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2nd Grade Unit 3 Native Georgians

Study Guide

1. Sequoyah was willing to spend many years working on his

alphabet. This is an example of the character trait of _______Patience

2. When Sequoyah let people pay him later for goods from his
trading post, he showed ___Compassion _______.

3. The Cherokee newspaper, the Cherokee Phoenix, is important

because it _____printed news about the Cherokee government

4. The 800-mile trip that the Cherokees took from Georgia to

Oklahoma is called the Trail of Tears. On the Trail of Tears, the
Cherokee traveled a few different ways. One of the ways they did
NOT travel was on ___by train ______________________________. (Did:
go by foot, wagon, and horse)

5. The Cherokee used many things from nature. To help keep people
from getting sick and for healing the Cherokee used
___________different plant parts __________________.

6. The Trail of Tears was a ___________long, hard journey (800 miles)


7. As time passed, more and more settlers came to Georgia. The

effect this had on the Creek and Cherokee was they had to
_________gave up more and more land _______________________.

8. Using money and Bartering was used by Native Georgians. Money

is used today. Both are methods of exchanging goods and services.
Money has proven to be a better method because
__________________Trade is less

9. The Creek summer homes were different from winter homes

because _______There were no walls ___________________.

10. Sequoyah saw that Georgia settlers could read and write in
English. What effect did this have on him? He wanted the Cherokee
to learn how to ________________read and write and Cherokee

11. The reason the Cherokee left their homes and moved to Indian
Territory is ____________The settlers forced them out

12. After white settlers came to Georgia, the Cherokee and Creek
began to take on some of the settlers ways _________to dress like
the settlers _________________________.

13. The Creek used the following materials to build their homes:
___mud, twigs, and tree branches _____________________________.

14. After the Trail of Tears and even today most Creek and Cherokee
live in _____Oklahoma______________________.

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