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SESSCOSSSSOSS SS Sosssessoss” Solution Manual 4pssia 25 gla A aiglh St gat) gp jDhall y cia yd pts pig daca ds) facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 Analysis and Numerical Methods Bros gine Sn dpasigll CSbla3l) Chea ule cst all alall Ye \é SSS SSSR SO sOSOO NBO SOOS RURRAAARALABRRARARARARRABARRARBRARaAaUa ‘7 BRBRARARARERRRATERRARRERABAARAAaARaAREa auuaiall 2) Joba pity nate Gan Jo diléo ygay g blo cnn cable alll clib (J lola Joo! SJ yas. gil tu) platy cio ayig bore call pe Gy iG) Jgls Sal yl Gist géulbll ¢1039) Jongg aa4nill cale piss 034) pl all cale Lie ly lio bad cyo30 gall cli gl yl SS wT calc bgluly sloglcoll yo ajol g Samana EU Jgla Slay) old glioesy ald yo JS! pls oe@ odiss JS nS cSsbgillg algill al csiow axl aySgioll Guid iF Ugh Goo oq unl! IF bgati @} fb.com/SolutionManual2000 neh ALE y lS deo dy pail be byl €}.com/abreports Engineering Analysis and 7 College of Lzgineerin, Oneal Methods ) te bai ‘a Chapter 1 QL) Ordinary Differential Equations of he Fitst order (ODES) @. Separabk First - order Eguations - @. Homogeneous first. Oreler 4guahons. @- linear First - order Equations. @- Exact first Order fguations. 6- Interprets factors. o- ey a order Egudtions. (Bernoulli equation ) @. Memerie Methods for (ODES). - Sealer Method. ~ Improved Euler Method. - Runge hulle Method @- Application on first order Differential Egactions. Engineering Analysis and College of Lagineerin ‘htamevical Methods Loc Abbae hoe” © Aitet Order: Variahle Sepevable BA fest order differential euation can be solved & wnfegration if tt és possible te collect 2h) y—ferms with aby and all x farms with Ix, that is .ipit is % write the eguction in the Porm: Pessthl Poy dy LID AK =o then he general solution: S4pdy 4 Sande a where: cx isan Mer Bina orate Solution Manual 4a is J la Ayasgl) ill Jal) a Dally cag papal sgt dade 4 facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 Engineering Analysis and College of Engineerin ‘Aemevical Methods Lec. Abbael SE 4xamples : Solve the Pollowtiag Afferentia! equation ;- O- xXlay-Ddx i Of 41) dyzo + Gy ~F)(X%1) x ed lt dy=o by inty. x*41 tet ya) 7 a binest) rir y-Bsc @- CF +1) dx tS [Sut oy oS = Ore) [Pa by inty. dk dy =o xP +1 orl a \ Te 2 vw Sextet) Xx + Sa te hai. Linh oe ‘<=, Ral +binGfel) = SO we ve oF a od sed fae = < e- > wv hy = \e% é- wo & x e @- Al Sink + Coshzy=0 x Sink =~ cosh zy = Snv = - cosh zy aye 2y Siaxy cosh zy 1x =o Sinx cosh zy ay ax _ eoshy - sinx 7 Sea zy ky + ese xedx =e by raty. bln (sechzy + henhry )abh[esex + cofx/ ae @- 2% sinx 4cosha wn PEO Spy = ~soshzy oy, Rx dx Sin x =~ coshzy aly Sinx Ax + coshzy a =e by inky . - Sosx yy L sinh y =e ©. Vexy =! BV =| > fay = AyV2y VX =x Vx ey ay AX Le ay vx Engineeviag Analysis and College of Enginecrin | ‘Numerical Methods dec. Abbas H. Sey | by Mh ay = x lex AX ( MRR Sata xlax Adxce by Snty. led = Inx 2 Serb dx ave KdK ap Va XE o ove .v-Sv du] =< 2 | dy Saxe Lee a - Va + x V2x*43 i dx =e 2 yt + (2X43) "x dx by Tn ty. 1 427)" 1 pextee 2 + z ta ¢ L c hy + id 2K bg ES: . ZY xe os @©- Xe RY + dX =e ee wed +CStly dx =o we dy + (Xt L)dx re lefusy adv atu = dy wef eddy +X aehxac dv=edy vale Le 27. 7 ay bye _ fe aX 4 lay we dveSvidu @- Land = (+X) cacy *Y SEF C#x) SSgy AY by = (le x) C5ey SK eH Sscye xX v7 a +x osey ~ xe airs (a> Seey g a Sing J Spy sd Che Ljdx so °° teny)) le? etsy addy ole =cy WI: 6-Ce3y) -\-cosyey pf-lnx ac = Foy hy Va- Easy RISSY + Say t+ 4 -InX 20 wey dus) dy dv = Sing Ve -cosy usv-S vdu College of Lagineerin ee beeen SAO, Engzineerig Analysis and Rtemevicad Methods Cyr ey (xl) dye = fytl)Cx-l) Bes x = a pe A Kale ax Yel el = x ot a Atl ane «sx nat) dx 4 G#=N+41 p Bel Wy wo x wel Ot X #4 ty (YI 4) +] K-35 7 Stl Ay =e (DOSY dx (AS-D C+) t + - = J E ve tyr dyne ms J we on ae dx pf y+ x xe InCx-1) tecyrln (y+) =e z acy) CH) ex dy = Cif) ax ZC ap) ic a 7h f= ia eee fix eae by tnty hIp(l-x*) =< l Zh (ins) +d 3X2 -2 @- Se ec a xe = P- 2, x= ah oY 4 Fe wy ye PE 4 ¥) ax . 578", Cdl XY SK te (0 x dx e of. _ 7é* 7, dx =o 3 - (6 +x) ay e dy _ (64 x") dx. 20 8, bE 1 HX le F . x¢lax tlayse @. po BV dy 8X1 ax que de ux! et _€ ax =o ee. I tx! e @y ~-@C@ dxso 2x-l _/ -t e =e oH by Zndy. Collese of Engineering Sagineerh; Pinblysis and ‘AtemeCicat Methods Lec, Abbas U. Sei @- (2465) by = dx OX) ey = KCI) ax = ON Cl4Y) —w dy « —X __ dx Cray) 7 aR? aid x Zo by Inte. wa Iyex® ny 188 EMGA)-E M14) oc \@- yh=2 xy+x) Se =2xCytt) arely = 2x Cyt) dx = y+!) $4 aye ax dx +7 Fee 2xdx=o by Inty- )-xtEe —~ as \ y- In ly +1) -* Sai 34 @ ptexdy Mays) HY AIA - Kay = x dy ~ Ky ax Ade xy dx = Ky ~ Rdy =0 Ade 4X) zo +X alex —Sdy =. x ax GY i €)- Stake Sink = = 69-9" coy oe 3 LAK Sink + by) OY Cos ft ax * (O8 ED OK rex dt _ gy? ices 7 Sie DF Sp Cg = Stax AK I+ i dt (Lb Cos P= Siar Axa ax CC by ) = ba xt (A Seg dy «(Srv 4x- ty atx (-éy “Cos o3y Jy - (Sinx -4x sa) aX =° Rua y & eee wep Cosx 2x atari oc ME @- exdx-dy=x(Xpby-zyds) 5 (3) =e exe — dy = K dy 2x dy 2xXdx -2xyohk— dy — x"; =e (ex-2gy Jdx- 48 )dy =o Cy) 2x Ix Ctx") dy =o < 4X) Cry) a. by Indy. 2X _ ax =e Tex as Int PI ANG In (te )4 ely) =e X=-3 yt ln t¥(-¥9) + In (t-e.s) =e Z2.F02S ~ 0.69314 = Se CH 16097 Mn Ctex*) ¢In¢ ley) = 608 Engineeviag Pnalysi's and College of Lngineerin ‘Atemevical Matod dec, Ribae W.Sof @. yxy) tet Aya a KIS aos eye LE (thar Ln ax ey AU dS ne? Ws ~- Se SASL dr ope te Lt eu ax 2 fu pen ; fo = ax 3 du sdx 3 Ss 1 leuk * ee 448 wh Pan d= XP 4 sf s tank! (xy) = x+e pS i/ ad 4 32 Gu gee os 243s 77 * a s > Ss fet heexeyel a ate Ley VD pals a2 S22 Es vy ax =-_ -°s = 2 oa = a sS 4 = Bez-e -2 322 s B48 eee Sj = ax - 2 od 3 e Kh C Hu dx =0 -@€ ~xX=c -! xX sc =~ ! —~x=c Gly -cxsy-sh-# (xty-8) leh Ge Xty-3 du ax =l4y a> f= ge ‘ Hl = L2u we de =c_2u4| oo Ta = Cae 1 o> dite. (Qa) du dx vo Ro-! Ly ee Vac —=! iy =-c pr - fo 3-9 = ay) +X xy ‘ du el- = ef hex ~y a> Sentosa =e ede Bh Cua fypeey! - ah =G+UL Catt) tl] . ax ~~ ¢ Se = (uri) Cure) : ak fen 2) Ne (4 pI )CU+2) du cae ag ot wool by Ing. (4#0Ca+2) . inter 2) ~-4in(lu-1) -X=c -I)-xX = LInlxzys2)- tla (x zy-l) ce VSt College of Lngineerin Fagineeviag Analysis and Kumevicat Motode (8) dec. Abbat H. Sect \ PAL ANKEI + Kye l ' spnty we = = J Xny +X) +1 OPE DY oy Cre x) + 144) at [Genie at = MTPX) OY) ax aby alltx ax AY _Vfpey ax =0 VSH vy, Va (41) dy - 4X) dx =o Ly Inf. y 2A yes - BC+) =a Solution Manual 4st ois Ja Ayal Gl lh aly ay yt yay ip ae facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 Engineevig Analysis and College of Fagineerin ‘Riumeveal Methods lc. Aibaty Seg @_ List Oveler: Homesenous | KE Hion f the form: Ody p(t) Wee U fs called a homegenous egeation . In this eguations | the variables cdn het be sepérated but can be transformed , & @ change of variable jate an epuation wherethe variables can be sepava ted. Te transform ehomegencus wetion suchas equation O in% an eguation whose vaviables may separated, we inlrocdace He new independent variable: ver) (+4 3--@ = Vx substitute in® Vex2% oFtv) --- © Ax this egaation js variable seorable (ae, vo ak x V-FO) ; Then after solving this eguation be original mey | 6 obtained ‘by subs titubig S jor V. Engineerig Andfysis and College of Lagincerin Ni meveat Methods . dec, Abbas Hy. ‘Sep ©. Cx'gy*) dx +Xy dy oe hn ete Hy =o aye xy Se j ay xtra) -(4 42 7 aK xy x U le? vag ot =% i 4 Ly . ee (Ge V) a> fowe=-(G+v) oo dey lv gy ee, ee * V- Ftv) x ve(hv) ax NV oro a dx volv zo by Int x 2ve5 x) leave 7 Inst be In (pe) =e nxt Lia (1per, Yywe @. ty Cf xydIx ae + dx MEE + Pod) v2 Ey t a(t. By aed m- ft eee).. = Ce =? let Veg ax 2 tvtv) 3 &ye- (viv) AX - ax dv - x we Bey” i ax av =o ax AV ww by Inty. xT VeVvEV ar Ke wy Ink-bee eh /ny xX 2 ay @- xe Fin gyn xdy =o (xe aa xy =o a dx (x py)- x Zo ae axK x ~ _* lef Via x hk by XC +7 Vv v z TEV => ftv) =e 4V coy dv x V-evV dx av io . Ax ay = L Tn a ov A v ° nw 209 . Inx 4-4 =G Inx tf J 7 — + Vi =G | @- (x4 y) aly $ = y) ax xe dx (xny Se t (xsy) +e ay . x -Y aL = s a ax xt x a He tee pet vert ax tet x 7 _ --(1-v. «- (i av ae Ftv) = ( 14V ax, WV. dx, dv og x v- Fev) x ve deh f4V St ia some Dy Wy v dy Inxs terry 4 + ! InGlev cc z. ft Ley y lee of 4 bla (pe j)ec x" yt Type ° Ry Try. ii Engineeria Analysis and College of Lapineerin Memelical Methods Lec, Mbbat dl. Soh ©. ge Ag Cos (a ) ud Aa Cos (et xe vd s(-1) ax let V=ct x - 2 eVecos-1) > Lev) = ve cos CV-1) x alk ay ax dv = + set =o K vee x Votvecoscv-D) dx _ _\dv zo x cos (V-l) (seex = In| seex4tonx| a Sec (V-!) dv=e by tnty. Cesex= In| cee cobx lox. In (dan (vel) + Sec (vl) =e Inx — lA (an(s_1) + See (- )) ac O- (Sind wycosdl Jdxpx cost dyno zt dx nt ost Cos St. we XSin oy ee 4K Coad Be me aby Sees f= X Sin ax X Cos” a“ dx =X tana x x ax Ve % let = dtivitany » fev) = Vv tenv x ok av ax dv =o x + yo Pai? ae + Veuve fanv of ay _ ay ky In x * Ging 9 et ay i RO Inky Insinvec => lax ¢ In Sin =e @. (X47 cot 2 agi dk-=0 = dx xty Got Ky 20 wv ax . 