Schem SPI Release Bulletin2009SP4

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SmartPlant Instrumentation

Release Bulletin

Version 2009 SP4 (9.0.4)

October 2009/June 2012

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New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation........................................................................................... 5
SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 Service Pack 4 .................................................................................. 5
General ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Hook-Ups and Loops ........................................................................................................................ 5
Import Manager ................................................................................................................................ 5
Integration ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Process Data .................................................................................................................................... 6
Wiring................................................................................................................................................ 6
SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 Service Pack 3 .................................................................................. 8
General ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Admin Module ................................................................................................................................... 9
Calibration ........................................................................................................................................ 9
DDP Module ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Document Binder .............................................................................................................................. 9
Enhanced Reports ............................................................................................................................ 9
Loops & Hook-Ups ......................................................................................................................... 10
Instrument Index ............................................................................................................................. 10
Interface .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Telecom .......................................................................................................................................... 10
SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 Service Pack 2 ................................................................................ 10
General Features ............................................................................................................................ 10
Enhanced Reports .......................................................................................................................... 10
Hook-Ups ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Integration ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Instrument Index ............................................................................................................................. 11
Process Data .................................................................................................................................. 11
Reports ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Specifications ................................................................................................................................. 11
Telecom .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Wiring.............................................................................................................................................. 12
SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 Service Pack 1 ................................................................................ 12
2009 Service Pack 1 Installation .................................................................................................... 12
General Features ............................................................................................................................ 12
As-Built and Projects ...................................................................................................................... 12
Domain Explorer ............................................................................................................................. 13
Enhanced Reports .......................................................................................................................... 13
Integration ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Internationalization ......................................................................................................................... 14
Naming Conventions ...................................................................................................................... 14
Rule Manager ................................................................................................................................. 14
Specifications ................................................................................................................................. 15
Wiring.............................................................................................................................................. 15
SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 ......................................................................................................... 15
General Features ............................................................................................................................ 15
Administration Features.................................................................................................................. 16
As-Built and Projects ...................................................................................................................... 16
Enhanced Reports .......................................................................................................................... 16

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 3


Hook-Ups ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Integration ....................................................................................................................................... 16
KKS................................................................................................................................................. 16
Reports ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Volumetric Flow Unit Condition ...................................................................................................... 17

General Notes ............................................................................................................................................ 19

Installing SmartPlant Instrumentation on a 64-Bit Operating System ............................................ 19
Upgrading from Version 7 to 2009 ................................................................................................. 19
Retrieving DCS Catalogs................................................................................................................ 20

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons .................................................................................................. 21

Common Icons ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Administration Module .......................................................................................................................... 23
Browser Module .................................................................................................................................... 25
Instrument Index Module ...................................................................................................................... 26
Specifications Module ........................................................................................................................... 27
Wiring Module ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Fieldbus ................................................................................................................................................. 34
Process Data Module ............................................................................................................................ 35
Calculation Module ............................................................................................................................... 36
Loop Drawings Module ......................................................................................................................... 38
Hook-Ups Module ................................................................................................................................. 38
Calibration Module ................................................................................................................................ 39
Maintenance Module ............................................................................................................................. 41
Dimensional Data Module ..................................................................................................................... 41
Doc Binder Module ............................................................................................................................... 42
PSR File Viewer (Report Viewer) .......................................................................................................... 43
Internal Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 44

Internationalization .................................................................................................................................... 45

4 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin


New Features in SmartPlant

This section provides short descriptions of the new features in SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009
and its service packs. For details of features added in previous versions of SmartPlant
Instrumentation, see the Release Bulletin document supplied with the specific version.

SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 Service Pack 4

The floating tool bar for all modules is no longer supported.
Accessing documents of a unit that you are not logged to is now limited to View Only, or
Access Denied. This applies to Specification, Calculation, and Process Data modules

Hook-Ups and Loops

It is now possible to use the Hook-Up Tag browser to filter a subset of Hook-Ups and
generate them in one batch in the CAD application of your choice, instead of one by one.
You can also select a number of Enhanced SmartLoop Hook-Up drawings from a Hook-Up
browser and generate them in one batch. Also it is now possible to view a CAD Hook-Up
drawing, in the CAD application of your choice, from a Hook-Up browser.
The loop numbers duplication process is now shorter and more efficient. It is now possible
to select a group of loop numbers and duplicate them together with their instruments from a
single dialog box without having to go through the duplication process separately for each
loop. A process log summarizing the results can be viewed and printed.

