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Orthopaedic Terminology

Classifications of Fractures & Dislocation

Fracture (#) Structural break in the continuity of a bone, epiphyseal plate, or a

cartilaginous joint surface.
#/dislocation # of a bone which is also dislocated from its normal position in a
Dislocation The complete & persistent displacement of bone from its normal
position at the joint surface.
Subluxation Incomplete or partial dislocation, in that one bone forming a joint
is displaced only partially from its normal position.
Sprain-ligament Joint injury to a ligament, varying in degree from being stretched
rupture to being ruptured (torn), while the continuity of the ligament
remains intact.
Strain Overstretching of muscle fibers caused by overexercising or
overexerting some part of the musculature; results in sore,
painful, & sometimes stiff muscles.

Classification of Fractures

Open versus Closed

Closed # A # that does not produce an open wound of the skin but does
result in loss of continuity of bone subcutaneously.
Open # A # in which one of the fragments has broken through the skin &
Compound # in which there is loss of continuity of bone internally.

General Appearance
Avulsion # Tearing away of a part; a # of a part of bone where the pull of a
strong ligamentous or tendinous attachment tends to forcibly pull
the fragment away from the rest of the bone at the time of injury.
Bursting # Multiple fragments, usually at the end of a bone; classically, the
first cervical vertebra.
Butterfly # Comminuted or segmental # in which the central fragment is
shaped like a butterfly with wings outstretched.
Chip # # of a small fragment, usually at the articular margin of a condyle.
Comminuted # # with more than two fragments; lines of # that may be transverse,
oblique, spiral, or T &Y shaped.
Complete # # in which the bone is completely broken.
Incomplete # # in which the bone is buckled or cracked but the continuity is not
destroyed; occurs in young bones in which the cortex is broken on
one side & only bent on the other.

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Compression # Crumbling or smashing of a cancellous bone by forces acting
parallel to the long axis of bone; applied particularly to vertebral
body #.
Depressed # Usually used when describing skull or articular surface #, with the
fragment being displaced below the overall level of the skull or
articular surface.
Displaced # Fragments are moved away from each other.
Double # Segmental # of a bone in two places.
Epiphyseal # Involves the cartilaginous growth plate of a bone; also referred to
as epiphyseal slip #, Salter #, & Salter-Harris #.
Fatigue # Stress # occurring as the result of excessive physical activity in a
short period of time in normal bone or chronic stress in
weakened bone.
Fissure # Crack in one cortex (surface) only of a long bone.
Greenstick # Incomplete, angulated # with a partial break.
Impacted # # in which fragments are compressed by force of original injury;
one fragment of bone driven into another.
Inflammatory # Pathological # of bone weakened by inflammation.
Infraction # Small radiolucent line seen in pathological #, most commonly
resulting from metabolic problems.
Linear # Lengthwise # of bone; implies that there is no displacement.
Multiple # Two or more lines of # in the same bone.
Neoplastic # Pathological # of bone weakened by neoplasia (abnormal tissue
Oblique # Slanted # of the shaft of long bone.
Occult # Hidden # (undetected by radiograph), generally occurring in areas
of the ribs, tibia, metatarsal, & navicula.
Pathologic # Spontaneous #; occurs as a result of a disease & not trauma.
Secondary # Pathological # of bone weakened by disease.
Segmental # Several large # fragments in the same bony shaft.
Spiral # One in which # line is spiral-shaped; torsion #.
Stellate 3 # with central point of injury, from which radiate numerous
Stress # Gradual # caused by repeated or prolonged stress.
Subperiosteal # A # in which the bone but not the periosteal tube is broken;
uncommon, usually the result of a direct blow.
Torus # Usually noted in children; a stable, incomplete # in which one
cortical surface appears to be wrinkled by compression forces &
the opposite cortex may or may not be infracted by tension forces;
also called lead pipe #.
Transverse # Line of # across the shaft at right angles to the axis of bone.

