Identifying Lightning Channel-Base Current Function Parameters by Powell Particle Swarm Optimization Method

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Identifying Lightning Channel-Base Current

Function Parameters by Powell Particle Swarm
Optimization Method
Gun Yang, Fangrong Zhou, Yi Ma, Zhanqing Yu, Yijun Zhang, and Jinliang He, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractThis paper proposes the Powell (PPSO) method. The There are several kinds of functions, proposed by researchers,
particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is combined with the to represent the channel-base current. Bruce and Golde pre-
Powell algorithm to identify the parameters of lightning channel- sented the double exponential functions to represent the channel-
base current function. The method can overcome the problem of
premature convergence for PSO algorithm, and improve the anal- base current in 1941 [2], but the first derivative of the current
ysis accuracy. The Heidler function is used to represent the light- functions at the time of onset t = 0 is discontinuous, which is not
ning channel-base current. We have compared the PPSO method suitable to calculate the LEMF. Then, Heidler presented a func-
and genetic algorithm (GA) on reaching the desired peak value of tion in 1985 [3], which has no problem with the discontinuities
the current Im and the maximum time rate of change of current at any point. Feizhou and Shanghe proposed the pulse function
(di/dt)m a x . The results show that the parameters of Heidler func-
tion evaluated by the PPSO method can achieve more accurate to represent the channel-base current in 2002 [4]. Javor and Ran-
values of Im and (di/dt)m a x than those evaluated by GA. Also, cic proposed the new channel-base current (NCBC) functions
we have compared the PPSO method, the NelderMead particle in 2011 [5]. Also, Andreotti and Verolino presented an NCBC
swarm optimization (NMPSO) method, and PSO method using the function to represent the channel-base current in 2015 [6]. The
measured channel-base current. The results show that the PPSO most widely used among them is Heilder function, which has
method is better than the NMPSO and PSO method to determine
the channel-base current function parameters. The PPSO method been also used in the IEC 62305-1 [7].
is an efficient method to identify the channel-base function param- The natural lightning current is not easy to be obtained due
eters, which can improve the digitalization of lightning monitoring to its random striking point. Therefore, the lightning current
equipment. This approach is also useful in research related to light- measurement sensors are usually installed at high towers that
ning characteristics and lightning protection. are easily hit by lightning. Berger acquired 135 current wave-
Index TermsChannel-base current, genetic algorithm (GA), shapes of subsequent return strokes from 1943 to 1972 with the
heidler function, nelderMead particle swarm optimization current measurement sensors installed at Mount San Salvatore
(NMPSO) method, powell particle swarm optimization (PPSO) towers [8]. Janischewskyj et al. also acquired the lightning cur-
rent waveshapes at the 553-m-high Toronto Canadian National
Tower [9]. On the other hand, we can obtain the lightning current
I. INTRODUCTION through triggered lightning [10], and furthermore, the triggered
lightning current may be measured, but for natural lightning
IGHTNING current and the lightning electromagnetic
L fields (LEMF) are one of the most serious threats to human
life and technical equipment. It is well known that the lightning
currents the results are obtained just from measurements to tall
structures, not to flat terrain.
In order to improve the digitalization of lightning current
current plays an important role in calculating the LEMF and we
monitoring equipment and make it convenient to calculate the
need to choose a suitable channel-base current function toward
LEMF, researchers are demanded to identify the parameters of
the LEMF calculation for the engineering model [1].
measured lightning channel-base current rapidly. So, Vujevic
et al. proposed the least squares method to estimate the Hei-
Manuscript received March 19, 2017; revised April 18, 2017; accepted May dler function parameters [11]. Lundengard et al. proposed the
9, 2017. Date of publication; date of current version. (Corresponding author:
Gun Yang.) Marquardt least-squares method to estimate the measured light-
G. Yang, Z. Yu, and J. He are with the State Key Lab of Power Systems, ning current parameters [12], [13]. Chandrasekaran and Punekar
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, presented the genetic algorithm (GA) to determine lightning
China (e-mail:;; hejl@ channel-base current function parameters [14] and Liu et al. pre-
F. Zhou and Y. Ma are with the Yunnan Power Grid, Kunming 650200, sented the NelderMead particle swarm optimization (NMPSO)
China (e-mail: method to identify the lightning channel-base current function
Y. Zhang is with the Laboratory of Lightning Physics and Protection Engi-
neering, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China parameters [15].
(e-mail: In this paper, we proposed the Powell particle swarm op-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online timization (PPSO) method. The particle swarm optimization
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEMC.2017.2705485 (PSO) algorithm is combined with the Powell algorithm to

