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FireWorks System Builder

Printed Help

P/N 7350012-EN VER 1.71 ISS 05AUG13


Help topics 1
System Builder Help 1
Access Filtering Schedule dialog box 1
ACDB/FireWorks Interface Configuration dialog box 1
Action Browser 2
Action Editor (Create Mode) dialog box 3
Action Editor (Edit Mode) dialog box 4
Action Editor (e-mail) dialog box 4
Activating FireWorks software 5
Add/Edit 4/2 Event dialog box 6
Add/Edit Account - Account Info tab 7
Add/Edit Account - Contact ID Info tab 7
Add/Edit Account - Contacts/Supervision tab 8
Add/Edit Account - Protocol tab 8
Add/Edit Contact dialog box 8
Add/Edit Contact ID Event dialog box 9
Add/Edit Line dialog box 10
Add/Edit Panel Events - Panel Events Info tab 10
Add/Edit Panel Events - Protocol tab 10
Add/Edit Receiver dialog box 11
Add/Edit User dialog box 11
Add/Edit User Group dialog box 12
Adding a 4/2 event 12
Adding a 4/2 event 13
Adding a camera 14
Adding a command to a device state 15
Adding a contact ID event 16
Adding a contact ID event 17
Adding a contact 18
Adding a device 18
Adding a line 19
Adding a line 19
Adding a node 20
Adding a panel event list 21
Adding a panel 22
Adding a receiver 23
Adding a system event printer 24
Adding a user group 24
Adding a user 25
Adding a watchdog card 25
Adding an access group 26
Adding an account 27
Adding an action to a device state 27
Adding an extended message to a device state 28
Adding an icon to a map 29
Adding and deleting an HTTP module 30
Adding and deleting users 30
Adding devices to EST3 and EST3X nodes 31
Adding messages to descriptions 31

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Adding or deleting a communication port 32
Adding text to a map 32
Adding, editing, and deleting HTTP commands 32
Alarm, Supervisory, Trouble, Security, and Monitor WAV files 33
Assign/Import Icons dialog box 34
Assigning a screen layout to an access group 34
Assigning and importing icons 35
Assigning web client permissions to an access group 36
Backing up the database 36
Backup Project dialog box 37
Button definitions 38
Button definitions 38
Button definitions 39
Button definitions 40
Button definitions 41
CCTV Protocol Manager dialog box 41
Changing the default "do not reply" text 42
Changing the map pointer 43
Changing the password 43
Changing to a different language 43
Changing user properties 44
Changing your user password 45
Command Browser 45
Command Editor dialog box 45
Communications Manager dialog box 46
Configuring a command icon 47
Configuring a command TSA 47
Configuring a communication port 48
Configuring a device icon 51
Configuring a device TSA 51
Configuring access groups 51
Configuring MN-FVPN modules 52
Configuring MN-NETRLY4 modules 54
Configuring pseudo points 55
Configuring the Account Info tab 56
Configuring the ACDB/FireWorks interface 56
Configuring the Contact ID Info tab 57
Configuring the Contacts/Supervision tab 58
Configuring the Protocol tab 59
Contacts tab 59
Creating a browser action 60
Creating a camera action 60
Creating a command set 61
Creating a command 62
Creating a map pool 63
Creating a message 63
Creating a sound action 64
Creating an e-mail action 64
Creating an image action 65
Creating icon drawings 66
Creating map drawings 66

ii FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

Deleting a CCTV protocol 67
Deleting a command 67
Deleting a contact 67
Deleting a line 68
Deleting a map 68
Deleting a message 68
Deleting a panel event list 68
Deleting a receiver 69
Deleting a TSA 69
Deleting a user group 69
Deleting a user 70
Deleting an access group 70
Deleting an account 70
Deleting an action 71
Deleting an event 71
Deleting an event 71
Deleting an icon 72
Deleting devices 72
Deleting text from a map 72
Device addresses 73
Device Browser icons 74
Device Browser 75
Device states and substates 75
Device Substate Properties dialog box 76
Drawing a patterned TSA 77
Drawing a standard TSA 78
Dropping a command from a device state 79
Dropping an action from a device state 79
Dropping an extended message from a device state 80
Edit all e-mail actions dialog box 80
Edit e-mail addresses dialog box 80
Editing a command 81
Editing a contact 81
Editing a line 82
Editing a message 82
Editing a panel event list 82
Editing a receiver 82
Editing a user group 83
Editing a user 83
Editing all e-mail actions 84
Editing an account 84
Editing an action 84
Editing an event 85
Editing an event 85
Editing device properties 85
Editing device state properties 86
Editing e-mail addresses 86
Editing icon properties 86
Editing map properties 87
Editing text properties 87
Editing TSA properties 88

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Enabling web functionality 88
EST3 and EST3X command types 88
Event Filter dialog box 92
Exiting from Action Browser 93
Exiting from Command Browser 93
Exiting from Icon Browser 93
Exiting from Map Browser 94
Exiting from Message Browser 94
Exiting from System Builder 94
Exporting CCTV protocols 94
Exporting panel events 95
Exporting receiver data 95
Find dialog box 95
Frequently asked questions 97
Getting started: Creating and defining a new CCTV protocol 97
Getting started 98
HTTP Command dialog box 99
HTTP Command Editor dialog box 99
Icon Browser 100
Icon colors 100
Icon types 100
Import Panel Event List dialog box 101
Import Receivers dialog box 101
Importing CCTV protocols 101
Importing panel events 102
Importing receiver data 102
Introduction to linked maps 102
Introduction to maps 104
IRC-3/FCC/EST2 command types 104
Key features of System Builder 105
Keyboard shortcuts 105
Linking maps with map TSAs 106
Local Mode of Operation 107
Logging on and off System Builder 107
Making an access group the default access group 108
Map Browser 108
Menu bar commands 110
Message Browser 111
Message Editor dialog box 111
Moving a TSA 111
Moving an icon 112
Moving text 112
New Camera dialog box 113
New Command Set dialog box 113
New Device dialog box 114
New HTTP Module dialog box 114
New Icon dialog box 114
New Line dialog box 115

iv FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

New Map dialog box 115
New Map Pool dialog box 116
New Network Relay Module dialog box 116
New Node dialog box 116
New Panel dialog box 117
New Printer dialog box 117
New Text dialog box 117
New TSA dialog box 118
New VOIP Module dialog box 118
Open Storage dialog box 119
Opening a new map in the map pool 119
Opening an existing or new database file 120
Opening Receiver Configuration Manager 120
Opening System Configuration 120
Opening your site map 121
Other command types 121
Overview - User Manager 122
Panel Events tab 122
Patterned TSAs dialog box 123
Planning the maps 124
Predefined access group settings 126
Programming an acknowledge signal for a partition activation event 129
Properties dialog box 130
Receiver Configuration Manager overview 131
Receiver device addressing 132
Receivers tab 133
Redrawing a TSA 135
Refreshing the display 135
Requirements when using AutoCAD to create maps 135
Restoring the database 136
Saving and restoring communication port settings 136
Saving your project database and history database files 137
SDU Import dialog box 137
Search by address 138
Search by label 138
Selecting a display view 139
Setting the current display view as the default view 140
Setting up an SMTP mail server connection 140
Setting up event filtering 141
Setting up redundant communications for EST3 and EST3X nodes 143
ShowLabels 144
Shrinking and expanding device tree icons 145
SMTP_SERVER_NAME property 146
Step 1: Creating the protocol definition 146

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Step 2: Entering and configuring the CCTV commands and command strings 147
Step 3: Assigning CCTV commands to the camera quadrant commands 147
System Builder command menus 152
System Builder overview 154
System Configuration dialog box 155
The device tree 156
The map pool 157
The map tree 158
Tour of the System Builder window 158
Troubleshooting web functionality 159
TSA colors 159
TSA types 160
TSA/Icon Contents box 161
Turning expert mode on or off 161
Users tab 162
Using Help 163
Using the default display view 163
Using the Find function 164
Using the RCM to configure a receiver 165
Verifying SDU - Gateway Object Export files 167
Viewing "assigned to" information 168
Viewing descriptions in the device tree 168
Viewing the contents of a TSA 169
Viewing the contents of an icon 169
Zooming in and out 171

Index 173

vi FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

Help topics

Help topics

System Builder Help

Welcome to System Builder Help. This information is provided to support you while you configure your
FireWorks application.

If you are new to using Help, see Using Help

P/N 7350012-EN VER 1.71 ISS 26JUL13

2013 UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Access Filtering Schedule dialog box

Use the Access Filtering Schedule dialog box to set up the time schedule for each day of the week when
access filtering will take place. Each day of the week can have its own schedule with a start and end time.
Filtering takes place between the start and end time.

Note: For the hours that fall outside of the start and end times for each day of the week (off hours), you can
set whether all events, abnormal events only, or no events are filtered. Use the Off Hours Time area to set
the off hours filtering options.

Start: The time of day when you want access event filtering to begin.

End: The time of day when you want access event filtering to stop.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.
Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

ACDB/FireWorks Interface Configuration dialog box

Use the ACDB/FireWorks Interface Configuration dialog box to set up and configure the location of the
ACDB database and specify the card information you want to display for each cardholder. Card information
is displayed in the Card Information tab in Event Action.

Note: Only ADMIN level users can configure the ACDB/FireWorks Interface information.

Enable ACDB/FireWorks Interface check box: Check to turn on the ACDB/FireWorks Interface features,
such as the Card Information tab in Event Action. If this is not checked, ACDB/FireWorks Interface features
are disabled.

ACDB database location: The location (path) where the ACDB database file (ACDB2FW.MDB) is located.
If the database file is located on a network, it is automatically copied into the C:\Fireworks\ACDB folder with

FireWorks System Builder Printed Help 1

Help topics

the file name FW_ACDB.MDB. If a network connection does not exist, the ACDB2FW.MDB file must be
manually copied into the C:\Fireworks\ACDB folder and renamed to FW_ACDB.MDB.

Note: If you change the location (path) of the database file, you must restart FireWorks System Control.

Browse button: Opens a dialog box so that you can navigate to the location of the ACDB database.

Database update monitoring - check every ___ seconds: Determines how often FireWorks checks for an
updated ACDB database file. The time period can be set for 60 to 3,600 seconds (one hour).

Note: If you change the monitoring time, you must restart FireWorks System Control.

Card information display

Available fields: A list of fields (information) that can be displayed for each cardholder in the Card
Information tab in Event Action.

Assign and Unassign buttons: Assigns the selected field to the Displayed fields list or unassigns
(removes) the field from the Displayed fields list.

Assign All and Unassign All buttons: Assigns all fields to the Displayed fields list or unassigns (removes)
all fields from the Displayed fields list.

Displayed fields (in order): A list of the fields (information) that will be displayed for each cardholder in the
Card Information tab in Event Action.

Arrow buttons: Allows you to reorder the fields to the layout you want. Select the field and then click the up
or down arrow to reposition the field.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Cancel button: Cancels (removes) the information you are currently entering. It does not remove
information that was already applied or added. Also closes the dialog box.

Action Browser

Use the Action Browser to create, edit, or delete an action. From here, you can also view which device
substates an action is assigned to, remove device substate assignments, and edit device substate

What is an action?

An action is the response that you want the system to activate when there is a change to a device state-

Camera: Turns on a CCTV camera and monitor at a specific preset position (Windows XP workstations

Image: Plays a movie file (AVI) or displays an image file (BMP, RLE, WMF, or JPEG)

Sound: Plays a sound file (WAV)

E-mail: Sends an e-mail

Browser: Displays a website

See also: Button definitions

2 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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What do you want to do?

Create an action

To create an action, click the New Action button. Click Help on the Action Editor (Create Mode) dialog box
for further instructions.

Edit an action

To edit an action, select the action, and then click the Edit Action button. Click Help on the Action Editor
(Edit Mode) dialog box for further instructions.

Delete an action

To delete an action, select the action, and then click the Delete Action button.

View substate assignments

To view substate assignments, right-click the action, and then click Substates.

Remove a device substate assignment

To remove a device substate assignment:

1. Right-click an action, and then click Substates.

2. In the Substates list, click the substate, and then click Unassign.

Edit device substate properties

To edit device substate properties:

1. Right-click an action, and then click Substates.

2. In the Substates list, click the substate, and then click the Details button.

Click Help on the Device Substate Properties dialog box for further instructions.

Action Editor (Create Mode) dialog box

Use the Action Editor (Create Mode) dialog box to create an action. An action can control a CCTV camera,
display an image, play a video or sound file, browse to a website, or send an e-mail.

What do you want to do?

Create a camera action (Windows XP workstations only)

Create an image action

Create a sound action

Create a browser action

Creating an e-mail action

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Help topics

Action Editor (Edit Mode) dialog box

Use the Action Editor (Edit Mode) dialog box to edit actions. You can edit the action's label, description, and
settings. Changing the action type is the same as creating a new action.

For details, see the topics below.

Creating a camera action

Create an image action

Create a sound action

Create a browser action

Creating an e-mail action

Action Editor (e-mail) dialog box

Use the Action Editor dialog box to create or edit camera, image, sound, e-mail , or browser actions.

Label: A name or ID for the action.

Description: A description of the action.

Action type:

Camera: The selected CCTV camera and monitor turns on to a specific preset position upon the
activation of an event. (Windows XP workstations only)

Image: The selected image displays upon the activation of an event. Movie files (AVI) and still picture
files (BMP, RLE, WMF, or JPEG) can be displayed.

Sound: The selected sound file (WAV) plays upon the activation of an event.

E-mail: An email is sent to the selected e-mail address upon the activation of an event.

Browser: The selected website is displayed (in the Browser quadrant in System Control) upon the
activation of an event.

E-mail settings:

Addresses: A list of e-mail addresses that were previously entered.

To: button: Sends the e-mail message to the primary recipient.

cc: button: Sends a carbon copy (cc) of the e-mail message to the selected address.

bcc: button: Sends a blind carbon copy (bcc) of the e-mail message to the selected address.

New addresses button: Opens the Edit e-mail addresses dialog box, which can be used to enter a new
email address or edit a previously entered email address.

Recipients: A list of e-mail addresses that are set to receive the e-mail message upon the activation of
an event.

Remove selected recipients button: Deletes the selected e-mail address from the list of recipients.

Include note: Allows you to type a note that is included in the e-mail message.

Note: Area for typing the note text you want to include.

4 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Include event information: When checked, event information is included in the e-mail message. Event
information is the information displayed for an event in the System Control Event Action window. If you
do not want to include event information in the e-mail message, clear Include Event Information.

Note: If you clear Include Event Information, only the event type and device label is sent in the e-mail
message. If you added a note to the e-mail message, it is still sent in the e-mail message. Information,
only the event type and device label is sent in the e-mail message. If you added a note to the e-mail
message, it is still sent in the e-mail message.
Include footer: When checked, footer text is included in the e-mail message. Footer text is displayed at
the bottom of the e-mail message.

Footer: Area for typing the footer text or selecting existing footer text from the list.

Preview button: Displays the E-mail action preview dialog box, which displays a preview of what your e-
mail message will look like when it is sent.

Edit e-mail addresses button: Opens the Edit E-mail Addresses dialog box, which is used to enter new e-
mail addresses or edit previously entered e-mail addresses.
Edit all e-mail actions button: Opens the Edit All E-mail Actions dialog box, which is used to update a
selected e-mail address for all e-mail actions in the system.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Activating FireWorks software

The entire suite of FireWorks software is installed when you install FireWorks. Access to the software is
controlled by personal identification numbers (PINs) stored on the FireWorks HASP key. The PIN is issued
to you by way of a Software Key Certificate that you receive when you purchase the software.

The FireWorks suite of software packages is described below.


FW-DARCOM gives FireWorks the ability to display Contact ID or SIA 4/2 formatted events from any fire
alarm or security control panel by way of a compatible digital alarm communicator receiver (DACR).

FW-1S gives FireWorks the ability to share data with a remote (client) computer over an Ethernet
connection. The remote computer must be running the same version of FireWorks Web Client software
(ordered separately).


FW-4S gives FireWorks the ability to share data with up to five remote (client) computers over an Ethernet
connection. The remote computers must be running the same version of FireWorks Web Client software
(ordered separately). You must install the FW-1S before you can install the FW-4S.


FW-10S gives FireWorks the ability to share data with up to 15 remote (client) computers over an Ethernet
connection. The remote computers must be running the same version of FireWorks Web Client software
(ordered separately). You must install the FW-1S and the FW-4S before you can install the FW-10S.


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FW-IPMON1000 gives FireWorks the ability to display events from iO-Series fire alarm control panels over
an Ethernet connection.

SiteVision (Windows XP workstations only)

SiteVision gives FireWorks the ability to display live video from a CCTV system but does not provide on-
screen control of the CCTV equipment.

SiteVision+ (Windows XP workstations only)

SiteVision+ gives FireWorks the ability to display live video from a CCTV system and provides on-screen
control of the CCTV equipment.

To activate a software package:

1. Plug the FireWorks HASP key into the computer.

2. Click Start > All Programs > Edwards Software > Fireworks > Key Pin Adder.

3. Click Next.

4. In the Serial Number box, type the PIN for the software package you want to activate, and then click
Next. The PINs are on your Software Key Certificate.

5. When you are done adding PINs to the HASP key, click Finish.

Add/Edit 4/2 Event dialog box

Use the Add/Edit 4/2 Event dialog to add a new 4/2 event or edit an existing 4/2 event.

4/2 message: The 4/2 event message code.

Event code: A two-character 4/2 event code. The character values are limited to 0 to 9 and A to F.

Event type: Whether the event is an activation or restoration. Some events do not have restoration event
types. For those, restoration is not available.

State: Defines which of the states this event defines (alarm, trouble, supervisory, etc.). All activation events
must have a state defined. Note: Restoration events do not have a state, so this field will be disabled.

Event label: A unique name or ID for the event.

Restoration event label: The label for the event that restores this event. Note: Only activation events can
have an optional restore event.

Restoration event code: The event code for the event that restores this event. Note: Only activation events
can have an optional restore event.

Add Restoration Event button: Used to add a restoration event.

Event description: A description for the event.

OK button: Adds the 4/2 event to the account.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Add Another button: Adds the current 4/2 event and resets the dialog box's data fields so that the next
event can be entered.

6 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Add/Edit Account - Account Info tab

Use the Account Info tab to enter information about the account. An account is the control panel in a
company or business, which calls the receiver to report events on the system. Account information includes
company name, address, phone number, account number, protocol being used, etc. Every account must
have its own account number and one company may have more than one account. For example, a
university (company) may have many buildings with different addresses, where each building would have its
own account number. Account information must be entered for each account number and each account
must be entered one at a time.

Account number: A number for the account. Each account number must be unique per line. Account
numbers are four characters and are limited to 0 to 9 and A to F.

Label: A unique name or ID for the account.

Description: A description of the account.

Location: The account's location information, such as company name, address, phone number, etc.

OK button: Adds the account to the line.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Add/Edit Account - Contact ID Info tab

Use the Contact ID Info tab to enter contact ID protocol information for groups, partitions, users, and zones
when you are starting with an empty list of events for the account you are setting up. Group, partition, and
zone IDs and labels must be configured for the account. You can also select a predefined user group to
associate with a partition.

Note: This tab is only active for accounts using the Contact ID protocol. See the Protocol tab.

User group label: Allows for the association of a single user group with an account. This associates a list of
Contact ID user codes with an account.

Groups/Partitions with Zones table: Used to enter group, partition, and zone ID and label information for
each group and partition with a zone. This information comes from the panel report listing your control
panels zones, groups, and partitions. The group and partition ID is a two-character ID and is limited to the
character values 0 to 9 and A to F. The "+" sign can be used to expand and create a corresponding list of
zones for the group or partition. A zone ID and label can be entered for each zone in the group or partition.
The ID is a three-character contact ID zone and is limited to the character values 0 to 9 and A to F. The label
is a name or ID for the group, partition, or zone.

Partitions with Users table: Used to enter partition ID and label information for partitions that have users
associated with them. The user group is used to determine the ID of the users associated with events for the
partition. The partition ID is a two-character ID and is limited to the character values 0 to 9 and A to F. The
label is a name or ID for the partition.

Zones without Groups table: Used to enter zone ID and label information for each zone that is not in a
group (also referred to as group 00). The ID is a three-character contact ID zone and is limited to the
character values 0 to 9 and A to F. The label is a name or ID for the zone.

Delete key on keyboard: Used to delete the selected (highlighted) item.

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Help topics

Add/Edit Account - Contacts/Supervision tab

Use the Contacts/Supervision tab to associate predefined contacts with an account and define account
supervision parameters.

Available contacts: A list of predefined contacts that were created in the main Contacts tab. Any of these
contacts can be associated with an account.

Account contacts: A list of contacts that are associated with the account you are creating.

Add All button: Adds all of the available contacts to the account contacts.

>> button: Adds the selected available contact to the account contacts.

<< button: Removes the selected account contact from the list and adds it back into the available contacts.

Remove All button: Removes all of the account contacts and adds them back into the available contacts.

Get Contact Info button: Displays information about the selected contact.

Enable supervision: Turns on account supervision, which monitors the account for communications with
the receiver. Accounts typically contact their receivers within a certain time window (e.g. every 24 hours). If
the account does not contact the receiver within the time period set (e.g. 24 hours), an account supervision
event is displayed in FireWorks for that account.

Supervision period: The supervision time period in days and hours. FireWorks issues a supervision fault if
the account does not call into the receiver within the time period specified.

Add/Edit Account - Protocol tab

Use the Protocol tab to select the protocol the account is using or edit an existing account's protocol type.

Account protocol type: For a new account, this indicates "select below," meaning that the account protocol
must be configured. For an existing account, this displays the account protocol currently being used (contact
ID or 4/2 ).

Edit protocol: Used to edit an existing account's protocol information. When adding a new account protocol,
the check box is selected by default allowing you to configure the account's protocol information. Note:
Changing protocols will delete event information previously set up.

Copy events from a panel event list: Copies a panel events list that has been created in the Panel Events
tab into the account you are creating. You can use these events and protocol type exactly as they were

Select panel events - Panel events label: The label for the panel event list that you want to use.

Start with empty event list: Create a new account with only a protocol type. All events have to be manually

Protocol type: The protocol type you want to use ( 4/2 or Contact ID).

Add/Edit Contact dialog box

Use the Add and Edit Contact tab to add and edit individual contact information.

First name: The contact individual's first name.

8 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Initial: The contact individual's middle name.

Last name: The contact individual's last name.

Password: A password for the individual. The password is used for authentication. When an event takes
place on the account, the individual's contact information is available in System Control for the FireWorks
user to use to notify the appropriate individual that an event has taken place. When the FireWorks user
contacts the individual, the individual must indicate his/her password, which is entered into FireWorks to
verify that the FireWorks user is talking to the correct individual.

Verify password: Retype the password for verification.

Company: The individual's company name.

Title: The individual's title.

Address line 1: The individual's address.

Address line 2: The individual's address continued.

City: The individual's city.

State: The individual's state.

Country: The individual's country.

Zip: The individual's zip code.

Phone: The individual's phone number.

User defined fields: These are fields that can be customized with other information about the individual.
Change "user defined field" to whatever heading desired by highlighting the text and typing the new text and
then filling in the information that satisfies the heading. For example, a user defined field could be Cell
Phone Number.

OK button: Adds the contact to the database.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Add Another button: Adds the current contact and resets the dialog box's data fields so that the next
contact can be entered.

Add/Edit Contact ID Event dialog box

Use the Add/Edit Contact ID Event dialog to add a new contact ID event or edit an existing contact ID event.

Contact ID message: The contact ID event message code.

Event code: A three-character contact ID event code. The character values are limited to 0 to 9 and A to F.

State: Defines which of the states this event is associated with (alarm, trouble, supervisory, etc.).

Event label: A name or ID for the event.

Event description: A description for the event.

Group/partition label: The label for the group or partition assigned to this event. The group/partition label
was created when the contact ID protocol information was defined for the account.

Group/partition ID: The group or partition ID number assigned to the group or partition label that was
selected above.

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Group/partition type: Whether it is a group or partition that was selected above.

Zone label: The label for the zone assigned to the group selected above. The zone label was created when
the group contact ID protocol information was defined for the account.

Zone ID: The zone ID number assigned to the zone that was selected above.

OK button: Adds the contact ID event to the account.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Add Another button: Adds the current contact ID event and resets the dialog box's data fields so that the
next event can be entered.

Add/Edit Line dialog box

Use the Add/Edit Line dialog box to add a new line to a receiver or edit an existing line's information.

Address: The number for the line. The line address is equivalent to a control panel in and displays at the
panel level in Device Browser. Line numbers must be unique.

Label: A unique name or ID for the line.

Description: A description of the line.

Redundant to line: Indicates if the line is redundant, and which line it is redundant for.

OK button: Adds the line to the system.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Add/Edit Panel Events - Panel Events Info tab

Use the Panel Events Info tab to enter or edit a label and description for a panel event list.

Label: A unique name or ID for the panel event list.

Description: A description of the panel event list.

Protect from Modification checkbox: When selected, nothing can be edited in the panel event lists.

OK button: Adds the panel event list.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Add/Edit Panel Events - Protocol tab

Use the Protocol tab to select the protocol for the panel event or edit an existing panel event list protocol

Panel Events protocol type: For a new panel event list, this indicates "select below," meaning that the
panel event list protocol must be configured. For an existing panel event list, this displays the panel event
protocol currently being used (contact ID or 4/2 ).

10 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Edit protocol: Used to edit the protocol information on an existing panel event list. When adding a new
panel event list protocol, the check box is selected by default allowing you to configure the panel event list's
protocol information.

Copy events from a panel event list: Copies a panel event list that has been created in the Panel Events
tab into the panel event list you are creating. You can use these events and protocol type exactly as they
were defined.

Select panel events - Panel events label: The label for the panel event list that you want to copy.

Copy events from an account: Copies events from an existing account into the panel event list you are

Select account events:

Receiver label: The receiver label of the account you want to copy.

Line label: The line label of the account you want to copy.

Account label: The account label you want to copy.

Start with empty event list: Creates a new panel event list with only a protocol type. All events have to be
manually entered.

Protocol type: The protocol type you want to use (4/2 or Contact ID).

Add/Edit Receiver dialog box

Use the Add/Edit Receiver dialog box to add a new receiver to the system or edit an existing receiver's

Receiver number: The "node" number for the receiver. Receivers appear as nodes in Device Browser.
Node numbers can range from 001 to 850 and must be unique.

Receiver type: Indicates the receiver being used.

Label: A unique name or ID for the receiver.

Description: A description of the receiver.

Redundant to receiver: Indicates if the receiver is redundant, and which receiver it is redundant for.

OK button: Adds the receiver to the system.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Add/Edit User dialog box

Use the Add and Edit User dialog box to add a new or edit an existing contact ID user's information.

First name: The user's first name.

Initial: The user's middle name.

Last name: The user's last name.

Contact ID user code: The user's contact ID numbered code. This is a special code assigned to each user
in the system. For example, this might be their access control badge ID number that was assigned when the

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user was programmed into the access control system in the company or account. Contact ID user codes
must be unique and must be three characters (0 to 9 and A to F).

Company: The user's company name.

Title: The user's title.

Address line 1: The user's address.

Address line 2: The user's address continued.

City: The user's city.

State: The user's state.

Country: The user's country.

Zip: The user's zip code.

Phone: The user's phone number.

User defined fields: These are fields that can be customized with other information about the user. Change
"user defined field" to whatever heading desired by highlighting the text and typing the new text and then
filling in the information that satisfies the heading. For example, a user defined field could be Cell Phone

OK button: Adds the user to the database.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Add Another button: Adds the current user and resets the dialog box's data fields so that the next user can
be entered.

Add/Edit User Group dialog box

Use the Add and Edit User Group dialog box to add a user group, which is a collection of contact ID users
for a company or account or edit an existing user's information.

User group number: A number assigned to the user group.

Label: A name or ID for the user group.

Description: A description of the user group.

OK button: Adds the user group.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Adding a 4/2 event

If your event list is using 4/2 to transmit event data to the receiver, you must add events using the 4/2 code

Note: You cannot add an event to the default panel event lists.

To add a 4/2 event:

1. Click the Panel Events tab.

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2. Open a panel event list.

3. Select the 4/2 panel event list that you want to add the event to by clicking on the cell in the left column
of the panel event list's row.

The entire row highlights when the panel event list is selected.
4. Click Add Event.

The Add 4/2 Event dialog box is displayed.

5. Enter the two-character event code.

The character values are limited to 0 to 9 and A to F.

6. Select the event type (activation or restoration).

7. Select the event state.

Note: All activation events must have a state defined. If the event type is restoration, the event state is
not applicable and therefore is disabled.
8. Enter the event label.

9. Select the restoration event label.

If the restoration event required has not been entered, you can add the event by clicking Add
Restoration Event.
Note: If the event type is restoration, the restoration event label is not applicable and therefore is
10. Enter an event description.

11. Click OK if this is the only event to add or click Add Another if you have other events to add.

The event is added to the panel event list and displays in the table below the panel event list.
12. Click Save.

Adding a 4/2 event

If your account is using 4/2 to transmit event data to the receiver, you must add events using the 4/2 code

Note: Each event type must be programmed to be displayed properly in FireWorks. Event types that are not
programmed are defaulted to the highest priority. Events that are not programmed are displayed in
FireWorks as undefined events. The event message in Event Action displays a message string containing
the event ID number, which you can use to program the event so that in the future it does not come in as an
undefined event.

To add a 4/2 event:

1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open a receiver.

3. Open a line.

4. Select the 4/2 account that you want to add the event to by clicking on the cell in the left column of the
account's row.

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The entire row highlights when the event is selected.

5. Click Add Event.

The Add 4/2 Event dialog box is displayed.

6. Enter the two-character event code.

The character values are limited to 0 to 9 and A to F.

7. Select the event type (activation or restoration).

Note: Many controls are disabled if the event type is restoration.

8. Select the event state.

Note: All activation events must have a state defined. If the event type is restoration, the event state is
not applicable and therefore is disabled.
9. Enter the event label.

10. Select the restoration event label. Some activations may not have a restoration.

If the restoration event required has not been entered, you can add the event by clicking Add
Restoration Event.
Note: If the event type is restoration, the restoration event label is not applicable and therefore is
11. Enter an event description.

12. Click OK if this is the only event to add or click Add Another if you have other events to add.

The event is added to the account and displays in the table below the account.
13. Click Save.

Adding a camera

A camera is a CCTV camera connected to your system. Cameras provide CCTV video, which is displayed in
the Camera Display quadrant in System Control or displayed on a separate monitor.

Because some cameras are fixed and others are adjustable, the zoom, pan/tilt, and iris settings will be
different. You are prompted to enter the settings for your type of camera. For more information, refer to your
camera's documentation.


Before you can add a camera to your system, you must first add a CCTV node to your system. Refer to
Adding a node for more information.

The CCTV feature is available only on Windows XP workstations.

To add a camera:
1. In Device Browser, select the CCTV node that you want to add a camera to.

2. On the Devices menu, click New Camera or click the New Camera button on the toolbar.

New Camera is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Enter the camera ID number.

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This is the number for the camera connected to the switcher. Each camera connected to a switcher
should have a number.
4. Select the zoom, pan/tilt, and iris settings.

These are determined by the type of camera you are using.

5. Enter a label.

6. Enter a description.

7. Click OK.

Adding a command to a device state

FireWorks can issue system or panel commands directly to fire networks. Commands are actions that are
sent to the control panel to make something happen or to control something, such as disabling a smoke
detector or activating access control devices.

