Jawaban Soal Di Buku Mekanika Teknik

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zl Fi, = 500 cos 40° = 383 N Fy =-500 sin 49° = - 321 N Fe 383i-32y N 2lz_| F = 400 (-ces30°i + sin 30°j) = -GAGi +200} |b Scolar Components :) Fy =-346 Ib Fy = 200 Ib Vector sect Fy = -346i ib Fy = 200) Ib SB] F-s2¢$i- Bi) =-4ai-2] kN [nee Writing 2, rather Than 20, indicates an exact result. 2/4 se - _I5Si + By - 2k] E= Figg = 2000 SLE BL = 2650i + 14125 Ib Scalar components : | Fy = 2650 tb Fy = 14/2 215 | ee g00¢8i i - Fj) = - 1080: - 1449 N ale Ry = EFY = #SIN45'- Gin IS*= ZT KN ReVRotRy = 8.72 KN = “U7 Ra gt tReY igg e@ = tan (Fe) = te ae) me im ar casO* ip, sinO= Ff E Fy * Fsing = F 45 = 70 F = 75.8 hh = Fees0 = 18.8(7) = 242 Ib Law +f cosines : ph gee . A Riz 00 + 400 - 2 (ts) 03) cos ed R= 520.N Low of sines + 521 _ 600 sinGo® sin®) (ve) Ry= ZA, = 600 cos 60% 400 =-100 N Ry =ZFy= G00 sinG0°+ 0 = 5ZoN So R= -looL+ 520j N 6 = 771° FL7 2 cos 50" = 1.286 KN F,= 2 sin 50° 1.532 kN en he Cos 60" = 29" Fe = 60 ib sin 60° = A R = 103.9 ik Fit Poosg = 260 cog 7.38°= 25% .N Pee Psing = 2¢0 sin 738 = 33.4.N zie Ry = ZF = 400 + 400 cos 60°= 600N Ry = ZFy = 409 sin 60" = 346 N > R= 600. + 346] N Re Vooot+ a4e™ = Gig N zi n \ FL = 180 cos 25° = 163.1 N 10°. WN _ Py =-190 sin 25" - Ted N ge 21S | &) R= 400e, + Yre, Ie ) B= [oo cos 1S*~FaoeinIs"|iftoosiniS* tooessis"]j = 1534.4 973j ZNG | Using the Coordinates of the Beeblon Figure ¢ Ry = ZF = Ado ca3 BS°- 1So sin Boe = BERN ry = Zoo sin BS° F ISO Cee Bo? = 248 N 2i'7 a Bs D= Sb i R= dor = fee ay | = 502 i bi / eee wire ela @= tes" (= t0'(B) OS = %4.3° Zl /% Components Fe2kn F sin 120° _ _sin 5° Vip a= TOSI Cie" Swat 5 sink = 1.633 kN oe 2 FR? Fe2kn Projections is\/ P= 2cos45° = i.4i4 kN 2 R= 2 cos IS° = 1.932 kN ]o raid F*s001, zk ~ b you ~ met e cs Uae ~~ ~ oo \75*-% S145 sin 45" _ _sin75" _ sin 0° 800 rn a Components + {= 1093 Ib FL= 780 Ib Pekin Fog = 800ces 60” = 400 Ib Fe, = B00 cos 75°= ZO7T Ib WP coon Fa= cos aoe = S93 N ots tan'S = 26,57° O tan 'G = 36.97° 2/22| R= 2000 th 1400 Ib, Low sf cosines : 2acats (440+ 200-2 (H(i) casa With <= MO-@ ond cos (igo-8) = -¢as@! Rood > [400% + Go0*+ 2 (i401) (Qe) cos 0 @= 51.3" Rexeets ote, we, SOS Law of sins © Sing” = Sin (ROIS) 3.197 6s si B Lam 0 AB = 12% + 15*- 2C12)(15) cas i20° Fe = 234m sina _ Sin zo" _ ; ik ane. ye ROS Th = TV sina = 750 sin 26.3" = 333 N Ty = ~Teoss = ~750 cos 26.3" = -GIZN zea], 3c re Py =-90 cos 30° = -71.9.N Py 0° j SP Ps do Sn aer= 450N Wit FON Mt AB aK Pr RE Wsin4s* = 63uN t Po= docos 4s = G26N oN aes a = tan” SE = 513° = tan”! 2 = 33,7° TU RBY pe Ge ‘ € SEN Y= 180 - a-6 = 15.0 \ sinB _ sina \ s T ¢ ae T = 5.68 KN RK sinY sins See, 5 Swe = 10. z €) R 2) kN haw f cosines: R: {4007 800" R(900)(ROV)exs 15 = 1038N Soo ines: 103 eat Law of sines: 1038, $00 ge 4s.1 B= 180- 45> (6548.1) = 219° 1038 Fe - sindS' Tn" SRCSeaRt) enae Fy= SAIN fa= (350N apt wim tien ACs us) My 4 Gey (15) ~ 9 Lial]= 2.08 kam Asa vector, M,=2.68k kN 15 aye By gi% diem BG ng" Sy Coordinetes of intercerh » (13,0), (0,078) Ga ws) = #) ag= 13m 228) eeagy OMe" 75[ 45 (2)] = 1342 tb- cw i 1 5 The Ife (ew) : I St me ts[@+ Ee] = 235 lb-ft (ccw) = 2-7 (0050) = T= 40N 21) M.