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Get a Fighter's Physique

Whether you're looking to chisel big, strong arms, get a ripped core, or just improve your speed and
cardiovascular fitness, boxing training is an ideal option. The biomechanics of the sport require you to develop
power from the legs on up, making for a great total-body workout.

What follows is a weight routine that builds punching power and an overall fighter's physique. And to make
sure you don't get your ass kicked, we've also thrown in some advice to help you master all the essential
swings every guy should know, and some tips for treating your battle scars.


Frequency: Plan on training three days per week (Workout IV,V, and VI, etc.), resting at least a day between
each session. Each week the workouts will change. What follows are weeks two through four of the program.

How to Do It: Perform the exercise pairs (marked A and B) as alternating sets, resting the prescribed
amount of time between each set. (So you'll do one set of A, rest, then one set of B, rest again, and repeat for
all the prescribed sets.) Perform the remaining exercises as straight sets, completing all the prescribed sets for
one exercise before moving on to the next.

Weight: Unless otherwise noted, use the heaviest weight that allows you to complete all prescribed
repetitions for a given set.


Week 1: Workout I | Workout II | Workout III

Week 2: Workout IV | Workout V | Workout VI
Week 3: Workout VII | Workout VIII | Workout IX
Week 4: Workout X | Workout XI | Workout XII
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 8
Rest: 90-120 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout I


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart. Squat down so
that the dumbbells touch the floor [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, explosively extend your
hips and knees and shrug the weights, coming up onto the balls of your feet. Continue pulling the weights to
chest level, and then flip your wrists over so that the momentum carries your wrists to shoulder level (you
should finish in the starting position of a shoulder press) [2]. Press the weights overhead [3]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout I


Get into pushup position and lower your body until your chest is about an inch off the floor [1]. Explosively
push yourself back up so that your hands come off the floor (you can clap your hands as you come up to
make sure you have enough power) [2]. That's one rep. As you hit the floor, go into the next rep immediately.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout I


Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable station and grab an end in each hand [1]. Pull the handle
toward your forehead so that your elbows flare outward [2]. Reverse the motion to return to the starting
position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 8 (e/side)
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout I


Hold a medicine ball with both hands and stand a few feet away from a brick wall (or other surface you won't
damage with the ball). "Wind up" by rotating your torso away from the wall [1], and then explosively throw
the ball into the wall as hard as you can [2]. Catch the ball on the rebound or pick it back up. That's one rep.
Complete all your reps and then repeat on the opposite side.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout I


Attach exercise bands (or use a TNT power cable, available at to a sturdy object, and
grab an end in each hand. Get into a fighting position and begin throwing straight punches with power [1, 2]. A
punch with each hand equals one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: hold t/fail
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout I


Grab two or more weight plates in each hand and grip them between your thumb and fingers, smooth side
out. (Do not allow your palms to touch the plates.) Squeeze the plates and hold for as long as you can.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 8
Reps: 3
Rest: 90-120 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Ii


Squat down and grab the bar with a shoulder-width, overhand grip [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural
arch, drive with your legs and push your hips forward until the bar is in front of your thighs [2]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 8
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Ii


Step forward with one leg and lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your rear
knee nearly touches the floor [1]. Explosively jump up as high as you can and switch legs in midair [2], landing
with your opposite leg forward [3]. That's one rep. Use the momentum to immediately begin the next rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 8
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Ii


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and, keeping your lower back in its natural arch, bend forward at the hips until
your torso is about parallel to the floor. Allow your arms to hang [1]. Without moving your torso, extend
your arms 90 degrees out to your sides [2]. Lower them back to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Ii


Attach an elastic band to a sturdy object at shoulder height and grab it with both hands perpendicular to your
body. Reach your arms straight out in front of you [1]. Keeping your abs braced, shuffle your feet to the side
that's away from where the band is attached [2]. Shuffle as far as you can, keeping your arms out straight, and
then shuffle back. Repeat on the opposite side. That's one set.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 15 sec
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Ii


Run all out for 15 seconds, and then back off to a light jog for 45 seconds. That's one set.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 8
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Ii


