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Monday 16 October 2017

Council Chambers

John Brown
General Manager
Break ODay Council
16 October 2017
10/17.1.0 ATTENDANCE .................................................................................................................. 5
10/17.1.1 Present ......................................................................................................................... 5
10/17.1.2 Apologies ...................................................................................................................... 5
10/17.1.3 Leave of Absence ......................................................................................................... 5
10/17.1.4 Staff in Attendance ...................................................................................................... 5
10/17.2.0 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME .................................................................................................. 6
10/17.2.1 Grants Lagoon - Mr J Lambert, Binalong Bay ............................................................... 6
10/17.2.2 Binalong Bay Beach / Grants Lagoon - Mr P Nichols, Binalong Bay............................. 6
10/17.4.0 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ....................................................................................... 11
10/17.4.1 Confirmation of Minutes Council Meeting 18 September 2017 ............................ 11
10/17.6.0 PLANNING AUTHORITY ................................................................................................. 12
10/17.7.0 PETITIONS...................................................................................................................... 12
10/17.8.0 NOTICES OF MOTION .................................................................................................... 12
10/17.8.1 Notice of Motion Coal Reserves in the Municipality Clr J Tucker ........................ 12
10/17.8.2 Notice of Motion Free Green Waste Disposal Clr J Drummond .......................... 14
10/17.8.3 Notice of Motion Breaching the Barways at the Entrance to our Coastal Lagoons
Clr G McGuinness ....................................................................................................... 15
10/17.8.4 Notice of Motion Design Foreshore Access Features Architectural Trail Clr G
McGuinness ................................................................................................................ 17
10/17.8.5 Notice of Motion Council Takeover Staff and Infrastructure of Parks & Wildlife in
our Regional Area Clr J Tucker ................................................................................ 18
10/17.9.0 COUNCILLORS QUESTIONS ON NOTICE ....................................................................... 20
10/17.10.0 COUNCILLORS QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ............................................................ 20
10/17.10.1 Scamander Playground - Clr M Osborne.................................................................... 20
10/17.11.0 MAYORS & COUNCILLORS COMMUNICATIONS.......................................................... 21
10/17.11.1 Mayors Communications for Period Ending 16 October 2017 ................................. 21
10/17.11.2 Councillors Reports for Period Ending 16 October 2017 .......................................... 21
10/17.12.0 BUSINESS AND CORPORATE SERVICES.......................................................................... 23
10/17.12.1 Corporate Services Department Report .................................................................... 23
10/17.12.2 Monthly Financial Report ........................................................................................... 23
10/17.12.3 Visitor Information Centre Report ............................................................................. 24
10/17.12.4 Audit Panel Receipt of Minutes .............................................................................. 25
10/17.12.5 Review of LG46 Fraud Management and Control Public Policy and Fraud Control
Plan Procedure ........................................................................................................... 25

10/17.13.0 WORKS AND INFRASTRUCTURE .................................................................................... 26
10/17.13.1 Works and Infrastructure Report ............................................................................... 26
10/17.13.2 Animal Control Report ............................................................................................... 27
10/17.14.0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................... 28
10/17.14.1 Community Services Report ....................................................................................... 28
10/17.14.2 Request for Financial Contribution Disability Access Advisory Committee............ 28
10/17.15.0 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES .............................................................................................. 29
10/17.15.1 Development Services Report.................................................................................... 29
10/17.15.2 Planning Approvals Issued ......................................................................................... 30
10/17.15.3 Building Services Approvals ....................................................................................... 30
10/17.15.4 Provision of Road Name Vince Lane ....................................................................... 30
10/17.16.0 GOVERNANCE................................................................................................................ 31
10/17.16.1 General Managers Report ......................................................................................... 31
10/17.16.2 Council Meeting Dates and Workshop Dates for 2018 ............................................. 32
10/17.16.3 Acknowledgement of Country Recognition Statement.......................................... 33
10/17.16.4 Nomination for Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) President ........ 35
10/17.17.0 CLOSED COUNCIL .......................................................................................................... 36
10/17.17.1 Outstanding Actions List for Closed Council .............................................................. 36
10/17.17.2 17 Grant Street, Fingal Tennis Court - Closed Council Item Pursuant To Section
15(2)F Of The Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 .............. 36

10/17.1.0 ATTENDANCE
10/17.1.1 Present

Mayor Mick Tucker

Councillor John Tucker
Councillor Margaret Osborne OAM
Councillor Janet Drummond
Councillor Barry LeFevre
Councillor Glenn McGuinness
Councillor Kylie Wright

10/17.1.2 Apologies

Deputy Mayor John McGiveron

Councillor Hannah Rubenach-Quinn

10/17.1.3 Leave of Absence

10/17.1.4 Staff in Attendance

General Manager, John Brown

Executive Assistant, Angela Matthews
Manager Community Services, Chris Hughes (Item 1.0 8.2 / 8.3 17.2)
Manager Corporate Services, Bob Hoogland (Item 1.0 13.1)
Planning Coordinator, Paula Kloosterman (Item 8.1 13.2)
Planning Officer, Chris Triebe (Item 14.1 16.0)
Works Supervisor, Wayne Polden (Item 2.0 14.0)
Building Services Coordinator, Jake Ihnen (Item 2.0 12.3 / 14.1 16.2)
Economic Development Officer, Tim Gowans (Item 1.0 11.1)
Trails Project Manager, Ben Pettman (Item 8.1 17.0)
NRM Facilitator, Polly Buchhorn (Item 14.1 15.2)

| 10/17.1.1 Present 5

Five (5) people in the gallery.