= Ww0(141)(24) = 4240 Nem 2/1 | won QM, 6 Fy = (0.4) (60 cas 20°) = 5h Nem Fx ares #2 1h 2" 20mm din 2 M4 = 250 608/5" (0,200) - 250.sin 15*(0.030) = 48,30 ~194= 46.4 Wm 2B! asrists — 2My=G0 cosio*)(i4) + (60 sin 10°)(12) = 840 Ibn, 4" or M,=70.0b-ft CW FST 35g DM, = 0.00806 (481)['s cos 20" +(45+25)sin 20°] = 0.1385 + 0.02825 Nemm (S in mm) B' “bs The combined moment about 0 of me S-fb and B-Ib Weights is 42 Me = 5 (Gsin 55°) + (13) = 128.6 Ih-in. (cs) 2 AM, = 0 +-T(2)+ I286=0 THASh 2/36 P=30N 49 Mg = 30(i.6) = 48 Nem em DQ Ma= 30 ces 45° (b+ 1 sin 454) gt 30sin 45° (1.6 coc4S*) = B14 Nim Lem. a 287] 7) Mg = 780 025.207 (10 cos 30") 180 sin 20° (5) = 5010 _ lb-ft 2/38 GMs Fa = 0.4 (7 sin So") 268 bin. Zit] RooN\ d= 450-625 cos 20° wae: * 34 mm yost a DM= Fa = 200(0.301) 62.5 mm = 18.3 Nem a Mg is roaximam when F AYP is perpendiane AB. 8. Thus @ = tan! (h/t) PAL lg Mo= 4112.5) + 10(8) 4 25) we te = 130 lb-in. C 7 low |} 242] (Dim. in mm auc) ) gee the te 7 tA nm as! 400 400 AM, = (SE 48) (05) + (Gz +40) (428) = 1030 Nemm or 7.03 Nem DEM, Fo + -F, (825) + 7030 =o Fe = 8.53.N 28) f@) 6=15* ° gon PMa= Yoeests" (06) -tosinls"Gr) k = 33.5 Nem elf oH seston tm) 1 “ie ! toned bao im ° IN S10 N 00 tn] OH Goo “ (c) F-LOA , so BG b a, ae ton Bad Se 6 [269° or 307°) GOoma AYN Zaa 4x6 B= VIR + 8EC*= 14.90 in 6 woe Gp Pa MAR since es ah z Ao "90" Sa & 480 7 rl 7 « G=180- (24.18 490) = 65.8" WDM 50014.96)* 740 tans. Mo= F(80c0s@)= kh (So cose) = k (BOsin 6 -40) (0 cas @) = Bz00k (Zsing eos8-ens8)= 3200 k (Sinzs-ca8) j Mo For rarimum Me, Uy 3209 k (ZereZO+ sind) = > ZL 2sin%e) +5in O = 4sin70-sina=2 sing = 124132" = 0,843 or - 0.593 = S15" (or 36.4% on dwell part of tan) 1 [360+ 340 sin 40 so tae 3400840" +110 cas 50 = 56.2° 2 My= 4.5 (0.360 cos 56.2°)= 0,902 kNim CW ist) Mc= F(GE}= Io(e.15)= 13.50nm Mg= F(BE’) = 90(0.15 + 0.45 sin 30°) cle 2/8 Fepi eas SUES) = 175 I M,=rxE= Bix (nsi) = 82k lb-ft 244 | M,= 5{(cor 0490 + (sin s0%)60] - 7 [yz + JF eo]so er 5311- 133.77 <0, TeAOAkN s (PREV 2/50 GEMe= ot 8 sage © ye D —(Poees S*)(175) + (Foe Cos tor}1= 0 For = ithe Q) Law of Cosine + R Wang th R7 Gote 144G* -Z(e0}(Hic)oastes* ries R= 220 We 1 Law of e ‘Sing rom Thay a= abot | OF BSha = HL? [st Elements of wrench: (Din in mm) ot 230": QMo= 1Roc0s 30°[ 70 +150 +70] 4120 sin 30° [25470470 +25] = 4] 500 N-mm of Mo= 41.5 Nem Cw For maximum Mg : a= ton”! [5etee see | = 332° re = 120) (25 s10+25+79) + (To+ 1S04710)* = 41600 Nemm or 4LG Nm Cw 2182] aw of sires: HH = ote i \ a= 14,33 \ (os a = la 4 Bo = 14 cos 14.33'+ 4 cos 60° sssou = 156 in, | Consider 3550 tb acting at 8: DAS" 2D Ma= (3550 sin 4.33") (16.50) = 13,670 |b-in, Cor My =_1139_te- Ft) 2B3)QM~ Mo=M,= Fa = 180 (0.24 40.24 + 0.12) = (08 Nem CCW go N At Oo: @M, = 800 AL Bt F = 800 ih 2 i Mg = 800 Fe (3) + 8007 (4) 3520 Ih-ft cow 2/85} yy ® M= Fa: 375+ 50008 1375 Nem A= 0.075 m - 715 mm GM EFA 2S = 2FEsis*\ox) F = [18 N 2/57 | WS th AMS FL= (8)C0) = 2A lbein. cy Be. euniu® use TAU Enereasing incertae ¥ M and “inertasts Circamforentist hank mevemint, — Deeveasi 4 decetases Mond dicveacts hand motion. At pint O: Re 400N ft Mg * 420(6) = 2400 N pe Nem Fh 2/59 IM= 500(i4)- Fie) =o 500 4} <—_—_ F= 375 ib — om fr 4" F< S00 1h ——> 2/0 | 10P = 800012) goo he BE SCE UN Joo AM tlie Tom ays1| M= a, Fe FR 2000 # Zhe The