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The following text is for question 1.

Parking under the tree is prohibited

due to its old age

1. What should people do after reading the text?

A. Cut the old tree.
B. Leave their vehicles under the tree.
C. Avoid walking under the tree.
D. Park their vehicles far from the tree.

The following text is for questions 2 and 3.

Adopted from: https://temporaryartcmu.files.wordpress .e,oml20l2/04/turtle_drugfacts.jpg (28th December 2016)

2. What is one of the functions of the medicine?

A. To reduce pain.
B. To reduce nausea.
C. To increase appetite.
D. To improve immune system.

3. According to the text,....

A. the medicine should be kept in a cool place
B. ten-year-children must not consume the medicine
C. the medicine uses turtle shell powder as its main ingredient
D. people with stomach problems may consume the medicine

The following text is for questions 4 and 5.

Dear Vika,

How is life? I hope you are always in a very good

My ship is being anchored and now I am enjoying
attractive spots in Singapore. Actually I wish you, Mum and
Dad be here with me, to sightsee the beauty of these places.
lnstead, I will send you beautiful pictures and souvenirs.
Vika, working for a cruise ship is a pleasure, but deep in
my heart I miss you all. I should be accustomed to stay away
from family for a period of time. Pass my best regards to Mum
and Dad.


4. Who wrote the letter?

A. Vikas brother
B. Vikas pen pal
C. Vikas cousin
D. Vikas friend

5. Why does Vano miss his family?

A. He has to work hard.
B. He has sailed for a long time.
C. lt is his first working experience.
D. He should be away from his family.

The following text is for questions 6 and 7.

Dear lrfan,

I do apologise that I cannot enjoy a car free day tomorrow

morning with you and Kevin. I have to fetch my cousin from
the railway station. He is going to spend his holiday here. I
will introduce him to you.


6. Why did Arka write the message?

A. He forgot his promise.
B. He broke his promise.
C. He postponed his appointment.
D. He cancelled his appointment.

7. What will lrfan do after reading the message?

A. He will meet Arka's cousin.
B. He will spend his holiday at home.
C. He will go to the railway station.
D. He will tell Kevin about Arka's absence.

The following text is for questions 8 and 9.

8. What is the advertisement about?

A. A fried rice restaurant.
B. A fast food restaurant.
C. The first restaurant in town
D. The only restaurant in town

9. According to the advertisement, when will people be more interested in visiting the
A. On holidays
B. On weekends
C. On their birthdays.
D. On special occasions.

The following text is for questions 10 to 12.


To: All Students

As the government programme for improving education in our country,

there will be grants for students in this school, with specific
requirements. Please contact your class teachers for further information
and registration. Those who are interested should register by 31st March
2017 tor selection.

Redi Atmaja
10. What is the announcement about?
A. Grant requirements.
B. Grants for students.
C. The government programme.
D. The deadline of the grant registration.

11. How can the interested students know the grant requirements?
A. By asking Mr. Redi Atmaja.
B. By asking their class teachers.
C. By listening to the school announcement.
D. By reading an announcement on the board.

12. What can we conclude from the announcement?

A. All students who register will receive the grants.
B. The students should contact the headmaster for registration.
C. The last date of March will be the due date of enrolment.
D. The headmaster has informed the students about the programme before.

The following text is for questions 13 and 14.

To: Kania
Wed like you to join us on the celebratation of Arrels first birthday
Day and date : Wednesday, 15th March 2017
Time : 4 p.m.
Place : Our residence, Jl. Kecipir no. 22
Dress code : Yellow
Sincerely yours,

Mr. And Mrs. Andika

13. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Andika write the text?

A. They invite Kania to their son's birthday party.
B. They inform Kania about their son's party.
C. They tell Kania about their son's birthday.
D. They congratulate Kania on her birthday.

14. How old will Arrel be?

A. One year old.
B. Two years old.
C. Three years old.
D. Five years old.

The following text is for questions 15 and 16.

We have been through so much together,
cheer and sorrow, laugh and tears.
Even though we have been miles today, you
are always special.


Have a long life and happiness!

Your brother,

15. What is the relationship between Sandra and Farrel?

A. Siblings.
B. Penpals.
C. Old friends.
D. Classmates.

16. Farrel writes the text in order to....

A. thank
B. apologise
C. congratulate
D. express his sympathy

The following text is for questions 17 to 19.