1 ay 7 * ee “ ¥$ A Xp y Cot Keyl wv x Hy PI KX te cots le? Vem , lL ix x Vy fy v — C= Vv ax ItV Cot 4 ° foo I+ VeCot £ v ax dv oe ax av x v~ Pov) a e+ Vo. =e 14Vcot I ) dx dv = x + Vv “e EVcot L lt Ve te as ok av ce } x Oo : of AL VCot he, Cn Veot ) dv =o x v2 cof Vv ed ! ax + ev + Veet dv wie # fe a xo x ~- + v vo -Gawe) av =o Ve vig VV ltvV4_y > ax Cevevrdv . et Nee i) See So ove dv+e-dtady co Lx ve ve V Iox ~ to -~ Leip lav wc 2 Vv av Ink + ! ~ A-+ln Ge =e Q- (ey Xx = 8x7 dy + yl a (aye. x) Ix = xy? dy (2 dx 3 SF z ody 2 = SKY ie a _ sx x? _7_x ax xy “x = tyst% ,A eX lef v. 5? Vo _ by i 3 ae Ve > Zovy= Ve atx ov ax dy =o = v- Xv) ae v- Cv~ Lo ax av » #0) =V4+SecV ax ay = ry AX dv = x v-Fev) a x t Viy- Seev ae Wg by Int. sar me hy ee lax. SiaVeos Inx ~Sind = af x=2 o,¥=T Inz- Sin we 0. S7F lac ap F5~0-507 , thax Sindy = 0.307 dys ‘gual is Solution Manual Up y pal y ca ial) isl! : ds) * ‘ J pa ipl Aaa Ay facehook.com/SolutionManual2000 dx (eywdv_ ng x ye ax WN ve, wx tev? feve o* r dan lab, Ab Ine) xe z sill lnx 4 lar web in (lr) Be @ #-st HY Kay t4 0 @ tXty so .—____@ ZF 2Xp4ro ab xXH-% =e lef X = hu w= Rez he (ce2)~CR+ee)et ax (-2) + CRF2) du dv = “ve (EY-) Lng. ‘ Epgineericg Analysis and College of Sagineerin Ul Namerical Methods dec, Abbas #. ‘Sop du av - a“ ot —vyevelN 14Vv ry au + CtVIIV no ! oa veel ak av vv {| @ te bay re av. av | vey (vet) CV 1) os ! - A, &_ wel v=) Ws)" Cv-1) ; 1 = (V-)A ¢VtOB i (vet (V-t) (v+l) (v-)) il t= Av-A+8vt8 te V (A+B) ~ At8 (| ApB =0 oO , +APB = © i From © A=-8 sub in® -€-8) +6 =! ; - - - 26=/ => B= tf »Az-E a et -bxn 7 = av + dy #0 “ vel Vel oe Ina ab In(vel) rtaiv-)) et L in(v-1) =c — we - Incxt?) -th (> +) ¢blo 4 - -D+k Lith elec ©- we ZX¢tyel SX ty-% ZX+2y4 I=0 © Bx 47-2 =o - @ x -% 2Xt2yel =e —© ~6X ~ zy pt=o ® 4x 4550 =X dys J = 4 Z(B) r2yr/s0 apyaE let Xx ye +9 a is pre kR- z LR 2 2 Cer $ de Re Ayal A shad pall 9 ca * "Re 5 )ue-z = S(H#G )+R-F)-z Ss Lh 2a eG 2R- Fel cs aa su+ RZ 2 = 7 2 = PR _ B6urR) 204g) 2 ZR _ 3turk) , @ aa BsuzrR € s+ & 4 Sa let vak an ak Bev, | fy) 2 _242v Ak S+v a ae 42% co v- Fev) au av ig a ve (-22v stv au av i ae idl BV4 ve 2 -2v i dg) sie facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 * Aaa il Veeee AY 2 ese ey = Let a Ya Sie = Spee a Vt Sees BAD ee se ~ g6ntee \ — costpe Vt s, a3 2 sok Ne sab wa toc as Aa yp ee gtoe = \ ~~ Cus 96 D 4 2c Ges - 4 aaa Se * eat oe Hi LE Sing wea FOF | Breve ae 2 ed Lesa et $ 22 og RAPD ms > 7 = a Zim C454 say qq = 2st z esy =e Sry (] ey sec oO) 7 CS 5) Beds, i eo ae ” Wiehe. | . oS ot 24 Oe | ee (evs i 7-0) = | oa: = — £ , OG \ Pads Segre ST oa A @ 3 ene Ax + gu evrsiy dyse . wea Bods az este Ay se Be f Sey i You) da 4 Sey) ly af Avest elew (5x0 cable), sat . | = AED yes Bee ZW Csn24) =o To “ ee S ce ye) de t(xe -€ ) yc y a 4. s, => Be e- e Ae ely — D> = “ 7 : % a 3 BY Le - Sc Me EMS => = == ? ; ; iS -yF) 3 + (e200 = (. a ‘oO . Fagineevia Analysis anol College of ZLagineerin | Aametial Methools ('s) dec, Abbae H. ‘Sip au Brvidy 5 ap St, (atvidy to aw + eyez & WV 2)CVv-l) B4v ~A_, €& (v+2) (v-l) (v42) (v-1) Bev, ACV at) BEV 42) (Weye-) (vee) CV-1) sev = AV-ArBv+28 B4V = V CATE) - A428 | Ar& =} oO ~A+r28 =3 @ from ® Aat-8 subin® -U-8)- #823 @&=-% A=S } dv = vias te a” adv - =e = o By Inty. Int +B li(ve2) -2WW-D =e Inox E)+ nae $2) - 2in (4 x * 1) =¢c Mw f= tt @. A ave wv xtyel Yteno @ Xtytl=o_® From @ pm y= He WX Ht pleo => Ka! dys 2 if sis Gis let xe tel SWa=R-2 a AR Ruz+2 s 7 upripR-24l = os ki. kg = aK arR 4 co we : 2 PR. Te Ss ae ph 5S « wm let vu & te =k - » avy~v. aa av + au an os ate av = a + fy 8 St Fe 14V he <“ 7 au. Ct Vv a + eva 8 8 te 7 Vv au lv t _ ete tase By Ds, nw - o + lavec In Cxel xu! Inctt® - CXF) 4a a < dy) fake UM gladly pjDall y cla Avesigl! Gis facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 Engineevigg Analysis and College of Engineerin a 2 oe Sf o79 Rtemelea! 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MID slei ys vbesRalet BIO CA) AK) I Sa (SVG y dy ) som MS Eayineevia alysis and Colles 2 of Lagineeri pines 0 TK Methods dec, oO pbbae I ‘Segee ee Ex: Show that the folouiag eguahons are exact ant | ee YO CF" solve each one:- | ; O (2x b3y-t) AX 4 (BX~ -dy +l dy =o (= tk ¢37-& => 24.3 27 Ns 8x +4y-! => BY = 3 2x BY. _aW_ 2 sxact Sova Sete | Seana neon Soa greoey = [erazrn-ex], ; cearst =c [ Magy x-2x)-(ae +794 ea]e[(oxy 274) - -(32b- 2b) | =e X4ByK “2X - “yao 28 4 Shy ~2¥zy-Sabseb pbec KEZyK HBX — ayy ae re 2a yp sah- 2b “ahs + Sy 2k-2H 4 7 = k ‘| ‘ {| me) | _ a aq Engineevia Analysis and College of Lagineerin cleat Methods @3) Ie aioe "Ao . © Cp at adx + (ax - Sins)dy =o A= CFI) => vs =2y N= (RI - Sty) & By “E aM PN og Exact By 8x x yw . Jean ax + J coxy Sing Day =e & ey we . 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Ma (KEIe ap BM 22x ax $y a ww m7 Seaxeye dx +S ne dy ac ba x & y [<8 e] + [ane] =e b my Zz & [vere (fe rE) + [cone cane | ze “ @ ww & & £6,626 E42 Ve #o_e we Cy - Sinx) dx +Xaly =o (Ts y - Sinx ~~ e =! 2xact, WERK ap 2M =! if 2x Kc Sinx Jel. ¢ a i —~ SINK )AXx a =e i oY ) [oye Cos) ~Cayrcesa)] +[ ay-24] =c | | i | | AIX FeOSK ~ AY Cosa yay ah oc AX + Cosxnay cos@+ah AIX+ Cosx =k ~ @. Lined the valee of k so that the piven eve ation as exact » the solve //: CP rk AF ex dr (8x94 202874) dy 20 He J kxf 2x => 4 apy they Vs Bey 20009) > an = Sf 44047 be ere ton /s exact phen ee =a” wy ae Sh 4 thay = Sh ptoxy* 4k ye =>- Sore eayf-ex) dx Seg zed’) =c a LY 4 SXF ros eFe sei “pet Engineeving Analysis and College of Fagineerin RF wT, CF i} Nameteat Methods @s) dec. Aboae il Ser @. ahd re x oy XP IK + FS RY HM lax dy + of dx ~xphdtx— 2 dy #0 i (eo xlay Jae 4 (yln- & eby 2 ; hy ay An x x lny a _x. ; _ 2a Nay & ae BY sya tx = 2Y oY a Exact, tt By ana (eylnb- Bydy ae (SR SCE SID ‘@ } x 2 a M [oor e orl +[ Sha 2 lpy| ze e & z Z, 2 2 2 2 z z [thx Zay)- (ihe E lex )] + lna- hy - (&ne*- a° nb) | =e “h, X pei Ghd pot Ing oS nat Fla fF lax — 5 ay ad te OS AS RY eee ehhec Slax- lap a=o+ © Indy lab (Fi ex— tay = b Fagineeric Analysis and! College of Lagineerin Nameleah Methods dec, Abbas H. Se Lrregvation factor 2, (Skact) axep elbdl Sielalzdrd last ule 23 ; (Fxact) MN aay JF Sow ob (3h = 2H) Hy 4 (Fx ae tend PVA Ob yaa? EL tor 1A Uy . C Arear ; Homey , variable D 2653 —)> esa cut Vas eb oioe elo oP Js Berle nt GAN oD pa? eb ish Sao (Intesration Factor ) new Was SLI 01h - — (Exact) Atl ebuit py 1 es KS Imi ladl cp ths CIP) cial cals Srex) dx schol @. LF =e where: fx) = 22s WS : ° sry “ @. Fs ¢ where Fy) = 2 27 2 aw “= XY ae ao ay — > The 29. is not exact. we mist Ligd IF 2M _ aw Fixd= BY ex BY Vv wy w x Srexjdx Sfedx bx If =e =e se@ os x 8 dg yr ex ae =o x DF=Xx (xt 4 +Xy Bae Ddx 4. xy =o ee Sol abit Ns cpa Wea Xr XFS BH uy Zxact, : 3 SZ N= xy ~ Bee ee = LB; S\ 222s OSs cer a 7 SOB hi te Sip = z FOP yet dx Sag =e 2 lok { lyst Engineers Analysis and College of Lggineerin Ne merical Methods dec. fiber ‘ego Ex:- (2xfé pax zy) dx + Of fe xy-sxdy =o 2 2 a BY pp 2 f= Ae 2 vad 4, i axye +2Xy ay a BH = tHe Ex Er Ky +l N= xpe- xY 5x a> Be = axpé -2xy-F 2t yf av TSA aA BAe ay 2 Fey) = 2 2, exe 6 BXP Eb EX HI axJe nex 43 wee M ~ 2xyve + exy4y AY Lig) BXGE EXIF _ 4axfe pexstl) 4 2x yé rege ty MEXSE + exy"+1) yw Fey) = ze = SF Poyd_d; fia 2 reed ae rr thy “Vy v zZ47 Ze ssid aeptanene DEA ge why a a at (2x8 4 EX 4 dx + O88 Fe ~ Fela =e M e2xe 2X44, wn DM op 2xe 2%, 5 vv By a St [ane 2 vw 3: NaKE_ Xx 3X OM -2xe — 2% - we yt ax = % vw xt BY 2 BL + act Ao eK, | 4 te’ a caxe etka) dv4( (F232 )h = Joey oS PIAS - os se 1 iy Engineevigg Analysis and College of Lepineerin Nameticat Matode (22) dic, Abbas H. SG Bernoceli* fpuation : Some nontneér differential eguations canbe rans formed ints Inedy eguations by & chage of .dependent variehle . Pease (n point cs provided by He so-called Bernoulli eguazton. ay , ‘ P] This ts form is called x, Pe pegy @ a] a age where: (A). is py constant. ale Sree YS, OS) be ali Gob de cly 1s UI Sees n Z Prose mn ad . =n az = (I-n) Ax I Mnear gp adda al Webs AA oF SypDloip cet vee, ¥ SbWiew Jf 2 Ex: 2B = -Peosx Ly Be.B.E n=3 SCE 2 -*cosxx-l x oe Z = cosX_y (near 2 ee) ~ @dx x.e = [X.cesx fx X.Z = XK. SINX — § Sinx dx XZ = X. SX 4 CosX 40 2 “i XY aX. Sinx + Cosxp¢e fet wux au =aAx AV = cCosx Vs Sinx . Engineevig Analysis and College of 4agineerin i| Rameocat Metho ds le. bac ll SG wt +Xyere 1 sx + \ ply a % ay Vt sR x7 4, 3 to y= x i AS Ft 3K = | fet Bax 1 4 az. sytay aw. 2 ‘| Se me oR OS oe -4 wt d= 1 # Co (HE) Set 5K FEROS b i 1 dz / -~_x " -e oeteme Fre x3 [ BE Ae + Kyra x Spdx Sexe 3 =e =e =é Hoe = S dx x ez SF ea z ys ex:eae tC 3 x 3 rere Engineevia: Analysis and! College of Lagineerin Namelicat Methods ©) ec. Abbae iy ‘see z Ex Ef Ix —xC2xpy) dy =o 2x 2 dy By - Xe EY) SS =o AY 6" ax 2x34 xy ax 2x Xe 2 BW éy ae ad x Ly Er So fete ge > Bam ae tt we L -2 daz o x Jet Bax ap LE w-tx S* a Hn xis 22d at a a Ww | 2223 2. ROS “oe Sy ap ay oz, i 2. -2 linear Dar -/ -nz P= >@ 37 ded ! aby a see pore 2¥ -ev _ t st Se? -z . “ ze=l\e = p.2-“ShaAd¢ ve zy Cr. xX = Heer +S Analysis and College of Engineering ‘Eggineeviag Namerical Methods dec, Abbas H. Serie Nemevical Sslution For(O DES) 2) O. £eler Method +! Sn th P Kn x90) a, aor - FexatJa) = x i ol eye A= step siee SEs Gob Se dell Sab Xn Wn <& = Fexn Wn) pnet = atheP Xrated _ 7 4 T 1 1 1 | 1 ' | 1 1 ' Bus KAS py eet Still Bez ote Sh) oD oF x at Exact) pot Sto ob » . Ghee ea Su p\ arr dadde ZU ew dee Sl FE BP ad Abas) cle! * 7 CORP eth as YB EVM co ol ex: Bse faley metho/ & find the Vale ofy at x=ls fo be Polowsing DE R= Xe with partial x xa In fxn 29e) ° { Or. =o os t oSeVT =0.3 0.6 109 0.6 #07 =0.626 oF LFS OF x V-2F8 dy ao 2 -y sit aX ox SOY) oh x dx zo SYN ay Kc maf xc0 a ye! a ay -Gec wh oaz * 2X7 - % oe when Xohs 2X = GS" 22 ayant CVO” = 2.44 = 2.036 = o4e4 ™Con coi tion nye) als Cese 4eo-F pir! sn +he Ferns In) (peo3 (opal 140.8 HOP =1.0F LoFPO.3%0.626 = 1.278 1278 + 0 3xhof Fz 1SBS 2.0376 ( ei | il | Lpgineee Anais an and College of Laginetrin ret Methods dec, «of Se tty et ashy - Find 92) by asing ¢ 4uley (lelhoTd If yee z and y= ayax use N=4 Sel = at a f =X Bia Ryde = Set AAP Ay PAE PERSE Len! coe ~ n oF xn wn w= PeXn, In) nt = Jas hx tna) t z ere Zpoesx¥2 =2.5 las oes sles QF 4 02S ¥SIZS = P2825 LS 3.28125 4.921875 F.SE/2S 0.284.928 FS)= 4.54 7S 750 L.BI2S 6484 Z 6.484 ae when X= 2% apy = 6184 L2xdcf Sof. 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Sf. = AVee8xX =X el a xy) let Perna Ya) gy = PERSE a4) | Sant = Sh + Ax POXA » Yn) | Snel =p the [onthe maaan Chu Xn An Nout £0Xnedn) Snet —_Fornet, gost) _ Snel ° / o.! / if 0.4037 hoGsz od LoIs2 ae 0.103 58 1180S 0.809 1.1808 o2 1/808 oe at 1828 when Xso% A ty 4x: Ave aa raart 4icler NMefhod 7 Jind! ven 2 find p42), Ty = 4 =xy$ otike Ave.s. Bored 7 Sol let y= Pexns fy) -xy8 ou Sn rhehorngy,) ar wot h [Leto ndns Loins tudat!)| Xn ota xnsl Poxagya) nel Pease) fa 4-f ( / “a as 126 2.63 2.0F05, ar %F (2. Sia 26) = 2.8526 “| 45 28576 2 zl2ze 3. BIZ 31464 4.1492 ul 2 41492 4 ALS) a4. 4IF Exact sol “ Cpa 5 pal y cng po pity aig Aaa facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 ath iS ya os . : Aa + cs = when X22 mappy=? Ss z “s ey = & Cyd - G2 = 188) Ss S | JS ALG — So erier = 4.16 -F.147F wm 4 solos teh iy College of Lepineerin ui Engineerigg Analysis and ‘ dec, Abbas H, Sey Na merical Methods || Ex:- Cése Improved Zuler to find yA) use: xPuay eX WSO = E > Azer, 5 Sol xX p3y =X Hex eee OS Fy = dehy oe pe ek = PexnsJa) Xn. ph xnet Pexnntn) Sad FexneizSoet) Yael i t 12, os 0.2 be o. FFs 0.294 12 0.294 14 o-Fo5 oss Loz?s obF 14 Abt lay 206% when xul4 Solution Manual 4m ois Jia | Fxated sol: Kati Stl platy Dally lag yt pigs Laka J) Pedy = sy linear. facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 i Pee »QaX 1 Siedx 3lnx 3 | A=ze =e aX Pay = S$ HQdx > Ky = SK dx iz é X= 6 = 2 a ayn = Be ae oe $e when X=l zyop 3 é Kye tye & Saat : 6 when x=14 > 0-4)Y =, 3. ayse FEL Axs ctse Improved hizler Method tsolve the differential | Sgeedtion( yy ytanx = Sinex) a ¥)al, tke step Size (hzo.l) tse two stses, then solve exactly And compute the efor for each ster, i n a WS Sinex py BPX ‘ Poxny yn) = Sin ex xy#anx i + Xn phn Xn¢/ Fexn1I0) AO Kerns 2Your) fa+l | 7 L o / of ° 0.09883 hoot of 1.0047 oz 2.0978 holf68 ONS IZFP Lol8Y 02 bo0/8F Fxack sol. APE YIANK = Sinax > lined 7 P= ténx » Q=Sinex he oow - gan - -/n Cos _l cosx ey =S ae Qax a _ t . I soe = Seq Sew kx i 4 =f. t 2Sinx Cosx Ax =SeSinxdy ceosx eosx a 2-2 osx +o at xX=0 wy=l if cosx t =-2 Cos@)tc ahCaF j Coste) Li a wp ecesx4 2 cosxX : step © Exact Ste fer evroy” xs0./ Y=t00t7F Aye loo 4.6x1o> X00 yelo/W/F 10/84 2.38 %164 Eqgineetiag Anblysis and College of Laplace syne fn Methods le Fbbas d. Stig ®. Range - faite Method [ones =nt bhitehe t2ks wha) > (aan A, = A® Poxn Yo) yy ha = he BCRP EY ng be) ski este ) kg = hef(Xnr# - by FHKE) _n @/\—» Re\ kas heh (Xnths Yatks) ( ROW AIS 2 PCxn24a) ax: 2xs. hse Range futt2 rlethod fy solve the Followin pill eg yay WK» TP =I she! 2 Dt SE SY ay HK 7 Ay Oe) = ah= Ly =; Sol. Dehra) =f AE Xn=o0 anal A, =le( ve) =) Xnp B zoek 2e5 a sne Sewlph ols ke whe LUsh -vos ] = 1543 Xn¢h =o.S 2 Int fz aly 2 =lhFAS As = jx | G.7713* - es | = 243] Xnzh =opl a1 (Sd hey —IPZAS) = 43] kg xix (BA31D -VF] =1e.77 ” oe = In pli 2HhS43Z p242A3| pog7Z] =A.286E Xasl Dy, = 42866 Ex: For the Ath. eg. sing Range kutle method % frrd p02)» he syeo)e| anal hzo.| Caxgydy = xR zy)elx z Sof Bet 2 Xe aX 2xry 2 x, = Xe let #C 2490) exsy sfep@ X17 =o pyoel cyt - 201) ~-o.e ed Aa 20) +1 Soren) 77° Xnele= on ot = 0.08 dat fb alt (-eZ) 04 kee so.) | @23st-2@41) ] = -olf9#S 2 ©.05)¢ A) xn+h = O.0S , A104 BE oly (=e tPA) - 6910] =o. 1%} Gost = 2 Ale!) | = oI FF Ks ° f Z2lo.05S) +oJlo] » Fagineeria Analysis and College of Lagineerin Na meveal Methods dc Abbaed rad Xnph=ol int & = If = =o k4 =o. [ersten = 0.168 zKod poT! nas = l+p[-22 42x Co lFH#S) y 2x(-o FIZ) + (-2.163)] wat! = e-E196 stee® Xn =0./ + Mp 0.8196 nN ie W's Bex 29a) = Bae 2x4ey Ay «0.1] (ol)® ~2 (0.8196) | 204597 ' Quad 1 3. 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BoFo.7 fF =-(o)+ =p ¢ = 56/448 @- /80%o.9v7 = 3 6141.8 -t 4x @ + Conical fink with Sameter of C2zm) from toyy> and [80 #09 YF = SEINE -E t=/807o0.7 Sec. 180F%0.9Va = 361413 _t b= 36/41.8 sec. (Sm) Seg 2 initially Filled wtihs water. In the apoex. of He d+enk there is a hole ustth vadwis of Cocoz m) . find the eats of water at aay time. and how eo it tawke 16 enypsty. aSb — = wat eS a roe fey) a we yt =” | Lf? = 7 CZ) -2y ! ae Roy) EE = Qin~ Cogs A Wr ty - LEY On 0tf Ven FRG ts z ae Lo. _ (0-02) (2x7 vy 25 + 2 ay = — (0.02) /196 tt 25v7_ rae ) % = wordt ed AG Engineevigg Analysis and College of Engineerin fe ec Abbae h nd Namerical Method 25 3 oe LIFE RIO pe 25x25 olb FS = le BF pe Te Fine) = use B.c af feo 2 y= H=5™ 25 -3 0.0/6 C5) =~). 74 10% (o) +¢ <—=0.8974 2 col J = -1FF« 18 t 4 08944 Te” Find the time vege. we empty a= ° 2s -F e-olb lo) = A177 % lo” 4 08744 t =S5oS.5 Sec. Solution Manual 4 ois Jia Ati i lal pa yay soit Maa facehook.com/SolutionManual2000 4Xx@ s Conical tank with ASaemefer of (6 FY) from the top and (loft) clegp Ses GH of wefer. In phe aeex Her is 2 hole’ wih Arémeter (2 in). Find the Pome reguived » enpyy he kink ? Sol. xs x i xed fo Aly) = wx) aw (Zany) 0.01 y* By GE = in - Qout o0F wy =0-7(f) Vawseeny o. prs a e5y Zxs2.2 4. Vy” ooh" sr oessf Sf FO °. o7,7 by x noe SSK Sf ced chit 287 ee ody sstf pc as ormee 7 S-oe.ossZh pe Te find = use Be 0.086 (4)*> = o.aSSHlO) +E a allsz Tirne vez. t empty te tank 0.036 (o)*> ~ ~oossZf fLISZ f=20.68 Sec. f if my ) Engineer Analysis and College of Spgineeria Ne meteal Method lic, Abbas 4. See EXD ie Abomespherical tank of avaduis (am). {ft PL bottom pereis ahole opctiameter C2om), prrough which He water drains under fe inane of grat . Five the Scort of we tey ahout Gsm) after CL Ar) from bspin fhe rain. Sl. R- xt (Royy / Ria xt BP 2Ry a7 zo Zz x= 2Ry xy 2 . 