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Comprehensive Principles and Practice

Edited by
Bradford C.Dickerson, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Director, Frontotemporal Disorders Unit
Co-Investigator, Alzheimers Disease Research Center
Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA


Alireza Atri, MD, PhD

Instructor in Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Assistant in Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Director, Outpatient Memory Disorders & Dementia Units
Associate Director, Clinical, GRECC, ENRM VA Medical Center
Boston, MA

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dementia (Dickerson)
Dementia :comprehensive principles and practice / edited by Bradford C.Dickerson & Alireza Atri.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 9780199928453 (alk. paper)
I. Dickerson, Bradford C., editor of compilation. II. Atri, Alireza, editor of compilation. III. Title.
[DNLM:1. Dementia. WM220]
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To my mother and father, Jeannae and John Dickerson, who showed me the value
and joy of a lifelong love of learning; and my grandmother, Gladys Jastram, and my
great-grandmother, Tillie Sorensen, whose strength and kindness inspired me to try
to be compassionate in every interaction with patients and families.
Brad C. Dickerson

To my father Seyed Ali Atri, who showed me that giving is the greatest joy in
life and that optimism, resilience, and forgiveness are necessary choices; my uncle,
A.Hamid Ghodse, M.D., Ph.D., whose character, integrity, and humanity shine as
an eternal beacon to guide and emulate; and my aunt, Zahra Daneshmand, whose
unconditional kindness, generosity and love sustained and taught me what matters.
Alireza Atri

To all patients, families, caregivers, and colleagues who suffer from and continue to
battle these devastating conditions.
Brad C. Dickerson and Alireza Atri

Foreword ix 7. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy 160

Creighton H.Phelps Ann C.McKee
Preface xi 8. Frontotemporal Dementia 176
Bradford C.Dickerson
Contributors xvii
9. Primary Progressive Aphasia:
Part I.Functional Neuroanatomy ALanguage-Based Dementia 198
andCognitive Neuroscience Marsel Mesulam
10. Posterior Cortical Atrophy 208
1. Cognitive Functions and the David F.Tang-Wai, Alison Lake,
CerebralCortex 3 and Neill Graff-Radford
David Caplan
11. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral and Corticobasal Degeneration 220
Neurology of Subcortical Systems 32 Stephanie Lessig and Irene Litvan
Jeremy D.Schmahmann and
12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and
Deepak N.Pandya
Parkinsons Disease Dementia 231
3. Executive Control, the Regulation Hamet A.Hanaas, Baar Bilgi,
of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the and Murat Emre
Impactof Dementing Illness 71
13. Vascular Cognitive Impairment 260
Kirk R.Daffner and Kim C.Willment
Charles DeCarli
4. Memory Systems in Dementia 108
14. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and
Andrew E.Budson
Cognitive Impairment 274
5. Motor Programming Disorders Ellis S.van Etten, Steven M.Greenberg,
inDementia 126 andAnand Viswanathan
Kenneth M.Heilman
15. The Differential Diagnosis of
Rapidly Progressive and Rare
Part II.The Dementias:The Major
Dementias:AClinical Approach 291
Diseases and Clinical Syndromes
Jeremy D.Schmahmann
6. The Neuropathology of
16. Alzheimers Disease and
Neurodegenerative Dementias 145
Alzheimers Dementia 360
Etty P.Cortes Ramirez and
Alireza Atri
Jean-Paul G.Vonsattel

17. Mild Cognitive Impairment 432 23. Pharmacological Therapies for

Meredith Wicklund and Alzheimers Disease:Clinical Trials
Ronald C.Petersen andFuture Directions 563
Michael Rafii and Paul Aisen
18. Preclinical Alzheimers Disease 448
Reisa A.Sperling 24. Management of Agitation, Aggression,
and Psychosis Associated With
Alzheimers Disease 575
Part III.Assessment, Diagnosis, and Clive Ballard and Anne Corbett
Comprehensive Treatment:From 25. Management of Depression, Apathy,
Principles to Practice andSexualized Inappropriate
19. Dementia Screening and Mental Behaviorin Dementia 588
StatusExamination in Clinical James M.Ellison and
Practice 461 Cynthia T.Greywolf
Meghan B.Mitchell and Alireza Atri 26. Nonpharmacological Approaches
20. Neuropsychological Assessment to Managing Behavior Symptoms
of Dementia:ALarge-Scale inDementia 600
Neuroanatomical Network Sumer Verma
Approach 487 27. The Role of the Family in the Care
Sandra Weintraub andManagement of Patients With
21. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms Dementia 609
ofDementia 508 Licet Valois and James E.Galvin
Haythum O.Tayeb, Evan D.Murray, 28. Mental Competence and Legal
andBruce H.Price IssuesinDementia Care 622
22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Barry S.Fogel
Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing
inDementia 528 Index 639
Bradford C.Dickerson About the Editors 667

The concept of dementia, defined originally to the clinical presentation, diagnosis has
as without mind or madness, has existed been difficult for many clinicians. In recent
since ancient times. The term referred to many years guidelines for diagnosis have been
mental disorders, including schizophrenia, developed for many of the dementias
which was originally termed dementia praecox. caused by neurodegenerative diseases, and
Gradually dementia became more associated they have helped to distinguish among the
with old age and was often termed senility or various dementias. The diagnostic guide-
senile dementia and was considered by many lines for dementias due to frontotemporal
to be a normal consequence of the aging pro- lobar degeneration, Lewy bodies, vascular
cess. However, it became more apparent late changes, and Alzheimers-related patholo-
in the 19th century and early 20th century gies are discussed at length in this volume by
that many dementias occurred earlier in life respected experts. In addition, the American
and were presenile. Others were revers- Psychiatric Association has issued a new ver-
ible or sometimes preventable such as the sion of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
dementia caused by syphilis, if treated early. Mental Disorders (DSM-5) in which they pres-
In the mid-1970s Robert Katzman proposed ent neurocognitive disorders as major and
that presenile dementia and senile dementia minor, and have reclassified the dementias as
due to Alzheimers disease (AD) pathology major neurocognitive disorders.
very likely represented variations of the same In 2011, US President Obama signed the
syndrome differing only in age of onset. The National Alzheimers Project Act (NAPA),
term dementia as it is used now refers to pro- which prescribed the development of a
gressive and severe loss of cognitive abilities National Alzheimers Plan. To that end, a
that prevent affected persons from function- National Advisory Council on Alzheimers
ing normally in society no matter what their Disease was established and developed the
age or the underlying cause. Since AD is the plan, which was issued in May 2012 by the
most common form of dementia, research in Secretary of the Department of Health and
recent years has focused more on AD than Human Services. The United States is now
other dementias, even though they are some- one of about twelve nations that have issued
times closely related or even overlapping national plans. In addition, there are a num-
with AD. ber of subnational plans in various countries,
Because clinical differentiation among the including many state and provincial plans.
dementias is sometimes difficult in practice, The US National Plan, while focusing on
especially in early stages and, often, more Alzheimers disease, does include language
than one underlying cause may contribute addressing Alzheimers diseaserelated

dementias. To support implementation of done a superb job in bringing together a

the National Plan, the National Institutes of diverse set of experts to summarize current
Health (NIH), private foundations, and inter- thinking regarding underlying brain mecha-
est groups, as well as corporate groups, have nisms, including the spectrum of diseases and
sponsored a series of meetings to address syndromes resulting in dementia, assessment
various aspects of the plan. An Alzheimers and diagnosis, and care and management
Summit was convened by the National issues in all of its manifestations. With bet-
Institute on Aging (NIA) in 2012, where ter understanding of the basic pathobiology
scientific leaders gathered to develop rec- of the various neurodegenerative demen-
ommendations for how to implement the tias and the development of more sensitive
scientific directives in the national plan. In diagnostic tools such as better measurement
2013 the NINDS convened another meet- of subtle cognitive decline and the advent of
ing to address the related dementias result- biomarkers such as amyloid and tau imaging,
ing in another series of recommendations. the prospect for better diagnosis and treat-
Stemming from these recommendations, the ment of the dementias at earlier stages has
NIH has issued a series of new initiatives and never looked brighter.
milestones have been developed to measure
success in meeting these recommendations Creighton H.Phelps, PhD
with the goal of preventing and effectively Deputy Director, Division of Neuroscience
treating Alzheimers disease (and related Director, Alzheimers Disease Centers Program
dementias) by 2025. National Institute on Aging
This is an exciting time in dementia National Institutes of Health
research and the editors of this volume have Bethesda, MD

Dementia: Comprehensive Principles and illnesses become more prevalent. AD, the
Practice is a clinically oriented book that most common cause of dementia, is thought
has blossomed from the annual Dementia: to affect more than 5 million people in the
A Comprehensive Update continuing medical United States, nearly 1million people in the
education course offered by Harvard Medical United Kingdom, and similar numbers in
School. Now, in its eighteenth year in 2014, other developed nations. In 2010, low esti-
this 3- to 4-day course is organized by fac- mates for dementia-related costs accounted
ulty who specialize in the care of patients for greater than 1% of the world gross
with cognitive and behavioral disorders at domestic product. Without major cures,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham projectionsin the United States as well
and Womens Hospital, McLean Hospital, as globallyestimate potentially crippling
and Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans dementia-related costs for world economies
Administration Bedford Hospital. We are in the coming decades. But since the authors
also fortunate to include a number of inter- of chapters in this book are all clinicians,
nationally renowned guest faculty from other we look beyond statistics; the devastation
major institutions. This course was begun by wrought by these illnesses upon each patient
Drs. David Caplan, Jeremy Schmahmann, and family is immeasureable. Unfortunately,
and Kirk Daffner in 1997; we are immensely even today with growing public awareness,
indebted to all of them for their mentorship dementing illnesses often escape early diag-
as we enter our fourth year of codirecting the nosis and appropriate clinical care, adversely
course. Motivated by the care of our patients impacting the patients, their families and
and their families, and inspired by the inte- caregivers, health carerelated costs, and
grative review of these topics by faculty and public health in a variety of ways, as dis-
the thought-provoking discussions generated cussed in detail in the following pages.
with attendees and colleagues, we developed This book is designed to improve knowl-
this book by working with course faculty and edge about dementia and competence in its
selected additional experts. clinical management, hopefully translating
Why do we need another book on demen- into improved early detection, accurate diag-
tia? Alzheimers disease (AD) and other nosis, and compassionate comprehensive
dementias are increasingly recognized as a care. Written primarily for clinicians, this
scourge of our time. Few of us will be spared volume takes a multidisciplinary approach
the personal or professional effects of these to understanding dementia and is aimed
conditions. As medical care continues to toward neurologists, psychiatrists, geri-
lengthen life span, these largely age-related atricians, psychologists, nurse specialists,

internists, primary care physicians, social screening and the mental status exam by
workers, occupational therapists, clinical Mitchell and Atri; neuropsychological test-
pharmacists, research scientists, and other ing by Weintraub; the neuropsychiatry of
health professionals involved in the diag- dementias by Tayeb, Murray, and Price; and
nosis, management, and investigation of imaging and biomarkers in clinical diag-
disease states causing dementia. The orga- nosis by Dickerson. A thorough review of
nization of the book takes an integrative management issues concludes the volume
approach by providing three major parts that with chapters on future directions in phar-
(1)establish the neuroanatomical and cogni- macologic management of AD by Raffi and
tive framework underlying disorders of cog- Aisen; management of behavioral and psy-
nition and behavior, (2)provide fundamental chological symptoms of dementia by Ballard
as well as cutting-edge material covering and Corbett, and Ellison and Greywolf; non-
specific diseases associated with dementia, pharmacological approaches to symptom
and (3) discuss approaches to the diagnosis management by Verma; social service and
and treatment of dementing illnesses that caregiver/family-centered approaches by
are pragmatic and highly relevant to clinical Valois and Galvin; and medico-legal issues
practice. by Fogel.
Part I provides the basic cognitive and We hope that readers find value in not
anatomical foundation upon which the book only the cutting-edge discussions and
builds in subsequent sections. A conceptual evidence-based reviews of the literature by
framework of the functional and anatomi- leaders in the field but also appreciate the
cal organization of the cerebral hemispheres clinical wisdom conveyed by many highly
and their systems is provided by Caplan and experienced investigators and compassion-
Schmahmann, and then specific domains of ate clinicians. The topics relating to clinical
function are reviewed by Budson, Daffner, neurology, psychiatry, geriatrics, psychol-
and Willment, and Heilman, including mem- ogy, and neuroscience research discussed
ory, executive, and motor control systems of here directly bear on present and future
the brain. approaches to the diagnosis and manage-
Part II provides comprehensive reviews of ment of dementia. Specialists will find the
the major dementing diseases, starting with book to be an up-to-date reference work; gen-
Cortes Ramirez and Vonsattel on the neuropa- eralists will obtain valuable principles useful
thology of dementias and McKee on chronic in daily clinical practice; and trainees will be
traumatic encephalopathy. We then continue treated to a one-stop source for learning
with new clinical and basic science concepts the scientific basis of the field of dementing
of frontotemporal dementia and primary pro- diseases, and clinical methods and pearls on
gressive aphasia by Dickerson and Mesulam; how to effectively and compassionately care
posterior cortical atrophy by Tang-Wai, Lake, for patients and caregivers who are affected
and Graff-Radford; parkinsonian demen- by these highly challenging diseases.
tias by Lessig, Litvan, Hanagasi, Bilgic, Appropriate dementia care takes a vil-
and Emre; vascular dementias by DeCarli; lagea village of well-informed and inter-
and cerebral amyloid angiopathy by Etten, ested multidisciplinary clinicians and
Greenberg, and Viswanathan, concluding caregivers. We have endeavored in this book
with rare and rapidly progressive dementias to collate the essential and latest information
by Schmahmann. Finally, a comprehensive and tools to allow our colleagues to better
update is presented by Atri, Wicklund, and affect this comprehensive care in the relent-
Petersen, and Sperling on the AD spectrum less battle against the havoc wreaked by the
from dementia to mild cognitive impairment effects of the dementias. It is a battle that
and preclinical AD. This part contains a par- is not only worthy and noble but is also an
ticular emphasis on the highly contemporary imperative derived from our responsibilities
issues, including the new diagnostic criteria as clinicians to adhere to the principles of
for many of these disorders published in the medical ethics: nonmaleficence, beneficence,
last few years. autonomy, and justice. It is a battle, which
Part III concludes the book with chapters when properly waged, can allow major vic-
focusing on evaluation and management, tories in a small minority, minor victories
including a clinical approach to cognitive in the majority, and meaningful benefits by

ameliorating suffering in all. Until we can Joseph Locascio, Barbara Maxam, Dorene
cure, we will care and help in anyway we Rentz, Bruce Rosen, Janet Sherman, Chantal
can, and this book is part of our small contri- Stern, Nagagopal Venna, Liang Yap, Anne
bution to this ongoing effort. Young, Steven DeKosky, Rachelle Doody,
We greatly appreciate the work by our and Dan Mungas. Most important, for their
coauthors, who took time out from their love, support, and positive influences in our
usual activities to contribute to this volume. lives, we thank our families. Brad Dickerson
The efforts of Craig Panner and Marni Rolfes thanks Allison Berger, Molly Dickerson,
at Oxford University Press were invaluable Lilly Dickerson, Jeannae Dickerson, John
in helping us to transform the materials here Dickerson, Jim Dickerson, Sarah Dickerson,
from a course syllabus into the book you are Lewis Berger, Ileana Berger, and Stacie and
reading. Anumber of our friends and mem- the Siebrecht family. Alireza Atri thanks
bers of our laboratories were kind enough to his family and friends, particularly Natalie
provide expert assistance in reviewing and Atri, Taraneh Atri, Bijan Atri, Seyed Ali Atri,
editing drafts of chapters, especially Lynn Nasrin Daneshmand, Ali Atri, Erik, Karine,
(Lili) Shaughnessy, Meghan Mitchell, Steven Lukas and Caroline Alexander, Abbas Atri,
Shirk, and Jessica Dodd. More broadly, Mehrnaz Atri, Glen and Betsy Chatfield,
we thank our mentors whose guidance Wayne and Grace Chatfield, Wayne
and encouragement provided formative D.Chatfield, Ramin and Homa Daneshmand,
influences on our thinking and approach Zahra Daneshmand, Tim Duffy, Hamid,
to patient/family care. Brad Dickerson Barbara, Hossein, Nassrin and Ali-Reza
extends special thanks to the following men- Ghodse, Mansour, Shahnaz, Ellie and Arie
tors and colleagues: Tony Phelps, Sheryl Farahabadi, James Ford, Jessica Ford, Ian
Williams, Bill Greenough, Theresa Jones, Fullmer, Andrew Kayser, Jennifer Harris,
Leyla deToledo-Morrell, Frank Morrell, Jeff and Brenda McConathy, Sally Miller,
Marsel Mesulam, Sandy Weintraub, Martin Tracey and Jeff Milligan, Mahin Moeinazad,
Samuels, Marilyn Albert, Reisa Sperling, Mary Norman, Homa, Vahid and Hamid
Kirk Daffner, Deborah Blacker, Brad Hyman, Noshirvani, Michael Opre, Tahereh Shirvani,
John Growdon, David Caplan, Bruce Price, and Abbas Taheri. We also thank each other
Merit Cudkowicz, Bruce Rosen, Janet for the inspiration, encouragement, and wise
Sherman, Dorene Rentz, Keith Johnson, counsel during this processthe process
Barbara Maxam, Diane Lucente, Rudy and product would not have been nearly as
Tanzi, Matthew Frosch, Bruce Miller, Bill fun or fruitful without the balance, motiva-
Seeley, David Wolk, Lisa Feldman Barrett, tion, and support we provided each other.
and Anne Young. Dr. Dickerson also thanks Last but not least, we acknowledge, with
Liz and George Krupp for their generous great humility, a deep gratitude for the privi-
support. Ali Atri offers special thanks the lege of being entrusted, by thousands of our
following mentors and colleagues: John patients, their families and caregivers, the
Growdon, Reisa Sperling, Martin Samuels, awesome responsibility of counseling and
Daniel Lowenstein, John Engstrom, Cheryl caring for them. We have learned immensely
Jay, Joseph Martin, James Sneyd, Carol from listening and caring for you, and will
Newton, David Caplan, Jang-Ho Cha, unfailingly carry forth this inspired legacy
Merit Cudkowicz, Kirk Daffner, Steven to help others, regardless of their circum-
M. Greenberg, Fran Grodstein, Michael stances, to live their lives better and to dili-
Hasselmo, Albert Hung, Michael Irizarry, gently work towards treatments andcures.
Human beings are members of a whole,
In creation of one essence and soul,
If one member is afflicted with pain
Other members uneasy will remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
The name of human you cannot retain
Saadi Shirazi (Persian/Iranian poet, 11841283)

No man is an island, entire of itself...

Any mans death diminishes me, because Iam involved in mankind;
and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee
John Donne (English poet, 15721631)

To cure sometimes
To help often
To console always
Medical proverb of unknown originhas been attributed
to several physicians including Trudeau, Pare and Hippocrates
Hippocrates (Greek physician, 460370 b.c.)

Paul Aisen, MD Andrew E.Budson, MD

Director, Alzheimers Disease Professor of Neurology
CooperativeStudy Boston University School of Medicine
Professor, Department of Neurosciences Boston University Alzheimers DiseaseCenter
UC San Diego School of Medicine Department of Neurology
San Diego, CA Associate Chief of Staff
VA Boston Healthcare System
Alireza Atri, MD, PhD Lecturer on Neurology
Instructor in Neurology Harvard Medical School
Harvard Medical School Boston, MA
Assistant in Neurology
Massachusetts General Hospital David Caplan, MD, PhD
Director, Outpatient Memory Disorders & Professor of Neurology
Dementia Units Harvard Medical School
Associate Director, Clinical, GRECC Director, Cognitive Behavioral NeurologyUnit
ENRM VA Medical Center Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA Boston, MA

Clive Ballard, MD, MRCPsych Anne Corbett, PhD

Professor of Age-Related Diseases Lecturer in Dementia Research Communications
Wolfson Centre for Age Related Diseases Wolfson Centre for Age Related Diseases
Kings College London Kings College London
London, UK London, UK

Baar Bilgi, MD Etty P.Cortes Ramirez, MD

Associate Professor of Neurology Assistant Director
Istanbul University NewYork Brain Bank
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimers
Department ofNeurology Disease and the Aging Brain
Behavioral Neurology and Movement College of Physicians and Surgeons
Disorders Unit Department of Pathology and Cell Biology
Istanbul, Turkey Columbia University Medical Center
and the NewYork Presbyterian Hospital
NewYork, NY

Kirk R.Daffner, MD James E.Galvin, MD, MPH

J. David and Virginia Wimberly Professor Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry
ofNeurology Nutrition and Population Health
Harvard Medical School Director of Clinical Operations
Chief, Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Comprehensive Center on Brain Aging
Neurology & Director Director, Pearl Barlow Center for Memory
Center for Brain/Mind Medicine Evaluation and Treatment
Brigham and Womens Hospital Alzheimer Disease Center
Boston, MA NewYork University Langone School
Charles DeCarli, MD, FAAN NewYork, NY
Professor of Neurology and Director of
Alzheimers Disease Center Neill Graff-Radford, MBBCh
Department of Neurology Professor of Neurology
University of California at Davis Department of Neurology
Sacramento, CA Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Jacksonville, FL
Bradford C.Dickerson, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology Steven M.Greenberg, MD, PhD
Harvard Medical School Professor of Neurology
Director, Frontotemporal Disorders Unit Harvard Medical School
Co-Investigator, Alzheimers Disease Research Director, Hemorrhagic Stroke
Center ResearchProgram
Tom Rickles Endowed Chair in Primary John J.Conway Endowed Chair inNeurology
Progressive Aphasia Philip Kistler Stroke Research Center
Department of Neurology Department of Neurology
Massachusetts General Hospital Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA Boston, MA

James M.Ellison, MD, MPH Cynthia T. Greywolf, DNP-PMHNP, BC

Associate Professor of Psychiatry Assistant Professor & AGNP Program Director,
Harvard Medical School Department of Nursing
Director, Geriatric Psychiatric Program University of Hawaii at Manoa
Department of Psychiatry School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
McLean Hospital Honolulu, US
Boston, MA
Hamet A.Hanaas, MD
Murat Emre, MD Professor of Neurology
Professor of Neurology Istanbul University
Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Neurology
Department ofNeurology Behavioral Neurology and Movement
Behavioral Neurology and Movement Disorders Unit
Disorders Unit Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Kenneth M.Heilman, MD
Ellis S.van Etten, MD The James E. Rooks Jr. Distinguished Professor
Philip Kistler Stroke Research Center of Neurology and Health Psychology
Department of Neurology University of Florida College of Medicine and
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard GRECC-Malcom Randall VAMC
Medical School Gainesville, FL
Boston, MA
Alison Lake, OT
Barry S.Fogel, MD University Health Network Memory Clinic
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Department of Occupational Therapy
Harvard Medical School University Health Network
Brigham Behavioral Neurology Group Toronto, Canada
Brigham and Womens Hospital
Boston, MA

Stephanie Lessig, MD Deepak N.Pandya, MD

Associate Professor, UCSD Neurosciences Professor
Acting Chief of Neurology Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
VA Medical Center San Diego Boston University School of Medicine
UC San Diego Boston, MA
Department of Neurology
San Diego, CA Ronald C.Petersen, MD, PhD
Cora Kanow Professor of Alzheimers Disease
Irene Litvan, MD Research
Tasch Endowed Professor in Parkinson Disease Director
Research Mayo Alzheimers Disease Research Center
Director of the Movement Disorders Program Division of Behavioral Neurology
UC San Diego Department of Neurology
Department of Neurosciences Mayo Clinic
San Diego, CA Rochester, MN

Ann C.McKee, MD Bruce H.Price, MD

Professor of Neurology and Pathology Associate Professor of Neurology
Boston University School of Medicine Harvard Medical School
Director of Neuropathology Chief, Department of Neurology
NE VA Medical Centers McLean Hospital
Center for the Study of Traumatic Boston, MA
Alzheimers Disease Center Michael Rafii, MD, PhD
Departments of Neurology Medical Director, Alzheimers Disease
Pathology Cooperative Study
Boston University School of Medicine Director, Memory Disorders Clinic
Boston, MA Assistant Professor
Department of Neurosciences
Marsel Mesulam, MD Director, Residency Program
Ruth Dunbar Davee Professor of Neuroscience, UC San Diego School of Medicine
Neurology and Psychology San Diego, CA
Northwestern University Feinberg School
ofMedicine Jeremy D.Schmahmann, MD
Director Professor of Neurology
Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimers Disease Harvard Medical School
Center Director, Ataxia Unit
Chicago, IL Director, Laboratory for Neuroanatomy and
Cerebellar Neurobiology
Meghan B.Mitchell, PhD Cognitive Behavioral Neurology Unit
Neuropsychologist, Geriatric Research, Department of Neurology
Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) Massachusetts General Hospital
ENRM Bedford VA Hospital Boston, MA
Research Fellow
Department of Neurology Reisa A.Sperling, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA Director, Center for Alzheimer Research
Evan D.Murray, MD Department of Neurology
Instructor in Neurology Brigham and Womens Hospital
Harvard Medical School Massachusetts Alzheimers Disease
Assistant in Neurology ResearchCenter
McLean Hospital/Massachusetts Harvard Aging Brain Study
GeneralHospital Department of Neurology
Director Massachusetts General Hospital
Traumatic Brain Injury Service Boston, MA
Manchester VA Medical Center
Manchester, VA

David F.Tang-Wai, MD Jean-Paul G.Vonsattel, MD

Assistant Professor of Neurology and Professor of Pathology
Geriatric Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons, and
Division of Neurology Department of Pathology and Cell Biology
Department of Medicine Director
Co-Director NewYork Brain Bank
University Health Network Memory Clinic Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimers
University of Toronto Disease and the Aging Brain
Toronto, Canada Columbia University Medical Center
and the NewYork Presbyterian Hospital
Haythum O.Tayeb, MBChB, FRCPC NewYork, NY
Assistant Professor and Consultant in
Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, and Clinical Sandra Weintraub, PhD, ABPP-CN
Neurophysiology Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology and
Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz Psychology
University Director, Clinical Core
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Northwestern Alzheimers Disease Center
Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimers Disease
Licet Valois, LMSW, MPS Center
Comprehensive Center on Brain Aging Northwestern University Feinberg School
Departments of Neurology, Psychiatry ofMedicine
Nursing, Nutrition and Population Health Chicago, IL
NewYork University Langone Medical Center
NewYork, NY Meredith Wicklund, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Sumer Verma, MB, BS, MD University of Florida
Associate Clinical Professor Psychiatry Gainesville, FL
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston,MA Kim C.Willment, PhD
Medical Director, Alzheimers Program Instructor in Psychology
Briarwood Healthcare and Rehabilitation Department of Psychiatry
Center Brigham & Womens Hospital and
Needham, MA HarvardMedical School
Boston, MA
Anand Viswanathan, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School
Philip Kistler Stroke Research Center
Department of Neurology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA
Figure1.1 Color constancy. The color patches in the top and bottom figures are the same but are matched
differently across the left and right rectangles as a function of the color of the background.

(A) (B)


n sea
Reaction time


Pop-out search

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Set size
Figure1.18 Conjunction and pop-out search. In both A and B, the task is to determine whether a red circle is
present. In A, the target is defined as the feature in red; in B, the target is defined by the conjunction of red and
circle. In C reaction time is shown for correct detections of present stimuli as a function of set size, consistent with
parallel search not requiring serial deployment of attention in A and requiring serial deployment of attention in B.
Figure1.19 Cartoon of location of the major cognitive systems in the lateral human cortex.

8 3 5
6 1 7
9 2
40 19
10 46 41 39
45 44 18

47 52 22 42 17
11 37 19
38 21


6 4 2
9 24
23 31
10 33 30 19
12 27 29 18
11 25 17
34 35
36 19 18
38 28 37


Hetermodal Association
Figure3.1 Divisions of the frontal lobe. Figure adapted from Mesulam (1986).
+18 4 VLPFC +48


HT TP lateral
PAG parietal

+4 +6 pre-SMA



Red-yellow: Salience Blue: Executive

Figure3.3 Salience and executive control networks revealed through intrinsic connectivity mapping. Image
adapted from Seeley etal., 2007.


MT Ins
5 3 3 5
z-score functional connectivity
Dorsal attention network Ventral attention network
Figure3.4 Dorsal and ventral attention networks. Image adapted from Corbetta & Shulman (2011).
motor area
Basal ganglia

temporal lobe

Semantic memory
Procedural memory
Working memory

Figure 4.9 Semantic, Procedural, and Working Memory. The inferolateral temporal lobes are important in the
naming and categorization tasks by which semantic memory is typically assessed. However, in the broadest
sense, semantic memory may reside in multiple and diverse cortical areas that are related to various types of
knowledge. The basal ganglia, cerebellum, and supplementary motor area are critical for procedural memory.
The prefrontal cortex is active in virtually all working memory tasks; other cortical and subcortical brain regions
will also be active, depending on the type and complexity of the working memory task. In addition to being
involved in procedural memory, the cerebellum is also important for the motoric conditioning. (From Budson
and Price, 2005; permission granted by the New England Journal of Medicine.) (See color plate section)

(A) (B)

Figure6.4 Hallmarks of Alzheimers disease neuropathology:(A) neuritic plaques (about 180m in diameter;
each one replaces an estimated 106 synapses and about 100 neurons). The centrally located core is made up
of aggregates of amyloid-, which results from incomplete degradation of a trans-membrane protein present
in nerve terminals called amyloid- precursor protein (APP). The gene for APP is located on chromosome 21.
(B) Neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer and neuropil threads (argyrophilic neurons and threads) consist of
intracellular accumulation of paired helical filaments caused by the hyperphosphorylation of tau. Tau protein is a
phosphoprotein that binds to and promotes polymerization and stability of microtubules. The tau gene is located
on chromosome 17. (Bielschowsky silver stain; original magnification, 630)
(A) (B)

Figure6.5(A) Formalin fixed, lateral aspect of the left half brain of a 53-year-old patient with frontotemporal
lobar degeneration (classical Picks disease). Note the prominent circumscribed atrophy involving the frontal
lobe, rostral temporal lobe, and the inferior parietal lobule. Although atrophic, the pre- and postcentral
gyri, the caudal two thirds of the superior temporal gyrus, and occipital lobe are relatively preserved. (B)
Microphotograph of Pick body containing pyramidal neurons of the third layer of the motor cortex. Pick bodies
are argyrophilic, are labeled with AT8 antibodies directed against phosphorylated tau, or with antibodies
directed against ubiquitinated proteins. They are not labeled with antibodies directed against -synuclein
aggregates, which is in contrast to Lewy bodies. (Bielschowsky silver stain; original magnification, 400)

Figure6.8 Lewy body (brainstem type) is usually round, 830m in diameter, and consists of a cytoplasmic,
hyaline core with or without concentric lamellar bands, and with a peripheral, pale halo. These two Lewy body
containing neurons are from the nucleus coeruleus. One of them has two round Lewy bodies (lower left). The
other has a somewhat bilobulated Lewy body with a visible, basophilic, and dark core (upper right). (LHE stain;
original magnification, 630)
(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F) (G)

Figure7.2 Distinctive pattern and morphology of tau immunoreactive neurofibrillary pathology in chronic
traumatic encephalopathy. (A) Tau immunoreactive neurofibrillary degeneration is often most striking at depths
of the sulci accompanied by focal thinning of the cortical ribbon (AT8 immunostain, original magnification, 60).
(B) Subpial tau immunoreactive tangles are found in both neurons and astrocytes (double immunostained section
for GFAP [red] and AT8 [brown] showing colocalization of tau and GFAP [arrow]; original magnification, 350).
(C) Extremely dense NFTs and neuropil neurites are found in the medial temporal lobe structures, including
CA1 of the hippocampus, shown here. Senile plaques are absent (AT8 immunostain, original magnification,
150). (D) NFTs and astrocytic tangles tend to be centered around small blood vessels and in subpial patches
(AT8 immunostain, original magnification, 150). (E) NFTs characteristically involve cortical layers II and III in
association with clusters of tau-positive astrocytic processes (AT8 immunostain, original magnification, 150).
(F)NFT in a Betz cell of primary motor cortex (AT8 immunostain, original magnification, 350). (G) There is often
a striking perivascular clustering of NFTs around small blood vessels (AT8, original magnification, 150).



Figure7.3 How the p-tau pathology of chronic traumatic encephalopathy is distinctive from Alzheimers disease.
(Top row) Alzheimers disease:Double immunostained sections for A (red) and PHF-1 (brown) show diffuse,
relatively uniform cortical distribution of NFTs preferentially involving laminae III and V, without accentuation at
depths of sulci. Small blood vessels at sulcal depths show no clustering of neurofibrillary pathology perivascularly.
There is also no clustering of neurofibrillary pathology in subpial or periventricular regions. (Bottom row) Chronic
traumatic encephalopathy:Sections immunostained for AT8 showing irregular cortical distribution of p-tau
pathology with prominent subpial clusters of p-tau astrocytic tangles, focal accentuation at depths of sulci, and
distribution of NFTs in superficial cortical laminae I-III. Small blood vessels at bottom of cortical sulcus show
prominent perivascular distribution of astrocytic tangles and NFTs (AT8). Double immunostained section for A
(red) and PHF-1 (brown) (center panel) shows dense NFTs without A deposition.
(A) (B) (C)

100 m 100 m

(D) (E) (F)

100 m

Figure7.4 The phosphorylated TDP43 pathology of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). (A, B, D, and E)
Dense pTDP-43 abnormalities are found in the cerebral cortex of stage IV CTE. (C) Dense pTDP-43 pathology
in substantia nigra pars compacta. (F) Pronounced pTDP-43 immunopositive pathology in the periventricular
region of the third ventricle. (All images:50m tissue sections; all scale bars, 100m)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure7.5 The axonal pathology of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). (AC) Phosphorylated
neurofilament staining (SMI-34) in cerebral white matter of stage III CTE shows marked reduction in axonal
staining and numerous large, irregular axonal varicosities. Asmall arteriole shows marked infiltration with
hemosiderin-laden macrophages (asterisks). (D) Luxol fast hematoxylin blue-stained section of white matter
shows brisk astrocytosis, loss of myelinated fibers, and macrophages around vessel (asterisk). (10m tissue
sections; scale bars:100m)
(A) (D)

(B) (E)

(C) (F)

Figure 8.1 Tau pathology in a case of classical Picks disease prominently affects neuronal and glial cells in
gray matter (A, labeling with AT8 [phosphorylated tau] immunohistochemistry) and also usually demonstrates
prominent abnormalities in white matter (B, labeling with AT8 immunohistochemistry) of frontal and temporal
cortices, including the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, with sparing of primary cortices particularly Heschls
and calcarine cortex (C, absent labeling with AT8 immunohistochemistry). The hippocampus (D, low-power
hematoxylin and eosin stain) also classically shows dense, smooth-contoured rounded cytoplasmic inclusions
in granule cells of the dentate gyrus (E, high-power hematoxylin and eosin stain), which are labeled with AT8
immunohistochemistry (F).
(A) (B)

RH - Lateral

Figure8.3 A58-year-old man presented with behavioral symptoms (including apathy, impulsive eating) and
executive dysfunction. (A) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated bilateral (right greater than left)
frontal, temporal, and parietal atrophy, quantified with a map of cortical thickness compared to controls. (B)
Fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) showed prominent bilateral (right greater than left)
frontal and temporal hypometabolism. This man was found to have a Q300X (premature termination) mutation
in GRN. He exhibited a 5-year clinical course from first symptoms to death. Postmortem examination revealed
the expected TDP-43 pathology.

(A) Right Left (B)

Left, Lateral

Figure8.4 A59-year-old man presented with behavioral symptoms (including loss of empathy, aggression, lack
of insight), executive dysfunction, and word-finding difficulties. Shortly thereafter he developed dysarthria and
dysphagia and was found to have clinical evidence of motor neuron disease with bulbar predominance (tongue
weakness, fasciculations, lip weakness, as well as mild shoulder weakness and fasciculations with lower extremity
hyperreflexia and extensor plantar responses). Electromyography showed sharp waves, fibrillation potentials, and
fasciculation potentials in cervical, thoracic, and lumbar myotomes with long-duration, high-amplitude polyphasic
potentials with reduced recruitment and rapid firing. (A) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated
bilateral (left greater than right) frontal atrophy, quantified with a map of cortical thickness compared to controls.
He exhibited a 3.5-year clinical course from first symptoms to death. (B) Postmortem examination revealed the
expected TDP-43 pathology (TDP-43 immunohistochemistry of dentate gyrus of hippocampus).
(A) (D)




Figure8.5 A50-year-old man presented with unilateral dominant hand apraxia and depression without
rigidity, alien hand syndrome, or eye movement abnormalities, followed shortly by executive dysfunction,
word-finding difficulty, and memory loss. The initial neuroimaging examination revealed markedly asymmetric
dominant hemisphere fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) hypometabolism (A, B, C,
left column) and atrophy (A, B, C, right column) extending from perirolandic and dorsal parietal cortex (A) into
perisylvian cortex (B) and ventral temporal cortex (C) with relative preservation of frontal cortex and striatum.
His symptoms progressed to include marked upper extremity apraxia with the eventual development of rigidity,
aphasia, dysarthria, episodic and semantic memory impairment, compulsive behavior, impulsive eating, and
agitation. Along with the progression of symptoms, atrophy progressed from (D) parietal and posterolateral
temporal over a 4-year interval to include (E) ventral and anterior temporal, insular, and posterior frontal cortex.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Left Lateral

Figure8.6 The 50-year-old man described in Figure8.5 exhibited an 8-year clinical course from first symptoms
to death. Despite (A) the clear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of initial perirolandic and
parietotemporal atrophy (left greater than right), quantified with a map of cortical thickness compared to controls
with (B) postmortem support for these gross findings, histological examination revealed (C) Pick bodies and (D)
tau immunoreactive pathology consistent with pathological Picks disease.

1 2 3 4 8.98

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 2.99

13 14 0.00
Figure10.2 Positron emission tomography (PET) scan of a fourth patient with posterior cortical atrophy
demonstrating parietal and occipital hypometabolism.

(A) (B)

Figure14.1 Pathologic appearance of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. (A) Amyloid deposits replace media and
smooth muscle cells causing thickening of the vessel wall (hematoxylin& eosin; original magnification, 20). (B)
Immunoperoxidase staining for amyloid- peptide showing circumferential staining of leptomeningeal blood
vessels (original magnification, 20). (Images courtesy of Dr.Matthew P.Frosch, MGH)
(A) (B) (C)

0 1 2 3 4

Figure17.4 Fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Axial section of FDG-PET scans in a cognitively normal individual (A) and individuals with MCI (B) and
dementia (C). Red indicates the greatest areas of metabolism, while blue and black are the least. FDG-PET
hypometabolism is a marker of neuronal injury and dysfunction. Bilateral temporoparietal hypometabolism is
noted in MCI (B, white arrows) and even more so in dementia (C, white arrows) due to Alzheimers disease and
is indicative of an increased rate of progression from MCI to dementia.

(A) (B) (C)

0 2 4

Figure17.5 Amyloid imaging in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Axial section of PiB-PET scans in a
cognitively normal individual (A) and individuals with MCI (B) and dementia (C). PiB is a positron emission
tomography (PET) tracer useful for detecting amyloid deposition in the brain. Brain areas where amyloid is
absent appear blue; brain areas with the greatest tracer uptake appear red, while areas with less tracer uptake
appear green or yellow. Amyloid deposition of the white matter, but not gray matter, is seen in cognitively
normal individuals, creating a clear contrast in radioactivity between gray and white matter (A, short arrow).
When amyloid is deposited in the cortices, as occurs in MCI (B, long arrow) and dementia (C, long arrow) due
to Alzheimers disease, diffuse reduction or loss of the normal gray-white contrast is noted. Amyloid deposition
occurs early in the pathological cascade and before development of symptoms, creating relatively similar
distribution and concentration of deposition between the MCI and dementia subjects.
Abnormal A
Tau-mediated neuron injury and dysfunction
Brain structure
Clinical function
Biomarker magnitude

Cut points
Cognitively normal MCI Dementia
Clinical disease stage
Figure17.6 The evolution of biomarkers in the Alzheimers pathological cascade. With the early deposition
of amyloid in the pathological cascade, corresponding biomarkers (low cerebrospinal fluid [CSF], A declines,
and positive amyloid imaging) are detected before the development of clinical symptoms. Following this, there
is a sequence of events characterizing neurodegeneration where evidence of brain dysfunction can be measured
through CSF tau levels or fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). As memory and clinical
function decline, structural changes of the brain are noted on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MCI, mild
cognitive impairment. (Reprinted from The Lancet Neurology, Vol. number 9, Clifford R Jack, David S Knopman,
William J Jagust, Leslie M Shaw, Paul S Aisen, Michael W Weiner, Ronald C Petersen, John Q Trojanowski.
Hypothetical model of dynamic biomarkers of the Alzheimers pathological cascade, pages 119128. Copyright
(2010), with permission from Elsevier)

Amyloid- accumulation (CSF/PET)
Synaptic dysfunction (FDG-PET/fMRI)
Tau-mediated neuronal injury (CSF)
Brain structure (volumetric MRI)
Clinical function

Preclinical MCI Dementia

Clinical disease stage

Figure18.2 Hypothetical model of dynamic biomarkers of Alzheimers disease (AD) expanded to explicate
the preclinical phase:A accumulation detected by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) A42 assays or positron emission
tomography (PET) amyloid imaging. Synaptic dysfunction evidenced by fludeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET or
functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with a dashed line to indicate that synaptic dysfunction may
be detectable in carriers of the 4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) prior to detectable A deposition.
Neuronal injury evidenced by CSF tau or phospho-tau. Brain structure by structural MRI. Biomarkers change
from maximally normal to maximally abnormal (y axis) as a function of disease stage (x axis). The temporal
trajectory of two key indicators used to stage the disease clinically, cognition and clinical function, are also
illustrated. MCI, mild cognitive impairment. (Figure adapted with permission from Cliff Jack [Jack etal.,2010])
Right Left


Figure 22.3 Computational neuroscience now offers methods to quantify aspects of brain structure from
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. The left image depicts cortical thickness measurement from a
T1-weighted MRI scan. The right image shows a map of the areas in yellow and red where the cerebral cortex is
thinner in a group of mild Alzheimers disease dementia patients compared to controls.

Figure22.6 In mild Alzheimers disease, cortical glucose metabolism is typically reduced in the
temporoparietal region, as well as posterior midline and orbitofrontal regions. This now classic finding is
useful clinically in differential diagnosis and may be valuable as an imaging biomarker for early detection of
the metabolic signature of the disease in patients with minimal or no symptoms. This figure shows the largest
reduction in metabolism in yellow, with lesser reductions in red hues from a single patient with mild AD,
displayed on that patients cortical surface as reconstructed from the anatomic magnetic resonance image. Areas
without color exhibited normal metabolism compared to age-matched cognitively intact individuals.

(A) (B) (C)

Figure22.7 Fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) can be very useful in the clinical
evaluation of patients with dementia, particularly for the differentiation of Alzheimers disease (AD) versus
frontotemporal dementia (FTD). (A) Cognitively normal older adult; (B) mild AD dementia patient; (C) mild FTD
dementia patient. (Images courtesy of Dr.Keith Johnson, Massachusetts General Hospital)
(A) (B)

Figure22.8 Amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is revolutionizing dementia research. Pittsburgh
compound B (PiB) scan of (A) a cognitively intact 74-year-old adult demonstrates nonspecific binding (negative),
while a scan of (B) a 73-year-old patient with mild Alzheimers dementia shows robust signal throughout multiple
cortical areas (positive). (Images courtesy of Dr.Keith Johnson, Massachusetts General Hospital)

(A) (B)

Figure22.10 Case 1.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) often
provide a reasonably convincing set of biomarkers in early-onset or atypical dementia patient evaluations. In
this 39-year-old woman with familial dementia initially thought to be frontotemporal dementia, (A) an MRI
scan showed relatively mild medial temporal lobe atrophy but prominent bilateral parietal atrophy, and (B) a
fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) scan showed prominent bilateral temporoparietal
hypometabolism, supporting the diagnosis of Alzheimers disease (AD). She was later found to carry a PSEN1
mutation and ultimately was determined to have AD pathology at autopsy.



Figure22.11 Case 2.Serial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans 3years apart show rapid progression of
frontotemporal atrophy in this 31-year-old man who died of frontotemporal dementia at age 33. (A) Aseries of
coronal FLAIR MRI images demonstrates left greater than right temporal lobe atrophy at a time when symptoms
were clearly present but overall function was mildly impaired. (B) Asimilar series of coronal T1-weighted MRI
images demonstrates marked progression of frontal, insular, and temporal atrophy with parietal involvement
at a time when the patient was minimally communicative and dependent for most activities of daily living.
(C) Postmortem histology demonstrated neuronal and glial cell loss with prominent tau immunohistochemical
abnormalities (left), including Pick bodies (middle). The hematoxylin and eosin stained sections (right) also
clearly demonstrated cellular inclusions typical of Pick-type tauopathy.

(A) (B) (C)


CSF tau level

Figure22.12 Case 3.Biomarkers in a 54-year-old woman with mild cognitive impairment with a clinical
presentation suggestive of frontotemporal dementia. (A) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a hint of
hippocampal atrophy unilaterally but was otherwise normal. (B) Fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
(FDG-PET) demonstrated bilateral (left greater than right) temporoparietal hypometabolism suggestive of
Alzheimers disease (AD) pathobiology. (C) Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers were strongly consistent with AD
Part I

Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive

Neuroscience of Dementia

Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex

David Caplan

This chapter presents a brief overview of Cognitive Functions

human cognitive functions and the organi-
zation of the cerebral cortex that supports Overview
them. It begins with a discussion of cognitive
functions and then discusses their neural Like many terms, the word cognitive has
basis. It is focused on cortical organization an intuitive meaning for most educated lay-
and mentions subcortical mechanisms only persons and professionals, but it is hard to
briefly; Chapter2 discusses the contribution say exactly what it means or refers to. This
of subcortical mechanisms and white mat- chapter begins with a descriptive overview of
ter connectivity to cognition and behavior cognition in an attempt to place it in a frame-
in greater detail. The discussion in this chap- work of factors that affect human behavior,
ter is at the systems level. Molecular and and to say something about what it is.
genetic processes that underlie the cognitive One place to start is with the observation
processes described here are only mentioned that cognition determines aspects of behavior
in relation to organizational features of the in a way that differs from how other factors
cortex. do. Afairly standard view of how cognition
Though the presentation is not clinically affects behavior is through propositional
oriented, the material presented here has attitudesbeliefs (propositions) that consti-
direct clinical applications as discussed else- tute the contents of attitudes (e.g., desires),
where in this book. To the extent that cog- also called belief/desire psychology. Many of
nitive functions are localized, the regional us take it for granted that believing something
topography of different diseases associated is true is being in a cognitive state. Consider
with dementia, and progressive changes believing the proposition that a train from
in the topography of neurodegenerative or Boston to New York leaves South Station
other lesions over time, produce characteris- at 9:14. That belief might affect behavior in
tic deficits that are critical to diagnosis and the following way. A person wants to go to
evolution of symptoms. From the point of NewYork and also believes that it will take
view of management, understanding the cog- 90 minutes to wash, get dressed, have coffee,
nitive deficits that give rise to symptomatol- and to get to South Station. The combination
ogy is essential to formulating an approach to of beliefs about departure time, prepara-
monitoring of the effects of treatments. tion time, the need to leave a margin for the

4 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

unexpected, and so on leads the person to the the concept TABLE and the concept TABLE
conclusion that, in order to satisfy the desire, represents real tables. Put somewhat more
she should get up at 7:15. This leads to the formally, it is possible to evaluate whether
behavior of setting an alarm clock for 7:15. the use of table to refer is satisfied by a
Contrast this way of affecting behavior particular item. The word table also enters
with other determinants of behavior, such as into computations that retain the informa-
biological states (e.g., being hungry) and emo- tion table conveys, based upon its form
tional states (e.g., being sad). Biological states (not based on what it represents). The rules
lead to behaviors that one might characterize of language allow the word table to be
as resetting biological parameters:being hun- modified by the word red, itself a repre-
gry leads to eating, and being sleepy leads to sentation of the concept of the color red, to
sleeping. Emotions affect what are here called produce the phrase red table, a representa-
attitudes. Being sad (or happy) may affect tion that retains a connection to both redness
your desire to go to NewYork. Neither bio- and tables. This view of representations is the
logical states nor emotions affect behavior by one expressed in Fodor (1998); readers famil-
constituting the content of beliefs or by deter- iar with Turings (1936) work will recognize
mining the relations between the contents his seminal idea of the computational roles of
of beliefs that enter into the chains of logic items being determined only by their syntac-
and association that underlie the relation of tic properties.
beliefs to behaviors. Emotions may affect the The second way of defining/describing
formation of beliefs (e.g., if a person is afraid cognitive processes is as processes that oper-
of dogs, he may find it harder to believe that ate on categories. A category is a substan-
Fido is harmless), but they do not constitute tive (as opposed to logical) term in a theory
the content of beliefs. of some domain (i.e., understanding of the
These intuitions suggest that there are dif- workings of that domain). Lightning is a
ferent types of forces that affect behavior, category because it is a substantive term in
but they do not provide a general answer to a theory (i.e., in a persons understanding)
the question of what cognitive processes are. of climate.1 Seeing a flash of light as a bright
One way to put the question is: What is it white irregular form is a sensory response to
about a belief that makes having one being in a particular stimulus, but seeing a flash of
a cognitive state, as opposed to an emotion, light as a lightning bolt is an act of perceptual
being affected by which does not put one in identification that categorizes the sensory
a cognitive state? One possible answer is that information. What makes categories special
cognitive processes are processes that oper- is that we know things about them that we
ate on representations. The second is that can exploit for other purposes. Having per-
cognitive processes are processes that oper- ceived a flash of light as a lightning bolt, a
ate on categories. Although both of these def- person knows a lot about the event, and
initions/descriptions may be inadequate in this knowledge can result in behavior in the
part because they may not delineate a set of same way as what was described previously
processes that fall together in a justifiable tax- regarding setting an alarm. A person can
onomy of psychological/neurological states think lightning is a prelude to rain; I will
and processes, they will nonetheless frame count the seconds until I hear thunder and
the discussion because they provide insight know when rain will start, which will lead
into elements of cognition. to taking cover at a particular time.
A representation is an expression that has These definitions/descriptions of repre-
two components: It conveys information sentation and category have some desirable
about something else, and it is possible to features. For instance, the description of rep-
perform operations on it that preserve the resentations excludes items such as smoke as
information that it conveys. In philosophi- a representation of fire, or rings of a tree as
cal terms, it is semantically evaluable (it is representations of the age of the tree. These
possible to determine its reference, exten- items are semantically evaluable (smoke and
sion, truth) and it enters into a computational tree rings convey information about fire and
system by virtue of its syntactic features. tree age, respectively, with some degree of
For instance, a word is a representation. Put reliability), but they do not enter into com-
very informally, the word table represents putational systems based on their forms. The
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 5

description of cognitive processes as operat- information. They operate in sets that con-
ing on categories as defined draws a line at stitute perceptual, motor, memory, and
points that seem reasonable. For instance, if language systems. Control operations set pri-
the output of on-center off-surround retinal mary operations into action, stop and inhibit
ganglion cells can be described as a circle, them, and shift the mind/brain to other
and circle is a category in theories of object operations. Control and primary operations
recognition, the process of transforming the work in tandem on a time scale of at least
output of rods and cones to the output of reti- hundredths of a second.
nal ganglion cells is cognitive.2 This would Covering all cognitive systems, or even
imply that operations that occur very early in one in any depth, is not possible. The opera-
the perceptual process and some that oper- tions of the system that recognizes objects
ate very late in motor execution are cognitive. will be outlined next as an example of a pri-
This seems to be a perfectly reasonable con- mary cognitive system; then a simple task
clusion, insofar as it allows many operations will be described in which object recognition
that are part of specific cognitive domains is required to illustrate the nature of control.
to be considered cognitive. However, not
all operations are cognitive:Transduction of
energy at sensory receptors is not a cogni- Perceptual Identification, Recognition,
tive process, even though it is the first step andCategorization of Visually
in a process that eventuates in categories, PresentedObjects
because the output of a receptor is not itself
a category.3 When compared to other cognitive processes
This effort to define cognition likely (e.g., thinking logically, making decisions
raises more questions than it answers, but it about major life issues, writing a paper), per-
may be useful to review some of the consid- ceptual identification and categorization of
erations that arise when we try to determine visually presented objects appear to be very
what we mean by the term; this introduces simple. However, this process is more com-
concepts such as representation, category, plex than one might think, and it illustrates
and computation based on formal properties how complex even the simplest cognitive
of an item that are ubiquitously associated processes are. The description that follows
with cognitive functions. outlines the major aspects of this process.
Moving on from these abstract consider- The process of perception of visually pre-
ations to actual practice, the term cognitive sented objects begins with transduction of
is applied to a wide set of functions. A par- light by cones and rods in the retina. This
tial list includes the abilities to categorize first step has two properties that determine
elements in the world, to relate categories to much of the process of perceptual iden-
one another, to consciously retrieve events tification. The first is that visual features
and facts from memory, to reason, to com- of the object are segregated at the visual
municate, to set criteria for acting, to plan receptors: Cones are sensitive to color and
actions, and to estimate and monitor the con- rods are not; this requires that later opera-
sequences of ones actions on the physical tions integrate these separated visual ele-
and social world. Cognitive processes rank ments into a single item. The second is that
among the most important of the determi- a three-dimensional object in the world is
nants of human behavior, are the most impor- projected onto the two-dimensional retinal
tant factor in determining the success of the surface; this requires that later operations
human species as a whole, and are arguably reconstruct the three-dimensional object
the most important factor in determining the from its two-dimensional projection.
success of the individual in his or her social Neurologically, the separation of visual
setting in modern industrial and postindus- features of objects continues through lateral
trial societies. geniculate, visual koniocortex (V1), and uni-
At the psychological level, we can distin- modal visual association cortex, in the selec-
guish two main types of cognitive opera- tive sensitivity of magno- and parvo-cellular
tions: primary and control operations. neurons, blobs, interblobs, and other ana-
Primary operations are the basic processes tomically identifiable groupings of neurons.
that activate, transform, store, and retrieve Visual features are derived from complex
6 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Figure1.1 Color constancy. The color patches in the top and bottom figures are the same but are
matched differently across the left and right rectangles as a function of the color of the background.
(See color plate section)

interactions of sets of neurons. Lines, for objectstwo-dimensional reconstructions

instance, result in part from topographic pro- of the objects that produce retinal responses.
jections of retinal on-center-off-surround and A large number of mechanisms have been
off-center-on-surround neurons onto lateral proposed to apply at this stage of processing
geniculate nucleus and from topographic on the basis of physiological and psychologi-
projections of neurons in lateral geniculate cal studies. Examples of mechanisms are the
nucleus onto individual neurons in V1, and Gestalt laws of closure, proximity, good con-
in part from sensitivity of V1 neurons to tinuation, and others (Fig.1.2) and the use of
first derivatives of luminance (see Fig. 1.1). texture to produce shape (Fig. 1.3), of shad-
Perceived color results from integration of ing to produce contour (Fig.1.4), of angles to
the wavelength of the attended item with produce surfaces (Fig.1.5), and of completion
wavelengths throughout the visual field. to produce shape (Fig. 1.6). In one model, a
Figure1.1 shows patches of identical colors, critical aspect of this process is the activation
which are matched differently depending of a limited set of basic shapes (geons) that
upon the color of their context. This integra- are constituents of objects (Fig.1.7).
tion of local wavelength with wavelengths in Retinotopic objects are situated in retinal-,
a broader part of the visual field is the rea- head-, and body-centered coordinates, and
son that colors are perceived in environments are therefore useful for navigation and manip-
such as jungles, in which most of the light ulation. However, they need to be related
is in the green portion of the spectrum. It to items in long-term memory to access the
requires integration of retinal receptors with rich array of information that a viewer has
cortical neurons, hence the name retinex about the object. Most theories maintain that
theory (Land, 1974). accessing this information includes a step of
Features such as lines, color, and tex- activating an object-centered visual represen-
ture are regrouped into retinotopic tation of the object, known as its structural
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 7

Proximity Closure

Good Continuation

a c

d b
Figure1.2 Gestalt principles of proximity, closure, and good continuation. Dots spaced closer
together are seen as lines; lines that form closed shapes are seen as related; lines that are slowly
curved (a-b; c-d) are seen as continuous, while lines that form sharp angles (a-c; b-d) are not.

description. Astructural description can be elongation and distinctive visual features are
thought of as the equivalent, in the domain displayed, and that objects displayed in other
of visual object recognition, of a long-term projections are mentally rotated to match
memory of the form of a word. Just as it is these canonical representations (Fig. 1.8)
necessary to recognize a written or spoken (Humphreys & Riddoch, 1987).
item as a word to access the meaning and Structural descriptions must be sufficiently
other features of that word, it is necessary general to allow visually different items of
to recognize the form of a visually presented the same sort to be perceptually identified as
object to access other features of that object. instances of the same type of an object, and,
This process may be called perceptual at the same time, sufficiently constraining
identification. to exclude items that are similar but not of
There is considerable debate about what the same sort. For instance, each snowflake
structural descriptions of objects consist of. is unique and the structural description of a
Neuropsychological data have been inter- snowflake must be sufficiently broad to allow
preted as suggesting that structural descrip- all snowflakes to be mapped onto it but also
tions are idealized object-centered depictions sufficiently constraining to stop items with
of objects in a canonical projection in certain similarities to snowflakes from being
which the principal axes of symmetry and recognized as snowflakes (e.g., tiny paper

Figure1.3 Shape derived from texture cues. The picture shows a camouflaged flounder.
8 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia


0 deg

Figure1.6 Completion of shape. The

boundaries of the perceived triangle are largely
35 deg physically absent.

to access the concept from visually presented

instances (in this respect it differs from the
form of a word, which is not part of the
concept that it allows access to). Activating
70 deg a structural description is the step in the
visual process that maps visually presented
items into concepts. It is also the last purely
Figure1.4 Depth derived from shading. visual step in that process; further processing
deals with properties of concepts that are not
purely visual.
snowflake cutouts). In models in which there
Accessing a concept from its structural
is a single structural description for an object,
description can be called object recogni-
that memory must be an abstract schema that
tion. Although object recognition is closely
specifies possible visual properties of objects.
related to perceptual identification, there
No matter how they are represented, struc-
is neuropsychological evidence that it is a
tural descriptions are distinguished from one
separate step in processing (Humphreys &
another in a way that corresponds to object
Riddoch, 1987). Patients with apperceptive
categories, which depend on the way a per-
agnosia have a variety of problems map-
son divides the world into concepts. Astruc-
ping visual items onto structural descriptions
tural description is one aspect of an object
(Fig.1.9). In contrast, patients with associa-
conceptan object-centered schema or amal-
tive agnosia have trouble describing features
gamation of its visual featuresthat is used
of objects despite being able to activate struc-
tural descriptions (as evidenced, for instance,
by being able to match different instances of
an object, or an object presented from differ-
Intersection of ent viewpoints).
three surfaces Object recognition unlocks the door leading
to information about the object concepts that
structural descriptions are part of. Recognizing
a visually presented item as a car informs the
viewer about items that are likely to be in cer-
tain locations within the percept (a transmis-
sion under the hood; seats behind a steering
wheel), functional properties of the percept
(it will move in certain ways under certain
conditions), social and utilitarian properties
Intersection of
two surfaces of the percept (its cost; its role in commuting),
One visible and others. Several features of these proper-
surface ties are worth noting. First, some of them are
Figure1.5 Surfaces derived from angles. visual, and some are not; some psychologists
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 9

(A) Geons (B) Objects

1 2 3 4
4 5 6


7 8 9 8


10 11 12 4


Figure1.7 Postulated geons and their relation to shapes of objects.

Figure1.8 Cartoon of a structural description of a stepladder, showing orientation invariance.

