End of Year Report 2017

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Board of Management Meetings

Joint on 5th of December

Main school Events and Achievements


3rd and 4th attend workshop with author Liz Pichon

Time to read programme in 2nd class 20 weeks

One Book One Community in 5th and 6th

Zoom Ahead with Books Prep to 2nd class

Reader in Residence programme in 3rd and 4th

Establishment of student council.


2 numeracy weeks held in school

Trinity Access programme

Physical Education

5th and 6th completed a marathon

5th and 6th completed boxing programme, 7 were selected to for gold programme and fought in the
National Stadium

Football training from Prep to 6th

Basketball training 2nd to 6th

5th and 6th Cricket classes and blitz

Sports Day


Mental Health Week in October

Cyberbullying talk in 5th and 6th

RSE course in 5th and 6th

Mighty Mouth program in Senior Infants

Buddy bench workshop from 2nd 4th. In 5th and 6th

5th and 6th attend Data Summit in Convention Center to have talk on cyber bullying.

Facebook programme


Whole Trip to the Botanic Gardens

ARTS Drama Music Art

Junior and Senior go to the ARC to see The Collapsing Horse

Whole school attends the Sean OCasey Theatre to see The Games they Played

Whole School Christmas Concert

Whole school trip to the Gaeity Theatre to see Pantomine

Dry Ice theatre company perform for whole school

Martina Galvin artist working in 3rd and 4th

NCAD workshops with 2nd class


Whole school morning and lunch prayer in Yard

Monthly masses for sacrament classes

Visits from Fr. Robert

First Holy Confession,Communion Ceremony of light and Confirmation celebrated

Celebration of St. Laurence OToole Feast day

In school practices and Initiatives

Weekly assemblies

Halloween Assembly

All school initiatives shared on facebook page

Prep 1st class visited the farm

2nd 6th visited Navan Adventure Center

Sponsored Walk

Active Schools Week

Open Day

Active Schools Week

5th France trip

6th overnight trip in Avoca

PWC project nearly 5000raised for autism

Cockadoodledoo project chicks hatching

Weekly music lesson and computer classes

Stay safe programme taught to whole school

International Womens day assembly

World Book Day celebrated

Skipping workshop for all classes

St. Patricks Day Parade

Staff Training

Write to Read refresher course in St. Pats for 2 teachers

Teresa Delahunty attending Reading Recovery monthly inservice

Alison Joyce trained in Maths Recovery

Talk on bereavement by Barnardos for Croke Park Hour

Mary Mc Donnell and Teresa Delahunty trained in Friends/First Fun friends

2 students from St. Pats College on a 5 week block

Teresa Delahunty and Aoife Rhattigan trained in PAX, a behavioural management system

Mona attended IPPN national conference

Mona attended International Restorative Practice conferance

Parental Involvment

France meetings
Maths Games


3 Play Therapists working in the school

SNA review in October

Speech and Language Therapist visits school to discuss a child

OT visits school to review a child

Fundraising/ Donation

Citi Bank gave a book to each child for Christmas

IFSC donated 4000 euro

Non uniform Day for France

Raffle at Xmas Play

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