forgets his God.
On our earth, there is only a small people who truly belong to Jesus Christ. All the
rest is led joyfully into the lake of fire. This is why it says in 1 John 5:19: "We are of
God. The whole world is under the power of the evil one. " But the final fate of our
world is in the hands of the Creator God and not of the murderous devil. God Himself
knows the day when He will put an end to the existence of this world and its devil.
The Almighty therefore stopped this war of justice.
Many high-ranking demons were thrown into the abyss of torture because of this
failed mission. The devil does not forgive.
A few days later I was summoned to Satan, under the sea, for consultations
concerning the installation of his temple in the basement of Cameroon.
I had to make a short trip to India before continuing on my way to headquarters. On
my arrival, my master sent me directly under the sea into the temple of Satan.
I arrived in this luxurious kingdom clothed in my clothes of enthronement. The devil
himself received me in his huge control tower, which is at the left end of his
temple. From this place, thanks to a giant screen, he can observe all the activities of
his battalions of demons throughout the world, and he controls all the governments of
the whole world. His fleshly demons on the earth have installed satellites of all kinds
in space to control all mankind.
All television stations around the world are at the service of the devil. They include
two categories of employees: on the one hand, "ordinary" demons and demons in the
flesh, and on the other hand, human beings. In a television station, the "ordinary"
demons and the fleshly demons have the function of giving special treatment to
television images. These images are sent to Satan's laboratories through an occult
channel. There, demons are attached to it, and these images are given a satanic power
that transfers the demons to viewers.
It is this image already charged with demons that is transmitted to the public by the
second category of employees, that is to say by technicians and human journalists
who suspect nothing.
Everything happens at the same second. Thus viewers, simply by looking at these
images, can unknowingly receive demons of lust, distraction, covetousness, jealousy,
gluttony, pride, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, or idolatry. It is this demon of
idolatry that encourages men to love something or someone more than God, whether
it be money, a husband, a wife, a trade, wealth, magical protection, or even idols that
we adore, like statues or drawings representing Jesus or Mary.
These television pictures loaded with demons also convey to the Christians demons
of spiritual weakness, and several other demons that I can not cite here. Television is
an effective weapon of Satan to fight not only pagans, but also Christians.
Everyone catches these demons.
During my meeting with Satan in his luxurious temple, he presented me on the giant
screen a region of Cameroon including the provinces of the east and north.
Satan said to me, "It is in these dead zones that are in your country that we can install
the temple, which will open a new dimension for my works in this part of Africa. My
activities do not normally advance as they should in all these African countries ". At
the same time that he was speaking, I saw Cameroon and the other countries of the
central region of Africa on the screen. Satan praised my power and my courage and
told me that he would make me a world hero. The devil is truly the father of lies, as it
is written in the Word of God (John 8:44).
The devil added: "I entrust this unit of Cameroon to you. If you hold on, you will be
my closest collaborator in my administration. " He also exhorted me to have no pity
for rebellious demons: "I give you the power of destruction. Get up ! He himself got
up from his seat. A room opened before us. In this room was a kind of pool filled
with human blood. In this liquid were swimming lizards and mice, which were in fact
demons of power and control. In the middle of the pool there was a pretty flower,
which germinated by sight, and a leaf fell every two minutes. This leaf was
immediately devoured by these animals, that is to say, by these demons which also
fed chiefly on human flesh. I was plunged into the pool, and I had to swallow a
mouse. This demon was to watch all my movements. I also consummated several
potions, and I signed a new pact. Through this pact, I pledged not to betray the secret
about what was to happen in Cameroon.
The devil also granted me permission to communicate directly with him that day. The
slightest violation of one of these pacts with Satan would automatically cause my
destruction. The devil showed me more and more signs of his hypocritical love for
me, because of my youth, my power, and my nationality. For years he had been
looking for a man from Central Africa, belonging to his kingdom and endowed with
all these advantages.
This position, in the long run, was destined to attract the jealousy of my Indian
master, who forgot that a pupil could overcome his own master.
That day the devil also presented me with all the small temples in Africa, which could
be considered as subordinates of my ministry. These small secondary temples were in
South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Morocco, Ethiopia, Liberia, Egypt and
Libya. I would like to point out that these are only small temples of lesser
importance, which are sub-directories of sects. There are many other temples of this
kind in the world, especially in the United States.
The great devil's temple, under the ocean, governs all evil activities. Brothers and
sisters, when you hear this word "temple" with your ears of flesh, you can not
understand what that represents. It is really another world, twice as large as the size
of our country.
The Word of God mentions the beings in the heavenly places in Ephesians 6:12: "For
we do not have to fight flesh and blood (man), but against dominions, against
authorities, against the princes of this world of darkness, against evil spirits in the
heavenly places ". These qualifications apply to all the fallen angels under the
domination of the devil, and all demons of all grades and qualities.
I was also among them, but thanks be to God, because His Son has delivered me from
the empire of demons, and today I am on the road to the heavenly homeland! Amen!
When I returned to Edea, I had to tell my fiance about a certain number of things
that were going to happen without going into the depths. I explained to her that my
master wanted to invest in our country, to open a medicinal plant, a logging factory,
and a modern clinic. It was me who was to be his representative here in Cameroon.
I was in direct and constant communication with the devil. He gave me his daily
instructions. The demons brought me the construction plans of the three
companies. The devil had already estimated the cost of the investment, which was
more than 600 billion CFA francs (12 billion FF), over a period of 10 years. All this
was just a blanket to hide what was really going to happen.
All my friends were already aware at Edea of the establishment of this great
industrial unit. I contacted the architectural department of the Edea town hall to draw
up the first plans of construction and to show all these people that the news was
real. Most people knew that it was the Americans who wanted to invest in our
The decision to leave Edea to go to Yaounde, the capital, was given to me by the
supreme authority of the devil's kingdom. In spite of the hatred in his heart against
me, my master always gave me advice. He was even appointed head of this
investment business at the supreme level, while I was responsible on the spot in
The power of God manifested in Cameroon prevents demons from operating freely in
this country, as they do elsewhere. I pray the Christians of Cameroon, the true
Christians, to stand firm! And I said to them, "You have victory in your hands! You
have a mighty God! Get out of darkness those who are still in darkness, those who are
still detained under the influence of demons because of their sins and their occult
practices, those who visited the marabouts or healers, women who aborted voluntarily
, all those who have not confessed in detail their sins of adultery, fornication, and
sexual vagrancy! Those who have many sexual adventures may encounter a male or
female partner who practices magic or sorcery, And who can even spell them without
their knowing it. If they repent, but do not want to confess these sins before
witnesses, because they are ashamed, they are still under the empire of demons, they
are not yet delivered. Before God, they are still in darkness.
You must carefully confess your sins. The devil will try to use your pastor, who will
tell you it does not matter if you forget a sin.
The devil is lying to you. Reject this argument and confess all your sins. If you have
forgotten, pray that the Lord reveals that the devil has erased your memory, that you
can not cut ties still connect you to him, and by which it can always reach you. You
will see later what the Lord said to those Christians who have not bothered to cut ties
with Satan, and where they stand before the face of God. All this in the part
concerning the issue.
I therefore went to Yaounde with my fiancee, and did all I could to show the people I
met that this affair was natural. When I arrived at my sister's house, she welcomed the
news with joy. I had to continue my route on Bertoua, for it was this city and its
surroundings that the devil had chosen to install his temple in the basement of a
church. It was through this that the high-ranking demons, well trained for the
occasion, had to enter and leave.
I therefore went to Bertoua alone, leaving my fiancee in Yaounde at my sister's
house. I was obliged to go there alone on the orders of the devil, and I proceeded by
the occult route. But everyone knew I had to take a bus. The demons were to join me
at Bertoua to start the digging operations.
But their arrival was delayed by the prayers that went up to God night and day. This
was the beginning of our difficulties.
I was obliged to go to India to verify what was wrong and to take instructions from
the devil.
When we had talked about all these things, he set the time for all demons to enter the
country without any problem. It was around 2 o'clock in the morning. This was
achieved without any problems. But about 5 o'clock in the morning, when all the
prayers had resumed, no demon could resist this power, which passed like a hurricane
moving at 450 km/h.
Everyone rushed to seek shelter in the dead churches of the Catholics. It was there
that the demons were safe until about half past nine.
Several demons were wounded because of the name of Jesus Christ pronounced by
Christians during their prayers. I myself suffered greatly. After five days of work in
this town of Bertoua and its surroundings, the order was given to return to Yaounde to
sign all the papers.
A team of demons was sent to extinguish the Christians awakened, but without
success. The power of God manifested itself. Entire battalions of demons were
formed in the darkness for this precise purpose. They entered the country at the hours
when the prayers of the Christians did not rise. Pentecostal Christians were the target
of all these devil fighters. The demons succeeded in extinguishing certain Christians,
to make them return to the world and to forget God.
The house of my great sister, who was a Catholic, told me absolutely nothing. Some
demons had established their den in Pentecostal churches that had died spiritually, or
in dead Catholic churches.
They were even our meeting places, day or night.
The devil ordered me to search for a construction company as soon as possible, which
was done at once. An entrepreneur was chosen, and I indicate the name of his
company: it is the EGCOTRAP. This man is a man whom God protects. The devil
repeatedly demanded that I give him this man, but pity always entered my heart as I
was about to send his coordinates to the temple of India. Several demons also
harassed him, and urged him to be angry with me, so that I would quickly deliver him
into the hands of Satan.
I had the power to put a final signature on everything that was going to happen in this
This contractor was also obliged to follow the instructions which had been given me
by the devil, and which I transmitted to him, in order to elaborate the plans of the
three societies.
The demons who worked in financial services undertook to take the necessary steps
to send me the funds. Satan ordered me to leave my sister's house to go to the hotel
and wait for the receipt of this money.
One evening he ordered me to start preparing the person who was to replace me,
since I had been ordered to go to the Temple of India for a year, in order to take the
necessary training to manage a temple to be installed in Cameroon. I confided to a
niece the task of taking charge of these three companies, but the depth of the business
was unknown to everyone. The devil asked me to wake up her mind, for she knew
nothing about the world of darkness, and it was necessary to make quick, since I had
to leave as soon as the construction sites began.
I set to work to awaken the inner being of my niece. It was necessary to inject a
potion to her one evening, then to wait three months to make other incantations. That
night, I took the form of a serpent. I bit her and I tried to inject her the liquid in
question. But a power blocked the holes in my teeth, where the potion was to
pass. She shouted very loudly as she thrust her foot forward. She claimed to have
seen a snake come to bite her in a corridor of her house. She was taken to the hospital
by a neighbor, while her mother and other people sought in vain for the snake in the
It was God who had protected my niece by blocking the fangs of the serpent. The
power of God was beginning to manifest itself without my knowing it. I moved to the
Hotel Caveau at the command of Satan. Many Cameroonians in search of
employment had filed their file, and many were recruited. The temple required that
their records be sent to the underwater temple of Satan for study. As for me, it was as
if I did not understand anything. The authorizations and other necessary papers were
communicated to me by force.
It was the devils who executed the devil's instructions. I often took the form and
outward appearance of some well-known personalities to meet someone in high
In this city of Yaounde, nobody could imagine what was going to happen. All the
precautions had been taken by the devil. It was a meticulously planned plan to plunge
Cameroon into a bloodbath.
The devil had already made several attempts in this direction in past years, but never
succeeded, because of the name of Jesus, which is pronounced every second in this
country and in neighboring countries. But Satan succeeded in introducing sects into
our country. He wanted to deceive people, and to turn them away from the true faith
in Jesus Christ, the true Jesus, who is God who came to save mankind, not the
occultism behind the name of Jesus, that false Jesus which is taught in the Rose-
I insist that all those who enter the Rose-Cross, whatever the reason for their entry
into this sect, will be tortured by their false Jesus, who is none other than the devil. It
is the devil who deceives them, just as those who teach this false doctrine are
deceived. They themselves do not know what the devil has in store for them, they
think they have knowledge when they know nothing.
Flee the Sects, Christian Science, Celestial Christianity, flee from all pernicious sects
where Jesus is not recognized as God came in the flesh (1 John 4: 2). All the
disorders you see in the world and in our country come only from the devil.
Our country, Cameroon, is displayed on the blackboard of the devil, like several other
My Indian master had to come to Cameroon to accomplish certain things that
remained to be done for the construction sites in Bertoua. The date of his arrival was
fixed to December 23, 1991. But before his arrival, I already had difficulties
communicating with the devil. Demons were to intervene financially between the
temple and the base of Cameroon.
Everything had to go through a bank of the place. The entrepreneur who was working
with me and who knew nothing of what was actually happening was also harassing
me to be quick. He thought it was just an ordinary problem.
Most of the entrepreneurs in Yaounde who were aware of this case were at all costs
trying to make contact with me. Others even filed a file to solicit a
contract. According to Satan, the way was open for me to receive significant funds
for funding, but the demons who were tasked with this task encountered extremely
serious difficulties. Hidden transactions became extremely difficult in Cameroon. The
Lord Jesus was already intervening to block the way to this satanic work. In the
kingdom of darkness, no one understood exactly what was going on. Satan was angry
with me.
For my part, it seemed to me that everything was going well in Cameroon, since the
papers were signed. By Satan's command, I had begun to hire staff.
More than 300 people had filed their case, and more than 40 people had been hired by
Satan. I did not understand what was wrong, and why I did not get the money.
A sum of thirty million CFA francs was given to me, on Satan's orders, by a flesh
devil who lives in Cameroon to rent a building that was to house the general
management of the three companies. This demon in the flesh was white, and worked
in an embassy in Yaounde, the Cameroonian capital. It was he who handed me this
money, but the devil had given me the order not to touch it, and not to use it without
his permission. I had to go every day to this embassy.
Because of the difficulties encountered in remittances, Satan was losing confidence
more and more. He believed that it was I who provoked these difficulties, when it
was the power of God that was already manifesting itself. The devil ordered me to
return this sum of thirty millions to this demon who was working in this embassy of a
foreign country.
If I were to talk about politics, in my testimony, I could reveal many secrets about
these embassies, which are aimed at destabilizing our country on Satan's orders. But
it is God Himself who guards our country, and even our President. I had the ability to
be able to enter these embassies, in my body or in spirit, and I could read all the
encoded messages in all languages. While sitting in my armchair, in these embassies,
I could read all the messages coded by their spy services.
The Lord Jesus loves our country. Otherwise, the little peace we currently enjoy in
Cameroon would not even prevail in this country. If only all Cameroonians could one
day believe in God! The world is jealous of this beautiful country. If I speak of the
world, I believe that you know who is the master of the world, and which ones he
uses! I mean Satan, and the great powers he uses. The things the devil has planned for
our country are alarming.