Import Manager
It is now possible to create an entirely structured cable using reference cable name
The new capabilities include:
Having the ability to import a new plant cable to SmartPlant Instrumentation based on a
reference cable name.
Copying the new cable data from the reference data and naming the cable according to
the source (the cable name is in an external file).
Maintaining a linkage between the new plant cable and its reference cable.
Adding data to the external source such as cable length, UOM, drum, UDFs etc., will
override the information in the source data.
The software rejects cable creation if the reference cable cannot be found and informs
the user of the reason for the rejection.
This feature does not support the Compare option.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 5

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

Changes have been made to the software to dramatically improve the speed at which the
software publishes data, removing the publishing limitations and enabling the publication of
unlimited data and multiple documents.
To reduce the number of Update tasks in the To Do List, when a new Update task is created
for an item, the application now checks if an Update task exists for this item and then
merges the old Update task with the new task. If the old task has been moved to the
deferred buffer then the new merged task will also be added to the deferred buffer.
Publishing an Instrument Index browser at the Plant and Area level, as well as the Unit level,
is now possible.
The SmartPlant Instrumentation Adapter now supports conditional mapping in SmartPlant
You can now publish the Instrument Index Standard Browser for the entire plant instead of
just at the unit level. After publishing at the plant level for the first time you can then apply a
filter to display specific units.
After you start to publish documents from an Instrument Index Standard Browser
view, you cannot change the default view. Changing the view results in incorrect revision
numbers and inconsistencies between the graphical and XML output files. To publish the
Instrument Index Standard Browser at a different level you must create a new Index
Browser and a new view.

The Honeywell controller configuration is now supported in a bi-directional interface with
SmartPlant Instrumentation To use the Honeywell controller configuration in SmartPlant
Instrumentation you must first download the Honeywell definitions for these controllers. For
more information see the SmartPlant Instrumentation Online help or contact Intergraph
The DeltaV CHARM configuration is now supported when publishing in SmartPlant

Process Data
Pipe standards have been updated and the following standards are now supported:
ASME B36.10M-2004 for steel pipes
ASME B36.19M-2004 for stainless steel pipes

A new option has been added to the Multi-Strip Panel Report with Adjacent
connections. Whereas the multi-strip report displays the selected strips and their adjacent
connections, the consolidated report allows you to display selected panel strips with all their
adjacent connections and any other connections between any of the strips.

6 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

The consolidated report displays the selected terminal strips, adjacent terminal strips,
connecting cables and any cable or cross-wire connected between any of the retrieved
strips. For example, below are two configurations where terminal strips A, D, and G have
been selected. As a result strips b, c, e, f, h & i and their adjacent strips (gray thin cables)
are retrieved. The application also looks for any other connections between any of the strips
(red thick cables). In the case of the first example the connections between terminal strips c
and e and f and h. In the second example, between the terminal strips c and e, A and f, and
also D and h.

The consolidated report only displays once, any strip that is adjacent to two selected strips,
as shown in the following example:

Terminal c is only displayed on the report once as it is adjacent to both the selected
terminals A and D. In the regular Multi-Strip Panel Report with Adjacent connections it is
displayed twice once connected to A and then a second time connected to D.
Also in the Domain Explorer > Drawings > Multi-Terminals Strip Diagrams, a list of all
the strips that are retrieved will appear under the node with the document name. For each
strip, the hierarchy leading to it will be shown as well. In this hierarchy, only nodes that
directly lead to the terminal strip will be shown.
You access the consolidated report from the Reports menu > Multi-Strip > With Adjacent
Connections > Panel Strip Selection dialog box.
We recommend that you select Item registry from the Domain features of the
Domain Definition when working with Consolidated reports.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 7

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 Service Pack 3

Macro Expansion A new macro expansion mechanism now allows batch creation of
typical loops and/or typical instruments that are available from the Reference Explorer. The
macro can be executed as a property of a task through the integration to do list. In operation
mode, SmartPlant P&ID can specify which macro is executed in SmartPlant Instrumentation.
Macros can be expanded in two ways:
In Batch mode From the macro folder, a macro containing a few loops and/or
instruments can be expanded, creating the loops and/or instruments.
In an integrated environment, a P&ID item containing a macro name can be retrieved to
the To do list as an items property, when the item is created from the To do list, all the
loops and/or instruments that were specified in the macro are created.
This feature is currently not supported by the Import Utility.
Graphic User Interface Changes have been made to the Graphic User Interface to help
improve the user experience. These changes include:
The introduction of tabs for switching between open modules, windows, and so forth.

Clearer, easier to read icons.

Subtle changes to the SmartPlant Instrumentations color scheme.

8 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

Admin Module
The Upgrade utility has been improved so that you can now upgrade all your Domain and
Administration schemas from a single window. You can choose to upgrade the
Administration schema and all the domains, a selection of domains, or just one domain at a
time, on completion of the upgrade process you can view each domain's schema log from
the upgrade window.

