Dps 3

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Ivette Flores

Pam Ditterick
Lesson Plan #3
Feb. 17, 2017

For my first lesson plan I made a matching game and I observed that the children were
participating and they were matching the inch blocks to the squares on the cards so I decided to
make the game a little more complex and add some cylinder shapes. Im going to make some
matching cards with cylinder shapes and Im going to mix the inch blocks and the cylinders
together. In my first day at the lab I saw that Heather had some ice painting on one of the tables
and the children were very interested on painting with the ice, Im going to do an ice painting
activity but Im going to be using bigger ice pieces and they are going to be painting on the floor
on butcher paper. The rest of my plan was based on what Ive seen that the children like doing.
For example, the play dough recipe and the duplos with people.

Developmental Planning Sheet

Physical Development

Large muscle
Play dough recipe- This activity may promote large muscle development when the children use
their hands and arms when they are pouring the ingredients into the bowl. Also, children may
used their arms to reach for the ingredients, they may be able to mix the flour to make the play
dough using there hands and arms, for example.
Matching game- This activity may promote large muscle development when the children use
their hands and arms to move the cylinders and the inch cubes from one card to another, for
Ice painting- This activity may promote large muscle development when they hold the ice pieces
with their hands and move their whole arm to paint on the paper on the floor. They may move
their whole body from one side to another while painting.
Sand, cars and blocks- This activity may promote large muscle development when the children
hold the cars and move their arms to move the cars and blocks from one side to another on the
the sensory table. Also, they may walk and move around the table while playing.
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote large muscle development when the
children use their hands to hold the cars and move the cars from one side to another. They may
move around the area and they may use their whole arms when they are building. For example
if a child is building something that is high the child may be moving up and down and stretching
his/her arms to reach and build.
Black construction paper and wet chalk- This activity may promote large muscle development
when the children hold the chalk to color. They may use their whole arm as they are coloring or
Big chalk out side activity- This activity may promote large muscle development when the
children use their hands to hold the chalk and their arms to draw with it. Also, because the
activity is going to be on the floor, the children may be moving their whole body around as they
are drawing.
Group- This activity may promote large muscle development when the children do the
movements of the song If youre happy and you know it for example, the teacher might say if
youre happy and you know it clap your hands the children may move their hands and arms to
clap. For the Jack be nimble song the children may be jumping over the candlestick moving
their whole body as they jump.

Small muscle
Story time- This activity may promote small muscle development when the children use their
fingers to do the finger play songs like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star for example. Also, they may
be singing along with the teacher which promotes speech muscle and musical pitch.
Play dough recipe- This activity may promote small muscle development when the children pour
the ingredients in the cups and in the bowl (eye-hand coordination) They may be able to use
their sense to as they participate in the activity when they feel the ingredients when its the time
to mix them.
Matching game- This activity may promote small muscle development when the children use
their fingers to hold the cylinders and the inch blocks to put them on the matching place. Also,
they may be developing eye-hand coordination when they look for place to put it and place
it.They may be able to use their senses and see how each cylinder and block look different
colors or similar colors.
Ice painting on the floor- This activity may promote small muscle development when the children
use their fingers to hold the ice pieces. Also, they may be coordinating their eye-hand
movement as they participate in the activity.
Sand, cars and blocks- This activity may promote small muscle development when the children
use their fingers to hold the cars and touch the sand.Also, they may be able to use their senses
when they feel the sand on their hands.
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote small muscle development when the
children gasp to reach the duplos, people and cars and as they put the duplos together using
their fingers as well as their hands.
Construction paper and wet chalk-This activity may promote small muscle development when
the children hold the chalk using their fingers as they are drawing and eye-hand coordination as
they are watching when drawing to make what they are wanting.
Outside, big chalk and nature painting- This activities may promote small muscle development
when the children hold the materials and the chalk using their fingers to draw and paint. Eye-
hand coordination may be promoted as they are observing when drawing and painting to see
what they are doing or want to create.
Group- This activity may promote small muscle development when the children use their fingers
while they are doing the finger play songs. For example, the five little monkeys and they may
put their five fingers up and down as they follow along with the song. They might be able to use
their sense when they are read to a child may point out thing that they see in the book like,
colors or things for example.

Intellectual Development
Social knowledge
Story time- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children participate as they
are listening to the book. For example, children may repeat words that they hear from the story
and they may learn some new animals names like; skunks,raccoon, cricket etc.
Play dough recipe- This activity may promote social knowledge because the children may learn
about different ingredients such as, flour, oil and salt. also, they may learn new words such as,
pouring, mixing ect.while participating in this activity.
Matching game- This activity may promote social knowledge because the children may say the
colors and the names of the shapes, or they may hear other children say it, or the teacher and
they may be able to learn those new words.
Ice painting on the floor- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children
participate on painting because the children may learn about colors as they participate on the
Sand cars and blocks- This activity may promote social knowledge because the cars are
different color and they may learn about the name of the colors. Also, they may be able to learn
about the shapes of the blocks such as, square and ramps for example.
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children talk
about what they are building, a child may say that he/she is building a tower and another child
may say that he is building a house or a farm for example.
Black construction paper and wet chalk- This activity may promote social knowledge because
the children may learn about colors and the word chalk for example.
Outside activity big chalks- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children
participate because they may hear someone talking about the colors or about what they are
drawing and that can promote new vocabulary words for example.
Nature painting- This activity may promote social knowledge because the children may learn the
names of thing. For example, they may learn the name of the flowers, leaf, pine cones ect.
Group- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children repeat the words of the
songs as they are singing along with the teacher. They may also learn about the name of fruits
and the word cocoon while listening to the story.