When I talk about everything I saw in these embassies, those who claimed to be
friends of Cameroonians and Africans, I do not say that they are the only ones
responsible, because I know who is behind them. But the one behind us, namely Jesus
Christ, is more powerful than the one behind them, the devil!
So, my Indian master, who was to come on December 23, 1991, missed his
trip. Hidden entrances had become practically impossible for the demons who resided
outside. The power of Jesus reigned. It was slowly destroying our activities. My
master finally arrived by borrowing an ordinary flight, but without announcing his
arrival. I knew that he hated me, because he had noticed that the devil was more and
more a preference for me. He knew that one day the devil would order me to destroy
him, because that is the rule in the kingdom of darkness. Satan has no heart. He has
no friends either. So my master sought to dirty me before the devil.
When he arrived, he found me at the Hotel Caveau. I had already spent three weeks at
this hotel, paying 8,000 CFA francs a day. My master thought the hotel was shabby,
and that its location did not favor its occult situation. He told me to leave this hotel
and go to the Hilton. He gave me a certain amount of money.
At that time I had the name of Bunung, on the orders of the devil, and all my papers
bore this name since I had been admitted into the kingdom of the devil. My stay at
the Hilton was spectacular. I was given room 204, on the second floor. My master
was already waiting for me, sitting in an armchair.
A few minutes later, the demon who worked at the embassy also arrived to consult
with us.
Since I was accompanied by my fiance, my master asked us to go to another room. I
did not know that my master hated me in his heart. Since he was my superior, I could
not read his thoughts, as I did with other people or other demons.
My master told me that none of the formalities would be carried out at Bertoua, but
that everything would happen in Yaounde. I also had to inform my contractors, who
wanted to meet my boss at all costs. I pray God that these entrepreneurs will accept
Jesus Christ in their lives, in His truth and without His righteousness, because Jesus
Christ has spared them in a spectacular way. I can not say that I did something, but it
is Jesus Christ. It was he who had acted in my heart so that I could not send their files
to the temple because I was being asked for these files every day.
My master, who hated me, wanted at all costs to take advantage of this error, because
I had not transmitted these files to the temple, so that I would be destroyed by
Satan. He succeeded in diverting the hundreds of billions allocated to this investment,
to be sent to this diplomat of the embassy. The demonstrators charged with
transferring the funds eventually succeeded in making them pass during the month of
January, because it is a period in which prayers are less numerous than at the end of
the year.
I remind Christians that it is truly a mistake to choose a time or a time of year to pray
a lot, while the Word of God asks us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians
5:17). My master had also foreseen a different argument to remove me. He had
alleged that I had planned a plan with the contractor to exaggerate the amounts of
quotations and contracts of employment which had already been signed by me as
project manager in Cameroon. It was this problem which had even delayed the start
of construction sites. The devil, who knew who I was, and all he had done for me,
could not destroy me without proof. Neither I, nor the contractor, had yet touched any
money. My master wanted to meet this contractor to destroy it. Every day he asked
me to bring him to the hotel. As I knew his intentions perfectly well, I could not
allow him to come. Yet the entrepreneur wanted to see my master, believing that he
was a mere American businessman, as I had explained.
One day, this contractor came to visit me at the Hilton, while we were talking. By
telepathy, my master asked me to get him up to the 8th floor, where he was. I felt my
heart and my inner being bubbling. I would have preferred the devil to burn me,
rather than to give up a single Cameroonian without cause.
But I can say it today, it was not from me. It was God who did his work in my heart. I
can say today that I believe God has let me sink into this path of darkness, because he
wanted to use me later, to reveal these things to the children of God, so that they
know better their enemy, Satan.
I pray you, brother or sister, to leave your great intelligence aside, to leave aside your
great instruction, which is but a drop of water beside the great varied wisdom of God
your Creator. Leave your pride aside, leave all your wealth aside, they will not be
able to save you on the day of judgment. God does not need your riches. Humble
yourself before the face of God, asking for forgiveness of all the sins you have
committed, cry before your Creator. He alone can save you from the abyss of Satan's
torture and from the lake of fire. He is your Creator, the Creator of all things. Do not
listen to the lies of the devil, who uses the scientists, researchers, philosophers, and
all those who teach that the world is born from a "Big Bang," or that man descends
from the ape. These are diabolical teachings!
I tell you that the devil is jealous of your position before God! You were created in
the image of God. You should not suffer from illness, death, poverty, drought, war
and all sorts of calamities. It is sin that has plunged humanity into this disaster that
we see today. As long as man does not truly turn to his Creator, abandoning the ways
of the devil, he will never have peace in his soul. Even if you have billions of francs,
if you do not have Jesus Christ truly in you, you are the poorest of all creatures of
God, because you will be thrown into the lake of fire with the devil. "The devil, who
seduced them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the
false prophet are, and they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
(Revelation 20:10)
You will be the most ignorant of all that God has created, because you have been
deceived by the devil. Perhaps you forget that those who teach these false doctrines
or false sciences have themselves been deceived by the devil.
So now take your Bible, which is the most precious good in the world, and then
silently read the Gospel of John and the Acts of the Apostles, to understand and know
what the true Church of Jesus Christ is. From the first chapter of the Acts of the
Apostles, you will see and understand how the Holy Spirit works. You also must
receive this same Holy Spirit, for "the promise is for us, for our children, and for all
those who are far away, as many as the Lord our God will call them" (Acts 2:39) .
There are, of course, other promises for those who are called, for those who believe
in Jesus Christ. It is written, "He that believeth and be baptized shall be saved, but he
that believeth not shall be condemned. These are the signs which shall accompany
those who have believed: In my name they will cast out devils; They will speak new
languages; They will seize snakes; If they drink any mortal drink, it will not harm
them; They will lay hands on the sick, and they will be healed "(Mark 16: 16-18). If
you are in a Church where the Holy Spirit does not manifest itself, if all these gifts
promised in the Bible, in this passage we have just read, are not manifested in your
Church, it is a dead Church, controlled by Satan.
Our country is filled with similar churches, as well as sects I have already quoted:
Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Celestial Christianity, and so many
others. Know that by grace you are saved, not by your works (Ephesians 2: 8). It is
the work of God in the life of a person. God reveals Himself to man through His Holy
Spirit. Jesus said, "I praise thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid
these things from the wise and the intelligent, and revealed them unto the children."
(Matthew 11:25) So become like a little child, leave your pride, leave your doctorate
aside. God your Creator is infinitely more instructed than you. Where your wisdom,
intelligence, and great instruction end, this is where the great wisdom of God begins.
Do not be afraid! Even if you have swallowed serpents in magical sects, even if you
have done the worst things in this world, Jesus Christ is the Almighty God who can
save you from the clutches of the devil. Jesus is above all things and all creatures. It
is written, "Wherefore God hath solemnly exalted him, and hath given him the name
which is above all things, that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow in the
heavens and on the earth, under the earth." (Philippians 2: 9-10).
Re-read the end of the verse: "under the earth." God speaks there of the kingdom of
darkness, of which Satan is the supreme master. This means that the name of Jesus
will also bend Satan's knees.
Do not tremble, even if you have signed covenants with the devil, even if you have
slept in the same bed with the devil, give your heart to Jesus, go and see a child of
God, and in the name of Jesus you will be delivered . All the demons in you will be
driven out, only in the name of Jesus. You will not need a crucifix, no holy water, no
breviaries, no rosary, no incense ... No! It is already occultism. Only the name of
Jesus can cast out a person's demons. Mary's name does not save or drive demons.
Neither the names of Moses, Abraham, Buddha, or Mohammed. Even religion can
never drive away a demon from you or save you. Only Jesus Christ can do it.
Who is then saved by grace through faith? He is the one who keeps the
commandments of God and does not sin. It is written, "Whoever is born of God does
not commit sin, since he was born of God. This is where the children of God and the
children of the devil are manifested. Whoever does not do righteousness is not of
God, neither is he who dislikes his brother "(1 John 3: 9-10).
So my master began to mistreat me, and Satan demanded daily sending of the hiring
files and contracts with the contractors, and even of the contract of lease of the
building which was to serve as General Direction to the three companies. All these
papers were well at our disposal, but none were yet registered with the ministries
The building that would house our direction was at Elig-Essono. This is the former
FONADER building. The owner left us every level at 450,000 CFA francs of monthly
rent, and the four levels to the rounded sum of 1,600,000 CFA francs per month.
The central management of Satan gave us permission to pay an advance of one year
to the owner of the building.
My master denigrated me more and more, wanting Satan to change his mind about
me. He knew that I had the same powers as him, and that Satan would one day allow
me to destroy him. This hatred even impelled him to suspend my salary and the
payment of the hotel expenses, a week before the intervention of the Lord Jesus
Christ for my deliverance.
Even the devil no longer looked favorably at me because of my refusal to send all the
records of those seeking employment to the submarine temple and the files of the
contractors who had to build all the buildings. If I had sent all these files, 30 per cent
of the employees would be sentenced to serve the devil and die before five years of
service. Contractors had to die just after the completion of the work. In addition,
Satan had to plunge Cameroon into total disorder and into a bloodbath if we had
succeeded in building this temple in Cameroon's subsoil.
Three earthquakes were to occur from 1995: the first in the city of Douala, the second
in the city of Bafoussam in the same year, and the third in Yaound two years
later. All this was inscribed on Satan's blackboard. God always saves Cameroon, and
Cameroon does not want to do anything for his God!
One day, the devil also wanted to destroy the omnisports stadium, during a great
football match. But the demons that were at work that day to collapse the stadium
saw something miraculous.
The demons had begun to operate, and the stadium had already moved once, when
legions of God's angels descended from the sky in cascade. By the breath that came
out of their mouth, they projected all the demons to tens of kilometers!
The Lord Jesus also saved Cameroon from several coups d'etat organized by the
devil, who used a great power. I will not go into the details. If only the leaders of this
country could understand that there is only one power that is above all the power of
the devil, that is, the power of Jesus Christ! I mean the true Jesus, not the false Jesus
preached in sects like the Rosicrucians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science,
Celestial Christianity, and others.
Abandon your talismans, your protections given by the marabouts or other Satanists,
Satan can never protect you! He cheats you rather, and he tries to bring you with him,
for he knows that he has only a very short time left.
He wants you to be thrown with him into the lake of fire!
The devil had planned many other things to destroy our country, but God did not
want it. "God, without taking into account the times of ignorance, proclaims to all
men today in all places that they have to repent, because he has fixed a day when he
will judge the world according to his righteousness, The man whom he has
designated, of which he has given to all a certain proof by raising him from the dead
(namely Jesus Christ) "(Acts 17: 30-31).
Jesus Christ is the only one to be able to save you, if you accept that He comes to
dwell in you. You can never be saved because you are used to going every Sunday to
mass in a well-built church, where you often pay large sums of money for the works
of God. If you say that it is enough to make you a good Christian, it is false! If you do
not have Jesus in you, it's hell waiting for you. You can even give all your
possessions, all your money, by going to see the marabouts and following other paths,
you will never be saved!
Just give your heart to Jesus, you will be saved, and He will protect you in all things.
So the devil continued to harass me hard to get the files, but a force prevented me
from doing so. Myself, in my inner being, I boiled, not knowing what to do. I even
intended to give up this task to someone else, but without knowing to
whom. According to the pact that I signed with Satan, no one should know.
At that time, I did not yet know the power of God in my heart. My master lived in the
same hotel as me, without the officials knowing it.
He came every day to see me by an occult way. I continued to contact companies in
Douala for various operations. So I went every day to Douala by CAMAIR flight to
contact these people. I could have traveled to Douala by secret means, but it was
necessary to show to those I frequented that this affair was truly natural.
I sometimes even went to Bertoua with my master, by occult means. Everything was
already ready for the start of construction sites, but something blocked the sending of
files. I knew that if I did not send them I would be destroyed by Satan. He had even
cut me off, telling me that I had to take care of my hotel expenses and my expenses
myself. But something happened, the intervention of Jesus Christ to save me, and, at
the same time, to save Cameroon and the Christian Churches of all Africa.

CHAPTER 6 My conversion and my deliverance

One night, while I was sleeping at the Hilton, I had a terrible dream. I saw myself
cross a swamp on foot.
I arrived at an impracticable place, where I began to get bogged down little by
little. So I sank down to my neck.
While I was desperately calling for help, a very strong man of giant stature came to
my rescue. He stood on the swamp, but without getting bogged down or getting
dirty. He withdrew without difficulty and gave me water to wash. But as I was
overwhelmed by what had just happened, he took care of me himself, and washed me
till I was clean. Then he gave me other clothes, telling me not to venture into this
marsh, because it was a dangerous place.
When I awaken, this dream tells me nothing. I thought it was just a dream. In the
morning, after morning incantations and occult rites, my master gave me the program
of the day. I picked up the phone and booked a seat on the 14.30 o'clock flight to
Douala. At noon, the hostess of the CAMAIR called me on the phone to tell me that
this flight was pushed back at 5 pm. Finally, I did not leave until about 10.30 pm.
When I arrived in Douala, I had to spend the night at the Hotel Hila.
So I had to hire a taxi from the airport.
I sat on the back seat with two other guests. I bore upon me a sum of six hundred
thousand CFA francs. Before the Saint-Michel crossroads, just in front of the Avia
petrol station, the man next to me passed a hand around my neck, pointing a dagger
on my stomach. He said to me: "If you open the mouth, I will show you your
intestines!" The driver stopped the car abruptly. They searched me systematically and
took everything I had.
The other man opened the door to get me out. The driver started the reverse, and the
door beat me on the left side. I rolled on the pavement and fainted.
I later woke up at the Laquintinie Hospital, where I had been led by passers-by. The
doctor told me I had a broken rib. He had perforated the flesh and caused internal
bleeding. A host of thoughts moved in me. I asked myself a thousand and one
questions, which remained unanswered. I, who thought I was the most powerful man
on earth, why was I here on this hospital bed? I thought to see if I had not respected a
prohibition. But all had been respected.
But then, why did not Billz tell me about the danger? This event certainly meant
something. Would Satan be angry with me? Yet my power was still in me. What was
it exactly? Tears ran down my cheeks.
My master was warned of what had happened to me. A few minutes later he returned
to India. There was an immediate confusion in the kingdom of Satan. This incident
having occurred abruptly, several attempts were made to make me disappear from the
But no demon could come near me. It was about evening that Billz told me that the
legion of demons who came to take me from the hospital and bring me back to India
had not been able to come near me. He did not understand what was going on. The
prince of the demons had to come at nightfall to intervene in person.
