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New HSK Level 4 Vocabulary (Chinese-English)

No. Word Pinyin Parts of Speech Meaning of the Word Example
v. love
1 i
v. like doing sth.

2 b num. eight

3 bba n. father; dad; daddy

4 bizi n. cup; glass

5 Bijng n. Beijing
copy; issue (used for counting books and
6 bn other bound items)
n. notebook

7 bkqi Youre welcome.

8 b adv. not; no

n. vegetable
9 ci
n. dish ~

10 ch n. tea (liquid drink/tea leaves)

11 ch v. eat

1 / 73
12 chzch n. taxi

13 d dinhu make a phone call

14 d adj. big; large; huge; great

sa. of (marker of attributive)

15 de sa. expressing emphasis

indicating sb. or sth.

n. oclock 320

16 din v. order

v. light

17 dinno n. computer

18 dinsh n. television

19 dinyng n. motion picture; movie; film

20 dngxi n. thing; object

adv. all

21 du adv. used to emphasize

adv. already

22 d v. read

23 dubuq Im sorry.

24 du adj. a lot of

2 / 73
how (used in an interrogative sentence,
adv. expressing an inquiry of number or
how (used before an adjective, indicating
25 dushao pron. how many; how much

26 rzi n. son

27 r num. two

28 fndin n. restaurant,eatery;(large) hotel

29 fij n. plane

30 fnzhng n. minute

31 goxng adj. happy; glad; cheerful; pleased

used with nouns without specific measure
32 g nm.
n. job; work
33 gngzu
v. work

34 Hny n. Chinese language

adj. good; nice; well; fine

35 ho ok; please

adv. very

n. date 2002 1 1
36 ho
nm. number

3 / 73
37 h v. drink

conj. and
38 h
prep. with

39 hn adv. very

n. at the back; in the rear; behind

40 humin
n. later; afterwards

v. go back
41 hu
vm. number of times

aux. can; be capable of

v. used after a verb, resultative

42 hu
aux. may

n. meeting

pron. how many

43 j
pron. express an indeterminate amount

n. home; family; household

44 ji used for families, restaurants, hotels or
45 jio v. call(ed) (followed by a name)

n. today
46 jntin
n now; at present

47 ji num. nine

4 / 73
v. drive

v. open; found
48 ki
v. open

v. hold

v. look; watch
49 kn
v. read; appreciate

50 knjin v. see

nm. RMB Yuan

51 kui nm. piece

vm. together

v. come
52 li
v. used to indicate some action

53 losh n. teacher
used at the end of a senence to indicate
change in status
54 le
used after a verb to indicate that the action
is in the past and has been completed
55 lng adj. cold

56 l n. interior; inside

57 l
ng num. zero

58 li num. six

5 / 73
59 mma n. mother; ma; mamma;mum
used at the end of a sentence, indicating a
60 ma mp.
61 mi v. buy

Thats all right. You are welcome.

62 mi gunxi
have no relation with
have nothing or nobody; cant compare
63 miyu v.
with others
64 mfn n. cooked rice

65 mngtin n. tomorrow

66 m
ngzi n. name; title

67 n pron. which ( used in front of a measure word)

68 nr pron. where

pron. that
69 nnr
pron. there
used at the end of a sentence, indicating an
interrogative statement
70 ne
used at the end of a sentence to indicate a
71 nng aux. can; may

72 n pron. you

73 nin n. year

6 / 73
74 nr n. daughter

75 pngyou n. friend

76 pioliang adj. good-looking; pretty; beautiful

77 pnggu n. apple

78 q num. seven

79 qin n. money

80 qinmin n. before; in front; at the head; ahead

v. please

81 qng v. request; ask; invite; engage; hire

v. entertain; treat

v. go; leave
used after a verb, indicating the tendency
82 q v.
of the action
v. remove; get rid of

adj. hot; high in temperature

83 r
v. heat up; warm up

84 rn n. human being; person; people

85 rnshi v. get to know; get acquainted with

86 sn num. three

87 shngdin n. shop; store

88 shng n. upper; up; on; upward

7 / 73
be engaged (in work, study, etc.) at a fixed
v. go up; mount; board; get on

89 shngw n. morning 10

adj. not much / many

90 sho
v. be short; be lack

91 shi pron. who(m)

pron. what
92 shnme express explicit meaning, referring to the
thing uncertain or unspoken
93 sh num. ten

94 sh
hou n. moment; time; period

v. be
95 sh
v. yes

96 sh n. book

97 shu n. water

98 shugu n. fruit

99 shu
jio v. sleep; go to bed

100 shu v. speak; talk; say

101 shuhu v. speak; talk; say

102 s num. four

8 / 73
103 su nm. year (of age) 40

104 t pron. he; him

105 t pron. she; her

(in expressing approval or compliment)
106 ti very much or extremely
adv. too; excessively

107 tinq n. weather

v. hear; listen
108 tng
v. obey; accept

109 tngxu n. student; classmate

110 wi int. hello; hey;hi

111 w pron. I; me

112 wmen pron. we; us

113 w num. five

114 xhuan v. like or be interested in (sb. or sth.)

n. under; below

v. fall

115 xi n. next

v. go down; get off

v. finish; leave (work or shift or class)

116 xiw n. afternoon

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117 xiy v. rain

118 xinsheng n. (addressing) Mr.; Mister; sir

119 xinzi n. now; nowadays; today; at present 12

aux. want to; be going to; would like to

120 xing v. think; think about; think of; think over

v. miss

adj. small; little ~

121 xio v. become smaller

adj the youngest

122 xioji n. Miss

nm. some
123 xi
vm. a little bit

124 xi v. write

125 xixie v. thank

126 xngq n. week

127 xusheng n. student

128 xux v. study; learn

129 xuxio n. school

num. one
130 y
num. used between a reduplicative verb

10 / 73
131 ydinr nm. a little

132 yfu n. clothing; clothes; dress

133 yshng n. doctor; surgeon

134 yyun n. hospital

135 yzi n. chair

v. have
136 yu
v. be; there be

137 yu n. month 12

138 zijin goodbye

v. exist; lie; be at; be on

139 zi in the process of doing sth; just; be + verb
+ ing
inquiring for property, condition, way, and
140 znme pron.
cause, etc.
How about it? What do you think?
141 znmeyng pron. (inquiring for comments and suggestions
as an independent sentence)