Hold a weight plate in one hand between your thumb and fingers. Bend your elbow 90 degrees and allow
your wrist to extend [1]. Flex your wrist, raising the weight as high as you can [2]. Reverse the motion to
return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 8
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Ii


Get into pushup position and spread your feet wide apart. Raise your butt in the air to angle your torso [1].
Lower yourself to the floor and forward, then push yourself back up to the starting position [2]. That's one
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
Reps: 12
Rest: 90-120 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Iii


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart. Squat down so
that the dumbbells touch the floor [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, explosively extend your
hips and knees and shrug the weights, coming up onto the balls of your feet. Continue pulling the weights to
chest level, and then flip your wrists over so that the momentum carries your wrists to shoulder level (you
should finish in the starting position of a shoulder press) [2]. Press the weights overhead [3]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
Reps: 12 (e /side)
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Iii


Grab a light dumbbell in one hand and rest the opposite side's hand and knee on a bench. Allow your arm to
hang [1]. Explosively row the dumbbell to the side of your chest, letting go of the weight in the top position
[2] and then quickly catching it and lowering your arm back to the starting position. That's one rep. Complete
all your reps, and then switch sides and repeat.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
Reps: 8 (e/side)
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Iii


Hold a medicine ball in one hand and stand a few feet away from a wall. Wind up as you would to throw a
punch [1], and then throw the ball as hard as you can into the wall [2]. Catch the ball on the rebound or pick
it back up. That's one rep. Complete all your reps, and then switch sides and repeat.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 8
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Iii


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and, keeping your lower back in its natural arch, bend forward at the hips until
your torso is about parallel to the floor. Allow your arms to hang [1]. Without moving your torso, extend
your arms 90 degrees out to your sides [2]. Lower them back to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: hold t/fail
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout Iii


Grab two or more weight plates in each hand and grip them between your thumb and fingers, smooth side
out. (Do not allow your palms to touch the plates.) Squeeze the plates and hold for as long as you can.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 5
Rest: 90-120 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout iv


Set up a barbell on the supports of a squat rack. Step underneath the bar, squeeze your shoulder blades
together, and let the bar touch your upper traps. Grab the bar with your hands as close together as is
comfortable. Nudge the bar off the rack, take three steps backward, and stand with your feet a bit wider than
shoulder-width apart and toes turned slightly outward [1]. Take a deep breath and bend your hips and knees,
lowering your body as far as you can (try to squat to where your thighs are below parallel to the floor) [2].
Explode back upward to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 6
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout iv


Step forward with one leg and lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your rear
knee nearly touches the floor [1]. Explosively jump up as high as you can and switch legs in midair [2], landing
with your opposite leg forward [3]. That's one rep. Use the momentum to immediately begin the next rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout iv


Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable station and grab an end in each hand [1]. Pull the handle
toward your forehead so that your elbows flare outward [2]. Reverse the motion to return to the starting
position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 6 (e/side)
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout iv


Hold a weight plate in both hands and stagger your stance so that one leg is in front of the other and your
hands are to the outside of one knee [1]. Contract your abs and swing the plate diagonally upwardas if you
were swinging an axto the outside of your opposite side's shoulder [2]. Reverse the motion to return to
the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout iv


Grab the end of a light dumbbell and let it hang vertically between your legs. Lower your body into a deadlift
stance with the dumbbell just above the floor [1]. Now explosively straighten your hips and knees as if you
were jumping, and swing the weight up to eye level [2]. Control the weight on the descent. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout iv


Hold a weight plate in one hand between your thumb and fingers. Bend your elbow 90 degrees and allow
your wrist to extend [1]. Flex your wrist, raising the weight as high as you can [2]. Reverse the motion to
return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 10
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout iv


Get into pushup position and spread your feet wide apart. Raise your butt in the air to angle your torso [1].
Lower yourself to the floor and forward, then push yourself back up to the starting position [2]. That's one
trainlikeafighter Sets: 8
Reps: 3
Rest: 90-120 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout v