In accordance with Section 31(1) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 the following
questions were submitted in writing prior to the Council Meeting.

10/17.2.1 Grants Lagoon - Mr J Lambert, Binalong Bay

I have been told that a person has been prosecuted over the opening of Grants Lagoon.

I believe this lagoon should be opened each year maybe November or early December to clean the
rotting kelp which is a disgrace in the most eastern end of the lagoon, this kelp is washed into the
lagoon during big seas and just rots down to a mush.

By opening the lagoon each year it would also clean out any waste water that may have seeped
into the lagoon, as well I believe the lagoon on the most eastern end has to have something done
about it urgently, for health reasons alone.

I am aware that the water in the lagoon is tested, I am not sure where these tests are taken from
but I suggest the test be taken from the most eastern end so a true reading can be done where
most people mainly children play and swim.

Can Council do the job and clean the lagoon out?

Can Council inquire as to how the lagoon can be opened annually?


The only time Council gets involved in the opening of barways is when there is a threat to
infrastructure which Council is responsible for eg flooding of roads, damage to bridges or jetties.

Council does not have any infrastructure that is affected by the waters of Grants Lagoon and
therefore this matter is governed by Parks & Wildlife Services and all concerns should be directed
to them.

10/17.2.2 Binalong Bay Beach / Grants Lagoon - Mr P Nichols, Binalong Bay

My wife and I live not far from the northern end of Binalong Bay beach and we walk the beach
most days of the week all year.

When Grants Lagoon, Binalong Bay was dug out, November 2016, it took many tons of sand off
the beach just when the tourist season was beginning. Most tourists could not cross the water
channel when the tide went in or out, stopping them from walking along our world renowned
beach. It was made difficult for people walking from the northern end of the beach to access the
restaurant at Binalong Bay. Locals had difficulty walking the length of the beach from the
southern to the northern end. The Lagoon was open for some months.

| 10/17.2.1 Grants Lagoon - Mr J Lambert, Binalong Bay 6

Contrary to what is believed by some residents, microbiological testing by Council actually shows
at no time did samples taken from Grants Lagoon show bacteria levels exceeding Recreational
Water Quality Guidelines. In fact, the bacteria levels for December 2016 and January 2017 about a
month after Grants Lagoon was opened to the sea are higher than previously recorded when the
Lagoon was closed. The testing results for the past three (3) summers are attached.

The only risk to roads that I am aware of from Grants Lagoon is when the lagoon is dug out. The
channel caused by the lagoon flowing in and out has begun to erode the bank just west of the
main beach car park not that many metres from the road a small amount of vegetation has been

Much of the seaweed washed in by winter storms remained in the lagoon after it was breached.

Will the Council take note of these issues and let Parks and Wildlife criteria for opening Grants
Lagoon remain as they are?


The only time Council gets involved in the opening of barways is when there is a threat to
infrastructure which Council is responsible for eg flooding of roads, damage to bridges or jetties.

Park & Wildlife Service (PWS) have established protocols for opening of lagoons and barways, any
change is a matter ultimately controlled by PWS.

| 10/17.2.2 Binalong Bay Beach / Grants Lagoon - Mr P Nichols, Binalong Bay 7

| 10/17.2.2 Binalong Bay Beach / Grants Lagoon - Mr P Nichols, Binalong Bay 8
| 10/17.2.2 Binalong Bay Beach / Grants Lagoon - Mr P Nichols, Binalong Bay 9
| 10/17.2.2 Binalong Bay Beach / Grants Lagoon - Mr P Nichols, Binalong Bay 10
Section 48 or 55 of the Local Government Act 1993 requires that a Councillor or Officer who has an interest in any matter to be discussed at a Council
Meeting that will be attended by the Councillor or Officer must disclose the nature of the interest in a written notice given to the General Manager
before the meeting; or at the meeting before the matter is discussed.

A Councillor or Officer who makes a disclosure under Section 48 or 55 must not preside at the part of the meeting relating to the matter; or
participate in; or be present during any discussion or decision making procedure relating to the matter, unless allowed by the Council.



10/17.4.1 Confirmation of Minutes Council Meeting 18 September 2017


That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 18 September 2017 be confirmed.


No discussion took place on this item.


10/ Moved: Clr J Tucker / Seconded: Clr B LeFevre

That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 18 September 2017 be confirmed.




There was a Workshop held on Monday 2 October the following items were listed for discussion.

Reptile Rescue Update

Review of LG46 Fraud Management and Control Public Policy and Fraud Control Plan
Audit Panel Receipts of Minutes
Request for Financial Contribution Disability Access Committee
Planning Scheme Matter As Recently Raised by North East Bioregional Networks Inc
Strata Developments and Wildlife Corridors
Parks & Wildlife Services
Planning Scheme Matters

| 10/17.4.1 Confirmation of Minutes Council Meeting 18 September 2017 11

Pursuant to Section 25 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 the Mayor informed the
Council that it was now acting as a Planning Authority under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.


The Mayor advised the Council that it had now concluded its meeting as a Planning Authority under Section 25 of the
Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations.

10/17.7.0 PETITIONS



10/17.8.1 Notice of Motion Coal Reserves in the Municipality Clr J Tucker


A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

That Council in acknowledging the huge coal reserves in the Municipality of Break O'Day requests
Council officers to fully investigate the potential of harnessing the economic potential of
developing this resource for the benefit of job creation and economic development in the
Municipality and report back to the first Council meeting in 2018.


Break O'Day Council needs to be a forward thinking Council.

Break O'Day is of a great need of economic development and job creation.

