Developmental Planning Sheet Social Development

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Ivette Flores

Pam Ditterick
DPS #4
Feb. 24, 2017

I have seen the children at the lab building and they seem to enjoy it, they pretend to build
houses and towers so Im going to add some activities that are related with building. I saw
Heather had the motor and pestles out for an activity and the children were working in that
activity for a long period of time, Im doing an activity with the motor and pestles where the
children can experiment mashing tissue paper with water to paint with the color that comes out
if it. I am doing some of the songs that I have notice the children like to sing, Esperanza did a
song in English and Spanish and the children kept telling her to do it again so I am going to read
the book I Went Walking in English and Spanish for this plan.

Developmental Planning Sheet

Social Development
Story time- This activity may promote social development because it is as a group and the
children may say their thoughts about the book and share their ideas with the teachers of what
they think is going to be happening in the book. Also, they may sing along with the teacher and
they may get a sense of belonging because all the children are individually included in songs.
Tissue paper, water bottles, mortor and pestles, butcher paper and brushes- This activity may
promote social development when the children talk about what is happening to the tissue paper
when they mashed it in the motor and pestle. They may share materials or problem solve if a
child wants a turn for example.
Popsicle sticks and tape- This activity may promote social development when the children work
together to build something, for example, a child may say Im doing to build a house with the
sticks and another child can ask if he can help then, they may have the opportunity to work
together or problem solve if the child does not want to build with that child. They may talk about
feeling and how that makes the child feel may be the child can say I really want to help
building and be upset about it and the other child may recognize the feelings and say Ok. you
can help.
Coloring play dough and markers- This activity may promote social development when the
children talk about what they are drawing on the play dough, they may do pretend playing with
the play dough. For example a child may say Im going to make purple cookies as she is
coloring the play dough purple. They may be able to take turns with the markers if a child asks to
borrow one from another child for example.
Soapy water and babies- This activity may promote social development when the children
pretend that they are showering the babies, they may talk about how to shower a baby and share
what they know about babies for example, a child may say I have a baby at home and this is
how my mom showers the baby. Also, they may share the babies and the materials in the
sensory table or problem solve if a child does not want to share.
Gear set- This activity may promote social development when the children share their ideas
about what they are going to be building. They may do cooperative work by building together for
example, a child may have an idea of what to build and another child can add to that idea by
saying Hey and we can add wheels and they can share their excitement and work together on
the plan.
Foil painting- This activity may promote social development when the children share about what
they are painting with each other. Also, they may problem solve for taking turns and sharing
materials for example.
Magnifier glasses, rocks, flowers and leafs- This activity may promote social development when
the children talk about what they see and share their thoughts about what each of them see. They
may see different things as they look at the materials through the magnifier glasses. Also, they
may do pretend playing for example a child can pretend to be a doctor or scientific as he is
playing with the magnifier glasses.
Group- This activity may promote social development when the children sing along with the
teachers as they pretend to be going to the moon with signing the zoom, zoom song for example.
Also, they may share their ideas about the book and about what they think may be happening
next. They may get a sense of belonging when the teacher reads to them and listens to their ideas
and when they are included in the inclusions songs.