Around 11.30 pm, at the hour when all evil spirits set to work, Billz announced the
arrival of the prince of the demons. I made several attempts to penetrate the astral
world. But nothing was done according to my intentions. A power held me back on
my bed, I was nailed to the spot. The building we were in started to move. My vision
even became smaller.
The prince of the demons did all he could, but without success. Neither my body, nor
my soul, nor my mind succeeded in leaving.
The next day, after the doctor's visit, the nurse came to ask me questions about my
family. He tells me :
"Are they aware of this accident?" You have to be transferred to the general
hospital. The broken rib caused a lot of damage, there is a serious inflammation, and
you have to be operated on. " At these words my soul became troubled. I knew that
since I was in the world of darkness, if I were operated upon, I should die, and the
surgeon who would do this operation would be killed on the spot.
As soon as he opened my chest, the mouse I had swallowed, with many other hidden
things, would cause massive destruction.
I asked the nurse later to let me out, because I preferred to go through a native
treatment and get a massage. But she made me complicated, saying that my case was
serious, and that there was internal inflammation. After my transfer to the general
hospital, once the formalities were completed, the young nurse proposed to help me
return to Edea. But I had to go back to the general hospital seven days later.
Before I left, I noticed that my occult power had already diminished. I could no
longer make astral travel (get out of my body in spirit). I was wondering what was the
strength that was discharging me from my power. I could not even imagine that it was
the great powerful hand of the Lord Jesus who was upon me, and that His great
power already manifested itself in me.
The nurse came out a few moments later to pick up a vehicle that was to drop me off
at my in-laws in Edea. The Douala-Edea route was catastrophic.
I saw legions of the most powerful demons intervening to try to take me away and
bring me back to the temple of India to heal me. They tried to throw the car on the
side, but another power kept the car on the road.
At the entrance to the bridge over the Dibamba, the car was stopped. The demons had
turned aside, but I was the only one to see him. Instead, the driver saw an imaginary
bridge in front of him. If he had followed this vision and had engaged in this false
direction, we would have fallen directly into the river with the carriage. It was the
devil's plan to take me away. A quarter of an hour later I heard a terrible roar, and I
saw the road return to its usual place on the true bridge. Thousands of demons fell
into the river.
The car, which had stopped because of an unknown failure, restarted immediately. It
is a wonderful thing to see the Lord intervene! I was constantly thinking of my
master. I did not know that it was the Lord who intervened. I thought Satan did not
want me anymore. Perhaps I had committed a mistake.
That's why he had closed my eyes and made Billz, the demon who was protecting
me, ineffective. Yes, my master no longer wanted me. He might have found someone
else, more powerful than me. This is the rule in the world of darkness. The weak have
no place. They are always destroyed. Or maybe it was Satan who protected me,
because he loved me, and did not want my death? That's why it was perhaps he who
intervened? I therefore concluded that it was my Indian master who wanted to destroy
me, and that Satan had protected me. Because he had told me, at our last meeting,
that he admired my power, and that I had concluded a pact with him. This Indian
master could not do anything against me.
A thousand questions thus came into my thoughts. But why did not Billz tell me
anything? Why had not he told me so far? Billz simply knew that I had to be taken to
India for treatment. But then, who opposed the powers of darkness? I had no answer
to that question.
After crossing the bridge, the driver told me several times that he did not know
exactly what had happened since we left Douala, but that something was
wrong. Arrived at Edea, on the first bridge, I saw my Indian master in the middle of
the bridge, and the devil standing on the other side of the bridge. The road had been
partly deviated by the devil himself.
At the entrance to the bridge, the car was stopped by a police barrier. While the driver
was chatting with the police, there was a flash like a flash, accompanied by a terrible
roar. After the rumble I saw that the road had returned to its normal place on the
bridge, and that the devil and my Indian master had disappeared. At the same time,
the police returned the driver's papers to the driver, and the car crossed the bridge
without any problem. The second bridge over the Sanaga was also crossed
smoothly. No demon could come nearer to me.
What was happening? Just now, I had seen the devil with my master, who tried to
take me away.
What then was this power that barred the way to Satan? It could only be God, but
what was He doing there? Why would He be interested in me?
At first I thought it was my master who wanted to destroy me, and that Satan was my
defender. But I had seen them both on deck. That meant that there was someone else
who was interested in me. If I could not make an astral journey, could it be because of
God? I did not know anything about God. I simply knew that He existed, and that He
was the adversary of Satan. Satan spoke to us of God by turning him into derision. He
blasphemed rather, claiming that he was the Almighty himself. It was this doctrine of
Satan that had always made me neglect the power of God.
It was only Billz's presence that comforted me and made me say that everything
would be fine. On arriving at Edea, I still wondered why Satan had not succeeded in
taking me from the hospital, if he were the strongest.
What was going to happen now? Billz later recognized that there was another power
that was always opposed to ours and our activities, but that the devil had always been
right. He told me not to worry.
I say to myself: "If this being who had fought a little while ago my master and
Lucifer could at least talk to me! If He is so interested in me, and if He is more
powerful than Satan, why does He not show Himself? Maybe He loves me because
He saw my power? In the world of darkness everything belongs to the
powerful. Satan told us that he was the most powerful, and that was visible. But who
had fought Satan on the bridge just now? His main adversary was God. But who was
God? Satan told us that he was a pretentious man, who had sent the "weakness" he
had caused to be executed.
Satan affirmed that he would destroy God, "this pretentious," in the same way.
This thought of Satan comforted me more beautifully. God could only be a coward,
since he did not want to show himself. Satan loved me, he would intervene and solve
my problem, because he is powerful. But I was wondering why I could not get out of
my body anymore. My mind was still stuck.
When we arrived, my in-laws were sorry to see me in this state. She did not know
exactly who I was.
She simply knew that I was working with Indians for mere cures and occult work.
My fiance had never known that I was deeply engaged in the kingdom of Satan,
since all appearances were respected. She thought I was eating normally, but in
reality I did not eat anything.
She saw me act entirely as a normal person would have done. Sometimes even a
demon took my appearance, and was resting in my place at home, on the days when I
was busy in India or in the underwater temple of Satan.
The next day, in the neighborhood of Amour, in Edea, I found a practitioner who
could massage my broken rib.
He received 5,000 CFA francs for this. One evening, as I was preparing to go to bed,
Billz made me understand that we had to go to India that very night, because the devil
had taken the advantage. This news irritated me.
If I disappeared that night, what would my fiancee, my in-laws, and my cousin, who
was the proprietor of this house, say? They could never forgive me! I did not want
my fiancee to know who I was exactly.
I therefore resolved to announce my departure to my fiancee, and to tell her the truth
concerning my activities in the occult world. Billz asked me not to tell her. A great
anger invaded me. I reproached him for the fact that I could no longer control my
But that night, when I was in bed, I saw our house surrounded by a strong
wall. Outside the wall, legions of demons tried to cross this wall. The demons fell
back, pushed back by a strange power. The next day I saw that the massage had
produced no effect, and I felt my thorax heating terribly. After seven days, I had to go
back to the General Hospital of Douala.
My return was not as hectic as the journey. So I was hospitalized. The doctor had
considered surgery. But a few days later, my master came to present himself with
official papers, to take charge of me and to have me transferred elsewhere.
The devil had planned to abduct me by means of this transfer, since the occult
abduction had failed.
As he spoke with the doctor, two angels of the Lord burst into my room. They told
me they had come to talk to me about the power of God.
As I had a crazy desire to have more power, I said to them: "That's good, go
ahead! One of the angels then said to me, "God loves you. He wants to save you.
He does not want you to be destroyed with Satan. " Then I asked him, "Who can
destroy Satan?" The angel told me that God already had a plan prepared for the devil,
and that He would realize it at the appointed time. He added, "Satan has the freedom
to do whatever he wants for the moment. But God alone knows when He will put an
end to the existence of Satan and his kingdom. " I asked him if he could give me a
date. He replied: "God alone knows this date." But if you remain unconscious of your
state, or if you do not listen to what we are saying to you, you will be with the devil,
and God will not destroy you. You are His creature, but you are not His child. "
I interrupted him immediately, telling him that these were only lies. He assured me
that it was the opposite, quoting Biblical verses to show me that Satan deceived
me. He also described to me all that I had done in the kingdom of darkness. I said to
the angel, "If God loves me so much, as you say, when He presents Himself. I would
like to deal with Himself in person.
I have a lot of questions to ask Him! As for His power, I love working with the most
powerful! The angel said to me, "To meet God, you must accept His Son Jesus as
your Savior. Then you will meet God. " As I wanted to meet God and see His power,
I was willing to accept any condition. Yet something intrigued me, and I prepared to
make the following remark: "Satan has always told us that he has killed the so-called
envoy of this" pretentious. " How is it that he can be my Savior? If the Jesus of whom
you speak is the same as this messenger, then it is no longer worth while to continue
to speak to Him! The angel, as if he had read my thoughts, began to explain to me the
mystery of the death of Jesus. Billz also spoke to me, saying that these were only
abominable lies. But since I wanted to meet God in person, I was not going to be
stopped by this condition alone, that Jesus had to be recognized as a Savior! I
therefore accepted Him as my Savior. The angels asked me to repeat: "Jesus is my
Savior! "And to continue to repeat it internally.
They exhorted me to start reading the Bible every day if I really wanted to meet God.
A few moments later they came out of my room.
A moment after, my master entered, after a long conversation with the doctor. As
soon as he entered, he began to make incantations, to try once more to remove me by
occult means. But nothing happened. I immediately understood that it was God who
fought. The angels had told me that He loved me!
From that moment on Billz could not even catch my thoughts. He told me later that
he had never felt so uncomfortable since he was living in my body. I felt the courage
of presenting my resignation to my master in my heart, like a flood.
The words came out like a torrent. Actually, I did not know if it was really me who
spoke. I tell him :
"Master, I know you love me, but I am forced to leave you. I present you my
resignation. It does not come from me, but from my Creator. I was told that He loves
me and that He is the most powerful. I was asked to recognize Jesus Christ as my
Savior! To my great surprise my master suddenly disappeared.
He reappeared three minutes later, complaining about this kind of behavior. He told
me that it would cost me dearly: "You will be severely punished! You listened to
lies. It's the pain that may make you delirious. I will go, and on my return you will
have changed my mind! Billz told me that the king Satan was already angry with me,
that such a disorder was paid by death, and that I would be destroyed for this act of
This warning plunged me into a terrible despair. Fortunately my master had already
paid all my hospitalization expenses before I resigned! Two hours later the doctor
came to inform me that my transfer had been decided. I told the doctor that I had just
resigned. He could not believe his ears. Since he did not know what was going on, he
called me mad and just asked me to leave. So I went out of the hospital.
I was wondering where God was, the Almighty of whom I had been spoken. I had
been given the conditions to meet God. The first condition was to recognize that
Jesus was my Savior.
I had recognized that Jesus was my Savior, but I had not yet met God, and I was at
the mercy of the devil. Since I had made pacts, I still belonged to the kingdom of
Satan. If I did not meet God, the devil could shoot me when he wanted! But I say to
myself that if God loved me, He was going to manifest Himself. It was probably my
power that attracted him to me!
I walked surrounded by all kinds of demons, but they did not approach. Billz did not
talk to me anymore, but he was still in me. As soon as I resigned, Billz had become
my opponent. He tortured me and stifled me all the time. My master appeared to me
at regular intervals, to try to persuade me to change his mind, by offering me money
and all sorts of advantages.
So I had to go back to Edea. There was no longer any difficulty on the road. I always
wanted to meet God, and I always wondered, "Where is He? I was told that He loved
me very much! But I also had to fulfill the other condition, which was to read the
Bible every day. I had already begun to do so. But every time I touched a Bible, Billz
tried to choke me to stop me from reading it. I suffered terribly.
Two days after my resignation, I asked my fiancee: "Would you accept my
resignation from my association with my master?" I would like to work with
God! She told me that it was her wish, and that she prayed for it. As I wanted to meet
God, I read the Bible from morning till night. Everywhere in the Bible, we were only
talking about the power of God and Jesus. But all this was not enough for me. I
wanted to see Him with my eyes, as I saw Satan.
My state of health was getting worse and worse, death was approaching. I was taken
to a healer in Makondo, but he was unable to take care of me. He had fixed his price
at 180,000 francs CFA, and demanded to receive in advance 80,000 francs, a chicken,
and other things.
But he was afraid of me. He could not get his mind out of his body when he was next
to me, for my incantations would have killed him. Anyone who tried to do so was put
to death immediately. He then told me that he would appeal to his colleagues. But as I
knew all about the kingdom of darkness, I knew that no one could cure me except my
master and Satan himself.
Satan has a whole army. He himself is the general-in-chief. My master occupied a
position similar to that of a colonel, and me to that of a lieutenant-colonel.
How could ordinary soldiers without ranks have cared for me? The next day, I told
my fiancee that we had to go back to Edea. If God wanted to abandon me, I preferred
to die there, or on the train that would take me back to Edea!
I saw several fierce demons, who had been given the mission of killing me. What a
terrible thing! I also saw my master on the train. What was he doing there? Perhaps
he had come to kill me? The image of the bridge came back to me. I told myself that
if God had already prevented our carriage from falling into the river, He would also
arrest my master if he still had similar intentions.
A few seconds later he disappeared.
Two days later, at Edea, during my sleep, I saw a man who had the form of my dead
father appear to me, and say to me: "It appears that you are sick! I replied that I was
not ill. He insisted, however, and a few moments later showed me the bark of a
certain tree, which I had to go to in a specific place, so that I might be cured. I awoke
and told this dream to my fiancee. From 5.30am of the morning, I left, fully
persuaded that this bark was going to cure me.
Arrived on the spot, behind the old CELLUCAM factories, in this great bush, I found
the tree in question. As I began to grind the bark, one hand touched my
shoulder. Suddenly I found myself in another world, in company with the man who
had touched my shoulder, a wonderful world!
I, who knew the world of darkness, the kingdom of Satan under the sea, its luxurious
temple, and its laboratories, saw that all this could not equal the splendor of this
city. The man who accompanied me was himself of a unique beauty. I could not even
stare at him, his brilliance was as dazzling as that of the flash I had seen shining on
deck, for only a few seconds.
I felt the fear penetrate me to the bone. The city was illuminated by the brightness of
its own light. I saw a golden street, houses of gold ... No city in the world is traced in
this way. We entered a large flamboyant building made of pure gold. There were
people all busy working. The equipment resembled those of a telephone exchange.
