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CHEM-E7160-Fluid Flow in Process Units

Design of a bubble column reactor

Mengmeng Sui 597775

Ekaterina Sakarinen 510053

Date: 21.04.2017

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3

2. Correlations .............................................................................................................................. 4

2.1. Gas holdup ............................................................................................................................. 4

2.2. Bubble characteristics ............................................................................................................ 5

2.3. Mass transfer coefficient ........................................................................................................ 6

2.4. Heat transfer coefficient ........................................................................................................ 7

3. Example .................................................................................................................................... 9

4. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 11

References....................................................................................................................................... 13

Appendix A. ..................................................................................................................................... 14

1. Introduction

Bubble columns are intensively used in chemical, biochemical and petrochemical

industries. Especially, they are used in chemical processes involving reactions such as
oxidation, chlorination, polymerization and hydrogenation, and in biochemical
processes such as fermentation and biological waste water treatment. Basically a
bubble column reactor is a cylindrical vessel with a gas distributor at the bottom as
illustrated in the figure 1. Bubble column reactors have high heat and mass transfer
coefficients, need little maintenance and have low operating costs due to lack of
moving parts and compactness. [1]

Figure 1. Scheme of a bubble column.

A successful design and scale-up of bubble columns require an advanced

understanding of multiphase fluid dynamics. The design and scale-up of bubble
column reactors generally depend on three main phenomena: (i) heat and mass
transfer characteristics; (ii) mixing characteristics; (iii) system. The main interest of
published studies is concentrated on influence of a length-to-diameter ratio of the
column, fluid dynamics and regime analysis and characteristic parameters, especially
gas holdup, bubble characteristics, and mass and heat transfer coefficients. [1]

This work summarizes the main factors that have to be taken into account when
designing a bubble column. Despite the fact that bubble columns are mostly
operated under heterogeneous flow conditions in the chemical industry, for
simplicity, the modelled column was operating in a continuous mode and
homogeneous (bubbly flow) regime. In the modelling, the sparged gas was air and
the liquid was water, solids were absent. Required values for the modeling, such as
superficial gas velocities, sparger types, and dimensions of the column, were taken
from a similar experiment conducted by Devakumar, D [3]. The modelled column was
0.14 m in diameter, 2 m in height.

2. Correlations

2.1. Gas holdup

Gas holdup is a dimensionless key parameter for design purposes that characterizes
the transport phenomena of bubble column systems which is basically defined as the
volume fraction of gas phase occupied by the gas bubbles. Most studies conclude
that the temperature and column size effects on gas holdup are not significant. Gas
holdup in bubble columns depend mainly on superficial gas velocity which is defined
as the average velocity of the gas that is sparged into the column. In calculations,
superficial gas velocity is simply expressed as the volumetric flow rate divided by the
cross-sectional area of the column. [1] One of various correlations predicting gas
holdup in bubble columns as a function of superficial gas velocity is the following:

g Vg
[2] (1)
0.3 2Vg

The correlation was modelled as shown in the figure 2. The noticeable trend of
increasing gas holdup with increasing gas velocity agrees with literature.



gas holdup, g





0 0,0002 0,0004 0,0006 0,0008 0,001 0,0012
supeficial gas velocity Vg, m/s

Figure 2. Modelled correlation for gas holdup in a bubble column.

2.2. Bubble characteristics

Bubble size has a significant impact on heat and mass transfer coefficients in a
bubble size column. Various studies proposed methodologies to follow the
estimation of bubble properties. One of the key parameters affecting bubble size is a
gas sparger type. Small orifice diameter plates enable the formation of smaller sized
bubbles. A simple correlation for size of bubbles produced at an orifice was proposed
by Moo-Young M:

1/ 3
6d 0
dp [4] (2)
g ( l g )

The correlation was modelled with typical values of orifice diameters for such an

average bubble diameter, m
0 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,01 0,012 0,014
diameter of hole for single orifice, m

Figure 3. Average bubble diameter in a bubble column as a function of an orifice diameter.

