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Rudolf Furhauser Evaluation of soft tissue around

Dionisie Florescu
Thomas Benesch
single-tooth implant crowns: the pink
Robert Haas esthetic score
Georg Mailath
Georg Watzek

Authors affiliations: Key words: esthetic score, peri-implant soft tissue, single-tooth implant
Rudolf Furhauser, Dionisie Florescu, Department of
Prosthodontics, Dental School, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Abstract
Thomas Benesch, Department of Medical Statistics, Aim: In this study, the reproducibility of a newly developed pink esthetic score (PES) for
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Robert Haas, Georg Mailath, Georg Watzek, evaluating soft tissue around single-tooth implant crowns was assessed. The effect of
Department of Oral Surgery, Dental School, observer specialization was another point of interest.
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Material and methods: Twenty observers (five prosthodontists, five oral surgeons, five
Correspondence to: orthodontists and five dental students) were given photographs of 30 single-tooth implant
Rudolf Furhauser crowns. Seven variables were evaluated vs. a natural reference tooth: mesial papilla, distal
Cottagestrasse 9
A-1140 Vienna papilla, soft-tissue level, soft-tissue contour, alveolar process deficiency, soft-tissue color and
Austria texture. Using a 0-1-2 scoring system, 0 being the lowest, 2 being the highest value, the
Tel.: 43 676 705 64 06
maximum achievable PES was 14. Each observer was requested to make two assessments at
an interval of 4 weeks. At the second assessment, the photographs were scored in the
reverse order.
Results: The mean PES of evaluations at the first assessment (n 600) was 9.46 (  3.81 SD),
and 9.24 (  3.8 SD) at the second one. The difference between these two means was not
significant statistically (P 0.6379). Implant-related mean PES for single-tooth implants
varied from 2.28 to 13.8, with standard deviations between 0.46 and 3.51. Very poor and
very esthetic restorations showed the smallest standard deviations. The mean total PES was
10.6 for the prosthodontists, 9.2 for the oral surgeons, 9.9 for the dental students and 7.6
for the orthodontists.
Conclusions: The PES reproducibly evaluates peri-implant soft tissue around single-tooth
implants. Thus, an objective outcome of different surgical or prosthodontic protocols can
be assessed. Orthodontists were clearly more critical than the other observers.

Single-tooth implants have become a stan- tion (de Lange 1995; Phillips & Kois 1998).
dard in dentistry and are considered state of Ideally, successful implant-supported re-
the art (Tarnow & Eskow 1995) and stan- storations should imitate the appearance
Date: dard care (Newman 1999). As implant of natural teeth (Belser et al. 2004). The
Accepted 4 April 2005 survival and success rates are high (Avivi- condition of the peri-implant soft tissue
To cite this article: Arber & Zarb 1996; Scheller et al. 1998; appears to be the critical determinant (Gar-
Furhauser R, Florescu D, Benesch T, Haas R, Mailath G,
Watzek G. Evaluation of soft tissue around single-tooth Haas et al. 2002), the esthetic outcome has ber 1996). The implant-supported restora-
implant crowns: the pink esthetic score. become the main focus of interest in esthe- tion should be in symmetry with the
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 16, 2005; 639644
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2005.01193.x tically sensitive areas. To achieve an opti- reference tooth. The level of the peri-im-
mal esthetic outcome, implants must be plant soft tissue, which influences the
Copyright r Blackwell Munksgaard 2005 placed in an optimal position and inclina- crown length, and its color and texture