Note: FireWorks issues commands using a low priority. If you need medium or high priority commands,
program the commands in an SDU Command List, and then have FireWorks activate the command list.

Once your command or command set is created, you need to add it to a device's state-substate. When the
command is added to the device's state-substate, it will activate when the device goes into that state-
substate. You may want a different command for each device state-substate.

What is a device state-substate?

A device state-substate is the combination of a state and substate. Examples: alarm activate, trouble
activate, supervisory activate, etc.

You can add commands to a device state-substate using the Command Browser or by editing the device
substate properties.

Using the Command Browser to add commands

To add a command using the Command Browser:

1. On the View menu, click Command Browser.

2. In Device Browser, locate the device and the state-substate that you want to add the command to.
Branch through the device tree to locate the device.

3. In Command Browser, select the command or command set.

4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the command or command set onto the device's substate.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

5. Click OK.

Note: Once the command is added to the device state-substate, the command icon is displayed next to the
device, state, and substate. This lets you quickly navigate to devices with assigned commands.

Editing the device substate properties to add commands

To add a command by editing the device substate properties:

1. In Device Browser, select the device and the state-substate that you want to add a command to.

2. On the Devices menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

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Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. In the commands area, click Add Command.

4. In Command Browser, select the command or command set.

5. Press the Alt key then drag the command or command set into the command area.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

6. Click OK.

7. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Adding a contact ID event

If your account is using contact ID to transmit event data to the receiver, you must add events using the
contact ID code format.

Note: Each event type must be programmed to be displayed properly in FireWorks. Event types that are not
programmed are defaulted to the highest priority. Events that are not programmed are displayed in
FireWorks as undefined events. The event message in Event Action displays a message string containing
the event ID number, which you can use to program the event so that in the future it does not come in as an
undefined event.

To add a contact ID event:

1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open a receiver.

3. Open a line.

4. Select the contact ID account that you want to add the event to by clicking on the cell in the left column
of the account's row.

The entire row highlights when the event is selected.

5. Click Add Event.

The Add Contact ID Event dialog box is displayed.

6. Enter the three-character event code.

The character values are limited to 0 to 9 and A to F.

7. Select the event state.

8. Enter the event label.

9. Enter the event description.

10. If the event has a group/partition and zone associated with it, select the group/partition label.

Note: Groups and partitions must be defined when the account was created. Once the group/partition is
selected, the group/partition ID and group/partition type is automatically entered.
11. Select the zone label that is associated with the group/partition.

Note: The zone ID is automatically entered when the zone label is selected.
12. Click OK if this is the only event to add or click Add Another if you have other events to add.

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The event is added to the account and displays in the table below the account.
13. Click Save.

Adding a contact ID event

If your account is using contact ID to transmit event data to the receiver, you must add events using the
contact ID code format.

Note: Each event type must be programmed to be displayed properly in FireWorks. Event types that are not
programmed are defaulted to the highest priority. Events that are not programmed are displayed in
FireWorks as undefined events. The event message in Event Action displays a message string containing
the event ID number, which you can use to program the event so that in the future it does not come in as an
undefined event.

To add a contact ID event:

1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open a receiver.

3. Open a line.

4. Select the contact ID account that you want to add the event to by clicking on the cell in the left column
of the account's row.

The entire row highlights when the event is selected.

5. Click Add Event.

The Add Contact ID Event dialog box is displayed.

6. Enter the three-character event code.

The character values are limited to 0 to 9 and A to F.

7. Select the event state.

8. Enter the event label.

9. Enter the event description.

10. If the event has a group/partition and zone associated with it, select the group/partition label.

Note: Groups and partitions must be defined when the account was created. Once the group/partition is
selected, the group/partition ID and group/partition type is automatically entered.
11. Select the zone label that is associated with the group/partition.

Note: The zone ID is automatically entered when the zone label is selected.
12. Click OK if this is the only event to add or click Add Another if you have other events to add.

The event is added to the account and displays in the table below the account.
13. Click Save.

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Adding a contact

Contacts are individuals that can be associated with receiver accounts. The individual's contact information
is then available in System Control when an event is reported. Contact information such as name, company,
address, phone number, etc. can be entered for each contact. A password can also be entered for
authentication purposes for each individual, which is used in System Control by the user to authenticate the
contact person before the individual is notified of an event.

To add a contact:
1. Click the Contacts tab.

2. Click Add Contact.

The Add Contact dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter the individual's name.

Note: Name is the only "required" information. All other fields are optional.
4. If required, enter a password for the individual.

The password is used for authentication. When an event takes place on the account, the individual's
contact information is available in System Control for the user to notify the appropriate contact that an
event has taken place. When the user contacts the individual, the individual must answer with their
password, which is then entered to verify that the user is talking to the correct individual.
5. Enter the company name and individual's title.

6. Enter the individual's address information.

7. Enter the individual's phone number.

8. If needed, use the "User defined fields" to enter other information about the individual.

Highlight the "user defined fields" text and type a new category name and then fill in the information that
satisfies the category. For example, a user defined field could be Cell Phone Number.
9. Click OK if this is the only contact to add or click Add Another if you have other contacts to add.

10. Click Save.

Adding a device

A device is a field device (smoke detector, module, strobe, etc.) connected to a control panel. Device
numbers are:

EST2, IRC3, and FCC systems: 01 to 99

EST3 and EST3X systems: 0001 to 1023

Note: You cannot add devices to EST3 and EST3X nodes manually. To add devices to EST3 and EST3X
nodes you must import the project SDU - Gateway Export files. See: Adding devices to EST3 and EST3X

To add a device:
1. In Device Browser, select the panel (EST2, IRC3, or FCC) that you want to add a device to.

2. On the Devices menu, click New Device or click the New Device button on the toolbar.

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New Device is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Enter the device number (DD).

4. Select the device type.

Note: The device type is only used to assign an icon if an icon is associated with that device type.
5. Enter a label.

6. Enter a description.

7. Click Add.

8. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Adding a line

A line is a data transmission circuit between a control module and its field panels. Line numbers are as

EST2/IRC3 systems: 00

FCC systems (PCPU): 00, 02, 04, or 06.

When an IRC3 node is added, a line is automatically added.

EST3 and EST3X systems do not have lines or use line numbers.

To add a line:
1. In Device Browser, select a n EST2 or FCC Node.

2. On the Devices menu, click New Line or click the New Line button on the toolbar.

New Line is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Enter the line number (LL).

4. Enter a label.

5. Enter a description.

6. Click Add.

7. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Adding a line

Lines are the incoming communication lines to a receiver. Lines are the communication pathways between
remote panels and receivers. Each phone line has a unique phone number that is used by the control panel
to dial the receiver and report an event taking place on the system. Once the receiver receives the event
notification and its corresponding information, it is transmitted to FireWorks. When lines are added in
FireWorks, they appear as panels in Device Browser, and they use the same addressing scheme as panels.

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Redundant lines: A line can also be redundant for another line, meaning it is only used if the primary line
fails. Multiline receivers can have a backup line. When adding a line, you must tell FireWorks if the line is a
backup (redundant for another line) and which line it is redundant for. Note: A TCP/IP Ethernet redundant
line is for use with UL 864 applications only and is not suitable for use with UL Listed Security applications.

To add a line:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Select the receiver that you want to add a line to by clicking the cell in the left column of the receiver's

The entire row highlights when the receiver is selected.

3. Click Add Line.

4. Enter a line number.

Remember, lines appear as panels in Device Browser and their addresses must be unique.
5. Enter a label.

6. Enter a description.

7. If required, click the check box to make this line redundant, and then select the line it is redundant for.

8. Click OK.

The line is added to the receiver and displays in the table below the receiver.
9. Click Save.

Adding a node

A node is a workstation term indicating an individual fire network. A node is a single communication line that
connects a FireWorks workstation to a control panel. The control panel may be part of a network of control

Nodes can also be CCTV video switchers. Before cameras can be added to your system, you must add a
CCTV node. A switcher is the device that cameras are connected to. All video passes through the switcher
before being displayed in FireWorks.

If you are using a CCTV switcher that is not listed below, you must first set up the protocol for the
switcher in CCTV Manager. Once the protocol is created, the switcher appears in the Node Type box
and can be configured as a new node.

The CCTV feature is available only on Windows XP workstations.

Receiver nodes are created when you add a receiver in Receiver Configuration Manager. Receivers
display and act like control panel nodes in the device tree. For all receiver nodes, all common controls,
such as reset, silence, drill, etc. are disabled.

Available node types



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To add a node:
1. In Device Browser, select the unit.

2. On the Devices menu, click New Node or click the New Node button on the toolbar.

New Node is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Enter the node number.

The node number can be 001 through 999.

4. Select the node type.

5. Enter a label.

6. Enter a description.

7. Click OK.

Adding a panel event list

A panel event list is a container for creating a list of events for a control panel that are either in the contact
ID or 4/2 format. For example, you can add a contact ID EST3 event list, which includes all of the contact ID
events with their state, contact ID event message, label, description, etc. All of the control panel events that
must be annunciated in FireWorks through the receiver must be entered in their respective format within an
event list.

There are predefined panel event lists that can be used as they are or copied and edited as needed. The
default lists cannot be deleted or edited.

Default panel event lists

SIA Standard Contact ID (list of the standard Contact ID events as stated in the SIA Standards Digital
Communications Standard - Ademco Contact ID Protocol - For Alarm System Communications Manual
P/N 14085)

EST3 and EST3X default events for Contact ID

EST3 and EST3X default events for 4/2

FireShield default events for Contact ID

FireShield default events for 4/2

QuickStart default events for Contact ID

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QuickStart default events for 4/2

Silent Knight/Inteliknight default events for Contact ID

Fire-Lite MS-9600 default events for Contact ID

Fire-Lite MS-9600 default events for 4/2

GE-NX-8E default events for Contact ID

Note: Each event type must be programmed to be displayed properly in FireWorks. Event types that are not
programmed are defaulted to the highest priority. Events that are not programmed are displayed in
FireWorks as undefined events. The event message in Event Action displays a message string containing
the event ID number, which you can use to program the event so that in the future it does not come in as an
undefined event.

To add a panel event list:

1. Click the Panel Events tab.

2. Click the Add Event List button.

3. On the Panel Events Info tab, enter a label.

4. Enter a description.

5. Check "Protect from Modification" to protect this event list from being modified. Leave this option
cleared if you do not want to protect the list.

6. Click the Protocol tab.

7. Configure the Protocol tab.

8. Configure the Contact ID Info tab.

9. Click OK.

10. Click Save.

11. If you didn't copy events from another event list in step 8 above, you must add each event (contact ID or
4/2 ) individually using the Add Event List button. If you did copy events from another event list, you can
edit the events as needed for the new event list.

Adding a panel

A panel is a control module that has devices connected to it.

For EST3 and EST3X systems, a panel is considered a CPU module. You can have up to 64 EST3 or
EST3X panels. For EST2/IRC3/FCC systems, a panel is considered either the EST2 (2-MCM), CM1N, or
CM2N. You can have up to 62 of these panels.

Note: You cannot manually add panels to EST3 or EST3X systems. They can only be added by doing an
SDU import.

To add a panel:
1. In Device Browser, select the EST2/IRC3/FCC line that you want to add a panel to.

2. On the Devices menu, click New Panel or click the New Panel button on the toolbar.

New Panel is also available on the shortcut menu.

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3. Enter the panel number (PP).

4. Enter a label.

5. Enter a description.

6. Click Add.

7. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Adding a receiver

A receiver (digital alarm receiver) sends event information to FireWorks from control panels in remote
locations. Each receiver that FireWorks interfaces with must be configured in the Receivers tab. When
receivers are added in FireWorks, they appear as nodes in Device Browser, and they use the same
addressing scheme as nodes (node numbers). You can have up to eight defined receivers.

Receivers also have lines, accounts, and events that must also be configured once the receiver is added to
the system. Refer to the appropriate topics in this section for more information.

Redundant receivers: A receiver can also be redundant for another receiver, meaning it is only used if the
primary receiver fails. Every receiver can have a backup receiver. When adding a receiver, you must tell
FireWorks if the receiver is a backup (redundant for another receiver) and which receiver it is redundant for.
Redundant receivers must match the physical configuration of the receiver they are redundant for.
Redundant receivers have no configuration data and their table cannot be expanded.


Redundant receivers display the label of the receiver they are redundant for in the Redundant to
Receiver column in the receiver table.

For all receiver nodes, all common controls, such as reset, silence, drill, etc. are disabled.

Receiver port configuration is required and done in Communications Manager.

To add a receiver:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Click Add Receiver.

3. Enter the receiver number (node number).

Remember, receivers appear as nodes in Device Browser. Node numbers can range from 001 to 850
and must be unique from all other nodes in the system (e.g. the receiver node number must be different
from the panel node numbers).
4. Select a receiver type from the list. For network receiver applications, select Osborne-Hoffman OH-

5. Enter a label.

6. Enter a description.

7. If required, click the check box to make this receiver redundant, and then select the receiver it is
redundant for.

8. Click OK.

The receiver is added to the list of receivers.

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9. Click Save.

Adding a system event printer

FireWorks supports multiple printers. Typically, one printer is used to print system events and the other
printers are used to print everything else (reports, graphics, etc.). The system event printer must be
connected to the FireWorks workstation and added to the device tree in the Device Browser window.

FireWorks only supervises the system event printer for loss of communication. It does not differentiate
between a printer that is turned off and a printer cable that is unplugged. FireWorks does not display a
printer fault event until after another event occurs.

Printers have a set of states and substates. The printer states and substates can have extended messages,
commands, or actions assigned to them just like any other device.

To add a system event printer:

1. Connect the printer to the FireWorks workstation, and then install the Windows printer driver per the
manufacturer's instructions. See the documentation shipped with the printer for more information.

2. In the Device Browser window, right-click the Unit icon, and then click New Printer.

3. In the New Printer dialog box, do the following:

Check the Printer Enabled check box.

Select the printer from the System Printers list.

In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the printer in the device tree. The label
appears next to the printer icon when the Show Labels in Device Tree command is selected on the
View menu.

In the Description box, type a description for the printer. The description appears next to the printer icon
when the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command is selected on the View menu. If you do not enter
a description, System Builder uses the label as the description.

Click Apply.
4. Click OK.

Adding a user group

A user group is a compilation of users and their user codes for a contact ID protocol account. User groups
allow you to organize users and reuse the same user group. The users are used for extra information for
contact ID partition events.

To add a user:
1. Click the Users tab.

2. Click Add Group.

The Add Group dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter the user group number.

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4. Enter a label for the user group.

5. Enter a description for the user group.

Adding a user

Users associate contact ID user codes with individual users in the company or account. User contact
information such as name, address, phone number, contact ID user code (number), etc. can be entered for
each individual user.

To add a user:
1. Click the Users tab.

2. Select the user group where you want to add a user.

3. Click Add User.

The Add User dialog box is displayed.

4. Enter the individual's name (required).

5. Enter the individual's contact ID user code (required).

This is a special code assigned to each user in the system. Codes must be three characters and are
limited to 0 to 9 and A to F. For example, this might be their access control badge ID number that was
assigned when the user was programmed into the access control system in the company or account.
6. Enter the company name and individual's title.

7. Enter the individual's address information.

8. Enter the individual's phone number.

9. If needed, use the "User defined fields" to enter other information about the individual.

Highlight the "user defined fields" text and type a new category name and then fill in the information that
satisfies the category. For example, a user defined field could be Cell Phone Number.
10. Click OK if this is the only user to add or click Add Another if you have other users to add.

11. Click Save.

Adding a watchdog card

Adding a watchdog card is only required if FireWorks is installed on a UL Listed FireWorks workstation. Do
not add a watchdog card if FireWorks is installed on a commercial off-the-shelf computer.

The watchdog card has a set of states-substates so that when a monitored point fails, the event is sent to
System Control and displayed in the Event List display. The watchdog card states-substates can have
extended messages, commands, or actions assigned to them just like any other device.

When you add a watchdog card in FireWorks 1.60 and later, System Builder automatically sets the card type
for a PCWD3 card. When you upgrade a FireWorks UL4 workstation to FireWorks 1.60, System Builder
automatically sets the card type for a PCWD2 card. If you add a watchdog card on an upgraded FireWorks
UL4 workstation, make sure to change the card type.

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The state labels in the device tree match the fan assignments for a PCWD3 card. Use the table below to
determine the equivalent state labels for the PCWD2 card fan assignments.

PCWD3 state labels Equivalent PCWD2 state labels

Fan 1 (CPU) Failure Rear Fan 1 Failure

Fan 2 (Front) Failure Rear Fan 2 Failure

Fan 3 (Front) Failure Front Fan 3 Failure

Fan 4 (Rear) Failure Front Fan 4 Failure

Fan 5 (Spare) Failure Fan 5 Failure

Fan 6 (Spare) Failure CPU Fan 6 Failure

Fan 7 (Spare) Failure Fan 7 Failure

Fan 8 (Power Supply) Failure Power Supply Fan 8 Failure

To add a watchdog card:

1. In the Device Browser window, right-click the Unit icon, and then click New Watchdog Card.

2. Right-click the watchdog icon, click Edit Properties, and then do the following:

In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the watchdog card in the device tree. The
label appears next to the watchdog icon when the Show Labels in Device Tree command is selected on
the View menu.

In the Description box, type a description for the watchdog card. The description appears next to the
watchdog icon when the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command is selected on the View menu. If
you do not enter a description, System Builder uses the label as the description.

Set the Status Point property to False.

Set the Card Type property to PCWD3 or PCWD2, as required.

3. Click Apply, and then click Close.

Adding an access group

Access groups define the specific set of software features and functions to which a user can have rights.

When you add an access group, use one of the predefined access groups as a template, and then change
the access group properties as needed. See: Predefined access group settings.

The first access group that you should add is the default access group. See: Making an access group the
default access group.

To add an access group:

1. On the Applications menu, click User Manager, and then click Access Group Configuration.

2. In the Access Groups list, select New Access Group.

3. In the Label box, type a label for the access group.

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4. In the Select a Template Access Group list, select the access group that you want to use as a template
for the new access group.

5. In the Description box, type a description (optional).

6. Change the access group properties, as required.

7. Click Apply.

Adding an account

An account is the company or business being monitored by a control panel, which calls the receiver to report
events on the system. Every account must have its own account number and one company may have more
than one account. For example, a university (company) may have many buildings with different addresses,
where each building would have its own account number. Accounts must be entered one at a time.

When adding an account, there are up to four sets (tabs) of information you must define. The four tabs are
Account Info, Protocol, Contacts/Supervision, Contact ID Info.

To add an account:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open the receiver that has the line where you want to add an account.

3. Select the line that you want to add an account to by clicking the cell in the left column of the line's row.

4. Click Add Account.

5. Configure each tab (Account Info, Protocol, Contacts/Supervision, Contact ID Info) using the topics in
this section.

6. When all of your account information is configured for all of the tabs, click OK to add the account to the

The account is added to the line and displays in the table below the line.
7. Click Save.

Adding an action to a device state

After creating an action, you can add it to a device's state-substate. A device state-substate is the
combination of a state and substate. Examples: alarm activate, trouble activate, supervisory activate, etc.
When the action is added to the device's state-substate it is executed whenever the device goes into that
state-substate. You may want a different action for each device state-substate.

There are two ways to add an action to a device state-substate:

Using the Action Browser and Device Browser.

Using the Device Browser, Device State Properties dialog box, and the Action Browser.

Under each device in the device tree is a list of states and substates for that device. When you click on a
state or substate and select Edit Properties from the Devices menu, the Device State Properties dialog box
is displayed. Using the properties dialog box is one of the two ways of adding an action to a device state.

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To add an action from the Action Browser:

1. On the View menu, click Action Browser.

2. In Device Browser, locate the device and the device's state-substate by branching through the device

3. In Action Browser, select the action.

4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the action onto the device's substate.

Important: Only two actions can be assigned to a substate, a WAV file and either an image, video, e-
mail, or browser action. If you add more than one image, video, or browser action, the first one assigned
activates when the device goes into that state-substate, the other actions are ignored.
5. Click OK.

Note: Once the action is added to the device state, the action icon is displayed next to the device, state, and
substate. This lets you quickly navigate to devices with assigned actions.

To add an action from the Device Browser:

1. In Device Browser, select the device's state-substate.

2. On the Devices menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. In the Actions area, click Add Action.

4. In Action Browser, select the action.

5. Press the Alt key, and then drag the action into the action area.

6. Click OK.

7. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Adding an extended message to a device state

Extended messages are messages that inform or instruct the user to perform certain tasks or duties when
an event takes place in the system. Extended messages provide the user with additional information about
devices. For example, you can use extended messages to outline user responses to events. Extended
messages are displayed in the Event Action window in System Control.

Once your message is created, you can add it to a device's state-substate. A device state-substate is the
combination of a state and substate. Examples: alarm activate, trouble activate, supervisory activate, etc.
When the message is added to the device's state-substate it displays when the device goes into that state-
substate. You may want a different message for each device state-substate.

There are two ways to add a message to a device's state:

Using the Device Browser and Message Browser.

Using only the Device Browser.

To add an extended message using Device and Message Browser:

1. On the View menu, click Message Browser.

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2. In Device Browser, locate the device and the device's state-substate by branching through the device

3. In Message Browser, select the message.

4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the message onto the device's substate.

5. Click OK.

To add an extended message using Device Browser only:

1. In Device Browser, select the device's state-substate that you want to add an extended message to.

2. On the Devices menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu by right-clicking on the device.
3. Under the Extended Message area, type the desired extended message.

4. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Adding an icon to a map

Icons are small, predefined symbols that represent physical devices (e.g. smoke detectors, waterflow
devices, card reader controllers, fire extinguishers etc.) in your system. Icons are placed on maps to show
the location of the devices. Icons have borders that indicate device events and states. In addition, you can
left-click or right-click on an icon to perform a function or display information.

The border of an active icon flashes until you acknowledge the event. Icon borders are color-coded to show
the device state.

To add an icon to a map:

1. Select the map you want to add the icon to.

2. On the TSAs/Icons/Text menu, click Icon Browser or click the Icon Browser button on the toolbar.

3. In Icon Browser, select the icon that you want to add to the map.

4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the icon to the desired location on the map.

5. Select the icon type.

For more information, refer to Icon Types.

6. Enter a label.

7. Enter a description.

8. Click OK.

9. Configure the icon.

Note: General icons do not require configuration.

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Adding and deleting an HTTP module

The HTTP module manages the set of HTTP commands for the project. The HTTP module serves as the
central location for all of the HTTP commands defined in your project. You can have only one HTTP module
in a project. Deleting the HTTP module deletes the entire set of HTTP commands.

To add an HTTP module:

1. In the Device Browser window, right-click the Unit icon, and then click New HTTP Module.

2. In the New HTTP Module dialog box, do the following:

In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the HTTP module in the device tree. The
label appears next to the HTTP module icon when you click the Show Labels in Device Tree command
on the View menu.

In the Description box, type a description for the HTTP module. The description appears next to the
HTTP module icon when you click the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command on the View
menu. If you do not enter a description, System Builder uses the label as the description.
3. Click Apply, and then click Close.

To delete an HTTP module:

1. In the Device Browser window, right-click the HTTP Module icon, and then click Delete.

Adding and deleting users

When adding users to the system, you must give them a user name and password. You can change the
other user properties when you first add the user to the system or later during subsequent sessions.

See: Changing user properties.

To add a user:
1. On the Applications menu, click User Manger, and then click User Configuration.

2. In the User Configuration dialog box, under Users, select New User.

3. In the User box, type a user name.

4. In the Password box, type a user password.

5. Click Apply, and then reenter the user password.

To delete a user:
1. On the Applications menu, click User Manger, and then click User Configuration.

2. In the User Configuration dialog box, under Users, select the user that you want to delete.

3. Click Delete User.

4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the selected user.

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Adding devices to EST3 and EST3X nodes

You cannot add devices to EST3 and EST3X nodes manually. To add devices to EST3 and EST3X nodes
you must import the project SDU - Gateway Export files. The SDU - Gateway Export files consist of the

The SDU - Gateway Command Export file (sdu_project_name.cxp)

The SDU - Gateway Instruction Text Export file (sdu_project_name.ixp)

The SDU - Gateway Object Export file (sdu_project_name.oxp)

The SDU - Gateway Partition Export file (sdu_project_name.pxp)

You only need to import the OXP file. The remaining files are imported automatically.

After you import the SDU - Gateway Export files, any changes that you make in your SDU project, such as
adding a new device or changing a personality code, requires that you import new SDU - Gateway Export

To add devices to an EST3 or EST3X node:

1. On the Applications menu, click SDU Import.

2. Click Browse, select the OXP file that you want to import, and then click Open. See: Verifying SDU -
Gateway Object Export files.

3. Under OXP Import Type, do one of the following:

Click Add New Devices Only.


Click Add New and Update Existing Devices.

4. If you do not want to overwrite the labels or descriptions for any devices that are in a device icon, clear
the Update Device Icons Labels and Descriptions check box.

5. In the Import as Node list, click the EST3 or EST3X node.

6. Click Import.

Adding messages to descriptions

Once your message is created, you can add it to a device's description. If more than one device uses the
same description, you can simply drag the message into each description field.

To add a message to a description:

1. On the View menu, click Message Browser.

2. Locate the device, TSA, icon, etc.

When you add a device, you are prompted to enter a description. At this point, you can also drag a
message into the description field.
3. In Message Browser, select the message.

4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the message into the device's description field.

5. Click OK.

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Adding or deleting a communication port

The communication port (COM port) is used to connect the FireWorks computer to a control panel. Each
COM port must be added to the FireWorks configuration using Communications Manager. Each COM port
must also be configured with the correct baud rate, parity, etc.

To add a communication port:

1. On the Applications menu, click Communications Manager.

2. Click Add Port.

New port is displayed in the ports list.

3. Configure the COM port.

Refer to Configuring a communication port.

To delete a communication port:

1. On the Applications menu, click Communications Manager.

2. Select the port that you want to delete.

3. Click Delete Port.

Note: You cannot delete a COM port that is set up as the "primary" communications port before
deleting the COM port that is set up as the redundant communications port.

Adding text to a map

You may find the need to add text to your map. You can do this using a drawing program, or you can use
the Map Browser text command.

To add text to a map:

1. On the Text menu, click New Text, or click the New Text button on the toolbar.

2. Click on the map where you want the text.

3. Type in the caption. This is the text that is displayed on the map.

4. If desired, change the font size or type by clicking the Font button.

5. Select the angle of the text.

6. Enter a label.

7. Enter a description.

8. Click OK.

Adding, editing, and deleting HTTP commands

HTTP commands are used to send event information to third party HTTP servers.

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To add an HTTP command:

1. In the Device Browser window, right-click the HTTP module icon, and then click New Command.

2. In the HTTP Command Editor dialog box, click Add Command.

3. In the HTTP Command dialog box, do the following:

In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the HTTP command.

In the Description box, type a description for the HTTP command. This step is optional.

In the URL box, type the URL of the HTTP server receiving the command.

In the Type box, select which type of command is being defined

4. In the POST box, type the query string that you want to send by way of an HTTP POST action.

Check the Http Command Visible check box only if you want to display the HTTP response in System

Click OK.
5. Click Save.

To edit an HTTP command:

1. In the Device Browser window, right-click the HTTP module icon, and then click New Command.

2. In the HTTP Command Editor dialog box, locate the command in the list, and then click Edit.

3. In the HTTP Command dialog box, make your changes, and then click OK.

4. Click Save.

To delete an HTTP command:

1. In the Device Browser window, right-click the HTTP module icon, and then click New Command.

2. In the HTTP Command Editor, select the command.

3. Click Delete.

Alarm, Supervisory, Trouble, Security, and Monitor WAV files

You can automatically play a WAV file when an event takes place. A separate WAV file can be assigned to
each event type. This can save you time by not having to assign a sound action to each device state-
substate. You can assign a WAV file to alarm, supervisory, trouble, monitor, and security event types. Card
access events play the monitor WAV file.

Note: Sound actions that are assigned to individual device substates have a higher priority and sound
before the assigned automatic WAV files.

When your WAV files are ready, they must be placed in the C:\FIREWORKS\SOUNDS directory. The files
must have the extension WAV. For example: URGENT.WAV

1. Record the WAV file to be assigned to each event type.

2. Place each WAV file in the C:\FIREWORKS\SOUNDS directory.

3. Click the Basic Properties tab.

4. Locate the following properties:

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5. In the Value column, type the file name of the WAV file in place of the word "NONE" for each event type
that you want to play a WAV file. If you do not want a WAV file to play for an event type, leave the word
"NONE" in place.

6. Click Apply.

7. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if you are finished.

8. Restart FireWorks.

Assign/Import Icons dialog box

Use the Assign/Import Icons dialog box to assign object types to icons. Once an object type is assigned to
an icon, the icon is displayed in Device Browser next to each device with that object type. The default "D"
device icon is replaced with the new icon.

When you drag the device onto a map, the icon is displayed with the device already assigned. This can save
considerable time when adding many icons and devices on a map.

Every object type can have its own icon or multiple object types can be assigned to one icon. Once an
object type is assigned to an icon, it remains in the list. If an object type that is already assigned to an icon is
selected for a different icon, it will automatically be unassigned from the previous icon.

Available icons: A list of all the available icons.

Assigned to: A list of the object types that can be assigned to an icon.

Object types available: A list of the object types that have not been assigned to an icon.

Import icon button: Lets you import icons so they are available in the list. These can be icons you created.

Assigning a screen layout to an access group

When you are setting up the privileges for System Control, you can select the default layout for that user
group. When a member from the user group logs into System Control, the selected layout will be used. A
custom layout can be configured or one of the predefined layouts can be used for any access group.

Note: The default layout used is the "four quadrant" view if nothing else is selected.

To change the default layout of an access group:

1. On the Applications menu, click User Manager.

2. Click Access Group Configuration.

3. Select an access group or create a new access group.

4. Click the Applications tab.

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5. From Select Access Group Group's Default Window Layout, select the desired layout for the access

6. Click Apply.

7. Click Close.

Assigning and importing icons

The Assign/Import Icon dialog box lets you assign object types to icons. Once an object type is assigned to
an icon, the icon is displayed in Device Browser next to each device with that object type. The default "D"
device icon is replaced with the new icon.

When you drag the device onto a map, the icon is displayed with the device already assigned. This can save
considerable time when adding many icons and devices to a map.

Every object type can have its own icon, or multiple object types can be assigned to one icon. Once an
object type is assigned to an icon, it remains in the list. If an object type that is already assigned to an icon is
selected for a different icon, it will automatically be unassigned from the previous icon.

If the icon you want to use is not in the Available Icons list, you can import the icon. This may be an icon you
created to represent a particular device. When an icon is imported, it is checked to make sure it is the proper
32 x 32, 16-color bitmap and it is copied into the Icons directory.

Some object types are factory assigned. Icons with assigned object types appear in blue for ease in finding

To assign an object type to an icon:

1. On the Applications menu, click Assign/Import Icons.

Assign/Import Icons is also available on the TSA/ICON/Text menu in Map Browser.

2. In the Available Icons list, select the icon that you want to assign an object type to.

3. In the Object Types Available list, select the object type that you want to assign to the icon by checking
the check box next to the object type.

The assigned object type is displayed in the Assigned To window.

Note: If an object type that is already assigned to an icon is selected for a different icon, it will
automatically be unassigned from the previous icon.
4. Click Close to close the dialog box.

To unassign an object type from an icon:

1. Open the Map Browser window.

2. From the TSA/ICON/Text menu, click Assign/Import Icons.

3. In the Available Icons list, select the icon that you want to unassign an object type from.

4. In Object Types Available, clear the check box next to the object type. This removes it from the
Assigned To list.

5. Click Close to close the dialog box.

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To import an icon:
1. Open the Map Browser window.

