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Chapter 26

Finite Element Method Magnetics Based

Demonstration of Rotating Field in 4-Pole
Induction Motor

Gururaj S. Punekar, D. Harimurugan and Gautham H. Tantry

Abstract The explanation related to the concept of Rotating Magnetic Field

(RMF) in 3-phase induction motor (IM) and its visualization is a tricky issue in
teachinglearning process. The complexity increases with the number of poles.
Hence visualization of RMF for a 4-pole Induction motor is attempted via mag-
netic field distribution pattern(s). The aim of this paper is to explore and utilize the
capability of Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) as a tool for demon-
strating rotating magnetic field effect produced in the stator of a 3-phase induction
motor. In addition to the RMF demo, visual correlation between angular rotations
of electrical wave with mechanical degree is reported. Also, the effect of phase
sequence reversal is incorporated in the graphical exhibition.

Keywords Finite element analysis Induction motors Number of poles Phase 
sequence Rotating magnetic fields Stator magnetic fields

26.1 Introduction

Three phase induction motor is the most commonly used motor in any industrial
fields. The operation of induction motor is due to the Rotating Magnetic Field
(RMF) produced in the stator winding. When a three phase winding is energized

G. S. Punekar (&)  D. Harimurugan

Department of EED, NITK, Mangalore 575025, India
e-mail: gsp652000@yahoo.com
D. Harimurugan
e-mail: had.11ps08f@nitk.edu.in
G. H. Tantry
BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, India

R. Malathi and J. Krishnan (eds.), Recent Advancements in System 301

Modelling Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 188,
DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1035-1_26,  Springer India 2013
302 G. S. Punekar et al.

from a 3-phase supply, the three-phase sinusoidal (time varying) currents will
produce fluxes in each phase, which varies sinusoidally. The magnitude of flux due
to each phase surrounding it depends on the value of instantaneous current mag-
nitude in the corresponding phase. The resultant flux at any instant will be the
vector sum of all the three phases at that instant. The resultant flux retains its
sinusoidal form and its peak shifts progressively around the air gap; the net result
can be seen to be a flux of constant amplitude rotating at a uniform angular
velocity [1, 2]. For a two pole machine this would give rise to two fictitious poles
(northsouth pole pair) which role as function of time. Complexity in explaining
the concept of RMF increases, as the number of poles becomes greater than two.
For the sake of better understanding, the magnetic field produced due to the
current in the stator winding of a 4-pole, 3-phase IM is simulated using FEMM
software (open source) [3, 4]. The magnetic field at different time instances of
current are simulated and snapshots of these FEMM simulations are used in a
sequential fashion (combo pictures; a chain of images that are linked together to
form a complete subject). Such a process and presentation to visualize the RMF in
4-pole IM is discussed in this paper. In addition to the RMF, the correlation
between the electrical degree and mechanical degree is briefed. The phase reversal
which results in the change in direction of rotation of magnetic field is also
explained. Computer programming techniques have been used for teaching EM
theory and RMF effects [57]. But RMF demonstration using FEMM described in
this paper is a unique attempt which is expected to give the students clear
understanding of the phenomena, with visual magnetic field distribution patterns
inside the motor. As the process uses the FEM based package (FEMM), a brief
description of its usage oriented towards the present objective of 3-phase IM is
given below.

26.2 Model Implementation in FEMM

FEMM is a finite element package for solving two dimensional planar and axis
symmetric problems in low frequency magnetics, heat flow, current flow and
electrostatics. Finite element method is a numerical process of solving ordinary
and partial differential equations [3]. Finite element method involves following
steps: Discretization (dividing the solution region into number of small regions
called elements), deriving equations for each element, solving the system of
equations and the interpretation of the results [8]. The FEMM program consists of
three sections namely Preprocessing, Processing and Post processing [3].
In the preprocessing module, the data specific to a problem like current,
material properties and boundary conditions are defined to an equivalent of
physical model. The preprocessing section also includes discretization in which
the solution region is divided into number of small triangular areas. The processing
section is where the finite element objects are computed, boundary conditions are
enforced and the system is solved to understand the flux density and flux intensity
26 Finite Element Method Magnetics Based Demonstration 303