The man gave an order, and I saw with surprise all the attendants suddenly
disappear. Yes, Jesus is the Coordinator of a highly structured organization.
In this city, one breathes not only the Holiness, but a marvelous Purity.
A giant screen suddenly appeared before me. This man said to me: "God loves you,
and today you become His child, that is to say, my child. You were in Satan's obscure
world, you knew his kingdom, and you were his child. Now you become my child,
and you know my kingdom, as you have known Satan's. Look how you walk in this
world, and how my army fought for you throughout your life, and you will see what
it takes to receive the power of God you so much desire! It is the Holy Spirit who
exercises His power over men, and it is He whom you must have as your main
weapon. "
I saw princes of darkness disguising themselves as angels to fight the Word of God,
and deceiving Christians, leaders, unconverts, and Christians living in sin. On the
screen appeared biblical verses that corresponded to what I saw. All the words that
this man uttered relied on the Bible.
He said that He was the God I sought, the Savior whom I had confessed in the
hospital, and the Holy Spirit who spoke in me when I presented my resignation to my
master in the hospital. He said to me, "If you have not received this Spirit, I am not in
you, and you have not God in you."
I saw how the angels of God had fought for me before my aggression. The divine
power is above all other power. Two days before my aggression, the Lord's army had
taken a stand for me. I walked among the angels of God. Everything was well ordered
and well laid out. I saw again the flight I had to take, the carriage which was to take
me, and the men who were to attack me. I saw how the world of darkness was
alerted. A few minutes after my assault, I saw that I was surrounded by a wall of
angels, even before the passers-by discovered me lying on the sidewalk.
There was a violent battle between the demons who came to seek me and the angels
of the Lord. This fight continued to the hospital. A first battalion of demons was
defeated, then a second battalion, as well as the Prince of Darkness and all sorts of
dominions. The kingdom of darkness was in total confusion. I saw on the screen,
minute by minute, the most ferocious demons who came to take me from the
hospital. While I was on my hospital bed, I saw an angel block me to prevent me
from coming out of my body in spirit to accomplish the works of darkness. I could no
longer travel astral, and I was the object of fighting between the kingdom of darkness
and the heavenly homeland. Then an angel messenger appeared on the screen, the
projection stopped abruptly and a force similar to a violent wind carried me away and
nailed me to the ground.
I began to vomit everything I had swallowed in the world of darkness. My brain and
my sight were changed all of a sudden. A power similar to an electric shock left
me. The demon Billz who was in me had already left me, even before I entered this
building. I found myself dressed in white, sparkling white. On the screen were
displayed these words:
"NEVER AGAIN". I was washed from all uncleanness and delivered from the
powers of darkness. On the screen appeared also this verse of John 3:3: "Verily,
verily, I say unto you, If a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God."
Jesus answered and said, "You have already entered my kingdom, the kingdom of
heaven. It is by my grace that you are saved. " At the same time, the verse of
Ephesians 2: 8 appeared on the screen. All that the Lord said was confirmed by
biblical verses. He said to me, "Now look what happened to those who were in my
kingdom, and came out of it for various reasons." Under my eyes the life of many of
God's children passed. The screen looked like a large mirror several tens of meters
wide. I saw several churches in my country and throughout the world. Jesus said to
me, "My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge" (Hosea 4: 6). Each of
these churches was in darkness, in a fog where it was difficult to distinguish people,
even leaders.
However, in this fog, some people were in the light. In a room where there could be a
hundred people, I could distinguish scarcely five people in the light.
In a church, I saw hundreds of demons on one person. Jesus said to me, "Those who
are in darkness are in the camp of the evil one, those who are in the light are in my
kingdom. But they can still go back into the darkness. " Then I saw the children of
God present themselves in groups before me on the screen.
The Lord said to me, "These have not hearkened to my word; they have not kept my
commandments, saying," Let no one find in you that brings his son or daughter by
fire, Who exercises the profession of diviner, astrologer, auger, magician, enchanter,
person who consults those who evoke spirits or say fortune, no one who questions the
dead. For whoever does these things is an abomination to Jehovah, and it is because
of these abominations that Jehovah thy God will drive out these nations before
thee. For these nations, whom thou shalt hunt, listen to astrologers and diviners; But
to thee, the LORD thy God will not permit it "(Deuteronomy 18: 10-14).
Another group came forward. All these groups were filled with demons of all
kinds. Jesus said to me, "These, when they came to me, did not cut off all the bridges
that connected them to the world of darkness. They did not confess all their
sins. They did not respect my Word, which says, "Many of those who believed came
to confess and declare what they had done, and a number of those who had practiced
the magic arts, having brought their books, burned them before all the world: they
valued it at fifty thousand pieces of silver "(Acts 19: 18-19). They made false
repentance for several reasons. They have not kept my word, my commandment,
which says, "Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus for the
forgiveness of your sins, And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit "(Acts
2:38). Because they were ashamed, they preferred the lake of fire rather than confess
their sins before their brothers. "Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray
for one another so that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of the just has great
efficacy "(James 5:16).
Jesus said to me, "That they may be in the light before me, they must confess before
witnesses all the sins committed before their repentance, and after their repentance. If
not, they will be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone if they do not shame the
enemy by confessing all their sins one by one. Look at those responsible for the
destruction of my people. They work for their belly, they teach for their interest. "So
their end will be perdition. They have their belly for God, they put their glory in their
shame, they think only of the things of the earth " (Philippians 3:19).
Beware of these, for they work with the enemy.
"For some of the men whose condemnation is written long ago have slipped in among
you, of the ungodly who change the grace of God into dissolution, and who deny
their Lord and lord, Jesus Christ" (Jude 4).
Jesus said to me, "Behold those who follow them, and listen to their doctrines, false
teachings, and false miracles." Since they did not want to follow my commandments,
I send them "a power of error, that they may believe in falsehood, that all who believe
not in the truth, but delight in unrighteousness, be condemned "(2 Thessalonians 2:
Jesus said to me, "This great crowd that you see has abandoned the faith to become
attached to seducing spirits and the doctrines of demons" (1 Timothy 4: 1). As they
did not care to know me, I gave them up to their reprobate senses, to commit
unworthy things, being filled with every kind of injustice, malice, greed, malice,
envy, murder, quarrel, cunning, malignity; Unholy, haughty, arrogant, haughty,
braggart, ingenious in evil, rebellious to their parents, lacking in intelligence, loyalty,
natural affection, mercy "(Romans 1: 28-31).
Jesus said to me, "Like all those who want to follow my will, you must know my
judgment. I declare those who commit such things worthy of death.
Not only do they do it, but they approve those who do it (Romans 1:32). Those you
see here are in darkness because they have been attracted by the world and by the
things of the world, especially by money. The wise man has chosen this way to divert
the vast majority of those who teach my word and those who listen to it. Teachers
strip my house.
They have fallen into temptation, into the snare of the devil, and "into many insane
and pernicious desires that plunge men into ruin and perdition. For the love of money
is the root of all evil. And some, being possessed, have gone astray from the faith,
and have thrown themselves into many torments "(1 Timothy 6: 9-10).
Jesus said to me, "Because of their passion for the things of the world, my house is
divided, it is full of quarrels. They have rejected this saying: "For it is impossible that
those who were once enlightened, who tasted the heavenly gift, who had share in the
Holy Spirit, who tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, and
have fallen, be renewed and brought to repentance, since they crucify the Son of God
and dishonor him publicly "(Hebrews 6: 4-6). Know that my truth is the narrow gate
that leads anyone into my kingdom. " At that time the following verse appeared: "But
the narrow gate is the narrow path that leads to life, and there are few who find it"
(Matthew 7:14).
Jesus said to me: "These have gone through this way. They forced the entrance
through that door. They have defeated. Here they are ".
Those He spoke were dressed in white. I looked at them. It was a wonderful thing. I
saw them no longer as on a screen, but as if I were perched on a window, and that I
was watching this wonderful world. Jesus brought my eyes back to the screen, where
this verse was posted: "He that overcometh shall be clothed with white garments. I
will not blot out his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before
my Father and his angels "(Revelation 3: 5).
Jesus said to me, "Take heed that no man shall make thee a prey to him, that no man,
under an appearance of humility and worship of angels, may take away the price of
the race as he pleases; Gives himself up to his visions, and is swollen with pride by
his carnal thoughts "(Colossians 2:18). He added, "Beware of them, for such men do
not serve me, but their own belly; And by sweet and flattering words they deceive the
hearts of the simple "(Romans 16:18). Beware of them. They speak but do not
practice. They are therefore condemned for this. "
These verses appeared on the screen: "All nations were assembled before him. He
will separate them from each other, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the
goats. He will put the sheep on his right hand, the goats on his left. Then the king
shall say to those on his right hand,
Come, you who are blessed by my Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared
for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food; I
was thirsty and you gave me to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was
naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you
came to me. The righteous shall answer him, Lord, when have we seen you hungry,
and have fed you? Or thirsty, and have we given you to drink? When have we seen
you as a stranger, and have we gathered you? Or naked, and clothed you? When did
we see you sick, or in prison, and went to you? And the king shall answer them,
Verily I say unto you, Whenever ye have done these things unto one of these least of
my brethren, It is to me that you have made them. Then he will say to those on his
left: Depart from me, cursed; Go into the eternal fire that has been prepared for the
devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat; I was thirsty,
and you gave me no drink; I was a stranger, and you did not welcome me; I was
naked, and you did not clothe me; I was sick and in prison, and you did not visit me
"(Matthew 25: 32-43).
Jesus said to me, "walk on the foundation which is my true Church." These verses
appeared on the screen:
"And when they heard this, they were greatly touched, and said to Peter and to others,
Men and brothers, what shall we do? Peter said to them, "Repent, and let each of you
be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins; And you will
receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you, for your children, and
for all who are far away, in as many as the Lord our God will call them. And by many
other words he conjured and exhorted them, saying, "Save yourself from this perverse
generation." Those who accepted his word were baptized; And in that day the number
of the disciples increased by about three thousand souls. They persevered in the
teaching of the apostles, in fraternal communion, in the breaking of bread, and in
Fear took hold of every one, and many apostles performed and performed
miracles. All those who believed were in the same place, and they had everything in
common. They sold their property and property, and shared the product among all,
according to the needs of each. And every day they were together in the temple,
breaking the bread in the houses, and taking their food with joy and simplicity of
heart, praising God, and finding favor with all the people. And the Lord added every
day those who were saved "(Acts 2: 37-47).
The other verses that followed spoke only of this marvelous Church: "The multitude
of those who believed were but one heart and one soul. No one said that his
belongings belonged to him, but everything was common among them. The apostles
made a strong testimony of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And a great grace rest
upon them all. For there was none among them any poor: all that possessed fields and
houses sold them, brought the price of what they had sold, and laid it at the feet of the
apostles; And distributions were made to each according to his need "(Acts 4: 32-37).
Jesus said to me, "This is the way that leads to the heavenly homeland. To avoid my
anger, keep your body undefiled, keep the command here, and practice it: "My
brothers, what good is it for a man to say that he has faith, Works? Can faith save
it? If a brother or sister is naked and lacking the food of every day, and one of you
says to them, "Go in peace, warm yourselves, and be filled!" And that you do not
give them what is necessary to the body, what is it for? So it is with faith:
If she does not have the works, she is dead in herself.
But someone will say: You have faith; And I have the works. Show me your faith
without works, and I will show you faith by my works. You believe there is one God,
you do well; The demons also believe it, and they tremble. Wilt thou know, O vain
man, that faith without works is useless? (James 2: 14-20) Jesus said to me, "Keep
your soul and your spirit pure, and practice this saying: When you speak the tongues
of men and angels, if you have not charity, is a brass that sounds, or a cymbal that
sounds. And when you have the gift of prophecy, the knowledge of all mysteries and
all knowledge, when you would even have all faith to move mountains, if you do not
have charity, you are nothing. And when you distribute all your goods for the food of
the poor, when thou wouldst deliver thy body to be burned, if thou hast not charity, it
is of no use to thee. Charity is patient, it is full of goodness; Charity is not
envious; Charity does not boast, it does not boast of pride, it does nothing dishonest,
it does not seek its interest, it does not irritate itself, it does not suspect the evil, it
does not rejoice of injustice, but she rejoices in the truth; She expects everything, she
believes everything, hopes all, she endures everything "(1 Corinthians 13: 1-7).
Jesus said to me, "Do not be like these:" These are people who murmur, who
complain of their fate, who walk according to their lusts, who have haughty words in
their mouths, who admire people for cause (Jude 16) "All this crowd was in the
fog. Jesus went on and said, "These people are waterless fountains, clouds driven by
a whirlwind: the darkness of darkness is reserved for them. With speeches swollen
with pride and vanity, they begin by the lusts of the flesh, by dissolutions, those who
have scarcely escaped men who live in error "(2 Peter 2: 17-18) ". Take care not to
fall into error. Love your God. "For the love of God consists in keeping his
commandments, and his commandments are not painful" (1 John 5: 3).
Jesus said to me, "Keep all that you have received as revelations from me. If you
neglect a single point, you will become like them, you will return to darkness, and
your condition will be worse than before. "When the unclean spirit comes forth from
a man, he goes through arid places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he said, "I will
return to my house from whence I came; And when it arrives, it finds it empty, swept
and decorated. He went away, and took with him seven other spirits more wicked
than himself; They enter the house, establish themselves there, and the last condition
of this man is worse than the first. The same will be true of this wicked generation
"(Matthew 12: 43-45).
Jesus said to me, "You now know who your opponent is. You worked in his camp,
you fought against my kingdom. I am now sending you to those in my kingdom who
are in darkness, so that you can explain to them why they are in darkness and how
they can free themselves from the snares of an enemy you know perfectly well. "For
we do not have to fight flesh and blood, but against dominions, against the
authorities, against the princes of this world of darkness, against evil spirits in the
heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12). .
Jesus added, "Have no fear, I am with you, speak and testify in all places where my
word is accepted, for I have in this world a numerous people who perish for lack of
knowledge. The vast majority have been diverted by drivers who serve their belly and
serve the enemy. These are the ones that the evil one will use to fight you. They will
not fight you, but me. Have that assurance in your soul (Acts 18: 9-10). Just stand on
your way, taking all the weapons you've had today. "Therefore take up all the
weapons of God, that ye may be able to resist in the evil day, and stand firm after
having overcome all. Be firm therefore: have your loins the truth for a belt; Clothe
the breastplate of righteousness; Put as your shoes the zeal of the Gospel of
peace; Take above all the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the
inflamed features of the evil one; Take also the helmet of salvation, and the sword of
the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray and pray at all times by the Spirit. Watch
over this with all perseverance "(Ephesians 6: 13-18).