Emotional Development

Story time- This activity may promote emotional development when the children may express
themselves when signing and moving their hands as they sing. Children may use their
imagination and share their thoughts about what is happening in the book. The children may feel
accepted when the teacher listen to their ideas and when the teacher sings the inclusion songs for
Tissue paper, mortor pestles activity- This activity may promote emotional development because
the children may use creativity when they use the brushes to paint whatever they want. Also, this
an open ended activity there is no right or wrong way to do it.
Popsicle sticks and tape- This activity may promote emotional development when the children
use their imagination to build whatever they want with the stick. They may be able to plan and
think of what they want to build and there will be no right or wrong way to do it.
Coloring playdough- This activity may promote emotional development when the children create
whatever they want as they draw on the play dough. They may be able to enjoy the activity and
express themselves when they colored on the play dough and say what they are making with it
for example.
Soapy water and babies- This activity may promote emotional development when the children
feel self control and responsibility for taking care of the baby as they are showering them. Also,
they may be able to tell if the baby's skin, eye color or hair color look like theirs for example.
Gear set- This activity may promote emotional development when the have the opportunity to
plan what they are going to build and use their creativity to do it. For example, a child may say
that he want to build a tower and he may build a tower the way that he can do it and it would be
fine because there is no right or wrong way to it.
Foil painting- This activity may promote emotional development because the children may
express themselves through what they are painting. For example, a child may say that he/she is
painting a butterfly because she/ he likes butterflies. Also, they may feel satisfied with their work
because there is no wrong way to do it.
Magnifier glasses, rocks and flowers- This activity may promote emotional development when
they see that they can use a magnifier glass for example. Also, the children can choose to use the
materials however they want or can there is no wrong or right way to use them.
Group- This activity may promote emotional development when the children sing along with the
teacher and express themselves as they sing. Also, the children may feel a sense of belonging
when the teacher looks at them and listens to their ideas when she is reading the book and when
the teacher sings the inclusion song and names all of the children at group for example.

Physical Development

Large muscle
Story time- This activity may promote large muscle development when the children move their
hands up and down as they sign the Tommy Thumbs Up song for example.
Tissue paper, motor pestles, water bottles, painting brushes and butcher paper- This activity may
promote large muscle development when the children use their hands to mash the tissue paper to
get the color out for example.
Popsicle sticks and tape-
Coloring play dough-
Soapy water, babies, bathing towels and shampoo bottles- This activity may promote large
muscle development when the children use their hands for rubbing on the babies as they pretend
to bathing them for example.
Gear set-
Foil painting and tempera paint-
Magnifier glasses, rocks, flowers and leafs-
Group- This activity may promote large muscle development when the children move their
hands and arms as they sing the Zoom, Zoom, Zoom song for example. Also, for the song around
and around the children may go spinning around moving their whole body while singing the
Small muscle
Story time- This activity may promote small muscle development when the children move their
fingers and hands to sign the Tommy Thumbs Up song for example. Also, they may sign along
with the teacher with promotes speech muscle and musical pitch.
Tissue paper, water bottles, motor and pestles, paint brushes and butcher paper- This activity
may promote small muscle when the children use their hands and to use the brushes for example.
Also, they may use their senses to see how the colors change and as they touch the paint and the
mashed tissue paper.
Popsicle sticks and tape- This activity may promote small muscle development when the
children coordinate eye-hand and hand-hand while they build with the sticks and use the tape to
make the sticks stay for example.
Coloring play dough- This activity may promote small muscle development when the children
use their finger to hold the markers as they are painting on the play dough for example. Also,
they may use their senses when they touch and smell the play dough.
Soapy water, babies, bathing towels, cups and shampoo bottles- This activity may promote small
muscle development when the children use their while grasping the cups and their hands to pour
the water on the babies s they are showering them for example. Also, the children may use their
senses when they touch to feel the soapy water and the bubbles in the water.
Gear set. This activity may promote small muscle when the children grasp to hold the pieces and
when they stretch their arms as they are building for example. Also, they may spend a lot of time
building which supports attention span development.
Foil painting with tempera paint- This activity may promote small muscle development when the
children hold the brushes to paint using their finger. Children may use eye-hand coordination as
they are using their hand to move the brush around as they paint for example.
Magnifier glasses, rocks, flowers and leafs- This activity may promote small muscle
development when the children use their eye- hand coordination while holding the magnifier
glass to look closely to the materials for example. Also, they may use their senses when they
touch and smell the flowers, rocks and leafs.
Group- This activity may promote small muscle development when the children do finger play
songs, they may move their fingers as they sing along with the teacher for example. They may
sign and develop speech muscle and musical pitch.

