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Automatic cephalometric landmarks detection

approach for photo anthropometry analysis in facial

Sibgrapi paper ID: 44

AbstractThe facial landmarks can be used in many research found in the literature is the use of X-ray images [7], three-
areas as: biometric facial recognition, 2D and 3D facial recon- dimensional models analyzes craniofacial [8], [9], reconstruc-
struction and in others several areas in forensic science (or tion [10] and facial pose from listing [11], among others.
forensics). In the forensic science, the use of facial landmarks,
specifically in the forensic medicine are, pay attention of the Among the various imaging techniques, pattern recognition
scientific community and forensics experts, especially focused and computer vision can be adapted to aid the forensic expert
on the analysis of the cephalometric landmarks. Previous works in their activities. This paper discusses the use of photo
demonstrated that the descriptive adequacy of these anatomical anthropometry, using automated techniques for identifying
references for an indirect application (photo anthropometric facial cephalometric points from frontal view of images. In the
description) increased the marking precision of these points, con-
tributing to a greater reliability of these analyzes. However, most current contribution, we aim to address an implementation of
of them are performed manually and all of them are subjectivity an efficient prototype for automatic detection of cephalometric
inherent to the examiners. In this sense, the purpose of this landmarks in frontal face images.
work is the development and validation of automatic techniques This paper is organized as follows: In Section II, the main
to detect cephalometric landmarks from digital images of frontal works about facial cephalometric landmarks with special at-
faces. The proposed approach uses a combination of computer
vision techniques and image processing to achieve accuracy tention to photo anthropometry found in the scientific literature
scores, using a F1-score as a evaluate technique, about 100% are presented. Section III shows the proposed method and
when compared with a group of human manual cephalometric all processing details for identifying and extracting these
landmarks markers and to others state-of-art facial landmarks landmarks in the image; In Section IV the experimental results
frameworks. are exposed; and Sections V and VI presents the discussion
and conclusions, respectively.
Facial landmarks can be used in many research areas as: II. R ELATED W ORKS
biometric facial recognition [1], 2D and 3D facial reconstruc- The facial cephalometric landmarks are traditionally pro-
tion [2] and in others several areas in forensic science (or duced from direct analysis or indirect surveys of X-ray im-
forensics). In the forensic science, the use of facial landmarks, ages, commonly used in lateral cephalometric standard for
specifically in the forensic medicine are, pay attention of the orthodontic planning [12]. Generally the process of identify-
scientific community and forensics experts, especially focused ing individuals requires that the settings of these points are
on the analysis of the cephalometric landmarks. obtained with a high degree of precision in its location on
The forensic analysis to identify persons, for example, is the face region. From the extraction of the correct location of
a complex process which can be used in various methods these points it is possible to identify the individual, in addition
executed by the forensic agent such as DNA test, papiloscopy to extracting relevant information that may characterize this
and dental analysis, as described in [3]. In regards using facial individual in a specific population, and may correlate it to a
images for human identification, most of these techniques particular geographical region of the country [13], [14].
use a specialist and manual approach to achieve an expected The first computational techniques for digital image pro-
result and depends on the experience, expertise and experts cessing, pattern recognition and computer vision were de-
commitment during the tests [4], [5]. On facial images, dif- veloped in mid-1964 and had the purpose of correcting the
ferent issues can interfere with the quality, as illumination, distortions present in the images transmitted by the American
camera position to the person, image resolution, face position space probe Ranger 7, which was the first spacecraft to
and three-dimensional information lossy in two-dimensional successfully transmit images of the lunar surface to Earth [15].
images [6]. In the late 60s and early 70s digital computers began to be used
Nowadays, with the advancement of computing power, im- in medical image processing in remote sensing capabilities and
provement of programming languages and the effective arrival astronomy. Since then, the area has attracted great interest.
of the high-resolution images, using digital image processing However, there is a big gap in the use of these techniques in
in order to improve and/or automate forensic processes came the forensic field, mainly due to multidisciplinary involved.
to increase the accuracy of work to be carried out by the The main goal is focused on the development and en-
forensic expert. Several examples of these applications can be hancement of digital image processing techniques, pattern
recognition and computer vision to aid in the characterization
and identification of individuals for forensic purposes. In this
context we include: i) Automating the process of obtaining
stable cephalometric landmarks and other information that can
be used in the process of identification and characterization
of individuals; ii) Facilitate the creation of protocols for
characterization of populations from obtaining cephalometric
landmarks; iii) Improve the forensic expert techniques in the
field of facial photo anthropometry.
Currently, forensic experts from the Federal Police daily
use SAFF 2D R (Sistema de Anlise Facial Forense por Ima-
gens 2D) software. This was developed by Expertise Service
in Audiovisual and Electronics of the National Institute of Fig. 1. Graphic interface of software SAFF 2D during
R marking manually
Criminalist in the Federal Police department, and it is used of the cephalometric landmarks. The image used in the process was taken
from [25].
in manual extraction process of cephalometric points using
frontal face images [16], [17].