10 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Failed to name
(A) (B)

(C) (D)


Drawing from memory

Figure1.9 Integrative agnosia. The patient could not name objects in A. Copy (B) is focused on
visually salient features that are misinterpreted with respect to the object. Drawing from memory
(C) is excellent. The deficit lies in perceptual identification of visually presented objects.

believe there are separate semantic memory may not be part of a persons concept of cars.
systems for visual and nonvisual features of This last point leads to a discussion of what
objects (Paivio, 1986). Second, none of these concepts are (note that the ideas of concepts,
features are part of the structural description categories, and word meanings are highly
of a car; they are all accessed through a struc- related).
tural description, according to the model pre- Thinking on the part of clinically oriented
sented. Third, any one of these features may or neurologists about concepts, and the related
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 11

question of the meaning of words, has been properties of a concept) are those that are
heavily influenced by British empiricist phi- individually necessary and jointly sufficient
losophy, which emphasized the associations to classify an item in a category (Aristotle,
between information derived from differ- 1995). This formulation encounters a major
ent sensory modalities in forming a concept problem in practice:The features that are nec-
(Geschwind, 1965a, 1965b). Though there is essary and sufficient for a concept are hard
no agreement about the answer to the ques- to determine. For natural categories, we can
tions What are concepts? and What are turn to experts in the relevant science, but sci-
word meanings?, the philosophical and psy- ence is always incomplete. For human-made
chological literature clearly shows that the items, it is even less clear what these features
view of concepts and word meanings as com- are. Thousands of years of study have failed
binations of perceptual and motor features is to identify such features for almost any non-
too narrow, for two reasons. natural concept (Wittgenstein [1921/1961]
First, concepts are not just combinations of famously discussed the concept game).
features in instances of a concept that have Many alternatives to the Aristotelian view
been experienced, since we can classify new have been proposed (see Margolis and
instances as falling under a concept. It may be Laurence [1991] for readings). One com-
the case that a person has only encountered monly invoked alternative is that concepts
tables made of wood, or tables that cost less are determined by prototypes, whose fea-
than $3,000, but his or her concept of tables tures are not necessarily necessary and suf-
need not include the property made of ficient to determine a concept but are typical
wood or costs less than $3,000; these can be of items that fall under the concept. The idea
considered to be incidental properties of tables that concepts are determined by a prototypi-
that he or she has experienced. Concepts are cal instance and a metric that determines the
counterfactually supporting:If conditions x1 distance of any item from the prototype in a
xn instantiate a concept, the concept would be multidimensional space accounts for a great
instantiated if conditions x1xn occurred, even deal of psychological data regarding recogni-
if those conditions never could occur. If light tion and memory of items. It does, however,
rays could be manipulated to allow objects to have significant limitations. The most impor-
come to a stable position on a surface paral- tant limitation is that prototypes of concepts
lel to the ground (and if something that allows do not combine to form other concepts. The
objects to come to a stable position on a sur- prototypical fish for most Americans is per-
face parallel to the ground is a table), a table haps a trout, perch, salmon, or some other
could be made of light rays (the problem with medium-sized fish; the prototypical pet is a
making a table out of light rays is not that the dog or a cat; but the prototypical pet fish is a
concept of a table does not allow it to be made goldfish or another small fish that survives in
out of light rays, but that light rays cannot be a glass bowl, not the combination of a trout
manipulated in the required way). and a dog. Fodor (1998) has argued that no
Second, concepts are delineated in terms of existing theory answers the question of what
intentions. Tables serve the function of allow- a concept is; in his view, concepts are what-
ing objects to rest on them, but an object is ever the mind locks or resonates to when
not a table simply because it allows objects to presented with prototypical instances. This
rest on it; it requires the intention on some- view serves a number of philosophical pur-
ones part that it be used that way. A tree poses in his work, but it clearly leaves many
stump is not a table unless someone intends basic questions unanswered.
to use it as one; a table can be a desk (and Whatever they are, concepts are related
vice versa) depending on intentions. Fodor to one another. The concept DOG is related
(1998) noted in connection with the concept to the concept ANIMAL by inclusion, to the
to paint, that if you dip a paintbrush into a concept TAIL by possession, and to the con-
jar of paint and apply the paint to a wall with cept FRIEND by association. Tulving (1972)
the intention of painting the wall, you have introduced the concept of semantic mem-
painted the wall but you have not painted the ory to describe a long-term memory system
paintbrush. that contained the organized knowledge a
Aristotle proposed that the set of properties person possess[es] about words and other
that constitutes a concept (i.e., the essential verbal symbols, their meaning and referents,
12 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

about relations among them, and about rules, intentionality: We see (i.e., perceptually
formulas, and algorithms for the manipula- identify) objects that are visually presented
tion of these symbols, concepts and rela- instances of concepts, which require inten-
tions (p. 386). Concepts can be thought of tion. Once we have perceptually identified
as nodes in a network of associations and an object, we activate the concept it is part of
rule-related information in semantic memory. (what is here called recognition) and often
One aspect of the network within which a categorize it. The concept and its higher level
concept is located that has received consid- categorization then can be used in other cog-
erable attention is its hierarchical structure. nitive processes.
Placing a concept within this hierarchy is The way perceptual identification, recogni-
one aspect of categorization. Concepts can be tion, and categorization of visually presented
categorized at various levels of a hierarchy; objects works is true of all primary cogni-
for instance, Tibetan Terriers are dogs, which tive processes. What differ across cognitive
are mammals, which are animals. For many domains are the specific categories that are
concepts, there is a basic level of catego- activated and the operations whereby this
rization, characterized by items at this level is achieved. Perception of spoken language,
inheriting relatively few features from the for instance, involves activation of catego-
items above them, transmitting many fea- ries such as the sound /b/, the syntac-
tures to the items below them, having con- tic structure called noun phrase, and the
siderable overlap in physical features with discourse-level structure called topic; none
other items at the same level, being the most of these categories are activated when peo-
frequently referenced items in the hierarchy ple identify objects on the basis of the their
that includes them, and other properties. visual properties. As we have reviewed in
For example, most people consider dog to visual object recognition, domain-specific
be the basic level in the hierarchy Tibetan categories are activated by specialized
Terrierdogmammalanimal. subroutines. In the case of language, such
The basic level is relevant to percep- subroutines range from mapping acoustic
tual identification: Most people recognize waveforms onto linguistically relevant fea-
instances of dogs as dogs, not as species. tures of sounds through recognizing the form
However, expertise can change the basic of a sentence and the content of a discourse.
level, with effects on perceptual identifi- The extent to which the subroutines in differ-
cation and object recognition (Tanaka & ent cognitive domains apply the same basic
Gauthier, 1997). The effect of expertise is to mechanisms to different categories is a topic
promote subordinate levels of the hierarchy of study (Anderson etal., 2004).
to basic-level concepts. Since perceptual iden-
tification activates structural descriptions of
basic-level categories, which differ as a func- Control
tion of expertise, what people with different
levels of expertise see differs. Most peo- Processes such as those described previously
ple would see a Tibetan Terrier as a dog. in the area of visual perception are subject to
My wife and Iown Tibetan Terriers and are control. Control processes set goals, set cri-
experts on what they look like, and, for us, teria for success, deploy attention to input,
Tibetan Terrier is the basic-level category in choose operations to accomplish goals, plan
the hierarchy Tibetan Terrierdogmam- sequences of operations and inhibit other
malanimal. My wife and I see Tibetan sequences, and select responses. Control
Terriers as Tibetan Terriers and can spot one operations differ from the basic processes
at 100 paces. reviewed before inasmuch as they do not
A relatively simple cognitive system has operate on a representation or a category
been outlined in this section, showing sev- themselves. Rather, they initiate, termi-
eral of its features. One is that, from the very nate, and enhance processes, such as those
first, the appearance of simplicity is deceiv- described previously, that do.
ing; early aspects of object perception, such Basic processes do not operate normally
as color perception, are themselves com- or, in many cases, do not operate at all, with-
plex processes. A second is that the process out the involvement of control processes.
is shot through and through with effects of This applies even to very early perceptual
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 13

operations. For instance, perceptual identi- allows one to detect and respond to stimuli),
fication and object recognition do not take selective attention (focusing on one of several
place, or, at least, do not take place normally, if stimuli), sustained attention (retaining atten-
an object is not attended (see Wolfe & Bennett tion on one item), divided attention (focus-
[1997], for evidence that unattended objects ing on more than one item at a time, and/
are perceived as feature bundles, not as or switching from deploying attention to
objects). Phenomena such as change blind- one item to deploying attention to another),
ness (failure to notice a difference between and specialized attention processes such as
two images that are identical except for one visually directed attention. The processes
change) provide evidence that items that are of setting goals, setting criteria for success,
unattended are not registered in memory. choosing operations to accomplish goals,
Classic experiments using dichotic listen- and other control processes have also been
ing (playing different sounds to each ear) modeled in ways that include multiple sub-
have shown that subjects cannot report the divisions and subprocesses. As was the case
speech played to the unattended ear if they for basic processes, it is impossible to review
are required to understand speech played the entire range of control processes in this
to the attended ear (Cherry, 1953; Treisman, chapter. Instead, control processes will be
1964), indicating that unattended speech illustrated through one simple example that
is processed only very superficially. This builds on the discussion of visual object rec-
is not to say that unattended items are not ognition. See Chapter 3 for additional dis-
processed at all. Visual attention is attracted cussion of control processes in the context of
to unattended areas in the visual field that executive functions.
are visually dissimilar, or that change rap- Imagine you are placed before a computer
idly, indicating that unattended areas are screen, as shown in Figure1.10, and required
processed to some degree (Wolfe, 1994); to use a mouse to move a curser from the rest-
speech played to an unattended ear affects ing spot (the rectangle) to the picture desig-
short-term memory for items played to the nated by a word you hear over headphones;
attended ear (Macken, Tremblay, Alford, & when you finish one trial, you have to push
Jones, 1999), showing that it is not completely a button to ask for the next. Performing this
blocked out. However, the level to which very simple task requires many steps. One
unattended items are processed is not suffi- possible set of steps is as follows:attending to
cient to sustain the cognitive operations out- the two pictures and processing them to the
lined previously. point of object recognition and concept acti-
Control processes are complex, as we have vation; storing the representations that have
seen is the case with basic processes. For been activated (e.g., the concepts evoked by
instance, attention has been divided along the pictures) in memory for later use; attend-
many lines. Different analyses have argued ing to the spoken word and processing it to
that it includes vigilance (being in a state that the point of activation of its meaning (for

24 24
Cohort condition
20 20 Control condition
16 16
12 12
y (cm)

8 8
Cohort condition
4 Control condition 4
0 0
4 4
20 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16 20 20 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16 20
x (cm) x (cm)
Figure 1.10 (Left) Trajectories of mouse movements toward target (picture) in cases of initial
phonological cohort competitor (pitcher) and noncompetitor (table), showing continuous
attraction of the phonological cohort competitor. (Right) Simulation based on interaction of
phonological representation of target and foil interacting with perception of spoken word.
14 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

present purposes, its meaning can be consid- process the word, one could stop processing
ered to be the concept it evokes); comparing the pictures or could try to store the sound
the concepts derived from object recognition of the word in memory and return to trying
with the meaning of the word; determining to understand it after one had finished pro-
which concept-meaning pair is most similar; cessing both pictures. In fact, things could,
determining the location of the picture that and probably sometimes do, get much more
corresponds to the concept that most closely complicated. If one were unsure about which
matches the meaning of the word; planning concept-meaning pair or pair of sounds was
a motor action that uses the mouse to move most similar, it might be useful, or neces-
the curser to that picture; and executing that sary, to reanalyze one or both pictures to see
program. whether some other concept, which is closer
The task involves many control processes. to the meaning of the word and/or that has a
The first decision is whether the set of steps different sound, could be evoked by a picture,
outlined is going to be used. Here is another and repeat the whole comparison-picture
set of steps that would accomplish the task, selection-motor planning process. The fact
which differs in the italicized steps: attend- that timing of the processes in this task is flex-
ing to the two pictures and processing them ible and might be changed depending on the
to the point of object recognition and con- results of the operations means that the oper-
cept activation; activating the sound of the ations listed previously have to be scheduled.
word that corresponds to the concepts activated The choice of operations and their order is
by the pictures; storing representations that just one of many control problems that a par-
have been activated (e.g., the sounds evoked ticipant in this simple task must deal with.
by the pictures) in memory for later use; Each of the operations listed in the decom-
attending to the spoken word and recogniz- position of this task requires control, at the
ing its sounds; comparing the sounds derived least in terms of shifting attention. And each
from object recognition with the sounds of of the operations listed in the decomposi-
the word; determining which pair of sounds tion of this task significantly understates the
is most similar; determining the location complexity of that stage of processing and
of the picture that corresponds to the sound has additional control operations embed-
that most closely matches the sound of the ded within it. Consider, for instance, the
word; planning a motor action that uses the response selection process. In many mod-
mouse to move the curser to that picture; and els of this process (Ratcliff, 1978), the decision
executing that program. Aparticipant in the to make a response occurs when evidence in
study would have to decide whether to use a favor of that response reaches a threshold.
semantic/conceptual basis for matching the At the onset of a trial, the evidence favoring
word and the picture, a sound-based basis, or both pictures is equal; as the trial progresses
both. Whatever decision is made, the relevant and the operations described previously are
operations have to be turned on. If a seman- accomplished, evidence accrues favoring one
tic/conceptual mechanism is used, the word picture over another. When evidence for a
has to be processed to the level of meaning; response reaches a threshold, that response
if a sound-based mechanism is used, the is selected. The resting state of the evidence
pictures have to be processed to the level of accumulator is a function of the probabili-
sounds. Even if one were to say that all these ties of the set of choices, and the drift rate
operations happen without control once a of evidence accrual is a function of the effi-
person attends to a picture or a word (which ciency of the basic processes that analyze
is doubtful; it is unlikely that we activate the input; the response threshold, however,
words for every object we perceive), control is under participants control. Older people,
processes are required to compare the sounds for instance, set higher thresholds (are more
or concepts that are the basis for the similar- conservative) than younger people (Ratcliff,
ity judgment. Thapar, & McKoon, 2011).
There is also the issue of the order to do The discussion has focused so far on control
things in. One could process one, or neither, processes that are internal to a task:schedul-
of the pictures before one hears the word; one ing and initiating operations, and setting
could process both pictures before processing certain parameters such as response selec-
the word and, if that made it impossible to tion thresholds. It is worth returning to the
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 15

original outline of control processes and integration of domains seems to be the gen-
to note that these are the last items on that eral case. The experiment described, in which
list: deploying attention to input, choos- a person must move a curser to one of two
ing operations to accomplish goals, plan- pictures upon hearing a word, documents
ning sequences of operations and inhibiting a case in which the output of one domain
other sequences, and selecting responses.4 affects ongoing processing in another. If the
The first two items on the list should not be distracter picture is named by a word that
forgotten: setting goals and setting criteria begins with the same sound as the target, the
for success. During all the activity described trajectory of the curser movement is bowed
previously, the goal of the task must be main- toward the distracter, compared to a situa-
tained, and, at the end of each trial, the fact tion in which the distracter and target start
that the goal of the task has been satisfied with different sounds (Fig. 1.10) (Spivey,
must be established. The total extent of the Grosjean,& Knoblich, 2005). This shows that
control needed in this very simple task is the concepts activated by the pictures activate
hard to estimate; computer-based models words, that matching of the spoken word to
that actually do tasks such as this routinely the pictures is based not only on conceptual
require much more control than experimental properties but also on phonological features
psychologists expect (Meyer & Keiras, 1997a, of these words, and that this match interacts
1997b). either with the perception of the word or the
planning of motor movements. Computer
simulations indicate that it can interact with
Interactions of Different Cognitive Domains the perception of the word (Fig.1.10), which
would indicate that there is a very rapid
Examples of basic and control cognitive interaction of processes that can arise in asso-
functions have been drawn from specific ciation with picture identification (activation
domains such as object recognition and word of the sound of the word that corresponds
recognition. These domains interact; as with to the concept depicted in the picture) with
domain-specific operations themselves, this those that recognize sounds from acoustic
interaction occurs over very short time inter- waveforms.
vals (centiseconds). It is possible to name a
familiar picture in less than 250 milliseconds,
showing that the result of visual object recog- Closing Comments on Cognition
nition and categorization can be forwarded
to word activation in a very short period The presentation to this point begins to illus-
of time. A dramatic example of the interac- trate the nature and the extent of the opera-
tion of one domain (object recognition) with tions that we can call cognitive under some
another (planning movement) is catching an definition of this term. They range from early
object. When a person catches an object, she vision through motor planning and include
not only moves her body, arm, and hand in a memory, language, higher level thought, and
way such that the trajectory of the movement numerous control processes. The presenta-
intersects the trajectory of the object at a point tion begins to illustrate the truly daunting
where the object can be grasped. In addition, complexity of the basic operations, interac-
the person must program the force of the tions, and control processes that occur in frac-
grasp in a way that is related to the nature of tions of a second to produce behavior.
the object:Less force is exerted on an egg than Before moving on to neurological issues,
on a baseball. This means that, if the object is it is worth returning to the point that started
not seen until after it is released, the object this section: that cognition affects behav-
recognition system interacts withthe system ior by creating the content of propositional
that computes the trajectory of the object and attitudes and connecting the propositions in
the motor planning system in the brief period these states to one another. The discussion so
during which the object is perceived and the far does not deal with this but rather focuses
action planned and executed. on lower level aspects of cognition (though
One might expect that domains such as concepts and language would hardly be con-
object recognition, trajectory estimation, and sidered lower level compared to many
motor planning would be integrated, but neurological functions). There are three
16 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

points about this that deserve additional brief expression, accompany the acquisition of
discussion. stable long-term behaviors, such as habitua-
The first is that processes called cogni- tion (Bailey, Bartsch, & Kandel, 1996). These
tive (applying the criteria at the beginning types of neural events are thought to under-
of the chapter) affect behavior in more than lie long-term memories. Episodic changes
one way. Object perception and language in stimulus conditions and behavioral
comprehension can affect behavior without responses are associated with short-term
running through fixation of belief. If you stimulus- and response-related changes in
respond to the request please pass the salt spike trains, synaptic function, and other
by understanding it, looking for the salt, rec- cellular physiologic markers of plasticity.
ognizing it, and getting and passing it over, Electrophysiological, metabolic, and neu-
you have behaved in response to cognitive rovascular imaging in humans shows sys-
operations that have nothing to do with tematic relations to stimuli and behaviors.
fixation of belief. Fixation of belief, and its These studies provide the basis for models
relation to desires, is one wayperhaps the of the neural substrates for operations of
most important way, but who knows?that the sort described previously. Along with
cognition affects behavior. With an expanded studies of the effects of lesions, these data
vision of how cognition affects behavior, we have clearly documented regional func-
appreciate the pervasiveness of cognitive tional specialization of the brain. Evidence
functions in human life even more. for a more widely distributed basis for cog-
Second, the output of modular processes is nitive functions also exists. Before turning
used to fixate beliefs. Relating the meanings to examples of localized and distributed
of words to one another in propositions is functions, two general issues will be briefly
probably the major source of information in discussed: the determinants of neural
semantic memory, and it requires word rec- involvement in a function, and the nature of
ognition, comprehension, sentence analysis neural networks.
and comprehension, and many other basic The function of an area of the brain is in part
operations. determined by intrinsic properties of the neu-
Third, little is known about how beliefs rons it contains, and in part by their connec-
are fixated. This is what some consider to be tivity (itself partly intrinsically determined).
one of the two highest areas of cognition at The role of intrinsic factors is easy to see at
the frontiers of scientific understanding (the the sensory periphery, where receptor cells
other being consciousness). From a mecha- (e.g., cones, hair cells) contain elements that
nistic point of view, however, the basic types allow for the transduction of particular forms
of operations outlined previouslylawful of energy. The features of cells in more central
transformation of semantically evaluable areas of the brain that allow them to accom-
symbolshave been argued to be the types plish the operations they do is less clear, but
of operation that apply in these processes the finding of cells with specific morphology
(Fodor, 1998). There is some reason to be exclusively (Purkinje cells) or predominantly
hopeful that, if we can understand cognitive (Betz cells) in certain areas suggests that their
operations at lower, domain-specific, levels, intrinsic properties are highly connected or
both psychologically and neurologically, the essential to the functions of those areas. The
features we discover about them will be rel- operations that particular cell layers play in
evant to these higher levels as well. particular functional domains have begun to
be understood by the combination of theo-
retical modeling and experimental studies
Neural Mechanisms (Olson & Grossberg, 1998). These operations
are not completely determined by the input
Overview to these layers, pointing to intrinsic features
of cells in particular cortical layers in differ-
Operations of the sort described previously ent brain regions contributing to the compu-
have been related to neural activity in a tational functions of the neuron. At a larger
variety of ways. Studies in animals have scale level, cytoarchitectonic, receptotonic,
shown that long-term changes in synaptic and other features of cortical organization
numbers and activity, associated with gene are among the intrinsic properties of cell
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 17

organization that contribute to, or determine, areas. Functional connectivity patterns in

their functions (Zilles & Amunts, 2010). resting-state functional magnetic resonance
The second factor that determines the func- imaging (fMRI) have identified sets of struc-
tion of an area is its input, both in the obvi- tures that correspond to what has tradition-
ous sense that cells can only respond to the ally been considered the motor network, a
type of information they receive and in the network underlying attention, and other
less obvious sense that cell responses are in systems, including a previously unimagined
part caused by the patterns of their input default network that appears to play a role
(Mesulam, 1998). The effect of input (and in non-stimulus-directed cognitive activity
input-output pairings) is to trigger molecular and which appears to be particularly vulner-
and genetic events that shape or determine able to degeneration in Alzheimers disease
features of cells such as synaptic elements (Buckner etal., 2005; De Luca, Beckmann, De
that in turn affect future responses of the neu- Stefano, Matthews, & Smith, 2006). Such evi-
ron (Bailey etal., 1996). The effect of input is dence helps define networks.
greater in younger animals and can be quite As is the case regarding cognition itself,
dramatic: In neonatal ferrets whose visual the literature on the neural correlates of cog-
cortex has been ablated, when connections nitive functions is vast, even excluding work
are experimentally established from retinal at the molecular and genetic levels, and can-
receptor to medial geniculate cells (rather not be covered in any depth and breadth
than the normal retinal to lateral geniculate in this chapter. Once again, results will be
pathway), responses to visual stimuli can be reviewed in one area that are representative
detected in auditory cortex (which receives of more general features of the neural orga-
medial geniculate afferents) that are very nization that supports cognition. In keeping
similar to those normally detected in primary with the systems-level discussion in this
visual cortex (Angelucci etal., 1998).5 chapter, data will be reviewed from physi-
Turning to the notion of neural net- ological, imaging, and lesion studies. For
works, this aspect of neural organization is continuity with the first part of this chap-
directly related to the systems-level analy- ter, the example employed will review the
ses presented here. Although the focus here neural correlates of aspects of visual object
will be on the scientific challenge of charac- recognition.
terizing the functions of the parts of a net-
work, it is worth noting that there is also
a challenge in delineating networks. All Neurological Correlates of Aspects
behaviors involve coordinated activity of ofVisual Object Recognition
multiple brain areas, but one hesitates to say
that the set of brain structures that support a As discussed in the section on Perceptual
persons responding to the request pass the Identification, Recognition, and Cate
salt, which include areas that process lan- gorization of Visually Presented Objects,
guage, those responsible for the perceptual the processes of visual object perceptual
identification of the salt, and those that plan identification and object recognition recon-
and execute the motor response, are all one structs three-dimensional representations
network. Intuitions suggest there are three that contain many visual features (shape,
systems involved in this behavior, but the color, texture) from a two-dimensional reti-
boundaries of systems/networks are hard nal image in which these features are segre-
to draw. The relation between words and gated and associates other properties with
concepts and the influence of concepts on this representation. In this section, four of
perceptual identification raise the question the many processes that apply in this trans-
of whether aspects of language and visual formation will be discussed: construction of
object recognition constitute a network, three-dimensional object-centered shapes
and the integrated nature of object recogni- from luminance, aspects of binding differ-
tion and motor planning (illustrated in the ent visual features, identification of one spe-
example of catching an egg) raises questions cial class of objects (faces), and activation of
about whether perceptual identification and concepts. The discussion is largely based on
motor planning do so. There is empirical Connor et al. (2009), Goebel and de Weerd
evidence regarding these large-scale sets of (2009), and McKone etal. (2009).
18 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional in V1 interblobs (areas of V1 that stain less

Object-Centered Representations intensely for cytochrome oxidase) and
V2 interstripe regions (one of two areas
The construction of three-dimensional rep- of V2 that V1 interblobs project to) with
resentations from two-dimensional input is small receptive fields can be modeled as
an extremely difficult and computationally being sensitive to first-order derivatives of
expensive process, so much so that many luminance that are oriented in particular
operational systems that recognize and directions; that is, their tuning curves are
manipulate objects avoid it and instead rely sensitive to orientation and spatial frequency
instead on object-centered two-dimensional (Hubel & Weisel, 1959, 1962). These neurons
reconstructions (Fei-Fei, Fergus, & Perona, respond to both chromatic and achromatic
2006). The computational problem is that stimuli. Local increases in activity of these
the retina contains approximately 106 chan- orientation-frequency sensitive neurons can
nels of information in a two-dimensional be thought of as representing short oriented
array, which must be compressed into a lines, which are parts of object boundaries.
single piece of information representing a V4 neurons have larger receptive fields in
three-dimensional object. Despite the obvi- which object boundaries can no longer be
ous challenge this compression poses, there expressed as a single first-order derivative of
are a number of proposals regarding how luminance. However, some V4 neurons have
three-dimensional object-centered represen- tuning functions in the curvature/orientation
tations might be constructed by the nervous domain that can be expressed as a combina-
system that have received empirical support. tion of first- and second-order derivatives
One such proposal will be reviewed here, (Pasupathy & Connor, 1999). For instance,
based on progressively higher order geomet- the cells depicted in Figure 1.12 respond to
ric derivatives of luminance. sharp convex curvature oriented to the left.
Visual stimuli yield a nonrandom pat- Other V4 neurons respond to combinations
tern of retinal luminance that can be sum- of boundary fragments in fixed relations
marized in terms of progressively higher to one another, regardless of the overall
order contrast derivatives. Areas with little shape of the object (Brincat & Connor, 2004).
change have small first-order derivatives, Studies of cell populations have shown how
while areas with larger changes have larger these sets of boundary fragments could be
first-order derivatives (Fig.1.11A); the former assembled into complete shape representa-
are guides to surfaces and the latter to bound- tions (Pasupathy & Connor, 2002). Some neu-
aries between surfaces. Higher order deriva- rons in posterior inferior temporal lobe (PIT)
tives (Fig. 1.11B) can be used to describe and higher levels of the ventral visual path-
curves. The continuity and smoothness of way are tuned for spatial configurations of
most object boundaries can be summarized boundary configurations, independent of ret-
as combinations of first- and second-order inal position (Ito, Tamura, Fujita, & Tanaka,
derivatives. 1995). Figure1.13 shows the response profile
Neurophysiological correlates of these of a PIT neuron that responds to an ellipse
transformations have been discovered in in the top left and a rectangle in the bottom
the tuning curves of neurons. Some neurons right of its receptive field. The fact that these

(A) (B) (C)

Figure1.11(A) Base curve. (B) First-order derivative of A at point of vertical line. (C) Second-order
derivative of A at point of vertical line.
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 19

Figure1.12 Effective stimulus for two cells in V4 (sharp convex curvature oriented to the left).

responses are independent of retinal posi- a lack of discontinuity between boundaries

tion and scale with object size moves them (i.e., not retinotopically). The neural mecha-
from a retinotopic to an object-centered ref- nisms that are consistent with interpolation
erence frame. The further step from these will be outlined next.
two-dimensional object-centered represen- Interpolation involves filling-in of sur-
tations to three-dimensional object-centered faces from features near boundaries. Local
representations may in part take place in discontinuities in features such as lumi-
more anterior portions of the inferior tem- nance are used to create boundaries, as dis-
poral gyrus, where some cells respond to cussed. Boundaries (edges) both initiate
three-dimensional spatial configurations and constrain the spread of surface features
of surface fragments characterized by their (Grossberg, 2003). Points adjacent to bound-
three-dimensional orientations and joint aries serve as seeds for the spread of features,
principal curvatures (Fig. 1.14) (Yamane, and inhibitory signals from the bound-
Carlson, Bowman, Wang, & Connor, 2008). ary constrain the spreading activation to
A related process consists of reconstructing within-boundary areas. This can be seen psy-
object surfaces. The reconstruction of the sur- chologically in the Craik OBrien Cornsweet
faces of viewed objects has been modeled in at (COC) figure (Fig.1.15A), in which alternate
least three ways. Active interpolation models panels are perceived as differing in bright-
maintain that surface reconstruction involves ness. This is an illusion due to features near
interpolation of surface features from edges. the boundaries, as Figure1.15B shows, where
Multiscale spatial frequency models create the boundaries are blocked and the surfaces
surface representations from low-frequency appear equally bright. Filling-in of brightness
information. Both these models maintain occurs within several hundred milliseconds
that surfaces are created in retinotopic of images that are artificially stabilized on
visual areas; they differ inasmuch as multi- the retina (Riggs & Ratliff, 1952)and can take
scale spatial frequency models rely only on several seconds when an image is stabilized
low-frequency information. These two mod- by fixation. These findings have suggested
els contrast with a symbol-encoding model that filling-in occurs within a few hundred
in which surfaces are encoded implicitly as milliseconds of determination of contours,
which can take seconds to develop when
Center images are not stably projected to the retina.
Left Physiologically, the role of edges in bright-

Right ness control has been documented using opti-

Upper cal imaging by Roe et al. (2005), who found
0.0 Lower differences in responses of cells in V2 to the
Cornsweet figure and a baseline without the
boundary (the Cornsweet figure and the base-
line were therefore equivalent in total lumi-
Figure1.13 Effective stimulus for a cell in the
nance). The time course of filling-in has been
posterior inferior temporal lobe (an ellipse in
studied using the Troxler fading paradigm
the top left and a rectangle in the bottom right
(Fig.1.16). When a monkey fixates away from
of its receptive field).
20 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Stereo Nonstereo


Response (spikes s1)

Response (spikes s1)

Response (spikes s1)

30 30
20 20

10 10 10

5 deg 0 0 0
90 0 90 4 2 0 2 4
Te ing

No e
ad e
Te ing

No e
Sh n


Light angle (deg) Depth (deg)

30 30
20 20
10 10 10

0 0 0
90 0 90 4 2 0 2 4

30 30
20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
90 0 90 4 2 0 2 4
Figure1.14(A) Responses to highly effective (top), moderately effective (middle), and ineffective
(bottom) example stimuli as a function of depth cues. Responses remained strong as long as
disparity (black, green, and blue) or shading (gray) cues were present. The cell did not respond
to stimuli with only texture cues (pale green) or silhouettes with no depth cues (pale blue). (B)
Response consistency across lighting direction. The implicit direction of a point source at infinity
was varied across 180 in the horizontal (left to right, black curve) and vertical (below to above,
green curve) directions, creating very different two-dimensional shading patterns. (C) Response
consistency across stereoscopic depth. (D) Response consistency across xy position.

the square, responses in neurons in V2 and same time point at which neural responses
V3 whose receptive fields include the square reach this level (Fig. 1.17) (de Weerd, 2006).
increase over several seconds tothe level seen The process of filling-in surface features has
when the square is filled with thebackground. been related to V1 blobs (areas of V1 that stain
Humans report filling-in of the square at the more intensely for cytochrome oxidase) and

(A) (B)

Figure1.15(A) Craik OBrien Cornsweet (COC) figure, producing perceived differences in

brightness in alternating panels. (B) COC figure with boundaries obscured, in which the perception
in A is lost.
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 21

Fix V2 thin stripe regions (one of two areas of

V2 that V1 blobs project to), which contain
neurons that respond strongly to homog-
enous chromatic and achromatic stimuli in
their receptive fields (Roe, Lu, & Hung, 2005;
Roe& Tso, 1995).

Turning from individual visual features to
their integration, the segregation of different
types of visual features that begins in the ret-
ina is maintained throughout retinotopically
projected visual areas. These features must be
1 bound to form object representations. The
notion of binding is complex and refers to
Figure1.16 Troxler stimulus. With fixation
as marked, the central patch fills in with the
functions as diverse as perceptual grouping
texture of the background. of features of the same type under conditions

2.4 4



5.6 12.8


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (Sec)
Figure1.17 Correlation between increased neural activity in V2/V3 and perceptual filling-in.
Average activity in stimulus conditions with a gray square over or inside the receptive field (solid
line) and in conditions in which the square, and thus the RF, were physically filled in with texture
(heavy dotted line) in subsets of V2 and V3 neurons with significant activity increases. Fine dots
show baseline activity recorded without any stimulus. Square size is given at the top of the panels.
The horizontal line on top of each abscissa indicates the 12-second stimulus presentation time,
preceded and followed by a 1-second period in which activity was recorded in the absence of a
stimulus. Human observers reported filling-in for the same stimuli as used during physiological
recordings in the monkey in a time range indicated by the shaded zones.
22 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

where there are ambiguities in possible single-cell responses; they can be related to
boundaries (e.g., cluttered scenes; scenes local cell assemblies, in particular if informa-
with several moving items whose trajecto- tion is coarse coded. Second, the presenta-
ries overlap), through attributing different tion ignored the existence of local feedback,
features (e.g., color, shape) to an individual but the inclusion of such feedback does not
object, to matching responses to percepts. change the essence of the process. Applying
Some of these binding processes, such as this approach to binding of different features
aspects of perceptual grouping, appear to be encounters a number of problems, however.
largely, if not entirely, preattentive, and oth- For instance, the number of possible combi-
ers require attention. A sense of the role of nations of features found in objects has sug-
attention in the binding problem can be gested to many researchers that this approach
gained by considering Treismans influential would lead to a computational explosion and
feature integration theory (FIT) (Treisman is beyond the capacity of the brain. Answers
& Gelade, 1980). The theory maintains that to some of these issues have been proposed
features are coded by position and bound (Reynolds & Desimone, 1999). Evidence that
when attention is directed toward a posi- later, higher order neurons respond to
tion. The theory explains several empirical complex features of stimuli (see discussion of
findings:(1)that greater attention is required face recognition below) supports this class of
when binding is necessary to distinguish tar- models.
gets from nontargets (conjunction search Oscillatory synchrony models maintain
Fig.1.18); (2)that when attention is directed that binding of features involves interactions
elsewhere, illusory conjunctions wrongly among cells and brain areas. Considerable
recombining features of different objects are work has pointed to synchrony of electro-
frequently seen; (3)that cueing the location of encephalographic (EEG) activity in the
a target helps more when a conjunction must gamma frequency range (3060 Hz), and,
be reported than when the targets are defined in some studies, the beta range up to 110
as a disjunction of separate features; and 120 Hz, as the basis for aspects of binding.
(4) that grouping by single features occurs Oscillations that have been related to psy-
in parallel across the field, whereas grouping chological functions have been described
by conjunctions is much less salient and also for both neocortex and allocortex (the
seems to require active attention. olfactory bulb and hippocampus; see Gray
There are two major views regarding the [1994] for review). Singer (1999) reviews
neural basis for binding: feedforward hier- the advantages of synchronous oscillatory
archical convergence (directed line) mod- coding and possible physiological mecha-
els (Barlow, 1972, 1995, presented a classical nisms that could produce it (largely related
statement of this type of model; for a more to lateral inhibitory circuits). Oscillations
recent review, see Riesenhuber & Poggio, in the beta range or their synchronization
1999) and oscillatory synchrony models could themselves be the neural code that
(Singer, 1999). These theories are not incom- represents psychologically relevant features
patible, and it is possible that binding opera- and categories, and they have been argued
tionsor perhaps different types of binding to augment firing rates of individual neu-
operationsare supported by different neu- rons, thus enhancing spike train frequency
ral processes. coding (Fries, 2009). Gamma oscillations are
Feedforward hierarchical convergence related to oscillations at lower frequencies
models are the type of model described (in the theta and alpha ranges), which have
previously regarding reconstruction of been interpreted as resetting gamma cycles
three-dimensional representations. They in psychologically relevant ways such as
claim that earlier, lower order cells send alternating attention (see Fries, 2009, for
information to later, higher order cells review). Synchronous oscillatory patterns
that respond to ever-more-complex aspects have been associated with a wide range
of a stimulus. The discussion of these models of cognitive processes, ranging from early
was simplified in several ways. One is that aspects of perception (Gray & Singer, 1989),
it relied on single-cell tuning curves. These through effects of attention on perception
models do not, however, require that higher (Landau & Fries, 2012) to motor planning
level representations be correlated with (Salenius & Hari, 2003). Different forms of
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 23

(A) (B)
drifted in opposite directions in strabismic
O O X O O X cats in which cortical columns were respon-
X X X X sive to only one eye.
X X O X O In summary, binding of various types is
O O X a ubiquitous operation whose neural basis
O OX O O X appears to involve both localized and distrib-
X O X O X O uted processes.
Face Recognition
The third aspect of high-level visual object
ch processing whose neural basis will be briefly
ion reviewed is identification of a specialized set
Reaction time

ju of objects:faces.
There is strong psychological evidence that
Pop-out search face recognition is a specialized perceptual
process. McKone etal. (2009) review evidence
that face identification depends more on con-
figurational aspects of a facethe exact spac-
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ing between featuresthan on individual
Set size
features. This appears as the composite
Figure1.18 Conjunction and pop-out search. In effectthe finding that identification of one
both A and B, the task is to determine whether half of a combination face (in which the top
a red circle is present. In A, the target is defined half of the image contains the top half of one
as the feature in red; in B, the target is defined persons face and the bottom half contains the
by the conjunction of red and circle. In C bottom half of another persons face) is much
reaction time is shown for correct detections
harder when the top and bottom images are
of present stimuli as a function of set size,
aligned to form a face than when they are
consistent with parallel search not requiring
offset; as the part-whole effect, in which
serial deployment of attention in A and
recognition of a face part is better if the part
requiring serial deployment of attention in B.
(See color plate section) had previously been presented in the context
of a face; as sensitivity to spatial changes, in
which spatial distance between parts greatly
synchrony (e.g., onset synchrony, induced affects face identification; and in a perceptual
synchrony) need to be identified and may bias to upright face identification, in which
be related to different cognitive operations subjects identify the upright face when an
(Tallon-Baudry & Bertrand, 1999).6 upright and inverted face are superimposed.
With respect to visual object identification, All these effects are stronger for faces than for
one result pertains to the Gestalt principles other classes of objects (McKone etal., 2009).
that affect perceptual grouping. Gray (1994) The neural basis for face recognition
reviewed evidence that proximity, similarity, involves a specialized area of inferior tem-
common motion, continuity, closure, and seg- poral gyrus (ITG) in macaque and human.
mentation all lead to increases in synchrony In macaque, face-selective cells have been
of firing of cells in striate cortex whose visual identified in parts of ITG (Foldiak, Xiao,
receptive fields do not overlap. He argued Keysers, Edwards, & Perrett, 2004), whose
that these results are evidence for a role for location corresponds to BOLD signal
synchrony in preattentive binding processes increases during viewing of faces (Tsao,
in vision. He cited results of Fries (1997) con- Freiwald, Tootell, & Livingstone, 2006).
necting synchronous activity in visual areas Hasselmo etal. (1989) have shown that some
to control of motor responses as evidence of these neurons are projection and move-
of the biological relevance of these response ment insensitive, indicating they respond to
patterns. Fries (1997) showed that synchro- object-centered representations of faces. In
nous activity in areas 17 and 18 was greater humans, a right-lateralized area in the fusi-
for cells that drove optikokinetic responses to form gyrus (called the fusiform face area
the movement of the one of two gratings that [FFA]) has been identified using fMRI. This
24 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

area shows greater BOLD signal response mechanism underlying at least part of their
to faces than to other classes of objects that perceptual identification.
have been presented (letter strings, flow-
ers, houses, hands, everyday objects, and Activation of Concepts
others) (Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun,
1997). The FFA is sensitive to face iden- The two views of neural organizationfeed-
tity (Rotshtein, Henson, Treves, Driver, forward, direct line models, in which infor-
& Dolan, 2005), but not facial expression mation coalesces in individual neurons or
(Winston, Vuilleumier, & Dolan, 2003). It small neural assemblies, and distributed
shows a face inversion effect that correlates models, in which information is carried in
with the behavioral inversion effect (Yovel distributed sets of neuronshave both been
& Kanwisher, 2005) and a composite effect advanced as the basis for the representation
(Schiltz & Rossion, 2006). and activation of concepts.
Face recognition is a naturally develop- The first view is found in the paper that
ing process that resembles general object inaugurated the modern era of behavioral neu-
recognition in a variety of ways:Its input is rologyGeschwinds (1965a, 1965b) paper
three dimensional, mobile, presented from on disconnection syndromes. Geschwind
multiple angles, and often occluded. On the argued that the meanings of wordswhich he
other hand, it is atypical of object recogni- did not distinguish from conceptsconsisted
tion in many ways. All faces have character- of the integration of modality-specific features
istic features (overall shape, location relative of objects (themselves activated in unimodal
to other objects such as parts of the body, association cortex adjacent to koniocortex) in
parts, the geometrical layout of parts, and inferior parietal lobe. The absence of strong
the range of relative spacing between parts). direct connections from unimodal association
Faces convey biologically critical informa- cortex to inferior parietal multimodal associa-
tion about identity and therefore are highly tion cortex in nonhuman species accounted
salient, especially in precocial species in for the absence of words with meaning in
which survival and social adaptation are nonhumans. This theoretical account based
contingent on visually recognizing a mother on neuroanatomy has received mixed empiri-
and a small number of family members. cal support. Lesions in inferior parietal lobule
Faces convey information that is useful in do not cause word comprehension deficits
predicting behavioral responses (e.g., mood, or loss of nominal concepts (for selective
whether a person is lying; Ekman, Friesen, & review, see Binder, Desai, Graves, & Conant,
OSullivan, 1988). Evolutionary psychologists 2009), but the inferior parietal lobule is one
(Duchaine, Cosmides, & Tooby, 2001) and of many areas that are activated by tasks that
others (Caramazza & Shelton, 1998) have require conceptual processing (for reviews,
argued that these features of faces may have see Binder etal., 2009; Binder & Desai, 2011).
fostered the evolution of neural specializa- The strongest evidence regarding the possible
tions for face recognition that do not apply site of neural assemblies that might support
to recognition of more standard classes of the integration of various types of features
objects. People and members of many other into a concept in humans comes from seman-
species attend to faces a great deal, arguably tic dementia, a degenerative disease that pro-
more than to any other class of objects. This gressively affects the anterior temporal lobes,
presumably encourages neutrally special- usually more so in the dominant left hemi-
ized mechanisms for their perceptual iden- sphere (Hodges, Graham, & Patterson, 1995;
tification and memory. It is therefore not Hodges, Patterson, Oxbury, & Funnell 1995;
clear whether perceptual identification of Jefferies & Lambon Ralph, 2006; Mummery
the wide range of objects that we encounter et al., 2000; Snowden, Goulding, & Neary,
relies on specialization of parts of high-level 1989). Patients with semantic dementia show
visual cortex that operate in the way that progressive loss of nominal concepts, evident
the FFA does. However, single cells have no matter what the mode of access (verbal,
been found that respond selectively to other pictorial, conceptual). This area is rarely acti-
classes of objects (Grill-Spector, Kourtzi, & vated by semantic tasks, however (but see
Kanwisher, 2001; Hasselmo, Rolls, Baylis, & Rogers et al., 2006, for an account of these
Nalwa, 1989), pointing to a similar neural apparently discrepant findings).
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 25

Evidence for distributed activity that con- fundamentally from those in other species,
stitutes the neural code for concepts comes which cannot develop the range of intentions
primarily from neurovascular and neuro- that we can; therefore, important aspects of
physiological activation studies. A number the neural basis for human concepts will
of studies have shown regional activation in require human studies.
sensory and/or motor areas that support pro-
cessing of the perceptual features of objects
Overview of Perceptual Identification
or their use. Martin (2007) summarized this
and Object Recognition
model as follows:
This brief review of physiological studies of
Evidence from functional neuroimaging aspects of visual object perception is highly
of the human brain indicates that informa- selective, leaving out the great majority of
tion about salient properties of an object, mechanisms used in this process (e.g., use
such as what it looks like, how it moves, of color, texture, motion, and other fea-
and how it is used, is stored in sensory and tures), discussion of alternate models, and
motor systems active when that informa- even integration of the topics that were dis-
tion was acquired. As a result, object con- cussed (e.g., the role of surfaces in producing
cepts belonging to different categories like three-dimensional object-centered shapes). It
animals and tools are represented in par- is only intended to provide a glimpse of some
tially distinct, sensory- and motor prop- of the features of cortical function and orga-
erty-based neural networks. This suggests nization that underlie this domain-specific
that object concepts are not explicitly rep- function. This section will be concluded by
resented, but rather emerge from weighted reviewing some of these mechanisms.
activity within property-based brain One feature of cortical organization that
regions. However, some property-based these results demonstrate is localization of
regions seem to show a categorical organi- function. Cells in particular brain areas can
zation, thus providing evidence consistent be thought of as performing particular opera-
with category-based, domain-specific for- tions on their input. Returning to the issues
mulations as well. (p.25) raised in the outset of this section, the opera-
tions of these cells are determined by their
In addition to well-known results of this intrinsic features (e.g., the ability of cells in
sort was the finding that reading words V4 to respond to the features they do is an
denoting specific actions involving the intrinsic capacity, not one that can be under-
tongue (lick), finger (pick), and leg (kick) acti- stood by considering their input alone, even
vated regions in premotor cortex that were if the development of this computational
also active when subjects made tongue, fin- capacity requires particular input at a criti-
ger, and leg movements, respectively (Hauk, cal time in development). Although the stud-
Johnsrude, & Pulvermuller, 2004). Damasio ies reported tended to rely on single-cell
(1989) argued that objects were represented recording, as noted several times, there is
as patterns of activity in modality-specific evidence that many operations correspond to
regions of the brain. responses in considerably larger cell assem-
A significant limitation of this litera- blies, which are localized in small areas of
ture is that, as the discussion of concepts in the brain (Georgopoulos, Kalaska, Caminiti,
the section on Perceptual Identification, & Massey, 1982). Localization of function is a
Recognition, and Categorization of Visually well-established feature of the cortical orga-
Presented Objects indicates, concepts are nization that supports all levels of psycholog-
more than just the amalgamation of physical ical functions, from line detection through
features and functional operations but have face recognition and activation of concepts.
features that allow them to be counterfactu- Narrow localization is, however, only part
ally supporting and are delineated in inten- of the basis for cortical support of cognitive
tional terms. Therefore, the way sensory functions. The other aspect of cortical orga-
and motor features of concepts are bound nization is a more widespread basis for sup-
together only captures a part of the neu- porting cognitive operations. Some models
ral basis for concepts. Because of their rela- of cortical organization (e.g., Mesulam, 1990,
tion to intentionality, human concepts differ 1998) have argued that areas as large as the
26 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

entire perisylvian association cortex (in the language, motor planning, control functions,
case of human language) support particu- and different aspects of memory and atten-
lar cognitive functions, in some cases with tion. These areas are integrated in a number
gradients of involvement toward poles of ways. This chapter has reviewed direct
of these large areas. These models use terms line feedforward hierarchical processing
such as distributed functions or neural and synchronous oscillations, and mentioned
nets to describe cortical organization, and local feedback, as aspects of their integration.
they draw upon mathematical models as Modern models add notions of hubs and
the basis for distributed representations and small world organization to the ways these
processes (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1986; sets of areas interact to support related func-
Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986). tions (Bassett & Bullmore, 2009).
From the point of view of relating cognitive Localized cell groups and larger areas
operations to the brain, two different notions are grouped together into neural systems
of distributed, neural net cortical organi- that involve not only the cortex but also
zation need to be distinguished. One is that cortical-subcortical sets of neurons (see
individual cognitive operations are related to Chapter 2). For instance, the motor system
the activity of distributed neural nets. The includes premotor cortex, motor cortex,
second is that sets of related cognitive opera- basal ganglia and other hemispheric sub-
tions are related to the activity of contiguous cortical areas, and the cerebellum and con-
and directly connected areas of the brain. nected brain stem nuclei. At the highest
To the best of my knowledge, although level of organization, these systems inter-
mathematical models have demonstrated act:Voluntary motor function is determined
that distributed representations are impor- by control operations, is dependent upon
tant candidates as neural mechanisms and input from proprioceptive and vestibular
that these systems can develop gradients systems, and in many cases initiated and
of weights in hidden unit layers as they modified by teleoceptive perceptual process-
engage in what are considered individual ing, especially vision.
processes over time (e.g., Plaut, McClelland, Overall, the basic principles of the corti-
Seidenberg, & Patterson, 1996, in the case cal organization that appears to support
of reading), there is no evidence for distrib- cognitive functions are (a) a high degree
uted systems or for a gradient of activity in of specialization of cellular computational
areas of the brain as large as those envis- capacity (which develops in part based on
aged by Mesulam (1998) that supports indi- input and shows a high, but presumably
vidual cognitive operations. The evidence bounded, degree of plasticity); (b) localized
reviewed indicates that synchronous oscilla- cell groups that accomplish particular opera-
tions appear to unite areas of the brain in tions; (c) feedforward, correlated, and hub/
the service of what may be individual opera- small world organization of contiguous and
tions such as the Gestalt perceptual grouping densely interconnected areas to support
processes, but the synchronous oscillations related cognitive operations; (d) interaction
that apply in these single operation cases of spatially disparate areas into systems;
are quite spatially restricted. More wide- and (e) interaction of systems to accom-
spread synchronous oscillations are observed plish tasks. As far as is known, these basic
in cases where different modalities or opera- features of neural function and organization
tions are involved, but this is an example of apply to all aspects of cognitionboth pri-
the second type of distributed neural nets. mary and control operations.
On the other hand, there is little doubt that
the second of these modes of organization
that sets of related individual cognitive oper- Regional Functional Specialization for
ations are related to the activity of contiguous Cognitive Functions
and directly connected areas of the brain
applies in the cortex. We have seen that This chapter will be concluded with a very
related operations apply in spatially contigu- brief overview of the regional functional spe-
ous and directly connected occipito-temporal cialization of the cortex at the third level of
cortex in the process of object recognition; organization:organization of cortical areas to
the same is true of other sensory modalities, support related cognitive operations.
CHAPTER 1. Cognitive Functions and the Cerebral Cortex 27

Large contiguous areas of the cortex tend phenomenon occurs in reverse:Primary motor
to be devoted to operations of the same sort. cortex receives many afferents from adjacent
A picture of the functions associated with unimodal motor association cortex, where
different cortical regions is presented in aspects of movement are planned.
Figure 1.19. This cartoon, or similar ones, is These factors do not account for all aspects
highly familiar to most clinicians, and details of regional cortical functional specialization,
of some of the functions depicted in it are however. On the surface of things, it does
presented in other chapters. It will not be not appear that different types of control
described further here, but rather a few com- operations could be functionally related by
ments will be made on how these localizations the same types of feedforward mechanisms
arise, as well as some caveats about this image. that apply to perceptual analysis and motor
The localization of these large cognitive planning, making the localization of many
domains is in part attributable to the opera- control operations in prefrontal lobe unlikely
tion of direct-line feedforward processing in to be due to these factors. The same is true of
cell groups with particular patterns of con- the different aspects of language (phonology,
nectivity (Geschwind, 1965a, 1965b; Mesulam, syntax, discourse structure). The location
1990, 1998). On the sensory side, simpler rep- of the default system (see Chapters 3 and
resentations are formed in koniocortex, whose 4)close to a large number of primary systems
efferents synapse exclusively in unimodal sen- and the location of episodic memory encod-
sory association cortex, and cell groups in uni- ing in mesial temporal structures are also not
modal sensory association cortex have many easily attributable to these factors.
reciprocal connections with one another. In A final comment is that, although these
conjunction with feedforward computations, gross functional localizations are quite
this creates large areas of cortex devoted to well documented, ongoing work has con-
higher level visual, auditory, and somas- sistently complicated the picture. The evi-
thetic processing. On the motor side, a similar dence for semantic processing in inferior

Figure1.19 Cartoon of location of the major cognitive systems in the lateral human cortex. (See
color plate section)
28 part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

anterior temporal lobe, for instance, was is not clear that these accounts will identify a set
unexpected; the existence of a default net- of psychological operations that cohere scien-
work was unsuspected. Traditional models tifically. But they are a start. And folk psychol-
of language processing localized spoken ogy and intuitions do not do better:The set of
processes that are called cognitive in practice
language comprehension in posterior supe-
is highly heterogeneous on its face.
rior temporal gyrus (Wernickes area) and
4. Setting response criteria thresholds might
adjacent cortex and speech planning in pos- be considered setting criteria for success,
terior inferior frontal gyrus (Brocas area), but applied within a task, not to the task itself.
both deficit-lesion correlations (Caramazza 5. There is a logical relation between plasticity
& Zurif, 1976) and functional neuroimag- due to altered input and the intrinsic proper-
ing (Stromswold, Caplan, Alpert, & Rauch, ties of cells and their organization that deter-
1986)have shown that aspects of comprehen- mine their functional roles. These intrinsic
sion related to the assignment of sentence features must be sufficiently generally pres-
syntactic structure are supported by Brocas ent in cells to allow cells to perform new
functions when presented with new inputs
area in at least some individuals. Though
at certain points of development. The extent
clinicians can reasonably rely on the picture
to which plasticity applies (e.g., whether non-
in Figure 1.19 and can reasonably expect to koniocortical cells in the auditory system (or
be able to rely on that picture in the future, in the visual system, for that matter) would
exceptions, additions, and modifications of develop the response sensitivity of normally
these localizations are very likely to be doc- wired V1 or rewired A1 cells if they were pre-
umented as we learn more about cognitive sented with thalamic efferents) must reflect
functions themselves and their neural bases. the nature of the experience-mutable, shared
cellular properties that give a cell its compu-
tational potential.
Notes 6. The evidence for the relevance of synchro-
1. Acategory can sometimes be described in terms nous oscillations to these processes is strong
drawn from lower levels of science (e.g., but remains controversial. Controversy arises
lightning can be described in terms drawn for technical reasons (higher level oscillations
from the theory of electromagnetism). The par- may be harmonics of lower frequency, or they
tial success of reductionism does not entail that may be confounded with spike train frequen-
something is not a category:Lightning, and cies; Dong, Mihalas, Qiu, von der Heydt, &
not its electromagnetic reformulation, plays a Niebur, 2008)and because some phenomena
role in theories of climate (all special sciences that would seem to be supported by this pro-
have this structure). cess have not been associated with synchro-
2. The stimuli that provoke these neural nous oscillations (cf. Dong et al., 2008, who
responses are not circles, but the output of the found no evidence for synchrony associated
cells can be considered to correspond to cir- with object stimuli).
cles, subject to noise, which is sufficient for it
to be used as a circle in subsequent computa- References
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Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology

ofSubcortical Systems
Jeremy D. Schmahmann and Deepak N. Pandya

All behaviors are subserved by distributed neu- neurologic function. Understanding the neu-
ral systems that comprise anatomic regions, robiology of subcortical cognition and its
or nodes, each displaying unique architec- clinical manifestations is essential to the evalu-
tural properties, distributed geographically ation and care of patients with dementia and
throughout the nervous system, and linked the neurobehavioral consequences of many
anatomically and functionally in a precise debilitating neurological diseases, including
and unique manner (Geschwind 1965a, 1965b; neurodegenerative diseases associated with
Goldman-Rakic, 1988; Jones & Powell, 1970a; dementia.
Luria, 1966; Mesulam, 1981, 1990; Nauta,
1964; Pandya & Kuypers, 1969; Ungerleider
& Mishkin, 1982). Subcortical structures are White Matter Tracts of the Cerebral
incorporated into the distributed neural cir- Hemispheres
cuits subserving cognition, a realization sup-
ported by the recognition of neurobehavioral Anatomical Organization
syndromes following lesions of cerebral white
matter and subcortical regions, and imaging The white matter tracts in the cerebral
studies in psychiatric patients demonstrating hemispheres are composed of axons cours-
abnormalities in subcortical areas. This chap- ing between cortico-cortical and cortico-
ter presents an overview of the anatomical subcortical territories. Neurons within any
organization in monkey of the white matter cortical area give rise to three distinct catego-
tracts linking different cerebral cortical areas ries of efferent fibers that can be identified
with each other, the connections between the within the white matter immediately beneath
cerebral cortex and subcortical areas, and a the gyrus (Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006).
consideration of the clinical manifestations These are association fibers, striatal fibers,
in patients of lesions in white matter tracts, and a confluence of fibers (the cord) that
the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebellum. carries commissural and subcortical (projec-
We regard these as disconnection syndromes: tion) fibers (Fig. 2.1).
focal disruptions of the distributed cortical Association fibers comprise local, neigh-
and subcortical neural circuits that subserve borhood, and long association fibers. Local,

CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 33

(A) Long association

Short association
association fibers


fibers Striatal
Thalamic Cord fibers
fibers Subcortical
Pontine bundle

Short association/Local U-fibers
Association Neighborhood association
(layer II, III) Long association

Striatal Muratoff bundle

(layer Va) External capsule
Cord (layer II, III) Thalamic bundle
Subcortical bundle (layer VI)
Pontine bundle
(layer Vb)
Figure2.1 Diagram (A) and schema (B) of the principles of organization of white matter fiber
pathways emanating from the cerebral cortex. Long association fibers are seen end-on as the
stippled area within the white matter of the gyrus. In their course, these fibers either remain
confined to the white matter of the gyrus, or they travel deeper in the white matter of the
hemisphere. Short association fibers, or U-fibers, link adjacent gyri. Neighborhood association fibers
link nearby regions usually within the same lobe. Striatal fibers intermingle with the association
fibers early in their course, before coursing in the subcallosal fascicle of Muratoff or in the external
capsule. Cord fibers segregate into commissural fibers that arise in cortical layers II and III, and the
subcortical bundle, which further divides into fibers destined for thalamus arising from cortical
layer VI, and those to brainstem and spinal cord in the pontine bundle arising from cortical layer
V.(From Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006)

or U-fibers, are closely apposed to the under- from them, then travel within one of two
surface of the sixth layer and are directed to major fiber bundles. Fibers in the subcallo-
cortical regions in the same or adjacent gyri. sal fasciculus of Muratoff lead mainly to the
Neighborhood association fibers are distinct caudate nucleus and putamen. Fibers in the
from local U-fibers and are directed to nearby external capsule target the ventral part of
cortical regions; for example, the fibers that thecaudate nucleus, the putamen and claus-
connect the inferior parietal lobule to the trum (Fig. 2.2).
medial parietal cortex. Long association The cord of fibers comprises a dense aggre-
fibers are the named fiber tracts that travel gation of fibers occupying the central core
within the central part of the white matter of of the white matter of the gyrus and con-
the core of the gyrus and link distant cortical tains commissural fibers and the subcortical
areas within the same hemisphere. projection bundle. The commissural bundle
Corticostriatal fibers course initially with travels to the opposite hemisphere via the
the long association fibers before separating corpus callosum or the anterior commissure
34part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

CC Cord

Th LF (B)

Figure 2.2 Light field photomicrograph of a CC
coronal hemisphere of a monkey brain stained
for Nissl substance, to show the locations of the SB 1,2
Muratoff bundle (MB) coursing above the body
of the caudate nucleus and below the corpus
callosum, and the external capsule (EC) situated Put
between the claustrum laterally and the putamen
medially. CC = corpus callosum, Cd = caudate
nucleus, Cl = claustrum, CS = central sulcus,
GPe = globus pallidus external, GPi = globus
pallidus internal, IC = internal capsule,
LF = lateral fissure, Put = putamen, STS = superior
temporal sulcus, Th = thalamus (C)
(Fig. 2.3). The subcortical bundle (SB) trav-
els within the internal capsule (anterior or
posterior limb) or the sagittal stratum, and
segregates into thalamic fibers that travel via SB
thalamic peduncles to the thalamus, and a
pontine fiber bundle that courses via the cere-
bral peduncle to the pons. The SB also gives Figure 2.3 Photomicrographs of selected
rise to fibers to other diencephalic and brain- coronal sections of a Rhesus monkey
stem structures. following injection of radioisotope into the
Knowledge of these tracts and their puta- frontal operculum in the precentral aspects
tive functional properties is useful when con- of areas 1 and 2. (A) The cord of fibers is
sidering the clinical consequence of white seen emanating from the injection site, with
matter diseases, and in understanding the some commissural fibers (Comm) continuing
neurobehavioral consequence of subcortical medially towards the opposite hemisphere
through the corpus callosum. (B) The cord
lesions that affect white matter tracts. The fol-
segregates into the commissural fibers and
lowing is a brief anatomical overview of the
the subcortical bundle (SB) that descends
fiber tracts of the brain of Rhesus monkey
into the anterior limb of the internal capsule.
(from Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006). These (C)Caudal to the injection site the subcortical
observations in monkey are supported by bundle continues its course in the posterior
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in limb of the internal capsule. Note terminations
monkey (Schmahmann, Pandya, et al., 2007), in the putamen. Magnification = 0.5,
and they closely match those in the human bar= 5mm. (Adapted from Schmahmann
brain as determined using diffusion tensor & Pandya, 2006; figure reproduced from
imaging (DTI; e.g., Catani, Howard, Pajevic, Schmahman & Pandya, 2008). CC = corpus
& Jones, 2002; Makris et al., 2005; Thiebaut de callosum, EC= external caspule, ICa = internal
Schotten, DellAcqua, Valabregue, & Catani, capsule, anterior limb, ICp = internal capsule,
2012; Wedeen et al., 2008), probabilistic posterior limb, Put = putamen.
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 35

tractography (e.g., Johansen-Berg et al., 2005; SLF I(Fig.2.4A) lies medially situated in the
Lehericy et al., 2004), and resting-state func- white matter of the superior parietal lob-
tional connectivity mapping (Greicius, ule and the superior frontal gyrus. It links
Supekar, Menon, & Dougherty, 2009; Raichle the superior parietal region and adjacent
et al., 2001). There are a few notable excep- medial parietal cortex in a reciprocal man-
tions, however, exemplified by the finding of ner with the frontal lobe supplementary
an apparent inferior fronto-occipital fascicle in and premotor areas. It is thought to play a
humans (Forkel et al., 2012) that has not been role in the regulation of higher aspects of
identified in nonhuman primate tract tracing motor behavior that require information
studies (Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006, 2007). about body part location, and it may con-
tribute to the initiation of motor activity.
Association Fiber Tracts SLF II (Fig. 2.4B) is more laterally situated
and occupies a position in the central core
The long association fiber tracts are the of the hemisphere white matter, lateral to
essential anatomic substrates for the interdo- the corona radiata and above the Sylvian
main communication between cortical areas fissure. It links the caudal inferior parietal
that subserve different behaviors, and they lobule (equivalent in human to the angu-
deserve particular emphasis. lar gyrus) and the parieto-occipital areas,
The superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) with the posterior part of the dorsolateral
has three subcomponents: and mid-dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. It

(A) (B) POa Opt

9/46 SLF II
46 LS

SMA Cing S 31 PEc

6D POa
44 IOS

Figure 2.4 Summary diagrams of the course and composition of the superior longitudinal fasciculus
(SLF) in the Rhesus monkey. (A) SLF I; (B) SLF II; and (C) SLF III. The lateral and medial views of the
cerebral hemispheres show the trajectory of the three components of the SLF and the cortical areas that
contribute axons to these fiber pathways. (Adapted from Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006). AS = arcuate
sulcus, CC = corpus callosum, CF = calcarine fissure, Cing S = cingulate sulcus, CS = central sulcus,
IOS= inferior occipital sulcus, IPS = intraparietal sulcus, LF = lateral fissure, LS = lunate sulcus,
OTS = occipitotemporal sulcus, POMS = parieto-occipital medial sulcus, PS = principal sulcus,
RhF = rhinal fissure, RS = rostral sulcus, SMA = supplementary motor area, STS = superior temporal sulcus
36part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

is thought to serve as the conduit for the of the caudal inferior parietal lobule and
neural system subserving visual aware- extends into the white matter of the supe-
ness, the maintenance of attention, and rior temporal gyrus. It links a number of
engagement in the environment. It pro- high-level association and paralimbic cortical
vides a means whereby the prefrontal cor- areas, including the inferior parietal lobule,
tex can regulate the focusing of attention caudal cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal
within different parts of space. gyrus, and prefrontal cortex. In the human
SLF III (Fig.2.4C) is further lateral and ven- the MdLF may play a role in language, possi-
tral, and it is located in the white matter bly imbuing linguistic processing with infor-
of the parietal and frontal operculum. mation dealing with spatial organization,
It provides the ventral premotor region memory, and motivational valence.
and pars opercularis with higher order The fronto-occipital fasciculus (FOF)
somatosensory input, it may be crucial for (Fig.2.6A) travels above the body and head
monitoring orofacial and hand actions, of the caudate nucleus and the subcallosal
and in the human it may be engaged in fasciculus of Muratoff (Muratoff bundle;
articulatory aspects of language. see Fig. 2.6), lateral to the corpus callosum,
and medial to the corona radiata. It links the
The arcuate fasciculus (AF) (Fig. 2.5A) runs parieto-occipital region with dorsal premo-
in the white matter of the superior temporal tor and prefrontal cortices. The FOF is the
gyrus and deep to the upper shoulder of the long association system of the dorsomedial
Sylvian fissure. By linking the caudal tempo- aspects of the dorsal visual stream, and it
ral lobe with the dorsolateral prefrontal cor- appears to be an important component of the
tex, it may be viewed as an auditory spatial anatomical substrates involved in peripheral
bundle, important for the spatial attributes of vision and the processing of visual spatial
acoustic stimuli and auditory-related process- information.
ing. The AF has historically been regarded as The inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF)
linking the posterior (Wernicke) and anterior (Fig. 2.6B) is in the white matter between
(Broca) language areas in the human brain, the sagittal stratum medially and the
and to be involved in conduction aphasia. The parieto-occipital and temporal cortices later-
connectional studies in monkey are consistent ally. It has a vertical limb in the parietal and
with the evolving notion that the AF sub- occipital lobes, and a horizontal component
serves a dorsal stream of linguistic processing contained within the temporal lobe. The ILF
(Saur et al., 2008; Petrides & Pandya, 2009). is the long association system of the ventral
Together with the SLF III, it appears that the visual pathways in the occipitotemporal cor-
AF is engaged in the phonemic aspects of lan- tices. Visual agnosia and prosopagnosia are
guage (sound appreciation and production). two clinical syndromes that may arise from
The extreme capsule (EmC) (Fig. 2.5B) is ILF damage.
situated between the claustrum and the insu- The uncinate fasciculus (UF) (Fig. 2.7A)
lar cortex caudally, and between the claus- is a ventral limbic bundle that occupies the
trum and the orbital frontal cortex rostrally. In white matter of the rostral part of the tempo-
monkey, the extreme capsule is the principal ral lobe, the limen insula, and the white mat-
association pathway linking the middle supe- ter of the orbital and medial frontal cortex.
rior temporal region with the caudal parts By connecting these temporal and prefrontal
of the orbital cortex and the ventral-lateral areas, the uncinate fasciculus may be a cru-
prefrontal cortex, including area 45. These cial component of the system that regulates
areas are homologous to the Wernicke and emotional responses to auditory stimuli. It
Broca language cortices in human. The EmC, may also be involved in attaching emotional
together with the MdLF (see Fig. 2.5), is valence to visual information, is likely to be
thought to be implicated in a ventral stream an important component of the circuit under-
processing of language, concerned with the lying recognition memory, and is implicated
semantic aspects of communication, namely, in cognitive tasks that are inextricably linked
the meanings of words (Weiller, Bormann, with emotional associations (Ghashghaei
Saur, Musso,& Rijntjes, 2011). & Barbas, 2002). The UF has been shown to
The middle longitudinal fasciculus (MdLF) be clinically relevant in disorders of social
(Fig.2.5C) is situated within the white matter and moral cognition, such as psychopathy
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 37

(A) CS
8AD 6D
9/46d TPO LS
AF Tpt


(B) (C)

RS RS 23, 30
Cing S Cing S

9/46d CS paAc
PS 47/12 45 paAlt 47/12 paAr TPO
10 IOS paAlt IOS
EmC TS3 IPro
Insula IPa

Orb S L RhF Orb S L RhF
Orb S M Orb S M

Figure 2.5 Summary diagrams of the course and composition in the Rhesus monkey of the
(A) arcuate fasciculus (AF); (B) extreme capsule (EmC); and (C) middle longitudinal fasciculus
(MdLF). The lateral and medial views of the cerebral hemispheres show the trajectory of the
three components of the SLF and the cortical areas that contribute axons to these fiber pathways.
(Adapted from Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006). AS = arcuate sulcus, CC = corpus callosum,
CF=calcarine fissure, Cing S = cingulate sulcus, CS = central sulcus, IOS = inferior occipital sulcus,
IPS = intraparietal sulcus, LF = lateral fissure, LS = lunate sulcus, Orb S L = lateral orbital sulcus,
Orb S M = medial orbital sulcus, OTS = occipitotemporal sulcus, POMS = parieto-occipital medial
sulcus, PS= principal sulcus, RhF = rhinal fissure, RS = rostral sulcus, STS = superior temporal sulcus

and sociopathy (Motzkin, Newman, Kiehl, This dorsal limbic bundle links the rostral
& Koenigs, 2011; Sarkar et al., 2013), and in and caudal sectors of the cingulate gyrus
psychiatric illness including schizophrenia with each other; with the dorsolateral, orbital,
(Kawashima et al., 2009; Kubicki et al., 2002). and medial prefrontal cortices; and with the
The cingulum bundle (CB) (Fig. 2.7B) nes- parietal, retrosplenial, and ventral tempo-
tles in the white matter of the cingulate gyrus. ral cortices (including the parahippocampal
38part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

POa Opt
LF V3, V2
Cing S


8B 8Ad 6D PG DP
46d STS

Figure 2.6 Summary diagrams of the course and composition in the Rhesus monkey of the (A)
fronto-occipital fasciculus (FOF); and (B) inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF). The lateral, medial,
and basal views of the hemisphere show the trajectory of these fiber pathways and the cortical areas
that contribute axons to them. (Adapted from Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006). AS = arcuate sulcus,
CC = corpus callosum, CF = calcarine fissure, Cing S = cingulate sulcus, CS = central sulcus,
IOS= inferior occipital sulcus, IPS = intraparietal sulcus, LF = lateral fissure, LS = lunate sulcus,
Orb S L = lateral orbital sulcus, Orb S M = medial orbital sulcus, OTS = occipitotemporal sulcus,
POMS= parieto-occipital medial sulcus, PS = principal sulcus, RhF = rhinal fissure, RS = rostral
sulcus, STS=superior temporal sulcus

gyrus and entorhinal cortex). By virtue of Striatal Fibers

these connections, the CB may facilitate the
Corticostriatal fibers to the caudate nucleus,
emotional valence inherent in somatic sen-
putamen, and claustrum are conveyed mainly
sation, nociception, attention, motivation,
by the subcallosal fasciculus of Muratoff and
and memory (references in Schmahmann
the external capsule.
& Pandya, 2006). Cingulectomy, and subse-
quently bilateral stereotaxic cingulotomy,
have achieved the status of established man- Muratoff Bundle (Subcallosal Fasciculus
agement for certain forms of neuropsychi- ofMuratoff)
atric illness, such as obsessive-compulsive The Muratoff bundle (MB) is a semilunar
disorder, and for intractable pain (Ballantine, condensed fiber system situated immedi-
Bouckoms, Thomas, & Giriunas, 1987; ately above the head and body of the caudate
Ballantine, Cassidy, Flanagan, & Marino, nucleus. It conveys axons to the striatum
1967, 1987; Cosgrove & Rauch, 2003; Foltz principally from association and limbic areas,
& White, 1962; Jenike et al., 1991; Price etal., with some fibers also from the dorsal part of
2001; Spangler et al., 1996). The CB also the motor cortex.
links areas implicated in the default mode
networkthe retrosplenial cortex, medial
External Capsule
prefrontal cortex, and medial temporal lobe,
and thus likely plays a role in inner thought The external capsule lies between the puta-
and creativity (autobiographical memory men medially and the claustrum laterally. It
retrieval, envisioning the future, and con- conveys fibers from the ventral and medial
ceiving the perspectives of others; Buckner, prefrontal cortex, ventral premotor cor-
Andrews-Hanna, & Schacter, 2008). tex, precentral gyrus, the rostral superior
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 39

