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Humanities CMAJ


The cost of living: tracing the supply chain for superconductors

in MRI machines

one are the days when med-
ical museums collected and
displayed the contents of vin-
tage physicians bags. We now deal
with objects such as 20-tonne mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI)
machines. In 2005, the Canada Sci-
ence and Technology Museum
acquired a decommissioned Philips
Gyroscan S15 ACS MRI machine
from the Montreal Neurological Insti-
tute in Montral, Quebec.1 This was an
important acquisition because of the
institutes leading role in the develop-
ment and use of medical imaging, and
the rare opportunity to collect and pre-
serve an entire MRI system. Research-
David Pantalony

ing and cataloguing such a constella-

tion of components is not trivial, and
in this case has been complicated by a
lack of records and that the machine
included several parts deriving from The Philips Gyroscan S15 ACS was installed at the Montreal Neurological Institute in 1993.
between 1985 to 1993. My prelimi-
nary efforts, however, produced a sur- helium, creating an incredibly strong dard alloy of the growing superconduct-
prising glimpse inside the elaborate magnetic field. The patient is then ing industry, being used in diverse tech-
and revealing manufacturing world of placed in this field, whereby hydrogen nologies ranging from MRI machines to
modern medical technology. nuclei in the water of the patients body particle accelerators to the Maglev levi-
In researching the main magnet reorient their tiny magnetic fields to be tating train in Japan. Even though the
from 1993 (1.5 T Oxford Unistat, serial parallel to the applied magnetic field largest use of niobium has been for
no. 44480 07.93), I was led into an like iron filings in the presence of a bar strengthening steel alloys in automobiles,
exchange with staff at the Montreal magnet. These nuclear magnetic fields airplane parts and other common prod-
Neurological Institute, employees at the are then manipulated using short bursts ucts such as razor blades, its use in super-
makers of the main magnet at Oxford of radio waves to induce a current in conducting technologies has been sub-
Instruments in Oxford, England (now specialized antennae. Thousands of stantial and influential. Europes Large
owned by Siemens) and employees at these signals are then compiled and Hadron Collider, for example, has used
Philips Medical Systems in the Nether- computed into detailed MRI images of over 500 tons of NbTi wire for its giant
lands. Amidst these discussions, I soft (i.e., water-containing) tissues of magnets.
uncovered one intriguing technical fea- the patient. Where does all this niobium actually
ture of our particular magnet its use The key ingredient in the wire is the come from? Unfortunately, Oxford
of 36.9 km of niobiumtitanium (Nb rare metallic element, niobium (no. 41 on Instruments does not have purchase
Ti) wire for the large superconducting the periodic table). In the 1960s, scientists records to trace the complete supply
coil. This detail inspired me to follow discovered that niobium alloys demon- chain for the niobium used in our magnet
the supply chain of this exotic material. strated remarkable superconducting prop- from 1993, but reports from the time pro-
Superconducting wire is the core of erties; Oxford Instruments was the first vide a glimpse into the supply chain.3, 4, 5
magnetic resonance imaging. Electrical company to commercialize supercon- In 1993, most of the worlds supply
current passes through the NbTi wire ducting magnets.2 Over the next 45 years, of niobium (around 85%) came from a
that is immersed in ultracold liquid the NbTi combination became the stan- mine in Arax, Brazil, owned by

E762 CMAJ, August 9, 2011, 183(11) 2011 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors

Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e

Minerao, still the largest supplier
today. A smaller percentage (less than
10%) and the next largest supply, came
from a mine near Chicoutimi, Quebec.
The next step was the extensive pro-
cessing, refinement and production of
high-grade NbTi products such as
500-mm wire. In the early 1990s, one
of the worlds top producers of super-
conducting alloy was Teledyne Wah
Chang in Huntsville, Alabama (now
ATI Wah Chang), with additional com-
petition from H.C. Starck (Germany)
and Cabot Corporation (USA).
These NbTi products then pro-
ceeded to one of two companies, Oxford
Superconducting Technology in New
Jersey, or Vacuumschmelze in Ger-
many, which produced the highly puri-
fied and engineered composite filamen-
tary NbTi wire. The next stop was
Oxford Instruments in the United King-
David Pantalony

