Exam Hall Allotment

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Exam Hall Seating Arrangement System is developed for the college to simplify examination
hall allotment and seating arrangement. It facilitates to access the examination information of
a particular student in a particular class. The purpose of developing exam hall seating
arrangement system is to computerized the traditional way of conducting exams. Another
purpose for developing this software is to generate the seating arrangement report
automatically during exams at the end of the session or in between the session. The scope of
the project is the system on which the software is installed, i.e. the project is developed as a
web based application, and it will work for a particular institute. Mostly students are facing
many problem for finding the exam hall and their seats respectively .An newly invented
concept can aid for the students for checking their exam halls. This helps them to identify the
floor or get directions to their respective halls without delays. The Students details have
information about all the students who attend the examination .It contains the name of the
student, Hall Ticket No, Branch of the student and the hall number. Hall Details have total
number of halls available in the institution and the name of the hall. Batch Details contains
Department Details for ex., Computer Science, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics etc., and
the examination timings details have total timing allotted to students and hall etc. The project
keeps track of various details in modules such as, Students Details, Examination Timing
Details, and Hall Details with the proper descriptions.
Introduction :

The management of exams of large groups of students is a daunting task for on campus
education that has the prospect of becoming overwhelming in an off campus setting. At the
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University we have
developed IT support for the on campus setting, and we are now starting the work to extend
this system for use in the off campus setting. In all exams you need to follow rules and
regulations. For instance there is a need to verify the identity of the student, detect the use of
non-approved material; grading should be done according to the time limit set by the
regulations. Also local regulations need to be taken into consideration; like in the Stockholm
University all written exams should be anonymous in the grading process. There are also
administrative issues management needs to consider in handling large scale of examinations.
This should meet the need for efficient handling of large numbers of written exams, maybe
anonymous, that need to be matched with the individual student in a secure way. Also it is a
logistical challenge to distribute graded exams securely. In some aspects the ODL setting
poses more challenges and calls for a more novel handling to provide a working management
of exams. This paper will explore a novel way of solving the on campus handling of exams
and propose an application of this for the ODL setting. The novel handling of the written
exams on campus includes a system of automatic seating, anonymization and electronic
distribution of anonymous exam papers to correct student. The on campus solution has a
proven track record that now needs to expand into the field of ODL. We are only addressing
the management issues in this paper, the issues of identity are in the realms of other past and
future papers. The work in progress presented in this paper is conducted by the departments
unit for Flexible Learning, the unit is involved in several projects aiming at providing a more
flexible learning context for students and professors, both on and off campus. In the field of
examinations, projects currently underway in the department are addressing various matters
such as plagiarism, secure online exams, using video in online learning, management of
exams and management of thesis process. Before the formation of the unit for Flexible
learning the focus on the departments development of support was clearly on on-campus
activities, with the formation of the unit for Flexible Learning the focus is on transforming
the state of mind towards blended learning, both for on and off campus activities, this goes all
the way from the physical environment in the form of lecture halls to training faculty in
adopting the new era of learning. During the 18 months that the unit for Flexible Learning
has been in operation several projects to support this drive has been started. Examination Cell
Automation System is developed for the college to simplify the allocation of halls .It
facilitates to access the examination information of a particular student in a particular
department. The information is sorted information alphabetically, which will be provided by
the teacher for a respective department. Here the admin updates the student details, exam
timings, hall details, staff details and available space in the hall. So the automated system will
give the seating details to the students whose details were listed in the spreadsheet. The
purpose of developing exam cell automation system is to computerize the traditional way of
conducting the exams. Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the seating
arrangement report automatically during exams at the end of the session or in between the
session. The scope of the project is the designing a web interface and it will be given to a
college for future use. Your specific room is displayed on your e:Vision timetable. If you
have any problems accessing this please contact timetabling@york.ac.uk. It is important that
you attend the venue on your e:Vision timetable as attending the exam in a different venue
(even if the same exam is taking place there) may result in you being marked absent. It is
your responsibility to ensure you are aware of where your exam is taking place - missing your
exam or being late due to not knowing your venue or going to the wrong place will not be
considered a mitigating circumstance. If you have individual exam arrangements (eg as a
result of a disability) it is imperative that you attend the venue shown on your timetable. You
will have been be placed in a specific room to ensure your arrangements can be put in place.
Attending the exam in a different venue (even if the same exam is taking place there) will
mean that your arrangements will not be available. Please note that we cannot provide secure
storage for any belongings that you bring to your exams, nor can we guarantee that space will
be available inside the exam venue for bags, coats etc. Such items may have to be left
(unsupervised) outside the venue. Any items are left at your own risk, therefore we strongly
recommend that you do not bring such items with you. Small personal belongings such as
wallets or keys can be brought to your desk with you (you will not be permitted to touch them
during the exam). Lockers are available around campus if you wish to make use of them for
larger items. A major time saving for the college comes from the reporting feature within
Exams Seating Plan. All data on entrants, attendees and non-attendees is automatically
written back to ebs and the college has created a report that extracts the relevant fields for
reporting to the various awarding organisations. There is no longer a need to check and
consolidate paper exam plans and registers - there are no unknown quantities; data is
accurate, live and available to all the relevant staff, and the college has 100% confidence in
the information. This also provides the Exams team with the data needed for exam attendance
reporting purposes, so that they can identify students who did not turn up for the exam and
penalise them as appropriate through bursary payments and attendance rates. The college
used to be relatively weak on monitoring invigilator utilisation but with the new module they
can add invigilators to the exam plans and see how many hours they worked and cross-
reference that data against their pay claims. Longer term this will feed into plans to automate
the payment mechanism for invigilators. Students now know where to sit in advance of the
day, taking away one of their worries; and are reminded via auto-generated text message of
the exam title, date, time and location, which is proving effective in reducing non-attendance.
Presently, the seating arrangement for the examinations is done manually. Initially the
examination section has to collect all student examination registration details branch wise and
year wise. These details include name, roll no. , branch, year, list of subjects registered for
exam. The administrator need to count the total number students registered. Then he need to
select the rooms and divide the students among those rooms. After dividing the rooms, he
need to prepare students list for each based on the exam. He also need to prepare the seating
arrangement list for each room based upon the count. All this work need to be done for each
exam and for each branch and year. This is very tedious work and there are many chances for
mistakes to occur due to manual work.. When a student registers for an examination, this
system stores student examination registration details (name, roll no. , branch, year &
semester, subjects) in the database depending on the branch, year & semester. These details
can be efficiently used whenever required. The system takes the details as input from the
database depending on the selected branch. The system asks for subject of the exam to be
conducted, set no. , room details ( room no. , size) and allocates rooms. This also generates
seating arrangement and students list for each room.