Furhauser et al . Esthetic score

are decisive for the natural appearance of (Nobel Biocare AB, Gothenborg, Sweden),
implant-supported single-tooth replace- with nine CeraOne -titanium and 18 Cer-
ments (Chang et al. 1999). Adapt -aluminaoxide abutments, two
Albrektssons criteria of success (Al- were Replace implants (Nobel Biocare
brektsson et al. 1986) were extended by AB), with CerAdapt abutments, and one
Smith and Zarb: To be considered a suc- was a Semados implant (Bego Goldschla-
cess, an implant must allow placement of a gerei, Bremen, Germany), with a gold alloy
restoration with adequately esthetic appear- abutment. At the time of the study, the
ance (Smith & Zarb 1989). But objective implants had been in place for 15143
criteria defining what is adequately es- months. Fig. 1. Pictorial view of pink esthetic score vari-
thetic have so far not been available. The Each single-tooth implant was photo- ables.
range of subjective impressions of the be- graphed with a digital camera (D100, Nik-
holder is well known and depends on the kor Medical Objective circular flash; Statistical analysis
specialization (Kokich et al. 1999; Rosen- Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). For Differences between the two assessments
stiel et al. 2000). While criteria for assessing assessing anterior tooth replacements, the were evaluated with the w2 test. Simple
bone quality (Lekholm & Zarb 1985; Nor- reference tooth had to be visible well en- analysis of variance with the Tukey test
ton & Gamble 2001), bone loss (Fallschus- ough to ensure comparability. The im- was used for assessing observer specializa-
sel 1986; Cawood & Howell 1991), plant-supported restorations in the region tion. Po0.05 was considered to be signifi-
perception of bone drilling procedures of the right first premolars were photo- cant. All statistical analyses were run on
(Misch 1993; Enquist et al. 1998) and a graphed to ensure comparison with the the Statistics Package SAS (SAS System for
papilla score (Jemt 1997) are used in im- second premolar. The photographs were Windows, Cary, NC, USA).
plant dentistry, an overall score for evaluat- magnified to twice the original size and
ing peri-implant soft tissues has so far not printed out on DIN A4 sheets together
been available. In the Consensus State- with the list of variables. Implant-sup- Results
ments and Recommended Clinical Pro- ported crowns were marked by arrows.
cedures Regarding Esthetics in Implant All photographs were developed and pro- In each of the two assessments, 20 obser-
Dentistry (Belser et al. 2004), measurement cessed by the same person. The question- vers rated 30 cases, i.e. a total of 600 PESs/
of esthetic outcomes is proposed for use in naire was handed to 20 individuals of assessments. All in all, 1200 PESs with
clinical studies. A selective assessment of variable specialization (five prosthodon- 8400 single variables were available for
peri-implant soft tissues with an objective tists, five oral surgeons, five orthodontists analysis. The mean PES was 9.46
score would help to evaluate implant-sup- and five dental students), in order to assess (  3.81 SD) in the first assessment and
ported restorations and to objectify the soft- the potential effects of observer specializa- 9.24 (  3.8 SD) in the second assessment.
tissue esthetic outcome of different surgical tion on PES scoring. Assessments were The difference was not significant statisti-
or prosthodontic treatment protocols. made twice at an interval of 4 weeks. To cally (P 0.6479). An analysis of the 1200
In the current study, the peri-implant reduce any bias from the first viewing, the PESs showed that the highest achievable
soft tissue of 30 maxillary single-tooth order of the photographs was reversed for score of 14 was assigned 94 times in the
replacements was evaluated by 20 dentists the second viewing. first assessment (15.67%) vs. 70 times in
using a new defined pink esthetic score the second assessment (11.67%) (Table 2).
(PES). The reproducibility of the score and A score of 13 was assigned 66 times in the
a potential effect of observer specialization Assessment criteria PES first assessment (11%) vs. 74 times in the
on evaluating the esthetic outcome were The PES is based on seven variables: mesial second assessment (12.33%). The lowest
the points of interest. papilla, distal papilla, soft-tissue level, soft- score of 0 was assigned eight times in the
tissue contour, alveolar process deficiency, first assessment (1.33%) vs. 10 times in
soft-tissue color and texture (Fig. 1). Each the second one (1.67%). A score of 1 was
Material and methods variable was assessed with a 2-1-0 score, assigned 13 and 17 times, respectively
with 2 being the best and 0 being the (2.17% vs. 2.83%).
Photographs of 30 single-tooth implants in poorest score.
the esthetically sensitive area of the max- The mesial and distal papilla were eval- Single-variable analysis
illa (including the first premolars) were uated for completeness, incompleteness or The highest possible score of 2 was as-
evaluated. Of these, 10 replaced the right absence. All other variables were assessed signed to the mesial papilla in 62% of cases
and five the left central incisor, five the by comparison with a reference tooth, i.e. and 58.8% in the second assessment, to
right and six the left lateral incisor and four the corresponding tooth (anterior region) the distal papilla in 56% and 51.67%,
the right first premolar. For the sake of or a neighboring tooth (premolar region) respectively (Table 3). The alveolar process
statistical correctness, both poor and esthe- (Table 1). was rated as well restored in 54% (49.17%)
tically satisfactory restorations were in- The highest possible score reflecting a of cases. The soft-tissue texture was rated
cluded in the assessment. Twenty-seven perfect match of the peri-implant soft tis- as indistinguishable from the reference
of the implants were Branemark fixtures sue with that of the reference tooth was 14. tooth, and was assigned a score of 2 in