(A) (B)


11 Orb S M
14 CF
CC POMS Perirh
24 28
Cing S
Presub OTS
29,30 CF
14 RS 25
47/12L AS Cing S
10 IOS

8Ad 6D
TS1 TEa, IPa
9 9/46d
Pro TE1 46d
Orb S L 47/120
Perirh TL
13 28 TH
11 Orb S M
10 25 CF

Figure 2.7 Summary diagrams of the course and composition in the Rhesus monkey of the (A)
uncinate fasciculus (UF) and (B) cingulum bundle (CB). The lateral and medial views of the cerebral
hemisphere show the trajectory of these fiber pathways and the cortical areas that contribute axons
to them. (Adapted from Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006). Am = amygdala, AS = arcuate sulcus,
CC= corpus callosum, CF = calcarine fissure, Cing S = cingulate sulcus, CS = central sulcus,
IOS=inferior occipital sulcus, IPS = intraparietal sulcus, LF = lateral fissure, LS = lunate sulcus,
OrbSL= lateral orbital sulcus, Orb S M = medial orbital sulcus, OTS = occipitotemporal sulcus,
Perirh= perirhinal area, POMS = parieto-occipital medial sulcus, Pro = proisocortex, PS = principal
sulcus, RhF = rhinal fissure, RS = rostral sulcus, STS = superior temporal sulcus

temporal region, and the inferotemporal and to a dense aggregation of fibers, termed
preoccipital regions. Projections from pri- the cord, which occupies the central core
mary sensorimotor cortices are directed to of the white matter of the gyrus. The fibers
the putamen; those from the supplementary in the cord separate into two distinct seg-
motor area and association cortices terminate ments: commissural fibers and projection
also in the caudate nucleus. fibers in the subcortical bundle.
The MB and external capsule thus convey
fibers from sensorimotor, cognitive, and limbic Commissural Fibers
regions of the cerebral cortex to areas within
the striatum in a topographically arranged Anterior Commissure
manner. These corticostriatal pathways pro- The anterior commissure (AC) traverses the
vide the critical links that enable different midline in front of the anterior columns of the
regions with the basal ganglia to contribute to fornix, above the basal forebrain and beneath
motor control, cognition, and emotion. the medial and ventral aspect of the anterior
limb of the internal capsule. Its fibers link
the caudal part of the orbital frontal cortex,
Cord Fiber System
the temporal pole, the rostral superior tem-
In addition to association and corticostria- poral region, the major part of the infero-
tal systems, every cortical region gives rise temporal area, and the parahippocampal
40part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

gyrus with their counterparts in the opposite Projection Fibers

hemisphere. In the nonhuman primate the
Projection (cortico-subcortical) fibers in the
AC is concerned with functional coordina-
subcortical bundle are conveyed to their des-
tion across the hemispheres of highly pro-
tinations via the internal capsule (anterior
cessed information in the auditory and visual
and posterior limbs) and the sagittal stratum.
domains, particularly when imbued with
Each fiber system differentiates further as it
mnemonic and limbic valence.
progresses in the white matter into two prin-
cipal systems:one destined for thalamus, and
Corpus Callosum
the other destined for brainstem and/or spi-
The corpus callosum (CC) is divisible into
nal cord.
five equal sectors conveying fibers across the
hemispheres from the following locations:1,
Internal Capsule
the rostrum and genu contain fibers from the
The anterior limb of the internal capsule (ICa)
prefrontal cortex, rostral cingulate region, and
conveys fibers from the prefrontal cortex,
supplementary motor area; 2, premotor cor-
rostral cingulate region, and supplementary
tex; 3, ventral premotor region and the motor
motor area (coursing through the genu of the
cortex (face representation most rostral, fol-
capsule), principally to the thalamus, hypo-
lowed by the hand and the leg, and postcen-
thalamus, and basis pontis.
tral gyrus fibers behind the motor fibers); 4,
The posterior limb of the internal cap-
posterior parietal cortex; 5, the splenium con-
sule (ICp) conveys descending fibers from
tains superior temporal fibers rostrally, and
the premotor and motor cortices. Face,
inferotemporal and preoccipital fibers cau-
hand, arm, and leg fibers are arranged in
dally. These comments regarding CC topog-
a progressively caudal position. The ICp
raphy apply to the midsagittal plane.
also conveys descending fibers from the
Studies of the CC have led to novel under-
parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes, and
standing of the anatomic underpinnings of
the caudal cingulate gyrus. These are topo-
perception, attention, memory, language, and
graphically arranged within the capsule,
reasoning and have provided insights into
in the rostral-caudal and superior-inferior
consciousness, self-awareness, and creativ-
ity (Bogen & Bogen, 1988; Gazzaniga, 1967,
Focal motor and sensory deficits follow
2000; Sperry, 1964, 1984). Knowledge of the
infarction of the ICp, and complex behav-
CC topography is relevant in the clinical con-
ioral syndromes result from lesions of the
text of callosal section for control of seizures.
genu of the ICa and genu (Chukwudelunzu,
Meschia, Graff-Radford, & Lucas, 2001;
Hippocampal Commissures
Schmahmann, 1984; Tatemichi et al., 1992).
Three fiber systems link the ventral limbic and
Deficits include fluctuating alertness, inat-
paralimbic regions across the hemispheres.
tention, memory loss, apathy, abulia, and
Anterior (uncal and genual) hippocampal
psychomotor retardation, with neglect
fibers are conveyed in the ventral hippocam-
of contralateral space and visual-spatial
pal commissure, and those from the presu-
impairment from lesions of the genu in the
biculum, entorhinal cortex, and posterior
right hemisphere, and severe verbal mem-
parahippocampal gyrus are conveyed in the
ory loss following genu lesions on the left.
dorsal hippocampal commissure. The hippo-
Deep brain stimulation has been success-
campal decussation conveys fibers from the
fully applied to the ICa in some patients with
body of the hippocampal formation to the
obsessive-compulsive disorder (Anderson&
contralateral septum (Demeter, Rosene, &
Ahmed, 2003) and intractable pain (Kumar,
Van Hoesen, 1985). Damage to the hippocam-
Toth,& Nath, 1997).
pal commissures in patients with lesions of
the splenium of the corpus callosum may be
responsible in part for the amnesia that occurs Sagittal Stratum
in this setting along with damage to the for- The sagittal stratum (SS) is a major
nix that links the frontal and temporal lobes cortico-subcortical white matter bundle
(Rudge & Warrington, 1991; Schmahmann, that conveys fibers from the parietal,
unpublished observations; Valenstein et al., occipital, cingulate, and temporal regions
1987). to thalamus, basis pontis, and other
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 41

brainstem structures. It also conveys affer- Poststroke language recovery depends on

ents principally from thalamus to cortex. involvement of the subcallosal fascicu-
The SS comprises an internal segment lus of Muratoff (Naeser, Palumbo, Helm-
conveying corticofugal fibers efferent Estabrooks, Stiassny-Eder, & Albert, 1989),
from the cortex and an external segment parietal pseudothalamic pain results from
that contains incoming corticopetal fibers. white matter lesions that disconnect second
The rostral sector of the SS corresponds somatosensory (SII) cortex from thalamus
to the anteriorly reflected fibers of the (Schmahmann & Leifer, 1992), and defi-
Flechsig-Meyer loop, while the ventral cits in executive dysfunction and episodic
parts of the midsection of the SS contain memory are associated with white mat-
the optic radiations and thalamic fibers of ter hyperintensities in aging (Smith et al.,
the caudal inferior temporal and occipito- 2011). Focal white matter lesions result
temporal areas. in aphasia, apraxia, and agnosia (Filley,
The SS is the equivalent of the internal 2001, 2012; Geschwind, 1965a,b), hemis-
capsule of the posterior part of the hemi- patial neglect occurs with lesions in the
spheres. The functional implications are anterior limb and genu of the internal cap-
also analogous to those of the ICa and ICp. sule (Schmahmann, 1984; Schmahmann &
Whereas damage to the optic radiations in Pandya, 2006; Tatemichi et al., 1992), fron-
the ventral sector of the SS can lead to hemi- tal behavioral disturbances are noted in
anopsia, damage to the dorsal part of the SS Marchiafava-Bignami disease of the corpus
may result in distortion of high-level visual callosum (Leventhal, Baringer, Arnason, &
information. Fisher, 1965), fornix lesions impair memory
(DEsposito, Verfaellie, Alexander, & Katz,
Thalamic Peduncles 1995; Heilman & Sypert, 1977), and alexia
Cortico-subcortical fibers enter the thala- without agraphia is seen with dual lesions
mus in locations determined by their site in the splenium of the corpus callosum and
of origin. The afferent and efferent fibers the left occipital pole (Dejerine, 1892) as well
between thalamus and cerebral cortex are as from a single subcortical lesion under-
arrayed around the thalamus, and they are cutting Wernickes area (Schmahmann &
collectively termed the thalamic pedun- Pandya, 2006).
cles (details in Schmahmann & Pandya, The clinical deficits from loss of the white
2006). The mammillothalamic tract that matter tracts linking different nodes may
links the mammillary bodies with the ante- differ from those following lesions of the
rior thalamic nuclei is particularly pertinent cortex or subcortical nodes for a number
to the memory system; when damaged by of reasons. White matter lesions may dis-
lesions of thalamus, it can produce a pro- rupt information destined for more than
found amnestic syndrome. one node; they may involve association,
projection, and striatal fibers; and they may
affect more than one functional domain.
Clinical Features of White Matter Lesions Involvement of afferent versus efferent
fibers may have clinical significancestria-
Lesions of white matter fiber pathways tal fibers are unidirectional from cortex to
themselves produce clinical consequences. caudate-putamen; the middle cerebellar
Neuropsychiatric disturbances or dementia peduncle is essentially exclusively afferent
occurs in the setting of disseminated white from pons to cerebellum, whereas the supe-
matter damage from a large number of dis- rior cerebellar peduncle is predominantly
eases, including small vessel cerebrovas- efferent from cerebellum to the cerebral
cular disease and multiple sclerosis (Filley, hemispheres; and the thalamic peduncles
2001, 2012; Schmahmann, Smith, Eichler, are bidirectional. Fiber tract disruptions
& Filley, 2007). Some neurodegenerative are often incomplete by virtue of the ana-
diseases, particularly tauopathy forms of tomical arrangement of the pathways and
frontotemporal lobar degeneration, are the pathologic conditions that affect white
associated with primary neurodegenerative matter, and the effects of partial versus
pathology within the frontotemporal white complete disconnection are likely to be
matter subjacent to frontotemporal cortex. pertinent.
42part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Basal Ganglia organization, constructional praxis, verbal

fluency, working memory, attentional set
Connectional Neuroanatomy of the shifting, initial encoding of information,
Basal Ganglia procedural learning and spontaneous recall,
and aspects of language that rely on proce-
There are multiple parallel loops, or circuits, in dural memory (Cronin-Golomb, Corkin, &
the corticostriatal system, each of which com- Growdon, 1994; Growdon & Corkin, 1987;
prises a parent cerebral cortical area (motor, Muslimovic, Post, Speelman, & Schmand,
association, or limbic cortex) that projects in 2007; Owen et al., 1992; Smith & McDowall,
a topographically arranged manner to nuclei 2006; Williams-Gray, Foltynie, Brayne,
of the basal ganglia, which in turn project via Robbins, & Barker, 2007). These deficits are
thalamus back to the cortical region of origin thought to reflect damage to fronto-striatal
(Alexander, DeLong,& Strick, 1986; Mega& interactions, and interference with the role
Cummings, 1994; Nauta & Domesick, 1984; of basal ganglia in the cognitive processes
Selemon & Goldman-Rakic, 1990). Each of that lead to habit formation (Graybiel, 1998;
these loops supports distinct domains of Barnes, Kubota, Hu, Jin, & Graybiel, 2005)
behavior. Sensorimotor and parietal intra- and goal-directed behaviors (Delgado,
modality sensory association cortices project 2007).
predominantly to the dorsal and midsectors The major behavioral-cognitive syn-
of the putamen. Association areas in prefron- dromes that arise following basal ganglia
tal, posterior parietal, and superior tempo- lesions reflect the anatomic connections
ral polymodal cortices project preferentially with the cerebral cortex. Three broad catego-
to the caudate nucleus. Orbital and medial ries of behavioral-cognitive syndromes are
prefrontal cortices and the cingulate gyrus recognized.
project to the ventral striatum, and the rostral
and inferior temporal and parahippocampal 1. Lesions of the dorsal and midregions
cortices project to the ventral striatum and of the putamen that receive afferents from
ventral part of the putamen (Schmahmann& motor cortices lead to extrapyramidal
Pandya, 2006; Yeterian& Pandya, 1993, 1994, motor syndromes and akinesia, and apa-
1998). All these projections are arranged thy and unconcern can follow damage to
with a high degree of topographic specificity the dorsolateral striatum (Levy & Dubois,
(Fig.2.8). 2006). Hypophonic dysarthria is common in
Parkinsons disease, reflecting involvement
of the putamen.
Clinical Features of Basal Ganglia Lesions 2. Deficits in executive function and spatial
cognition from lesions of the rostral head
Subcortical dementia as a clinical entity was of the caudate nucleus reflect the connec-
first recognized in progressive supranuclear tions with the dorsolateral prefrontal cor-
palsy and Huntingtons disease (Albert, tex concerned with attention and executive
Feldman, & Willis, 1974), characterized by functions, and the posterior parietal cortex
slowness of mental processing, forgetful- concerned with personal and extrapersonal
ness, apathy, and depression. This notion space. Caudate head lesions can result in
was later expanded when it became appar- impaired working memory, strategy forma-
ent that focal subcortical lesions play a role tion, and cognitive flexibility. Focal lesions
in arousal, attention, mood, motivation, are associated with impairments true to
language, memory, abstraction, and visuo- hemispherehemineglect and visual-spa-
spatial skills (Cummings & Benson, 1984). tial disorientation following right caudate
Patients with Parkinsons disease experi- lesions, aphasia after left caudate stroke
ence apathy with diminished emotional (Caplan et al., 1990; Kumral, Evyapan, &
responsiveness (Dujardin et al., 2007) and Balkir, 1999). The precisely arranged topog-
cognitive decline, including impairment of raphy of the associative projections to the
concentration (bradyphrenia; Naville, 1922), striatum is likely to account for the observa-
loss of mental and behavioral flexibility tion that different regions of striatum engage
with impaired strategic planning, sequential in different aspects of cognition.
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 43

Area 47/12 Area 32 Area 46d

(A) (B) (C)

Cd Cd Cd

Pu CI Pu

(D) (E) Cl (F)
Cd Cd

Pu Th
Th Pu


Figure 2.8 Diagrams illustrating the principle of topographic arrangement of cerebral cortical
projections to the caudate nucleus (Cd) and putamen (Pu) from prefrontal cortex in the Rhesus
monkey. Injections of anterogradely transported isotope tracer were placed in the prefrontal
cortex. From left to rightorbital prefrontal cortex area 47/12 encroaching posteriorly on the
insular proisocortex; medial prefrontal convexity area 32; and area 46d above the midportion of the
principal sulcus. Coronal images through the striatum are shown in the columns below, from rostral
above to caudal at the bottom. Black dots represent terminations in the striatum. (Adaptedfrom
Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006). AC = anterior commissure, CdT = tail of caudate nucleus,
Cl=claustrum, GPe = globus pallidus external, G Pi = globus pallidus internal, STN = subthalamic
nucleus, Th = thalamus, VS = ventral striatum

3. Lesions of the ventral striatum produce involvement of the limbic ventral striato-pal-
disinhibited, irritable, and labile behaviors, lidal system, but it can also occur following
and they are implicated in the neurobiology damage to dorsolateral striatum and may
of addiction (Peoples, Kravitz, & Guillem, reflect connections with the medial prefrontal
2007) and obsessive-compulsive disorder and anterior cingulate regions.
(Remijnse et al., 2006). These disturbances of
social and emotional function (behaviors with Motor and behavioral consequences of palli-
limbic valence) reflect the ventral striatal con- dotomy are also determined by lesion loca-
nections with the orbital and medial prefron- tion. Posterior and ventrolateral regions
tal cortices concerned with drive, motivation, (linked to motor cortical areas) have a benefi-
emotional aspects of performance, inhibition cial impact on bradykinesia but no influence
of inappropriate responses, and reward- on cognitive performance (Lombardi et al.,
guided behaviors. Apathy most likely reflects 2000). Rostral and dorsomedial GPi lesions
44part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

(linked to prefrontal cortical areas 9 and 46) The CM/Pf nuclei are linked with the basal
produce impaired semantic fluency, math- ganglia in tightly connected functional cir-
ematical ability, and memory under condi- cuits. A sensorimotor circuit links putamen
tions of proactive interference. Left-sided with CM through the ventrolateral part of the
lesions produce deficits in verbal fluency internal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi).
and verbal encoding (Trpanier, Saint-Cyr, Cognitive circuits link the caudate with Pf
Lozano, & Lang, 1998). And bilateral palli- through the dorsal GPi and through the sub-
dotomy, while generally effective at reduc- stantia nigra pars reticulata (Sidibe, Pare, &
ing the disabling features of Parkinsons Smith, 2002). A limbic circuit links the ventral
disease (Scott, Gregory, & Hines, 1998), can striatum with the Pf through the rostrome-
result in prominent behavioral changes, dis- dial GPi, and midline nuclei receiving input
inhibition, reckless and socially inappropri- from the periaqueductal gray and spinotha-
ate behaviors, apathy, poor judgment, and lamic tract are involved in processing the
lack of insight (Ghika et al., 1999). motivational-affective components of pain
(Bentivoglio, Kultas-Ilinsky, & Ilinsky, 1993;
Lenz & Dougherty, 1997; Willis, 1997).
Limbic Thalamic Nuclei
The neurobehavioral syndromes resulting
from thalamic lesions may be understood The functions of the anterior nuclear group
by considering the functional properties ventral, medial, and dorsal (AV, AM, and AD
of the thalamic nuclei as determined by nuclei), and the lateral dorsal (LD) nucleus
tract-tracing investigations in monkeys, and are determined by their reciprocal anatomic
physiological and clinical studies in patients. connections with limbic structures in the
Thalamic nuclei have been grouped into five cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, parahip-
functional classes:reticular and intralaminar pocampal formation, entorhinal cortex, ret-
that subserve arousal and nociception; lim- rosplenial cortex, orbitofrontal and medial
bic nuclei concerned with mood and motiva- prefrontal cortices, and with subcortical
tion; specific sensory nuclei; effector nuclei structures, including the mamillary bodies
concerned with movement and aspects of and amygdala (Locke, Angevine,& Yakovlev,
language; and associative nuclei participat- 1961; Yakovlev & Locke, 1961; Yakovlev,
ing in high-level cognition (Schmahmann, Locke, Koskoff, & Patton, 1960; Yeterian &
2003; Fig. 2.9; Table 2.1). Pandya, 1988). The magnocellular part of the
medial dorsal nucleus (MDmc), parts of the
medial pulvinar, and parts of the VA nucleus
Anatomical Features and Connections are also reciprocally interconnected with the
cingulate gyrus and other components of the
Reticular Thalamic Nucleus limbic system and thus may also be consid-
ered limbic. Like their cortical and subcorti-
This nuclear shell surrounds thalamus and cal counterparts (Devinsky& Luciano, 1997;
conveys afferents from cerebral cortex. It Mesulam, 1988), limbic thalamic nuclei are
contributes to synchrony and rhythms of tha- likely to be essential for learning and memory,
lamic neuronal activity and is relevant in the emotional experience and expression, drive,
pathophysiology of epilepsy (Huguenard & and motivation. The tuberothalamic artery
Prince, 1997) and neural substrates of con- irrigates these nuclei as well as the mammil-
sciousness (Llinas& Ribary, 2001). lothalamic and ventral amygdalofugal tracts
that link the anterior thalamic nuclei with the
Intralaminar Thalamic Nuclei
limbic regions, accounting for the profound
The paracentral (Pcn), central lateral (CL), amnestic and limbic deficits resulting from
centromedian (CM), parafascicular (Pf), and tuberothalamic stroke.
midline nuclei such as paraventricular, rhom-
boid, and reunions play a role in autonomic
Specific Sensory Thalamic Nuclei
drive. They receive afferents from brainstem,
spinal cord, and cerebellum and have recip- The specific sensory nuclei include the medial
rocal connections with cerebral hemispheres. geniculate nucleus (MGN), lateral geniculate
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 45

Horizontal H1178 H1160


Re (Edy)
(Edy) (L.po) VA
VAmc Cem (L.po)
(Co) (Co) VAmc
(A.d) AV MTT
VLa (
CL (A.Pr) (V.o.a/p) VLa VLa
(iLa.o) (V.o.a/p) VLp (V.o.a/p)
R VLp Pv
(Pm) (V.o.i)
(Rt) (V.o.i)
MD R (
(M) MD Pc VLp
(M) (iLa.o) ( (Rt) MD VPLa R
(M) (V.c.a.e) (Rt)
CL (A.Pr) ( VPLa
(iLa.o) (V.c.a.e) (iL.a) (V.c.a.i)

(D.sf) ( (V.c.p.e)
CL Pla
(iLa.v/p) (Pu.o) LP
Plm (D.c)
(Pu.m) LP Plm
(D.c) (Pu.m)
Ventral Pll

H1134 H1124
Gpi H1110

(Edy) (L.po) ZI
Cem (V.o.m)
(Co) (V.o.a/p) (Co)
Pv Pf (V.o.i) Pf VMb VLp R
(Pm) (Pf) Pv (Pf) (V.c.pc.i) ( (Rt)
VLp (Pm)
( R VPLa VMb
CM (Rt) (V.c.a.e) Pf (V.c.pc.i)
CL (Ce) VPLa CL CM (Pf)
(iL.a.p) (iL.a.v/p) (Ce) CM VPLa
MD (V.c.a.e) VPM (V.c.a.e)
(V.c.a.i) (V.c.a.i) (Rt)
(V.c.a.i) H (M) H
(Hb) L CL
VPLp (Hb) Pla VPLp
Pla (V.c.p.e) (Li) (iLa.c) (Pu.o)
Pla (V.c.p.e) (V.c.p.e)
L CL (Pu.o)
(Li) (iLa.c)
Plm Plm
(Pu.m) Pll (Pu.m)
(Pu.l) Plm Pll Pll
(Pu.m) (Pu.l) (Pu.l)


H661 H647 H623

AV (Rt) AV VLp VLp
AD (A.Pr) ( (L.po)
(A.Pr) VA AD (
(L.po) (A.d)
(Pt) (A.m) VAmc VLa (iLa.o) (Rt) VLa (Rt)
( (V.o.a/p) MD VLa (V.o.a/p)
Pv Cem VLp CL
(Pm) (Co) (M) (V.o.a/p) (iLa.v/p)
MTT VM Pc (V.o.i) MD
(V.o.m) (iLa.o) (M)
Re Pv
(Edy) ZI (Pm) VLp
(Zi) (
ST Cem (V.o.m) (Ce) VPM
(Co) ZI
(Zi) (V.c.a.i)
Gpi (Pf) (V.c.pc.e)
Rostral RN ZI

H67 H6P8 H6P32

(D.sf) (
(D.sf) VLp Pll
( (iLa.c) (D.c)
LP R (Pu.l)
(D.c) (Rt)
MD (Rt)
MD CL (D.c) R
(M) Pim
(iLa.p) VPLa (Rt) (Pu.m) Pla VPLp
(M) (V.c.a.e) (Pu.o) (V.c.p.e)
(Pu.o) VPLp
H (V.c.p.e) Pla
(Hb) VPLp (Pu.l) PIi
L (Pu.v)
CM VPM (V.c.p.e) (Li) Po
(Pf) (Ce) (V.c.a.i) (Li.por) Pli
Sg (Pu.v)
VPI (Li) LGd
PC (V.c.pc.e) Pg (G.l)
MG (pG)
Zi (G.m) R
(Zi) LGd (Rt)

Figure2.9 Diagram illustrating the nuclei of the human thalamus. Horizontal sections are seen
above, from ventral to dorsal. Coronal sections below proceed from rostral to caudal. The revised
nomenclature correlates with terminology used in the monkey. An earlier nomenclature is shown in
parentheses. (Adapted from Jones, 1997; figure reproduced from Schmahmann & Pandya, 2008)
46part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

TABLE 2.1 Behavioral Roles of Thalamic Nuclei (From Schmahmann, 2003)

Major Functional Thalamic Nuclei Putative Functional Attributes

Reticular Reticular Arousal, rhythmicity, role in

Intralaminar CM, Pf, CL, Pcn, Arousal, attention, motivation, affective
midline (reunions, paraventricular, components of pain
Limbic Anterior nuclear group (AD, AM, AV), Learning, memory, emotional experience
Lateral dorsal nucleus and expression, drive, motivation
OtherMDmc, medial pulvinar, ventral
Specific Sensory Medial geniculate Auditory
Lateral geniculate Visual
Ventroposteriorlateral (VPL) Somatosensory body and limbs
medial (VPM) Somatosensory head and neck
medial, parvicellular (VPMpc) Gustatory
inferior (VPI) Vestibular
Effector Ventral anteriorreticulata recipient Complex behaviors
pallidal recipient Motor programming
Ventral medial Motor
Ventral lateralventral part Motor
dorsal part Language (dominant hemisphere)
Associative Lateral posterior High-order somatosensory and
visuospatial integrationspatial
Medial dorsalmedial, magnocellular Drive, motivation, inhibition, emotion
intermediate, parvicellular (MDpc) Executive functions, working memory
lateral, multiform (MDmf) Attention, horizontal gaze
Pulvinarmedial Supramodal, high-level association region
across multiple domains
Lateral Somatosensory, visual association
Inferior Visual association
Anterior (pulvinar oralis) Intramodality somatosensory association,
pain appreciation
AD = anterodorsal thalamic nucleus, AM = anteromedian thalamic nucleus, AV = anteroventral thalamic nucleus,
CL = central lateral thalamic nucleus, CM = centromedian thalamic nucleus, Pcn = paracentral thalamic nucleus, Pf =
parafascicular thalamic nucleus

nucleus (LGN), and ventroposterior nuclei The VPL and VPM nuclei are reciprocally
(lateral, medial, and inferiorVPL, VPM, interconnected with primary somatosensory
andVPI). cortices; VPL serves body and limbs, and
Medial geniculate nucleus connections with VPM serves head and neck (Jones & Powell,
primary and association auditory cortices 1970b). Gustatory function is subserved by
infer a role in higher level auditory process- the parvicellular division of VPM (Pritchard,
ing as well as in elementary audition (Hackett, Hamilton, Morse, & Norgren, 1986). The
Stepniewska, & Kaas, 1998; Mesulam & somatotopy of these nuclei is precise, and
Pandya, 1973; Pandya, Rosene, & Doolittle, lacunar infarcts of the inferolateral artery pro-
1994). The lateral geniculate projects to primary duce focal sensory deficits. The VPI nucleus
and secondary visual cortices (Kennedy & is linked with the rostral inferior parietal
Bullier, 1985). It also receives projections back lobule and the second somatosensory area
from visual areas (Shatz& Rakic, 1981), indi- in the parietal operculum (SII; Schmahmann
cating that higher order processing can influ- & Pandya, 1990; Yeterian & Pandya, 1985)
ence visual perception at an early stage. and with the frontal operculum engaged in
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 47

vestibular functions (Deecke, Schwarz, & Associative Thalamic Nuclei

Fredrickson, 1977).
The lateral posterior, medial dorsal, and pul-
Spinothalamic and trigeminothalamic
vinar nuclei are interconnected with cerebral
inputs, and topographically organized wide
association areas and have no peripheral
dynamic neurons and nociceptive specific
afferents or links with primary sensorimotor
neurons in the ventroposterior nuclei facili-
tate their role in the specific component of
The lateral posterior (LP) nucleus is recip-
the pain system (Willis, 1997). Disruption of
rocally linked with the posterior parietal
SII cortex connections with these nuclei has
(Schmahmann & Pandya, 1990; Weber &
been postulated to cause the parietal pseu-
Yin, 1984; Yeterian & Pandya, 1985), medial
dothalamic pain syndrome (Schmahmann&
and dorsolateral extrastriate (Yeterian &
Leifer, 1992).
Pandya, 1997), and posterior cingulate and
medial parahippocampal cortices (Yeterian&
Pandya, 1988). It is able to integrate intramo-
Effector Thalamic Nuclei
dal and multimodal associative somatosen-
Motor nuclei include the ventral anterior sory and visual information, and it is likely
(VA), ventromedial (VM), and ventral lateral engaged in spatial functions, goal-directed
(VL) nuclei. Subregions within VA receive reaching (Acua, Cudeiro, Gonzalez,
afferents from the internal globus pallidus Alonso,& Perez, 1990), and possibly in con-
(Ilinsky & Kultas-Ilinsky, 1987), are linked ceptual and analytical thinking.
with premotor cortices (Jones, 1997), and The medial dorsal (MD) nucleus has recip-
may be responsible for dystonia in rostral rocal connections with the prefrontal cortex
thalamic lesions. Neurons in VA receive (Barbas, Henion,& Dermon, 1991; Giguere&
afferents from the substantia nigra pars Goldman-Rakic, 1988; Goldman-Rakic &
reticulata (Francois, Tande, Yelnik,& Hirsch, Porrino, 1985; Siwek& Pandya, 1991; Tobias,
2002; Jones, 1985); are linked with premo- 1975). The laterally placed multiformis part
tor, supplementary motor (Schell & Strick, (MDmf) is linked with the area 8 in the arcuate
1984), prefrontal (Goldman-Rakic& Porrino, concavity, and lesions produce impairments
1985), caudal parts of the posterior parietal of horizontal gaze and attention. The inter-
(Schmahmann & Pandya, 1990) and rostral mediate part of MD (the parvicellular MDpc)
cingulate cortices (Vogt, Pandya, & Rosene, is linked with dorsolateral and dorsomedial
1987); and may account for complex behav- prefrontal cortices, areas 9 and 46, possibly
ioral syndromes following lesions of the ven- accounting for poor working memory and
tral anterior thalamus. perseveration resulting from MD lesions.
The ventral sector of the posterior part of The medial part (magnocellular MDmc) is
VL is linked with the motor cortex (Strick, linked with paralimbic regionsmedial and
1976)and causes ataxia and mild motor weak- orbital prefrontal cortices, amygdala, basal
ness following thalamic stroke (Gutrecht, forebrain, and olfactory and entorhinal cor-
Zamani, & Pandya, 1992; Murthy, 1988; tices (Graff-Radford, Tranel, Van Hoesen, &
Solomon, Barohn, Bazan, & Grissom, 1994). Brandt, 1990; Russchen, Amaral, & Price,
The dorsal part is linked with the posterior 1987). Apathy, abulia, disinhibition, and fail-
parietal (Schmahmann& Pandya, 1990), pre- ure to inhibit inappropriate behaviors are
frontal (Kievit & Kuypers, 1977; Knzle & likely to result from MDmc lesions, along
Akert, 1977; Middleton & Strick, 1994), with memory (Victor, Adams, & Collins,
and superior temporal cortices (Yeterian & 1971) and language deficits (Bogousslavsky,
Pandya, 1989) and has a role in articulation Regli,& Uske, 1988).
and language (perseveration results from Different subregions within medial pul-
electrical stimulation of left medial VL; mis- vinar (PM) are topographically linked with
naming and omissions with stimulation of prefrontal (Asanuma, Andersen, & Cowan,
left posterior VL), as well as in the encoding 1985; Romanski, Giguere, Bates, & Goldman-
and retrieval of verbal (left) and nonverbal Rakic, 1997; Yeterian & Pandya, 1988), poste-
information (right) (Hugdahl& Wester, 2000; rior parietal (Asanuma, Andersen, & Cowan,
Johnson& Ojemann, 2000; Ojemann, Fedio,& 1985; Schmahmann & Pandya, 1990; Yeterian
Van Buren, 1968; Ojemann& Ward, 1971). & Pandya, 1985), and auditory-related
48part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

(Pandya, Rosene, & Doolittle, 1994) and mul- LP and PO nuclei that project to both superior
timodal superior temporal cortices (Yeterian and inferior parietal lobules. Rostral parietal
& Pandya, 1991), and with the cingulate, para- subdivisions receive projections from ventral
hippocampal (Yeterian & Pandya, 1988), and regions within these thalamic nuclei, caudal
insula cortices (Mufson & Mesulam, 1984). parietal afferents arise from the dorsal parts
Aphasia (Ojemann, Fedio, & Van Buren, of these nuclei, and the intervening cortical
1968), spatial neglect (Karnath, Himmelbach, levels receive projections from intermediate
& Rorden, 2002), and psychosis (Guard etal., positions within the nuclei. A similar topo-
1986) may result from PM lesions. The lat- graphic arrangement is present also in the
eral pulvinar (PL) is linked with posterior medial pulvinar projections to the inferior
parietal (Asanuma, Andersen, & Cowan, parietal lobule (Fig. 2.11).
1985; Schmahmann & Pandya, 1990), supe-
rior temporal (Yeterian & Pandya, 1991), and
medial and dorsolateral extrastriate cortices Clinical Features of Thalamic Lesions
(Yeterian & Pandya, 1997), and the superior
colliculus (Robinson & Cowie, 1997). It is C. Miller Fisher (19132012) first described
engaged in the integration of somatosensory neglect (modified anosognosia and hemia-
and visual information. Inferior pulvinar (PI) somatognosia), global dysphasia, confu-
is linked with temporal lobe areas concerned sion, and visual hallucinations in patients
with visual feature discrimination, and with with thalamic hemorrhage (Fisher, 1959).
ventrolateral and ventromedial extrastriate Accounts followed of thalamic demen-
areas concerned with visual motion (Cusick, tia from prion diseases (Martin, 1997) and
Scripter, Darensbourg, & Weber, 1993; behavioral changes in patients with thalamic
Yeterian & Pandya, 1997). It also receives tumors (Nass et al., 2000; Ziegler, Kaufman, &
input from retinal ganglion cells (Cowey, Marshall, 1977), but these lesions are seldom
Stoerig, & Bannister, 1994) and visual neu- confined to thalamus. Focal lesions in thala-
rons of the superior colliculus (Robinson & mus occur in the setting of ischemic infarc-
Cowie, 1997). The anterior pulvinar (pulvinar tion. There are four main vascular syndromes
oralis, PO) is interconnected with intramo- of the thalamus. A review of these vascular
dality somatosensory association cortices in syndromes illustrates the behavioral roles of
the rostral part of the inferior parietal region, the different thalamic nuclei and highlights
and with the second somatosensory area the clinical relevance of the thalamic affer-
(SII; Acuna, Cudeiro, Gonzalez, Alonso, & ent and efferent connections (Schmahmann,
Perez, 1990; Asanuma, Andersen, & Cowan, 2003; Fig. 2.12; Table 2.2).
1985; Schmahmann & Pandya, 1990; Yeterian
& Pandya, 1985). The PO nucleus may be Tuberothalamic Artery Infarction
important in the appreciation of pain, as are
the suprageniculate, limitans, and posterior These patients demonstrate fluctuating
nuclei (Jones, 1985). levels of consciousness, disorientation in
Sensorimotor, effector, limbic, and asso- time and place, and personality changes,
ciative regions of cerebral cortex are there- including euphoria, lack of insight, apathy,
fore linked with distinctly different sets of lack of spontaneity, and emotional uncon-
thalamic nuclei. Thalamic projections to the cern (Bogousslavsky, Regli, & Assal, 1986;
posterior parietal lobe exemplify this concept Bogousslavsky, Regli, & Uske, 1988; Graff-
(Schmahmann& Pandya, 1990). Connections Radford, Damasio, Yamada, Eslinger, &
become progressively elaborated as one Damasio, 1985; Graff-Radford, Eslinger,
moves from rostral to caudal within both Damasio, & Yamada, 1984; Lisovoski et al.,
the superior and the inferior parietal lobules. 1993) (Fig. 2.13A and B). New learning and ver-
Rostral areas concerned with intramodal- bal and visual memory are impaired. Amnesia
ity somatosensory processing are related to is greater following left thalamic lesions, along
modality-specific thalamic nuclei, whereas with anomia, impaired comprehension, fluent
caudal regions, concerned with complex func- and meaningless discourse with semantic and
tions, derive their input from multimodal and phonemic paraphasic errors, neologisms, and
limbic nuclei (Fig. 2.10). This rostral-caudal perseveration. In contrast, repetition and read-
cortical topography is represented within the ing aloud are preserved. Acalculia, buccofacial

Area S1 Area PF Area PG Area PG-Opt

sm LD LD VLc
Csl VLc VLc VLc
pc MD VPLc

pf CM VPM MDmt


SG GMpc Li






CORTICAL S1 Area PF Area PG Area PG-Opt
PRINCIPAL Sensory Sensory Associative Associative
THALAMIC Ventral posterior Ventral posterior Pulvinar medialis (PM) Pulvinar medialis (PM)
NUCLEAR medial (VPM) medial (VPM) Lateral posterior (LP) Lateral posterior (LP)
AFFERENTS Ventral posterior Effector Effector
inferior (VPI) Ventral lateral Ventral lateral
Associative (caudal (VLc) and (pars postrema) (VLps)
Pulvinar oralis (PO) pars postrema (VLps)) Intralaminar
Lateral posterior (LP) Paracentralis (Pcn)
Pulvinar medialis (PM) Limbic
Lateral dorsal (LD)
Anterior nuclei
PUTATIVE Primary Intramodality Multimodal somatosensory Multimodal associative
FUNCTIONAL unimodal association within and visual: for integration and paralimbic: visual
PROPERTIES somatosensory somatosensory of visual and cutaneo- spatial and somesthetic
domain: for kinesthetic spatial stimuli invested with
graphesthesia, information emotional and
stereognosis motivational valence

Figure2.10 Diagrammatic representation of projections from thalamus (black dots) to primary

somatosensory cortex S1, area PF, area PG, and area PG-Opt of the parietal lobe in Rhesus monkey
following cortical injections (blackened areas) of wheat germ agglutinated horseradish peroxidase.
Representative rostral to caudal levels of thalamus are shown. (Thalamic nomenclature according
to Olszewski, 1952. Parietal lobe nomenclature according to Pandya & Seltzer, 1982.) The table
summarizes the areas injected with tracer, the principal thalamic nuclei demonstrating retrogradely
labeled neurons, and the putative functional attributes of the cortical areas studied. (Derived from
Schmahmann & Pandya, 1990; figure reproduced from Schmahmann & Pandya, 2008)
50part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

temporally unrelated information (palipsy-

chism). Apathy, inattention, disorientation,
CS impaired sequencing, and perseveration are
PS prominent. Dysarthria, hypophonia, anomia,
and decreased verbal fluency are noted, but
IOS LF comprehension, writing, reading, and repeti-
tion are preserved (Clarke et al., 1994; Ghika-
Schmid & Bogousslavsky, 2000).

Paramedian Artery Infarction

Disturbances of arousal and memory, confu-
sion, agitation, aggression, apathy, and perse-
veration are common (Bogousslavsky, Regli,
PM & Uske, 1988; Castaigne et al., 1981; Graff-
Radford et al., 1984, 1985) (Fig. 2.13C). Left
thalamic strokes produce a number of lan-
PL guage impairments (Nadeau & Crosson, 1997)
R including adynamic aphasia (Guberman &
GM Stuss, 1983) with reduced verbal fluency, pre-
served syntax, occasional paraphasias, and
Figure 2.11 Diagrammatic representation of the normal repetition. Right paramedian strokes
projections from the medial pulvinar nucleus impair visual-spatial functions. Bilateral
of thalamus (PM) to the inferior parietal lobule infarction produces disorientation, confu-
in Rhesus monkey. Fluorescent retrograde sion, hypersomnolence, and akinetic mutism
tracers were placed in area PF (shaded black),
(awake unresponsiveness) (Castaigne et al.,
area PG (open circle), and area PG-Opt (shaded
1981; Graff-Radford et al., 1984, 1985; Reilly,
gray) in a Rhesus monkey, and the resulting
Connolly, Stack, Martin, & Hutchinson, 1992)
retrogradely labeled neurons were identified
in the PM nucleus. Shading of labeled neurons
as well as severe anterograde and retrograde
was according to the injection site in each memory deficits, apathy, inappropriate social
case. (Adapted from Schmahmann & Pandya, behaviors, and a reported absence of spon-
1990). AS = arcuate sulcus, CS = central sulcus, taneous thoughts or mental activities (see
F =fornix, GM = medial geniculate, IOS = Bogousslavsky et al., 1991; Engelborghs,
inferior occipital sulcus, IPS = intraparietal Marien, Pickut, Verstraeten, & De Deyn,
sulcus, LF = lateral fissure, PL = lateral 2000; Guberman & Stuss, 1983). Distortion
pulvinar, PS = principal sulcus, R = reticular of personally relevant autobiographical
nucleus, STS = superior temporal sulcus. memory with relative sparing of knowledge
of famous people and public events has
apraxia, and limb apraxia may occur (Warren, been observeda thematic retrieval mem-
Thompson, & Thompson, 2000). Right tha- ory disorder (Hodges & McCarthy, 1993).
lamic lesions produce the amnestic syndrome Disorientation in time (chronotaraxis; Spiegel,
along with impairments in visual processing Wycis, Orchinik, & Freed, 1956), apraxia, and
and visual memory, and hemispatial neglect. dysgraphia are also reported (Castaigne etal.,
Lesions on either side produce emotional 1981; Graff-Radford, Tranel, Van Hoesen, &
central facial paralysis (good facial move- Brandt, 1990).
ment with volition, but facial asymmetry
during emotional display) and constructional
Inferolateral Artery Infarction
apraxia. Motor findings are mild, and sensory
disturbances are rare. The thalamic syndrome of Dejerine and Roussy
Stroke confined to the anterior/polar (1906) includes sensory loss, hemiparesis, and
branch of the tuberothalamic artery affects postlesion pain, particularly following right-
memory and personality. Autobiographic sided lesions (Fig. 2.13D) (Bogousslavsky,
memory and newly acquired information are Regli, & Uske, 1988; Caplan, DeWitt, Pessin,
disorganized with respect to temporal order, Gorelick, & Adelman, 1988; Fisher, 1978; Garcin
with patients displaying superimposition of & Lapresle, 1954; Lapresle & Haguenau, 1973;
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 51

(A) (B)

DM 5

LGB 8 7
6 7 8 9

5 3 4 P

1 2

(C) (D)


F Put
Pl Put R
P Pm
a Apr Lpo
Fa Lpo
M Pt
Co T
IML T voi Voe
Vo Voe
M Vim
Pt M

p mc Vc Vce
m T Ce Dc
p M pc

Pu Pu

Territories: Posterior choroidal



Figure 2.12 Thalamic vascular supply. Schematic diagram of the lateral (A) and dorsal (B) views
of the four major thalamic arteries, and the nuclei they irrigate, according to Bogousslavsky, Regli,
and Uske (1988). 1 = carotid artery, 2 = basilar artery, 3 = P1 region of the posterior cerebral artery
(mesencephalic artery), 4 = posterior cerebral artery, 5 = posterior communicating artery, 6 =
tuberothalamic artery, 7 = paramedian artery, 8 = inferolateral artery, 9 = posterior choroidal artery.
DM, dorsomedial nucleus; IL, intralaminar nuclear complex; P, pulvinar; VA, Ventral anterior; VL,
Ventral lateral; VP, ventral posterior complex. The illustrations in C and D from De Freitas and
Bogousslavsky (2002) are an adapted version of the conclusions of von Cramon, Hebel, and Schuri
(1985) regarding the patterns of irrigation by the thalamic arterial supply to the thalamic nuclei.
(Composite image from Schmahmann, 2003)

Nasreddine & Saver, 1997). Sensory loss may posterior column sense (position, vibration).
be the sole clinical manifestation, involve all These strokes produce a flexed and pronated
modalities, or impair spinothalamic sensa- thalamic hand (Foix & Hillemand, 1925)
tion (temperature, pinprick) without loss of with the thumb buried beneath the other
52part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

TABLE 2.2 Thalamic Arterial Supply and Principal Clinical Features of Focal Infarction (From
Schmahmann, 2003)
Thalmic Blood Vessel Nuclei Irrigated Clinical Features Reported

Tuberothalamic Reticular, intralaminar, VA, Confusion, memory, emotion, behavior

artery22 rostral VL, ventral pole of MD,Fluctuating arousal and orientation
(arises from middle anterior nucleiAD, AM, AV, Impaired learning, memory, autobiographical
third of P.Comm) ventral internal medullary memory
lamina, Superimposition of temporally unrelated
ventral amygdalofugal pathway, information
mamillothalamic tract Personality changes, apathy, abulia
Executive failure, perseveration
True to hemispherelanguage if VL involved
on left; hemispatial neglect if right sided
Emotional facial, acalculia, apraxia
Paramedian artery22 MD, Confusion, memory, language, behavior
(arises from P1) intralaminarCM, Pf, CL, Decreased arousal (coma vigil if bilateral)
posteromedial VL, ventromedial Impaired learning and memory,
pulvinar, paraventricular, LD, confabulation, temporal disorientation, poor
dorsal internal medullary lamina autobiographical memory
Aphasia if left sided, spatial deficits if right
Altered social skills and personality, including
apathy, aggression, agitation
Inferolateral artery22
(arises from P2)
Principal inferolateral Ventroposterior complexVPM, Variable elements of a triadhemisensory loss,
branch VPL, VPI hemiataxia, and hemiparesis
Ventral lateral nucleus, ventral Sensory loss (variable extent, all modalities)
(motor) part Hemiataxia
Post-lesion pain syndrome
(Dejerine-Roussy)right hemisphere
Medial branch Medial geniculate auditory consequences
Inferolateral pulvinar Rostral and lateral pulvinar, LD behavioral
branches nucleus
Posterior choroidal
(arises from P2)
Lateral branches LGN, LD, LP, inferolateral parts Visual field loss (hemianopsia,
of pulvinar quadrantanopsia) Variable sensory loss,
Medial branches MGN, posterior parts of CM and weakness, aphasia, memory impairment,
CL, pulvinar dystonia, hand tremor
AD = anterodorsal thalamic nucleus, AM = anteromedian thalamic nucleus, AV = anteroventral thalamic nucleus,
CL= central lateral thalamic nucleus, CM = centromedian thalamic nucleus, LD = lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus, LGN=
lateral geniculate nucleus, LP = lateral posterior thalamic nucleus, MD = medial dorsal thalamic nucleus, VA = v entral
exterior thalamic nucleus, VL = ventral lateral thalamic nucleus, VPI = ventral posterior inferior thalamic nucleus,
VPL = ventral posterior lateral thalamic nucleus, VPM = ventral posterior medial thalamic nucleus.

Posterior Choroidal Artery Infarction

fingers; and ataxia and hemiparesis in the
same extremities (Caplan, DeWitt, Pessin, These strokes produce complex visual field def-
Gorelick, & Adelman, 1988; Dejerine & Roussy, icits reflecting involvement of the lateral genic-
1906; Foix & Hillemand, 1925; Garcin, 1955; ulate nucleus, hemisensory loss, transcortical
Gutrecht, Zamani, & Pandya, 1992). Cognitive aphasia, and memory deficits (Bogousslavsky,
and psychiatric presentations are notably Regli, & Uske, 1988) as well as a delayed
absent. complex hyperkinetic motor syndrome with
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 53

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure2.13(A) Diffusion weighted image (DWI) of left tuberothalamic artery territory infarction
(right of diagram). (B) DWI showing infarction bilaterally in the territory of the polar branch of the
tuberothalamic artery, likely representing an example of the paramedian artery irrigating both the
paramedian and tuberothalamic territories. (C) Right paramedian artery territory infarction, seen
on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. (D) Acute infarction in the left inferolateral artery
territory on DWI. (From Schmahmann & Pandya, 2008)

ataxia, rubral tremor, dystonia, myoclonus, 2006) can produce corticothalamic discon-
and chorea (Neau & Bogousslavsky, 1996). nection and complex behavioral syndromes
Spatial neglect has been reported (Karnath, (Chukwudelunzu, Meschia, Graff-Radford,
Himmelbach, & Rorden, 2002). & Lucas, 2001; Schmahmann, 1984; Tatemichi
Damage to thalamic fiber pathways may et al., 1992). Disorders of eye movement
have clinical consequences. The mamillotha- result from medial thalamic lesions destroy-
lamic tract (MMT) connects the anterior tha- ing descending tracts from motor and pre-
lamic nuclei with the mamillary body, which motor cortices to the midbrain nuclei of
is linked with hippocampus and entorhinal Darkschewitz and the interstitial nucleus of
cortex. The MMT and fornix bind the ante- Cajal (upgaze and downgaze), and the rostral
rior thalamic nuclei into the neural system nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus
for learning and memory. The ventral amyg- in the tectum (downgaze) (Bogousslavsky,
dalofugal pathway links the amygdala with Regli, & Uske, 1988; Fisher, 1959; Guberman
the medial part of MD, and damage contrib- & Stuss, 1983; Leigh & Zee, 1983).
utes to amnesia and emotional dysregula-
tion (Graff-Radford, Tranel, Van Hoesen, &
Brandt, 1990). Lesions of the superior, medial Cerebellum
and inferior, and lateral thalamic peduncles
and of the anterior limb of the internal cap- The cerebellum is subcortical only in the
sule (conveying prefrontal and anterior cin- sense that it is distinct from cerebral cor-
gulate interactions; Schmahmann & Pandya, tex (Fig. 2.14). The traditional view that
54part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

(A) x=2
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 (B)

z= IV
0 0

10 VI 10

20 20
30 30 VIIAt
40 40
50 VIIIB 50 IX
60 60

y= 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30

(C) (D)
y = 52 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

0 0
10 10 V
20 20 G F F
z = 30 Cr I X Cr I 30 X
40 40 D

50 Cr II 50
60 VIIB 60
x = 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

(E) z = 33 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (F)
30 30
40 40
50 50
y = 60 60
70 70
80 Cr I 80

90 90 Crus II
100 100

x = 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 2.14 Images of the human cerebellum on magnetic resonance imaging (left) and
postmortem cryosection (right). The cerebellum is sectioned in the sagittal plane 2 mm to the right
of midline in A and B; in the coronal plane 52 mm behind the anterior commissureposterior
commissure (AC-PC) line in C and D; and in the transverse plane 33 mm below the AC-PC line
in E and F. Cerebellar fissures are demarcated and the lobules are designated. Deep cerebellar
nuclei are identified in the cryosection brain: D, dentate nucleus; E, emboliform nucleus; F, fastigial
nucleus; G, globose nucleus. (From Schmahmann et al., 1999; Schmahmann et al., 2000)
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 55

cerebellar function is confined to the coor- anterior lobe and part of lobule VI receive
dination of voluntary motor activity has afferents from motor and premotor cortices,
evolved (Schmahmann, 1991, 1997). Evidence whereas the association areas in the prefron-
from patients has made it plain that cerebel- tal and posterior parietal cortices are linked
lar pathology is related to intellectual and predominantly with crus I and crus II of
emotional deficits in addition to motor inco- the posterior lobe (Allen& Tsukahara, 1974;
ordination. The wider role of the cerebellum Kelly & Strick, 2003) (Fig. 2.16). Once con-
in nervous system function has far-ranging veyed to the cerebellar cortex, these streams
implications for understanding the neural of information are acted upon by the cerebel-
substrates of higher order behavior and neu- lar corticonuclear microcomplexes (Ito, 1984),
ropsychiatric disorders. There appears to be and then transmitted via the deep cerebellar
a double dissociation in the organization of nuclei to thalamus, on their way back to the
motor and nonmotor functions in the cerebel- cerebral cortex.
lum, a conclusion derived from clinical neu- Cerebellar projections to thalamus arise
rology as well as anatomy, physiology, and from fastigial and interpositus nuclei as well
functional imaging studies. as from the dentate nucleus, and they are
directed not only to the cerebellar recipient
VL but also to CL, Pcn, the CM-Pf complex,
Connectional Neuroanatomy of the and MD that have efferent projections to
Cerebellum association cortices. The cerebellar dentate
nucleus sends projections through thalamus
It is now known that cerebellar connections to different areas of the frontal lobe in the
with the cerebral cortex are not confined to monkey (Middleton& Strick, 1997). The dor-
motor-related cortices projecting through somedial part of the dentate nucleus sends its
basis pontis nuclei to cerebellum, and dentate projections to the motor cortex, whereas the
nucleus of cerebellum sending efferents back ventrolateral and ventromedial parts of the
through VL thalamus to motor cortex. Rather, dentate nucleus are connected with the pre-
the association and paralimbic regions of the frontal cortex, including area 9/46 (Kelly &
cerebral cortex have topographically orga- Strick, 2003). Further anatomical details of
nized feedforward projections through the the cerebrocerebellar linkage and of the oli-
nuclei in the basis pontis into the cerebellum, vary inputs to cerebellum may be found
as well as feedback projections from the cer- elsewhere (Schmahmann, 1996, 2006, 2013;
ebellum. Association cortex projections arise Schmahmann & Pandya, 1997b; Voogd &
from the prefrontal, posterior parietal, supe- Glickstein, 1998).
rior temporal polymodal regions, and dorsal Resting state functional connectivity mag-
parastriate cortices. Paralimbic projections netic resonance imaging (rs-fcMRI) extends
arise from the posterior parahippocampal these anatomical investigations to humans
cortex, limbic regions of the cingulate gyrus, by using the physiological feature of fluctu-
and the anterior insular cortex involved ating blood oxygen leveldependent (BOLD)
in autonomic and pain modulation sys- signal to infer anatomical connectivity. These
tems (Schmahmann, 1996; Schmahmann & studies show that activity in the cerebel-
Pandya, 1997a, 1997b). These corticopontine lar anterior lobe (most notably in lobules III
pathways are funneled through the cerebro- through V), the adjacent part of lobules VI,
cerebellar circuit within multiple parallel and lobule VIII correlates with sensorimo-
but partially overlapping loops converging tor regions of the cerebral cortex. In con-
with topographic ordering throughout the trast, activity in the cerebellar posterior lobe
pons, whereas the motor corticopontine pro- (mostly Crus I and II of lobule VII) corre-
jections are mostly in the caudal half of the lates with prefrontal, parietal, and temporal
pons (Brodal, 1978; Schmahmann& Pandya, association areas and the cingulate gyrus
1997b; Schmahmann, Rosene, & Pandya, (Habas et al., 2009; Krienen & Buckner, 2009;
2004)(Fig. 2.15). OReilly, Beckmann, Tomassini, Ramnani,
A precise pattern of organization is prob- & Johansen-Berg, 2010). Further, cerebellar
ably present also in the pontine projections correlations with intrinsic functional con-
to the cerebellar cortex, although this still nectivity networks in the cerebral hemi-
remains to be demonstrated. The cerebellar spheres reveal a pattern such that lobules VI,
56part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Area 10 Area TPO1 Area POa/MIP Area TF/TL

Cing S
LF Orb S.
(a) (b) (c) (d)










Figure 2.15 Diagram of the projections to the basis pontis from selected regions within the
cerebral association areas. The pons is the obligatory synaptic step in the feedforward limb of the
cerebrocerebellar circuit. Radiolabeled amino acids (shaded black area in the cerebral hemispheres)
were placed in the medial and lateral parts of the rostral prefrontal cortex (area 10) in A; in the cortex
buried within the rostral upper bank of the superior temporal sulcus (area TPO1) in B; in cortex buried
within the lower bank of the intraparietal sulcus (area POa, or MIP) in C; and in the parahippocampal
gyrus (areas TF/TL) in D. The label was transported in an anterograde fashion and terminated (black
dotes) in the ipsilateral half of the basis pontis from rostral level I to caudal level IX. Each cerebral area
is connected with a unique and distributed subset of pontine neurons. The projections appear to be
arranged in an interdigitating, but not overlapping manner. (From Schmahmann, 1996). AS = arcuate
sulcus, Cing S = cingulate sulcus, CF = calcarine fissure, CS = central sulcus, D = dorsal nucleus,
DL = dorsolateral nucleus, DM = dorsomedial nucleus, EDL = extreme dorsolateral nucleus, IPS =
intraparietal sulcus, L = lateral nucleus, LF = lateral fissure, LS = lunate sulcus, M = medial nucleus,
NRTP = nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis, Orb S = orbital sulcus, OTS = occipitotemporal sulcus,
P = peduncular nucleus, PM = paramedian nucleus, PS = principal sulcus, STS = superior temporal
sulcus, V = ventral nucleus.
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 57

(A) (B)
M1 Area 46


8 M1arm
10 12 PMVarm III

15 IV
Crus I V
5 mm V Crus I
Crus II

M1arm PMVarm Area 46 Area 9 Crus II


P 7.5 P 8.0 D P 8.5 P 8.5 X

1 mm

Figure2.16(A) Lateral view of a cebus monkey brain (top) to show the location of injections of
McIntyre-B strain of Herpes simplex virus type 1 in the primary motor cortex, ventral premotor
cortex, and areas 9 and 46. The resulting retrogradely labeled neurons in the cerebellar dentate
nucleus (below) are indicated by solid dots. (From Middleton and Strick, 1997)(B) Flattened
views of cerebellar cortex of monkey showing areas labeled in anterograde and retrograde fashion
following injection of neurotropic virus tracers in the primary motor cortex at left, and prefrontal
cortex area 46 at right. (Adapted from Kelly & Strick, 2003)

Crus I and Crus II, and lobule IX correlate emotional regulation in the cerebellum repre-
with the executive control network; lobule sents a major departure from earlier conven-
VI with the salience network; and lobule IX tional wisdom. In sum, the cerebellar anterior
with the default network (Buckner, Krienen, lobe and parts of medial lobule VI, together
Castellanos, Diaz, & Yeo, 2011). Task-based with lobule VIII of the posterior lobe and
functional MRI studies indicate that the cer- the globose and emboliform nuclei (or, more
ebellar anterior lobe, adjacent parts of lobule accurately the interpositus nucleus in the
VI, and lobule VIII are activated in sensorim- experimental animal), constitute the senso-
otor tasks; lobules VI and VII in the posterior rimotor cerebellum. Lobule VII (that includes
lobe are active during language, spatial, and Crus Iand Crus II of lobule VIIA, and lobule
executive function tasks; and affective pro- VIIB), parts of lobule VI, and the ventral part
cessing engages the posterior lobes, includ- of the dentate nucleus constitute the ana-
ing the vermis (Stoodley & Schmahmann, tomical substrate of the cognitive cerebellum.
2009; Stoodley, Valera, & Schmahmann, 2012) The limbic cerebellum appears to have an
(Fig. 2.17). Working memory and executive anatomical signature in the fastigial nucleus
functions engage lobules VI and VII, lan- and the cerebellar vermis, particularly the
guage recruits posterolateral cerebellum on posterior vermis. Lobule IX is likely part of
the right, and spatial tasks recruit it on the the default mode network, and lobule X is an
left. Affective/emotional processing and essential node in the vestibular system.
pain and autonomic functions involve lob- There are few published details regard-
ules VI and VII in the vermis more than the ing the anatomical organization of cerebel-
hemispheres (Moulton et al., 2011). lar white matter at the systems level, that is,
The anterior lobe is not engaged in cogni- which parts of the cerebellar white matter
tive tasks; the posterior lobe is not involved convey afferent and efferent fibers to which
in motor tasks with the exception of parts specific cerebellar lobules. Nuclei in the ros-
of lobule VI and the second sensorimotor tral part of the basis pontis project via the
representation in lobule VIII (Stoodley & middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP) to the
Schmahmann, 2009, 2010; Stoodley, Valera,& posterior lobe of the cerebellum, and those
Schmahmann, 2010, 2012). This recognition in the caudal basis pontis project to the ante-
that sensorimotor control is topographically rior cerebellum (Bechterew, 1885; Takahashi,
separate and distinct from cognitive and Song, Folkerth, Grant, & Schmahmann,
58part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Meta-analysis Case Study Group Results

y = 55

y = 68

y = 64

y = 78

y = 60

Figure 2.17 Converging evidence of cerebellar topography from a meta-analysis of published

imaging data (Stoodley & Schmahmann, 2009), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
investigation in a single case study (Stoodley, Valera, & Schmahmann, 2010), and an fMRI
evaluation of nine subjects (Stoodley, Valera, & Schmahmann, 2012). Consistently active clusters
during motor (finger tapping), language tasks, spatial cognition, and working memory paradigms
are shown on coronal cerebellar slices. Left is shown on the left. (From Stoodley, Valera, &
Schmahmann, 2012)

2013), but more precise information concern- with lobule VI (Fig. 2.18A) likely engaged in
ing MCP organization remains to be eluci- motor control in a manner possibly equiva-
dated. Similarly, the degree to which there lent to premotor regions of the cerebral cortex
is anatomical and functional differentiation (Schmahmann, MacMore, Gardner, & Vangel,
within the superior cerebellar peduncle effer- 2009; Schmahmann, MacMore, & Vangel, 2009;
ents to thalamus is not presently known. Stoodley & Schmahmann, 2009; Stoodley,
The topographical organization of motor, Valera, & Schmahmann, 2012). There is a sec-
cognitive, and affective domains in cerebel- ond sensorimotor area identified by physiol-
lum (Schmahmann, 1991, 2004) suggests that ogy and functional imaging, located in lobule
defining the arrangement of the cerebellar VIII at the medial part of the posterior lobe
white matter pathways that connect with (Grodd, Hlsmann, Lotze, Wildgruber, & Erb,
extracerebellar structures will be of great 2001; Snider & Eldred, 1952). Oculomotor
interest. abnormalities along with prominent vestibu-
lar symptoms (vertigo, nausea, emesis) arise
from lesions that involve lobules IX and X
Clinical Features of Cerebellar of the posterior and flocculonodular lobes
Lesions (Duncan, Parker, & Fisher, 1975; Lee et al.,
2006). Remarkably, large lesions in the major
The cerebellar motor syndrome of gait ataxia, expansion of the cerebellar hemisphere (i.e.,
appendicular dysmetria, dysarthric speech, lobules Crus I and II and lobule VIIB in the
and oculomotor abnormalities results from posterior lobe; Fig. 2.18B) do not result in the
lesions that affect the anterior lobe of the cerebellar motor syndrome. Indeed, when
cerebellum, notably lobules I through V, these patients are examined a few days after