We as a Council need to look at every opportunity within this community, and drive things to
make them happen.

| 10/17.8.1 Notice of Motion Coal Reserves in the Municipality Clr J Tucker 12


- Clr McGuinness stated that philosophically he is opposed to coal as power generation in

the current regime. However he is very aware that the Fingal Valley relies on coal. Clr
McGuinness stated that he is very supportive of further work within the mineral area.
- Clr Wright stated that it is very important that we protect the jobs that are currently in the
Fingal Valley however in 2013 Hardrock were approved for a mining lease with 650 jobs
promised, has this happened? If the resources were there this would be viable and
happening now.
- Clr LeFevre stated that in light of the coal reserves that are there and which are a major
asset for us, we should ask the Government to investigate all aspects of coal production.
Coal is there and Break ODay is crying out for employment and population growth. The
motion is about the potential wellbeing of the community.
- Clr Drummond stated that she agrees with Clr McGuinness regarding his philosophical
point and Clr Wright regarding the other licence where nothing has happened. Clr
Drummond believes we could be leader in looking at alternative power for the area as well
as she believes greatly in job creation but doesnt believe this is an area we should be
heading as a Council.
- Clr J Tucker stated that this motion is to investigate, we are asking for them to look at the
best options there. Hardrock didnt go ahead which is a big disappointment. There are
also other minerals that could be looked at as well, we need to look at all of these things.
- Clr Osborne stated that we owe it to our constituents to look at every opportunity.


10/ Moved: Clr J Tucker / Seconded: Clr B LeFevre

A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

That Council in acknowledging the huge coal reserves in the Municipality of Break O'Day requests
Council officers to fully investigate the potential of harnessing the economic potential of
developing this resource for the benefit of job creation and economic development in the
Municipality and report back to the first Council meeting in 2018.

An amendment was moved:

10/ Moved: Clr M Osborne / Seconded: Clr G McGuinness

That Council in acknowledging the mineral and coal reserves in the Municipality of Break O'Day
requests a letter be sent to the Federal and State Resources Ministers asking them to fully
investigate the potential of harnessing the economic potential of developing the resources for the
benefit of job creation and economic development within the Municipality.

FOR Clr J Tucker, Clr M Osborne, Clr G McGuinness, Clr B LeFevre, Clr M Tucker
AGAINST Clr J Drummond, Clr K Wright

| 10/17.8.1 Notice of Motion Coal Reserves in the Municipality Clr J Tucker 13

The amendment becomes the motion and was put to the meeting

FOR Clr J Tucker, Clr M Osborne, Clr G McGuinness, Clr B LeFevre, Clr M Tucker
AGAINST Clr J Drummond, Clr K Wright

10/17.8.2 Notice of Motion Free Green Waste Disposal Clr J Drummond


A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

That Council extend the free green waste days to all year-round at all waste disposal sites that are
set up to accept green waste.


Following a recent NRM Special Committee Meeting I request that Council act on a
recommendation from that Committee.

The meeting noted that the free green waste days at Councils waste management sites assists
greatly in mitigating against illegal dumping of green waste into bushland. The meeting considered
that an expansion of free green waste service would be valuable. The extension of free green
waste days to all year-round, would assist in reducing the fuel load with regard to increased bush
fire risk and also in reducing of spreading of weeds into bushland.

This is a sentiment which I hear echoed by the community quite frequently. I believe it would
assist in reducing potential fire hazards and in weed management in the municipality, whilst
encouraging greater yard maintenance by residents, knowing that they could dispose of green
waste freely, rather than allowing large piles of green waste to sit around in residential gardens
until free waste disposal comes around, or burning off and causing potential fire hazards close to
their own homes.


- Clr J Tucker stated that he believes that this is quite a good motion, what is the difference
with having it all year round unless there is a great cost. See this as reducing fuel load and
- Clr Drummond stated that by reducing weed spread in the municipality as well as fuel load
that this should not be a huge cost to Council.

| 10/17.8.2 Notice of Motion Free Green Waste Disposal Clr J Drummond 14


10/ Moved: Clr J Drummond / Seconded: Clr J Tucker

A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

That Council extend the free green waste days to all year-round at all waste disposal sites that are
set up to accept green waste.


10/17.8.3 Notice of Motion Breaching the Barways at the Entrance to our

Coastal Lagoons Clr G McGuinness


A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

That Council re-visit a previous motion with regard to breaching the bar ways at the entrance to
our coastal lagoons, by rewriting to Parks with renewed concerns. Correspondence from Parks
previously spoke of two (2) trigger points.

1. Health risks posed by elevated levels of coliform bacteria.

2. Risks to infrastructure such as roads.


Parks have not mentioned aesthetics. On occasions much seaweed is washed into the lagoons in
winter storms. This weed progressively rots, causing a stench and discolouration of the lagoon
water. This is a turnoff for our tourism industry and many locals feel strongly that something
should be done. In years gone by the breaching was a community event carried out by large
number of people. Apparently it is now illegal and a couple of relative newcomers to our
community are now facing prosecution and are awaiting their day in court.

