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Hazi Secrets INZT_UFO SECRETS AND BAS! NAZI UFO SECRETS AND BASES EXPOSED BY DR. FRANK E. STRANGES DR. FRANK E. STRANGES. NAZI UFO SECRETS AND BASES EXPOSED 1.8.6. PUBLISHING COMPARY. CALIFORNIA (WOT ENDORSED BY THE USAFT NOT FINANCED BY THE CAI WAS THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER AT ‘THE PENTAGON? 1S IT TAUE THAT AN ALIEN BEING WAS A “GUEST OF THE 'U.S. GOVERNMENT FOR 3 YEARS? 18 HE STILL ON EARTH TODAY? SEE ACTUAL PHOTOS OF THIS VISITOR FROM THE STARS WHO. (>, ¢ HAD NO FINGERPRINTS 7x2 « COULD READ MINDS. “» SEE INTO THE FUTURE “HEAL THE SICK BS Se ESTE Dyas bor N vag EECA pm yg r= seareatsemetcngere eS tee See eE ee enanu orate, recast ot ete a Sereinietocpttaenesatrstes epee enviar aceeta er cs Shier terete Rasecnae Seer tenia rem s ese eens pie ca ings cd ts ot Erma EF onver FORM: 1.€.C, BOOK TAPE/OEPT. Enclosed is payment of $12.50 plus $1.00 for ‘hth. Class Post/itandls for. wich ‘sone fre STRANGER AT THE PEATAGON, rar” Tot Ela Delivery nda'$3.504 Bae. : baoones Evvvistate/a als “Res. Add’ a 3/a% Tax. right by 14E.C, Publisher, tne. 1982 All rights reserved. This edition Ls published by 1.E.C. Publishing Company, 4 diviston of International Evangelism Crusades, Inc, Post Office Box 5, Van Nuys, California 91408 1c 1982 EDITION 18BH 0-686-37108-9 Manufactured {nth United States of Anertea CONTENTS reoDUcTION ‘THE MYSTERY UNFOLDS ‘THE COANDA gFFECT NITLER'S WILDEST WEAPON ‘WE FLYING DISCS AND THE v-7 THE u-209 ‘THE RENO SiowTING ePtLocue a 1" a 2 2 ory uae aed Construction cover with large alte INTRODUCTION ‘The UFO phenoena has for many years posed many problons. These problems have keenly dia Curbed Individuals from every rank and (the of society. It's a fact that UFO's have caused consternation In high places and in World Gov ‘Any honest Individual Anterested in the in= vestigation of Unidentified Flying Objects mist agrees that regardless of what origin they Fepresent, there tz 4 fine line that must be drawn and recognized dividing fact from Hetton. ‘The UFO phenomena can be separated Inte many factions. “Tt must be readily understood that fone sole ansuer to the UFO problem La not sul Fietent. “Te te important to. rely on mmerous facets of this unusual diamond tn order to derive vartous possible explanations te. the perplexing UFO question. This book will explore one particular facet of the UFO diamond by zeroing tn on the Natl UFO secrets and bases. Sightings have been made of certain crate since 1945 that ave sald to be of German origin. This claim has been Investigated thoroughly. The Following Information will provide a crystal clear pleture az to the {apore of this mystery. The information in this book has been gathered from several sources. These Include Merman Klass, Prot. Dr. Merman Oberth (who was the Leacher of ‘the Late Dre Werhner von Braun), certain members of the German Secret Service, the” Central Intelligence Agency files, the Untted States Air Force, and acher Allted Intel Tigent sources. Inthe annuls of UFO history, the "Nazi Saucers! were given four titles by the Allied Command: Smoky Saucers, Witler's Wildest Dream, German Flying Dises,and Secret Flying Machines: » 1 THE MYSTERY UNFOLDS the “Third vanished. by appearing t very first country tn South America ever to report Flying Saucers tn their ektee. During the years 1945-1947 three German who were experts tn the Feld of aerodynamics. Witter asked them to devise advanced Instr mentation that would turn the tide agatart the Aittes. Witter vas very concerned. ‘The war outlook var not favorable for the Mart Emplre. le had todo something, fast! ie had knowledge of certain Selent iets working on # Top-Secret pra- ject Involving a fying tube, a Clying saucer, ‘and a ‘Tlytng sphere. Mitler felt this team of Sclentista: Mabersohi, Meithe, Shrlever, and Alfonso Rellonzo, could perfect these devices to defy the forces of the Allies. SECRET DISCS ‘The crash progran vas undervay. A saucer shaped craft vse erected In prototype form. ‘The Idea behind this erafe beam tn 1996: The United Staten waz tn the midst of a deep Depression and the population was gravely con cerned. Breadlines were visible everyuhere. Meamhile, tn” Europe, sports enthustasts assenbled by the thousands at the Olymple Stadium for the Sumer Olympic Canes. Adolph Witler was the center of attract on. During the opening ceremonies, all Nattons participated tn the