A. Photo Anthropometry As a goal, the methodology mentioned above, focuses on

the precise identification of the points in the front standard
The research on identifying and extracting facial features, photos of individuals. This is because the current process used
also known as landmarks, is not a recent field of scientific to SAFF 2D R tool by forensic experts of the Federal Police
studies [18]. Researchers increasingly use these landmarks to is entirely manual and prone to errors. In Figure 1 you can
extract information from the faces in the images. As studies view the SAFF 2D R tool where we have left a model with
using the landmarks we can discuss: identification and facial the points that must be identified by the expert on the right
recognition [19], [20], facial modeling using 3D images [21], facial image.
tracking [22], cephalometric points identification [23], age
In this model, [16] explored the identification of 24 facial
estimation [24].
points in digital facial images to distinctive facial features
The process on forensic science use the physical attribute
among individuals hampers the manual process of identifying
of age estimation as an important area. These procedures are
points. In this case the software the user can click on an
realized on dead bodies using many techniques whether they
erroneous region pictured interfering with the accuracy of
are invasive or not, like analyze skeletal remains, dental arcade,
the metrics of a given metric. The exploited using methods
etc. However, in living persons, the procedure is restricted in
of geometric shapes in specific regions which assists in the
some techniques, for example, X-ray analysis of the handle
identification of other points. Lines and circles are marked
(carpal radiography) or panoramic radiography of teeth region
based on other potentially more simple points to be identified.
in a dental examination. In either case the estimation of age is
based on analysis of bone development and teeth respectively. The author [17] using the approach proposed by [16],
For such tests the procedure should be careful not to interfere defined metrics in their work using cephalometric 28 points for
with the physical integrity [17]. the estimation of age and gender. These points were based on
The estimation process of age using metrics body pro- work in anthropometry area studies of facial points that define
portions is an alternative that can be applied in both living their locations [26]. The correlations found between certain
people and in corpses. In this context anthropometry is the sets of cephalometric points allows the estimation of age and
quantitative study of metric characteristics of an individual, gender using images of 2D facial norm.
while the allometry 1 allows the estimation of age using these The method of correlation using the distances between
features. This process is low cost by not requiring any specific the cephalometrics points has used in other studies in the
equipment as the other methods mentioned above. Also, this estimation process of other information on individuals [27],
is non-invasive and does not expose the individual no risk as [28]. [17] has used a parameter measurement of changes in
in X-ray examinations. different face of the proposed in [28]. The calculation of
The photo anthropometry allows the analysis of the above iridium diameter is used is obtained by the arithmetic mean of
features using photographs by anthropometric methods. Using the difference in distance between the points iridion laterale
photo anthropometry, [16] presents a qualitative methodology and iridion mediale both eyes. This result is used in the
of cephalometric points in facial images of the front standard. calculation base of the other points, not a fixed factor as
In her work, the variabilities were defined in the measurement discussed in other works.
process of photo anthropometric points, also have a contribu- Several studies have been proposed for automatic identifi-
tion, the definition in its accuracy limits methodology for each cation of facial points, which shows the interest and research
point. in the area. The authors [29][31] contributed solid research
showing concrete models for the advancement of studies on the
1 Allometry is the study of different patterns of growth of organs. landmarks. The technique proposed by [29] to find the pupil
Image Eyes Landmark Statistical Images and
Images Processing Mouth Detector Analysis Points

CSV Points
Database Haar Cascade Landmarks Landmarks
Detectors Trainning Set Ground
Truth Statistical