640 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 16, 2005 / 639644

Furhauser et al . Esthetic score

Table 1. Variables of the pink esthetic score

Variables 0 1 2
Mesial papilla Shape vs. reference tooth Absent Incomplete Complete
Distal papilla Shape vs. reference tooth Absent Incomplete Complete
Level of soft-tissue margin Level vs. reference tooth Major discrepancy 42 mm Minor discrepancy 12 mm No discrepancy o1 mm
Soft-tissue contour Natural, matching reference tooth Unnatural Fairly natural Natural
Alveolar process Alveolar process deficiency Obvious Slight None
Soft-tissue color Color vs. reference tooth Obvious difference Moderate difference No difference
Soft-tissue texture Texture vs. reference tooth Obvious difference Moderate difference No difference

Table 2. Summation scores for assessments 1 and 2

PES scores Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Total
No. % No. % No. %
0 8 1.33 10 1.67 18 1.5
1 13 2.17 17 2.83 30 2.5
2 23 3.83 21 3.50 44 3.67
3 13 2.17 13 2.17 26 2.16
4 30 5 25 4.17 55 4.95
5 16 2.67 19 3.17 35 2.92
6 28 4.67 35 5.83 63 5.25
7 43 7.17 44 7.33 87 7.25
8 36 6 36 6 72 6
9 42 7 56 9.33 98 8.17
10 63 10.5 46 7.67 109 9.09
11 59 9.83 68 11.33 127 10.58
12 66 11 66 11 132 11
13 66 11 74 12.33 140 11.66
14 94 15.67 70 11.67 164 13.66
Total 600 100 600 100 1200 100

PES, pink esthetic score.

Fig. 2. (a) Twenty-one-year-old male: Immediate

implant (Replace Select Tapered , Nobel Biocare
Table 3. Frequency of variable assessment of score 2 (highest score)
AB) in the region of the right central incisior.
Variable Assessment 1 Assessment 2 SD Diff 1/2 (%) s
Procera aluminum oxide abutment (Nobel Biocare
No. % No. % AB), 3 months after immediate loading and tempor-
izing. (b) Highest PES and lowest standard deviation
Mesial papilla 372 62 353 58.8 0.38  3.2
of all single-tooth implant crowns evaluated. Re-
Distal papilla 336 56 310 51.6 0.45  4.4 s
storation with Procera crown (Nobel Biocare AB),
Alveolar process 323 54 295 49.1 0.54  4.9
13 months after implant insertion.
Soft-tissue texture 319 53.1 295 49.1 0.57 4
Soft-tissue contour 288 48 286 47.6 0.48  0.4
Soft-tissue color 272 45.3 223 37.1 0.55  8.2
Level of soft-tissue margin 252 42.3 267 44.5 0.51 2.2
Table 5. Mean tooth-related PES (40 rat-
ings) for implant restoration in Fig. 2
Mean SD
Table 4. Frequency of variable assessments of score 0 (lowest score)
Mesial papilla 2 0
Variable Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Diff 1/2 (%)
Distal papilla 2 0
No. % No. % Level of soft-tissue 1.88 0.33
Level of soft-tissue margin 131 21.8 119 19.8 2
Soft-tissue contour 2 0
Soft-tissue color 131 21.8 113 18.8 2
Alveolar process 1.98 0.16
Soft-tissue contour 108 18 118 19.6 1.6
Color 2 0
Alveolar process 94 15.6 107 17.8 2.2
Texture 1.95 0.22
Soft-tissue texture 93 15.5 104 17.3 1.8
Sum total (max. 14) 13.8 0.46
Mesial papilla 85 14.1 83 13.8  0.3
Distal papilla 44 7.3 40 6.6  0.7 PES, pink esthetic score.