Figure 2.18 Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance image of cerebellar infarction. (A) Reference
diagram in the horizontal plane of the major cerebellar lobular groupings (top left: superior, to bottom
right: inferior). The anterior lobe (lobules I through V) is shaded black; lobule VI of the posterior lobe
is shaded gray; lobules VII through IX of the posterior lobe, and lobule X (flocculonodular lobe) are
not shaded. (B) Stroke in the territory of the superior cerebellar artery, involving the anterior lobe
(cerebellar lobules IV) and part of the posterior lobe. This patient had a cerebellar motor syndrome,
scoring 20 of possible 120 points on the Modified International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale
(MICARS; Schmahmann, Gardner, MacMore, & Vangel, 2009; Schmahmann, MacMore, & Vangel,
2009; Trouillas et al., 1997). (C) Stroke in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery territory, sparing the
anterior lobe. The patient was motorically normal, with a MICARS score of 1. (Reproduced from
Schmahmann & Pandya, 2008)
60part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

stroke, and the vestibular symptoms have Schmahmann, 2002; van Harskamp, Rudge,
subsided, it can be difficult to detect any sign & Cipolotti, 2005; Limperopoulos et al., 2006;
of a motor disorder (Schmahmann, MacMore, Tavano et al., 2007; Tedesco et al., 2011).
& Vangel, 2009), a straightforward clinical Deficits in emotional expression in patients
finding that defies two centuries of dogma with strokes and neurodegenerative lesions
about the cerebellar role being confined exclu- have also been linked to involvement of the
sively to motor coordination. cerebellar system (Parvizi, Anderson, Martin,
The other side of the double dissociation Damasio, & Damasio, 2001; Parvizi, Joseph,
is that the cerebellar cognitive affective syn- Press, & Schmahmann, 2007).
drome (CCAS; Schmahmann & Sherman, The posterior fossa syndrome repre-
1998) occurs following lesions of the cerebel- sents a particularly acute form of the CCAS
lar posterior lobe, but not the anterior lobe (Levisohn, Cronin-Golomb, & Schmahmann,
(Exner, Weniger, & Irle, 2004; Schmahmann 2000; Pollack, 1997; Riva & Giorgi, 2000; Wisoff
& Sherman, 1998). The CCAS is characterized & Epstein, 1984). Within 48 hours following
by deficits in executive function, visual spatial surgical resection of midline tumors of the
performance, linguistic processing, and affec- cerebellum, children develop mutism, buc-
tive dysregulation. Executive impairments cal and lingual apraxia, apathy, and poverty
include deficits in working memory, motor of spontaneous movement. Emotional labil-
or ideational set shifting, and perseveration. ity is marked by rapid fluctuation between
Verbal fluency is impaired to the point of irritability and agitation to giggling and easy
telegraphic speech or mutism. Visuospatial distractibility. The range of neuropsychiatric
disintegration impairs attempts to draw or impairments in the setting of cerebellar lesions
copy a diagram, conceptualization of figures falls into five major behavioral domains: atten-
can be disorganized, and some patients dis- tional control, emotional control, social skill
play simultanagnosia. Anomia, agrammatic set, autism spectrum disorders, and psychosis
speech, and abnormal syntactic structure are spectrum disorders (Schmahmann, Weilburg,
observed, with abnormal prosody charac- & Sherman, 2007; Table 2.3).
terized by high-pitched, hypophonic whin- The cerebrocerebellar system thus consists
ing. Abnormal modulation of behavior and of discretely organized parallel anatomic sub-
personality is notable with posterior lobe systems that serve as the substrates for differ-
lesions that involve the vermis and fastigial entially organized functional subsystems (or
nucleus. This manifests as flattening of affect loops) within the framework of distributed
alternating or coexistent with disinhibited neural circuits. This anatomical organiza-
behaviors such as overfamiliarity, flamboy- tion is the substrate for dysmetria of thought
ant and impulsive actions, and humorous theory (Schmahmann, 1991, 1996, 2000, 2004,
but inappropriate and flippant comments. 2010) and the notion of the universal cer-
Regressive, childlike behaviors and obses- ebellar transform. This idea holds that the
sive-compulsive traits can be observed. cerebellum plays an essential role in automa-
Autonomic changes are noted following tization and optimizing behavior around a
lesions of the fastigial nucleus and vermis, homeostatic baseline according to context;
manifesting as bradycardia and syncope, or that the cerebellum modulates cognition and
tachycardia in the setting of acquired panic emotion in the same way that it coordinates
disorder (Schmahmann & Sherman 1998; motor control; and that disruption of the neu-
Schmahmann, Weilburg, & Sherman, 2007). ral circuitry linking the cerebellum with the
The principal features and clinical relevance association and paralimbic cerebral regions
of the CCAS as defined by Schmahmann and prevents the cerebellar modulation of func-
Sherman (1998) have been replicated in adults tions subserved by the affected subsystems,
with stroke (Malm et al., 1998; Neau, Arroyo- thereby impairing the regulation of move-
Anllo, Bonnaud, Ingrand, & Gil, 2000), in ment, cognition, and emotion. This loss of
children who have undergone excision of cer- the cerebellumizing of behavior leads not
ebellar tumors (Levisohn, Cronin-Golomb, only to gait and appendicular ataxia, dysar-
& Schmahmann, 2000; Riva & Giorgi, 2000; thria, and oculomotor abnormalities when
Scott et al., 2001), and in other acquired and the motor cerebellum is involved but also
developmental disorders of the cerebel- to the various aspects of the cerebellar cog-
lum (Allin et al., 2001; Chheda, Sherman, & nitive affective syndrome (Schmahmann &
CHAPTER 2. Neuroanatomy and Behavioral Neurology of Subcortical Systems 61

TABLE 2.3 Neuropsychiatric Manifestations in Cerebellar Disorders (From Schmahmann,

Weilburg, & Sherman, 2007)
Positive (Exaggerated) Symptoms Negative (Diminished) Symptoms

Attentional control Inattentiveness Ruminativeness

Distractibility Perseveration
Hyperactivity Difficulty shifting focus of attention
Compulsive and ritualistic behaviors Obsessional thoughts
Emotional control Impulsiveness, disinhibition Anergy, anhedonia
Lability, unpredictability Sadness, hopelessness
Incongruous feelings, pathological Dysphoria
Anxiety, agitation, panic Depression
Autism spectrum Stereotypical behaviors Avoidant behaviors, tactile defensiveness
Self-stimulation behaviors Easy sensory overload
Psychosis spectrum Illogical thought Lack of empathy
Paranoia Muted affect, emotional blunting, apathy
Social skill set Anger, aggression Passivity, immaturity, childishness
Irritability Difficulty with social cues and interactions
Overly territorial Unawareness of social boundaries
Oppositional behavior Overly gullible and trusting

Sherman, 1998)when the cognitive and lim- related areas of different cortical and subcor-
bic cerebellar regions are damaged. tical nodes. Note that there is, by and large,
no cross-modal communication within sub-
cortical nodes (e.g., thalamic nuclei do not
Conclusions communicate with each other), although a
possible exception has been reported in the
Two overarching principles govern the clini- striatonigostriatal system (Haber, Fudge, &
cal manifestations resulting from lesions McFarland, 2000). Given that behavior is the
of the subcortical nodes of the distributed result of complex interactions between dif-
neural circuits discussed in this chapter. ferent functional domains, at some point in
First, each node is engaged in multiple the anatomy of cognition, mood must inform
loops of information processing with ana- movement, strategy must rely on memory,
tomically and functionally distinct regions and so on. The problem of segregated loops
of the cerebral cortex and other subcortical in cortical-subcortical interactions is resolved
nodes. The topography of the lesion within by the cerebral cortical association areas that,
the node itself determines which behav- alone among the many nodes of the distrib-
ioral domain is affected. Second, the histol- uted neural system, facilitate the integration
ogy of each node enables a computation, or of information across multiple domains in
transform, that is unique to that node. Loss a feedforward and feedback manner. This
of the nodal transform by a lesion therefore capability is made possible by the associa-
affects the motor/cognitive/affective out- tion fiber pathways, which are themselves
come in a manner that is specific to the node. exclusive to the cerebral cortex.
Amore detailed discussion of the theoretical
underpinnings of the behavioral neurology
of these subcortical areas can be found in Acknowledgments
Schmahmann and Pandya (2008). It is worth
restating, however, that a cortical area can Supported in part by RO1 MH067980,
be defined by its pattern of subcortical and MH64044, the Sidney R.Baer Jr. Foundation,
cortical connections; that lesions of subcorti- the National Organization of Rare Disorders,
cal structures mimic deficits resulting from the National Ataxia Foundation, and the
lesions of the cerebral cortex; and that there MINDlink and Birmingham Foundations.
are qualitative differences between the clini- The assistance of Jason MacMore, BA, is
cal manifestations of lesions in functionally gratefully acknowledged.
62part iFunctional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

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Executive Control, the Regulation of

Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the
Impact of Dementing Illness
Kirk R. Daffner and Kim C. Willment

The executive control functions encompass a distinguishing the profiles associated with
wide range of high-level cognitive and behav- the behavioral variant of frontotemporal
ioral capacities that allow an individual to lobar degeneration (bvFTD) and Alzheimers
pursue goal-directed and context-appropriate disease (AD).
behavior. Some of the most disturbing neu-
rological disorders include those in which
executive functions have been compromised, Historical Perspective
perhaps because those affected have lost
capacities that we associated most with being The classic work on executive control func-
human. While the research literature on the tions initially emerged from observations of
executive control is vast and spans decades patients with neurological illness or brain
and many different experimental modali- injury. In his work in the late 19th and early
ties, there are still many questions regarding 20th centuries, John Hughlings Jackson
the discrete component functions implicated inferred that some abnormalities in behav-
in executive control, how these component ior resulted from the effects of pathology at
functions are organized, and what underly- the higher centers of the nervous systems,
ing neural structures support them. However, which led to a loss of influence over the lower
there is little disagreement that the executive centers (Jackson, 1932; Wozniak & Jackson,
control functions mediate vital human capac- 1999). He proposed that when lower cen-
ities, such as long-term planning, execution ters of the nervous system were liberated
of goals, and perspective taking. This chapter and no longer under control of the higher
will focus on elucidating principles and con- centers, due to disease, injury, or disruption
cepts associated with executive control func- from some other reason, this led to a reduc-
tions and their neuroanatomic substrates. We tion to a more automatic condition, or what
will then briefly illustrate several representa- would later be termed loss of inhibition.
tive patterns of executive dysfunction in the Leonardo Bianchi (1922) also observed that
dementias, with a particular emphasis on ablating areas in the frontal cortex in monkeys

72 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

and other animals caused a constellation of such as inhibition, resolving interference,

symptoms, including a reduction in purpose- updating working memory, and mental set
ful behavior, impaired ability to coordinate shifting (e.g., Friedman & Miyake, 2004;
actions in order to achieve a higher goal, and Logie, Cocchini, Delia, & Baddeley, 2004;
problems in socially appropriate behavior, Miyake et al., 2000; Salthouse, Atkinson, &
which he called the frontal lobe syndrome. Berish, 2003). Muriel Lezak (1995, 2004)pro-
Early in the 20th century, Kurt Goldstein posed a framework of four broad domains
coined the term abstract attitude, which he that interact to produce goal-directed behav-
believed was lost in many individuals with ior that include volition, planning, purposive
brain injuries, as suggested by the display of action, and effective performance. This model
a more concrete attitude, or a tendency to has widespread appeal because of its simplic-
focus on the physical and not the conceptual ity; however, it has been criticized for lacking
properties of their environments (Goldstein& a strong theoretical basis and research support
Scheerer, 1941). His discussion of abstract ver- (Anderson, 2008). One of the major difficulties
sus concrete attitudes laid the foundation for that have surfaced as a result of defining dis-
ongoing study of abstraction and how it plays tinct constructs of executive control is the rel-
an important role in internally guided versus ative interrelatedness of various component
automatic behavior. Among many other impor- functions and the variability in the patterns
tant contributions, he provided an insightful of impairments that can be seen in patient
case study of the loss of abstract attitude in populations with similar pathology or lesion
bvFTD, at the time referred to as Picks dis- focus. Patients described as exhibiting execu-
ease (Goldstein& Katz, 1937). tive dysfunction can present with one or a
The introduction of the concept of work- number of cognitive and affective difficulties,
ing memory by Baddeley and Hitch (1974) such as impulsivity, disinhibition, inattention,
played an important role in the conceptual reduced working memory, difficulty with
evolution of executive functioning. Their task monitoring, planning and organizing
model posits that working memory is a sys- problems, poor reasoning ability, and diffi-
tem of temporary storage and manipulation culty switching between tasks, among others.
of information that links perception and con- Problems with the regulation of emotions can
trolled action. An attentional control system lead to apathy, affective lability, socially inap-
(the central executive) actively regulates the propriate behavior, and reduced motivation
distribution of limited attentional resources and energy. In addition, disturbances in exec-
and coordinates information within three utive functions can lead to impairment in per-
subsidiary slave systems (the visuospatial formance in many other cognitive domains,
sketchpad, phonological loop, and the more such as memory, language, and visuospa-
recently characterized episodic memory buf- tial functioning, that rely on executive con-
fer). Shallice (1982) later proposed the notion trol. The widespread influence of executive
of the supervisory attentional system (SAS), functions on other cognitive domains has
which he described as the highest level of a led researchers to question whether differ-
larger model of cognitive function that serves ent component functions actually represent
to handle nonroutine goal achievement in a slow a common underlying executive process
but flexible manner. He suggested that the SAS (Duncan, Emslie, Williams, Johnson,& Freer,
operates when the selection of known behav- 1996; Duncan, Johnson, Swales,& Freer, 1997;
ioral programs fails, or when there is no clear Engle, Kane, & Tuholski, 1999; Kimberg &
or obvious solution to a problem. Around the Farah, 1993). Miyake et al.s (2000) work on
same time, Posner proposed a link between individual differences in executive function-
attention and cognitive control (Posner & ing has been quite influential to this line of
Snyder, 1975) and suggested that there is a research. Using confirmatory factor analy-
separate executive branch of the attention sis, they demonstrated that three aspects of
system that is responsible for focusing atten- executive functioningupdating, inhibition,
tion (Posner& Petersen, 1990). and shiftingare interrelated and moder-
Over the past 25 years, others have ately correlated constructs. However, they
expanded these ideas to identify individual, also found that each component function also
lower level executive control components that contributed its own independent power to
enable higher order goal-directed behaviors, separate task functions. They theorized that
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 73

the overlap of executive constructs may relate

to a common task requirement that is inher- 4
ent in all executive control tasks, even those 8 3 5
6 1 7
that are chosen specifically to tap a particular 9 2
executive function: the maintenance of goal
40 19
and context information in working memory. 10 46 43
41 39
Barkleys self-regulatory model (1997) 45 44 18
addresses another important aspect that has
47 52 22 42 17
not been emphasized in many modern frame-
11 37 19
works of executive control:the involvement 21
of emotion and affect in goal-directed behav-
ior. This model, which is primarily derived
from work examining behavioral inhibition, 20
is composed of four main constructs, includ-
ing (1) working memory, which allows for 6 4 2
individuals to resist interfering information; 5
(2) management of emotional responses; 7
9 24
(3) internalized self-directed speech, which 23 31
is used to control and sustain rule-based 32
10 33 30 19
behavior and facilitate planning and problem 28
12 27 29 18
solving; and (4)the analysis and synthesis of 11 25 17
information into new behavioral responses to 34 35
meet a goal. This model emphasizes that the 36 19 18
38 28 37
goal-directed behavior cannot be met with-
out emotional regulation and the integration 20
of factors related to an individuals self, such
as prior knowledge and experience.
Hetermodal Association
Executive Control and the Frontal Networks Figure3.1 Divisions of the frontal lobe. Figure
adapted from Mesulam (1986). (See color plate
Executive control processes are strongly section)
associated with involvement of the fron-
tal lobes, particularly the prefrontal cortex critical nodes within a distributed sys-
(PFC). The frontal lobes consist of motor, tem (Alexander& Stuss, 2000; Andres, 2003;
premotor, and prefrontal cortices. The PFC, Stuss& Knight, 2002). Alexander etal. (1986)
whose damage leads to the classic frontal initially reported on the multiple connec-
lobe syndromes, is made up of paralimbic tions that run between sites of the frontal
and heteromodal components (Mesulam, cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus. They
1986). The paralimbic component of the described five major circuits:(1)dorsolateral
frontal lobes includes the anterior cingulate prefrontal, (2) lateral orbitofrontal, (3) ante-
(Brodmann areas [BA] 24, 32, 33), paraolfac- rior cingulate, (4) motor, and (5) oculomo-
tory (BA 25), and caudal orbitofrontal regions tor. On the basis of advanced multisynaptic
(BA 11, 13, 14, 47/12) and the frontoinsular circuit tracing techniques, Middleton and
cortex (BA 13, 14). The largest part of the PFC Strick (2002) proposed that two additional
consists of the granular, heteromodal (higher circuits be included:the medial orbitofron-
order) association cortex, and it is located in tal and inferotemporal/posterior parietal.
the lateral and anterior parts of the frontal All follow the same general pattern of con-
lobes (BA 9, 10, 11, 45, 46, 47)(Fig.3.1). nectivity, and lesions at any point along the
While the PFC is critically involved in frontal-subcortical circuits can lead to dysex-
executive control processes, dysfunction ecutive symptoms (Fig.3.2).
may not necessarily be the direct result of The major cortical inputs to the dorso-
prefrontal pathology and instead may be lateral prefrontal circuit within the het-
related to network disruptions at the level eromodal association cortex come from
of white matter damage or dysfunction of (1) modality-specific association areas
74 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

a special class of neurons that fire dur-

Frontal Lobe
ing delay periods of a delay response task
(Goldman-Rakic, 1987; Miller, Erickson, &
Striatum (Caudate/Putamen) Desimone, 1996; Rainer, Asaad, & Miller,
1998). Such activity may provide the physi-
Globus Pallidus/Substantia Nigra ological underpinnings of the ability to hold
information online. However, what seems
Thalamus unique to the PFC is that these cells can
maintain their delay-period activity in the
Figure3.2 Schema of the frontal-striatal- presence of distracters (i.e., persist in fir-
thalamic circuits first proposed by Alexander ing across memory delays even when dis-
etal. (1986). tracting events occur before a behavioral
response is permitted), which differs from
(dedicated to the processing of information memory-sensitive neurons outside of the
in only one sensory modality); (2)other het- PFC (Kane & Engle, 2002). This capacity
eromodal, high-order association cortical may be a critical to the role of the PFC in
areas in the posterior parietal and superior maintaining representations of goals in the
temporal lobes; and (3) paralimbic regions, face of competing, task-irrelevant stimuli.
including the orbitofrontal, cingulate corti- Neuroimaging research utilizing intrinsic
ces, and the frontoinsular cortex (Barbas & network connectivity mapping has expanded
Mesulam, 1985; Chavis & Pandya, 1976). our understanding of the functional con-
Regions within the paralimbic prefrontal nectivity of the PFC and its involvement in
cortex receive extensive, direct input from large-scale networks (Bressler & Menon,
limbic areas, including the amygdala and 2010). Both paralimbic prefrontal regions
other nonfrontal paralimbic regions, as well within medial frontal cortex (MFC) and
as the frontal heteromodal association cortex heteromodal association regions within
to which they also send extensive projections. lateral prefrontal regions are consistently
The exact neurophysiologic features that coactivated by cognitively demanding tasks
distinguish the prefrontal heteromodal asso- (Curtis& DEsposito, 2003; Kerns etal., 2004;
ciation cortex from other multisensory inte- Menon, Adleman, White, Glover, & Reiss,
gration regions and allow it to perform the 2001; Ridderinkhof, Ullsperger, Crone, &
high-level functions associated with execu- Nieuwenhuis, 2004) and have been fre-
tive control have not been fully delineated, quently interpreted as constituting a unitary
although several characteristics have been network (Vincent, Kahn, Snyder, Raichle, &
proposed. First, compared to other hetero- Buckner, 2008). However, regions of the
modal cortices in the lateral temporal and MFC, including the dorsal anterior cingulate
posterior parietal lobes, the heteromodal cortex (dACC) and orbital frontoinsula (FI),
association regions of the PFC appear to have also activate in response to pain, uncertainty,
more pronounced paralimbic connections, and other threats to homeostasis (Craig,
which may underlie its unique role in regula- 2002; Grinband, Hirsch, & Ferrera, 2006;
tion or integration of complex cognitive and Peyron, Laurent, & Garcia-Larrea, 2000).
affective processes (Mesulam, 1986). Second, Therefore, it has been suggested that the
in terms of synaptic connections, neurons MFC is perhaps responding to homeostatic
of the PFC are several steps removed from significance and signaling whether a change
direct sensory processing, and therefore the in cognitive or emotional tone is required
sensory data it receives about the external (Critchley, 2005; Critchley, Wiens, Rotshtein,
environment are more highly processed Ohman, & Dolan, 2004). While the number
(Mesulam, 2000). This implies that cogni- of distinct intrinsic brain networks and the
tive resources typically recruited to process complexity of their interactions have not
sensory input or facilitate motor output been fully delineated (Vincent et al., 2008;
are available in the prefrontal heteromodal Yeo et al., 2011), a fundamental network
association cortices, allowing these regions model of cognitive control that accounts for
to devote more resources to higher level pro- both paralimbic and prefrontal heteromodal
cessing and integration. Finally, similar to cortex contributions has been proposed by
other heteromodal regions, the PFC contains Seeley and colleagues (2007). In this model,
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 75

paralimbic regions, including the dorsal Executive Control and Goal-Directed Behavior
anterior cingulate (dACC) and anterior
insular (AI) cortices comprise the salience As a heuristic, we have found it helpful to
network, while regions of the prefrontal break down the complex processes involved
heteromodal cortex, including dorsolateral in goal-directed behavior into different
frontal and superior parietal cortices, consti- classes of functions. At the center of this heu-
tute an executive control network (Seeley ristic model is the concept of a goal. Agoal
et al., 2007) (Fig. 3.3). The salience network can be defined as a cognitive representation
can be thought of as providing ongoing sur- of an objective that one is committed or moti-
veillance of internal (and external) events or vated to accomplish via directed behavioral
activity that is homeostatically relevant. In or mental activity. The complexity of goals
doing so, the salience network helps to allo- can vary along many dimensions. For exam-
cate, and may even compete for, resources ple, a goal can range from committing to fol-
with the executive control network, in low a concrete motor command (i.e., open
order to account for emotional factors that your eyes) to such complex and abstract
influence goal-directed processes (Seeley notions as devoting oneself to the eradication
et al., 2007). In addition to the salience and of homelessness. Goals can also be conceptu-
executive control networks, intrinsic net- alized as varying across several other facets,
works responsible for attentional control including temporal proximity (immediate to
(Corbetta & Shulman, 2002) and internally long term), how planful they are (proactive
focused operations, such as re-experiencing vs. reactive), and their level of abstractness or
ones past and imagining ones future meaningfulness.
(Buckner, Andrews-Hanna,& Schacter, 2008;
Gusnard, Raichle,& Raichle, 2001; Schacter,
Addis,& Buckner, 2007), also play important Execution of Goals
roles in goal-directed behavior. These net-
works will be discussed in more detail in the The ability to flexibly adapt ones behavior in
following sections. pursuit of a goal could not be accomplished

+18 4 VLPFC +48



HT TP lateral
PAG parietal

+4 +6 pre-SMA



10 8
Salience Executive
Intrinsic connectivity
processing control
2 networks 2
Figure3.3 Salience and executive control networks revealed through intrinsic connectivity
mapping. Image adapted from Seeley etal., 2007. (See color plate section)
76 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

without executive control. Executive control aspects of working memory and the dorsal lat-
is not a unitary construct but instead refers to eral PFC facilitating the manipulation of infor-
a complex set of processes that allow for an mation (DEsposito, Postle, Ballard, & Lease,
organism to carry out goal-directed behavior. 1999; Petrides, 2000; Wagner, Maril, Bjork, &
We divide the process of executive control into Schacter, 2001). Still other work has suggested
three classes of operations:working memory, that the dorsal lateral PFC is more likely to
outcome/reward anticipation and monitor- be activated as the task demands increase,
ing, and response/behavioral selection. to provide the needed support and scaffold-
ing offered by executive control functions
(DEsposito etal., 1999; Petrides, 2000; Rypma,
Working Memory
Prabhakaran, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli,
Working memory is a theoretical construct 1999; Wagner et al., 2001). Clinical reports in
that describes a system of limited capac- humans and lesion studies in monkeys gener-
ity where information is temporarily stored ally confirm a central role of the PFC in work-
(or maintained) and manipulated, which is ing memory (for a review see Miller& Cohen,
critical for successful cognition (Baddeley, 2001). However, several lesion studies suggest
2003). Therefore, working memory sub- that working memory can be left relatively
sumes several executive control functions unimpaired following unilateral PFC damage
itself (referred to as the central executive (DEsposito& Postle, 1999), perhaps by means
by Baddeley), including attentional control, of compensatory activity in the intact hemi-
reasoning, planning, and ordering/organiz- sphere (Corbetta, Kincade, Lewis, Snyder, &
ing, which facilitate goal-directed behavior. Sapir, 2005; Voytek etal., 2010).
Information represented in working memory In addition to the PFC, data from func-
is subject to evaluation and manipulation tional imaging studies have also consis-
and serves as the basis for decisions and the tently revealed activity within the posterior
planning of complex behaviors (Genovesio, parietal cortex (PPC; BA 7) during working
Brasted,& Wise, 2006; Yoshida& Ishii, 2006). memory tasks (Curtis & DEsposito, 2006;
Neuroanatomically, the lateral PFC has long Owen et al., 2004; Wager & Smith, 2003).
been considered one of the most important Supporting their functional interactions,
brain regions involved in working memory lateral PFC and PPC tract-tracing studies
processes. Imaging studies, using delayed have confirmed reciprocal interconnections
match-to-sample tasks, have consistently doc- (Schwartz & Goldman-Rakic, 1984). More
umented prefrontal activation (see DEsposito recent neuroimaging research focused on
et al., 1998; Fletcher & Henson, 2001 for identifying large-scale intrinsic brain net-
reviews). However, the functional anatomic works has also revealed that lateral PFC
distinctions within the lateral PFC remain an interacts in a functionally cohesive manner
area of controversy. There is some evidence with lateral superior parietal regions (Seeley
to support the lateralization of function in the etal., 2007)to support working memory and
PFC, with the right PFC more engaged by spa- attention control. As introduced previously,
tial working memory tasks and the left PFC this network has been termed the executive
more engaged by verbal working memory control network (Seeley et al., 2007). Others
tasks (DEsposito et al., 1998; Schumacher have reported on an intrinsic network that
et al., 1996; Smith, Jonides, & Koeppe, 1996). also includes lateral prefrontal and parietal
Some studies support the specialization of regions, often called the fronto-parietal net-
function in the PFC that parallels the dorsal work (Niendam et al., 2012; Vincent et al.,
(where) versus the ventral (what) path- 2008). However, this network is more exten-
ways for visual processing in the posterior sive and includes regions that overlap with
cortex, such that dorsolateral PFC subserves the medial PFC and fronto-insular cortex,
spatial working memory and ventrolateral which Seeley and colleagues (2007) separate
PFC may preferentially subserve object work- into the salience network.
ing memory (Courtney, Ungerleider, Keil, &
Haxby, 1996; Wilson & OScalaidhe, 1993).
Task Setting
Other studies support a dissociation of PFC
according to processing demands, with the Task setting refers to the high-level coordina-
ventral PFC supporting the maintenance tion of several types of working memory and
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 77

executive control functions in order to estab- To elicit the process of task setting,
lish a goal-directed plan upon which motor researchers often employ paradigms that ask
or mental activity is enacted. At its simplest participants to act contrary to an overlearned
level, task setting describes the process of cre- tendency or prepotent response, as in the
ating mappings of a stimulus to a designated Stroop Interference (Egner & Hirsch, 2005),
response (Stuss& Alexander, 2007)or coding Simon (Peterson etal., 2002), and stop-signal
an action with a goal. As goals become more tasks (Aron & Poldrack, 2006). Other com-
complex, they require sequencing of multiple mon paradigms require participants to learn
responses or actions. Therefore, task setting and implement experimenter-provided rules
may occur several times during the execu- for mapping stimuli to responses, often
tion of a single goal, and/or multiple tasks under conditions that require flexible switch-
may be set simultaneously to facilitate a goal. ing between task rules or response strategies
Planning plays a critical role in the process of (Bunge, 2004). These tasks tend to emphasize
task setting and subsumes several executive experimental control of behavior, requir-
control functions, each with heavy working ing participants to pursue artificial goals or
memory demands. Planning occurs when respond according to rules dictated by the
a goal or planned event, held in working experimenter.
memory, triggers the generation of a new
order of mental representations. These men- Attentional Control and Processing Priorities
tal representations may consist of one or
more intermediate steps or tasks upon which Top-down attentional control, also referred
the goal is predicated. For example, if one to as goal-driven or endogenous attention, is
visualizes going on vacation, the anticipated responsible for selecting the information that
event (vacation) will not occur unless a series gains access to working memory (Knudsen,
of intermediate steps or tasks (e.g., choos- 2007). Given the amount of information and
ing a date, a place, a method of transporta- stimuli that confront humans, the process
tion) is first generated. Organization involves of selecting which information has access
the ordering or manipulation of tasks or to working memory is highly competitive
responses, such that the individual tasks are (Desimone& Duncan, 1995). This is generally
eventually arranged in a manner that, when thought to occur through one of two mecha-
viewed as a whole, conforms to some type of nisms:(1)by directing resources (sensory or
higher order logic or scheme. Organization motor) toward a target in the environment
also has a heavy working memory demand, (Andersen et al., 2004), and (2) by means of
as the higher order scheme must be held attentional biasing in order to improve the
in mind so that the individual parts can be signal-to-noise in all information process-
manipulated according to the scheme. For ing domains (sensory, motor, internal state,
example, it is impossible to organize a book- and memory) (Knudsen, 2007). The process
shelf without holding in mind a chosen orga- of directing resources to goal-appropriate
nizational scheme (e.g., arranging books stimuli or events via the top-down control
alphabetically, by size, by color, etc.). of spatial attention and eye movement has
Several groups have proposed that tasks been linked to the dorsal attention network,
or actions are organized in a gradient that which includes regions in the dorsolateral
extends from posterior to anterior lateral PFC, frontal eye fields, and superior parietal
PFC. That is, the more immediate/less cortex (Corbetta& Shulman, 2002; Fox etal.,
abstract tasks or actions are processed in 2005; Vincent etal., 2008)(Fig.3.4a).
posterior regions of the lateral PFC, closer Regions of this system overlap partially with
to premotor cortex, where they are more the executive control network, although there
immediately accessible by motor cortex. is evidence that they are two distinct networks
The more abstract, less temporally immedi- (Vincent etal., 2008). However, the functional
ate tasks or actions that do not require motor properties and organization of the posterior
responses are organized more anteriorly parietal cortex (PPC; which encompasses
toward the frontal pole (Badre, 2008; Badre& the superior parietal cortex) indicate that it
DEsposito, 2007, 2009; Barbalat, Chambon, is likely to be more involved in top-down
Franck, Koechlin,& Farrer, 2009; Kouneiher, modulation of spatial attention as opposed to
Charron,& Koechlin, 2009). working memory (Colby & Goldberg, 1999).
78 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Dorsal attention network Ventral attention network


MT Ins
5 3 3 5
z-score functional connectivity
Figure3.4 Dorsal and ventral attention networks. Image adapted from Corbetta & Shulman (2011).
(See color plate section)

For example, the PPC appears to be more sus- Outcome/Reward Anticipation and Monitoring
ceptible to interruption by distracting stimuli
Selecting the best course of action in
(Powell& Goldberg, 2000), which results in a
goal-directed behavior describes a very
pattern of functional activity that is less per-
active mental state in which the brain is
sistent than the PFC (Fuster, 1995; Miller etal.,
dynamically making predictions and gener-
1996). Instead, activity in the PPC may repre-
ating expectations based on reinforcement
sent the integration of sensorimotor informa-
values of previous actions and experiences
tion in order to visually guide movements
(ODoherty, Kringelbach, Rolls, Hornak, &
(Buneo& Andersen, 2006).
Andrews, 2001; Ullsperger & von Cramon,
The second mechanism of top-down atten-
2004). Much of the work on decision-making
tional control, attentional biasing, is thought
and reward-maximizing behavior comes
to be facilitated by top-down modulation, which
from models of reinforcement learning
refers to neuronal enhancement or excita-
(Sutton & Barto, 1998), which suggest that
tion, inhibition, or possibly both. The role of
the flexibility of this process relies on ones
top-down modulation in cognitive control
ability to rapidly monitor and update pre-
and goal-directed behavior is explained in
diction values based on actual outcomes
more detail in Box 3.1.
and experience. Outcome and reward antici-
Although attention and working mem-
pation and monitoring are essential moti-
ory are generally thought of as two distinct
vators of goal-directed behavior. Regions
cognitive constructs, this notion has been
within the medial PFC, particularly the
challenged in favor of a model in which
orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and anterior cin-
attention and working memory mutually
gulate cortex (ACC), play complementary
influence each other (Gazzaley & Nobre,
and reciprocal roles in this process (Berns,
2012; Kiyonaga, Egner, & Soto, 2012). First,
McClure, Pagnoni,& Montague, 2001; Elliott,
the contents of working memory have been
Friston,& Dolan, 2000).
conceptualized as active internal representa-
tions maintained within the focus of atten-
Anticipating Consequences/Outcomes
tion (Zanto& Gazzaley, 2009). Second, while
attentional control can determine what has The ability to anticipate consequences is a
access to working memory, it is perhaps also critical factor in making controlled decisions
true that representations held within work- among competing tasks or strategies. It may
ing memory can affect the allocation of atten- be the case that consequences and reward
tional resources. As such, working memory values associated with context-relevant infor-
may allow for the active maintenance of cur- mation, such as sensory signals, as well as
rent processing priorities (Lavie, Hirst, de knowledge of similar events and their asso-
Fockert,& Viding, 2004). Processing priorities ciated consequences, are gathered to inform
refer to important contextual information, us of our options. This process of anticipat-
such as rules, instructions, and intentions ing consequences can be thought of as a type
that are associated with a goal representation of internal monitoring, which involves keep-
(Cohen, Braver, & OReilly, 1996; Cohen & ing track of a designated set of external or
Servan-Schreiber, 1992). internal stimuli or responses and associated
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 79

BOX 3.1 Executive Control via Top-Down Modulation

Miller and Cohen (2001) proposed that the primary function of the prefrontal cortex is to
support cognitive control by actively maintaining rules or goals online in order to evaluate
incoming information and internal states to guide response or task selection toward a cur-
rent goal. They suggest that this control is implemented by bias signals throughout much of
the rest of the brain, which increase or decrease the gain of sensory or motor neurons that are
engaged in goal-oriented behavior. According to Miller and Cohen, this biasing mechanism
is a special case of cognitive control within the sensory domain and the term cognitive con-
trol is applied to any situation where a biasing signal is used to promote task-appropriate
Extending on the work of Miller and Cohen, Gazzaley and DEsposito (2007) proposed
that cognitive control can be thought of as applying to not only sensory input but differ-
ent kinds of processing as well, including thought/cognition, emotion, and motor output.
Within the Gazzaley and DEsposito (2007) framework, the control of sensory input involves
the selective focus of limited cognitive resources on features of the external environment that
are relevant, ignoring those elements that are irrelevant. Such control is particularly perti-
nent during processes such as selective attention, working memory encoding, and long-term
memory (LTM) encoding. Control of our internal state involves influence over both emo-
tive and cognitive features of the internal milieu, such as affect and emotion, as well as
generating and maintaining representations in the absence of external stimuli (cognition).
Emotional control includes regulating internal feeling states and emotion-related cogni-
tions, physiologic states, and behaviors, while cognitive control includes working memory
maintenance and manipulation, mental imagery, introspection, organization, and planning.
Gazzaley and DEsposito (2007) suggest that it is the extensive interaction between control
of emotional and cognitive internal states that leads to complex processes such as social con-
duct and decision making. Control of motor output entails regulation of all body movements,
with eye movements and reaching behavior being the most extensively studied. Gazzaley
and DEsposito (2007) propose a framework that is biologically plausible based on extensive
animal research on neuronal excitation and inhibition (Alexander, Newman, & Symmes,
1976; Funahashi, Bruce, & Goldman-Rakic, 1993; Fuster, 1985; Skinner & Yingling, 1977).
Abnormalities within each of these domains of processing (sensory input, cognition, emo-
tion, and motor output) can be understood in terms of impairments in top-down modula-
tion, reflecting disorders of enhancement (activation), inhibition (suppression), or both. The
clinical features of enhancement and inhibition deficits across domains of executive control
are discussed in more detail in Box 3.2), including the the two executive control functions
discussed thus far, task setting and attentional control.

reward values linked to distinct tasks or of anticipating consequences and outcomes.

strategies. This process then sets the neces- In primates, the OFC (BA 11, 13, 14, 47/12)
sary means for performance monitoring, in appears to contain neural processors that
which discrepancies register in the mind of help to store or code the reinforcement value
the person monitoring or trigger a particu- of sensory signals (learning stimulus-reward
lar reaction. Individuals who have difficulty associations). OFC is seen as binding events
modulating the process of anticipating conse- with consequences or learning how stimuli
quences may be poorly motivated to perform will impact an individual emotionally and
goal-directed behavior or may have trouble physically. This is facilitated, in part, by the
making a decision regarding competing tasks OFCs reciprocal interactions between the
and strategies because of difficulty disengag- amygdala (Schoenbaum, Chiba,& Gallagher,
ing from the process of gathering information 1998, 1999). The organization of function
and generating possible outcomes (Table3.1). within the OFC has been described as a
As mentioned previously, both the OFC and series of gradients. First, medial OFC has
ACC interact as critical nodes in the process been associated with activity in response to
80 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

TABLE 3.1 Top-Down Modulation Clinical Features of Enhancement (Activation) and

Inhibition (Suppression) Deficits
Sensory Input Thought/Cognition Emotion Motor Output

Executive Attentional Task setting Regulation of Eye movements

control control Working memory affective and (saccades)
functions Maintenance motivational Motor preparation
Anticipation states Motor control
Performance Monitoring Reward-related (initation/
Planning decision inhibition)
making/ Response
motivation maintenance
Enhancement Reduced ability Inability to set about Emotional Reduced ability
deficits to focus coordinating goal-directed blunting to initiate
(cannot turn attention behavior Apathy movements
it on) Inability to hold information motivational Impairments in
or task priorities online inability to motor sequencing
Fewer cognitive degrees carry out Inability to sustain
of freedom and limited goal-directed a response over
behavioral repertoire behavior time
Reduced ability to anticipate Inability to
consequences necessary update the
to carry out goal-directed reward value of
behavior actions
Reduced ability to flexibly
modify behavior
Poor planning and
Inhibition Increased Difficulty disengaging or Disinhibited Impulsivity
deficits distractibility switching between tasks behavior Perseveration
(cannot turn by task- Difficulty with decision Context- Utilization behavior
it off) irrelevant making inappropriate Impairments in
sensory input Increased distractibility by behavior motor sequencing
task-irrelevant cognitive Emotional lability Inability for delayed
input gratification

Note. Extrapolation of schema presented in Gazzaley and DEsposito (2007).

reward value of a stimulus, while lateral OFC between predictive cues and outcomes dur-
has been shown to encode stimuli in terms ing discrimination learning (Rolls, Critchley,
of potential for punishment. In addition, an Mason, & Wakeman, 1996; Schoenbaum
anterior-posterior gradient has also been et al., 1999; Schoenbaum, Setlow, Nugent,
proposed, and it suggests that posterior OFC Saddoris, & Gallagher, 2003). Normal aging
encodes reward value for concrete primary is associated with a decline in cognitive flex-
reinforcers like taste and touch, while ante- ibility, and work from the animal literature
rior OFC encodes the value of more abstract, has shown that aged animals often have dif-
symbolic complex secondary reinforcing fac- ficulty modifying responses when contingen-
tors like money (Kringelbach & Rolls, 2004; cies change. Specifically, activity recorded
Rankin etal., 2006). in OFC reversal neurons of aged rats fails
The ability of the OFC to alter contingencies to show the same level of sensitivity or abil-
between stimuli and their expected reinforce- ity to flexibly encode stimulus-outcome
ment value is critical for flexible behavior associations relative to young control rats
(Schoenbaum& Roesch, 2005). In fact, a par- (Schoenbaum, Setlow, Saddoris,& Gallagher,
ticular class of neurons, called reversal neu- 2006).
rons (Thorpe, Rolls,& Maddison, 1983), has The ACC also plays a critical role in
been identified within the OFC that are asso- anticipating outcomes and consequences
ciated with flexibly coding representations of actions. The ACC is located in the neural
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 81

cross-road of motor, cognitive, and affec- within working memory to support the range
tive/arousal systems. It receives afferents of strategic possibilities that exist to achieve
from amygdala, fronto-insular cortex, OFC, a goal. In statistics, degrees of freedom
midline thalamus, and monoaminergic cen- refers to a number of values in an equation
ters of the brainstem. While OFC cells have that are free to vary. The term degrees of
been shown to encode the expected value of freedom, when applied metaphorically to
stimuli (Schoenbaum etal., 2006), cells within cognition, captures an important property
the ACC appear to encode the expected value of goal-directed behavior (Daffner & Searl,
of actions (Matsumoto, Matsumoto, Abe, & 2008). Task or plan management refers to the
Tanaka, 2007; Walton, Devlin,& Rushworth, process of holding multiple tasks or strategies
2004) and are perhaps more closely tied to (determined by the complexity of the goal),
the action-selection process (Rushworth & their expected or anticipated outcomes, and
Behrens, 2008). the relative value of these outcomes in work-
In addition, ACC activity in neuroimaging ing memory. The efficiency or quality of task
studies has also been associated with cod- management is influenced by an individuals
ing conflict between competing responses ability to inhibit prepotent responses and the
(Botvinick, Braver, Barch, Carter, & Cohen, capacity of working memory to maintain and
2001; Holroyd & Coles, 2002). The conflict manipulate a range of task/strategy options.
monitoring theory (Botvinick et al., 2001; Individuals with dysexecutive syndromes
Carter & van Veen, 2007) proposes that the typically follow the path of least resistance
ACC and more broadly regions within the because their limited capacity for work-
medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) monitor ing memory, monitoring, inhibition, and
the level of conflict arising across potential initiation cannot provide the cognitive sup-
responses, including situations that require port necessary for the enactment of alterna-
the overriding of prepotent responses, situ- tive responses. Fewer cognitive degrees of
ations requiring selection among a set of freedom usually results in the generation of
equally permissible responses, and situa- behavioral responses that are most directly
tions involving errors. For example, in one tied to their sources of input, with few modu-
version of the Stroop Interference Task, the lating influences.
word red is printed in the color blue, and
the task is to name the color. Two divergent Performance/Reward Monitoring
responses compete to determine behavioral
output. The automatic tendency to read the Performance monitoring refers to the ability
word red must be countered in order to to track actions and their expected outcomes
correctly execute the task of naming the color, and utilize information signaling success or
which is blue. The ACC is recruited during failure in performance. In general, success-
this task. A signal from the ACC regarding ful monitoring necessitates intact working
the detection of conflict seems to call upon memory because the expected outcome must
other brain regions to exercise cognitive con- be kept in mind to serve as a comparison
trol. As discussed later, the ACC is also inte- point to the actual outcome. This informa-
grally involved in performance monitoring tion is then utilized to update reinforcement
and detecting prediction errors. associations of stimuli and actions. Without
Based on the information presented thus far performance monitoring, an individual
on anticipating consequences and outcomes, would have difficulty modifying behavior to
one might assume that action is therefore achieve a goal (Table3.1). Of note, the process
chosen simply based on the highest antici- of performance/reward monitoring is inex-
pated or most rewarded outcome. However, tricably linked to the process of anticipating
this would significantly constrain an indi- consequences/outcomes and is subserved
viduals behavioral repertoire, as a limited by similar neuroanatomical networks with
number of actions or behaviors would likely nodes within the ACC and OFC.
be repeated over and over (Rushworth & The ACC has been associated with hold-
Behrens, 2008). Therefore, there likely needs ing a central role in tracking ones perfor-
to be an incentive to explore other available mance, particularly when it deviates from
options, as well as a level of flexibility or expectations or from what is known to result
breadth (i.e., additional degrees of freedom) in reward. The ACC may index conflict at
82 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

the level of divergence from expectation, absence of input. They suggest that to opti-
response errors (Falkenstein, Hohnsbein, mize responding, particularly when activa-
Hoormann, & Blanke, 1991; Niki & tion becomes low (e.g., detecting occasional
Watanabe, 1979), and task difficulty/men- stimuli or performing occasional motor acts),
tal effort (Botvinick et al., 2001; Botvinick, lower level perceptual or motor representa-
Cohen, & Carter, 2004). According to the tions require energization or re-energization.
performance monitoring theory (Holroyd & Without such a process, performance over
Coles, 2008), medial PFC monitors actual a prolonged period will inevitably waiver
performances and detects both negative and (Table3.1).
positive prediction errors that subsequently Medial frontal structures, including the
engage cognitive control processes to enact anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24, 25, 32), the
behavioral adjustments (Holroyd & Coles, supplementary motor area (BA 6), and pre-
2002; Holroyd, Yeung, Coles,& Cohen, 2005). supplementary motor area (BA 6), are thought
While ACC activation is most often present to play an important role in the initiation
in neuroimaging studies during tasks where and maintenance of behavior (Passingham,
subjects have to evaluate the outcome of 1995; Paus, 2001; Ridderinkhof et al., 2004).
their chosen action and use this information As noted in the preceding sections, the ACC
to guide future behavior (Bush et al., 2002; is critical to the process of anticipating the
Knutson, Adams, Fong, & Hommer, 2001; potential reward value of various actions,
Ullsperger & von Cramon, 2003), the OFC which serves as a basis of motivating/ener-
is also likely involved in updating related gizing behavior. Paus (2001) has reviewed
stimulus-outcome associations (Schoenbaum how components of the ACC send efferents
etal., 2006). to skeletal muscle, oculomotor, and vocal-
ization systems. The ACC also has major
Response/Behavioral Selection connections with the lateral PFC, giving it
access to the extensive cognitive process-
Response or behavioral selection involves ing of this area. Patients with medial frontal
the parallel processes of initiating/sustaining damage often demonstrate impairments in
a task response and/or inhibiting responses the initiation of speech and motor move-
or activity in the service of carrying out ments or deficits in inhibiting reflexive motor
goal-directed behavior. responses (Paus, 2001) (e.g., grasp reflex) or
control of the contralateral limb (e.g., alien
Initiating and Sustaining Motor and hand syndrome) (Banks, 1989; Hashimoto,
MentalActivity 1998). Bilateral lesions of the anterior cingu-
late can cause akinetic mutism, a condition
Initiation is the purposeful, self-generated characterized by a failure to speak (mut-
commencement of an overt behavior or men- ism) or to begin volitional movements (aki-
tal activity. The process of initiating and sus- nesis) (Barris & Schuman, 1953; Nemeth,
taining any response is sometimes referred to Hegedus,& Molnar, 1988).
as energization (Stuss& Alexander, 2007).
Without guidance from working memory
Inhibiting or Stopping Motor and
and the process of task setting, initiation can-
not occur and behaviors may be limited to
reflexive and automatic responses to environ- Inhibition involves the suppression of spe-
mental stimuli (Table3.1). cific behavioral output, mental activity, or an
Response maintenance, or sustaining a emotional response (usually an automatic or
response over time, is thought to reflect prepotent/overlearned response). Inhibition
the accumulation of activation sufficient is an important component of self-regulation,
to produce and sustain a response over which requires both inhibition of automatic
time (Alexander, Stuss, Shallice, Picton, & responses (suppression) and execution of dif-
Gillingham, 2005). Stuss and Alexander ferent, consciously chosen responses in their
(2007) argue that the response maintenance place. Behavioral inhibition also includes the
aspect of energization is responsible for coun- ability to cease a particular behavior at the
tering the neurophysiological tendency for appropriate time and is the basis of delayed
any neural activity to become inactive in the gratification, which involves denying oneself
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 83

something satisfying, presumably in order to by PFC (Davidson, 2000). OFC (and lateral
achieve a more important goal (Table3.1). PFC) show increased neural activity when
There is growing evidence that the lateral participants are actively regulating their emo-
PFC, especially in the right hemisphere, is tions and activity within the OFC, and lateral
activated during the inhibition of behavioral PFC has been shown to be inversely correlated
responses, for example, in motor go-no go with activity of amygdala (Ochsner, Bunge,
tasks, when a response must be withheld Gross,& Gabrieli, 2002). Patients with damage
(Liddle, Kiehl, & Smith, 2001). Functional to OFC or difficulty modulating OFC function
imaging studies have indicated that the often exhibit poor emotional regulation and
inferior lateral PFC (BA 44/45) is recruited strikingly disinhibited, inappropriate behavior
when a persons cognitive set needs to be (Box 3.2). In patients with neurodegenerative
shiftedfor example, during the Wisconsin diseases, emotional control has even been pre-
Card Sorting Task (Konishi et al., 1999) or dicted primarily by right OFC thickness, while
inhibiting memory processing of word asso- cognitive control was predicted by DLPFC
ciates (Anderson etal., 2004). Anderson and structures (Krueger etal., 2011).
colleagues (2004) provide evidence that the
lateral PFC (BA 45/46) is activated during a
task in which subjects are asked to control How Are Goals Selected?
(inhibit) memory processing of word associ-
ates. The increase in lateral prefrontal activ- In order for individuals to pursue goal-
ity is linked to a reduction in hippocampal directed behaviors, they need to be sufficiently
activation and an increased probability of motivated. According to the classic psycho-
not recalling a test item. As mentioned pre- logical theory of motivation proposed by Hull
viously, the lateral PFC is also involved in (1943), motivation describes a global modula-
top-down control of selective attention. tion or regulation factor that is based on the
Inhibitory activity also plays an important expected possible gains (rewards/meaning-
role in emotion regulation and social interactions fulness/punishment) of a range of behav-
(Box 3.2), and it is associated with activity in the ioral options. The expected gains of pursuing
orbitofrontal cortex. Specifically, the OFC has actions that lead to a particular goal are coded
been shown to mediate top-down regulation of or controlled by several factors, including,
the amygdala, critical for affective processing but likely not limited to, representations of

BOX 3.2 Inhibitory Control and Emotion Regulation

Affect or emotion regulation involves modulating ones external expression of emotions in
accordance with perceived social expectations by using top-down processes to modulate
internal emotional states. It is what we do to influence the emotions we have, when we
have them, and how we experience and express them (Gross, 1998). At times, it may be
necessary to inhibit the influence of emotional information in order to successfully facilitate
goal-directed behavior. Emotion regulation can be initiated intrinsically (by the individual)
or extrinsically (by someone else), or it can be motivated by hedonic (feeling less negative
or more positive) or instrumental (to achieve ones long-term goals) factors (Tamir, 2009). In
addition, the emotion regulatory goal may be explicit (deliberate and conscious) or implicit
(activated outside of an individuals awareness) (Bargh& Williams, 2006; Mauss, Bunge,&
Gross, 2007).
There may be times in social situations when inherent conflict arises between what is
enjoyable for an individual and what is best for a group. To maintain harmonious social
relationships at these times, it may be necessary to inhibit ones own desires and immediate
needs (Heatherton, 2011). For example, individuals may have to put aside sadness in service
of performing their job responsibilities or refrain from voicing anger to someone in author-
ity. The emotion regulatory goal in these circumstances is influenced or motivated by ones
desire to maintain social harmony, and top-down control mechanisms are recruited to inhibit
emotion generation.
84 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

the self (information regarding personal val- attributes, such as abilities/skills, social
ues and beliefs that are carried across time), roles, psychological characteristics, and pref-
representations of the past and the future erences (DArgembeau & Salmon, 2012).
(information about past experiences and Humans also hold multiple representa-
expectation or the anticipation of a specific tions of their self-concept, including views
outcome), and representations of external and about themselves across different contexts
internal importance (how critical the behav- or relationships (Chen, Boucher, & Tapias,
ior is to an individuals external and internal 2006) and how they are seen by others.
homeostasis or survival). Input from systems Aside from personal traits, the self-concept
that generate homeostatic/survival value, is also thought to include knowledge about
representations of the self, and representa- personal goals, which plays a critical role in
tions of the past/future provide higher order guiding and motivating behavior (Higgins,
or top-down mechanisms that determine 1997; Markus& Nurius, 1986).
long-term and immediate goals. A prerequi- Imaging studies of the self-concept or
site for these systems to function is that the self-knowledge most frequently ask par-
brain be in an active state, which is facilitated ticipants to represent or reflect on their own
by the first system discussed here. psychological traits. Participants are asked to
judge whether different trait adjectives (e.g.,
Ascending Arousal System funny, loud, hard-working) describe their
own psychological traits or those of another
The ascending arousal system or the ascend- person, such as a famous person (Kelley etal.,
ing reticular activating system (ARAS) is a 2002)or a personally familiar person (e.g., a
bottom-up process that can be thought of as best friend) (Heatherton et al., 2006). These
acting as the brains furnace. It is respon- studies have strongly implicated the MPFC
sible for producing the heat or a global acti- as being most active when thinking about the
vating influence that provides the scaffolding self versus another. Other work has shown
for wakefulness and alertness. The ARAS is that the MPFC may also play an important
composed of two major pathways: (1) the role in thinking about how we are seen by
reticulothamalocortical pathway that pro- others. That is, the pattern of increased MPFC
motes cortical arousal, and (2) the extratha- activation is consistent when self-judgments
lamic pathway, which originates in the are made from ones own perspective and
brainstem and basal forebrain and sends when judgments are made while taking the
direct projections to the cortex (Kinomura, perspective of a personally familiar other
Larsson, Gulyas, & Roland, 1996). The (DArgembeau et al., 2007). These findings
Yerkes-Dodson law has provided the classic suggest that perhaps the neural architecture
framework for understanding the relation- that supports self-cognition is similar to that
ship between arousal and task performance, which supports social cognition (Amodio &
and it suggests that there is an optimal level Frith, 2006).
of arousal that follows an inverted u-shaped Studies investigating the neural corre-
curve. Either end of the spectrum (too little or lates of reflecting on personal goals have
too much arousal) can adversely affect task also implicated several regions in the MPFC,
performance (Yerkes& Dodson, 1908). While in addition to regions of the posterior cin-
the heat or activating influence produced gulate/precuneus (Johnson et al., 2006;
by this system is necessary for goal-directed Johnson, Nolen-Hoeksema, Mitchell, &
behavior, it is not sufficient. The heat then Levin, 2009; Mitchell etal., 2009). More spe-
needs to be channeled where it can be used cifically, Johnson and colleagues (2006) found
to fuel executive control functions. Mesulam that regions within the MPFC showed greater
(2000) has referred to the paralimbic PFC as activation when thinking about hopes and
the bridge that channels raw motivational aspirations, while non-PFC medial regions
energy toward context-appropriate objects. showed greater activation when thinking of
duties and obligations. The MPFC may also
play a role in processing the self-relatedness
Representations of the Self
or self-relevance of information, such that
The self-concept describes a uniquely human representations that elicit high activity in
ability to consciously represent personal the MPFC may be those that constitute the
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 85

mental model of the self that is held in mind

at a given moment (DArgembeau& Salmon,

Representation of the Future and Past

The human ability to revisit or re-experience
ones past and imagine ones future provides
an individual with a sense of personal conti-
nuity over time (Klein, Loftus,& Kihlstrom,
2002; Schacter et al., 2007; Tulving, 2005).
In these instances, the individual creates or
re-creates an experience outside of his or her
personal present moment (Buckner& Carroll,
2007). This ability to represent the future
and the past is also thought to influence our
self-concept or self-knowledge (Conway,
2005), an important function of which may be
to provide episodic forms of self-knowledge,
or representations of specific personal experi-
ences that support or perhaps even constrain
representations of the self (DArgembeau & Figure3.5 Default-mode networkThe
Salmon, 2012). Together, the self-concept displayed positron emission tomography (PET)
and the ability to represent episodic forms data include nine studies (132 participants)
of self-knowledge have been referred to as from Shulman etal. (1997, reanalyzed in
self-referential processing. As mentioned previ- Buckner etal., 2005). Image from Buckner etal.
ously, self-referential processing is thought (2012).
to play a critical role in goal-directed behav-
ior by helping to determine self-relevance,
which may vary across time and context self-referential processing. The default-mode
(Markus& Wurf, 1987). The self-relevance of network has been shown to be involved in cog-
information plays a critical role in motivating nitive processes that are internally focused,
goal-directed behavior. such as mind wandering (Christoff, Gordon,
The default-mode network is proposed to Smallwood, Smith,& Schooler, 2009; Mason
play an integral role in representing ones et al., 2007), self-reference (DArgembeau
future and past by adaptively integrating etal., 2005; Gusnard, Akbudak, etal., 2001),
information about relationships and asso- and recollecting ones past or imagining ones
ciations from past experiences, in order to personal future (Schacter etal., 2007; Spreng,
construct mental simulations about possible Mar,& Kim, 2009). The brains default-mode
future events (Schacter et al., 2007, p. 660). network is most frequently engaged dur-
The default-mode network comprises a set ing tasks where participants are asked to
of interconnected brain regions, including remember specific past events, imagine spe-
MPFC, posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)/ cific future events, or imagine specific events
precuneus, lateral and medial temporal that involve a familiar other, in response to
lobes, and posterior inferior parietal lob- event cues (Addis, Wong, & Schacter, 2007;
ule (pIPL) that are suppressed during tasks Buckner& Carroll, 2007; Okuda etal., 2003;
that demand externalized attention (Buckner Szpunar, Watson,& McDermott, 2007).
etal., 2008; Gusnard, Akbudak, Shulman,&
Raichle, 2001; Laird et al., 2009; Shulman
How Changes in Salience Influence
etal., 1997)(Fig.3.5). These regions, particu-
Goal-Directed Behavior
larly the medial frontal and posteromedial
regions, overlap with the structures involved An individuals internal and external envi-
in representations of the self-concept dis- ronment is continuously flooded by stimuli,
cussed in the previous section and likely sup- some of which are more important to act
port a mechanism for interaction to support on than others. Two systems, the salience
86 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

network and the ventral attention network involved in monitoring the internal milieu
(which are partially overlapping), play criti- (Craig, 2009). A recent model suggests that
cal roles in deciding what information or the integration of information by the FI serves
stimuli are most urgent or task relevant to motivate goal-directed behavior to utilize
(Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Seeley et al., attention and working memory resources
2007). They also facilitate an individuals (Menon& Uddin, 2010). The right FI has been
ability to disengage from ones way of think- referred to as a convergence zone that may
ing, current activity, or present circumstances represent a global emotional moment, built
and re-engage in a different way of thinking from the integration of interoceptive inputs,
or responding when the context or environ- with goals, hedonic conditions, and contex-
ment demands it. This ability, often referred tual information (Craig, 2009).
to as set shifting, allows a person to manage The ACC is also a critical node within
transitions, cope with unexpected changes the salience network and is also positioned
in plans, shift perspectives as relevant infor- where motor, cognitive, and affective/
mation becomes available, and think flex- arousal systems converge, similar to the FI.
ibly and creatively when solving problems. As such, the ACC is capable of integrating
Perseveration is the continued engagement in changes in motivational and arousal states,
a previous behavior despite the presence of with expected outcomes and potential rein-
cues in the environment that signal the need forcements to motivate behavior (Kerns etal.,
to shift or reorient (Table3.1). 2004; Menon etal., 2001; Ridderinkhof etal.,
The Salience Network
The Ventral Attention Network
The salience network likely plays two
important roles in goal-directed behavior. Similar to the salience network, the ventral
First, it is uniquely positioned to identify attention network plays a critical role in
the most homeostatically relevant stimuli keeping track of external events that may
through the rapid integration of sensory, impact our safety or survival. The ventral
visceral, autonomic, and hedonic signals attention network includes temporal-parietal
(Seeley et al., 2007). In this way, it is well junction (TPJ) and regions of the ventral
positioned to participate in the selection of frontal cortex (VFC) (inferior frontal gyrus,
an individuals current goal. However, the frontal opercular cortex, and anterior insula)
salience network is also thought to continu- and is lateralized to the right hemisphere
ously survey the internal (and external) (Corbetta & Shulman, 2002) (Fig. 3.4b). This
terrain to signal the occurrence of a salient system shows activity increases upon detec-
event that may require the rapid modifi- tion of salient targets, especially when they
cation of current processing priorities to appear in unexpected locations (Astafiev
ensure survival or homeostatic balance. et al., 2003; Astafiev, Stanley, Shulman, &
Thus, the salience network can disrupt Corbetta, 2004; Corbetta, Kincade, Ollinger,
executive control processing underlying McAvoy,& Shulman, 2000; Kincade, Abrams,
goal-directed behavior when a more imme- Astafiev, Shulman,& Corbetta, 2005).
diately relevant event requires attention/ The ventral attention network mediates
action. bottom-up, stimulus-driven reorienting of
Within the salience network, the anterior attention (Shulman et al., 2009) and acts
cingulate cortex (ACC), orbitofrontal cortex as a circuit breaker in response to novel,
(OFC), and the frontoinsular cortex (FI) have salient, or potentially significant stimuli
been identified as specialized nodes for sym- (Corbetta& Shulman, 2002). Astimulus may
pathetic efference and interoceptive feedback be salient based on hard-wired (e.g., loom-
(Craig, 2002; Critchley, 2005; Critchley, Elliott, ing stimuli) or learned (e.g., voice of a par-
Mathias,& Dolan, 2000; Critchley etal., 2004; ent) biological importance (Knudsen, 2007).
Saper, 2002) (Fig. 3.3). Specifically, the FI is The nervous system responds automatically
uniquely situated at the interface of the cog- to such salient stimuli with unusually strong
nitive, homeostatic, and affective systems of responses. Unexpected or highly salient stim-
the human brain, providing a link between uli can trigger the orienting response that
stimulus-driven processing and brain regions calls upon top-down control mechanisms
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 87

to evaluate whether the salient stimuli is of to frontal cortex. In rats, lesions to either
greater importance than the current contents midbrain VTA cell bodies or frontal cortical
of working memory (Miller & Cohen, 2001; areas result in very similar behavioral effects
Miller& DEsposito, 2005). (hyperactivity) (Pycock, Kerwin, & Carter,
Behaviorally, the function of the ventral 1980). In monkeys, destruction of dopamine
attention system manifests as the orient- terminals leads to impaired performance on
ing response, or the reorienting of attention the delayed alternation task in a manner sim-
toward a salient stimuli. A functional inter- ilar to that seen after destruction of the fron-
action between the dorsal and ventral atten- tal cortex itself (Brozoski, Brown, Rosvold,&
tion networks has been proposed such that Goldman, 1979).
task-relevant signals from the dorsal sys- Dopamine also plays an important role in
tem filter stimulus-driven signals in the anticipating outcomes and reward monitor-
ventral system, whereas stimulus-driven ing. It appears to do this by coding a predic-
circuit-braking signals from the ventral tion error, such that a reward that is better
system provide an interrupt to the dorsal than predicted elicits an activation (positive
system, reorienting it toward salient stimuli prediction error), a predicted reward that
(Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Shulman et al., matches its outcome elicits no response, and a
2003). Pavlovs (1960) classic descriptions of reward that is worse than predicted induces a
the orienting response illustrate the impor- reduction in neural response (negative error)
tance of the ventral attention network in sup- (Bayer & Glimcher, 2005; Morris, Arkadir,
porting higher level cognitive functioning: Nevet, Vaadia, & Bergman, 2004; Nakahara,
Itoh, Kawagoe, Takikawa,& Hikosaka, 2004;
The biological significance [of the orienting Tobler, Fiorillo, & Schultz, 2005; Zaghloul
reflex] is obvious. If the animal were not et al., 2009). This reward-predicting signal
provided with such a reflex its life would specifies the value of future rewards, includ-
hang at every moment by a thread....In ing information regarding the probability of
man this reflex has been greatly developed encountering a stimulus or performing an
in its highest form by inquisitivenessthe action that will lead to a particular reward.
parent of that scientific method through This probability distribution of reward val-
which we hope one day to come to a true ues would ideally be normally distributed,
orientation in knowledge of the world such that extreme rewards occur less fre-
around us. (p.12) quently than intermediate rewards (Schultz,
Norepinephrine, released from neurons
Contributions of Neurotransmitter originating in the brainstems locus coe-
Function to Executive Control ruleus, serves as a central neurotransmit-
ter mediating arousal and vigilance, and
Dopamine is probably the best characterized helps to improve the ratio of signal-to-
neurotransmitter associated with the execu- noise (Arnsten & Li, 2005; Mesulam, 2000;
tive functions (Cohen & Servan-Schreiber, Nieuwenhuis, Aston-Jones, & Cohen, 2005;
1992). It contributes to the adequate func- Petersen & Posner, 2012; Usher, Cohen,
tion of working memory (Goldman-Rakic, Servan-Schreiber, Rajkowski,& Aston-Jones,
1996; Williams& Goldman-Rakic, 1995)and 1999). Specifically, norepinephrine stimula-
helps to regulate motivational states and tion of postsynaptic, alpha-2A adrenocep-
reward systems (Horvitz, Stewart,& Jacobs, tors on PFC pyramidal cell spines is critical
1997; Schultz, Dayan, & Montague, 1997; for strengthening appropriate PFC network
Wickelgren, 1997). Evidence in the animal connections (increasing or enchancing sig-
literature points to an optimal amount nals) (Arnsten & Li, 2005), whereas dopa-
of dopamine, which follows an inverted mine D1 stimulation on a separate set of
u-shaped curve. Too much or too little spines is important for reducing inappro-
dopamine is detrimental to working mem- priate network connections (decreasing or
ory performance (Arnsten, 1997; Arnsten & inhibiting noise) (Arnsten & Rubia, 2012).
Rubia, 2012). Dopamine originates from Alpha-2a noradrenergic receptors in the PFC
structures in the midbrain, including the are important in the modulation of focused
ventral tegmental area (VTA), that project attention (Wang et al., 2011). Disruption of
88 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

these receptors can lead to increased distract- cortex (Lin, Hou, & Jouvet, 1996; Scammell
ibility. Alpha-2a autoreceptors on neurons in et al., 2000). Orexins also activate a group of
the locus coeruleus also many modulate its DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area
discharge rates, leading to improved atten- that project to the PFC (Vittoz, Schmeichel,&
tion (Taylor& Russo, 2001). Berridge, 2008). NE and DA tend to be low dur-
Acetylcholine is released by neurons project- ing periods of drowsiness, moderate during
ing from basal forebrain to frontal cortex and conditions of alert interest, and high during
hippocampus in response to behaviorally sig- uncontrollable stress (Vijayraghavan, Wang,
nificant or novel events (Acquas, Wilson, & Birnbaum, Williams,& Arnsten, 2007). Under
Fibiger, 1996; Davidson & Marrocco, 2000). optimal conditions, NE and DA neurons tend
This neurotransmitter has been strongly impli- to produce relatively low levels of tonic firing,
cated in the modulation of selective attention but they fire to stimuli that are relevant and/
(Petersen & Posner, 2012). Positron emission or predict reward (Aston-Jones, Rajkowski,&
tomography (PET) studies in healthy volun- Cohen, 2000; Berridge & Waterhouse, 2003;
teers have suggested that inhibition of cholin- Schultz, 2002).
esterase activity (thus increasing cholinergic Consistent with these observations, phar-
tone) is associated with more efficient work- macological interventions that have been
ing memory (faster reaction times and more employed to improve arousal, motivation,
circumscribed activation of the right PFC) attention, and executive control functions
(Freo etal., 2005; Furey etal., 1997). include stimulant medications, catecholamine
Depletion of serotonin from OFC (but not boosters, alpha-2 agonists, dopaminergic
DLPFC) has been shown to markedly impair agents, modafinil, and cholinergic agents.
OFC regulation of emotion and inhibition Stimulant medications increase the avail-
(Clarke, Walker, Dalley, Robbins, & Roberts, ability of catecholamines (dopamine and
2007; Rubia etal., 2005). Less is known about norepinephrine). They may improve arousal
the role of serotonin in other aspects of execu- level, motivational tone, and attentional focus
tive control. Similar to dopamine, serotonin (Chiarello & Cole, 1987; Greenhill & Osman,
has been shown to affect working memory 2000; Marin, Fogel, Hawkins, Duffy,& Krupp,
function (Goldman-Rakic, 1999); however, 1995; Taylor& Russo, 2001; Wilens, Biederman,
serotonin may play a unique role in rever- Spencer, & Prince, 1995). Stimulants have
sal learning (Clarke, 2006; Clarke, Dalley, been studied most extensively in patients
Crofts, Robbins, & Roberts, 2004; Clarke with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders
etal., 2005). Deficits in reversal learning tend (ADHD) but also have been used with vari-
to result in marked perseveration to above able success for other disorders that lead to
rewarded stimuli. Disruption of a number dysexecutive syndromes (Challman& Lipsky,
of mechanisms may explain the pattern of 2000; Rahman etal., 2005; Siddall, 2005; Whyte
perseverative, inflexible behavior associated et al., 2004). Nonstimulant medications boost
with serotonin depletion in PFC, including norepinephrine (atomoxetine) or norepineph-
altered responsiveness to punishment, loss rine and dopamine (e.g., buproprion). As
of reward, or deficits in inhibitory control mentioned previously, modafinil promotes
(Robbins& Roberts, 2007). wakefulness and can treat narcolepsy and other
Orexin has key arousing effects needed sleep-related disorders. It seems to be an effec-
for the brain to enter a wakeful state (Saper, tive treatment for attention and executive dys-
Chou, & Scammell, 2001). Orexin-rich neu- function (Muller, Steffenhagen, Regenthal, &
rons directly project to the PFC and thalamus Bublak, 2004; Taylor & Russo, 2000; Turner,
(Moore, Abrahamson, & Van Den, 2001) but Clark, Dowson, Robbins, & Sahakian, 2004),
also to NE cell bodies in the locus coeru- but it does not tend to improve motivation.
leus (Horvath, Diano, & van den Pol, 1999). Dopaminergic agents (e.g., pramipexole,
Orexins excite the same synapses in the PFC bromocriptine, selegiline, L-dopa) are most
as nicotine and have been show to improve often prescribed in the context of treating
attentional function (Lambe, Olausson, Horst, Parkinsons disease. However, these medi-
Taylor,& Aghajanian, 2005). In fact, the antin- cations have also been used to help improve
arcolepsy medication, modafinil, is thought motivation, diminish apathy, and to aug-
to work via the orexin system (Turner et al., ment working memory and other executive
2003)to enhance excitatory projections to the functions (Luciana& Collins, 1997; Luciana,
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 89