0018-9375 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


measured channel-base current is therefore 0.1 s. The record-

ing length of the oscilloscope is 1 or 2 s per event.


Lightning channel-base current can be expressed by current
functions. In this paper, we adopt the sum of two Heilder func-
tions to express the channel-base current.
The triggered-lightning can be regarded as the subsequent
return stroke of the natural lightning. Besides, the sum of two
Heilder functions has been used to represent the channel-base
current wave shape of the subsequent return stroke [17]. There-
fore, we adopt the sum of two Heilder functions in this paper.
The functions are given by the following equation [14]:
Fig. 1. Triggering lightning system.
Im 1 (t/11 )n 1
i(0, t) = et/ 1 2
1 (t/11 )n 1 + 1
Im 2 (t/21 )n 2
+ et/ 2 2 (1)
2 (t/21 )n 2 + 1
where Im 1 , Im 2 are the amplitudes of the channel-base current,
11 , 21 are the front time constants, 12 , 22 are the decay-time
constants, n1 , n2 are the exponents (210), and 1 , 2 are the
amplitude correction factors:
11 12 1

1 = e 1 2 (n 1 1 1 )

21 22 1

2 = e 2 2 (n 2 2 1 )
. (2)


Fig. 2. Diagrammatic sketch of triggered-lightning.
A. PSO Algorithm

identify the lightning channel-base current function parameters. The PSO algorithm was proposed by Eberhart and Kennedy
We have also compared the PPSO method with GA, NMPSO, in 1995 [18], which has been widely used since its origin [19].
and PSO method in this paper. The PSO algorithm is a kind of optimization algorithm, where
each particle can be described with a set of position array and a
set of velocity array. The position array represents the feasible
II. LIGHTNING CHANNEL-BASE CURRENT DATA ACQUISITION solution of the problem and the velocity array represents the
The measured lightning channel-base current data analyzed in direction of particle movement. The particle can achieve the
this paper were collected in a triggered-lightning experiment site global optimal solution via studying the best global solution and
located in Conghua, a district in the northeast of Guangzhou, the best neighborhood solution among the swarm. The details of
China [16]. Fig. 1 shows the triggered lightning system. Six the PSO algorithm have been introduced in [18] and [19]. The
launchers are established for launching triggered-lightning rock- key content of the algorithm is the update equations for particle
ets. Fig. 2 is the diagrammatic sketch of triggered-lightning. The positions and velocities, which are defined as follows [19]:
fine steel wire is carried by the rocket. The launch controller
vij (k + 1) = w(k)vij (k) + c1 r1 (pbestij (k) xij (k))
of the rocket and lightning channel-base current data acquisi-
tion system are operated in the control room that is covered + c2 r2 (gbestj (k) xij (k)) (3)
with iron sheet, located about 90 m northwest to the launching
xij (k + 1) = xij (k) + vij (k + 1) (4)
site and connected to a grounding system with a resistance of
7 . The triggered-lightning channel-base current is measured where k is the number of iterations, w(k) is the adjustable evo-
by Rogowski coil, which is installed at the bottom of the trig- lutionary coefficient for particle velocity when the number of
gered lightning channel. Then, the current signal is transmitted iterations is k, c1 and c2 are the learning coefficients, r1 and r2
to an oscilloscope in the control room through a point-to-point are the random numbers whose value range is [0, 1], vij (k) is
optical fiber transmission system. The current signal, a volt- the jth dimension velocity component of the ith particle when
age value that is linearly proportional to the triggered-lightning the number of iterations is k, xij (k) is the jth dimension position
channel-base current value, is recorded with the oscilloscope. component of the ith particle when the number of iterations is
The oscilloscope with a current range of 50 kA works at k, pbestij (k) is the jth dimension individual optimal position
a sampling rate of 10 MHz; the sampling time interval of component of the ith particle when the number of iterations is
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