Physical knowledge
Story time- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children listen to the story
and the teacher asks about what will be happening next in the story, or the children may say
what they think it will be happening without the teacher asks them.
Play dough recipe- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children see what
happens to the ingredients as they are mix together. For example they may be able to see
cause and effect when the solid flour mixed with the water becomes doug.
Matching game-
Ice painting- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children see what happens
to the ice as time passes by, they may be able to see how the ice is melting for example. Also,
they may be able to feel the cold ice on their hands and experienced how the ice can make their
hands burn for example.
Sand, cars and blocks- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children
observe cause and effect when they place the car on the ramp block and the cars go down the
ramp for example.
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children
see cause and effect when they build tall towers for example and the towers fall down. They
may be able to observe and predict that the tower is about to fall down because its staggering.
Black construction paper and wet chalk- This activity may promote physical knowledge when
the children see the difference between using a normal chalk and using a wet chalk. They may
be able to see cause and effect of how the colors look brighter when he chalk is wet for
Outside activity big chalks- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children see
the difference between wet chalk and normal chalk. The chalk may get wet if raining outside and
the children may be able to compare how the chalk was drawing first and after it got wet for
Nature painting- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children see how the
different materials that are being used for painting make different shapes. For example, the
pinecone may make a different shape than a flower.
Group- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children participate by listening
to the story. They may predict what is going to be happening next on the story. For example, if
the teacher asks Do you think the caterpillar is going to be still hungry? the children may say
Yes, I think it is.

Logical/Mathematical Knowledge
Number concept
Story time-
Play dough recipe- This activity may number concept when the children help measuring the
amount of flour, salt oil ect. For example, the children may notice that the play dough needs
more flour than salt. Also, they may learn about number concept as they count the number of
flour and salt cups that will be added to the play dough.
Matching game- This activity may promote number concept when the children count the
amount of squares and cylinders. Also, they may compare which card has more or less square
shapes for example.
Ice painting on the floor- This activity may promote number concept when the children count the
amount of colors there is to paint with.
Sand, cars and blocks- This activity may promote number concept because the children may be
able to see and count the number of cars and blocks there is in the water table. They may also
compare if there is more blocks than cars by counting them for example.
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote number concept when the children
compare while building. For example a child may build two houses and say that one is taller
than the other one because it has more duplos.
Black construction paper and wet chalk- This activity may promote number concept when the
children count the number of chalks they are using or maybe the number of colors for example.
Outside activity, big chalks- ^
Nature painting- This activity may promote number concept when the children count the amount
of different materials there is to paint with.
Group- This activity may promote number when the children sign as they are subtracting the
number of monkeys there are left after they fall off the bed. Also, they may count the amount of
food the caterpillar eats as they follow along with the story.

Story time-
Play dough recipe- This activity may promote classification because the children may be able to
classify the different ingredients there are to make the play dough such as, the flour, the salt,
water ect.
Matching game- This activity may promote classification when the children classify the materials
by shape or colors. For example they may put all the squares together and all the cylinders
together in groups, or they may put them together in groups of colors. Also, they may be
matching the shapes and colors on the cards with the blocks.
Ice painting- This activity may promote classification because the children may paint groups of
different colors on the paper.
Sand, cars and blocks- This activity may promote classification when the children classify the
cars by colors or size. For example they may classify the cars from smallest largest or vice
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote classification when the children classify
the duplos by color, size or shape.
Black construction paper and wet chalk- This activity may promote classification when the
children classify the chalk by color for example.
Outside activity big chalks- ^
Nature painting- This activity may promote classification when the children classify the materials
by maybe same type of flower, by color, or by smallest to biggest.
Group- This activity may promote classification when the children see that in the The very
hungry caterpillar book the fruits are all separated by type of fruit for example.

Story time-
Play dough recipe- This activity may promote seriation when the children compare the amount
of ingredients that will be added to make the recipe. For example, the children may be able to
see and tell about starting with the ingredients that are less and ending with the bigger amounts.
Matching game- This activity may promote seriation when the children sort the shapes by color
or the shape for example.
Ice painting- This activity may promote seriation when the children paint the different colors on
the paper, they may draw lines or things that go from biggest to smallest or vice versa.
Sand, plastics cars and blocks- This activity may promote seriation when the children arrange
the blocks by size, or the cars by color for example.
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote seriation when the children build
something and they sort them by size, color or by different things that they are building such as
houses, towers ect.
Back construction paper and wet chalk-
Outside activity, big chalk- This activity may promote seriation when the children arranged the
chalk by different size or by color for example.
Nature painting- This activity may promote seriation when the children sort the materials by
texture, size or type. For example, they may arrange the the flowers and leafs by how they
Group- The very hungry caterpillar book may promote seriation when because the caterpillar
starts as a very small egg and starts eating small to big portions of food.

