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1.1 Introduction

This chapter provide an overview for introduction of the research, background of this
research, research problem statement, objective of research, research question, significance and
scope of the research, limitation of the research, organization of chapter, project planning of
the research, conceptual framework, and initial finding. Within the research we will show either
positive or negative or no change will happen within this institute. It can also detect through
achieve systematic organization, productive environment, produce quality and standardization
in the workplace.

Ethical issue of information system is keep rising year by year. According to Ajoye and
Nwagmu (2014) stated that the progress in information and communication technologies and
the birth of the internet has changed the end user computing experience and environment.
Information system is a formation of an integrated set of components for collecting, storing,
and processing data and for providing information, knowledge, and digital products. Basically
it is combination of software or digital technology. Information systems can now be web-
enabled, unlike the traditional stationary information systems said Ajoye and Nwagmu
(2014). For example, using the internet for searching information also one kind of information,
the internet itself is information system. In conjunction of ethical issue, ethical issue might be
bring slightly different definition according to their situation. But basically it is all bring to
same definition. Ethics is a moral choice made by each individual with regards to the rest of
the community and their standards of acceptable behaviour. With regards to information
system, ethical issue is covering broad issues such as control of and access to information,
privacy and misuse of data, spamming, adult content, behaviour of user and etc.
Undeniably, nowadays cyber-attack is keep increasing. It is ethical problem
made by hackers in information system. They attack the user at cyberspace. Not only
that, they also steal any information of the user. This is an attack to privacy. Last but
not least, everyone should know and take note about this matter because everyone has
their own rights to defend themselves.

1.2 project background

The issue of this research was conducted in UNIKL Mimet, Lumut. It is a branch of
UNIKL situated in Perak. UNIKL Mimet is a marine institution that provide diploma and
bachelor in marine course. In recently, the information system is important to students and also
to staffs in UNIKL Mimet especially information system regarding the internet. The ethical
issue of information system is not totally known to others. As for the thesis, the main point is
about to spread the knowledge of this kind of issues.

The issues of ethical problem of information system is a quite challenging. It is due to,
without a doubt every that using technology is involve in ethical issues of information system.
For example, downloading songs or movies from internet is actually ethical issues because it
is fall under intellectual property category. So, to spread the knowledge of this issues is
necessary. In addition, to spread the knowledge, staffs and students play important role as they
are the ones using the internet in this technology era. Accessibility, accuracy, privacy and
intellectual property are the issues that were covered in this research. Every issues has their
own sub issues which will be provided in second chapter which is literature review.
1.3 problem statement

In our daily basis, using the internet becoming one of normal things to do. Nowadays,
without access to the internet will bring problem. It is because, everything is accessible only
using our fingers. Paying bills, shopping, learning, communicate with friends and many more
activity we can do just by having the internet. But, did everyone know the ethics in using these
information system? They do not realize how much important role they play in this world of
technology. Yes, it easy as ABC register in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. But the
implicit things that they do not see is the ethical consequences that they might facing in future.

In this research, UNIKL Mimet members were our prospect. Although there are many
sufficient research and literature, the problem still arises due to technology advancement. The
problem in this institution is that staffs students still do not realize how much the ethical issues
in information system especially when accessing the internet.

There is also data that indicated the problematic of ethical issues of information system.
sources from 1

According to the table above (sources from, shown that there also
cases happen here. The total reported cases for year 2015 is 9,915. The most ethical
issues happen is spam. Spamming can happen especially through email and also
through social media. The second most happen is fraud which is 3,257 reported cases.
Fraud majorly associated with deception of credit card and buying online. For example,
buying online through untrusted person like in, through Wechat (mobile
phone application) and others. Thirdly is intrusion (1,714 reported cases). The intrusion
is related to privacy. It is like invading someone privacy without the acceptance of
them. Some intrusion cases that we did not notice is online advertisement. The next one
is malicious code. Malicious code is an ethics related to viruses, worms, Trojan,
spyware, and etc. in information system. It can cause damage to network whether in
stealing, destroying, copying or modifying the data. According to Choudhary R. and
Saharan R. (2011) stated that the term of malicious code is relevant to viruses, worms
and Trojan horses. Bist A. S. (2014) said that statistical reading also shows that attack
of malicious codes are increasing day by day, so the strong solution is required to detect
it. After that is cyber harassment. Then follow by intrusion attempt, denial of service,
content related and lastly is vulnerabilities report. This is all the reported cases of ethical
issues in information system. How about the unreported cases?
1.4 research objective

There are several objectives for this research. The objectives are:

I. To analyze the relationship among ethical issues that are raised

by information system user.
II. To discover the implication of the ethical issues arise on the
knowledgeable era.

1.5 significance of research

This research can significantly contribute to a deeper understanding of the ethical issues
of information system. Based on the findings of this research, it could help relevant parties to
identify the appropriate usage if the information system for a better safety practice concerning
the UNIKL Mimet community.

1.6 research question

To achieve the main objectives, the following research questions have been formulated.
Below are the research question:

I. What is the relationship of information system and ethics issue

II. Does users know the implication of ethical issues of information

1.7 scope of study

The scope of study is at maritime institution: UNIKL Mimet. The scope also to identify
how much does information system users knows the ethical issues regarding this matter.
1.8 limitation of study
The limitation of this research is regarding to the time constraints by the students. This
is because in collecting the data required a lot of time. Besides that, it is just not only about
collecting, I also need to analyse the data. It is only limited to staffs and students who is
frequently accessing the information system database. In conjunction of the limitation, this
research is only provide data and case study of ethical issues of information system. I will not
provide or show ways on how to breach the privacy or the accessibility of users. Other than
that, this study will entail on focusing of ethical issues implication of information system to
UNIKL Mimet members.

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