system at © is a Couple M= Fd = 180 (l00sin 457+ 25 +25) = 2) TOO Nemm oy 247 Nem CCW 50 Ib F 2e" = 7) M= so(a)=2F() F= 700 Ib tb 2d. & \. le" ia The weight Woof the door is We (4) = 401 (RNY) a= 1.32 The equivalent force-couple system at o is = 1.32 1b down Ms = 132 (il) ~ 124.5 Ib-in, CW Assumption: Neglect weight oF small tab of steel near hinge . I ybeese gj at as f e F= 4oon Yi Ma = (400 cos 20°) (0.35) = 13L@ N-m CW ee F= 400N\ DM, = 400 cos20'( 0.38) + 400 sin 20" (0.8) = Zit Nem Cor Part ©) and (b) results are the same 1F 8 =O of 18 aa oonma > Free Wehr ly eel = Te 300N M= Fa: = 300(b 0s 20°), b= 0.213 m ov b = 213 mm 2/67 2 2.30 m Bem 200 x 20. Nem y 20 = 200(0./6)-2.30P, P= 4oN P= 40jN 160 N = M=2he; B= -200/ + Hoy: ae] o¢ M= 1200(0.3 = 249 Nem eee 9 = ten’ (Ale 260" we a, 4) Mq= I200sin 24 (0.6) os + 240 = 562 Nem eo r= 0.2m = Use principle of momen ts . GEM, = SO cas 20" [out x 25° 40.25 cos it] + SO sic 20'[-1 sin 25% 4 0.25 sin 10") = NLR Nem Force - Come Syrttm at 0: oe Son \we M, \U29 Nem o 2/70 IN Ry = ZF = bS c2s 20" +24 sin Zo” = 2.23 kN = — Usk Ryz ZF= HS sn 2044 2-4 cos 20" 7 271 kN / R= ARE+RS = Vaz*+ 20 Vara) = 3.56 KN M = 1.5 (200) cos 20° = 2.4 (120) cos 20° 28 Nem Cow Enitial rotetion would be CCW. 2/01 tan \S* = AE G F= 18% N oe At G: R= =F = ison bs: 2 Me = Te00 ()) + 186CS) 1140 __Nem Gey § The equivalent force couple system ot 9 ic a ° QC REF 600 cos Li) 6 2 f° Ra = GOO sin (Ib FL Mg = 2 (600 sin8) = 1200sine Ie) Constraints ¢ oy) Gooc@ £550, G2 23.6" G00 Sin® = S50, 6 = 66.4" 1290 sin @ < 1000, © = 564° Alll considered , 23.650 < 564° zip) yy Lg @e kn 1 —--% A kN BkN R, = EF, = 20sin G0’ @sin4S* = 15.66 kN Ry = Ey = QocesSo°-Bass'-4 = 7.66 kN Re ARSARS = 1743 key age tar! (Ri) = zor 2i | @) R=-2Fj, M (8) Ree) Mo = Fak (+k is out) © R=-Fi+kj, 215 | ’ @) \ ~~ °, H Mo= Fa | ' 1 R=2F wata:y -=y = re Moe EA =} Be-Fiy ry (Re2ey\ 19 = =sy * \ My= Fa | \ ahs BEN R= ERs 5-8=-3 kN 1 R) Z5KNm) Gikin= Mai Sx = - Si) A less 25+ tly) seit Mies X= 4.33 m 21] M20, <0 EM ~ 400(0.150 cos 30°) ~ 320 (9.300) =0 M= 148.0 Nem 2B] Force- Coupe sastim at print 0: { R= 30) = Zon &) QM = 12098) = 1080 kN 2 ta Me. lore Wes 270 KN d= 270 = Am eile = & ——— 2/4) R= -Soi+20) i My = ~40 (1) « 62 (28) +5018) = [300 Ihein, 1 Ryx= Mo, X= ~ae = Sin, (off pire) Re EE= Ti + T (cos istirsin sj) = LQGLT i + O.259T5 __ PMs aT Teme Gy + Tsin SCs) = 2.097 =wre ! —Ryk= Mat = 8281T(a) = 207 m= ~ 10.39 m Bll | R= Zh, = 2 cosTo” + 12U8)= Lose KN Ry = ZFy = sin 10 -1.2()= 1157 kN Mp, #-2cas* (01s) + 2sin7o* (1540.5) +12 (%)(o1s) - 12(2) (15) = 222 kNem COW Os So the force - couple system is R= Ott + 1.1575 kN Ma = 2.22 kNem Cow = (800 + 450}co815°-1600 sin (36:26) 2 Ror 278 = 9296 45£5 = s600ces/0° + (800-450) 51m 16° = 1876+ 90.6 (666 w Re 9906 716665 N M= in, 4); M= 600 605 20°(0./50) + (450-800)0,280 F 225.5 - 98.0 =127.5 bom cow 50 unit 13 speeding tsp tn Cone din 2183 | Equivalent’ Force ~ couple system at A: R= 2500, —I200} + 880 (sin Sei + e183") 2 doo, - 3 nls D Ma = 2500(4) + 1200 (4+ 4 cos 3o"+3) ~ G00 sin 30” (2sin 3o")~ B60 C05 39°(442 cos3s) = [6,110 lb-ft ow Ope ee Condition: — x |Ry] = Ma (10 u* ce = 6.05 ft S810 —_—— Om DMer os 200 (0.2) ~ 150(0.2)- 40(0.1) +@.)r=0. T=60N Ra ZF, = 200+ 150 ~((60 