Play dough recipe-This activity may promote conservation when the children see how the solids
and liquids mix together become playdough, they may see that when pouring the flour cup in the
bowl the flour spread in the bowl but the amount did not change for example.
Matching game- This activity may promote conservation when the children for example stack
the inch cubes when they drop and spread on the table the amount will still remain the same.
Ice painting-
Outside big chalks- This activity may promote conservation as the children may be able to see
that the chalk that they are using if now on the floor but its still is the same amount that they
used when it was hard
Black construction paper and wet chalk- ^
Nature painting- This activity may promote conservation when the children use the materials to
paint they may see that the amount of paint on the paper is the same amount of paint they had
in the container for example.

Spatial Temporal Knowledge

Spatial relations
Story time-
Play dough recipe- This activity may promote spatial relations when the children see how much
space is still left as they are pouring the flour into the measuring cup for example.
Matching game- This activity may promote spatial relations when the children place the inch
cube on the corresponding square and see that the inch cube took all the space for example.
Ice painting- This activity may promote spatial relations when the children figure out how much
space they need to be able to move as they are painting on the floor for example.
Sand, plastic cars and blocks- This activity may promote spatial relations when the children see
that they need space to move the cars as they are playing. They may be able to stay playing in
one side of the water table so that the other children also have some space to play for example.
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote spatial relation when the children see
that there is certain space for building, they may be able to see when they are running out of
space and they may have to move the duplos to a different direction where there is more space
for example.
Black construction paper and wet chalk- This activity may promote spatial relations when the
children are see as they are drawing that they are running out of space for example.
Outside, big chalks- This activity may promote spatial relations when the children are drawing
on the ground and notice that they may have to move to be able to reach the space that they
havent draw on yet for example.
Nature painting- This activity may promote spatial relation when the children see how much
space on the paper each object takes, the flower may take more space than the leafs for
Group- this activity may promote spatial relations when the children jump over the candlestick
as they may be able to see how high and how far they have to go to be able to jump over the

Temporal relations
Story time- This activity may promote temporal knowledge when the children are singing and
see how long it takes for a song to end, one song may be longer than the other one for
Play dough recipe- This activity may promote temporal relations when the children see how long
it takes for the play dough to be ready for example. Also, they may be able to see how long it
takes to get all the ingredients poured into the bowl.
Matching game- This activity may promote temporal knowledge when the children see how it
takes for them to finish matching each card with the inch cubes or cylinders for example.
Ice painting on the floor- This activity may promote temporal knowledge when the children see
how long it takes for the ice to melt. They may be able to see which one takes longer and the
least time to melt.
Sand, plastic cars and people- This activity may promote temporal knowledge when the children
see how long it takes for the car to go down the ramp block for example.
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote temporal knowledge when the children
see how long it takes for them to build something. For example two children may be building a
house and one children builds it faster than the other one, they may be able to see that one took
less time than the other child because he did it faster.
Black construction paper and wet chalk-
Outside, big chalks- This activity may promote temporal knowledge when the children draw from
one side to the other side of the concrete and see how long it takes for them to do that for
Nature painting- This activity may promote temporal knowledge when the children are painting
and see that it takes longer to paint with some of the materials. For example, they may be able
to see that it takes longer to paint with a flower than when they paint with a brush.
Group- This activity may promote temporal relations when the children see how long it takes for
the caterpillar to eat all of the food, and how long it takes for the caterpillar to become a butterfly
in the story for example (the days and some time is in the story.)

Story time- This activity may promote representation when the children sing the song and
pretend to make shapes as the stars and the diamond with their hands and fingers for example.
Also, the children may be able to relate to the story for example when the owl talks to their baby
about the night and the stars.
Play dough recipe- This activity may promote representation because the children have done
play dough in the classroom before so they may be able to know that the ingredients on the
table mean that they will be making play dough for example.Also, the children may talk to each
other about how they used flour before at home to bake with their parents for example.
Matching game- This activity may promote representation when the children stack the inch
cube and cylinders and say that they are building stairs with them for example.
Ice painting- This activity may promote symbolic representation when the children paint
something that represents whatever they want.
Sand, plastic cars and blocks- This activity may promote representation when the children when
the children pretend that they are at the beach and they are driving the cars on the beach for
Duplos with cars and people- This activity may promote representation when the children build
something and say that is something that they familiar with, For example a child may build
his/her own house and say that he/ she is building three rooms because there is three rooms in
her house for example. Also, they may pretend to play driving people around when they put the
people in the car for example.
Black construction paper and wet chalk-This activity may promote representation when the
children draw with the chalk on the paper to represent something for example they may say
that theyre drawing a picture of their parents.
Outside, big chalks- ^
Nature painting- ^
Group- This activity may promote representation when the children sing along with the teacher
and pretend to be jack and that the block is a candlestick. Also, the children may recognize the
pictures of the fruits in the book and say that they have those at home for example.

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