k, and gbestj (k) is the jth dimension component of the optimal 2) Update the particle positions and velocities using PSO
position of the whole particle swarm, gbest, when the number algorithm in the current iteration and obtain the optimal
of iterations is k. position of the whole particle swarm, gbest, in the current
The fitness function, or the error function, is also important iteration according to their fitness values.
for the PSO algorithm, because it can select the global opti- 3) Adopt the Powell algorithm: Let p0 = gbest as the start-
mal solution by comparing the fitness value of each particle. ing point and search the better point with the linearly in-
The expression of the fitness function is not unique to different dependent directions, where the iteration of the procedure
problems. The specific expression of the fitness function will be has been introduced in Section IV-B.
introduced in this paper. 4) Compare the value of f (p0 ) and f(gbest) when the Powell
algorithm has stopped. If f(p0 ) < f(gbest), then update the
B. Powell Algorithm optimal position of the whole particle swarm, gbest =
p0 , and its corresponding fitness value f(gbest). Otherwise,
The Powell algorithm is an efficient method for finding the
use the old optimal position, gbest, and its corresponding
minimum of a function of several variables without calculating
fitness value f(gbest) for the next PPSO method iteration.
derivatives [20], [21], which can find the values of n parameters
5) If the number of iterations or the minimum fitness value
x1 , x2 , . . . , xn to make the value of the function, or fitness
meets the convergence condition, then stop iteration and
function, f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) is a minimum. The iteration of the
output gbest. Otherwise, go to 2) and the number of iter-
procedure is as follows [21].
ations nppso = nppso + 1.
1) Initialize the iteration parameters, let the number of it-
erations be np owell = 1 and select the starting point p0 ,
p0 = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ], and linearly independent direc-
tions, d1 , d2 , . . . , dn . A. Comparisons to the GA
2) For r = 1, 2, . . . , n, calculate r so that f (pr 1 + r dr )
The literature [14] has introduced the GA to determine Hei-
is a minimum and define pr = pr 1 + r dr .
dler function parameters according to the peak value of the
3) Find the integer m, 1 m n, so that f (pm 1 ) f (pm )
current Im and the maximum time rate of change of currents
is a maximum, and define  = f (pm 1 ) f (pm ).
(di/dt)m ax .
4) Calculate f3 = f (2pn p0 ), f2 = f (pn ), and f1 =
In order to compare the PPSO method and GA, we adopt
f (p0 ).
the same initial parameters as in [14]: The population is set to
5) If the following equations are both true:
be 30, the generations are chosen to be 100 and the stopping
f3 < f1 (5) criteria with a deviation of 106 or less. The fitness function of
the PPSO method is the same as in [14]:
(f1 2f2 + f3 )(f1 f2 )2 < 0.5(f1 f3 )2    
 Im d Im c   (di/dt)m ax d (di/dt)m ax c 
f =    
(6) (7)
Im d (di/dt)m ax d 
then, define = (pn p0 ), calculate so that f (pn + ) is
where Im d is the peak value of desired channel-base cur-
a minimum, let dm = and use d1 , d2 , . . . , dn as the new di-
rent, Im c is the peak value of computed channel-base current,
rections and pn + as the starting point for the next iteration,
(di/dt)m axd is the desired maximum time rate of change of cur-
namely, p0 = pn + .
rent, (di/dt)m axc is the computed maximum time rate of change
of current.
6) Using the old directions d1 , d2 , . . . , dn for the next itera-
In (1), n1 and n2 are set to be a constant value (= 2) as in
tion and use pn for the next p0 , namely, p0 = pn .
[14]. The function parameters include six constants Im 1 , Im 2 ,
7) If the number of iterations or the minimum error meets
11 , 12 , 21 , and 22 that are to be evaluated by the PPSO
the convergence condition, then stop iteration and output
method. The PPSO method search is started with 30 randomly
p0 . Otherwise, go to the next iteration and the number of
generated population values.
iterations npow ell = npow ell + 1.
Fig. 3 shows the flowchart of the PPSO method to find the
Heidler function parameters to attain the desired peak current
C. PPSO Method
and (di/dt)m ax . So, the maximum iterations Nppso = 100 and
The PPSO method, applied in this paper, is actually the PSO stopping criteria erppso = 106 . The simulation time interval
algorithm combined with the Powell algorithm. The PPSO used for this example is 0.001 s. We do not list the detail steps
method can effectively overcome the problem of premature for the Powell algorithm in Fig. 3, because the detail steps have
convergence for PSO algorithm and improve calculation accu- been introduced in Section IV-B and C. The stopping criteria
racy. Thus, we adopt the PPSO method to determine lightning for the Powell algorithm in this paper are np owell > 5 or f (p0 ) <
channel-base current function parameters. f (gbest).
In this paper, the main steps for the PPSO method are as The results have been shown in Tables I and II. Note that,
follows: in order to calculate accurately, we retain eight decimal places
1) Initialize the parameters of the PPSO method, let the num- in calculation. While we only list the results that retain two
ber of iterations nppso = 1. decimal places in Table I, such as 10.38 in Table I is actually
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Adopted Desired Desired PPSO PPSO GA GA