The Calibration Upgrade Utility has been improved to run multiple upgrades at the same
time. Also it is now possible to choose to continue the upgrade after an error has been

DDP Module
The DDP library had been enhanced by separating the content of the DDP groups
developed specifically for SmartPlant 3D from the previous PDS based DDP groups. In
addition, the content of the SmartPlant 3D library had been greatly expanded and
synchronized with the standard SmartPlant 3D delivered content.

Document Binder
When creating a revision of a Specification Binder, if any of the binders content fails to be
revised or is not processed, any changes made to the package are discarded and the
package restored to the previous version. A list is displayed in the Spec Binder Revisions
Results dialog box indicating which items failed or were not processed.

Enhanced Reports
If you have Enhanced Reports that are part of a document binder package, for example,
Panel Strip reports, it is now possible to generate those reports and display in the report title
block the revision attributes of the binder package.
Changes have been made to the Access Rights for Layout and Drawing levels that now
allow you to assign access rights to a user at the Layout level or the Drawing level. A user
who does not have access rights to the Layout or Drawing levels, can still assign a loop to
a layout.
3 new sets of macros have been added to the macros that can be used in a title block. The
3 macros are:
Plant UDF
Area UDF
Unit UDF
A new preference has been added to the Enhanced Reports, Show one instance of each
cable in drawing. When a cable appears on a drawing more than once, if this preference is
selected the software displays only one cable (all the relevant connections are still
displayed) giving you a cleaner, less cluttered drawing.
It is now possible to display cross-wire names on a drawing instead of the default,
Cross-Wiring. This is done by using the macro relationships Wire - Cable to display the
cross-wire name instead of the default name.
It is now possible (in custom mode) to display all macros associated with an assembled
symbol, those that are connected to a signal and those that are not connected to a signal.
This is done by selecting the preference Show all macros for assembled symbols in the
Enhanced SmartLoop > View preferences.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 9

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

4 new macro configurations have been added for use in the Enhanced Report Utility:
Terminal Strip - Master Wiring Equipment - Child Wiring Equipment
Terminal - Channel - Terminal Strip - Master Wiring Equipment - Child Wiring
Channel - Terminal Strip - Master Wiring Equipment - Child Wiring Equipment
Channel - Terminal Strip - Wiring Equipment - Slot - Controller

Loops & Hook-Ups

Hook-Up and Loop generation is now possible from AutoCAD versions 2010 and higher.

Instrument Index
Stream, a new field, has been added to the Control Valve Browser. This field displays the
flow in a line, using the values Upstream or Downstream.

New terminal patterns (nos.17 to 29) have been added to the Yokogawa interface.

It is now possible to connect a patch cable between panels having plug-and-socket groups.

SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 Service Pack 2

General Features
SmartPlant Instrumentation now supports bundled licenses (Plant Engineering Solutions -
PES). It is possible to acquire a bundled number of SmartPlant Instrumentation, SmartPlant
P&ID, and SmartPlant Electrical seats that will have equal weight. These seats can be
shared if needed.

Enhanced Reports
An alternate DCS detail symbol has been added to the Enhanced reports Utility. In this
symbol, the Control System Tag list (CSTag info) is displayed below the I/O Type and
Channel, providing room for a list of multiple control system tags when multiple control
system tags are assigned to the same channel. The symbols name is Alt_DcsDetail.sym.
This symbol can be used by either of the following methods:
The symbol can be manually replaced with symbol DcsDetail.sym (by renaming it to
DcsDetail.sym, this overwrites the existing symbol and cannot be undone). In this case,
this symbol will be used as a DCS detail symbol for all drawings that display DCS.
The symbol can be assigned as the Symbol Detail File for a specific panel
manufacturer in the Panel Manufactures dialog box. The Alt_DcsDetail.sym symbol
will be used only for panels of this manufacturer, on drawings that use these panels.
You can now scale a report to fit your printer paper without having to change the template of
your Enhanced Report. For example, in the Enhanced Report Utility you use the A4Tall
template to view your report on screen, but when you print the report you want to print to A3,
you can now set a preference to override the template size when printing directly to a printer.

10 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

The following macros have been added to the list of macros that can be viewed in an
Enhanced Report Utility Hook-Up drawing:
Area name (tag value appears in the tag list)
Level (tag value appears in the tag list)
Hook-Up user defined fields (value appears in title block)
Hook-Up description (value appears in title block)

When associating tags with hook-ups, it is now possible to designate which tags you want to
view and which tags you want to hide when creating a report, both in print preview and
Hook-Ups can now be saved at the layout level using the Save Custom Changes
command in the Enhanced Report Utility.

Publishing a Dimensional Data sheet now includes the End Prep Design Code Property, for
example ANSI B16.10.

Instrument Index
You can now associate up to three downstream lines with certain types of instrument tags
via Tag Properties > Associations tab, providing you first define an upstream line. This is
also reflected in the tag's process data and calculation. The additional fields can be used
when customizing browsers and specs.