When Vita was a little child, she used to attend a night fair. She usually went there
with her mother, but one evening she went to a night fair with her aunt and cousin.
After parking their motorcycle, they walked hand in hand around the fair, Vita's aunt
stopped before a stand selling sandals and was busy choosing ones. Vita and her cousin
were interested in watching riders' attractions, so they asked for her aunt's permission to
leave the stand. Her aunt permitted and asked them to remain at the attraction spot until
she arrived.
After enjoying the attraction for several minutes, Vita and her cousin felt bored.
They decided to meet her aunt in the sandal stand, but they were confused. There were
many stands selling sandals and Vita didn't know from which stand her aunt bought sandals.
They walked around, but they couldn't see Vita's aunt. They were in tears when suddenly a
man standing near them calmed them down and led them to the riders' attraction spot. He
believed that Vita's aunt was there.
He was right!They finally met Vita's aunt who had been waiting for them at the spot.

17. From the text we know that.. ..

A. Vita bought sandals in the night fair
B. a man asked Vita to a sandal stand
C. Vita used to go to night fairs with her aunt
D. Vita was interested in watching riders' attractions
18. What happened to Vita and her cousin when visiting the night fair?
A. They got lost.
B. They had an accident.
C. They met their friend.
D. They met their uncle.

19. What is the best suggestion for Vita and her cousin to avoid the incident?
A. Enjoy the sightseeing.
B. lgnore the vendor's advice.
C. Remain at the riders' attraction spot.
D. Leave without Vita's aunt's permission.

The following text is for questions 20 to 23.

Olive is a subtropical broad-leaved evergreen tree. It is grown mainly for the
production of olive oil.
It ranges in height from 3 to 12 metres or more and has numerous branches. lts
leaves, leathery and lance-shaped, are dark green above and silvery on the underside and
are paired opposite each other on the twig. The wood is resistant to decay. If the top dies
back, a new trunk will often arise from the roots.
Olive trees are wind-pollinated and bloom in late spring. Small, whitish flowers are
borne in loose clusters in the axils of the leaves. Flowers are of two types: perfect,
containing both male and female parts, which are capable of developing into the olive fruits;
and male, which contain only the pollen-producing parts.
Adopted: from: September 2016)

20. What medium is needed by olive trees for pollination?

A. Wind.
B. Water.
C. lnsects.
D. Human.

21. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A. Perfect olive flowers
B. Characteristics of olive flowers.
C. Pollination on olive trees.
D. The blossom of olive flowers.

22. What will happen if an olive tree has male flowers only?
A. lt will have fruits.
B. It cannot grow well.
C. lt will have no fruits.
D. lt will not attract pollinators.

23. The underlined word in "The wood is resistant to decay." is closest in meaning to....
A. prior
B. prominent
C. persistent
D. invulnerable

The following text is for questions 24 to 27.

A popsicle stick tower is a common engineering project to be assigned at school. This
project is fun and relatively easy to do.
You'll need:
Popsicle wooden sticks
What to do:
1. Arrange four popsicle sticks together in a square.
2. Glue each piece together and wait for the glue to dry. The glue does not need to be
completely dry, but you should make sure it has set enough that the sticks will not
move as you handle the square.
3. Place a popsicle stick diagonally across the square and glue it.
4. Repeat these whole processes to make, enough braced squares to complete your
5. Combine three squares into three-fourths of a cube and glue these pieces together.
6. Attach the fourth side to the cube. Once the glue has set, you can attach the final side
to the cube.
7. Repeat the whole processes in assembling four squares into 4 cube until you have
enough cubes to build the tower as high as you want.
8. Stack two cubes on top of each other and glue the joints of the cubes together.
9. Clamp the joints of the cubes in place. Use clothespins or workbench clamps and attach
the clips to hold the two cubes together.
10. Repeat the process with another cube. When you glue the last cube on top, your tower
is finished!
Adopted f rom : (21st Semptember 2016)

24. What is the text about?

A. How to make popsicle sticks.
B. How to arrange four popsicle
C. How to make a popsicle stick tower.
D. How to glue pieces of popsicle sticks.

25. What are popsicle sticks made of?

A. Metal.
B. Wood.
C. Bamboos.
D. Aluminum.

26. Why should we wait for the glue to dry?

A. To build the tower as tall as we want sticks.
B. To arrange four popsicle sticks together.
C. To avoid the sticks from moving while handling.
D. To make sure the sticks are not broken.

27. "...but you should make sure it has set enough...." (Step 2)
The underlined word refers to....
A. The glue
B. the stick
C. the cube
D. the square

The following text is for questions 28 to 30.

