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Height of Lightning Channel on EM-Fields: Comparison of

Shakthi Prasad D., Chandrasekaran K. and Gururaj S. Punekar
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Karnataka, India 575-025

Abstract Lightning electromagnetic (EM) fields Many analytical functions are proposed in the
for two base current functions, for different channel literature to represent the channel base lightning
heights over a perfect ground are computed. Typical current. Prominent amongst them are:
subsequent return stroke (12 kA peak and 40 kA/s
maximum time derivative) channel base current
a. Double-Exponential function [3]
Base Current) functions are employed in field
calculation. EM fields are computed as a function of c. New Channel Base Current (NCBC) function [5]
radial distance and height of the lightning channel.
The engineering return stroke model namely MTLE Double-Exponential function (DEXP) function is
(Modified Transmission Line with Exponential given by Bruce and Golde [3]. Though the function
current decay) is adopted to simulate the fields. The is simple, it gives an unrealistic convex wave front
results are computed for typical channel height of indicated by a high value of current steepness at
2.5, 5 and 8 km with the observation at radial t =0+. +HLGOHUV function proposed by the Heidler,
distance of 5 km away from the lightning channel. It could overcome the problem associated with DEXP
shows that the NCBC function performs equally well
as it can reproduce more realistic concave wave
dunk in the tail portion of the far field wave pattern
front with zero current steepness at t = 0+. IEC
is observed in both the cases which is attributed to 62305-1 [6] has adopted this function for channel
the finite length of the lightning channel. base current representation. This function although
has some advantages, it is not time integrable.
Index TermsEM fields, +HLGOHUVV IXQFWLRQ Graphical means of REWDLQLQJ WKH +HLGOHUV
Lightning, NCBC function. function parameters can be found in [4]. Recent
addition to this group of functions to represent
I. INTRODUCTION channel base current is the New Channel Base
Current (NCBC) function [7]-[10]. NCBC is a time
Knowledge about the lightning phenomenon and normalized function hence the adjustment of peak
its effects become important in designing a proper current and time to peak current are straight
protection system for the electric and electronic forward. Also it gives the realistic concave
equipments. EM fields generated by the lightning wavefront. Provision is also available in the
current which couples with power system function to adjust it for the given maximum time
equipments and induce the overvoltage in it, are the rate of change of current , Application
possible cause for their failure. Thus many research of NCBC in representing the channel-base currents
activities are centered around the indirect effects of given in the IEC 62305-1 [6] is clearly
lightning. Proper modeling of lightning could help demonstrated in [5]. Because of its flexibility in
in estimating possible damages due to it. Detailed adjustment of parameters for desired wave-shape,
issues on modeling of lightning return strokes can NCBC function has shown some promising results.
be found in the literature [1], [2]. As discussed in The present work focuses on comparison of EM
[1], engineering model is the one which is widely fields due to typical lightning subsequent strokes
used in lightning return stroke modeling because of using +HLGOHUVDQG1&%&IXQFWLRQEDVHG07/(
its simplicity. The engineering model begins by models with channel height as the parameter.
defining a proper mathematical function which will
account for the spatial and temporal variation of the II. MODELLING
current through the lightning channel.
A. Return stroke current model
A typical lightning subsequent return stroke (peak

Conference Proceedings INCEMIC 2012 375

current 12 kA, the maximum steepness of 40 current ), Maximum current steepness
kA/s) LV UHSURGXFHG E\ PHDQV RI ERWK +HLGOHUV , Time to peak ( ) [13]-[16] (which
function [4] and NCBC function [5] as given by the are the practically measurable lightning quantities).
following expressions, This advantage offered by NCBC is due to its
Table 1 Channel Base Current Function Parameters

to Reproduce the Typical Subsequent Lightning
Return Stroke Wave Shape


10.7 0.25 2.50 6.50 2.10 230 2.00

  NCBC function parameters

(1) 12.00 0.840 14.50 0.350 0.003 0.405 2.000
where, Note: All the currents are in kA and time in s
represents the amplitude of the channel base
current, are the time constants determining B. Return stroke current model
current rise and current decay-time, respectively.
is the current steepness factor For the ease of electromagnetic field computation
is the current peak correction factor given by from the lightning current, lightning return stroke
channel is often considered as the vertical antenna

