Grade 7 Psas

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ELA 7 Media violence : Lesson 8

Grade 7 ELA Unit: Novel study

Topic: Newscasts March 16, 2017 Length of Lesson: 40 minutes
Specific Learning
Outcomes GLOs
1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas,
feelings and experiences.
2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and
respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and
1.1 Discover and explore
2.4 Create Original Text
3.1 plan and focus

Learning Students will:

Objectives Understand the key ingredients that go into making a PSA
Apply their knowledge
Create their own PSA

Materials Starboards
Film definition sheet

Procedure Assessment Methods

Introduction 1 Review: Angles and shots talked about last class Formative: Checking for previous
(5 min.) Review: PSAs we viewed yesterday- what were some understanding through group
things we talked about in terms of how the PSAs were discussion as this information will
created? Settings, music, mood, emotions, different be important to complete the days
shots used (lots of close ups) activity

Body of Lesson 1 Activity: Formative: This PSA will be

(25 min.) Introduce Creating your own PSA activity taken in for a formative
Students will get into groups of 2 or 3 and create their assessment using a holistic rubric
own PSAs on bullying using the angles/ shots and to mark it- these marks will not
information we learned about from the lesson before. be counted towards a final grade,
They will be using a storyboard to create their PSA. rather, the rubric will be used as
What is a storyboard? a sequence of images feedback
used to plan a film, video, or television
program. These images are drawings that
communicate the directors vision. Each
individual sketch represents one shot,
ranging from 3 to 10 seconds, and depicts
what is seen through the camera lens.

In your groups you will want to decide: What kind of

bullying you want your PSA to be about, what the mood
of your PSA will be (Sad, hopeful) , what music or
background noise will be used, what visuals will be used
and what shots will be used (Close up, Extreme close
up), any dialogue (Remember, each frame is max 10
seconds, so there will not be a lot of dialogue) quotes or
words on screen ect.
I will be looking for: a title, a camera shot or angle,
dialogue, mood of each frame (every frame should have
a mood) for you to consider your audience and the form
of media you are creating. I want to see that you can use
your prior knowledge and plan and focus for tis specific
medium and your class as an audience
Remind students they will only have 4 frames to finish
their PSA so make sure it is short and concise
Create a rough draft first to show to me. Once rough
draft is given the ok you can start on your good copy.

Closure Give students a 5 minute warning to start wrapping up

(10 min.) remind them that we will be presenting tomorrow.
Have student hand in their storyboards so they are not

Sponge Activity Play the Shane Koyzanc poem and have them respond in
their free writing journals

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