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart. Squat down so
that the dumbbells touch the floor [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, explosively extend your
hips and knees and shrug the weights, coming up onto the balls of your feet. Continue pulling the weights to
chest level, and then flip your wrists over so that the momentum carries your wrists to shoulder level (you
should finish in the starting position of a shoulder press) [2]. Press the weights overhead [3]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout v


Get into pushup position and lower your body until your chest is about an inch off the floor [1]. Explosively
push yourself back up so that your hands come off the floor (you can clap your hands as you come up to
make sure you have enough power) [2]. That's one rep. As you hit the floor, go into the next rep immediately.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout v


Grab onto the bar with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you, and hang from it so that your feet are
off the fl oor [1]. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your body up until your chin is over the bar
[2]. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout v


Attach an elastic band to a sturdy object at shoulder height and grab it with both hands perpendicular to your
body. Reach your arms straight out in front of you [1]. Keeping your abs braced, shuffle your feet to the side
that's away from where the band is attached [2]. Shuffle as far as you can, keeping your arms out straight, and
then shuffle back. Repeat on the opposite side. That's one set.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout iv


Attach exercise bands (or use a TNT power cable, available at to a sturdy object, and
grab an end in each hand. Get into a fighting position and begin throwing straight punches with power [1, 2]. A
punch with each hand equals one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: hold t/fail
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout iv


Grab two or more weight plates in each hand and grip them between your thumb and fingers, smooth side
out. (Do not allow your palms to touch the plates.) Squeeze the plates and hold for as long as you can.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vi


Squat down and grab the bar with a shoulder-width, overhand grip [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural
arch, drive with your legs and push your hips forward until the bar is in front of your thighs [2]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 15 sec
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vi


Run all out for 15 seconds, and then back off to a light jog for 45 seconds. That's one set.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 6
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vi


Grab onto the bar with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you, and hang from it so that your feet are
off the fl oor [1]. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your body up until your chin is over the bar
[2]. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 6
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vi


Lie back on a bench and grab the sides for support by reaching behind your head.Your body should form a
straight line [1]. Contract your abs and raise your hips up off the bench so that your legs point into the air
[2]. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 8
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vi


Hold a dumbbell in one hand and balance on the opposite foot [1]. Keeping the arch in your lower back, bend
your hips and knee and lower your torso as far as you can to the floor [2]. Reverse the motion to return to
the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
reps: 10
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vi


Hold a weight plate in one hand between your thumb and fingers. Bend your elbow 90 degrees and allow
your wrist to extend [1]. Flex your wrist, raising the weight as high as you can [2]. Reverse the motion to
return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 8
Rest: 90-120 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vii


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart. Squat down so
that the dumbbells touch the floor [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, explosively extend your
hips and knees and shrug the weights, coming up onto the balls of your feet. Continue pulling the weights to
chest level, and then flip your wrists over so that the momentum carries your wrists to shoulder level (you
should finish in the starting position of a shoulder press) [2]. Press the weights overhead [3]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vii


Get into pushup position and lower your body until your chest is about an inch off the floor [1]. Explosively
push yourself back up so that your hands come off the floor (you can clap your hands as you come up to
make sure you have enough power) [2]. That's one rep. As you hit the floor, go into the next rep immediately.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vii


Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable station and grab an end in each hand [1]. Pull the handle
toward your forehead so that your elbows flare outward [2]. Reverse the motion to return to the starting
position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 8 (e/side)
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vii


Hold a medicine ball with both hands and stand a few feet away from a brick wall (or other surface you won't
damage with the ball). "Wind up" by rotating your torso away from the wall [1], and then explosively throw
the ball into the wall as hard as you can [2]. Catch the ball on the rebound or pick it back up. That's one rep.
Complete all your reps and then repeat on the opposite side.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vii


Attach exercise bands (or use a TNT power cable, available at to a sturdy object, and
grab an end in each hand. Get into a fighting position and begin throwing straight punches with power [1, 2]. A
punch with each hand equals one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: hold t/fail
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout vii


Grab two or more weight plates in each hand and grip them between your thumb and fingers, smooth side
out. (Do not allow your palms to touch the plates.) Squeeze the plates and hold for as long as you can.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 8
Reps: 3
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout viii