2. From the TSA/ICON/Text menu, click Assign/Import Icons.

3. Click Import Icon.

4. In Look In, select the icon you want to import.

Make sure the icon you select is a 32 x 32 pixel, 16-color bitmap.

5. Click Open.

The icon is copied into the Icons directory and appears in the Available Icons list.

Assigning web client permissions to an access group

To access FireWorks from the Web Client application, permissions must be established. The permissions
must be assigned to an access group. Each access group can have permission to access FireWorks using
the Web Client. When activated, every member of the access group is granted permission. If you only want
one or two individuals to have permission, you must create a separate access group for these individuals
and then grant the access group permission.

To assign web client permissions to an access group:

1. On the Applications menu, click User Manager.

2. Click Access Group Configuration.

3. Select an access group or create a new access group.

4. Click the Applications tab.

5. From Web Client Connection, click Allow Web Client Connection.

6. Click Apply.

7. Click Close.

Backing up the database

When you back up the database, you are saving a copy of your project that contains most of the data in your
project. You also have the option to do a full backup, which backs up all of your data (maps, icons, sounds,
images, configuration file, etc.). Once the files are backed up, you can restore them at any time using the
Restore command.

Note: Back up the database at least once a month and each time a change is made.

To back up the database files:

1. On the File menu, click Backup.

2. In the Backup Project dialog box, click the browse button to open the Save As dialog box.

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In the Save As dialog box you can change the name of the backup file, change the Save In location, or
both. The default name for the backup file is projectname.fwkprj. The default Save In location is
3. Click Save.

4. Click Full Backup if want to back up your complete project, including maps, icons, sounds, images, etc.

5. Click OK.

6. In the "Enter description for saved project" dialog box, click OK.

Backup Project dialog box

Use the Backup Project dialog box to save a copy of your project or make a full backup, which includes your
project and maps, icons, images, sounds, etc. The backup files can later be restored if needed.

Note: FireWorks 1.6 and later does not use file name extensions. In previous FireWorks versions, the
default names for the backup files were FileName.Backup_DB and FileName.Backup_FWK, where
FileName was the name of the open and active project.

To back up your project:

1. Select the Full Backup check box, if you want to make a full backup.

2. Click the Browse button to select where you want to save your backup and change the file name, if

3. Click OK.

4. Enter a description. This description appears in the project properties.


When there are no new events in your system, "Configurable" is displayed at the top of the Event Message
tab. This is the default banner used to indicate that your system is up and running.

If desired, the banner can be changed to any word or short phrase. You may want to use the name of your
company or building, for example.

To change the banner title:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: BANNER_TEXT.

3. In the Value column, type the desired banner text in place of "Configurable."

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

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Button definitions

The buttons on the Action Browser toolbar are described below.

Button Definition

New Action: Opens the action editor dialog box to

create a new action

Edit Action: Opens the action editor dialog box to

edit an action

Delete Action: Deletes the selected action

Button definitions

The buttons on the Device Browser toolbar are described below.

Button Definition

Map browser: Opens the Map Browser window, which is used to set up
your maps, TSAs, icons, and text.

Command browser: Opens the Command Browser window, which is used

to create and edit commands.

Action browser: Opens the Action Browser window, which is used to

create and edit actions.

Message browser: Opens the Message Browser window, which is used to

create and edit messages.

New node: Adds a new node to your system.

New line: Adds a new line to your IRC3/EST2/FCC system.

New panel: Adds a new panel to your IRC3/EST2/FCC system.

New device: Adds a new device to your system.

Com Manager: Opens the Communications Manager window, which is

used to set up communications.

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Button Definition

New watchdog card: Adds a new watchdog card to your system

New camera: Adds a new camera to your system

New printer: Adds a new printer to your system.

Edit properties: Opens the Edit Properties window, which is used to add
or edit characteristics of the item selected.

Delete: Deletes the selected item.

Shrink/expand icons: Changes the large device icons to small, color-

coded icons. This lets you see more of the tree without having to scroll up
and down.

Find: Opens the Find dialog box, which is used to quickly and easily find

Button definitions

The buttons on the Command Browser toolbar are described below.

Button Definition

New command: Opens the command editor

dialog box to create a new command

New command set: Opens the command

editor dialog box to create a new command

Edit command: Opens the command editor

dialog box to edit a command or command set

Delete command: Deletes the selected

command or command set

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Button definitions

The buttons on the Map Browser toolbar are described below.

Button Definition

Zoom In: Enlarges the viewing size of a map.

Zoom Out: Reduces the viewing size of a map.

Zoom Select: Used to draw a box around an area on a map to zoom in.

Zoom 1-to-1: Displays the actual size of the map.

Map Overview: Displays a pop-up window of the entire map. This can be helpful if you are
zoomed in to a certain area on the map and want to see an overview of the whole map at the
same time.

Site Map: Branches directly to the site map from any location in the map system. The site map is
the main map which is displayed when no active alarms are present. (Also on the Functions
menu, or press F7.)

Previous Map: Switches back to the map previously displayed. Clicking this button repeatedly
toggles the display between the last two maps displayed.

Parent Map: Branches up one map level to the current map. This is like following a TSA link in
reverse, from destination map to source map. (Also on the Functions menu, or press F9.)

New Box TSA: Draws and defines a rectangular TSA. You drag the rectangle just as in a drawing
program. The system opens a dialog box that lets you define the TSA.

New Polygon TSA: Draws and defines a TSA with an irregular shape. You draw the polygon by
clicking on its corners. Use this to draw TSAs around irregular shapes on a map. The system
opens a dialog box that lets you define the TSA.

New Circle TSA: Draws and defines a circle TSA. You drag the circle just as in a drawing
program. The system opens a dialog box that lets you define the TSA.

New Pattern TSA: Draws and defines a patterned TSA. You drag a rectangle over the area of
the map that you want to cut into mu tip le equally-sized TSAs. The system opens the dialog box
that lets you define the TSA types and patterns.

Icon Browser: Opens the Icon Browser dialog box, which is used to add icons to a map.

New Text: Allows you to add text to the map.

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Button Definition

Edit Properties: Launches the Edit Properties dialog box, which is used to add or edit
characteristics of the item selected

Delete: Deletes the selected item

Button definitions

The buttons on the Message Browser toolbar are described below.

Button Definition

New message: Opens the message editor

dialog box, which is used to create a new

Edit message: Opens the message editor

dialog box, which is used to edit a message

Delete message: Deletes the selected


CCTV Protocol Manager dialog box

Use the CCTV Protocol Manager dialog box to add, configure, and edit protocols for CCTV manufacturers.

Protocol definition: Used to add the different CCTV protocols. Note: Refer to the equipment documentation
that came with your system for details about the protocol being used.

Name: The name you want to assign to the protocol.

Prefix: The character required by the protocol that must begin each command string. Note: Refer to the
equipment documentation that came with your system for details about the protocol being used.

Suffix: The character required by the protocol that must end each command string. Note: Refer to the
equipment documentation that came with your system for details about the protocol being used.

Description: A description of the protocol.

Import button: Imports the protocol in XML format. This allows you to import a protocol that you created on
another workstation.

Export button: Exports the protocol in XML format so that it can be imported on another workstation.

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Delete button: Deletes the selected protocol.

Command and field type definition

CCTV commands tab: Used to enter the different commands required to operate and control the CCTV
system. These commands, once entered, must be tied to the Camera Quadrant Commands so that the
button commands in the quadrant become active. Note: Refer to the equipment documentation that came
with your system for details about the commands available for the protocol being used.

Description: A description of the CCTV command.

Delete button: Deletes the selected CCTV command.

Command string: Each command is made up of a command string. The command string fields and values
must be entered to complete the command string requirements. Note: Refer to the equipment
documentation that came with your system for details about the commands and their command string values
for the protocol being used.

Delete button: Deletes the selected command string.

Camera quadrant commands tab: A list of all of the available commands that are used in the Camera
quadrant. Each command you use must be assigned a camera command from the CCTV Commands tab.
When assigned, the associated command buttons in the Camera quadrant become active.

Unassign button: Unassigns the selected command.

Field types tab: A list of the different fields that can make up a command string. Based on the requirements
of the protocol that you are using, you may have to adjust the format, minimum value, maximum value, or
maximum length for a field type. Once the field types are set up, they become available when setting up the
command strings for the CCTV commands and the appropriate values are automatically supplied. Note:
Each protocol that you are using may have different field type values. Make sure you have selected the
correct protocol before changing the field types.

Delete button: Deletes the selected field type.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Close button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Changing the default "do not reply" text

E-mail messages include the following default "do not reply" text:
Do not reply to this e-mail. This message is generated from an automated
source. Incoming e-mail to this account is not monitored and will be
automatically removed.

To change the default "do not reply" text:

1. Start Windows Notepad (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad).

2. Open the file CustomFoot.txt in the C:\Fireworks\email folder.

3. Type the message text.

4. Save the file as CustomFooter.txt in the same folder.

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Changing the map pointer

Four different map pointers (mouse pointers) are available:



Angle guide

The default pointer is the cross.

To change the map pointer:

1. On the Edit menu, click Map Pointers.

2. Select a map pointer.

Changing the password

To enter and make changes to System Configuration properties, a separate and unique password is
required. This password should be different than the FireWorks administrator password.

Note: If you forget your password, you must contact Technical Support and send in your file for decryption.

The default password is "admin." We recommend that you change this password to your own unique

To change the password:

1. On the Applications menu, click System Configuration.

2. Enter the password.

3. Click Change Password.

4. Type the current password.

5. Type the new password in the new password box.

The password must be at least four characters.

6. Type the new password again in Verify New Password.

7. Click OK.

Click Cancel to cancel changing the password.

Changing to a different language

There are two ways to change to a different language. When you do change, the menus, displays, and
dialog boxes in System Builder and System Control change to the language you select. You can change
languages by:

Selecting a different language from the View menu

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Switching to your alternate language

To select a different language:

1. On the View menu, point to Change Language, and then click the language that you want to use.

To switch to your alternate language:

1. On the View menu, click Alternate Language or press Shift + F4.

Your display switches to the alternate language that was assigned to your user account.

Changing user properties

At some point, you may have to change user properties. For example, you may need to reset a user
password or shorten a user timeout period.

User property descriptions

Property Description

User The name that the user enters to log on to the system. The user
name can be from 1 to 12 characters.

Password The secret word that the user enters to log on to the system. The
password must be between 4 and 32 characters.

Access Group The access group that defines the rights you want the user to have.

Timeout in The amount of time that the user can be inactive before being
Minutes automatically logged off the system. The default is 0 minutes, which
means that the user is never automatically logged off.

Primary The language that the software uses when the user first logs on to
Language the system.

Alternate The language that the user can switch to after logging on to the
Language system.

Description A brief description of the user (optional).

To change user properties:

1. On the Applications menu, click User Manger, and then click User Configuration.

2. In the User Configuration dialog box, under Users, select the user whose properties you want to

3. Under User Properties, make your changes.

4. Click Apply.

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Changing your user password

You should change your user password the first time you log on to the system or soon afterwards. If you
lose or forget your password, only someone with administrator rights can reset it.

To change your user password:

1. On the Applications menu, click User Manager.

2. Click Change Current User Password.

3. In the Current Password box, type the password that you are using now.

4. In the New Password box, type the password that you would like to use.

Note: You can use any combination of letters and numbers, but letters must be uppercase.
5. In the Verify New Password box, retype your new password.

6. Click Apply.

7. Click Close.

Command Browser

Use the Command Browser dialog box to create commands and command sets. Commands are actions that
are sent to the control panel to make something happen or to control something, such as disabling a smoke
detector or activating access control devices. A command set is a group of commands.

Commands assigned to devices, TSAs, and icons are displayed in blue. Command sets assigned to
devices, TSAs, and icons are displayed in blue, but the commands that make up the command set are not.

Note: In FireWorks 1.50 and earlier, commands assigned to a command set were also displayed in blue. In
FireWorks 1.60 and later, the operation is as described above.

Commands such as activate, enable, disable, reset, and system are available. Different devices have
different commands available.

Note: Each of the nodes on your system also are displayed. They are also containers for the commands you
create for that node. Watchdog cards and cameras are also displayed if you have these devices in your

See also: Button definitions

Command Editor dialog box

Use the Command Editor dialog box to create or edit commands. Commands are actions that are sent to the
control panel to make something happen or to control something, such as disabling a smoke detector or
activating access control devices.

Commands such as activate, enable, disable, reset, and system are available. Different devices have
different commands available.

Devices to receive command: The devices that receive the command. These are not the devices that
activate the command.

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Drop selected devices button: Drops (removes) the selected devices from the list.

Command: List of available commands for the device.

Label: A name or ID for the command.

Description: A description of the command.

Arguments: Selection criteria for certain commands. Some commands do not have arguments.

Save command button: Saves the command.

Communications Manager dialog box

Use the Communications Manager dialog box to configure your communication ports. The communication
ports are used to connect the FireWorks workstation to a control panel. Each FireWorks workstation can
have up to 5 serial and 850 TCP/IP communication ports depending on which model you have.

Ports: The list of serial or TCP/IP communication ports defined in the system. The number of
communication ports can exceed the number of actual nodes and the number of fixed communication ports
in the computer.

Label: The name used to identify communication port in the Ports list.

Port Type: Specifies whether the communication port is used for serial (RS-232) or Ethernet connections.

Assigned Node: The control panel or switcher node that you assign to the user-defined port. FireWorks
communicates with the assigned node through the serial or TCP/IP port.

Enabled: Enables (checked) or disables (cleared) the user-defined port.

Redundant button: Opens the Redundant Node Selection dialog, which is used to select the node (EST3
and EST3X only) as a redundant communications pathway. If the "primary" communication line fails, the
"secondary" (redundant) communication line takes over. Note: You must have a "primary" port and node set
up before you can assign a port and node as the secondary (redundant) communications line.

Description: A description of the user-defined port.

Serial port properties

The serial port properties are available when the Port Type option is set for Serial Port.

COM Port: A list of the computer's COM ports that can be assigned to a user-defined port. Once assigned,
the port is removed from the list until it is unassigned. COM ports can be assigned to any user-defined port
in the list.

Baud Rate: Communication speed supported by the port.

Parity: Serial communication parameter showing the type of parity used.

Stop Bits: Serial communication parameter showing how many bits are used to indicate stop.

ECP Port Type: Set to Gateway III for EST3 and EST3X communications. Set to Unassigned for EST2,
IRC-3, and FCC connections.

TCP/IP Port properties

The TCP/IP port properties are available when the Port Type option is set for TCP/IP Port.

IP Address: The IP address of the device server that is connected to the COM port.

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IP Port Number: This number must match the device server's IP port number.

Network Type: Either LAN (local area network) or WAN (wide area network) or unassigned. Select one
based on the kind of network FireWorks is connecting to. If you do not know, leave as unassigned.

ECP Port Type: Set to Gateway III for EST3 and EST3X communications. Set to Unassigned for EST2,
IRC-3, and FCC connections.

Add Port button: Adds a user-defined port for configuration.

Delete Port button: Deletes a user-defined port.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Configuring a command icon

A command icon represents one or more commands you can execute. When executed, the associated
preprogrammed commands are sent to the specified fire alarm networks. You can issue commands to any
workstation and node in a FireWorks network. A Command icon can contain a group of commands.

To configure a command icon:

1. Open the Map Browser window.

2. Select the command icon you want to configure.

Unconfigured icons have a dotted line and turn green when selected.
3. In Command Browser, select the command that you want to add to the command icon.

4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the command onto the command icon you selected in Map Browser.

5. In the drop confirmation dialog box, click OK.

Configuring a command TSA

A command TSA represents a command you can execute. When executed, the associated preprogrammed
commands are sent to the specified fire alarm networks. You can issue commands to any node in a
FireWorks network. A Command TSA can contain a group of devices.

To configure a command TSA:

1. Open the Map Browser window.

2. Select the command TSA that you want to configure.

Unconfigured TSAs have a dotted line and turn green when selected.
3. In Command Browser, select the command that you want to add to the command TSA.

4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the command onto the command TSA you selected in Map Browser.

5. In the drop confirmation dialog box, click OK.

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Configuring a communication port

COM port: Must be configured in both FireWorks and in Windows for proper communication with a control
panel. COM ports can also be converted back to "standard" ports for use with other devices. There are two
kinds of COM ports, serial and TCP/IP.

Serial port: Configures the user-defined port with one of the computer's serial ports for serial
communications. This should be used when you are connecting directly to a control panel's communication

TCP/IP port: Configures the user-defined port with the computer's Ethernet port for LAN/WAN
communications. This should be used when you are connecting FireWorks to a control panel through a

What do you want to do?

Configure a serial COM port in FireWorks for panel communications

Each serial COM port has a set of properties that must be configured in order for the workstation to
communicate with a control panel. Refer to the control panel documentation for details on serial RS-232

Note: Before you can configure a COM port, you must have a node defined in your system. Refer to Adding
a node for more information.

To configure a serial COM port in FireWorks:

1. On the Applications menu, click Communications Manager.

2. Select the COM port that you want to configure.

3. Enter a label for the port.

4. Under Port Type, click Serial Port.

5. Select the node that is assigned to that COM port.

6. Click Enabled to enable the COM port.

7. Enter a description for the port.

8. Click Redundant Communications if this port is your secondary communications line on your EST3 or
EST3X node. See Setting up redundant communications for EST3 and EST3X nodes for more

9. Set up the serial port properties.

Note: Once the node is selected, the default values for the baud rate, parity, stop bits, and gateway are
automatically set. If these values need adjusting, click the row that you want to change, and then from
the drop-down list, select the desired value.
1. Click Apply.

2. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Configure a TCP/IP COM port in FireWorks for panel communications

Each TCP/IP COM port has a set of properties that must be configured in order for the workstation to
communicate with a device server. Refer to the control panel documentation for details on TCP/IP

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Note: Before you can configure a COM port, you must have a node defined in your system. Refer to Adding
a node for more information.

To configure a TCP/IP COM port in FireWorks:

1. On the Applications menu, click Communication Manager.

2. Select the COM port that you want to configure.

3. Enter a label for the port.

4. Select TCP/IP port.

5. Select the node that is assigned to that COM port.

6. Click Enabled to enable the COM port.

7. Click Redundant Communications if this port is your secondary communications line on your EST3
node. See Setting up redundant communications for EST3 and EST3X nodes for more information.

8. Enter a description for the port.

9. Set up the TCP/IP port properties.

10. Click Apply.

11. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Configure a COMTCP/IP port in Windows for panel communications

This procedure is used to convert existing COM ports on the FireWorks computer to WinRT COM ports.
WinRT allows for proper communication between FireWorks and the control panels. See the notes below for


If you are using FireWorks V1.22 or earlier, this procedure must be completed for the COM ports that
you want to use to connect to a control panel. If the COM port was previously converted to a WinRT
COM port, no configuration is necessary.

If you are using FireWorks V1.3 or greater and are connecting to a control panel that is using the
Gateway 3 protocol, no configuration is necessary. If you are upgrading from a previous version of
FireWorks to V1.3 or greater, the COM ports on your computer remain configured as they were and no
configuration may be necessary. If you are connecting FireWorks to a control that uses a protocol other
than Gateway 3, run the batch file "WinRTinst.bat" in the C:\FireWorks\FireWorksWinRTDrivers. This
converts all FireWorks COM ports to WinRT COM ports. If you need to reconfigure a WinRT COM port
to work with other devices, refer to "Configure a COM port for use with other devices" in this topic.

To configure a COM port for WinRT panel communications:

1. Right-click on My Computer and click Properties.

2. Click the Hardware tab.

3. Click the Device Manager button.

4. Double-click Ports. A list of the COM ports on your computer is displayed.

5. Right-click on the COM port that you want to configure.

6. Click Properties.

7. Select the Driver Tab.

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8. Click the Update Driver button.

9. Click Next.

10. Select Display a List of Known Drivers.

11. Click Next.

12. Select the WrtDev WinRT Serial WDM Device.

13. Click Next.

14. Click Next.

15. Click Finish.

16. Click Close.

17. Exit from Device Manager.

Note: We recommend that you restart your computer before proceeding.

Configure a COM port for use with other devices

If you need to reconfigure a COM port for use with a device other than connecting to a control panel, you
must change it from a WinRT device back to a standard communication device.

To configure a COM port for other use:

1. Right-click on My Computer and click Properties.

2. Click the Hardware tab.

3. Click the Device Manager button.

4. Double-click WinRT Devices. A list of fire panel COM ports is displayed.

5. Right-click on the COM port that you want to reconfigure for use with another device.

6. Click Properties.

7. Select the Driver Tab.

8. Click the Update Driver button.

9. Click Next.

10. Select Display a List of Known Drivers.

11. Click Next.

12. Select the Communications Port device.

13. Click Next.

14. Click Next.

15. Click Finish.

16. Click Close.

17. Exit from Device Manager.

Note: We recommend that you restart your computer before proceeding.

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Configuring a device icon

After you add your device icon to a map, you must configure it. A device icon is made up of one or more
devices. Basically, a device icon is a container for devices. If any device in the group changes state, the
device icon border flashes.

To configure a device icon:

1. Open the Map Browser window.

2. Select the device icon that you want to configure.

Unconfigured icons have a dotted line and turn green when selected.
3. In Device Browser, select the device that you want to add to the device icon.

Use the Shift or Ctrl key to select more than one device.
4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the device onto the device icon you selected in Map Browser.

5. In the drop device confirmation dialog box, click OK.

6. In the Device Drag and Drop dialog box, click OK.

Configuring a device TSA

After you draw your device TSA on a map, you must configure it. A device TSA is made up of one or more
devices. Basically, a device TSA is a container for one or more devices. If any device in the group changes
state, the device TSA border flashes.

To configure a device TSA:

1. Open the Map Browser window.

2. Select the device TSA that you want to configure.

Unconfigured TSAs have a dotted line and turn green when selected.
3. In Device Browser, select the device that you want to add to the device TSA.

Use the Shift or Ctrl key to select more than one device.
4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the device onto the device TSA you selected in Map Browser.

5. In the drop device confirmation dialog box, click OK.

6. In the Device Drag and Drop dialog box, click OK.

Configuring access groups

An access group is a set of access privileges. These access privileges control what features and functions
of FireWorks are accessible by users. For example, the administrator group has access to all features and
functions in FireWorks.

There are four built-in (default) access groups. These access groups cannot be edited or deleted. They can
only be used as "templates" to set up new groups. The "templates" are predefined groups of access

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When setting up a new group, simply add or delete privileges in the eight tabbed sections. The result is a
new group that only has access to the features and functions you select. If you don't want to set up new
access groups, the built-in groups can be used as they are. The built-in groups are:




Web User

No Access

For more details, see Predefined access group settings.

To configure access groups:

1. On the Applications menu, click User Manager.

2. Click Access Group Configuration.

3. Click New Group.

4. From the list, select one of the "template" accounts that you want to use as a starting point.

Note: You do not have to use a template account as a starting point. If you do not select one, all
privileges are removed from that account until you select which privileges you want for that group.
5. Click Apply.

6. Type a label (name) for the group.

7. Type a description for the group.

8. Using the different tabbed sections, add or remove privileges for the group.

9. Click Apply.

10. Click Close.

Configuring MN-FVPN modules

This topic provides instructions for:

Adding an MN-FVPN module

Configuring an MN-FVPN input circuit

Configuring an MN-FVPN output relay

Adding an MN-FVPN module

MN-FVPN modules are grouped together in the device tree under Network Modules. You can add MN-FVPN
modules the first time from the Devices menu or by right-clicking the Unit icon. After the first time, or if any
other network module types have been added, you must add MN-FVPN modules by right-clicking the
Network Modules icon.

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To add an MN-FVPN module:

1. In the Device Browser window, right-click the Unit icon, and then click New MN-FVPN.


Right-click the Network Modules icon, and then click New MN-FVPN.
2. In the New VOIP Module dialog box, do the following:

In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the MN-FVPN module in the device tree. The
label appears next to the MN-FVPN icon when the Show Labels in Device Tree command is selected
on the View menu.

In the Description box, type a description for the MN-FVPN module. The description appears next to the
MN-FVPN icon when the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command is selected on the View menu. If
you do not enter a description, System Builder uses the label as the description.

In the IP Address boxes, type the MN-FVPN module's IP address.

Check the Enabled check box.

Click Apply.
3. Repeat the previous step to add more MN-FVPN modules or click Close.

Configuring an MN-FVPN input circuit

The MN-FVPN module provides two unsupervised normally-open input circuits. You can configure each
input circuit to generate one of the following event types: Alarm, Supervisory, Monitor, or Trouble. The
default label for each input circuit is: Input <1-2>_<MN-FVPN label>.

To configure an MN-FVPN input circuit:

1. Right-click the input circuit icon, and then click Edit Properties.

2. In the Properties dialog box do the following:

In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the input circuit in the device tree. The label
appears next to the input circuit icon when the Show Labels in Device Tree command is selected on the
View menu.

In the Description box, type a description for the input circuit. The description appears next to the input
circuit icon when the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command is selected on the View menu.

Set the Active State property to the type of event you want to generate when the circuit activates.
3. Click Apply, and then click Close.

Configuring an MN-FVPN output relay

The MN-FVPN module provides one Form C dry contact output relay. The default label for the output relay
is: Relay_<MN-FVPN label>.

To configure an MN-FVPN output relay:

1. Right-click the relay icon, and then click Edit Properties.

2. In the Properties dialog box do the following:

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In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the output relay in the device tree. The label
appears next to the output relay icon when the Show Labels in Device Tree command is selected on the
View menu.

In the Description box, type a description for the output relay. The description appears next to the output
relay icon when the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command is selected on the View menu.
3. Click Apply, and then click Close.

Configuring MN-NETRLY4 modules

This topic provides instructions for:

Adding an MN-NETRLY4 module

Configuring an MN-NETRLY4 input circuit

Configuring an MN-NETRLY4 output relay

Adding an MN-NETRLY4 module

MN-NETRLY4 modules are grouped together in the device tree under Network Modules. You can add MN-
NETRLY4 modules the first time from the Devices menu or by right-clicking the Unit icon. After the first time,
or if any other network module types have been added, you must add MN-NETRLY4 modules by right-
clicking the Network Modules icon.

To add an MN-NETRLY4 module:

1. In the Device Browser window, right-click the Unit icon, and then click New MN-NETRLY4.


Right-click the Network Modules icon, and then click New MN-NETRLY4.
2. In the New Network Relay Module dialog box, do the following:

In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the MN-NETRLY4 module in the device tree.
The label appears next to the MN-NETRLY4 icon when the Show Labels in Device Tree command is
selected on the View menu. The label is also appended to the label for each of the MN-NETRLY4
module's input circuits.

In the Description box, type a description for the MN-NETRLY4 module. The description appears next to
the MN-NETRLY4 icon when the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command is selected on the View
menu. If you do not enter a description, System Builder uses the label as the description.

In the IP Address boxes, type the MN-NETRLY4 module's IP address.

Check the Enabled check box.

Click Apply.
3. Repeat the previous step to add more MN-NETRLY4 modules or click Close.

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Configuring an MN-NETRLY4 input circuit

The MN-NETRLY4 module provides four unsupervised normally-open input circuits. You can configure each
input circuit to generate one of the following event types: Alarm, Supervisory, Monitor, or Trouble. The
default label for each input circuit is: Input <1-4>_<MN-NETRLY4 label>.

To configure an MN-NETRLY4 input circuit:

1. Right-click the input circuit icon, and then click Edit Properties.

2. In the Properties dialog box do the following:

In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the input circuit in the device tree. The label
appears next to the input circuit icon when the Show Labels in Device Tree command is selected on the
View menu.

In the Description box, type a description for the input circuit. The description appears next to the input
circuit icon when the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command is selected on the View menu.

Set the Active State property to the type of event you want to generate when the circuit activates.
3. Click Apply, and then click Close.

Configuring an MN-NETRLY4 output relay

The MN-NETRLY4 module provides four Form C dry contact output relays. The default label for each output
relay is: Relay<1-4>_<MN-NETRLY4 label>.

To configure an MN-NETRLY4 output relay:

1. Right-click the relay icon, and then click Edit Properties.

2. In the Properties dialog box do the following:

In the Label box, type the label you want to use to identify the output relay in the device tree. The label
appears next to the output relay icon when the Show Labels in Device Tree command is selected on the
View menu.

In the Description box, type a description for the output relay. The description appears next to the output
relay icon when the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command is selected on the View menu.
3. Click Apply, and then click Close.

Configuring pseudo points

A pseudo point is an input or output point created by a control panel. It is not a physical device, but it can
generate special event messages.

When devices are imported from the SDU, a large group of pseudo points are included. Once
imported, FireWorks assigns all devices a status point setting. Normal devices (physical devices) are
assigned a "false" status point, and pseudo points are assigned a "true" status point.

When a device or point has a false status, it must be acknowledged if an event takes place. This is what you
want for normal devices (physical devices).

Pseudo points must be handled a little differently than normal devices. Because pseudo points are assigned
a true status, they have to be acknowledged unless they are assigned to a TSA or icon. If you do not want to
acknowledge pseudo points every time they change state, you should assign all of your pseudo points to a

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TSA or icon. Once they are assigned, they do not require acknowledgement. The TSA or icon border
changes color based on the highest priority event, but you do not have to acknowledge each pseudo point

If there is a pseudo point you want to acknowledge, simply change its status point setting to "false." When
this point changes state, it now requires acknowledgement.

Note: Pseudo points are informational and are typically used for general system status updates. Do not
assign any alarm, supervisory, or trouble events requiring acknowledgement as pseudo points.

To configure pseudo points:

1. In Device Browser, locate the pseudo points.

2. In Map Browser, create a device TSA or icon.

3. For any pseudo point that you want to acknowledge, edit the properties for the point, changing the
Status Point property to False.

4. Select the pseudo points.

Use the Shift key to multi-select points or use the Ctrl key to select individual points.
5. Press the Alt key, and then drag the pseudo points into the device TSA or icon.

Configuring the Account Info tab

Account information includes company name, address, phone number, account number, etc. Every account
must have its own account number and one company may have more than one account. For example, a
university (company) may have many buildings with different addresses, where each building would have its
own account number. Account information must be entered for each account number and each account
must be entered one at a time.

To configure the Account Info tab:

1. Enter an account number.

Each account number must be unique and a company can have more than one account number.
Account numbers are four characters and are limited to 0 to 9 and A to F.
2. Enter a label.

3. Enter a description.

4. Fill in the location information (company name, address, etc.).

5. Enter a phone number.

6. Configure the Protocol tab.

Configuring the ACDB/FireWorks interface

The ACDB/FireWorks Interface is used to set up and configure the location of the ACDB database and
specify the card information you want displayed for each card holder. Card information is displayed in the
Card Information tab in the Event Action quadrant in System Control.

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Note: Only ADMIN level users can configure the ACDB/FireWorks interface information.

To configure the ACDB/FireWorks interface:

1. On the Applications menu, click ACDB Interface Configuration.

The ACDB/FireWorks Interface Configuration dialog box is displayed.

2. Click Enable ACDB/FireWorks Interface to turn on the ACDB/FireWorks features.

If this is not checked, ACDB/FireWorks interface features are disabled.

3. Click Browse and navigate to the location of this ACDB database file: acdb2fw.mdb.

If the database file is located on a network, it is automatically copied into the C:\FireWorks\acdb folder
with this file name: fw_acdb.mdb.