Fig. 2. Flowchart of the proposed automatic cephalometric landmark detec-


location is the analysis of the vector field of image gradients,

the concept that they use was not proposed by them, though the
mathematical formulation of the problem is your authorship.
In 1992 [31] proposed a technique that dynamically, it can
adjust the image characteristics in his work he demonstrates
the search and adaptation of template for the eyes and mouth.
The representing the eye describes his geometric shapes and
the positioning of each of these forms, after setting the
Fig. 3. All 28 cephalometric landmarks adopted in this work: 1. Glabella (g);
archetype of the human eye in the form of template, then 2. Nasion (n); 3. Subnasale (sn); 4. Labiale superius (ls); 5. Stomion (sto);
the same parameters are set to begin adaptation process of 6. Labiale inferius (li); 7. Gnathion (gn); 8. Midnasal (mid); 9. Entocanthion
template to the eye of the individual. The adaptation process (en); 10. Exocanthion (ex); 11. Iridion laterale (il); 12. Iridion mediale (im);
13. Pupil (pu); 14. Zygion (zy); 15. Alare (al); 16. Gonion (go); 17. Cheilion
is quite costly, since it is allowed that all the parametrized vari- (ch); 18. Crista philtri (cph), image adapted from [25].
ables suffer variations until termination. The authors [30] use
machine learning technique Support Vector Machine (SVM)
to identify the facial landmarks.
C. Training set
In order, we have modified the landmark training iden-
Our proposed methodology is described in Figure 2 and all tification algorithm presented in [33]. In [33], the training
processing stages are explained in subsections below. process used all face region and landmark points from an
external ground truth file collected manually by an expert. For
A. Image database each trained photo has a specific ground truth file describing
each landmark and its position (vertical and horizontal) in
Frontal face images were acquired of 1,000 individuals from
the image. From these files and photos, the training process
5 different age groups (6, 10, 14, 18, and 22 years old), being
identify a face-bounded region in each photo and all landmark
500 females and 500 males. 5 age groups were divided equally
points to create a new training set file.
with 200 images from each, being half of each gender also.
Images were all standard, taken with white background, no In our proposed solution, we modified the training process
glasses or expressions, using a camera with focal length at in three specifics regions detected in a face: eyes, mouth
35mm, 1.5m distance of the object, 24bits color and resolution and nose. Our complete photo data-set has 1000 images
of 480x640 pixels. All images was previously selected in and 1000 ground truth files. A cross-validation procedure,
according to ICAO 9303 normative [32] and excluding any described in [34], was performed for classification problem,
facial issue that it can interfere in the manual/automatic separating randomly 700 photos for training set and 300
process. photos for testing, to validate the automatic process. As
a result from training process, we achieve 4 specialized
landmark point detection output trained sets: Eyes training
B. Cephalometric landmarks
set (includes Glabella, Nasion, Midnasal, Entocanthion, Exo-
[17] has mapped manually 28 cephalometric points from canthion, Iridion laterale, Iridion mediale, Zygion and Pupil
each image from all 1000 images using SAFF-2D software landmark points); Mouth training set (includes Labiale su-
used by experts in forensics. These landmarks have features, perius, Stomion, Labiale inferius, Cheilion,Gonion, Gnathion
that can be found in pair as: Entocanthion, Exocanthion, and Crista philtri landmark points); Face training set (inclues
Iridion laterale, Iridion mediale, Pupil, Zygion, Alare, Gonion, Zygion, Gonion and Gnathion landmark points); Nose training
Cheilion, Crista philtri. Others can be found on faces midline set (includes Subnasale and Alare landmark points). All trained
as: Glabella, Nasion, Subnasale, Labiale superius, Stomion, landmark points have their face position highlighted in the
Labiale inferius, Gnathion, Midnasal. Figure 3.
D. Automatic landmark detection
The main goal is identify automatically the cephalometric
landmarks in frontal face images and propose a method-
ological approach to validation of achieved results. The pro-
totype presented in this work was developed using C/C++
language and OpenCV framework [35] for computer vision
and image processing techniques. The proposed approach can
be described in 6 (six) main stages, as follows: Input files,
Image processing, Landmark detection, Ground truth analysis,
Statistical analysis and Results. The Figure 2 shows these
stages. A brief description of all them are shown below. (a) Hit (b) Miss