4 bo) cos 30"= 159.5 N Ry = EFy= (ito+Se) sin 30% = oN Re Vara = 37 N @ = tan! (Pi/p,) = s4c* _2i5| R= 45i-153 Ib DMq = 25 (30) + 18(69) = 1650 Ib-in. er Ma = - (650k lb-in For a line of action, Fx R= Ma (xivyl) x Si -157) = -tes0k FISK ASy= N80 ae yee (Axis intercepts: x= 110", y= "V/s ") Rt Sama Brace Suite ae AY Rx EL = [A (Zs0) - 5 (S00)]j + 400[cos.s0't-sin se — 2200) N 9) Ma = Soo[z.s + S$ +728] +250[ 10] +400 (2.5) = |1000 Nem CW Condition ~\ 000k = i rgd) x G4 {-2200)) 22004, - 3464) k r= O1Z0m HSKN 4 y= 0.200 m Ty = 0,300m 3.6 KN ReZE= 24(c20%-sZoj) + 5 -s 20% - 204j) 43.6 e206 + © 20)) = —1.C4IE - 0.9185 kN DMy = (2400.2) 41,5 (0:12) 43.6(¢.3)) cos Ze = O35 KNm LeRoy! (ndrgi)e CheAli-eMy) = -hess P-O.4NK + [Gay ~ 1635 Aris intercepts + Lest m, Y= -O.7T Mm ZIBB | R = EE = 400 (coshs's-sn Ash) 150n%s-caig}) = 412i-Taj N D2 Ms= Goo-sos)(o.008) = Nem For the line of action of the standatont force : PRE = My Cudtyi)x Gizi-mj) = bk ~Teew = 4iZy = -b & K=O! Ys 0.01455 m or Ys 14.55 mm TOE KE OCOTES MH oF K= LES mm 214 | Force -Cauyae Sypton at poet At Re EE = S005 + 604 —100j~ 401+ boyy = Zou We ~ Bho | Use system ot @: RSE = (¥O+40 +40 4 So sin doi +(S0 toe 36% +70) j BSE 35k Mg = 79(66) + Sosin Zo" (Be) = S520 Wein *) of action «F reculhat = (His yd) * Casi + Nis.3y) = 460k WWS.3x -18S y= 460 K= 1.06 Frown We 0. 2[a1 | For a ate Fog ~ eau system at point of SB R= SE= CA sin So + Fysin ser) ¢ +(S0-10-100 -so + Fy + Fe cas 30 + Fas Se) = 0 2 Ray =e ~ GM. = ~loC as) + So(o-7) — 100 (1.35) + Fa(2) - So (2s) + 2Fen 30 (29) = Be We G42 ‘i Fe= 4N 2192 | se the xy coordinates of the Figure: R= XF= 2o(sins*i 4 cosS*j) 1 40(sin 1% - cosIS*j) = IROL - 18.7y Ib Mo = 6.5 (c88:30"E + sinS0%)x49(siniS"s - eos 15'j) + 65 (-cos3e% - sin3o"j) x 20(sin 5° +0058) = -358k lb-in. Condition for line of action of results cxR= MM (eit yd) x (loi -18-Tj) = - 358k Crane = I2,10y) k = ~ 358k or-I8 1% - IZloy = 358 (or yadS47y +246 in.) 21%] += Tras SSi ~- 25j —Gok Te 12 oa = ~ c 357+ 25%+ GO* | = 5.67) - 4.06] - 175k KN 2,54 -O.2i +05) - 1k F=F lig, = 400 ee ] Vo.2*+ 0.5% + o1* = GIL + 3085-7380 N Projection onto “-aais Fy= ~ [46.1 N 1.Si + 3j- 4.5 Wa lessee 1S*43* +45) KN The tee indicated coordinate systems are equividert for the quertin ot hank. alte Tepe = I" Seer =@.321i + 0.441j-0. 02x) 2i-3k Be 3t = 0.978 KN 2{it| Fret 5 tes50" = 3.2) KN Fy = 3.2] cos 65° = 135% KN Fy = Sz) sin gS" = 2.41 kN Fp = SsinSo* = 3.83 kN So Fr h358i+ 2.4/5 +3.83k kN Prajection onto y-axis: Fy= 2.9] kN Projection onto OB: Fon = Eo Dog 358i +24j + 8.934); (cos Bt it sin 30*j) 298 | AB=V is aa FST *= 1.309 m 2: -42/1 404 =-0.920 me o5/iso4+ 0.383 | T+ 2 (-0.9204 0.303) 00.0778) n= oifasee = 0.0167 kw 2H] The coordinstes of qoint B are (xa, Ys, #) * (iG, -0-8 sin 50°, 0.8 cae 50°) = (Le ,-04, 0.493) m The position veer BC is Bet @-16)i + (01- (-0.4)) 5 + (2-06.64) ENGL +MY 4 0.507K m “The unit vechor which Charoctrriess BC is Hot rhlj + 9.507 k Vile Ht y 0,507 = -O.19%L + 0,548] +0.253k Then T= Tree = 160 (-O797i 4 0.5485 + 0.253k) =-51BL + 41lj +IISk N Dee Z/i0o aA ato] Fe Fngy * Fe so0[ eka te abet 18k Vict +t 4 BP = 500 ora ~ 0.48%) +0.390K] Ib Fy = Sob) Fy -2een , BaS20 x EEA 4 a rn For unit vector & corVER 09" = (oR we eg Blea fS