2.3. Mass transfer coefficient

In gas-liquid reactors, mass transfer from the gas to liquid phase is the most
important goal of the process. Therefore, it is important to estimate the mass
transfer coefficients for design and scale up of the reactor. Published studies propose
superficial gas velocity as the main parameter affecting the mass transfer coefficient.
[1] Fukuma et al. and Behkish et al concluded that for industrial bubble columns, the
presence of small bubbles should be preferred and the presence of large bubbles
should be avoided for effective mass transfer rates. [5-6]

The simplest correlation (eq. 3-4) for mass transfer coefficient in a bubble column as
a function of gas velocity at constant pressure was modelled and presented in the
figure 4.

k1a 0.476Vg0.82 [7] (3)

6 g
a (4)

It can be seen from the figure 4 that the volumetric mass transfer k1a increases with
increasing gas velocity in the same trend as the gas holdup increases with superficial
gas velocity.

mass transfer coefficient, k1a, m/s

0 0,0002 0,0004 0,0006 0,0008 0,001 0,0012
superficial gas velocity, Vg, m/s

Figure 4. Modelled correlation for a mass transfer coefficient in a bubble column.

2.4. Heat transfer coefficient

Thermal control is of importance since chemical reactions are typically accompanied

by heat supply or removal operation. Therefore, turbulent heat transfer from the
reactor wall and inserted coils to the liquid is a major topic of literature research.
Bubble columns are known for their excellent heat transfer characteristics. [1]
Deckwer WD has reported that the heat transfer rate in gas-liquid bubble columns is
generally 100 times greater than in single phase flow. [8]

Below, the dependency of heat transfer coefficient in a bubble column on superficial

gas velocity, temperature, and diameter of a single orifice is presented. Despite the
fact that instantaneous heat transfer coefficients provide more insight into bubble

dynamics and mechanism of heat transfer, time-averaged heat transfer of the wall-
to-bed was concerned because it was easier to model.

Heat transfer correlations for bubble and slurry bubble columns is summarized in the
following eq. 5-9: [8]

St 0.1(Re Fr Pr 2 ) 0.25 (5)

St (6)
1C pVg

V g d p 1
Re (7)

Fr (8)

C p 1
Pr (9)

It can be concluded from the figures 5-7 that the heat transfer coefficient increases
with increasing temperature and superficial gas velocity, but a decreasing function
of diameter of an orifice.

heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2


0 0,0002 0,0004 0,0006 0,0008 0,001 0,0012
supeficial gas velocity Vg, m/s supeficial gas velocity Vg, m/s

Figure 5. Heat transfer coefficient changes with the increase of superficial gas velocity.

heat transfer coefficient,

W/(m2 K)

280 285 290 295 300 305 310
temperature, K

Figure 6. Heat transfer coefficient changes with the increase of temperature.

heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2


0 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,01 0,012 0,014
diameter of hole for single orifice, m

Figure 7. Heat transfer coefficient changes with different diameter of orifice.

3. Example

Lets consider a pilot plant consisting of a bubble column reactor (Dc = 0,2 m; Hc =
1,6 m) and a gas-liquid separator used to absorb CO2 in water. Two toroidal gas
spargers of 0.8% free area, pierced with different hole size (respectively, d0=0.001
and 0.0005 m), are used. The experiments are run at atmospheric pressure and
around 20 C. Within the bubble column, global gas hold-up is measured with a

differential pressure transducer. In order to obtain a liquid phase model, residence
time distribution (RTD) has to be performed by usual tracer analysis.

In order to investigate mass transfer in a bubble column operated with liquid flow,
steady-state mass transfer conditions are often preferred to avoid uncertainty due to
slow probe dynamics. [9] In this pilot plant, the gasliquid separator is used to
absorb a gas and its desorption through the bubble column fed with nitrogen is
quantified. The selected gas is carbon dioxide (CO2). In the bubble column, input (cLi)
and output (cLo) dissolved CO2 concentrations are measured.