The last time Grants Lagoon in Binalong Bay, was breached, the mouth remained opened for a
number of weeks. The water colour became quite inviting and a large number of fish of many
varieties, moved in. It is interesting to note that the nest of a pair of hooded plovers that had been
inundated by the lagoon, was re-established when the level receded.

| 10/17.8.3Notice of Motion Breaching the Barways at the Entrance to our Coastal Lagoons Clr G 15

- Clr McGuinness tabled a report from NRM to all Councillors and drew attention to page 62
that an official opening of the lagoon each year has contributed to stability of the lagoon.
Clr McGuinness stated that he would prefer that Parks & Wildlife Services or Council did
this every year to protect the fore dune.
- Clr LeFevre stated that it is about being proactive not reactive. Open the lagoons after the
November long weekend and have them beautiful and clean by Christmas, so there is no
disease and plenty of fish back in there for the summer.
- Clr Drummond stated that it is her opinion that it is Parks & Wildlife Services that has
authority over lagoons and barways. The report is eight (8) years old and would like to see
something with a more current status.
- Clr Wright stated that she agrees with Clr Drummond that it is Parks & Wildlife Services
decision, we have had this bought forward before, it is for them to decide and discuss and
not the place of Council.
- Clr LeFevre stated that in light of Parks & Wildlife Services response last time that it could
interfere with the shorebirds, if it was done by Parks & Wildlife Services or Council the
shorebirds could be detoured and protected. Clr LeFevre thought Parks & Wildlife Services
would favour it being a controlled opening rather than done on its own or in the middle of
the night where the shorebird impact is not controlled.
- Clr McGuinness stated that he thinks Parks & Wildlife Services have overlooked other parts,
particularly with the aesthetics.


10/ Moved: Clr G McGuinness / Seconded: Clr B LeFevre

A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

That Council re-visit a previous motion with regard to breaching the bar ways at the entrance to
our coastal lagoons, by rewriting to Parks with renewed concerns. Correspondence from Parks
previously spoke of two (2) trigger points.

1. Health risks posed by elevated levels of coliform bacteria.

2. Risks to infrastructure such as roads.

FOR Clr J Tucker, Clr M Osborne, Clr G McGuinness, Clr B LeFevre, Clr M Tucker
AGAINST Clr J Drummond, Clr K Wright

| 10/17.8.3Notice of Motion Breaching the Barways at the Entrance to our Coastal Lagoons Clr G 16
10/17.8.4 Notice of Motion Design Foreshore Access Features Architectural
Trail Clr G McGuinness


A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

a. That the Break ODay Council (BODC) liaise with the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council (GSBC) with
regard to their project of engaging the Monash University architecture school to design
foreshore access features such as lookouts, paths, seating and toilets which together make up
an architecture trail from south to north. GSBC have commenced the project by approving the
"loo with a view" at Swansea.

b. That we investigate funding avenues in order to carry out a similar (long term) project in Break
ODay, so that the whole project forms a part of the Great Eastern Drive experience.

c. That we request Ross Brewin of Monash University to address Break ODay Council in a manner
similar to his talk to East Coast Tourism. This to take place as soon as he is available for a


Glamorgan Spring Bay Council has commenced a long term program with some similarities to a
project in Norway. The attraction is the unique architecture of simple utilities which is not only
attractive but extremely functional and environmentally friendly.


- Clr McGuinness stated that he would like to see this extended along the whole Great
Eastern Drive (GED). This gives tourists the opportunity to view our municipality with
functionality as well as aesthetics. People come to look at functional, environmentally
friendly things. There is cost involved, probably double but would be something for the

| 10/17.8.4Notice of Motion Design Foreshore Access Features Architectural Trail Clr G McGuinness 17

10/ Moved: Clr G McGuinness / Seconded: Clr J Tucker

A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

a. That the Break ODay Council (BODC) liaise with the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council (GSBC)
with regard to their project of engaging the Monash University architecture school to design
foreshore access features such as lookouts, paths, seating and toilets which together make up
an architecture trail from south to north. GSBC have commenced the project by approving the
"loo with a view" at Swansea.

b. That we investigate funding avenues in order to carry out a similar (long term) project in Break
ODay, so that the whole project forms a part of the Great Eastern Drive experience.

c. That we request Ross Brewin of Monash University to address Break ODay Council in a manner
similar to his talk to East Coast Tourism. This to take place as soon as he is available for a


10/17.8.5 Notice of Motion Council Takeover Staff and Infrastructure of Parks

& Wildlife in our Regional Area Clr J Tucker


A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

Break ODay Council to write a letter to the Minister asking if the Government could look at
Council taking over staff and infrastructure of Parks & Wildlife Services (PWS) in our regional area.

Included in the letter we could outline some examples of cost savings and better utilisation of

It would also need to be stated in the letter that Council would not want to manage the wildlife
section of Parks & Wildlife Services.


There is a huge opportunity to better utilise the resources of Parks & Wildlife Services and Council
by amalgamating the two (2) areas as mentioned above in the motion.

| 10/17.8.5Notice of Motion Council Takeover Staff and Infrastructure of Parks & Wildlife in our 18
Regional Area Clr J Tucker

- Clr J Tucker stated that our Parks & Wildlife Service infrastructure is not being properly
maintained. Our own Council staff could have undertaken work in some Parks & Wildlife
Services areas, ie Policemans Point Council staff were already up there grading Ansons Bay
Road and they could have kept grading into Policemans Point. There was probably
approximately 50 metres of road to be undertaken in Parks & Wildlife Services area. Clr J
Tucker stated that he thinks there are some cost efficiencies, and utilising staff and
resources from both Council and Parks & Wildlife Services. Clr J Tucker stated that he
doesnt think we need anything to do with the wildlife side.
- Clr Wright stated that she doesnt think you can separate Parks & Wildlife as it is a package.
The biggest issue is funding, where is this going to be funded from, staff expenses, etc. Are
we going to increase rates to cover the cost?
- Clr McGuinness stated that whilst he agrees with some of the sentiment behind the
motion, Council should have a very intense discussion at a Council Workshop prior to
coming back to Council.
- Clr Drummond stated that she has concerns regarding the amount of staff resources that
would be utilised for investigations for reports to come back to Council for some of these
motions that are fairly clear cut
- Clr LeFevre stated that the motion on face value worried him, he was thinking that it would
be seen that we wanted to take over elements of Parks & Wildlife Services. Clr LeFevre
stated that we hear that Parks & Wildlife Services are doing a good job considering staff cut
backs, and they are struggling due to being totally underfunded. Clr LeFevre stated that he
thinks that it needs to be really teased out at a workshop.
- Clr J Tucker stated that the Wildlife section is part of a branch within DPIPWE.