P= Pain 30" 8 sin got Rhy en ey Ib \ Pr 8 ib Fg Pigs Pouate? fot (R74 2643 h "Ry = Fass sin 20° ‘ = 2.37 Ib Fe Ry cos 20° = 6.51 te Pe GS + 2375 +4.00% bb eB ee cn cos B= The = 88/5 Oe 35.5 cos Oy = Rip= 28%, Oy= Tet" cos p= Fe/p= fp , Oz* Goo? [-The= so0[=Aeee + BA‘L + SoTk =“ 400 + S44* + SOE = 300 o.474, + 2.644) roel N Nec = cos 2S°5 + sin 25k Carey aut Tye= Tinee te obtein Tec = 25) N 2105] reg -¥q = 1Z0-TOSin +8": Ga YerYa = 9 - C10 c08-404) = 68.9 mm F, 2g- ta O- 140=— Ho mm binm lo ia Verret 140” wort = " i ae = 16B.0mm 2 “Ne Na, fh Ne Rin Age MSO: | % —_— a.” re i x a 40 Tena, SO T= 500 (0.37 4 0.410) -o.task) N DE = [A0* +1007 * = 172,0 mm 190 ere Ts Dee = OL + 1726 7 Toe = T' Boe * $00 (asi 10-40-0888) (052 | aa) = 452 Rllo6|7=250N — Coordinates ef A ere 7 a (09008305 0, 0.9 sin30") 1 er (0.779 0, 0.45) m ei iF rf ern 48 =\/0,5502+ 734 (09-045) Y= 150m 2 ken 0.779fp. 5 me h2/is nee TBR C-a.7798 +4 aj sess) Unit vector ofong CO 6.9 + hese m £5 9.970/n5, metths, nrossps A= fs (o.r79 sat roast) Bo co.20i112/0454). 3! 24 * BACI79's 12's 048) 22l-0.6078 1.444 0.200) #482 (1.038) = 46.0 [107 tan FS B53" 6 Taye Boece 188 = 1.2 " Tk = Ty cose 191.0 Ty * Thy s@ = 287 y Te tT sin ist = 516 Ib] Te off Thea Te = 4b T= Moi 428.15 -ShBk te 2/03] The gesitin of point A is Ta = (0ces IS". 4 bj + lon Sk = distance fram 0 Mbit s SURI EN amen cos Boe + (L+36}) - Tsin Sok = GIL (Le 36] 4k in Tao ® fe-fe =-2BL136j-6.STK in, (ng YERSGPTOST™ = 36.1 in| HCE The spring force is F=kS= 15 fea As a vedor: F=Fn,= F Sf Ft ace [A@y& -6.Sik ] 946 Ib S-O.19k + L4G -L734K Ib tot SR AS | if ba Sete = Hot \_2e eres wot Eee | = . , Fe = Fsina RB) SF J Re Freese Fy = ri cosa = Feosa cose - Fy7 Fa she & Feaip sine J SONn KR XK wi so, sae | pou apa sing sin [av te Tor! 2” ; caste ice |- 69° sabe ES] > ft Case see thet sing= cast!) ‘ < a Cesp= Shh = TENE or Larrea = sii Finatts M2 Be = —RacF Ro Trae (aun > Jour yewaa Ree F SE ar = So areata > fata Joe aoe Fat Fy tear = —Rewf __ 2 Tan = Rego | Bela So sing= a 7 / e ‘Gsing susp Oo FM ON te eel, Note thet fasinates (zeup t= (S-Asing So F = Fleoso casei = sinenéi + sing] = era [ten -Nlowei sine) + Zeus] Asin = Teg Dan = 9898G9(18)) cos 5eSi + sin S6s)] Boi + 4205 N = The Dae = %555(60)(4.8)[cos31.0°C+sin 31. = 280i+ lo8ij oN afe2| fb 5m —>pske 1S is M=Fa = 15 (10) = ZF (9.25) ,F = 300 lb M2 Way 9(2+2 cos IS*- 4 sin IS") 26.1 th-in (2) AC = 0.125 sin GO = 0.1083 m <\_o.ks = 8 a= sin $s aie’ BC = 0.300 cos = 0.280. BO = 0:280-0.125 c45 60° = 0.217 m oP Mo = 120 = Psina (Ba)= Psin212°(¢-2r) P=T18 KN ° A Mo= 25008 50°05 ~0.4c0c60°+ 2.8 sindo!] 4250 sin So" [O.Asin 60°+ OS c0s 40°] = 1876 Nem CCW am 4kN Sun Ry= DF, = ~S ces 20° = - 4.70 kN Ry = EFy= ~Dsin 20° + 4-3 = 0.710 kN Ro ARS TRY = 475 kN GEMq = 10+ Ssin 2o"(s) 4 3(2.5) - 4/2) = 2b KNem 2isT| At A: Re ZF = 200+I180 -300= B01 (4) DMa= Zo0(t)) + 1¥0(24) ~ 300 (18) = 1240 \" w BOx= 1240, 42 IS.Sin 1400 (4.81) N sh EFEO: 2Ne + ZNp— 1400(4.81) = 0 FB EM_= 0: — 1400(18i) (158) + ZNp (ISBor Ye4)=o Solution + (IN, = 2820 N N, = 4050 N Assumes G miducy between left and right wheels. 