distribution. The results from the processing section are analyzed in the post-
processing section. Post processor always operates in one of the three modes,
depending on the task to be performed. These modes are point value modes,
contour modes and block mode. Point value mode is used to calculate the field at
any particular point inside the solution region. Contour Mode allows the user to
define arbitrary contours in the solution region. Once a contour is defined, plots of
field quantities can be produced along the contour and various line integrals can be
evaluated along the contour. In Block Mode, a sub-domain in the solution region is
defined. A variety of area and volume integrals can be taken over the defined sub-
Integrals include stored energy (inductance), various kinds of losses, total
current in the block, and so on [3]. The overall distribution of magnetic field in the
solution region can be simulated in the post processor section. Some of the
applications of FEMM can be found in literature [914]. This article deals only
with the RMF produced due to the stator winding of an IM and hence modeling of
rotor is not in the present scope. As number of turns and peak values of current
does not alter the sinusoidal wave shape of MMF wave (no saturation conditions),
and the RMF effect, these numerical values are of no greater significance for the
present effort related to RMF demo.
Desired model is designed using plot, segment and arcs tools available in
FEMM [3]. In the case of Induction motor considered, the stator slots (assumed to
be circular in shape) are modeled with the help of 2D polar co-ordinate system.
The center points of the circular slots can be found by using x = r*cos(u) and
y = r*sin(u). Here, r indicates the inner radius of stator and u indicates angle
between the lines joining the center of the circular slots to the origin, whose value
depends on the number of poles. In the present work a simplistic model with
circular slots is adopted. In case of complex geometry, the model can be designed
using CAD and then it can be imported in FEMM using.dxf file format [3].
Other general details of modeling in FEMM are given in Table 26.1. The
following section explains about model details specific to 4-pole induction motor.

Table 26.1 General details of modelling in FEMM

Sr. General properties Description
1 Type setting Planar symmetry
2 Boundary conditions Dirichlet condition
3 Mesh size One
4 Circuits Three circuits are created for 3-phases of the supply with
current magnitude specified corresponding to each phase
5 Stator and rotor magnetic Carpenter silicon core iron A, 1066 C Anneal with
materials lr = 7,000
6 Windings 16 AWG copper magnet wire
7 No of turns 100
304 G. S. Punekar et al.

26.3 4-Pole Induction Motors

A three phase, 4-pole, 12 slots (the least possible number for 3-phase, 4-pole
situation) induction motor is considered for simulation and modeled in FEMM.
The number of slots per pole = 12/4 = 3; number of slots per pole per
phase = 12/(4*3) = 1; Minimum 12 slots are required to house the three phase
winding in a 4-pole induction motor and such a basic model is used for simulation
purpose to demonstrate the RMF. Phase sequence followed is ABC where
A = 1\0, B = 1\120, C = 1\240 and the magnitude of current chosen are
on per unit basis with peak value of unity. At a typical instant, with phase A
having its instantaneous value of zero (current), the phase B and phase C are
assigned a value of 0.866 and -0.866 units, respectively.
Number of turns and peak values of current decides the magnitude of MMF and
does not alter the sinusoidal wave shape, needed in demonstration of RMF effect;
hence the numerical values are not attached any significance in the present sim-
ulation. The basic requirements are that the peak value of the sinusoidal current
and the corresponding MMF should remain constant. Thus numerical values are
chosen purely arbitrarily, only keeping in view the visual distinct display of
magnetic field distribution, with colors mapped against the magnitudes of spatial
magnetic field intensity distribution. After defining all the material properties as
specified in Table 26.1, mesh is generated and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is
carried out [15]. Figure 26.1 shows the model of the 4-pole induction motor with
12 slots, 4 slots per phase. The mesh is generated with the mesh-size of one, as
specified in Table 26.1. The snapshot of a quadrant of complete model with the
mesh distribution as taken from FEMM is given in Fig. 26.2. After FEM analysis
and processing of the data using the post processor gives the magnetic field dis-
tribution as shown in Fig. 26.3. FEMM gives the color coded (proportional to
magnitude of the field intensity) spatial distribution which is useful to identify the

Fig. 26.1 Model of 4-pole

induction motor showing
positions of slots housing the
26 Finite Element Method Magnetics Based Demonstration 305

Fig. 26.2 A FEMM

snapshot (a quadrant) of the
model after generation of
mesh. The materials chosen
are from the library of FEMM

flux distribution. This can also be used to identify the pole positions at any given
time instant on the electrical wave (of 50 Hz). Such a field distributions for a time
instant when Ia = 0, Ib = 0.866, Ic = -0.866 is obtained (given in Fig. 26.3).
Such FEMM analysis is carried out at different instants of the time and these
snapshots can be used to give a feel of RMF. This phenomenon of RMF and its
correlation with the electrical wave and time instants is discussed in the sequel.

Fig. 26.3 Field distribution

at Ia = 0, Ib = 0.866,
Ic = -0.866
306 G. S. Punekar et al.

