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All liveries have signed and follow a contract made up of the rules listed below. All sharers without a livery contract can use this
document to refer to so that Amners Farm can continue as a safe and happy place.


1. No sub-letting of paddocks, stables, storage sheds or parking is allowed.

2. The yard will be open from 6:00am until 10:00pm daily. If you require access outside of these times then please let us know in
3. There is a no smoking policy on the premises, with the exception of the car park.
4. You are not able to use your horse(s) or ponies for hire or reward or for the purpose of teaching others how to ride on this
5. Children MUST be kept under control and are not allowed to climb or play on gates, machinery, bales or fences and they must
not be a nuisance to other liveries, business units, Amners Farm employees or residents. Farms are dangerous places of
work and NOT a playground.
6. Children on the premises are your responsibility at ALL times; Amners Farm does not accept ANY responsibility for the children
that you bring onto the premises.
7. Any items left at Amners Farm are left entirely at your own risk and Amners Farm accepts no responsibility or liability for any of
your property.
8. Keep ALL closed gates closed at ALL times. Always shut gates behind you.
9. No stallions will be allowed at livery on Amners Farm.
10. No dogs allowed.*
11. We ask that you respect the privacy and peace of the cottages and farmhouse AT ALL TIMES especially when you are in close
proximity to these areas.
12. You authorise us to call out your veterinary surgeon to attend to your horse if we, at our absolute discretion, think it is necessary.
This does not impose any obligation upon us to do so. You authorise us to use and veterinary surgeon in an emergency and to
instruct him to take such action as he advises. You are responsible for all charges from any veterinary surgeon, whether called
out by yourself or us.
13. We require each horse/pony to be insured against claims by third parties for damage caused by your horse/pony for a minimum
of 2,000,000 (2 million). We will insist on seeing your current certificate annually during the month of April.
14. Please worm your horse(s)/pony on each date specified by us using the wormer we supply.
15. Amners Farm must be informed of any changes i.e. vets, farriers and insurance. Also if you are away please let us know the
dates and who is responsible for your horse or pony in your absence.
16. To terminate your livery contract you must provide four weeks written notice and should the occasion arise, we agree to provide
four weeks written notice should we wish to terminate your contract. ALL OUTSTANDING MONIES MUST BE PAID IN FULL
17. We reserve the right to terminate your contract without notice should we consider your behaviour to be negligent or constituting
gross misconduct.


1. You are expected to pay livery monthly one month in advance, pay your hay, straw, wormers etc. one month in arrears.
2. You will have 10 days to settle each monthly invoice and will be charged 10% each moneth of the net invoice value should you
fall into arrears.
3. If your livery account falls into arrears we reserve the right of lien over your horse/pony and/or goods kept at AMners Farm to
include power of sale.


1. You must park your vehicles in the designated car park area. Vehicles are ONLY allowed into stable areas for unloding and then
must be returned to the car park immediately.
2. Take great care when driving on Amners Farm premises and keep to the maximum speed limit of 10 miles per hour.
3. Horse lorries and trailers must be parked in the designated parking area.
4. We do not accpet any liability for trailers and lorries and it is up to you to have your own insurance.

*Dogs are allowed on the premises if they are kept on a lead. The liveries have this in writing via email, however the above rule in the contract haa not yet been updated.

C & W Webber (Amners Farm) LTD, Amners Farm, Burghfield, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 3UE
Telepphone: Office (0118) 9833 437 Mobile (+44) 07836 714 463

1. No animals other than horses/ponies are to be kept on site.

2. You must muck out your stable daily and paddocks AT LEAST weekly.
3. Water must not be wasted. Please ensure that all taps are turned off and report any water leaks you may find. We are a metered
premises - ensure that you check troughs regularly and report all water leaks as soon as you find them.
4. Any breakages of stables, gates, fencing, jumps etc. that happen must be reported as soon as you are aware of them and if you
or your animals have caused the damage through negligence it must be paid for by you. We will however carry out the repair
5. The stables, tack rooms, fencing and grazing area must not be changed or modified in any way unlessit is by ourselves. All
horses/ponies must be kept in their designated paddock.
6. Horses/ponies will be given a designated paddock which may change at our discretion.
7. The tack room doors must be kept locked, including when hacking out or using the arenas, the stables must never be locked.
8. For security reaons keys must not be copied. Should you require any additional keys these will be supplied to you.
9. All keys must be returned to us when your contract is terminated either by ourselves or us.
10. Empty any wheelbarrows or skips immediately after use and put safely away. You must put tools away clean and tidily in the
storage areas provided. Tools and equipment should not be left outside in the paddocks. Farm owned quipment i.e. hand tools
and wheelbarrows are clearly marked and are for everyones use. Please respect peoples personal property and equipment and
only use it with their permission.
11. Keep the area in front of your stables and tack room clean and tidy.
12. Please put all feed in vermin proof containers.


1. When mounted you must wear a properly secured riding hat that conforms to current British safety standards at all times. Amners
Farm accept no responsibility if this rule is not followed.
2. All arenas must be left tidy and any droppings picked up. That includes around all the farm yard areas and in front of the farm
house and cottages.
3. You are advised to wear a reflective or florescent item when around the farm and buildings especially when its dark. Please
rememberthis is a working farm with large machinery and vehicles.
4. When riding around the fields please stay on tracks provided - this is a 4 metre width around the edge of the field. Do NOT ride
across the field, as these are growing crops.
5. When riding around the farm and fields please shut all gates behind you that you find already closed.
6. All liveries must show consideration and respect for other liveries when using the arenas.
7. You keep your horses and/or ponies on Amners Farm at your own risk. Amners Farm accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY or LIABILITY
for any loss, injury, death to yourselves, your horses or any other person.

C & W Webber (Amners Farm) LTD, Amners Farm, Burghfield, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 3UE
Telepphone: Office (0118) 9833 437 Mobile (+44) 07836 714 463

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