special opening day parade. The athletes competing In the Canes. marched provdly before the great crowd with thelr. N Cion's Flag held high. When they passed before the Fuhrer they all lovered” thelr Flags, except the United States of America, Witter gritted hls teeth and turned his head the other direction. le had been advised by three Psychtes that he would becowe the ruler of the World tn the near future. This aftront by the U.S. further resolved him to his ol~ Umate goal of World Powers During the Games, the Top Sclenttsts of Cer many vere fascinated by the Discus throvers: Through this simplistic observation the Ides of 4 flying dise was brought into fruition. LIQUID FUEL RESEARCH In 1923, 2 mathematical genius, Professor ermann berth, wrote a classic! book, "The Rocketry Into Interplanetary Space.” (Tot Oberth Tastructed — De. Wernher von” Braun, who eventually became the head of ‘the American Space Program, Meadquartered in the State of Texas.) ‘The Rocketry Into Inter Spacer: was am tmporeant wrTi ly Obert wrote ndivideals of intelligent nature could have originated from other planets." This book pioneered Iqutd fuel research for the German Empire. On March 14, 1931, Gere many Clred tts flrse successful Liquid. fuel Rocket. It was the champion of the Rocket Missile System at that Lime. In 1932, the Idea was sold as a complete package to the German Government. General Walter W. Dornberger, head of the German Aray, introduced the Sctent ises involved in this’ project to the heads of the German Government, for the sole purpose of obs talning thetr approval for further resestehe Gen. Dornberger received forty willion dot lara Tor the development of «new long, range Rocket at Peenemunde Island. The Peenemunde project proved significant. in the evolution of Rockets and Missiles inte German. Fly Saucers. Ts Interesting to observe that Govern- ments as well as. Corporations, usually suc= ceed In acheiving thele goats when Unances fare made readily avatlables History provider sulfictent evidence of this fact When Sefentists can work. unhampered by Financtal lack the “results speak for th telves. ne Late Pee Type apes Selsiever- Hobeensll. Aiyiy Dise (OTE: nd rave trom Herman Kane reid, by Car FMapers Rat wae) Pilot Reom- 2 Filet neclinrrg Engine Bogm . VTchnisian Chan iflaiable Baller buffers Stabilisation Walfee Tate 2 THE COANDA EFFECT The Coanda Effect was discovered tn 1911 by a Rumanian named, tenry He Coanda. This effect enabled an alrcrate to complete a hal pin cura, which ts highly unconventional . Te you are famillac with flying, you know how Impossible it Is to make thls close for- mation turn. ‘This violates every known Lav Of Aerodynantes. With the Coanda effect, 9 situation te created where the Lifton the wing te, i creased, also benefiting the flow system of Jet engines. ‘The Jets then tend to follow a wall contour even as se curves avay. Here (a an exampl favert a comon sauce pan with rounde ‘a water tap and Lee the water {low 0 ftom of the Flamed edges (The pan should inclined somevhat-) You will observe the inging to the lower rim and actual flow upward against gravity for a very sho sot ists tried to use this effect on fototype. of the saucer-shaped crate, a large And "It worked.” The proof of the effect was 1 the fact that the German Saucer Immediately took off and reached an unbelievable height in minutes, achieving tremendous hortrontal jeeds at Hach 4, with « reaching range of Mach in Just a few moments The problen of stability vas then worked out. Rugors had it that in the Black Forest of Germany, there vere several research laborator- fea. These Labs researched ways to eliminate arevity completely. UFO INVESTIGATION STARTS ‘The front page of the "Washington Dally News fon May 14, 1949 read, "THE U.S. AIR FORCE KNOMS UAT FLYING SAUCERS’ ARE AND MHERE THEY COME FROM. The byline stated, “They are a new machine utilizing gyroscopte principles, based | in Spain, buLIL by escaped German Sclentists and ‘Ae an additional footnote, the United States Air Force claimed responsibility under the Dep- actnent of Defense for Investigation of UFO's. PIDJOCT MAE BOOK® was in operation from the year 19468. “Project Sign” and "Project Grudge” ‘are also code names. for the U.S. UFO Invest!