It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold.
The hedgehogs, realising the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This
way they covered and protected themselves, but the quills of each one wounded their
closest companions.
After a while, they decided to distance themselves one from the other. They began
to die, alone and frozen. Then, they had to make a choice; either accepted the quills of their
companions or disappeared from the Earth.
Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with little
wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the heat
that came from the others. This way they were able to survive.
Adopted from : (14th September 2016)

28. Why did the hedgehogs choose to stay away from each other?
A. They were afraid to quarrel.
B. They used to be alone.
C. They began to die due to cold.
D. Their quills hurt their closest companions.

29. What is the main idea of paragraph four?

A. The hedgehogs'survival.
B. Thehedgehogs'togetherness.
C. The heat received from others.
D. Wounds caused by close relationships.

30. What can we learn from the story?

A. We should be respectful to each other.
B. We should stay alone to avoid wounds.
C. We should learn to live with problems while living with others.
D. We should protect ourselves from cold weather.

The following text is for questions 31 to 34.

These big animals are named the American bisons, but most people call them
buffaloes. They are the largest terrestrial animals in North America.
It is very haid to mistake bisons. They have several unique traits that help identify
them. One of the most noiticeable is the hump on their shoulders.
American bisons like to live and travel in groups. They communicate by hearing and
smelling. The most important communication is done with pheromones and smells,
especially during reproduction.
Winter can be very hard on bisons. The cold and lack of food can take their tolls,
especially if the bisons are sick, injured, young or old. Very young bisons have the highest
risk of dying over the winter. Despite their huge sizes, bisons still have to worry about
predators. Buffalo calves can easily become the prey of grizzly bears.
Today, bisons are only wild in national parks, state parks and reserves.
Adopted f rom: http://www.nwf.orgArVildlifeArVildlife-Library/Mammals/ Bison.aspx (14th September 2016)

31. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. A bison's formidable size.
B. A bison's hump on its shoulder.
C. People's miss identification on bisons.
D. The most prominent trait of a bison.

32. What should we do to bisons?

A. We identify them well.
B. We preserve them in town parks.
C. We protect them from extinction.
D. We employ them for production.

33. From the text we can conclude that....

A. Bisons prey on bears
B. a bison has a hump on its back
C. bisons are endangered animals
D. bisons don't like to live in colonies

34. The underlined word in "Despite their huge sizes, bisons still have to worry about
predators." Has the closest meaning to....
A. Trivial
B. Abundant
C. Powerful
D. Immense

The following text is for questions 35 to 37.

I always go to school by bus. Every time I am on the bus, I am always interested in
noticing the bus driver. Do you know why? The bus driver is a woman! Due to my curiosity, I
chitchatted with her when she was resting in a bus station one afternoon. She is very
friendly and patient.
As written on its name tag, the bus driver's name is Arsita. People usually call her
Mrs. lta. This forty-year-old woman is tall and looks sturdy. She has tanned skin and short
hair. She always wears a uniform and hat while driving.
Mrs. lta is a single parent. Her husband died a few years ago. She has two sons, so
she has to work for survival. She never gives up. She has done many kinds of jobs before
driving a bus. All she does only for her sons' education. What a great woman!

35. What is the text about?

A. A bus driver.
B. A bus passenger.
C. A single parent's life.
D. An interview with a great woman.

36. Why does the writer admire Mrs. Arsita?

A. She is a bus driver.
B. She is a good housewife.
C. She has to work for survival.
D. She has a very great spirit of life.

37. This forty-year-old woman is tall and looks sturdy." (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. thin
B. firm
C. elegant
D. susceptible

The following text is for questions 38 to 37.

A long time ago, there was a small village in Bali. All the villagers were farmers and
they were very happy. Their land was fertile and they always had great harvests.
One day, a young man named l Tundung came to the village. He went to the richest
farmer in the village named Jero Pasek and asked for work.
Jero Pasek accepted him and I Tundung was very happy. He did not want to
disappoint his master, so he worked diligently. Even when he had to work in arid areas, he
was successfull. Jero Pasek was very grateful. He always had great harvests and became
Unfortunately, a thief stole the harvests and I Tundung was never able to catch the
thief. The harvests kept on missing, that made Jero Pasek was angry, "l'm very disappointed
in you. I have lost a lot of harvests!"
I Tundung was sad. He didn't want to make his master disappointed. He isolated
himself in a distant place and heard a voice, "l know your problem and I will help you. I will
change you into a big black snake. You will live in the hill and you can protect the harvests."
I Tundung agreed. Slowly, he changed into a big black snake. Meanwhile, Jero Pasek
was looking for I Tundung. When he arrived at his field, he saw a big black snake. He was
very surprised when the snake was able to talk, "Don't be afraid, Sir. lt's me, l Tundung.
From now on, I will always protect your harvests."
Adopted f rom: farmer.html (21st September 2016)

38. What is the best title for the text?

A. A Rich Farmer
B. Great Harvests
C. A Faithful Worker
D. A Kindhearted Snake

39. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A. l Tundung's good work.
B. l Tundung'shappiness.
C. Jero Pasek's gratitude.
D. Jero Paseks great harvests.