1) The user defines directorys path where all images that Fig. 4. The red circle is the landmark from the ground truth file; and also is
the center of the black boundary edge, where it is the limit (defined in pixel)
will be processed is stored and then defines the file (a adopted to specify the hit range for automatic process. (a) The software
Comma-separated values file - CSV file or a Databank counts as hit when the green circle is inside the black boundary edge. (b)
connection information) contemning the ground truth The software counts as miss when the green circle is in outside of the black
boundary edge.
information to evaluated all detected landmarks.
2) For each face image is applied a pre-processing tech-
niques on the image to boost features and it increases previously. This approach is a modified version of the pro-
the automated process to identify the cephalometric posed by [37]. Using the ground truth point as a reference, we
landmarks. The next step the Haar-Cascade face detec- propose a bounded region on image with dimensions D D,
tion technique [36] allows to identify specific bounded as shows the Figure 4. The dimension D defines a square,
regions of interest on the image as face, eyes, mouth and which allows to evaluate the error influence in according to
nose. The eye alignment in according to face is achieved the required accuracy. If the value of D decreases, the region
from the analysis of vector field of image gradients, as size decreases, increasing the detection technique precision
proposed in [29]. in relation to the ground truth point. When the value of D
3) From the segmented regions achieved in the previous increases, the area increases and decreases the precision of
step (face, eyes, mouth and nose), we apply a specialized the automatic detection process in relation to the ground truth
training set by region to find all landmarks by region. point. The influence of the size D in the accuracy of the
4) After detected all points on face, the accuracy is eval- proposed technique will be discussed later in this work.
uated by compare the points from the ground truth This bounded region consists of two defined regions: Hit
file. In this step, each point is analyzed and a set of and Miss. If the point achieved in the automatic landmark
statistic values are achieved as: minimum, maximum, detection, is inside of bounded region is considered a Hit as
average, spatial centroid position, analysis of variance shows the Figure 4a, otherwise it is considered as a Miss as
(ANOVA) and standard deviation (STD). In this case, if shows the Figure 4b.
the image ground truth is available from several manual In a classification process, usually all results need a test
markers, for the same image by Inter and Intra-observer, accuracy analysis, a good measure to be used is the F-
all statistic values are evaluated automatically. score [38]. This accuracy metric is composed , basically, of
5) The last step is storage all information as: all images four parameters: True positives (ntp ), True Negative (ntn ),
and 28 points (printed on image for further checking), False Positive (nf p ) and False Negative (nf n ). At the end of
CSV file and statistical analysis. the execution process, after achieve all landmark results, we
define ntp (true positive) when the automated method marks
IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS the landmark inside of the bounded region and a nf p (false
As described in Subsection IV-A, we used 300 input images positive) when the automated method marks the landmark out
to evaluate the accuracy of the automatic landmark detection of bounded region. In this analysis, we have used the F-
process (Subsection III-D). Each image uses a ground truth score method shown in Equation 1, where variable precision
file used to validate the automatic landmark detection process and recall are defined as precision = ntp /(ntp + nf p ) and
that contains one cephalometric landmark for each point. recall = ntp /(ntp + nf n ), respectively. All results of F-
All cephalometrics landmark was collected by a specialist in score metric, for each cephalometric point, after the automatic
legal medicine using the metrics adopted in real scenarios in landmark detection is ranged between 1 (best) and 0(worst).
precision recall
F score = 2 (1)
A. Accuracy Metrics precision recall
To validate our results, we have adopted a metric using B. Tests
the pixel position, horizontal and vertical, limited by ground To test the automatic identification process we analyzed the
truth point from the file collected by an expert, as described pixel variation to create the boundary edge limit. Those tests
1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6


