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file: 90565-installation certificate

21st of October 2017

Taylor Group Pty Ltd

Level 13/157 Walker St,
North Sydney NSW 2060

Certificate of Installation Mechanical Services
Subject Premises AMG Performance Centre
2 Sir Reginald Ansett Drive,
Mascot NSW 2020

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause A2.2 of the Building Code of Australia, I Alexander Cantali of
Crest Air Conditioning Pty Ltd, Unit 2, 5 Meridian Place Baulkham Hills NSW 2153, hereby certify that
the above installation has been assessed by a person who was properly qualified to do so, and was
found, when it was assessed, to have been properly implemented and to be capable of performing to
a standard not less than that required by the Building Code Sections and Australian Standards listed

Service BCA/Australian Standard

Ventilation Section F4.5-F4.7 of the BCA
Mechanical Ventilation AS 1668.2-2012, W&GE Mechanical
Services Specification, Dated 12/4/2017
Energy Efficiency Section J5 of the BCA

Note: This certification relates to the recent mechanical services installation works by Crest Air
Conditioning Pty Ltd only. Any existing mechanical services do not form part of this certification.

I hereby certify that the Works conducted to date have been inspected in accordance with the before
mentioned standards.

Crest Air Conditioning possess indemnity Insurance.

Yours faithfully,

Alexander Cantali
Engineering Manager
B. Eng (Mech), CPEng, NER

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