Existing System:

Existing system is very slow and inefficient. Report generation is also not an easy task in the
current situation. Also if the report is generated then calculations are done manually that
leads to more errors. There is a lot of manual work involved in current system and mistake in
one detail can lead to wrong generation of page. No proper collection of requirements leads a
huge problem for this system. This system is to enhance manual work and also more energy
is wasted to allocate the seating arrangement. It is very slow and inefficient. Report
generation is also not an easy task in the current situation. Also if the report is generated then
calculations are done manually that leads to more errors. There is a lot of manual work
involved in current system and mistake in one detail can lead to wrong generation of page.
No proper collection of requirements leads a huge problem for this system. This system is to
enhance manual work and also more energy is wasted to allocate the seating arrangement.

Proposed System :

Presently, the seating arrangement for the examinations is done manually. Initially the
examination section has to collect all student examination registration details branch wise and
year wise. These details include name, roll no. , branch, year, list of subjects registered for
exam. The administrator need to count the total number students registered. Then he need to
select the rooms and divide the students among those rooms. After dividing the rooms, he
need to prepare students list for each based on the exam. He also need to prepare the seating
arrangement list for each room based upon the count. All this work need to be done for each
exam and for each branch and year. This is very tedious work and there are many chances for
mistakes to occur due to manual work. The examination seating arrangement system
automizes the existing system of assigning seating arrangement. When a student registers for
an examination, this system stores student examination registration details (name, roll no. ,
branch, year & semester, subjects) in the database depending on the branch, year & semester.
These details can be efficiently used whenever required. The system takes the details as input
from the database depending on the selected branch. The system asks for subject of the exam
to be conducted, set no. , room details ( room no. , size) and allocates rooms. This also
generates seating arrangement and students list for each room.


Register Admin
Mangme Managemen
nt t

Updating the
Display Database
Module Module

Login Module

Portal Direct Entry skips the Gateway and Login pages when users access the URL for
Blackboard Learn. Instead, users are shown the first portal tab. When users access the system
through Portal Direct Entry, they are considered guests until they log in. The Login Module is
a portal module that allows users to type a user name and password to log in. This module
can be placed on any module tab to allow users to log in to the system. For information about
how to add a module to a tab, see Creating Module Tabs. If an administrator has allowed
users to create accounts and turned on Portal Direct Entry, a Create Account link appears in
the Login Module. The module is no longer available to users after they have logged in. To
learn more about enabling Portal Direct Entry or account creation, see Customizing the
Gateway Page
Admin Management

In this module, Admin will enter the details of a room to allocate the exam hall for students in
a computerized way. Admin can select the Course, Year, Room number, Date, Invigilator to
allocate exam hall for particular course students. Admin can add the room details, invigilator
details , course details of the students to easily retrieve data from the database. Now all the
details are saved to database to easily crosscheck the vacancy of exam hall, which hall is
empty and which one is full. In this module we can easily add, edit and update exam hall
details for a student.