If a network connection does not exist, the acdb2fw.mdb file must be manually copied into the
C:\FireWorks\acdb folder, and the file name must be changed to: fw_acdb.mdb.
Note: File names may be upper or lower case but file extensions must always be lower case.
4. Specify how often (in seconds) FireWorks checks the C:\FireWorks\acdb folder for an updated ACDB
database file.

The time period can be set for 60 to 3,600 seconds (one hour).
5. Select an available field to display on the Card Information tab.

6. Click Assign.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each available field that you want to display.

8. Sort the displayed fields to your desired order using the arrow buttons.

Click a field and then click the up or down arrow to move the field to the desired position.
9. When you are finished assigning and sorting the fields, click Apply.

10. Restart FireWorks System Control if you changed the database location or monitoring time. You do not
need to restart FireWorks if you only changed the card information display fields.

Configuring the Contact ID Info tab

The Contact ID Info tab is available when configuring accounts and panel event lists that use the contact ID
protocol. The Contact ID Info tab is used to enter contact ID protocol information for zones not in a group
and groups, partitions, and zones when you are starting with an empty list of events for the account you are
creating. Group, partition, and zone IDs and labels must be configured for the account. If your system uses
zones without groups, enter the zones in the "Zones without Groups" section. You can also select a
predefined user group to associate with an account. The user group is the group of contact ID users
associated with this account's partition events.

Note: Make sure you have the report listing your control panels zones, groups, and partitions. Depending
on how your control panel was programmed, you may not have all of these. For example, if your panel is set
up as a zoned system, you may only have zones in your report.

To configure groups, partitions, and zones:

1. If required, select a user group to associate with the account.

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2. Enter a two-digit ID number for the group or partition with zones (values are 0 to 9 and A to F).

3. Enter a label for the group or partition.

4. Click the plus (+) symbol next to the group to open the zone information.

5. Enter a 3-digit ID number for the zone (values are 0 to 9 and A to F).

6. Enter a label for the zone.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to enter all zones associated with this group or partition with zones.

8. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to enter all groups and partitions with zones for this account.

9. In Partitions with Users, enter a two-digit ID number (values are 0 to 9 and A to F) and label for each
partition that has users. If you don't have any partitions with users, go to the next step.

10. When finished, return to step 6 in Adding an account.

To configure zones without groups:

1. For Zones that are not in groups (also referred to as group 00), enter the two-digit ID number for the
zone (values are 0 to 9 and A to F).

2. Enter a label for the zone.

3. Repeat these steps for all ungrouped zones in your system.

To edit a row entry, select the row, and then click the ID or label you want to edit, and type the new ID
or label.

To delete a group, zone, or partition, select the row you want to delete and press the Delete key.

Configuring the Contacts/Supervision tab

The Contacts/Supervision tab is used to associate predefined contacts with an account and define an
account supervision time period.

Contacts are individuals that can be associated with an account. More than one contact can be associated
with an account. Note: All contact information must be defined in the main Contacts tab before they are
available in this tab.

Supervision is a time period where the account is monitored for communications with the receiver. Accounts
typically contact their receivers within a certain time window (e.g. every 24 hours). If the account does not
contact the receiver within the time period set (e.g. 24 hours), an account supervision event is displayed in
FireWorks for that account. If no time period is defined, communication faults between the receiver and the
account will not be annunciated.

To configure the Contacts/Supervision tab:

1. Click the Contacts/Supervision tab.

2. Select a contact from the Available Contacts list.

3. Add the contact to the Account Contacts list.

4. If you are using account supervision, click Enable Supervision.

5. Enter the supervision time period in days and hours.

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6. Configure the Contact ID Info tab.

Configuring the Protocol tab

The Protocol tab is available when setting up panel event list information. The Protocol tab is used to select
the protocol type the panel event list is going to use. The protocol type can either be 4/2 or contact ID.

If you have already created an event list with a protocol in the Panel Events tab, you can copy those events
into the panel event list you are creating. If you do not copy a panel event list, you can start with an empty
list, which requires you to add each event individually.

To configure the Protocol tab:

1. Click the Protocol tab.

2. From the Select Default Protocol Events is undefined. List, decide which option you want to use.

Copy Events from a Panel Events List

Copy Events from an Account

Start with an Empty Events List

3. Configure the option using the procedures below.

4. When finished, return to step 8 in Adding a panel event list.

To copy events from a panel events list:

1. Click Copy Events from a Panel Events List.

2. Select the panel events label for the event list you want to copy.

To copy events from an account:

1. Click Copy Events from an Account.

2. Select the receiver label of the account you want to copy events from.

3. Select the line label of the account you want to copy events from.

4. Select the account label you want to copy events from.

To start with an empty event list:

1. Click Start with an Empty Events List.

2. Select the protocol type (4/2 or contact ID).

Contacts tab

Use the Contacts tab to view, add, edit, and delete individual contact information. Contacts are individuals
that can be associated with receiver accounts. The individual's contact information is then available in
System Control when an event is reported. Contact information such as name, company, address, phone

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number, etc. can be entered for each contact. A password can also be entered for authentication purposes
for each individual.

Contacts: A complete list of all of the contacts and contact information that have been added.

Add Contact button: Opens the Add Contact dialog box, which is used to add individual contact

Save button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Delete button: Deletes the selected contact.

Edit button (at the beginning of each row): Opens the Edit dialog box for the selected contact, which is
used to edit the contact's information.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Creating a browser action

A browser action displays a selected website in the System Control Browser window. Actions are assigned
to device state-substates (alarm activate, trouble activate, etc.). When the state becomes active, the action
takes place.

Note: Only one browser, image, or camera action is executed for a device activation. If multiple actions are
assigned, the priority is to perform the first camera action found, then image, and then browser. Once the
highest priority action has been executed, all other browser, image, and camera actions are ignored.

To create a browser action:

1. On the View menu, click Action Browser or click the Action Browser button on the toolbar.

2. From the Actions menu, click New or click the New Action button on the toolbar.

3. Enter a label.

4. Enter a description.

5. Select the browser action type.

6. Type a new website URL or select a website URL from the list. The list is updated as browser actions
are updated.

7. Click Apply.

8. Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog.

Creating a camera action

A camera action turns on a CCTV camera and monitor to a specific preset position upon the activation of an
event. The camera picture is displayed in the System Control Camera window or on another preselected
monitor. Actions are assigned to device state-substates (alarm activate, trouble activate, etc.). When the
state becomes active, the action takes place.


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Only one browser, image, or camera action is executed for a device activation. If multiple actions are
assigned, the priority is to perform the first camera action found, then image, and then browser. Once
the highest priority action has been executed, all other browser, image, and camera actions are ignored.

Camera actions are supported only on Windows XP workstations.

To create a camera action:

1. On the View menu, click Action Browser or click the Action Browser button on the toolbar.

2. On the Actions menu, click New or click the New Action button on the toolbar.

3. Enter a label.

4. Enter a description.

5. Select the camera action type.

6. Enter the camera switcher, camera, monitor number, and preset number settings.

Note: You must have a camera defined in your system before creating a camera action.
7. Click Apply.

8. Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog.

Creating a command set

A Command set is a group of commands. Command sets are a simple way of assigning multiple commands
to devices, TSAs, or icons.

For example, you may have created a command for all of the strobes on floor one, floor two, and floor three
to turn on. Each of these commands may already be assigned to certain devices, but they also may need to
be assigned to a command TSA, icon, or another device.

To make this easier, you can create a command set called All Strobes, and then add each command you
created for the different floors to this command set. This way, you now have one command that activates all
strobes on the three floors. Now, take the command set and assign it to the device, TSA, or icon that you
want to use to turn on all strobes on the three floors.

Some SDU device types do not create individual unique commands or command sets. Instead, the
commands are optimized to reduce the number of commands sent for better performance. When this
happens, one command with multiple devices in that command is created. This operates the same way
as a command set.

"New command" is available on the shortcut menu in Device Browser for certain devices in the tree.

You must create the commands before you can create a command set.

FireWorks issues commands using a low priority. If you need medium or high priority commands,
program the commands in an SDU Command List, and then have FireWorks activate the command list.

To create a command set:

1. On the View menu, click Command Browser or click the Command Browser button on the toolbar.

2. From the Commands menu, click New Command Set.

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3. Enter a label.

4. Enter a description.

5. Click OK.

The new command set appears below Command Sets.

6. Select the commands that you want to add to your command set.

7. Press the Alt key, and then drag the commands onto the new Command Set.

8. Assign the Command Set to the desired device state, TSA, or icon.

Creating a command

FireWorks can issue system or panel commands directly to fire networks. Commands are actions that are
sent to the control panel to make something happen or to control something, such as disabling a smoke
detector or activating access control devices.

Commands such as activate, enable, disable, and reset are available. The commands that are available for
a given device depend on the device type.

Multiple devices can have the same command assigned. Some devices have different command
possibilities. If so, you can only assign common commands to multiple devices. If a device has a command
available that other devices do not, you have to create that command separately.

Some SDU device types do not create individual unique commands or command sets. Instead, the
commands are optimized to reduce the number of commands sent for better performance. When this
happens, one command with multiple devices in that command is created. This operates the same way
as a command set.

"New command" is available on the shortcut menu in Device Browser for certain devices in the tree.

FireWorks issues commands using a low priority. If you need medium or high priority commands,
program the commands in an SDU Command List, and then have FireWorks activate the command list.

To create a command:
1. On the View menu, click Command Browser or click the Command Browser button on the toolbar.

2. From the Commands menu, click New Command.

3. In Device Browser, locate the device that you want to create a command for.

This is the device that receives the command. This is not the device that activates the command.
4. Press the Alt key, and then drag the device into the Devices to Receive Command on the Command
Editor dialog box.

5. Select the command type from the list.

6. Enter a label.

7. Enter a description.

8. If prompted, select the argument criteria for that command and device.

9. Click Save Command.

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10. Click Close to close the dialog box.

11. Assign the command to the desired device state, TSA, or icon.

Creating a map pool

The map pool is a container for maps. Maps do not have to be linked to reside in the map pool. Individual
maps can be opened and set up with TSAs, icons, and text without having to be linked to other maps. The
map pool is simply your map setup area. You can open and configure each of your maps before ever linking
them. Map TSAs can be in place and ready for linkage when it is time.

Maps that you know must be linked, but are not ready for the map tree, can reside in the map pool. This
way, you can begin your map linkage before connecting maps to your site map.

To create a map pool:

1. On the Maps menu, click New Map Pool.

New Map Pool is also available on the shortcut menu.

2. Enter a label.

3. Enter a description.

4. Click OK.

5. Open your maps in the map pool.

Creating a message

Messages can be created for instruction or information purposes. Once a message is created and added to
a device's state, it displays in System Control when the device goes into the state the message was
assigned to. More than one device state may require the same message. If so, simply drag the message
onto each device state that requires the message.

Messages can also be created for use as descriptions for devices, TSAs, icons, etc. By creating messages
for this use, you can drag the message into the description area for any device.

To create a message:
1. On the View menu, click Message Browser or click the Message Browser button on the toolbar.

2. On the Messages menu, click New or click the New Message button on the toolbar.

3. Enter a label.
4. Enter a message.

5. Click Apply.

If you desire, you can continue to create messages without having to close the dialog box. Just enter a
new label and message and click Apply.
6. Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog.

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Creating a sound action

A sound action plays a selected sound file (WAV) upon the activation of an event. Actions are assigned to
device state-substates (alarm activate, trouble activate, etc.). When the state becomes active, the action
takes place.

Only the first assigned sound action is issued for a device activation

If you elect to play WAV files by assigning them to event types, do not assign a sound action to a device

To create a sound action:

1. On the View menu, click Action Browser or click the Action Browser button on the toolbar.

2. On the Actions menu, click New or click the New Action button on the toolbar.

3. Enter a label.

4. Enter a description.

5. Select the Sound action type.

6. Click Browse and select the sound file that you want to play.

7. Click Apply.

8. Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog.

Creating an e-mail action

An e-mail action sends an automated e-mail message to one or more recipients when a state-substate
activates. The e-mail message consists of the e-mail header and default "do not reply" text in the message
body. Optionally, you can include information about the point that activated the event, common text, and text
unique to the e-mail action in the body of the e-mail message.

See also: Changing the default "do not reply" text

The FireWorks e-mail function is compatible with Short Message Service (SMS) devices and services. SMS
messages are limited to 160 characters, including spaces. If the message is too long or if the format is not
correct, some carriers may truncate the message or not transmit anything at all. Contact the carrier to
ensure that the message structure will work.

Any number of e-mail actions can be assigned to a device activation, but e-mail actions are only
executed once, when the event first arrives in the New Events tab in System Control.

E-mail actions require that you have an account with an e-mail service provider. The e-mail account can
be with an ISP (internet service provider) or with a Web-based mail service. For more information, see
Setting up an SMTP mail server connection.

FireWorks does not respond to incoming e-mail messages.

FireWorks does not maintain the e-mail account. You may have to log on to the account periodically
and delete unexpected incoming e-mail.

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E-mail actions cannot have more than 100 recipients.

To create an e-mail action:

1. Click the Action Browser button.

2. On the Action Browser, click the New Action button.

3. Enter a label. The label text may be appended to the subject line of the e-mail message. For more
information, see SMTP_SERVER_IN_EMAIL_SUBJECT property.

4. Enter a description.

5. Under Action Type, click E-mail.

6. Select a recipient from the Addresses list, and then click To:, cc:, or bcc:, as required.


If the recipient is not in the list, click E-mail addresses, enter the new recipient's contact information, and
then select the recipient.
7. Check the Include Event Information check box if you want the body of the e-mail message to include
information about the device that activated the event.

8. Check the Include Footer check box if you want the body of the e-mail message to include text common
to other e-mail actions. In the Footer text box, type the text you want to include or select the text string
from the list.

9. Check the Include Note check box if you want the body of the e-mail message to include text unique to
the e-mail action. In the Note text box, type the text you want to include.

10. Click Apply, and then click Cancel to close the Action Editor.

Creating an image action

An image action displays a selected image file (BMP, RLE, WMF, or JPEG) upon the activation of an event.
The image is displayed in the System Control Image window. Actions are assigned to device state-substates
(alarm activate, trouble activate, etc.). When the state becomes active, the action takes place.

Note: Only one browser, image, or camera action is executed for a device activation. If multiple actions are
assigned, the priority is to perform the first camera action found, then image, and then browser. Once the
highest priority action has been executed, all other browser, image, and camera actions are ignored.

To create an image action:

1. On the View menu, click Action Browser or click the Action Browser button on the toolbar.

2. On the Actions menu, click New or click the New Action button on the toolbar.

3. Enter a label.

4. Enter a description.

5. Select the image action type.

6. Click Browse and select the image file that you want to display.

7. Click Apply.

8. Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog.

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Creating icon drawings

Icon drawing files have a special format. They have a BMP (bitmap) extension.

To create or revise icon drawings, you must use a special drawing program called an icon editor. FireWorks
uses Microsoft Image Editor as the default icon editor. When you choose Icon Editor on the Applications
menu, Image Editor starts.

Microsoft Image Editor documentation is beyond the scope of this Help system, but the utility is simple
to learn and use. Refer to the extensive online Help.

When you change an icon drawing, the revised drawing appears for each instance of that icon. When
you change the drawing, you change it wherever it is displayed on maps.

To create or change an icon drawing:

1. Start the Icon Editor.

Icon Editor starts with a new (blank) icon drawing.

2. Use Icon Editor to create a new drawing or change an existing drawing.

Note: Icons must be 32 x 32 pixels, 16-color bitmaps.

To edit an existing drawing, choose the File > Open command, then select the file you want to edit.
3. Save the files in the C:\Fireworks\Icons folder.

4. Exit from the Icon Editor.

Creating map drawings

You can create map drawings in three ways:

Export drawings already created in AutoCAD (DWG) (version 14 or lower). See Requirements when
using AutoCAD to create maps.

Create drawings using the FireWorks Map Editor Drawing Package (BMP in 16 million colors)

Export drawings from another graphics package (WMF, DXF, or JPEG in 16 million colors)

You can revise map drawings as often as you need, even after they have been used in FireWorks. There is
no need to create a perfect map drawing the first time. Experiment with your first few drawings.

The drawing package provided with FireWorks is a standard Windows utility, called Paint. This is a simple
drawing program that produces BMP files.

Note: Paint documentation is beyond the scope of this Help file, but the utility is simple to learn and use.
Refer to the extensive online Help or to any of the readily available commercial publications on Windows.

To use Paint:
1. On the Applications menu, click Map Editor.

2. Create a new drawing or edit an existing drawing.

To edit an existing drawing, choose the File > Open command, then select the file you want to edit.

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3. Save the files in the C:\Fireworks\Maps folder.

Deleting a CCTV protocol

If you need to remove a protocol from the list, you can delete it. All commands, commands strings, and
commands assigned to camera quadrant commands are deleted.

Note: If a protocol has been assigned to a node, it cannot be deleted even if the node is deleted. Only
protocols that have never been assigned to a node can be deleted.

To delete a CCTV protocol:

1. On the Applications menu, click CCTV Manager.

2. Under Protocol Definition, select the protocol that you want to delete.

3. Click the Delete button under Protocol Definition.

Deleting a command

If a command or command set is not required, you can delete it.

Caution: Deleting a command in Command Browser deletes the command from each state-substate it was
assigned to.

To delete a command or command set:

1. On the View menu, click Command Browser.

2. Select the command or command set that you want to delete.

3. From the Commands menu, click Delete, or click the Delete button on the toolbar.

Deleting a contact

Contacts can be deleted if they are no longer needed.

To delete a contact:
1. Click the Contacts tab.

2. Select the contact that you want to delete by clicking the cell in the left column of the contact's row.

The entire row highlights when the contact is selected.

3. Click Delete.

4. Click Save.

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Deleting a line

Lines can be deleted if they are no longer needed.

Note: When you delete a line, all accounts and events associated with the line are also deleted.

To delete a line:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open the receiver that has the line you want to delete.

3. Select the line that you want to delete by clicking the cell in the left column of the line's row.

The entire row highlights when the line is selected.

4. Click Delete.

5. Click Save.

Deleting a map

If there is a map that is not required anymore, you can delete it. Maps can be deleted in both the Map Tree
and the Map Pool.

To delete a map:
1. Select the map that you want to delete.

2. Click the Delete button on the toolbar.

Delete is also available on the shortcut menu.

Deleting a message

If a message is not required, you can delete it.

Caution: Deleting a message in Message Browser deletes the message from each state-substate or
description it was assigned to.

To delete a message:
1. On the View menu, click Message Browser.

2. Select the message that you want to delete.

3. On the Messages menu, click Delete, or click the Delete button on the toolbar.

Deleting a panel event list

Panel event lists can be deleted if they are no longer needed.

Note: When you delete a panel event list, all events associated with the event list are also deleted.

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To delete a panel event list:

1. Click the Panel Events tab.

2. Select the panel event list that you want to delete by clicking the cell in the left column of the panel
event list row.

The entire row highlights when the panel event is selected.

3. Click Delete.

4. Click Save.

Deleting a receiver

A receiver can be deleted if it is no longer needed.

Note: When you delete a receiver, all lines, accounts, and events associated with the receiver are also

To delete a receiver:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Select the receiver that you want to delete by clicking the cell in the left column of the receiver's row.

The entire row highlights when the receiver is selected.

3. Click Delete.

4. Click Save.

Deleting a TSA

If a TSA on a map is not required, you can delete it.

To delete a TSA:
1. Click the TSA either in the Map Tree or on the map.

2. Click the Delete button on the toolbar.

Delete is also available on the shortcut menu.

Deleting a user group

User groups can be deleted if they are no longer needed.

Note: Deleting a user group deletes all of the users in the group.

To delete a user group:

1. Click the User tab.

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2. Select the user group that you want to delete by clicking the cell in the left column of the user group's

The entire row highlights when the user group is selected.

3. Click Delete.

4. Click Save.

Deleting a user

Users can be deleted if they are no longer needed.

To delete a user:
1. Click the Users tab.

2. Open the user group containing the user that you want to delete.
3. Select the user that you want to delete by clicking the cell in the left column of the user's row.

The entire row highlights when the user is selected.

4. Click Delete.

5. Click Save.

Deleting an access group

When you delete an access group, the users assigned to that group are automatically assigned to the
default access group. You cannot delete the default access group. To delete the current default access
group you must first make a different access group the default access group.

To delete an access group:

1. On the Applications menu, click User Manager, and then click Access Group Configuration.

2. In the Access Groups list, select the access group that you want to delete.

3. Click Delete Group.

4. Click Yes.

Deleting an account

Accounts can be deleted if they are no longer needed.

Note: When you delete an account, all events associated with the account are also deleted.

To delete an account:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open the receiver that has the line containing the account you want to delete.

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3. Open the line that has the account you want to delete.

4. Select the account that you want to delete by clicking the cell in the left column of the account's row.

The entire row highlights when the account is selected.

5. Click Delete.

6. Click Save.

Deleting an action

If an action is not required, you can delete it.

Caution: Deleting an action in Action Browser deletes the action from each state-substate it was assigned

To delete an action:
1. On the View menu, click Action Browser.

2. Select the action that you want to delete.

3. On the Actions menu, click Delete, or click the Delete button on the toolbar.

Deleting an event

Events can be deleted if they are no longer needed.

To delete an event:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open the receiver that has the event you want to delete.

3. Open the line that has the event you want to delete.

4. Open the account that has the event you want to delete.

5. Select the event that you want to delete by clicking the cell in the left column of the event's row.

The entire row highlights when the event is selected.

6. Click Delete.

7. Click Save.

Deleting an event

Events can be deleted if they are no longer needed.

To delete an event:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

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2. Open the receiver that has the event you want to delete.

3. Open the line that has the event you want to delete.

4. Open the account that has the event you want to delete.

5. Select the event that you want to delete by clicking the cell in the left column of the event's row.

The entire row highlights when the event is selected.

6. Click Delete.

7. Click Save.

Deleting an icon

If an icon on a map is not required, you can delete it.

To delete an icon:
1. Click the icon either in the map tree or on the map.

2. Click the Delete button on the toolbar.

Delete is also available on the shortcut menu.

Deleting devices

Deleting an item removes it from the Device Browser.

Note: COM ports cannot be deleted. COM cards can be deleted.

To delete an item:
1. In Device Browser, select the device you want to delete.

2. On the Devices menu, click Delete or click the Delete button on the toolbar.

Delete is also available on the shortcut menu.

Deleting text from a map

If text you added to a map is not needed, you can delete it.

To delete text from a map:

1. Select the text either in the map tree or on the map.

2. On the Text menu, click Delete or click the Delete button on the toolbar.

Delete is also available on the shortcut menu.

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Device addresses

A device address is a 13-digit number assigned to a device. The address is the device identifier. The format
of the number is as follows:





UU (unit): is the FireWorks workstation.

NNN (node): is a workstation term indicating an individual fire network. A node is a single communication
line that connects a FireWorks workstation to a control panel. The control panel may be part of a network of
control panels. You can have 001 to 999 nodes.

LL (line): is a data transmission circuit between a control module and its field panels. EST2/IRC3 systems
have a line number of 00. For FCC systems, the line number is for the PCPU and can be 00, 02, 04, or 06.
Note: EST3 systems do not use line numbers.

PP (panel): is a control module that has devices connected to it. For EST3 and EST3X systems, a panel is
considered a CPU module. You can have up to 64 EST3 panels. For EST2/IRC3/FCC systems, a panel is
considered either the EST2, CM1N, or CM2N. You can have up to 62 of these panels.

CC (card): is a local rail module (3-SSDC, 3-IDC, etc.) on an EST3 system. You can have 01 to 55 cards.
EST2/IRC3/FCC systems do not have cards.

DDDD (device): is a field device (smoke detector, module, strobe, etc.) connected to a control panel. The
device has a 4-digit number. For EST2/IRC3/FCC systems, the number range is 0001-0099. For EST3 and
EST3X systems, the number range is 0001 to 1023.

See Receiver device addressing for information on how receivers are addressed.

Device address formats

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Device Browser icons

The following table shows the icon, the square color when Shrink/Expand is toggled, and the definition for
the tree device.

Device Square Definition

icon color

Yellow Unit: The FireWorks workstation.

Light blue Node: A workstation term indicating an individual control panel. A node is a
single communication line that connects a FireWorks workstation to a control
panel. The control panel may be part of a network of control panels.

Pink Line: A data transmission circuit between a control module and its field panels.
Note: EST3 systems do not use line numbers.

Blue Panel: A control module that has devices connected to it. For EST3 and EST3X
systems, a panel is considered a CPU module. For EST2/IRC3/FCC systems, a
panel is considered either the EST2, CM1N, or CM2N.

Green Card: A local rail module (3-SSDC, 3-IDC, etc.) on an EST3 system. You can
have 01 to 55 cards. Note: EST2/IRC3/ FCC systems do not have cards.

White (field Device: A field device (smoke detector, module, strobe, etc.) connected to a
device) control panel.
Virtual point: Device icon or zone TSA that is not connected to a field device,
but is used as an auxiliary indicator within FireWorks.

Dark green
(virtual point)

Dark blue State: Possible states are: alarm, trouble, supervisory, security, and
alert/monitor. Each state is a container of many substates.

Dark blue Substate: Possible substates are: activate, restore, and acknowledge.

Purple Card reader controller: A module that performs all card access processing

White Card reader: Interprets the code on the user's access card and forwards this
data to the CRC.

Red COM card: Contains serial ports (COM ports), which are used to connect the
FireWorks computer to a control panel.

Red COM port: Used to make the physical connection to a control panel.

White Digital receiver: The dialer/ receiver that FireWorks is receiving events from.

Orange Watchdog card: Monitors supervision points within the FireWorks computer.

Black CCTV: A switcher that your CCTV cameras are connected to.

Black Camera: A CCTV camera connected to your system.

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Device Square Definition

icon color

Gray Printer: The PT1-P printer connected to your system.

Blue dash Action icon: Indicates that an action is assigned to the device's state or

Red dash Message icon: Indicates that an extended message is assigned to the device's
state or substate.

Green dash Command icon: Indicates that a command is assigned to the device's state or

Device Browser

Use Device Browser to build your project. The Device Browser displays your project in a tree structure

The top-level device is called the unit (the FireWorks workstation). Under the unit, devices branch to other
devices, states, and substates. When you click a "+" sign or double-click a device, the tree expands showing
you the next device. Each device has a representative icon that quickly identifies what type of device it is.
Devices have commands such as Add, Delete, Edit Properties, etc. that are available from the Devices
menu, the toolbar, or the shortcut menu.

The Map Browser, Command Browser, Action Browser, and Message Browser are all available from the
View menu or toolbar.

See also: Button definitions, Device Browser icons

Device states and substates

Each device that makes up your system has a state and substate. A combination of the state and substate is
what generates an event, which is what is displayed in System Control.

Five primary states can take place on a system. A state is a container of many substates. Each state and
substate combination is a potential event on your system. There are potentially many combinations of states
and substates that you could see displayed as events. Only the primary state and substate containers are
displayed below.






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Device Substate Properties dialog box

Use the Device Substate Properties dialog box to add or edit extended messages, commands, or actions for
a device's substate. Each substate can have its own extended message, command, or action.

Each device that makes up your system has a state and substate. A combination of the state and substate is
what generates an event, which is what is displayed in System Control.

Label: A name or ID for the state.

Extended message: Used to add an extended message to a device state. Extended messages are
messages that inform or instruct the user to perform certain tasks or duties when an event takes place in the
system. Extended messages provide the user with additional information about devices. For example, you
can use extended messages to outline user responses to events. Extended messages are displayed in the
Event Action window in System Control.

Commands: Used to add a command to a device state. Commands are actions that are sent to the control
panel to make something happen or to control something, such as disabling a smoke detector or activating
access control devices.

Actions: Used to add an action to a device state. An action is a camera, image, or sound that plays upon
the activation of an event.

Add button: Starts the either the Command Browser or Action Browser, which is used to create a command
or an action. Drag the desired command or action into Commands or Actions on the Device substate
properties dialog box.

Drop button: Removes the command or action from the device's substate.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.


Dialer functionality is enabled by default, but can be turned off is necessary. Dialer functionality enables
FireWorks to communicate with and receive events from a digital alarm receiver (DACR).

To disable dialer functionality:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: DIALER_FUNCTIONALITY_ENABLE.

3. In the Value column, uncheck enabled.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

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6. Restart FireWorks.

Drawing a patterned TSA

Drawing a patterned TSA lets you drag a rectangle over an area on the map and then cut that area into
multiple equally-sized TSAs. This is a quick way to break up a map with TSAs and link those TSAs to the
map views that each TSA defines or link them to other maps.

Using the patterned TSA is a quick way to divide a large map into multiple maps. Make sure that you do not
break up the map into very small maps because this will affect your ability to navigate through the maps in
System Control (e.g. if you are using touch screen, they may be too small to touch).

Where should you draw the TSAs? This is your decision as the designer and programmer. Your first priority
should be to create maps and TSAs that make the system simple to understand and use. Here are some

On an aerial view of a campus, you could draw rectangular or polygonal TSAs around each building.

On an elevation drawing of a building, you could draw rectangular TSAs around each floor. This
drawing may also have colored and labeled buttons for auxiliary functions like displaying the service
notice. You would draw rectangular TSAs around these buttons.

If the map system is complex and does not correspond well to a map or picture approach, you could
use a box diagram to show the map system. You would draw a rectangular TSA around each box in the

The site map could be as simple as a list of map titles with a TSA drawn around each item in the list.

Note: Once the group of TSAs is created, they must be edited individually. They cannot be edited as a

To draw a patterned TSA:

1. Select the map that you want to add the TSA to.

2. On the TSAs/Icons/Text menu, click New TSA Pattern or click the New TSA Pattern button on the

3. With the left mouse button, click on the map and draw a TSA.

Note: If you are drawing a map TSA, you can hold down the Shift key to draw a TSA that is proportional
in size to the Map Display window in System Control. This way, each time the map that is linked to the
TSA displays, it will fit proportionally in the window.

Note: If you overlap a TSA with another TSA, only one of the TSAs will function when you click on the
overlap area.
4. When the TSA is the size you want, click the left mouse button again.

5. Select the number of TSAs down and across.

6. Select the spacing you want between TSAs.

7. Select the TSA type.

For more information, refer to TSA types.

8. Select the map assignment.

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Assign maps to view defined by each TSA automatically: Automatically assigns the view defined by the
TSA as the map for that TSA. Each TSA links to a different view (map) of the primary map.

Note: When this is selected, the Base Label field changes to the Map Label field.

Assign maps to TSAs manually: Requires you to manually assign a map to each TSA defined in the
TSA Pattern Selection. If you cut the map into six equal size TSAs, you must manually assign a map to
each of those TSAs.
9. Enter a label.

10. Enter a description.

11. Click OK.

12. If you selected Assign maps to TSAs manually, link or configure the TSAs.

Note: General TSAs do not require configuration.

Drawing a standard TSA

TSAs are touch sensitive areas used to branch through a map or areas on a map. TSAs are essentially
buttons created, programmed, and applied by the FireWorks system administrator per the requirements of
your facility. These appear in the map display area.

Clicking an active TSA causes the system to switch to a more detailed map, such as a device map. This
process is called branching. The FireWorks system administrator has details on the use and function of your

Where should you draw the TSAs? This is your decision as the designer and programmer. Your first priority
should be to create maps and TSAs that make the system simple to understand and use. Here are some

On an aerial view of a campus, you could draw rectangular or polygonal TSAs around each building

On an elevation drawing of a building, you could draw rectangular TSAs around each floor. This
drawing may also have colored and labeled buttons for auxiliary functions like displaying the service
notice. You would draw rectangular TSAs around these buttons.