To evaluate a volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kLa, mass balance equations in

both phases have to be solved. As a first approximation, a simple model for gas and
liquid flows through the column is convenient. Mean residence time () and RTD
variance () are calculated from input and output data, a number of equivalent
perfectly mixed reactors continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), N, is associated at
each experimental condition by

2 1

The gas flow is usually less dispersed than the liquid flow, even supposed plug flow in
many works, so the gas concentration needs to rather be calculated as the average
between inlet and outlet values for each CSTR. For kLa estimation, Henrys constants
are also needed. For simplicity, Henrys constants have been taken from literature (at
20 C, pressure between 1 and 8 bar), and they are respectively, 1838 Pa m3/mol for
cyclohexane and 3105 Pa m3/mol for water. [9]

The useful parameter for a reactor mass transfer characterization and for predictive
modelling is the volumetric mass transfer coefficient kLa. kLa values are optimized
from inlet and outlet CO2 concentrations in the liquid phase, according to the mass
balance on each CSTR.

For i CSTR:

() = ( + 1) ( () ()) (11)

()+ (+1)
( )
with () = 2

+( ())
() = (13)

() = + (1 )( ()) (14)

() = = (15)

Using these equations, for example, if such a plant would have a superficial gas
velocity of 0,04 m/s, kLa would be 0,02 s-1, equivalent CSTR number would be around
6, global gas holdup 0,15, and mass transfer efficiency 60%. These values inserted
into the equations 11-15 as well as the measured/predicted input and output
concentrations give the liquid and gas flows necessary for the plant operation.

4. Conclusion

The gas phase is critical for optimum liquid performance. Understanding and being
able to vary different key parameters affect the real results significantly. The
correlations for bubble column reactors have been presented and an example of a
scaling up process of a bubble column reactor has been shown. It was shown that gas

holdup in the columns depend mainly on superficial gas velocity and it increases
linearly with the increase of superficial gas velocity. The mass transfer coefficient is
more for stirred bubble column than conventional bubble column for the same scale
up factors.


[1] Kantarci N, Borak F, Ulgen K, Review: bubble column reactors. Process

biochemistry 40 (2005) 2263-2283
[2] Joshi JB, Sharma MM. A Circulation cell model for bubble columns. Trans Inst
Chem Eng 1979;57:24451.
[3] Devakumar D, Mass transfer coefficient studies in bubble column reactor,
Modern Applied Science, vol. 4, No 7; July 2010
[4] Moo-Young M, Blanch HW, Design of biochemical reactors. Adv Biochem Eng
[5] Fukuma M, Muroyama K, Morooka S. Properties of bubble swarm in a slurry
bubble column. J Chem Eng Jpn 1987;20:28-33
[6] Behkish A, Men Z, Inga RJ, Morsi BI. Mass transfer characteristics in a large-scale
slurry bubble column reactor with organic liquid mixtures. Chem Eng Sci
[7] Shah YT, Godbole SP, Deckwer WD. Design parameters estimations for bubble
column reactors. AIChE J 1982;28:35379.
[8] Deckwer WD. On the mechanism of heat transfer in bubble column reactors.
Chem Eng Sci 1980;35:13416.
[9] Chaumat H, Billet-Duquenne AM, Augier F, Mathieu C, Delmas H. Mass transfer in
bubble column for industrial conditions effects of organic medium, gas and liquid
flow rates and column design. 7th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-
Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering, 60:22, 2005; 59305936

Appendix A.

A gas-liquid inter-facial area, m2 cL CO2 concentration in liquid

phase, mol/m3
Cp specific heat, J/k
kLa volumetric mass transfer
do orifice diameter, m -1
coefficient, s
d bubble diameter, m
Vcstr CSTR volume, m3
Fr Froude number
c* dissolved CO2 concentration at
g gravitational acceleration, m/s2 saturation, mol/m3

h heat transfer coefficient, cG CO2 concentration in gas phase,

W/(m2K) mol/m3

hw wall side heat transfer R perfect gas constant, Pa m3

coefficient, W/(m2K) mol-1 K-1

k thermal conductivity, W/(mK) T temperature, K

Re Reynolds number, P(i) input pressure, Pa

Patm atmospheric pressure, Pa
Sc Schmidt number, dimensionless
Hc column height, m
Sh Sherwood number,
Dc column diameter, m
z height, m
St Stanton number, dimensionless
HCSTR CSTR height, m
Vg superficial gas velocity, m/s
N CSTR number, dimensionless
surface tension, N/m
QL liquid flow rate, m3/s
g gas hold up
QG gas flow rate, m3/s
l liquid density, kg/m3
mean residence time, s
s solid density, kg/m3
RTD variance, s


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