Depue, Arbisi, & Leon, 1992; Marin et al., have been associated with lower synaptic
1995; McDowell, Whyte, & DEsposito, densities in older adults, as opposed to cell
1998; Muller, von Cramon,& Pollman, 1998; death (Terry, 2000). The PFC and medial tem-
Muller & von Cramon, 1994). In particu- poral structures have been shown to be par-
lar, activation of D1 receptors may be more ticularly affected by normal aging, as well as
important than activating D2 receptors when so-called pathological aging (Raz et al., 2003,
attempting to improve working memory 2004; Resnick, Pham, Kraut, Zonderman, &
performance in neurologically healthy indi- Davatzikos, 2003; West, 1996). In addition, to
viduals with low working memory capacity aging-related structural changes, evidence
(Kimber, Watson, & Mathias, 1997; Muller for white matter abnormalities (Decarli &
etal., 1998). However, the use of dopaminer- Scheltens, 2002; Pantoni & Garcia, 1997;
gic agents must be monitored closely because Pugh & Lipsitz, 2002), neurophysiologi-
they may increase behavioral and neuro- cal changes (Almaguer, Estupinan, Uwe, &
psychiatric symptoms, including impulse Bergado, 2002; Chao& Knight, 1997; Pelosi&
control difficulties, repetitive/stereotyped Blumhardt, 1999; Shankar, Teyler, & Robbins,
behaviors, agitation, and psychosis. 1998), and changes in neurotransmitters levels
Cholinesterase inhibitors (e.g., donepezil, (Gazzaley, Thakker, Hof, & Morrison, 1997;
rivastigimine, galantamine), which increase Volkow etal., 1996)have also been reported.
the availability of acetylcholine, were devel- The functional imaging literature com-
oped for the symptomatic treatment of prob- monly reports that older adults often exhibit
able AD. However, this class of medications overrecruitment of neural activity rela-
also appears to have a modest effect on aspects tive to their younger counterparts to carry
of executive functions, attention, and neuro- out episodic memory tasks (Cabeza, 2002),
psychiatric well-being associated with aging working memory tasks (Grady et al., 1998;
and other neurologic disorders (Furey et al., Reuter-Lorenz etal., 2000), and novelty pro-
1997; Furey, Pietrini, & Haxby, 2000; Khateb, cessing tasks (Daffner, Sun, et al., 2011; Riis
Ammann, Annoni,& Diserens, 2005; Yesavage etal., 2008). The functional significance of this
et al., 2008; Zhang, Plotkin, Wang, Sandel, & increased activation likely varies depend-
Lee, 2004). Cholinesterase inhibitors have ing on the perceptual, memory, verbal, spa-
been found to be effective in boosting cogni- tial, or executive functioning task; however,
tion in patients with AD, Parkinsons dis- there is evidence to suggest that age-related
ease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and mixed increases in neural activity when carrying
dementia, but not in patients with bvFTLD. out executive tasks may be compensatory.
Several hypotheses have been proposed to
explain these activation pattern changes
Executive Control and Cognitive Aging and their relationship to cognitive perfor-
mance. The compensation-related utiliza-
The gradual decline in cognitive abilities, tion of neural circuits hypothesis (CRUNCH)
particularly memory and executive function, (Reuter-Lorenz& Cappell, 2008)is based on
of many older adults is well documented imaging work in verbal and spatial working
(Craik & Salthouse, 2000; Greenwood, 2000). memory tasks that shows a discrepant pat-
Several major theories of cognitive aging sug- tern of prefrontal activation between younger
gest a salient role for changes in the functioning and older adults. Specifically, while younger
of frontal networks, including (1)the executive adults tend to show lateralized prefrontal
deficit (frontal aging) hypothesis, which proposes activation that is domain dependent, older
that executive abilities dependent on fron- adults demonstrate pattern bilateral prefron-
tal lobe integrity are affected earlier and to a tal activation that is not domain dependent
greater magnitude than other processes (West, (Reuter-Lorenz et al., 2000). CRUNCH is in
1996); (2)the inhibitory deficit hypothesis, which the tradition of cognitive resource theory,
suggests a reduction in the efficiency of inhibi- which suggests that while bilateral activa-
tory mechanisms (Hasher& Zacks, 1988); and tion may be compensatory, it comes at a com-
(3)the processing speed hypothesis, in which per- putational cost (Reuter-Lorenz & Cappell,
formance deficits are attributed to generalized 2008) and that the differences in PFC activ-
slowing of processing speed (Salthouse, 1996). ity patterns of old and young adults may be
Aging-related volume reductions, or atrophy, a function of age-associated differences in
90 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

processing capacity. As such, while recruiting (Mackenzie etal., 2009)that are associated with
more resources for tasks with relatively low atrophy in the frontal and temporal lobes. The
demands may help the older adult maintain most common clinical syndrome associated
task performance, at levels of higher demand with FTLD is behavioral variant frontotempo-
older adults may be limited by a resource ral dementia (bvFTD), which is characterized
ceiling (Daffner, Chong, etal., 2011). by a progressive deterioration of personality,
The posterior-anterior shift in aging social comportment, and cognition (Rascovsky
(PASA) hypothesis (Davis, Dennis, Daselaar, et al., 2011). In bvFTD, degeneration often
Fleck,& Cabeza, 2008)explains the pattern of begins in the paralimbic prefrontal regions,
increased frontal activation in aging by pro- including the pregenual anterior cingulate cor-
posing that there is a simultaneous reduction tex (pACC) and frontoinsular cortex (Boccardi
in occipital activity coupled with an increase etal., 2005; Broe etal., 2003; Schroeter, Raczka,
in frontal activity. The link between declines Neumann,& von Cramon, 2008; Seeley etal.,
in occipital function and sensory-perceptual 2008). As a result of the prominent impact
deficits is consistent with abundant evidence that the disease has on paralimbic prefrontal
that perceptual processing declines as a func- regions, initial symptoms of bvFTD include
tion of aging (for a review, see Schneider & changes in personality, impaired social interac-
Pichora-Fuller, 2000) and studies that show tion, disinhibition, deficits in impulse control,
age-related dedifferentiation in early sensory and loss of insight (Hodges & Miller, 2001).
processing (Gazzaley, Cooney, Rissman, & Disease progression often spreads to adjacent
DEsposito, 2005; Park et al., 2004). For orbital and dorsolateral frontal regions (Seeley,
example, Park and colleagues (2004) dem- Zhou, & Kim, 2012). Right-hemisphere struc-
onstrated an aging-related reduction in tures often show more pronounced involve-
category-specific activation within ventral ment than the left, although the pattern can be
visual cortex, including the fusiform face symmetrical. Intrigued by this atrophy pattern
area. Therefore, PASA is thought to indicate that preferentially affects paralimic prefron-
that the recruitment of higher order cognitive tal structures, Seeley, Menon, and colleagues
processes is in response to deficits in poste- (2007) studied healthy young adults in an
rior brain regions, although the exact func- attempt to clarify regions functionally corre-
tion of the compensatory frontal activity has lated with the right fronto-insular cortex. The
yet to be identified (Davis etal., 2008). resulting map revealed that the bilateral ACC,
An alternative theory regarding increased left FI, and subcortical, limbic, and brainstem
recruitment of frontal regions is that it reflects sites with known connections from primate
the process of dedifferentiation or loss of spe- and rodent axonal tracer studies (Mesulam&
cialized neural circuits. Age-related dedif- Mufson, 1982; Ongur & Price, 2000; Saper,
ferentiation of function refers to decreases 2002) all shared functional connectivity with
in signal-to-noise ratio in cortical process- the right FI. In addition, these network findings
ing that correlate with age and result in overlapped with the bvFTD atrophy pattern.
reduced regional process specificity and As described earlier, this circuit was referred to
increases in nonspecific cortical activation as the salience network in light of observa-
(Li, Lindenberger,& Sikstrom, 2001). Within tions that ACC and FI coactivate in response
this framework, age-related activity increases to emotionally significant ambient stimuli and
in frontal regions are thought to reflect gen- events, from pain, thirst, and hunger to social
eralized spreading of activity due to reduced rejection, embarrassment, collaboration, and
specialization of function. adoration (Craig, 2002; Critchley, 2005). Deficits
in executive control and social cognition are
core features of bvFTD (Kipps& Hodges, 2006;
Executive Control and the Dementias Rascovsky et al., 2007). Specifically, the neu-
ropsychological profile specified by the inter-
Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia national consensus criteria (Rascovsky et al.,
and Alzheimers Disease 2011)includes executive function deficits with
relative sparing of memory and visuospatial
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) functions. Early in the course of bvFTD, perfor-
describes a group of clinically, pathologi- mance on formal neuropsychological tests of
cally, and genetically heterogenous diseases executive functioning may be spared; however,
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 91

reports of day-to-day difficulties with decision cognitive dysfunction to dementia (Bowler,

making, context-appropriate behavior, and 2003; Hachinski & Bowler, 1993; Snowdon
impulse control highlight the importance of et al., 1997). The characteristic neuropsy-
executive dysfunction early in the course of chological profile of VCI, particularly sub-
bvFTD, even if we are not yet able to measure cortical ischemic vascular disease, includes
these deficits psychometrically. early impairment of attention and execu-
The presentation and profile of bvFTD tive functioning, with slowing of informa-
is antithetical to that of Alzheimers dis- tion processing and motor performance
ease (AD), whose pathology preferentially (Desmond, 2004; Garrett etal., 2004). In con-
impacts medial temporal lobe structures, trast to bvFTLD, patients with VCI typically
before progressing to lateral temporal, pari- do not tend to present with severe behavior
etal, and frontal regions (Arnold, Hyman, and personality changes. In terms of relative
Flory, Damasio,& Van Hoesen, 1991; Braak& patterns of executive functioning deficits,
Braak, 1991). The classic pattern of cognitive VCI patients tend to be more impaired than
decline typically associated with AD is char- AD patients on measures of initiation, free-
acterized by early impairment of episodic dom from perseveration (Kertesz, Hudson,
memory functioning, in addition to changes Mackenzie, & Munoz, 1994; Kramer, Reed,
in visuospatial functioning and semantic pro- Mungas, Weiner, & Chui, 2002; Libon et al.,
cessing (Aggarwal, Wilson, Beck, Bienias, & 1997; Starkstein et al., 1996), planning, and
Bennett, 2005). Social graces and conduct self-regulation (Villardita, 1993).
are generally well preserved into the middle
stages of the disease. However, AD patients Dementia With Lewy Bodies
often exhibit declines in aspects of execu-
tive functioning, including divided atten- Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is charac-
tion and attentional control, which are over terized by prominent deficits in visuospatial
and above that which is typically associated ability, attention, executive functioning, and
with normal aging. When focused specifi- relatively spared memory (McKeith et al.,
cally on executive functioning, research has 2005). Within the realm of attention and exec-
had difficulty disentangling the patterns of utive functioning, fluctuations in attention
compromised executive function seen in AD are the cardinal sign in DLB. In general, basic
from other disorders that primarily affect span tests have not proven to be sensitive, but
frontal lobe functioning (Baddeley, Baddeley, instead, measures of attention that combine
Bucks, & Wilcock, 2001; Baddeley, Cocchini, the components of selection, vigilance, and
Sala, Logie, & Spinnler, 1999); however, the executive control of attention have resulted
classic pattern of episodic, visuospatial, and in more consistent findings (Calderon et al.,
language deficits clearly distinguishes AD 2001; Crowell, Luis, Cox, & Mullan, 2007;
from disorders such as bvFTD. Forstl et al., 1993; Guidi, Paciaroni, Paolini,
De Padova,& Scarpino, 2006). Computerized
attention-based reaction time variability
Additional Profiles has been shown to be correlated with ques-
tionnaires of fluctuating cognition and
Although a large percentage of patients with electroencephalogram-measured fluctua-
dementia have mixed underlying etiologies tions (Walker et al., 2000), suggesting that
that often include AD or cerebrovascular attentional variability may be a useful mea-
pathology, the cognitive profiles of these sep- sure of fluctuating cognition in DLB.
arate processes are associated with distinct
clinical features. What we present can be Parkinsons Disease
described as pure syndromic types associ-
ated with each condition. Parkinsons disease, which causes disrup-
tion of the fronto-striatal-thalamic circuit,
particularly within the substantia nigra, can
Vascular Cognitive Impairment
present with working memory deficits, dif-
Vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) refers ficulties with initiation, perseveration, trou-
to all forms of cognitive dysfunction caused ble with mental flexibility, and apathy. The
by vascular disease, ranging from mild literature on cognitive impairment in PD is
92 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

extensive and there are several comprehen- essential. Given the lack of insight that often
sive reviews (Caballol, Marti,& Tolosa, 2007; accompanies frontal systems dysfunction,
Levin & Katzen, 2005; Owen, 2004; Pillon, it can be helpful to obtain ratings of behav-
Boller, Levy, & Dubois, 2001; Zgaljardic, ior by family members, caregivers, or other
Borod, Foldi,& Mattis, 2003). Kudlicka etal. individuals who know the patient well.
(2011) conducted a meta-analysis of the stud- Several questionnaires have been specifi-
ies focusing on executive impairment in PD. cally designed to elicit information about a
In particular, they searched for studies of PD patients degree of executive dysfunction
patients without dementia or depression and (Table3.2).
a Hoehn and Yahr score of Ito III. Significant
difficulties were found in PD patients com-
pared with controls across measures of exec- Qualitative Observation
utive functioning, including verbal fluency,
digit span backward, Wisconsin Card Sorting Often a clinicians qualitative observations
Test, Stroop Test, and Trail Making Test of a patients behavior during the examina-
B.Impairments in some areas of functioning, tion can provide a wealth of information with
particularly executive functions, are evident regard to executive dysfunction. Symptoms
even at the early stages of the disease and may that are likely to be detectable by behavioral
predict the onset of dementia (Muslimovic, observation include disinhibition, impaired
Post, Speelman,& Schmand, 2005; Woods& context-appropriate behavior, disorganiza-
Troster, 2003). Of particular interest was the tion, poor initiation, affect dysregulation, and
finding that PD patients do not show deficits poor self-monitoring. Features of a patients
in all subcomponents of executive function- presentation likely to reveal dysexecutive
ing; instead, there is evidence for variable symptoms include dress and hygiene (dimin-
performance, with the strongest differences ished ability to organize or monitor oneself
between PD and controls groups found in or to adhere to social expectations), sponta-
working memory, problem solving, verbal neous speech (poor organization of thought
fluency, and inhibition (Marinus etal., 2003; processes, inappropriate content, failure to
Muslimovic et al., 2005; Uekermann et al., engage in reciprocal conversation), nonver-
2004; Weintraub& Stern, 2005). bal communication (lack of appreciation
of personal space, failure to perceive social
cues, poor eye contact), and inappropriate
Clinical Assessment of Executive Functions behavior.

Formal Neuropsychological Testing
Patients with significant executive and
behavioral dysfunction rarely initiate clini- In a previous chapter (Daffner & Searl,
cal evaluation. Obtaining a careful history 2008), we described several neuropsycho-
from reliable informants regarding changes logical batteries specifically developed to
in the patients personality and behavior is measure symptoms of frontal systems and

TABLE 3.2 Executive Function Questionnaires

The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF-A) (Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2000)
Designed to assess the frequency and severity of dysexecutive symptoms (problems in inhibition,
shifting, emotional control, initiation, working memory, planning and organization, organization of
materials, and monitoring)
The Frontal Systems Behavior Scale (FrSBE) (Grace & Malloy, 2001)
A rating scale for adults age 1895 designed to measure changes in apathy, disinhibition, and
dysexecutive symptoms often associated with damage to frontal networks.
The Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI) (Blair etal., 2007; Kertesz, Davidson, & Fox, 1997)
Developed to track the evolution of symptoms, as well as record and monitor behavioral changes
over time, as it assesses both the presence of certain symptoms but also severity of disrupted
CHAPTER 3. Executive Control, the Regulation of Goal-Directed Behaviors, and the Impact of Dementing Illness 93

executive dysfunction, including the Frontal followed at a distance to code these errors
Assessment Battery (FAB; Dubois, Slachevsky, where needed.
Litvan, & Pillon, 2000), the Delis-Kaplan The Hotel Test (Manly etal., 2002)is made
Executive Function System (DKEFS; Delis& up of six activities that would be completed
Kaplan, 2001), the Behavioral Assessment in order to run a hotel. Apatient is provided
of Dysexecutive Syndromes (BADS; Wilson, with a list of tasks to be attempted over a
Alderman, Burgess, Emsile, & Evans, 1996), 15-minute period, with the goal that at the
and the Executive Control Battery (ECB; end of the time period the patient will make
Goldberg, Podel, Bilder, & Jaeger, 2000). an informed estimate of how long each task
However, classic tests of executive function would take to complete. Each task on its own
can fail to detect the dysexecutive changes may take longer than 15 minutes to complete,
in early frontally mediated neurodegen- and patients are informed that they will not
erative processes, such as bvFTD (Gregory complete each task. The Hotel Test is made
et al., 2002). Here we have chosen to focus up of six tasks, including compiling individ-
on alternative measures that can be added ual bills, sorting a collection of charity coins,
to traditional assessment batteries, includ- looking up telephone numbers, proofreading
ing ecologically valid neuropsychological the hotel leaflet, sorting conference labels,
tests and tests of social cognition, which and a prospective task requiring the patient
show promise in improving our ability to to remember to open and close the delivery
detect change in the earlier stages of frontal doors at specific times. The patient is pro-
dysfunction. vided with the materials needed to complete
the tasks and a clock. Scoring is based on sev-
Ecologically Valid Neuropsychological Tests eral categories, including (1)number of tasks
attempted; (2) number of tasks attempted
A growing number of studies are showing correctly; (3)time allocation; and (4)prospec-
that impairment in ecologically valid, or real tive memory performance. Similar to the
life, tests of complex decision making and MET, the patient is typically observed from a
planning have the potential to be more sensi- distance. Aversion of the Hotel Test is avail-
tive to the earliest stages of frontally medi- able commercially (with normative data) as
ated processes (Gregory etal., 2002; Torralva, part of the Behavioural Assessment of the
Roca, Gleichgerrcht, Bekinschtein,& Manes, Dysexecutive Syndrome (Wilson etal., 1996).
2007). Examples of these tasks include the While there is evidence for these tests to
Multiple Errands Test (Knight, Alderman,& be quite sensitive to early changes in PFC
Burgess, 2002) and the Hotel Test (Manly, function, they can be quite time intensive;
Hawkins, Evans, Woldt,& Robertson, 2002). in the case of the MET, it requires clinicians
Shallice and Burgess (1991) have shown and their patients to leave the safety of the
that patients with frontal lobe damage, who examination room. Although normative data
demonstrate normal performance on stan- do exist for these tests (Alderman, Burgess,
dard neuropsychological measures, tend Knight, & Henman, 2003; Dawson et al.,
to make more errors in everyday situations 2009; Knight etal., 2002; Manly etal., 2002),
that require planning and multitasking. The standardization of the procedures (particu-
MET and the abbreviated hospital version, larly on the MET) is difficult because no two
MET-HV, require individuals to perform a assessments will be exactly alike.
number of everyday tasks within four differ-
ent sets of categories:(1)attain specific goals,
Tests of Social Cognition
such as purchasing items, collecting an enve-
lope from a reception area, using the phone, Although tests of social cognition do not
and sending a letter; (2) obtain and write strictly tap executive functions, they have
down pieces of information; (3)call a number shown promise in improving diagnostic
20 minutes after the test has begun (prospec- accuracy of early frontally mediated neu-
tive memory); and (4) inform the examiner rodegenerative processes. Theory of mind
when every task has been completed. Errors tests have been proposed to assess social
are coded over five categories (inefficiencies, and emotional cognition, especially when
rule breaks, interpretation failures, task fail- classic executive tests show few abnor-
ures, and total fails). Patients are typically malities or normal performance (Adenzato,
94 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Cavallo,& Enrici, 2010; Funkiewiez, Bertoux, neuroanatomy, physiology, and cognitive

de Souza, Levy,& Dubois, 2012; Lough etal., processing that underlies executive functions,
2006; Rahman, Sahakian, Hodges, Rogers,& and they have informed our understanding
Robbins, 1999; Torralva etal., 2007; Torralva, of the different clinical syndromes resulting
Roca, Gleichgerrcht, Bekinschtein,& Manes, from various neurodegenerative processes
2009). One proposed battery, the Social cog- and conditions associated with aging. When
nition and Emotional Assessment (SEA) executive functions fail, the negative impact
(Funkiewiez et al., 2012), provides six on individuals affected and those who care
weighted composite scores based on perfor- for them can be extraordinary. We anticipate
mance on four tests and a questionnaire:(1)a that future research will lead to increasingly
facial emotional recognition test (from 35 effective diagnostic tools for executive dys-
Ekman pictures) (Ekman& Friesen, 1975)in function and hopefully treatments that will
which patients must identify which emotion improve the quality of life of our patients
(fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, happiness, these disorders.
or neutral) is being expressed; (2)a shortened
version of the Faux Pas recognition test (Stone,
Baron-Cohen, & Knight, 1998) that evalu- Acknowledgments
ates theory of mind on the basis of patients
answers to questions about 10 stories, five Work on this chapter was made possible by
of which feature social faux pas (Gregory the support of the Wimberly family, Muss
et al., 2002; Stone et al., 1998); (3) a behav- family, and Mortimer/Grubman family. The
ioral control test in which patients must learn authors would also like to thank Marissa
to apply a strategy of choice and to modify Keppley for her excellent administrative
their choice based on a monetary reward; assistance.
(4) a reversal learning and extinction test
(adapted from Hornak etal., 2004)in which References
patients must reverse a pattern of reinforced
choice after contingencies are unexpectedly Acquas, E., Wilson, C., & Fibiger, H. C. (1996).
reversed; and (5)completion of the Starkstein Conditioned and unconditioned stimuli
increase frontal cortical and hippocampal
Apathy Scale, a questionnaire/structured
acetylcholine release: Effects of novelty,
interview (Starkstein etal., 1992). The social habituation, and fear. Journal of Neuroscience,
cognition tests from the SEA most accurately 16, 30893096.
discriminated bvFTD patients from controls Addis, D. R., Wong, A. T., & Schacter, D. L.
or patients with AD (Funkiewiez etal., 2012). (2007). Remembering the past and imagining
As a result of these findings, the mini-SEA the future:Common and distinct neural sub-
was developed, which is comprised of the strates during event construction and elabo-
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Memory Systems in Dementia

Andrew E. Budson

Memory problems are the most common A greater understanding of these memory
issue that patients and families mention systems will aid clinicians in their diagno-
when coming to see a clinician for what turns sis and treatment of the memory disorders
out to be dementia. Memory dysfunction can of their patients. Accurate diagnosis will
be due to almost any type of neurodegenera- become more important as new therapeutic
tive disease, as well as by a diverse group of interventions for underlying causes of mem-
disorders, including strokes, tumors, head ory impairment or dementia are developed.
trauma, hypoxia, cardiac surgery, malnutri- A memory system can be thought of as a
tion, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, mechanism by which the brain processes
depression, anxiety, and medication effects information so that it is available for use
(Budson & Solomon, 2011; Mesulam, 2000; at a later time (Schacter & Tulving, 1994).
Newman, Carpenter, Varma, & Just, 2003). Some systems are associated with conscious
Memory function can also be altered by nor- awareness (explicit) and can be recalled ver-
mal aging. Although once thought to be a bally (declarative), whereas others are typi-
simple concept, we now consider memory to cally unconscious (implicit) and are instead
be a collection of cognitive processes that are expressed by a change in behavior (nonde-
subserved by several major neural systems. clarative; Squire, 1992). Memory can also be
Memory research, which began with neuro- categorized in other ways, such as whether
psychological studies of patients with focal the material to be remembered is verbal
brain lesions using pencil and paper and now (Wagner et al., 1998) or visual (Ally, 2012;
relies on sophisticated neuroscientific meth- Brewer, Zhao, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli,
ods such as positron emission tomography, 1998).
functional magnetic resonance imaging, and
event-related potentials, has provided the
rationale for a more refined and improved Episodic Memory
classification system (Schacter, Wagner, &
Buckner, 2000). In this chapter a number of Episodic memory is the explicit and declara-
different types of memory will be reviewed, tive memory system used to remember a par-
including the important anatomical struc- ticular episode of life, such as sharing a meal
tures for each and the major neurological dis- with a friend on a specific date. This mem-
orders that disrupt them (Tables4.1 and 4.2). ory system is dependent upon the medial

TABLE4.1 Selected Memory Systems
Memory System Examples Awareness Length of Storage Major Anatomical Structures

Episodic memory Remembering a short story, what you had for Explicit Minutes to years Medial temporal lobe, anterior thalamic
dinner last night, and what you did on your Declarative nucleus, mamillary body, fornix,
last birthday prefrontal cortex
Semantic memory Knowing who was the first President of the Explicit Minutes to years Inferior lateral temporal lobes
United States, the color of a lion, and how a Declarative
fork and comb are different
Autonomic simple classical Pavlovs dog; a fear response Implicit Minutes to years Amygdala and basolateral limbic system
conditioning Nondeclarative
Motoric simple classical Eye-blink conditioning Implicit Minutes to months Cerebellum
conditioning Nondeclarative
Procedural memory Driving a standard transmission car, and Implicit Minutes to years Basal ganglia, cerebellum, supplementary
learning the sequence of numbers on a Nondeclarative motor area
touch-tone phone without trying
Perceptual priming Word-stem completion:octopusoct____ Implicit Minutes to days Cortical sensory association areas (e.g.,
Nondeclarative extrastriate visual cortex for visual
perceptual priming)
Conceptual priming Word-stem completion:sea creaturesoct____ Implicit Minutes to days Inferior prefrontal cortex
Working memory Phonological:keeping a phone number in your Explicit Seconds to minutes; Phonological:prefrontal cortex, Brocas area,
head before dialing Declarative information Wernikes area.
Spatial:mentally following a route, or rotating actively rehearsed Spatial:Prefrontal cortex, visual association
an object in your mind or manipulated areas
110 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

TABLE4.2 Selective Memory System Disruptions in Common Clinical Disorders

Disease Episodic Semantic Simple Procedural Priming Working
Memory Memory Classical Memory Memory

Alzheimers disease +++ ++ + perceptual ++

Frontotemporal dementia ++ ++ ? ? +++
Semantic dementia + +++ ? ? ?
Lewy body dementia ++ ? ? ? ? ++
Stroke and vascular + + + ++
Parkinsons disease + + +++ ++
Huntingtons disease + + +++ +++
Progressive supranuclear + + ? -++ ? +++
Korsakoff syndrome +++ +
Multiple sclerosis + ? ++
Transient global amnesia +++ ?
Hypoxic-ischaemic injury ++
Head trauma + + ? ++
Depression + ? ++ ?
Anxiety +
Obsessive-compulsive + ++ ++
Attention-deficit/ ? +
hyperactivity disorder

+++, Early and severe impairment; ++, moderate impairment; +, mild impairment; , occasional impairment or impair-
ment in some studies but not others;, no significant impairment; ?, unknown.

temporal lobes (including the hippocampus); pattern known as Ribots law. Starting with
episodic memory has been largely defined the onset of the injury to the brain, there is
by what patients with medial temporal lobe greatest disruption in the ability to learn new
lesions cannot remember relative to healthy information (anterograde amnesia), moder-
individuals. Other critical structures in the ate disruption in the ability to recall recently
episodic memory system (some of which are learned information (retrograde amnesia),
associated with a circuit described by Papez and the ability to recall remotely learned
in 1937)include the basal forebrain with the information is generally intact (Fig. 4.2;
medial septum and diagonal band of Brocas Ribot, 1881).
area, the retrosplenial cortex, the presubicu- The core of the episodic memory system
lum, the fornix, mammillary bodies, the is the hippocampus and other regions of the
mammillothalamic tract, and the anterior medial temporal lobe. It is worth examining
nucleus of the thalamus (Fig.4.1) (Mesulam, these structures more closely. The medial
2000). Alesion in any one of these structures temporal lobes are neuroanatomically com-
may cause dysfunction of the episodic mem- plex structures with multiple regions and
ory system. subregions. Figure4.3 shows the medial tem-
Memory loss due to dysfunction of the poral lobe structures, including the parahip-
episodic memory system generally follows a pocampal gyrus, presubiculum, subiculum,

Preserved remote Retrograde Injury Anterograde

Past Future
Figure4.2 Ribots law.

Figure4.1 Episodic memory. The medial temporal lobes, including the hippocampus and
parahippocampus, form the core of the episodic memory system. Other brain regions are also
necessary for episodic memory to function correctly. In addition to being involved in episodic
memory, the amygdala is also important for the autonomic conditioning. (From Budson and Price,
2005; permission granted by the New England Journal of Medicine)

and hippocampus proper, including its Typically memories are retrieved when a
subregions. cue from the environment matches a part of
Although exactly how the medial tempo- the stored memory. Continuing our breakfast
ral lobes store and retrieve memories is still example, years later the individual might
an active area of research, our current under- now bite into a little cookie that tastes remark-
standing from cognitive neuroscience is as ably like the one that she had previously at
follows. An individual experiences an epi- lunch. This sensory cue is transferred from
sode of her life, such as having lunch that day. the cortex to the parahippocampal region
The cortically distributed patterns of neu- and to the hippocampus (Fig.4.4). After the
ral activity representing the sights, sounds, cue is transferred from the entorhinal cor-
smells, tastes, emotions, and thoughts during tex, it goes directly to the CA3 region, where
that episode are transferred first to the para- the original hippocampal index is retrieved
hippocampal region (including perirhinal (Fig. 4.6). The hippocampal index may be
and parahippocampal cortex), then to the used to retrieve much of the original pattern
entorhinal cortex, and then to the hippocam- of the neural activity representing the origi-
pus proper, specifically the dentate gyrus, nal episode stored in memory. This retrieved
where the disparate threads of experience are pattern of activity may then be transferred
bound together as a single memory (Fig.4.4) to the CA1 region, the subiculum, the ento-
(Wolosin, Zeithamova, & Preston, 2012). This rhinal cortex, and then back out to the cor-
bound information is then transferred to the texactively re-creating all of sights, sounds,
CA3 region, where it is further processed smells, tastes, emotions, and thoughts of the
(Fig. 4.5). It is in this CA3 region where the original memory episode (Fig.4.4).
critically important hippocampal index is The hippocampus remains critical for
assigned, allowing the memory to be stored memory retrieval until a process known
in a unique way so that it can later be recalled. as consolidation occurs. Much research still
112 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

CA2 E cf


Figure4.3 Detailed anatomy of the medial temporal lobe. PHG, parahippocampal gyrus; Pr,
presubiculum; v, ventricle; S, subiculum. CA1, CA2, and CA3 are subregions of the hippocampus,
and ML, GL, and PL are different regions of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. (From
MartinJH. Neuroanatomy:Text and Atlas. NewYork, NY.:Elsevier, 1989, p.391; permission granted
by Elsevier)

Entorhinal cortex

Hippocampus assigned
region Dentate gyrus CA3
Figure4.5 Schematic of encoding in the medial
temporal lobe.

Figure4.4 Areas of the cerebral cortex,

suggest that sleep is critical for consolidation
including sensory areas, are connected
to occur (Aly & Moscovitch, 2010; Potkin &
bidirectionally to the parahippocampal region,
which is in turn bidirectionally connected to Bunney, 2012; Ruch et al., 2012; Stickgold,
the hippocampus. (From Eichenbaum, 1997; 2005, 2006; Wamsley & Stickgold, 2011).
permission granted by Science Magazine) The CA3 region of the hippocampus, the
region in which the hippocampal index is
formed and where pattern matching of cues
needs to be done to better understand con- and memories occurs, is one of the most
solidation, but one thought is that once a critical regions. Although it is not known
memory is consolidated the distributed pat- exactly how the CA3 region is involved in
tern of cortical neural activity is directly these activities, a number of models using
linked together, such that when a cue is neural networks have been proposed. Asim-
encountered, the memory may be retrieved plified example of such a model will show
directly from cortical-cortical connections, how an individual can find his car when he
without the need for the hippocampus. And parks in a parking garage over three suc-
although there are many details that need cessive daysand also why it is sometimes
to be learned, there are significant data to difficult for an individual to find his car. In

Entorhinal cortex Subiculum first floor, and it was a happy day. From this
distributed pattern of neural activity a hip-
pocampal index can be formed that helps
one remember that the car was parked in
the green area, on the first floor, and halfway
down the aisle on the left (Fig.4.7A). On the
second day the car is parked in the yellow
area, on the second floor, and it was a sad
day. Nonetheless, this distinct pattern of
Dentate gyrus CA3 CA1 neural activity allows a unique hippocampal
Figure4.6 Schematic of retrieval in the medial index to form that enables one to remember
temporal lobe. that the car was parked in the yellow area,
on the second floor, and halfway down the
this imaginary parking garage there are two aisle on the right (Fig.4.7B). On the third day
areas, green and yellow, and two levels, first the car is also parked in the yellow area, on
and second. Two affective states, happy and the second floor, and it again was a sad day
sad, are also shown to represent not only (Fig. 4.7C). Although one might wish that
emotions but other contextual details that a hippocampal index will form to enable
may differ between days. On the first day one to remember that the car was parked in
the car is parked in the green area, on the the in the yellow area, on the second floor,

(A) Green Yellow 1 2 happy sad (B) Green Yellow 1 2 happy sad

Day 1 Day 1 Day 2

way down, way down, way down,

on left on left on right

(C) Green Yellow 1 2 happy sad Green Yellow 1 2 happy sad


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 1 Days 2 & 3

way down, way down, All way down, way down, way down, right
on left on right on left on left OR All way down, left

Figure4.7 Aneural network model of episodic memory. (A)On the first day, a hippocampal index
helps one remember that the car is parked in the Green area, on the 1st floor, and it was a happy
day. (B)On the second day, a unique hippocampal index indicates that the car is parked in the
Yellow area, on the 2nd floor, and it was a sad day. (C)On the third day, the car is also parked in
the Yellow area, on the 2nd floor, and it again was a sad day. (D)There is a single hippocampal
index that forms for both days two and three. This hippocampal index is strengthened for the
common aspects of the two memories:parking in the Yellow area, on the 2nd floor. But this index
also contains divergent aspects of the memory:half-way down the aisle on the right and all the way
down the aisle on the left. Thus, on day three it is easy to remember that the car is parked in the
Yellow area on the 2nd floor, but it is difficult to remember if it is parked half-way down the aisle on
the right or all the way down the aisle on the left.
114 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

and all the way down the aisle on the left, TABLE4.3 AFiling Analogy of Episodic
there is a problem. When there are com- Memory
pletely overlapping patterns of neural activ-
Brain Structure Analogy
ity, a separate hippocampal index cannot
form. Instead, there is a single hippocam- Frontal lobes File clerk
pal index that forms for both days two and Medial temporal lobes Recent memory files
three (Fig.4.7D). This hippocampal index is Other cortical regions Remote memory files
strengthened for the common aspects of the
two memories:parking in the yellow area, on
the second floor. But this index also contains
divergent aspects of the memory: halfway remembering that someone broke into the
down the aisle on the right and all the way house and rearranged household items.
down the aisle on the left. Thus, on day three A useful analogy can help conceptualize
it is easy to remember that the car is parked the dysfunction in episodic memory that
in the yellow area on the second floor, but it occurs due to damage to the medial tempo-
is difficult to remember whether it is parked ral lobes (and Papezs circuit) versus dam-
halfway down the aisle on the right or all the age to the frontal lobes (Budson & Price,
way down the aisle on the left. 2002, 2005) (Table 4.3). The frontal lobes
In addition to the medial temporal lobes are the file clerk of the episodic memory
and Papezs circuit, the frontal lobes are system, the medial temporal lobes are the
also important for episodic memory (Ally, recent memory file cabinet, and other
McKeever, Waring, & Budson, 2009; Fletcher cortical regions are the remote memory
& Henson, 2001; Simons & Spiers, 2003). file cabinet (Fig. 4.8). Thus, if the frontal
Whereas the medial temporal lobes are lobes are impaired, it is difficultbut not
critical for the retention of information, the impossibleto get information in and out of
frontal lobes are important for the acquisi- storage. Placing new information into storage
tion, registration, or encoding of information may require stronger encoding, and retriev-
(Wagner et al., 1998); the retrieval of infor- ing information from storage may require
mation without contextual and other cues stronger cues from the environment. When
(Petrides, 2002); the recollection of the source the frontal lobes are impaired, the informa-
of information (Johnson, Kounios, & Nolde, tion stored in memory may also be distorted
1997); and the assessment of the temporal due to improper filing that leads to an
sequence and recency of events (Kopelman, inaccurate source, context, or sequence. If the
Stanhope, & Kingsley, 1997). It is also notable medial temporal lobes are impaired, on the
that the left medial temporal and left frontal other hand, it may be impossible for recent
lobes are most active when a person is learn- information to be stored. This will often lead
ing words (Wagner etal., 1998), and that the to the patient asking for the same informa-
right medial temporal and right frontal lobes tion again and againperhaps a dozen times
are most active when learning visual scenes in an hour. Older information that has been
(Brewer etal., 1998). consolidated over months to years is likely
In episodic memory the frontal lobes stored in other cortical regions and will there-
enable the individual to focus attention fore be available for retrieval even when the
on the information to be remembered medial temporal lobes or Papezs circuit are
and to engage the medial temporal lobes. damaged. To illustrate this analogy, we can
Dysfunction of the frontal lobes may cause a compare the episodic memory dysfunction
number of memory problems, including dis- attributable to depression versus Alzheimers
tortions of episodic memory and false mem- disease. Patients with depression have a dys-
ories, such as when information becomes functional file clerk, whereas patients with
associated with the wrong context (Johnson, Alzheimers disease have a dysfunctional
OConnor, & Cantor, 1997) or incorrect spe- recent memory file cabinet.
cific details (Budson et al., 2002). Extreme Recent evidence has suggested that the
memory distortions are often synonymous parietal lobes also play an important role in
with confabulations:Memories are created episodic memory (Dulas & Duarte, 2013). In
to be consistent with current information fact, in functional imaging studies the pari-
(Johnson, OConnor, & Cantor, 1997), such as etal lobes are more frequently associated

Other cortical regions the same questions repeatedly, repeating

the same stories, forgetting appointments,
and leaving the stove on. Following Ribots
Frontal law, patients with Alzheimers disease show
anterograde amnesia or difficulty learning new
information. They also show retrograde amne-
goo a

sia or difficulty retrieving previously learned


information. However, the patients typically

demonstrate preserved memory for remote
information. Thus, a patient may report,
Ive got short-term memory problemsI
cannot remember what I did yesterday but
Medial temporal lobes
I can still remember things from 30 years
Figure4.8 Semantic, procedural, and working ago. Not understanding that this pattern is
memory. The inferolateral temporal lobes are suggestive of the memory impairment com-
important in the naming and categorization mon in Alzheimers disease, family members
tasks by which semantic memory is typically may report that they feel confident that what-
assessed. However, in the broadest sense,
ever the patients problem is, that it isnt
semantic memory may reside in multiple
Alzheimers disease, because the patient
and diverse cortical areas that are related to
can still remember what happened many
various types of knowledge. The basal ganglia,
cerebellum, and supplementary motor area are
years ago.
critical for procedural memory. The prefrontal Another hallmark of the episodic memory
cortex is active in virtually all working impairment in Alzheimers disease is that
memory tasks; other cortical and subcortical memory is impaired even when the learn-
brain regions will also be active, depending ing or encoding of information is maximized
on the type and complexity of the working by multiple rehearsals, and after retrieval
memory task. In addition to being involved demands have been minimized with the
in procedural memory, the cerebellum is also use of a multiple-choice recognition test. In
important for the motoric conditioning. (From other words, even when patients appear to
Budson and Price; permission granted by the have successfully learned new information
New England Journal of Medicine) by repeating it back over several learning
trials, they are often unable to recognize this
information on a multiple-choice test. This
with successful memory retrieval than either type of memory loss is often referred to as a
the frontal or medial temporal lobes (Simons rapid rate of forgetting, although whether
et al., 2008). Despite this ubiquitous activa- the information has been truly learned or not
tion, the precise role of the parietal lobes in the first place has been a matter of debate
in memory is not clear. Theories include (e.g., Budson etal., 2007).
attention to memory in both top-down and In addition to rapid forgetting, patients
bottom-up roles (Cabeza, 2008), working with Alzheimers disease also experience
memorys contribution to episodic memory distortions of memory and false memories.
(Berryhill & Olson, 2008), its role in retrieval These distortions may include falsely remem-
and recollection (Davidson et al., 2008; bering that they have already turned off the
Vilberg & Rugg, 2008, 2009), and the subjec- stove or taken their medications, leading
tive memorial experience (Ally et al., 2008a; patients to neglect performing these tasks.
Simons, Peers, Mazuz, Berryhill, & Olson, More dramatic distortions of memory may
2010). occur when patients substitute one person in
Because the hippocampus and other a memory for another, combine two memo-
medial temporal lobe structures are the ries together, or think that an event that hap-
earliest and most severely affected brain pened long ago occurred recently. Sometimes
regions in Alzheimers disease, episodic a false memory can be confused with a psy-
memoryand in particular the file cabi- chotic delusion or hallucination. For exam-
net component of episodic memoryis the ple, a patient may claim to have recently
earliest and most impaired cognitive func- seen and spoken with a long-deceased fam-
tion. Common symptoms include asking ily member. This patient is much more likely
116 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

to be suffering from a memory distortion or that assist in retrieval, such as cued recall and
a false memory than a true hallucination. recognition, are used.
The same is true for the patient who claims Patients with frontotemporal dementia
that people are breaking into the house and often show no impairment in episodic mem-
moving around things. That these symptoms ory until late in the disease. If they do dem-
likely represent memory distortions rather onstrate early episodic memory impairment,
than true hallucinations or delusions has it is generally that of a frontal memory disor-
implications when it comes time for treat- der, similar to that of a patient with vascular
ment; that is, memory distortions are best dementia. Many other dementias also affect
treated with memory-enhancing medications the frontal lobes and thus may also lead to
(such as cholinesterase inhibitors) rather than a frontal episodic memory disorder. These
antipsychotic medications. dementias include progressive supranu-
Although not as impaired as medial tem- clear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, mul-
poral lobes, the frontal lobes are involved tiple system atrophy, and normal pressure
in both Alzheimers disease and mild cog- hydrocephalus.
nitive impairment (Dickerson et al., 2009;
Koivunen et al., 2012). Frontal lobe dys-
function may be one reason that patients Semantic Memory
with Alzheimers disease experience mem-
ory distortions and false memories. That Semantic memory refers to our store of con-
they show frontal lobe dysfunction also ceptual and factual knowledge that is not
means that, in addition to a major impair- related to any specific memory, such as the
ment with their file cabinet, patients color of broccoli or what a fork is used for.
with Alzheimers disease also show milder Like episodic memory, semantic memory is
but definite impairment with their file an explicit and declarative memory. Evidence
clerk as well. Additionally, patients with that semantic memory and episodic memory
Alzheimers disease have major pathology are separate memory systems has come from
in parietal cortex, and this pathology may both neuroimaging studies (Schacter et al.,
occur quite early in the disease (McKee 2000) and the fact that previously acquired
etal., 2006). Thus, although the medial tem- semantic memory is spared in patients who
poral lobe pathology is most relevant in the have severe impairment of the episodic
majority, patients with Alzheimers disease memory system, such as with disruption
have multiple components impaired in their of Papezs circuit or surgical removal of the
episodic memory system. medial temporal lobes (Corkin, 1984).
As vascular dementia is dementia due to In its broadest sense, semantic memory
multiple strokes, whether a patient experi- includes all our knowledge of the world not
ences episodic memory dysfunction and of related to any specific episodic memory. It
what quality depends upon the size, number, could therefore be argued that semantic mem-
and location of the cerebrovascular disease. ory resides in multiple cortical areas through-
However, the most common type of vascular out the brain. For example, there is evidence
dementia is that due to small vessel ischemic that visual images are stored in nearby visual
disease. Because small vessel ischemic disease association areas (Vaidya, Zhao, Desmond,
has a predilection for the subcortical white & Gabrieli, 2002). A more restrictive view
matter, and because most of the white matter of semantic memory justified in light of the
in the brain is carrying neural signals going to naming and categorization tasks by which it
or from the frontal lobes, patients with vascu- is usually tested, however, localizes seman-
lar dementia experience a frontal memory tic memory to the inferolateral temporal
disorder. In other words, because their fron- lobes (Fig. 4.9; Damasio, Grabowski, Tranel,
tal lobes are not working (or are not properly Hichwa, & Damasio, 1996; Perani etal., 1999).
connected to the rest of the brain), they show The most common clinical disorder disrupt-
impairment in the file clerk component of ing semantic memory is Alzheimers disease
episodic memory. Consequently encoding is (Gardini etal., 2013). This disruption may be
often impaired, as is free recall, whereas rela- due to pathology in the inferolateral temporal
tive preservation is typically seen when tasks lobes (Price & Morris, 1999) or to pathology

motor area

Basal ganglia


temporal lobe

Semantic memory
Procedural memory
Working memory

Figure 4.9 Semantic, Procedural, and Working Memory. The inferolateral temporal lobes are
important in the naming and categorization tasks by which semantic memory is typically assessed.
However, in the broadest sense, semantic memory may reside in multiple and diverse cortical areas
that are related to various types of knowledge. The basal ganglia, cerebellum, and supplementary
motor area are critical for procedural memory. The prefrontal cortex is active in virtually all working
memory tasks; other cortical and subcortical brain regions will also be active, depending on the type
and complexity of the working memory task. In addition to being involved in procedural memory,
the cerebellum is also important for the motoric conditioning. (From Budson and Price, 2005;
permission granted by the New England Journal of Medicine.) (See color plate section)

in frontal cortex (Lidstrom etal., 1998), lead- older adults, naming difficulties may also
ing to poor activation and retrieval of seman- be a sign of a disorder of semantic memory.
tic information (Balota, Watson, Duchek, & When a disorder of semantic memory is
Ferraro, 1999). Supporting the idea that two suspected, the evaluation should include
separate memory systems are impaired in the same components as the workup for
Alzheimers disease, episodic and semantic episodic memory disorders. One of the first
memory decline independently of each other aspects of the history and cognitive exami-
in this disorder (Green & Hodges, 1996). nation that should be ascertained is whether
Almost any disorder that can disrupt the problem is solely one of difficulty in
the inferolateral temporal lobes may cause recalling peoples names and other proper
impairment of semantic memory, including nouns (common in healthy older adults)
traumatic brain injury, stroke, surgical lesions, or to a true loss of semantic information.
encephalitis, and tumors (Table4.2). Patients Patients with mild dysfunction of semantic
with semantic dementia (the temporal vari- memory may show only reduced generation
ant of frontotemporal dementia) exhibit defi- of words in a semantic category (e.g., the
cits in all functions of semantic memory, such number of grocery items that can be gener-
as naming, single-word comprehension, and ated in 1 minute), whereas patients with a
impaired general knowledge (such as the more severe impairment of semantic mem-
color of common items) (Hoffman, Meteyard, ory usually show a two-way naming defi-
& Patterson, 2012). Other aspects of cog- cit: They are unable to name an item when
nition, however, are relatively preserved, it is described, and they are also unable to
including components of speech, perceptual describe an item when it is named. General
and nonverbal problem-solving skills, and knowledge is also impoverished in these
episodic memory (Hodges, 2001). more severely affected patients. Treatment
Although naming difficulties (particularly will depend upon the specific disorder
with proper nouns) are common in healthy identified.
118 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Simple Classical Conditioning pathology in amygdala), frontotemporal

dementia (Hoefer et al., 2008), and those
Simple classical conditioning involves the with damage to the cerebellum or its connec-
pairing of two stimuli: an unconditioned tions (impaired motor conditioning; Heindel,
stimulus and a conditioned stimulus. When Salmon, Shults, Walicke, & Butters, 1989).
paired together repeatedly, the response can
then be elicited by the conditioned stimulus
alone (Table4.1). Think of the famous case of Procedural Memory
Pavlovs dog: the meat (the unconditioned
stimulus) is paired with the bell (the con- Procedural memory refers to the ability to
ditioned stimulus). After a number of pair- learn cognitive and behavioral skills and
ings, the responsesalivationis elicited algorithms that operate at an automatic,
by the bell (the conditioned stimulus) alone unconscious level. Procedural memory
(Pavlov, 1927). This form of memory is non- is nondeclarative and implicit. Examples
declarative and implicit, because conscious include learning to ride a bike or play the
awareness (although often present) is not piano (Table 4.1). Because procedural mem-
necessary for the learning to take place. Two ory is spared in patients who have severe def-
types of conditioning are that of an autonomic icits of the episodic memory system (such as
conditioned response (such as a fear response) those who have undergone surgical removal
and a motoric conditioned response (such as an of the medial temporal lobes), it is clear that
eyeblink). The amygdala, related structures, the procedural memory system is separate
and connections in the basolateral limbic and distinct from the episodic memory sys-
system (including the dorsomedial thalamic tem (Corkin, 1984; Heindel etal., 1989).
nuclei, subcallosal area, and the stria termi- Functional imaging research has shown
nalis) are important for autonomic condition- that a number of brain regions involved in
ing (Fig.4.1; Markowitsch, 1995). In motoric procedural memory become active as a new
conditioning, the cerebellum appears to play task is learned, including the supplemen-
the most important role (Fig. 4.9; Dimitrova tary motor area, basal ganglia, and cerebel-
et al., 2002; Solomon, Stowe, & Pendlbeury, lum (Fig. 4.9; Daselaar, Rombouts, Veltman,
1989). Raaijmakers, & Jonker, 2003). Convergent
Although disruption of this form of mem- evidence comes from studies of patients with
ory rarely comes to clinical attention, patients damage to the basal ganglia or cerebellum
have been described with selective impair- who show impairment in learning proce-
ment of simple classical conditioning. In one dural skills (Exner, 2002). Because the basal
study, three patients are reported. The first, ganglia and cerebellum are relatively spared
who had selective bilateral amygdala dam- in early Alzheimers disease, despite their
age, had no difficulty with episodic memory episodic memory deficit these patients show
(remembering a new list of items) but could normal acquisition and maintenance of their
not acquire a classical conditioning auto- procedural memory skills (Beaunieux et al.,
nomic response. The second, who had selec- 2012). As in episodic memory, sleep is criti-
tive bilateral hippocampal damage, showed cal for consolidation of procedural memory
episodic memory dysfunction (being unable (Holz etal., 2012).
to remember the list of items) but did acquire Parkinsons disease is the most common
the classical conditioning. The third, who disorder disrupting procedural memory.
had bilateral damage to both amygdala and Patients in the early stages of Huntingtons
hippocampi, showed both impairment in disease and olivopontocerebellar degenera-
episodic memory and did not acquire the tion also show impaired procedural memory
classical conditioning (Bechara et al., 1995). while performing nearly normally on epi-
Other patients who have disruption of the sodic memory tests (Holl, Wilkinson, Tabrizi,
amygdala, thalamus, or cerebellum may Painold, & Jahanshahi, 2012; Heindel et al.,
also show impairments of one or more types 1989; Salmon, Lineweaver, & Heindel, 1998).
of simple classical conditioning, including Other causes of damage to the basal ganglia
those with Alzheimers disease (impaired or cerebellum, including tumors, strokes, and
autonomic conditioning due primarily to hemorrhages, may also disrupt procedural

memory. Patients with major depression also regions involved in processing of sensory
show impairment in procedural memory information are important for perceptual
tasks, perhaps because depression involves priming. A patient with bilateral occipital
dysfunction of the basal ganglia (Sabe Jason, lobe lesions demonstrated normal episodic
Juejati, Leiguarda, & Starkstein, 1995). memory and conceptual priming while fail-
Disruption of procedural memory should ing to show perceptual priming (Keane,
be suspected when patients show evidence Gabrieli, Mapstone, Johnson, & Corkin,
of either substantial difficulties in learning 1995). Neuroimaging studies of visual
new skills (compared to their baseline) or the perceptual priming using positron emis-
loss of previously learned skills. For example, sion tomography and functional magnetic
patients may lose the ability to perform auto- resonance imaging show changes in activa-
matic, skilled movements, such as writing, tion of visual peristriate cortex (Schacter&
swinging a tennis racket, or playing a musi- Buckner, 1998). By contrast, neuroimaging
cal instrument. Although these patients may studies of conceptual priming typically
be able to relearn the fundamentals of these show changes in left prefrontal regions
skills, explicit thinking becomes required (Schacter & Buckner, 1998). Most studies
for their performance. As a result, patients have shown that patients with early degen-
with damage to the procedural memory erative diseases that do not affect the sensory
system lose the automatic, effortlessness of association cortices, such as Alzheimers,
simple motor tasks that healthy individuals Parkinsons, and Huntingtons diseases,
take for granted. The evaluation of disor- demonstrate normal perceptual priming
ders of procedural memory is similar to that (Koivisto, Portin, & Rinne, 1996). For con-
of disorders of episodic memory; treatment ceptual priming, however, many (but not
depends upon the specific disease process. all) studies have found these groups to be
Lastly, it is worth noting that patients whose impaired (Heindel et al., 1989; Millet, Le
episodic memory has been devastated by a Goff, Bouisson, Dartigues, & Amieva, 2010).
static disorder, such as encephalitis, have
had successful rehabilitation by using pro-
cedural memory (and other nondeclarative Working Memory
forms of memory) to learn new skills (Glisky
& Schacter, 1989). Bringing together the traditional fields of
attention, concentration, and short-term
memory, working memory refers to the
Priming ability to temporarily maintain and manip-
ulate information that one needs to keep in
Priming occurs when a prior encounter with mind. Requiring active and conscious par-
a particular item changes the response to the ticipation, working memory is an explicit
current item (Table 4.1). Because this phe- and declarative memory system. Working
nomenon occurs even if the individual does memory has traditionally been divided into
not consciously remember encountering the three components: one that processes pho-
prior item, priming is another example of an nologic information (e.g., keeping a phone
implicit and nondeclarative form of memory. number in your head), one that processes
Priming is often divided into perceptual prim- spatial information (e.g., mentally follow-
ing, which is modality specific (e.g., auditory, ing a route), and an executive system that
visual) and does not benefit from elaborate allocates attentional resources (Baddeley,
encoding at study, versus conceptual priming, 1998).
which is not modality specific and shows Studies have demonstrated that working
enhancement with increased encoding. memory involves a network of cortical and
Perceptual priming depends upon a per- subcortical areas, which differ depending
ceptual representation system, involved in on the particular task (Borst & Anderson,
processing information regarding the form 2013; Rowe, Toni, Josephs, Frackowiak, &
and structure of items but not their mean- Passingham, 2000). Participation of the pre-
ings (Tulving & Schacter, 1990). Converging frontal cortex, however, is involved in vir-
evidence suggests that posterior cortical tually all working memory tasks (Fig. 4.9;
120 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Fletcher & Henson, 2001). The network Disorders of working memory may present
of cortical and subcortical areas typically in several different ways. Often the patient
includes posterior brain regions (e.g., visual will exhibit an inability to concentrate or pay
association areas) that are linked with pre- attention. Impairment in performing a new
frontal regions to form a circuit. Research task with multistep instructions is frequently
suggests that spatial working memory tends seen. Interestingly, a disorder of working
to involve more regions on the right side, memory may also present as a problem with
and phonologic working memory tends to episodic memory because information must
involve more regions on the left side of the first be kept in mind by working memory
brain. Bilateral brain activation is observed, in order for episodic memory to encode it
however, in more difficult working memory (Fletcher & Henson, 2001). Such cases will
tasks, regardless of the nature of the mate- therefore show a primary impairment in
rial being processed (Newman et al., 2003). encoding.
Additionally, an increase in the number of The evaluation of disorders of working
brain regions activated in prefrontal cortex memory is similar to that of disorders of epi-
is observed as the complexity of the task sodic memory. Treatment depends upon the
increases (Jaeggi etal., 2003). underlying cause. Stimulants, approved by
Because working memory depends upon the FDA for the treatment of attention-deficit/
networks which include frontal and pari- hyperactivity disorder (Mehta, Goodyer, &
etal cortical regions as well as subcortical Sahakian, 2004), are often helpful in disor-
structures, most neurodegenerative diseases ders of working memory.
impair working memory. Studies have
demonstrated that working memory may
be impaired in patients with Alzheimers Improving Memory in Dementia
disease, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons
disease, and dementia with Lewy bodies Nonpharmacological treatments are invalu-
(Schneider et al., 2012), as well as less com- able and can often help improve and/or pre-
mon disorders such as progressive supra- serve daily function as much as medications.
nuclear palsy (Table 4.2; Calderon et al., Almost all of us use some type of external
2001; Gotham, Brown, & Marsden, 1988). system or device to enhance memory. Lists,
In fact, even prior to the onset of clinical calendars, date and address books, smart
symptoms, Alzheimers disease and vas- phones, and iPads can help patients with
cular pathology can lead to impairment in mild to moderate Alzheimers disease in
working memory (Bennett, Wilson, Boyle, addition to healthy individuals. Participating
Buchman, & Schneider, 2012). In addition in social activities has been shown to reduce
to these neurodegenerative diseases, almost apathy and improve mood, memory, and
any disease process that disrupts the frontal overall cognitive function. Other strategies
lobes or their connections to posterior corti- that have been shown to improve memory
cal regions and subcortical structures can include using habits, pictures, strategies, and
interfere with working memory. Such pro- participating in aerobic exercise.
cesses include tumors, strokes, multiple scle- Habit can compensate for poor memory.
rosis, head injury, and others (Kubat-Silman, Although patients with Alzheimers dis-
Dagenbach, & Absher, 2002; Sfagos et al., ease have great difficulty in remembering
2003). Because it involves the silent rehearsal verbal instructions such as Please remem-
of verbal information, almost any type of ber to put your keys on the hall table, they
aphasia may impair phonologic working can learn to place them there through habit
memory. Disorders that diminish attentional as well as anyone. Learning through habit,
resources, including attention-deficit/hyper- sometimes called muscle memory and
activity disorder, obsessive-compulsive dis- formally classified as procedural memory,
order, depression, and schizophrenia, can is learning through doing. Because the brain
also impair working memory (Egeland etal., regions involved in procedural memory,
2003; Klingberg, Forssberg, & Westerberg, basal ganglia and cerebellum, are relatively
2002; Purcell, Maruff, Kyrios, & Pantelis, spared by Alzheimers disease, patients can
1998). learn to do tasks such as put their keys on

the hall table by doing the action or activity knowledge will become increasingly impor-
repetitively. tant (Budson& Solomon, 2011).
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand
words. Some of our research has shown that,
although memory is enhanced by pictures Acknowledgments
relative to words for young adults, this effect
of pictures is even greater for healthy older This work was supported by National
adults, greater still for patients with mild Institute on Aging grant P30 AG13846. This
cognitive impairment, and is the greatest for material is also the result of work supported
patients with Alzheimers disease (Embree with resources and the use of facilities at the
etal., 2012). This enhancement of memory for Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System,
pictures versus words in Alzheimers disease Boston, MA.
is likely attributable to increased attention to
pictures (over words), as well as the distinc- References
tiveness of pictures that makes them easier
to remember. We also may process a picture Ally, B.A. (2012). Using pictures and words to
once as an image and once as its meaning. understand recognition memory deteriora-
tion in amnestic mild cognitive impairment
Bottom line:Let the family know that instead
and Alzheimers disease: A review. Current
of simply telling the patient that his grand- Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 12(6),
daughter will be visiting today, show him 687694.
her picture, and he will be more likely to Ally, B. A., McKeever, J. D., Waring, J. D., &
remember. Budson, A.E. (2009). Preserved frontal memo-
Another study we conducted explored rial processing for pictures in patients with
patients memory for statements that they mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychologia,
were told were true versus statements that 47(10), 20442055.
they were told were false. We found that Ally, B.A., Simons, J.S., McKeever, J.D., Peers,
patients with Alzheimers disease correctly P.V., & Budson, A.E. (2008a). Parietal contri-
butions to recollection: Electrophysiological
remembered that the true statements were
evidence from aging and patients with pari-
true 69% of the time, but they also incor- etal lesions. Neuropsychologia, 46(7), 18001812.
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Motor Programming Disorders in Dementia

Kenneth M. Heilman

Dementia is pragmatically defined as a dec- Action-Intentional Disorders

rement in cognitive abilities such that peo-
ple affected can no longer successfully care There are at least four when action deci-
for themselves and their family nor suc- sions that people must make and these
cessfully interact with their environment. include the following: (1) when to initiate
Except for verbal communication, it is our a movement or action; (2) when to persist
upper limbs that primarily allow us to per- at an action; (3) when the task is complete
form these interactions. Thus, this chapter and actions should be terminated or when
will focus on the effects of dementing dis- an action is not accomplishing the goal and
eases on action programming of the upper much be changed; and (4)when not to initi-
limbs. ate an action.
The neural innervation, muscles, and joints A deficit in initiating an action is called
of our upper limbs (forelimbs), which include akinesia, and a delay in initiating an action is
the arm, forearm, hand, and fingers, allow called hypokinesia. Patients who have trouble
us to perform almost an infinite number of sustaining an action or actions until a task is
movements. To perform successful interac- complete have what is called impersistence. If
tions, the nerves and muscles that implement a person continues performing an action or
movements of the forelimbs must be guided actions after a task has been completed, or
by instructions from the brain. In general, this action is not accomplishing the persons
there are two major forms of instructions. goal and should be altered but is not, this
One type deals with when decisions and disorder is called motor perseveration. There
the other with how instructions. Whereas appears to be at least two main forms of per-
the major goal of this chapter is to discuss severation: repeatedly continuing the same
disorders of the how system or apraxic action, which is called continuous persevera
disorders, when or action-intentional dis- tion, or after altering an action returning to a
orders can be a major source of disability in previous action pattern, which is called recur
patient with diseases of the brain and thus rent perseveration. Performing an action when
will be briefly discussed. no action is required is called defective response

CHAPTER 5. Motor Programming Disorders in Dementia 127

inhibition. Often when patients act and there how to move ones joints to correctly accom-
is no action needed, their inappropriate plish the required action, how to direct ones
action is initiated by a stimulus. For example, hand and fingers to the object with which
Lhermitte (1983) noted that some patients, one wants to act upon, how fast to move
when in the presence of objects (e.g., a pen portions of ones forelimb, and how much
and paper), will utilize these objects (e.g., force to use. Aperson also needs to know the
write or draw) without an apparent goal. He mechanical advantage that tools and imple-
called this utilization behavior and sub- ment may afford, how to use these tools, and
sequently the environmental dependency how to sequence ones action to successfully
syndrome. Luria (1962) had previously complete ones goal-directed behavior. The
described an echopraxia task that may also diagnosis of apraxia may be important for
examine for environmental dependency. several reasons. First, it may help the clini-
In this echopraxia task the examiner asks cian understand the form of dementia from
the patient to put up two fingers when the which a patient is suffering. Second, all the
examiner puts up one finger and vice versa. limb-apraxic disorders discussed here can
Patients perform abnormally when they put cause a disability, and detecting the form of
the same number of fingers as does the exam- apraxia may help patients and caregivers to
iner. Crucian etal. (2007) reported that some understand the types of activities in which
patients who are tested with the crossed these patients should not engage because
response task, in which they are instructed to they may hurt themselves or other people.
close their eyes and move the hand opposite Third, knowledge of the disability may allow
that touched, will have a propensity to move patients and caregivers (ideally with the
the hand that has been stimulated. assistance of an occupational therapist) to
These when disorders, also called develop strategies that may limit the disabili-
action intentional disorders (Heilman, ties caused by these disorders.
2004), are most often observed in patients Whereas disorders of the brain that impair
who suffer with frontal-subcortical-basal the how networks that program pur-
ganglia dysfunction. The presence of these poseful actions of the forelimb are called
action-intentional disorders can be a major apraxia, this term in Greek literally means
cause of a decrement in a persons ability to without action. As mentioned previously,
successfully care for oneself or ones fam- we now call an absence of action, when an
ily, and to successfully interact with ones action is required, akinesia; however, this
environment. Thus, while not commonly term apraxia was a term originally used
assessed by clinicians who evaluate patients by Steinthal (1871) to describe impairment
for dementia, these disorders are a major of patients abilities to correctly carry out
cause of disability. Some of the most common how motor programs.
dementing diseases that may induce these
disorders are forms of vascular dementia,
multiple sclerosis, head trauma, Parkinsons Task Specific Versus General Forms
disease, and other degenerative movement ofLimb Apraxia
disorders, such as progressive supranuclear
palsy, corticobasal degeneration, and mul- In regard to the forelimbs, there are two
tiple systems atrophy. major forms of apraxia. One form is task
specific and the other form is general.
Task-specific apraxia includes disorders lim-
Apraxic Disorders ited primarily to one activity. For example,
dressing apraxia and constructional apraxia
Relevance are examples of task-specific apraxia. In
these two forms of specific apraxia there are
To successfully care for ourselves and our impairments of the how to dress or how
family as well as successfully interact with to draw, but these how deficits can be caused
our environment, people need to know how by disorders such as inattention or neglect so
to move or act. For example, a person has to that the person with dressing apraxia does
know how to posture ones forelimb to hold not dress ones left side, or deficits in ones
a tool or implement to work with an object, body image-schema, and most commonly
128 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

visuospatial deficits. Therefore, while dis- called conceptual apraxia (Heilman, Maher,
orders such as constructional apraxia are Greenwald, & Rothi, 1997; Ochipa, Rothi, &
commonly associated with dementia and Heilman, 1992)and that may also be associ-
are often assessed in neuropsychological ated with dementia. The diagnosis of these
batteries such as the Mini-Mental Status specific types of apraxia is dependent upon
Examination and the Montreal Cognitive the types of motor programming errors made
Assessment, these task-specific disorders by the patient. In this section we will describe
will not be discussed in this chapter. these four different forms of general forelimb
apraxia, including (1) the mean by which
Exclusionary Criteria patients may be tested for each of these forms
of apraxia, (2) the types of errors made by
In addition to apraxia, there are many dis- patients who exhibit these forms of apraxia,
orders that might impair a persons ability and (3) the pathophysiology that might
to perform purposeful skilled movements. account for these how program deficits. We
Therefore, in part, as noted by Geschwind will also briefly discuss the diseases that can
(1965), the diagnosis of apraxia is partly induce dementia and also may cause each of
dependent on the exclusion of other disor- these types of apraxia.
ders that may interfere with the performance
of goal-oriented actions. For example, if a
patient is impaired in performing purpose- Conceptual Apraxia
ful movements because the patient has
deficits such as weakness, abnormal move- Clinical
ments such as tremor, chorea, ballismus,
myoclonus, severe sensory-perceptual defi- Although there are animals that use tools, and
cits, attentional deficits such as neglect, or even some animals that fashion tools such
cognitive impairments such as an impaired as ravens, crows, and apes, it is primarily
comprehension, then the patients inability to humans who use tools to aid them in altering
perform purposeful goal-oriented actions is their environment. Humans have mechani-
not considered a form or apraxia. If a patient cal knowledge, and when the proper tool is
with dementia has one or more of these dis- not available, they are able to use alternative
orders and this disorder prevents the exam- tools or even develop new tools. Although
iner from fully investigating this patient, then often not assessed, there are patients who,
it may not be possible to learn whether this when presented with a problem that requires
patient has apraxia; however, if in the pres- an action, sometimes cannot recognize the
ence of some of these disorders some patients tool they need to fulfill the required action.
can be tested, the interpretation of these tests There are also patients who might not recall
must be considered in light of these patients the type of actions associated with specific
other disabilities. tools, utensils, or objects (tool-object action
associative knowledge). Unlike patients
with ideomotor apraxia who make spatial
Forms of Upper Limb Apraxia
and temporal errors, patients with concep-
The term apraxia was a term originally tual apraxia make content errors (Ochipa,
used by Steinthal (1871) to describe impair- Rothi, & Heilman, 1989). For example, when
ment of the human to correctly carry out shown a picture of a screwdriver and asked
how motor programs. Although the term to demonstrate by pantomiming the use of
apraxia was first used by Steinthal (1871), this tool, the patients with ideomotor apraxia
it was primarily Hugo Liepmann who made may move the incorrect joints, such as twist-
some of the first important contributions ing their wrist in circles; however, the patient
to the understanding of these how disor- with conceptual apraxia might pantomime
ders. Liepmann (1920) described three major a hammering motion by making pounding
forms of apraxia: (1) limb-kinetic apraxia; movements.
(2) ideomotor apraxia; and (3) ideational Patients with conceptual apraxia may have
apraxia. All three of these forms of apraxia another problem where they are unable to
can be seen with patients who have demen- recall which specific tool (e.g., hammer) is
tia. We described a fourth type that we associated with a specific object (e.g., nail)
CHAPTER 5. Motor Programming Disorders in Dementia 129

(tool-object associative knowledge); how- Diseases That Can Cause Conceptual

ever, the sign that appears to be sensitive Apraxia and May Be Associated With
for the presence of this disorder is a loss of Cognitive Disorders
mechanical knowledge. There are two major
means by which mechanical knowledge can As mentioned, conceptual apraxia can be
be tested. One is an alternative tool task. For associated with diseases that cause focal brain
example, when attempting to drive a nail into damage, such as stroke, but it is commonly
a piece of wood and there is no hammer, the seen in patients suffering with Alzheimers
patient with conceptual apraxia might select disease (Ochipa et al., 1992), and this disor-
a screwdriver rather than a wrench in an der may be one of the early cognitive signs in
attempt to pound in the nail (Ochipa et al., this disease. There is also some evidence that
1992). The second is tool development, such patients with the semantic dementia form of
as bending a wire to make a hook to retrieve frontotemporal lobar degeneration may also
an item in the bottom of a tube (Heilman have conceptual apraxia (Silveri & Ciccarelli,
etal., 1997; Ochipa etal., 1992). 2009).