— tn UFO's te related at- to Ar Force responsibility or the ale defense of the United States. Procedures” for conducting thls program are covered. by Ate Force Regulation #7-1Ihy of Project Blve Book were two Firat, to detetatne IC UFO's pe dea to the security of the United. Stateey. and second, to determine if UFO's. exhibit. any tintque’sclentifte Information or advanced tech. ology which could contribute a. sclentifte 4 or Technteal Research. In the course of accomplishing these ob- Jectives, Project Blue Book strove to ldeatity, ‘and explain all UFO aightings reported to the Mtr Force. (The Ale Force defines UFO as any aecial object or phenomena which the Server ts unable to Identity.) REPORTED SIGHTINGS During the year 1949, when the Washington Dally “News headlines stirred most of the Nation, Project Blue Book reported that in 1968 there vere a total of 156 sightings, and tn 1949 there vere 186 sightings of UFO's tn the United States. Of the 156, 1948 atghtings, Seven remained fn the category of ‘Uniden Elfed," uhite out of the 166, 1949 sightings, 22 remained tn that category. Te ts Interesting to note that multiplied ‘numbers of newspapers throughout South Amerien Feported strange aerial objects during those years. These UFO's were described at larg Found’ dise-shaped, also clgar-shaped and spherical shaped, emitting large puffs of Hack ‘noke and making very loud clanging rolses. ‘Several neusapers went so {ar as to report the sightings as sppeartog to be a wheel with- fn a wheel (EtekLel Chapter 1). ‘Ae a matter of historical fact, all Govern mental ‘Intelligence agencies have secretly probed the questions of Interstellar space Cratt, and the challenge of interworld Te has been projected that by the year 2000, interplanetary travel will be commonplace. ' HITLER'S WILDEST WEAPON JAPANESE INVOLVEMENT (speg-samog-Tong uopeppRE woRSARAC ) yet Wyle ( SENT) SHOU-SHOEV GL sesaney wey ery vas THE TWELVE WEAPONS ‘These are the twelve deadly weapons that Nicler's Setentists were creating: A Flying Disc ‘A Combat Tank (formed from one soltd plece) Sound Waves (which would destroy the mind) Advanced Lazer Beam Flaging Artif ictal Cloud Super Robot Boab Electronical Charged Cloud Sensattonal Shell (to plerce armor) lectronagnetic Ka-? Rocket Paralyeing Ray Cun Electronte Ball Lightning ‘The Flying Bottle, Tube, Sphere, ete. weapons were seen by the Allied 1B thelr early experimental stages. none of these devices were perfected ‘The ‘Sctentiste who invented them, escaped to South America before the end of the var. Thelr Intentions were to {inlsh the (lying crafts ‘use them to enter Into the World Trade Mar— ee. Fron time to time there are unusual accounts fempeople in varlovs parte of South America ho claim £0 have come into personal contact With these Seteatiar Te ts tronte that te the year 1982, tnfor- raation on these Scientists waz Leaked to the ‘On occasion you will read about tis tous tabloids in varlous parts of the HITLER'S INNER CIRCLE nner military clrcle Included his foeant, Bruckner, hls press chlel, 18. Otto Belteich, his Chief photographer Hof nan, his chief phystclan Dr. Horrel, hs ordinance jae killed in her Richard), Engle, he surgeon, Dr. Brant, bis personal adjutant, Schaub, and his personal advisor, Wunsche. Mieler much tnfor- Loyment ‘Th athe conereton (conection) o 4 “Fig Aree", RATE ig ter, rye seme wa, UFOs gibt es nicht! Wohl aber: Augscheiben am faufenden Band!" an Daary ere eee aii, eich beled ass ars tea of Peg cst 4 THE FLYING DISCS AND THE V-7 According to Dr. Klausy, the Cermans planned to bulld a fleet of saucer-shaped ral counter-rotatton yandoned it when they ter-revolution qovenent the condition created by motors or propellers nolng counter-clockwlse, when for Just « moment, there suddenly Is ao motion in ether THE V-7 IS BORN ‘The V-7 was mot a rocket, tt wa cle. The V-I differed from other ree nd Schrlever's discs had vietble floating parts and the V7 did not. The V-7 was far different from any vehicle that had been concetved or developed: ‘The V-7 had rotating. tubs bright flame, thus giving t ae lus a circle of ‘Musion of bright shining disc. ‘The Soviet Union now has in its poasesston working models of the V-7, If the U-S-3-R- has intentions of perfecting the V-7, they WAIL not take a chance on its discovery by flaunting te carelessly tn their skies. SAUCER CRAFT CONSTRUCTION Aeconling to Professor Hermann Klauss, re- search and actual construction of the flying dtace 1s still quite prevalent in the Southern ‘Andes of South America UPD reports have come co Light through 1s media sources, Including the Hextean wal Press, These "Smoky