Jesus said to me, "If you do not have these weapons, you can not stand. You must
know that, "in the last days, there will be difficult times. For men will be selfish,
friends of money, braggarts, haughty, blasphemers, rebellious to their parents,
ungrateful, irreligious, insensitive, disloyal, calumniators, intemperate, cruel, enemies
of good people, traitors, proud, loving pleasure more than God, having the
appearance of piety, but denying that which makes it the strength. Depart from these
men "(2 Timothy 3: 1-5)"
Jesus added: "Preach the word, insist on every occasion, favorable or not, resume,
censure, exhort, with all gentleness and instruction. For there will come a time (and
this time has already arrived) when men will not endure sound doctrine; But having
an itch to hear pleasant things, they will give themselves a crowd of doctors
according to their own desires, turn away the ear of the truth, and turn to fables.
But you, be sober in all things, endure suffering "(2 Timothy 4: 2-5)" Jesus told me
that I must know that I will be persecuted.
This verse was then displayed on the screen, like all the others: "And all those who
want to live godly in Jesus Christ will be persecuted" (2 Timothy 3:12).
Jesus added, "But I promise you one thing. Hear my promise, "Verily I say unto you,
There is no one who left his house, or his brethren, or his sisters, or his mother,
because of me, and because of the good news. His father, his children, or his lands,
receive a hundredfold, now in this century, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers,
children, and lands, with persecutions, and eternal life "(Mark 10: 29-30).
Jesus said to me, "I come soon! This verse appeared on the screen: "As for the day
and the hour, no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, but the Father alone"
(Matthew 24:36). Jesus added, "The world will be surprised." The following verse
appeared on the screen: "And it came to pass in the days of Noah in the days of the
Son of man. The men ate, drank, married, and married their children until the day
Noah entered the ark; The flood came, and they all perished. What happened in Lot's
time will happen in the same way.
The men ate, drank, bought, sold, planted, and built; But the day Lot came out of
Sodom, a rain of fire and brimstone fell from heaven, and caused them all to perish.
"(Luke 17: 26:30)
Jesus said to me, "You must live in holiness. Not only in holiness, but in
purity. Because New Jerusalem is not built with murder, hatred, jealousy, slander, and
lack of love. Do not come to my house, the Church, to be served, but rather to
serve. None of the following things should be found in New Jerusalem: theft, lies,
hypocrisy, worldly passions, covetousness, and idolatry in all its forms. This is the
message you will give to those who will receive you in my name. But I warn you that
you will be rejected by the sons of perdition, as I myself have been rejected by them.
" This verse appeared: "If the world hates you, know that it hated me before you"
(John 15:18). Then Jesus said to me again, "He who rejects me and who does not
receive my words has his judge; The word which I have spoken, the same will judge
him at the last day "(John 12:48).
Everything the Lord told me was directly from the Bible.
Jesus said to me, "Every truth that is not conformable to my word and that is taught to
men is only a lie and must be rejected. Beware of those who will come by your
side. Satan will use them to strive to reconquer the lost positions and bring you back
to his kingdom. He will mobilize all his strength to destroy you, denigrate you, and
make you poor. He will try to use all the people who will come to join you.
He will seek to deceive you by using disguises, counterfeits, and cunning. To conquer
it, stand on my truth, consult my word which is the code of your life, and keep the
foundation, which is the Holy Spirit in you.
It is by these means that Satan has succeeded in destroying other Christians, and it is
by these means that Satan will make every effort to destroy you. "
"This is what Satan does in the churches: he pushes men and women to idolatry, that
is, to replace worship in spirit and truth by pornographic dances. In the churches and
in the world he multiplies prodigies and miracles, and disguises himself as an angel
of light to deceive even the elect. He sends false lords, false saviors, false prophets,
false apostles, false pastors, and false Christs. In the world, it pushes people to
worship earthly creatures, stars or politicians, games or all sorts of worldly
pleasures. In the churches, he denigrates the Scriptures and pushes some to mutilate
and weaken the Word of God. He took the direction of the Schools of Theology and
Biblical Schools, to completely distort the meaning of my Word.
He multiplied the so-called spiritual sciences and the so-called spiritual sects ".
"Satan divides the Church, which is my body, to rule better. He weaves networks of
envy, covetousness, hatred, deceit, jealousy, greed, adultery, wickedness ... He pushes
those who have been victims of these things to anger, vengeance, To revolt, to cruelty,
and to injustice. It urges Christian leaders to use mental corruption to fill their
churches, and to pursue their own interests instead of seeking to save the perishing
souls. When man is far from God, without the Holy Ghost, and relying on his own
strength, he becomes a toy in the hands of the devil who is his enemy. Do not count
on the multitude. Salvation is personal. Say the truth to all without regard for anyone
This verse appeared on the screen: "Master, we know that you speak and teach
rightly, and that you do not look at the appearance, but teach the way of God
according to the truth" (Luke 20: 21). Jesus went on:
"It is in this truth that you must walk. Do not seek the glory of men. Do not twist my
truth out of self-interest, for it is because of these things that they shall be cast into
the lake of fire. They call themselves my envoys but do not stand in the truth. They
are worse than the scribes. " This verse appeared: "Beware of the scribes, who love to
walk in long robes, and to be saluted in public places; Who seek the first seats in the
synagogues, and the first places in feasts; Who devour the houses of widows, and
make for the appearance of long prayers. They will be judged more severely "(Luke
20: 46-47).
Jesus said to me, "Know that because of this truth you will be hated, persecuted and
outraged. They will falsely say of you all sorts of evil for my sake, who am the Truth.
" The verse of Matthew 5:11 appeared, and Jesus said to me,
"Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven; For this is how they
persecuted the prophets that were before you. The verse of Matthew 5:12 appeared on
the screen. Jesus added, "This is how my true disciples were persecuted.
Satan, acting in an invisible way, will seek to confuse the mission that I entrust to
you, which is to lay bare its activities. Woe, when all the world speaks well of you,
for this is what their fathers did with regard to the false prophets! The verse of Luke
6:26 appeared.
Jesus said to me, "Be careful not to commit unpardonable sin like these. They
rejected my prophecies and my visions, believing they came from the devil. They are
therefore unforgivable. " The verse of Matthew 12:31 appeared: "Therefore I say unto
you, all sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men, but blasphemy against the
Spirit shall not be forgiven."
Jesus added, "Do not worry about anything, but in all things make your needs known
to him who has delivered you for the glory of the Father, and address prayers and
supplications in my name to the living God, with thanksgiving. "(Philippians 4: 6).

CHAPTER 7 Message from the Lord to the Churches

On the day of my deliverance, the Lord also asked me to give a message to all His
churches. After a tour of the Churches of Eseka and Makak, to give my testimony and
to bring this message that the Lord had given me, I received a letter from a man of
God who had not yet listened to my testimony. He was in the ministry of spiritual
adviser in Cameroon.
He had attached to his letter a treatise which he had himself drawn up. The message
contained in this treaty was given to him by the Lord Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. It was
the same message that was given to me by that same Lord Jesus! This man had
received this message in 1987, while I was still in the darkness.
I have thus been able to realize that for years the Lord has reproached their
misbehavior with the faithful and the leaders of His Church who are dominated by
the devil.
When the Lord Jesus began to give me the message that He addressed to all who
wanted to hear His voice, I saw on the screen the following verse:
"Those who say to me, Lord, Lord, shall not all enter into the kingdom of heaven, but
he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied by thy
name? Have we not cast out demons by your name? And have we not done many
miracles by your name? Then I will openly say to them, "I never knew you, depart
from me, you who commit iniquity" (Matthew 7: 21-23).
The Lord said to me with a voice of thunder:
"They will not enter first. I never knew them, they never really came to me, according
to my own conditions, in true repentance and true conversion. (No, I tell you, but if
you do not repent, you will all also perish. "Luke 13:10). They say they came to me,
but I do not know them. They came with sins in their words, in their deeds and in
their thoughts. They abandoned some sins, but they kept others.
By doing so, they have deceived themselves. As they did not care about my word, I,
the fountain of life, I let them have what they wanted. I let the enemy take power in
their house and deceive them, so that they may have a false assurance of salvation, as
long as they remain in sin, and on that road which they have voluntarily followed. I
send them a power of error, that they may believe more and more in the lies of the
enemy (2 Thessalonians 2:11). They look for gifts, but they receive those from the
enemy and demons, from tongues, from interpretations and from prophecies. "
"Since they do not want to wash their inner being to receive genuine gifts from the
Holy Spirit, and since they will not listen to my word, they will constantly receive the
gifts of the enemy. Since they did not want to separate from sin, I let them follow
their own ways. They will continue on these paths, and my anger will not be
long. ("The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who unjustly hold back the truth" (Romans 1:18). If they
had wanted me, in all truth and purity, they would have forsaken all their sins, as well
as all unclean thoughts and all unclean words. "
"But their problem was not their incapacity. They simply did not want me with all
their hearts. They fast for themselves or to please others. They fast in impurity, in
murmuring, in hatred, in selfishness, in robbery, in quarrels, in threats, in pride, in
fornication, and in adultery in all its forms.
("Behold, on the day of your fast, you give yourself up to your inclinations ... You do
not fast as this day requires." Isaiah 58: 3-4). You do not fast as I wish.
You destroy your bodies for nothing. What is the use of mortifying your souls if you
do not obey my commandments? What is the use of fasting if I am not with you? I
want the will of my Father to be fulfilled.
That is all that matters: the will of my Father, not many songs and prayers coming out
of hearts drowned in the filth of the world, drowned in evil thoughts full of
hypocrisy. When you sing, I turn my face away. "
"You teach what you should not teach for reasons of interest. You fill my house with
unbelievers filled with immorality, who are now more worthy of the lake of fire than
they were before.
You bar the door to others and yourselves you do not want to enter. Repent and do the
will of my Father. "
"He who wants to sing, pray or fast must have a pure heart. These are pure hearts that
I want as dwellings, and not large buildings or places of meeting that you call "houses
of God." I do not live in houses made of men's hands, but only in pure hearts. If you
do not do the will of my Father, your songs are against me, your prayer is against me,
your fast is against me. Only those who do the will of my Father are pleasing to
me. Their prayers ascend through the channels of the Holy Spirit and come to my
nostrils like a fragrance of good odor.
Yes, when they sing, they are accompanied by the angels of heaven. When they fast, I
listen attentively to their grievances. They are like a garden watered, like a spring
whose waters do not dry up. "
"Do the will of my Father, and you will be pleasing to him. Yes, go back, on my true
foundation, which is the primitive Church. My Church is composed of those who
really want to follow me, those who can die for others, those who are not there for
their bellies, those who think of orphans, widows and poor people, Do not love the
world, of those who are truly my callers. I have never used one who loves the world
more than me. They came to me to strip my house. I have never called those who are
capable of forming followers who, by their hypocrisy and deceit, are more worthy of
the lake of fire than they were before. "
"Repent!" And forsake your sins! Because of your sins, my house is full of
demons! You are unworthy to be called children of God! You are filled with
demons! You can never eat at the Lord's table and at the table of demons (1
Corinthians 10:21). Yes, if you die with demons in your body, you will be welcomed
by the devil, the leader of the demons.
And I will throw you all into the burning lake of fire and brimstone. Confess all your
sins, and even the sins of abomination of your parents. "" Let all who are in me go
forward and look nowhere else. Let them never act without the assurance that they
are at the very center of my will. Seek my will with every second, every minute,
every hour, every day, all your earthly life. Do not forget that you are travelers on this
earth. ("Beloved, I exhort you, as strangers and travelers on earth, to abstain from the
fleshly lusts that make war upon the soul" (1 Peter 2:11). Let him that is willing to be
mine be mine. Let him who is unjust be still unjust, let him that is filthy be filthy
still. And let the righteous minister his righteousness, And he that is holy is still
holy. Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give to each according to
his work. "
The Lord Jesus said to me again, "Go, and testify all these things that you have seen
and heard from my mouth, among those who want to listen. In each Church, testify to
what I have done for you. Abide firm upon my truth which thou hast received, and
upon my righteousness. All this will be revealed to you by my power, the Holy Spirit
who is now in you, in place of the demon that was in you. It is this Holy Spirit who
will reveal to you all that you have heard and all that you have seen today. "
"Thou shalt neither enter nor sleep in any house, except in a hut made of straw or
mats, and thou shalt testify only when I command thee to do it."
Praise and all sorts of melodies reached my ears, without my knowing the
origin. What a beautiful and glorious heavenly homeland! What a marvel of
wonders! Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords and the Holy of Holies! I was amazed. I
knew the kingdom of Satan, but I had never seen anything like it. The kingdom of
God is a million times more wonderful than all the luxury you can imagine in this
The Lord touched me again, and said to me, "Go and do my will! I replied, "I will do
it, O Lord! I found myself in my Pongo neighborhood in Edea, while I was delighted
12 km away at the foot of the tree!
I was 300 meters from my house, having neither disease nor broken rib! I was in
good shape and healthy! Jesus Christ is the greatest of all the doctors in the
world! Hallelujah! Amen! Thank you, Lord Jesus!
When I returned to myself, I found myself unconscious, I did not even know that I
was already in town, I was like in a dream. It was already 8:30.
I had spent a day with my Lord! Glory be to Thee, O Lord Jesus!
I went to the high school. I was like a daze, walking like someone who does not have
all his head. The power of Jesus had transformed my memory. A little boy spoke to
me. He came regularly to us and he knew I was seriously ill. His appeal made me
resume my spirits. This boy was surprised to see me on foot and walk down the
street, when he had seen me the day before dying on a bed. He called me insistently:
"Uncle! But what are you doing here? It was at this moment that my spirit and
knowledge came back to me. At that very moment the Spirit of God began to remind
me of all that I had seen in this wonderful kingdom. I no longer felt any pain at the
rib that had been broken, nor at my chest which was heating me. The only thing I had
left was my skeletal condition. I was very thin.
As the Lord Jesus had forbidden me to enter or sleep in a house except in a straw hut
or mats, it was impossible for me to go home. I was obliged to ask the young lad to
go and fetch my fiancee from the house. He went to fetch my fiance and my mother-
in-law, who were looking for me on the road to CELLUCAM, for already 21 hours
past. It was not until about ten o'clock that they came back in tears, not knowing what
had happened to me. They had seen a sick man leave at six o'clock in the morning
and did not come back again, and they wondered if I had not died in the bush.