142 zhzhr pron. this; here

143 Zhnggu n. China

144 zhngw n. noon; midday; noonday

145 zh v. live; stay; dwell

146 zhuzi n. desk; table

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147 z n. written Chinese character

148 zutin n. yesterday

v. sit
149 zu
v. travel by (a vehicle)

v. make; produce

150 zu v. be; become, to do

v. do
used at the end of a sentence to express
151 ba speculative interrogation
mp. used at the end of an imperative sentence

152 bi adj. white

153 bi num. one hundred

154 bngzh v. help; assist; aid; support

155 bozh n. newspaper

156 b prep. used to make comparison

157 bi adv. dont

158 chng adj. long

159 chngg v. sing

v. exit; go out

160 ch v. happen

v. used after a verb, indicating direction

12 / 73
161 chun v. wear; put on

162 c nm./vm. number of times

163 cng prep. from; since 20

164 cu adj. wrong; incorrect

165 d lnqi play basketball

166 dji pron. everyone;everybody

167 do v. arrive; reach 9

168 de sa. marker of complement

169 dng v. wait 10

170 d
di n. younger brother

171 d
-y num. first

172 dng v. understand

173 du adj. right; correct

174 du prep. to; towards

175 fngjin n. room

176 fichng adv. very

177 fwyun n. attendant; waiter; waitress

178 go adj. tall; high

179 gosu v. tell

180 gge n. elder brother

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v. hand over
181 gi
prep. for

182 gnggngqch n. bus 20

183 gngs n. company; firm

184 gu n. dog

185 gu adj. expensive; costly

used after a verb, referring to sth. that
186 guo sa.
happened previously
adv. still; yet
187 hi
adv. in addition

n. son or daughter
188 hizi
n. child

189 hoch delicious

190 hi adj. black; dark

191 hng adj. red

192 hunyng v. welcome

v. answer; reply; respond

193 hu
n. answer; reply; response

194 huchzhn n. railway station 3

195 jchng n. airport

196 jdn n. egg

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197 jin nm. used for clothes and things

198 jiosh n. classroom

199 jijie n. elder sister

v. introduce sb. or sth.

200 jisho
n. an introduction

201 j
n v. enter

adj. close; near

202 j
adj. intimate

adv. indicating certainty; right on

203 ji
adv. immediately; right now; right away

204 jude v. feel; think

205 kfi n. coffee

v. start; begin
206 kish
n. beginning

207 kosh n. examination / take a test

aux. may; can

208 knng
adj. possible; probable; likely

aux. can; may

209 ky
adj. not bad; passable; pretty good

210 k n. lesson

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n. class

adj. fast
211 kui
adv. be going to; will; shall 7 50

adj. happy; joyful; cheerful; glad

212 kuil
n. happiness; joy; pleasure; delight

213 li adj. tired; fatigued

214 l prep. away from

215 ling num. two

n. road
216 l
nm. used to indicate a bus route 10

217 lyu v. travel

218 mi v. sell

219 mn adj. slow

adj. busy
220 mng
v. be busy doing sth.

221 mo n. cat

222 mi pron. every; each

223 mimei n. younger sister

n. exits and entrances; doorways

224 mn
nm. used for curriculum in school

16 / 73
225 nn n. man; male
you or your (used to address someone
226 n
n pron.
with respect)
227 nini n. milk

228 n n. woman; female

229 pngbin n. side; by the side of; nearby

230 pob v. run; jog

231 pinyi adj. cheap; inexpensive

232 pio n. ticket

233 qzi n. wife

234 qchung v. rise (from bed); get up

235 qin num. thousand

236 qinb n. pencil

237 q
ng adj. fine; clear

238 qnin n. last year 8

v. let; allow; make; ask

239 rng
v transfer the ownership to

240 r n. day or date 2012 2 26

241 shngbn v. go to work; start work

242 shnt n. body (of a human or animal)

243 shngbng v. fall sick;fall ill; get ill; be taken ill

17 / 73
244 shngr n. birthday

245 shjin n. time

matter; business; circumstance; event;
246 sh
qing n.
affair; incident; occurrence
247 shubio n. wrist watch; watch

248 shuj n. mobile phone

v. give sb. sth. as a gift

249 sng see sb off; escort or provide transportation
for sb.

250 surndnsh conj. though;but; however

251 t pron. it; its

252 t zqi play soccer

253 t n. questions, problems (in a test or a quiz)

254 tiow sv. dance

n. outer; outside
255 wi not of one's own family, clan, class,
coterie, locality, school, etc.
256 wn v. indicating finished; be used up; run out

257 wn v. play

258 wnshang n. evening

259 wi shnme why

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260 wn v. ask; inquire after

261 wnt n. question; problem

262 xgu n. watermelon

v. hope; wish; want; be desirous of

263 xwng
n. hope; wish

v. wash
264 x
v. develope and print (a picture)

265 xiosh n. hour

266 xio v. laugh; smile

267 xn adj. new; up-to-date

n. surname
268 x
v. take as surname

269 xixi v. relax; have a rest; take a break

270 xu n. snow

271 yns n. color

272 ynjing n. eye

273 yngru n. mutton

274 yo n. medicine

aux. hope; want; wish

275 yo
v. request; ask sb. to do sth..

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aux. ought to; might; must; should

aux. be going to; shall; will

v. cost; take

276 y adv. also; too; as well; either

277 y
xi vm. once; in a short while

278 yq adv. together

279 yjng adv. already; yet

n. meaning; content; indication; hint

280 y
si n. opinion; idea; concept

n. fun; interest; enjoyment

281 ynwisuy conj. on account of; because of

282 yn adj. cloudy; overcast

283 yuyng v. swim

284 yubian n. right; right side

285 y n. fish

286 yun adj. far

287 yndng v. take exercise

adv. again
288 zi
adv. more; further

289 zoshang n. morning

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290 zhngfu n. husband

291 zho v. seek; look for

used after a verb, indicating that the action
292 zhe sa.
starts and continues
293 zhn adv. indeed; really
be + verb + ing; in the process of; in the
294 zhngzi adv.
course of; in the middle of; in the act of
295 zhdo v. know; be aware of

v. be going to; intend; plan; prepare

296 zhnbi
n. preparation; arrangement

297 zxngch n. bicycle

v. walk; go on foot 9
298 zu
v. leave; go away; depart

299 zu adv. the most

300 zubian n. left; left side

301 y n. aunt

used to express surprise,exclamation or
302 a int.