If the map system is complex and does not correspond well to a map or picture approach, you could
use a box diagram to show the map system. You would draw a rectangular TSA around each box in the

The site map could be as simple as a list of map titles with a TSA drawn around each item in the list.

To draw a standard TSA:

1. Select the map that you want to add the TSA to.

2. On the TSAs/Icons/Text menu, click either New Box TSA, New Polygon TSA, or New Circle TSA or
click the New Box TSA, New Polygon TSA, or New Circle TSA button on the toolbar.

3. With the left mouse button, click on the map and draw a TSA.

Note: If you are drawing a map TSA, you can hold down the Shift key to draw a TSA that is proportional
in size to the Map Display window in System Control. This way, each time the map that is linked to the
TSA displays, it will fit proportionally in the window.

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Note: If you overlap a TSA with another TSA, only one of the TSAs will function when you click on the
overlap area.
4. When the TSA is the size you want, click the left mouse button again.

5. Select the TSA type.

For more information, refer to TSA types.

6. Select the map assignment.

Assign maps to view defined by each TSA automatically: Automatically assigns the view defined by the
TSA as the map for that TSA. Each TSA links to a different view (map) of the primary map.
Note: When this is selected, the Base Label field changes to the Map Label field.

Assign maps to TSAs manually: Requires you to manually assign a map to each TSA defined in the
TSA Pattern Selection. If you cut the map into six equal size TSAs, you must manually assign a map to
each of those TSAs.
7. Enter a label.

8. Enter a description.

9. Click OK.

10. Link or configure the TSA.

Note: General TSAs do not require configuration.

Dropping a command from a device state

Dropping a command removes the command from the device state-substate.

To drop a command:
1. In Device Browser, select the device's state-substate.

2. On the Devices menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. In the commands area, select the command that you want to drop.

4. Click Drop Command.

5. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Dropping an action from a device state

Dropping an action removes the action from the device state-substate.

To drop an action:
1. In Device Browser, select the device's state-substate.

2. On the Devices menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

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3. In the action area, select the action that you want to drop.

4. Click Drop Action.

5. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Dropping an extended message from a device state

Dropping an extended message removes the message from the device state-substate.

To drop an extended message:

1. In Device Browser, select the device's state-substate.

2. On the Devices menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Select the extended message.

4. Press Delete or click Delete on the shortcut menu.

5. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Edit all e-mail actions dialog box

The Edit all e-mail actions dialog box is used to update a selected e-mail address for all e-mail actions in the

Type of update
Replace current address with new address in all actions: Replaces the current address with a new address
in all actions that have the current address.

Delete current address from all actions: Deletes the current address from all actions containing that address.

Add new address to all actions containing current address: Inserts the new address in all e-mail actions
containing the current address.

Note: If an action has no remaining addresses after an update, the action is deleted.

Current address: The current (active) e-mail address in the system.

New address: The new address that you want to use in the system.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Edit e-mail addresses dialog box

The Edit e-mail addresses dialog box is used to enter new e-mail addresses or edit e-mail addresses that
were previously entered.

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Addresses: A list of all e-mail addresses that have been entered. E-mail addresses are sorted
alphabetically by last name. Click <New Address> when you want to enter new address information.

Address information: Information, such as name and phone number, that is associated with each e-mail
address. This information can be edited as needed.

Delete button: Deletes the selected e-mail address.

Print button: Prints a report containing a list of all e-mail addresses and address information in the system.

Import button: Imports a comma delimited file of e-mail information and creates new address records in the
system. The file must be in the following format: E-mailAddress, LastName, FirstName, WorkPhone,
CellPhone, Fax, Address.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Editing a command

You may need to edit the properties (label, description, etc.) of a command or command set. This can be
done using the Command Editor dialog box.

To edit a command or command set:

1. On the View menu, click Command Browser.

2. Select the command or command set that you want to edit.

3. From the Commands menu, click Edit, or click the Edit button on the toolbar.

4. Edit the properties of the command.

Editing a contact

Contact information, such as the name, address, phone number, password, etc. can be edited once it has
been added.

To edit a contact:
1. Click the Contacts tab.

2. Click the Edit button for the contact you want to edit.

The Edit Contact dialog box is displayed.

3. Edit the information desired.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Save.

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Editing a line

Line information, such as the label and description can be edited once it has been added.

To edit a line:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open the receiver that has the line you want to edit.

3. Click the Edit button for the line that you want to edit.

The Edit Line dialog box is displayed.

4. Edit the information desired.

5. Click OK.

6. Click Save.

Editing a message

You may need to edit a message. This can be done using the Edit Message dialog box.

To edit a message:
1. On the View menu, click Message Browser.

2. Select the message that you want to edit.

3. On the Messages menu, click Edit, or click the Edit Message button on the toolbar.

Editing a panel event list

Panel event list information, such as the label, description, and protocol can be edited once it has been

To edit a panel event list:

1. Click the Panel Events tab.

2. Click the Edit button for the panel event list that you want to edit.

The Edit Panel Events dialog box is displayed.

3. Edit the information as needed.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Save.

Editing a receiver

Receiver information, such as the label and description can be edited once it has been added.

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To edit a receiver:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Click the Edit button for the receiver that you want to edit.

The Edit Receiver dialog box is displayed.

3. Edit the information desired.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Save.

Editing a user group

User group information, such as the group number, label, and description can be edited once it has been

To edit a user group:

1. Click the Users tab.

2. Click the Edit button for the user group you want to edit.

The Edit User Group dialog box is displayed.

3. Edit the information desired.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Save.

Editing a user

User information, such as the name, address, phone number, user code, etc. can be edited once it has been

To edit a user:
1. Click the Users tab.

2. Open the user group containing the user that you want to edit.

3. Click the Edit button for the user you want to edit.

The Edit User dialog box is displayed.

4. Edit the information desired.

5. Click OK.

6. Click Save.

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Editing all e-mail actions

Previously entered e-mail actions may need editing due to e-mail address changes, etc. You can quickly
update and edit an e-mail action using the Edit All E-mail Actions dialog box.

To edit all e-mail actions:

1. On the Applications menu, click Edit All E-mail Actions.

2. Select the type of update you would like to perform.

3. Replace current address with new address in all actions: Replaces the current address with a new
address in all actions that have the current address.

Delete current address from all actions: Deletes the current address from all actions containing that

Add new address to all actions containing current address: Inserts the new address in all e-mail actions
containing the current address.
Note: If an action has no remaining addresses after an update, the action is deleted.
4. Enter the current (active) e-mail address.

5. Enter the new e-mail address.

6. Click Apply.

7. Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog box.

Editing an account

Account information, such as the label, description, phone number, protocol can be edited once it has been

To edit an account:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open the receiver that has the account you want to edit.

3. Open the line that has the account you want to edit.

4. Click the Edit button for the account you want to edit.

The Edit Account dialog box is displayed.

5. Edit the information on the four tabs as needed.

6. Click OK.

7. Click Save.

Editing an action

You may need to edit the properties (label, description, etc.) of an action. This is done using the Edit Action
dialog box.

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To edit an action:
1. On the View menu, click Action Browser.

2. Select the action that you want to edit.

3. On the Actions menu, click Edit, or click the Edit Action button on the toolbar.

Editing an event

Event information, such as the event label, event code, etc. can be edited once it has been added.

To edit an event:
1. Click the Panel Event tab.

2. Open the panel event list that has the event you want to edit.
3. Click the Edit button for the event you want to edit.

The Edit Event (Contact ID or 4/2 ) dialog box is displayed.

4. Edit the information desired.

5. Click OK.

6. Click Save.

Editing an event

Event information, such as the label, code, etc. can be edited once it has been added.

To edit an event:
1. Click the Receivers tab.

2. Open the receiver that has the event you want to edit.

3. Open the line that has the event you want to edit.

4. Open the account that has the event you want to edit.

5. Click the Edit button for the event you want to edit.

The Edit Event (Contact ID or 4/2 ) dialog box is displayed.

6. Edit the information desired.

7. Click OK.

8. Click Save.

Editing device properties

Properties such as label, description, and device state can be edited for each device (item) in Device
Browser. You may find it necessary to edit these properties when programming your system.

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To edit the properties of a device:

1. Click the device you want to edit.

2. On the Devices menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Edit the properties.

Note: The values with a gray background cannot be edited.

4. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Editing device state properties

You may need to edit the properties (label, extended message, etc.) of a device state-substate. This can be
done using the Device State Properties dialog box.

To edit device state properties:

1. In Device Browser, select the device state or substate that you want to edit.

2. On the Devices menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Edit the properties.

Note: You can select other device states to edit using the Device States list.

Editing e-mail addresses

E-mail addresses are used when creating or editing e-mail actions. You may have to enter new e-mail
addresses or edit previously entered e-mail addresses.

To edit e-mail addresses:

1. On the Applications menu, click Edit E-mail Addresses.

2. Click New to enter a new e-mail address or select the address you want to edit.

3. Add the new e-mail address information or edit the address information.

4. Click Apply.

5. Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog box.

Editing icon properties

You may need to edit the properties (label, description, etc.) of an icon. The properties provide important
information about the icon. This can be done using the Properties dialog box.

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To edit icon properties:

1. Select the icon that you want to edit.

2. On the Edit menu, click Edit Properties or select the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Edit the desired properties.

4. Click Apply.

5. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Editing map properties

You may need to edit the properties (label, description, etc.) of a map. The properties provide important
information about the map. This can be done using the Properties dialog box.

To edit map properties:

1. Select the map that you want to edit.

2. On the Edit menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Edit the desired properties.

4. Click Apply.

5. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Editing text properties

You may need to edit the properties (label, description, etc.) of text you added to a map. The properties
provide important information about the text. This can be done using the Properties dialog box.

To edit text properties:

1. Select the text that you want to edit.

2. On the Edit menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Edit the desired properties.

4. Click Apply.

5. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

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Editing TSA properties

You may need to edit the properties (label, description, etc.) of a TSA. The properties provide important
information about the TSA. This can be done using the Properties dialog box.

To edit TSA properties:

1. Select the TSA that you want to edit.

2. On the Edit menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Edit the desired properties.

4. Click Apply.

5. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Enabling web functionality

You must enable web functionality in System Configuration Manager before the FireWorks workstation can
communicate with the web client software.

To enable web functionality:

1. On the Applications menu, click System Configuration.

2. Click the Basic Properties tab.

3. Locate the following property: WEB_FUNCTIONALITY_ENABLE.

4. In the Value column, click Enable.

5. Click Apply.

6. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

7. Restart FireWorks.

EST3 and EST3X command types

The following are the different command types available for EST3 and EST3X systems:

Activate commands

Restore commands

Enable commands

Disable commands

System commands

Activate commands

88 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Command Description Activated


Alternate Activates alternate message routing within EST3 and EST3X panels (if Panel
message enabled)

Alternate Activates the detectors alternate sensitivity (secondary sensitivity) Panel

sensitivity values for determining an alarm

Amplifier power Activates an amplifier's audio output Card

Audio message Activates an audio message for broadcasting over a selected audio Card

Check-in group Activates a check-in group's check-in window to receive normal check- Card
ins and to activate the emergency output when activated outside the
check-in window

Evacuate Activates the system's evacuation function Panel

GA inhibit Activates the GA inhibit function to prevent the two-stage alarm timer Panel
from completing its cycle

Gas accelerated Places a CO detector in accelerated response mode to decrease test Device
response times

Guard patrol Activates a guard patrol's early, late, and out of sequence sensing Card

LED Activates an LED on the control/display module Device

Relay Activates a relay module Device

Sensor bypass Bypasses the photo element on a SIGA2-PHS Device

Service group Activates a service group (a group of devices to be tested together) Card

Signal alert Activates the sounder base alert signal when using Edwards analog Device
devices configured as two-stage sounders

Signal evac Activates the sounder base evac signal when using Edwards analog Device
devices configured as two-stage sounders

Test alarm Places the device into its active state for verification testing Device

Test activate or Places the device into its active state for testing Device

Test trouble Places the device into a trouble condition Device

Activate system Activates the programmed system monitor event (four possible) Panel
functions 1-4

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Restore commands

Command Description Activated


Alternate message Restores primary message routing within EST3 and EST3X panels Panel

Alternate sensitivity Restores the detector's primary sensitivity values for determining an Panel

Amplifier power Turns off an amplifier's audio output Card

Audio message Stops an audio message from broadcasting over a selected audio Card

Check-in group Closes a check-in group's window Card

Evacuate Restores the system's evacuation function Panel

Gas accelerated Places a CO detector in normal response mode Device


Guard patrol Ends the patrol Card

LED Restores an LED on the control/display module Device

Relay Restores a relay module Device

Sensor bypass Unbypasses the photo element on a SIGA2-PHS Device

Signal off Turns off the sounder base alert or evac signal when using Edwards Device
analog devices configured as two-stage sounders

Service group Causes the test mode to revert to circuit-by-circuit testing Card

Restore system Restores the programmed system monitor event (four possible) Panel
functions 1-4

Enable commands
Note: Enable is not the same as activate. Enable means that once enabled, the system can activate the
device if needed.

Command Description Activated


Amp power Enables an amplifier's audio output Card

AND group Enables an AND group's programmed response to occur when conditions for Card
the AND group are satisfied

Card Enables the card (local rail module) input and output functions to operate Card

Check-in Enables a check-in group's check-in window to receive normal check-ins and Card
group to activate the emergency output when activated outside the check-in

Guard patrol Enables a guard patrol's early, late, and out of sequence sensing Card

90 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Command Description Activated


Input Enables an input device to recognize an active or faulty detector or input Device

LED Enables an LED on the control/display module Device

Matrix Enables a matrix group's (group of devices) programmed response to occur Card
when conditions for the matrix group are satisfied

Relay Enables a relay module Device

Service Enables a service group (a group of devices to be tested together) Card


Time control Enables a time control to function at the programmed time Card

Zone Enables a zone's programmed responses to function Card

Disable commands
Note: Disable is not the same as restore. Disabling an object prevents it from being activated.

Command Description Activated


Amp power Disables an amplifier's audio output Card

AND group Stops the AND group's programmed response from occurring, even if the Card
conditions for the AND group are satisfied

Card Disables the card (module) input and output functions from operating Card

Check-in Closes the time group's check-in window and prevents activation of the Card
group emergency output when activated outside the check-in window

Guard patrol Prohibits the guard patrol from being started Card

Input Stops the system from recognizing and responding to a particular device Device

LED Disables an LED on the control/display module Device

Matrix Disables the matrix group's programmed response, even if conditions for the Card
matrix group are satisfied

Relay Disables a relay module Device

Service group Disallows anyone from activating the service group for testing Card

Time control Prohibits the time control from functioning at the programmed time Card

Zone Disables a zone's programmed response functions Card

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System commands

Command Description Activated


Alarm silence Silences the audible notification appliances. May also turn off visible Panel
notification appliances, depending on EST3 configuration.

Note: The silencing of an alarm is only allowed to be used in Proprietary On

Site UL 864 Applications. Not to be used in Offsite Central Station or Remote
Location applications.

Calibrate Resets the environmental compensation and dirtiness levels after the Card or
analog devices have been cleaned for Edwards analog cards and smoke devices device

Drill Activates the fire drill function Panel

Panel silence Silences the panel's internal buzzer after all events have been acknowledged Panel

Note: The silencing of an alarm is only allowed to be used in Proprietary On

Site UL 864 Applications. Not to be used in Offsite Central Station or Remote
Location applications.

Restart Restarts the panel or network Panel

Reset Resets the panel to normal (panel may not go normal if a point is not Panel
restored or normal)

Note: The silencing of an alarm is only allowed to be used in Proprietary On

Site UL 864 Applications. Not to be used in Offsite Central Station or Remote
Location applications.

Set date Sets the system's date Node

Set time Sets the system's time Node

Manual Reconciles the system with the panel Node


Event Filter dialog box

The Event Filter dialog box is used to set up event filtering, which lets you filter events at each workstation.
Each workstation can be configured to accept only certain events from a control panel. The Event Filter
dialog box allows administrators to limit the events displayed in System Control. When defining a filter, you
are defining which events are displayed at the workstation. Once a filter is created, both the activation event
and the restoration event are included.

Enable filtering: When checked, event filtering is turned on and can be set up.

Event filter types: The different event types that can be filtered. Each event type can be filtered for
reporting on the workstation display, printed on a printer, and stored in history. When checked, the event
type is not filtered. When cleared, the event type is filtered.

EST3 partitions: EST3 partition events can be filtered for reporting on the workstation display, printed on a
printer, and stored in history. All partitions in the system are displayed and each can be individually selected
for filtering. Clear the partitions that you want filtered from the system.

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Note: Filtering (clearing) a partition also removes the ability to issue commands against that partition.

On schedule: Access events can be filtered on the workstation display, printer, and in history. Either no
events, all events, or abnormal events can be filtered. When not using a filtering time schedule, the filtering
takes place 24 hours a day.

Use filtering schedule: Enables the use of a filtering time schedule and off hours time filtering.

Schedule button: Displays the Access Filtering Schedule dialog box, which is used to set up a specific time
schedule for access filtering. Each day of the week can have its own time schedule. Note: If no time
schedule is assigned to any part of a day, the off hours time is used.

Off hours time: If no time schedule is assigned to part of a day, the off hours time is used. Events can be
filtered to the workstation display, printer, or in history and either no events, all events, or abnormal events
can be filtered.

Restore defaults button: Restores all settings to checked, meaning nothing is filtered out and all events
are displayed, printed, and stored in history.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Exiting from Action Browser

Because Action Browser runs independently from the other browsers, it can be closed without affecting
anything in System Builder.

To exit Action Browser:

1. On the File menu, click Exit.

Exiting from Command Browser

Because Command Browser runs independently from the other browsers, it can be closed without affecting
anything in System Builder.

To exit Command Browser:

1. On the File menu, click Exit.

Exiting from Icon Browser

Because Icon Browser runs independently from the other browsers, it can be closed without affecting
anything else in System Builder.

To exit Icon Browser:

1. On the File Menu, click Exit.

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Exiting from Map Browser

Because Map Browser runs independently from the other browsers, it can be closed without affecting
anything else in System Builder.

To exit from Map Browser:

1. On the File menu, click Exit.

Exiting from Message Browser

Because Message Browser runs independently from the other browsers, it can be closed without affecting
anything in System Builder.

To exit Message Browser:

1. On the File menu, click Exit.

Exiting from System Builder

Exiting from System Builder means stopping the System Builder program.

Note: The Exit command is access level controlled. It is not accessible if you do not have the right access

To exit from System Builder:

1. On the File menu, click Exit.

2. Click Yes to exit from System Builder.

Click No to cancel.

Exporting CCTV protocols

Once a protocol is created and configured, it can be exported in XML format for use on another workstation
or system. The XML file can be copied to disk and imported for use on any other FireWorks CCTV system.

To export a CCTV protocol:

1. On the Applications menu, click CCTV Manager.

2. Under Protocol Definition, select the protocol that you want to export.

3. Click Export.

4. Locate and open the folder in which you want to save the file.

5. Type a file name.

6. Click Save.

The file is saved in XML format.

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Exporting panel events

Panel events can be exported into a single XML file, which then can be used (imported) on other FireWorks
workstations or saved for backup purposes.

To export panel events:

1. Make sure all data has been saved.

2. On the File menu, click Export All Panel Events Lists.

The Save As dialog box is displayed.

3. Select where you want the file to be exported.

4. In File Name, enter a name for the file.

5. Click Save.

Exporting receiver data

Receivers, lines, accounts, events, etc. can all be exported into a single XML file, which then can be used
(imported) on other FireWorks workstations or saved for backup purposes.

To export receiver data:

1. Make sure all data has been saved.

2. On the File menu, click Export All Receivers.

The Save As dialog box is displayed.

3. Select where you want the file to be exported.

4. In File Name, enter a name for the file.

5. Click Save.

Find dialog box

Use the Find dialog box to perform searches for information such as labels, TSAs, devices or addresses,

Search by

Label: Searches for the item you are looking for by label. All or part of the label can be entered.

Address: Searches only for devices by device address. When this is selected, only Devices is selected in
the Search criteria and the address field is displayed. All or part of the address can be entered. If only part of
an address is entered, devices can be additionally filtered by selecting an SDU type.


All types: The search is performed for all of the objects listed below (devices, actions, commands, etc.).

Devices: Searches only for devices.

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View entities: Searches only for TSAs, icons, and maps.

Actions: Searches only for actions.

Commands: Searches only for commands.

Command sets: Searches only for command sets.

Extended messages: Searches only for extended messages.

For node: Searches for a specific node or all nodes. If an EST3 node is selected that has a keypad or CRC,
the For CRC and Keypad field is displayed.

For SDU types: Searches for a specific SDU device type or all SDU device types.

For view entity types: Searches for a specific view entity type or all view entity types.

For action types: Searches for a specific action type or all action types.

For command types: Searches for a specific command type or all command types.

For CRC and Keypad: Searches for a specific CRC and keypad or all CRC and keypad cards. If a specific
CRC or keypad is selected, the address fields change and populate with a portion of the address.

Find whole word only: Searches for occurrences that are whole words and not part of a larger word.

Match case: Distinguishes between upper and lower case letters.

Assignment state

All: Displays all of the assigned and unassigned items in the project based on the selected search criteria.

Assigned: Displays only the assigned items in the project based on the selected search criteria. Each
assigned item is labeled with an icon, which is defined in the table below.

Icon Definition

Devices assigned to an icon or TSA

Devices assigned to commands or actions

Devices assigned to an icon or TSA and command


Icon or TSA has an assigned device, command, or

command set

Map TSA assigned or pointing to a map

Secondary map TSA assigned or pointing to a map

Unassigned: Displays only the unassigned items in the project based on the selected search criteria.

Find button: Executes the find command with the parameters you selected.

Print button: Prints the search result.

Close button: Closes the window without saving the search results.

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Search examples
Click one of the topics below for an example of searching by label or address.

Search by label

Search by address


This is a name you can assign the FireWorks computer. Typically, this is the site name, where the
FireWorks computer resides. The name you assign appears at the bottom of System Control in the "unit"
field on the Status Bar. This name is also used with the Web Client application. When a web client connects
to FireWorks, the site name displays in the title bar and as a tool tip for the tray icon.

The default name is "Configurable!!!" but this can be changed to any name you desire.

To set the FireWorks site name:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: FIREWORKS_SITE_NAME

3. In the Value column, type a new name in place of "Configurable!!!"

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

Frequently asked questions

My AutoCAD files take a long time to render in FireWorks 1.60. Why?

The AutoCAD component in FireWorks 1.60 has expanded file format capabilities. However, you could
experience slower speeds when rendering AutoCAD files larger than 1 MB. When using AutoCAD files, it is
recommended that you:

Delete all nonessential layers

Purge files

Pay attention to the drawing scale

In most cases, using minimized AutoCAD files or by using WMF file formats optimizes display performance.

You can also revert to the AutoCAD component used in FireWorks versions prior to 1.6. For more
information, see USE_OPENALLIANCE_AUTOCADDRIVER property.

Getting started: Creating and defining a new CCTV protocol

Before FireWorks can communicate with and control CCTV equipment, the proper protocols, commands,
and command strings must be defined. CCTV Protocol Manager is used to add, configure, and edit

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protocols for different CCTV manufacturers. A number of predefined protocols are provided but are not
displayed. The predefined protocols can be used as templates to create new protocols with different names
and attributes.

Note: When creating a protocol, you must refer to the documentation that came with the CCTV equipment
you are using. Within this documentation is the protocol information that you need to set up the commands,
command strings, and field types for the protocol.

There is a recommended procedure to follow when configuring protocols. To create and configure a
protocol, there are three primary steps:

1. Create the protocol definition (name, template used, prefix/suffix requirements).

2. Enter and configure the CCTV commands and their command strings. Use the Field Types tab if
command string fields and values need to be changed.

3. Assign CCTV commands to the camera quadrant commands.

Getting started

FireWorks has basic, UL, options, advanced, CCTV, and debug properties. Each property affects the
functionality and operation of FireWorks. The basic properties can be changed if needed. These properties
do not affect UL operation.

UL properties contain FireWorks properties that impact UL listing requirements. Changes to these properties
may prevent FireWorks from meeting UL listing requirements. Make sure you know and understand what
you are changing before doing so.

The advanced and debug properties tabs (Advanced Properties, CCTV Properties, and Debug Properties)
contain FireWorks properties that are technically advanced, meaning that they should not be changed
without consulting technical support. Changing any of these settings could negatively impact the operation of


The Home and Search buttons in the HTML Browser in System Control are automatically linked to a URL
(Web address). When the Home button is clicked, it automatically goes to When the Search
button is clicked, it automatically goes to You can change the Home and Search URLs if

Note: If Home or Search is not linked to a URL, the button is not active.

To edit the default Home and Search URLs:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following properties:

3. In the Value column, type a new URL for Home or Search.

4. Click Apply.

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5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

HTTP Command dialog box

Use the HTTP Command dialog box to specify the HTTP command options. HTTP command options are
described below.

Label: The name used to identify the command.

Description: A brief description of the command. For example, you could describe what the command

HTTP Command Visible: Determines if the HTTP response attached to the command is displayed.

URL: The address of the HTTP server that you want to get information from or post information to. For

Type: Determines the command used to issue the HTTP request. Possible values are:

Not used - Use the GET command.

RAW - Use the POST command. The syntax of the query string in the POST box is not validated.

HTML/XHTML - Use the POST command. The query string in the POST box is expected to follow
HTML "form" and "input" tag syntax.

URL - Use the POST command. The query string in the POST box consists of parameter-value pairs in
this format: P1=V1&P2=V2&...&Pn=Vn

POST: The query string for the command being issued. The query string must follow the syntax specified by
the Type option.

To attach a file to a POST command, click Add a file, then browse to the file, and then click Open.

HTTP Command Editor dialog box

Use the HTTP Command Editor dialog box to add, edit, and delete your HTTP commands. Before you close
the HTTP command editor, click Save.

To add an HTTP command:

1. Click Add Command.

2. In the HTTP Command dialog box, select a value for each option.

To edit an HTTP command:

1. Select the command, and then click Edit.

2. In the HTTP Command dialog box, make your changes. See: Changing HTTP command options.

To delete an HTTP command:

1. Select the command.

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2. Click Delete.

Icon Browser

Use Icon Browser to drag icons onto your map. A full list of available icons is displayed. You can also assign
and import icons using Icon Browser.

Icons are small, predefined symbols that represent physical devices (e.g. smoke detectors, waterflow
devices, card reader controllers, fire extinguishers, etc.) in your system. Icons are placed on maps to show
the location of the devices.

The icons in the list do not contain any actual devices. They are simply containers for devices. You must
drag the desired devices from Device Browser onto the icon. Device icons can contain one or more devices.

Icon colors

Icons borders have different colors. Each color indicates what is taking place with the icon. During system
events, the border may flash and change color depending on the icon type. A solid icon indicates the status
of the device by the color of its border. A flashing icon contains the current device event and requires

Icon types, colors, and states

Type Color State

Device Blue Normal

Red Alarm

Yellow Trouble, supervisory, monitor

Green Restore

Gray Disabled

Orange Security

Command Black Normal (always black)

General Brown Normal (always brown)

Note: EST2, IRC-3, and FCC security points are annunciated as trouble states (yellow).

Icon types

Icon types are described below.

Device icon: A device icon defines one or more devices. A device icon is normally found on device maps
and control maps (e.g. smoke control). If any device in the group changes state, the device icon border
flashes. To view information concerning the icon, left or right click the icon.

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Command icon: FireWorks can issue system or panel commands directly to fire networks. A command icon
does not represent a device. Rather, it defines a set of panel commands. When you click a command icon,
you can review or execute these commands.

You can use a command icon to execute any command found on the System Commands menus. Other
than issuing commands, command icons are passive. They have a black border and do not flash or change

General icon: General icons are passive. They do not show device states or issue commands. General
icons have a brown border. They are a convenient way to have images on your maps.

General icons are typically used to show the location of equipment that is not connected to a fire network.
For example, you could use general icons to show the location of fire extinguishers or first aid kits.

Import Panel Event List dialog box

Use the Import Panel Event List dialog box to import panel events from an XML file that was created when
the panel events were exported.

Panel event lists: A list of the panel events that can be imported.

Select All button: Selects all of the panel events in the list for import.
Import Selected Panel Event Lists: Imports the event lists that are selected.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Import Receivers dialog box

Use the Import Receivers dialog box to import receiver data from an XML file that was created when data
was exported.

Receivers: A list of the receivers that can be imported.

Select All button: Selects all of the receivers in the list for import.

Import Selected Receivers: Imports the data for the receivers that are selected.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Importing CCTV protocols

Protocols that have been exported in XML format can be imported for use on any FireWorks CCTV system.
This lets you create the protocol once and use it over and over on other FireWorks CCTV systems requiring
the same protocol.

To import CCTV protocols:

1. On the Applications menu, click CCTV Manager.

2. Click Import.

3. In Look in, locate the XML protocol file on your system.

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4. Click open.

The protocol is copied into the list of available protocols.

Importing panel events

Panel events can be imported and used on any FireWorks workstation. The panel events must first be
exported into a single XML file, which can then be imported.

To import panel events:

1. On the File menu, click Import Panel Event List.

The Open dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the file to import.

3. Click Open.

The Import Panel Event File dialog box is displayed.

4. Select the panel event list that you want to import or click Select All to select all panel event lists.

5. Click Import Selected Event Lists or click Cancel to close the Import Panel Events dialog box.

The panel events list is imported and added to the list of panel events.

Importing receiver data

Receiver data can be imported and used on any FireWorks workstation. The receiver data must first be
exported into a single XML file, which can then be imported.

To import receiver data:

1. From the file menu, click Import Receivers.

The Open dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the file to import.

3. Click Open.

The Import Receivers dialog box is displayed.

4. Select the receiver you want to import or click Select All to select all receivers.

5. Click Import Selected Receivers or click Cancel to close the Import Receivers dialog box.

The receiver is imported and added to the list of receivers with a label containing the word "imported."

Introduction to linked maps

All of the maps you create must be linked together. Touch sensitive areas (TSAs) are used to link the maps
into a map system. Linking maps into a system helps the user locate active devices.

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The overall method is:

1. Link the maps by drawing TSAs on them.

2. Configure all of the maps.

This means that you must know how each of your maps are going to be linked before you configure them.

In a map system, each TSA acts like a button. When you click a TSA, you branch to a specific map. Unlike
buttons, TSAs can be any shape or size. For example, you could draw a rectangular TSA around each floor
shown on a building elevation, linking each TSA to its corresponding floor plan.

TSAs can do much more than link maps. For more information, see TSA types.

In a map system, the maps are organized by levels of detail, from an overall site map down to floor plans
that show individual devices. FireWorks combines your TSAs with its built-in features to let the user navigate
up and down through the map system.

When you link your maps with TSAs, you will be creating the links from higher to lower levels. You don't
need to create links in the other direction, since FireWorks handles these automatically.

As an example, consider the simple map system pictured below. This is like the example used in the topic
Planning the maps, but has additional detailed maps for each wing of Floor 1.

Example of a simple map

To build this map system, you would draw TSAs on the Quad Tower map (the site map) to link it to the First,
Second, and Third Floor maps, and to the Elevator Shaft map. You would also create TSAs on the First
Floor map to link it to the Floor 1 North, East, South, and West maps.

You do not need to create TSAs to link the maps in the reverse direction. For example, no TSA is needed to
link the Floor 1 North map back to the First Floor map. No TSA is needed to link the First, Second, or Third
Floor maps back to the Quad Tower map.