0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 20 30 40 50
Range in Pixel Range in Pixel

zy left zy right General

Fig. 5. Graphic presenting the general F -score results for each group test.
Fig. 6. Graphic presenting the comparison between the general F -score
results and the F -score results of both Zygion landmark in all tests.
was used to know what is the limit that automatic process
of cephalometric points identification has an acceptable result
when it is compared to the points collected manually by an The range of 5 pixels from a ground truth point to the
expert observer. boundary edge is equals less than 0.8% of the image height,
Using all the 300 images that counts 8400 points (28 which we were considered as rigid classification criteria for
landmark per photo), we have got run 18 case tests varying all landmarks, and using the Cohens kappa coefficient [39]
the pixel range size from the point till the limit border. For adopted for statistical classifications in interpreting indices of
each group test were separated by pixel variation as follow: agreement, these have supported that F-score value of 0.79 is
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 also a significant result.
pixels. In this case, the group test of 5 pixels, analyzing each point
Finalizing separately all 18 group tests, as result we have separately, is the first group test that has no F-score value
found the F-score results for each landmark and also the bellow 0.75. The results of the tests show the difficult to
general scope, which the F-score results for each group identify correctly the cephalometric Zygion landmark position.
test that allows measure performance from all landmarks. This landmark tends to be highly variable when determining
Figure 5 shows all general F-score values for each group test, their exact anatomical location. Even in manual analysis some
meanwhile Table I shows the F-score values for all landmarks works describe the difficult to mark manually this point for
in each group test. not having a reference to help, as in other facial points. The
statistical analysis achieves a expressive dispersion, in this
V. D ISCUSSION case less than, when compared to the others facial landmarks
Analyzing the results, the tests of first group (0 pixel) detection approaches [16], [17], [40], [41].
showed that the automatic process has identified 379 land-
marks at the same point marked manually as the expert A. Others facial landmarks detection frameworks
observer. In the other hand, the other tests - from 10 to 50 A comparative analysis is presented using four main frame-
pixels - the results did not vary significantly compared to works in the literature for the facial landmarks detection in
manual marking process. In this tests, the automatic process images, as follows: DLIB [42], [43], CLandmark [44][46],
has hit 8337 of all 8400 cephalometric landmarks varying the CSIRO FaceAnalisys [47] and Superviseddescent [33], [48].
general F-score result in 0.002 even for 40 pixels of difference. All tools were used to detect the points available by the
We conclude in our tests that in a resolution image of challenge 300-W [49], which were not collected by specialists
640x480, 5 pixels is the limit that is comparable to an expert in anthropology, odontology, facial cephalometry or criminal
observer. In general the F-score result is 0.985, analyzing each expert. Thus, all tests are performed using these tools, aimed
landmark separately the best and worst F-score results are 1 to demonstrate that these techniques, not achieve an accurate
and 0.79 respectively, where in this case the worst results are identification of facial cephalometric points, bring them im-
both Zygion landmark. possible to use for forensic purposes.
To all tests the Zygion landmarks have got the worst F- The tests aim to assess the training ability of these tech-
score result compared to the general F-score in all the tests. niques when them are trained to detect the cephalometric
The others cephalometric landmarks reached the F-score value points, so we use for all framework the same image dataset
above 0.9 in the test using 4 pixels, however the both Zygion presented in the previous Section III. In order to compare these
landmarks stabilized only from the test using the range limit techniques with the proposed methodology, the 300 images
of 8 pixels. The tests have shown that both Zygion landmarks presented in Subsection III-C were also used.
have lower F-score value compared to general F-score result As presented in the Subsection IV-A, the tolerance criteria
presented in Figure 6. of 5 pixel was used for all tools to define the Hit region

Landmark 0 px 1 px 2 px 3 px 4 px 5 px 6 px 7 px 8 px 9 px 10 px 11 px 12 px 15 px 20 px 30 px 40 px 50 px
al e 0.113 0.646 0.929 0.988 0.997 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
al d 0.083 0.636 0.909 0.990 0.997 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ch e 0.071 0.500 0.819 0.953 0.988 0.997 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ch d 0.119 0.540 0.828 0.940 0.973 0.992 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998
cph e 0.052 0.446 0.732 0.903 0.976 0.993 0.998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
cph d 0.101 0.492 0.737 0.915 0.980 0.995 0.998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ex e 0.089 0.707 0.947 0.988 0.997 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ex d 0.089 0.624 0.921 0.992 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
en e 0.119 0.608 0.913 0.986 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
en d 0.148 0.611 0.942 0.990 0.998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
g 0.077 0.595 0.905 0.981 0.997 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
gn 0.065 0.537 0.851 0.957 0.986 0.997 0.998 0.998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
go e 0.095 0.547 0.844 0.951 0.980 0.993 0.997 0.998 0.998 0.998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
go d 0.160 0.592 0.844 0.944 0.995 0.990 0.998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
il e 0.107 0.763 0.986 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
il d 0.089 0.734 0.980 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
im e 0.089 0.747 0.981 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
im d 0.065 0.729 0.988 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
li 0.046 0.565 0.868 0.951 0.981 0.990 0.995 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997
ls 0.089 0.519 0.853 0.958 0.988 0.998 0.998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
mid 0.033 0.251 0.670 0.889 0.980 0.995 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
n 0.089 0.588 0.891 0.986 0.995 0.998 0.998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
pu e 0.065 0.783 0.990 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
pu d 0.071 0.770 0.990 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
sn 0.137 0.598 0.895 0.974 0.995 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998
sto 0.113 0.661 0.955 0.997 0.998 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
zy e 0.013 0.204 0.446 0.611 0.690 0.790 0.830 0.874 0.915 0.951 0.964 0.978 0.988 0.995 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998
zy d 0.013 0.165 0.454 0.592 0.687 0.790 0.835 0.879 0.913 0.947 0.964 0.974 0.985 0.992 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995

