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Shoulder examination

Instructions - Examine the shoulder joint of this patient

1 Washes hands

2 Introduces themselves & confirms patient details

3 Explains examination & gains consent

4 Exposes patient appropriately

5 Inspects patient's shoulders (anterior / lateral / posterior)

6 Assesses and compares joint temperature

7 Palpates shoulder girdle

8 External rotation & ABduction (active)

9 Internal rotation & ADduction (active)

10 Shoulder flexion (active)

11 Shoulder extension (active)

12 Shoulder ABduction (active)

13 Shoulder ADduction (active)

14 External rotation of the shoulder (active)

15 Internal rotation of the shoulder (active)

16 Assess flexion / extension / abduction / adduction / external & internal rotation PASSIVELY

17 Assess movements of the scapula

18 Supraspinatus assessment

19 Assess for painful arc

20 External rotation against resistance

21 Internal rotation against resistance

22 Thanks patient

23 Washes hands

Summarise your findings and suggest further investigations
24 Accurately summarises salient findings

25 Suggests appropriate further investigations

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