3/2 FR EMg=0 + 12(3)-Na (2) = 0 Na = (8 lb Fe EMa= 0: Ng(2)- 12(4)=9, Ng=2t Ib +} EHO + — Nat 24-I2 59, Na = 12 Ih 3/4 450 (7.81) N J 220(1.81) N From EF, =0, Ay =o ELMg 0+ -450(4.81)4 - 220 (9.81) (5.6) FBy(s)=0 | By= S7IZ0N ©: Ay ~ 450(4.8))-220(7.81) +3720 =0 Ay = 2850 N 3/5 | 20(7.81) N Bo Ne | 50° Ng rere Nq Cos IS°- Ng sin 30° =0 (Ij Fy so Na sin I5%4 Ng cos 30° - 20(4.81)=0 Solution : [Nq = 10L6 N @) {w =1W2N 3[6_| FBD of 1000- 1k weit and lower pair of alleys: YT T } r 1000 1b 50 Ib }EF+O: ST+ 500-1000= 9) T= loo Ib (Me assome thet the ronvertiality of some of the cables is negligible.) 3/7 A P= 50(9.81) and J /| sin o> /4 4me| R | red tone = far i* 20.258 BA i | P = 50(2.8/No, 258) = 126.6 N P—Tym P 5008.81) N Ht] Fey ot Junction ring Ce =) 10 = ten eR tt ZF=0: 600-4Tsin 241° T= 307 1b [0 | ; aN 250(481)/2 N a8 \ Peis mm G EMs*0 + P(i500)~ & (25(281)(275) =o P= 225 .N (assomes “that The moment of The Frichon Force F ig sma Compared to the other moments } sill J 5%: 45°68 B> aA fa Eso: 7 ye BBR ton (45%) “a 45°-6 = 26. ™3| /p o> 18.43" "8 Siz QELM.=0: P(42)- 20 (2) = Pe4o ik BW =30007 81) ~ 2743 Af [Osten ‘i IM,F° } 2943 (0.4)- 3(0.6)20 4 B= 1962N or 1.462KN ay ZF=0; A= 294341962 wa = 9910N or 4:91 AN SIA] FBD of junction ring C+ Te 4 me 30(4@1) N ZL, =O | Tac Cost" — Tye c0860% 00 He}cas IS**0 Fy +0 + Tac Sin 45°- Tye Sin 60°s 30(9.81)sin 15°50 Salve simaltaneossly to obtain Tac = 215 N Tae = 264 .N ails | % mg = 1oo(9.8) = 181 N S M = GoN-m 2 EM, =0: 60-0.3F =0 F = 200N LF, 20! ~ Fa cos 30"+ 20050 Fa 231.N 3ile 04050(2-4)(8 B)KN Ny ype of LS ob Se Me Bw tet Self Oe m om ~30° ZRSO: Ope b+ sin 30% so 0% = - 07 kN Fy =o: Oy ~ 0.050 (2.4)(1.8)) — 3-1-4 C830" ~0.050(1-2)(1.81) =, Oy = 548 kN SMe =O} Mo 9.050(2-4)(9.81)(1.2)-3 (1-8) ~0.050(1-2)(9.8) ) (2 4+0.6 0530") + 4 = 4.12 kNem 21,20; r oo(g.#1) 4.cos 30° = FAws30=0, BS Az /472 0 Be x YOOK#. EM $6 20° Boos 30%r 14T2 A % * -40009.81)20 B= 16794) GEM, 0; F-16979 3inso"=0, Ts #50N inigo; 520 (028)- 2.140 Az /250N 26 =0; 7-180(4.91)*0 rea7eN 2:0; AsB Eddzo ; 1472(2) Al) 20 27 Ng? Ole en 60(%.81) (125) - P(e) P= 2.0 N 9 4 Way =f arn sin « = V2rh-h* Ir 4) EM, =O: P(r-h) ~ mgrsing = 0 f mg 2rh-h™ = fs rh ape A ¥ Ay, ° Because S 29:3 Slides Freeh lee Le along its © OM, =O: 2o- P(oige) =0, Pelli N ap3| kx = 3500(0. 160) = BCON SF, 20: T(1+ cos45*) 560 = 0 T= 32t.N Dy = 0: 328(sin45*)-3(48i)-N =O N= 203. N (down) The force on the guide is then N= 203 N_ up 2M,=0; 50(8)-2T=0, T= 200 & 2620; 50 05 20°-A,=0 Ag 46.98 & 55,26; A, + 50Sin 20° 200 = 0 y= 182.9: AxVia6.98)*+ (102.9)*= 148.8 4s" 67" ie” Nas No=N FD LMa= 0! 3600 (45) ~ N(NN2) + We (zz) =0 WPEF = 0: 2N~ 3600 -W =o Solve +> obtain N= 2075 Ib W.= 550 Ib ® LMp=0% -F(i) -3.2(¢) + 35(i2) =0 F =4ol bb 3(28| awe tan’ $ = 14.08" 20 Ib Assume Unt AGE ae lon a hori- ontal line Me =0: Feos 14.04°(2) -3.2(6)- 20(14)20 F= 1542 Ib RLF, =o + -154.2(sin 14,04") + Ex =o Ey = 37.4 |b ELFy =o: 154.2 ens 14.04 -3.2-R0 + Ey = Ey =~ (26.4 Ib B= fer ey = 1374" +126.4* = 131-8 Ib oat] Bb a st sth rf 24 Ib [* : vest | AQ EM,= 9: Fy sin 21')(5) - 4.1(52)-2-4(u5) - @+0.1)(25.4) =0, Fy = 160.2 Ib =O: Oy- 160.2 Cos 21° =O Ot Ox = 1415 Ib 4 ZFy so! Oy + l60,.2sin 21-4) -2+ - 810 , Oye azz ib 3/30 @=EM,=0: F(2)- (=o) F=2.250 hy =O! - O44 225Wees 55%=0) 04> LQ EA, <0: B+0; + 2.25W sin Ss* =0 2.3+0 = fear +(2. atu)” 3/S\ | R Replace 2TS by FAT cos ° =WT 7 7 DEM,*9! mgh TH b =0 mes | ede. tm "nyt AEM,=0: Tein 38.7" (1.2) -18(481)(075)casco%o T=%.5.N ZF,= 0: - 99.5 Cos 33.7 + OK = 0 O% = 829 N ZFy =o! -T.S Sin 337° 18 (2.81) * Oy =o Oy = 232 N So O= 246 N @ 70.3° COW from +%-axis 3/33 70(3.81) N LF. 70+ 0(4.8i) sin 1S°- AP - ZP cos 18° =o P= 45.5 N ZFy +0! R- 10 (4M) cos 15*~ 245.5) sin 1#"=0 R= GUN st | ‘slot diveetion ~ EF, =0: Cx— Bes 30"~ 100 c0s 15° =o JAFy =o: Cy - Bsin 30° + 100 sin 15° = 0 ZMc 0% Bsin3o!