for the automatic point detection. In this case, because the

General F-score
used techniques have a set of facial landmarks higher than the
proposed methodology available for comparison, the analysis Proposed Method
was performed for only the 18 cephalometric points presented
in Section III-B.
In Table II the results of F-score of all the analyzed points DLIB
is presented, including a general F-score analysis for all tested
frameworks. The Figure 7 presents the comparison of the F-
score results of the proposed methodology with all tested Clandmark
frameworks. In a global comparison of all 28 cephalometric
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
facial landmarks the proposed methodology based on the
Superviseddescent [33], [48] technique used as the basis
Fig. 7. Graphic presetting the general F-score comparing the proposed method
inspiration for the development of this work, this was the one to the others landmark frameworks.
which achieved the best general result of F-score was below
of 0.9. 1
Only the Right Cheilion point (ch d) achieved a better result 0.8

than the proposed methodology, using the CSIRO FaceAnal- 0.7


isys framework [47]. However, the CSIRO FaceAnalisys has 0.5

obtained 0.768 of general F-score, is significantly lower when 0.3
compared to the F-score obtained by the proposed methodol- 0.2
ogy that was 0.985. The results of these tests only confirm that 0
tested frameworks can not be used for anthropometric analyzes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 20 30 40 50
Range in Pixel
using cephalometric landmarks. Proposed Method Clandmark DLIB FaceAnalisys Superviseddescent

VI. C ONCLUSIONS Fig. 8. Graphic of the general F-score comparing the proposed method to
the others landmark frameworks.
In this paper was presented the use of photo anthropometry,
using automated techniques for identifying facial cephalomet-
ric points from frontal view of images. The main contribution automatic detection of cephalometric landmarks in frontal face
was address to an implementation of an efficient prototype for images.

Landmark Proposed Method Clandmark Dlib CSIRO Superviseddescent

al d 1 - - - 0,957
al e 1 - - - 0,917
ch d 0,992 0,585 0,986 0,998 0,901
ch e 0,997 0,404 0,940 0,971 0,925
cph d 0,995 0,887 0,988 0,861 -
cph e 0,993 0,768 0,985 0,804 -
ec d 1 0,608 0,986 0,474 0,949
ec e 1 0,874 0,997 0,644 0,940
en d 1 0,673 0,985 0,865 0,737
en e 1 0,515 0,988 0,811 0,907
g 1 - - - -
gn 0,997 0,707 0,921 0,870 0,670
go d 0,990 0,083 0,365 0,325 -
go e 0,993 0,039 0,408 0,315 -
il d 1 - - - -
il e 1 - - - -
im d 1 - - - -
im e 1 - - - -
li 0,990 0,887 0,953 0,936 0,853
ls 0,998 0,897 0,990 0,974 0,696
mid 0,995 0,281 0,446 0,683 -
n 0,998 - - - -
pu d 1 - - - 0,958
pu e 1 - - - 0,947
sn 0,998 0,942 0,990 0,981 0,874
sto 1 0,844 0,046 0,993 0,859
zy d 0,790 0,142 0,033 0,188 -
zy e 0,790 0,131 0,039 0,166 -
General 0,985 0,631 0,811 0,768 0,880

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