When they found me sitting on a trunk of palm tree by the side of the road, they were
astonished to see me there joyfully. I asked them to give me a juice, which surprised
my mother-in-law even more, for I did not eat or take anything. My fiance asked me
what was happening to me. I answered him immediately: "Jesus has delivered me! I
am cured ! I told them all these events, which made everybody tremble. Then we had
to look for a hut in mats. But it was impossible to find it in the city. So I had to spend
my first night under the stars, for I was a new man created by God. There was not a
single demon in me, and my inner man had already been put to death by Jesus Christ.
So I spent my first night outside, under a tree, with my fiancee, who did not want to
leave me alone. The next day, my mother contacted the uncle of one of her friends,
who worked at the Edea town hall. This man had a little cabin behind his house. An
old tarpaulin was installed there, which served as a roof for me and my fiancee, and
we spent three days behind the gentleman's house. But he was a follower of Christian
Science, a pernicious sect. On the third day he told my mother-in-law that he did not
want me any more, because he feared I would kill him if I touched him!
My mother-in-law gave me the news, which made me mad with joy, and I went back
under the tree that was in front of our house. I spent the whole day there, even when
it was raining, for I had to respect the word of the Most High. The rain both wet us,
my fiance and me. She put a towel on my head, and she sat in the rain with me,
refusing to leave me alone. When the rain was over, she brought me dry clothes to
replace my wet clothes. I ate my meals outside, and spent the nights under the
tree. My mother-in-law spent her nights in the drawing-room, the door open, to see
from time to time if anything did not bother us.
Because Jesus Christ was watching over us, people spent the night on the road, right
beside us, without seeing us. Even the locals did not notice us on our berth. Jesus is
doing wonders!
In the second month following my deliverance, an angel of God came to see me one
night at about two in the morning, to announce that I could get up and start spending
my nights inside the house.
He gave me this biblical verse: "When you have made a vow to God, do not delay
doing it, for he does not love fools: fulfill the vow which you have made."
(Ecclesiastes 5: 3). My fiance, who was sleeping next to me, woke up at once and
began to pray. After praying, we read this verse with praise.
Then we returned to the house for the first time since the day of my deliverance. It
was three-thirty in the morning.
The Bible was my only food. The Holy Spirit revealed to me all the words the Lord
had given me in my deliverance. All this teaching was recalled to me by the Holy
Spirit. All these revelations came to my memory like an overflowing wave.
I wrote all these revelations day and night. The promise of Jesus was realized, yes,
the same promise He had given to the apostles, in Luke 24: 48-49:
"You are witnesses of these things. And behold, I will send upon you what my Father
has promised; But ye remain in the city until you are clothed with power from on
high "(the Holy Ghost).
Yes, it is this same power which revealed all these things to me, only a few days after
my deliverance.
Jesus gave me spiritual eyes and spiritual ears, filling me with that power. He knew
what the task was waiting for me. All the events of my life of darkness that the devil
wanted me to forget were revealed to me by the Lord, by the Holy Spirit.
I then had to look for a church to be baptized there, waiting for the order of Jesus
Christ, to stand up and testify in the churches. It was in the third month after my
deliverance that one of my in-laws' friends, who persevered in the true Church of
Edea, invited me to accompany him to worship with my fiancee. It was the first time
I had entered a Church of the Assemblies of God in my natural flesh created by
God. As the Lord had not yet authorized me to testify, I remained silent. No one in
this Church knew who I was. The spiritual ears that had been given me by the Lord
allowed me to hear demons blaspheme the name of the Lord through the mouth of a
sister who spoke in tongues.
The brother who interpreted it also gave a false interpretation, encouraging the
Church, saying that the Lord encouraged the Church, and that He was really among
them. This was done in a moment of adoration, and the whole assembly began to
My heart was boiling in my chest. The Lord showed me some really alarming things
in this Church, but He did not allow me to speak. I was not yet allowed to speak and
testify. If I had, no one would have believed the revelations the Lord had given
me. The leaders, whom most of these revelations concerned, would have trampled on
these revelations, and said that they came from a new convert, as is the custom in all
Two weeks later, I was taken by the same brother to one of the pastors of this
Church. This pastor, who did not know who I was, received me at his house the next
I had but a brief conversation with him, for I could not relate my deliverance in detail
because of my banning of testimony without having received the order from
Jesus. This pastor led me in turn to the pastor in charge of the Church. The next day
he invited my mother, my mother-in-law and my fiancee to get some information
about my life with my fiancee.
A month later, this pastor went to Europe, and I still had not been baptized. Before I
left, I put the first part of my testimony in his office so that it could be typed. At the
beginning of July, the Lord gave me permission to stand up and testify in a vision
The next day, without consulting anyone, I started my first trip outside the city of
Our first stop was a small annex church in the village of Manjap. It was the first time
I was in a church to witness to it for my true Master, Jesus Christ.
After this first step, and according to God's plan, more than 26 Churches received my
testimony, even before I gave it to the city where I had been delivered. Jealousy
entered the hearts of some of those who called themselves men of God. Others even
tried to stifle my voice, saying that I was still a spiritual baby and that I still had to be
framed. Others even sought to sabotage my ministry, invoking carnal pretexts, and
saying that I must first deliver my house before I begin to testify.
To all of them, I ask the following question: "Are you more spiritual than He who
said to me," Arise! Testify and tell what I did for you! "? Know ye, brethren, that he
that hath begun this good work in me, namely, Jesus Christ, will make it perfect, and
that ye can not fight against God.
Today I have only ten months in the faith, and I declare to you that the word that was
spoken in this book and in the churches is not of man. It comes from Christ. He
formed His slave on the day of my deliverance for a whole day, and He continues to
do so until now by His Holy Spirit.
Whether you like it or not, the Lord had already chosen me, while I was still in my
mother's womb.
It is not your words or your jealousy that will make him change his mind. It was by
His grace that He chose His choice on me. Many people know, in fact, what my
conduct was before my deliverance. They know who I was in the kingdom of Satan,
and how I was even more advanced in this kingdom than all the Cameroonians.
Indeed, before my deliverance, no other Cameroonians were in the central
government of Satan. I am not referring to the little sorcerers, the magicians and the
followers of the sects, but to the central administration of Satan.
But when it pleased Him who had chosen me from my mother's womb to deliver me
and to ask me to testify of what He had done for me, I began to exhort the Christians
and to explain to them how out of the clutches of the evil one, in which they had been
held prisoners for years without knowing it.
It is the Lord who sent me, who exercises His ministry.
In the great majority of the churches where I have passed, it is Christians that He
delivers. In some churches, 90 per cent of Christians are entirely dominated by
I announce the gospel of Jesus as He taught Him Himself. I was not taught by a man.
The Apostle Paul said, "I know someone who was taken up to the third heaven" (2
Corinthians 12: 2). If I am now counted among those who have received this unique
grace of its kind, I will not boast of it, since it does not come from me. It is the choice
of God.
Whether you are happy or not, it will not change the choice of the Most High. If He
has delivered me, He can deliver all who belong to Him. If he delivered me, I who
was a demon, and if he taught me His Word in one day, He will also deal with
everything that concerns me in the same way. He has begun Himself this work, and
He will make it perfect.
I do not count on men. The apostle Paul, after his baptism, did not consult the flesh
and blood to carry out his mission. Read his story in Galatians 1: 11-24, 2: 1-
10. Forgive me, brothers and sisters who are against me, if I tell you the truth, but I
say this truth in the name of Jesus. Those who love truth also love me. But those who
do not like the truth, who work for themselves and for their pockets, do not like to
hear about me. It does not change anything. The solid foundation laid by Jesus Christ
can not be shaken by a man.
Yes, by His omnipotence, God protects His children "Put on all the weapons of
God, that He may stand firm against the wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11).
The power of God resting on His children is very real. When I was in the darkness, I
experienced some experiences that prove to me today that God protects His children
second to second.
When I was immersed in this satanic world, I lived in Edea a situation that had at that
time passed my understanding. One day, a 38-year-old man arrived in my laboratory,
which was located opposite the Party House. He told me that he needed a magic ring
to exercise his domination at his place of work. It was necessary to pay a small sum,
and I sent for the article of the temple of India the next day, together with a great
quantity of other magical objects.
My table was loaded with these objects: powders, rings, chains, watches, and magic
The next day the man returned to fetch his article. He was accompanied by another
person, who happened to be his cousin. This cousin was a true child of God. This
man had the power of God in him.
Even before he entered my laboratory, I saw him surrounded by a dazzling light.
As soon as this man had merely set foot in this laboratory of the devil, the power
which was in him annihilated the power which was attached to all these articles
which came from India and from the submarine temple. Pots broke, bottles
broke. This man did not even know that he had such a power, and I myself did not
understand what was going on exactly.
I was obliged to give my client his article, but he had lost all power, and I had to send
the others back to India. I knew that this article would be of no use to him. But before
the cousin left my lab, the power and light that was upon him had disappeared, and a
number of demons had attached themselves to him. Yes, it happened because he had
voluntarily entered the enemy's camp. If he had come to me to preach the good Word
of God, no devil could have touched him, or even come near him. But because he had
come to accompany someone who came to look for an occult object, he had
participated in the sin of that person.
In Romans 1:32 the Lord condemns this: "Though they know the judgment of God,
declaring those who commit such things worthy of death, not only do they do, but
they approve those who do them." If this brother who has received these demons does
not confess his sin before witnesses, he can not break the point of attachment where
the devils cling, nor be delivered from this demonic grip. It is therefore necessary to
confess your sins of occultism or spiritism, of drug use, of voluntary abortion,
whether it be the woman who voluntarily aborts, or the man who has participated in a
voluntary abortion, adultery, fornication and sexual vagrancy.
These sins must be detailed one by one, because each sin opens the door to its
particular demons. If one confesses adultery or fornication in a general way, for
example, it will never solve the problem, and one will remain stuck in a mass of
demons. These sins were committed one by one, they must also be confessed one by
one. Immediately after the confession, one must also chase the corresponding
The best deliverance therefore corresponds to the best confession of sins. He who
claims to be able to deliver a Christian without confessing his sins is a liar! The
power of Jesus' blood can never be manifested when sins are not confessed.
Since sin allows the demon to touch us, to build a bridge or open a door to enter, the
demon can come out and come back immediately if the bridge is not cut or the door is
closed, That is, if the confession of sins is not made before witnesses (Acts 19: 18-
In 1990, while I was still in this dark world, in Edea, I lived in the Bisseke district,
and crowds of men and women came to see me for their health problems or other
problems. their life. In this world, many people think that Satan heals. No, brothers
and sisters, Satan can never heal. The demon who is responsible for following
someone simply does this: he simply replaces the demon that disturbs you by another
demon that will show up a little later, and so people never end up running to
healers. Satan wants to keep them prisoners until the end of their days. Only Jesus
Christ heals. He is the Almighty.
One day, then, after finishing all my operations of the night, I took the motorcycle of
one of my patients.
As I was driving along the road from Bisseke to the market town of Edea, I was
chatting with some demons who were in charge of "putting order" in a church that
was on this road, The Social Welfare Fund. While the demons were "putting order" in
this church, that is to say, it disturbed them, the Christians of the audience also raised
their voices to pray.
Just in front of the Church, as I was rushing at speed and talking to these devils in
spirit, I was thrown against the bicycle of an old man coming in the opposite
direction by a power like a hurricane.
This old man was also a great sorcerer. In this terrible collision he had a fractured
nose, and I recovered with various wounds. This church was also that of my aunt's
aunt. When she came out of the service, she came to find me there, instead of the
accident. The old man's bicycle was broken into several pieces, but my bike had not
had a serious shock. After the police report, I went home to try to see clearly what
had happened. But my understanding was limited. I was even blinded by the devil,
and I absolutely could not understand that it had been the power of God that had
struck me.
I would like to quote a third event, always concerning the power of God. It was at the
time we were staying at the Hilton hotel in Yaounde, my fiancee and me. We had
already scheduled our wedding. My fiancee had resolved to go down to Douala to
announce her marriage to her aunts, who are fervent servants of God. I also had to go
to Douala for a mission concerning this society that the devil wanted to create in my
My fiancee went ahead to meet her aunts and find common ground with them, for
they were energetically opposed to this marriage. Being children of God, they could
not accept that their niece marry a demon, for that is how they called me.
They knew I was a magician, but I was much more than that. Magic is the art of
invoking demons. As for me, I no longer invoked them, but I lived with them, since I
was their leader.
My fiancee was so sorry for her conversations with my aunts, because they did not
want to hear about her marriage with me, and they even rejected the idea of
marriage. My fiancee came to meet me at the Douala airport, where I had to arrive by
an afternoon flight. She also wanted to inform me of the final result of her
meeting. When she told me that the idea of her marriage with me had been rejected
by her aunts, I was angry with these women. I swore inwardly to kill the two main
opponents. One of them was a high school teacher, and the other was an office clerk
at SOTUC. They lived in Bonamoussadi.
This was the first time I had taken such a resolution against members of my fiance's
family. Her aunts had asked her to leave me and stay permanently in Douala, but she
had refused.
As soon as I returned to Yaounde, I resolved to execute these two women. To this
end, I went to Douala by an occult way at about two o'clock in the morning. They
both lived in Bonamoussadi. I chose the one that was to be my first victim. Arriving
at the scene, I saw that her apartment was situated in the middle of the falls of a great
river. Normally, there is no river at this point. I could not even approach this fall
because of a power that manifested itself there.
It was an inexplicable situation for me. I was obliged to wait in the morning to see if I
had not been mistaken.
That morning my other aunt, who was working at SOTUC, came out of her house to
go to worship, for it was a Sunday. I was right in front of her, but she could not see
me. After his departure, the demon Billz who was in me told me that her house could
not be found, whereas this house was clearly visible with carnal eyes. So I had to wait
until she returned from the church to settle her account once and for all. She returned
in the afternoon with a man who was probably her fiance. They walked in front of me
at a distance of about 200 meters. So I began to send demons of death against her. But
the spells I threw were deviated by a power, and the distance that separated me from
it only increased.
In the occult world where I was, I tried to move as fast as possible to get closer to the
couple, but the road became like the elastic of a sling that is stretched. After a few
minutes, an abyss was formed between me and them.
The two missions were completely missed.
These two women were saved thanks to Jesus Christ. They continue to serve the
Lord, one in the "Witnesses of Christ" Assembly in Deido, and the other in the
Missionary Center of the CIC City. Jesus can also protect you in the same way, if you
accept Him as your Savior. The Lord Jesus is the strongest, the most powerful, the
God of heaven, the Creator, and the God of Satan. The devil will have to confess the
name of Jesus, even when he is in the lake of fire, where you will join him if you do
not truly accept the Lord Jesus.