53.1% (49.17%) of cases. Comparable score of 0 was most often assigned to the (0.38) for the mesial papilla followed by the
percentages for the other variables were peri-implant soft-tissue level (19.8% and distal papilla (0.45), the soft-tissue contour
48% (47.6%) for soft-tissue contour, 21.8% of cases) and soft-tissue color (0.51), the soft-tissue level (0.51), bone loss
45.3% (37.1%) for soft-tissue color and (21.8% and 18.8% of cases) as shown in (0.54), soft-tissue color (0.55) and soft-tis-
42.3% (44.5%) for soft-tissue level. A Table 4. The standard deviation was lowest sue texture (0.57).

641 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 16, 2005 / 639644

Furhauser et al . Esthetic score

was chosen deliberately, because more de-

tailed ratings are problematic in the inter-
mediate category. This problem is reported
by Trisi & Rao (1999) in bone scoring. The
hand-felt perception of the drilling resis-
tance failed to correlate in the intermediate
classes of histomorphometric bone density
according to Lekholm & Zarb (1985).
The Papilla Index of Jemt (1997) distin-
guishes five gradations. Focused on the
Fig. 3. Lowest pink esthetic score (PES) score of all
single-tooth implant crowns evaluated in a 35-year- papilla, it is helpful for special questions
Fig. 4. Highest standard deviation of all evaluated
old male: Semados implant in place for 25 months, of papilla reconstruction. However, more
single-tooth implant crowns. Fifty-five-year-old fe-
precious metal abutment. Note the severe recession
male: Branemark fixture in place for 112 months, variables are responsible for the natural
clinically. appearance of implant-supported single-
baseline asymmetry (including level of gingival
margin 11 vs. 12), aplasia of right lateral incisor, tooth replacements. The PES integrates
mismatch of maxillary and mandibular midline. the height and level as well as the color
Table 6. Mean tooth-related PES (40 rat- Regeneration of papilla difficult because of diasthe-
and texture of the peri-implant soft tissue,
ings) for implant restoration in Fig. 3 mas and poorly evaluable. Criticism: Distal papilla
defies evaluation. and is thus based on seven variables for a
Mean SD
simple and practice-oriented evaluation
Mesial papilla 0.58 0.59 using a 3-score rating system. Notwith-
Distal papilla 1.28 0.55
Level of soft-tissue 0 0 Table 7. Mean tooth-related PES (40 rat- standing the statistical reproducibility, the
ings) for implant restoration in Fig. 4 highest score of 14 was less often assigned
Soft-tissue contour 0 0 Mean SD
in the second assessment, while the lowest
Alveolar process 0.08 0.35 Mesial papilla 0.83 0.71 scores of 0 and 1 were slightly more often
Color 0.05 0.22 Distal papilla 1.63 0.54
Texture 0.3 0.52 assigned in the second run, suggesting that
Level of soft-tissue margin 0.95 0.85
Sum total (max. 14) 2.28 1.26 Soft-tissue contour 1.13 0.76 the observers tended to become more
Alveolar process 0.93 0.66 critical.
PES, pink esthetic score.
Color 0.63 0.63 In roughly 60% of 1200 assessments,
Texture 1.13 0.69
the mesial papilla was assigned the highest
Sum total (max. 14) 7.2 3.51
score of 2 with the lowest standard devia-
PES, pink esthetic score. tion (0.38), and thus appears to be evalu-
Mean tooth-related PES able more reproducibly than the other
Each single-tooth replacement was as- variables. The distal papilla was assigned
sessed twice by 20 observers, and analysis have assigned significantly poorer ratings a score of 2 in roughly 50% of 1200
of 40 PES by the teeth replaced showed the than any other group. Prosthodontists gave assessments. The higher standard devia-
highest mean PES score of 13.8 (  0.46 significantly higher ratings than surgeons, tion for the ratings of the distal papilla
SD) to be assigned to a right central incisor while the ratings of students did not differ may well be because of the type of photo-
(Fig. 2a and b, Table 5). The lowest mean significantly from those of prosthodontists graphs presented, which were taken in face.
PES score of 2.28 (  1.26 SD) was also and surgeons. On these, the lateral incisors are particu-
assigned to a right central incisor (Fig. 3, larly less well observable and evaluable.
Table 6). The standard deviation for the Orthograde photographs of both the im-
mean tooth-related PES varied between Discussion plant-supported replacements and the
0.46 and 3.51. The highest standard devia- neighboring teeth would appear to be eva-
tion of 3.51 was related to a left lateral An analysis of 1200 PESs assigned to im- luable with better reproducibility. The one
incisor, which scored 7.2 (Fig. 4, Table 7). plant-supported single-tooth replacements variable reported to be most important for
The standard deviations were lower for showed no statistically significant differ- peri-implant esthetics in the literature, i.e.
both high and low PESs than for intermedi- ences between the two assessments the papilla, was most often restored to
ate PESs. (P 0.6379). As a result, the PES is a match that of natural teeth. This may
suitable instrument for reproducibly evalu- well suggest that awareness of the impor-
Effect of specialization ating soft tissue around single-tooth im- tance of a peri-implant soft-tissue variable
The mean total PES was 10.6 for the plant crowns. A score of several single improves therapeutic approaches and out-
prosthodontists, 9.2 for the oral surgeons, variables is less sensitive to misjudgments comes. The advantage of this score could
9.9 for the dental students and 7.6 for the than a single-variable rating. If misjudged, lie in the fact that, also, the other variables
orthodontists. The difference between the a single variable has a more dramatic effect are consciously noticed, leading to differ-
groups was highly significant on simple (100%) than one of seven variables entiated therapeutic procedure.
analysis of variance (P 0.001). In the (14.2%). A simple rating by three cate- The level of the peri-implant soft-tissue
Tukey test, orthodontists were found to gories, i.e. goodfair to middlingpoor, margin came to lie within 1 mm of the