above the perfectly conducting ground [11], [12],
  [17], [18]. At a point of observation (field

computation) in free space, the expressions for the
  vertical electric field and the azimuthal magnetic
field components from the vertical dipole of

differential length dz are given by,


b) NCBC function  



are the function parameters,
are the weighing coefficients such that  

 is the normalized time

variable and is the chosen set of expressions in   

the wave-tail portion.
The function parameters to produce the required
subsequent return current waveshape is presented in which r,,z are the cylindrical coordinates of the
in the Table I. It can be seen from the NCBC observation point, R is the distance between the
function definition (4) that, parameter adjustment dipole and the observation point

of the NCBC function is much easier for a given ,  is the dipole current, c is
current quantities like Charge (), Peak

Conference Proceedings INCEMIC 2012 376

speed of light and 0 is the permittivity of free
In equation (5), the first term is the electrostatic
field, the second the electric induction or
intermediated field, and the third the electric
radiation field. In (6), the first term is the magnetic
induction and second the radiation field. Total
electromagnetic fields generated by the lightning
current is obtained by integrating the expressions
(5) and (6) along the lightning channel height.
Influence of the channel height on the computed
as the NCBC functions are discussed in the
following section.


EM FIELDS Fig. 2. Azimuthal magnetic field at 5 km away from
the lightning channel with NCBC function.
EM fields originated by the lightning return stroke
at the ground level is computed. These fields are
calculated at a observation point 5 km (r=5 km)
away from the lightning striking point. Velocity of
the lightning return stroke is taken to be 1.9
m/s. The ground is assumed to be perfect, as a
result the horizontal component of the E-field
originated by the lightning stroke at ground level
will be nullified. Figures 1 and 2 show the
azimuthal magnetic field computed at a distance 5
NCBC function, respectively; where as Figs. 3 and
4 show the vertical electric field computed at a
distance 5 km from lightning channel using
+HLGOHUVDQG1&%& function, respectively. Fields
are computed for different lightning channel Fig. 3. Vertical electric field at 5 km away from the
case . H (2.5 km) < r (5 km)
case . H (5.0 km) = r (5 km)
case . H (8.0 km) > r (5 km)

Fig. 4. Vertical electric field at 5 km away from the

lightning channel with NCBC function.
Fig. 1. Azimuthal magnetic field at 5 km away from

Conference Proceedings INCEMIC 2012 377

the observation point.
The possible reasons for this discontinuity can be
attributed to the finite height of the lightning
channel. This kink and its location depends on the
height, velocity of the lightning return stroke and
also on the current decay constant ) chosen in the
MTLE model. Thus approximate time at which
dunk appears, for the cases where height of the
lightning channel is approximately equal or less
than the point of observation can be given by,

Further this discontinuity is seem to reflect in the

Fig. 5. Azimuthal magnetic field components at 5 km total EM field due to its appearance in radiation
DZD\IURPWKHOLJKWQLQJFKDQQHOLQ+HLGOHUVfunction component of the total field. This behaviour can be
based computation. seen from the Figs.5 and 6, which show the total
magnetic and electric fields respectively, along
with its constituent components.


The present work tries to bring out the effect of

lightning channel height on the EM fields
generated by it, considering a typical point of
observation. The field pattern generated by the both
current functions namely, +HLGOHUV DQG 1&%&
function, identically resembles each other. Thus
NCBC function performs equally well in
show a discontinuity due to the finite length of the
lightning channel.

Fig. 6. Vertical electric field components at 5 km
based computation. Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, National Institute of Technology
Karnataka and MHRD India, for the support.
From the computed EM field results following
observations are made.
1. Computed fields from +HLGOHUV DV ZHOO DV REFERENCES
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Email: gsp652000@yahoo.com

Conference Proceedings INCEMIC 2012 379

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