I would like to give a fourth example of the power of God. My Indian master often
came to see me in my laboratory at Edea, occultly, for the various works of the
kingdom of darkness. But this man had special hours to enter Cameroon, because of
the power of God that reigned in this country at the time Christians were
praying. Christians should know that the devil's activities are turned upside down
when they pray. That is why the Word of God commands us to pray without ceasing.
At that time, when Cameroon was experiencing dead-city operations, almost all
Christians prayed tirelessly. Whenever this great Satanist planned a trip to Cameroon,
he was always lost in the atmosphere. But when these operations of dead cities
ceased, the Christians also lowered their ardor to prayer, and this demon who had
come into the flesh could penetrate without difficulty at certain hours of the day.
On a certain Friday afternoon, this man arrived at around 3 pm to talk about our
various problems.
After examining them thoroughly, he prepared to leave at about 7 pm. To our
surprise, the demons of guard who accompanied him took off one after the other. Our
laboratory was so shaken that I was projected from left to right. I saw my master take
all sorts of human, animal and vegetable forms.
There was in my laboratory a vase of earth of a size not found in this world. This vase
contained water, which was a representation of the ocean in the occult world. When
we turned into a frog and plunged into this vase of water, we immediately reappeared
in one of Satan's underwater laboratories. My master, who could no longer bear the
power that made us shudder, tried to plunge into the vase. But it was impossible for
him to do so, for the vessel was filled with sand.
Strangely enough, direct communications with underwater and underground temples
were blurred. It was impossible for us to express thoughts by telepathy.
It is not until 9 pm that my master succeeds in leaving my laboratory, because from 9
pm many Christians stop praying or stop the various meetings throughout the country.
There are hours that are called "dark hours" in the world of darkness. These are the
hours when Christians pray. Only certain particular demons can then go out to fight
and destroy those who pray. With us, these dark hours are from 5 to 6 in the morning,
and from 17 to 21 hours. In our country, Cameroon, it is difficult for small
inexperienced demons to work as they do in other non-Christianized countries. That
is why this country is displayed on the blackboard of the devil, even though there are
still many pagans and Christians in our country who do not do the will of Christ.
A single demon in the body of a Christian is enough to plunge him into the
darkness. However, we must distinguish the case of one who lives in the
disobedience of the case of the one who is in ignorance.
After visiting a large number of churches, I realize today in what depraved state are
some Churches, whether Pentecostal or not. In the churches where the Lord allows
me to practice the ministry of deliverance, after giving my testimony, the record is
rather alarming. All these churches are plunged into darkness. 90 percent of
Christians are inhabited by the most violent demons. They are zealous Christians who
are sometimes more than 20 years old in the faith, who pray, prophesy, and speak
very well in tongues.
But these are only gifts inspired by demons.
In some churches where I practiced deliverance in the name of Jesus, I saw some
people waiting for their turn for deliverance, and "bursting forth" in tongues. Others
even gave prophecies before their deliverance. The Lord knows the tricks Satan uses
to deceive Christians. Therefore He has commanded me to give my testimony only in
the churches.
In some churches the pastors do not even mention deliverance, for their concern is to
fill their Church with unconverted and demon-possessed people. They call the
Church "my Church", and exercise their ministry only to fill their pockets, build their
villa, and ride in large cars.
They care more about tithing than about the spiritual health of their faithful. They
preach prosperity to faithful who live in a depraved state and in sins. People are told
that if they give money, they will be blessed by God, and God will multiply their
possessions. What a blasphemous lie!
Who is this God who could bless those who voluntarily live in sin, knowing the
A Church that has no team to deal with deliverance is a spiritually dead
Church. Deliverance is very important in the life of a Christian and an entire
Christian community. It is the burden of pastors and elders. Pastors and leaders of
churches, you have no right to question the salvation of souls, to serve your own
interests. You have been instructed to make these souls penetrate into the total
salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ at the Cross of Calvary.
By the grace of Jesus, for only 10 months that I have been His, I have helped many
brothers and sisters in Christ who had all kinds of problems to advance in the truth
that Jesus Christ taught me.
I did not do it out of personal interest. All these have finally entered into the true
salvation of Christ, without keeping a single demon in them. The ties fell, the prisons
opened, and many people opened their hearts to Jesus for good.
Since I began to testify in the churches, at the Lord's command, I have seen many
people being held in bonds, and I can truly say that all who approach the Lord with a
sincere heart are always delivered. The Lord Jesus said, "I have given you power to
walk on the serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy. And nothing
can hurt you "(Luke 10:19).
This promise is meant for every Christian who really wants the peace of Jesus Christ
to reign in his heart.
Because they have not confessed their sins of abomination before witnesses, many
Christians keep demons in them, without knowing it. These sins of abomination are
in particular those described in Deuteronomy 16: 21,22, Deuteronomy 17: 2-7, and
Deuteronomy 18: 9-14.
When these sins of abomination, committed consciously or unconsciously, have not
been brought to light during conversion, the devil retains his rights in the lives of
these Christians, and he continues to accuse them before God (Revelation
12:10 ). Idolatry opens wide doors to demons. The Apostle Paul says, "The Spirit
expressly says that in the last days some will abandon faith to attach themselves to
seducing spirits and doctrines of demons" (1 Timothy 4: 1). Our life is based on Jesus
Christ and not on His mother Mary. Jesus said, "He that saw me saw the Father," and
again, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except
through me." Jesus never mentioned His mother in His prayers and His
preaching. There is no other mediator, between God and men, the man Jesus Christ
crucified. It is not an image of Jesus that can save, but Jesus must dwell in your
heart. Jesus wants to live in a clean and pure heart. It can not be hung on the wall of a
house. The Word of God says:
"Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? If you keep this
image of Jesus, or that of Mary, or these statues and representations of things from
above, it is an idolatry that opens the door to devils in your life. The Word of God
says, "Thou shalt not make thee a graven image, nor any representation of the things
that are above in the heavens (God, Jesus, and all others), that are below on the earth
(the creatures), and who are in the waters lower than the earth (Satan). Thou shalt not
bow down thyself unto them, neither shalt thou serve them; For I Jehovah thy God I
am a jealous God, who punishes the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the
third generation, and to the fourth generation of them that hate me "(Deuteronomy 5:

We now know who Satan is.

But how can one defeat him?

"For we do not have to struggle against flesh and blood, but against dominions,
against the authorities, against the princes of this world of darkness, against evil
spirits in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).
There is only one way to defeat the devil and his army. God reveals how the Church
of Jesus Christ must fight. This struggle is not directed against human powers, flesh
and blood, but against the real powers hidden behind our earthly persecutors, those
demonic powers that hide in the flesh of those who persecute us day and night.
Demons often use our children at home to push us to whispers and anger. They use
our husbands, wives, brothers and sisters of the Church. They use the pagans against
the awakened Christians. Satan and his army are the fierce enemies of God and His
To fight, therefore, the Christian is called to stand at the very center of God's will, to
take courage in his fighting position, and to stand firm in the bad day, that is, when
the persecution occurs.
Verse 13 of this chapter 6 of Ephesians enables us to understand that the Christian,
after having overcome everything, can once again return to the world and into the
abyss of darkness if he falls at the moment of persecution or temptation, after having
first conquered everything.
In the same way that the devil used the serpent to talk to Eve in the garden of Eden,
today he can still use people who live with us day and night. It can also seduce even
Christians awakened, if they do not take up the arms of God, whom the Lord gives to
His good soldiers to equip them adequately. (Ephesians 6: 14-18).
As the first weapon, the Lord gives us the truth, which must be practiced in all
possible ways, taking as our model our Lord Jesus Christ. Have the truth for your
belt, and take righteousness as a breastplate. Have your feet equipped with genuine
zeal, and not with a bitter zeal tinged with hypocrisy, to carry the gospel of Jesus
Christ to the end of the world. To cover your whole body, take also the shield of faith,
which will allow you to extinguish all the fiery traits of the devil.
Seize then all that the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, offers us in the work of salvation
that He has accomplished.
Manipulate also the sword of the Spirit, that is, preach the Word of God, to emerge
victorious from all temptations of the evil one, in the image of the Lord Jesus
Himself, who has overcome Satan using this Word: "It is written."
It is written in Hebrews 4:12 that "the word of God is living and efficacious, sharper
than a two-edged sword, penetrating even to soul and spirit, joints and marrow; She
judges the feelings and thoughts of the heart. " Our Lord Jesus, filled with the Holy
Spirit, responded to the tempter by quoting appropriate texts of the Holy Scriptures,
which became for Him the sword of the Spirit.
After having fulfilled all these conditions, that is to say, after being well armed to
face the evil one, the Christian can at last count on God his Father, the Creator, by
addressing him prayers and supplications. Be sure to do this with total perseverance!
This is the only way that can give us victory over Satan, our number one
enemy. Today, in the churches, we are more concerned with praying than seeking
justice and truth. There is hatred, jealousy, lack of love, murmurs, pride and
Some churches engage in prayer and fasting, while fornication and adultery reign
supreme among them. Sometimes even the pastor lives in concubinage with one of
his followers, which does not prevent him from teaching the same faithful that prayer
is an effective weapon for the Christian!
We read in Isaiah 59: 1-4: "No, the hand of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his
ear too hard to hear. But it is your crimes that put a separation between you and your
God; It is your sins that hide his face from you, and prevent him from listening to
you. For your hands are stained with blood, and your fingers with crimes; Your lips
speak falsehood, your tongue speaks iniquity, no one complains in justice, no one
pleads with righteousness; They rely on vain things and say falsehoods, they conceive
evil and give birth to crime. "
The great majority of the Pentecostal churches fast and pray in this alarming
condition, in the sight of the leaders, since they too are immersed in the passions,
divisions, and chronic impudicity they commit with sisters of their Church or
Repent, brothers and sisters! You all know that the devil, to destroy the future of man
in the Garden of Eden, passed through the woman Eve, and that he managed to reach
man by woman. The same thing happens today in the churches. To destroy a church,
the devil passes through women. He introduces into the Church women who have
many means and money, and who are beautiful and pretty. The devil knows that they
will extinguish the leaders by their beauty and their money. The devil knows that it is
written in the Word of God that women supported the Lord Jesus with their
possessions, and he camouflages behind these verses and these women to destroy the
The devil is forcing women to claim a ministry of teaching the Word of God. In all
the Churches of God, this ministry is forbidden to women and reserved to men (1
Timothy 2: 11-15). Let us study these verses together with the Spirit of God and not
with our own carnal thoughts.
Verse 11 says, "Let the woman listen to instruction in silence, with complete
submission." In public worship, the woman must remain silent during instruction.
It must show its dignity by submission, without wanting to hold the reins and teach
man, something that God does not admit.
In verse 12 it is written, "I do not allow a woman to teach, nor to take authority over a
man; But it must remain in silence. " God did not forbid the woman to evangelize, to
testify, to pray, to sing, to prophesy ... All this is permitted to woman in the house of
God. But the Almighty, God Almighty, formally forbids women to teach in a
Church. Woman must not teach! To act otherwise is to distort relations between
Christians and Jesus Christ. Those who support this idea of the devil that a woman
can teach do not serve Jesus Christ. They want to please all those women filled with
carnal lusts and pushed by Satan.
Verse 13 tells us why a woman should not teach: "For Adam was first formed, Eve
afterward." Genesis 2:18 says, "The LORD God said, It is not good that man should
be alone; I will make him a help like him. " This reminder of the Creator's purpose
enables us to understand why women should not teach one man in the Church. She
can teach other women, children, or pagans who do not know God. Having the Spirit
of God, the woman also has the mission to carry the Gospel to men and women who
do not know God, and to call them to repentance.
In verse 14, God gives another reason why women should not teach in the Church:
"And it was not Adam who was seduced, but the woman who was deceived was
guilty of transgression ". The Lord shows us in this passage that woman is more
easily seduced than man. In a Church, the devil uses much more women than men,
especially by means of clothes, jewelery, and so on.
God says in His Word: "I also want that women, dressed in a decent, modest and
modest manner, do not put on braids, pearls, or sumptuous clothes, Good works, as it
suits women who profess to serve God "(1 Timothy 2: 9-10).
In the churches there are women wearing narrow trousers that mold all their
forms. Satan's demons drive men to admire and covet them. Others, wearing short
skirts or split robes that expose their thighs, take their place in the front rows to bring
the men of God into sin. Thus the men of God voluntarily fall into the snares of the
devil because they did not want to enforce and practice what is written in the Word of
God lest these women leave the Church . They must absolutely have the Church
filled, even by people who live in immorality and unbridled debauchery.
The bottom line is that they pay tithes and offerings, and they make all kinds of gifts
to the pastor, even if it is to go and burn in the lake of fire, that is not their
problem. But I remind you that before going to burn in the lake of fire you will be
tortured by the devil in the abyss of darkness, you and these women.
The majority of leaders put forward another blasphemous reason for allowing women
to teach.
They consider that this prohibition only concerned the Church of Corinth. It is an
argument of the devil!
They thus put the Word of God into question. Should the Church of Cameroon be
subject to a special ban? If you do not repent, you will be accountable to the Lord,
and He will give you the wages you deserve. God gives a formal prohibition: "I do
not allow ...! In one way or another, men will report their actions to God on the day of
judgment. If they do not repent, those who let women teach will see the wrath of
God. I would like to draw their attention to this warning from the Lord addressed to
the Church of Thyatira: "I know your works, your love, your faith, your faithful
service, your steadfastness, and your last works more numerous than the
first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that
woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my
servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
The Lord makes two remarks to the leaders of this Church. The first is that they let
this woman who is calling herself a prophetess teach. The second is that they let this
woman seduce the servants of God. It may thus have the freedom to teach, as is the
case today in some churches.
We can not draw a path other than that of the Lord, being driven by our interests,
lusts or passions. We are obliged to walk according to the foundation, according to
the Word of God, and on the path traced by Jesus Christ. Otherwise, the lake of fire is
waiting for us, says the Lord. "For if we sin willingly, after having received the
knowledge of the truth, there remains no sacrifice for sin, but a terrible expectation of
judgment and the ardor of a fire that will devour the rebels" (Hebrews 10:26 ).
Even if the Holy Spirit does not allow the woman to teach, she can, however, exercise
a ministry in an assembly. But this assembly must be taught by a man. If you want to
avoid the pond of fire, my sister, therefore remains quiet at the time of teaching.