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Portion of Bone Involved
Apophyseal # Avulsion # of an apophyseal where there is strong tendinous
Articular # # involving joint surface.
Condylar # # of any round end of a hinge joint.
Cortical # # involving cortex of bone.
Diacondylar # Transcondylar # (line across the condyle).
Extracapsular # # that occurs near, but outside, the capsule of a joint, especially
the hip.
Intra-articular # # within a joint cavity, usually involving the joint surface.
Intracapsular # # within a joint the capsule of a joint.
Periarticular # # near but not involving a joint.
Subcapital # # just distal to the head of a ball joint, as described in femoral or
humeral neck #.
Tuft # # of the distal phalanx (tuft) of any digit.

Position & Alignment of Fragments (Classic & Descriptive Names)

Anatomical neck # # in the area of tendinous attachments, true neck of humeral
Surgical neck # # in area below the anatomic neck of the humerus.
Bartons # Dorsal dislocation of carpus on radius with associated # of the
dorsal articular surface of radius; deformity similar to Colles #.
Colles # # through the distal radial epiphyis within to inch of the
articular surface with dorsal displacement & angulation of the
distal fragment, producing a silver fork deformity; generally
associated with a # of the ulnar styloid.
Galeazzis # # of the distal radius, with distruption of the distal radioulnar
articulation; Dupuytrens #.
Monteggias # Isolated # of proximal/3 of ulna, with either posterior or anterior
dislocation of radial head allowing angulation & overriding of
ulnar fragments
Radial head # # of the most proximal part of the radius.
Reverse Bartons # Volar displacement of carpus on radius, with associated # of volar
articular surface of radius.
Smiths # Reverse Colles #, with distal fragment displaced & angulated
Bennetts # Dorsal subluxation or dislocation of thumb metacarpal on greater
multangular with associated avulsion # of the volar articular
surface of the metacarpal.
Boxers # Volarly angulated impacted # of the neck of the 5th and/or 4th
metacarpal, caused by striking closed fisted hand on hard object.
Mallet # Avulsion # of the dorsal base of the distal phalanx of any digit
that includes insertion of extensor apparatus, thus allowing distal
segment to drop into flexion.
Rolandos # # at the base of the 1st metacarpal.
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Teardrop # Avulsion #, in the shape of a teardrop, of the anterior lip of a
cervical vertebral body.
Wedge # Anterior compression # of any vertebra; most common in the
dorsal spine.
Femoral neck # Transcervical # through midportion of femoral neck.
Intertrochanteric # # along a line joining the greater & lesser trachanters.
Subtrochanteric # Transverse # of femur just below the lesser trochanter.
March # Stress # of metatarssal caused by excessive marching.

Classification of Dislocations

General Dislocations
Congenital Dislocation that exists at birth.
Habitual dislocation Dislocation that repeatedly recurs; usually congenital.
Recurrent Repetitive dislocation with or without adequate trauma.
Monteggia # of the ulna with a radial head dislocation.
Perilunate A dislocation of all carpals shifted posteriorly, leaving the lunate
dislocation in proper position.
Boutonniere Deformity following injury to the extensor hood mechanism;
deformity appear after lateral bands displace volarly around the PIPJ. This
may result from a dislocation that has been reduced, but the
deformity itself is not a true dislocation.
Bennetts dislocation Dislocation of the 1st metacarpal-carpal joint.
Gamekeepers Rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the MCPJ with
dislocation associated subluxation or dislocation.

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Musculoskeletal Diseases & Related Terms

