Big Debate

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Marxist analyses the methodologies have influenced multiple political ideologies and social
movements throughout history
Marxism is based o a materialist understanding of societal development, taking at its
starting point the necessary economic activities required by human society to

Assumptions and Outcomes of Marxism

for Marxism (international relations), the attention is not only on how the state and also non-state actors are
carry out economic exploitation, but also how people can fight against this exploitation, and free themselves
from this control (Buecker, 2003). For Marxism, the way to do this is to abolish economic divisions between the
bourgeoisie and the proletariat (or the working class). He thought that this would happen by the workers around
the world rising together against the economic elites, and ridding the society of any economic divisions. A then
communist system would eventually be set up where the notions of class would be eliminated, and everyone
would be treated as equals (Buecker, 2003). Furthermore, production would not be concentrated in one sector of
society, but rather, would be nationalizedeveryone would be an equal part of this to be best of what they can
do. For him, and for Marxist theory in international relations, this would eventually lead to the elimination of
the modern day structure of the state (and of government in how we often reference it). This would be the pure
form of communism.

The world, according to Maxism, is dominated by the capitalist class, who control not only
the means of production, but the instruments of governance in their respective societies.
These instruments include, most prominently, the state and all its agencies, but also the
media, educational institutions, dominant religious organizations, etc
To understand IR, in short, one must recognize that much of what happens in the world,
domestically, internationally and globally, is an expression of the interests and power of the
dominant classes. There is no such thing as the national interest, there is only class interest.

Karl Marx dreamed of a world equality

Marxs goal was to eradicate poverty
He believe the nature of man was generally good
Marxism is an ideology based on the support and control of society by the workers
It requires the overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the proletariat; in other words the workers
overthrow the owners

The workd is real and exists apart from us- materialist

The mode of production plays a determining role in the life of society
The conflict
- Economic structure is the main driving force behind all social conditions and historial
- Marx considers human history as a series of Struggles between class- between the
oppressed and the oppressing
- Capitalism is based on exploitation of labours
- The workers revoltion is the ineveitable result of exploitation and the means of
- The aim of Marxism is to bring about a classless society, based on the common
ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange

To Marx this economic system of capitalism thrive on exploitation and create wide
spread on happiness
Marx held capitalism in complete disdain, claiming that it would be the ruination of
all societies, leaving them no alternative but to claim socialism as the sole answer to
survival. Marx contended that capitalism would inevitably lead to a revolution by the
working class due to the strain that it placed upon the oppressed workers, thus
separating them from their own humanity.

Marxism believes that capitalism is a misguided system that will result in a

revolution between the classes, with communism as the only logical result.

The utopia he envisioned was described by Marx as a new society in which humanity
would no longer be self-alienated and would thus be free to live independent of the
bondage of their former lives as laborers.

Marx wanted a society without greed, class division, poverty, and social construct. He did
not believe that a man shoul be held about another man, he wanted true, and pure equality

in its essence Marxism, the core ideology of modern Socialism, is

an irrational, utopian and coercive perversion of human equality. Marxism seeks equality where
equality does not exist, demanding legal enforcement of equal social outcomes, including those
related to economics, higher education, athletics, religion and human sexuality.

Even today Marxism is the most powerful sociology idea in the world, and to some, the
ushering in of the Marxist utopia still lies in the not- too distant future

Marx and Engles

The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, I.E. the class which is the
ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force Marx and
Engles The German Ideology

Class struggle
A equal society, a healthy society and a happy society are all possible outcomes for
Marxism. Once fully implemented, there would be no need for a state, no need for
inteverntion and no need for dividing a nation.
In theory, once the system is implemented, there would also be no crime, and no need for
law enforcement. However, this would be one of the very last benefits to come, as many
more pressing issues would be to be address.

MARxian approach accepts self determination as the principle of organizing the
international society.It advocates that all nations of the world must be free to determine
their political destiny. Colonial system must go. Self determination by all the nations alone
can give an enduring and strong basis to international relations.

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