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Furhauser et al . Esthetic score

reference tooth in no more than 44% of the outcome of implant-supported tooth repla- standards. Le PES total moyen etait de 10,6 pour
les specialistes en prothese, 9,2 pour les chirurgiens,
implant-supported replacements. In 20% cements. Prosthodontists, surgeons and
9,9 pour les etudiants et 7,6 pour les orthodontistes.
of cases, the difference vs. the reference dental students, who all scored the out- Le PES evalue donc les tissus mous paramplantaires
tooth was more than 2 mm. This factor is come significantly more generously, autour des implants uniques. Un aboutissement
of special interest, as both pre- and post- should make sure to heed this point. Cri- objectif de differents protocoles chirurgicaux ou
treatment soft-tissue height and recession tical assessment of peri-implant soft tissues prothetiques peut donc etre estime. Les orthodon-
tistes etaient clairement plus critiques que les autres
need consideration. Scheller et al. (1998) with an objective score would help to
reported stable soft tissues in 75% of the evaluate the esthetics of implant-supported
implant-supported single-tooth replace- single tooth restorations and optimal surgi-
ments that they evaluated, and recessions cal and prosthodontic treatment strategies.
in 10%. Thus, the PES may change over Zusammenfassung
time and can be a useful tool for monitor-
ing long-term soft-tissue alterations. The Conclusions Ziel: In dieser Arbeit wird die Reproduzierbarkeit
eines neu entwickelten Pink Esthetic Index (PES)
color of the peri-implant soft tissue zur Evaluation vom Weichgewebe um Kronen auf
matched that of the reference tooth in no The PES is a tool for reproducibly evaluat-
Einzelzahnimplantaten untersucht. Zusatzlich in-
more than just over one-third of cases, and ing the esthetic appearance of the soft teressierte der Einfluss des Spezialisierungsgrades
showed major discrepancies in 20%. The tissue around single-tooth implant crowns. eines Untersuchers.
level of the soft-tissue margin and the color Very good and very poor outcomes were Material und Methoden: Man gab zwanzig Unter-
associated with low standard deviations, suchern (5 Prothetiker, 5 Oralchirurgen, 5 Orthodon-
of the peri-implant soft tissue fared worst ten und 5 Zahnmedizinstudenten) Fotoaufnahmen
in the assessments. Consequently, tooth- suggesting better reproducibility. Restoring
von 30 Kronen auf Einzelzahnimplantaten. Sie hat-
colored ceramic abutments would appear to the papilla, which ranks prominently in ten 7 Variabeln gegenuber einem naturlichen Refer-
play an important role. But as the higher the literature, fared best in the assess- enzzahn zu beurteilen: mesiale Papille, distale
standard deviations (0.55 and 0.57) suggest, ments, while the level of the soft-tissue Papille, Niveau der Weichgewebe, Form der Weich-
margin and the color of the peri-implant gewebe, Defizit an Alveolarkamm, Farbe und
reproducible assessments of color and tex- Struktur der Weichgewebe. Man definierte eine Be-
ture are problematic. soft-tissue fared worst. The latter two vari-
wertungsskala 0-1-2, wobei 0 fur den schlechtesten
Esthetically very good and very poor ables should, therefore, be given more at- und 2 fur den besten Wert stehen, so dass man einen
outcomes presented fewer assessment pro- tention. Unbiased by an awareness of the maximalen PES von 14 erreichen konnte. Jeder
blems than intermediate outcomes. This problems encountered in achieving nat- Untersucher war angehalten, im Abstand von 4
ural-looking implant-supported restora- Wochen zwei Beurteilungen durchzufuhren. Anlas-
was reflected by the low standard devia- slich des zweiten Untersuchungstermins wurden die
tions for high and low PESs (Figs 2b and 3), tions, orthodontists were the most critical