Updating the Database Module

In this module, Admin can add the student details to the database. After saving the room
details, it switch to next module, with all the information that admin has given to the exam
hall details. It add the details of student id which is a primary key, to uniquely join hall details
and student details database. By adding student ID, student name, table number we can
allocate the exam hall for a particular student in the course. We can change the hall details of
a student by using edit/ update option. We can change the details of invigilator name, date of
exam, course etc. Once Room number is added we cannot edit/ update for a particular
student. Table number is added for the student to know in which table he/she has to be seated

Display Module

In this module we can easily search any course of any student about their room number
details by giving the valid student id of our college. We can search any student details or hall
number details by just giving their student id or room number. Search using student ID will
give you all the details such as course name, year, invigilator name, table number, room
number, student name etc. When admin click the icon Search by studentId, Admin role is
to just give the student id to easily retrieve the student exam hall details. This will give the
complete details of particular student about their exam hall number, table number etc. When
admin clicks the icon Search by Room number his/her role is to just enter the room number
to easily retrieve the student details who are all allocated to a particular room.

Register Mangment

In this module we can view all the exam hall details such as room number, invigilator name,
student id, student name, course name etc. we can view which student of which course is
allocated to which room etc. we can easily view all the details saved in database in exam hall
allocation details. This module will give admin the clear view of exam hall allocation. This
module will give all the details of all students who are allocated in which room number, table
number etc. This will avoid confusion about room allocation, also give the clear cut view of
what are the room are allocated, which exam hall are still left etc.

Data Flow Diagram :

Software Description :

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but also
used as a general-purpose programming language. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in
1994, the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Development Team.
PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page,[4] but it now stands for the recursive acronym
PHP: Hypertext Preprocess PHP code may be embedded into HTML or HTML5 markup, or
it can be used in combination with various web template systems, web content management
systems and web frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter
implemented as a module in the web server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
executable. The web server software combines the results of the interpreted and executed
PHP code, which may be any type of data, including images, with the generated web page.
PHP code may also be executed with a command-line interface (CLI) and can be used to
implement standalone graphical applications.The standard PHP interpreter, powered by the
Zend Engine, is free software released under the PHP License. PHP has been widely ported
and can be deployed on most web servers on almost every operating system and platform,
free of charge. The PHP language evolved without a written formal specification or standard
until 2014, leaving the canonical PHP interpreter as a de facto standard. Since 2014 work has
gone on to create a formal PHP specification.

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). Its name is a

combination of "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughterand "SQL", the
abbreviation for Structured Query Language. The MySQL development project has made its
source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a
variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and sponsored by a single for-profit
firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation. For proprietary
use, several paid editions are available, and offer additional functionality. MySQL is a central
component of the LAMP open-source web application software stack (and other "AMP"
stacks). LAMP is an acronym for "Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python". Applications
that use the MySQL database include: TYPO3, MODx, Joomla, WordPress, phpBB, MyBB,
and Drupal. MySQL is also used in many high-profile, large-scale websites, including
Google (though not for searches), Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube. Macromedia
Dreamweaver is a software program that is used for the purpose of web development. While
the program was initially developed under Macromedia, it is now owned by Adobe Systems.
The latest versions of Dreamweaver are incorporating a number of different technologies
such as JavaScript, CSS, and other scripting systems. Dreamweaver is a highly successful
program that is the premier tool for HTML editors. This software program single handedly
controls over 70% of the HTML editing market. Dreamweaver can be used on a number of
different platforms, and some of them are Unix, Windows, and Mac. Perhaps one of the most
impressive features of Dreamweaver is that users don't have to be skilled with HTML in
order to use it. The HTML code of a page can be hidden, and this will allow the users to
create web pages without a large amount of difficulty. While some people enjoy this feature,
others do not. Some have complained that it can cause performance problems within web
browsers. Another common problem with older versions of Dreamweaver is its failure to
follow the W3C guidelines that have been set for the generation of HTML code. Some have
said that Macromedia makes up for this problem with its support for CSS. When
Dreamweaver is used, the documents created in it can be previewed in the web browser.
However it must be installed on the computer of the user. Another important feature of
Dreamweaver is the website management tools it offers. These tools have low learning
curves, and are easy for the novice to utilize. If the user needs to find a specific piece of code,
Dreamweaver make this easy to do, and the user does not need to have a large amount of
knowledge of the code. Once Macromedia MX was introduced, dynamic content became an
important part of Dreamweaver. The user can make a connection with MS Access or MySQL
databases, and this will allow them to present content using tools such as ColdFusion, PHP,
or ASP.NET. Most importantly, the user does not need to have a tremendous amount of
programming experience.

Screen Shots :


Conclusion and Future :

A web based interface for showing hall name for student is developed, which makes students
to see their seat in respective hall easily. A web based interface for analyzing the student
academic details is developed. Username and password is created for unique user by register
their details in register module. And they can change it by the permission of admin only The
existing system can be enhanced, by storing the hall ticket into a database, instead of a file so
that the statistics about the hall ticket obtained can be easily analyzed. Using php, insert the
timetable by entering the time and date for the particular papers and create the seating
arrangement. And also database of the exam timetable can be entered by student to view their
halls and timing of the exam. By internet, automatically timetable has to fetch to the database
and that seating want to be created according to the particular day and session

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