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Yagi Calculator by John Drew

DL6WU style yagis for VHF/UHF (updated 14 July 2015)

Yagi Calculator is a Windows program that also runs well on Linux, Ubuntu 8.10 under
Wine, to produce dimensions for a DL6WU style long Yagi antenna. Long yagis are
commonly used from the 144MHz amateur band to the 2.4GHz band. The DL6WU yagi
is highly regarded as being easy to build with repeatable results, broad bandwidth and a
useful pattern.

The program on this site was developed in the early 90s as a DOS program. Time
moved on and so did operating systems, so the 2003 version was an opportunity to
convert to a Windows environment and update the information and modify some of the
algorithms. Latest Version is 2.6.18 and fixes an error in the Help file. Version 2.6.17
on 15 July 2015 fixed a bug when restoring a saved file. Ive also re-arranged a couple
of menus. A materials list has been added to the yagi printout to assist with the buying
process but be wary that this is a calculated measure and does not allow for saw cuts
and wastage from short purchased lengths. 2.6.18 changes compiler only. The
output screen

Download Ver 2.6.18 (May 2016 help file update):

Click here to download the installation package

Yagi Calculator is a program to assist with the design of long yagi antennas. It uses the
graphs and principles developed by DL6WU and printed originally in the German
Radio Magazine VHF Communications (March 1982). The article was titled Extremely
Long Yagi Antennas. For best front to back ratio it is recommended that a yagi be
constructed with one of the following numbers of elements - 10,14,19,24. Yagi builders
are reminded that DL6WU designs are primarily for long yagis. A boom length of 2
wavelengths (or 10 elements) would be a minimum sized antenna. On the other hand,
yagis with as few as 8 elements have used the design and worked very well.

The work of David VK3AUU (AR Feb 1988) in developing some equations to fit
DL6WU's graphs was very valuable. The reflector calculations are based on a Basic
program written by KY4Z and W6NBI and with suggestions by DL6WU. The ARRL
Antenna Handbook provided information, as did various sources on the Internet.
K5OE's site at is a particularly useful one.

The author acknowledges the 1998 ARRL Handbook for information on coaxial cable
impedance, dielectric and velocity factor.

I acknowledge Kevin Schmidt W9CF ( for the correction

factor for square section rod of 1.18 * cross section of round tube and also for the
formula to find the equivalent round cross section for both square and flat element
materials (Version 2.5.0)

dself = w[0.5 + 0.9t/w - 0.22(t/w)2] where w is width of material and t is thickness.

The formula source for the impedance calculations is from "Round and Square Section
Parallel Transmission Lines Theory, Practice and Applications" by Roger Harrison and
Andy Sayers VK2AES, GippsTech Conference 2009, Churchhill, Victoria, Australia.

Square section: Zo=0.45 + 344[s/(s+d)] - 345[s/(s+D)]^2 + 411[s/(s+D)]^3 where s is

face-to-face spacing, D=width of square-section line.
Circular section line: Zo=972(s/d) - 481(s/D)^2 + 86(s/D)^3-547 where s is centre-to-
centre spacing, D=diameter of circular-section line.

En electrodinmica, la polarizacin elptica es la polarizacin de la radiacin

electromagntica de forma que la punta del vector de campo elctrico describe
una elipse en cualquier plano fijo, interseccionando, o es normal a, la direccin de
propagacin. Una onda polarizada elpticamente puede ser resuelta en dos ondas
polarizadas linealmente en cuadratura de fase, con sus planos de polarizacin en ngulos
rectos entre s. Dado que el campo elctrico puede girar en sentido horario o en sentido
contrario, ya que se propaga, las ondas polarizadas elpticamente exhiben quiralidad.
Otras formas de polarizacin, tales como la circular y la lineal, se pueden considerar como
casos especiales de la polarizacin elptica.

Vase tambin[editar]

Enlaces externos[editar]
Animacin de la polarizacin elptica (en YouTube)
Comparacin de la polarizacin elptica con polarizaciones lineal y circular (Animacin
de YouTube)

Este artculo incorpora material de dominio pblico del documento de la Administracin
de Servicios Generales de Estados Unidos "Estndar Federal 1037C" (en apoyo
de MIL-STD-188).

1. Volver arriba MIL-STD-188 (en ingls)

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