Fotoaufnahmen in ungekehrter Reihenfolge beurteilt.
and the high standard deviations for PESs observers. Resultate: Der mittlere PES bei den Untersuchun-
in the intermediate range. The example in gen im ersten Umgang (n 600) betrug 9.46
(  3.81 SD) und 9.24 (  3.8 SD) im zweiten
Fig. 4 with the highest standard deviation
Resume Umgang. Der Unterschied zwischen diesen zwei
illustrates the problems inherent in the Mittelwerten war statistisch nicht signifikant
score and in an unbiased assessment: Dans cette etude la reproduction dun nouveau (P 0.6379). Der mittlere implantatspezifische
asymmetry at baseline with aplasia of Score dEsthetique Rose (PES) pour levaluation PES fur die Einzelzahnimplantate variierte zwischen
tooth 12, diasthemas and midline shift. In des tissus mous autour des couronnes dimplants 2.28 und 13.8 mit Standardabweichungen zwischen
uniques a ete evaluee. Leffet de la specialisation de 0.46 und 3.51. Sehr schlechte und sehr schone
the presence of diasthemas, an evaluation
lobservateur etait un autre point dinteret. Vingt Rekonstruktionen zeigten die kleinesten Standar-
of the completeness and shape of the pa- dabweichungen. Der mittlere Gesamt-PES war bei
observateurs (cinq specialistes en prothese, cinq
pilla is fraught with problems. Ideally, a chirurgiens, cinq orthodontistes et cinq etudiants den Prothetikern 10.6, bei den Oralchirurgen 9.2,
score should help to address critical pro- en medecine dentaire) ont recu des photographies bei den Zahnmedizinstudenten 9.9 und bei den
blems that are easily overlooked in a gen- de 30 couronnes sur implant unique. Sept variables Orthodonten 7.6.
ont ete evaluees vs une dent de reference naturelle : Zusammenfassung: Der Pink Esthetic Index
eral assessment. These include recessions,
papille mesiale, papille distale, niveau du tissu mou, untersucht die periimplantaren Weichgewebe um
and the color and texture of the peri-im- Einzelzahnimplantate und wird auf seine Re-
couleur du tissu mou, perte du processus alveolaire,
plant soft tissue. couleur du tissu mou et texture. En utilisant un produzierbarkeit uberpruft. Damit kann man die
The comparison of specialty groups re- systeme 012, zero etant le plus bas et deux etant la Ergebnisse von verschiedenen chirurgischen und
vealed what effect specialization has. plus haute valeur, le score maximum PES etait donc prothetischen Protokollen objektivieren. Die Ortho-
de 14. Chaque observateur a recu comme instruc- donten waren deutlich kritischer bei ihrer Beurtei-
Orthodontists, who are at best marginally
tion de realiser deux evaluations a un intervalle de lung als die anderen Behandler.
involved in implant-supported restorations,
quatre semaines. A la seconde evaluation les photo-
were clearly more critical in their judg- graphies ont ete evaluees dans un ordre inverse. Les
ments. Unaware of the problems en- PES moyens des evaluations de la premiere fois
countered in achieving an esthetically (n 600) etaient de 9,46  3,81 et 9,24  3,80 la Resumen
satisfactory appearance of the peri-implant seconde fois. La difference entre ces deux moyennes
netait pas significative (P 0,6379). Le PS moyen Intencion: En este estudio se valoro la reproductibi-
tissue, they approach its assessment with-
en relation pour les implants sur dent unique variait lidad de una nueva Valor de Rosado Estetico (PES)
out bias. As they are trained to focus on de 2,28 a 13,8 avec des deviations standards de 0,46 para evaluar el tejido blando alrededor de coronas de
natural esthetics, orthodontists could a 3,51. Les restaurations de moindre qualite et les implantes unitarios. El efecto de la especializacion
thus serve as critical arbiters of the esthetic excellentes affichaient les plus petites deviations del observador fue otro punto de interes.