(is9) - fooces 1S* (75) - 400 sin 15* (22s) =0 Solaton : B= 1568N Cx= 2230N, Cy= SSI N > C= 22% N Game C= Vr +Cy? ) Loe Fioag (omim)g GL Mo = 0+ (nvme)g sine — my g bsine =o > es sin ££ (is) sina} Ea "Boo mr 600 mm 2B Lfyr e+ Teosto-4¢rei)=o, T= S18 kN EMe=0: 2A (300) -2e (ces) 0, A=ZB EFy =o! SLB sin 0° 2(28)-28 =O 153 kN A=26= 2(i.153) = 2.31 kN 3/31 T= 3000 N ost 8 al, Engine off | T#0, Fa =O FEMg=0% 1800(9.81) + — Ng (A8) =O Nye 14 720. N EF y Na t 14720 ~1890(1.f1) =0, Naz 2940N ZMaq ro WWo0(.i)4-No(Ha)+ 3000 cost2? (0.55)) 70 Ne= 15,050 N + Na+ 15, 980-1809 (2.81) + S0esinl2*s9, NaF hen Ngl_N Nat TAS (los) #23267 | Me™ x ZFy 13 BO(TRI)N 80(1.81) N (1.81) De Ay Q 175 mm Bx meni oO ay zo: By= 0(5.8)) = 185 N ZMg=o + ~Ax (175) + 80 (1.81) (359) =o Ax = 8, ISON EM, =0 ~Cx (305) + 80(4.81) (435) =o Cy =Px= INT N (All results due te L only) Y8_| = Fa, 80 = P(0.315), PE 2/8 N © >; (10005 $0") - (375 # 100 Sin 30° 2/3) ©O P pz var aa | 2,20, Pa +400/5) ~s000(10)= o Keseiterst of lateral forces 3 quple MM = Pd = 8000 46-ft aft KEM, = 0+ ~ 40055" (10.5) + 45in 5°(1) + Poosis* (3) + Psin Is? (1) =o Peisia i = ~) ir 1¢ P 4 & = 4.04 mm Ra cos 30°= My Fe EMO: O.120P-24=9 P= oon Gor wrench and batt) For wirench olane fe EMa +0: 200 (9,1204.0.00404) ~ B (2 0.00404) #0) B= 3cTON +} Feo: -A+ 30-200 0, A= Za70 N ‘4Nq ANG With airfoils, HEFy ANattNg - 2(439) = 0 & XMpzo + 50(38) +409(12) +ANg (120) +50 (5) ~ 400(182)= 0 ANq = 351 ‘} Naz 1504351 = [eke Cae) ANg = 449 Ik Ne= 8504449 = 1219 (5204) Note ‘that a 100-Ib propulsive force has been oddea (at A) +> maintain equilibrium . re 5 1 = Ay, +409 cos 30° An= 346.N + 400 ()+ S00 (2.5) + 540 (5) +500 (1.5) +250(\0) ~ (oFy =0 Fy = loo N 1-250 - 400 sin 30° - 500(3) - 250 + 00 + Ay = 9, Ay = 1100 N » 345] 442 E Maso: 1600(.21)(12) - Neld)=0 No = 6220 N Na + Ng [e00(t.41 Na = 1429 N ER DEMa*O+ 1600(9.81) (1.2 cose) + W00(141) (0.64) sina” 3Ng =o 3 Ne = 6596 N ~ W600(1.81) es « = 0 Ne = ten" Gt) = SN" Descend DEMg=0! 1600 (4.81) (L2 cosa) AF pdeasy canny ~\e00(28i)(0.46) sinx - 3Np= 0 Ne = 5100 N Ne ZFy=0° Ng + Ng 7!600(7.81) Cose=0 Ne Ne = 90 N- a= MSHS Tayo ng= SME EAH sony B Law sf Cosines? 7** 227+ 247— ZEA a) cos « a= 7 GEMF0: 1049) ~ 2F (2x sina)r 10 (2x cm (oe) st, (s711 EF, +0: P~50(78)) sin iS* ( zr Ngt Ne > 58@.ti)cosI5* =o (2) EM_=0: - F (oa) - Ng (708)+549.1))[ 500 Cos IS® + 2i5sin s*] = 0 © Solution to Eqs. (-@): | With e-P =o: P= IRTON P=0 Net lA N Ne= 359 N Nes 260 N Ne = 4a1N - + 340 sin 40° |]0. cos 40" = 56.2° EMg =O + 1Z0(4.41)(18S+340)c0s +0” ZF, =0+ 0,- Sogocosa= 0, Ox = 2820 N Fy <0 + Oy - [20 (4.81) + 5060 sink =O og = —3030 N oe fog + ot = 4140 N aL 3 20019.) 1 IMy= 0; 0(9.81)(1R00) + 200(2. 8/1200) #.300(/ 8004 2100) -=0 M+ PPE) Nome or 112494 kN 3[s0| From Table D/3, = “Zr b= rcosO+ F Sin @ Here, sine = %, cose= Be So b= E(S+ * [ea™ 19g ++ (mq) = 1,550 mg sing z From Table D/3, = Fora = “A Fs 24Re/e BIM,.