dom, where workers wound the special-

ized wire into a superconducting magnet
As I ventured further into the nio- This Philips 1.5 T Unistat magnet and tank, made by Oxford Instruments in 1993, is now
bium story in the 1980s and early in storage at the Canada Science and Technology Museum.
1990s, I discovered that each node of
the supply chain opened up with its bium coincides with abundant radioac- a new niobium production facility in
own fascinating context and controver- tive isotopes in nature. In Brazil, a recent Huntsville, Alabama. The issues related
sies. National security was one issue. study documented that niobium miners to Teledynes radioactive sludge went
American intelligence experts, for have been exposed to concentrated lev- to the Oregon Supreme Court.11
example, considered the Brazilian mine els of toxins and radiation in their work.8 Teledyne Wah Chang was also in the
to be a security concern. A report in There has also been a connection made news for ignoring radioactive waste in
1990 stated: The fact that such a high between increased amounts of radon its former tungsten plant.12 These past
percentage of columbium [an older produced during niobium mining and controversies pose a challenge for histo-
name for niobium] supplies to the increased cancer incidence.9 rians who must weigh them against
United States have their origins in one Substantial environmental issues are Wah Changs singularly impressive
small isolated area of Brazil must pose associated with processing and refining contributions to particle physics, med-
problems of vulnerability. In the total niobium. 1 0 In the 1980s and early ical physics and a recently announced
mineral portfolio of the United States, 1990s, Teledyne Wah Chang in experimental verification of relativity.13
this is the most extreme case of concen- Albany, Oregon (the location of the Environmental and health issues
tration 6 Because of this issue, inter- companys first niobium production have surfaced in Oka, Quebec where a
national suppliers sought niobium in site) was at the centre of a controversy major niobium source has re-emerged.
places such as the Democratic Republic involving radioactive sludge created I use the term re-emerge because the
of the Congo, which became a signifi- from its rare metal refining and pro- Oka mine was in fact one of the first
cant producer in the 1990s. Due to the cessing. There have been no studies of major sources of niobium in the 1950s
Congolese civil war, however, most of the long-term impact on the health of when it was called columbium and
this illicit blood mineral trade, which the local population, but the environ- praised as the jet engine metal and
fuelled war chests on all sides, was mental concerns forced the company to one of the miracle minerals spawned
(and still is) impossible to trace.7 (John improve their treatment of waste and by the atomic age.14 Today, the Oka
LeCarres 2006 novel, The Mission move operations to a location more mine has become a source of environ-
Song, centres around the blood min- favourable to superalloy production. In mental and First Nations disputes as a
eral issues in the Congo.) 1984, in the midst of a ballot measure Canadian company, Niocan Inc., seeks
Health has been another issue with (no. 9) in Oregon targeting and restrict- to reopen the mine to meet growing
radiation hazards posing problems for ing Teledyne Wah Changs sludge dis- world demand for this rare, nonrenew-
the miners and local populations. Nio- posal techniques, the company created able resource. One issue of contention

CMAJ, August 9, 2011, 183(11) E763

5. Papp JF. Niobium (Columbium) and tantalum.
is the inordinate amount of water cine and the dangers of certain proce- Minerals yearbook volume 1: metals and minerals.
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associated radioactive byproducts such scans,17 but little discussion about our Office; 2009.
6. Anderson E. Geography and corporate risk assess-
as radon which could pose dangers to growing demand for these images and ment. In: Roukis GS, Conway H, Charnov BH,
local residents, farms, water sources the real people, places and conditions editors. Global Corporate Intelligence: Opportuni-
ties, technologies and threats in the 1990s. West-
and miners.15 Some of the highest con- associated with their production. Inves- port (CT): Quorum Books; 1990. p. 245.
centrations of residential radon in tigating the supply chain for medical 7. Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal
Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other
Canada have been found in the Oka technology is a powerful tool for Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of
region attributed to tailings from the exploring unexpected connections the Congo. New York (NY): UN Security Council;
2001. Available: /dh/latest
former niobium mine (some homes in between our medical system and the /drcongo.htm. (accessed 2011 May 10).
Oka have measured 10 000 Bq/m3 [bec- larger, global economy we inhabit. 8. Julio LM, Melo DR, Sousa WO, et al. Exposure
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Curator incidence among workers exposed to radon and
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Bq/m3).16 Radon exposure has consis- Canada Science and Technology Environ Health 1985;11:7-13.
tently been linked to increased lung Museum 10. Gupta C.K, Suri AK. Extractive metallurgy of nio-
bium. Boca Raton (FL): CRC-Press; 1994. p. 141-2.
cancers, and a Health Canada report Ottawa, Ont. 11. (Teledyne Wah Chang v. Energy Fac. Siting Coun-
has stated that it is the second leading cil, 298 Or 240, 692 P2d 86 (1984).
The author acknowledges the assistance of 12. Saslow L. Old plant is linked to health threats. New
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In light of the issues raised above, it Dr. Ian Cameron, Ottawa Hospital, for his 13. Overbye D. 52 years and $750 million prove Einstein
becomes clear that the sleek and seem- technical clarification of MRI technology. was right. New York Times 2011 May 4;Sect A:21.
14. Photostory No NFB. 55: Columbium jet engine
ingly neutral presentation of MRI metal. Ottawa (ON): Courtesy of NFB Collection,
References Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography;
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the enormously complex material, man- looks at MR. Bothell (WA): Philips Medical Sys- 15. Moore L. Mine feud about to boil over. The Mon-
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2. Wood A. Magnetic venture: the story of Oxford 16. Tracy BL, Krewski D, Chen J, et al. Assessment
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