26.4 Description Specific to RMF

26.4.1 Correlation with Phase Shift

The magnetic field distribution in the motor varies with the change in magnitude of
current in the stator winding. To visualize the rotating magnetic field due to the
current in the stator winding, the instantaneous values of current in the winding are
changed, which can be done using circuit property described in Table 26.1. The
instantaneous values of current are incremented with the phase shift of 60
(h = 60) in each phase (starting from the value of A = 1\ 0, B = 1\ 120,
C = 1\ 240 as explained in the section III). And FEMM simulations are carried
out over a cycle. The snapshots of field distribution at different instances are saved
and sequentially displayed to visualize the rotating field produced in the stator.
Here the distribution of magnetic field for one half cycle (he= 60, 120, 180) of
three phase supply is shown. It can be seen from the Figs. 26.3, 26.4, 26.5 and
26.6; the magnetic field attains its original position over the half cycle of three
phase supply. As the field distribution is going to be same for another half cycle,
the same snapshots of field distribution can be used to visualize the RMF over one
full cycle.
From Fig. 26.6, it can be seen that RMF gets rotated by 90(hm = 90) from its
original position (Fig. 26.3), for 180 increment in three phase supply (he = 180).
The correlation between these electrical degree (he) and mechanical degree (hm) is
explained in the following section.

Fig. 26.4 Field distribution

at Ia = 0.866, Ib = 0,
Ic = -0.866
26 Finite Element Method Magnetics Based Demonstration 307

Fig. 26.5 Field distribution

at Ia = 0.866, Ib = 0.866,
Ic = 0

Fig. 26.6 Field distribution

at Ia = 0, Ib = -0.866,
Ic = 0.866

26.4.2 Mechanical Degree

From the Figs. 26.4, 25.5 and 26.6, the angle of rotation of RMF is calculated at
each instances of current with respect to field distribution at the starting value
(Ia = 0, Ib = 0.866, Ic = -0.866), corresponding to Fig. 26.3. Table 26.2 shows
308 G. S. Punekar et al.

Table 26.2 Mechanical degree and electrical degree

Sr. no he (deg) Three phase current values hm (deg)
Ia (pu) Ib (pu) Ic (pu)
1 0 0 0.866 -0.866 0
2 60 0.866 0 -0.866 30
3 120 0.866 -0.866 0 60
4 180 0 0.866 -0.866 90

the observed values of mechanical degree and electrical degree with the corre-
sponding values of three phase current. It can be observed that for each h change
in electrical degree, there will be a (h/2) change in the mechanical angle. When the
magnetic field completes one revolution (360), the current feeding each phase of
3-phase supply completes two cycles (2*360). This means that for every one
revolution in mechanical degree, there will be two cycles in electrical degree (for
this 4-pole, 3-phase, IM). The relationship between electrical degree he and
mechanical degree hm in case of 4-pole induction motor is given by he = 2*(hm)
and it can be effectively demonstrated using the FEMM snapshots along with the
explanatory Figs. 26.7 and 26.8. Figures 26.7 and 26.8 indicate the advancement
of electrical angle and the mechanical angle corresponding to FEMM snapshots
(Figs. 26.3, 26.4, 26.5 and 26.6), pictorially.
In general, for a P pole induction motor, the relationship between electrical
degree (he) and mechanical degree (hm) can be effectively demonstrated through a
combo FEEM snapshot pictures. This reinforced and thought as he = (P/2)*hm in
the teaching learning process (with 4-pole machine as example).

Fig. 26.7 Three phase

current wave forms showing
electrical angular
advancements corresponding
to FEMM snapshots given in
Figs. 26.4, 26.5 and 26.6
26 Finite Element Method Magnetics Based Demonstration 309

Fig. 26.8 Mechanical

angular advancements with
electrical wave advancements
(Fig. 26.7), corresponding to
FEMM snapshots given in
Figs. 26.4, 26.5 and 26.6

26.4.3 Phase Reversal

The change in direction of rotation of motor can be obtained by changing the phase
sequence of the three phase supply. To visualize this, the current in each phase is
decreased by phase shift of 600, starting from the values A = 1\ 0, B = 1\ 120,
C = 1\ 240 as described in section III. As a result of decrement in phase shift, the
phase sequence is modified. The simulation has been carried out for different
instances of current and the snapshots of the FEMM simulation are saved. The
earlier phase sequence followed was ABC which resulted in clockwise rotation of
magnetic field of the induction motor. When the phase sequence is changed to ACB,
the magnetic field of the motor will rotate in counter clockwise direction. From this,
it will be seen that the direction of rotation of the resultant magnetic flux can be
reversed by reversing the connections to any two of the three terminals of the motor.
The snapshot based demonstration of RMF in the power point projection form
will be part of the presentation.

26.5 Conclusions

The FEMM is an open source, simple to use software, which has ability to solve
complex problems involving Laplace and Poissons equation.
One such application of FEMM is to demonstrate the rotating magnetic field in
the stator of the induction motor, which has been successfully presented in this
Combining the field calculations using FEMM, open source software in dem-
onstrating the concept of rotating magnetic field has been a unique attempt
which aids in teachinglearning process.
310 G. S. Punekar et al.

Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka and MHRD India, for
assistance received.


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