Process Data
On a process data sheet it is now possible to assign a category, from the Fluid state field,
of N/A or other, for when a fluid state is not applicable (N/A) or is a type of fluid state than
those supplied in the Fluid state field.

The Save As dialog box used with Print Preview for all modules now allows encoding
selection. The default setting is Unicode.

You can now edit and overwrite a section that is used in a composite spec, in the same way
you can edit a page used in a specification.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 11

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

The Telecom module is now part of the SmartPlant instrumentation main product and no
longer requires a separate license.

SmartPlant Instrumentation now allows the placement of a set of wiring equipment under
another set of wiring equipment.
You can now add connection points to a wiring equipment symbol using the Connection
Points commands in Symbol Editor.
Plug and Socket Group wizard A new wizard that helps you create a plug and socket
wiring group for use with wiring equipment. You can then connect cables to the wiring
equipment and display the cables and wiring equipment in a cable block diagram.
Cable Block Diagrams (CBD) can now contain Panels and Wiring Equipment and have
filters applied to them using the Filter option in the Domain Explorer.

SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 Service Pack 1

2009 Service Pack 1 Installation
When installing SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 Service Pack 1, a previous installation of
SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 is not required. During installation of the service pack in
this mode (no previous 2009 installation), Setup will perform a full product installation and
will prompt you for the product Serial Number. If you are installing the service pack on top
of an existing SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 installation, you will not receive a prompt for
the product Serial Number.

General Features
It is possible to define custom fields for electrical equipment. Electrical equipment has been
added as a new item type on the Custom Fields dialog box in the Administration module.
Also, the Associated Electrical Equipment supporting table in the Instrument Index
module now has thirty additional custom fields for electrical equipment.
It is now possible to create instrument tags without spaces, for details see the Rule Manager

As-Built and Projects

In an Owner Operator domain (As-Built), you can now work with the Cable Routing
functions that were previously only available in an EPC domain. When claiming cables that
have cable routing data, the cable routing data is now also moved to the project. In the
project, you can add new routing data, edit existing routing data, generate Cable Routing
Reports, and then merge the data back into the As-Built plant. The Cable Routing functions
can be performed across projects of the same plant.
In an Owner Operator domain (As-Built), it is now possible to work with cable drums as you
would in an EPC domain.

12 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

It is recommended that any cables in the As-Built that have been assigned to
cable drums, are un-assigned from their drums before you claim them to the project.
Failure to do so will result in inconsistencies in the As-Built drum data when merging the
cables back to the As-Built. Cable drums created in the project can be merged to the
As-Built without creating any discrepancies in the As-Built drum data.

Domain Explorer
Uncoupled CS Tags Uncoupled CS tags (CS tags that are not linked to another tag), are
now stored in Uncoupled CS Tags folder added to the Domain Explorer under the Unit
Cables and Panels folders Cables and Panels now appear in their respective folders
under the Unit they were assigned, in as well as in the main folders under the plant
hierarchy. It is also possible to drag and drop cables and panels from one unit to another.

Enhanced Reports
An assembly is a symbol created by combining a number of component symbols into one.
Until now if a change was made to one of the component symbols, the changes were not
reflected in the assembly without carrying out complex editing of the assembly symbol. Now,
using the Update Assembly command, changes made to component symbols are reflected
in the assembly symbol easily.
As well as displaying OPCs (Off Page Connectors) between drawing sheets, the Enhanced
Report Utility now has the ability to create OPCs between loop drawings. This new OPC
functionality allows you to display a dynamic reference to a related loop drawing and open it
from within another loop drawing. The OPC between drawings functions in regular and
custom modes.
Pairing of OPCs between loop drawings, allows you to select an OPC on one loop
drawing and pair it to another OPC on a different loop drawing. Then when you use the
OPC to open the second loop drawing, after the loop drawing has been generated, the
software automatically zooms-in to display the area around the paired OPC.
Labeling an OPC allows you to add an OPC Label text box to your OPC, you can then
use this label to give the OPC a unique name or descriptive text.
The OPCs between drawing sheets are now automatically created in custom mode as
well as in regular mode.
After upgrading to the Enhanced Report Utility 2009 Service Pack 1, upgraded
custom loops are now generated automatically with OPCs where the custom loop
drawing meets the required parameters.
Swap Objects Command - a new function added to the Enhanced Reports Utility that
allows the user to select two objects and swap their position visually on a report, without
making any changes to the sequencing, connections, and so forth.
Saving Custom Symbols in a Layout A new preference has been added to SmartPlant
Instrumentation that allows for the saving of customized symbols within a layout. This
allows you to generate a customized loop or fieldbus drawing that displays the customized
symbols instead of the default symbols.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 13

