5 of The Many Ways White Flour Is Harmful

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5 Ways White Flour is Harmful to


Posted on Tuesday, 28th June, 2011

I found an article I thought I would share with you about the dangers
of white refined flour. I feel like this is so important to know! You
will understand more clearly why we as a Americans are experiencing
so many health challenges. I was first really aware with my first
pregnancy when I decided I was going to stop consuming white flour
and white sugar..that was over 13 years ago and have been an advo-
cate of this information, but only by word. I am glad I found an arti-
cle about it with so much detail and information. I hope we all
become more aware with what we are putting into our bodies. I am
not saying you can never consume it but if we move away from it as
our daily bread and only consume it on occasion, it would be much
better for us than eating glue everyday.

Here is the Article:

We as Americans are oblivious when it comes to how foods are really

affecting us, so study these out you will find that omitting white
flour from your diet is a huge step to better health!

1. White flour creates obesity with blood sugar disorders!

The more refined foods a person eats, the more insulin must be pro-
duced to manage it. Insulin promotes the storage of fat, making way
for rapid weight gain and elevated triglyceride levels, which can lead
to heart disease. Over time, the pancreas gets so overworked that
insulin production grinds to a halt, and hypoglycemia (low blood
sugar) or diabetes sets in. Either way, the body is getting little or no
fuel from the food you eat and tries to convert muscle and fat into

Also, the constant refined sugar/refined flour intake places a contin-

ual stress on the adrenals to pump out balancing hormones. This, of
course, ultimately weakens the adrenals making it harder and harder
for them to respond as the emergency system they were created to

2. White flour creates digestive issues!

White flour has been called the glue of the gut. It was common for
our older generation to take flour and water and make paste that
was their glue. In todays world, so much food is made from these
two basic components: breakfast food, snacks, pasta, bread, cereal
and the list just continues. And it all turns to glue in the intestines; it
is without fiber, it clogs the system, slows down digestion creating a
sluggish metabolism, and can often be the cause of stress headaches
and migraines.

Digestive disorders come from hard stools produced by the consump-

tion of overly starchy foods such as white flour, which makes it very
difficult to have a normal bowel movement. While it is true that when
you chew food, some of the saliva will break down the starch, once it
reaches the stomach, the enzymes in the stomach are incapable of
breaking it down because the stomachs pH levels are too low. There-
fore it moves into the intestinal tract and turns to glue, lacking the
fiber to move it onward.

3. White Flour can set off a wheat allergy!

Eating too much white flour can eventually set off a wheat allergy
why? First white flour comes from a hybrid seed, grown with chemi-
cals, stripped of nutrients and fiber, bleached white, then abundantly
readily available in all meals and snack foods. Repeatedly eating too
much of any food at one time, can eventually overwhelm the bodys
ability to digest it fully.
An allergy may not be recognized instantly, but food allergies can
cause many kinds of symptoms, from sinusitis to psychosis, from
asthma to arthritis, from hyperactivity to depression, insomnia to
narcolepsy and commonly the symptoms dont manifest immedi-
ately after eating. Frequently, wheat allergy reactions are so low
grade as to be unnoticeable and may not produce an observable condi-
tion until many years of their grinding down the vital force has
passed. When the condition finally appears it is hard to associate it
with some food that has been consumed for years, apparently with

4. White flour can cause inflammation and chronic disease!

Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as sugar and
white flour, are deadly poisons that have an inflammatory effect on
the body. Unaware of this, the average American consumes more than
160 pounds of sugar and 200 pounds of white flour per year. Sugar
and white flour increase blood sugar, and even a modest increase in
blood sugar generates pro-inflammatory chemicals. Most people eat
these poisons daily in the form of bread, pasta, breakfast cereal, cook-
ies, cakes, soft drinks, candy, etc.

Many of the diseases that we think of as part of aging are actually

caused by this process. Depending on the individual, the result can be
arthritis, heart disease, cataracts, memory loss, wrinkled skin or dia-
betes complications, to name a few.

5. White flour is Acidic!

Acidity is another problem. Most Americans eat an acidic diet caused
by too much salt, sugar, white flour, dairy, meat and cola drinks.
Many experts consider over-acidity to be one of the major causes of
chronic inflammation, and a major cause of arthritis (pure acid on the
bones and joints) and other chronic illnesses. If we would instead
include more fruits and vegetables in our diets, especially in a raw
state, we would maintain a better alkaline balance and enjoy better
health and vitality.

Watch out for the white flour its not your friend!
For your best health!

Erleen Tilton is a Holistic Nutrition Specialist, Wellness Educator &


You can check her out at www.livingahealthylifestyle.com

So how do you start introducing whole grains into the diet? What
grains are good for you? Which grains are gluten free? I will be post-
ing more info on these topics..be awaiting!


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