303 i adj. short, low

n. hobby; an interest; fancy

304 iho
v. be fond of or keen on; have a taste for

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adj. noiseless; quiet; calm
305 njng
v. quiet down; keep silent
dealing with, used before an object,
306 b followed by a transitive verb
nm. used for things with a handle

307 bn n. class

308 bn v. carry; move

way; means; measure; step to take;
309 bnf n.
method; resource
310 bngngsh n. office

311 bn num. half

help; give a helping hand; do a favor; lend
312 bngmng v.
a hand
313 bo n. bag

314 bo adj. not hungry, full

315 bifng n. north

be made or forced, indicating passive
316 bi prep.
317 b
zi n. nose

318 bjio adv. fairly; quite

n. competition
319 bsi
v. compete

22 / 73
n. notebook
320 bjbn
n. laptop

321 bx adv. must; have to

n. change; variation
322 binhu
v. change; vary

323 biren pron. other people; another person

324 bngun n. hotel 300

325 bngxing n. refrigerator

326 conj. moreover; not only but also
adv. late, indicating just happened 30
327 ci
adv. just; only (indicating only one solution)

328 cidn n. menu

329 cnji v. join; take part in; attend

330 co n. grass; straw

layer, floor, etc.( used for things that have
331 cng nm. 306
separate levels)
adj. bad; poor
332 ch
v. fall short of; owe 5 12

333 chng adj long

334 chosh n. supermarket

23 / 73
335 chnshn n. shirt

336 chngj n. score

337 chngsh n. city

338 ch
do v. be late

339 chxin v. come out , happen; show up; appear

340 chle prep. except (for); besides; in addition to

341 chun n. boat; ship

342 chn n. spring (one of the four seasons)

343 cdin n. dictionary

344 cngming adj. bright; clever; intelligent

345 dso v. clean; sweep

v. be going to do sth.; plan to

346 dsun
n. plan

347 di v. carry; take; bring; bear

348 dnxn v. worry; be anxious; feel concerned

349 dngo n. cake

350 dngrn adv.. of course; naturally; certainly

351 dng n. lamp

352 de sa. marker of adverbial

353 d
fang n. place

24 / 73
354 dti n. subway

355 d
t n. map

356 dint n. elevator

357 dinzyujin n. email

358 dng n. east

359 dng n. winter

360 dngwyun n. zoo

361 dun adj. short

passage, paragraph (of an article); period
362 dun nm.
(of time); section (of a distance)
363 dunlin v. do physical training; to take exercise

364 dume adv. how (wonderful, etc.)

365 adj. hungry

366 rduo n. ear

367 f v. send

368 fsho v. have a fever

369 fxin v. find out; discover

370 fngbin adj. convenient

371 fng v. put; place

372 fngxn v. be assured

373 fn num. minute 8 30

25 / 73
n. mark; grade; score 85

v. split; separate

374 fj
n n. nearby; neighbour; vicinity; proximity

375 fx v. review

376 gnjng adj. clean

377 gnmo v. have/catch a cold

378 gnxngq interest; taste

379 gngci n. a moment ago; just now

380 gzi n. height

prep. on the basis of; according to

381 gnj
n. basis; cause; foundation

v. follow
382 gn
prep. with

383 gng adv. more

384 gngjn nm. kilogram

385 gngyun n. park

386 gshi n. story

387 gufng blow (of wind)

388 gun v. close; turn off

389 gunx n. relation; relationship

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v. care for; be concerned for
390 gunxn
n. concern; consideration

391 guny prep. with regard to

392 guji n. country

v. live; pass
393 gu
v. spend the time; pass the time

394 guq n. in the past

adv. still; all the same

395 hish adv. had better

adv. or

396 hip v. be afraid; be frightened

397 hngbn n. flight; scheduled flight

398 hibn n. blackboard

399 huli adv. later; afterwards

400 hzho n. passport

401 hu v. spend

402 hu n. flower

v. draw; paint
403 hu
n. picture; drawing; painting

404 hui adj. bad; evil

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int. terrible; badly

405 hun v. return sth to the owner

406 hunj
ng n. environment; condition; circumstance

v. change
407 hun
v. exchange money

408 Hungh n. the Yellow River

409 huy n. meeting

410 huzh conj. or

411 jh adv. nearly; almost

412 jhu n. chance; opportunity

413 j adv. extremely; exceedingly

414 j
de v. remember; learn by heart

415 j
ji n. season

416 jinch v. inspect; check; examine

417 jindn adj. easy; simple

418 jinmin v. meet

419 jinkng adj. healthy

420 jing v. speak; tell

421 jinglu v. descend; land

422 jio nm. tenth of one Yuan (money)

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n. corner

423 jio n. foot

424 jio v. teach

v. accept; receive
425 ji
v. go on

426 jido n. street

427 jim n. show; performance; program 12

428 jir n. holiday; festival

429 jihn v. get married 10

430 jish v. stop; finish; end; terminate

431 jiju v. solve or resolve a problem or an issue

432 ji v. borrow; lend

433 jngchng adv. often

v. pass through / by
434 jnggu
prep. through; under

435 jngl n. manager

436 ji adj. old; for a long time

437 ji adj. old; worn

438 jzi n. sentence

439 jud
ng v. decide; determine

29 / 73
n. decision; determination; resolution

440 ki adj. cute; lovable; likeable

441 k adj. thirsty

442 k n. quarter of an hour; 15 minutes

443 krn n. guest

444 kngtio n. air conditioner

nm. used for people and some animals

445 ku
n. mouth

446 k v. cry; weep

447 kzi n. trousers; pants

448 kuizi n. chopsticks 1

449 ln adj. blue

450 lo adj. aged; old

leave; to be away from; part from;
451 lki v.
separate from
452 lw n. present; gift

453 lsh n. history 300

454 lin n. face

v. practice
455 linx
n. exercise

456 ling nm. used for automobiles

30 / 73
457 liotin sv. chat

458 lioji v. know; understand; comprehend

459 lnj n. neighbor

460 lixu v. study in a foreign country

461 lu n. building

462 l adj. green

463 m n. horse

464 mshng adv. immediately; at once

465 mny v. be satisfied

466 mozi n. hat; cap

467 m nm. meter

468 minbo n. bread

469 mintio n. noodle

v. know; understand
470 m
adj. plain; explicit; clear

471 n v. hold; take

472 ninai n. grandmother

473 nn n. south

474 nn adj. difficult; hard

475 nngu v. have a hard time

31 / 73
grade (in the primary or middle school);
476 ninj n.
year (in college or university)
477 ninqng adj. young 50