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

New user-defined fields are available in SmartPlant Instrumentation that allow you to map
electrical equipment for publish and retrieve.
When SmartPlant Instrumentation retrieves data from SmartPlant P&ID, it traverses piping
connectivity from instruments to detect relationships to process lines and process
equipment. This has now been enhanced to include special cases for relief valves.
Soft tags are now created from P&ID Control System Function objects when retrieving from
SmartPlant P&ID.
When publishing instrument tags from the Instrument Index module, in addition to
conventional tags, SmartPlant Instrumentation also supports publishing of tags belonging to
the following tag classes: Foundation Fieldbus, HART, Profibus-DP, Profibus-PA, and Soft
Tags. By default, all tags belonging to any of these tag classes are published. If you wish
to restrict the tag classes that are published, you can apply appropriate filters.
It is now possible, from the Style dialog box, to enable for the current browser view to
become available in the Show Browser dialog box that you open from an explorer window,
and the Find Documents to Publish wizard when working in an integrated environment

Updated translation and localization kits are now available for various languages.

Naming Conventions
A new NamingConventionMap.xml that handles conventional instruments and other
instrument classes such as Soft Tags, Fieldbus and so forth, is included with this Service
Pack 1 installation. Installing Service Pack 1 over SmartPlant instrumentation 2009
overwrites the existing NamingConventionMap.xml with the new one. If you have
customized the NamingConventionMap.xml in SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 or earlier
and want to save these customizations for use with Service Pack 1, change the
NamingConventionMap.xml file name to NamingConventionMapOLD.xml, which is
under the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder. After installing Service Pack 1, copy and
paste your customizations to the new NamingConventionMap.xml file in the XML folder.
For more details see, SmartPlant Instrumentation Installation and Upgrade Guide >
Pre-Installation Requirements > Upgrading the NamingConventions.xml File.

Rule Manager
A new rule is provided with the shipped data that enables you to trim all the extra spaces in
tag number names. In Rule Manager, enable the Trim Instrument Tag Names rule in the
Instrument Index folder.

14 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

You can associate an instrument tag with several specification forms and set an active
specification for that tag number. The specification can be a single-tag or a composite
specification but not a multi-tag specification. Also, if the selected tag has several process
data cases, you can associate different specification forms for each case.
You can now define a printout size for the Multi-Tag List of a multi-item specification.

Cable Routing and Cable Drum functionality have been improved to allow for their use at a
project level.
It is now possible to drag and drop cables and panels from one unit to another. For details,
see the Domain Explorer section.
SmartPlant Instrumentation now allows you to export cables to SmartPlant Electrical. This
way SmartPlant Instrumentation cables can be worked on using all the available cable
management features of SmartPlant Electrical.

SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009

General Features
You can execute an upgrade using a command line upgrade format command.
You can upgrade directly from SmartPlant Instrumentation 7, Service Pack 7 to SmartPlant
Instrumentation 2009.
Network installation is no longer available as an option in the Setup.
SmartPlant Instrumentation allows you to perform external programming that enables two
types of external function for additional customized validation and update of data in
SmartPlant Instrumentation. The underlying principle of the external functions is that your
SmartPlant Instrumentation administrator can define additional validation and update rules in
SmartPlant Instrumentation Rule Manager. SmartPlant Instrumentation will utilize these
rules at runtime. In order for SmartPlant Instrumentation to activate these rules, additional
code will have to be written by your programmer.
The performance of batch deletion of loops and tags in the SmartPlant Instrumentation
(Domain and Reference) Explorer has been improved.
Changes have been made to the User Interface (icons, dialog boxes, and so forth)
throughout SmartPlant Instrumentation, to improve the user experience.
The software now supports AutoCAD 2008.
SmartPlant Instrumentation allows you to export cables to SmartPlant Electrical.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 15

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

Administration Features
The software now has an enhanced encryption mechanism.
You can delete multiple engineering projects from the Domain Administrator using the DBA
> Delete Projects command.

As-Built and Projects

When working with projects and As-Built, the software can merge project items into As-Built
without all users having to log off from the domain.
DCS interfaces work from As-Built in Owner operator domains.

Enhanced Reports
Standard macro functions in a loop or hook-up drawing available with a CAD generation
function when the drawing is created with the Enhanced Report Utility. In addition four new
macro functions have been added for use in both CAD and the Enhanced Report Utility.
Left Trim
Right Trim
New user-defined macros have been added:
System Substr Left truncates and displays the first 4 characters of a string (Start 1
length 4) .
System Substr Right truncates and displays 4 places of a string from the seventh
character of a string (Start 7 length 4).

Hook-up items may now include leading zeros and decimal points.
Hook-up items are sorted as numbers and not as strings using the Reference Explorer.

SmartPlant Instrumentation supports publishing from an Instrument Index browser, only
those items that appear in a filtered view.