Saucers” ( they are called by the people in South Aner— tea) ‘are untque among UFO sightings around the world. Maile in fight, these craft make loud notaen, shoot off orange flame and huge putts ck smoke are emitted. SECRET GERMAN BASES ular arenof Bahia Blanca Cordoba & Salta chin Tormina, Sietly Johannesburg, South Africa Teyaye Lake, Northern Stberta Milan, Tealy Reno, Nevada 2. Teta THE U-209 Mitler wae a staunch believer in the Aryan race. Ever since he wats young aan, he had belteved that thls race cane from a ayetical land tn the North Polar areas He belleved that this race existed in the ‘wotlow Earth" regions. te fele that the first Nordic Germans evolved from thie Lon world; migrating out of the North Polar apercure in the distant past. ‘Adoiph Witler steadfastly clung to thie be- Met throughout his entire Life. Ae a result, ‘@ spectally outfitied U-boat to be constructed for north polar exploration. U-209 VOYAGE In the year of 1943 spectal charts of the north polar area were drafted and certain cal— culations vere made for the expedition, Hitler thought that 2 U-boat, would be the {deal means by which to enter the polar aperture. ‘In May of 1943 the German undersea boat U209, left the port of Kel in Germany, ite destin- a. Within the walls of this beaut they discovered a highly advanced civilir Clon, laving no desire to return to the su face world, there they remained. There are references to this fantastic inner-world’ region in auch books as, Nollow Earth", and "The Smoky God." ation, the North polar region, Its missto to {ind and enter the north polar aperture and make contact with the Aryan ctvilization Living tn the Latertor of the Earth: Vantantic an 1¢ may teem, these secret orders tasued by Witler were part of Ms achene to enlist che help of the Aryan race. We wanted fo use them to. produce » super race that would fone day rule the world, Nocld War Il German Kaval records reveal chat the U209 sank in May 1943. However, noted that & roof, heavily constucted con a + eased tele peceasiiaersty BELLOWZO- SCHRIEVER-MIETHE that Hitler and close menbers First Type eat left An auch a U-boat, for a base fupposedly established under the north polar tee caps Wieler directed that U-boat Commander, Netarich Brodda, enter ‘the opening through the Brest barrier ice flelds. Mls orders stated that after he pasased through the ice ftelds, they “would ind great open seas of warm Tt was at this critical Journey when the comp: Upon entering the yening they encoun- kered a great river b h aweet water. ‘While nearing the prescribed ares, noted on the submarine's gonar gear, a strange bLIp 4, This blip remained only a few hun dred yerds ahead of the U-boat ~ (cs course nearly parallel to that of the undersea boat ftaell Comander Brodda and two of his officers guessed this blip totes whale, They decided fo follow it and were amazed upon surfacing to sce not a whale but an undersea Erdian patrol craft. ‘Traveling up river for several hundred miles, they came co) a great ‘city = tne in thete began to dip. Lying Stucer* Design. 6 THE RENO UFO SIGHTING The following event took place in Reno, Nevada, during. a UFO Convention, July 1966, at the Centennial Coltseum. This “Amalgomated Flying Sa Convention included Lea Orfeo Angele ny George Van fy De. Frank Green, and m ean Te was during ‘thts convention that 1 had MY PERSONAL ENCOUNTER On Thursday morning, July 7th, the phone rang in my hotel room. The caller (wishing to renatn anonymous) asked me to meet with hia before the convention convened at the he stated that he for many years, and vith my work. He cautioned we to look straight forvard, and not to look at him directly at any time during our conver- sation. Wis (rst question was, "Do you know sny- 2 thing about German Saucers?” 1 informed him that all T knew was what I had read in UFO 9c ‘counts from magazines and newspapers. Me then requested that I brief him on the “German UFO trash" that took place 4m Helgolan: West Ceraany. This question was directed to the account that was written and reported at length In ay book *Saucerana Ne seemed quite satisfied with my narrative fon ‘the Welgoland matter. Without warning. he sald, "Do you know that there will be a German Saucer about one-quarcer of a alle {rom the Reno Atrport Control Tower in the morning? fe has already arrived tm this area! (Gabriel Green and several others had reported sighting 2 UFO high above the city early that morning.) lic