Once you define the links to subordinate maps, FireWorks determines all of the reverse links. A standard
button on Map Display lets the user navigate map links in reverse.

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Introduction to maps

FireWorks displays device locations and device states on the actual floor plans of a protected site. This is
the most efficient and readily understood method of locating troubles and alarms.

FireWorks can display devices on virtually any type of drawing or picture. We refer to these display drawings
as maps. To further organize the display, you can create a complete system of maps.

Map systems often resemble organization charts. At the highest level is an overall site map that shows the
entire building or complex of buildings. The site map branches down to more detailed maps, perhaps to
individual buildings or to floor plans of single floors.

FireWorks helps the user navigate through the map system. You can add touch sensitive areas (TSAs) to
any map. These act like buttons - when you click them, you branch to another map. Further, standard
buttons let you navigate to:

The top-level site map

The map one level above the current map

The map previously displayed

The map with the currently selected device

There is no functional limit to the number of maps or the complexity of a map system. You are free to tailor
the system to make its operation clear and efficient for the end-user.

As the system programmer, you are responsible for creating the map drawings, for linking the maps into a
map system, and for adding the required TSAs and device icons to each map.

Note: Because the Site Map is the top-level map and because you have to link the maps before you can
configure them, the Site Map should be the first map you open and configure.

IRC-3/FCC/EST2 command types

The following is the System command type summary matrix for IRC-3, FCC, or EST2 systems:

Enable is not the same as activate. Enable means that once enabled, the system can activate the
device if needed.

Disable is not the same as restore. Disable means to not allow a device to be activated.

Activate Restore Enable Disable System

Actions X X X X -

Sequences X X X X -

Tests X X - - -

Time controls X - X X -

Lines - - X X -

Panels - - X X -

Zones - - X X -

104 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Activate Restore Enable Disable System

Reset - - - - X

Drill - - - - X

Alarm silence - - - - X

Outputs X X X X -

Smoke level - - - - X

Set time - - - - X

Set date - - - - X

Key features of System Builder

The key features of the System Builder application are:

Map Editor graphics application

Icon Editor application

SDU import functionality

Explorer view of all imported devices

Explorer view of icons

Explorer view of all maps, devices, and TSAs on maps - a map tree

Map import and display

Drag-and-drop configuration

Device configuration

TSA (touch sensitive area) drawing and configuration

Adding text to maps

Communication configuration (serial and TCP/IP)

User configuration
Access level configuration

Extended message capability

Command configuration

Actions configuration

Keyboard shortcuts

Some menu commands have associated keyboard shortcuts or hot keys. Hot keys are shown on the menus
as key combinations or as single keys. Key combinations are displayed to the right of the menu command.
Single keys are shown as underlined letters in menu commands.

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The following function keys are used for keyboard shortcuts:

F1 = Help

Shift + F1 = Acknowledge current event

F2 = Node status

F3 = Command status

F4 = Hide/show TSAs

Shift + F4 = Alternate language

F5 = Display device map

F6 = Print current event map

F7 = Display site map

F8 = Logon/logoff

F9 = Display parent map

F10 = Moves cursor to Menu Bar

F11 = About/version info

F12 = Silence Workstation

Linking maps with map TSAs

The next step in creating a map system is to link the maps together using TSAs. You'll find your plan for the
map system very helpful during this process.

Creating a TSA is a two-step process. First, you draw the TSA on a map. Second, you complete a properties
sheet for the TSA. The properties for a TSA includes the name of the destination map - the map to which the
TSA branches.

You must create a TSA for each subordinate map that is linked to a given map.

You don't need to create TSAs that link the current map to its parent map. The system can traverse the links
backwards via the Parent Map button.
Use your plan to create the required TSAs in a systematic, top-down fashion. Start with the site map and
work down through the lower level maps.

To link maps with TSAs:

1. Right-click on the TSA.

2. From the shortcut menu, click New Map at TSA.

3. Select the map file that you want to link the TSA to using the Browse button.

4. Select your drawing type.

Color Drawing or Photograph: Select if you are using a full color drawing or graphics file or if you are
using a photograph in JPEG format.

White Background Drawing: Select if you are using a graphics file with a white background.

Black Background Drawing: Select if you are using a graphics file with a black background.

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5. Enter a label.

6. Enter a description.

7. Click OK.

8. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Local Mode of Operation

WARNING: The Local Mode of Operation feature has not been evaluated for burglary applications.

Operational Modes: Click Local or Proprietary.

In Proprietary mode, event activations and event restorations remain in the New Events queue until they are
manually acknowledged. This is the default mode of operation.

In Local mode, an event activation and its corresponding event restoration remain in the New Events queue
until the local mode acknowledge timer expires provided that both events are present when the timer
expires. If you acknowledge either one, you must acknowledge the other.

Local mode acknowledge time: Enter how long you want an event activation and its corresponding event
restoration to be present before the system automatically acknowledges the events. This options is available
when the system is set for Local Mode.

Logging on and off System Builder

Before you can log on to System Builder, the last user must log off. The User field on the Status Bar should
show NONE as the User ID. When you leave the workstation, you should always log off.

To log on to the system, the following information is required:

User Name: A 1- to 12-character word used to identify you to the system

Password: A 1- to 12-character word used to allow you access to the system. An asterisk (*) appears in
place of each letter in your password.

Note: User names are all uppercase. Passwords are any combination of letters and numbers, but letters
must be uppercase.

To log on to System Builder:

1. On the File menu, click Logon/Logoff or press F8.

2. Type your user name.

3. Type your password.

4. Click Logon or press Enter to complete the process.

If you choose not to continue, click Cancel.

To log off from System Builder:

1. On the File menu, click Logon/Logoff or press F8.

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2. Click Logoff.

Note: If a timeout period is set up for a user account, the user is automatically logged off when the timeout
period expires.


Map TSAs are by default cyan in color. You can change the map TSA color to blue if necessary. You may
need to change your TSAs to blue depending on the color of your maps or how your maps are set up.

To change map TSAs to blue:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: MAKE_TSAS_BLUE.

3. In the Value column, click enable.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

Making an access group the default access group

The default access group defines the default set of software features and functions to which you want a user
to have rights. The system automatically assigns the default access group to new users and to users whose
access groups have been deleted.

To make an access group the default access group:

1. On the Applications menu, click User Manager, and then click Access Group Configuration.

2. In the Access Groups list, select the access group.

3. Click Make Default.

Map Browser

Use Map Browser to open and link maps, and to add icons, TSAs, and text to the maps that make up your
project. See also: Button definitions.

The map tree displays all maps, TSAs, and icons that make up your system. The top-level map is your site
map (it is the default map before you change it). Under the site map, TSAs branch to other maps that may
contain other TSAs or icons. When you click a map, it displays in the configuration area. When you click a
TSA or icon, it displays in the configuration area and is highlighted in green.

Icons are used to indicate whether entries are maps, TSAs, or icons. A sample map tree is displayed below.

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Map tree example


The FireWorks clock is more accurate than other connected devices because of its ability to keep track of
time zones and daylight savings time. It is important that the events are logged in FireWorks and in the
control panel using the same time. When the time is different, credibility can be challenged. When there are
multiple networks attached to a single FireWorks computer, FireWorks should be the single point of control
for the time.

The FireWorks computer's time can be set in two ways. It can be set manually by a user, or if the computer
resides on a network, the network time server can automatically set the time.

Time synching FireWorks requires defining how often (in hours) FireWorks syncs the time with connected
devices. Typical update rates are once a day, once a week, or once a month.

Once the time sync period is entered, FireWorks queries the computer's time and sends that time value in a
command to all of the devices connected to FireWorks. The exact time the time sync takes place is based
on when FireWorks was started, not on a certain time of day.

To time sync FireWorks with other devices:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: MASTER_TIME_UPDATE_HOURS.

3. In the Value column, change "0" to the desired time (in hours). Only use whole numbers; no decimals.

Hourly = 1
Daily = 24
Weekly = 168
Monthly = 720
4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

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Menu bar commands

Menu bar commands are described below:

File menu

Exit: Shuts down Map Browser.

Edit menu

Cut, Copy, Paste: Lets you cut, copy, and paste information.

Map Pointers: Allows you to select the cursor pointer you like to use (pencil, cross, angle guide, X)

Maps menu

Zoom In: Enlarges the viewing size of a map. Zooming in is much like moving toward a picture to get a
closer more detailed look at it.

Zoom Out: Reduces the viewing size of a map. Zooming out is much like moving away from a picture to get
an overall perspective.
Zoom Selected Region: Used to draw a box around an area on a map to zoom in.

Zoom to 1:1 Scale: Displays the map in actual size.

Map Overview: Displays a pop-up window of the entire map. This can be helpful if you are zoomed in to a
certain area on the map and want to see an overview of the whole map.

Go to Site Map: Branches directly to the site map from any location in the map system. The site map is the
main map and is displayed when no active alarms are present. (Keyboard shortcut F7 and in the Functions

Go to Previous Map: Switches back to the map previously displayed. Clicking this button repeatedly
toggles the display between the last two maps displayed.

Go to Parent Map: Branches up one map level from the current map. This is like following a TSA link in
reverse, from destination map to source map. (Keyboard shortcut F9 and in the Functions menu.)

Set Current View As Default: Sets the view of the map as the default view. This way, each time you open
the map and each time the map is displayed in the Map Display window in System Control, it displays with
the size you set up (the default for that map).

Select View: Used to draw a box around only the area of the map you want to display. A dotted line
surrounds the area of the map you selected.

Display Default View: Display the default view you have set up for the map.

Refresh Display: Refreshes the display area.

New Map Pool: Opens the New Map Pool dialog box, which is used to create a container for maps that
have not been assigned to the site map or other maps in your map tree.

Edit Map properties: Opens the Edit Properties dialog box, which is used to add/edit characteristics of the
item selected.

Delete Map: Deletes the map.

TSAs/Icons/Text menu

New Box TSA: Draws and defines a rectangular TSA. You drag the rectangle just as in a drawing program.
The system opens a dialog box that lets you define the TSA.

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New Polygon TSA: Draws and defines a TSA with an irregular shape. You draw the polygon by clicking on
its corners. Use this to draw TSAs around irregular shapes on a map. The system opens a dialog box that
lets you define the TSA.

New Circle TSA: Draws and defines a circle TSA. You drag the circle just as in a drawing program. The
system opens a dialog box that lets you define the TSA.

New TSA Pattern: Draws and defines a patterned TSA. You drag the rectangle over the area of the map
that you want to cut into multiple, equal-sized TSAs. The system opens the a dialog box that lets you define
the TSA types and patterns.

Icon Browser: Opens the Icon Browser dialog box, which is used to add icons to a map.

Assign/import Icons: Opens the Assign/Import Icon dialog box, which is used to import icons and assign
icons to FireWorks SDU types. Once an icon is assigned, it is displayed next to every device in the Device
Browser with that SDU object type.

New Text: Lets you add text to the map.

Message Browser

Use Message Browser to create, edit, or delete messages. Messages can be created for instruction or
information purposes. Once the message is created and added to the device's state, it displays in System
Control when the device goes into the state the message was assigned to. Assigned messages are
displayed in blue.

See also: Button definitions

Message Editor dialog box

Use the Message Editor dialog box to edit a message.

Label: A name or ID for the message.

Message: Type the desired message.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Moving a TSA

You may need to change the location of a TSA on a map. There are two ways to move a TSA around on a

Move TSA command: Used to move a TSA to a different location on the map

Nudge TSA command: Used to slightly move a TSA in any direction

To move a TSA:
1. Select the TSA that you want to move.

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2. Right-click the TSA and click Move TSA.

A line from the center of the TSA extends to the mouse cursor.
3. Move the cursor to the new location for the TSA.

The cursor location represents the center of the TSA.

4. Click at the new location.

To nudge a TSA:
1. Select the TSA you want to nudge.

2. Right-click the TSA and click Nudge TSA.

3. Click the arrow buttons to nudge the TSA.

4. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Moving an icon

You may need to change the location of an icon on a map. There are two ways to move an icon around on a

Move icon command: Used to move an icon to a different location on the map

Nudge icon command: Used to slightly move an icon in any direction

To move an icon:
1. Select the icon you want to move.

2. Right-click the icon and click Move Icon.

A line from the center of the icon extends to the mouse cursor.
3. Move the cursor to the new location for the icon.

The cursor location represents the center of the icon.

4. Click at the new location.

To nudge an icon:
1. Select the icon you want to nudge.

2. Right-click the icon and click Nudge Icon.

3. Click the arrow buttons to nudge the icon.

4. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Moving text

You may need to change the location of text on a map. There are two ways to move text around on a map:

Move text command: Used to move text to a different location on the map

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Nudge text command: Used to slightly move a text in any direction

To move text:
1. Select the text you want to move.

2. Right-click the text and click Move Text.

A line from the center of the text extends to the mouse cursor.
3. Move the cursor to the new location for the text.

The cursor location represents the center of the text.

4. Click at the new location.

To nudge text:
1. Select the text you want to nudge.

2. Right-click the text and click Nudge Text.

3. Click the arrow buttons to nudge the text.

4. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

New Camera dialog box

Use the New Camera dialog box to add a CCTV camera to your system. Cameras provide CCTV video,
which is displayed in the Camera Display quadrant in System Control or displayed on a separate monitor.

Camera ID #: The number for the camera connected to the switcher. Each camera connected to a switcher
should have a number.

Zoom: Sets the zoom feature for a camera to fixed or adjustable. If it is set to fixed, the Zoom buttons on the
Camera Display in System Control are disabled. If it is set to adjustable, the Zoom buttons are enabled.

Pan/Tilt: Sets the pan/tilt feature for a camera to fixed or adjustable. If it is set to fixed, the Pan/Tilt buttons
on the Camera Display in System Control are disabled. If it is set to adjustable, the Pan/Tilt buttons are

Iris: Sets the iris feature for a camera to fixed, adjustable, or automatic. If it is set to fixed, the Iris buttons on
the Camera Display in System Control are disabled. If it is set to adjustable, the Iris buttons are enabled. If it
is set to automatic, the iris adjusts automatically.

Label: A name or ID for the camera.

Description: A description of the camera.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

New Command Set dialog box

A command set is a group of commands. Command sets are a simple way of assigning multiple commands
to a device, TSA, or icon.

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Label: A name or ID for the command set.

Description: A description of the command set.

Apply button: Applies your changes without closing the dialog box..

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

New Device dialog box

Use the New Device dialog box to add a new device to your system. A device is a field device (smoke
detector, module, strobe, etc.) connected to a control panel.

Note: Devices cannot be manually added to EST3 and EST3X systems. You must do an SDU Import to add
devices to an EST3 or EST3X node.

Unit: The FireWorks workstation.

Node: The node type and number you are adding the device to.

Device #: The number ID for the device.

Device type: The type of device you are adding.

Label: A name or ID for the device.

Description: A description of the device.

Add button: Adds the device to the system.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

New HTTP Module dialog box

Use the New HTTP Module dialog box to enter a label and a description when you are adding an HTTP
module to the device tree. After you enter a label and a description, click Apply.

Label: The name you want to use to identify the HTTP module in the device tree. The label appears next to
the HTTP module icon when you click the Show Labels in Device Tree command on the View menu.

Description: A description for the HTTP module. The description appears next to the HTTP module icon
when you click the Show Descriptions in Device Tree command on the View menu. If you do not enter a
description, System Builder uses the label as the description.

New Icon dialog box

Use the New Icon dialog box to define the icon you are adding to your map.

Icon type

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Command: FireWorks can issue system or panel commands directly to fire networks. A command icon does
not represent a device. Rather, it defines a set of panel commands. When you click a command icon, you
can review or execute these commands.

Device: A device icon defines one or more devices. A device icon is normally found on device maps and
control maps (e.g. smoke control).

General: General icons are passive. They do not show device states or issue commands. They are typically
used to show the location of equipment that is not connected to a fire network.

Label: A name or ID for the icon.

Description: A description of the icon.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

New Line dialog box

Use the New Line dialog box to add a new line to your EST2/IRC3/FCC system. A line is a data
transmission circuit between a control module and its field panels. EST2/IRC3 systems have a line number
of 00. For FCC systems, the line number is for the PCPU and can be 00, 02, 04, or 06.

Note: EST3 and EST3X systems do not use line numbers.

Unit: The FireWorks workstation.

Node: The node type and number you are adding the line to.

Line #: The number ID for the line.

Device type: The type of device you are adding.

Label: A name or ID for the line.

Description: A description of the line.

Add button: Adds the device to the system.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

New Map dialog box

Use the New Map dialog box to open a map.

Map file: The file name for the map you are opening.

Browse button: Opens the Select Map File dialog box, which is used to locate the map you want to open.

Drawing Type: Determines how the zoom method works in Map Display.

Color Drawing or Photograph: Select this if you are using a full color drawing or graphics file or if you are
using a photograph in JPEG format.

White Background Drawing: Select this if you are using a graphics file with a white background.

Black Background Drawing: Select this if you are using a graphics file with a black background.

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Label: A name or ID for the map.

Description: A description of the map.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

New Map Pool dialog box

Use the New Map Pool dialog box to create your map pool. The map pool is a container for maps that have
not been assigned to (linked to) the site map or other maps in your map tree. The maps in the pool can be
set up with TSAs, icons, and text without having to be linked to other maps.

Label: A name or ID for the map pool.

Description: A description of the map pool.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

New Network Relay Module dialog box

Use the New Network Relay Module dialog box to add an MN-NETRLY4 module to your project.

To add an MN-NETRLY4 module:

1. Type the label you want to use to identify the MN-NETRLY4.

2. Type a description (optional).

3. Type the MN-NETRLY4 module's IP address.

4. Enable the MN-NETRLY4.

New Node dialog box

Use the New Node dialog box to add a new node to your system. A node is a workstation term indicating an
individual fire network. A node is a single communication line that connects a FireWorks workstation to a
control panel. The control panel may be part of a network of control panels. You can have 001 to 850 nodes.

Node number: The number for the node (001 to 850).

Node type: The type of node (control panel type).

Label: A name or ID for the node.

Description: A description of the node.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

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New Panel dialog box

Use the New Panel dialog box to add a new panel to a line on EST2, IRC3, and FCC nodes. For these
systems, a panel is considered to be either the 2-MCM (EST2), CM1N, or CM2N. You can have up to 62

Note: You cannot manually add a panel to an EST3 or EST3X node. You can only be added by importing
the SDU - Gateway Export files.

Node: The node type and number you are adding the panel to. This option is unavailable.

Panel # (LL-PP): The number ID for the panel.

Device type: The type of device you are adding. This option is unavailable.

Label: A name or ID for the panel.

Description: A description of the panel.

New Printer dialog box

Use the New Printer dialog box to add the system event printer to your project. The options on the New
Printer dialog box are described below.

Printer Enabled: Enables the printer.

System printers: List of available printers. Only select the system event printer from the list. The system
event printer must be installed on the computer before it will appear in the list. See the documentation
supplied with the printer for installation instructions.

Label: The name used to identify the printer in the device tree.

Description: The description used to identify the printer in the device tree.

Apply button: Adds the printer to the system.

New Text dialog box

Use the New Text dialog box to define the text you are adding to your map.

Caption: The text you want to appear on the map.

Font button: Allows you to change the font and font attributes for the text.

Angle of text: Allows you to set the position of the text on the map.

Label: A name or ID for the text.

Description: A description of the text.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

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New TSA dialog box

Use the New TSA dialog box to define the TSA you are adding to your map.

TSA type
Map: A Map TSA is used for annunciation. When flashing, a Map TSA indicates that somewhere below the
current map there is an active point.

Device: A device TSA is made up of one or more devices. A device TSA is normally found on device maps
and control maps (e.g. smoke control).

Command: A command TSA represents a command you can execute. When executed, the associated
preprogrammed commands are sent to the specified fire alarm networks.

Immediate: When checked, the command executes immediately when it is selected in System Control.
When not checked, the Commands dialog box is displayed when a command is selected in System Control.
The dialog box is used to execute the command.

General: General TSAs are passive. They do not show device states or issue commands. General TSAs are
typically used to show the location of equipment that is not connected to a fire network.

Secondary Map: Secondary Map TSAs are passive. They do not show device states or issue commands.
They have a gold border and are used to create multiple links to a map, such as a legend map. For
example, to link to the legend map from every map in your system, you would create a secondary map TSA
on every map and link it to the legend map.

Map assignment
Assign maps to view defined by each TSA automatically: Automatically assigns the view defined by the TSA
as the map for that TSA. Each TSA links to a different view (map) of the primary map.

Note: When this is selected, the Base Label field changes to the Map Label field. See below.

Assign maps to TSAs manually: Requires you to manually assign a map to each TSA defined in the TSA
Pattern Selection. If you cut the map into six equal size TSAs, you must manually assign a map to each of
those TSAs.

Label: A name or ID for the TSA.

Map label (TSA label = 'To' + map label): A name or ID for the TSAs with a "To" prefix. Basically, this
indicates what map the TSA links to.

Description: A description of the TSA.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

New VOIP Module dialog box

Use the New VOIP Module dialog box to add an MN-FVPN module to your project.

To add an MN-FVPN module:

1. Type the label you want to use to identify the MN-FVPN.

2. Type a description (optional).

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3. Type the MN-FVPN module's IP address.

4. Enable the MN-FVPN.

Open Storage dialog box

Use the Open Storage dialog box to open a new or existing database storage file. Opening a new file lets
you start with a fresh database with nothing in it. Basically, this is like starting from scratch. Opening an
existing file opens a previously saved file.

Select a Storage File to Open

Open a previously saved storage file: Opens a file you previously saved.

Open with a new storage file: Opens a new file empty file.

Open Selected Storage button: Opens the selected file.

Storage file: The name and path for the file you are opening.

Browse button: Used to locate the file you want to open.

Description: The description that was entered for the file when it was saved.

Current storage: The name and location of the current storage file you are using.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Opening a new map in the map pool

If you desire, you can open and configure each of your maps before ever linking them in the map pool or the
map tree.

Note: You must have a map pool defined before opening a map. Refer to Creating a map pool.

To open a map in the map pool:

1. On the Maps menu, click New Map.

New Map is also available on the shortcut menu.

2. In Map File, select the map you want to open.

3. Enter a label.

4. Enter a description.

5. Click OK.

6. Configure the map for use in the map tree.

Once the map is configured and is ready for the map tree, simply drag the map onto a map TSA in the map

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Opening an existing or new database file

You can open a new or existing database storage file. Opening a new file lets you start with a fresh
database with nothing in it. Basically, this is like starting from scratch. Opening an existing file opens a
previously saved file.

Use the Open Existing Project to open FireWorks 1.6 and later projects. Use the Open 1.5x version project
command to open FireWorks 1.5x projects.

To open a new database storage file:

1. On the File menu, click New Project.

2. Read the warning message and click Yes.

Click No to cancel.
3. In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type a name for the project.

4. Click Save.

To open an existing database storage file:

1. On the File menu, click Open Existing Project or click Open 1.5x version project.

2. Read the warning message and click Yes.

Click No to cancel.
3. Select Open a previously saved storage file.

4. Click Browse.

5. Locate the file you want to open.

6. Click Open.

7. Read the description to make sure this is the file you want to open.

8. Click Open Selected Storage.

9. Click Yes to confirm opening or No to cancel.

Opening Receiver Configuration Manager

You must open Receiver Configuration Manager (RCM) to configure receivers.

To open Receiver Configuration Manager:

1. On the Applications menu, click Receiver Configuration Manager.

2. Configure, edit, or review the desired receiver properties and settings. Refer to the topics in the
Receivers, Panels, Contacts, and Users tabs for more information.

Opening System Configuration

You must open System Configuration to access the FireWorks properties.

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To open System Configuration:

1. On the Applications menu, click System Configuration.

2. Enter the "system configuration" password. The default password is "ADMIN." It is recommended that
you change this password to your own unique password.

See Changing the password for more information.

3. Edit or review the desired properties and their settings. Refer to the property topics in this section for
more information about each property.

Note: When you click Done in the System Configuration dialog box, it automatically logs you out of System

Opening your site map

The first map you should configure is your site map. The site map shows the entire building or complex of
buildings. The site map branches down to more detailed maps, perhaps to individual buildings or to floor
plans of single floors.

When Map Browser is first started, a "default" map is displayed. The default map is only a placeholder for
your first map or site map. Before you can begin, you must replace the default map with your site map.

To open your site map:

1. On the Maps menu, click Edit Properties or click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

2. Double-click the last cell at the end of the Image File row (in the Value column).

A small button appears with three dots on it. This is the Browse button.
3. Click the Browse button.

4. In the Look In list, locate your site map file.

5. Click Open.

Notice that the file name changes in the Image File row.
6. Click Apply.

7. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Other command types

Two other device types can receive commands: cameras and watchdog cards. Cameras are the CCTV
cameras connected to your system. The watchdog card is a computer card that monitors points within the
FireWorks computer.

There are many command types for cameras. Because command types are based on the type of switcher
and the brand of camera you are using, they cannot all be listed. Refer to your switcher and camera
documentation for more information.

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Watchdog card (for computer models FW2, FW4, FW2UL2, FW4UL2, FW3UL3, and FW5UL3 only)
Note: The user relays and trouble relay may have unique devices attached. Be sure you understand and
know what is connected before toggling the relays ON or OFF. Contact your system administrator for more

User relay 1 ON: Turns Relay 1 on.

OFF: Turns Relay 1 off.

User relay 2 ON: Turns Relay 2 on.

OFF: Turns Relay 2 off.

Trouble ON: Turns the Trouble relay on.

OFF: Turns the Trouble relay off.

LED ON: Turns the LED on the external Switch/LED

module on.

OFF: Turns the LED on the external Switch/LED

module off.

Buzzer ON: Turns the trouble buzzer on.

OFF: Turns the trouble buzzer OFF.

Overview - User Manager

With the User Manager application, you can control who logs on to the system and which user rights they
are assigned. Users are entered into the system with a user name, password, description, and an access
group. Once they are entered into the system, they can log on and use all of the features and functions that
their access group permits.

There are five predefined access groups: Admin, Manager, User, Web User, and No Access. These access
groups cannot be changed. You can use the predefined access groups just as they are or you can use them
as templates to create other access groups. See: Predefined access group settings.

The Admin access group is used only by the system administrator. The password for this account should be
changed before the system is fully operational. If an administrator is needed, assign the Administrator
access group to the user who needs administrator rights.

Panel Events tab

Use the Panel Events tab to add and edit panel event lists along with their events. A panel event list is a list
of events for a control panel that are either in the contact ID or 4/2 format. Within the event lists, all of the
associated events must be added. For example, you can add a contact ID, EST3 event list, which includes
all of the contact ID events with their state, contact ID event message, label, description, etc. All of the
events that must be annunciated in FireWorks through the receiver must be entered in their respective
format with an event list.

Panel Events Lists: A list of panel event lists that have been added.

Events: A list of events that have been added in a panel event list.

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Add Event List button: Opens the Add/Edit Panel Events dialog box, which is used to add a contact ID or
4/2 list.

Add Event button: Opens the Add/Edit Events dialog box, which is used to add panel events to the contact
ID or 4/2 list.

Save button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Delete button: Deletes the selected event or event list.

Edit button (at the beginning of each row): Opens the Edit dialog box for the selected event or event list,
which is used to edit information about the event or event list.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Plus (+) symbol: Expands the table for the item in the row.

Minus (-) symbol: Collapses the table for the item in the row.

Patterned TSAs dialog box

Use the Patterned TSAs dialog box to quickly cut a map or view of a map into equal-sized TSAs.

Number of TSAs across: The number of TSAs you want to go across the map.

Number of TSAs down: The number of TSAs you want to go down the map.

Spacing between TSAs: The space between each TSA. The percentage is based on the size of the map
and number of TSAs you are adding to the map.

TSA type
Map: A Map TSA is used for annunciation. When flashing, a Map TSA indicates that somewhere below the
current map there is an active point.

Device: A device TSA is made up of one or more devices. A device TSA is normally found on device maps
and control maps (e.g. smoke control).

Command: A command TSA represents a command you can execute. When executed, the associated
preprogrammed commands are sent to the specified fire alarm networks.

General: General TSAs are passive. They do not show device states or issue commands. General TSAs
are typically used to show the location of equipment that is not connected to a fire network.

Secondary Map: Secondary Map TSAs are passive. They do not show device states or issue commands.
They have a gold border and are used to create multiple links to a map, such as a legend map. You may
want to link to the legend map from every map in your system, so you create a secondary map TSA on
every map and link it to the legend map.

Map assignment
Assign maps to view defined by each TSA automatically: Automatically assigns the view defined by the
TSA as the map for that TSA. Each TSA links to a different view (map) of the primary map.

Note: When this is selected, the Base Label field changes to the Map Label field. See below.

Assign maps to TSAs manually: Requires you to manually assign a map to each TSA defined in the TSA
Pattern Selection. If you cut the map into six equal size TSAs, you must manually assign a map to each of
those TSAs.

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Base label: A name or ID for the TSAs.

Map label (TSA label = 'To' + map label): A name or ID for the TSAs with a "To" prefix. Basically, this
indicates what map the TSA links to.

Description: A description of the TSA.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Planning the maps

Even simple map systems have numerous details. We suggest that you plan your map system on paper
before creating any map drawings or attempting to import and link maps.

The plan for your map system can be a simple box diagram. All you need to record are the map descriptions
and filenames, and the connections between the maps. An example is shown below.

In this example, the site is a single building with three floors. Notice that the plan shows the filenames,
descriptions, and connections. Example: the highest level map has the filename SITEMAP1 and the
description Quad Tower. It is connected to a map for each floor, plus a map for the elevator shaft.

You'll use the filenames when you create the drawings, when you open them in FireWorks, and when you
link the maps. You'll enter the description of the map after you open it in FireWorks. This description is used
in all FireWorks displays, making the system easy to understand. Finally, you'll use the connections when
you link the maps into a map system.

Usually, you'll designate the highest level map as the site map for each FireWorks workstation. The site map
is displayed whenever a user logs in. The map display screen already includes a button that takes the user
to the site map from any other point in the map system, but you must program the TSAs that let the user
branch down to the other maps.

The Quad Tower site map might look like the figure shown below. Notice that this drawing lets you draw a
TSA around each floor. The stairwells have devices on each floor, so they are included on the individual
floor maps. The elevator shaft devices are all located at the top of the shaft, so the drawing allows for a TSA
that will branch to the elevator map from the site map, rather than from individual floor maps.

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You will usually create or import the site map plus any intermediate level maps. Floor plan maps can often
be imported from CAD drawings of the site. You may have one drawing that represents your entire building
or a particular area in the building. If so, divide the drawing into sections. Then, you can draw TSAs around
each section and use it as the map for that area of the building. What this means is that you can use one
drawing to create multiple maps or views. There is no need to create a separate map for each section. This
will save you a lot of time when creating your maps.

Each floor of Quad Tower is identical. The next figure shows how the floor maps might be drawn.

The floor plan is the kind of map drawing that may be available in the form of CAD files. You can use any
Drawing Package application to add clarifying text or labels. For example, the compass and a large floor
number were added to the drawing shown above.

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The final map drawing is for the elevator shaft. The next figure illustrates this map.

The elevator shaft has a separate map due to the placement of devices. You can create drawings like this
from scratch, or by copying a portion of a floor plan drawing. You might need to create additional maps when
the floor plan is complex, or when the map is too crowded with TSAs and device icons.

The next figure shows an example of a map plan for a site with several separate buildings.

This example has four buildings and includes a service notice. A service notice is simply a drawing that
shows the name and contact information of the servicing company. It may be required by the AHJ for the
site. The service notice is a passive map - it has no device icons and can be reached only when the user
clicks a TSA on the Quad Park site map.