When working with the KKS naming convention, SmartPlant Instrumentation allows for the
customization of the numeric cable sequence so that it can be extended to meet 3
characters in the cable numbering part of the numbering element of the KKS cable name.

16 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

SmartPlant Instrumentation supports InfoMaker 11 Service Pack 2. InfoMaker 10 and
earlier versions are not supported.

Volumetric Flow Unit Condition

New Volumetric Flow Unit conditions have been added to the Pressure Condition (Uflg
database column) for the Calibration, Instrument, and DCS ranges. The new values are:
These values are available for:
Calibration data
CS tags
Specification sheets
Instrument Index Browser
To use these new values in existing Specification sheets you must first regenerate
the sheet.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 17

New Features in SmartPlant Instrumentation

18 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin


General Notes

Installing SmartPlant Instrumentation on a 64-Bit Operating

When installing SmartPlant Instrumentation on a 64-bit operating system, the default installation
folder is Program Files (x86).

Upgrading from Version 7 to 2009

After upgrading from version 7 to version 2009 certain macros no longer function or
exist. These macros are:
Left_term_num and Right_term_num. After upgrading the macros are replaced
automatically with the macro Term_num and the user-defined macro function SYSTEM
The following macros no longer exist in version 2009.
Remote macros can no longer be used in version 2009. After upgrading from version
7 these macros are replaced by relations to the primary item.
The Hook-Up macro definition HOOK-UP > DRAWING REVISION > NUMBER
(Curr_rev_num), has been moved and renamed to Last Revision Number. It can now be
found in the Macro Definitions dialog box under Item Type: Document >Item Relation:
None > Item: Last Revision Number (Curr_rev_num).
The Wiring Equipment System I/O Type macro no longer exists. To place a similar macro on
a drawing you must from the Macro Definitions dialog box select Macro Type: Terminal
strip > Relation: Terminal strip - Wiring Equipment > Macro: Instrument I/O type.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 19

General Notes

Retrieving DCS Catalogs

In an integrated environment, retrieving DCS Catalogs no longer requires that the
SmartPlant Schema Component and SmartPlant Client are installed on your local machine.

Publishing DCS Catalogs still requires that the SmartPlant Schema Component and
SmartPlant Client be installed.
If you are working with the SmartPlant Instrumentation - SmartPlant Electrical
point-to-point interface, you should install the SmartPlant Schema Component and
SmartPlant Client from the SmartPlant Instrumentation installation DVD. If you are
working in a fully integrated environment then, you must install these items from the
SmartPlant Foundation installation DVD.

20 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin


New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

This document describes the icons on the SmartPlant Instrumentation toolbars, comparing the
icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions.

Common Icons
The following table displays the common SmartPlant Instrumentation icons, comparing the icons
from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The icons are listed

Main SmartPlant Instrumentation Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Lowest Plant Hierarchy
As-Built Data (Owner operator
domains only)
Project Data (Owner operator
domains only)
Generate Reports
Instrument Index
Process Data
Loop Drawings
Document Binder

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 21

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

General Icons
Name Old Icon New Icon

First Page
First Report
Last Page
Last Report
Next Page
Next Report
Previous Page
Previous Report
Print All
Save As

22 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon

Search (Explorer Windows)

New Custom View (Explorer
View (Explorer Windows)


Administration Module
The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration module icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The
icons are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

General Toolbar Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon


System Administration Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon



Domain Definition Window Toolbar (System Administration)

Name Old Icon New Icon



SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 23

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon


Domain Administration Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Project Activities
Naming Conventions
Custom Fields

Domain Definition Window Toolbar (Domain Administration)

Name Old Icon New Icon



Access Rights

Access Rights Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon
Global Access Rights
Copy Access Rights

24 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Access Rights Window Group List Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon
Access Rights at
Domain Level
Access Rights at
Plant Level
Access Rights at Unit

Browser Module
The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Browser module icons, comparing
the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The icons are listed
in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Browser Manager Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open View

Add View


Browser View Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Browser Manager

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 25

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Instrument Index Module

The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Instrument Index module icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The
icons are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Instrument Index Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

New Tag

Tag Number
Duplicate Tag
New Loop
Loop Properties
Duplicate Loop
Rename Loop

Browser View - Default View Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Tag Number
Browser Manager

Supporting Table
Delete Tag

26 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Specifications Module
The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Specification module icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The
icons are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Specifications Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Specification

Page Editor

Section Editor
Form Editor
Format Editor
Spec Data Dictionary

Instrument Specification Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Specification

Expand Notes

Additional Toolbar Icons for Multi-Tag Instrument Specifications

Name Old Icon New Icon

Add Tag
Find Tag

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 27

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Page Editor Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Page

Open File

Save as Page
Save as File
Regenerate Page
Edit Fields and
New Composite Page
Add Sections
Form List
Delete Page

