Blood Flow Restriction The Metabolite Volume Threshold Theory (2011)

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Medical Hypotheses 77 (2011) 748752

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Blood ow restriction: The metabolite/volume threshold theory

J.P. Loenneke a,, C.A. Fahs a, J.M. Wilson b, M.G. Bemben a
Department of Health and Exercise Science, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA
Department of Exercise Science and Sport Studies, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Traditionally it has been thought that muscle hypertrophy occurs primarily from an overload stimulus
Received 11 April 2011 produced by progressively increasing an external load using at least 70% of ones concentric one repeti-
Accepted 15 July 2011 tion maximum (1RM). Blood ow restricted exercise has been demonstrated to result in numerous posi-
tive training adaptions, specically muscle hypertrophy and strength at intensities much lower than this
recommendation. The mechanisms behind these adaptions are currently unknown but a commonly cited
concept is that acute elevations of systemic hormones, specically growth hormone (GH), play a large
role with resistance training induced muscle hypertrophy, possibly through stimulating muscle protein
synthesis (MPS). We hypothesize that the alterations in the intramuscular environment which results
in the rapid recruitment of FT bers, is the large driving force behind the skeletal muscle hypertrophy
seen with blood ow restriction, whereas the external load and systemic endogenous hormone elevations
may not be as important as once thought. It is further hypothesized that although skeletal muscle hyper-
trophy can be achieved at low intensities without blood ow restriction when taken to muscular failure,
the overall volume of work required is much greater than that needed with blood ow restriction.
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction by many that acute elevations of systemic hormones, specically

GH, play a large role with resistance training induced muscle
Traditionally it has been thought that muscle hypertrophy oc- hypertrophy, possibly through stimulating muscle protein synthe-
curs primarily from an overload stimulus produced by progres- sis (MPS) [10]. Recent studies suggest this mechanism does not
sively increasing a mechanical load using at least 70% of ones hold true with regular resistance training [11], further bringing
concentric one repetition maximum (1RM) [1]. As a muscle is over- into question that specic mechanism with respect to blood ow
loaded from increased mechanical work, the added stress increases restricted exercise. The purpose of this paper will be to address
amino acid transport into cells, which in turn enhances the synthe- the following questions and help theorize the mechanisms in-
sis of contractile proteins, actin and myosin. Muscle hypertrophy volved with muscle hypertrophy from blood ow restricted
occurs from both an increase in the thickness and in the number exercise:
of myobrils. Although hypertrophy occurs in both slow twitch
(ST) and fast twitch (FT) bers, the latter has a greater potential (1) What role does intensity (%1RM) play with MPS and muscle
for growth [2]. hypertrophy with blood ow restricted exercise?
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends (2) Is FT ber recruitment the most important factor for muscle
lifting a weight of at least 70% 1RM to achieve muscular hypertro- hypertrophy with blood ow restricted exercise?
phy as it is believed that anything below this intensity rarely pro- (3) Do systemic elevations of endogenous hormones play a role
duces substantial muscle growth [1]. However, numerous studies in MPS or muscle hypertrophy with blood ow restricted
using resistance exercise training combined with blood ow exercise?
restriction have shown muscle hypertrophy to occur with a train-
ing intensity as low as 20% 1RM [37]. Blood ow restricted resis-
tance training may induce hypertrophy through a variety of Exercise intensity
mechanisms [8], with the most commonly cited mechanism being
a robust elevation in growth hormone (GH) levels [9]. It is accepted Exercise intensity, dened as a percentage of ones concentric
1RM, has long been used as a guide for muscle hypertrophy exer-
cise prescription. Interestingly, if we accept that acute imbalances
Corresponding author. Address: 1401 Asp Avenue, Room 104, Norman, OK between MPS and muscle protein breakdown (MPB) are the main
73019-0615, USA. Tel.: +1 405 325 5211; fax: +1 405 325 0594. driving force of muscle hypertrophy, then exercise intensity may
E-mail address: (J.P. Loenneke). actually be of less importance. Kumar et al. [12] found that the rate

0306-9877/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.P. Loenneke et al. / Medical Hypotheses 77 (2011) 748752 749