Tissue Diseases

Bone Diseases
Osteoarthritis Chronic multiple degenerative joint disease; inflammation of
bone & joint.
Osteoarthropathy A condition of increased bone formation at the joints; sometimes
used to refer to osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthrosis Chronic arthritis, usually mechanical, not caused by
inflammatory process.
Osteoarticular Pertaining to or affecting bones & joints.
Osteochondritis Inflammation of both bone and cartilage.
Osteochandroma Begine bone and cartilage tumoron surface of bone.
Osteochondrosarcoma Bone & cartilage sarcomatous tumors.
Osteochondrosis Disease of children in which one or more growth ossification
centers degenerate or become necrosed or inactive, followed by
regeneration & usually deformity.
Osteogenesis Condition in which bones are abnormally brittle & subject to #;
imperfecta inherited, but metabolic etiology unknown.
Osteolysis Dissolution of bone.
Osteomalacia Softening of bones resulting from mineral loss; may result from
vitamin D (or calcium & phosphorus) deficiency.
Osteomyelitis Inflammation of bone marrow, cortex, tissue, & periosteum; can
be caused by any organism, but usually bacteria.
Osteonecrosis Death of bone tissue.
Osteoneuralgia Nerve pain in bone.
Osteopathy Any disease process of bone.
osteophyte Bony excrescene or osseous outgrowth, usually found around the
joint area of bone.
Osteoporosis Abnormal rarefaction of bone resulting from a failure of
osteoblasts to lay down bone matrix; caused by age, disuse,
trauma, or neurologic or other disease (osteopenia).
Osteosarcoma Sarcoma containing osseous tissue.
Osteosclerosis Hardening or abnormal denseness of bone; eburnation; osteitis
Osteosis Formation of bony tissue with filtration of connective tissue
within bone
osteosynovitis Inflammation of synovial membranes & neighboring bones.
Osteothrombosis Blood clots or plugging of veins of bone.

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Cartilage Tumors (Affecting Bone)
Chondroma Cartilage tumor
Chondrosarcoma Sarcoma in which cancer cells are making cartilage.

Other Tumors
Fibrosarcoma Malignant tumor of bone composed mostly of malignant
Giant cell tumor Tumor of bone composed of many giant cells, occasionally

Miscellaneous Latin & English Terms

Aseptic necrosis Osteonecrosis (bone death) caused by vascular insult, usually at
the end of a bone. In adults, the most common symptom-
producing aseptic necrosis occurs in femoral head (avascular
necrosis); in children, it is called epiphyseal ischemic necrosis or
epiphyseal aseptic necrosis.
Bone infarct Area of bone where blood supply is interrupted.
Myelofibrosis Replacement of bone marrow by fibrous tissue.
Nonsuppurative Term used for tuberculosis of bone.
Progressive Neuromuscular dystrophy associated with general wasting;
diaphyseal dysplasia abnormal formed shafts of long bones; Engelmanns disease.
Slipped capital A gradual or sudden movement of the femoral head toward a
femoral epiphysis posterior & medial direction; usually occurs in obese preteenage
children; Frohlichs adiposogenital dystrophy.
Heberdens nodes Cartilaginous & bony enlargement of the DIPJs.
Kienbocks disease Aseptic necrosis of affecting lunate or ilium.
Pagets disease Osteitis deformans, a disease of excess bone removal &
replacement with deformity; seen in older people.
Perthes disease Aseptic necrosis of the hips in children.
Potts disease Osteomyelitis; tuberculosis of the spine.
Sudecks atrophy Atrophy secondary to minor trauma; spotty osteoporosis;
sudecks disease.

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Muscle Diseases
Myasthenia gravis Syndrome of attcks of muscle weakness that is episodic &
reversible; Erb-Goldflam disease.
Myatrophy Muscle wasting.
Myoasthenia Amyosthenia; lack of muscle strength.
Myopathy Any disease of muscles.
Myositis Inflammation of a voluntary muscle; for example, 1) myositis
ossificans, a bony ossification of muscle; & 2) myositis ossificans
progreesiva, a terminal process in which muscle becomes
Myospasm Muscle spasm
Myotonia Increased muscular irritability & contractility with decreased
power of relaxation; tension & tonic spasm of muscle.
Muscular dystrophy A group of degenerative disorders of muscle resulting in atrophy
& weakness; Erbs disease.
Muscle atrophy A general loss of muscle from various causes; muscle wasting.
Muscle spasm Sudden contraction of muscle, usually in reflex response to
stimulus from external source, for example, back spasm caused
by a herniated disk.
Muscle contracture A condition of fixed resistance to passive stretch of a muscle
resulting from fibrosis of the tissues supporting the muscles or the
joints, or from disorders of the muscle fibers.

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