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Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 3:37-44 (I 995)

(C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Intrauterine Infection and Preterm Labor

Manju Monga and Jorge D. Blanco
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, University of Texas Medical School at
Houston, Houston, TX

Preterm birth remains the leading cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Evidence suggests that
intrauterine infection plays an important role in the pathogenesis of preterm labor. This article
reviews the clinical data supporting this theory and the cellular and biochemical mechanisms by
which intrauterine infection may initiate uterine contractions. The clinical and laboratory methods
of diagnosing clinical chorioamnionitis and asymptomatic bacterial invasion of the intraamniotic
cavity are also reviewed. Finally, the management of clinical chorioamnionitis and asymptomatic
microbial invasion of the amniotic fluid and the use of adjunctive antibiotic therapy in the treatment
of preterm labor are presented. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Chorioamnionitis, microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity, pregnancy

Preterm birth remains the leading cause of perina- ment and role of adjunctive antibiotic therapy in
tal mortality and morbidity. Eighty-three percent preterm labor are presented.
of" the neonatal mortality in nonanomalous infants The term "intrauterine infection" includes both
occurs in infants born before the 37th week of clinical and asymptomatic microbial invasion of the
gestation. Premature infants who survive the per- amniotic cavity. For the purpose of this review
inatal period experience significant morbidity in- "histologic chorioamnionitis" is defined as histo-
cluding respiratory distress, intraventricular hem- logic inflammation of the amnion and chorion and
orrhage, sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, and patent "clinical chorioamnionitis" is reserved for the clin-
ductus arteriosus. 2 Despite the well-recognized ical syndrome associated with microbial invasion of
risks of preterm birth and concerted efforts to suc- the intraamniotic cavity.
cessfully arrest preterm labor, the incidence of pre-
term delivery has not decreased over the past de- INTRAUTERINE INFECTION AND
cade, remaining at 9.6%. 3 PRETERM DELIVERY
Recent research focusing on the pathogenesis of Clinical Evidence
preterm labor suggests that intrauterine infection A review of 15 studies in which amniocenteses were
may play an important role in preterm labor and performed on women in preterm labor with intact
delivery. This article reviews the clinical, cellular, membranes reveals the rate of microbial invasion of
and biochemical data that support this theory, as the amniotic cavity to be 12.2%. 4-18 The bacterial
well as the clinical and laboratory methods of diag- isolation rates range from 0 to 48%, depending on
nosing clinical chorioamnionitis and asymptomatic the study population and culture technique. Al-
bacterial invasion of the intraamniotic cavity. Fi- though most of these women had no signs or symp-
nally, the management issues regarding the treat- toms of infection at the time of presentation, they

Address correspondence/reprint requests to Dr. Manju Monga, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive
Sciences, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, 6431 Fannin, Suite 3.204, Houston, TX 77030.
Received June 20, 1994
Review Article Accepted October 19, 1994
were more likely to develop clinical chorioamnion- delivery (up to 20%). 31 As histologic chorioam-
itis. Furthermore, women in preterm labor with nionitis is correlated with positive amniotic-fluid
positive cultures were more likely to be refractory cultures, the hypothesis is that intrauterine infec-
to tocolytics and to have spontaneous premature tion, with resulting inflammation of the placental
rupture of the membranes (PROM) and a shorter membranes, stimulates the onset of preterm labor.
interval from presentation to delivery. This evi- The pathogenesis of intrauterine infection ap-
dence indirectly supports the role of infection in the pears to be related to ascending pathogens. An asso-
pathogenesis of preterm labor with intact mem- ciation between genitourinary colonization with
branes. Alternatively, these data could be inter- group B streptococcus 23 and Neisserisa gonor-
preted to suggest that women with preterm labor rhoeae 4-6 and premature delivery has been estab-
are at increased risk for microbial invasion of the lished. In addition, the eradication of these patho-
amniotic cavity. gens with antibiotics has significantly decreased the
PROM accounts for up to one-third of all pre- preterm delivery rate. 378 Bacterial vaginosis and
term deliveries. Seven studies have examined the cervicovaginal colonization with Bacteroidesfragilis
rate of intrauterine infection by performing trans- have also been associated with preterm delivery,
abdominal amniocentesis on women with although their eradication has yet to demonstrate a
PROM. 19-25
Transabdominal amniocenteses were significant benefit. 1,39-44 The role of cervicovag-
successfully performed on 59% of these women, inal Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma urealyti-
28% of whom had positive amniotic fluid cultures. cum, and Trichomonas vaginalis on prematurity is
The rate of microbial invasion of the amniotic cav- less well established.
ity in the women with unsuccessful amniocenteses is
unknown but theoretically higher than 2 8%, as Biochemical Mechanisms
women with PROM and oligohydramnios are more Prostaglandins have been implicated in the initia-
likely to develop chorioamnionitis2326 but less tion of labor at term. This theory is supported by
likely to have a successful amniocentesis due to the observations that 1) prostaglandins and their
technical diiculty. 19-25 Therefore, these studies precursor, arachidonic acid, stimulate abortion and
support the association of intrauterine infection and labor; 4s 2) amniotic-fluid levels of prostaglandins
PROM, although a causal relationship has not been and arachidonic acid increase during labor; 46-49
clearly established. One study documented a higher and 3) prostaglandin inhibitors arrest preterm con-
incidence of positive cultures in women who pre- tractions and delay the onset of labor at term. 50--52
sented with PROM and preterm labor (39%) com- The role of prostaglandins in the onset of preterm
pared with women with PROM alone (25%). 25 labor is less well defined. However, women with
Eighty-one of 160 women with negative cultures preterm labor and microbial invasion of the amni-
who were not in labor at the time of admission otic cavity have higher amniotic fluid levels of
subsequently developed preterm labor. Of these 81 PGE 2 and PGF2, than women with preterm labor
women, 48 had repeat amniocenteses at the onset of and negative amniotic-fluid cultures or women
labor, and 7 5 % had positive cultures at that time. 25 without preterm labor, s-58 The sources of these
This suggests that intrauterine infection may play a prostaglandins are postulated to be the amnion,
pivotal role in the onset of preterm labor associated chorion, and decidua, s9-6 Indeed, media from
with PROM. bacterial cultures stimulate PGE 2 and PGF2, pro-
Preterm delivery is associated with an increased duction from isolated human amnion and decidual
rate of postpartum endometritis and early neonatal cells. 62-65 Therefore, prostaglandins appear to play
sepsis, 27-29 which provides further circumstantial an important role in preterm labor in the presence
evidence to support intrauterine infection as an eti- of infection.
ological factor in preterm labor and delivery. Prostaglandin production from placental mem-
The pathologic examination of the placenta and branes and decidual cells increases directly in re-
membranes revealed an increased rate of histologic sponse to bacterial products such as phospholipase Az
chorioamnionitis following premature delivery (up and phospholipase C. These stimulate the release of
to 60%) compared with the rate following term arachidonic acid from the membrane phospholip-


