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Spoken poetry

I was lost in the darkness, and let sin stain my soul at which that used to be pure and innocent,
Let the evil enter my heart, the heart that was full of hopes and dreams and now it was empty

Let hatred rule over the feelings that used to love and care
And let my eyes cry the tears of blood that suffered

Let the sun be engulfed by darkness, the sun that used to be the star of the day,
With darkness over the land, let it ran blood, as blood pours all over,
The flower that used to bloom, it will wither,
And all the animals will become creatures of darkness, creatures that despise's sunlight
Let all the creatures dwell the land, the sky, and the water suffer, as I did

Let the four horsemen, famine, death, war and pestilence rule the world of which that used to be
filled with beauty

Cover the world with darkness,

Let it be locked in darkness
Let the silence of death and fear crawl the land, and the cries of suffering be heard

And the world was filled with nothing more but darkness...
Amidst all the darkness, all the suffering, all the cries, a small ray of light was flickering, a small
ray of hope.

No matter the hardships, no matter the pain, there was hope clinging to a small piece of thread
A light that was slowly growing until it was strong enough to liberate the darkness

It purified the land that used to be covered in darkness

A light that saved me from darkness
A light that stained my soul and made it pure and innocent again
A light that freed the evil in my heart and now it was filled with hopes and dream

The feeling of love ruled over my feelings of hatred, and wiped the tears that suffered.

The sun shone like the brightest star of the right and cleared the rain, the flowers bloomed, and
the robin's sang
All the beautiful creatures that hid in the darkness came out in the day

And the four horsemen that doomed the land vanished in the bright light that shone all over the

And the world was now filled with the wonders of every creation.

What was that light?

What was that light that brought hope to the land that was doomed for eternity?

What was that light that brought back all these hideous creatures to beautiful beings?

What was that light that brought warmth to the cold and damp?

What was that light that filled my heart with hopes and dreams?

What was that light that healed the deep wounds that made the world suffer?

And I realized that it was the light of "WILL"

The body breaks but the spirit shall never break

For if man falls, man will rise up again and keep moving forward.

Never face fear for the Lord our God is our strenght.

It was in the guise of the light of hope. The light that came down from heavens

When the Lord came down to save us from darkness,

to save us from our sins.

Salvation came for thee

He suffered, he broke, he cried, he bled, but still he stood up, his "will" never broke , and for the greater
good he died for us.

To the eyes of evil he wa defeated, but to the hearts of the people he won.

Now as the new generation of hope let us walk the path of goodness and righteous.

Let us become light that guides the lost.

Love to those who seek love.

Reach our hands to those who seek help.

Give to those who are in need.

Guide those who face troubles.

Assert the voice of the Lord .

For every step we take, God leads the way.

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