sequence value of value method method computed computed
number (di/dt) m a x of I m computed computed value of value of
(kA/s) (kA) value of value of (di/dt) m a x I m (kA)
(di/dt) m a x I m (kA) (kA/s)

No. 1 12 12 12 12 11.98 11.99

No. 2 20 12 20 12 19.90 12.01
No. 3 40 12 40 12 40.36 12.07
No. 4 60 12 60 12 61.17 12.00
No. 5 120 12 120 12 119.8 11.97

Note that, we can also evaluate the Heidler function param-

eters using the PPSO method for different values of Im with a
constant value (di/dt)m ax .

B. Comparisons to PSO and NMPSO Method

The literature [15] has introduced the NMPSO method, PSO
algorithm combined with NelderMead method [22], to iden-
tify the channel-base function parameters. Also, the NMPSO
method can overcome the problem of premature convergence
for the PSO algorithm, and improve calculation accuracy. There-
fore, we have compared the PPSO method, the NMPSO method,
and the PSO method using the measured channel-base current.
The populations of the three methods are all set to be 100 and
the generations are chosen to be 100. The fitness function of the
three methods is the same

N 2
k =1 (Im easure Icalculate )
f= (8)
N |Im easure |m ax
where Icalculate is the calculated channel-base current, Im easure
is the measured channel-base current, |Im easure |m ax is the max-
imum absolute value of array Im easure , N is the length of array
Fig. 3. Flowchart of the PPSO method to find the Heidler function parameters
to attain the desired peak current and (di/dt)m a x .
Im easure , N = 300 for this example.
The NMPSO method divided the populations into five groups,
TABLE I where each group has 20 particles. The NelderMead method is
OF (di/dt) m a x WITH Im OF 12 KA
The function parameters in (1) include eight constants Im 1 ,
Im 2 , 11 , 12 , 21 , 22 , n1 , and n2 , which are evaluated by the
Sequence number Im 1 1 1 1 2 Im 2 2 1 2 2 three methods. The initial population values, which are gener-
(kA) (s) (s) (kA) (s) (s)
ated randomly, are the same for three methods.
No. 1 10.38 0.95 3.84 7.58 4.30 127.08 The measured lightning channel-base current data analyzed
No. 2 11.81 0.63 2.46 4.67 4.64 133.49 in this paper were collected in a triggered-lightning experiment
No. 3 11.20 0.26 2.33 7.59 3.67 272.49
No. 4 11.25 0.16 3.00 2.59 6.60 214.56
site located in Conghua, China.
No. 5 11.26 0.07 4.06 11.99 8.07 132.91 Fig. 4 shows the flowchart of the PPSO method to find the
Heidler function parameters using the measured channel-base
current. So, the maximum iterations Nppso = 100 and the simu-
lation time interval used for this example is 0.1 s. The stopping
10.38224123 in calculation, 132.91 is actually 132.91011076 criterion for the Powell algorithm remains the same.
in calculation, and so on. The results in Table II show that the The results have been shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5(a) shows the
Heidler function parameters evaluated by the PPSO method can comparisons between the PPSO method, the NMPSO method
achieve more accurate values of Im and (di/dt)m ax than the and, the PSO method to evaluate the parameters of mea-