Listen to the instruction in silence. After the teaching, rise up quickly, go out to
evangelize, sing and pray as you please, according to the measure of faith that God
has given you. Amen! "If anyone delights in challenging, then we do not have this
habit, nor are the churches of God" (1 Corinthians 11:16).
Thus, after my deliverance, as all the bridges that connected me to the kingdom of
darkness were cut off, I could no longer communicate with demons or with
Satan. Seeing that he had lost the battle, the devil did not disarm himself. He tried by
all means to physically kill me.
One day at 6.30 am, at the crossroads of the gendarmerie in Edea, I was waiting for a
car that could take me to Kribi.
A Mercedes car arrived. It was led by a strange personage, and stopped in front of
me. This person inquired about my destination, and invited me to climb, saying: "If
you go to Kribi, go up! We will travel together, I do not like to travel alone! It was a
good opportunity for me. I would not have to pay the bus fee. After our departure, the
Lord opened my eyes and showed me that this man was not a natural man. It was an
agent of Satan sent by his master to kill me on the way. The car was traveling on the
heavy Edea-Kribi road at over 180 km/h. I felt my heart rush to my throat. I knew this
demon was going to kill me by throwing the car at a pole.
Immediately the Lord calmed me, opening my eyes again: an angel was sitting on the
hood of the carriage. The Lord said to me: "This car is driven and guided by my
angels. Do not be afraid, it will bring you to its destination, and will even bring you
back to Edea!
Today, the devil will work for you! Arrived at Kribi, the agent of Satan, neutralized
by the divine power, deposed me saying: "Good-bye, and see you soon! Then he left
without asking for his rest. Around 1 pm, after doing all my shopping, I crossed a
street to get to a station. I saw the same car stopped in front of me, and I was again
invited to climb. Without fear, having in myself the assurance of divine protection, I
settled myself in this luxurious car of the devil. I strengthened myself again by
thinking of how the Lord had intervened when we had crossed the two bridges. This
demon of the devil did not speak to me all the way to Edea. Yes, the love of Christ
surpasses all intelligence and knowledge! (Ephesians 3:19).
Thus, since my deliverance, I have had to undergo the attacks of Satan's
demons. When I wrote my testimony, the Lord sent me into the house of a servant
and a servant of God, brother and sister Mpuli.
When the Lord revealed to me my dark past, the one that is brought to light today, the
demons tried several times to strangle me in my room.
Or they would sit on the window and make a strong heat blow.
The prayers of the brother and of the sister ascended to God day and night, and the
Lord also assisted me day and night.
Many times the demons also attacked my wife.
But the blood of Jesus who protects us is stronger than demons and Satan himself!
Eventually, the demons abandoned their physical attacks and began stealing the
sheets of my testimony that were already written. Two leaves disappeared every day,
causing disturbances, but the great hand of Jesus was upon me!
Then Satan, seeing that his physical attacks had failed, then used fake brothers filled
with jealousy, who came to me to spy on me. After several months, as they had found
nothing, they began to say that I had not been baptized after my deliverance, and that
I was not married legally with my wife.
I pray that the Lord may forgive those brethren, give them a spirit of repentance, and
deliver them from the power of the evil one, causing them to commit such sins of
falsehood and calumny.
May the Lord keep them!


I am at the disposal of any Christian church or congregation that truly serves the Lord
Jesus. I know that the "masked" will never like to hear my testimony, because I reveal
the works of their master. The "masked" are those who work for their bellies, and
those who are on the side of the devil. They are the ones who deceive the true
children of God to destroy them and keep them in the nets of Satan. They disguise
themselves as servants of God, but they are only "false apostles."
Those who truly serve God can contact me so that this testimony is given,
accompanied by many instructions on the devil's wiles and how to find deliverance.
You can write to me at the following address:
Mr. TSALA ESSOMBA "Jesus Christ Savior" - World Mission BP 15250 DOUALA
(Cameroon) I thank with a heart full of love the churches that helped me spiritually
after my conversion, mainly the True Church of Edea, led by The apostle Samuel
OBAKER. The latter gave me free access to his Christian bookshop and supported
me financially, while the devil wanted me to continue working in transit, to divert
myself from the divine commission I had received: "Go, And testify of what I have
done for you! I also thank the Mpuli family, to whom the Lord sent me for three
months to write my testimony after my conversion. May the Lord keep this family,
Sister Martha and Brother Albert Mpuli.
Nor do I forget the Christian Community of the CECUC, for the liberality they have
voluntarily granted to their brother. May the Lord bless them! May he also bless the
man of God who presides over this community, SM ONANA.
Finally, I thank all the Churches who welcomed me with joy and pray for me night
and day. Indeed, I am threatened by Satan and his demons, who seek to intimidate
and sabotage my ministry. But they can not do anything to me now. The power that is
in me is above all the powers of the world!
May the Lord bless you! Amen!

APPENDIX Quoted quotations from the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses

In order to reveal how Satan seduces men by his lies, I will quote some passages from
two very dangerous books of magic, the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. I explain
how the devil is going to deceive people and take the place of God. There are many
magical books besides the 6th and 7th Books of Moses. There are "breviaries", but
also some Bibles, such as the "Translation of the New World", the Bible of the
Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Ecumenical Bibles.
In the Bible of the Jehovah's Witnesses, the devil managed to use the name of God
and take the place of God and Jesus, replacing the name of Jesus with that of
In the detail of the incantations, the counterfeit of the devil goes even farther, to give
the names of the angels of God to his demons. In this way, the devil knows very well
that all those who approach this book will be convinced that they are dealing with
God Himself.
I want to enlighten the Satanists who will read my testimony, and expose to the eyes
of the whole world the lies of the devil that are in his books of magic, which I used
myself. As for you who are in the Rosicrucians, do not for a moment think that the
Jesus of whom we often speak in your books is the true Jesus! It is the devil himself!
These extracts contain no profound explanation, and are deprived of their demonic
influence. They will simply allow you to be warned of the devil's wiles.
All passages in italics are quotes.
Here is a first passage from the 7th Book of Moses:
The main quotation from all the Spirits Servants of the air and the earth, the same
ones that Damasse and Solomon pronounced as authentic key of Solomon, King of
Left as a testament to all the Magicians, whom the ancients possessed and used to
have everything and to realize everything through the power of God Jehovah the All-
Mighty and he, the great King, transmitted to his creatures who praised him day and
night in obedience and fear. These creatures invoked him insistently and secretly, and
never ceased to recognize that they had been created by him, that it was thanks to
him and to him that they were beings of reason, Were surrounded by sufferings
caused by the elements, who fight for the highest, who are with God and with God.
Those to whom he has given everything will not forget it when they enjoy the
pleasures of the world, they will endure suffering but will not forget existence itself,
nor the evanescent brilliance of the world.
Here you have to be mounted on a platform, a palm leaf in your right hand and a
wreath of laurels on your head. Then turn to the East and say these words.
You will then be enveloped in a halo of light and when you are touched by this light,
throw yourself on your knees and pray. Then gently and high and intelligible voice,
I make this text appear in my testimony to show the incredulous world how sly Satan
is, and how he acts to deceive billions of human beings who follow him while
believing to be with God.
In this text you will notice that the name of Satan is not even pronounced. We find the
name of Solomon (who represents a demon) and the name of Jehovah God the
Almighty, who is Satan himself.
Satan camouflages behind the true Creator God, claiming to be the creator of all
It is this teaching that he inculcates to all his collaborators, who work in his
kingdom. I was among them a year ago. Glory and honor be restored to the true God,
the Lord Jesus, who delivered me from the clutches of the devil! Amen!
Here is another extract from the Seventh Book of Moses:
NOTE FOR FRIENDS OF THE MAGIC Kabbalah formulas and quotes in this book
can not be said in Hebrew and any other language. In another language, they have
no power whatsoever, and the Master can never be sure of his cause. For all these
words and formulas were pronounced as such by the Great Spirit and have power
only in Hebrew.
BATTLESHIP OF MOSES (following a formula in Hebrew) the words are said in
Hebrew as follows: "Jehovah (following the rest of the formula)" Almighty no eye
has seen, no mouth that s' Is addressed, Spirit who has done great deeds and who has
done wonders.
The cuirass and the helmet are called and have the sense of Holiness.
HELMET OF MOSES AND AARON (following a formula in Hebrew) Here the
ancient Egyptians names used in place of the unpronounceable name Asher Vriel and
called "fire of God" and "Great Stone of Faith". Whoever carries him on a gilded
plate will not die of sudden death.
CUIRASSE OF AARON (follows a formula in Hebrew) That is to say a Prince of ...,
the other leads to Jehovah. God spoke to Moses through him.
THE MAGIC OF MOSES (follows a formula in Hebrew) These words are terrible,
they will gather demons and spirits and can call death.
THE ENTRY ON THE CALICE OF SAINTETE (follows a formula in Hebrew) These
words are of great power. These are the names of the Creator and the characters of
the Ark of the Covenant.
In this passage, when it is spoken of the "Most High that no eye has seen, to whom no
mouth has spoken," Satan speaks of himself, but in a masked way, camouflaging
himself Behind the Most High.
I will not give any detailed explanation, because of the Christians who still live in the
Also note that in the letter of Paul to the Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 14 to 17, we
find the words "cuirass" and "helmet". The devil uses them in this passage as if it
were a divine word.
As for Aaron and Moses, who are also cited in this book, they are only demons of
high rank in the kingdom of the devil, which healers and mere magicians often
invoke. It is still a means used by the devil to further deceive those who still trust him
in their ignorance.
Here is a third extract, to show you how far the deceivers of the devil are going:
Thus let the spirits of Jesus Christ set him free from sorrows and sufferings; Give us
the treasures of this world, by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, king of Nazareth, Amen.
THE SCHEMAMPHORAS Who will certainly show the treasures of the earth if they
have been buried in the bowels of the earth.
(Following a magic star with inscriptions in Hebrew, with the words: According to
the Bible Arcane of Moses, by P. Hoffman, Jesuit. ) (There follow two other stars
covered with inscriptions in Hebrew, and with the words: ) SCHEMAMPHORAS N
1 SCHEMAMPHORAS N 2 Although being spirits of evil, they are nevertheless
familiar spirits or serving spirits ready to serve.
(Follow the names of twelve familiar spirits) INDICATIONS As far as magic is
concerned Albia knows that it is necessary to invoke the spirits of good during the
full moon, as well as the princes of the (IX) choir of angels and all other spirits of the
As for the black magic, know that one must invoke the VII princes of evil during the
new moon, one invokes the other spirits in the black night or during the eclipse of the
sun or the moon. The circle already cited as the force of hell is applicable to all
VALEDICTO OF THE REVOCATION Of all the spirits of good and evil, according
to the tradition of Tabella Rabellini, taken from the 6th and 7th books of
Moses, (follow fifteen names of spirits).
Now pronounce the name of the spirit and let it go in peace.
dedicated and consecrated in the top domschift to Bamberg JESUS
In a ....
c ....
God the Son God the Holy Spirit follows a magic formula The innocent and sacred
blood of Jesus Christ, son of God, cleanse us from all sins, bring you the spirits of
God Eternal peace, through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
(Follows a magic formula) The Jesus Christ mentioned here is not ours, the true Jesus
Christ, as I have already explained. It is the devil himself. We must certainly
understand that the power of the true Jesus is above all power. The devil knows, but
he is only a proud and a liar.
I address myself to the Rosicrucians: examine these extracts. You are deceived in the
same way in all the books that the devil sends you, and in which he speaks to you of
Jesus. You think you're on the right track! But no ! This Jesus of which you speak in
your books of the Rose-Cross is not the true Jesus. Look for the true Jesus in the
Word of God, the Bible, the true Bible.
Take a good translation, like the King James Version, and not the "New World
Translation" of the Jehovah's Witnesses. For this is also another trap of the devil. This
Bible of Jehovah's Witnesses does not come from God but from the devil, to deceive
the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Do not touch the Ecumenical Bibles either, in particular, but also the Bible in Current
French. It's another trick of the devil. I saw all these Bibles stored in the satanic
temple of Great Britain!
Here is a final extract from the 7th Book of Moses:
EVOCATION OF THE LAWS OF MOSES (follows a formula in Hebrew) If you want
to utter these words, you must fast for three days and then you will perform
wonders. They can not be translated into Hebrew characters.
Hebrew) This quotation is important and powerful. These are the appellations of the
creator and of two cherubs on the Z .... and J ...
REVOCATION OF MOSES (follows a formula in Hebrew) Moses makes an
invocation common to all minds.
In this passage quoted, you see that Satan neglects nothing. Even fasting is practiced
intensively in his kingdom. Here, it is recommended to fast three days, in order to be
able to pronounce only a few words! And the text says, "You will perform wonders."
All this has nothing to do with the spiritual world of Jesus Christ, nor with the true
spiritual fasting. This is a counterfeit of the devil. Understand once and for all that the
devil created nothing. But he only uses creatures of God. Yes, nothing was created by
the devil.
Even the fallen angels, who have become demons, have not been created demons or
unclean spirits. But they were dragged into disobedience by Satan.
Likewise, the devil was not created devil, but he became the devil, because of his
disobedience and his pride. Know also, men who remain rebellious to the Word of
God, that the Lord Jesus, the God of Heaven, reserves you surprises!
I will conclude with a final passage from the Sixth Book of Moses:
Chapter 1. The spirit appears to Moses in a burning bush.
(Follows a formula in Hebrew) Chapter 2. Moses transforms the servants into
(Follows a formula in Hebrew) Chapter 3. Moses transforms water into blood.
(Follows a formula in Hebrew) Chapter 4. Three new signs with frogs, lice and
(Follows a formula in Hebrew) Chapter 5. Three signs with the flock, the plagues, the
black plague and the hail.
(Follows a formula in Hebrew) Chapter 6. Three signs on grasshoppers and
(Follows a formula in Hebrew) Chapter 7. Incantation of Moses to the Spirits.
(Follows a formula in Hebrew) (Follows a Pentagram, a five-pointed star, covered
with letters in Hebrew, the most diabolical sign in the history of magic.) In this
extract from the Sixth Book of Moses, Satan makes believe to his adepts that the
miracles of the Lord, when He used Moses, actually come from him, the devil. In all
the titles of the chapters, Satan once again turns away to his own profit the actions of
God the LORD. All this also helps to make those in his kingdom believe that the
words of the Bible are false. Thus, many of the sons of the rebellion reject the true
Word of God to follow Satan.
Satanists, convert! Repent! Jesus Christ is the only Master of the universe, the
Almighty, God come in the flesh! Satan deceives you!

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