478 nio n. bird

479 nl adj. hard-working; diligent

480 pshn v. climb mountains

481 pnzi n. tray; plate; dish

adj fat
482 png
v. get fat

483 p
xi n. leather shoes

484 pji n. beer

485 ptnghu n. Mandarin Chinese

486 q
sh adv. actually; in fact; as a matter of fact

487 qt pron. other; else

488 q
gui adj. odd; queer; strange; unusual; peculiar
ride (an animal or bicycle); sit on the back
489 q v.
490 qfi v. (of aircraft) take off; lift off; launch

adj. clear; distinct

491 qngchu
v. be clear about; understand

492 qi n. fall; autumn

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493 qnzi n. skirt

494 rnhu conj. then; after that; afterwards

495 rq
ng adj. fervent; warm

496 rnwi v. think; consider

497 rnzhn adj. conscientious; earnest; serious

498 rngy adj. easy; ready

499 rgu conj. if; in case; in the event of; supposing that

500 sn n. umbrella

501 shngwng v. get online

502 shngq v. take offence; be/get angry; be offended

503 shngyn n. sound; voice

the world; the earth; the globe; the
504 sh
ji n.
505 sh v. try

adj. thin; emaciated; lean 45

506 shu
v. become thin
uncle (referring to a man younger than
507 shshu n.
ones father)
508 shfu adj. pleased; comfortable

509 sh n. tree

510 shxu n. mathematics

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511 shuy v. clean one's teeth; brush one's teeth

512 shung nm. pair; couple

standard; level (of skill, ability and
513 shupng n.
knowledge, etc.)
514 sj n. driver 5

515 tiyng n. the Sun

adv. very; exceptionally; particularly; specially

516 tbi special; unusual; particular; out of the
517 tng adj. ache; hurt
lift; raise; heighten; enhance; increase;
518 tgo improve; advance
n. development; increase

519 ty n. sports; sports activities

520 tin adj. sweet

521 tio nm. used for long and slender things

522 tngsh n. colleague

agree; approve; assent to; consent to;
523 tngy v.
accede to
524 tufa n. hair

adj. sudden; abrupt; unexpected

525 trn
adv. suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly

34 / 73
526 tshgun n. library

527 tu n. leg
accomplish; complete; finish; achieve;
528 wnchng v.
n. bowl
529 wn
nm. a bowl of

530 wn num. ten thousand

forget; erase; drop (or fade, slip) from
531 wngj v.
memory; go out of one's mind
532 wi prep. for

533 wile prep. for

534 wi nm. used for people

535 wnhu n. culture; civilization

536 x n. west

v. be accustomed to; be/get used to

537 x
n. habit; custom; usual practice

538 xshujin n. toilet; washroom; bathroom

539 xzo v. take a bath; bathe; take a shower

540 xi n. summer

541 xin adv. first

believe in; be convinced of; have faith in;
542 xingxn v.
place reliance on; put one's trust in

35 / 73
543 xingjio n. banana

544 xing prep. to; towards

v. look alike
545 xing
prep. for example

v. take care; look out

546 xioxn
adj. careful
(of a secondary or elementary school)
547 xiozhng n. principal; headmaster; (of a university or
college) president; chancellor
548 xnwn n. news

549 xnxin adj. fresh

550 xnyngk n. credit card

551 xnglixing n. trunk; baggage

552 xingmo n. panda

553 xyo v. need; claim; demand; want

v. choose; select; pick

554 xunz
n. a choice; selection; option

v. ask; request; demand

555 yoqi
n. request; demand; need
grandfather, also used as a title of respect
556 yye n.
for an old man
557 y
dng adv. surely; certainly; necessarily

36 / 73
adj fixed; specified; regular; certain

558 y
gng adv. altogether; in all; all told 20

559 y
r a moment

560 yyng adj. the same

561 ybn adv. usually; generally; habitually; ordinarily 7

while; as; at the same time;
562 ybin adv.
563 y
zh adv. all the time
before (a point of time); back; ago;
564 yqin adv.
previously; formerly
565 ynyu n. music

566 y
nhng n. bank 5

567 ynlio n. beverage; drink

568 ynggi aux. should; have to; ought to; must 8

v. influence; affect; concern; work upon

569 yngxing
n. influence; effect

570 yng v. use

571 yux n. game; play; recreation

572 yumng adj. famous

573 yu adv. again; once more

574 ydo v. meet

37 / 73
575 yun nm. RMB Yuan 600

576 yuny aux. be willing; wish; like; want

577 yuliang n. the Moon

578 yu adv. the morethe more

v. stand
579 zhn
nm. distance between two bus stops 3

nm. used for paper, bed, table,face, etc.

580 zhng
v. open up

v. look after; take care

581 zhog
n. consideration; concern; care

582 zhopin n. photo

583 zhoxingj n. camera

one of a pair; for animals, furnitures, boats
584 zh nm.
or ships
585 zh adv. only; merely; just

586 zhngjin n. center; middle

587 Zhngwn n. Chinese language

588 zhngy adv. at last; finally

589 zhng nm. kind; sort; type

590 zhngyo adj. important

591 zhum n. weekend

38 / 73
592 zhyo adj. major; main
pay attention to; to keep an eye on; take
593 zhy v.
notice of
594 zhoj v. worry; feel anxious

595 zj pron. oneself; self; one's own

596 zngsh adv. always

597 zu n. mouth

598 zu
jn adv. recently; of late; lately

599 zuy n. school assignment; study assignment

600 zuyng n. an effect; an influence

601 iq
ng n. love (between a man and a woman)

v. plan in detail; arrange

602 npi
n. plan to do sth

adj. safe
603 nqun
n. safety

604 nsh adv. on time; on schedule; punctually

605 nzho prep. according to

606 bifnzh percent

607 bng adj great; good; excellent

608 bozi n. steamed stuffed bun

609 boh v. protect

39 / 73
v. guarantee; ensure; promise
610 bozhng
n. guarantee
give your name, age, etc. in order to
611 bom
ng sv. participate in an activity or organization;
enroll;sign up
612 bo v. hold sb or sth with one's arm(s); embrace