40. Why did l Tundung change into a snake?

A. To amuse his master.
B. To protect his master's harvests.
C. To show his regret to his master.
D. To catch a thief stealing the harvests.

For questions 41 to 43, choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.
Cuttlefish are small-medium sized molluscs. They have large, elongated bodies with
tentacles surrounding their mouths. They are found in large numbers (41)...the world's
ocean waters, from the warm, tropical shallows to the cold of the deep ocean. Cuttlefish
are well known for the flashing colours that (42)...on their bodies. They also have ink sacks
which eject ink in order to fool oncoming predators. Besides, they use their ability to change
body colours to hide themselves, before (43)...their preys with the sucker-pads on the end
of their long tentacles.
Adopted from: September 2016)
41. A. across C. towards
B. beyond D. throughout

42. A. is displayed C. was displayed

B. are displayed D. were displayed

43. A. catch C. catches

B. cought D. catching

For questions 44 to 46, choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.
Last Sunday Binsar had (44)...amusing experience. As usual, he spent his day in a
river near his cousin's house. He usually fished in the river, (45)...that day, Binsar and his
cousin planned a new experience. They would raft in the river. Early in the morning, helped
by Binsar's uncle, they made a raft from bamboos. The bamboos were tied very tightly,
using cords and strings. When the raft had been ready, Binsar and his cousin prepared
themselves. They wore life jackets for safety. Then, they pushed the raft into the river and
settled on it. They followed the current and fought against the current. Occasionally, their
raft was shaky, but they could managed it very well. It was really (46)...

44. A. a C. the
B. an D. a few

45. A. but C. so
B. and D. although

46. A. thrilling C. thouching

B. boring D. disappointing
For questions 47 and 48, arrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.
47. Was-his whistle-his goal-Bryan-when-blew-celebrating the refree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The correct arrangement of the words is....
A. 4-1-7-2-5-8-6-3
B. 4-1-7-3-5-8-6-2
C. 8-1-6-2-5-4-7-3
D. 8-1-7-3-5-4-6-2

48. to bed- to lock-before-the door-forget-and-going-dont-windows

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The correct arrangement of the words is....
A. 8-5-2-4-6-9-3-7-1
B. 8-5-2-9-6-4-3-7-1
C. 8-5-2-4-3-7-1-6-9
D. 8-5-2-9-3-7-1-6-4

For questions 49 and 50, arrange the sentences to make sequential paragraphs.
(1) Attach a USB stick to the OTG (On-The-Go) cable.
(2) Finally, navigate to the USB storage drive.
(3) Grant Stick Mount superuser access when prompted.
(4) Connect OTG (On-The-Go) cable to your phone.
(5) Open your file manager. If your phone come with file manager, Install Astro File
(6) First, install Stick Mount.
(7) Check "use by default" and tap OK when your phone pops up a prompt that says
"Open Stick Mount when this USB device is connected".
(8) There are several procedures on how to connect a USB stick to your mobile phone.
Here is one of them.
Adopted from:,news-2121 g.html (21st
September 2016)
The correct arrangement of the sentences is. . .
A. 8-6-4-5-1-3-7-2
B. 8-6-4-5-1-7-3-2
C. 8-6-4-1-5-7-3-2
D. 8-4-4-1-7-3-5-2

(1) They are hunted for their priceless hide, tendons, meat, fat and flesh.
(2) The fur also camouflages them against the white landscape in which they live in.
(3) Only traditional weapons were allowed to be used in hunting them.
(4) As we know, they live throughout the arctic region.
(5) Polar bears have heavy white fur.
(6) In efforts to protect polar bears, an international agreement was set up in 1973.
(7) The thick layer of fur insulates them against the extreme cold of the climate.
(8) Nowadays polar bears are endangered due to the man's excessive hunting.
Adopted from: (14th September 201 6)
The correct arrangement of the sentences is....
A. 5-7-4-6-3-1-8-2
B. 5-7-4-2-1-6-3-8
C. 5-7-2-4-8-1-6-3
D. 5-7-2-4-3-8-1-6

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