Intellectual Development

Social knowledge
Story time- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children repeat word that the
teacher says. For example they may say the name of animals they see in the book Youre just
what I need. Also, they may learn structure of language when the teacher repeats complete
sentences while she reads the book or asks questions to the children.
Tissue paper, water, motor and pestles,painting brushes and paper- This activity may promote
social knowledge when the children listen to other children named the names of the colors. For
example a child may say this color is blue and another child may repeat and say Thats color
Popsicle sticks and tape- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children talk
about what they are building and other children listen, they may use new words that other
children dont know like; frame, tower, or bridge for example.
Coloring play dough with markers- This activity may promote social knowledge when the
children write letter on the play dough and say the names of the letters while other children
observe and listen to them doing it and they may learn from that for example.
Soapy water, babies, shampoo bottles, cups and bathing towels- This activity may promote social
knowledge when the children have conversations about what they are doing with the babies. For
example, a child may say that they saw their parents when they shower the baby and they may
show other children what they know about showering babies.
Gear set- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children listen to other children
say the different names of shapes that are in the gear set building game for example. They may
ask teacher about the shapes too if they want to know about it.
Foil painting- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children use vocabulary
words like foil for example. Also, they may learn the name of the colors they are using for
painting when other child names them or the teachers.
Magnifier glasses. Rocks, flowers and leafs- This activity may promote social knowledge when
the children use words such as, magnifying glasses and the names of flowers and other children
can hear them for example.
Group- This activity may promote social knowledge when the children listen to teacher read the
book in English and Spanish they may learn some words in spanish when they repeat after the
teacher for example. Also, they may learn the names of the different animals for the book I
went walking.

Physical knowledge-
Story time-
Tissue paper, water, motor and pestles, painting brushes, and paper- This activity may promote
physical knowledge when the children put the tissue paper in the motor and use pestle to mash
the tissue paper and add water, they may see cause and effect when the tissue paper with the
water can make the water change color for example.
Popsicle stick and tape- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children build
with the sticks, they may be able to see cause and effect of natural laws when they build
something that is too heavy for the tape to hold up for example. Also, the children may be able to
predict about how high can the tower go before it falls down.
Coloring play dough- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children see that
they can make the play dough be a different color (transform) when they draw/colored on it for
Soapy water, babies, cups, shampoo bottles and bathing towels- This activity may promote
physical knowledge when the children see cause and effect as they observe how the water makes
bubblers when they flap their hands on the water for example.
Gear set- This activity may promote physical development when the children build something
that gets too high and heavy for the gears on the bottom to be able to hold up and they fall down
due to natural law of gravity.
Foil painting- This activity may promote physical knowledge when the children mix the colors
and see what different colors they can make when they mix them together. They may be able to
predict what colors make what color and test it out for example.
Magnifier glasses, flowers, rocks and leaf- This activity may promote physical knowledge when
the children when the children see cause and effect when they see through the magnifier glasses
for example. Also, they may be able to compare about the differences that they see in the

Logical Mathematical

Number concept
Story time-
Tissue paper, motor and pestles, water, painting brushes and paper- This activity may promote
number concepts when the children count the brushes, the motor and pestles, the brushes or the
water bottles for example.
Popsicles sticks and tape- This activity may promote number concepts when the children count
the popsicle sticks they are using, they may compare what child has more popsicle sticks than the
others for example.
Coloring play dough with markers- This activity may promote number concepts when the
children count the amount of markers they are using or thay may compare who has more or less
play dough for example.
Soapy water, babies, shampoo bottles, cups and bathing towels- This activity may promote
number concepts when the children use the cups and compare amount between the shampoo
bottles and the cups. For example they may say that the cups can have more water them the
shampoo bottles or that the there is more bottles and cups.
Foil painting-
Gear set- This activity may number concepts when the children count the pieces while building
with them for example. Also, they may be able to say that there is more blue pieces than red.
Magnifier glasses, flowers, rocks and leafs- This activity may promote number concepts when
the children count how many rocks, leafs, and flowers there are on the table, they may be able to
say if there is more flowers than rocks, or if there is more leafs than flowers for example.
Group- This activity may promote number concept when the children see and count the different
animals the child from the book saw as he was walking for example. Also, they may be able to
subtract number when they do the countdown from five to 1 while singing the Zoom, Zoom,
Zoom song.