parameters evaluated by GA. sured channel-base current. From Fig. 5(a), we can get some
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. Calculated results: (a) comparisons between the PPSO method, the
NMPSO method, and the PSO method to evaluate the parameters of measured
channel-base currents and (b) comparisons between calculated channel-base
current using the PPSO method and measured channel-base current.

PPSO method is an efficient method to identify the channel-base

function parameters.

Fig. 4. Flowchart of the PPSO method to find the Heidler function parameters
using the measured channel-base current. This paper proposed the PPSO method, the PSO algorithm
combined with the Powell algorithm, to identify the lightning
channel-base current function parameters. The Heidler function
conclusions that the PPSO method can effectively overcome is used to represent the lightning channel-base current.
the problem of premature convergence for the PSO method, We have compared the PPSO method and GA on reaching
and improve the calculation accuracy, namely, attain smaller fit- the desired peak value of the current Im and the maximum time
ness value among the whole iteration procedure. The NMPSO rate of change of currents (di/dt)m ax . The results show that the
method can reach the same minimal fitness value as the PPSO parameters of Heidler function evaluated by the PPSO method
method among the whole iteration procedure. From the number can achieve more accurate values of Im and (di/dt)m ax than
of iteration shown in Fig. 5(a), the PPSO method is faster than the parameters evaluated by GA.
the NMPSO method to achieve the minimal fitness value among Also, we have compared the PPSO method, the NMPSO
the whole iteration procedure. The time that the PPSO method method, and the PSO method using the measured channel-base
costs to reach the minimum fitness value of 4.8 104 is current. The results show that the PPSO method is better than
5.47 s, whereas the NMPSO method is 6.12 s. the methods of NMPSO and PSO to determine the channel-base
Fig. 5(b) shows the calculated channel-base current using current function parameters.
evaluated Heidler function parameters, which is obtained by Note that the PPSO method can use the sum of more than
the PPSO method. The evaluated Heidler function parameters two Heidler functions when evaluating the channel-base cur-
are Im 1 = 15.1150 kA, Im 2 = 9.6910 kA, 11 = 0.1403 s, rent parameters.
12 = 7.6340 s, 21 = 100 s, 22 = 12.0520 s, n1 = 2, The PPSO method is an efficient method to identify the
and n2 = 2. The calculated values of peak correction factors channel-base function parameters, which can improve the digi-
are 1 = 0.8255 and 2 = 0.0170 using (2). The calculated talization of lightning monitoring equipment. This approach is
error using (8) is 4.56 104 . From the calculated error and also useful in research related to lightning characteristics and
the comparisons shown in Fig. 5(b), we can conclude that the lightning protection.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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