of myobril MPS was maximized at 60% 1RM, showing that the Fiber recruitment
rate of myobril MPS could be maximized at a lower intensity than
the ACSM recommendation of 70% 1RM. The non-signicant in- Literature demonstrates similar MPS responses independent of
crease in myobril MPS with intensities between 20 and 40% exercise intensity as determined by concentric %1RM [13,15,16].
1RM, was likely due to the control of volume between groups, MPS signaling from resistance training occurs primarily from the
meaning muscular failure was not reached in the lower intensity activation of signaling proteins, primarily S6K1, which is approxi-
groups. Burd et al. [13] showed that resistance exercise performed mately 3- to 4-fold higher in FT bers compared to ST (40). Phos-
at 30% 1RM to failure (4 sets) elevated myobril MPS to the same phorylation of this signaling protein has shown to be predictive
level as 90% 1RM to failure (4 sets), demonstrating that perhaps of skeletal muscle hypertrophy (41). This supports FT ber recruit-
loading at an absolute intensity of 70% 1RM may not be necessary ment being an important variable to consider when assessing po-
to induce muscle hypertrophy. This is contrary to what has com- tential for the accretion of muscle mass. Blood ow restricted
monly been reported in the literature which states that training resistance exercise research has demonstrated that recruitment
to failure is not an effective stimulus without lifting at a sufcient of the higher threshold motor units (containing FT bers) does oc-
intensity dened by percentage of 1RM (80% 1RM), and it has al- cur with lower intensity exercise. Investigations have shown in-
ways been thought that without blood ow restriction, high rep creased integrated electromyography (iEMG) [5,9,22] and
training cannot produce a stress that is adequate to recruit and fa- inorganic phosphate splitting [23], likely from the reduction in
tigue the highest threshold motor units [14]. oxygen and subsequent metabolic accumulation, during blood ow
Blood ow restricted exercise has been shown to elicit muscle resistance restricted exercise. Both reduced oxygen and metabolic
hypertrophy in numerous studies when combined with resistance accumulation can increase ber recruitment, mechanistically
exercise performed well below the 70% 1RM recommendation [3 speaking, through the stimulation of group III and IV afferents
7] often using intensities between 20 and 30% 1RM. Mixed mus- which may cause inhibition of the alpha motorneuron, resulting
cle MPS has been shown to be signicantly elevated following in an increased ber recruitment to maintain force and protect
acute blood ow restricted resistance exercise [15,16], further against conduction failure [24].
building a case for the accretion of muscle mass independent of Thus, muscle hypertrophy occurs independently of exercise
external load. Although studies have not specically investigated intensity, as long as FT bers are activated [25]. This may seem
the myobril MPS response to blood ow restricted exercise, long to question the application of blood ow restriction training, if
term training studies have indicated that the increases in muscle similar results can be seen without restricting blood ow. How-
hypertrophy are accompanied with a concomitant increase in ever, such a low load exercise protocol without blood ow restric-
strength, indicating that the increases were functional in nature tion would require signicantly more repetitions to be completed
[37]. In fact, Campos et al. [17] provides the only evidence that in order to stimulate an increase in myobril MPS [2628]. Those
exercise to muscle failure at higher intensities is more effective with lower limb injuries or the elderly may be incapable of sustain-
than training at lower intensities for skeletal muscle hypertrophy ing the mechanical stress necessary to reach muscular failure. Thus
(4 sets 34 RM vs. 2 sets 2028 RM). Interestingly, Leger et al. we hypothesize, based on current literature, that blood ow
[18] using the identical methods outlined by Campos, observed restriction induces muscle failure earlier (i.e. -at a lower volume
signicant increases in muscle hypertrophy, muscular strength, of work) compared to non-restricted resistance exercise at the
and endurance independent of exercise intensity. It could be ar- same intensity [2628]. Based on this hypothesis, it appears that
gued that the difference was due to the older less active subjects resistance exercise protocols for blood ow restriction might max-
used in latter study (36 vs. 22 years). The volume of exercise may imize training adaption using sets to failure rather than the com-
have been inadequate to recruit the higher threshold motor units monly used four set protocol which is 30 repetitions for the rst
in the younger more active subjects used in the Campos et al. [17] set, followed by 3 sets of 15.
From the available evidence it appears that a training intensity
below the recommended 70% 1RM is capable of producing skeletal Endogenous systemic hormones
muscle hypertrophy, particularly with the addition of blood ow
restriction. Hitherto the literature has argued that intensity is the Elevated systemic hormones following acute resistance exercise
most important variable, and a load below 65% 1RM is insufcient have long been associated with skeletal muscle hypertrophy with
to promote muscle hypertrophy [19]. To say that the intensity from and without blood ow restriction. However, Wilkinson et al.
an external load is the absolute deciding factor on muscle adapta- [11] suggest that evidence supporting this relationship were typi-
tion is inappropriate and Wernbom et al. [20] caution that estimat- cally found with retrospective correlations [2938]. Recent re-
ing the stress imposed on each muscle ber merely by the search is calling this association into question, with myobril
magnitude of the external load is too simplistic of an approach. MPS and muscle hypertrophy occurring independent of exercise
The intramuscular environment (i.e. metabolic stress) may play a induced endogenous systemic hormones (for a review please see
large role in the training adaptation. To illustrate, Goto et al. [21] West and Phillips [39]).
showed that two different exercise regimens at the same external Systemic elevations of endogenous hormones, specically GH,
intensity (35 sets of 10 at 75% 1RM) resulted in different muscle do not appear to play a role in myobril MPS or muscle hypertro-
adaptations. The only difference between groups is that one group phy. To illustrate, Doessing et al. [40] found that 14 days of admin-
rested for 30 s midway through each exercise set. The group that istering recombinant GH stimulated collagen synthesis but had no
did not rest midway through each set had greater increases in met- effect on myobril MPS. Furthermore, Wilkinson et al. [11] found
abolic stress which resulted in greater gains in strength, endur- signicant muscle hypertrophy of the knee extensors following
ance, and muscle mass compared to the group that rested during unilateral knee extension exercise at 8090% concentric 1RM,
each set. without a systemic increase in GH.
We hypothesize that intensity determined by external load is Acute [41] and chronic [42] resistance exercise investigations
of less importance than changes in the intramuscular environ- from West and co-workers further conrm the aforementioned
ment. Through the application of blood ow restriction, the inten- study. These studies investigated elbow exion with and without
sity of exercise is able to be increased, without altering the the presence of signicant elevations of endogenous hormones
external load. (GH, IGF-1, Testosterone). Acutely, resistance exercise resulted in
750 J.P. Loenneke et al. / Medical Hypotheses 77 (2011) 748752