Pathophysiology Ideomotor Apraxia

Right-handed patients with a callosal discon- Clinical

nection can demonstrate conceptual apraxia
of the nonpreferred nondominant left hand When performing transitive acts, especially
(Watson & Heilman, 1983). Heilman et al. those that involve tools, such as scissors, and
(1997) also studied right-handed patients implements, such as knifes, patients with
who had either right or left hemispheric ideomotor apraxia (IMA) primarily make
cerebral infarctions for conceptual apraxia. spatial errors. Whereas these spatial errors
We found that conceptual apraxia was more can also be observed during the performance
commonly associated with left than right of intransitive acts (such as saluting), patients
hemisphere injury, suggesting that in people with IMA are more likely to make errors
who are right handed it is their left hemi- with transitive than intransitive acts. These
sphere that stores this mechanical knowl- apraxic patients can also make temporal
edge. In this study (Heilman etal., 1997)we errors; however, with bedside clinic testing
also want to learn the locus of injury that these temporal errors are often more difficult
induced conceptual apraxia within the left to detect than are the spatial errors. There are
hemisphere, but no specific anatomic region three major types of spatial errors that can
appeared to be critical, and most patients be observed in patients who have IMA and
had injury to their parietal and/or frontal these included (1)postural errors, (2)egocen-
cortex. The failure to find a specific locus tric spatial movement errors, and (3)allocen-
may have been caused by a lack of power, tric spatial movement errors. Each of these
and with more subjects we may have found forms of errors is described subsequently.
the loci of lesions that induce this disorder. Postural errors, which are also called
It is also possible that tool-object, tool move- internal configuration errors, are most likely
ment, and mechanical knowledge are stored seen when patients are asked to pantomime
in different areas of the brain. In addition, a transitive act such as making believe they
it is possible that the representations that are holding a pair of scissors in their hand
store mechanical knowledge are widely dis- and are using these scissors to cut a piece of
tributed in the left hemisphere. This latter paper in half. Typically when patients with
hypothesis has been supported by a func- IMA are requested to pantomime a transitive
tional imaging study which revealed that movement, they will fail to correctly place
when the conceptual tasks were compared their fingers, hand, forearm, and arm in the
with the control tasks, there was overlapping position that would enable them to correctly
activation in left parietal temporal occipi- hold a tool or implement. Goodglass and
tal junction, prefrontal, dorsal premotor, Kaplan (1963) reported that when patients
cuneus, and inferior temporal areas (Ebisch are asked to pantomime the use of a tool or
etal., 2007). implement, such as scissors, these patients
130 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

often use their hand and fingers as the tool. the incorrect joints or move these joins in
For example, when the patients with IMA are an incorrect fashion. For example, if asked
asked to demonstrate how they would use to pantomime using a hammer to hit a nail
a pair of scissors to cut a piece of paper in in a board that is placed horizontally, below
half, they will often extend their forefinger as eye level, patients with IMA may flex and
well as their middle finger and then abduct extend their arm at the elbow, but not flex
and adduct these fingers as if these fingers and extend (or ulnar and radial deviate) their
were the blades of the scissors. When making hand at their wrist. Thus, if they were hold-
this posture, these patients are not correctly ing an actual hammer, the head of this ham-
demonstrating the posture used for holding mer would not decent to hit the head of the
a pair of scissors but rather are making the nail.
emblem of scissors. Goodglass and Kaplan Whereas hammering can be performed
(1963) called these types of errors body-part with just movements of the wrist, some
as object errors, but when using the fingers actions with tools require the coordination of
as the blades of scissor, these patients are two or more joints. For example, if a person is
using their body part as the tool rather than asked to carve a slice of turkey with a knife,
the object upon which the tool works. Hence, normal people may fix their wrist and as they
we termed these errors body-part as tool bring their arm at the shoulder forward they
errors (BPTEs). extend their arm at the elbow. After they have
BPTEs are, however, not always indica- made this forward movement they have to
tor of the presence of IMA. When asked to reverse these movements, and as they move
pantomime the use of a tool, such as a pair their arm backward at their shoulder they
of scissors, even normal people will often have to flex their arm at the elbow; however,
make BPTEs. This failure to correctly carry with each stroke the elbow flexion is reduced
out this request may be related to the rarity to allow the knife to move downward. In
of occasions that people use transitive panto- contrast to normal people, patients with IMA
mimes versus emblems and using the finger will often just move one joint, either at the
as blades is an emblem of scissors rather than shoulder or elbow and thus rather than mak-
pantomime. However, when normal people ing a slicing movement, they will make stab-
are asked to not use their hand and fingers bing or chopping movements (Poizner, Mack,
or other body parts as the tools and instead Verfaellie, Rothi, & Heilman, 1990; Rothi,
to show the examiner how they would use Mack, Verfaellie, Brown, & Heilman, 1988).
the actual tool, most normal people will stop In addition to these egocentric postural and
making BPTEs. In contrast, many patients movement errors, patients with IMA can also
with IMA, unlike normal people, continue to make allocentric or target-oriented movement
make BPTEs even when the examiner repeat- errors. If a person is going to use a tool prop-
edly attempts to correct this abnormal behav- erly, the person must direct this tool to the
ior (Raymer, Maher, Foundas, Heilman, & object upon which the tool works. For exam-
Rothi, 1997). ple, when using a hammer to pound a nail,
Sometimes when patients with IMA do the hammer has to be directed to the head
stop making BPTEs and attempt to panto- of the nail. In addition to making egocentric
mime, they will incorrectly posture their fin- postural and movement errors, patients with
gers, hand, forearm, and arm. For example, IMA make allocentric errors by failing to
when attempting to hold a pair of scissors, direct their real or pretended actions toward
they may place their thumb below their the real or imaginary target of these actions
forefinger. (Poizner etal., 1990; Rothi etal., 1988).
In addition to positioning ones upper
limb in the correct posture, when correctly
pantomiming a transitive act a person needs Assessment for Ideomotor Apraxia
to correctly move the joints in ones upper
limb in order that the tool will be able to cor- Some patients or their families-caregivers
rectly move through space and be able to may be able to give a history of an impair-
perform its proper function. Independent of ment using tools and implements; however,
the position of the object on which this tool the construct of apraxia is not well known to
will act, patients with IMA often either move the general public, and thus it is uncommon
CHAPTER 5. Motor Programming Disorders in Dementia 131

that patients or family members-caregivers correct form incorrect postures (Mozaz,

will complain about the presence of this Rothi, Anderson, Crucian, & Heilman, 2002),
disorder. as well as pantomimed actions (Heilman,
There are three means for testing for the Rothi, & Valenstein, 1982). Thus, tests of com-
presence of IMA: observing patients work prehension of well-performed pantomimes
with actual tools and the objects upon which and discrimination between correctly and
these tools act, by having patients imitate the incorrectly performed pantomimes should
examiner pantomiming transitive acts, and also be tested.
having the patient pantomime to command.
When using actual tools or imitating the
examiner, the patient is provided with cues Pathophysiology
and thus the most sensitive test for IMA is
asking patients to pantomime transitive acts The diseases that can cause IMA will be dis-
to verbal command. As mentioned, patients cussed in the subsequent section; however,
with IMA often perform more poorly with in this section we will discuss the areas of
transitive (Show me how you would scram- the brain that when injured may cause IMA.
ble eggs with a fork) than intransitive acts Studies of patients with stroke have revealed
(Wave bye-bye) (Haaland, Harrington, that IMA is associated with injury to several
& Knight, 2000; Rothi et al., 1988), and thus structures, including the inferior parietal
patients should be assessed by having them lobe, the premotor cortex (supplementary
pantomime transitive actions. motor area and convexity premotor cortex),
Although patients with IMA typically and the corpus callosum. Subcortical lesions
improve when imitating the examiner pan- that involve the basal ganglia, the thalamus,
tomime a transitive act, their performance and the white matter connecting these areas
often remains impaired. In addition, when with the cerebral cortex can be associated
using actual tools or implements, their per- with IMA.
formance might improve even further, but One of the first people to perform system-
often they may continue to make errors atic research on the pathology accounting
(Poizner et al., 1990). For example, after for IMA was Hugo Liepmann. In an early
being reminded not to use their body part as study, Liepmann & Maas (1907) investigated
the tool, patients with IMA will continue to a population of right-handed patients who
make these BPTEs or other postural errors, had damage confined to either their left or
but when provided with scissors, which have right hemisphere. Liepmann found that none
two circular or oval holes for forefinger and of the patients with right hemisphere injury
thumb placement, it would be unlikely that had an IMA; however, about 50% of those
a patient will make a BPTE by extending the with left hemispheric strokes had IMA.
forefinger and middle finger. Paul Broca (1861) was the first to report
In addition to the postural, egocentric, and that aphasia in right-handed patients is
allocentric movement errors discussed pre- almost always associated with left hemi-
viously, patients with IMA may also make sphere damage. Thus, based on both Brocas
movement speed errors; however, these may and Liepmanns reports, it is not surprising
be difficult to recognize. For example, when that most patients with IMA are also apha-
using a knife to slice turkey, normally the arm sic. The frequent coexistence of aphasia and
moves most slowly as the knife approaches IMA, where patients can neither speak nor
the turn (from extension of the arm to flexion gesture correctly, has led to the hypothesis
and vice versa); however, patients with IMA that both aphasia and apraxia are symptoms
often do not follow this speed-temporal pat- of an inability to use symbols and signs, a
tern (Poizner etal., 1990). deficit that has been termed asymbolia
As we will discuss, some patients will (Finkelburg, 1873); however, as noted by
have ideomotor apraxia primarily of one Liepmann (1907), some patients with IMA
forelimb, and thus both upper limbs should are not aphasic and some aphasic patients are
be tested. In addition, patients with IMA not apraxic. This dissociation suggests that
often have an impairment of comprehend- while there may be overlap, there are parts of
ing other peoples meaningful pantomimes the brain that mediate speech-language that
and may also be impaired at discriminating are not important in the control of purposeful
132 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

skilled movement and vice versa. The fre- the area of the frontal lobe important in pro-
quent co-occurrence of these two disorders is viding the motor cortex with the movement
therefore probably related to two factors. One program.
factor is the cause of the cerebral dysfunction. This verbal-motor disconnection hypoth-
For example, strokes in the middle cerebral esis, however, cannot entirely explain why
artery distribution damage multiple cortical patients with IMA from a left parietal lesion
areas including those that mediate speech are also impaired when imitating. Geschwind
and those subserving purposeful skilled posited that to perform imitation the connec-
movements. It is also possible that certain tions between the visual association area, on
portions of the cerebral cortex have neuronal the left side, and premotor cortex, which is in
networks that perform more than one func- the white matter under the inferior parietal
tion; when these areas are damaged, there cortex, is also interrupted; Geschwind sug-
may be a loss of more than one function. gested that this left hemispheric white matter
pathway from the occipital cortex to the pre-
Parietal Lobe motor cortex was dominant for carrying this
information, but he did not explain why it
Liepmann (1920) noted that when a person was dominant. When patients with IMA are
with a left hemisphere injury demonstrated given a tool to hold in the hand (right or left)
signs of IMA, the person often had an injury and attempt to use this tool, they also make
to the inferior parietal lobe. Geschwind errors (Poizner etal., 1990)and Geschwinds
(1965) posited that lesions in this region left parietal white matter disconnection
caused apraxia because they disconnected hypotheses cannot also explain this observa-
Wernicke area (posterior portion of the left tion. As we will discuss in a subsequent sec-
superior temporal lobe), which is critical for tion, patients with degenerative diseases such
comprehension of speech, from the premotor as Alzheimers disease may also demonstrate
cortex, which is important in programming IMA, and many of these patient have degen-
the primary motor cortex. This disconnec- eration of their parietal lobe cortex; thus,
tion hypothesis is similar to that proposed white matter disconnection could not explain
by Wernicke (1874) and Lichtheim (1885) the IMA observed in these patients.
to account for conduction aphasia and that About three decades ago we put forth
conduction aphasia often accompanies IMA. an alternative movement representation
According to Geschwinds hypothesis, the hypothesis (Heilman et al., 1982; Rothi,
incoming verbal message that provides the Heilman, & Watson, 1985) that may account
patient with the knowledge of the panto- for the IMA associated with left inferior
mime that the examiner requested is decoded parietal lesions. We suggested that in right-
in Wernickes area, but this message must handed people these movement formula or
then be transmitted to the premotor cortex movement representations, which we also
in the left frontal lobe. When the pantomime have called praxicons, contain the spa-
is to be carried out with the right hand, then tial and temporal parameters of purposeful
the premotor cortex activates the corticospi- actions. The inferior parietal lobe of the left
nal neurons in the motor cortex, which acti- hemisphere receives visual information from
vate the appropriate motor neurons and then both the ventral what system important in
muscles. When the left hand is used, the left recognizing tool, implements, and the objects
premotor cortex transfers this information to upon which these tool interact and the dor-
the right premotor cortex, and the informa- sal where visual association system that
tion activates the motor neurons in the right provides information about the relationship
hemisphere. Thus, according to Geschwinds of the arm with an object in peripersonal
hypothesis, a lesion of the left supramarginal space. In addition, the inferior parietal lobe
gyrus could injure the white matter pathway also receives input from the superior parietal
(arcuate fasciculus) that connects Wernickes association areas that contain kinesthetic rep-
area, located in the posterior-superior tempo- resentations of upper limb movements. Based
ral lobe, with the left hemispheres convexity on this visuo-kinesthetic input, the left infe-
premotor cortex. This could, in turn, produce rior parietal lobe develops visuospatial kin-
an IMA because the area of the brain impor- esthetic representations of skilled movement.
tant in comprehension is disconnected from Thus, if there is an injury to these movement
CHAPTER 5. Motor Programming Disorders in Dementia 133

representations or praxicons, the patients Pramstaller and Marsden (1996) noted that
with this injury should demonstrate defi- subcortical lesions, which injure the supe-
cits of pantomiming to command, imitating rior longitudinal fasciculus, are associated
both meaningful and meaningless gestures with IMA and thus this form of apraxia can
and even using actual tools. In addition, if be induced by a disconnection syndrome.
these representations are degraded, patients However, this disconnection is not between
should not be able to comprehend other peo- the areas important for language comprehen-
ples pantomimes and these patients should sion and the motor cortex, but rather between
not be able to discriminate between correctly the movement representations stored in the
and incorrectly performed transitive panto- inferior parietal cortex and the premotor
mimes performed by the examiner. cortex.
In contrast, if these praxicons are intact, but
patients have injury to the premotor cortex or Supplementary Motor Area
the pathways that connect these movement
representations to premotor cortex, these As mentioned previously, the movement rep-
patients would also be expected to have per- resentations or praxicons that are stored in
formance deficits characteristic of IMA. In the left parietal lobe are probably stored in
contrast to patients with parietal lesions, the a three-dimensional visual and kinesthetic
patients with a premotor injury should be spatial-temporal code. In order for the motor
able to discriminate between incorrect and cortex to correctly activate the motor nerves
correct pantomimes performed by the exam- and the muscles to which these nerves are
iner. We (Heilman et al., 1982; Rothi et al., connected, and move a persons joints in
1985)tested patients with anterior and poste- the correct fashion, these visual-kinesthetic
rior left hemisphere cerebral cortical lesions spatial-temporal representations have to be
by assessing for IMA by having these patients translated into a motor program that selec-
produce transitive pantomimes as well as tively activates specific portions of the motor
assessing their pantomime discrimination. cortex in a specific temporal pattern.
We found that some patients with both left The medial portion of the premotor cortex
hemispheric anterior and posterior lesions (Brodmanns area 6), called the supplemen-
had the production deficits typical of IMA. tary motor area (SMA), receives projections
In contrast, we found that it was primarily from parietal neurons. The SMA projects to
the patients with posterior damage who had the convexity premotor cortex as well as to
both production and discrimination distur- primary motor cortex and also has direct
bances. More recently, Halsband and cowork- projections to the neurons of the spinal cord
ers (2001) replicated Heilman et al. (1982) that control upper limb movement. When
and Rothi etal.s (1985) results. These results the primary motor cortex in the hand area is
provided evidence against Geschwinds dis- stimulated, one or more fingers may twitch
connection hypothesis of IMA from parietal and if during functional imaging a person
lesions and instead support the postulate that moves just one finger in a repetitive motion,
injury of the left inferior parietal lobe induces the hand area in Brodmanns area 4, the pri-
IMA because injury to this area degrades the mary motor cortex on the contralateral side,
movement representations that are stored in will demonstrate activation. In contrast, if
this area. the SMA is stimulated, the person will per-
Haaland and her coinvestigators (2000) form complex arm, forearm, hand, and finger
were interested in attempting to more pre- movements; and during functional imag-
cisely localize the left hemispheric lesions ing when normal people perform transitive
that induce and do not induce IMA and pantomimes, there is activation of the SMA,
found that patients with IMA had injury to as well as primary motor cortex (Lauritzen,
the cortical regions adjacent to the intrapari- Henriksen, & Lassen, 1981; Rao et al., 1993).
etal sulcus, which is in part at the top of the Based on these reports, it appears that pre-
supramarginal gyrus. Functional imaging motor cortex and especially SMA is the area
has provided convergent evidence that the or areas of the brain that convert the poly-
left inferior parietal lobe stores movement modal (visual-kinesthetic) temporo-spatial
representations in right-handed subjects movement representation into a motor pro-
(Moll etal., 2000). gram, and it is this portion of the premotor
134 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

cortex that directs the activation of the motor however, subcortical structures have a great
neurons in primary motor cortex. Watson influence on cortical functions, and there
et al. (1986) reported several patients who have been several reports that subcorti-
sustained left-sided medial frontal lesions cal lesions can also induce IMA (Agostoni,
that included the supplementary motor area, Coletti, Orlando, & Tredici, 1983; Basso &
and these patients demonstrated an impair- Della Sala, 1986; Della Sala, Basso, Laiacona,
ment in performing transitive purposeful & Papagno, 1992; DeRenzi, Faglioni, Scarpa,
movements and these errors were consistent & Crisi, 1986; Kertesz & Ferro, 1984; Kleist,
with IMA; however, in contrast to the patients 1907; von Monakov, 1914). To learn the sub-
with left parietal lesions, these patients were cortical structures that may cause IMA when
able to discriminate between correctly and damaged, Pramstaller and Marsden (1996)
incorrectly performed pantomimes, and the performed a meta-analysis. In this analysis
reason for this dichotomy may be related to they reviewed the case reports of 82 patients
these patients preservation of their praxi- who had an IMA caused by a subcortical
cons (visuo-kinesthetic spatial temporal lesion. They concluded that lesions confined
movement representations). to the basal ganglia, including the putamen,
caudate, and the globus pallidus, rarely, if
Convexity Premotor Cortex ever, cause an IMA. Unfortunately, in most of
the studies reviewed by these investigators
The role of injury-degeneration of the con- the patients were only tested with imitation.
vexity premotor cortex in the development In addition, these patients performance was
of IMA is not well known. For example, only scored as either correct or incorrect. The
Faglioni and Basso (1985) wrote that they had most sensitive test for IMA is having patients
difficulty finding any well-documented cases pantomime to command, and Pramstaller
where patients had IMA as a result of injury and Marsdens (1996) results may have been
to convexity premotor region. Subsequently, related to the insensitivity of the testing pro-
Barrett etal. (1998) and Haaland etal. (2000) cedure used to assess these patients.
did report patients with frontal premotor Subsequently, Hanna-Pladdy et al. (2001)
injury who appeared to have an IMA. Barrett studied patients for IMA and compared
etals (1998) report described a study of one patients with cortical and subcortical strokes.
patient who could properly make a move- These investigators studied these patients
ment if it only required the movement of one using transitive and intransitive gestures,
joint of the upper limb, but it was impaired both to command and with imitation. They
when she was required to make movements found that both the group of patients with
that required the coordination between two cortical and subcortical lesions made the
or more joints. spatial and temporal error associated with
Haaland etal. (2000) studied a population IMA; however, they also found some dif-
of patients with stroke who had ideomotor ferences. Whereas the patients with cortical
apraxia, using the lesion overlap method for lesions were impaired in the production of
localization; in addition to finding parietal transitive and intransitive gestures-to-verbal
injury was associated with IMA, they found command and imitation, as well as impaired
that injury of a portion of the convexity pre- gesture discrimination, the participants who
motor cortex, the middle frontal gyrus, also had subcortical lesions only demonstrated
appeared to be a critical area. In contrast, mild production-execution deficits for transi-
however, Freund and Hummelsheim (1985) tive pantomimes to verbal command; consis-
studied a population of patients with con- tent with Pramstaller and Marsdens (1996)
vexity premotor lesions and also found that report, the patients with subcortical lesions
these patients were apraxic but instead of had normal imitation. In addition, unlike
having IMA they had limb-kinetic apraxia, a the patients with cortical lesions, the group
disorder that will be discussed later. of patients with the subcortical lesions were
unimpaired on a gesture (correct versus
Basal Ganglia and Thalamus incorrect) discrimination task. The subcor-
tical group, however, made more postural
In the prior sections the relationships between errors than the cortical group. Unlike the
IMA and cortical dysfunction was discussed; Pramsteller and Marsden study, this study
CHAPTER 5. Motor Programming Disorders in Dementia 135

by Hanna-Pladdy etal. does suggest that the common deficits observed in patients with
subcortical structures make an independent Alzheimers disease. In addition to making
contribution to the praxis processing system. postural, spatial, and temporal errors when
Unfortunately, we have not learned the role performing (pantomiming, imitating, or
of these subcortical structures in controlling using actual tools and implements) purpose-
the performance of purposeful skilled upper ful movements that are typical of ideomotor
limb movement. apraxia, patients with Alzheimers disease
Subcortical injury can also damage the also are impaired at pantomime recogni-
thalamus, and there have been several case tion and discrimination (Rousseaux, Rnier,
reports of patients who developed apraxia Anicet, Pasquier, & Mackowiak-Cordoliani,
from lesions of the left thalamus in the region 2012). Mozaz etal. (2006), using a posture rec-
of the pulvinar nucleus (Nadeau, Roeltgen, ognition test, also demonstrated that patients
Sevush, Ballinger, & Watson, 1994; Shuren, with Alzheimers disease are impaired.
Maher, & Heilman, 1994). This thalamic These comprehension discrimination stud-
nucleus has strong connections with the infe- ies suggest that patients with Alzheimers
rior parietal lobes, which, as discussed, play disease have a decrement in the movement
a critical role in storing movement represen- representations.
tations; thus, damage to this nucleus might An unusual form of dementia called
impair the activation of these movement posterior cortical atrophy that often
representations. starts with visuospatial disabilities and
visual agnosic disorders can also be asso-
ciated with ideomotor apraxia (Goethals &
Diseases That May Be Associated Santens, 2001)
With Cognitive Disorders and
Ideomotor Apraxia Parkinsons Disease
There have been several studies that have
revealed that patients with Parkinsons
In the previous discussion of the patho- disease can have an ideomotor apraxia
physiology of IMA, most of the patients (Goldenberg, Wimmer, Auff, & Schnaberth,
studied had vascular disease, and thus 1986; Leiguarda et al., 1997). Goldenberg
patients with vascular dementia may reveal et al. (1986) found that the severity of
an IMA. The most common vascular lesion apraxia was not directly related to the sever-
to cause IMA is a thrombosis in the distri- ity of these patients Parkinsonian motor
bution of the left middle cerebral artery, signs but instead appeared to be related
which infarcts the parietal cortex; how- to their visuospatial and visuoperceptual
ever, injury to the left hemisphere premotor skills. Leiguarda et al. (1997) found that
cortex either medially with a left anterior there were no differences when patients
cerebral artery distribution infarction or lat- with Parkinsons disease were on versus
erally with an infarction in distribution of off their medication, suggesting that this
the anterior branches of the middle cerebral apraxic disorder was not related to a dopa-
artery can also cause IMA. mine deficit. The patients with Parkinsons
Studies of disability have revealed that disease who had ideomotor apraxia had
the presence of apraxia is one of the major normal pantomime comprehension and
reasons patients with strokes cannot per- were able to discriminate well-performed
form independently (Hanna-Pladdy et al., from improperly performed pantomimes,
2003)and often cannot return to work (Saeki suggesting that their impairment was not
& Hachisuka, 2004). related to degradation of their movement
representation, but rather an inability to
translate these representation into motor
Alzheimers Disease
programs. In addition, the apraxia appeared
Along with impairments of episodic mem- to be related to their performance on tests
ory, language (e.g., anomia), visuospatial of frontal-executive functions, such as the
skills and elements of the Gerstmanns syn- Tower of Hanoi, Trailmaking, and verbal
drome, ideomotor apraxia is one of the most fluency tests.
136 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

Parkinson Plus Syndromes:Corticobasal when making purposeful movement if the

Degeneration, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, errors observed in patients with Huntingtons
Multiple System Atrophy disease are related to their chorea or the
presence of an ideomotor apraxia. Holl and
One of the earliest and most prominent signs
coworkers (2011), however, attempted to
associated with corticobasal degeneration is
learn whether patients with Huntingtons
ideomotor apraxia. Most commonly, patients
disease did have an ideomotor apraxia and
with corticobasal degeneration have a more
found that when these patients developed
severe apraxia of one upper (right or left) limb
dementia they often demonstrated ideomo-
than the opposite upper limb. We have noted
tor apraxia.
that many patients with corticobasal degen-
eration who demonstrate severe ideomotor
apraxia on tests of pantomime, imitation, and Limb-Kinetic Apraxia (Melokinetic Apraxia,
object use can still discriminate correct from Innervatory Apraxia)
incorrect gestures performed by the examiner,
suggesting that that their movement represen-
tations are still intact (Leiguarda etal., 1994)and
that their ideomotor apraxia may be related to
Patients with limb-kinetic apraxia (Liepmann,
degeneration of the supplementary motor area.
1920)have a loss of hand-finger deftness and
Leiguarda et al. (1997) found that about
thus are impaired in making precise move-
75% of patients with progressive supranu-
ments of the upper limbic as well as being
clear palsy did demonstrate an ideomotor
impaired in making independent but coordi-
apraxia. Leiguarda etal. did find that in those
nated finger movements. Activities of daily
patients with Parkinson plus syndrome with
living such as buttoning a shirt or blouse or
ideomotor apraxia their Mini-Mental Status
tying shoelaces require dexterity or move-
Examination (MMSE) scores correlated with
ment deftness. In addition, there are many
the severity of their apraxia. In most of these
instrumental activities that also require pre-
patients their apraxia was characterized by
cise independent finger and arm movements.
spatial errors, including postural errors as
There are many tests of deftness or dexter-
well as ego and allocentric movement errors.
ity. Patients can be assessed by having them
Sometimes corticobasal degeneration and
button shirts, but this requires the use of both
supranuclear palsy are difficult to clinically
hands and is difficult to quantitate. To assess
differentiate; however, Pharr etal. (2001) did
patients for the presence of limb-kinetic
note that patients with supranuclear palsy
apraxia, we use the coin rotation task. When
had less severe apraxia than those with corti-
performing this test, the patient is asked to
cobasal degeneration and also have impaired
rotate a nickel between the thumb, index,
vertical ocular saccades and gait impairments.
and middle fingers, as rapidly as possible
Leiguarda et al. (1997) also reported that
for 20 revolutions (Hanna-Pladdy, Mendoza,
patients with multisystem atrophy did not
Apostolos, & Heilman, 2002). This test is easy
exhibit ideomotor apraxia, but in contrast,
to perform, gives quantitative results, and
Uluduz et al. (2010) reported that patients
appears to be sensitive. Another test is to
with multisystem atrophy did exhibit ideomo-
have patients pick up dimes from a flat sur-
tor apraxia and found that the patients with
face. Normal adults will pick up these dimes
multisystem atrophy were more impaired
using their thumb and forefinger using a
than those with Parkinsons disease. Monza
pincher grasp. Patients with limb-kinetic
et al. (1998) also found that patients with
apraxia will use a palmer grasp or slide the
multisystem atrophy can have an ideomotor
dime off the table, and as it drops, they grab
apraxia and that the patients with multisys-
it. Another test that can be used to assess for
tem atrophy who have an ideomotor apraxia
limb-kinetic apraxia is the pegboard. Both
often also have executive dysfunction.
lifting the peg from a well and placing these
pegs into small holes requires deftness, but
Huntingtons Disease patients may perform poorly on this test for
many other reasons.
Since patients with Huntingtons disease do Typically, patients with hemispheric dam-
have chorea, it may be difficult to determine age have a contralesional loss of deftness.
CHAPTER 5. Motor Programming Disorders in Dementia 137

Heilman, Meador, and Loring (2000), as well Diseases That Can Cause
as Hanna-Pladdy and colleagues (2002), Limb-Kinetic Apraxia and May Be
have found that people with right-hand pref- Associated With Cognitive Disorders
erence are more likely to have an additional
ipsilateral loss of deftness (limb-kinetic Limb-kinetic apraxia can often be associated
apraxia) with left than right hemispheric with cerebrovascular disease. In addition,
injury. we have reported that many patients with
Parkinsons disease have this disorder, and
their loss of deftness does not appear to be
Pathophysiology related to their bradykinesia (Quencer etal.,
2007). Limb-kinetic apraxia can also be seen
Liepmann (1920) thought that the injury with the Parkinsons plus syndromes such as
of the primary sensorimotor cortex caused progressive supranuclear palsy (Leiguarda
limb-kinetic apraxia, and subsequently, et al., 1997) and corticobasal degeneration,
Lawrence and Kuypers (1968) demonstrated and, like the ideomotor apraxia, it may be
a loss of a precision pincher grasp in mon- asymmetrical. Gebhardt and coworkers
keys with lesions of the pyramid that inter- (2008) studied finger tapping, as a measure of
rupted the corticospinal tract. Freund and bradykinesia, and coin rotation, as a measure
Hummelsheim (1985) as well as Fogassi and of limb-kinetic apraxia, while both on and off
colleagues (2001) reported that damage to dopaminergic treatment and found that this
the premotor cortex (Brodmanns area 6)can treatment primarily improved bradykinesia
also induce limb-kinetic apraxia. Converging (finger tapping) and did not have a substan-
evidence for the role of premotor cortex in tial influence on coin rotation, suggesting
programming deft finger movements comes that in these patients it is not the dopaminer-
from the work of Nirkko and coworkers gic deficit that is causing this disorder.
(2001), who performed functional magnetic
resonance imaging while participants were
performing unilateral deft finger movements Ideational Apraxia
and found that performance of these move-
ments were associated with activation of the Clinical
convexity premotor cortex.
There also appears to be hemispheric Unfortunately the diagnostic term ide-
asymmetries in the development of limb- ational apraxia has been used to label many
kinetic apraxia in people who are right different disorders. This term has been used
handed, such that left hemisphere dysfunc- for patients with what we now call concep-
tion, such as stroke, can induce ipsilateral (as tual apraxia. De Renzi & Lucchelli (1968)
well as contralesional) limb-kinetic apraxia used this term for patients who had severe
(Heilman, Meador, & Loring, 2000; Hanna- ideomotor apraxia and were impaired when
Pladdy and colleagues, 2002); however, they attempted to use actual tools. I also
when right-handed patients have a right used this term for patients who could not
hemisphere stroke they may develop produce the correct transitive pantomime
limb-kinetic apraxia of their contralesional to verbal command but could perform nor-
left hand, but their right hand will often mally when seeing the tool or the object upon
perform normally. This lesion-induced which the tool normally works (Heilman,
hemispheric asymmetry suggests than in 1973). We now call this disorder dissocia-
right-handed people the left hemisphere has tion apraxia because it appears that in these
stronger ipsilateral control of spinal motor patients there is a dissociation of the systems
neurons than does the right hemisphere, important in comprehending speech and
and physiological studies in normal par- those important in programming movements
ticipants appear to support this postulate (Heilman & Watson, 2008). Liepmann (1920)
(Ghacibeh et al., 2007); however, it is not initially used this term for a disorder first
known whether this ipsilateral control is described by Marcuse (1904) and Pick (1905),
mediated by ipsilateral corticospinal path- where patients have an inability to correctly
ways or by means of the corpus callosum. sequence a series of acts, an ideational plan,
138 Part i Functional Neuroanatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience of Dementia

that are required to successfully complete as Alzheimers disease (Chainay, Louarn, &
a goal. Poeck (1983) noted that while some Humphreys, 2006). Giovannetti et al. (2006)
patients may have perseveration, this disor- demonstrated that patients with vascular
der is not solely caused by perseveration but dementia are more likely to have ideational
rather a disturbance in the conceptual orga- apraxia (deficits on the NAT) than patients
nization of actions. Some investigators now with Alzheimers disease. We assessed
call this disorder the action disorganiza- patients for Parkinsons disease for ide-
tion syndrome (Forde & Humphreys, 2002). ational apraxia and found that ideational
Thus, the most important test for making apraxia is associated with this condition.
the diagnosis of ideational apraxia is having These patients errors were predominantly
the patient perform a task that requires sev- in sequencing rather than repetition or omis-
eral sequential motor acts, such as making a sion, indicating that the poor performance
sandwich. Some clinicians test patients for was not caused by perseveration (Qureshi,
ideational apraxia by having them verbally Williamson, & Heilman, 2011). Leiguarda
describe the means by which they would etal. (1997) reported that some patients with
make something such as a sandwich. To Parkinsons plus syndromes such as progres-
assess for ideational apraxia, Qureshi et al. sive supranuclear palsy also have problems
(2011) assessed participants with sets of pic- with tasks involving multiple steps.
tures that showed the steps in completing a
task, but the steps were shown out of order.
The participants were required to point to the Summary
pictures in the correct sequence to complete
each task. In another test, the Natural Action This chapter describes the clinical character-
Test (NAT), subjects are presented with real istics that define the various forms of upper
objects and are required to perform multistep limb apraxia, including conceptual, ideomo-
tasks that lead to a completed goal (Schwartz tor, limb-kinetic, and ideational apraxia.
etal., 2002). When a person determines that some-
thing needs to be altered, he or she must
make some conceptual decisions, including
Pathophysiology whether a tool is needed and, if so, what tool
can best accomplish this goal. The person
Although some of the diseases that cause this must also know the action that this tool per-
disorder are reviewed later in the chapter, forms and the movements needed to operate
the pathophysiology is not well understood. this tool. If the correct tool is not available or
Liepmann (1920) thought that the lesion that a new tool is needed, the person also has to
induced this disorder was located in the left have the ability to understand the mechani-
occipital parietal region. A functional imag- cal advantage this tools affords and how this
ing study performed with normal subjects could be accomplished by an alternative tool
performing a sequential action task appeared or the development of a new tool. A loss of
to activate the parietal lobe, as suggested this mechanical knowledge is called con-
by Liepmann (1920); however, the critical ceptual apraxia. In right-handed people this
anatomic focus of dysfunction in ideational knowledge is stored in the left hemisphere,
apraxia remains unknown (Humphreys & but the exact locations of these representa-
Forde, 1998). The frontal lobes are thought tions are unknown.
to be important in sequencing and Niki etal. After a person selects a tool to work on an
(2009) reported several patients with frontal object, he or she also needs to have knowl-
lobe tumors who had evidence of the action edge of the posture required to hold this
disorganization syndrome or ideational tool as well as the egocentric and allocen-
apraxia. tric movements that permit this tool to be
properly moved through space. In people
who are right handed, these movement
Diseases Associated With Ideational Apraxia (temporo-spatial) representations appeared
to be stored in the left parietal lobe, and
Most often the patients with ideational degradation of these movement representa-
apraxia have some form of dementia such tions or damage to the premotor cortex that
CHAPTER 5. Motor Programming Disorders in Dementia 139

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Part II

The Dementias:The Major Diseases

andClinical Syndromes

The Neuropathology of Neurodegenerative

Etty P. Cortes Ramirez and Jean-Paul G. Vonsattel

In all neurodegenerative diseases, it is individuals regardless of neuropsychiatric

thought that the degenerative pathologic clinical status, while others are thought to be
process is well under way many years before specific for a neurodegenerative disease.
symptom onset. A tremendous amount of This chapter employs the basic approach of
our knowledge of these diseases has been clinicopathological correlations as it was fos-
learned through careful neuropathological tered by Drs. E.P. Richardson, R.D. Adams,
examination of brain tissue from patients C. M. Fisher, and E. T. Hedley-Whyte at
whose symptoms have been well character- the Massachusetts General Hospital. Thus,
ized during life. Nevertheless, despite this the emphasis is placed on the relation-
progress and the ability of experts to predict ships between the types of macroscopic and
pathology with a reasonable degree of sensi- microscopic pathology, their localization in
tivity and specificity, many specific aspects different brain regions, and the symptoms
of the relationships between pathological that may ensue. First, however, we describe
measures of neurodegenerative pathol- the neurodegenerative changes that can be
ogy and clinical symptoms prior to death commonly seen in the aging brain. We then
remain poorly understood. Perhaps the big- focus on representative neurodegenerative
gest conceptual issue relates to the question diseases, highlighting the outstanding patho-
of what is disease and what is aging. Some logic hallmarks associated with each clinical
longitudinal prospective studies have dem- condition.
onstrated convincingly that individuals who
are cognitively, emotionally, and physically
intact within 1year prior to their death may Neurodegenerative Neuropathology
have a substantial burden of clinically silent inCognitively Normal Individuals
Some of the changes seen by pathologists The aging central nervous system under-
in the brains of healthy elderly individu- goes changes that are gradual and relentless,
als can be seen macroscopically and some which at some point cause physical deficits
can be seen microscopically. Some of these or cognitive dysfunction attributed to nor-
changes appear to be present in most older mal aging. The initial phase of this process

146part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

most likely consists of a subtle decline of evidence that the neuropathological disease
physical and mental performance without process of AD gradually takes place for many
definite physical changes detectable in the years prior to the manifestation of symp-
brain, probably as a result of physiologic toms. Many such investigators view this as an
changes in neurotransmitter and electro- opportunity for intervention (see Chapter18).
physiologic function. It has long been known, Briefly, on postmortem examination,
however, that many cognitively intact older the outstanding changes found in the
adults exhibit neuropathologic changes iden- brains of cognitively normal elderly indi-
tical to those of Alzheimers disease (AD) viduals include the following (Fig. 6.1).
dementia, but to a lesser extent (Knopman Macroscopically, atrophy is often present,
etal., 2003; Lace etal., 2009; Polvikoski etal., which is evidenced by weight loss (up to
2001; Price etal., 2009; Tomlinson, Blessed,& 200 grams [normal: women 1,260 g; men
Roth, 1968). Some authors have suggested 1,360 g]), narrowing of gyri and widen-
that a possible pathologic continuum exists ing of sulci, and ventricular dilatation.
between aging and AD. For example, as Microscopically, some neuronal loss is often
early as 1924, Simchowicz concluded that seen but with less decrease of the neuronal
senile dementia consists of both acceleration density than expected because of the shrink-
and increased intensity of the age-related age of the neuropil; occurrence of neurofi-
physiological involution of the brain brillary tangles of Alzheimer; immature and
(Simchowicz, 1924). Drachman formulated diffuse type plaques, and neuritic plaques;
Simchowiczs hypothesis 70 years later as granulovacuolar degeneration, and Hirano
follows:If we live long enough, will we all bodies especially within the hippocampus;
become demented? With our present lack of Marinesco bodies (pars compacta of the sub-
means to prevent the most common demen- stantia nigra); and vasculopathies (e.g., ath-
tia, AD, more and more of us will decline erosclerosis, arteriolosclerosis, hypertensive
cognitively, as life expectancy increases, evi- angiopathy, amyloid angiopathy, or cerebral
dently with an age-related acceleration of amyloid angiopathy [CAA]), and ferro-calcic
incidence (Drachman, 1994; p.1563). angiopathy, especially involving the len-
While the brain changes associated with ticular nucleus (globus pallidus > putamen).
normal age-related cognitive changes con- Microhemorrhages, criblures, lacunes, glial
tinue to be studied, many contemporary scars, or infarcts result from the vasculopa-
theorists view the occurrence of AD neuro- thies, which cause frequently mixed patho-
pathology in cognitively intact individuals as logical changes (Schneider, Arvanitakis,

Hirano body
Degenerative diseases

U Marinesco body
u Neurofibrillary changes
l Neuronal loss - Atrophy - Sclerotic/amyloid vasculopathies
g Neuritic plaques
n Granulovacuolar degeneration
Lewy body

Age (years) ... 60 ... 90

Figure6.1 If we live long enough, will we all become demented? During normal aging, the
brains of most individuals show changes similar to those occurring in Alzheimers disease, albeit
to a much lesser extent. Thus, a quantitative continuum might exist between normal age-related
changes and the neuropathology of some neurodegenerative diseases. It is also possible that these
pathological changes mark the preclinical stages of neurodegenerative diseases, which would
ultimately manifest as symptomatic illnesses.
CHAPTER 6. The Neuropathology of Neurodegenerative Dementias 147

Bang,& Bennett, 2007). Lewy bodycontain- long presymptomatic or prodromal period

ing neurons and Lewy neurites are found in (see Chapters17 and 18).
10%15% of brains from allegedly asymp- The development of dementia with or with-
tomatic elderly individuals (Frigerio et al., out motor deficit results from the degeneration
2009; Jellinger, 2009; Ross et al., 2004). The of structures, including the cerebral cortex, as
association of degenerative pathological in AD; the cerebral white matter, as in mul-
changes and the occurrence of dementia is tiples sclerosis or cerebrovascular disease; the
stronger in younger old persons than in older hippocampal formation, entorhinal region,
old persons (Savva etal., 2009). amygdala, nucleus basalis of Meynert, as in
AD; the striatum, as in Huntingtons disease
(HD); the mesencephalon, especially the pars
Selective Regional Vulnerability compacta of substantia nigra, as in Parkinsons
ofthe Aging Brain disease (PD), or in Lewy body diseases; or the
brainstem, subthalamic nucleus, striatum, and
The neuropathologist must attempt to infer cerebellum as in progressive supranuclear
the localization of the origin of the neurode- palsy (PSP). A key clinicopathologic lesson
generative process. Gross atrophy results from learned over the past decades is the tenet that
the loss of neurons, including their synapses it is the localizationrather than the molecular
and their myelinated or bare axons, which compositionof neuropathology that deter-
constitute the brunt of the white matter. The mines the clinical phenotype. That is, many
constellation of the loss of neurons and neuro- reports have described multiple neuropatholo-
pil along with the occurrence of reactive glio- gies underlying a given clinical phenotype and
sis gradually blurs normal neuronal and glial conversely a singular molecular neuropathol-
cytoarchitecture. Perhaps because the clear- ogy (in some cases associated with a single
ance of the cellular debris is overwhelmed genetic mutation) in association with multiple
or hypofunctional, there is accumulation of clinical phenotypes (see Chapters8, 9, 10).
proteinaceous aggregates such as amyloid-.
Usually proteinaceous aggregates develop
without acute or chronic inflammatory infil- Cerebral Cortex
trates, although, as mentioned, the microglio-
cytes participate in the process. Despite this variability, the localization and
By the time the patient dies, the severity apparent progression of some neurodegen-
of the degenerative process is usually wide- erative pathological processes occurs with
spread but often uneven. Putatively the most a remarkable reproducibility (Morrison,
involved sites might have been the starting Hof,& Morrison, 1998). Phylogenetically the
injury points or primary centers of degen- cerebral cortex is composed of the allocortex,
eration (Grnthal, 1930). The hypothesis of and the more recent, neocortex, both with
the occurrence of initial primary centers of their respective subdivisions and their selec-
degeneration is supported by the variable tive vulnerability characteristically associ-
severity of the degenerative process, espe- ated with the neurodegenerative dementias.
cially evidenced on postmortem examina- The allocortex includes archicortex (hippo-
tion. Thus, one can assume that degeneration campal formation [cornu ammonis, dentate
spread from these primary sites within one fascia]) and paleocortex (piriform cortex
or more especially vulnerable systems while [entorhinal area, olfactory cortex]). The neo-
simultaneously contaminating the adjacent cortex includes both homotypical cortex (six
parenchyma whether or not being part of distinct layers, such as in posterior parietal
the main system involved (Spatz, 1938). At cortex) and heterotypical cortex, including
some point during the degenerative process, both agranular (motor) cortex and granular
the waning function of the network involved (visual) cortex. The allocortical regions are
results in distinctive symptoms localizable to particularly prone to degeneration in AD and
that system. As we have begun to learn about frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD;
the pathologic features that appear to be spe- Kemper, 1994). The large pyramidal neu-
cifically associated with a particular neurode- rons, notably those of the Sommer sector of
generative disease process, we have begun to the hippocampus, are susceptible to neuro-
think of the processes as having a potentially fibrillary tangle formation, granulovacuolar
148part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

degeneration, and Hirano body formation loss of the white matter with subsequent
(Lace et al., 2009). The stellate neurons of dementia may be caused by vasculopathies.
layer 2 of the entorhinal cortex are highly sus- Indeed, hypertensive vascular changes
ceptible to neurofibrillary tangle formation, (fibrosis of the walls of the vessels; i.e., arte-
most conspicuously in AD. The large and riolosclerosis) cause hypoperfusion of central
small pyramidal neurons of the hippocam- white matter. Agradual loss of oligodendro-
pus, and the granule neurons of the fascia cytes, myelin, and neuronal processes occurs
dentata, are susceptible to Pick bodies (Ball, with a reactive gliosis and widening of the
1979; Binetti, Growdon,& Vonsattel, 1998). perivascular spaces (criblures). Especially
Within the neocortex (Fig.6.2), the homo- involved is the subcortical white matter, as
typical cortex is usually more vulnerable in Binswanger disease. Nearly 30% of cohort
than the heterotypical cortex (motor cortex, of individuals with cerebral autosomal domi-
where the pyramidal neurons including Betz nant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts
cells predominate, or visual cortex, where the and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) devel-
granular neurons prevail) (Kemper, 1994). oped dementia and a pathological pheno-
Neocortical neurons can be categorized as type similar to that of Binswanger disease
pyramidal and nonpyramidal cells. The pyra- (Davous& Bequet, 1995; Dichgans etal., 1998;
midal neurons have extensive intracortical Tournier-Lasserve etal., 1993). Dementing ill-
and extracortical connections; it is these neu- nesses with a predominantly myelinoclastic
rons that are most affected in neurodegenera- or demyelinating process include progres-
tive diseases associated with dementia. The sive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML),
unipolar pyramidal projection neurons of the the encephalopathy of the acquired immune
anterior insula and cingulate cortex known deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and multiple
as Von Economo neurons are particularly sclerosis (Brew, Rosenblum, Cronin,& Price,
vulnerable to FTLD (Seeley, etal., 2006). 1995; Fontaine etal., 1994).

Cerebral White Matter Subcortical Nuclei

The cerebral white matter harbors myelin- The amygdala is often severely involved in
ated and bare axons, fibrillary astrocytes, oli- neurodegenerative dementing diseases. In
godendrocytes, and blood vessels. Extensive AD, the amygdala often shows neuronal loss,

Figure6.2 Relative selective neocortical vulnerability of a 61-year-old patient who died of cardiac
arrest and who carried the clinical diagnosis of possible Alzheimers disease:The cuneus (left,
homotypic cortex) contains many neuropil threads that are labeled with AT8 antibodies directed
against phosphorylated tau, and scattered neuritic plaques. In contrast, the calcarine cortex (right,
heterotypic cortex) is relatively spared. (AT8 immunohistochemistry; original magnification, 25)
CHAPTER 6. The Neuropathology of Neurodegenerative Dementias 149

neurofibrillary tangles, neuritic plaques, and In summary, neurodegenerative dementias

gliosis. In up to 60% of AD brains, the amyg- share at least partly in common their involve-
dala exhibits Lewy bodycontaining neurons ment of vulnerable cortical and subcortical
and Lewy neurites (Hamilton, 2000; Wakisaka regions, including allocortex (entorhinal and
et al., 2003). In DLB, the amygdala exhibits pyriform cortices, hippocampus), neocortex
neuronal loss, neurons with Lewy body or (homotypical > heterotypical), amygdala,
Lewy bodycontaining neurons, and spongi- mammillary bodies, anterior and dorsome-
form changes (small, round or oval vacuoles), dian nuclei of thalamus, neostriatum, nucleus
neuronal tangles, and neuritic plaques. In the coeruleus, and raphe nuclei.
classic Picks disease form of FTLD, the amyg-
dala exhibits severe neuronal loss, gliosis,
ballooned neurons, status spongiosus (large, Pathological Hallmarks of the Major
irregular vacuoles with coarse glial margins), Neurodegenerative Dementias
and Pick bodies.
The cholinergic neurons of the nucleus Cerebral Atrophy
basalis of Meynert, or substantia innominata,
undergo either primary or retrograde degen- The hallmarks of cerebral atrophy on gross
eration in AD, DLB, PD, and PSP. The large examination of the brains are the narrowing
cholinergic neurons of the neostriatum (cau- of the gyri and widening of the sulci, includ-
date nucleus, putamen, nucleus accumbens) ing up to 20%30% weight loss (Fig.6.3).
undergo neurofibrillary degeneration in AD A surprising degree of cerebral atrophy may
and in PSP. The striatum (neostriatum plus occur in cognitively normal elderly individu-
globus pallidus) bears the brunt of the cere- als (Ezekiel et al., 2004; Hulette et al., 1998).
bral atrophy in HD. The dorsomedian and Likewise, atrophy may be absent or subtle
the anterior nuclei of the thalamus, which early during any neurodegenerative process.
are the limbic nuclei, are prone to neuronal Brain atrophy becomes conspicuous in about
loss with the occurrence of neurofibrillary 90% of brains of patients with advanced
tangles in AD. The rostral half of the thalamus dementia without or with movement disor-
may be atrophic (usually medial > lateral) in ders (Fig.6.3). However, severe dementia may
Picks disease. These thalamic changes are fre- occur in patients whose brains show little or
quently encountered in the context of demen- no atrophy. Brains of patients with DLB, or of
tia (Schmahmann, 2003). a few patients with AD, especially those who
are older then 80 at the time of death, may
appear normal on external gross examination
Brainstem (Polvikoski etal., 2001). Likewise, the brains
of patients with dementia lacking distinctive
The brainstem often shows degenerative histology or Creutzfeldt Jakob disease or
changes in dementing illnesses with or other prion diseases may be unremarkable on
without symptoms of movement disorders gross examination. Some patients with fron-
(Parvizi, Van Hoesen, & Damasio, 2001). totemporal dementia may exhibit prominent
Neuronal loss involves the substantia nigra circumscribed atrophy.
pars compacta (mainly dopaminergic) in
DLB, up to 70% of cases of classic Picks dis-
ease, PD, PSP, and to a lesser extent AD. The Ventricular Enlargement
nucleus coeruleus (norepinephrinecate-
cholamine) is especially involved in AD, DLB, The volume of each lateral ventricle is about
and PD. The neuronal loss of the nucleus 7.010.0 cc in individuals without neurologi-
coeruleus is usually less severe in PSP than cal or psychiatric diseases. The ventricular
in PD. The neurons of the dorsal and median volume may reach up to 50 cc or more in
raphe nuclei (serotoninergic) are vulnerable demented people (Fig. 6.3 B). The widening
in AD, DLB, PD, and PSP. The dorsal nucleus of the ventricles in conjunction with paren-
of vagus (cholinergic) shows neuronal loss chymal loss is referred to as hydrocephalus ex
in DLB and PD. In addition, neurofibrillary vacuo. The severity and topography of ven-
tangles or Lewy bodycontaining neurons tricular enlargement tend to match that of the
can occur in the reticular formation. atrophy of the encompassing parenchyma.
150part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

(A) (B)

74 years-old, Control 89 years-old, AD

Figure6.3(A) Dorsal aspect of a normal fresh brain (left) of a 74-year-old cognitively intact
individual and of an atrophic fresh brain (right) of a demented, 89-year-old patient with end-stage
Alzheimers disease (AD). Note the widening of the sulci and the narrowing of the gyri in the brain
of the person with AD (B) compared to the individual who was cognitively intact (A). (B) Fixed
coronal slices of the right cerebral hemisphere of a 78-year-old patient with end-stage AD. There is
severe atrophy of the gray (cortex, hippocampus, amygdaloid nucleus, striatum, and thalamus) and
white matter (left, rostral; right, caudal). The lateral ventricle is severely widened. At the end stage,
brain atrophy tends to become diffuse, thus making it difficult to identify brain regions selectively
vulnerable early in the course of the disease.

Neuritic Plaques hyperphosphorylation prevents the fulfill-

ment of the normal function of tau, which
Neuritic plaques (or senile plaques, amyloid is a microtubule-associated protein that
argyrophilic plaques) are extracellular depos- promotes tubulin assembly and stabilizes
its that are abundant in AD and can also be microtubules.
seen in many intellectually normal older sub- Neurofibrillary changes consist of thin,
jects. Neuritic plaques develop in the cerebral fragmented, tortuous, and argyrophilic
cortex, amygdala, hippocampal formation, fibrils, which are labeled with AT8 antibod-
and in the striatum, especially in the nucleus ies directed against phosphorylated tau
accumbens. They may occur in the thalamus, (Fig. 6.4B). Depending of the underlying
particularly within the dorsomedian and degenerative process, they occur within the
anterior nuclei, and occasionally within the halo of neuritic plaques (dystrophic neurites),
cerebellar cortex. within the cytoplasm of pyramidal neurons
The classical or neuritic plaques are (flame shaped neurofibrillary tangles), within
spherical lesions with a 50180 m diam- the cytoplasm of oval neurons (globose
eter (Fig.6.4B). They are composed of a cen- tangles), and within the cytoplasm of oligo-
trally located Congo redpositive amyloid dendrocytes or astrocytes (glial cytoplasmic
core, which can be labeled with antibodies tangles). The so-called tauopathies include
directed against amyloid- (A). This core AD, FTLD (including classic Picks disease),
of A is surrounded by a halo of distorted PSP, corticobasal degeneration, and chronic
neurites containing argyrophilic, paired heli- traumatic encephalopathy, as well as a host
cal filaments (PHF [dystrophic neurites]). of relatively rare neurodegenerative diseases.
Microglial cells and macrophages can be seen
within the plaques. Reactive astrocytes tend
to be at the periphery of the plaques or in the Hirano Bodies and Granulovacuolar
parenchyma surrounding the plaques. Degeneration

Hirano bodies and granulovacuolar degen-

Neurofibrillary Changes eration are more frequent in people with
dementia than in intellectually normal sub-
Neurofibrillary changes are due to the cyto- jects; apparently, their density increases with
plasmic or intracellular accumulation of age. Hirano bodies are ovoid, or rod-shaped,
distorted, paired helical filaments caused 1030m in length, eosinophilic, amorphous
by the hyperphosphorylation of tau. The structures found among, usually adjacent
CHAPTER 6. The Neuropathology of Neurodegenerative Dementias 151

(A) (B)

Figure6.4 Hallmarks of Alzheimers disease neuropathology:(A) neuritic plaques (about 180m

in diameter; each one replaces an estimated 106 synapses and about 100 neurons). The centrally
located core is made up of aggregates of amyloid-, which results from incomplete degradation of a
trans-membrane protein present in nerve terminals called amyloid- precursor protein (APP). The
gene for APP is located on chromosome 21. (B) Neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer and neuropil
threads (argyrophilic neurons and threads) consist of intracellular accumulation of paired helical
filaments caused by the hyperphosphorylation of tau. Tau protein is a phosphoprotein that binds to
and promotes polymerization and stability of microtubules. The tau gene is located on chromosome
17. (Bielschowsky silver stain; original magnification, 630) (See color plate section)

to, or within the cytoplasm of hippocampal directed against phosphorylated tau, anti-
pyramidal neurons, especially involved is the bodies directed against ubiquitinated pro-
Sommer sector (CA-1) (Hirano, 1994). They teins, but not with antibodies directed against
may appear as a result of age-related altera- -synuclein aggregates. They are found in
tions of the microfilamentous system. cortical and hippocampal, pyramidal neu-
Granulovacuolar degeneration consists rons; in neurons of the stratum granulosum
of the presence of one or more cytoplasmic of the dentate gyrus; and in the amygdala,
granules, 12 m across, surrounded by an and occasionally within the striatum and
optically empty rim, or vacuole measuring brainstem.
35 m in diameter. Especially involved are
the pyramidal neurons of the Sommer sector
(CA1) and subiculum of the hippocampus. Ballooned Neurons (Pick Cells)
Tomlinson et al. reported severe involve-
ment of the pyramidal cells of the Sommer Ballooned neurons, also referred to as Pick
sector in every demented patient and that cells are swollen neurons with convex con-
some degree of this change was found in tours, homogeneous glassy, pale, eosinophilic
70% of their control brains (Tomlinson etal., cytoplasm, and eccentric nuclei (Clark etal.,
1968). Both Hirano bodies and granulovacu- 1986). The cytoplasm is diffusely argyrophilic
olar degenerations are ubiquitinated and not with variable intensity. Ballooned neurons
labeled with AT8 antibodies directed against are found in a variety of neurodegenerative
phosphorylated tau. diseases including classic Picks disease, PSP,
corticobasal degeneration, and AD.