ids, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanol- cytokines do not acutely stimulate myometrial con-
amine. 66-68 Endotoxin, or lipopolysaccharide, a com- tractile activity in vitro. 9
ponent of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria,
stimulates prostaglandin production by the amnion DIAGNOSIS OF INTRAUTERINE INFECTION
and decidua697 and is increased in the amniotic fluid A diagnosis of clinical chorioamnionitis is based
of women with microbial invasion of the amniotic upon fever > 3 7.8C; rupture of membranes; and 2
cavity71 or PROM and labor. 72 However, the or more of the following criteria: maternal or fetal
amount of endotoxin found in the amniotic cavity in tachycardia, uterine tenderness, malodorous amni-
women with PROM and labor72 is lower than that otic fluid, or peripheral leukocytosis with no other
required to stimulate prostaglandin production by the site of infection. 91,92
amnion. 69 Therefore, it has been postulated that an The gold standard for the diagnosis of subclini-
amplification of the host response by endotoxin stim- cal intrauterine infection has been the amniotic-
ulates the production of inflammatory mediators. fluid culture. Because the results are usually not
Endotoxin stimulates the production of inflam- obtainable for 48-72 h, several techniques for the
matory mediators, cytokines or monokines, from rapid identification of microbial invasion of the
macrophages. 73-76 The 3 cytokines that have been amniotic cavity have been investigated.
extensively investigated in relation to preterm labor A Grams stain of the amniotic fluid is a simple
and intrauterine infection are interleukin-1, inter- and inexpensive test to perform. Numerous reports
leukin-6, and tumor-necrosis factor. These cyto- have shown it to have a sensitivity of about 49.5%
kines stimulate the production of prostaglandins by (140/283 patients) and a specificity of 97.7% (888/
the amnion, chorion, decidua, and myometrium in 909 patients) when compared with the amniotic-
vitro.73,75,77--81 The amniotic-fluid levels of inter- fluid culture in the setting of preterm labor with
leukin-1, interleukin-6, and tumor-necrosis factor intact membranes or PROM.4,s,8,11,13,16,19--
are higher in women with microbial invasion of the 22,24,93--97
The low sensitivity of the Grams stain
amniotic cavity and preterm labor compared with to detect microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity
the levels in women with microbial invasion of the is probably related to its inability to demonstrate
amniotic cavity who are not in labor or women mycoplasmas which are among the most common
without microbial invasion of the amniotic cav- isolates in asymptomatic microbial invasion of the
ity. 737577-81 Elevated cytokine levels are also as- amniotic cavity. 97
sociated with increased amniotic-fluid levels of pros- Low amniotic-fluid glucose levels have been in-
taglandins and unsuccessful tocolysis. 7582-84 vestigated as a rapid, simple, and inexpensive indi-
Finally, the systemic administration of interleu- cator of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity.
kin-1 in mice induces preterm delivery, 85 which With a cutoff level of < 14-16 mg/dl, this tech-
can be inhibited by the administration of a natural nique has been found to have a sensitivity of 33-
interleukin-1 receptor antagonist. 86 The amniotic- 92% and a specificity of 58-94% in women with
fluid levels of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist are preterm labor or PROM when compared with
reduced in women with intraamniotic-fluid infec- amniotic-fluid cultures. 94-98 Due to the wide vari-
tion and preterm labor despite elevated levels of ation in sensitivity and specificity, the clinical
interleukin- 1.87 utility of amniotic-fluid glucose levels in identify-
The sum of these data suggests that microbial ing microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity is
invasion of the amniotic cavity results in a release of low.
bacterial endotoxin which stimulates cytokine pro- An amniotic-fluid white blood cell (WBC) count
duction and results in arachidonic-acid metabolism, of > 5 0 cells/mm has been shown to have a sensi-
prostaglandin production, and the onset of labor. tivity of 64% and specificity of 94% when com-
However, the simultaneous or sequential produc- pared with amniotic-fluid culture for identifying
tion of several cytokines may be necessary to stimu- microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity in women
late this cascade through a positive feedback mech- with preterm labor and intact membranes. 97 The
anism 8889 or a prolonged exposure to elevated amniotic-fluid WBC count may be useful in women
levels of cytokines may be necessary, as individual with asymptomatic microbial invasion of the amni-