=0 : . Ma ~ my (rsin 15" + F cosco')o Mp = 0.709 mage YSZ 09 = 85(18/) = 1928 KN, tone 20.05 —~s Sina = 0.1488 >; -Plo.6) — 192.4(0./46)(0.829- 152-4 (0.907) pore EF, =O; P1384 (0,188) 0.8 (44, # Ny) =0 G20; Nyt Ay = 132.4(0.999) =0 Solve ¥ geF Ay bAlg? (310 Aw P= O51 KN, y= 47 ki 3/53 | Forgas 12 902 lI50-T)?, T= $0 % Replace T by force at £20? eo couple, 30 phat moneant of T ebout Dis (50 cosso°)# - (50 sn toys a Pf SO(a)= IMG loin CO ‘180 16 |B" . f 2M, 0; 3749 #150 (8-3) + 20008) ~100y=0, Gt 2t20 5520; 1504 500330" 0,20; 8° 1933 % RVOE+8F = 1193.3)" +(2121)> = 287 to 3/54, LG) N Na stXFEO! Nat Ng = (:/+0375)(98))=0 (0) # EMg=0 = No (150) + 1.1 (4.81) (75 + (\5-250sin@)( 0.395) (1.81) = 0 (2) y: Nat 5.16-6,13 sin @ O55 Ne GIB SI0 OD A, Ng in nesstons ©! Nyt BTL +613 sind : Note that Na goes th Zee at O= 70,1") meaning thet the receiver woald tip if © exceeds This yolue, £ Net Ng=]14498 9/55 £M.=0; 4°93 m,g mg reos 8-1, 9 F Sin @ 20 where Fe ari Jo tune = PACs AP me Om, = han” ZEy on Im sag90lg = 1000 1 ae P+ 1000 £f20; 8 - 89000 -1000 sin 60° 0, B= 40,766 A120; $0,900(24) - 80, 266/28 -6) ~-220(6 +5) #0 1,920,000 ~ /940,794 4 84,66 b - #500 =0 - 25204 | ; b: ge = 75 in Y8T| | Wysmgs toocavi)> 31240 oor FW 2Higg = 80(9.8/)= TIEN 0.3127 ft or 6 Zhg,=0; 745 (0.7)-4#F =0 220; R+305 - (3924418 5)c0530 8 0 Re 3770 N — 1.959 2 (sao + 4.525 2542215) gy 9 weet) 50.7 BAe 6 sin 50.7" = 4.64" ZM70* €0(28)- 4.24A = 9) A= 258 Ib LF, <0! By -258 cas S015, By> 137 Ib ERy te: By 0° 28Bsin Sut =e, y= Zee B- YB, By = [103.7% 4 2b0® = 307 Ib Ra &e M ate mg = Bote 201 HO, 8510", MH eto NM 24450) 24609 = mg F e050 #30" BFK 290% M=4680 Nim 10420; $682 - mag F sin (8.430 pot) ---l6) Divide @) by 8) 2460_ cose Solve gach 4ee0 Sine ao)" Omen From(a) 7224629) (o.28) UMD) eR FO3ETm or 267 mm 93k0| Consider a FED =f tne upper terse (a) SM,20+ F(60)-0.68W (25)= 0. 50. — F=034W im Loco = EA=9! S-O.LRWsin 41° F = —Fsind?20, S= 0.009 a Se auras ° of) S12) 2h 07 -C-0.08W cos4! 300, —Feas4it=0, C=O.N0W 4 Fim —— + Q With wieght Ss SEM, 0: F(Ss)- 0.6807(25)- E (B00) = 0 Fe 2.34W ZFy <0: S- O68Wesin sl Fein att Msin At": 0 g= 2.20 ZR, $0! C4 0.610 cos Hs Feast’ F casdi?=0 e= 2.530 ns ahs 25 (181) N in i A 36mm @o b— 32, fo Ve ZMy=0: 25(4.81) (40) ~ Peos 5° (60) ~Tsin 5° (30) = 0 p= 351 N Assumption: The weight of the panel acts at the do-mm dimensin as shown above ; panel does net stip. 2 Nm Forces at A and B must constitute a Couple . + B0-R(0.2e0845"}:0 R= Seen 3197] Tsotate wheel of anicgee : & stay (Ge) 04T! AL Fro! BT sina So(1sl) =0 T T = 27400. N 50 (4.81) N + * Fog T= RLF KN 3/98 tM) 6ave)- 38%0 6240 1 48,40; Tsinp-4oz0 ye ao WEES 7 15 +0; Tees +A-60=0 A: 60~ coanBibe 4 *+ 4.5% A 15% 3/99 | coo . = 12 Wind farce P= pa rt ' =17.5(6)li2) = 1260 ah E=o*% Ryro P Thigh Fy =O D> Ry =~ lool Nyy Eipre > Rex Gow k, =JRR eR SH ReNRGS +RgT Rat ay EU * = 136 Me M + (-loi +ITk) x (1260) - 6004 Jeo Zl, 400 i +6000} + 12,600K Ib-FE M = 25,600 Ib-tte seen Loolate entire system ——>T of plate, pulleys, ¢ tape. 200 em "kK FQ EMa= 0: (200) - 10.0(15) ~ 11.0 (125) = 0 Tr 10.62 N

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