613 boqin v. be sorry; feel apologetic; regret

614 bi nm. times (of the original number or quantity)

615 bnli adv. originally

616 bn adj. dull; foolish; stupid

617 br v. take sth for example

618 by sv. graduate

619 bin vm. number of times

n. standard; criterion
620 biozhn
adj. conforming to a standard

621 biog n. form; table; list

622 biosh v. express; convey

v. act; perform; play

623 bioyn
n. exhibition; show; program; performance

v. praise
624 bioyng
n. praise; recognition

40 / 73
625 bnggn n. cracker; cookie; biscuit

626 bngqi conj. further more; besides

627 bsh n. doctor (an academic degree)

628 bgu conj. but; however

629 bdb must; have to

630 bgun conj. no matter; whether or not

631 bhoysi feel shy or sorry

632 bjn conj. not only

633 bfen n. part; section; portion

634 c v. rub or wipe in order to clean

635 ci v. guess

636 cilio n. reference material

637 cngun v. visit for learning

638 cntng n. restaurant

639 csu n. toilet; bathroom; washroom

640 chbudu adv. about; nearly 7

641 Chngchng n. the Great Wall

642 Chngjing n. the Yangtze River

643 chng v. taste

644 chng vm. used for activities

41 / 73
645 chogu v. leave behind; outstrip

adj. noisy
646 cho
v. quarrel

v. succeed
647 chnggng
n. success

648 chngwi v. become

649 chngsh adj. honest

650 chngzu v. take a ride (in a car, ship, etc.)

feel afraid suddenly; be startled; be
651 chjng sv.
shocked; be astonished; be taken aback
652 chngxn adv. once again

653 chuyn smoke a cigarette

654 chchi sv. be on a business trip

set out; start off; leave; head; move on;
655 chf v.
take the road
656 chshng v. be born 1990

657 chfng n. kitchen

658 chunzhn n. fax

659 chunghu n. window

660 cy n. word and phrase

right from the beginning; always; at all
661 cngli adv.
times; all along

42 / 73
662 cxn adj. careless; thoughtless

663 cn v. keep; save; deposit

adj. wrong; incorrect; mistaken

664 cuw
n. error; mistake

665 dn n. an answer or key to a question or problem

666 dban v. dress up; make up

667 dro v. bother; interrupt; intervene

668 dyn v. print

669 dzhohu greet sb by word or gesture

670 dzh sv. give a discount

671 dzhn sv. give or have an injection

672 dgi adv. almost; probably

673 dshgun n. embassy

674 dyu adv. about; approximately; more or less

675 difu n. doctor; physician; surgeon

676 di v. wear; put on

678 dngsh n. at that time

679 do n. knife

680 doyu n. tour guide

681 do v. fall; lie down

43 / 73
682 doch adv. everywhere

683 dod adv. on earth

684 doqin sv. make an apology

be pleased with oneself; pride oneself on
685 dy adj.
sth (or doing sth)
sa. marker of complement
686 de
v. get; obtain; win; earn 100

687 dngjpi n. boarding pass

688 dng sa. and so on; et cetera

adj. low; down
689 d
v. lower

690 d n. at the end of

691 ddin n. place; site; spot

692 d
qi n. the Earth 70%

693 dzh n. address

v. investigate
694 dioch
n. investigation; inquiry; survey

695 dio v. fall

696 di v. lose

697 dngzu n. movement; action; motion

44 / 73
698 dch v traffic jam

699 dzi n. belly; abdomen; stomach

700 dunxn n. short message

701 du
hu n. dialogue

702 du
min n. the opposite side

703 rtng n. a child

704 r conj. and; but; however

705 fshng v. take place; happen

706 fzhn v. develop; expand; go along

707 fl n. law

708 fny v. translate

n. vexation; worry; trouble

709 fnno
v. fret one's heart; trouble; bother about

710 fndu v. be against; object to

711 fngf n. method; way; manner; measure

712 fngmin n. aspect

713 fngxing n. direction

714 fngdng n. landlord

715 fngq v. give up

716 fng shji have a summer vacation

45 / 73
717 fngsng v. relax

718 fiyng n. expense; money spent

719 fn nm. part; portion

adj. abundant; plentiful; copious; rich; profuse

720 fngf
v. enrich

721 fuz conj. otherwise

722 fh v. correspond with; accord with; comform to

723 fqn n. father

724 fkun v. pay

v. be in charge of; be responsible for

725 fz
adj. responsible

726 fy
n v. copy; reproduce on a copying machine

727 fz adj. complicated; complex

728 f adj. rich

v. change; vary
729 gibin
n. change; variation

730 gnbi v. cheers

731 gn v. catch; get

732 gn aux. dare to do

733 gndng v. move or touch sb; feel moved; be touched

46 / 73
n. feeling; impression; sensation
734 gnju
v. sense; perceive; feel; experience

735 gnqng n. feeling; emotion

v. thank; be grateful; appreciate

736 gnxi
n. acknowledgement; appreciation

737 gn v. do; work

738 goj adj. advanced

739 gosgngl n. expressway

740 g pron. every

741 gngz n. wage; pay; salary

742 gngl nm. kilometer 300

743 gngfu n. Kung Fu

744 gngtng adj. common

745 guw sv. go shopping

adv. enough ~
746 gu
v. enough

v. estimate; figure approximately

747 gj
n. an estimate

n. inspiration; encouragement
748 gl
v. encourage; work up; cheer on

47 / 73
749 gy adv. intentionally; deliberately; designedly

750 gk n. customer

v. suspend; hang
751 gu
v. hang up

n. key point; key factor

752 gunjin
adj. crucial; very important

753 gunzhng n. viewer; spectator; audience

v. be in charge of; manage

754 gunl
n. management

n. light

755 gung adv. solely; only

adj. used up; finished (used after a verb)