Edit Fields and Headers Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Column List

View Names

Computed Fields
Show Invisible Fields

Section Editor Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Section

28 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open File

Save as Section
Save as File
Regenerate Section
Edit Fields and
Page List
Delete Sections

Form Editor Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Form

New Form

Save as Form
New Page
Remove Page
Sort pages
Page List
Delete Form N/A

Format Editor Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Format


Generate Format
Multi-Item List N/A
Printout Size

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 29

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Spec Data Dictionary Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Form


Generate Format
Multi-Item List N/A
Printout Size

Form Data Template Editor Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Form

Change Form Data
Template Name
Expand Notes

Composite Specification Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Specification

Add Tags
Remove Tags

30 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Wiring Module
The following tables display the SmartPlant Instrumentation Wiring module icons, comparing the
icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The icons are listed in
the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Wiring Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Device Panels

Connection Type

I/O Assignment
Intrinsically Safe
Auto Wiring N/A
Fieldbus Tag Number

Device Panels Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

New Tag



I/O Assignment Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon


SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 31

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon


Assign to a Channel

Unassign from a
Signal Path


Segment I/O Assignment Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Assign to a Channel

Unassign from a

I/O Data

Auto Wiring Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

New Task

Edit Task
Delete Task
Execute Task

32 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon

Junction Box
Junction Box
Junction Box Batch
Browser Manager

Cross Wiring Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Point-to-Point Wiring
Terminal Connection
Panel-Strip Report

Connection Window Toolbar

For some windows, such as Plug-and-Socket Box Connection, only some of these
icons are available.

Name Old Icon New Icon


Connection Type

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 33

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon

I/O Assignment
Signal Path
Search for Terminal
Panel-Strip Report
Local Signal
Local Signal (Assign)

Batch Device Cable Connection Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon


Current Terminal

The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Explorer Fieldbus module icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The
icons are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbar.

Fieldbus Tag Number Browser Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon


DP Tags
New FB Tag

34 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon

Segment Views
Parameter Profiles

Fieldbus Icons in Domain Explorer

Name Old Icon New Icon

Profibus DP Segment

Profibus PA Segment

Foundation Fieldbus
Fieldbus Instrument
Function Block
Function Block
Virtual Tag

Process Data Module

The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Process Data module icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The
icons are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Process Data Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Instrument or

Edit Revision

Instrument Process Data Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Instrument or

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 35

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon


Highlight Process
Add Case

Delete Case

Line Process Data Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Instrument or

Add Case

Delete Case

Calculation Module
The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Calculation module icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The
icons are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Calculation Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon



Control Valve
Relief Valve

36 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon

Flowmeter Batch
Temperature Batch
CV Batch
RV Batch

Calculation Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Flowmeter Batch N/A

Temperature Batch N/A
CV Batch N/A
RV Batch N/A


Control Valve
Relief Valve
Highlight Process
Add Case

Delete Case

Batch Calculation Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Find Tag

Remove or

Flowmeter Batch
Temperature Batch

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 37

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon

CV Batch
RV Batch
Calculation Data
Calculation Errors
PD Report
Calculation Report

Loop Drawings Module

The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Loop module icons, comparing the
icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The icons are listed in
the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Loop Drawings Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon


Macro Definitions

Hook-Ups Module
The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Hook-Ups module icons, comparing
the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The icons are listed
in the order that they appear on the toolbar.

Hook-Ups Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Macro Definitions

38 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Calibration Module
The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Hook-Up module icons, comparing
the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The icons are listed
in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Calibration Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Calibration Profile

Tag Settings

Data Entry

Tag Calibration Settings Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Select Calibration
Add Data Entry
Show Alarm/Trip
Tag List
Copy Process Data

Calibration Data Entry Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Select Calibration

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 39

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon

Show Alarm/Trip
Tag List
Copy Process Data

Calibration History Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Show Alarm/Trips
Show History
Tag List
Copy Process Data

Fluke Interface Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Save as Page

40 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Maintenance Module
The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Maintenance module icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The icons
are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Maintenance Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open (selected
Preventive /
Maintenance Tasks
Extend Schedule

Dimensional Data Module

The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Dimensional Data module icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The icons
are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Dimensional Data Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon




Process Connection
Process Connection
End Preparation

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 41

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Working Data / Vendor Data / Default Data Window Toolbars

Name Old Icon New Icon


Print Dimensional
Data Sheets
(Working and Vendor
data only)

Doc Binder Module

The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Document Binder module icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The
icons are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbars.

Document Binder Module Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

Open Document
Open Selected Item
Move Up a Level


42 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Specification Binder Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon
Binder Package
Specification Binder
Specification Binder
Form Notes
General Notes
Specification Sheets
Change Summary
General Document
Binder Package
Document List
Document Notes

External Documents

PSR File Viewer (Report Viewer)

The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation PSR File Viewer icons, comparing
the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The icons are listed
in the order that they appear on the toolbar.