Story time-
Tissue paper, motor and pestles, water, painting brushes, butcher paper- This activity may
promote classification when the children classify the tissue paper by color. Also, they may
classify their paintings by color, shape or size for example.
Popsicle sticks and tape- This activity may promote classification when the children classify the
popsicles by different colors for example. They may classify what they are building with the
sticks by different structures like; houses, towers ect.
Play dough and markers- This activity may promote classification when the children classify the
the markers by color, or they may classify the play dough by things they are making with it like;
balls or different size cookies for example.
Soapy water, babies, bathing towels, shampoo bottles and cups- This activity may promote
classification when the children classify the babies by shorter and longer or the towels by color
for example.
Gear set- This activity may promote classification when the children classify the pieces by
shapes or different sizes for example.
Foil painting-
Magnifier glasses, rocks, flowers and leafs- This activity may promote classification when the
children classify the leafs, flowers, and rocks by size, color, or other similarities between them
for example.

Story time-
Tissue paper, motor and pestles, water, painting brushes and paper- This activity may promote
seriation when the children arrange the tissue paper by color for example. Also, they may sort
their painting by what they see is smallest to biggest or vice versa for example.
Popsicle sticks and tape- This activity may promote seriation when the children arrange the
popsicles by the size of what they are making like; shorter to longer for example.
Coloring play dough- This activity may promote seriation when the children sort the markers by
color or by what they are making with the play dough such as, cookies smallest to biggest or vice
Soapy water, babies, bathing towels, cups and shampoo bottles- This activity may promote
seriation when the children sort the babies smallest to biggest, or they may sort the bathing
towels by texture for example.
Gear set- This activity may promote seriation when the children build with the materials and
arranged them by size. For example, a child may build different size houses and he arranges
them by smallest to biggest.
Foil painting-
Magnifier glasses, flowers, rocks and leafs- This activity may promote seriation when the
children arrange the rocks by texture like; the ones that feel softer than those that feel rougher for
example. They may arrange the flowers from biggest to smallest or vice versa and the leafs by
how they look.
Group- This activity may promote seriation when the children see the animals in the book they
may be able to say which animal is the biggest and named all of them to the smallest animal for

Story time-
Tissue paper, motor and pestles, painting brushes and paper- This activity may promote
conservation when the children see the tissue paper when is wet and how it changes when they
are mashing it with the pestle but the tissue remains the same amount even though is wet and
mashed for example. Also, They may see that the water in the bottle is the same as the amount
they pour into the motor.
Popsicle sticks and tape- this activity may promote conservation when the children build with the
popsicle stick and see that the four sticks that they had on the table are the same amount of sticks
that they build something tall with for example.
Play dough and markers- This activity may promote conservation when the children see how the
play dough changes shapes when they are playing with it but it still remains the same amount of
play dough for example.
Soapy water, babies, bathing towels, cups and shampoo bottles- This activity may promote
conservation when the children see that the amount of water they pour with a cup in the shampoo
bottles is the same amount they had on the cup it just that the cups are different sizes for
Gear set- This activity may promote conservation when the children see that the pieces in the
buckets are still the same pieces they are using even though they may seem more when they
build with them for example.
Foil painting. This activity may promote conservation when the children see that the paint that
they are using is still the same when they spread it with the brush on the foil for example.
Magnifier glasses, flowers, rocks and leafs- This activity may promote conservation when the
children look through the magnifier glass and see that the rocks look bigger but when they look
at the it without the magnifier glass the rock is still is the same size for example.