Predefined access group settings

You can use the predefined access groups to assign user rights or use them as templates for adding new
access groups. The tables below list the settings for each predefined access group.


Feature or function No Access User Web User Manager Admin

System Builder X

User Manager X X X

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Feature or function No Access User Web User Manager Admin

System Commands X X

Filtering Configuration X

Report Application X X X

Receiver Configuration Manager X

Icon Editor X

Map Editor X

E-mail configuration X

Select default Window layout X X X X X

Allow Web Client connection X

System Control

Feature or function No Access User Web User Manager Admin

Exit System Control X X

Acknowledge Event X X X

Hide TSAs X X X

Print Event/Log/Map X X X

Workstation Silence X X X

Change Language X X X

Run Layout Manager X

Make Log Entry X X X

View Maps X X X

Edit Text (Maps, Devices, Ext. Msg.) X X

Select Cameras X X X

Execute Common Commands X X X

Execute Command TSA/Icons X X X

Allow Window Resizing X

Clear All Account Events X

Execute Device Commands X X X

Execute Device Reports X X X

Use Camera Controls X X X

ACDB Configuration X

Edit Browser URL X X

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Feature or function No Access User Web User Manager Admin

Configure Auto Print X

User Manager

Features or functions No Access User Web User Manager Admin

Add New User X

Delete Existing User X

Edit User Attributes X

Add New Access Group X

Delete Access Group X

Edit Access Group Attributes X

Change Own Password X X X

Make Default Group X

Event List/Action Configuration X

System Reports

Features or functions No Access User Web User Manager Admin

Print Reports (all) X X X

Save Reports (all) X X X

Current History X X X

Archived History X X

Archive Current History X

Active Diagnostics X X X

Archived Diagnostics X X

Archive Current Diagnostics X

Assign partitions to a partition report X X X X X

Configure EST2, IRC-3, and FCC reports X X X

System Commands

Features or functions No Access User Web User Manager Admin

Individual EST3 and EST3X commands X X

Individual EST2, IRC-3, and FCC commands X X

Individual Net Relay commands X X

128 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Features or functions No Access User Web User Manager Admin

Individual HTTP Module commands X X


Features or functions No Access User Web User Manager Admin

Configure the Event List window X X X X X

Configure the Event Action window X X X X X


The PRINTHISTORY_All_SYS_BUILDER_ACTIVTIES property determines if FireWorks maintains a record

of all System Builder changes. If enabled, FireWorks logs all System Builder changes to a history file which
can then be viewed or printed from the Report Application in System Control.

To log all System Builder activity to the history file:

1. Start System Builder.

2. On the Applications menu, click System Configuration.

3. Enter the password required to open the System Configuration application.

4. On the Basic Properties tab, locate the PRINTHISTORY_All_SYS_BUILDER_ACTIVTIES property, and

then check the Enabled check box.

5. Click Apply.

6. If you are finished, close the System Configuration application, and then restart System Builder.

Programming an acknowledge signal for a partition activation event

To comply with UL1076, you must activate a visual or audible signal at the arming panel to indicate when
the FireWorks operator acknowledges a partition activation event. This acknowledgement signal is
sometimes called a "closing confirmation" or "ring back" signal.

Note: In UL 1076 and UL 1610 compliant systems, treat trouble communication faults the same as a
compromise attempt.

To program an acknowledge signal for a partition activation event:

1. Create a command to activate an indicator at the arming panel. For example, activating the exit buzzer
on a KPDISP. See Creating a command for more information.

2. In the Device Browser, expand the partition's Partition Away state, and then add the above command to
the partition away state's Activation Ack (acknowledge) substate. See Adding a command to a device
state for more information.

3. Check the substate's properties to verify that the command was added.

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Properties dialog box

Use the Properties dialog box to edit or review the properties for devices, TSAs, icons, text, etc. The
properties with a gray background cannot be edited. The properties with a white background can be edited.
Some of these values use lists and others use separate dialog boxes. Some rows have buttons that are
used to change the values.

Note: Devices, TSAs, icons, etc. have slight variations in the properties they display. The following is a list of
all the properties you may encounter.

Angle: The position (angle) of the text on the map.

Bottom view: The size of the bottom view of the map (BMP file = pixels, AutoCAD file = local units of

Camera ID: The number for the camera connected to the switcher. Each camera connected to a switcher
should have a number.

Caption: The text that appears on the map.

Card: The card's device address (ID).

Connected node: The node that is connected to the communication port.

Contents: The contents of a TSA or icon (i.e. devices or commands).

Description: A description of the item.

Device: The device address (ID).

Device states: The different states and substates a device can enter into.

Device type: The type (kind) of device.

Display type: The display characteristics of a map. Settings are none, white background, black background,
and color/photo.

Enabled: The printer or communication port is enabled or disabled (True = enabled, False = disabled).

Font: The font type used for the text on the map.

Image file: The name of the BMP file being used.

Immediate: When true, the command executes immediately when it is selected in System Control. When
false, the Commands dialog box is displayed when a command is selected in System Control. The dialog
box is used to execute the command.

Iris: Controls the amount of light entering the camera. Depending on your camera type, it could be fixed,
adjustable, or automatic.

Label: A name or ID for the item.

Left view: The size of the left view of the map (BMP file = pixels, Autocad file = local units of drawing).

Name: The type of printer or name of printer.

Node: The node's device address (ID).

Pan and tilt: Moves the camera left and right or up and down. Depending on your camera type, it could be
fixed or adjustable.

Panel: The panel address (ID).

Port number: The port number used by the node.

130 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Right view: The size of the right view of the map (BMP file = pixels, Autocad file = local units of drawing).

SDU object type: The object type assigned to the device. This is originally defined in the SDU program.

Status point: True or false setting for devices or pseudo points. Changes how the device or pseudo point
reports a change of state. Note: If you make a receiver event a status point and add it to a map, the event
will not display in Event List. The device icon or TSA will go active when the event takes place. To clear the
event, refer to "Clearing receiver events" in System Control's online Help.

Top view: The size of the top view of the map (BMP file = pixels, AutoCAD file = local units of drawing).

Type: The TSA or icon type (e.g. command, view, device).

Unit: The unit address (ID).

X: The X coordinate for the text on the map.

Y: The Y coordinate for the text on the map.

Zoom: Zooms the camera for a better, more detailed look at something. Depending on your camera type, it
could be fixed or adjustable.

Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Receiver Configuration Manager overview

Configuring FireWorks to receive and annunciate events from a receiver requires you to program information
such as protocol type, event information, user information, contact information, etc. All of this information is
configured using the Receiver, Panel Events, Contacts, and Users tabs. Once all of your event information is
saved in the Receiver Configuration Manager (RCM), it is displayed in Device Browser.

Caution: Understanding what receivers are and how they work, as well understanding the Contact ID and
4/2 protocols is beyond the scope of this documentation. It is recommended that you have some basic
understanding of these protocols before beginning programming. For Contact ID, you can start by referring
to the SIA Standards Digital Communications Standard - Ademco Contact ID Protocol - For Alarm System
Communications Manual P/N 14085.

Using the RCM for the first time can be challenging, so it is recommended that you use and closely follow
the instruction topics in the Receiver Configuration Manager section. These topics refer you to other topics
in this Help file, which must be used to properly configure your receiver. You may also find more information
in the control panel documentation.

Receiver tab: The Receiver tab is the primary tab for configuring receivers. The three other tabs (listed
below) are used to define information that is then used in the receiver's tab to configure your system. The
Receiver tab is used to add and edit receivers, lines, accounts, and events. The Receiver tab also displays
detailed information about receivers, lines, accounts, and events and their relationships with each other. The
receiver is displayed at the top of the form. Receivers have lines, lines have accounts, and accounts have
events. All of this information is displayed below each receiver in a hierarchical table that can be expanded
and collapsed using the plus (+) and minus (-) symbols at the left end of each row. Each of the tables have
columns containing the information that was entered for receivers, lines, accounts, and events.

Panel Events tab: The Panel Events tab is used to add and edit panel event lists along with their
associated events. A panel event list is a list of events for a control panel that are either in the contact ID or
4/2 format. Within the event lists are all of the associated events. You can create your own event lists or use

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one of the provided lists. The lists are template sets of events that can be defined for a specific project and
then reused for other projects. To view a list of the SIA standard Contact ID events, refer to the SIA
Standard Contact ID panel event list.

Contacts tab: The Contacts tab is used to view, add, edit, and delete individual contact information.
Contacts are individuals that can be associated with receiver accounts. The individual's contact information
is then available in System Control when an event is reported. Contact information such as name, company,
address, phone number, etc. can be entered for each contact.

Users tab: The Users tab is used to view, add, edit, and delete user groups and user information. User
groups are a compilation of users within a company or account. Users are individual system users in the
company or account. User information such as name, address, phone number, etc. can be entered for each
individual user. Note: User groups can only be used with Contact ID protocol accounts.

To configure a receiver:
1. Open the Receiver Configuration Manager.

2. Configure all RCM data using the Receivers tab and the supporting Panel Events, Contacts, and Users

Refer to the topics in this section of the Help file for details. You can also refer to "Using the RCM to
configure a receiver" for an overall procedure for using the RCM to program a receiver in FireWorks.
3. Make sure all data is saved in the RCM.

4. Close the RCM.

5. Map the event states to FireWorks functionality using System Builder.

6. Test the system by initiating events on the control panel and making sure the correct event information
is being sent to FireWorks through the receiver.

Receiver device addressing

When receivers are added in FireWorks, they appear as nodes in Device Browser, and they use the same
addressing scheme as nodes (node numbers). Receivers have lines, accounts, and events, which also use
an addressing scheme similar to a control panel (see Device addresses). Both nodes and lines can be
tagged as redundant to another node or line and display along with the primary.

Each account has a pseudo device defined for each protocol event code. The pseudo devices are
automatically defined from the imported device information. Event codes representing activations are new
devices with a single state matching the state defined for that event. The states are alarm, supervisory,
trouble, monitor, security, and access. States also receive activation sub-states. Event codes representing
restorations are assigned as sub-states to existing related activation devices.

132 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Receiver device addressing

Receivers tab

Use the Receivers tab to add and edit receivers, lines, accounts, and events. The Receivers tab also
displays detailed information about receivers, lines, accounts, and events and their relationships with each
other. The receivers table is displayed at the top of the form. Receivers have lines, lines have accounts, and
accounts have events. All of this information is displayed below each receiver in a hierarchical table that can
be expanded and collapsed using the plus (+) and minus (-) symbols at the left end of each row. Each of the
tables have columns containing the information that was entered for receivers, lines, accounts, and events.
Any of this information can be edited by clicking on the Edit button at the beginning of each row.

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Example Receivers tab. Note the hierarchy of receivers, lines, accounts, and events.

Add Receiver button: Opens the Add Receiver dialog box, which is used to add receiver information.

Add Line button: Opens the Add Line dialog box, which is used to add receiver line information.

Add Account button: Opens the Add Account dialog box, which is used to add account information.

Add Event button: Opens the Add Event dialog box, which is used to add system event information.

Save button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Delete button: Deletes the selected receiver, line, account, or event.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Edit button (at the beginning of each row): Opens the Edit dialog box for the selected item, which is used
to edit the item's information.

Plus (+) symbol: Expands the table for the item in the row.

Minus (-) symbol: Collapses the table for the item in the row.

134 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Redrawing a TSA

You may find the need to redraw a TSA so it covers the intended area better. With the Redraw command,
you can increase or decrease the overall size of the TSA.

To redraw a TSA:
1. Select the TSA that you want to redraw.

2. Right-click the TSA and click Redraw.

3. Redraw the TSA to the desired size.

4. Left-click the mouse button.

Refreshing the display

If items or parts of your map start to look like they are disappearing or breaking down, you may need to
refresh the display. Refreshing the display redraws what is on your screen.

To refresh the display:

1. On the Maps menu, click Refresh Display.

Refresh Display is available on the shortcut menu.

Requirements when using AutoCAD to create maps

AutoCAD drawings can be used to create your set of maps, but due to AutoCAD font and color handling,
FireWorks must use a special font substitution table and color substitution table when importing AutoCAD

The font substitution filename is AutoCAD_Font_Map.ini and is located in the C:\Fireworks\Maps folder. The
fonts listed in this file will be substituted for the fonts that you used in your AutoCAD drawings. The font
substitutions can be edited as desired so that other fonts are substituted. Simply open the
AutoCAD_Font_Map.ini file in Notepad and change the font that is being substituted to the desired font.

For example if you want to change the Map1 font:

Map1=TXT,Courier New,400,0,1.0

Change Courier New to the new font name (Arial):


The color substitution table follows closely the colors that AutoCAD uses. This cannot be changed in
FireWorks. If you require color changes, you must change the AutoCAD color number system to match the
color codes below. To prevent your colors from being changed, use the following values when setting up
your design:

No. Color No. Color

1 Red 8 Dark red

2 Yellow 9 Orange

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No. Color No. Color

3 Green 10 Dark green

4 Cyan 11 Gray

5 Blue 12 Dark blue

6 Gold 13 Brown

7 Black 14 White

Note: AutoCAD 3D-face and polygonal mesh objects are not supported in FireWorks.

Restoring the database

Restoring the database replaces the active, open database files with database files that you previously
backed up. If you did a full backup, in addition to the database files, your icons, maps, sounds, etc. are also

Use the Restore command to restore backup files from FireWorks 1.7 and later projects (.fwkprj extension)
and FireWorks 1.6x backup files (no extension). Use the Restore a 1.5x version project command to restore
backup files from FireWorks 1.5x projects (.fwk extension).

Caution: Make sure you select the appropriate database files before doing a restore because the restored
backup files overwrite the database project files you currently have open.

To restore the database:

1. On the File menu, click Restore or click Restore a 1.5x version project.

2. In the Restore Project dialog box, browse to the folder where the backup file is stored. Typically, backup
files are stored in the C:\FireWorks\Backup folder.

3. Select the file that you want to restore.

4. Click Open.

Saving and restoring communication port settings

Saving communication port settings

Use the Save Communication Port Settings command to save the settings of all the communication ports
defined in Communications Manager.

To save your communication port settings:

1. On the Applications menu, click Save Communication Port Settings.

136 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Restoring communication port settings

Use the Restore Communication Port Settings command to restore the settings of all the communication
ports defined in Communications Manager.

To restore your communication port settings:

1. On the Applications menu, click Restore Communication Port Settings.

Saving your project database and history database files

Exiting or logging off the system automatically saves your project database and history database files. When
you open an existing project or create a new project, you can choose whether to save these files or not
before you are automatically exited from the system.

To exit without saving the project database or history database:

1. Under Project Save, click No.

To save the project database and history database:

1. Under Project Save, click Yes.

2. Under History Save, click Yes.

To save the project database but not the history database:

1. Under Project Save, click Yes.

2. Under History Save, click No.

To clear the history database for a new project:

1. Under History Clear, click Yes.

To import the history database for a FireWorks 1.5x project:

1. Under History Import, click Yes.

SDU Import dialog box

Use the SDU Import dialog box to import the SDU - Gateway Import files needed to add devices to EST3
and EST3X nodes.

SDU Project Import: The name of the SDU - Gateway Object Export file (sdu_project_name.oxp).

Add New Devices only: Only adds new devices.

Add New and Update Existing Devices: Adds new devices and updates existing devices with any
changes that were made in the SDU project.

Update Device Icons Labels and Descriptions: Overwrites the labels or the descriptions for any existing
devices in a device icon. This option is only available when you select the Add New and Update Existing
Devices option.

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Import as Node: The EST3 or EST3X node number.

Import button: Imports the OXP file you selected.

Cancel Import button: Cancels the SDU import. All data that was imported before the Cancel Import button
was clicked remains.

Search by address

This is an example of searching by address.

(1) Search by address: Searches only the devices by device address for node 01 and panel 40.
(2) Search: Only Devices are searched on an EST3node (NN = 01), with all SDU types, and all CRCs and
Keypads. The "For CRC and Keypad" list is only displayed if the node contains CRCs or keypads.
(3) Assignment state: "All" devices that meet the search criteria are displayed.
(4) Search results: This is a list of the devices that were found based on the search criteria selected.

Search by label

This is an example of searching by label.

138 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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(1) Search by Label: Annunciator (only labels containing the word annunciator are displayed)
(2) Search: All types, All nodes, and All SDU types. This means that every item, on every node, with any
SDU type is displayed.
(3) Assignment state: Assigned (only items that are assigned to a TSA, icon, map, etc. are displayed)
(4) Search results: This is a list of the items that were found based on the search criteria selected. The
colored icons next to the labels in the list represent how each item is assigned.

Selecting a display view

When you open a map, it is displayed based on its actual size and shape. More of the map may be
displayed than you need. If so, you can use the Select View command to draw a box around only the area of
the map you want to display. A dotted line surrounds the area of the map you selected. This way, each time
you open the map and each time the map is displayed in the Map Display window in System Control, it
displays with the size you set up.

Note: If the area you selected is not proportional to the Map Browser map display area, parts of the map
outside your selected area are still seen.

To select a display view:

1. On the Maps menu, click Select View.

Select View is also available on the shortcut menu.

2. Using the mouse, click and draw a box around the area on the map you want to view.

Note: You can hold down the Shift key to draw a box that is proportional in size to the Map Display
window in System Control. This way, the map fits proportionally in the window.

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3. Click to complete the box area.

The map shifts to center the area you selected in the Map Browser display area.

Setting the current display view as the default view

When you open a map, it is displayed based on its actual size and shape. More of the map may be
displayed than you need. If so, use the zoom buttons to size and position the map view to your liking. When
you have the map sized, you can set the view of the map as the default view. This way, each time you open
the map and each time the map is displayed in the Map Display window in System Control, it displays with
the size you set up (the default for that map).

Note: If the area you selected is not proportional to the Map Browser map display area, parts of the map
outside your selected area are still seen.

To set the current display as the default view:

1. Use the zoom buttons to size and position the map to your liking.

2. On the Maps menu, click Set Current View as Default.

Set Current View as Default is also available on the shortcut menu.

Setting up an SMTP mail server connection

E-mail actions are dependent on a Windows-level connection to an SMTP mail server from an Internet
Service Provider (ISP) or from a Web-based e-mail service.

Gmail SMTP settings

SMTP_SERVER_ACCOUNT: Your Gmail username (including

SMTP_SERVER_FROM_EMAIL_ACCOUNT: Your Gmail e-mail address

SMTP_SERVER_NAME: (use authentication)

SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD: Your Gmail password



Yahoo Mail SMTP settings

SMTP_SERVER_ACCOUNT: Your Yahoo e-mail address

SMTP_SERVER_FROM_EMAIL_ACCOUNT: Your Yahoo e-mail address

SMTP_SERVER_NAME: (use authentication)

SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD: Your Yahoo password



140 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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To set up an SMTP mail server connection:

1. Open System Configuration (Applications > System Configuration), and then enter the "system
configuration" password.

2. On the Basic Properties tab, do the following:

In the Value box for SMTP_SERVER_ACCOUNT, type the address to which you want to send e-mail
messages. For example,

In the Value box for SMTP_SERVER_FROM_EMAIL_ACCOUNT, type the address to which you want
to send e-mail bounce back messages. For example,

In the Value box for SMTP_SERVER_NAME, type the name of your e-mail provider's SMTP mail
server. For example,

In the Value box for SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD, type the password used to authenticate your e-
mail account.

In the Value box for SMTP_SERVER_ENABLE_SSL, type False if you are connecting to an Internet
service provider's SMTP mail server or type True if you are connecting to a WEB-based mail service.
In the Value box for SMTP_SERVER_EMAIL_PORT, type 25 if you are connecting to an Internet
service provider's SMTP mail server or type 465 if you are connecting to a WEB-based mail service.
3. Click Apply, and then close System Configuration.
4. Restart System Builder.

Setting up event filtering

Event filtering is a feature that lets you filter the events that are received at each workstation. Each
workstation can be configured to accept only certain events from a control panel. The Event Filter dialog box
allows administrators to limit the events displayed in System Control. When defining a filter, you are defining
which events are displayed at the workstation. When an event is filtered, both the activation event and the
restoration event are included.

The predefined filters are:

Alarm events

Supervisory events

Trouble events

Disabled events

Monitor events

Security events

Test events

All access events

Abnormal access events only

No access events

Note: Events that are not filtered function as if no filter is applied. All quadrants in System Control function
as normal.

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Filtering security events

If a device is a member of a standard partition (in any partition) it is considered a security point and is
filtered. Partition status events are also considered security points.

EST3 partition filtering: FireWorks has the ability to control security points and partitions, and the EST3
control panel is capable of defining multiple partitions.

Filtering access events

A workstation can be configured to display access events in three ways: all access events, abnormal access
events only, or no access events. Based on filter configuration, you can log all access events to history even
if they are not displayed or printed.

Access event filtering can be configured based on a time schedule with a start and end time. For example, a
facility may not want to see all of the events when the building is occupied during the day, but may want to
see all of the events after the facility closes.

Filtering test events

When FireWorks is communicating with a control panel, there are times when the control panel is placed in
test mode. FireWorks is notified when a control panel is in test mode and a device is activated in test mode.

When filtering test events, all events that come in activated or restored under test are filtered out so that the
workstation operator does not have to acknowledge them.

To set up event filtering:

1. On the Applications menu, click Set Filtering Parameters.

2. Click Enable Filtering.

3. Clear the event filter types for display, printer, and history that you want to filter out.

4. Cleared box = Event is filtered

5. Checked box = Event is not filtered

6. Clear the panel partitions for display, printer, and history that you want to filter out.

7. Clear the partitions in the partition tree that you want to filter out.

Note: Filtering (clearing) a partition also removes the ability to issue commands against that partition.
8. Select the Access display, printer, and history settings: no events, abnormal events, or all events.

9. If you want to use a filtering schedule, click Use Filtering Schedule and then click the Schedule button.

The Access Filtering Schedule dialog box is displayed.

10. Set up the access filtering schedule for each day of the week with a start and end time. The period of
time between the start and end time is when access event filtering takes place.

11. Click Apply.

12. Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog box.

13. Select the off hours time settings: no events, abnormal events, or all events. This is for the hours that
fall outside the start and end times that were set up on the Access Filtering Schedule dialog box.

14. When you have finished setting up filtering, click Apply.

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15. Click Cancel or Close to close the dialog box.

Setting up redundant communications for EST3 and EST3X nodes

Redundant communications means that when one communication connection fails or is broken, the other
connection still provides annunciation of system events. Redundant communications can be configured only
by assigning two COM ports to a single node. Once a node is configured with redundant communications,
both ports continuously communicate with the control panel and report on System Control's Status Bar with
a split communications icon. If any one communication line fails, the icon displays the problem using one
half of the icon. There are two ways to establish redundant communications: serial (RS-232) and TCP/IP.

Serial redundant communications: Serial redundant communications requires the use of both RS-232
connections on the 3-CPUx. Both connections wire directly from the FireWorks workstation to the 3-CPUx.

TCP/IP redundant communications: TCP/IP redundant communications requires the use of two network
interface cards in the FireWorks workstation. Both connections wire directly from the FireWorks workstation
to your Ethernet network. Note: For redundant FireWorks common control applications when connecting
over a network, a UL Listed FireWorks workstation is required, you must have the approval of your local
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), and you must follow the notes below.


When connecting FireWorks over a standard network to an EST3 or EST3X control panel with no
firefighter interface, the FireWorks connection is considered ancillary, meaning that it cannot have
common controls capability with the control panel.

When connecting FireWorks over a network to an EST3 or EST3X control panel that has a firefighter
interface, the FireWorks workstation can have common controls capability with the control panel. This is
a fire-only UL 864 application and is not suitable for UL security applications.

To set up redundant communications:

1. On the Applications menu, click Communications Manager.

2. Select the COM port that you want to configure for "primary" communications.

3. Enter a label for the port.

4. Select the port type.

5. Select the node to assign to the COM port.

6. Click Enabled to enable the COM port.

7. Enter a description for the port.

8. Set up the port properties.

9. Click Apply.

10. Select a second COM port that you want to configure for "secondary" communications.

11. Enter a label for the port.

12. Select the port type.

13. Click Redundant.

Note: Do not click Enabled before clicking Redundant.

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14. In the Redundant Node Selection dialog box, select the same EST3 node that you selected in step 5

15. Click Apply.

16. Click Enabled to enable the COM port.

17. Enter a description for the port.

18. Set up the port properties.

19. Click Apply.

20. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.


This option displays the description instead of the label anywhere that the label is displayed.

To show the device description in location:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: SHOW_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_IN_LOCATION

3. In the Value column, click Enabled.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.


This determines whether a device's label or description is displayed in System Builder's device tree.

To show labels:
1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: ShowLabels

3. In the Value column, check Enabled to show labels (default), or clear to show descriptions.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

144 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Shrinking and expanding device tree icons

You can shrink device tree icons to smaller color icons, which allow for more devices to be displayed in the
Device Browser window. The picture icons are replaced with color icons that take up less room in the
window. See Device Browser icons for device icon information.

To shrink device tree icons:

1. On the View menu, click Shrink/Expand Icons.

To expand device tree icons:

1. On the View menu, click Shrink/Expand Icons.


The SMTP_SERVER_ACCOUNT property specifies the address to which you want to send e-mail
messages. This is the e-mail address that you chose or were given when you opened your e-mail account.
For example, "".


The SMTP_SERVER_EMAIL_PORT property determines which port to use when sending e-mail messages.

Possible values:

25 (e-mail account is with an Internet service provider)

465 (e-mail account is with a Web-based mail service)


The SMTP_SERVER_ENABLE_SSL property determines if you are sending e-mail messages to an e-mail
account you have with an Internet service provider or to an account with a Web-based mail service.
Possible values:

False (Internet service provider)

True (Web-based mail service)


The SMTP_SERVER_FROM_EMAIL_ACCOUNT property specifies the address to which you want to send
e-mail bounce back message (messages that did not transmit successfully). This is the e-mail address that
you chose or were given when you opened your e-mail account. For example,

FireWorks System Builder Printed Help 145

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The SMTP_SERVER_IN_EMAIL_SUBJECT property appends the label of the e-mail action to the subject
line of the e-mail message.

Possible values:

Checked (append)

Cleared (do not append)


The SMTP_SERVER_NAME property specifies the name of your e-mail provider's SMTP mail server. For
example, "".


The SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD property specifies the password used to authenticate your e-mail
account. This is the password that you chose or were given when you opened your e-mail account. The
default value is "_NONE_" (password not required).

Step 1: Creating the protocol definition

The first step in creating and defining a new CCTV protocol is creating the protocol definition.

To create the protocol definition:

1. Under Protocol Definition, type a name for the protocol you are creating.

2. Click outside of the row where you added the protocol name.

The Base New Protocol on an Existing One dialog box is displayed.

3. Select the protocol that will serve as the template for the protocol you are creating or select none.

4. Click OK.

5. Enter a description for the protocol (optional).

6. Open the documentation that came with your CCTV equipment to the protocol definition/interface

Note: Keep this documentation handy because you will be referring to it many times.
7. Refer to the transmit data format for the protocol. Characters make up the command string that the
protocol uses.

8. Enter any prefix (start) or suffix (terminator) characters that are required. For example, the KALATEL
KTD-312 protocol requires a "~" for the suffix (terminator) character.

9. Click Apply to save.

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Step 2: Entering and configuring the CCTV commands and command


The second step in creating and defining a new CCTV protocol is entering and configuring the CCTV
commands and command strings.

To enter and configure the CCTV commands and command strings:

1. On the CCTV Commands tab, type each of the commands that can be used with the protocol. Refer to
the equipment documentation for a list of available commands.

Note: If you based the new protocol on one of the provided template protocols, CCTV commands are
already provided. These commands can be edited or deleted as necessary based on the requirements
specified in the equipment documentation.
2. Enter a description for each command (optional).
3. Under Command String, configure the command strings for each of the commands. Command strings
have a field and a value. Click in a row and select the field and value from the drop-down list. Refer to
the equipment documentation for command string requirements, values, and settings.

Note: If you based the new protocol on one of the provided template protocols, command string fields
and values are already provided for each command. These command string fields and values can be
edited or deleted as necessary based on the requirements specified in the equipment documentation.
4. If command string values fall outside the protocol requirements (e.g. a maximum value is wrong), click
the Field Types tab and edit the field types as necessary.

Note: Formats, minimum values, maximum values, and maximum lengths are defined in the equipment
5. When finished, click Apply to save.

Step 3: Assigning CCTV commands to the camera quadrant commands

The third step in creating and defining a new CCTV protocol is assigning CCTV commands to the camera
quadrant commands.

To assign CCTV commands to the camera quadrant commands:

1. On the Camera Quadrant Commands tab, assign CCTV commands to the commands that operate on
the Camera display quadrant in System Control. Click a row in the Assigned Camera Command column
and select the CCTV command that you want to assign from the drop-down list.

2. Use the above procedure to assign a CCTV command to all desired camera quadrant commands. Once
a command is assigned, the corresponding "command" button on the Camera display becomes active.

3. When finished, click Apply to save.

4. For the commands to become active and available, you must restart System Control.

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The background color for maps can be set to black, white, or color. The default is color. The color of your
maps dictates the background setting needed. If your maps are color graphics or pictures, it is best to use
the color setting. If your maps are dark in color, a white background is recommended. If your maps are light
in color, a black background is recommended. You may have to experiment with the settings to get the best
look for your maps.

To set the background display type for maps:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: SYSBUILDER_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_TYPE.

3. In the Value column, type the display type number based on:

White: 1
Black: 2
Color: 3
4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.


When enabled, the following states for a receiver account are displayed in the device tree.

Restoration without alarm activation

Restoration without trouble activation

Restoration without monitor activation

Restoration without security activation

Restoration without supervisory activation

To enable show states for unactivated account events:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property:


3. In the Value column, click enabled.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

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When an event takes place and the silence workstation button in System Control is pressed, the
workstation's buzzer silences. If there are events in the system that need to be acknowledged, the buzzer
remains silenced for up to five minutes. Once the five minutes have elapsed, if there are still events waiting
to be acknowledged, the buzzer re-sounds. If all events are acknowledged before the five minutes expires,
the buzzer sounds on the next event.

The time period the buzzer remains silenced while events are waiting acknowledgement can be increased or
decreased as necessary.

Note: This option is for an ancillary FireWorks workstation. If only the workstation is employed, then the
"acknowledge all events" is not in compliance with UL requirements. When a new event comes in, each
event must annunciate the audible notification along with the visual. This should override the previous
silence action.

To change the silence workstation time period:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: SYSCONTROL_BELL_SILENCE_MINUTES.

3. In the Value column, change the time period (in minutes) to the desired time period.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.


The default ID for the camera and monitor can be changed as needed. This identifies the default camera
and monitor coming from your CCTV system. The default ID for the camera is 1, and the default ID for the
monitor is 7.

To change the CCTV camera and monitor default ID numbers:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following properties:

3. In the Value column, change the default ID number for the camera and monitor to the desired ID
4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

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In Map Display, the default operation leaves the current map displayed when an event takes place in the
system. This functionality can be changed. You can specify that Map Display goes to the map that contains
the device that caused the event, or goes to the site map (top level map) when an event takes place. The
map that is currently displayed disappears, and the system automatically displays either the device map or
site map depending on how you set it up.

To change Map Display operation:

1. Click the UL Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: SYSCONTROL_MAP_OPTION.

3. In the Value column, select "1" to go to the device map, "2" to go to the site map, or "3" to stay at the
current map (default operation).

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.