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Through which water trains under the influce oF gravity TP the hole is opend at (t=0), find the time vegerred &B LW & (hsm) 3” a JEL FFont= V5] 2 bePM ors LRH = EWAN) = 12566 ms Wa SSNS AB = /2.566 — “LS =l,066 esbap Peds 3 tals Fagineevia Analysis and College of Eagineerin Ne meveal Matod dec, Abbal M.S et t z ~ Mobb Lana = TEN) RN Ne 2.8255 Af = & (2.8 FSS) =l.9im ale Peet 3 st ele! peo bs he talpAldly /¢ (2.8 #55) = =2 Fy Ee 2 z ty =X =Tnty = Lacy Aty) HL = Qin- Qout 1¥ 22 = 0-TT (0.05) VE H att 6s Aa ely = -c.0ll St : “ C2AISIS t= a = -oolf/f +e 2s - ol FFE = -0Wf pe Te tind © tse Be ef fro ALaSs = oS F27 025 =-o-c//(o) pe o=-27Z% 255 oo oltFEY ~ -o.0l/ ff 2cFF SM UST enka ad SU 0) 6D HM SSSI ede} -C2.87ssm) pops as o/ FFF (2.8455) = -o.0llf 2-7 f =25.22 See. Engineevigg Mnalysis and College of Eazineerin TN eneloat Methods (“2) ic. Abba A Si 4x; Atank shown,Find the rep. Hime te empty tHe tank. a Sol (909) = lo #2X 5EOX ma =X 4(Roy) Re Rhy 4 k z wel 10 fir Ay) = BL = Qin - Chat zof4ys¥ se zo-Te.os) [2e78lKy zo a = 0.03437 zoel teeta, = ~0.0348/t oBh + Erp 20 ie = AS IRIE MT 2-87 + BY + 20 hy = 139415" We. -! GY) (0.8/4 By p20) dy = 137 #10 Mt Ye a Te Bt B+ eof Yoly = br Ht \ 5 x Ye 5 A : og a + Bo + 22 139K pe = = + A A a, ~3 sty + S.34y + toy a -h37 KO EHC To Find = case B.c 3 fo =5 as? Sz ~ ” ‘2 Ve -3 0.82(S) yp 5. 8405" 4 40 (SS HH 1.3716 (OD HE =6F.0o34 Sh Hr. y, _3 A est y + 5.34 +4 “= 139x160 + EF. 0354 when She fank jis ompyy Te vege yso ¥ Y% _ * 0-52 (05 # 5:94 (0) + 4o(o) = -/.39x/ot t (6f.034 a ff =/Z0/68.S5 Sec, f Avy = = Pin -E Gout 1S VY an 2.76% 10 fot | Engineeria Analysis and College of Laginetrin Nimeveal Melbod ic, Abbae tf Go 2x A gy liadevical tank with raduis(ke= 1m) ancl height ; W=esm) have two holes; one at the Stele af aAistance uM Um) from bottom and the other ix at Ke bottom. T? te two holes have vaduis (1%) Find: @O. The Seprh ofwakr with vesp ect 4 fhe sine. | | @. The frme vepuived empty fe Atak. Sof. _ Case where wo! Aly) = UR = L)\ <> VS TW =o -[@-< onal rye FOI- 1) “eet oS Secs + Co. os) Tf 2n?- a} = -(o- ozs) ari) a ~2.76 0 UG +77] -f —_ = 22.¥6 xlo SF +h 4 Ty tO i * LIT = -2Fbria fot (VI WAIT ay 2-2 thn lo Slt TO ay S S fen Gyo Te = ~ 2.76 x16" fol ,. 3 3 2-2 Cp)” 2-2 76% wot ye Te fnSe)ese B.c:- af fzao =S 7 BI. E51)" 2 2.76 #18 (0) ne case @ where 9&4 AY) = TOUS 2 ay) oe Qin- Qout a 4 se 7 (oor SS VIAT z HB 2s. 766 A w J ty -s Scr by = 276 6x15" Sot V2 -3 zy =~ -2.266x 46 FEC Pe aledl AP Sy oy eee MOE les PA I AO = 3) cds C4 abl sgiiges Svat Stel sly PP osu Cb) sy (ry =4) a1 abel Engineeviag Analysis and! College of Lagineerin Cicmeleal Method ee, Abbas (tad 3 a - ZB (lat) 2 2 FE elo kp 212 Ss Ss t,= 526.57 Sec. ZION aul ae t= 526.5% => nya /™ % ZC) 2-2. 766" 165 (S26.5F) $C ee 24sé 7 aN F = ~2- 766 x St P46 Te tind the lime to ompey Sah yoo in case © ZVvo ~ 2.766 KH 18 + PASE t=/247.45 Sec. - Sef 22h the eguatons and Conditions which ave " vegecivedt % ctescribe how the height of water jn the ctesse/ shown in £oy, Kelw varies with time ? mi °3 Sei, Sol. ™“s cylinder et HEM Lip Jeu ~— : CaS Ah Sase® aN pl > zs —_ rt Hele fazed TR = 7 (2-5) = WCE 251 Bs, 2 Ty? = TH ety © Wlo.0s) Zor. aI 2 Weenie 49 fw Pin. ee, 16.25) Be.3/e 7 C2.5¥ 18) V2xFBLy 6.¢) plouk. sus aes Bol Stou3 o hp ON LY ch yar at fo ,Srksom ase @ ISS xe ky oo Kis 2taQy - y* 2 Hedy xy a7 ” Engineerig Analysis and/ College of Lagineerin Rumeveal Method Lec. Abba 4 ad A eye = Qn ~-QDout 2 ~2, roxy eh sood [KT (2-5 ¥ 10) VAI YT WAIT) SE = 0. oS- (2.5415 5 eT 87 ict dst (Buc) (als ceeds yest SAS sLel ay 2 cCase® at wp teat, ay tee Ex: Set ont the equations and conditions which ate ; vegeried % cles cribe the 4-4 TL veletion between depth of wafer and the ftime- Sel. xX Lt 2” wa Oe I xe Sol le at SN hs cis -: 1 \ a Sol. alee = at aty 3 ke aga = Qin- Gout a - 20 -6de Thos I VE59 piles Aas Wi LAD Se els Bc Apt at feo 3» ~=dm cease © AEA PY) + = Qle - Qout , 7 c1y he = 0- CS % Tilo. s) [357 Bc ae tet > =lm eas x Hele with Dons eA Find the dep Peete ey Hime. Sec. FA Epgineevitg Analysis and College of Lagineerin ‘Na meFcat Methods Wee, Abas id BG z ) | Ex Ayght circular eylindrice/ tank of height (h=osm) end radius (R= lm) as shown in foo, is fall of wales sattrally . a- setup the ah ferentily gracthion ropresentigy the dept of water with hime if a hole of (v= l2mm) is at the bottom il of kink. L- tse Lnyoroved Siler mettrod to solve Poy the depth i of wsdler tate tank after (loo sec.) cease sfep Size A = loo sec). Sel a Rey) = TR = TUF = { Ade =21Qin~ EQout We LE 20-1 (o0lzy ¥f 2x81 EY ie Fs Kio GT) Arb Saas He Ly. a b- p¥G@e)ee.s 1 he loo sec Ww Cloo)= ? PO 90) 2 Ge = 6.8458 a th iA frst Fennyn) casi Pandan _ atl ° as loo | -tese77ei0! odsq72 -4.2998l81 — ossys loo OSS9E Ay (100) = 0.4 SSVE Engineevi¢ Analysis and! College of Eggineerin Ne mevicat Method Lic. Abbae H. se Cpe a Mi asole +: WE A set opt ost gb ob cde cole oper Wed ul opel (| pba pd Werue dedi Shy at We) AM ce Stee SAT . CGed | Cray test Care ie (Bin) Caees Grpi BU 0 3h eB BAD! o6Ds Geb Ob ott de> Ula! Sas SW OE cpeidels oN Spb Loy Sool UG carp alee r | ntl Mis ann JS Seo; cto duly ud _ Gia _ Qeut , my ‘Ein a : Vecbodl ee | Co rch cr aN So | OLA tn Se ae (P52 2 as) GeV cA Sol Myst = Qin a) a4 ¢ EB mines) Spd ala sUl cr AM IG 2 Cho CO-Pe ( ee) oP co BN cel = Clout wre gh 2) 32 Bote gs ser ANS = Cond UN I ee comnts Sol or me Al SFT eee” . : ~ 2a eet oe ‘| V +(Qin-Qout wt 1 « SB teal P a Ve SAS > a2 A eee w ce GON cle eye SI MEWS IS IL - eka a Sati Sto Coupe WwW aeons V Ort! Salo M SS Lapat ait Svoles oN Sa: goin Suess ‘ pel dels JY Sc La SoA) Shot, —* =E Qn * Cen) -F;Qout % Cout) “Awa tll SAS og CMS kin = 2 CQinxCh) -Z: (Qout * Cou) Clin + Cia, Qoup ab Sealer cso ; [coer oz Pn Os C Qin Ff Qout-) VtC Qin - Qoutxt | Sout= Ww C @in= Qout) ey APA EP SYNS ado Ay SLO EVoLI Spies x Bo p2 Bl os oe (Sepereble =n bs SS VA, Bae oistl 30 AS Sl cH Set SAS abet i y \ « CBeunclaty Condition ) ce Coutts we \} V+ CQin- Qout)at . Mi Sw w. | SR = ee) - (55; © ef O's Jo ae ce Oe oe _200-w oF Zo J by Secerable S. aw -Soft Zoo~wW ana Engineeriag Analysis and oe o ‘MemeFoct Nehod College of Enginecrin Le Abate Ul. eG”, Sx: F) tank és rattially fled with (100 gal.) of salt (2 th fal) of solh renning io the ten otf weke g Solution Con Aeiraieg Cib fal) fresh brine conkiinin Ciuthin and the mixtire feof practically tenifarm and juns ouf the link af the same vate. fr) the amount of salt fa the lank ot aay Ame? So. Qn = 5 s4thin ~In (2e0 — 0) sZt pe 3 t In Cz00-10) s-E-< 7 << _oo~w =e nS -< Constant | W= 200-/f a = COQt x Cin) (Qoutx Cut) dys Aapadid 8 Solution Manual isl facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 5 Qout =Qén Ul y pal y cag po wi sgt dade) Aa Rout = sal hin ate Wo ey nth US B.c at (#20) coz f Lbfaf +) wwe OxV : : w-7 Tbfoa/ % foo ge/ = looIb Sab sa eg. i &t Geo) we feo . gt 200, Le te foo = Zoo ~ ner! a> A=/00 -tYeo as Zeo -looe Ate ey (nila) Exe Nib oP AAS ce (A) Let /¢ Solar gy asl (wo) bee Sb (9a/min) Se> (Lb fal) 2.0 2 ca iy (Tb) ous, Vag 9 ayo Cobar SoZ M ey Foy tor : 4s _s Fe pee Hold wWetocfooe@ ae Wey DAS 304) sb MM Soe POSS Me pria ts o4ua to + WH lbo) ay As (lbo Th) (60 =~ Zoo — loo e*? = te. ‘18.3 Sec, Engineering Analysis and College of Engineerin Ate mevical Method (2) dec. Abbae Se EX find the amount of salt 10 the fan k att any Ame. L 3.94l Jr looyal aifoem " Solb | 2 fbf Se 2 gal fain are = E(Qen #Cin)- Z (Qout + Cout) out = vs May, 7 V+CQin~ Qoatlel loo H3-2)*E lott tM Tez en Ww at foo+t ASW 2g 2s at toa¢t he t 2 aff loot t P=—2— > Qré loo tt Spdt Stsizat 2lacoort) — Introont é . =e =e = (loo yt)” We 6 => linear wre -SHQH we (loo +t) “5 (veo + t) bd wort)? = 2 Cloort) 4¢ To Find (CG) use (B.c) at feo ,wsesolbh 3 50 (lootoy = 2 (100 tOy+E arez-ISeovce Z Woo + t)* =2(loo+t) ~lsoocce W=+2z( loot) — _fSe0000 (loo + t)* Fe RPE, “ieee nae mee Powe 4x:- fey the tink shown in fipeere behws ST? the amount of salt in the bank afte days) is (ozky). find the fattially amernt of salt- tathe dank . & fer | resh wate . sh dele: 3 aa =5, Qin * Cin~ & Coats Cout tom® . salt Sol. Coutts V4 COs - Qout at ee os oe gs fo + (4-2) ¥£ tor2t ot! 2 tee -2x YH af lo¢2t aw zw dw 2dt i ——-- Ct See So SOP alt lovet ws lop2t Inwe-IlnCloz2zt) $e cide, wee —t Irttiepet) $e - =e *e ,Ar€ asa Aa Co+rzp) Ts Find (7: bas days wor eze fA am A=4 lot 2S a WT 4 lo+ 24¢ at inthell, t=0 > we t = othy eri fity a . . Fagineevig Analysis and College of Laginecrin im Cuamevcal Method 6!) dec, Abbas H. ad 1 Bxe- fr the system shout ppure » Ard the amount of salt tz the tink at & any time (4). ‘ 50 s2l/min s0,3allmin fal Sol G4c0ost) By, i} Cout- wW V+(OQrn ~Qoutet i | fooagal ~ Qin = Qeut Zoolb Sal} {{ : ~ wi ew a Coat = “VY tooo (| Be = 2, Qigu Cin 2: Qout #Cout jews at wo foo ts poosw =So (lt Cost) vp linear i Px005 5 Qe So(l¢cost) Spdt Soosdt 9. fe = @ #e =@ L| ost o.ost fiw aSA Qdt => Co pe ee xS0(1t Cask oft eset ee o.0. ° w = se) (e = ou cost) at Mint : §E* Cos bx dx = _&* Lhsinbx + acoshx ] ay he IS i est we = sof ! 7 ¢ 2 2 Pie sink + 0.05 cost] ee 0.05 @-0s)* + De . Te find (c)use (B.C) a &t tee 1» W200 3 € xZ00~ So [1 ! 