PSR File Viewer Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon

PSR Viewer

PBL Viewer

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 43

New SmartPlant Instrumentation Icons

Name Old Icon New Icon

Save As
Page Up
Page Down

PSR List Window Toolbar

Name Old Icon New Icon



Internal Setup
The following table displays the SmartPlant Instrumentation Internal Setup Utility icons,
comparing the icons from the current 2009 version to those used in previous versions. The
icons are listed in the order that they appear on the toolbar.

Name Old Icon New Icon

Use INI File



44 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin


Supporting internationalization in a homogeneous environment is one of the enhancements
available in SmartPlant Enterprise. A homogeneous environment uses elements from only a
single locale. For example, a German customer running on a German operating system using
only German characters and German cultural conventions is a fully supported homogeneous
environment configuration.

Homogeneous Environments
When starting a new project, use extra care during installation and configuration to ensure the
proper creation and maintenance of homogeneous environments:
All the computers (servers and clients) within an integrated SmartPlant Enterprise
implementation must have the same regional settings, and no one should change the
regional settings after the project has started.
Do not cross the decimal locale boundary. This is the most common cause of numeric data
corruption and calculation errors. Having users with different regional settings (like with a
period versus a comma for the decimal point) causes the software to interpret values
unpredictably. For example, a pipe run with a pressure of 35.3 psi can be read by the
software as 353 psi to the user with different regional settings. A cable length defined as 39
ft. 11,21 inches has been interpreted as 121718910971323 meters when published to an
XML file. These incorrect interpretations may be used in internal software calculations and
can be impossible to backtrack or correct. Do not change the decimal point character to try
to solve an issue. Doing so will only corrupt values in the database or in text files.
Do not cross the character-set locale boundary. For example, the character set boundary
between Western (Latin-based) and Eastern Europe (Cyrillic-based), or between Eastern
Europe and Japan.
Create Microsoft SQL Server databases with locale-specific collation settings and ensure
that all databases have the same setting.

Heterogeneous Environments
In contrast, a heterogeneous environment using elements from different, or even multiple
locales, is not supported. Many customers are currently operating in unsupported
heterogeneous environments and are often not aware of that fact. Examples of heterogeneous
Entering or viewing Japanese data on an US/English operating system
Using German Regional Settings (where the decimal point is a comma) on a US/English
operating system
Using databases with different character encodings such as CL8MSWIN1251 or JA16SJIS
Using multiple languages in a project, especially when crossing language-group boundaries
Using an English server with different local language clients

International / Bi-lingual Projects

International bi-lingual projects are possible; however, great care must be used when
configuring these environments. Limitations exist and must be properly understood:

SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin 45


Oracle and MS SQL Server databases can reside on any language operating system, as
long as the databases have been created and configured with proper Unicode and collation
All Microsoft operating systems (Japanese, Russian, German, and so forth) can enter
English characters. The reverse, however, is not true in most cases.
Keyboard-locale can be changed as long as a character-set and code- page boundary is not
crossed. For example, English, German, French, and Spanish characters can all be used in
the same project because the same Windows code-page (1252) is used. However, Russian
characters (code-page 1251) cannot be used in a US/English environment.
You must decide which language operating system will be the master for bi-lingual projects.
The following is an example of a Russian-based project:
Companies in the United States and the United Kingdom are working a project with a Russian
company and the deliverables (drawings, reports, and so forth) must ultimately be provided in
Russian. The companies in the U.S. and the U.K. are working the project using the "master"
Russian operating systems (possibly using virtual Russian operating systems running on
VMware Workstation). The U.S. and U.K. companies can install and use English Microsoft
Office products on the Russian operating system because Office products are globally enabled.
If a Russian interface exists for the SmartPlant Enterprise application, then Russian users can
use the Russian interface while the English-speaking users would continue to use the
US/English interface. English-speaking engineers can enter English characters.
Russian-speaking engineers can enter Russian characters.
However, because the Russian locale uses different decimal and character-set locales,
everyone (English and Russian engineers) must use the Russian decimal symbol which is a
comma. For customization purposes, databases can be modified to accommodate new
Russian-specific requirements (fields, properties, and so forth.) Using filters, display sets, and
other software features, bi-lingual projects can be further customized. Graphic data, reports, and
so forth can be created in either or both languages.
Do not change regional settings to reflect a U.S. environment in order to resolve
problems in a non-US/English homogeneous configuration. Doing this creates a heterogeneous
configuration that will cause other possibly hidden problems that cannot be corrected. Everyone
working on a project must use the same regional settings and character set throughout the life of
the project.

Questions and Assistance

Please contact your support representative for assistance.

46 SmartPlant Instrumentation Release Bulletin

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