The SYSCONTROL_RESOUND_24_HOUR property determines when the FireWorks System Control

application automatically re-sounds the active event alert signal after it has been silenced. By default, the
active event alert signal sounds automatically after 24 hours or when there is a new event, whichever occurs

Note: To meet UL 864 requirements, set the SYSCONTROL_RESOUND_24_HOUR property for Enabled
(24 hours).

To change the re-sound time period:

1. Click the UL Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: SYSCONTROL_RESOUND_24_HOUR.

3. In the Value column, check the Enabled check box to automatically re-sound the active event alert
signal after 24 hours if there are no new events. Clear the check box to prevent the active event alert
signal from re-sounding indefinitely until there is a new event.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or close the System Configuration dialog box.

6. Restart FireWorks.


To make touch screen operation easier and to reduce the number of events displayed at one time, you can
increase the row height for each event in the Event List display. By doing so, you reduce the number of
events displayed to eight. This makes each event easier to read and allows for easier touch screen

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To increase the row height for new events:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: SYSCONTROL_SHOW_8_EVENTS.

3. In the Value column, choose Enable.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.


If needed, it is possible to disable the Close buttons on the window displays (other than Event List) in
System Control. This removes the ability to close these displays or swap these displays with other displays.

To disable the Close buttons on Map display and Event Action display:
1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: SYSCONTROL_SHOW_CLOSE.

3. In the Value column, clear the Enable check box.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.


Supervisory events are yellow in color. You can change the color to gold if necessary. You may need to do
this depending on the color of your maps or how your maps are set up.

Note: UL requirements dictate that supervisory events must be yellow in color. By changing supervisory
events to gold, you are going against UL requirements.

To change supervisory events to gold:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: SYSCONTROL_SUPERVISORY_GOLD.

3. In the Value column, check Enabled for gold or, clear for yellow (default).

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

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The CCTV video source can be set to composite video or S-Video. The default is S-Video.

To set the CCTV video source type:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: SYSCONTROL_VIDEO_SOURCE.

3. In the Value column, select to "0" for S-Video or "1" for composite video.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

6. Restart FireWorks.

System Builder command menus

The System Builder command menus are described below.

File menu

New Project: Creates a new project.

Open Existing Project: Opens a project created using FireWorks 1.6 or later.

Backup: Creates a backup copy of the current project.

Restore: Opens a backup copy of a project created using FireWorks 1.6 or later.

Open 1.5x version project: Opens a project created using FireWorks 1.5x.

Restore a 1.5x version project: Opens a backup copy of a project created using FireWorks 1.5x.

Logon/Logoff: Lets you log on to or off of System Builder.

Exit: Exits System Builder.

Edit menu

Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste: Allows you to cut, copy, and paste information.
Expert Mode: Toggles the Expert Mode feature on and off. The Expert Mode feature determines whether
user actions, such as deleting, require confirmation.

Find: Searches devices, actions, messages, and entities in the system by node and object type.

View menu

Map Browser: Opens the Map Browser window, which is used to set up your maps, TSAs, and icons.

Command Browser: Opens the Command Browser window, which is used to create commands.

Action Browser: Opens the Action Browser window, which is used to create actions.

Message Browser: Opens the Message Browser window, which is used to create messages.

Shrink/Expand Icons: Toggles the size of the icons in the device tree.

Show Labels in Device Tree: Displays label text next to the icons in the device tree.

Show Descriptions in Device Tree: Displays description text next to the icons in the device tree.

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Change language: Selects a different language.

Alternate language: Toggles the display language between the primary and alternate language. These are
set up in User Manager.

Devices menu

New command: Opens the Command Editor, which is used to create commands.

New command set: Opens the Command Editor, which is used to create command sets.

New action: Opens the Action Editor, which is used to create actions.

New Node: Adds a new node to your system.

New Panel: Adds a new panel to your system.

New line: Adds a new line to your system.

New device: Adds a new device to your system.

New CRC: Adds a new CRC to your system.

New reader: Adds a new reader to your system.

New Watchdog Card: Adds a new watchdog card for the computer.

New MN-FVPN: Adds a new MN-FVPN module to your system.

New MN-NETRLY4: Adds a new MN-NETRLY4 module to your system.

New HTTP module: Adds an HTTP module to the system.

New camera: Adds a new camera to your system.

New printer: Adds a new printer to your system.

New receiver: Adds a new receiver to your system.

Edit properties: Opens the Edit Properties dialog box, which is used to add or edit characteristics of the
item selected.

Delete: Deletes the selected item.

Application menu

User Manager: Starts the User Manager application, which is used to add users, change passwords, and
set up access privileges.

System Configuration: Starts the System Configuration application, which is used to change FireWorks
system operation.

Receiver Configuration Manager: Starts the Receiver Configuration Manager application, which is used to
add and configure digital alarm receivers for interfacing with FireWorks.

Icon Editor: Starts the paint application used to create and edit system icons.

Map Editor: Starts the paint application used to create and edit system maps.

SDU Import: Starts the SDU Import application, which is used to import EST3 project databases.

Communications Manager: Starts the Communications Manager application, which is used to configure
the communication ports for communicating with a control panel.

CCTV Manager: Starts the CCTV Protocol Manager application, which is used to create new or edit existing
CCTV protocols. The protocols are made up of commands and command strings, which are used to control
CCTV equipment through a FireWorks workstation.

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Edit E-Mail Addresses: Starts the Edit E-mail Addresses application, which is used to edit the list of e-mail

Edit All E-Mail Actions: Starts the Edit All E-mail Actions application, which is used to update and edit e-
mail actions.

Assign/Import Icons: Starts the Assign/Import Icon application, which is used to import icons and assign
icons to FireWorks SDU types. Once an icon is assigned, it is displayed next to every device in the Device
Browser with that SDU object type.

ACDB Interface Configuration: Starts the ACDB/FireWorks Interface Configuration application, which is
used to configure the location of the ACDB interface and the card information display fields (name, card ID,
address, etc.).

Set Filtering Parameters: Starts the Set Filtering Parameters application, which is used set up the filtering
of events on the workstation.

Local Mode of Operation: Configures the System Control application for Local Mode or Proprietary Mode

Help menu

Contents: Opens the System Builder Help window with the Contents tab selected.

Index: Opens the System Builder Help window with the Index tab selected.

Search: Opens the System Builder Help window with the Search tab selected.

Technical support: Displays contact information for technical support staff.

About/Version Info: Displays the About dialog box, which contains software version and copyright

System Builder overview

System Builder is the application used to configure and program your system. System Builder is used to
define access privileges for all users. Access to any workstation feature, command, or control can be
granted separately.

The System Administrator can design and lay out maps, controls, text files, and operating parameters that
are unique to your facility.

System Builder is used to view the device tree, import maps, link maps with touch sensitive areas (TSAs),
add icons and devices to maps, set up commands, and assign actions. In addition, all communication, user,
and access level configuration is done in System Builder.

To start, the system programmer creates a library of maps for the site. Then, the programmer links these
maps into sequences of increasingly detailed maps, ending with maps that show individual fire protection,
CCTV, and card access devices. Combined, the individual sequences form a map tree, which may contain
any number of levels.

At the top of the map tree is the site map, the image normally displayed on the monitor when there is no
system activity. Specific areas on the site map are designated as touch sensitive areas (TSAs) by the
system programmer. Each TSA is a link to a more detailed map on the next level of the map tree.

The color of a TSA shows the status of any off-normal devices that can be reached via that TSA. When the
user clicks the TSA, Map View branches down to the map represented by the TSA.

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At the lowest level of detail, each device connected to the network is represented by an icon or TSA on a
map. When individual device annunciation is not required, groups of devices can be combined into single
icons or TSAs.

Definition and placement of all device icons and device TSAs is determined by the system designer and
programmer. Icons and TSAs are created and edited using System Builder. Map updates are quick and

A custom message can be associated with each device and each device state. Examples: Alarm messages
are typically used to provide the user with specific instructions or additional information about hazardous
materials. A trouble message might direct service personnel to the appropriate electrical closet.

System Configuration dialog box

Use the System Configuration dialog box to configure basic, options, cctv, advanced, and debug FireWorks
properties. Properties are divided using the tabs described below.

Basic Properties tab: Contains "basic" FireWorks properties that you can change if needed. These
properties do not affect UL operation. If changes are made FireWorks must be restarted for the changes to
take affect.

UL: Contains FireWorks additional, optional properties that are affected by UL. Changes to these properties
could affect UL listing and requirements. Make sure you know and understand what you are changing before
doing so. Changing any of these properties requires a FireWorks restart to activate them.

Advanced Properties tab: Contains FireWorks properties that are technically advanced, meaning that they
should not be changed without consulting technical support. Changing any of these settings could impact
the operation of FireWorks and cause problems.

Debug Properties tab: Contains properties for debugging your FireWorks system. They should not be
changed without consulting technical support. Changing any of these settings could impact the operation of
FireWorks and cause problems.

CCTV Properties tab: Contains properties for debugging CCTV nodes.

Each tab includes the controls described below.

Property column: Contains the name of each property in the tab.

Description column: Contains a description of each property in the tab.

Value column: Contains the value or element that can be changed for each property.

Restore All Defaults button: Restores all properties in the selected tab to the factory defaults.

Restore Selected Defaults button: Restores only the properties in the rows that have been selected. To
select a row, click the blue box at the beginning of the row. When the row is "highlighted," it is considered
selected. You can select multiple rows by holding down either the Shift or Ctrl key.

Change Password button: Opens the Change Password dialog box, which lets you change the System
Configuration password.

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Apply button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box and logs you out of System Configuration without making any
changes. Note: If you make a change and click Apply, the change is made and will not be restored to its
previous setting when you click Cancel.

Undo button: Removes any changes that were made that have not been "applied." Once the Apply button
is clicked, you cannot use the Undo button to undo changes that you made.

The device tree

The device tree displays all of the devices that make up your system. The top-level device is the "unit" (the
FireWorks workstation.) Under the unit, devices branch to other devices, states, and substates. Clicking the
plus or minus sign expands or collapses a branch.

Each device has an icon to quickly identify what type of device it is. Devices attached to panels or cards,
such as smoke detectors, waterflows, or pull stations have default "D" icons. You can change the icons
using Assign/Import Icons.

Device tree icons can be shrunk to smaller color icons, so that more devices can be shown in the Device
Browser window.

Note: For EST3 and EST3X systems, any device changes that are made in the SDU, such as adding a new
device or changing a personality code, require a new SDU import into FireWorks.

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Sample device tree

The map pool

The map pool is a container for maps. Maps do not have to be linked to reside in the map pool. Individual
maps can be opened and set up with TSAs, icons, and text without having to be linked to other maps. The
map pool is simply your map setup area. You can open and configure each of your maps before ever linking
them. Map TSAs can be in place and ready for linking when it is time.

Maps that you know must be linked, but which are not ready for the map tree, can reside in the map pool.
This way, you can begin your map linking before connecting maps to your site map.

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If you link a map in the map tree and decide that the linkage is incorrect, you can drag the linked map into
the map pool and save it for future use.

When you are ready to link maps in the map pool to the map tree, simply drag them onto the map TSAs that
link the maps together.

The map tree

The map tree displays all maps, TSAs, icons, and text that make up your system. The top-level map is your
Site Map (it is the default map before you change it). Under the site map, TSAs branch to other maps that
may contain other TSAs and/or icons. When you click a map, it displays in the configuration area. When you
click a TSA or icon, it displays in the configuration area and is highlighted in green.

Icons are used to indicate what the different tree entries are: maps, TSAs, icons, or text. A sample map tree
is displayed below.

Map tree example

Tour of the System Builder window

When you start System Builder, the primary window is displayed, which is called the Device Browser. A
menu bar appears along the top of the screen with a variety of menu titles. The menus let you navigate to
the Map Browser, Command Browser, Action Browser, and Message Browser, and to applications such as
User Manager, Icon Editor, and Map Editor.

A status bar appears along the bottom of the screen. The status bar provides a quick way to view who is
logged on to System Builder and the current date and time.

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System Builder primary user interface

Troubleshooting web functionality

If you are having problems connecting Web Client to the FireWorks web server, refer to Web Client's online
Help system, under Troubleshooting. You can also refer to the Web Client User Support PDF file located on
the FireWorks installation CD.

TSA colors

TSA borders change color to indicate the state of the TSA. During system events, the border flashes and
changes color depending on the TSA type. A solid TSA indicates the status of the device it contains by the
color of its border. A flashing TSA contains the current device event and requires acknowledgment.

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TSA types, colors, and state

Type Color State

Device and Map Blue Normal (device)

Cyan Normal (map)

Red Alarm

Yellow Trouble, supervisory, monitor

Green Restore

Gray Disabled

Orange Security

Command Black Normal (always black)

General Brown Normal (always brown)

Secondary map Gold Normal (always gold)

Note: EST2, IRC-3, and FCC security points are annunciated as Troubles (yellow).

TSA types

The different TSA (touch sensitive area) types are described below.

Map TSA: Map TSAs are used for annunciation. When flashing, a map TSA indicates that there is an active
point somewhere below the current map. Click the TSA to branch to the next level map. To get to the device
map displaying the active point, continue branching down through the map TSAs. To view information
concerning the TSA, right-click the TSA.

Device TSA: Device TSAs are made up of one or more devices. A device TSA is normally found on device
maps and control maps (e.g. smoke control). If any of the devices in the group changes state, the device
TSA border flashes. To view information concerning the TSA, right-click the TSA. Each of the devices in the
TSA has its own information and can be viewed by clicking Devices on the shortcut menu.

Command TSA: Represents a command you can execute by clicking the TSA and then clicking Execute in
the Commands dialog box. Command TSAs never flash and have a solid black border. To view information
concerning the TSA, right-click the TSA.

Command TSAs may be found on any map throughout System Control. When executed, the associated
preprogrammed commands are sent to the specified fire alarm networks. You can issue commands to any
workstation and node in a FireWorks network. A command TSA can contain a group of devices.

General TSA: General TSAs are passive. They do not show device states or issue commands. General
TSAs have a brown border. They are convenient way to have images on your maps. To view information
concerning the TSA, right-click the TSA.

General TSAs are typically used to show the location of equipment that is not connected to a fire network.
For example, you could use general TSAs to show the location of fire extinguishers or hazardous materials.

Secondary map TSA: Secondary map TSAs are passive. They do not show device states or issue
commands. They have a gold border and are used to link to a map that has already been linked to, such as
a legend map.

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TSA/Icon Contents box

Use the TSA/Icon Contents dialog box to view or drop (remove) the commands that are assigned to your
command TSA or icon.

Commands: A list of the commands that are assigned the TSA or icon.

Drop selected button: Removes the selected command from the list.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Turning expert mode on or off

When expert mode is on, you do not see confirmation dialog boxes when performing tasks like deleting.
When expert mode is off, you see confirmation dialog boxes when performing tasks like deleting.

To turn expert mode on or off:

1. On the Edit menu, click Expert Mode on or off.

This toggles expert mode on and off.


The UL_NINTH_EDITION_ACPOWER_TIMEOUT_HOURS property determines when the FireWorks

System Control application displays a control panel AC Fail event. By default, the delay is 3 hours. Possible
values are from 0 to 45 hours.

Tip: Set the value of UL_NINTH_EDITION_ACPOWER_TIMEOUT_HOURS to be less than or equal to the

value used in the control panels.

Note: To meet UL 864 requirements, set the UL_NINTH_EDITION_ACPOWER_TIMEOUT_HOURS

property for 0, 1, 2, or 3 hours.

To change the AC power time out period:

1. Click the UL Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: UL_NINTH_EDITION_ACPOWER_TIMEOUT_HOURS.

3. In the Value column, enter the desired time period (0 to 45 hours).

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or close the System Configuration dialog box.

6. Restart FireWorks.

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The USE_CID_VALUE_TO_SELECT_ICON property determines which icon FireWorks uses to identify

Contact ID (CID) formatted events in the Device Browser. When enabled, FireWorks uses a custom icon
associated with the CID event code. When not enabled, FireWorks uses the default icon.

Custom icon design requirements

The custom icon must meet the following requirements:

Size: 32 X 32 pixels (regular) or 8 X 8 pixels (small)

Color depth: 16 color (Standard VGA)

Format: Windows bitmap (.bmp)

Name: XXX.bmp, where XXX is the event's Event Code

Note: Place regular size icons in the C:\Fireworks\Icons\CID\Regular folder and small size icons in the
C:\Fireworks\Icons\CID\Small folder.

To use custom icons to identify Contact ID events:

1. Start System Builder.

2. On the Applications menu, click System Configuration.

3. Enter the password required to open the System Configuration application.

4. On the Basic Properties tab, locate the USE_CID_VALUE_TO_SELECT_ICON property, and then
check the Enabled check box.

5. Click Apply.

6. If you are finished, close the System Configuration application, and then restart System Builder.


The USE_OPENALLIANCE_AUTOCADDRIVER property determines if FireWorks uses the new AutoCAD

component (FireWorks 1.6 and later) or the AutoCAD component used in versions prior to 1.60.

Possible values:

Cleared (use the newer AutoCAD component)

Checked (use the older AutoCAD component)

Users tab

Use the Users tab to view, add, edit, and delete user groups and individual user information. User groups
are a compilation of users within a company or account. Users are individual system users in the company
or account. User contact information such as name, address, phone number, etc. can be entered for each
individual user.

User groups: The list of user groups that have been added.

162 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Users: The list of users and their contact information that have been added.

Add Group button: Opens the Add User Group dialog box, which is used to add a user group number,
label, and description.

Add User button: Opens the Add User dialog box, which is used to add individual user information.

Save button: Saves all of the changes you made without closing the dialog box.

Delete button: Deletes the selected user group or individual user.

Edit button (at the beginning of each row): Opens the Edit dialog box for the selected user group or user,
which is used to edit information about the user group or user.

Cancel button: Closes the dialog box without making any changes.

Plus (+) symbol: Expands the table for the item in the row.

Minus (-) symbol: Collapses the table for the item in the row.

Using Help

Help for System Builder is provided in three formats:

Tool Tips - Provide the names of the toolbar buttons. Point to a button to display the name of the button.

Help Button Help - Provides purpose and background information and field level information for a dialog
box. Click the Help button in a dialog box to display dialog specific information.

Help Window - Provides a table of contents, index, and search tabs. Help on the entire system can be
accessed using the help window. Click through the table of contents to display various topics, or use the
index or search tabs to find specific information.

When viewing Help, you can maximize the Help window or resize it.

Click the Hide or Show navigation buttons to view or hide the contents, Index, and Search tabs.

Click Back or Forward to step through the series of Help topics you viewed in the current session.
Click the Print button to print the current topic.

Using the default display view

You may have changed the view of your map to get a closer look at something or to get an overall look at
something. When you are finished, you can return to the default view you have set up for the map. This is a
quick way to get back to the view you set up.

To display the default view:

1. On the Maps menu, click Display Default View.

Display Default View is also available on the shortcut menu.

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Using the Find function

The Find function provides a way for you to quickly find objects (labels, TSAs, devices, commands, etc.).
This is especially useful if your project contains hundreds of devices or if several people programmed the

The search capability of the find function is very powerful. Many different options and variations of search
criteria can be selected. Search result lists are displayed based on the criteria you selected.

Note: For descriptions and details about the search criteria options, click the Help button in the Find dialog

To use the Find function:

1. On the Edit menu, click Find or click the Find button on the toolbar.

2. Click Label or Address in the Search By group to specify the search criteria.

3. Type the label or select the address that you want to search for. Partial labels and addresses can be
entered. The line address for IRC-3 panels is always 0.

4. Select the search object filters.

5. Select a specific node in which you want to search or select All Nodes.

6. Select a specific Object type or select All Object Types.

7. Check Find whole word only or Match case if desired.

8. Select the Assignment state.

9. Click Find.

All objects meeting your search criteria are displayed. Within the search results list:

Double-clicking a device takes you to the device in the device tree.

Double-clicking a view entity takes you to the view entity in Map Browser.

Right-clicking on the object shows what the object is assigned to. Click the "assigned to" object to
display the "assigned to" list dialog box. You can then unassign the object or go to the object in Map
Browser by clicking Details.

Assign objects to view entities by dragging and dropping objects in the search results list into Map Browser.
See the step procedure below.

To assign objects from the search results list:

1. Locate the view entity in Map Browser that you want to assign the object to.

2. Select the objects in the search results list that you want to assign. Select multiple objects by using the
Shift key.

3. Press and hold the Alt key, and then drag the selected objects onto the desired view entity.

4. Release the Alt key.

Search examples
Click one of the topics below for an example of searching by label or address.

Search by label

Search by address

164 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

Help topics

Using the RCM to configure a receiver

Use this topic as a guide to programming a receiver in FireWorks using the Receiver Configuration Manager
(RCM). This topic is broken up into three sections depending on how you are programming your receiver.

Programming a receiver using the contact ID protocol and no panel event list. This method is typically used
when connecting to a few similar panels or multiple dissimilar panels that are using the contact ID protocol
and you have no pre-defined panel event list for the panels.

Programming a receiver using the 4/2 protocol and no panel event list. This method is typically used when
connecting to a few similar panels or multiple dissimilar panels that are using the 4/2 protocol and you have
no pre-defined panel event list for the panels.

Programming a receiver using a panel event list. This method is typically used when connecting to multiple
similar panels and when you want to create a panel event list for the panels or use a pre-defined panel event
list for the panels.

Note: Many of the steps in the procedures below refer you to (and link to) other topics in RCM Help. You
may want to print this topic, and you need to keep System Builder's online Help opened to the RCM section
for reference. Also, the Help buttons on each of the RCM dialog windows provide detailed information about
the fields you are configuring. Simply click the Help button to open the topic.

Programming a receiver using the contact ID protocol and no panel event list
1. Add a receiver. Refer to the topic Adding a receiver.

2. Add a line. Refer to the topic Adding a line.

3. Add contacts if your system has contacts. If you are not using contacts, go to the next step. Refer to the
topic Adding a contact.

4. Add users if your system has security partitions. If you do not have users, go to the next step. Refer to
the topics Adding a user group and Adding a user.

5. Add an account by selecting the line you want to add the account to and then clicking Add Account. The
Add Account dialog box is displayed. Refer to the topic Adding an account if necessary.

6. Fill out the Account Info tab. Refer to the topic Configuring the Account Info tab.

7. Click the Protocol tab.

8. Click Start with an Empty Event List. Refer to the topic Configuring the Protocol tab if necessary.

9. Under Select Protocol Type, select Contact ID Protocol. Refer to the topic Configuring the Protocol tab if

10. Click the Contacts/Supervision tab.

11. Fill out the Contacts/Supervision tab. Refer to the topic Configuring the Contacts/Supervision tab.

Note: If you did not add any contacts in step 3, there will not be any contacts listed here for you to add
to the account.
12. Click the Contact ID/Info tab.

Note: Make sure you have the report listing your control panels zones, groups, and partitions.
Depending on how your control panel was programmed, you may not have all of these. For example, if
your panel is setup as a zoned system, you may only have zones in your report.
13. Fill out the Contact ID/Info tab. Refer to the topic Configuring the Contact ID Info tab.

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Help topics

14. Click OK.

15. Add your contact ID panel events to the account. Refer to the topic Adding a contact ID event.

Note: Make sure you have your control panel's contact ID event list, which lists the contact ID event
codes for the system.
16. When you are finished adding events to the account, click Save.

17. Map the event states for the events you just added to FireWorks functionality using Device Browser,
Map Browser, etc.

Programming a receiver using the 4/2 protocol and no panel event list
1. Add a receiver. Refer to the topic Adding a receiver.

2. Add a line. Refer to the topic Adding a line.

3. Add contacts if your system has contacts. If you are not using contacts, go to the next step. Refer to the
topic Adding a contact.

4. Add an account by selecting the line you want to add the account to and then clicking Add Account. The
Add Account dialog box is displayed. Refer to the topic Adding an account if necessary.

5. Fill out the Account Info tab. Refer to the topic Configuring the Account Info tab.

6. Click the Protocol tab.

7. Click Start with an Empty Event List. Refer to the topic Configuring the Protocol tab if necessary.

8. Under Select Protocol Type, select 4/2 Protocol. Refer to the topic Configuring the Protocol tab if
9. Click the Contacts/Supervision tab.

10. Fill out the Contacts/Supervision tab. Refer to the topic Configuring the Contacts/Supervision tab.

Note: If you did not add any contacts in step 3, there will not be any contacts listed here for you to add
to the account.
11. Click OK.

12. Add your 4/2 panel events to the account. Refer to the topic Adding a 4/2 event.

Note: Make sure you have your control panel's 4/2 event list, which lists the 4/2 event codes for the
13. When you are finished adding events to the account, click Save.

14. Map the event states for the events you just added to FireWorks functionality using Device Browser,
Map Browser, etc.

Programming a receiver using a panel event list

1. Add a receiver. Refer to the topic Adding a receiver .

2. Add a line. Refer to the topic Adding a line .

3. Add contacts if your system has contacts. If you are not using contacts, go to the next step. Refer to the
topic Adding a contact.

166 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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4. Add users if your system has security partitions. If you do not have users, go to the next step. Refer to
the topics Adding a user group and Adding a user.

5. Add a panel event list. If you are using a predefined panel event list, go to the next step. Refer to the
topic Adding a panel event list.

6. Add an account by selecting the line you want to add the account to and then clicking Add Account. The
Add Account dialog box is displayed. Refer to the topic Adding an account if necessary.

7. Fill out the Account Info tab. Refer to the topic Configuring the Account Info tab.

8. Click the Protocol tab.

9. Click Copy Events from a Panel Events List. Refer to the topic Configuring the Protocol tab if

10. Select the panel events label (panel events list) that you want to use.

11. Click the Contacts/Supervision tab.

12. Fill out the Contacts/Supervision tab. Refer to the topic Configuring the Contacts/Supervision tab.

Note: If you did not add any contacts in step 3, there will not be any contacts listed here for you to add
to the account.
13. Click the Contact ID/Info tab.

14. Select the user group label if needed.

15. Click OK.

All of the events in the panel events list are added under the account on the Receiver tab.
16. Edit the event information (e.g. labels) as needed. Refer to the topic Editing an event.

17. Click Save.

18. Map the event states for the events you just added to FireWorks functionality using Device Browser,
Map Browser, etc.

Verifying SDU - Gateway Object Export files

Before you import an SDU - Gateway Object Export (OXP) file, you should verify that it is not corrupted.

If the OXP file is good, you will still get the following message for certain objects: "Warning line nnn - SDU
type 0 will be changed to a trouble." This change is required for normal system operation.

If the OXP file is corrupted, you will get a message indicating the location of the corrupted data in the OXP
file. At this point, click OK to terminate the OXP verification and correct the corrupted file.

To verify an an SDU - Gateway Object Export (OXP) file:

1. On the Applications menu, click SDU Import.

2. Click Browse, select the OXP file that you want to verify, and then click Open.

3. Click Verify OXP File.

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Help topics

Viewing "assigned to" information

Objects displayed in any of System Builder browsers have a shortcut menu command called Assigned To.
The Assigned To command shows what the object is assigned to, such as a TSA or icon. If nothing is
assigned to the object, No Assignments is displayed.

When you click the Assigned To command, the "assigned to" dialog box is displayed. See the example

You can unassign the assigned object by clicking Unassign.

You can navigate to the assigned object by clicking Details.

Example "assigned to" dialog box for icons and TSAs

Viewing descriptions in the device tree

You can view a device's description or label in the device tree. The description is the message entered in the
SDU (EST3) or the description that is entered in System Builder when configuring devices. If no description
is assigned, the device label is displayed.

To view descriptions in the device tree:

1. On the View menu, click Show Description in Device Tree.

2. Review or use descriptions as necessary.

To view labels in the device tree:

1. On the View menu, click Show Labels in Device Tree.

168 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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Viewing the contents of a TSA

Map, device, and command TSAs have contents assigned to them. A map TSA has a map linked to it, a
device TSA is made up of assigned devices, and a command TSA is made up of assigned commands. Each
of these TSAs has a contents dialog box.

Note: General TSAs do not have contents.

To view the contents of a TSA:

1. Select the TSA.

2. Click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is available on the shortcut menu.

3. Locate the Contents row.

4. Double-click the last cell in the Contents row (in the Value column).

A small button appears with three dots on it. This is the Browse button.
5. Click the Browse button.

The TSA/Icon Contents dialog box is displayed.

6. Review the contents of the TSA.

7. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

To drop (delete) items from a TSA:

1. Select the TSA.

2. Click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is available on the shortcut menu.

3. Locate the Contents row.

4. Double-click the last cell in the Contents row (in the Value column).

A small button appears with three dots on it. This is the Browse button.
5. Click the Browse button.

The TSA/Icon Contents dialog box is displayed.

6. Select the item you want to drop.

7. Click Drop Selected.

8. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Viewing the contents of an icon

Device and command icons have contents assigned to them. A device icon is made up of assigned devices
and a command icon is made up of assigned commands. Each of these icons has a contents dialog box.

Note: General icons do not have contents.

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To view the contents of an icon:

1. Select the icon.

2. Click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is also available on the shortcut menu.

3. Locate the Contents row.

4. Double-click the last cell in the end of the Contents row (in the Value column).

A small button appears with three dots on it. This is the Browse button.
5. Click the Browse button.

The TSA/Icon Contents dialog box is displayed.

6. Review the contents of the icon.

7. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.

To drop (delete) items from an icon:

1. Select the icon.

2. Click the Edit Properties button on the toolbar.

Edit Properties is available on the shortcut menu.

3. Locate the Contents row.

4. Double-click the last cell in the Contents row (in the Value column).

A small button appears with three dots on it. This is the Browse button.
5. Click the Browse button.

The TSA/Icon Contents dialog box is displayed.

6. Select the item you want to drop.

7. Click Drop Selected.

8. Click Close or Cancel to close the dialog box.


Enabling web functionality turns on the web server feature of FireWorks allowing remote web client users to
connect to and receive FireWorks data. This feature must be turned on for FireWorks to communicate with
the web client software.

To enable web functionality:

1. Click the Basic Properties tab.

2. Locate the following property: WEB_FUNCTIONALITY_ENABLE.

3. In the Value column, click enable.

4. Click Apply.

5. Continue configuring other properties or click Done if finished.

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6. Restart FireWorks.

Zooming in and out

You may need to zoom in or out on a map to get a better look at a certain area. Clicking on one of the zoom
buttons lets you enlarge, reduce, select, or display the actual size of a map. There are four buttons to
choose from:

Zoom in

Zoom out

Zoom select

Zoom 1-to-1

To zoom on a map:
1. Select a map if it is not already displayed.

2. Click the desired zoom button.

Refer to Button definitions for more information.

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4/2 events, 13, 14, 23, 63

account contacts, 19, 63
account number, 29, 61
accounts, 14, 17, 26, 29, 61, 63, 77, 95

configuring, 51, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63
contact ID, 17, 18, 23, 63
contacts, 19, 63, 73, 91

device description, 162
dialer/receivers, 24

EST3, 161
event list, 13, 23, 63, 74, 78, 92, 95, 96, 168

groups, 26

info tab, 61

lines, 21, 73, 92
location, 162

panel incident list, 18, 23, 74, 78, 92
panel incidents, 23, 78
protocol tab, 63

receiver lines, 21, 73, 92
receivers, 24, 74, 92, 106, 115, 148
redundant communications, 161
redundant lines, 21
redundant receivers, 24

serial communications, 161

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site name, 108

supervision, 63

TCP/IP communications, 161
telephone lines, 21

user group, 26, 76, 93
user manager, 48, 55, 56, 137, 142
users, 76
users, 26, 93

174 FireWorks System Builder Printed Help

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