Squat down and grab the bar with a shoulder-width, overhand grip [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural
arch, drive with your legs and push your hips forward until the bar is in front of your thighs [2]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 8
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout viii


Step forward with one leg and lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your rear
knee nearly touches the floor [1]. Explosively jump up as high as you can and switch legs in midair [2], landing
with your opposite leg forward [3]. That's one rep. Use the momentum to immediately begin the next rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 8
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout viii


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and, keeping your lower back in its natural arch, bend forward at the hips until
your torso is about parallel to the floor. Allow your arms to hang [1]. Without moving your torso, extend
your arms 90 degrees out to your sides [2]. Lower them back to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout viii


Attach an elastic band to a sturdy object at shoulder height and grab it with both hands perpendicular to your
body. Reach your arms straight out in front of you [1]. Keeping your abs braced, shuffle your feet to the side
that's away from where the band is attached [2]. Shuffle as far as you can, keeping your arms out straight, and
then shuffle back. Repeat on the opposite side. That's one set.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 15 sec
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout viii


Run all out for 15 seconds, and then back off to a light jog for 45 seconds. That's one set.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 8
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout viii


Hold a weight plate in one hand between your thumb and fingers. Bend your elbow 90 degrees and allow
your wrist to extend [1]. Flex your wrist, raising the weight as high as you can [2]. Reverse the motion to
return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 10
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout viii


Get into pushup position and spread your feet wide apart. Raise your butt in the air to angle your torso [1].
Lower yourself to the floor and forward, then push yourself back up to the starting position [2]. That's one
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
Reps: 12
Rest: 90-120 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout ix


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart. Squat down so
that the dumbbells touch the floor [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, explosively extend your
hips and knees and shrug the weights, coming up onto the balls of your feet. Continue pulling the weights to
chest level, and then flip your wrists over so that the momentum carries your wrists to shoulder level (you
should finish in the starting position of a shoulder press) [2]. Press the weights overhead [3]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
Reps: 12 (e /side)
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout ix


Grab a light dumbbell in one hand and rest the opposite side's hand and knee on a bench. Allow your arm to
hang [1]. Explosively row the dumbbell to the side of your chest, letting go of the weight in the top position
[2] and then quickly catching it and lowering your arm back to the starting position. That's one rep. Complete
all your reps, and then switch sides and repeat.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout ix


Grab onto the bar with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you, and hang from it so that your feet are
off the fl oor [1]. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your body up until your chin is over the bar
[2]. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
Reps: 8 (e/side)
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout ix


Hold a medicine ball in one hand and stand a few feet away from a wall. Wind up as you would to throw a
punch [1], and then throw the ball as hard as you can into the wall [2]. Catch the ball on the rebound or pick
it back up. That's one rep. Complete all your reps, and then switch sides and repeat.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
Reps: 8
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout ix


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and, keeping your lower back in its natural arch, bend forward at the hips until
your torso is about parallel to the floor. Allow your arms to hang [1]. Without moving your torso, extend
your arms 90 degrees out to your sides [2]. Lower them back to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: hold t/fail
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout ix


Grab two or more weight plates in each hand and grip them between your thumb and fingers, smooth side
out. (Do not allow your palms to touch the plates.) Squeeze the plates and hold for as long as you can.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 5
Rest: 90-120 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout x


Set up a barbell on the supports of a squat rack. Step underneath the bar, squeeze your shoulder blades
together, and let the bar touch your upper traps. Grab the bar with your hands as close together as is
comfortable. Nudge the bar off the rack, take three steps backward, and stand with your feet a bit wider than
shoulder-width apart and toes turned slightly outward [1]. Take a deep breath and bend your hips and knees,
lowering your body as far as you can (try to squat to where your thighs are below parallel to the floor) [2].
Explode back upward to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 6
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xi


Step forward with one leg and lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your rear
knee nearly touches the floor [1]. Explosively jump up as high as you can and switch legs in midair [2], landing
with your opposite leg forward [3]. That's one rep. Use the momentum to immediately begin the next rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout x


Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable station and grab an end in each hand [1]. Pull the handle
toward your forehead so that your elbows flare outward [2]. Reverse the motion to return to the starting
position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 6 (e/side)
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout x