10/ Moved: Clr J Tucker / Seconded: Clr M Osborne

A report is sought providing advice in accordance with the requirements of Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the information of Council at a future meeting, and consider any advice
as required from relevant State Agencies:

Break ODay Council to write a letter to the Minister asking if the Government could look at
Council taking over staff and infrastructure of Parks & Wildlife Services (PWS) in our regional area.

Included in the letter we could outline some examples of cost savings and better utilisation of

It would also need to be stated in the letter that Council would not want to manage the wildlife
section of Parks & Wildlife Services.

| 10/17.8.5Notice of Motion Council Takeover Staff and Infrastructure of Parks & Wildlife in our 19
Regional Area Clr J Tucker
An amendment was moved:

10/ Moved: Clr G McGuinness / Seconded: Clr B LeFevre

That this item be presented at a Council Workshop for further discussion.


The amendment became the motion and was put to the meeting





Regulation 29 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 specifies that in putting a Question Without Notice a
Councillor must not offer an argument or opinion, draw any inference or make any imputations except so far as may be necessary to
explain the question.

The Chairperson must not permit any debate of a Question without Notice or its answer.

10/17.10.1 Scamander Playground - Clr M Osborne

When we looked at the playground at Scamander, have we looked at risk management issues with
the playground not being fenced being that it is so close to the water?


An informal risk assessment was undertaken incorporating the guidelines provided by Councils
insurer and on that basis it was determined that fencing is not required in the short term.

There is a plan for overall future development in the area and further consideration could be given
in that context.

Councils budget for the project was like for like and therefore new fencing has not been

| 10/17.10.1 Scamander Playground - Clr M Osborne 20

10/17.11.1 Mayors Communications for Period Ending 16 October 2017

27.09.17 St Helens Meeting with Inspector Michael Johnson, Tasmania Police

27.09.17 Four Mile Official Welcome to the Environmental Health Australia Annual State
Creek Conference at White Sands Resort
28.09.17 Swansea East Coast Regional Tourism Organisation (ECRTO) Annual General
29.09.17 St Helens Break ODay Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Annual General
02.10.17 St Helens Council Workshop
07.10.17 St Helens Meeting with Senator Duniam; John Tucker and Rodney Treloggen,
Rock Lobster Association
10.10.17 Bicheno Meeting with Representatives from the Bicheno Development
11.10.17 St Helens Northern Tasmania Development Corporation (NTDC) Meeting
15.10.17 Hobart Closing Ceremony Tasmanian Youth Government Conference
16.10.17 St Helens Council Meeting

10/17.11.2 Councillors Reports for Period Ending 16 October 2017

This is for Councillors to provide a report for any Committees they are Council Representatives on and will be
given at the Council Meeting.

St Helens and Districts Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Clr Barry LeFevre
No General Meeting since the last Council Meeting only the Annual General Meeting and Dave
Duggan was re-elected as President.

NRM Special Committee Clr Janet Drummond (Acting Chair)

No meeting since the last Council Meeting.

Barway Committee Clr John McGiveron

Working with MAST and other authorities to get this done as soon as possible.

Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) Clr Glenn McGuinness

Next meeting is in our area and we are going to visit the Wukalina Walk.
New Chair has been appointed Anne Greentree.
Last meeting was at Hamptons on the Bay with a presentation by Ross Brewin from Monash
There was a lot of discussion in relation to cruise ships.
Parks & Wildlife Services are undergoing a review of all fees.
Julia Fisher, Board member has been reappointed for a further term of two (2) years.
Best tourism figures in the state by a fair margin.

| 10/17.11.1 Mayors Communications for Period Ending 16 October 2017 21

Titley Shack & Binalong Bay Reference Group Clr Glenn McGuinness
The work Council has done out there re parking is looking really good.

Mental Health Action Group Clr Barry LeFevre

1. On 27 September the Acting General Manager, Mayor, Trish O'Duffy and Barry LeFevre met
with Grant Akesson from Primary Health Tasmania (PHT) for an update regarding Break O'Day
being selected as one (1) of the five (5) Tasmanian sites for the Commonwealth funded Suicide
Prevention Trial.

Approximately $3 million will be provided in total for the project to be shared amongst the five
(5) sites as PHT identifies.

Whilst the format and details of the trial are sketchy at this stage we do know it runs from the
beginning of 2018 to mid 2019.

Break O'Day has been asked to focus the trial on men in the 40-64 age range and men and
women 65 and older. As PHT move forward with the project we will be advocating for
improvements in services for all age groups, especially our youth.

On Wednesday 25 October we have another meeting where no doubt more information will be

2. Exciting news, training for our Community Champions begins on Monday 30 October with
Robert (Red) Parsons and Chris Scott being the first small community members to receive
training from Wendy French. After the training Red Parsons and Chris Scott will have their
legendary status enhanced even further.

3. Our Mental Health Days will be Tuesday 31 October at St Marys and Wednesday 1 November in
St Helens. Both events will be held at the town halls. All are encouraged to visit and become
involved. A special thank you to the organisers of the events.

