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Michael S Riley Announces Lawsuit Against California Attorney General Kamala Harris Continues California Attorney The

Doberman Maintains the Battle Against Ms Harris to Protect Homeowners Nationwide 10202011

Michael S. Riley Announces: Lawsuit Against

California Attorney General Kamala Harris
Continues; California Attorney -- "The
Doberman" -- Maintains the Battle Against Ms.
Harris to Protect Homeowners Nationwide

Marketwire October 20, 2011

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire -10/20/11)- In a series of hearings occurring in Florida and
California, federal and state courts ruled that a lawsuit filed against California Attorney
General Kamala Harris will continue. Former Florida State Prosecutor Michael S. Riley, who
was present at the hearing today in Los Angeles, stated, "Ms. Harris may have unlawfully
seized funds from lawyers suing allegedly corrupt banks and financial institutions."

In what were described as very "unusual" proceedings attended by hundreds of homeowners,

Attorney General Harris attempted to assume jurisdiction over well-known attorney Mitchell J.
Stein but failed when Stein -- known for 20 years as the "Doberman" -- said multiple times in a
packed Los Angeles courtroom that he will continue representing aggrieved home owners
nationwide. Judge Jane Johnson did not dispute that he could indeed continue his legal
representation of homeowners. Mr. Stein challenged Ms. Harris and the Judge to attempt to
enjoin him from representing the homeowners in the face of California's new "pro-bank"
stance, and both Ms. Harris' office and the Judge refused the invitation.

Mr. Riley further clarified, "The Florida court also stated that Ms. Harris may have unlawfully
seized monies of Mr. Stein and asked Stein to file an amended lawsuit to identify which
accounts Harris unlawfully seized and to also identify other legal claims against Harris."

Ms. Harris then asked the Los Angeles Court to issue an injunction prohibiting 26 people from
engaging in acts that have no bearing on the lawsuits currently being handled by lawyers who
are working with Mr. Stein, and have no bearing on home ownership or on protecting the
country from the current bank scandal.

The Los Angeles hearing was attended by more than 100 homeowners, each of whom said
they were appalled and shocked that the State of California is looking to protect banks who
are already found to have to have committed unsafe and unsound practices. Some of the
homeowners drove more than 500 miles to attend the hearing. A homeowner who wished to
remain anonymous for fear of being retaliated against by the banks said, "Mr. Stein is the only
person willing to stand up to the most obvious corruption I have ever seen. I now have seen
the 'Doberman' in action, taking corruption on head to head. What I saw today was an eye-

These entire proceedings are seen in the backdrop of the Obama Administration's
announcement yesterday of an additional $75 trillion bailout for Bank of America, an ominous
sign for the Administration as the elections are approaching and the economy worsens. While
California has now taken off its mask and is completely "pro bank," other states like New
York, Delaware, Nevada, Kentucky, Massachusetts and Arizona are taking a more measured
approach. With the elections nearing, these activities by State and Federal officials are
creating poll numbers showing an extremely nervous democratic party apparently grasping at
straws regarding where to turn.

According to Los Angeles Attorney Mitchell J. Stein, "There have been other times in the
Nation's history when corruption -- like $75 trillion dollar bailouts -- have reached the highest
levels of our government. Each time, in the United States, the people end up victorious. Once
exposed, corruption will never win."

Mr. Stein also said he was gratified "that so many home owners came from all around the
country to see for themselves the justice system at work."

About Michael S. Riley: Mr. Riley is a former Deputy Attorney General and Florida State
Prosecutor. He serves on national task forces with the FBI, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms, as well as other state and federal law enforcement agencies. Mr. Riley currently
represents numerous, large, national and international corporations and high profile
individuals. His offices are located in the state of Florida, where he has been a member of the
Florida Bar for 35 years.

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