8, 6lsinte)t 05 costes] 40 tert (0.05) +1 | re am Saws ee EX: Tank C2 ‘atte Contiias (5292/,) of krine tn which - (Se Thal) of Salt ate cise olved (2 getlfmin) of Pash, wearer enter A and bhe mixture is Assumed unzgfayral, | pass Flom A) tah second tank CE) initially Confaing (So pal) of Aesh water af Be same rates theresalhip mix7ure WS also kept. Uniform. Wad Bar arate of (2 galfmin ). find the Amount of salt ; ene hour, Cain=2 2 GM onig Cine age Ypoin Ve 50 9et/ Cox se Ibfal | tank Ca) Sol: rank (7) Qin = eget nn = WA. _ WA Gout = “Wa Se Se = (Qéaw Cin) -CQout x Cout) aw SU, = on~ Ae a fA ) --.WA at “A zs aus _ oft ke Sy = Sb hy seperabh) /p wtp a $C “78S oe WA =e xe ws KeVs 7 fank (B) after Qeuts 254f/mi j lank(B) Fagineeviag Analysis and College of Leagineerin meal Methods le Abbac a (Bc) at (feo) coz So ITb/gal - WwW o- WA = co =o a> 5 “So ap wA=2s ZSs0co =K EC ap kx 2500 -ths si Wy 2500 © -ths -tfes Sout= eee =—Eseee at cout = soe wank & Qin = zpellmin > Clase Cout Por (PF) Cia ss0e”S Cout = SB. = 8 ye = (Q@énx Cin) -C Qout x Cout) -4Y Awe - eee - (axe) at -ths Swe _ 2s U8 af foce Zs ths -alw8 WB L SF Zs 100e Pate + -Qz= 00 os bined method 2s Spdt Sad? tes tas fre =e =e apa -e feug -Spei Qt fe ths 4 -t/: eC Xk WR = 2” poe sO ef Hes e€ we = foodie tes C We =loof ec : ; adhe we. lotta _ Dn we =e Coot #¢) as! Bc at (t=0) Como = WEzOo e =e orc) => Cx0 Has o= wg -loote Now: (Bead Shey ayes oH) ) AelLhr = bo mir tg = loo (60a hs WB = S44. 508 IL. Solution Manual sai is la Aatigl) ill Jal ja Dua y lag i phd ap data facehook.com/SolutionManual2000 i cy dec, Abbas H. St Engineeviag Andlysis and College of Engineerin /¢ - a a Ne merical Meth de Gs) oe so (& isp oe ve ay linear SecanS Orcler Homegencus £3. wih Cons tant Cooff, Case): IP Oy #Dz Dx DeX PUaCi@ + Ore Case@) s Sf? O,-Di [A= CoKxrenye* / \ ‘\ Fagineevigg Analysis and (— SC umeteal Methods College of Eagineerin ee, Abbas i Seis Ex 1. dx. dt oo == | ex ox yy vay ye DO +#2D=° yy D (Orz) =o D, =-2 » Daso BAe Dex SSE +z . 2x o SEE FORE 2X I= e tu Zz 4x 2: Ss Ft gyee Oy + SQx+Gy=° D+S5O +6506 (D42)+(D13) = D,=-% » De=-F Ox Dex AIZae FZ -2x STae +ozZe SAY ay = aes Sax + 6 tee Op 6O+S 20 COrs) (Dy) =e y= -S ’ Dz2=-l DX D2Xx AIF Ee + Cz2e -Sx =X plz! +2 € fx 43. Le a2 ayy x Oy - zDy -Zy=e D-2D-3s0 (D-F)(Dz1) =e O.- PF ; Daxe-l Ox D2Xx A= ae! t+Gae* Fx _ sx weGae Fae z, SRR yt pyro Dey ABs + hy 20 D_40+4e0 ©,-2)(O2-2=06 O,= Oes2 O=-22z Ox I= CK +e) = BP yys Cox en) €* Sd in ca ow = SEE + Bayne D+ Ove =o D'+By ry <0 O+r Or! =o ya 6 e/bt_ 4ac aa! baleen ae Oz ae Plante 2 gy - Sel . 2 2 D,=hpiB > O2=%-AB l = Co ah Engineerig Analysi's and! College of Lagineerin Namerical Methods < ON See dec, Abbas H. Serr = Se mob fF Pa xx Wi € fe, Cos BK +O, Sin fx ] -x = €°'fE, Cos ME x4 C2 Sinx 4x Fe LEZ sty ze OED +7 =0 (C+2)+6D7I=0 (D43)(O+3) =o O,=D2=-2 ae D, = Dz OX Ae CX +E2)€ 25x I= Gx ¢e2)e 4x6 BY 6 AY 4 ley =0 axe aX SO. 60+ lone (@=1, b=-6 » 2/0) De 2&8) 166% —4 x! #lo 2% D2 theet _ 7 ELE eszh Q+K+iB » De=K-48 D= 344 > Dee Rad a=F , Bal kX , s wee le, Cos Bx ¢ Cz in Bx] 5x wee Ley Cosx + Ce Sinx | =e axe ax td =° j ~2D44=0 1 Ox 26/4414 ZV ee 84 ; z 7 = % O- EE = RVR = IF AE Di=XpifB > Des X48 Slr iE ge aE ; ] =I 2 BalF } qx = © £6, Cos BX 4+Cz S¥a Bx J 2 & Ley CosVEX 4 Sz SinVE x] ds) date 5 ax yy 4800 s- PR poe se art ee wh iS ga pl lig facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 D~ 10D +16 <0 (D-2z)D-8) ze D=2 + Dave ox Dex Wage pe ‘ ‘ya 2x 8x A= Fre +E Solution Manual Osta 5 pal gc ‘ui ict Fagineevig Analysis and College of fagineerin Nemerical Melo ds 6s) Lc Aiba Se | Iinear Seconrcad Order on - Hom égrouin fgueations {1 — with Constant Cocfficient fqn equation of Me frm: ayy ty = Soe +28 He aby = FO) ---_O - «47 be solvel by frst obteinigg the, general solution Li of the ve leiled homagenous eguaton . AAY ay - ae + 2a +&y =o _-—---@ Anal aenete ths solu tion by: Pth2 Si Gy CX) op Sz hz (KX) —--—@ where: fe are arbitrary constants ¢ CX) > 2x) ate functions of one of mote of the following farm: — DX DK KX kx € ,xKE » © Cos Bx » © SINBX Tout, & inspection we may be @hle 6 d/fscover Ave pAtticlar Penation Ars sown that satisfies 27 Tn this ease we would be able fm solve 4 @ completed as , PT =th +e) ~ Nef: 7A LOD fo 4,cx) are ary soletions of the same rion homogenous =O > then Heir oiffherence . [ AIR) HRY) Dae . c (7 FX, (i) Sh = VO +e) Gq Ce Mow te find &particuldY solution of He origina! &. ehserve thal y= Constan # would do, Provided - Zy=¢ hence; Aer za I's one particular sokktrorn. Te conyslete solution is: 3X x: SRP tha -e + C/O” + C2 €E Eagineeviag Analysi: of / i Regine 2lysis an College of LEngineerin meveal Melbood's @ len, raed ‘Kee Variation of parameters fortunately, there is 2 genera! method for findigg the Solution non homogenous e7. @ once the, generar! solution of the cotte sporatag homezenaus eguation is -_nowl- Whe method (s Known &s foe method op Variation of parameters. Tt consists tn replaciog the cons tants G Gc in @ by Reaction V,2V, 6x) G Va=Ve 6X). are! gpaicing taf Khe reselling expression setsfy gO Thee. ‘ave Tuo feenctions tebe delermined ,and vepeniny Lat 27.0 Le satisfied is only one one condition. As a second Concttien we also veguivedd Hat: : 4 V& q- Vg Garo —_-~——@ o Then we have: 4 f SAM + Vee fava Yee) Vale Kis) / = Vu + Ve s ‘ =V,& + Vik, a é VE ME HV te Ue Ss Me Ip we substitute Mese expressions inte the left hand Side of @Q we obtetin. Je , 2 aa a 7 $V eV, = Fix The tuo bracketed termsidle Bevo since (4, f 2) ave Solufon of the 4eme: enoKns —2®- » ence 2Z@ fs setisfied i, nacddition of @ we require that Vy Gs + Vite = fex) —@ oe. @ #& © may be soled as apair é / so Vi + Vil ewo = Vit, 1 oF vv use Fex) fer the unknown fenchion vi bv « Yule given. ° az Fex Us vi -_ 4, Fex) a, Uz D uf uy a © ct, ° Cf Fexy Vie Lt ke, Fex) 4 ae © : “uy a, Ue where: D= 7 ‘ uf uy Now \, ve cen be fund by ‘ates ration . Engineering Analysis and College of Engineerin Regine aby: e: Namecical Methods “Lec, Abbas U. Sige Seemmeary :~ In applytng the method ef yatiation of * parameters fo solve the eg.:- Ax AY = Arg thy = FCXK) we can work aitec tly with the e7s. a@. Tt is not faces n % revive them the steps Afe:- LL solve the associafed homeg enous , ij C Se pet tky =o) fo da A the fune tion tt, fee. \ a f || 2. Cokulet DWV, fron @. ud 7 z- Tn tegrette v Bug te find Vi 4 Ve ‘| 4. write coun the genera! solution of fhe non - homggenaus 4&5 y= Vit V, be | Cramer’s Rule :- Aisystem of InetY ezudtion mety he | selves esiog cramer & ywle» pe exemple the eps: ByX 4 fey -& 2z)X + fen J = be when whe ceferminat of te coeff, matrix : ay aa O- det ff = 2 is atleren? from Pero. ad i the solution of the above as, is enigie where Dfo and may be calculated. - , hie au by y= 1b2 dee tees bel eye SY ip bY ay, = Ext 3. Solve G+ +2 - By <6 FCX)=6 Fist solve the associa fed hamepenesas e. AA pe Ie sy=e D,=-7. Dee-! -3X -3x WGtx»=6 & Ufex)a-ze UX) = ES | oh ULCX) = -5x x D “Gs . s 2*_¢.36°") .4a™ = Z é Pod =C€ —~(-3e =Fqe Px . a“ &, oe" Vi = mh Fox) -e x6 -_ 3 &* D 4e% = vi wj Fey) . Xe -s o* a oO 4e* 2 3x 3X weS-£ e dx-.t 46, =x —x v= fs eds = 2 Se 4ez la Milk, + Vy lhe 3x 2x x x =CHE 46) * 1056 #oaye Fxgineeviag Analysis and 69) College of Lgpineering NMamerical Methods dec, Abbas Hl, Sey (| £x 2 Solve: ; AY, AY 2 2 fexy2x (2"% Order nen bom. 4 xe te x Fex) ( ir 10. ) 7 4 ante Chomeyenous ©.) chericterishe | is: Dy4Oso wy O(OFN=0 ‘J D,=-1 »Dase DK D.x [) eras te phe +oz 1) a OxdeeX® 2 OO =I + of Ke Ul Cx) =0© =x r uu é | =x =x x '| b=], . =| x = Co Ko)- ([x Ge) =e _ ua ua eo vi e4e FOR) _ _-l eX =-x& o DP x V - FR) = Sux =x t eZ = a oO e* cM =§v =Sx éedx integration PW, parts =e x x ef h=X oy dx <- Lxe-€ Jos | gue ax axe FE tC Sxedu =fudu =v {vd . x x axe. (eax Vez Sf 2(xdx a p04 Mou: 72 Vit Ve Ue x 2 eEXe te 4 y He 4 Brea)! = Xt + Qe + x +C4 22 x4 C8" cit C4) x eS _xycsE 4S Ex 3 g- ee ee Jr say Six Fox) = Sinx sin Tag lerietion of parameters method: 32 y= Sher eg Oy] 20 ae Deb DH ENT , Oe é, Dz =-£ Dah F mb D,=04% O,= 0-28 => O,20-4 xXx py =e Lo Cos BX + Ce Sinpgx] =é [,Cosx + Cz Sinx] Sh = G Cosx + C2 Sink 1 us, A,=CosxX => Of =—Sinx r= Sinx =e UL =Cosx “a cesx Sinx Dz : l= - " = cokx + Sin®x =1 up ~Sinx osx U2 Us Fox) _ _=Siny x Sinv 2 Sy2x D 1 “ Va = Oe Fix) 2 CeosxxSinx 2 Siny Cosx oD / = an. -.