Hold a weight plate in both hands and stagger your stance so that one leg is in front of the other and your
hands are to the outside of one knee [1]. Contract your abs and swing the plate diagonally upwardas if you
were swinging an axto the outside of your opposite side's shoulder [2]. Reverse the motion to return to
the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout x


Grab the end of a light dumbbell and let it hang vertically between your legs. Lower your body into a deadlift
stance with the dumbbell just above the floor [1]. Now explosively straighten your hips and knees as if you
were jumping, and swing the weight up to eye level [2]. Control the weight on the descent. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout x


Hold a weight plate in one hand between your thumb and fingers. Bend your elbow 90 degrees and allow
your wrist to extend [1]. Flex your wrist, raising the weight as high as you can [2]. Reverse the motion to
return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 10
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout x


Get into pushup position and spread your feet wide apart. Raise your butt in the air to angle your torso [1].
Lower yourself to the floor and forward, then push yourself back up to the starting position [2]. That's one
trainlikeafighter Sets: 8
Reps: 3
Rest: 90-120 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xi


Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart. Squat down so
that the dumbbells touch the floor [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, explosively extend your
hips and knees and shrug the weights, coming up onto the balls of your feet. Continue pulling the weights to
chest level, and then flip your wrists over so that the momentum carries your wrists to shoulder level (you
should finish in the starting position of a shoulder press) [2]. Press the weights overhead [3]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xi


Get into pushup position and lower your body until your chest is about an inch off the floor [1]. Explosively
push yourself back up so that your hands come off the floor (you can clap your hands as you come up to
make sure you have enough power) [2]. That's one rep. As you hit the floor, go into the next rep immediately.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xi


Grab onto the bar with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you, and hang from it so that your feet are
off the fl oor [1]. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your body up until your chin is over the bar
[2]. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Rest: 30 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xi


Attach an elastic band to a sturdy object at shoulder height and grab it with both hands perpendicular to your
body. Reach your arms straight out in front of you [1]. Keeping your abs braced, shuffle your feet to the side
that's away from where the band is attached [2]. Shuffle as far as you can, keeping your arms out straight, and
then shuffle back. Repeat on the opposite side. That's one set.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xi


Attach exercise bands (or use a TNT power cable, available at to a sturdy object, and
grab an end in each hand. Get into a fighting position and begin throwing straight punches with power [1, 2]. A
punch with each hand equals one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: hold t/fail
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xi


Grab two or more weight plates in each hand and grip them between your thumb and fingers, smooth side
out. (Do not allow your palms to touch the plates.) Squeeze the plates and hold for as long as you can.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xii


Squat down and grab the bar with a shoulder-width, overhand grip [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural
arch, drive with your legs and push your hips forward until the bar is in front of your thighs [2]. Reverse the
motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
reps: 15 sec
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xii


Run all out for 15 seconds, and then back off to a light jog for 45 seconds. That's one set.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 6
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xii


Grab onto the bar with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you, and hang from it so that your feet are
off the fl oor [1]. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your body up until your chin is over the bar
[2]. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 6
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xii


Lie back on a bench and grab the sides for support by reaching behind your head.Your body should form a
straight line [1]. Contract your abs and raise your hips up off the bench so that your legs point into the air
[2]. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 3
Reps: 8
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xii


Hold a dumbbell in one hand and balance on the opposite foot [1]. Keeping the arch in your lower back, bend
your hips and knee and lower your torso as far as you can to the floor [2]. Reverse the motion to return to
the starting position. That's one rep.
trainlikeafighter Sets: 2
reps: 10
Rest: 60-90 sec

Get a Fighter's Physique: Workout xii


Hold a weight plate in one hand between your thumb and fingers. Bend your elbow 90 degrees and allow
your wrist to extend [1]. Flex your wrist, raising the weight as high as you can [2]. Reverse the motion to
return to the starting position. That's one rep.
Real world self defense that you
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Learn how to defend yourself from any angle
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Attack Defense
Dealing w/ Multiple Opponents
Stick Defense
Knife Defense
Gun Defense
Getting Out Of Holds

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