Fig. 1. The relationship between exercise volume, motor units recruited, and protein synthesis. As intensity increases from 3055% of ones repetition maximum the higher
threshold motor units are recruited. Once a certain amount of volume has been reached, as indicated by the threshold marker in the center of the gure, maximal protein
synthesis from exercise will occur. This occurs independent of exercise intensity provided the metabolic stress and/or volume is adequate to recruit the highest threshold
motor units.

signicant elevations in myobril MPS without an additional effect Discussion

from elevated systemic endogenous hormones [41]. To observe
long term exposure to exercise induced endogenous hormones, Current literature indicates muscle hypertrophy is largely
West et al. [42] performed a 15 week resistance training study dependent upon elevated myobril MPS, which is independent of
using the same design, and conrmed that muscle hypertrophy in- external load as long as the volume and/or metabolic stress is suf-
creased with resistance training, without an additional effect from cient to recruit FT bers (Fig. 1). Burd and co-workers have dem-
the presence of elevated systemic endogenous hormones. In spite onstrated that three sets of resistance exercise (70% 1RM)
of the current ndings, Schoenfeld [19] suggest that these studies performed to muscular failure produces a greater amplitude and
have experimental limitations and the dismissal of the larger body duration in MPS than one set of the same exercise to failure, high-
of research supporting the association between systemic hormones lighting the importance of resistance exercise volume [46].
and muscle hypertrophy is without context and premature. Although we have long thought systemic increases of endoge-
Although it appears that systemic elevations in anabolic hor- nous hormones play a role in myobril MPS and muscle hypertro-
mones do not contribute to skeletal muscle hypertrophy, elevations phy, Wilkinson et al. [11] caution that those appear to only be
of localized hormones may. To illustrate, an animal model in which retrospective correlations. In addition, the role of muscle damage
the IGF-1Ea (systemic form) receptor was knocked out demon- in muscle hypertrophy may also be a spurious correlation, since
strated that animals were still able to undergo muscle hypertrophy muscle hypertrophy occurs with blood ow restriction training
[43]. One explanation might be due to the localized production IGF- without elevations in known indices of muscle damage [9,47].
1Ec, better known as mechano growth factor (MGF). MGF is locally Muscle hypertrophy can occur through a variety of factors and
increased in response to both mechanical stimuli and cellular dam- many of the mechanisms associated with growth are capable of
age, providing a potential mechanism for skeletal muscle hypertro- working independently of each other due to numerous redundan-
phy [44]. However, Hornberger et al. [45] have observed increased cies built into the pathway (e.g. mTOR stimulation independent of
activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, local growth factors) [48]. We hypothesize that the application of
independent of locally activated growth factors, in response to blood ow restriction results in a rapid recruitment of FT ber
mechanical stimulation (passive stretch). recruitment. Although, we do not believe that FT ber recruitment
We hypothesize that an increase of systemic endogenous hor- is the single factor involved in the hypertrophic response to an
mones above basal levels are unlikely to produce an increase in exercise stimulus, many of these other mechanisms (e.g. transcrip-
muscle hypertrophy. Furthermore, we hypothesize that any hor- tion factors, local growth factors, and satellite cells) likely occur in
monal involvement with muscular growth is instead related to concert with recruitment of higher threshold motor units observed
localized growth factors. Based on our hypotheses, we question with blood ow restriction raining.
the commonly cited role of increased systemic endogenous hor- To illustrate, resistance exercise activates a signaling network
mones in the training adaptions observed with blood ow restric- that regulates the expression of muscle growth factors such as
tion. It is likely that these systemic elevations are more to do with IGF-1, MGF, and myostatin. Local elevations in both IGF-1 and
fuel mobilization and less to do with muscle growth. MGF are positively associated with MPS [49] and both are impor-
J.P. Loenneke et al. / Medical Hypotheses 77 (2011) 748752 751

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