756 gungb n. broadcasting

757 gunggo n. advertisement; commercial

758 gung v. stroll; roam

v. stipulate; order
759 gudng
n. rule; regulation; stipulation

760 guj n. nationality; citizenship

761 guj adj. international

762 guzh n. juice

48 / 73
763 guchng n. process; course

764 hiyng n. ocean

765 hixi adj. shy

766 hnji n. winter vacation

767 hn n. sweat

768 hochu n. good point; advantage

769 hoxing adv. as if; seem; be like; look like

770 hom n. number

771 hg adj. qualified

772 hsh adj. fit; suitable; appropriate

773 hzi n. box

774 huhu v. regret; repent

adj. thick
775 hu
n. thickness

776 hlinwng n. the Internet

777 hxing adv. each other; one another

778 hshi n. nurse

779 huiy v. doubt; suspect

v. recall
780 huy
n. memory; recollection

49 / 73
v. take exercise
781 hudng
n. activity

782 hup adj. lively

n. fire

783 hu n. anger; irritation

adj. fashionable; popular; prosperous

784 hud v. get; obtain

785 jj adj. positive; vigorous

v. accumulate
786 jli
n. accumulation

n. basis; foundation
787 jch
adj. basic

adj. stir; excite; move

788 jdng
v. thrill; inspire

adv. in time
789 j
adj. just right; just enough

790 jsh conj. even if

n. plan
791 j
v. plan to do sth

792 jsunj n. computer

50 / 73
793 jzh n. reporter; journalist

794 j
sh n. technology; technique

795 j
rn conj. since
continue; proceed; carry on; get on; keep
796 j
x adv.
797 j v. mail

798 jibn sv. work overtime

799 jiyuzhn n. gas station

800 jij n. furniture

801 jig n. price

802 ji adj. fake; false

803 jinch v. insist on; persist in; keep up; stand on

804 jinfi sv. lose weight

805 jinsho v. reduce; decrease; cut down; diminish

v. suggest; advise
806 jiny
n. suggestion; advice

807 jingli n. in the future; later

808 jingjn n. prize; reward; award; bonus

809 jingd v. lower; reduce; decrease

v. give; hand over

810 jio
v. make friends

51 / 73
v. communicate
811 jioli
v. have an exchange with

812 jiotng n. traffic

813 jioq n. suburbs; outskirts

814 jioo adj. proud

815 jiozi n. jiaozi; dumpling

816 jioshu n. professor

n. education
817 jioy
v. educate

818 jishu v. accept; take up

819 jizhe v. continue; go on

820 ji nm. section; period of class

821 jiyu v. economize; save; spare

822 jigu n. result

v. explain; interpret; define

823 jish explanation; comment; construction;
824 jngun conj. although; even though

825 jnzhng adj. feel nervous

826 j
ng v. execute; carry out

827 jnzh v. forbid; prohibit

52 / 73
828 jngj n. Beijing Opera

829 jngj n. economy

v. go through; experience; undergo

830 jngl
n. one's past experiences

831 jngyn n. experience

(of a performance, match, etc.) brilliant,
832 jngci adj.
833 jngs n. scenery; view

834 jngch n. policeman; policewoman ; cop

835 jngzhng v. compete; contend

836 j
ngrn adv. unexpectedly

837 j
ngzi n. mirror; glass

838 jijng adv. on earth

839 j v. lift; hold up

840 jbn v. hold (an exhibition, contest, etc.)

841 jxng v. perform; take place

842 jju v. decline; reject

843 jl v. be apart from; be at a distance from

844 jhu n. meeting; get-together

845 ki wnxio make a joke

846 kixn adj. happy; joyful; delighted

53 / 73
847 knf n. opinion

848 kol v. think; consider

849 kxu n. science

850 k nm. used for plants

851 ksou v. cough

852 klin adj. pitiful; pitiable; poor

853 ksh conj. but; yet; however

854 kx adj. regrettable; unfortunate

855 ktng n. living room

856 kndng adv. certainly; surely

857 kng adj. empty; vacant

858 kngq n. air

859 kngp adv. perhaps; probably; maybe

860 k adj. bitter

861 kungqunshu n. mineral water

862 kn adj. feel sleepy

n. trouble; difficulty
863 knnan
adj. difficult; hard; tough

864 ljtng n. trash can

865 l v. pull

54 / 73
866 l adj. (of taste) spicy; hot

867 libuj havent enough time

868 lidej have enough time

869 liz v. come from

870 ln adj. lazy

871 lngfi v. squander; waste

872 lngmn adj. romantic

873 loh n. tiger

adj. calm; cool; dispassionate

874 lngjng
v. calm down

875 hn
l v. divorce

876 lbitin n. Sunday

877 lmo n. politeness; manners; ceremony; civility

878 lf v. get a haircut

879 lji v. understand; comprehend

n. ideal; perfection
880 lxing
adj. perfect; desirable

881 l
qi n. (physical) strength; might; force

882 l
hai adj. grave; serious; acute

883 li num. pair; couple

55 / 73
adv. even (used for emphasis)
884 lin
v. be in succession

v. communicate; establish contact

885 linx
n. association; relationship

886 lingkuai adj. cool

887 l
ngqin n. change

888 l
ngwi adj. in addition

889 li v. stay

890 lil adj. fluent

891 lix
ng adj. popular; fashionable

892 lx
ng v. travel

893 lsh n. lawyer

894 lun adj. messy; disorderly; in confusion; confused

adj. troublesome

895 mfan v. bother

n. bother; burden

896 mhu adj. careless; negligent

897 mn adj. filled; full of

n. hair; fur
898 mo
nm. tenth of one Yuan (monetary unit)

56 / 73
899 mojn n. towel
bright; beautiful (used for sth abstract,
900 miho adj.
such as life and wish)
901 mil adj. beautiful

n. dream
902 mng
v. have a dream while sleeping

903 ml v. get lost; lose ones way

904 mm n. code; password

905 minfi adj. free

906 mio n. second 100 15

907 m
nz n. nation; race; nationality; ethnic group

908 mqn n. mother

909 md n. purpose; aim

910 ni n. inner; inside 10

911 nirng n. content; substance

912 nixn n. patience

913 nndo adv. used in a rhetorical question

914 nnshu adj. feel unwell; feel ill; suffer pain

915 nngl n. ability; capacity; capability

916 ninl
ng n. age

917 nng v. do; manage; handle

57 / 73
918 nunhuo adj. warm

919 ur adv. once in a while; occasionally

920 pidu v. line up

921 pili v. arrange; rank; put in order

922 piq
u n. volleyball

923 pndun n. decision; judgement; estimation

924 pi v. accompany; keep ones company

v. criticize
925 ppng
n. criticism; comment

926 pf n. skin

927 p
qi n. temper; disposition

928 pin nm. used for essays, articles, etc.