Spatial/Temporal Knowledge

Spatial relations
Story time- This activity may promote spatial relations when the children do the finger play
songs and see how much space they need to be able to move their hands around for example.
Also, when the teacher sings the song are you sleeping the children may find a space where they
can feet their bodies to laid down.
Tissue paper, water, motor and pestles, painting brushes and paper- This activity may promote
spatial relations when the children put the tissue paper in the motor and see how it fits in it, or
they may notice how much space they need to be able to mash the tissue paper in the motor for
example. Popsicle sticks and tape- This activity may promote when the children become aware
of how much space they need to build something. For example, they may build something that is
long and realize that they need more space and move their building to the floor where there is
more space for them to make it longer
Play dough and markers- This activity may promote spatial relations when the children notice
that they are running out of space to draw, if a child is drawing on the play dough and runs out of
space he/she may realize that they need to spread the play dough to make more space for
Soapy water, babies, bathing towels, cups and shampoo bottles- This activity may promote
spatial relation when the children see how much space is the water taking over in the table and
how much water they can fit in the cups or bottles as they run out of space for water for example.
Gear set- This activity may promote spatial relations when the children see how much space they
need as they are building, they may be needing more and more space as they continue building.
Magnifier glasses, flowers, rocks and leafs- This activity may promote spatial relations when the
children see how far or how close they have to put the magnifier glass to the object to be able to
see it closer or farther for example.
Group- This activity may promote spatial relations when they children do the song Zoom, Zoom,
Zoom, they may have to move to be able to have enough space to move their heads as they
pretend to have a rocket ship for example. Also, when they do around and around they may be
spinning around and they may have to do it slower if there isnt enough space too move aorund

Temporal relations
Story time- This activity may promote temporal relations when the children are engaged listing
to the book, they may feel that time has passed faster than other times during story time for
Tissue paper, water, motor and pestles, painting brushes and paper- This activity may promote
temporal relations when the children see how long it takes to get the color out of the tissue paper
as they are mashing it for example.
Play dough and markers- This activity may promote temporal relations when the children see
how long it takes for them to draw on the play dough, it may be easier for some children than for
Soapy water, babies, bathing towels, shampoo bottles and cups- This activity may promote
temporal relations when the children observe the water coming out of the cups or the shampoo
bottles and see how long it takes for the water to come out for example.
Gear set- This activity may promote temporal relations when the children realize how long it
takes for them to build with the pieces, they may notice that the more they build the longer it
takes to build what they want for example.
Foil painting- This activity may promote temporal relations when the children take turns to paint
and see that the person that they are waiting for is taking a long time painting on the easel and
decide not to wait any longer for example.
Magnifier glasses, flowers, rocks and leafs- This activity may promote temporal relations when
the children see the difference on the the flowers as time passes by. For example, when the
flower is recently put out it may look fresh but by the end of the day the flower may look dead.
Group- This activity may promote temporal relations when the children wait for their turn to go
around and around and pick a friend for example. Also, they may have to wait for their names to
be called when the teacher sings the song Someone is tapping at the window.

Story time- This activity may promote representation when the children imitates the teacher
while they pretend to put the baby on the bed. Also, the children may recognize songs by what
they sound like and they may go to sleep (pretending) when the teacher sings the are you
sleeping song for example.
Tissue paper, water, motor and pestles, painting brushes and paper- This activity may promote
representation when the children use the color that comes out of the tissue paper to create
something that represents a flower for example.
Popsicle sticks and tape- This activity may promote representation when the children build with
the sticks and pretend that what the built represent a house for example.
Play dough with markers- This activity may promote representation when the children draw on
the play dough and say that they are making strawberry cookies as they are making small balls
and colored them red for example.
Soapy water, babies, bathing towel, shampoo bottles and cups- This activity may promote
representation when the children pretend to shower the babies and remember how their mommy
showers then, they may say that the baby is them and they are mommy and that and thats how
you shower a baby for example, or the baby can represent their siblings and imitate how their
moms or dads showers their siblings.
Foil painting- This activity may promote representation when the children create a painting that
can represent whatever they want like;a tree, a house, their parents ect.
Magnifier glasses, flowers, rocks, and leafts- This activity may promote representation because
the children may recognize the type of rocks and they may remember where they have seen those
types of rocks before, they may recognize the rocks and flowers by touching or smelling it may
be a familiar smell for them.
Group- This activity may promote representation when the children listen to the teacher read the
book to them and recognize the different type of animals in the pictures, that may represent a
place for them, the zoo for example. They may remember that they went for a walk that day and
say what they saw animals too.

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