Pick Bodies
Status Spongiosus Versus
Pick bodies are neuronal, cytoplasmic, argyr- Spongiform Changes
ophilic, well outlined, and round, or oval
bodies measuring 1015m across (Fig.6.5). Status spongiosus consists of irregular cavita-
They are labeled with AT8 antibodies tion of the neuropil in the presence of a dense
152part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

(A) (B)

Figure 6.5(A) Formalin fixed, lateral aspect of the left half brain of a 53-year-old patient with
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (classical Picks disease). Note the prominent circumscribed atrophy
involving the frontal lobe, rostral temporal lobe, and the inferior parietal lobule. Although atrophic,
the pre- and postcentral gyri, the caudal two thirds of the superior temporal gyrus, and occipital lobe
are relatively preserved. (B) Microphotographs of Pick bodies. Pick bodies are argyrophilic (bottom
left, Bielschowsky, 200), are labeled with AT8 antibodies directed against phosphorylated tau (bottom
right, AT8, 630), or with antibodies directed against ubiquitinated proteins. They are not labeled with
antibodies directed against -synuclein aggregates, which is in contrast to Lewy bodies. (Bielschowsky
silver stain; original magnification, 400) (See color plate section)

glial meshwork (Masters & Richardson, white matter in the areas mentioned previ-
1978). It is nonspecific and characteristically ously, often particularly prominently in the
is the manifestation of end-stage gliosis. medial temporal cortical regions, hippocam-
Spongiform changes consist of the presence pal formation, amygdaloid nucleus, and the
of small, round, or ovoid, optically empty anterior thalamus (Fig. 6.3). The ventricu-
vacuoles within the neuropil. Transcortical lar system is widened proportionally to the
or deep cortical spongiform changes asso- volume loss of the parenchyma. In most
ciated with gliosis are hallmarks of the instances, the nucleus coeruleus is paler than
spongiform encephalopathies, including normally expected, which is in contrast to the
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). However, to usually well-pigmented pars compacta of the
some extent, spongiform changes (with mild, substantia nigra.
or without reactive astrocytosis) are observed Microscopically, the characteristic lesions
in the Lewy body spectrum diseases, the FTD of AD are often widespread throughout the
spectrum diseases, and occasionally in AD brain, although their severity varies regionally
(Smith et al., 1987). In these instances, spon- (Braak, Alafuzoff, Arzberger, Kretzschmar,&
giform changes are usually confined to the Del Tredici, 2006; K. A. Jellinger & Bancher
superficial, cortical layers; but, at times, they 1998; Parvizi et al., 2001). Microscopic AD
are indistinguishable from those observed in neuropathology is usually most prominent in
spongiform encephalopathies, which must the entorhinal/perirhinal cortex, hippocam-
then be ruled out using Western blots. pal formation (Fig.6.6), amygdaloid nucleus,
basal forebrain including the substantia
innominata (nucleus of Meynert), hypothala-
Alzheimers Disease mus, thalamus, and the following regions of
the cerebral cortex:temporal, prefrontal, and
By the time a patient with AD typically dies, parietal. The motor and visual cortices are rel-
the gross appearance of the brain is dif- atively preserved, although not spared. The
fusely atrophic with a predilection for the characteristic lesions of AD include neuritic
prefrontal, parietal, and temporal lobes. In and diffuse amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary
10% of cases, however, the atrophy may be tangles of Alzheimer, with accompanying
circumscribed or minimal. On examination neuronal loss.
of the cut sections, the brunt of the atrophy Neuritic plaques tend to predominate
involves the cerebral cortex and adjacent in cortical layers II and III (Fig. 6.4A).
CHAPTER 6. The Neuropathology of Neurodegenerative Dementias 153

(A) (B)

Figure6.6(A) The hippocampus (CA1 subfield, Sommers sector) of a 100-year-old individual

with mild cognitive impairment and apparently normal neuronal density. Rare argyrophilic
neurons can be seen, (Original magnification, 100). (B) The hippocampus of a 90-year-old patient
with Alzheimers disease. Compared to A, the neuronal density is severely decreased. Among the
residual neurons, many are argyrophilic (Bielschowsky silver stain; original magnification, 200)

Neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer usually thought by some investigators to be where

predominate in layers III and V of the neo- the disease begins (Seeley etal., 2008). Other
cortex (Fig.6.4B). Furthermore, neuronal tan- particularly vulnerable regions are the frontal
gles are scattered within the mesencephalic cortex rostral to the motor strip, the temporal
colliculi, raphe nuclei, periaqueductal gray, cortex with relative preservation of the cau-
nucleus coeruleus, and reticular formation. dal third of the superior temporal gyrus, and
In addition to the neuropathology fea- to a lesser degree the parietal cortex.
tures of AD discussed previously, amyloid- At the microscopic level, concepts of the
may also gradually accumulate within the neuropathology of FTLD have been rapidly
walls of medium-sized leptomeningeal or evolving. At present, several broad subdivi-
cortical vessels (Attems, Jellinger, Thal, & sions of FTLD are recognized. One important
Van Nostrand, 2011). This accumulation neuropathologic subtype of FTLD is known
causes compression atrophy of the smooth as FTLD-tau, characterized by the presence of
muscle of the media with subsequent loss of hyperphosphorylated tau inclusions within
the flexibility and contractibility of the ves- neurons and glia. This is the classic Picks
sel, which predisposes to blood leakage. The disease, although other non-Pick tauopathies
frequency of this vasculopathy increases can be associated with the clinical phenotype
with age and occurs often in elderly people, of FTD as well. Picks disease neuropathol-
including those without cognitive impair- ogy includes neurons containing Pick bodies,
ment. The frequency and severity of CAA scattered ballooned neurons or Pick cells, and
are enhanced in individuals with AD. Severe status spongiosus. Tau protein is a microtu-
CAA may cause recurrent, lobar cerebral bule associated protein thought to be critical
hemorrhages. See Chapter14 for more infor- in stabilizing microtubules and supporting
mation on CAA. intracellular molecular transport.
The other important neuropathologic
subtype of FTLD is associated with TAR
Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration DNA-binding protein (TDP43) inclusions
within neurons and glia (Cairns etal., 2007b;
In FTLD, grossly apparent atrophy usu- Neumann et al., 2007). TDP43 was discov-
ally predominates within the frontal, ered in 2006 as a major protein aggregate in
fronto-temporal, or fronto-temporal-parietal approximately 50% of FTLD and also in the
regions (Fig. 6.5). The anterior insula and vast majority of cases of amyotrophic lateral
anterior cingulate cortex are often devas- sclerosis (ALS; Neumann etal., 2006). TDP43
tated neuropathologically in FTLD and are is largely found within the nucleus and is
154part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

involved in RNA regulation and transport. outstanding changes noticeable are pallor
There appear to be four distinct subtypes of of the pars compacta of the substantia nigra
FTLD-TDP pathology based on the morphol- (mesencephalon) and of the nucleus coeru-
ogy of the inclusions and their cellular local- leus (metencephalon) (Fig. 6.7). Usually the
ization (Mackenzie et al., 2011). Emerging DLB or PDD brain is not atrophic or is only
evidence indicates that each subtype may mildly atrophic.
be associated with characteristic clinical Microscopically, the hallmark of DLB/
and genetic features. To date, a number of PDD is intraneuronal cytoplasmic inclusions
genetic mutations in FTD and ALS patients referred to as the Lewy body (Fig. 6.8).
have been identified in conjunction with Lewy bodies are labeled with antibodies
TDP43 pathology, including mutations in directed against ubiquitinated proteins, and
GRN (the progranulin gene), the TDP gene specifically against -synuclein. In contrast
itself (TARDBP), VCP (the valosin contain- to Pick bodies, Lewy bodies are not argyro-
ing protein gene), and the recently identified philic. Their morphology varies, so two
C9ORF72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion. types of Lewy body can be distinguished:the
Another much less common neuropatho- brainstem or classical type involving mainly
logic subtype of FTLD, discovered in 2009, the pigmented neurons of the brainstem
is characterized by intranuclear inclusions of (Fig.6.8), and the cortical type, found mainly
the RNA-binding protein FUS (fused in sar- within cortical neurons.
coma). This protein is implicated in nuclear In PD, the outstanding findings are the
transcriptional activities. FUS inclusions are presence of Lewy bodycontaining neu-
seen in associated with mutations in the FUS rons and Lewy neurites, and loss of neurons
gene in a small proportion of familial ALS within both the peripheral and central ner-
cases and are seen in sporadic FTLD, often vous systems. Within the peripheral nervous
with a young age of onset. This is another system, the olfactory bulb, autonomic gan-
key finding that has generated tremendous glion, and myenteric plexus of the intestines
excitement in bringing together the FTLD (Kupsky, Grimes, Sweeting, Bertsch,& Cote,
and ALS research communities. 1987)are involved. In the brainstem, the fol-
See Chapter8 for discussion of the clinical lowing structures are commonly affected:the
aspects of FTD. dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (choliner-
gic) and the reticular formation; the nucleus
coeruleus (noradrenergic) and neurons of the
Neuropathology of Dementias median raph (serotoninergic); the pars com-
Associated With Lewy Bodies pacta of the substantia nigra and tegmental
scattered pigmented neurons (dopaminer-
On gross examination of the brain of a gic), the Edinger-Westphal nucleus (cholin-
patient with PD dementia or DLB, the most ergic, preganglionic parasympathetic motor

(A) (B)

Figure 6.7 Transverse slices through the midbrain. (A) The normal adult pars compacta of the
substantia nigra is well pigmented. (B) In contrast to A, in Parkinson disease (B), or in dementia with
Lewy bodies, the normally expected pigment is decreased. This pigment, neuromelanin, is a by-product
of neuronal function. The cytoplasmic density of neuromelanin gradually increases with age.
CHAPTER 6. The Neuropathology of Neurodegenerative Dementias 155

Figure 6.8 Lewy body (brainstem type) is usually round, 830m in diameter, and consists of a
cytoplasmic, hyaline core with or without concentric lamellar bands, and with a peripheral, pale
halo. These two Lewy bodycontaining neurons are from the nucleus coeruleus. One of them has
two round Lewy bodies (lower left). The other has a somewhat bilobulated Lewy body with a
visible, basophilic, and dark core (upperright). (LHE stain; original magnification, 630) (See color
plate section)

neurons that control lens accommodation changes involve the deep cortical layers or
and pupillary constriction, which lie near the are transcortical, especially in the late stage
midline, dorsal to the oculomotor nucleus [III of the disease, and are associated with reac-
cranial nerve nucleus]). In the diencephalon, tive gliosis.
the structures involved include the thalamus, Some patients exhibit the neuropatho-
hypothalamus, and substantia innominata, logic hallmarks of both AD and DLB. This
including nucleus of Meynert (choliner- diagnosis, sometimes referred to as the AD
gic) (Braak et al., 2003; Halliday et al., 1990; Lewy body variant (ADLBV), is made when
Langston, 2006). the brain of a demented patient shows the
Neocortical neurons prone to contain changes of AD together with those of dif-
Lewy bodies are those located mainly fuse Lewy body disease. Perhaps patients
within layers V or VI with the following with ADLV have both AD and PD given the
temporospatial pattern in the majority of shared clinical and pathological characteris-
patients with protracted disease: parahip- tics (Brown etal., 1998; Perl, Olanow,& Calne,
pocampal gyrus, occipitotemporalis gyrus, 1998; Zaccai, Brayne, McKeith, Matthews,&
insular cortex, cingulate gyrus, homotypic Ince, 2008). In ADLBV, in addition to the
neocortex, and then heterotypic neocor- widespread presence of the Lewy bodycon-
tex (Braak etal., 2003; K.A. Jellinger, 2004, taining neurons, the density and distribu-
2008). When Lewy bodycontaining neu- tion of neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary
rons are widespread within the brain and tangles are such that the patient meets AD
brainstem, neuropathologists often refer to neuropathologic criteria as well.
the condition as diffuse Lewy body disease. See Chapter12 for discussion of the clinical
In DLB, Lewy bodycontaining neurons aspects of DLB.
occur in the same areas as those involved
in PD (see Fig. 6.8); in addition, they are
widespread within the cerebral cortex and Huntingtons Disease
amygdaloid nucleus. Furthermore, in DLB,
spongiform changes often occur and occa- HD is an autosomal dominant illness usu-
sionally can mimic prion diseases. However, ally with midlife onset of psychiatric, cog-
in contrast to CJD, the spongiform changes nitive, and motor symptoms. Death occurs
in DLBD tend to involve the superficial, cor- 1215 years from the time of symptomatic
tical layers, and are either without or with onset (Wexler et al., 2004). An unstable
mild reactive gliosis. In CJD, spongiform expansion of CAG (trinucleotide) repeats
156part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

within the coding region of the gene IT15 paraventricular half of the caudate nucleus
(for Interesting Transcript. referred to as is more involved than the paracapsular half.
HD-IT15 CAG repeats) causes the disease. In summary, the dorsal third of the rostral
This gene, on chromosome 4 (4p16.3), encodes neostriatum is especially prone to degenerate
the 350-kDa-protein huntingtin whose func- in contrast to the relatively preserved ven-
tion is only partially known (Huntingtons tral third, including the nucleus accumbens.
Disease Collaborative Research Group, Features that HD shares with the other eight,
1993). An expanded polyglutamine residue currently known polyglutaminopathies are
(polyQ) distinguishes the mutated hunting- ubiquitinated, neuronal, nuclear inclusions
tin (with about 37 to 250 polyQ [mhtt]) from involving scattered neurons, and dystrophic
the wild type (with 8 to about 3436 polyQ neurites, and neuronal loss in regions more or
[whtt]). The disease manifests itself clini- less distinctive for each disease of this group.
cally when the critical threshold of about 37 The observation of these ubiquitinated aggre-
polyQ is exceeded (Hendricks et al., 2008). gates in HD human brains was made follow-
This phenomenon is observed in a group of ing the occurrence of widespread nuclear
nine inherited, neurodegenerative diseases inclusions seen in neurons, glial, and epen-
caused by polyQ extension, referred to as dymal cells of the first transgenic mice (R6/2)
polyglutaminopathies. harboring exon 1 of the human gene. This
The mhtt is expressed in all organs, yet the genetic insertion encodes htt with expanded
brunt of the changes of HD identified so far CAG-repeats, which translate into a series
occurs in the brain. The degeneration initially of consecutive glutamine residues or polyQ
involves the striatum (neuronal loss, gliosis), (Mangiarini etal., 1996).
then the cerebral cortex, and eventually is Among the theories for the selective, cel-
fairly diffusely throughout the brain (Hadzi lular damage in HD, the most compelling
et al., 2012; Halliday et al., 1998; Rb et al., involve impaired energy metabolism, excito-
2013; Vonsattel& DiFiglia, 1998). toxicity, and relative, selective endotoxicity.
Examination of coronal slices reveals bilat- The excitotoxicity theory proposes that
eral atrophy of the striatum in 95% of the HD subpopulations of striatal medium-sized
brains. The striatal atrophy is prominent in spiny projection neurons are hypersensitive
80%, mild in 15%, and subtle, if present at all, to corticostriatal and thalamostriatal gluta-
in 5% of the brains. Nonstriatal regions show mate, or excessive glutamate is released by
atrophy of variable severity or have normal these afferents, while striatal interneurons
appearance. As a rule, the postmortem HD are less affected. Mutated huntingtin causes
brain is diffusely smaller than normal in the neuronal dysfunction long before cell death.
late stage of the disease. The striatum is prob- Perhaps endotoxicity results from misfold-
ably the only site where neuronal loss and ing of mhtt. Wild-type huntintin is soluble.
active reactive, fibrillary astrocytosis coex- In contrast, mhtt is insoluble and forms
ist to be readily noticeable on postmortem aggregates. Despite the tremendous amount
examination using conventional methods of of recent important data obtained on whtt,
investigation. or mhtt, the relatively selective loss of stria-
The gradual atrophy of the striatum, tal neurons seen in HD continues to remain
which sequentially involves the neostria- mysterious.
tum, external segment, then the internal
segment of globus pallidus, typifies HD. References
In turn, the neostriatal loss has an ordered,
topographic distribution. The tail of the Attems, J., Jellinger, K., Thal, D. R., & Van
caudate nucleus shows more degeneration Nostrand, W. (2011). Review: Sporadic cere-
than the body, which is more involved than bral amyloid angiopathy. Neuropathology and
the head. Similarly, the caudal portion of Applied Neurobiology, 37, 7593.
Ball, M.J. (1979). Topography of Pick inclusion
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bodies in hippocampi of demented patients.
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Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Ann C. McKee

Repetitive mild brain trauma is associated CTE, or punch drunk as it was originally
with the development of chronic traumatic known, was reported in 1928 by Harrison
encephalopathy (CTE), a progressive neu- Martland, a New Jersey pathologist, who
rodegenerative tauopathy with distinctive described the clinical symptom complex
clinical and pathological features. CTE is affecting boxers who stayed in the ring
associated with the play of contact athlet- long enough (p. 1103). Millspaugh (1937)
ics, especially boxing and American football, referred to the condition as dementia
but it has been linked to many other sports, pugilistica, while other terms such as the
including ice hockey, wrestling, rugby, and psychopathic deterioration of pugilists
soccer, and to other traumatic exposures, (Courville, 1962)and traumatic encephalop-
including physical abuse, poorly controlled athy (Parker, 1934)were also used. Critchley
epilepsy, head-banging behaviors, and introduced the term chronic progressive
trauma experienced during military service traumatic encephalopathy to highlight the
(Corsellis, Bruton,& Freeman-Browne, 1973; progressive nature of the condition (1957)
Geddes, Vowles, Nicoll, & Revesz, 1999; and noted that Once established it not only
Goldstein etal., 2012; Hof, Knabe, Bovier,& does not permit of reversibility, but it ordi-
Bouras, 1991; McKee etal., 2009, 2010, 2013; narily advances steadily...even though the
Omalu etal., 2005, 2006). CTE is not restricted boxer has retired from the ring. (p.360)
to professional athletes; early stages of CTE
have been also found in high school and col-
legiate athletes and in military veterans after Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury:
blast or concussive injury. Military service Subconcussion, Concussion, and
members are at risk for CTE due to hetero- Postconcussion
geneous traumatic exposures often involving
a combination of athletic participation, recre- Although all cases of neuropathologically
ational activities, training practices, as well as verified CTE have been associated with repet-
military combat (McKee etal., 2013). itive minor brain trauma, the pathophysio-
Historically, the concept of a neurodegen- logical mechanisms underlying how trauma
erative disease developing after repeated triggers a progressive neurodegeneration and
minor trauma to the brain was first recog- tauopathy remain inconclusive. Concussion
nized in boxing. The first medical study of and subconcussion are considered forms of

CHAPTER 7. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy 161

mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Mild TBI larger myelinated axons; it remains unclear
is classified by a Glasgow Coma Score of 13 whether this is due to intrinsic susceptibil-
to 15 with transient neurologic deficits fol- ity or because the myelin provides rela-
lowing an acute closed head injury. Although tive protection to axons (Reeves, Phillips, &
concussion and other forms of mTBI are usu- Povlishock, 2005). The microscopic changes
ally self-limited and symptoms resolve over in the brain that are a consequence of con-
a period of several weeks, prolonged symp- cussive injury, such as TAI, are not detect-
toms develop in 10%30% of individuals, a able with conventional structural imaging
condition referred to as postconcussive syn- studies, including computed tomography
drome (PCS) if the symptoms do not resolve (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging
in 3months (Dean& Sterr, 2013). Symptoms (MRI). Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), how-
of concussion and postconcussion include ever, provides information about the white
headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, matter microstructure and fiber tract integ-
depression, irritability, sleep disturbances, rity that is useful in assessing the severity
sensitivity to noise and light, and changes in and predicting recovery in individuals with
coordination, balance, appetite, vision, and concussion and mTBI. The severity of symp-
hearing. In PCS, symptoms last for months to toms after mTBI correlates with reduction of
years following the injury and may produce white matter integrity on DTI, providing evi-
permanent disability. Neuropsychological dence that persistent microstructural brain
testing in PCS may reveal persistent, yet sub- injury underlies the persistent symptoms
tle, cognitive deficits, most often in the exec- of PCS (Johnson, Stewart, & Smith, 2012).
utive domain (Bohnen, Jolles, & Twijnstra, Furthermore, DTI is emerging as a valuable
1992). Percussive injuries less severe than tool in refining the diagnosis, prognosis, and
concussion that do not produce overt neu- management of mTBI (Bazarian, Zhu, Blyth,
rological symptoms, yet are associated with Borrino, & Zhong, 2012; Cubon, Putukian,
slight neuropsychiatric deficits or changes Boyer,& Dettwiler, 2011).
in functional magnetic resonance imaging, In addition to the traumatic stretch injury
are referred to as subconcussion (Talavage of axons and other cellular compartments
et al., 2010). Subconcussive injuries can be after mTBI, neurotransmitters, including
substantial in some sports; for instance, it glutamate, are abruptly released with mas-
has been reported that an offensive lineman sive increases in intracellular calcium, glu-
can experience over 1,000 subconcussive hits cose hypermetabolism, kinase activation,
over the level of 10 g in the course of a single and diminished cerebral blood flow (Giza&
season of college football (Crisco etal., 2012). Hovda, 2001). These metabolical distur-
Acceleration and deceleration forces on bances also improve with time and rest, but
the brain, either linear or rotational, produce lasting changes may occur.
concussion and subconcussion (Ommaya & Functional MRI (fMRI) studies have
Gennarelli, 1974). When the firmly gelatinous detected significant alterations in brain acti-
brain, which is suspended in cerebrospinal vation patterns in individuals with persis-
fluid inside a boney skull, is subjected to tent symptoms after mTBI (Chen, Johnston,
rapid acceleration, deceleration, and rota- Petrides, & Ptito, 2008; Chen et al., 2004;
tional forces, the brain elongates and deforms, Gosselin et al., 2011; McAllister et al., 2001;
stretching individual components such as Ptito, Chen,& Johnston, 2007). These abnor-
neurons, glial cells, and blood vessels. These mal brain activation patterns can remain for
traumatic stretch injuries affect neuronal cell months after injury, despite normal neuro-
bodies, axons, dendrites, blood vessels, and cognitive task performance (Chen etal., 2004;
glial cells; axons are especially vulnerable Lovell etal., 2007; McAllister etal., 1999). The
as they often extend long distances from discrepancy between fMRI and neurocogni-
the neuronal cell bodies and may be injured tive testing may be the result of functional
even without the death of the neuron of ori- reallocation of neurocognitive resources as
gin (Maxwell, Povlishock, & Graham, 1997; a compensatory mechanism, followed by a
Medana & Esiri, 2003). Traumatic axonal more prolonged period of microstructural
injury (TAI) does not uniformly affect all axo- recovery (Cubon et al., 2011). In a study of
nal populations. Smaller unmyelinated axons mTBI patients using fMRI to assess the neu-
are more damaged by concussive forces than ral correlate of working memory, patients
162part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

with more severe postconcussive symptoms hours (Maxwell etal., 1995). The axolemma is
showed increased brain activity in the nor- one of the initial sites of injury; the increased
mal working memory network, as well as the permeability, uncontrolled influx of Ca2+,
recruitment of brain regions outside this net- swelling of mitochondria, disruption of
work (Smits etal., 2009). microtubules, and alterations in axonal trans-
Pathological studies of acute concussion port that follow mTBI produce axonal swell-
and PCS are rare and include subjects with ing and secondary axotomy (Giza& Hovda,
more severe traumatic injuries as well, but 2001; Maxwell etal., 1995). In addition, even
both demonstrate the presence of multifocal in the absence of additional traumatic or vas-
TAI, microhemorrhage, and microglial activa- cular injury, progressive axonal swelling and
tion (Blumbergs, 1944; Oppenheimer, 1968). disconnection can continue for years after
Oppenheimer reported that acute TBI, includ- TBI (Blumbergs, 1944), which contribute to
ing some cases of concussion, was associated the development of progressively greater
with microscopic petechial hemorrhages and disability in some individuals (Johnson etal.,
axonal injury associated with microglial clus- 2012). Determining the pathogenetic mecha-
ters that were often perivascular. Blumbergs nisms underlying continued axonal degen-
and colleagues examined five cases of human eration after TBI and the development of
concussive head injury and reported multifo- progressive late-life neurodegenerative dis-
cal axonal injury using beta-amyloid precur- ease is a critical focus of current research.
sor (-APP) immunohistochemistry in the
fornices, a major hippocampal projection
pathway thought to be important in memory Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
(Blumbergs, 1944). The authors suggested that
damage to the fornix might underlie some The symptoms of CTE are insidious, often
of the persisting memory deficits that occur first manifested as disturbances in atten-
in patients after concussion. In general, the tion or concentration or depression that are
amount and distribution of TAI is dependent occasionally associated with headaches.
on the severity of the TBI, with mild injury Short-term memory difficulties, aggres-
producing only microscopic axonal damage sive tendencies, executive dysfunction, and
and moderate and severe TBI producing more explosivity are also frequent symptoms.
severe axonal injury. Characteristically the first symptoms appear
around ages 3545years, although the range
is broad, from 26 years to 65 years (McKee
Axonal Injury in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury etal., 2013). There is characteristically a long
latent period (mean 8years, range 037years)
Severe TAI is also referred to as diffuse axonal between the last trauma and the develop-
injury (DAI) and is characterized by hallmark ment of symptoms (McKee et al., 2009). In
lesions in the corpus callosum and dorsolat- young individuals, it is unclear whether the
eral quadrants of the brainstem, first described symptoms represent prolonged postconcus-
by Strich (Maxwell, McCreath, Graham, & sive symptoms or the early manifestations
Gennarelli, 1995). DAI is only present after the of CTE. Unlike other neurodegenerative
most severe TBIs. Patients who sustain DAI disorders, headache is a persistent and early
are usually unconscious from the moment symptom in nearly half the individuals who
of impact and remain unconscious, vegeta- develop CTE. The headache may be migrain-
tive, or severely disabled until death. In DAI, ous or a constant dull pain. Other personality
axonal retraction balls and axonal swellings and behavioral changes that are common in
are found diffusely distributed in the corpus individuals with early (stage Ior II) CTE are
callosum, internal capsule, cerebral white irritability, explosivity, and erratic behaviors
matter, fornix, midbrain, pons, medulla, and (McKee etal., 2013). By stage III disease, most
cerebellum (Blumbergs, 1944). subjects are considered cognitively impaired
It is now appreciated that axons are not and by stage IV CTE, executive dysfunction
physically transected or sheared at the time and memory loss are usually severe and most
of injury, except in the most severe instances, are demented. Other symptoms often include
but instead they undergo a series of changes impulsivity, suicidality, language difficulties,
that results in a secondary axotomy within 24 paranoia, and visuospatial abnormalities;
CHAPTER 7. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy 163

approximately one third are suicidal at some II, the third ventricle may also be slightly
point in their course. Gait disturbances, dys- enlarged. Asmall cavum septum and pallor
arthria, and parkinsonism are found in about of the locus coeruleus and substantia nigra
10% of individuals with CTE in association are occasionally found in stage II. By stage
with late-stage disease. III, mild cerebral atrophy with dilation of the
In CTE, the severity of cognitive impair- lateral and third ventricles is characteristic.
ment is most likely associated with several Septal abnormalities, either cavum septum
pathologies, including neuroinflammation; or septal perforations; atrophy of the mam-
axonal, neuronal, and synapse loss; and the millary bodies, thalamus, and hypothalamus;
accumulation of toxic aggregates of tau and and thinning of the mid-portion of the corpus
TDP proteins. The severity of the tau pathol- callosum are found, and the locus coeruleus
ogy most likely contributes to cognitive and substantia nigra are depigmented. By
decline and behavioral changes, as has been stage IV CTE, there is marked atrophy of the
shown for Alzheimers disease (AD; McKee, medial temporal lobe and, less so, of the cere-
Kosik,& Kowall, 1991); however, there is also bral cortex, white matter, thalamus, hypo-
substantial axonal pathology in CTE, and axo- thalamus, and mammillary body. The brain
nal pathology likely accounts for some of the weight is often significantly diminished and
changes in personality and behavior, especially there is enlargement of the lateral and third
in early stages of disease when the accumula- ventricles, a sharply concave contour of the
tions of hyperphosphorylated-tau (p-tau) are third ventricle, and septal abnormalities.
minimal. Other contributors to clinical symp-
toms include toxic accumulations of TDP-43
Microscopic Pathology
and neuroinflammation. Although the clinical
symptoms of CTE often begin with behavior
Criteria for the Pathological Diagnosis
and personality changes in a persons thirties
or forties similar to those of frontotemporal ofChronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
dementia, the clinical course of CTE is con-
siderably slower and might span three or four In stage I CTE, there are focal epicenters of
decades. When symptoms of CTE begin later in perivascular p-tau neurofibrillary tangles
life, in persons in their fifties and sixties, mem- (NFTs) and astrocytic tangles (ATs), most
ory loss similar to AD is often the outstanding prominent in the sulcal depths and typically
symptom, usually associated with agitation, affecting superior and dorsolateral frontal cor-
aggression, and combative behaviors. tices (Box 7.1 and Table7.1; Figs. 7.1, 7.2, and
7.3). The cortex surrounding the epicenters is
unremarkable except for rare isolated NFTs in
Neuropathology of Chronic Traumatic superficial laminae of adjacent cortex. There
Encephalopathy are no NFTs in deep nuclei, including locus
coeruleus and nucleus basalis of Meynert,
In stage ICTE, there may be mild enlargement hypothalamus, thalamus, brainstem, or spi-
of the frontal horn of the lateral ventricle, but nal cord. In stage II CTE, p-tau pathology is
the brain is otherwise unremarkable. In stage found in multiple foci of the cerebral cortex,

BOX 7.1 Criteria for the Diagnosis of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

1. Perivascular foci of p-tau immunoreactive astrocytic tangles (ATs) and neurofibrillary

tangles (NFTs)
2. Irregular cortical distribution of p-tau immunoreactive NFTs and ATs with a predilection
for the depth of cerebral sulci
3. Clusters of subpial and periventricular ATs in the cerebral cortex, diencephalon, and
4. NFTs in the cerebral cortex located preferentially in the superficial layers

Source:Adapted from McKee etal. (2013).

164part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

TABLE7.1 Distinctions in Hyperphosphorylated Tau Pathology Between Alzheimers

Disease and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Pathological Features Alzheimers Disease Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Tau protein Six isoforms All six isoforms present All six isoforms present1
3 or 4 repeat tau 3 repeat and 4 repeat tau 3 repeat and 4 repeat tau present
Cell origin
Neuronal NFTs and pretangles NFTs and pretangles
Astrocytic Not present2 Prominent ATs
Cell body Prominent Prominent
Dendrite Prominent Prominent
Axon Sparse Prominent
Cell origin
Perivascular Not present Prominent NFTs and ATs
Foci at depths of Not present Prominent NFTs and ATs
cerebral sulci
Irregular, patchy Not present Prominent
cortical distribution
Cortical laminae Predominantly laminae III Predominantly laminae I-III
and V
Subpial ATs Not present Prominent
Periventricular ATs Not present Present
Astrocytic plaques May be present Not present
Mild pathology Braak stages IIII: CTE stages I-II:
NFTs in entorhinal NFTs in focal epicenters in cerebral
cortex, amygdala, and cortex, usually frontal lobe
Advanced pathology Braak stages IVVI: CTE stages III-IV:
High density of NFTs in High density of NFTs in
widespread cortical areas widespread cortical areas and
and medial temporal lobe, medial temporal lobe, patchy
uniform distribution irregular distribution
Low densities of NFTs High densities of NFTs in
in basal ganglia and thalamus, hypothalamus,
brainstem; none in mammillary bodies, brainstem.
mammillary bodies Moderate densities of NFTs in
White matter tracts relatively basal ganglia, especially nucleus
uninvolved. accumbens. Prominent p-tau
pathology in white matter tracts.
Schmidt etal. (2001).
Low densities of 4R immunoreactive thorn-shaped astrocytes are found in the temporal lobe of some older subjects
and older subjects with Alzheimers disease.
ATs, astrocytic tangles; NFTs, neurofibrillary tangles.
Source:Adapted from McKee etal. (2013).

most commonly in superior, dorsolateral, lat- hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, thalamus,

eral, inferior, and subcallosal frontal; anterior, substantia nigra, and dorsal and median
inferior, and lateral temporal; inferior parietal; raphe nuclei of the midbrain. In stage III CTE,
insular and septal cortices. Scattered NFTs are there are patchy collections of subpial and
also found in the superficial layers of cortex. perivascular in the sulcal depths, as well as
NFTs are also found in the locus coeruleus, superficial layers of superior frontal, dorso-
nucleus basalis of Meynert, and amygdala lateral frontal, inferior orbital, septal, insular,
in stage II disease; rare NFTs and pretangles temporal pole, superior middle and inferior
may be found in the hypothalamus, CA1 of temporal, and inferior parietal cortices. There
CHAPTER 7. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy 165

basal ganglia, brainstem, and spinal cord.

Stage I Neuronal loss in the cortex and hippocampal
sclerosis may be present. The primary visual
cortex is generally spared. The p-tau NFTs
at all stages are immunoreactive for both 3
repeat and 4 repeat tau, while ATs are pre-
Stage II dominantly immunoreactive for 4 repeat tau.

Hyperphosphorylated Tau Pathology

in Deep Nuclei in Chronic Traumatic
Stage III Encephalopathy

P-tau NFTs are found in locus coeruleus,

nucleus basalis of Meynert, and amygdala
even in young individuals with stage II dis-
Stage IV ease. As the disease progresses to involve
wider regions of the frontal, temporal, and
parietal cortices in stage III disease, NFTs are
Figure7.1 The stages of chronic traumatic found in the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippo-
encephalopathy (CTE). In stage ICTE, p-tau campus, entorhinal cortex, substantia nigra,
pathology is restricted to discrete foci in the
dorsal and median raphe nuclei, olfactory
cerebral cortex, most commonly in the superior,
bulbs, mammillary bodies, nucleus accum-
dorsolateral, or lateral frontal cortices, and
bens, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus,
typically around small vessels at the depths
dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, and, more
of sulci. In stage II CTE, there are multiple
epicenters at the depths of the cerebral rarely, the spinal cord.
sulci and localized spread of neurofibrillary
pathology from these epicenters to the
superficial layers of adjacent cortex. The How Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Is
medial temporal lobe is spared neurofibrillary Distinct From Alzheimers Disease
p-tau pathology in stage II CTE. In stage III,
p-tau pathology is widespread; the frontal, In CTE, cortical sections show a distinctly
insular, temporal, and parietal cortices show irregular distribution of p-tau pathology
widespread neurofibrillary degeneration with prominent subpial clusters of p-tau ATs,
with greatest severity in the frontal and a prominent perivascular distribution, focal
temporal lobe, concentrated at the depths of accentuation at depths of sulci, and NFTs dis-
the sulci. Also in stage III CTE, the amygdala, tributed primarily in superficial cortical lami-
hippocampus, and entorhinal cortex show nae, and the relative absence of beta-amyloid
neurofibrillary pathology. In stage IV CTE, (A) deposition (Table 7.1, Fig. 7.3).
there is widespread severe p-tau pathology Periventricular regions show intense epen-
affecting most regions of the cerebral cortex
dymal immunostaining for p-tau. Axonal
and the medial temporal lobe. (All images,
varicosities and neuropil threads in the sub-
CP-13 immunostained 50m tissue sections)
cortical and deep white matter are also p-tau
immunopositive. In AD, there is a diffuse
are high densities of NFTs in the hippocam- cortical distribution of NFTs preferentially
pus, entorhinal cortex, amygdala, nucleus involving laminae III and V and without
basalis of Meynert, and locus coeruleus. NFTs accentuation at depths of sulci. Small blood
are frequent in olfactory bulbs, hypothala- vessels at sulcal depths show no clustering of
mus, mammillary bodies, substantia nigra, neurofibrillary pathology perivascularly. The
and dorsal and median raphe nuclei. In stage subpial and periventricular regions show no
III and IV, distinctive wall-to-wall NFTs may p-tau positivity. Neuritic as well as diffuse A
be present in medial temporal lobe regions plaques are a prominent feature of all cases of
and olfactory bulbs. In stage IV CTE, there are AD, whereas A plaques are found in fewer
striking p-tau abnormalities widely distrib- than half of cases of CTE; when A is found
uted throughout the cerebrum, diencephalon, in CTE, the deposition tends to be less than
(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F) (G)

Figure7.2 Distinctive pattern and morphology of tau immunoreactive neurofibrillary pathology

in chronic traumatic encephalopathy. (A) Tau immunoreactive neurofibrillary degeneration is
often most striking at depths of the sulci accompanied by focal thinning of the cortical ribbon (AT8
immunostain, original magnification, 60). (B) Subpial tau immunoreactive tangles are found in
both neurons and astrocytes (double immunostained section for GFAP [red] and AT8 [brown]
showing colocalization of tau and GFAP [arrow]; original magnification, 350). (C) Extremely dense
NFTs and neuropil neurites are found in the medial temporal lobe structures, including CA1 of the
hippocampus, shown here. Senile plaques are absent (AT8 immunostain, original magnification,
150). (D) NFTs and astrocytic tangles tend to be centered around small blood vessels and in
subpial patches (AT8 immunostain, original magnification, 150). (E) NFTs characteristically
involve cortical layers II and III in association with clusters of tau-positive astrocytic processes (AT8
immunostain, original magnification, 150). (F) NFT in a Betz cell of primary motor cortex (AT8
immunostain, original magnification, 350). (G) There is often a striking perivascular clustering of
NFTs around small blood vessels (AT8, original magnification, 150). (See color plate section)



Figure7.3 How the p-tau pathology of chronic traumatic encephalopathy is distinctive from
Alzheimers disease. (Top row) Alzheimers disease:Double immunostained sections for A (red)
and PHF-1 (brown) show diffuse, relatively uniform cortical distribution of NFTs preferentially
involving laminae III and V, without accentuation at depths of sulci. Small blood vessels at sulcal
depths show no clustering of neurofibrillary pathology perivascularly. There is also no clustering
of neurofibrillary pathology in subpial or periventricular regions. (Bottom row) Chronic traumatic
encephalopathy:Sections immunostained for AT8 showing irregular cortical distribution of p-tau
pathology with prominent subpial clusters of p-tau astrocytic tangles, focal accentuation at depths
of sulci, and distribution of NFTs in superficial cortical laminae I-III. Small blood vessels at bottom
of cortical sulcus show prominent perivascular distribution of astrocytic tangles and NFTs (AT8).
Double immunostained section for A (red) and PHF-1 (brown) (center panel) shows dense NFTs
without A deposition. (See color plate section)
CHAPTER 7. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy 167

(A) (B) (C)

100 m 100 m

(D) (E) (F)

100 m

Figure7.4 The phosphorylated TDP43 pathology of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). (A, B,
D, and E) Dense pTDP-43 abnormalities are found in the cerebral cortex of stage IV CTE. (C) Dense
pTDP-43 pathology in substantia nigra pars compacta. (F) Pronounced pTDP-43 immunopositive
pathology in the periventricular region of the third ventricle. (All images:50m tissue sections; all
scale bars, 100m) (See color plate section)

AD and diffuse plaques predominate over distribution pattern that overlaps with that
neuritic plaques. found in the TDP pathologic subtype of
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD).

TDP-43 Pathology in Chronic Traumatic

Encephalopathy Axonal Injury in Chronic Traumatic
In stage I disease, TDP-43 immunopositive
neurites are found in approximately 60% of In CTE stages Iand II, there are scattered axonal
cases in frontal subcortical white matter and varicosities in the deep layers of the frontal and
fornix (Fig. 7.4). In stage II disease, 80% of temporal cortices, subcortical white matter, and
CTE cases have TDP-43 immunopositivity, deep white matter tracts of the diencephalon.
consisting of isolated neurites or inclusions Some phosphorylated neurofilament axonal
in the cerebral subcortical white matter, varicosities are also immunoreactive for p-tau.
brainstem, or medial temporal lobe, often In more advanced disease, stages III and IV,
in a subpial, periventricular, or perivascu- axonal loss is usually severe with numerous
lar distribution. By stage III CTE, TDP-43 distorted axonal profiles in frontal and tempo-
immunoreactive neurites are found in the ral cortices and white matter (Fig.7.5).
cerebral cortex, medial temporal lobe, or
brainstem of most cases. TDP-43 immuno-
reactivity is found in all stage IV cases, as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
dense TDP-43-positive rounded and thread- and Comorbidities
like neurites, intraglial and intraneuronal
inclusions in cerebral cortex, medial tem- Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and
poral lobe, diencephalon, basal ganglia, Alzheimers Disease
brainstem, and rarely, spinal cord. In cases
with the most severe TDP-43 deposition, Deposition of A as diffuse plaques, neuritic
dense accumulations of TDP-43 inclusions plaques, or vascular amyloid is found in 30%
and neurites are found in all layers of the of CTE cases; subjects who develop A are sig-
neocortex, particularly layer II, as well as nificantly older than those without A (McKee
occasional TDP-43-positive inclusions in et al., 2013). A deposits are not present in
the dentate fascia of the hippocampus, a CTE subjects younger than age 45 years. The
168part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure7.5 The axonal pathology of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). (AC) Phosphorylated
neurofilament staining (SMI-34) in cerebral white matter of stage III CTE shows marked reduction
in axonal staining and numerous large, irregular axonal varicosities. Asmall arteriole shows marked
infiltration with hemosiderin-laden macrophages (asterisks). (D) Luxol fast hematoxylin blue-stained
section of white matter shows brisk astrocytosis, loss of myelinated fibers, and macrophages around
vessel (asterisk). (10m tissue sections; scale bars:100m) (See color plate section)

percentage of CTE subjects with A pathol- cases, in subjects who are significantly older
ogy is approximately the same that has been than those without LBs (McKee etal., 2013).
reported after severe acute TBI; diffuse corti- Approximately 16% of CTE cases meet crite-
cal A plaques have been reported in 30% to ria for the concomitant diagnosis of one of
38% of cases after severe acute TBI as early as the Lewy body spectrum disorders, half as
2 hours after injury (Ikonomovic etal., 2004). Parkinsons disease (PD) and half as demen-
In our recent series of 68 cases with CTE, tia with Lewy bodies (DLB). When CTE is
approximately 11% were diagnosed with coex- found in association with DLB-spectrum dis-
istent AD (McKee etal., 2013). In subjects with orders, symptoms of CTE usually appear first
comorbid CTE and AD, significant memory with the development of slowness of move-
loss generally begins in their forties or fifties, ment, gait disturbance, tremor, and, if DLB
occasionally together with behavioral and per- is present, visual hallucinations late in the
sonality changes, in the absence of a family disease course.
history of early-onset AD. In subjects with CTE
and AD, the p-tau pathology tends to be more
florid than found with either disease alone; Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and
there is extreme involvement of most regions Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
of cerebral cortex, diencephalon, basal ganglia,
brainstem, and spinal cord as well as marked Approximately 6% of subjects with CTE
A deposition. also develop FTLD either as FTLD-tau or
FTLD-TDP (McKee et al., 2013). The most
common FTLD, frontotemporal lobar degen-
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy eration with TDP-43-positive inclusions,
and Lewy Body Disease FTLD-TDP, is defined by TDP-43-positive
neuronal cytoplasmic and intranuclear inclu-
Alpha-synuclein-positive Lewy bodies (LBs) sions, dystrophic neurites, and glial cyto-
are found in approximately 22% of CTE plasmic inclusions in the superficial layers
CHAPTER 7. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy 169

of cerebral cortex and dentate gyrus (Cairns ganglia, diencephalon, brainstem, anterior
etal., 2007; Dickson, 2009; Litvan etal., 1996). horn cells, and white matter tracts of the spi-
In advanced CTE, the distribution of TDP-43 nal cord (Fig. 7.5; Box 7.2). In CTE + MND
is extremely widespread and in some areas there is also degeneration of lateral and ven-
overlaps with the pattern found in FTLD-TDP. tral corticospinal tracts of the spinal cord and
It is probable that p-tau aggregates promote marked loss of anterior horn cells from the
the aggregation and deposition of other spinal cord. The accumulation of abnormal
pathological proteins such as TDP-43, A, aggregates of p-tau and pTDP-43 is similar
and alpha-synuclein. Alternatively, repetitive to Guam Parkinsonism-dementia complex,
trauma itself might trigger the deposition of another example of an environmentally
multiple proteins (Uryu etal., 2002). acquired tauopathy and TDP-43 proteinopa-
thy (Hirano, 1992). The marked accumula-
tion of pathological pTDP-43 aggregates in
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy advanced stages of CTE, the partial immu-
With Motor Neuron Disease nohistochemical colocalization of ptau with
pTDP-43, and the development of MND and
Approximately 10% of individuals with FTLD in some individuals with CTE suggests
CTE develop a progressive motor neuron that CTE and FTLD share similar pathogenic
disease (CTE+MND), characterized by pro- mechanisms (Costanza et al., 2011; King
found weakness, atrophy, spasticity, and etal., 2010).
fasciculations (McKee et al., 2010, 2013).
Most individuals with CTE + MND pres-
ent with symptoms of MND and develop Pathogenetic Mechanisms of Chronic
mild cognitive and behavioral symptoms Traumatic Encephalopathy
several years after the onset of motor weak-
ness and fasciculations. One third of CTE + As a result of the percussive stretch injury to
MND subjects present with depression and neurons, the microtubule associated protein,
behavioral or cognitive changes prior to the tau, normally associated with microtubules in
development of symptoms of motor neuron axons, becomes abnormally phosphorylated,
disease. Individuals with motor neuron dis- misfolded, aggregated, and cleaved, all of
ease and CTE tend to die from respiratory which generate neurotoxicity (Amadoro etal.,
failure at younger ages and in earlier stages 2006; Chen, Wang,& Tseng, 2010; Khlistunova
of CTE (stage II-III) compared to subjects et al., 2006; McKee et al., 2013; Zilka et al.,
without MND. Independent of the stage of 2006). Although evidence suggests that tau
p-tau pathology, subjects with CTE+MND phosphorylation and misfolding is a revers-
show severe TDP-43 pathology as neuronal, ible process at least initially (Stieler etal., 2011;
glial, and neuritic inclusions involving wide- Van der Jeugd et al., 2012; Wolozin, 2012),
spread regions of the central nervous system, repeated traumatic injuries and progressively
including the cerebral hemispheres, basal greater accumulations of abnormal and toxic

BOX 7.2 Criteria for the Diagnosis of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy with Motor Neuron

1. Clinical diagnosis of definite amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using the revised El Escorial
criteria for the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2. The pathological diagnosis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy
3. Degeneration of lateral and ventral corticospinal tracts of the spinal cord
4. Marked loss of anterior horn cells from cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal cord with
5. TDP-43 or pTDP-43 positive neuronal, glial, neuritic, or intranuclear inclusions in ante-
rior horn cells and white matter tracts of the spinal cord

Source:Adapted from McKee etal. (2013).

170part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

p-tau appear to become self-perpetuating at the brain. In addition, the early and predomi-
some point. Individuals who evolve from nant involvement of the superior and dorso-
acute concussion and postconcussion states lateral frontal lobes in former football players
into a progressive tau-based neurodegenera- parallels the high frequency of impacts to
tion experience progressive clinical deteriora- the top of the head compared to those to the
tion, even though they have retired from their front, back, and side of the head in football
sport or ceased the activities associated with players (Guskiewicz etal., 2007; Mihalik, Bell,
brain trauma. How this progressive neurode- Marshall, & Guskiewicz, 2007), as well as
generation develops after episodes of acute fMRI data showing activation impairments in
minor neurotrauma in all probability involves dorsolateral prefrontal cortex that was asso-
spreading of tau pathology intercellularly and ciated with significantly higher numbers of
extracellularly throughout the brain. head collisions to the top-front of the head
Direct and indirect evidence for interneu- (Talavage etal., 2010).
ronal tau transmission in animal models One of the key features of CTE is that the
suggests that the transfer of toxic tau species disease continues to progress for decades after
between neurons might be due to interneuro- the activity that produced traumatic injury
nal spreading of tau mediated by a prion-like has stopped. It suggests that once the patho-
templated misfolding of tau (Clavaguera etal., logical cascades involved in CTE-related neu-
2009; de Calignon etal., 2012; Guo& Lee, 2011; rodegeneration are triggered, they continue to
Hall& Patuto, 2012; Kim etal., 2010; Liu etal., progress throughout the individuals lifetime.
2012). Other possible modes of transmission In our series of American football players,
involve oligomeric or toxic N-terminal tau in the number of years played (p <.0001), years
the receiving neuron with dysregulation of since retirement (p <.0001), and age at death
intracellular calcium (Frost, Jacks,& Diamond, (p <.0001) significantly correlated with patho-
2009; Park& Ferreira, 2005). Although spread- logical stage of CTE (McKee et al., 2013). In
ing of tau pathology is thought to occur from addition, the degree of aggregated p-tau and
one neuronal synapse to another, transmission TDP-43 protein deposition, neuronal and axo-
involving astrocytes or microglia or cerebro- nal loss, neuroinflammation, cerebral atrophy,
spinal fluid (CSF) pathways is also possible. and ventricular enlargement all increase with
CSF fluid enters the brain parenchyma along longer survival (McKee etal., 2013).
the VirchowRobin spaces surrounding pen-
etrating arteries, and brain interstitial fluid is
cleared along paravenous drainage pathways. Clinical Diagnosis of Chronic Traumatic
Transfer of tau pathology to astrocytes and Encephalopathy
neurons surrounding this clearance pathway
might be at least partially responsible for tau Presently, there are no available biomarkers for
propagation, as has been shown recently for the diagnosis of CTE; however, many promis-
A (Iliff etal., 2012). Clearance through para- ing biomarkers appear to be on the horizon,
venous flow and the CSF might also regulate including diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), func-
extracellular levels of p-tau and TDP-43 and tional connectivity (fMRI), or other advanced
explain the distinctive perivascular, subpial, imaging measures of axonal integrity, magnetic
and periventricular localization of both pro- resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to detect bio-
teins (Hall& Patuto, 2012). The striking sub- chemical metabolites, CSF and plasma protein
pial and periventricular location of abnormal markers (including p-tau and total tau), and
p-tau and p-TDP-43 deposits is a feature of new p-tau ligands to identify p-tau deposition
CTE that is unique from other tauopathies in the CSF and brain (Xia etal., 2013).
such as AD and FTLD-tau, suggesting that
CSF circulation of p-tau might be more severe
in CTE compared to other tauopathies. Genetic Risk for Chronic Traumatic
The patchy irregular location of the p-tau Encephalopathy and the Role of the
pathology suggests that the distribution is Apolipoprotein E Gene
related to direct mechanical injury from blows
to the top of the head; furthermore, the local- In acute TBI, there is evidence that the cogni-
ization to the perivascular region and sulcal tive and behavioral outcome of moderate and
depths corresponds to focal stress points of severe TBI is more severe in Apolipoprotein
CHAPTER 7. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy 171

E (ApoE) e4 positive individuals (Ariza etal., Conclusions

2006; Chiang, Chang,& Hu, 2003; Friedman
etal., 1999). In addition, in a study of profes- CTE develops after repetitive mTBI, includ-
sional boxers with high levels of traumatic ing concussion and subconcussion. The exact
exposure (more than 12 professional bouts), pathogenetic relationship between acute
ApoE e4 carriers had more severe motor, mTBI and the development of CTE is not pre-
cognitive, and psychiatric deficits than box- cisely clear but undoubtedly involves acute
ers without the ApoE e4 allele (Jordan etal., axonal injury, persistent axonal transport
1997). Preliminary analysis of ApoE geno- failure, microvascular injury, cytoskeletal
typing in individuals with neuropathologi- disruption, and tau hyperphosphorylation
cally verified CTE indicates significantly and aggregation. The clinical symptoms of
more ApoE e4 homozygotes than would be CTE usually develop many years after expo-
predicted in an age-matched cohort without sure to repetitive but minor brain trauma.
CTE (p <.05). While there are also more ApoE The most common presenting symptoms of
e3/ e4 heterozygotes in the CTE cohort than CTE are depression, headaches, attention and
expected, the difference does not meet statis- concentration difficulties, and short-term
tical significance. memory loss that typically appear in midlife.
Neuropathologically, CTE is associated
with significantly diminished brain weight;
Guidelines for Prevention and marked atrophy of the medial temporal lobe,
Treatment of Chronic Traumatic cerebral cortex, subcortical white matter,
Encephalopathy thalamus, hypothalamus, and mammillary
bodies; enlargement of the lateral and third
The most basic and effective way to decrease ventricles; septal abnormalities; and depig-
the incidence of CTE is to limit exposure to mentation of the locus coeruleus and substan-
mTBI. In athletes, this is accomplished by tia nigra. The progression of p-tau pathology
restricting exposure to trauma and adher- in CTE follows a predictable sequence that
ing to strict return to play guidelines. Proper can be divided into four stages, stages IIV.
care and management of mTBI in general Stage I is characterized by focal, perivascu-
and, in particular, in sports and military ser- lar deposits of p-tau at the base of the cere-
vice will also reduce the incidence of CTE. bral sulci; later stages involve progressively
Unfortunately, despite using the best preven- more expansive regions of neocortex, medial
tative tools and proper management, mTBI temporal lobe, diencephalon, basal ganglia,
will continue to occur as a result of accidental brainstem, and spinal cord. The early, focal
and unexpected injury. There are currently cortical p-tau pathology of CTE is distinctive
no reliable, specific measures of neurologi- from other tauopathies, and unlike the early
cal dysfunction after mTBI, and most recom- limbic degeneration and later neocortical
mendations for concussion diagnosis center involvement typical of AD (Braak & Braak,
on the resolution of acute symptoms such 1991; Braak, Braak, & Bohl, 1993). TDP-43
as headache, confusion, and sensitivity to abnormalities are also found in most CTE
light (Harmon et al., 2013). However, stud- cases; in advanced CTE, TDP-43 pathology
ies using event-related potentials, transcra- is often severe and widespread. As tau and
nial magnetic stimulation, balance testing, TDP-43 deposition increases, there is a par-
rapid reading tasks, multitask effects on gait allel increase in axonal pathology and loss.
stability, positron emission tomography, and CTE may be associated with other neurode-
DTI MRI have all shown abnormalities after generative diseases, including AD, PD, DLB,
TBI that persist for weeks after symptoms FTLD, and MND. Most individuals with CTE
have resolved, indicating that safe return to and MND present with symptoms of motor
play guidelines based entirely on subjective neuron disease at young ages and develop
symptoms might not be the best prognos- subtle cognitive and behavioral symptoms a
ticator. There is an urgent need to develop few years later. While the pathogenic mecha-
field-ready, user-friendly biomarkers to nisms of CTE remain to be fully elucidated,
detect mTBI immediately at the time of injury progressive axonal degeneration, accumula-
and to guide management and therapeutic tion, and transneuronal propagation of toxic
interventions in the postinjury period. aggregated proteins appear to be essential
172part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

components. CTE can only be diagnosed at receptor mediates tau-induced neurotoxic-

autopsy at the present time; however, prom- ity by calpain and ERK/MAPK activation.
ising efforts to develop DTI, fMRI, MRS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
CSF, and blood p-tau and neuroinflamma- USA, 103(8), 28922897.
Ariza, M., Pueyo, R., Matarin Mdel, M., Junque,
tory markers, and p-tau PET ligands as
C., Mataro, M., Clemente, I.,...Sahuquillo, J.
biomarkers are under way to diagnose and
(2006). Influence of APOE polymorphism on
monitor the course of disease in living sub- cognitive and behavioural outcome in moder-
jects. Future therapeutic efforts in mTBI will ate and severe traumatic brain injury. Journal
need to address acute mTBI as well as the of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry,
long-term progressive neurodegeneration 77(10), 11911193.
that follows. Currently, the best therapies are Bazarian, J.J., Zhu, T., Blyth, B., Borrino, A.,&
prevention of the initial traumatic injuries Zhong, J. (2012). Subject-specific changes in
and continued public education regarding brain white matter on diffusion tensor imag-
proper detection and management of acute ing after sports-related concussion. Magnetic
Resonance Imaging, 30(2), 171180.
Blumbergs, P.S. G. (1944). Staining of amyloid
precursor protein to study axonal injury in
mild head injury. Lancet, 344, 1055.
Dedication Bohnen, N., Jolles, J., & Twijnstra, A. (1992).
Neuropsychological deficits in patients with
This work is dedicated to Hyo Soon-Lee persistent symptoms six months after mild
(August 24, 1961November 13, 2012). head injury. Neurosurgery, 30(5), 692695; dis-
cussion 56.
Braak, H.,& Braak, E. (1991). Neuropathological
Acknowledgments stageing of Alzheimer-related changes. Acta
Neuropathologcia, 82(4), 239259.
Braak, H., Braak, E., & Bohl, J. (1993). Staging
I gratefully acknowledge the use of resources
of Alzheimer-related cortical destruction.
and facilities at the Edith Nourse Rogers European Neurology, 33(6), 403408.
Memorial Veterans Hospital (Bedford, MA). Cairns, N. J., Bigio, E. H., Mackenzie, I. R.,
I also gratefully acknowledge the help of all Neumann, M., Lee, V. M., Hatanpaa,
the codirectors and staff for the Center for the K.J.,...Mann, D.M. (2007). Neuropathologic
Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy at Boston diagnostic and nosologic criteria for fronto-
University and the Boston VA, and the families temporal lobar degeneration: Consensus of
whose participation made this work possible. the Consortium for Frontotemporal Lobar
This work was supported by The Department of Degeneration. Acta Neuropathologcia, 114(1),
Veterans Affairs; Veterans Affairs Biorepository 522.
Chen, J. K., Johnston, K. M., Frey, S., Petrides,
(CSP 501); Translational Research Center for
M., Worsley, K.,& Ptito, A. (2004). Functional
Traumatic Brain Injury and Stress Disorders abnormalities in symptomatic concussed
(TRACTS); Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation athletes: An fMRI study. Neuroimage, 22(1),
Research and Development Traumatic 6882.
Brain Injury Center of Excellence (B6796-C); Chen, J.K., Johnston, K.M., Petrides, M.,& Ptito,
National Institute of Aging Boston University A. (2008). Recovery from mild head injury in
Alzheimers Disease Center (P30AG13846; sports:Evidence from serial functional mag-
supplement 0572063345-5); National Institute netic resonance imaging studies in male ath-
of Aging Boston University Framingham Heart letes. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 18(3),
Study R01 (AG1649); Sports Legacy Institute; 241247.
Chen, L. J., Wang, Y. J., & Tseng, G. F. (2010).
and the National Operating Committee on
Compression alters kinase and phosphatase
Standards for Athletic Equipment. This work activity and tau and MAP2 phosphorylation
was also supported by an unrestricted gift transiently while inducing the fast adaptive
from the National Football League and the dendritic remodeling of underlying cortical
Andlinger Foundation. neurons. Journal of Neurotrama, 27(9), 16571669.
Chiang, M.F., Chang, J.G.,& Hu, C.J. (2003).
Association between apolipoprotein E geno-
type and outcome of traumatic brain injury.
Amadoro, G., Ciotti, M.T., Costanzi, M., Cestari, Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien), 145(8), 649653;
V., Calissano, P., & Canu, N. (2006). NMDA discussion 534.
CHAPTER 7. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy 173

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Frontotemporal Dementia
Bradford C. Dickerson

The clinical and pathological investigation 1994). A few reports on these diseases were
of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) has a published through the middle of the 20th
complex history dating back over 100years, century, but it was not until the 1980s and
and in the 21st century its clinical and patho- 1990s that interest in these conditions was
logical classification continues to evolve with resurrected with advances in neuroimaging,
groundbreaking new discoveries. This chap- neuropathology, genetics, and related fields.
ter will provide a comprehensive review of Although terminology continues to be con-
FTD with an emphasis on behavioral variant fusing in this family of diseases, we now rec-
FTD; readers are referred to Chapter 9 for a ognize patients with several major forms of
detailed review of primary progressive apha- the clinical entity frontotemporal dementia
sia, the major language variant of FTD. (FTD), including behavioral variant FTD
In 1892, Arnold Pick described a 71-year-old (bvFTD), semantic dementia (SD) or the
patient with progressive cognitive decline, semantic variant of PPA, the nonfluent or
primarily manifesting as early loss of lan- agrammatic variant of PPA, and the logo-
guage (Pick, Girling, & Berrios, 1997). Pick penic variant of PPA. The neuropathological
noted the prominent anterior temporal lobe family of conditions is termed frontotem-
atrophy present in the brain of this patient, poral lobar degeneration (FTLD). FTLD is a
and he subsequently reported three further loosely knit group of neurodegenerative dis-
casesincluding very clear descriptions of eases that preferentially affect the frontal and
clinical and gross postmortem features. The anterior temporal lobes, with relative sparing
associated histologic abnormalities identi- of other cortical regions in many cases, and
fied microscopically were later described by often affects basal ganglia and in some cases
Alois Alzheimer, and in the 1920s the term basal forebrain and brainstem nuclei.
Picks disease was coined by Onari and For most of the 20th century, patients with
Spatz. As early as 1927, Schneider described progressive dementias presenting with prom-
the clinical course of the disease, highlighting inent early behavioral change were diagnosed
the insidious early changes in behavior and with Picks disease. In a series of studies
personality and, contrasted with Alzheimers starting in 1982, Mesulam reinvigorated the
disease (AD), the typical relative preserva- interest of the neurology and psychiatry com-
tion of memory and orientation into the mid- munities in progressive degenerative apha-
dle phases of the disease (Berrios& Girling, sias, which he termed primary progressive

CHAPTER 8. Frontotemporal Dementia 177

aphasia (PPA) (Mesulam, 1982). In the 1980s, (Harvey Skelton-Robinson, & Rossor, 2003;
the Lund (Gustafson, 1987) and Manchester Ratnavalli, Brayne, Dawson, & Hodges,
(Neary, Snowden, Northen, & Goulding, 2002) and one from Northern Italy (Borroni
1988)groups reported important early studies et al., 2010) to 35 per 100,000 cases from a
generating renewed interest in the behavioral recent door-to-door investigation in Southern
phenotype of FTD, soon thereafter proposing Italy (Bernardi et al., 2012). With regard to
clinical and pathological diagnostic criteria incidence, an American study revealed inci-
(Brun et al., 1994). In the late 1990s, formal dence rates in Rochester, Minnesota, of 2.2
international consensus research diagnostic per 100,000 between ages 40 and 49, 3.3 per
criteria (Neary et al., 1998) were developed 100,000 between ages 50 and 59, and 8.9 per
for three clinical subtypes of FTLD: fronto- 100,000 between ages 60 and 69 (Knopman
temporal dementia, progressive nonfluent etal., 2004).
aphasia, and semantic dementia. In 2001, One of the major challenges in this field is
McKhann and others proposed simpler cri- the large number of potential ways FTLD can
teria for the practicing clinician (McKhann be classified, yet this stems in part from many
et al., 2001), although some authors have exciting new developments in the field. For
criticized these criteria as being too vague. instance, there is an the increasing number of
Important advances were formalized in 2011 ways these diseases overlap with other neu-
when new consensus diagnostic criteria were rodegenerative diseases, including progres-
published for PPA (Gorno-Tempini et al., sive supranuclear palsy (PSP), corticobasal
2011) and bvFTD (Rascovsky et al., 2011). degeneration (CBD), and amyotrophic lateral
These criteria were then largely incorporated sclerosis (ALS).
with some simplification into the fifth edition
of the American Psychiatric Associations
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Neuropathology of Frontotemporal
Disorders in 2013. Lobar Degeneration

The hallmark of the neuropathology of FTLD

Epidemiology is its topographic distributionwhich in
some cases is strikingly focalin the fron-
FTLD is thought to be the third most com- tal and anterior temporal lobes, as well as a
mon degenerative dementia, after AD and number of subcortical structures. Progress in
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), account- this field in recent years has been rapid and
ing for 5%15% of dementias. FTLD is often has resulted in a number of reclassifications
an early-onset dementia, typically manifest- in the past decade based on new findings
ing itself in patients who are 4565 years from immunohistochemistry, molecular biol-
old. It is probably the second most common ogy, and genetics.
cause of dementia in people younger than Dr.Arnold Pick first described the remark-
65. Yet it has been reported with pathologi- ably focal knife-like atrophy of frontal and
cal confirmation in patients as young as 21 anterior temporal cortex that can be seen in
(Snowden, Neary,& Mann, 2004)and as old FTLD (Munoz, Morris,& Rosser, 2011; Pick,
as 85 (Gislason, Sjogren, Larsson, & Skoog, 1892). Using the new silver staining histo-
2003). Some epidemiologic studies raise the pathologic techniques of the time, Dr. Alois
question of whether it is being substantially Alzheimer first reported two microscopic
underascertained (Ibach et al., 2003), sug- lesions (Alzheimer, 1911): intraneuronal
gesting that it may be more common than argyrophilic inclusion bodies, which later
previously thought, including in the elderly came to be known as the Pick body, and
(Borroni et al., 2010; Knopman, Petersen, achromatic neuronal balloon cells, which
Edland, Cha,& Rocca, 2004). later were called Pick cells (Onari& Spatz,
The incidence and prevalence rates of FTD 1926). Multiple investigators throughout the
have received little study with widely rang- 20th century reported detailed clinical and
ing results, from a prevalence of ~1.1 per pathologic studies of such cases (Binns &
100,000 cases in a study from the Netherlands Robertson, 1962; Neumann, 1949; Schenk,
(Rosso etal., 2003)to 1517 per 100,000 cases 1959), describing the major features of what
in two studies from the United Kingdom was called Picks disease, which can be
178part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

(A) (D)

(B) (E)

(C) (F)

Figure 8.1 Tau pathology in a case of classical Picks disease prominently affects neuronal and
glial cells in gray matter (A, labeling with AT8 [phosphorylated tau] immunohistochemistry)
and also usually demonstrates prominent abnormalities in white matter (B, labeling with AT8
immunohistochemistry) of frontal and temporal cortices, including the dentate gyrus of the
hippocampus, with sparing of primary cortices particularly Heschls and calcarine cortex (C, absent
labeling with AT8 immunohistochemistry). The hippocampus (D, low-power hematoxylin and
eosin stain) also classically shows dense, smooth-contoured rounded cytoplasmic inclusions in
granule cells of the dentate gyrus (E, high-power hematoxylin and eosin stain), which are labeled
with AT8 immunohistochemistry (F). (See color plate section)

summarized as atrophy and substantial tau structures are variably affected, with some
pathology in prefrontal cortex, frontoinsula, patients showing minimal pathology and
anterior cingulate, and anterior temporal others exhibiting substantial pathology
cortex with relative sparing of the superior (Dickson, 2001). In recent years, Picks disease
temporal gyrus, especially its posterior third, has been conceptualized as part of a spectrum
as well as primary visual cortex (Hof, Bouras, of tauopathies that can present as bvFTD,
Perl,& Morrison, 1994; Yoshimura, 1989)(see including progressive supranuclear palsy
Fig.8.1). Prominent white matter tau pathol- and corticobasal degeneration and other less
ogy is commonly present (Zhukareva et al., common forms (Dickson, Kouri, Murray, &
2002). Some investigators have called atten- Josephs, 2011; Kertesz, Davidson,& Munoz,
tion to the heavy tau burden near the cortical 1999).
gray matterwhite matter junction, includ- Yet it eventually became clear that some
ing deep cortical layers and immediately patients with what otherwise appeared
subjacent white matter (Dickson, 2001). The clinically to have a frontal lobe-type demen-
basal ganglia, basal forebrain, and brainstem tia did not exhibit classical Picks disease.
CHAPTER 8. Frontotemporal Dementia 179

Constantinidis developed a classification appeared morphologically normal in AD.