4. Trish ODuffy and Barry LeFevre will speak on Star FM on Friday 20 October at 2.20pm about
Mental Health initiatives in Break O'Day.

Disability Access Committee Clr Janet Drummond

Meeting scheduled has been postponed.

| 10/17.11.2 Councillors Reports for Period Ending 16 October 2017 22

10/17.12.1 Corporate Services Department Report

FILE REFERENCE 018\018\001\


That the report be received.


The purpose of this report is to provide Councillors with an update of various issues which have
been dealt with in the Business and Corporate Service Department since the previous Council


- The Manager Corporate Services advised that he had nothing further to add.


10/ Moved: Clr J Drummond / Seconded: Clr K Wright

That the report be received.


10/17.12.2 Monthly Financial Report

FILE REFERENCE 018\018\001\


That the following reports for the month ending 30 September 2017 be received:

1. Trading Account Summary

2. Profit and Loss Statements
3. Financial Position
4. Cash Flow
5. Capital Expenditure


Presented to Council are the monthly financial statements.

| 10/17.12.1 Corporate Services Department Report 23


- The Manager Corporate Services advised that he has picked up a few anomalies eg
contractors #1971 is up about 41% of the annual budget, he looked into this and there are
a couple of one off payments eg bridge work and Blue Derby annual maintenance fees.
Also #1871 Profit & Loss Sale of Assets this is in the profit so nothing to be concerned


10/ Moved: Clr G McGuinness / Seconded: Clr M Osborne

That the following reports for the month ending 30 September 2017 be received:

1. Trading Account Summary

2. Profit and Loss Statements
3. Financial Position
4. Cash Flow
5. Capital Expenditure


Clr Osborne left the meeting at 10.52am

10/17.12.3 Visitor Information Centre Report

FILE REFERENCE 040\028\002\


That the report be received.


The purpose of this report is to provide Councillors with an update of various issues which are
being dealt with by the Visitor Information Centre.


- The Manager Corporate Services advised that he has nothing further to add.
- Clr LeFevre asked, what is happening with proposed pop up VICs on the street that was
proposed over 12 months ago. The General Manager advised that it became held up by the
development of the State Government strategy for visitor information which has now been
completed, there is nothing foreseeable on the horizon. Clr LeFevre asked whether the
staff and volunteers are aware of what is going on. The General Manager advised that they
are not as there is nothing to say at this stage as it is on hold.

| 10/17.12.3 Visitor Information Centre Report 24


10/ Moved: Clr J Tucker / Seconded: Clr J Drummond

That the report be received.


10/17.12.4 Audit Panel Receipt of Minutes

FILE REFERENCE 018\005\024\


That Council receive the minutes of the Audit Panel 18 September 2017 and the recommendations
of the Panel.


Councils Audit Panel meets every three (3) months and the minutes of each meeting are required
to be provided to Council.


- The Manager Corporate Services advised that he had nothing further to add.


10/ Moved: Clr K Wright / Seconded: Clr B LeFevre

That Council receive the minutes of the Audit Panel 18 September 2017 and the recommendations
of the Panel.


10/17.12.5 Review of LG46 Fraud Management and Control Public Policy and
Fraud Control Plan Procedure

FILE REFERENCE 002\024\001\


That Council adopt Policy LG46 Fraud Management and Control without amendment and receive
the amended Procedure LG46 Fraud Control Plan.

| 10/17.12.4 Audit Panel Receipt of Minutes 25


Council regularly reviews Policies and, if applicable, associated Procedures. Policy LG46 is now due
for review.


- The Manager Corporate Services advised that the Audit Panel did go through the policy and
procedure and agreed that it could be adopted without amendment.


10/ Moved: Clr J Tucker / Seconded: Clr J Drummond

That Council adopt Policy LG46 Fraud Management and Control without amendment and receive
the amended Procedure LG46 Fraud Control Plan.



10/17.13.1 Works and Infrastructure Report

FILE REFERENCE 014\002\001\


That the report be received by Council.


This is a monthly summary update of the works undertaken through the Works and Infrastructure
Department for the previous month and a summary of the works proposed for the coming month,
and information on other items relating to Councils infrastructure assets and capital works


- The Works Supervisor advised that the sealing of St Helens Point Road and Young Street
will be done this week. The job out at Parnella has been great, no complaints from
residents, etc and the contractors have been excellent.
- Clr McGuinness asked whether there was anything on the horizon for replacement of toilet
block at OConnors Beach. The General Manager advised that this would need to be asked
of the Building Services Coordinator.

| 10/17.13.1 Works and Infrastructure Report 26

- Clr J Tucker asked what is happening with Billy Taylor Pit. The Works Supervisor advised
that this is now with the EPA and Planning and there should only be a few weeks to go as
we are going from Level 1 to Level 2.
- Clr LeFevre stated that he drove to Ansons Bay and the road is outstanding, Clr LeFevre just
wanted to pass on his thanks to all the works staff for this.
- Mayor Tucker stated that the Works Supervisor needs to get someone to have a look at the
Ansons Bay Causeway apparently there seems to be some under scouring occurring.


10/ Moved: Clr G McGuinness / Seconded: Clr J Drummond

That the report be received by Council.


10/17.13.2 Animal Control Report

FILE REFERENCE 003\003\018\


That the report be received by Council.


This is a monthly update for animal control undertaken since the last meeting of Council.


- The Works Supervisor advised that he had nothing further to add.


10/ Moved: Clr B LeFevre / Seconded: Clr K Wright

That the report be received by Council.