further stated that the German Saucer would LAND near the Alrport in the. morning: Then he Curned and left the auditorium. The following morning 1 took a taxl co the Reno ALrport with a friend of mine. We had the driver let us off an the outskirts of the Atrport.Trudging along a dusty road we ap- proached an area that rose slightly and. svd- Senty dropped into 2 shallow ravine. To our’ great surprise, there It was... saucer-shaped craft sitting on the ground on three short legs. ‘As we approached the craft, tt appeared to be 50 Feet tn diameter, with a large outer rim. We noticed a ladder leading to a door that slid open. ‘A heavily bulle man with a deep scar on his cheek and dark heavy eyebrows stood atthe ‘opening. There was a brief exchange of Ceraan between my companion and him. le tried to hand tus some U.S. currency as he explained that he wanted us to purchase food for his. le continued to speak in German and 1 conclu ded that he vas very desperate. As he spoke, he continued to watch the sky like a havk. Suddenly, he waved us off and the door slid Ree shut. We heard a hissing sound atatlar to chat ‘of equipment run by hydraulle power. My com Panton and 1 turned around aed approaching us we veaucer whined Like a Jet plane coal tn for a landing. The outer and Kicked up dust, dirt and gravel the ground swiftly, however, there was an In~ tense vibration. "It then shot over toward the Control Tower and continued on until 1t was out of sight. ‘We remained. in the ravine until the police car passed us by, and. then went back to our hotel room and changed our dirty clothes. This type of sighting has been reported not only by myself but many other responsible people from all walks of life tn numerous parts of the world. During ay recent viatt to West Germany, 1 war not too surprised to meet certain gentle ‘men who were familiar with my Reno UFO Sighting. ‘They stated that before Long, attenpts vould be mide to contact South American Government offictats,to establish « trade agreement. that would be honored on an International tevel ‘There was a note of caution a2 one gentleman sald that such a velicle could not be us fr a weapon of war. We further suggested that the Aerospace Tndustry is. in for somewhat of a vthock, during this decade. Ae this urltiag, rellable sources revealed that UFO reports have Increased In many parts fof South Amer Ryewitneases lata to have seen Nazi Suas- tikas painted on the extertor of landed eratt. 2. Dr. Frank E. Stranges HOOKS BY DR. FRANK E. STRANCES: THE STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON THE UFO CONSPIRACY FOR A FREE CATALOG OF THESE AND OTHER IMPORTANT WRITINGS...SEND A SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED, BUSINESS SIZE ENVELOPE TO: P20. Box 5 VAN NUYS, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. ‘91408-0005 EPILOGUE T have studied the UFO mystery since the year 1965. T have logged many thousands of alles tn my travels around tu world. 1 have Unter viewed men and women from every walk of life. T have been Lavolved in top-level investi gations. The conclusions I have dravn are not Recessartly unlque to me. Hovever, must feake the follow statement without reservation. ‘Anyone who maintains that there te only one explanation to the UFO mystery {5 one hundre percent {n error. In order to properly evaluate the scope of this mystery, fe is Imperative that we seek out every source ps effort to disting between that which is true or Calse; between that which ts good or evil. Te tz {nteresting to note that there have been numerous bodies positively Identiti that of Adolph Mitlece:.. Taking these reports asa vhole, mathematically speaking, maybe & oF three people at the most could have the same Wd dental work. Not over 38, Seill, runore persist even today that Hitler ta still altve and Living confortably somewhere fn South America. Me ‘cannot rule this po: atbitity out. 10, these following facts recently reported ‘on CBS-TV"60. MINUTES" cannot be dented: Nazis ho were 1a charge of Concentration Camps are now living In the United States under the pro- tection of the Central Intelligence Agency, and some are mmployed by same ‘Let us maintain an ernest and constant vigil atvall times, and pethaps someday soon ve will fold tn our hands the very key that vill not only unlock more of these Cerman Saucer Secrets, but alse the secrets of the Universe! 20.

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