929 pin v. deceive; cheat

930 pngpngqi n. table tennis; ping-pong

931 p
ngsh n. normally; usually

932 p
ngzi n. bottle

933 p adj. broken; damaged

934 ptao n. grape

935 pbin adj. universal; general

936 q
c prep. secondly; next; then

58 / 73
937 qzhng prep. among; in; inside
used after a verb to indicate direction or
938 qli v.
939 q
hu n. climate
however; anyhow; in any case; at any rate;
940 qinwn adv.
at any price
941 qinzhng n. visa

942 qio v. knock; beat; strike

943 qio n. bridge

944 qiokl n. chocolate

945 qnqi n. kinsfolk; relative; relation

946 qng adj. light

adj. light; relaxed

947 qngsng
v. relax
circumstance; situation; condition; state of
948 q
ngkung n.
949 qngji sv. ask for leave

950 qing adj. poor; poverty-stricken

951 qbi n. difference

952 q v. take; get

n. whole; all
953 qunb
adj. whole; complete; total; all

59 / 73
954 qudin n. defect; drawback; flaw; fault; shortcoming
lack; be short of; be pressed for; be in
955 qusho v.
want of
956 qu conj. but; yet; however; while

957 qush adv. really; indeed

958 rnr conj. yet; but; however; nevertheless

959 rnao adj. lively; bustling with noise and excitement

960 rnh pron. any; whichever; whatever

961 rnwu n. assignment; mission; task; job; duty

962 rng v. throw away; cast aside

963 rngrn adv. still; yet

964 r
j n. diary; journal

965 rku n. entrance; entry

966 snb sv. take a walk; go for a walk

967 snln n. forest

968 shf n. sofa; upholstered arm chair

969 shngxn adj. sad; grieved; heart-broken; broken-hearted

970 shngliang v. consult; discuss; talk over

971 showi adv. a little; bit; slightly

972 shozi n. spoon; scoop; ladle

60 / 73
973 shhu n. society

974 shnqng v. apply for; ask for; make an official request

975 shn adj. deep

976 shnzh adv. even; so far as to; so much so that

977 shnghu n. life; livelihood

978 shngmng n. life

979 shngyi n. business; trade

980 shng n. province

981 shng v. be left over; remain

be defeated; be beaten; lose; fail; come to
982 shbi

n. failure; loss; miss; defeat; breakdown

v. lose hope
983 shwng
adj. disappointed; frustrated
used to address strangers in everyday life,
984 shfu n.
similar to mister or sir
985 shfn adv. very; fully; utterly; extremely; completely

986 sh
j adj. real; actual

adj. true; real; honest; dependable

987 sh
adv. indeed; really

988 sh v. make; cause; enable

61 / 73
989 shyng v. use

990 sh
j n. century

991 shfu adv. whether or not

992 sh
h v. suit; fit; be appropriate for

993 shy
ng v. adjust; adapt; fit

994 shu v. receive; accept

995 shur n. income; revenue 20

996 shushi v. put in order; tidy; clear away

997 shud n capital (of a country)

998 shuxin adv. first of all

999 shubulio cant bear; can't stand

1000 shudo v. accept; recieve

1001 shuhuyun n. shop assistant; salesclerk

1002 sh v. lose; be beaten; be defeated

know well; be familiar with; have intimate
1003 shx knowledge of
adj. familiar

1004 shling n. amount; quantity

1005 shz n. figure; numeral; number

1006 shui adj. handsome; graceful (used for a man)

1007 shnbin adv. conveniently; without extra effort

62 / 73
1008 shnl adj. smooth; without a hitch

1009 shnx n. order; sequence; succession

1010 shumng v. explain; illustrate; show

1011 shush n. masters degree

1012 s v. die

1013 sd n. speed

1014 sliodi n. plastic bag

adj. sour
1015 sun
adj. tingle; ache

1016 su
bin adj. casual; random; informal

1017 su
zhe conj. along with; in the wake of; in pace with

1018 snzi n. grandson

1019 suyu adj. all

1020 ti nm. used for machines

1021 ti v. lift; raise; move; carry

1022 tidu n. manner; attitude

1023 tn v. talk; speak; chat; discuss

1024 tn gngqn play the piano

1025 tng n. soup

1026 tng n. sugar; candy

63 / 73
1027 tng v. lie down; recline

1028 tng vm. time (of walk or trip)

v. discuss; talk about; argue; debate

1029 toln
n. discussion; debate; talk
be tired of; be sick of; be disgusted at
v. (by); loathe; dislike; have a dislike of; take
1030 toyn an aversion to
adj. disagreeable; disgusting
characteristic; distinguishing feature;
1031 tdin n.
fingerprint; particular; distinctive mark
v. tote
1032 t
v. put forward; raise; mention

1033 tgng v. give; provide; supply; offer

in advance; ahead of time; ahead of
1034 t
qin schedule; beforehand
v. advance the date or time of

1035 txng sv. remind; warn; call attention to

(of a test or questionnaire) to fill in the
1036 tinkng n.
1037 tiojin n. requirement; prerequisite; qualification

1038 t
ng v. stop

1039 tng adv. very; quite; pretty; rather

1040 tnggu v. pass through; get past; traverse

64 / 73

prep. by means of; by way of; by; through

adopt (a motion or proposal); approve;
v. inform; give notice
1041 tngzh
n. notice

1042 tngq
ng v. sympathize; show sympathy

1043 tu v. push

1044 tuch v. put off; postpone; defer 20

1045 tu v. take off; strip; cast off

1046 wzi n. sock; stocking

completely; absolutely; entirely; all;
1047 wnqun adv.
1048 wngqi n. tennis

1049 wngzhn n. website

1050 wng prep. to; toward 500

1051 wngwng adv. always

dangerous; hazardous; jeopardous;
1052 wixin adj.
perilous; precarious; risky
1053 wishngjin n. toilet; bathroom; lavatory