otic fluid, but otherwise has little clinical value. women with PROM and microbial invasion of the
The leukocyte esterase assay of amniotic fluid (a amniotic cavity have shorter latency periods. The
measure of leukocyte activity) was shown to have a management of a patient with preterm labor or
higher sensitivity (81%) in one study, 99 but this PROM who has a positive amniotic-fluid culture
report has not been confirmed. 9 without clinical chorioamnionitis has not been ad-
A laboratory technique, currently unavailable dressed in the literature. In our clinical practice,
for clinical use in most centers, is the determination we do not routinely perform an amniocentesis for
of amniotic-fluid interleukin-6 levels. Elevated am- an amniotic-fluid culture in a woman with preterm
niotic-fluid interleukin-6 levels have been found to labor or a woman with PROM. However, we
be more predictive of microbial invasion of the recommend an amniotic-fluid culture in the case of
amniotic cavity, amniocentesis-to-delivery interval, refractory preterm labor. In this situation, we ini-
and neonatal complications than the Grams stain, tiate antibiotic therapy and proceed toward delivery
glucose concentration, or WBC count in women if the amniotic-fluid culture is positive. Due to the
with preterm labor and intact membranes and in paucity of data in this area, these management deci-
women with PROM. 969710 However, there are sions should be individualized.
no studies documenting a benefit from intervention
in the setting of preterm labor or PROM with Adjunctive Antibiotic Therapy in
elevated cytokine levels. Therefore, the clinical rel- Preterm Labor
evance of these reports is uncertain. The large body of evidence that supports an etio-
logic role of infection in preterm labor has
MANAGEMENT prompted several investigations of adjuvant antibi-
Clinical Chorioamnionitis otics for women with preterm labor. To date, the
Once the diagnosis of clinical chorioamnionitis has reported results have been contradictory. McGre-
been made, antibiotic therapy should be instituted. gor et al. 104 randomized 17 patients to a [3-sym-
Prompt intrapartum treatment clearly decreases the pathomimetic agent plus placebo or [3-sympatho-
rate of neonatal and maternal morbidity. 101 As mimetic agent plus erythromycin and found a
chorioamnionitis is a polymicrobial infection, the statistically significant increase in the number of
combination therapy of ampicillin and gentamicin women who delivered at term in the erythromycin-
is effective. 101-1 o3 Single-agent therapy using sec- treated group. Morales et al. ls randomized 150
ond- or third-generation cephalosporins or ex- women with "idiopathic preterm labor" to ampicil-
tended-spectrum penicillins has not been studied in lin, erythromycin, or no treatment. They found a
large randomized trials. A critical diagnosis-to-de- statistically significant prolongation of pregnancy
livery interval has not been determined; however, in the antibiotic-treated groups; however, the ad-
there are little data on the outcome in patients who ministration of a placebo was not included in the
deliver > 12 h after diagnosis. It has been recom- study design, a wide range was noted in the number
mended that clindamycin be added to the antibiotic of days of prolongation of gestation, and no signif-
regimen if the patient is delivered by cesarean in an icant improvement was shown in the proportion of
attempt to decrease the severity of postpartum en- pregnancies reaching 37 weeks gestation. McGre-
dometritis, although little data exist to support this gor et al. 106 reported a prolongation of pregnancy
recommendation. 91 (3 5 vs. 25 days) in 103 women receiving tocolytics
for preterm labor who were randomized to receive
Asymptomatic Microbial Invasion of the clindamycin or placebo.
Amniotic Fluid In contrast to these 3 studies, Newton et al.
While the early identification of microbial invasion found no difference in the prolongation of preg-
of the amniotic cavity raises the possibility of many nancy or outcome in 78 women randomized to
innovative therapeutic options, such as antibiotics receive either ampicillin plus erythromycin or pla-
without prompt delivery or anticytokines, these op- cebo in conjunction with standard tocolytics. They
tions have not been investigated. Many patients reported similar results in 86 patients receiving
with preterm labor and microbial invasion of the magnesium-sulfate tocolysis who were randomized
amniotic cavity are refractory to tocolysis, and to receive ampicillin-sulbactam plus indomethacin


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