Adjourned for morning tea at 10.59am

Meeting resumed at 11.12am
Clr Osborne returned to the meeting at 11.12am

| 10/17.13.2 Animal Control Report 27

10/17.14.1 Community Services Report

FILE REFERENCE 011\034\006\


That the report be received.


The purpose of this report is to provide Councillors with an update of various issues which are
being dealt with by the Community Services Department.


- The Manager Community Services advised that Councils request to extend the leased area
at Binalong Bay has been approved and is with the Minister for sign off.
- Clr Drummond asked in relation to the Multicultural Strategy where is this at? The
Manager Community Services advised that we will be looking at this now the Strategic Plan
has been adopted.


10/ Moved: Clr B LeFevre / Seconded: Clr M Osborne

That the report be received.


10/17.14.2 Request for Financial Contribution Disability Access Advisory Committee

FILE REFERENCE 018\015\001\


That Council provide a financial contribution in the sum of $250 to cover the cost of a first aid
information session which will be open for people to attend who have a disability.


The Disability Access Committee has the opportunity to engage with St Johns Ambulance to run a
first aid session for people with disabilities.

| 10/17.14.1 Community Services Report 28


No discussion took place on this item.


10/ Moved: Clr G McGuinness / Seconded: Clr J Drummond

That Council provide a financial contribution in the sum of $250 to cover the cost of a first aid
information session which will be open for people to attend who have a disability.



10/17.15.1 Development Services Report

FILE REFERENCE 031\013\003\


That the report be received.


The purpose of this report is to provide Councillors with an update of various issues which have
been dealt with by the Development Services Department since the previous Council meeting.


- The Building Services Coordinator advised that the solar panels at Portland Hall have been
completed and are operational, time will tell as far as the investment goes.
- Clr McGuinness asked what would the usage of Portland Hall be. The Building Services
Coordinator advised that the system far outweighs the usage so we will be putting back
into the grid quickly.
- Clr McGuinness asked whether there are any future plans for the replacement of toilets at
OConnors Beach? The Building Services Coordinator advised that the future plan would be
to have the bbq and toilet facility combined as per our current design. It is scheduled for
approximately 4-5 years time but would need to check, the proposal is to put the bbq in
the existing shelter. Clr McGuinness asked whether there would be any chance the toilet
block may be able to be moved sideways? The Building Services Coordinator advised that
we would need to look at the design, etc.

| 10/17.15.1 Development Services Report 29

- Clr Drummond asked in relation to the flood management meeting planned for December,
is this going to be more publicly advertised? The NRM Facilitator advised that the strategy
is for making it known is to create a big contact email list from the first session, and that
way people who are actively interested stay informed, we will also be utilising social media,
shop windows, newsletters, Valley Voice.


10/ Moved: Clr B LeFevre / Seconded: Clr K Wright

That the report be received.


10/17.15.2 Planning Approvals Issued


10/17.15.3 Building Services Approvals


10/17.15.4 Provision of Road Name Vince Lane



Council approve the street name for the currently un-named private road located at 608122E
5433207N, running south-east off Lyall Road, approximately 50m south-west of the Burgess Court
intersection with Lyall Road, Binalong Bay Vince Lane.


There has been no previous consideration by Council for this development.


No discussion took place on this item.

| 10/17.15.2 Planning Approvals Issued 30


10/ Moved: Clr G McGuinness / Seconded: Clr M Osborne

Council approve the street name for the currently un-named private road located at 608122E
5433207N, running south-east off Lyall Road, approximately 50m south-west of the Burgess Court
intersection with Lyall Road, Binalong Bay Vince Lane.


10/17.16.0 GOVERNANCE
10/17.16.1 General Managers Report

FILE REFERENCE 002\012\001\


That the General Managers report be received.


The purpose of this report is to provide Councillors with an update of various issues which are
being dealt with by the General Manager and with other Council Officers where required.


- The General Manager advised that he and the Mayor attended a meeting in Bicheno last
Tuesday regarding the proposed boundary adjustment on the southern boundary. The
Mayor and General Manager of Glamorgan Spring Bay Council were also in attendance
along with representatives from businesses and the communities of Bicheno and Coles Bay.
The focus was on the financial impact and what it meant. There were discussions around
service delivery and our approach and a question was raised as to whether there would be
a person located in Coles Bay. The General Manager explained Councils service delivery in
relation to the teams in the outdoor workforce. Capital works and the 4 year capital works
plan were discussed and the General Manager advised that work is undertaken on a needs
basis. Another question was asked in relation to the medical centre and whether Council
was involved in this, the General Manager advised that we would need to ensure the
community is properly serviced and that Council had previously fought strongly for services
in other communities. Discussions took place around rating as Glamorgan Spring Bay
currently have a flat rate, the General Manager advised that we can have differential rating
in an area, they were quite keen to maintain their current approach.

| 10/17.16.1 General Managers Report 31

- Mayor Tucker advised that he has had numerous telephone calls since the meeting and
they have all been very supportive. Glamorgan-Spring Bay Council are currently in the
process of voting in relation to whether there should be a merger or not, for this to
proceed the community need to vote for a merger or not. Mayor Tucker stated that the
response was extremely positive and thinks they may be inviting the General Manager and
himself and anyone else who would like to attend, to a public meeting with KPMG to
discuss the report.


10/ Moved: Clr B LeFevre / Seconded: Clr M Osborne

That the General Managers report be received.