1054 wido n. flavor; taste; savour

1055 wnd n. temperature

65 / 73
1056 wnzhng n. essay; article

1057 wrn v. contaminate; pollute; taint

1058 w v. have not; there be not

1059 wlio adj. boring; dull; uninteresting

1060 wln conj. no matter what, how, etc.; regardless of

v. misunderstand; misapprehend
1061 whu
n. misunderstanding

1062 xhngsh n. tomato

1063 xyn v. attract; fascinate; arrest

1064 xin adj. salty

1065 xinjn n. cash

1066 xinm v. admire; envy

opposite; contrary; adverse; reverse;
1067 xingfn adj.
inverse; opposed; on the contrary
1068 xingtng adj. same

1069 xing adj. delicious

detailed; minute; careful; at length; in
1070 xingx adj.
1071 xing v. make a sound

1072 xingp n. eraser

1073 xioxi n. information; news; tidings

66 / 73
1074 xioch n. snack; refreshment

1075 xioshu n. novel; fiction

effect; result; outcome; purpose;
1076 xiogu n.
n. joke
1077 xiohua
v. laugh at; mock

1078 xnqng n. mood; frame of mind; temper

1079 xnk adj. hard; toilsome; painstaking

1080 xnfng n. envelope

1081 xnx n. information; news

1082 xnxn n. confidence; faith; reliance; assurance

1083 xngfn adj. excited

1084 x
ng v. Ok! All right! No problem!

1085 xng v. wake; wake up

adj. happy
1086 x
n. well-being; happiness; bliss

1087 x
ngbi n. gender; sex
character; nature; temperament;
1088 x
ngg n.
1089 xil v. mend; repair

67 / 73
many; much; great deal of; a lot of;
1090 xdu adj. numerous; great many; large number of;
heaps of
1091 yl n. pressure; strain; stress; weight

1092 ygo n. toothpaste

1093 Yzhu n. Asia

mp. used at the end of a sentence

1094 ya
int. exclamation to show surprise ,

1095 yng adj. strict; rigorous; stringent

1096 ynzhng adj. grave; serious; acute

1097 ynji v. investigate; examine; go into

1098 yn n. salt

1099 ynjng n. glasses; spectacles

1100 ynch n. performance; presentation

1101 ynyun n. actor or actress

1102 ynggung n. sunshine; sunlight

1103 yngchng v. form; cultivate

1104 yngzi n. appearance; shape; form

1105 yoqng v. invite; call on; send an invitation

1106 yosh conj. if

1107 yoshi n. key (to a lock)

68 / 73
1108 yx adv. probably; perhaps; may; maybe; possibly

1109 yzi n. leaf (of a plant)

1110 y nm. page 201

1111 y
qi adj. all; every

1112 y prep. using; taking; by means of

1113 ywi v. think or believe; feel; suppose; assume

1114 y
sh n. art

1115 y
jin n. view; suggestion; opinion; idea
therefore; for this reason; consequently;
1116 ync conj.
hence; so
bring; cause; lead to; give rise to; bring
1117 ynq v.
about; come of; arise from
1118 y
nxing n. impression; effect; feeling

1119 y
ng v. win

1120 y
n v. employed by

1121 yngyun adv. forever; perpetually

1122 ynggn adj. brave; courageous

1123 yudin n. merit; advantage; virtue; excellence

1124 yuxi adj. outstanding; great; superior; exceptional

1125 yum adj. humorous; funny

especially; particularly; above all; least of
1126 yuq adv.
all; by far; of all things; in particular

69 / 73
1127 yu prep. from

1128 yuy prep. owing to; as a result of; due to; in virtue of

1129 yuj n. post office 9

1130 yuho adj. friendly; amicable

1131 yuy n. friendship; companionship; fellowship

1132 yuq adj. interesting; fascinating; amusing; funny

1133 ysh conj. as a result; therefore; whereupon

1134 ykui adj. happy; pleased; joyful

1135 y prep. with; to

1136 ymoqi n. badminton

1137 yf n. grammar

1138 yyn n. language

1139 yx v. preview

1140 yunli adj. former; original

1141 yunling v. forgive; excuse; pardon

1142 yunyn n. reason; cause

sv. date; appointment

1143 yuhu
n. date; appointment

1144 yud v. read

1145 yn n. cloud

70 / 73
1146 ynx v. agree; permit; allow; let

1147 zzh n. magazine

we or us (inclusive of person or people
1148 znmen pron.
spoken to)
1149 znsh n. temporarily

1150 zng adj. dirty

1151 zrn n. duty; responsibility

1152 zngji v. increase 800 1000

1153 zhnxin v. The line is busy.

recruit and employ through advertisement
1154 zhopn v.
and examination
1155 zho v. look (into the mirror)

1156 zhnzhng adj. genuine; true; real

1157 zhngl v. put in order; arrange

1158 zhngchng adj. normal; regular

1159 zhngho adj. suitable

1160 zhngqu adj. right; correct; proper

1161 zhngsh adj. formal; official; regular

1162 zhngm
ng v. prove; manifest; bear witness to
auxiliary word, used to form a gramatical
1163 zh sa.
1164 zhch v. assist; support; stand for; back up

71 / 73
n. support; assistance

1165 zhshi n. knowledge

1166 zhji adj. direct; immediate

1167 zh
d v. deserve; be worth; be worthy of

1168 zhy n. occupation; profession; vocation

1169 zh
w n. plant

1170 zhho adv. have to; be obliged to; cannot but

1171 zhyo conj. only if; so long as

1172 zhyu conj. only

1173 zh v. point to

1174 zhsho adv. at least 100

1175 zh
ling n. quality

1176 zhng adj. heavy

1177 zhngdin n. key point

1178 zhngsh v. attach importance to; make much of

1179 zhuwi n. surrounding

1180 zhyi n. opinion; idea; plan

1181 zhh v. celebrate; congratulate

1182 zhm
ng adj. famous; celebrated

1183 zhunmn adv. specially; technically

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1184 zhuny n. major; specialty

1185 zhun v. turn

1186 zhun v. make a profit; gain; earn

1187 zhnqu adj. exact; precise

1188 zhnsh adv. on time; punctually

1189 zx adj. careful; attentive

1190 z
rn n. nature; natural world

1191 z
xn adj. self-confident

1192 zngji v. summarize; sum up

1193 z v. rent

1194 zuho adv. had better; would be best; may as well do

1195 zu
jn n. recently; of late; lately

1196 znzhng v. respect; esteem

1197 zuyu n. around; about; approximately

1198 zuji n. writer; author

1199 zuzh n. author; writer

1200 zuwi n. seat 23

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