\ i Yan S Sintxdx =-SL 1- Cosex)dx so bfelny L fcasaxdy TEX tot SinextCs 3 Lsorc Fe eK tp SX Casx +O, 7 eal Cosx dk = SHE 4 C4 TeV t LoVe «Coax Coxe Si0X CosX +t Cp) ¢ Sink ¢ (SLA Side , <4) Fagineevigg Analysis and College of Lagineerin ody Methods (<0) a Oe EX4 IY Le SS aSxt DY 2 ty axe ax Oy 2D yl =o M+!) (Or!) =0 ph = ferx Sz ph " -* pth = SKE 4o2E jerxree] a ay AX Ox |e -xX plh=& a, -Ce%z u,= KE f= ~xe* 46" a Ub, = sf= Ds “a “\= 5% dt, =e oan xX xe dec, Abbas H. Seriy -X =x =e Feox)=e “y= nyse ap 0.=D.--l =X =-€ x e* -€ =e =X eK Za “ Ya 24efoO 2 HEE Ly D -e€ / CL, FCx) _ xe* xE% =-x Ve HM * oS Sax -é€ M =Selox = AtCez V2 =§-x dx eo T= aM + UV +4 ox, Wa KEX (KFC FE (-S +04) 2-x ~* =Xe +CeXE ~ a" fe =x + C4x -x -e x +¥] HX xX 4ec4 x x 2 oe = CgKO" 4 C4 Oe HE 2 7 -x -X =X “| ed¥ CS) BEKELE) xen e* x - 2! s°% x= 14x) = -€ Ex S ¢- = axe =x diy vk Axe wre? Dif-0 Onl SO=Fl 2 Dietl » D,--I x - Wwh=Ceé $ouen 4ara& UX e Cj (x) = € as (xX) =-é x -K a“ o-| oes = ¢ e = -e-€ =--|-l=-2 fs ue & _& é = Viz =z Fn EX x ™ D —Z Zz 4 Ge Fox) & x _& V, x =X = dD -zZ Zz < x x - : Ys sje = afxe ax okgration by parts 1» Sarveu vSvole ) o fet Lex » dv=8Adx atuedx wg LXE EF GJ v=-6* oS xed =~ xe"4 fe ox =X Wx = [-x€"- 8 +¢,] x Ve = S- Eb ox ef fxésx, aex weds 1 x vu =e vie a~g[x€-E+e2] x a, Sx&= uv-fvdsu Hx (ex axée ey coon fagineeviag Analysis and College of Lagineerin Ntmeceal Methods da fiber Seo Ex Foo a2 =& 46% Foxe dpe es lisieg Variation af Parmeter method : bdr. e. O-Dso — D(D-l) =o 2D,se 2Da=l 2H cr td C,=1 fs0o x a= & ae De a, a _|/ & =& “lar Ug] jo & -xX 7 Vo Poy EG SD S4 oO e* Ve a fo e EH ED Ly e™ D & v = SEE Ed = OE + cs -&xX 2x Ve = S$ C14 E ok = x- eM cq - GY, 2M tava rx x 1 ow =e CPE a cz) pO (x LEM ca) s x =x =e Spc axe -te ~a& = x = Let J 4x4 GQt+G4é = x x + By (Ca-t)e 4XO 4-Le =. x x K1ae ¢ XE +e Ce ai oe 1 x =x ye Se t KH Ca le + Le / Engineevigg Pnalysis and (p> College of Epgineeria ‘| nmeleal Methods tee Abbasid ea Undetermined Coefbicients the method of yariahan patémeky is comyokelely general method fer solving non- homogenous egudtions. However’, the calewleitions involved «an be comalicated and is specia/ case Hele mey be easier methods Tb use. | For exampke we night gesess ape rticulir solution far tre ‘ egecdton : AY aL x® 4ay-€ ----© of the bron yo= Ae substitute, CYP = AE and ifs seconde aerivative into gO : Ll Ae +3 AE =é a 4DE = & ; -/ ig \ a t pye=hé The eguation Lee, ty = 3x44 _.~—© has & perticalar solution of the Rem: PIP aS x ¢Dx+& we substitute this Polynomial f ifs second olerivale inte <—Z@ WIP = Cx+D ul Ps Ze z 2EtHOX + DK pO nex pA. i xX, DX + 26 4E = 2x44 fn C=F , Dro fi 2cy+b=F 203) +£=4 : : i Z=-2 we Conclude bak Cye = Pe 4 oxX -2 =3XU2) is asolution ; of @ @ i In the above examples the paticulay solutions yesembled || the function FLX) on He Light hand side of Me non— homaenous egutton. te method of, guessing the Arn of the soluhon,s and teen lelermining the Values of le unaleferwinreD coef ficrenf 's. Lf Agcerads upoa cur ability ‘| hb vecongnize I(t lockS the pgenetalrt of Ke method) off | Varidtion of parameters. Hace. asinphk melod to | solve 2 number of special ceases. ‘| _, Fagineevia Analysis anc! hi Namevcal Methods «) College of Eagineerin dec. Abbas dl Seep Table i | Tre method of uneletermined coche. for Selecte/ . of the Arm Sep earky =fex) _— IP Eex) has afern that bs ct constant multiple and ze Tren srelude this expression in the — function pode fhe characteristia e. | axpbxtre ois asiggk root of the chavacter(she. g. ots ddeuble root of He characteistic eg. ofan: D is not aroot of Dx Fe the character(stic eg. Ox “i . an 2 O is asingle root of axe the characteristic eg. _| Dis & ceubk root 2 Dx sah AX e he chtracteristie @. ké. is not Aroof ef Sinkx » Ges Kx the c hontcheistic ¥. Bcesk x +C Sinkx — ets not Arf of Dx? 4 Exe F (chosen fo mukch of clegtee - BX + bx 40) Oxt¢ Ex? +Fx (legree_ One higher order than the lez te. axtzhxec)- Dxt + EXER Chegree Two Righes Orcler than Phe Lezrec of axe bute). & linde lermines! Ge pbeients melbod solve; Ex 1 se. ee DY oe ory x ——y sats Fex) = cher. es : Dud <0 : DOM =o > D+) , Davo -x ph =e 4+ . from tthle since tx) =x hes aterm of AX bx 4c of ° fs Stag le veot of cheer. ey. (Oz =e). choos WTP = Dee Exp FK WP BOX 4 2&x 4¢F Y= COX 42€ e a Seb. Ye + Sp ine YY *y =x (SOx +2E) 4 (BOX 4 2EX yf Jax 3OX* + (6D42E)X 4+ @EE Fax SD so wb Deo (SO ¢ 2€)x =x 6D+2&2l = o¢2& =) Eek 2E4F=o pzxbyFro +> F=-l z- A yp re +f -x VR th 5 2 -xX eG ye, Engineevigg Analysis and College of Egpineering NMamerical Methods dec, Abbas H. Seriy { a 5 y . 2X2 Pe 427s ary e ste ty d, Wolen ub axe t * a wee - * | (ely) eet © Oy. 20+4! co Yrs Ave A (D4i)(O+!) 20 2p Dx Dee-l on double root beens e ob ga | plh = (GX +2) e* Since: Das edouhble roof YP = Pxe* AYER e* x St H~DXE™ 4 ZAXE P= ARE* 2 Axe + © 2AxE*, 246%) Ws -4 AX ety Ax &* + 296% Vy sub ‘ris x” 2 a . (24 Ax EN ARE 42 Ae") 42 (ARE™ 4 2AKE) 4 ARE ex - a - 2 =X =x ~X 2X ~4AX EAR E+ 2AeX_2AKRE* 4 AKE 4 KE* xg ay oy) (| Bo ee 2 2A EX wy A=t a CA 652 - 4 NM oe LE “x ‘ ye Site - 3 eae AIP = RE py UB ye OD aL te* a Nab, cos07" 2 : Vy/ IA t yp 2 ex bon? =C,X ¢O2O + 4xe | =e% (C1 X+Cn+ x) 4x 3 IY yx Fexyeax aa ~amed Cxd= O-lso => Dee] 3 O=F! OD, -+l » De--l WA GF Oe* feble since fix)=x has aterm of Axv-bx+e Ane 0 is nef Der Dz choose ops Dx'4 Ex F we 2Dx4eF I =2D sud, IS 2D ~ (Ox* 42% FD =X ~OX Ex ¢ (2D -F=x -D¥20 Dro ~EX =X => €=--! 20-feo => 2xo-f=0 sp F=0 *yp- -X SRA tse w= ce +o 6 x Solution Manual usd ois J yla Ayal iS Jal) yp lly cay it dade facehook.com/SolutionManual2000 Engineeviag Andlysis and College of Lazineerin Dimeteal Methods @ te Abbas H. SG 4x 4 iz et =y = Sinx 2. Fex)= Sinx =x < i chave. e7. Culco Oe! = D=F 1 > Oy A=0 -28 Sink = Sinx -2B2! >B=-+ SP = - Sin x A= SP x >x =, 40,6 ~ 4 Sinx ex Se J 4 sys oX+e xt Ese _ Bent Bin ges Fonexi O° 44D +5 x0 De ~AEl4 4940S =4E0F ~4EVT _ ad axl] 2 ~ Op =-2-t Das-2-£ Di=%&+i2 Oe e-6P K=-z2 q f=l KX Wh= € Le, CosBX + Cz Sin Bx] - 6 * fe, Cos X ¢ Sz SinX by tesing he mettiad of toncleferinined CoeKl cients let: Yas PX 4B YrA {26 ink Diff e. re O¢ 494+ S(AX+B) =Xrz 49 459X758 = Xt SAK + FASE =X PR SAst => Aa Lb FASE =z Z# ¢SB =e 5B = 2-5 > 562 £ =p B-& . a 2s PP att. (= Mat SP 2K . pwy=e CG Cos xX +O, Sinx)r& rf Namerical Methods ay pincer Analysis and @ Colege of Pg : Az ot. = ee ee _ charact eg. O-F?D-lo =e } (D-5S)(D+Y eo SRD, =5 2 Dee -% ( sy-loy = . ay’ -By'- ley yj on Seo ~l0of=-F ~lbpe-3 = As2. | 10 { MW -5t { = SAP i} 2X . w 6-1. -F(-£) -PBa=-S 8 x : wp 48 Ww Wh tye Ga ax_x 7 Ha, - Cre -etas dec, Abbas H. Se 4x ge ofty dad is oO ee ie SHAK ee | char. ey. O1-Dzoe . L D(D-1)2e @&D,=0 , Dz=l il Mh = Gy bOeS | if we guess: y= ASiaxX | ~ Gos Pies 29 = -A Sinx sub. SoS, = Sinx - AS inx 9) Cosx = Shay Ax-!) so @/ He same time ne solution of toe porn WIP = FP Sin Guess yor 2 Cosx +B Sink ASP = - ASinx + B Cosx Wee -Aices X- BSinx sab, VOIP = Sx (- Qeosx -BSinx)-C-APSInx+ Bcosx ) = Sing ~ Reesx ~BSmx +9 Sinx ~ Beosx = Sinx (A-B) Siax-A 4B) cosk = Sinx A-Ba! A+B=o 2A) ap AaL f Gu-4 We= Paosx + BSing = Zz cosx—1L Six ~ (cos x ~Sinx) aL z SSAt IP Az pee + 4 (c6osx—Sin) _ we. - Sete reer ee (\. ERgineeviag Andlysis and College cnet Methods @ a of Lngineerin dec, Aibac eo . dz ay = SAL Ghee aye* char. eg. O42DrIl=o (D4+N(Dz!) =e = D)=O2ze-1 Wh = CX + Cn)e* LD *Pwe guess we = Ax J’ 2hx Ly =28 Ww Fey hx I 29+ 2(2A X)4 AK ax 2ZALIAX + AX aX “a Aze 4 A=! et Be same time . eg, A&S no-solution of the form APs Ax . Guess ,ypr Ax*+ BX4E = 2AX+B | S- 29 seh. ineg. SARS Hy EX . ZArz @AX +8) + AX4¢BK 4 C=X ZA +44 Ax +2B tAX¢ Bx corx BR + GAPBK + (2A + 2B4C) =X Az! 4A? =0 cs 40) +Beo => Bs 2A+tBec ro { 20) +2C-4) ¢-o roe on € . 