10/17.16.2 Council Meeting Dates and Workshop Dates for 2018

FILE REFERENCE 014\001\022\


That the following dates and times be approved for Council Meetings and Workshops to be held in

Council Meetings Commencing at 10.00am Council Workshops Commencing at

Monday 15 January
Monday 19 February Monday 5 February
Monday 19 March Monday 5 March
Monday 16 April Wednesday 4 April
Monday 21 May Monday 7 May
Monday 25 June Monday 4 June
Monday 16 July Monday 2 July
Monday 20 August Monday 6 August
Monday 17 September Monday 3 September
Monday 15 October Monday 1 October
Monday 19 November Wednesday 7 November
Monday 17 December Monday 3 December


It is necessary to determine Council meeting dates prior to the commencement of the New Year.
The above dates are submitted for Councils consideration.

| 10/17.16.2 Council Meeting Dates and Workshop Dates for 2018 32


No discussion took place on this item.


10/ Moved: Clr M Osborne / Seconded: Clr G McGuinness

That the following dates and times be approved for Council Meetings and Workshops to be held in

Council Meetings Commencing at 10.00am Council Workshops Commencing at

Monday 15 January
Monday 19 February Monday 5 February
Monday 19 March Monday 5 March
Monday 16 April Wednesday 4 April
Monday 21 May Monday 7 May
Monday 25 June Monday 4 June
Monday 16 July Monday 2 July
Monday 20 August Monday 6 August
Monday 17 September Monday 3 September
Monday 15 October Monday 1 October
Monday 19 November Wednesday 7 November
Monday 17 December Monday 3 December


10/17.16.3 Acknowledgement of Country Recognition Statement

FILE REFERENCE 032\005\011\


1. That Council have a formal Welcome to Country performed by a representative of the

Aboriginal community at the Council Meeting immediately before NAIDOC week; and

2. That Council at each public Council meeting and public event/function/meeting/consultation

arranged by Council will include the Mayor or his delegate opening the meeting with an
Acknowledgement of Country recognition statement as follows:

"We would like to acknowledge the Tasmanian Aboriginals as the traditional custodians of the
land on which we meet today, and pay respect to the elders past and present."

| 10/17.16.3 Acknowledgement of Country Recognition Statement 33


This item was presented as a Notice of Motion at the August Council Meeting requiring a report to
be prepared and presented to Council for formal adoption.


- Clr J Tucker read from an article which was in The Australian from Councillor Jacinta
Nampijinpa Price an Alice Springs Councillor which was in relation to the date change of
Australia Day which Clr Tucker stated that he believes relates to why he will vote against
the motion.
- Clr Osborne stated that one thing has nothing to do with the other, we as a community are
recognising the traditional owners of our land, it is respectful, this is a way that we can
include everybody in our community, however Clr Osborne stated that she does agree with
some aspects of the article.
- Clr Wright stated that she agreed Clr Osborne.
- Clr Drummond stated that she agreed with Clr Osborne.
- Clr LeFevre stated that one thing he wont tolerate is an individualist. He was concerned at
the impact that if for some reason that this is forgotten at a meeting as a pure oversight.
- The General Manager stated that for formal Council events, functions, etc we have a
running sheet that covers a range of things and we will ensure that this is there to try and
avoid it being forgotten about.


10/ Moved: Clr K Wright / Seconded: Clr M Osborne

1. That Council have a formal Welcome to Country performed by a representative of the

Aboriginal community at the Council Meeting immediately before NAIDOC week; and

2. That Council at each public Council meeting and public event/function/meeting/consultation

arranged by Council will include the Mayor or his delegate opening the meeting with an
Acknowledgement of Country recognition statement as follows:

"We would like to acknowledge the Tasmanian Aboriginals as the traditional custodians of the
land on which we meet today, and pay respect to the elders past and present."

FOR Clr J Drummond, Clr M Osborne, Clr K Wright, Clr G McGuinness, Clr B LeFevre, Clr M
AGAINST Clr J Tucker

| 10/17.16.3 Acknowledgement of Country Recognition Statement 34

10/17.16.4 Nomination for Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT)

FILE REFERENCE 039\002\008\


In the event that President of the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT), Doug
Chipman is successful in the upcoming Legislative Council elections:

1. Council nominate Mayor Mick Tucker for the role of President of LGAT when and if
nominations are called by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission; and

2. That Council authorise the General Manager to vote on behalf of Break ODay Council for
Mayor Mick Tucker when and if required.


As reported recently in the media Mayor Doug Chipman, the current President of the Local
Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) is running in the division of Pembroke as an
Independent for the upcoming Legislative Council elections.


No discussion took place on this item.


10/ Moved: Clr M Osborne / Seconded: Clr B LeFevre

In the event that President of the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT), Doug
Chipman is successful in the upcoming Legislative Council elections:

1. Council nominate Mayor Mick Tucker for the role of President of LGAT when and if
nominations are called by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission; and

2. That Council authorise the General Manager to vote on behalf of Break ODay Council for
Mayor Mick Tucker when and if required.


Pursuant to Regulation 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 that Council move into
Closed Council.

Moved: Clr J Tucker / Seconded: Clr J Drummond: That Council move into Closed Council.

| 10/17.16.4 Nomination for Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) President 35
10/17.17.1 Outstanding Actions List for Closed Council

10/17.17.2 17 Grant Street, Fingal Tennis Court - Closed Council Item Pursuant
To Section 15(2)F Of The Local Government (Meeting Procedures)
Regulations 2015

Pursuant to Regulation 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 that Council move out of Closed Council.

Moved: Clr G McGuinness / Seconded: Clr B LeFevre: That Council move out of Closed Council.


Mayor Tucker thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at



| 10/17.17.1 Outstanding Actions List for Closed Council 36

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