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Furhauser et al . Esthetic score

Material y metodos: Se entrego a veinte observa- total fue de 10.6 para los prostodoncistas, 9.2 para
dores (5 prostodoncistas, 5 cirujanos orales, 5 orto- los cirujanos orales, 9.9 para los estudiantes dentales
doncistas y 5 estudiantes dentales) fotografas de 30 y 7.6 para los ortodoncistas.
coronas de implantes unitarios. Se evaluaron 7 vari- Conclusiones: Las Puntuaciones de Estetica Rosa
ables frente a dientes naturales de referencia: papila evalua reproduciblemente el tejido blando periim-
mesial, papila distal, nivel de tejido blando, contorno plantario alrededor de implantes unitarios. De este
de tejido blando, deficiencia del proceso alveolar, modo, se puede valorar un resultado objetivo de
color y textura del tejido blando. Usando un sistema diferentes protocolos quirurgicos o prostodonticos.
de puntuacion de 0-1-2, siendo 0 el valor mas bajo, 2 Los ortodoncistas fueron claramente mas crticos
el valor mas alto, el PES mas alto alcanzable era de que los otros observadores.
14. Se solicito a cada observador que llevara a cabo
dos valoraciones en un intervalo de 4 semanas. En la
segunda valoracion las fotografas se valoraron en
orden inverso.
Resultados: El PES medio de evaluaciones a la
primera valoracion (n 600) fue 9.46 (  3.81 SD)
y 9.24 (  3.8 SD) en la segunda. La diferencia entre
estas dos medias no fue estadsticamente significa-
tivo (P 0.6379). El PES medio relacionado al im-
plante para implantes unitarios vario desde 2.28 a
13.8 con desviaciones estandar entre 0.46 y 3.51.
Las restauraciones mas pobres y mas esteticas mos-
traron las desviaciones estandar mas bajas. El PES


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