5 Fx Jo ¢: AEY py » = Cos BX Fex)= Cos3X ——s axe chay, D*,/=0' Dan Oe aed OXF EE kee B=! AA = * 1 Cos BX + Cz SinPx) =€ CE Cosx eR Sinx) : Nh = Cy Cos X + Ce Sinx Seoskx = Cos ex ap feos XD ofch. eq (Table) Guess > yp sf) cos3x +8 Sin 3x W = ~3) Sinex +38 Cos 3x nf = 7 cos 3X ~ 7 8 Sin3x sub, in. eg, Wt = Cos Bx ~ TACeS 3x. - IB Sin3sx +A Cos3x4+B Sin3X = Cos3x -8 (9) Cos3x -EBSNSK — CossX -8 ces3x = Ces3X op As. -@BsSinsx so => Big NP = 2 os 2x + BSn3x = ~ pes Bx I oh +92 A= esx + Gz Sinx -3 Cos 3x Fagineeviag Analysis and College of Lag peeey ooo eee Namerical Methods dec, Abbas U. Sévir Ax We 3. av =e fee sbayeé ch. @. Og/ro Yee] aR Da FT DeFe heo » B=! Ls oe CE) Cos fx $C2Sin Bx) ph = Sr esX + Cz Sinx from Fable : Bre" 2>Os2 fs not yooh of De Fe Guess “pp «fe P= 2Ae Ji athe subin ’ Sry se AEX + pe* =a SAE = B op fad 1 ax MP ase A =Sh tJP m z =O, CosX+ Ce SinkX + xe 4x 2 3 Aas _ dv ; ? Sa. BY: Ze Casx... cA. eg. O-D-2 =o (O-2) (D4!) =e = O,=2 ,O--! phe GO aE Guess > fo = i cosx +B Sinx ys w= -Al Sinx + Bcosx , , — Ww ~ ~Acosx-BSinx I sub in eg. ' SL oyuey =26 Cos x i| 0 Ces ~B Sink + ASK — Boos x ~2 A Cosk~ 2BSINX =2oCos| | (A-32e) Sinx +C3A -B) cos x = 20-Casx A-~3B=0 Ul -3f~& « 2e lt As-6 4 Be-2 : NP =~ ECS KAZ Sink A 7% to -x . M= GO 4 OE = 6Gosx ~25nx Exgineevigg Analysis and College of Egyincering Namerical Methods dec, Abbas H. Serr : az x z Se 4x /3_ FF aye +0 ECx)=@ 4X »>D=- Fl cA. 7. Des oO (b= GE pee” table Fox) have ae ~ Ol fs 4 single root of ch. ef. etal a yes AX & (ois not areot of che. eg. P22 EX 4 CX 4D Gress YP SI tI = AXE 4B Cx 4D f De BE 4 AXE 42BX HE BEX 4 [PX ¢AXE 428 2294 Ax&+2B . a x z subin gy Yayo -xK iP 7 eee 2 fre + Axe + 2B-AXE Bx cx -D=8 +X 2A Bx B=-! -Cx=0 => Cre ZB_-Dso =F 2-04 Ose a> Ox-% MP = dex Ke fe EK Ke SALE x Fz x =x aC +Cze +B : oz = 4x ME: SS-# ~ 6) 2 8 t005x Lex) =e 2 %Cosx : Char. EF. O-D-b 20 (D+290H- Bee D, =-2 3 Dr=S Th 2G On OE 7 ble 2 BX 20% 12 De-| “is not foot of cher eg. 4 SPA =e* | Gesx =Coskx sA-kz=/ /s nef roof of ep. che. eg: (TP, = Boos X + CSN Guess + NPs PE Wt cose + CSinx ye ~AE* BSinx +O Cosy SY = AG = Boos — OSmx sb. “7 eg. I~ by = G. ¥Casx AE Bcosx— csiix + Re* + BSinX ~60E ~SBcoesx — EC sinx =e" F Cosx -4fe*™ ~ (F840) Cosx — (7C-B) Sin X =e ¥cosx ARE = wy Aad FE 4coxrF Fo4 Ero = 41 > en Z% Sen be +t Gosxk +E Stnx 7h tye ae 3x ae Ge c.e 1 He 7 sp % +e ze tcosx tS Sinx ' a Lagineesicg Analysis and “@ © College ye of Egpincering Nemerical Methods lc. Abbas H. Serig \ | Bxis 2 AE 4g A cis X* FOX) = ISK —_—= Ax? aX chery. eg. O+ SD =0 O(D4S5) =o Oizo ,De=-5 | -5x NA = Fr + C2 €e tables Fexyeisx* has aferm of 2X4 bx te and Co) 7s asigle veot of char. eg, D,=0 Giaess: go = AX 4 BK Cx ve SAK +2Bx+e WF = 6AX +2B | sub. in eg. SIRES HEX 64x 42B + ISAX 4 1OBK E Se = ISX IS AX ISX xt Pal CA+IOB =e wp B=- ZB4 Sc so pee £ =x. fx Xx WP t+ ASIN4 LIP 3 Cy ¢oze #X- as +3Ex 2x lz Sh 3 bt EX 12x Fox <8 12x x? char. o. O_3D =0 P(O-3)=0 > O20 » Oz=F “ha ore ae table:. Fx) He > Dex which ts asingke Yoot of char. eg Dz=-F Ja = rexé* (2) is sing le roof of char. e D,=0 te = BSc Guess: Ye “Ya te = Axe 4Bx* ro 2 Ae FPAKO* 22Bx4+e AW = SAEX 4 BAG 4 FAKE = 688 4 99x8% 428 Stub. tn a P- -By'=e" Ns lax ae PIA + BAX “AXE ~6BX— 3c, =e" 12x 3AE*— 68x +28 30 12% 3Ae* = E* > fat - 68x = Lx xf Bae 2B-3es0 a 2(2)-3c =0 sce x 3x z 4 3 AP = ze FOX eh bt IP Y= Se “eh + 2x ee Lx fagineericg Analysis and College of Eazineerin Nemerical Méthods dec. Abbas US cr | e dh AY oy par J EX SF - Se 3S +27 -@ +E -X a FAY = eX, on _x a a - 1 See + 3 +320 || DeeDye=0 =) (D+) (Dt2) -0 LD, e- ? Dz=+2 |, OF =x =2X% rw =C,C" + CLE (| MP ANWR AIR +IPs fr Axe OCS Oe! | 4.98 =pxe* he fexy 2 F* 2 F* D2 A, = BX e* Boe ftxp 22x AWP7 = CX4+D -2Xx NP AxE* 4 BxE” ¢-cx4D (VP = PREY IE AE 4 ABs E28 EN 2B -2x $e +P OO AE. AIRE 2 BE 2B Dee Ax Och, 4Bxe* 4BE™ =) See Sb Ce Gases =x -X 2x = Fix & 2 Ae“ + 4Aby &* 4B B*_ spy E 43 AE. EB EX -2Xx Pm ae = i $3BE "4 3c 4 2AXE™ 42BxS?® p2ex4+D =P Ley >x >2x a Pre -Be ~+20x+3e4+4D =e +e*_x A=] -B=l ap>Be-! 2Ce-] cee b 3c 40 =0 we Ook =x [-2 = XOX HL xs WP. exe oXre DNTP th = ORE KE _ Lx th) + yp eX pcre) Solution Manual Auta ois Js Ati is Jl) yp Dally lag ya lid Mada facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 Fagineevi Analysis and College of Lagineerin mace Metbods le Abbat Sea | ier Oreler linear Lguation wife Constant Coefficient | Axe AY 3 AY 2 ot —“ =o ax> ax ax | Oy-sBy + eQy-< - or 20'+2D) =o i DL?270 42D =o D[O-30 +2] = D[(O=!) ¢D-2)] =e 1) 2 Dwo » Daal » Dzu2 D, +#+# D240. a 29h cae pen ™ 4 ogee \? ba 4b peg & 7 PL = 4 Ep Cg é- AW aay 4y=0 Ex ax 4 tA By-4Dyrdy re (D4 +ADy <0 (Ol 4D* +4) =0 (D-2)(D'-2)=6 | (D-2)=0 =>Osz a>O=aFVe (Ge eo Gaz a> Oe He 2. Dp aVE 2 Oaee Deg ee 2 D4e NZ O, = D3 = V2 O,=-D4=-V2 O~n Ox \laae COX C2) e + COX +04) © t 4 ) || hs CorX4 Sa) EAL Gyxacayer* (! it ns ait. = 4x =a = Dy =14y =0 MSG 20 sp (OHI MDA) =° G-4z0 we Ord 2 OLGVF =Fed D+4s0 Oe 4 Ole Fz 2 Dette 2 O22-% 2Dz22k » Dge-zik D, #D, »O-f 04 Inay. Dr Do xy “Yh =(Gé ee **) - a (Cs SinBx + C4 Cos£x) 2, plb= Ge" + ce “yy ees Sinx + C4 Cos 2x) £x :- SSy dy Le oxe ” > ax FAITE By -3Qy 42y=° D'-sDz2=0 O'_ OL-2D +220 D(Ou1)-2(O-\) <0 7 D(O-1) (D+) -2(D-1) x6 €D-1) (© (O41)-2) #0 (O-1) (O*+O-z) =0 (D-1) (D-1)(D+2) =e AED, 21> Dg=! oDe=-2 pt = CUK4FQ&4qe* Te Find yp: Pony Ea O™* op Di =1 = Ow Oz APs Axe \ 2 Xx x AP = FARE 4-2AKE SP SORE 2AKE ob 2A Ep ZOE 2 REGIE 4 2AE Dea AREY 2AKE 2 AXE + 2AEY 28 By 2 E42 AeX = ARP 6x E 4 6 AE ae Fggineeviag Analysis and College of Lngineerin Namerical Methods @) ie. Mbat Sg wh \ . ~ sub y aI 27 17 de x aiy da <¢ | int San x x zx | Cat ¢6Ax e+ 6RE)-3(AKCLIAKE + 2E )t (Axe )e& . / iI oe 1 2 / a pH PKe x wx, tk ‘| Aa tye = CUXt Ne + Cze #p* ry - of Ady diy 4a dv =% | Sk SE-+ + ee tay ‘| Oy-4By+ 6 Dy Ady ny=2 +) (SL 4A 4 6-4 D4 Iy =0 OL. 40+60-4D¢l ©0 ‘| C204 0) 4 (-2 0440-20) +S- 2 D+!) =o | D*(D-2D+1)-2D(O-2D +!) # (D-2D+#l) =o ‘| (O%-2041)(D*- 20+!) =e , L£¢0-)(0-1][CD-9CD-1)J = Dy wls Daxl »>Dze'> Oael | = Ct Cox” tog X 4 AE Te find 9 | det ( 1 = Ax = f) . Pre LJP 02, fpse 27 P=e =psubs in y. o-d xo Su0-A%or A=F [a ak => yo =F ( =r Je | (CX 4b eX Eek C4 )E FF 3, z EX e- =e 2, age oy 2 Oy-2 By r2Dyny=e O204,.2D-l=o PLO O*+2D -lzo OO-1) - (OX 2D ¢ieo BUD-1) -(B-1)(D-1) =o (D.-1) (op O+t) =o D-l=o => O,<1 D-Deleo HOw t1ZNI7 Ae #1 eb MBG za 2 a Oz=dL VFL = Opa LeME EX &X b=Ge +e [D2=-l . O+ leo > Oe-| a> Oped » Daz=-4 D-ls0 => Ose! Dylao WOg=-! . : D'tliso Oz-4 »Der-4 OD =Ose1 Dr=Oé=-! Dz, D4nFe D2 Oeg=F4 -X ” th = rx $a )E + (ak t CAE” 4 Cy Siar p Co Cosx + Ce Sinx + Cg Cosx Lx. (2¥-4D+8)y -/ze™ O-HD18=6 let DP, = ~4 (4)°- 14-4) +820 64456 ¢8=0 ok O'-4D+2 Or4 | OF 4D 1g FOF -40° -/14O +8 240+ 60 2048 F2DF& oo “2 Ordeo 24D +2 3-0 Da FAEVG 402 -t 728% . Lave = == z 2 = 2OgeLee , Ogz= 7 =c, ee We hn yp: Bexy2 2 E* Be 42D, “p= Axe p= 4Axe%y pe™ P= t6AxE™ ape _ane™ «pb _gneM™ AX A six > o Jp =-AAKE” 4 Ube 32 Ae = 64Axe™, 49 9E% sab. in ee. ~64 AEM 48 Ed (4 AB EN) 8 (KE) 2 Ee GIA) HA) A SSNS Engineevigg Andlysis and Colleze of Engineerin ; Wceeteal Netods @) dec, Abbas H. & vad Two. Dimensional Heat quation Seo > 2 ; i 3 K, +2 i =a DL Laplace s equation as Perfectly insul@led ex: Dyive the gener! Sefution 0 of [Be Be =o] tothe 2 ee aes J mate : Steddy stafe temp chistibuton $1 (mela] shel) = favo amete/ sheet shown. 3 y 2 are te eli, Sel. , let: eney) = KX) ID——O eet Hy iazalaked Bu oxy 7 Se CT Sf Bu yy Loe x y® “one 7 ey T aT sub: ey x 1 req i >p i A Se A ae PEN NX | x 1 "DM eo op Dts NM op Dez \ | Diz .De=-d SD, 402 Dd, 5 ~X = Ge Ber“ = ALd* , BOX oN @O- Radae a ete o= (A ashh, to) + B sinh d(0))#(C eshy + Dsin dy) 0 A(C ces dy +D sindy) a> Azo ~ KCxsy) - & Sink Aca +D Sinky) ee ae ey: = Sivhhx (€ CcosXy p Ox dy) ) ee, Ne pe ad ae. Done fone Engineeriag Analysis and College of Engineering i Ma merical Methods dec, Abbas. H. Sez. for - —- = soe | @- =v =o when y=0 — deNebkdes | By = Sink x COM Six Ay) + Od coshy ) 0 = Siah dx (6) HAO) +O GFK 1) o- Sinh Ax x OX ar Deo t a er 4 2 (Lay= Sink dx * Ecesdyy NN @- 2“ 2. when y=! > crdbNovoias 22h Sink ind ) Dy = Cc ny aX say 9 =-6) Sah \x stad ax sindeo a \enr Un (xs) 2 n Sinh Xx Cosd wa Wea ae , Lxsy) 2 Cn Sin 4 nix CosnTy (Leap-Z 7) | a ae ud @- af x=1 , KOQy)eFo Bets, of a Go = Z, Cn Sih nwt) Cosn ly Pb). 2, an Cos OS Y=} - ans Cn Smhyr , Pl ans 26 Pt)Cos BT tt Chalf rage cosine) Pp’, P -2 Ty of an= 2 sve Cos TY SY Cn Sahni” = [05 Cos rly Ay | - 182 (Co. Sn = saan SUS aby 2 eX: Bu | atu xt z =o (ROFL BSihn 7 Se a Sub. @ ene ® in @ a ee (4054) «(Gers AX +B sindx) *(C cosh)y £Dsinh Ay) 2 ee ——_— ee 5 . Z lk 9) =X (xx 7) su x su . Dxe Je By M xy x w +tX¥ =o ZX nN a : a RS Saye HL ap An x rc x rw ~ let Se ar ms-X NS x za ae a> X 4x = ved xR —@B Se inti j J eT ~oo™ * Eqgineeviag Analysis and College of Engineeria ptemecal Methods 8) Tee Abbas t BG Ss Q- L%0) =o cA aes), 7 : ° I 3. 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Sv open papell IRE pts inl ann natal os EY SR No IP Erbin cos kt xx& 3 xy — D(D-1)(D-2) xy D(D-)) xf —-&D io | 4x KP xy py =e DO(O-1) tO-lz=o (O-)(D+)=e O,=+l »Dee-! DO: # Dz = D, Shee +e =o 40,6" 4 XP skye exp - Ey =e O(D-1)(D-2z) - 3D (D-Y 46 D-E=0 D(O-1) (D-2)-3D(O-) + 6(D-1) =0 (D-1) (O(D-2)- 7D +6) =e (D-1) (D (0-2) - 2(0-2)) <6 (D-1) ((O-2)(D-3)) =6 Crest! 2 Dazte » Dz=F Oz Orz pb=aGe- $e 4Qe" z = 3z Pb=Ge 4Cee +Cse ax SY sy IY ye Mgt PK Toe tay FAAS ary + sxy* tI =IK 4% let: xa& Zz 2O0O-])+50+] = Fe 4% ZO(O-!) t5D+/=0 2D -2D+504/ <0 ZO 47 D4¢l =0 De -3 FIA) - aE! Zz 4 D,=-1 » Oz=-% z O,z pha Ge #to,€6" L =<. -SZ plh= Ge +Cre * ee eee Eigineevigg Analysis and @) College of Exginecring Le NMemevical Methods ec, Abbas H. Serr - . = = fe 7 eee [este (2D 43D tidy 3x 4% “ z VPs (7E oA Zee Se 4p PS 4B = BE ph E (2p 3A+A) tb =3E +2 6423 >> fat But 2 9P= AxrB=t a ah 4P J Vn) ota Inx=2 <4 ab sy =, 87% 4. & gehx Inox e t eee +e = & Co x ia xt = og sis Solution Manual ui i J gla Ayal iS Jal) yp Dally hay pi ld dada facehook.com/SolutionManual2000 Eqgineerigg Analysis and College of Engineering Ss V2 cree + Numerical Methods ® dec, Abbas H. Sep [Natvix| Te general form of matvix \05) yah) ay anaes (on) ce Sasa PPO SL Oise ol ss ot GD Best Sy sitet! ce ae ov aolis Ly SRW atl ee, SL Sy Sb SS Haat Re [2-3 ben He, Be[ bis | en Qez bae S @z- 6b.) =4 » @22-hbz22-! —— [3-4] [= 4] [6 af aT 2 | Qyebn 5 Ayerbi2) > e2eyf be} > @ar=brz * i] 42) or label of bie 8 ene Arte 1 EBs WIL -O” 5A os oe Alon 5 LWes! poicn ae aie Ot le UMN EU ods Is [6] -[e] F] man min _ [ee on bb a) 7 : an? ; 6] 7 & b, zi 2k zt ze exe 7 bhedta [eo oy [<] @zi¢bz1) (22+ S23) Sx2- find AFB Ip: 2-5) -i 7 (rl) 3.2 Ex:. find (AZ8) If: 5 23 4 3 +1 Az{-1 0 2 » Bs |s wow 1 5 © 5 1 .~2o0 Eqgineevigg Pnalysis and Collese of Egginecting Nemerical Methods dec, Abbas H. Serr Sol. (Sp4) C243) (340-1) qe ArB-c = | C5) (ov) (242) |= |4 0 (45) (541) (0 #(~20))) 6 6° =20 (5-4) (2-3) @-(-1) 1! 4 4 A-Bec = |(-)-5) (@-) = (z-12) | =] -6 -l0 -10 t-5) (5-1) -G2e))} | -4-°4 2ol Note: (A-B) = ~G-A) ‘ (A+B) = (8 +A) Huw: find (B-A) : sett Saale AS SU Bipny Caster eis : are el cre -@ ee pay Ste <7 Fe Ss 2 éx: let kad, AZ| 4 S| Fad k [A] zz 4 0 Ex: IP ke-s >» A= |4 5 2 | » B= |-F 1 ! Find: KA - FE “Sof as kK F Zt 1 FAs-3A=|4 5 2 -l 0 -2@ 4 0 8 --: - 1 b-4 4 2 ! 3 -7 -6 «3 49-lB =| -1I5 | & ZF 6 F ° 6 -1-(42) C6 -e) (12-1) Gis -¢-£)) Gh) @--p) (5-8) ¢s- 4) 6 -cn) fee Engineering Analysis and Colleze of Engincerin Atamevcal Metods dee. Abbas UG + 7. ‘< . . « » le - ab/oos Ob ne Lb epee cop Gs Obs ave -® Bap EON ads SOM abepN Aw! oad cole Raed) =O cr BL AN ee Bed La Rom) GB Ces Pu) AeBac Ip nem, a CCmsne) | See- je | 1s e Re | , i : J 45 4 2 ae Find [A] *[B] ‘ Sol. “Ta Le] ea Bee bo 2HE eee +) Gy = 41) 4B¥4) Hele = 14 ah cad a Cpe = (245) + CSHZ) H1E Ly e 1 wpe be = I 5. . eee Fh, 4!) + (S44) 94 Res daat be weet, = (4¥5) + (52) = 50 co Sad 4 1 t ca Find: ABs Sel LAILB] =O (2¥3) (35) (2*3) ae Dy Pr Dg [. ofa? falls] = Dy Din a. zo) | Fie’ Fis ‘] frsite] = | Gen), (BAD [fe Fr R3-fas es 1° Pe 1 2 12 74 2 4 24 fe ! 5S 678 X51 Ry = 301) =? 4x3. Fined the unknown which satisfy €g- poe ft -3 x 1 o 12 t 7} [2 ; ° of 5 € s 4 o 9 0 1 w al Aw Ys tel] w\ Sol. gees (lex) + logy) CR) + Bm) [=X-2-3W-—-—=O © 2 = (o#x) + ( IkY) + (H2H 2) + Cle) ~2% two -—=O Se (o¥x D+ (oxy) + U2) + CS4) 52 %-S5w —---@ =] =(@¥X) + (ony) HOR Zz) +Cew) es cls w @®. sub @ in @ +r @=0 Sub wand 2 in@® => y=3 sub w and 2 in @ => xX2-2 fu, Sod lay ip aslo p74 S40 Sol, fat = (1B) 4 uy An o- Melee @ak hoon o- L jel ey Solution Manual us ois Ja Ati i sally pally ay a it Mada | facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 Engineering Hnalysis and College of Laginecrin Ktemeteal Methods dee, Ribak H. ‘GE Special Matrices O- Tanspose of mahix (ay If Romany Then AT Alnem) Bath Nassiedl dol bei Sole ots ay aa an ar aay 31 r. a =| @z au aes - A= an ae ze @31 232 as ig F2Z A33, : Properties: pe (An =A (AtBy ee A™4BT. (AB) = AT BT (CAT = cAT where ie ae any cons ent. 1 yn o w a ees “finds AP, BT. (By, (ABY seAy where : (@F2) el 3 « , @T= 34 ‘| 6 1 to fs 3 Ly ae. 24°F Wey -ne’ -\2 5s alle 2 2 Tt 40 4s S$ -| $ e. Conjugate Vratrix :- (Sod V's sah) Te (A) pArwsne (AY = (Ae elec ois [A] arigad\ coe 151 x DOV BEL pt ade polis cs SE [A] armel <2 it x » Alets pd unt as wm-|* 2) me lel [> 3 -1 “15 = “| i 2 A" = Hermitian Conjugate (Hranjudteima bix) T a oes om « [AY = [87] (71: APY [AY sete crle cit hs AP ctseehl oo Engineeriag Analysis and College of Lngineerin, \ Numerical Methods dec, Abbas H. Sry 2h tpi PK zl ai ek ad See Ae \k 2 il fAT = |i 2 gai 4 3-2i o gi -i oo 24 Fhe : Ahk \ & ° « i a4 pled el) 4 5) 2 - 6nd ; (awh) Hi —4) + (Bh 0) o- 64-441) = - 5-4 i wei) t (ax—d) (ded) =- 24 Ged) a GH) =H Ieee Cease (4 wh) 4 (24-4) + (Ape) = -po2d Cz) = (Awzd) + GF -24) (4) +o’ ZH (-F4-2% (6-4) (-5-2) 644) (-S44) * [Axe] “\e1ed) Cezdy| =r eBy=] Cred) Cassi C4-34) (-s-74) C4434) C5434) T [GSet) (4424) (-4432) C544) Cresy) = (543i) cave} = [(axey] = Wai 2 + (men) aps abyuph Sr cibs O- If [A] =[A]™ + symmetric’. Sealers @- Hf [A] PY Shew- symmetiic @- Tf [A] = [A] —s Hermition. @. If [A] =-[A]” > shew — hermition thus. Find VTEC I 4) » bes : | Ex:- 1 or I 2 4 Ipd Beek ° 3. F red! -? o -t bus Sher Syme. -F z H Expgineevitg Analysis and. College of Lagineerin: Xtcmeceat Methods Lec Aibaé U. 5 + AN aosuahl rgd oleyl SARL as saabl -O |A| = C&y* 222) -(@n¥ 22) | a [7] [é ‘| ~3 4 |Al- (24 (SKF) Ee BEISE RP |A| -[ezeowe) +63 x-1u3) + (esx 1)] a [ewcesre(ee-! 41) + (345%2)| Jal= -4-282-32 esaljaes a2 ese ast oo) 65) 0 Suen. | ° 7 Cie) BPlece 28 ol ods eet _ vor JAS ESI aah | A HUA acl 1 Ea Ai a8 Coby abv orf ety L | BY 2b Blair for ws oe teh, | (Tee 2A) 2502 ww re i 25 1] BW oi ol bes ji é&x: [A] =| 5 0 | CPt ober Od slaw z 12]. SUE . at | 2 fet a Qe [A= COM es], apo] oes sen], | i = ~s[¢s¥2)- Cm] p04 tx[cens ~(243)] I 2-28 -f% =-3% Lo Al Sosuoll _@ L LAL hae EF Ds i SPA oF bait Cap) & rods Eqgineevisg Analysis and () College of Engit ‘neering ‘Mamevical Methods Lec. Abbat U. Seb 5 4-2] lo A 6 ‘ jal-ciwee)2 6 -AjGC0"sen]s a -@ ea4 z 6 -l (8) ec) B= 6 = 345 8 NN we Y co |5 7 = 8 [Al = exs45 4 30148) 21134 —tai ub Wb GAO OWI 23 Bip) Sue det otew ays we LLL E et bl ede RM is a eek ay glee wt Hii oe oh Solution Manual 4yaats ois ds Aut il lal yaad) y ay yo pi ig Maa facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 Engineering Analysis and College of Engineerin Nemeteal Methods (@) Le. Mbbad M.S Systems of (Gauss elimination) -apNA NCR 2 a2-O te slit cpt _PON Ja OME lw ee Silos das & plese ct Bite oe ofl beast Sond ol care SG CI Nie Jade * see) Lash rot Aas lor osiof Wi Los Listy ole ed Gh eset eet Bs dat Vol aE 0 x ex: Solve BX, 2X2 —- Xe a4 SX ¢2eXe = I/F ~ Xn 3K, = ul 4] * SPY RN er Vas BID EF epic CUS Colt ay + Sb phi OxX, po¥xzy- Ex, 2-4 > Xzel OxX, -IXXZ— FXxXz = -F Kz-3(I) 2-5 => Xp=-2 = Xie SX, Exped op x, 28 Ses Salve the Allouting system of czas. we xny +2 Flo e 204 SX HY SZ aM WX - Sy p3E=-2 Sw eX p fy - 2% = 18 Sof. e rorot of sto ft lew 27 1 5 cH | weet oot ae ey —lot 5S FF 3B) VWe-Fevg o 24 4:8 Ye w-2 +3 oy VeR2 414 o . ° { ° ° oa Engineering Analysis and College of Lagineerin Nmeleal Metods dee. Abbat Wee Orw + Ox + OF —I¥E = -4 a> 2-4 ov a o4X + ky HIFE RF ALAS or FIKX + Clxye Sete ap xae Lewy KX + layt 1e2 = lo ar wel Solve He system P 3x, + 2X2 =40” 2Xpe Xeotet XK, 43X221F Sof. 3 2:4 ot fg | heey Week 1 2 GIR MEO Sars 1 3 3I8 13 Oo -% 3-35 5S | tv 4% o -% =; -35 “Fo: -32 rose fukin O*X + Oo¥Xzr=0 2 OF0 sok On, + 8X2 25 Sp x2 = 5 Xt HX, HIF Br Xe -% ExXi- — Selve the xystem. OX + 3K, —xz =] 3X1 — 4x2 43xz =-] 2x1 Xz tXz 2-37 SX, + Xq - 2% = 4 Sol, 2 F -} st 2 3 3 oF al Yelate lt a 2-1 5S tf 2 3:4 so 1-7 4 3-2 | +? . VWH-2 +¥2 o 17 nd : ' Yie-2 4% z-lod “Sl veseg | o 3S | .-2: 4 ° 22 | o44;2 VF 4-2 2 : 1. os o ] Zt 3 Ye 4-15 4%p 9! ¥ z OW -F PA) Wye Frgis{"e 0 a FS 7 : 40, lot TF 403-2 “2.3 i 7% OF SD-OKK, FORK fon Xs = 1224. fo: 28 coli ieee cer toast | : “ o , 1224 oe 4 _le24 7¥ of et Me Solution. ae elk Tion— Eqgineering Analysis and Collese of Engineerin ‘Remetival Matod dec, Abbat H. BE Ex: Solve X +&x.44X7+X4 20 2X, - Xe +Xz + FX4z0 WAN, + 7X2 + Sky - FXG So zs ay 124 1:10 Mintle, | 5 -5 -7 1 10 Oo IS 21-5 3.0 ORK + O¥X2 4OKXF FOR XA =O Aone Dok OxX, —S KX, -FXz 4+ K4 3 Pe ad cplse Vex, #2 #X2 4+4X3 4X4 = we lef Ky nc, 9 Xp ECQ OX = 5X, pee DXA aS, + Foe —__® Ky = ~2X_n4AXg x4 X = -2e, Fez (Sc, +76.) Xe -F¥G -1Ce 4 x; -F -il Xe “a : 1 ° Fy Pe, o | + Sel 1 x4 Soy Fen 5 F Ex:- Find 47! 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Fx. let Rely 4 “| and Belg 4-4 | 6 xX, 6 Mr ot 92 IP [A] [BJ Sad x, 9 xe and xz | Jal =[(xerte-2) + (on-1¥%,) 4 cons x2)|-[Ce¥4 x) + (Inol Xa) $(ons#-2)] ‘ [8|2[-8x.+20]- [8x-x2] = 8x, Al tna 1 [8l= Zo - FxXz - 8X) 6 y 3f% -! } je 3 Biz = (-1) | x, “| = 1o=%) ee 3[° = AX Bay =(-1) |, =| 4 Bu = CIF [2 4 [xe = “ -[*t 2 cee eerie ou 5 x2 ze 6281, S)e? > B= C1) [? _i| 7% 4!0

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