system that recognized three major types of Further research on this and potentially other
so-called Picks disease, the first of which is selectively vulnerable cell types in FTLD may
classical Picks pathology, the second corti- reveal new insights into the devastation of
cobasal degeneration, and the third lacked these cortical regions in FTLD syndromes.
specific histological characteristics. Brun and
Gustafson recognized a frontal lobe degen-
eration of non-Alzheimer type that was nei- Genetics of Frontotemporal Lobar
ther Alzheimers nor classical Picks disease, Degeneration
and this was similarly identified by other
investigators (Clark etal., 1986; Neary etal., Early reports of families in which Picks dis-
1988) and referred to as dementia lacking ease was observed in multiple generations
distinctive histology (DLDH) (Knopman, (Groen& Endtz, 1982; Heston, 1978; Schenk,
Mastri, Frey, Sung,& Rustan, 1990). 1959)prompted genetic investigations (Foster
In 20042006, it became clear that the etal., 1997). It is now estimated that approxi-
majority of DLDH cases demonstrated mately 20%40% of cases of FTLD exhibit a
immunoreactivity to ubiquitin (FTLD-U). In family history of a similar or related condi-
a major discovery in 2006, investigators dem- tion, with many families exhibiting an auto-
onstrated that the majority of these showed somal dominant pattern (Neary, Snowden,&
specific inclusions of TDP-43 (transactive Mann, 2005). Linkage studies have identified
DNA-binding protein, molecular weight 43 loci on chromosomes 3, 9, and 17.
kDa) (Neumann et al., 2006) with a number In 1998, mutations of intronic regions
of distinct subtypes based on the intracellu- of the microtubule associated protein tau
lar localization and morphology of the inclu- (MAPT) gene on chromosome 17q21 were
sions (Mackenzie, Rademakers,& Neumann, first reported in FTLD in families in which
2010). Furthermore, this protein has been patients also exhibited parkinsonism (Hutton
found in most cases of ALS. In 2009, many of et al., 1998; Poorkaj et al., 1998). More than
the remaining 10% of pathologically unclassi- 44 MAPT mutations have been reported in
fied FTLD cases were shown to be immuno- over 100 families in the world (Rademakers,
reactive to the fused in sarcoma (FUS) protein Cruts, & van Broeckhoven, 2004). Since
(Neumann et al., 2009). Thus, the current many of the initial cases of FTLD linked to
classification of FTLD neuropathology has MAPT mutations also had a parkinsonian
emerged in the last 5years as (1)FTLD-tau, syndrome, they were initially designated
(2) FTLD-TDP, (3) FTLD-FUS, and several as FTD-parkinsonism, or FTDP-17. Further
other rare proteinopathies. There is still a study of the phenotypes of patients with
small portion of cases unaccounted for using MAPT mutations has revealed clinical syn-
this schema. dromes of classic bvFTD, PSP, CBD, or rarely
It is unclear why particular brain regions PPA. It was clear from the early years of
are vulnerable to tau or TDP-43 pathology investigation that patients within the same
in FTLD. Selectively vulnerable cell types family with the same genetic mutation may
the holy grail of most neurodegenerative present with distinct clinical phenotypes,
disease researchwere unknown until very such as CBD or bvFTD (Bugiani etal., 1999).
recently. In 2006, Seeley et al. reported the An example pedigree from a family with
selective loss of a specific cell type found autosomal dominant MAPT-related FTD is
in the anterior cingulate and frontoinsular shown in Figure8.2.
cortex of great apes, whales, and humans However, MAPT mutations account for
(Seeley et al., 2006), although a primitive only 5%20% of familial FTLD. There were a
homologue was recently reported in the number of cases of familial FTLD with link-
macaque insula (Evrard, Forro,& Logothetis, age to chromosome 17q21 but without MAPT
2012). This spindle-shaped neuron, the Von gene mutationsimportantly, none of these
Economo cell, was reported by Seeley etal. to cases had tau pathology, but instead dem-
be reduced by more than 60% in these brain onstrated what was originally described as
regions in seven FTLD patients but not in DLDH or FTLD-U.
five AD patients. Remaining VEN neurons A key discovery took place in 2006 when
showed pathologic features in FTLD but investigators identified mutations in the
180part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

appears to be the most common genetic cause

of both conditions.
Detailed clinical and clinicopathologic
studies have been undertaken of families in
which FTLD is associated with particular
genetic mutations. The key lessons learned to
date underscore the fundamental heteroge-
neity of the FTLD umbrella. In two families
Figure8.2 Pedigree of a family with autosomal with two different GRN mutations, similar
dominant frontotemporal dementia (FTD) with underlying types of pathology were pres-
all cases presenting with behavioral variant ent but the topographic distribution of the
FTD with age of onset typically in the 60s. pathology, and thereby the clinical pheno-
The genetic mutation identified in this family types, were different (Snowden et al., 2006).
was MAPT P301L. The paternal progenitor In one family, the pathology was mostly in
presumably was a carrier but died in his 50s the left frontotemporal region, and the pro-
without symptoms.
band presented with progressive aphasia. In
the other family, the pathology was distrib-
progranulin (GRN) gene (Baker et al., 2006; uted bilaterally and the phenotype was one
Cruts et al., 2006), also on 17q21 and very of apathy and other behavioral disturbance,
close to the MAPT gene, as being associated with less prominent language symptoms.
with what is now known to be FTLD-TDP Yet even within the same family, the phe-
pathology (TDP-43 was discovered soon after notype of FTLD associated with GRN muta-
the report of GRN mutations in FTLD). There tions can be heterogeneous, as originally
are now more than 70 mutations known described by Bugiani etal. (1999) for a MAPT
to occur, which are thought to result in a mutation. In one well-studied family (F337),
degraded protein whose function is lost (loss the proband presented with aphasia and
of function). The pathology associated with altered behavior with loss of insight. The
GRN mutations is TDP43-immunoreactive probands sister presented, however, with
intranuclear inclusions with lentiform shape, progressive aphasia with preserved com-
localized primarily in cortex and striatum. portment and insight. Other members of
Together, MAPT and GRN mutations the family were reported to have prominent
account for approximately 50%60% of famil- behavioral change without language symp-
ial FTLD cases; mutations in other genes that toms. This family illustrates the spectrum of
have been discovered in association with topographic distribution of pathology and
FTLD, such as CHMP2B (Skibinski et al., behavioral phenotype within a family with
2005), are less common. In 2009, mutations the same genetic mutation associated with
in the FUS gene were discovered in amyo- FTLD, suggestive of the influence of other
trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; Kwiatkowski contextual modifiers, possibly genetic or
et al., 2009; Vance et al., 2009); nearly all environmental.
FTLD-FUS cases examined to date do not The clinical phenotypes within families
appear to be associated with FUS mutations with MAPT mutations are also variable
(Huey etal., 2011). (Janssen etal., 2002; Rademakers etal., 2004).
Another major discovery was made in the Patients differ in their degree of parkinson-
genetics of FTD in 2011. A number of fami- ism, and some have PSP or CBS signs. The
lies with members exhibiting FTD or ALS or presenting syndrome is often behavioral,
both (FTD-ALS) had been reported with link- commonly the overactive, disinhibited type.
age to chromosome 9p, but the responsible And families with the C9ORF72 mutation
gene remained mysterious until two groups are now the prototypical example of mark-
reported an expanded GGGGCC hexanu- edly different clinical phenotypes, with some
cleotide repeat in a noncoding region of the patients exhibiting bvFTD, others with ALS,
chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 gene and others with FTD-ALS. The bvFTD phe-
(C9ORF72) (DeJesus-Hernandez et al., 2011; notype associated with C9ORF72 mutations
Renton et al., 2011). This important finding is also different in that psychosis is much
has catalyzed the FTD and ALS research more prominent than in typical bvFTD;
communities, since the C9ORF72 mutation bizarre delusions are commonly a symptom
CHAPTER 8. Frontotemporal Dementia 181

very early in the course of the C9ORF72 pathology of any given case of FTLD may
bvFTD phenotype (Boeve et al., 2012). PPA also involve these brain regions and systems.
phenotypes appear to be uncommon in Nevertheless, although the clinical syndrome
patients with this mutation. Thus, a growing may include extrapyramidal symptoms, for
research effort is being devoted to trying to example, the patient usually would not be mis-
understand genetic and other modifiers of taken for having Parkinsons disease because
these disease-associated mutations. of the presence of prominent language and/
With regard to clinical practice of genetic or behavioral symptoms. Furthermore, the
testing in patients with FTD, we and other patient may not in fact have a phenotype best
specialty groups follow an approach simi- described as parkinsonism because the
lar to that outlined in recent reviews (Fong, phenomenon is gait apraxia with axial rigid-
Karydas, & Goldman, 2012; Goldman et al., ity, which would probably best be described
2011; Quaid, 2011). First, we carefully obtain more specifically as PSP-like. These issues
a family history ideally encompassing three can be complicated, but it is important to rec-
generations, recording each blood relatives ognize the wide range of clinical phenomena
age of death, cause of death if known, and that can be caused by FTLD pathology.
general cognitive/behavioral/neuropsychi- For the purposes of diagnosis, it is essen-
atric status in later life. We acknowledge with tial to try to determine the earliest clinical
the family that FTD and related conditions symptoms that were initially present, which
were often not diagnosed or may have been may or may not be the symptoms most trou-
misdiagnosed in prior generations. Autopsy blesome to the patient and/or family at the
results from a family member provide criti- time of presentation. Since many of the early
cal information, but autopsies were not com- symptoms are related to changes in affect or
monly obtained. If there is a potential family personality, it is not surprising that patients
history of FTD or related disorders, we ask may first present to psychiatrists or other
the family to try to obtain additional infor- mental health professionals. In our initial
mation or records about the affected relatives visit with a new patient, we always interview
and to consider pursuing genetic testing and examine the patient independently from
after first meeting with our groups genetic our interview of the informant(s). Although
counselor. If there is clearly not a family his- time consuming, this approach facilitates an
tory of FTD or related disorders, and fam- open discussion of symptoms (informants
ily members lived past typical age of onset, may be uncomfortable discussing some
there is a low likelihood of the presence of a issues in front of the patient) and enables
genetic mutation. If family history informa- the clinician to evaluate insight and concern
tion is unavailable or blood relatives died at in the patient separately from influence by
a younger age, we suggest that the patient/ informants. Lack of awareness or concern is
family work with our genetic counselor often a core element of the clinical presenta-
to discuss the issues involved. In a patient tion in patients with bvFTD.
with an onset younger than 50, we and oth-
ers often recommend that the patient/family
consider genetic testing. Arecent study pres- Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia
ents a useful classification system for indicat-
ing the likelihood of a genetic mutation in a FTLD neuropathology is often associated
case of FTD (Wood etal., in press). with a clinical phenotype involving the insidi-
ous development of changes in interpersonal
and emotional behavior, commonly accom-
Clinical Characteristics of Frontotemporal panied by executive dysfunction. This clini-
Lobar Degeneration cal syndrome has traditionally been referred
to as Picks disease, starting with descrip-
The symptoms of these disorders are tions by Arnold Pick followed by Onari and
strongly related to the particular frontotem- Spatz, Schneider, Goldstein, and a series of
poral or frontostriatal brain regions that are other early- to mid-20th-century investiga-
affected. Symptoms referable to extrapyra- tors. Interest was resurrected by a number of
midal, brainstem, and upper/lower motor groups later in the 20th century, but formal
neuron systems may be present because the diagnostic criteria were not published until the
182part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

TABLE 8.1 Diagnostic Criteria for Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia

1. Evidence of Neurodegenerative Disease by Progressive Deterioration of Cognition or Behavior Based

on Observation or History
2. Possible Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia (bvFTD) (at least three of the following must be
present early (<3 years) in the course)
a. Behavioral disinhibition Socially inappropriate behavior; loss of manners or
decorum; impulsivity
b. Apathy or inertia
c. Loss of sympathy or empathy Diminished response to other peoples needs and
feelings; diminished social interest
d. Perseverative, stereotyped, or compulsive Simple repetitive movements; complex compulsive
behavior or ritualistic behavior; stereotypy of speech
e. Hyperorality and dietary changes Altered food preferences; binge eating or increased
consumption of alcohol or cigarettes; oral
exploration of inedible objects
f. Neuropsychological profile of executive dysfunction with relative sparing of episodic memory and
visuospatial skills
3. Probable bvFTD
a. Meets criteria for possible bvFTD
b. Exhibits functional decline
c. Imaging results consistent with bvFTD Frontal and/or anterior temporal atrophy or
hypometabolism or perfusion
4. bvFTD With Definite Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD) Pathology
a. Meets criteria for possible or probable bvFTD
b. Histopathological evidence of FTLD on biopsy or autopsy
c. Presence of a known pathogenic mutation
5. Exclusionary criteria for bvFTD
a. Pattern of deficits is better accounted for by another neuromedical disorder
b. Behavioral disturbance is better accounted for by a psychiatric disorder
c. Biomarkers strongly indicative of Alzheimers disease or another neurodegenerative process
Source: Adapted with permission from Rascovsky et al., Brain 2011

Lund-Manchester criteria in 1994 (Brun etal., very active, jocular, and make rash decisions
1994), and then revised by an international or go on spending sprees can be mistak-
consensus group in 1998 (Neary etal., 1998). enly diagnosed with mania or hypomania.
Based on a variety of concerns regarding Disinhibition appears to be related particu-
prior criteria (Rascovsky et al., 2007), new larly to orbitofrontal and cingulo-opercular
international consensus diagnostic criteria abnormalities in FTD (OCallaghan, Hodges,
were published in 2011 (Rascovsky et al., & Hornberger, 2013).
2011)and are summarized in Table8.1. BvFTD Another very common early symptom is
appears to be the most common variant of apathy, including loss of interest in hobbies
FTLD. The specific symptoms of this variant or leisure activities and social withdrawal
depend on the particular regions of frontotem- (Chow et al., 2009; Massimo et al., 2009;
poral cortical and frontostriatal brain systems Shinagawa, Ikeda, Fukuhara, & Tanabe,
that are involved and their laterality. 2006); these behavioral changes are often
Disinhibition is a common early symptom, mistaken for depression. Yet patients with
and it can manifest as socially inappropriate bvFTD do not usually exhibit sadness or
behavior such as overly familiar interactions cry; do not talk about concerns, worries, or
with strangers; loss of manners or viola- thoughts of worthlessness or hopelessness;
tions of social normative behavior such as and do not usually exhibit the loss of appe-
public urination or changes in behavior dur- tite or sleep disturbance often seen in depres-
ing social meals; or impulsive actions such sion. Some investigators have suggested that
as unnecessary or excessive purchasing or bvFTD may present as a disinhibited or
shoplifting (Miller etal., 1991; Miller, Darby, inert (apathetic) subtype (Snowden et al.,
Benson, Cummings,& Miller, 1997; Snowden 2001), while many patients present with
et al., 2001). Sometimes patients who are intermixed symptoms of both types (Le Ber
CHAPTER 8. Frontotemporal Dementia 183

et al., 2006). Atrophy in the anterior cingu- cases becoming simpler. Simple repetitive
late cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex behaviors include tapping or moving a limb,
(Massimo et al., 2009), and striatum (Rosen licking lips, picking skin, grunting, or moan-
etal., 2005)has been observed in association ing. These may appear similar to choreiform
with apathy in bvFTD. movements seen in dyskinetic movement
Loss of empathy or sympathy toward the disorders or tardive dyskinesia. Anatomic
spouse, other family members, and friends abnormalities associated with compulsive
is very common and can be subtle in some behaviors include striatal and anterior tempo-
cases, depending in part on premorbid per- ral atrophy (Josephs, Whitwell,& Jack, 2007;
sonality traits (Lough etal., 2006; Mendez& Perry etal., 2012; Rosso etal., 2001).
Perryman, 2003; Rankin, Kramer, & Miller, Changes in eating behavior are common
2005). These behavioral changes may con- and may include altered food preferences
cern family members for some time before it (such as an increased sweet tooth or a rigid ste-
becomes obvious that something is wrong, reotypy in the foods eaten from day to day) or
which often occurs when the patient exhib- gluttonous or binge-like eating (Bozeat etal.,
its a highly unusual response to an event 2000; Miller, Darby, Swartz, Yener, & Mena,
that almost universally provokes a vigorous, 1995). This maybut does not always
uniform emotion in most people, such as the result in substantial weight gain. Normative
death of a close friend or family member or social eating conventions are often violated,
the birth of a child. Even under these circum- including rapid eating or stuffing food in the
stances, the behavior is commonly attributed mouth, taking food from others plates, or
to depression or another psychiatric illness belching. Patients may exhibit changes in the
or to stress or a midlife crisis. Right anterior consumption of alcohol or cigarettes, some-
temporal cortex, anterior insula, and striatal times resulting in extreme intoxication or
abnormalities have been most consistently vomiting. Occasionally early, but more often
identified as related to loss of empathy (Perry later, in the course of the disease patients may
etal., 2001; Rankin etal., 2006). explore inedible objects by placing them in
Compulsive, ritualistic, or repetitive behav- their mouth, similar to the behavior seen in
iors are common in bvFTD, often early in the Kluver Bucy syndrome. The neurobiologic
illness, and can be very distressing to fam- basis of changes in eating behavior in FTD
ily members (Ames, Cummings, Wirshing, has received little investigation, but it appears
Quinn, & Mahler, 1994; Nyatsanza et al., to involve right lateralized ventral anterior
2003). In some cases, they may be the present- insula, striatum, and orbitofrontal cortex on
ing symptom (Mendez, Perryman, Miller, structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Swartz, & Cummings, 1997). Examples of voxel-based morphometry (Whitwell et al.,
these symptoms include repetitive projects 2007; Woolley etal., 2007), as well as hypothal-
(e.g., stereotyped writing of greeting cards), amus (Piguet, Petersen, etal., 2011).
chores (e.g., repeated emptying of trash), Executive dysfunction (problems with
or playing of card or computer games or organization, planning, sequencing, decision
repetitive watching of a particular television making, multitasking, or monitoring perfor-
show (Bozeat, Gregory, Ralph, & Hodges, mance) is very common in bvFTD (Bozeat
2000). Speech patterns may be stereotyped et al., 2000). Symptoms described by family
(e.g., catch phrases, telling of stories as if by members often include difficulty with finan-
a script). Some of these symptoms appear cial management, poor decision making,
similar to those of obsessive-compulsive dis- inability to complete tasks (particularly novel
order (OCD) but usually bvFTD patients do tasks), or not recognizing or correcting mis-
not describe obsessive thoughts or any relief takes. Despite the report of these symptoms
of such thoughts by a compulsive activity, as in daily life, patients may still perform within
is typically described in primary OCD. Some normal limits on neuropsychological tests of
patients have very rigid routines that must executive function (Gregory& Hodges, 1996).
be performed identically each day (often at a Progressive loss of executive abilities may
particular time, associated with clock watch- lead to job loss or disastrous mismanagement
ing); if these routines are disrupted, some of money. In many cases, it can be difficult to
patients become very upset. These symptoms determine which problems in daily life are
may change as the disease progresses, in some caused by executive dysfunction as opposed
184part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

to apathy. This is not surprising given that behaviors, such as hoarding, and those
constructs of the executive functions usually involving changes in appetitive drives, such
include initiation or energization as a com- as sexual, eating, or drinking behaviors.
ponent process (see Chapter 3). Although Despite the inclusion in the new bvFTD diag-
executive dysfunction is typically thought nostic criteria of the relative preservation of
of as being caused by dorsolateral prefron- memory, memory impairment can be a prom-
tal cortical involvement, as also discussed inent early feature in some cases of bvFTD
in Chapters2 and 3, it can originate in ante- (Hornberger, Piguet, Graham, Nestor, &
rior cingulate, insular, parietal, or subcortical Hodges, 2010; Pennington, Hodges, &
nodes of large-scale executive systems. Hornberger, 2011), including those that are
Another important clinical feature of pathologically proven (Graham etal., 2005). In
bvFTD is lack of insight. This symptom some cases, memory symptoms are reported
was considered a core element of the Neary by the patient and/or family, but test perfor-
et al. (1998) diagnostic criteria but was mance is normal; this may reflect executive
not included in the new international con- contributions to memory encoding or retrieval
sensus diagnostic criteria because it was in daily life, which may be relatively controlled
thought to be too difficult to ascertain con- in the office setting (Pasquier, Grymonprez,
sistently. Nevertheless, it is well established Lebert,& Van der Linden, 2001). In other cases,
that many patients with bvFTD, and some day-to-day memory is preserved but psycho-
patients with semantic dementia, have a metric test performance is impaired due to the
striking lack of insight (Banks& Weintraub, magnitude of executive or semantic deficits,
2008; Eslinger et al., 2005; Williamson et al., thereby resulting in an overestimation of mem-
2009) even when confronted with obvious ory impairment. In our clinical practice, we do
impairments. Clinically, this can be particu- not avoid the clinical diagnosis of bvFTD in a
larly challenging when the patient refuses patient with well-documented amnesia if the
to make office follow-up visits because he or remainder of the clinical presentation is con-
she is convinced there is not a problem. Lack sistent with bvFTD, especially if supported by
of insight in FTD has been associated with neuroimaging test results.
right-lateralized ventromedial prefrontal Unlike the language-dominant types of
atrophy (Rosen etal., 2010). FTLD, language may be relatively intact early
Another core feature of bvFTD is person- in the course of bvFTD. This is particularly true
ality change. Alterations in personality can on basic neuropsychological tests of language
be prominent in bvFTD and also in semantic performance. Higher level language abilities
dementia (Rankin, Baldwin, Pace-Savitsky, at the level of discourse (Ash etal., 2006), as
Kramer, & Miller, 2005). Although well as emotionally laden forms of communi-
questionnaire-based instruments to assess cation, including prosody, irony, sarcasm, and
classical dimensional personality traits are humor, are often abnormal early in the course
readily available, changes in personality of bvFTD (Kipps, Nestor, Acosta-Cabronero,
might be best understood clinically by con- Arnold, & Hodges, 2009; Perry et al., 2001).
sidering more specific process-oriented func- As the disease progresses, semantic and other
tions contributing to personality traits. When impairments often become prominent.
faced with a family member who says, My Psychosis has been thought unusual in
spouse is not the person I married, his/her bvFTD, but the discovery of the C9ORF72
personality is completely different, it is expansion has highlighted the common pres-
incumbent upon the clinician to probe fur- ence of psychosis in patients as well as non-
ther to ascertain the specific changes being demented family members with this genetic
described. Some symptoms may include mutation (Boeve etal., 2012).
changes in the expression or comprehen-
sion of emotion, social withdrawal or disin-
hibition, or loss of empathy. In some cases Progressive Aphasic Subtypes of
a previously gruff or aggressive individual Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
becomes docile. The patients insight into
these changes is often poor. Other symp- The other major clinical phenotype of FTLD
toms that may also be described as person- involves a primary language disturbance. If
ality changes include obsessive-compulsive a patient presents with an isolated, gradually
CHAPTER 8. Frontotemporal Dementia 185

progressive aphasia, he or she would be PPA progresses to involve abilities beyond

diagnosed by many specialists with primary language (Modirrousta, Price, & Dickerson,
progressive aphasia (PPA), as described in 2013).
detail in Chapter 9. (Readers are referred to With regard to the PPA subtypes, the lit-
Chapter9 for a detailed review of PPA; a few erature suggests that semantic variant PPA
comments on points not made in that chapter (PPA-s) patients commonly exhibit neuro-
will be made here.) psychiatric symptoms, often relatively early
As originally suggested by Neary et al. and in a fairly stereotypical fashion. Many
(1998), such a patient would have been diag- of these symptoms are similar to those of
nosed as having a language-predominant bvFTD, including loss of empathy, changes
form of FTD or FTLD, and further subtyped in eating behavior, compulsive behavior, and
into progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA) disinhibition. Although these symptoms are
or semantic dementia (SD). At present, the highly consistent with FTD, depending on
approach suggested by the recent interna- when they begin and how they are reported
tional consensus diagnostic criteria for PPA by informants, it may be difficult for the cli-
(Gorno-Tempini etal., 2011)focuses on deter- nician to be confident in assigning a subtype
mining the precise clinical phenotype with- diagnosis (i.e., bvFTD vs. PPA-s vs. SD). In
out reference to the presumed underlying fact, in the Neary et al. diagnostic criteria
pathology. Three clinical phenotypes are cur- for FTD, features considered supportive of
rently recognized:the agrammatic variant of a diagnosis of SD included loss of sympa-
PPA (PPA-g, which likely captures most of the thy or empathy and narrowed preoccupa-
patients formerly diagnosed with PNFA), the tions (mental rigidity) (Neary et al., 1998).
semantic variant of PPA (PPA-s, which likely Aberrant motor behavior is also reported
captures most of the patients formerly diag- as common in some studies; in our experi-
nosed with SD), and the logopenic variant of ence this often includes elaborate kinds of
PPA. The logopenic variant of PPA (PPA-l) is movements related to repetitive or compul-
most frequently associated with biomarkers sive behaviors, although there has been little
of underlying AD, and thus it would not be focused study of this topic. Depression is also
considered a major clinical subtype of FTLD. reported as common in PPA-s in some stud-
Nevertheless, a minority of PPA-l patients do ies; in our experience, however, at least some
not demonstrate biomarkers of AD patho- patients say certain phrases repetitively (i.e.,
biology in vivo (Leyton et al., 2011) and in catch phrases) that appear to express nega-
fact have FTLD neuropathology postmortem tive emotion (e.g., I feel so stupid, I used
(usually FTLD-TDP) (Mesulam et al., 2008). to know that and now Ijust dont know any-
Thus, while PPA-l is often considered nearly thing), but with minimal affective behavior
synonymous with an atypical language vari- consistent with depression, and a structured
ant of AD, these recent observations support interview with some of these patients care-
the inclusion of this clinical phenotype as a givers reveals little behavior in daily life
partif smallof the FTLD spectrum. that appears consistent with a diagnosis of
Although patients with progressive apha- depression.
sias may have personality, comportmental, In PPA-g, neuropsychiatric symptoms are
and social symptoms, they are by definition less frequent initially, but as the illness pro-
less prominent than the language impairment gresses it becomes increasingly common to
early in the course of the disorder. The pres- see apathy, depression, or irritability. In some
ence of prominent early neuropsychiatric or cases these symptoms are present early in
behavioral symptoms is generally considered the illness, which may lead to misdiagno-
exclusionary for PPA. Despite this distinc- sis as a primary psychiatric disorder (often
tion, which is particularly important for clini- depression).
cal research on these disorders, some patients In PPA-l, neuropsychiatric symptoms are
whose diagnosis would be best considered relatively infrequent early but increase as
as PPA have prominent early neuropsychi- the illness progresses and include agitation,
atric or behavioral symptoms (a point dis- anxiety, irritability, and apathy. In many cases
cussed briefly in the new diagnostic criteria). we have seen, the clinical phenomenology of
Many others have relatively mild but notable neuropsychiatric symptoms appears similar
symptoms in these domains, particularly as to that seen in AD.
186part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Diagnostic Assessment of Suspected Neuropsychological assessment can be

Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration invaluable in patients suspected of hav-
ing FTLD-spectrum disorders. Although
As with all neurodegenerative diseases, a some patients may perform adequately on
careful clinical history taken from the patient brief office-based cognitive testing typically
and a knowledgeable informant is usually the performed by a neurologist, psychiatrist,
single most important element of assessment. geriatrician, or other physician, the neuro-
Specific FTLD symptom inventories (Bozeat psychologist may be able to detect abnor-
etal., 2000; Snowden etal., 2001), the Frontal malities on extended testing. In at least
Behavioral Inventory (Kertesz, Davidson, & some very mild cases, however, reasonably
Fox, 1997), and the Neuropsychiatric extensive neuropsychological assessment
Inventory (NPI) (Cummings, 1997) are very can be normal (Gregory, Serra-Mestres, &
useful in ascertaining symptoms of FTLD in Hodges, 1999). Aiming to assemble a neuro-
a structured manner. Some of these instru- psychological test battery tailored to bvFTD,
ments can be given to caregivers in advance Torralva, Manes, and colleagues compiled a
as questionnaires or used to structure an set of previously developed tests emphasiz-
office-based interview. We have developed ing real-life elements of executive function
structured interviews targeting social and as well as social cognition (Torralva, Roca,
language symptoms in FTLD (Bickart et al., Gleichgerrcht, Bekinschtein,& Manes, 2009).
2014; Sapolsky et al., 2010). As mentioned This test battery demonstrated higher sensi-
previously, we believe it is essential to inter- tivity to mild FTD than many standard tests
view the patient separately from informants. included in typical dementia neuropsycho-
The interview with the patient should include logical batteries. Another similar approach
a psychiatric interview evaluating mood and was taken by Funkiewiez, Dubois, and col-
affect, thought content (i.e., Is there evidence leagues, who assembled the Social cogni-
of psychosis?), and insight. tion and Emotion Assessment (SEA), and
In the initial office assessment of a patient ultimately found that a subset (facial emo-
with suspected FTLD, a basic cognitive tion recognition and faux pas) of the original
examination is essential. Most commonly tests were most sensitive to bvFTD, deriving
used cognitive screening instruments, such the mini-SEA (Funkiewiez et al., 2012), as
as the Mini Mental State Examination, are described in more detail in Chapter3.
insensitive to the cognitive and behavioral The combination of findings from the
deficits of FTLD, as described in detail in assessments described previously can be
Chapter 19. Office-based general cognitive used to determine whether a patient fulfills
testing instruments thought to be more sensi- current diagnostic criteria (Rascovsky et al.,
tive to FTLD include the Montreal Cognitive 2011) for possible bvFTD or one of the
Assessment (MOCA) and Addenbrookes progressive aphasias. For bvFTD, the clini-
Cognitive Examination (ACE) (Mathuranath, cians confidence can be formally elevated
Nestor, Berrios, Rakowicz,& Hodges, 2000). to probable bvFTD if neuroimaging find-
The Frontal Assessment Battery (Dubois, ings are present as described next. A simi-
Slachevsky, Litvan, & Pillon, 2000) is a brief lar approach is taken by many clinicians in
(~10 minutes) cognitive and psychomotor diagnosing PPA, although the criteria do not
assessment that has demonstrated sensitiv- specify these levels of confidence formally
ity to FTLD. Although these tests will often (Gorno-Tempini etal., 2011).
identify deficits in patients with FTD, some
patients perform normally early in the course
of the disease. Neuroimaging and Other Diagnostic Tests
Finally, a neurologic examination is essen-
tial, working especially to determine whether Neuroimaging is an important part of the
there are abnormalities in eye movements or diagnostic workup of FTLD, and it has made
gait, limb or buccofacial apraxia, extrapyra- valuable contributions to our understand-
midal signs, primitive reflexes, or evidence ing of the specific subtype disorders. Both
of motor neuron disease. Impersistence and structural (MRI) and functional (positron
distractibility can present challenges during emission tomography [PET], single-photon
the neurologic exam. emission computed tomography [SPECT])
CHAPTER 8. Frontotemporal Dementia 187

neuroimaging may be valuable for the inves- and functional neuroimaging may be normal
tigation of anatomic, metabolic, or perfusion early in the course of what ultimately declares
abnormalities in FTLD. See Chapter 22 for itself over time as FTD (Gregory etal., 1999).
more details about these techniques and data Electroencephalography is not commonly
interpretation. recommended in the diagnostic evaluation of
MRI is critical in the diagnostic workup suspected FTD, but it may demonstrate ante-
of suspected FTLD for both the exclusion of rior or focal slowing consistent with frontal
other potential causes of slowly progressive neurodegeneration.
frontal lobe syndromes, such as tumors, cere- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers are
brovascular disease, or the newly identified being investigated in FTLD (Hu etal., 2011),
sagging brain syndrome (see Chapter 15) but they are not yet mature enough for use
and for the identification of abnormalities in clinical practice. In some cases, the exclu-
consistent with FTLD neurodegenerative sion of an atypical form of AD can be helpful
syndromes. Frontal and/or anterior tem- by analyzing CSF for amyloid- and tau (see
poral atrophy is the typical finding, and it Chapter22). General CSF investigation may
is often more prominent in the right hemi- be valuable to rule out other neurologic dis-
sphere in bvFTD and the left hemisphere orders if the patient has atypical features or a
in PPA (Fig. 8.3A). Metabolic or perfusion more rapid course (see Chapter15).
imaging can be useful in addition to MRI If clinical evidence of motor neuron disease
for the identification of abnormalities when is present, especially if it is subtle, electromy-
anatomic changes are subtle or undetectable ography can provide valuable information
(Fig. 8.3B). In some cases, both structural regarding the presence of upper or lower

(A) (B)

RH - Lateral

Figure8.3 A58-year-old man presented with behavioral symptoms (including apathy, impulsive
eating) and executive dysfunction. (A) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated bilateral
(right greater than left) frontal, temporal, and parietal atrophy, quantified with a map of cortical
thickness compared to controls. (B) Fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET)
showed prominent bilateral (right greater than left) frontal and temporal hypometabolism. This
man was found to have a Q300X (premature termination) mutation in GRN. He exhibited a 5-year
clinical course from first symptoms to death. Postmortem examination revealed the expected
TDP-43 pathology. (See color plate section)
188part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

(A) Right Left (B)

Left, Lateral

Figure8.4 A59-year-old man presented with behavioral symptoms (including loss of empathy,
aggression, lack of insight), executive dysfunction, and word-finding difficulties. Shortly thereafter
he developed dysarthria and dysphagia and was found to have clinical evidence of motor neuron
disease with bulbar predominance (tongue weakness, fasciculations, lip weakness, as well as mild
shoulder weakness and fasciculations with lower extremity hyperreflexia and extensor plantar
responses). Electromyography showed sharp waves, fibrillation potentials, and fasciculation
potentials in cervical, thoracic, and lumbar myotomes with long-duration, high-amplitude
polyphasic potentials with reduced recruitment and rapid firing. (A) Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) demonstrated bilateral (left greater than right) frontal atrophy, quantified with a
map of cortical thickness compared to controls. He exhibited a 3.5-year clinical course from first
symptoms to death. (B) Postmortem examination revealed the expected TDP-43 pathology (TDP-43
immunohistochemistry of dentate gyrus of hippocampus). (See color plate section)

motor neuron dysfunction, which may be AD cases, and eight controls. The FTLD
critical for prognosis (Fig.8.4). cases included five patients with behavioral
FTD, two with FTD/ALS, four with semantic
dementia, and one with progressive aphasia.
In Vivo Neuroimaging of The results indicated that all AD patients had
Neuropathologic Markers positive PiB PET scans, seven out of eight
controls had negative PiB scans, and eight
With the advent of neuroimaging tracers that of twelve FTLD cases had negative PiB PET
bind to specific pathologic molecules, such as scans.
Pittsburgh compound B (PiB) (Klunk et al., Although this initially seemed to be a high
2004)or the growing number of putative tau number of amyloid-positive FTLD cases, it
ligands (Chien et al., 2013; Fodero-Tavoletti may not be particularly surprising in light of
et al., 2011; Maruyama et al., 2013; Small several autopsy studies showing the presence
etal., 2006), it is possible to investigate clini- of AD pathology in 20%30% of FTLD cases,
copathologic relationships in vivo. Extensive with or without the presence of additional
efforts are under way to develop tracers spe- FTLD-type pathology (Davies et al., 2005;
cific for additional pathologic markers. This Forman et al., 2006; Kertesz, McMonagle,
will surely lead to a revolution in our under- Blair, Davidson, & Munoz, 2005; Knibb,
standing of the spectrum of frontotemporal Xuereb, Patterson,& Hodges, 2006). The dis-
dementias. In the first study of FTLD with tribution of PiB tracer uptake in these four
PiB, a comparison was made between PiB cases was similar to that typically seen in AD.
tracer uptake in twelve FTLD cases, seven Two of the cases carried clinical diagnoses
CHAPTER 8. Frontotemporal Dementia 189

of behavioral FTD, and the other two were Gustafson, 2003). A more recent study sug-
clinically diagnosed with semantic demen- gests a slightly better prognosis for bvFTD
tia. Of note, however, some elements of the patients, with a median survival of 4.2years
cognitive profiles and the fludeoxyglucose from diagnosis (Garcin et al., 2009). The
positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) development of early motor symptoms or
metabolic deficits of these four cases showed signs is a poor prognostic feature in all forms
features more often associated with AD than of FTD (Hu etal., 2009), as is early language
FTLD. Of the two FTLD patients who have impairment in bvFTD (Garcin et al., 2009).
come to autopsy in this series, one had a Recent data suggest that semantic dementia
tauopathy and one had a ubiquitinopathy; patients may commonly have a very slow
both were PiB negative. progression, with 50% of patients alive at
Subsequent to this initial study, Rabinovici 12.8years after diagnosis in a large cohort of
and colleagues have performed further inves- 100 patients (Hodges et al., 2010). The ulti-
tigation of the utility of amyloid imaging mate development of markers of the specific
in PPA and FTLD. A series of PPA patients form of neuropathology may be important
produced results that were consistent with for prognostication, with one autopsy study
expectations from pathologic series, with of 71 patients indicating that tau pathology
elevated cortical PiB binding in one out of six was associated with shorter (3 years) sur-
cases of agrammatic/nonfluent PPA, one out vival than non-tau forms of FTLD pathology
of five cases of semantic PPA, and four out of (8years) (Xie etal., 2008).
four cases of logopenic PPA (Rabinovici etal., In our practice, we always discuss the
2008). In a comparison of amyloid PET versus value of autopsy with family members and
FDG-PET imaging in the differential diagno- with patients if possible. Despite continued
sis of AD versus FTLD, PiB and FDG showed improvements in the use of clinical and bio-
similar overall accuracy in discriminating marker data for probabilistic prediction of
AD and FTLD, but PiB was more sensitive to FTLD or non-FTLD pathology, every special-
AD when interpreted qualitatively or quan- ized center continues to observe surprising
titatively. FDG was more specific, but only cases (Figs. 8.5 and 8.6). Not only is this infor-
when scans were classified quantitatively. mation important for providing family mem-
PiB slightly outperformed FDG in the small bers with the greatest detail possible about
subset of patients with known histopathol- the patients disease, it also contributes in
ogy (Rabinovici etal., 2012)(see Chapter22 extremely valuable ways to ongoing research
for further discussion). efforts.

Clinical Course of Frontotemporal Dementia Treatment of Frontotemporal

Lobar Degeneration
The early symptoms help determine the
major subtypes of FTLD, but as the disease Once a diagnosis of one of the forms of FTD
progresses, involvement of other frontotem- is made, the clinician unfortunately needs to
poral and subcortical brain regions often deliver the news that, at present, there are no
result in the development of symptoms disease-modifying therapies for FTD (as is
characteristic of the other subtypes of FTLD the case for all other major neurodegenera-
(Seeley et al., 2005). For example, patients tive diseases). Nevertheless, despite the fact
with PPA-semantic variant may develop dis- that we are not yet able to reverse or slow the
inhibition, compulsivity, and other behav- progression of FTD and related disorders,
ioral symptoms, while bvFTD patients may these diseases are treatable, as discussed
develop speech, language and/or semantic in detail in other chapters in this volume.
deficits. Treatment includes empiric pharmacologic
Overall, survival after diagnosis is typi- management of symptoms, nonpharma-
cally 610 years, with bvFTD patients hav- cologic management of symptoms, man-
ing the shortest mean survival at 3.4 years, agement of comorbid conditions that may
PPA survival at 4.5years, and PPA-semantic exacerbate cognitive-behavioral impairment,
variant patients having the longest survival psychosocial support, and education of the
(Grasbeck, Englund, Horstmann, Passant,& family and in some cases the patient as well
190part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

(A) (D)




Figure8.5 A50-year-old man presented with unilateral dominant hand apraxia and depression
without rigidity, alien hand syndrome, or eye movement abnormalities, followed shortly by
executive dysfunction, word-finding difficulty, and memory loss. The initial neuroimaging
examination revealed markedly asymmetric dominant hemisphere fludeoxyglucose positron
emission tomography (FDG-PET) hypometabolism (A, B, C, left column) and atrophy (A, B, C,
right column) extending from perirolandic and dorsal parietal cortex (A) into perisylvian cortex
(B) and ventral temporal cortex (C) with relative preservation of frontal cortex and striatum. His
symptoms progressed to include marked upper extremity apraxia with the eventual development
of rigidity, aphasia, dysarthria, episodic and semantic memory impairment, compulsive behavior,
impulsive eating, and agitation. Along with the progression of symptoms, atrophy progressed from
(D) parietal and posterolateral temporal over a 4-year interval to include (E) ventral and anterior
temporal, insular, and posterior frontal cortex. (See color plate section)

(Cardarelli, Kertesz,& Knebl, 2010). Amulti- (Jicha& Nelson, 2011; Manoochehri& Huey,
disciplinary team of specialists is invaluable 2012; Piguet, Hornberger, Mioshi,& Hodges,
in caring for patients and families suffering 2011). For example, selective serotonin reup-
from FTD (Wylie, Shnall, Onyike, & Huey, take inhibitors or other antidepressants can
2013). Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic modulate disinhibition or compulsive behav-
management depends on the identification ior, stimulants or pro-dopaminergic agents
and grading of severity of specific symptoms can sometimes reduce apathy or attentional
(including cognitive, behavioral, and motor impairment, and anticonvulsants/mood
symptoms), followed by their prioritiza- stabilizers or antipsychotic compounds can
tion and monitoring over time. Once this is ameliorate aggression or agitation. Yet side
done, judicious empiric use of medications effects of these medications may in some
can be tackled. At present, no medications cases outweigh benefits and always need
are approved for the symptomatic treatment close monitoring.
of FTD, but many medications have demon- Nonpharmacologic symptom management
strated utility in small studies or case series strategies generally require the expertise of
CHAPTER 8. Frontotemporal Dementia 191

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Left Lateral

Figure8.6 The 50-year-old man described in Figure8.5 exhibited an 8-year clinical course from
first symptoms to death. Despite (A) the clear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of initial
perirolandic and parietotemporal atrophy (left greater than right), quantified with a map of cortical
thickness compared to controls with (B) postmortem support for these gross findings, histological
examination revealed (C) Pick bodies and (D) tau immunoreactive pathology consistent with
pathological Picks disease. (See color plate section)

an experienced specialist clinician or team the Association for FTD (http://www.

(Gitlin, Kales,& Lyketsos, 2012; Shnall etal., or Alzheimers Association
2013). These include speech and language ( Psychosocial support
therapy for communication or swallowing resources can also be valuable for nearly all
issues, occupational therapy for problems families and for some patients. The develop-
with hand-eye coordination or planning that ment of close links between the FTD specialty
impacts instrumental or basic activities of care team and the primary care physician is
daily living, physical therapy for gait disor- very important to assist in general manage-
ders, and in some cases psychotherapy (for ment, including monitoring comorbid con-
patient or family). A driving assessment is ditions and considering the role of standard
critical, as is determination of financial or prophylactic care in the context of FTD.
health care competency. Social work assis- Finally, it is critical late in the course of the
tance with facilitating disability compensa- illness to assist patients and families with
tion can be very helpful. Paid or volunteer end-of-life care, facilitating access to pal-
companions or home health aides to help liative care resources and ideally obtaining
patients remain active yet safe can be invalu- nursing home and hospice care at the appro-
able. Day programs or respite residential priate time. There continues to be a desper-
programs may play important roles at some ate need for residential or nursing facilities
point in the course of the illness. Ultimately, that have the capacity and skill to care for
because the myriad of resources that may patients with FTD. And although research
be helpful to patients and family members at present focuses largely on understand-
can be difficult to identify, it is essential to ing the disease and offers little if any novel
dedicate time and effort toward specialized putative treatment options for patients with
education for the patient/family through FTD, participation can provide some mean-
the clinician or multidisciplinary team or ing in an otherwise entirely tragic situation.
192part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

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Primary Progressive Aphasia

A Language-Based Dementia

Marsel Mesulam

Progressive aphasias have been recognized et al., 1990). PPA is a form of dementia since
for more than 100 years through case reports it causes gradual cognitive decline to the
by Pick, Srieux, Dejerine, Franceschi, and point where daily living functions become
Rosenfeld (Franceschi, 1908; Pick, 1892, 1904; compromised. It is also an unusual demen-
Rosenfeld, 1909; Srieux, 1893). The current tia since episodic memory functions remain
interest in this condition can be traced to largely preserved for many years. In con-
a 1982 report of six patients with a slowly trast to patients with amnestic dementias of
progressive language disorder and to the the Alzheimer-type (DAT), who tend to lose
subsequent delineation of the primary pro- interest in recreational and social activities,
gressive aphasia (PPA) syndrome (Mesulam, some patients with PPA maintain and even
1982, 2007). Primary progressive aphasia is intensify involvement in complex hobbies
diagnosed when language is the only area such as gardening, carpentry, sculpting, and
of major dysfunction early in the disease; painting.
when other mental faculties such as memory Primary progressive aphasia should be dif-
for daily events, visuospatial skills, face and ferentiated from states of pure progressive
object knowledge, and basic comportment dysarthria, speech apraxia, or phonological
remain relatively intact; and when struc- disintegration, where the formation, rather
tural brain imaging does not reveal a specific than usage, of words becomes disrupted
lesion, other than atrophy, that can account (Broussolle etal., 1996). It should also be dif-
for the language deficit (Mesulam, 2001, ferentiated from DAT and behavioral variant
2003; Mesulam & Weintraub, 1992). In some frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), where
patients, the principal signs and symptoms word-finding disturbances or a paucity of
are confined to the area of language for as speech may arise, but on a background of
many as 1014 years. In others, impairments more salient impairments of memory (in
in other cognitive functions can emerge after DAT) and behavior (in bvFTD).
the initial few years, but the language dys- Age of onset has ranged from the 40s to the
function tends to remain the most salient 80s. However, the majority of patients have
feature and to deteriorate the most rapidly had onset before the age of 65 (Mesulam,
throughout the course of disease (Weintraub Wieneke, Thompson, Rogalski, & Weintraub,

CHAPTER 9. Primary Progressive Aphasia 199

2012). Several ancillary features of secondary 2008). Personality changes (inappropri-

importance can arise in conjunction with the ate familiarity, impaired problem solving,
aphasia. Dysarhria is not uncommon and can blunted judgment) or asymmetrical extrapy-
contribute to loss of fluency. Ideomotor apraxia, ramidal deficits may emerge quite commonly
sometimes in the form of sympathetic dys- as the disease progresses and reflect the close
praxia in the left hand, can be encountered. anatomical association of PPA-causing dis-
A more frequent occurrence is the presence eases with those causing bvFTD and CBD.
of buccofacial apraxia so that the command Diagnosing PPA is easiest when the patient
to cough cannot be followed, even though is examined early so that core criteria can be
the patient understands the instructions fulfilled explicitly. Occasionally, the clinician
and can perform the action spontaneously will see a patient at a more advanced clinical
when the need arises. Dyscalculia is common, stage, at a time when the selectivity of apha-
reflecting the anatomical proximity of the sia may no longer be ascertainable because of
brain areas necessary for language and cal- language comprehension deficits or because
culations. Occasionally, all components of the deficits in other domains have emerged. In
Gerstmann syndrome can be present. A care- such cases, a structured interview with infor-
ful neurological examination can reveal sub- mants can be used to establish whether the
tle signs reflecting the dysfunction of motor aphasia had in fact emerged in relative iso-
pathways in the language-dominant (usually lation. A retrospective diagnosis of possible
left) hemisphere. These signs include mild PPA is made if such an interview suggests
flattening of the nasolabial fold, widening of that the diagnostic criteria were likely to have
the palpebral fissure, asymmetrical postur- been met during an earlier phases of the dis-
ing of the hand while walking on the heels or ease in a patient who has since acquired other
edge of the feet, and mild cogwheeling rigid- major deficits as well.
ity induced when the other hand is engaged
in repetitive tapping movements.
An abrupt onset of the aphasia excludes the Subtyping and Terminology in Primary
diagnosis of PPA. Additional exclusionary Progressive Aphasia
criteria include the early salience of motor defi-
cits, amnesia, abnormal comportment, asso- The study of patients with cerebrovascular
ciative agnosia, or visuospatial disorientation. lesions has led to the delineation of several
Patients with these features may have the aphasia subtypes, each characterized by a
phenotypes of motor neuron disease (MND), distinctive cluster of signs and symptoms
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), progres- linked to the principal lesion site within the
sive supranuclear palsy (PSP), DAT, bvFTD, language network. The clustering of apha-
or the syndrome of posterior cortical atrophy sic deficits and their clinicopathological cor-
(PCA), each of which can be accompanied by relates is slightly different in PPA, perhaps
a nonprimary but progressive aphasia. The because the lesions are selective for specific
mere presence of an aphasia is thus not suf- neuronal types and also indolently progres-
ficient for the diagnosis of PPA. Brain imag- sive, leading to more complex dissociations
ing is part of the diagnostic workup since any of function and some reorganization of cor-
finding other than atrophy that can account tical circuitry. We are now subdividing our
for the aphasia (such as neoplasm or isch- PPA cases into three variants: agrammatic,
emic lesions) rules out the diagnosis of PPA semantic, and logopenic (Gorno-Tempini
(Fig.9.1). et al., 2004, 2011; Leyton et al., 2011; Mesulam
Additional cognitive, behavioral, and et al., 2009, 2012; Sapolsky et al., 2010). The
motor deficits that independently influ- agrammatic subtype (PPA-G) is character-
ence daily living activities arise in the mid- ized by impairments of grammar (syntax
dle or late stages of the disease (Rogalski & and morphology) but not of word compre-
Mesulam, 2009; Sapolsky et al., 2010). We hension; the semantic subtype (PPA-S), by
have used the descriptive term PPA-plus impairment of word comprehension but
(PPA+) to designate the fact that the patient not of grammar; and the logopenic subtype
had initially fulfilled the diagnostic criteria (PPA-L), by intermittent word-finding hesi-
for PPA but that the aphasia is no longer the tations without impairments of comprehen-
only major deficit (Mesulam & Weintraub, sion or grammar. Fluency is consistently
200part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Right Left
stg stg


1 year after onset 4 years after onset

Figure9.1 (Top) Two coronal sections, showing the asymmetric atrophy of the left perisylvian
cortex in a patient with primary progressive aphasia. (Bottom) Two axial sections showing the
progression of atrophy.

low in PPA-G, may be normal in PPA-S, and for the classification of PPA into the PPA-G,
is highly variable in PPA-L. Repetition can PPA-L, and PPA-S subtypes (Gorno-Tempini
be impaired in both PPA-G and PPA-L, but et al., 2011). These guidelines have been
rarely in PPA-S. Some investigators consider implemented to select specific tests and
repetition impairments as key components of quantitative parameters for the subtyping of
PPA-L (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2008). In some patients at early and mild stages of disease
patients grammar and comprehension are (Mesulam etal., 2012). While the new system
jointly impaired early in the disease. These is rigorous, it is also burdensome. Table 9.1
patients can be said to have a mixed subtype offers a simpler descriptive set of guidelines
of PPA, designated PPA-M. The PPA-G and that should be adequate for use in most clini-
PPA-L variants collectively account for what cal settings.
is also known as progressive nonfluent apha-
sia (PNFA), while the PPA-S variant desig-
nates the predominantly aphasic form of Neuropsychological Profiles
semantic dementia (SD).
Specific guidelines have been introduced Standardized neuropsychological tests are
by an international group of investigators helpful for reaching an early diagnosis
CHAPTER 9. Primary Progressive Aphasia 201

TABLE9.1 Descriptive and Simplified Criteria for Classifying Primary Progressive


Diagnostic Criteria for PPA

The following three conditions must all be present:
1. Anew and progressive language disorder (aphasia) as documented by neuropsychologically
determined abnormalities in one or more of the following domains:grammaticality of sentence
production, word retrieval in speech, object naming, word and sentence comprehension, spelling,
reading, and repetition. Isolated impairments of articulation do not qualify
2. Relative preservation of episodic memory, executive functions, visuospatial skills, and comportment as
documented by history, medical records, and/or neuropsychological testing
3. Imaging and other pertinent neurodiagnostic test results that rule out causes other than
Agrammatic Subtype (PPA-G)
Impaired grammatical structure of spoken or written language in the absence of significant word
comprehension impairments. Output is usually of low fluency but does not have to be dysarthric or apraxic.
Semantic Subtype (PPA-S)
Impaired word comprehension in the absence of significant impairment of grammar. Object naming is
severely impaired. Output is motorically fluent but contains paraphasias, and circumlocutions.
Logopenic Subtype (PPA-L)
No significant grammar or word comprehension impairment. Fluency is variable with many word-finding
hesitations and phonemic paraphasias. Object naming may be impaired and may constitute the only
significant finding in the neuropsychological examination.
Mixed Subtype (PPA-M)
Impaired grammatical structure and word comprehension, even at the early stages of disease.

(Weintraub& Mesulam, 1993, 1996; Weintraub word and sentence comprehension, nam-
etal., 1990). However, a strict reliance on neu- ing, reading, and writing (Kertesz, 2006). An
ropsychological tests, most of which depend Aphasia Quotient, derived from the WAB-R,
on verbal instructions, verbal responses, provides a measure of aphasia severity
or covert verbal reasoning, may occasion- that can be tracked over time. Based on a
ally lead to the erroneous conclusion that subtyping algorithm previously described
areas other than language are also impaired. (Mesulam etal., 2009, 2012), grammatical pro-
Scores on the Mini Mental State Examination duction can be tested with the Northwestern
(MMSE) (Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, Anagram Test (NAT), a measure of sentence
1975), for example, can exaggerate the degree construction that does not place demands
of disability (Osher, Wicklund, Rademaker, on working memory or speech output
Johnson, & Weintraub, 2007). Although the (Weintraub et al., 2009). Single-word com-
language disorder in primary progressive prehension can be tested with items from the
aphasia may interfere with the ability to Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-IV),
memorize word lists or solve reasoning tasks, which provides a range of item difficulty
the patient typically has no difficulty recalling (Dunn & Dunn, 2006). The Boston Naming
daily events or behaving with sound judg- Test (BNT) provides a standardized mea-
ment, indicating that explicit memory, reason- sure of object naming (Kaplan, Goodglass,&
ing, and social skills remain relatively intact. Weintraub, 1983).
The neuropsychological examination of Nonverbal functions should be tested with
the patient with suspected PPA should dem- instruments that minimize interference from
onstrate the aphasia, characterize its sub- aphasia. Episodic memory can be tested with
type, and identify non-language cognitive the Three Words Three Shapes (3W3S) test,
domains that are relatively spared. Aphasia a measure we previously designed to dif-
can be tested with one of the several clini- ferentiate DAT from healthy cognitive aging
cal batteries designed for this purpose. The (Weintraub & Mesulam, 1985; Weintraub
Western Aphasia Battery (WAB-R) includes etal., 2000). The 3W3S test showed that PPA
subtests that measure spontaneous speech, patients have a selective retrieval impairment
202part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

for words but not for shapes (Weintraub of the language network becomes disrupted
etal., 2012). PPA patients are therefore likely (Sonty etal., 2007). It appears, therefore, that
to forget words they hear or read but not disrupted language processing in PPA may
events they experience. This pattern is dif- initially reflect an impairment of information
ferent from the typical pattern of DAT where transfer within the language network rather
patients forget recent experiences. The rela- than a failure of activation at the network
tive preservation of reasoning skills in PPA nodes. In comparison to neurologically intact
can be documented with the Visual Verbal subjects, the PPA patients also display addi-
Test, a nonverbal test of cognitive flexibil- tional aberrant activations within regions
ity (Wicklund, Johnson,& Weintraub, 2004). of the brain outside of the classic language
Visuoperceptual functions can be tested network (Sonty etal., 2003). It is not yet clear
with Judgment of Line Orientation (Benton, whether these aberrant activations reflect
Hamsher, Varney,& Speen, 1998). Behavioral compensatory processes or abnormal disin-
changes, salient in early stages of bvFTD, but hibition. The latter possibility is supported
not typically apparent until later stages of ill- by the fact that the intensity of the aberrant
ness in PPA, can be assessed with the Frontal activations is inversely correlated with per-
Behavior Inventory (Kertesz, Nadkarni, formance on a naming test (Sonty etal., 2003).
Davidson,& Thomas, 2000).

Functional and Structural
Neuroanatomy Postmortem examinations show that the vast
majority of PPA patients have the pathology
Quantitative morphometry shows that the of either frontotemporal lobar degenera-
PPA-G subtype is most closely associated with tion (FTLD) or of Alzheimers disease (AD).
atrophy in the posterior frontal lobe, including Both major types of FTLD, FTLD-TAU and
Brocas area; the PPA-S subtype with atrophy FTLD-TDP, have been reported (Mesulam
in the anterior temporal components of the lan- etal., 2008). In the majority of PPA-G the neu-
guage network, including the temporal pole; ropathology is of the FTLD type, mostly with
and the PPA-L subtype with atrophy in the tauopathy of the Pick or CBD/PSP types. In
temporo-parietal component of the language the majority of PPA-S, the neuropathology is
network (Gorno-Tempini etal., 2004; Mesulam also of the FTLD type but most frequently with
etal., 2009, 2012; Sapolsky etal., 2010). TDP-43 inclusions of type C. Approximately
Abnormalities of blood flow and metabo- 20%30% of patients in these two variants
lism may emerge prior to the detectable atro- show the neuropathology of AD (Knibb,
phy. Single-photon emission tomography Xuereb, Patterson,& Hodges, 2006; Mesulam
(SPECT) or positron emission tomography et al., 2008). In PPA-L, more than half of the
(PET) may therefore provide more sensi- cases have AD pathology and the rest FTLD
tive diagnostic information than structural (Leyton et al., 2011; Mesulam et al., 2008).
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or com- Quantitative analyses of postmortem cases
puted tomography (CT) scans. However, showed that PPA patients with AD pathol-
structural and metabolic imaging may be ogy had higher neocortical-to-entorhinal and
uninformative during the first several years left-to-right ratios of neurofibrillary tangles
of disease and the diagnosis may need to than patients who had the typical combina-
be based on the clinical examination alone tion of AD pathology with an amnestic (rather
(Mesulam et al., 2012). Functional imag- than aphasic) dementia (Gefen et al., 2012).
ing helps to explore the physiological bases This atypical distribution of neurofibrillary
of the language impairment. When asked degeneration is consistent with the anatomy
to identify homonyms or synonyms in the of the clinical phenotype in PPA.
course of functional MRI experiments, PPA Determining whether an individual PPA
patients and age-matched controls activate patient has AD versus FTLD pathology is
the same components of the language net- always challenging. APOE genotyping or
work, including Brocas and Wernickes areas F18-DG PET metabolic scans do not help
(Sonty et al., 2003). However, the functional in this differentiation. In fact, the 4 allele of
connectivity between these two major nodes APOE, which is a major risk factor for the
CHAPTER 9. Primary Progressive Aphasia 203

typical form of AD, is not a risk factor for the However, it is also well known that similar
type of AD that causes PPA (Gefen etal., 2012; mutations can cause entirely different phe-
Rogalski et al., 2011). Amyloid imaging with notypes in other families. Even within single
PET and cerebrospinal fluid evaluations for families with GRN mutations, some mem-
phosphotau and beta amyloid may be help- bers may have PPA and others, bvFTD. The
ful for the identification of patients with AD fact that identical neuropathological entities
pathology, but this remains to be proven in can cause PPA in some patients while caus-
neuropathologically verified cases (Rabinovici ing bvFTD or amnestic dementias in others
et al., 2008). A rapidly progressive language justifies the search for patient-specific sus-
disorder with all the initial characteristics ceptibility factors that interact with the neu-
of PPA has been described in conjunction rodegenerative disease by determining its
with Jacob-Creutzfeldt disease. However, the primary anatomical location.
course is much more rapid than in the usual No such susceptibility factor has yet been
cases (Mandell, Alexander,& Carpenter, 1989). identified in PPA or any of the other demen-
tia syndromes. The strongest lead thus far is
the high incidence of learning disabilities. We
Genetics and Risk Factors of Primary reported that learning disabilities, including
Progressive Aphasia dyslexia, were overrepresented in patients
with PPA and their first-degree relatives
The vast majority of PPA is sporadic. However, when compared to controls and AD patients
PPA has also been reported in dominantly (Mesulam & Weintraub, 1992; Rogalski,
inherited forms of FTLD caused by mutations Johnson, Weintraub, & Mesulam, 2008). In
in MAPT, GRN, or C9orf72 (Munoz, Ros, Fatas, some of these families, the concentration of
Bermejo, & Yebenes, 2007; Rademakers et al., dyslexia was striking, affecting the majority of
2007; Simn-Snchez et al., 2012). In the group children or siblings. Furthermore, two patients
of dominantly inherited FTLD kindreds, the with PPA onset in their 60s were found to
PPA phenotype has been described most fre- have left hemi-craniosynostosis, a mild devel-
quently in families with GRN mutations. In opmental abnormality that interferes with
two families, GRN mutations consistently the normal growth of the underlying cortex.
resulted in the PPA phenotype (Mesulam et al., In these two patients, the left hemisphere
2007). In the PPA1 family, three of four siblings hypoplasia was functionally compensated
had PPA. The mutation consisted of a single throughout most adulthood but appears to
nucleotide deletion in exon 9. In the PPA3 fam- have provided the neural background for
ily, two of three siblings had PPA. The muta- the emergence of PPA in the seventh decade
tion was a C>T transition in exon 11. Both of life (Alberca, Montes, Russell,& Mesulam,
mutations resulted in a premature termination 2004). These observations have led us to won-
codon and a haploinsufficiency of progranulin. der whether some cases of PPA could repre-
The neuropathological examination in affected sent the tardive manifestation of genetic or
members of both families showed FTLD acquired vulnerabilities of the language net-
pathology with inclusions containing TDP-43 work that remain functionally compensated
of type A. In one member of the PPA3 family during most of adulthood but that become the
unbiased stereology showed that the number locus of least resistance for the distribution of
of TDP-43 inclusions was higher in neocortex neurodegeneration. In other patients with a
than in memory-related mediotemporal limbic different set of prior vulnerabilities the same
areas, and higher in language-related neocorti- neurodegenerative process would be expected
ces of the left hemisphere than in contralateral to have a different distribution and therefore
areas on the right (Gliebus et al., 2010). The different clinical manifestations.
distribution of inclusions was thus concordant
with the PPA profile of impaired language
with relatively spared memory function. Contributions of Primary Progressive
The fit between the clinical picture and the Aphasia to Neurolinguistics
distribution of lesions may give the impres- andCognitive Neuroscience
sion that progranulin deficiency and the
resultant TDP-43 abnormalities selectively The contributions to classic aphasiology were
target components of the language network. based mostly on observations in patients
204part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

with focal cerebrovascular lesions where an objective assessment of how the aphasia
the injury site, usually including cortical as interferes with verbal expression and lan-
well as subcortical areas, is abruptly and guage comprehension tends to help caregiv-
completely destroyed. In primary progres- ers cope with the patients impairments. We
sive aphasia, the gradual and selective loss find that psychosocial interventions, support
of cortical neurons in the language network groups, and targeted educational programs
leads to more specific and subtle perturba- are necessary components of a compre-
tions of language function. Research on PPA hensive approach to patients and families
has already led to several new insights con- (Weintraub& Morhardt, 2005).
cerning language function. One of the most In the absence of effective treatments that
consequential new insights has been the real- can prevent, reverse, or slow down the pro-
ization that the classic neurological account of gression of AD or FTLD, there is currently
language is incomplete and that the anterior no effective disease-modifying intervention
temporal lobe of the left hemisphere needs for PPA. Controlled trials with bromocriptine
to be inserted into the language network as and memantine have not yielded positive
a third major hub with a critical role in lan- results (Johnson et al., 2010; Reed, Johnson,
guage comprehension, especially of words Thompson, Weintraub, & Mesulam, 2004).
denoting concrete entities (Gitelman, Nobre, Although many patients with PPA may have
Sonty, Parrish, & Mesulam, 2005; Hodges, atypical AD, cholinesterase inhibitors have
Graham, & Patterson, 1995; Lambon Ralph, not been particularly useful. However, a new
Cipolotti, Manes,& Patterson, 2010; Mesulam trial of these agents, specifically in patients
et al., 2009). In fact, some of these observa- with the in vivo biomarkers of AD, would be
tions have cast serious doubts on existing useful to initiate. Anecdotal reports of suc-
characterizations of Wernickes area and its cess with omental transplants, intraspinal
role in language comprehension (Schwartz ethanercept, steroids, and transcranial mag-
et al., 2009). Another equally important netic stimulation have appeared but need to
insight has been the realization that gram- be confirmed. Avery special feature of PPA is
matical ability and fluency can be dissociated the relative sparing of the right hemisphere
neuropsychologically as well as anatomically for many years during the course of the dis-
(Rogalski etal., 2011; Thompson etal., 2011). ease. Stimulating the plasticity of the right
It is quite likely that future research in PPA hemisphere so that it can take over some of
will lead to additional insights into the func- the impaired language functions remains a
tional organization of the language network. major and futuristic goal for treatment.

Patient Care Acknowledgments

The manifestations of PPA are distinctly This work was supported by grants DC008552
different from those of typical Alzheimers from the National Institute on Deafness
disease dementia. Different aspects of daily and other Communication Disorders and
living activities are impaired and require dif- AG13854 from the National Institute on
ferent sorts of intervention. Some patients Aging.
can learn sign language, others find it use-
ful to carry laminated cards with specific
messages, and still others benefit from voice
synthesizers or laptops containing digitally Alberca, R., Montes, E., Russell, E.,& Mesulam,
stored words and phrases. An evaluation M-M. (2004). Left hemicranial hypoplasia in
by a speech therapist is useful for explor- two patients with primary progressive apha-
ing alternative communication strategies. sia. Archives of Neurology, 61, 265268.
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Experimental Neuropsychology, 22, 267278. Neuropsychology, 26, 347355.

Posterior Cortical Atrophy

David F. Tang-Wai, Alison Lake, and Neill Graff-Radford

The first published reported case of posterior Clinical Features

cortical atrophy (PCA) was by Arnold Pick
in 1902 when he described a patient with a PCA is a rare, typically presenile (young-
late-onset dementia that was characterized onset), dementia syndrome and can account
by a partial Balints syndrome, alexia, apha- for 5% of patients in a specialized dementia
sia, agraphia, and prosopagnosia. Over the clinic (Snowden et al., 2007). However, the
subsequent 86 years, there have been few exact prevalence and incidence of PCA are
case reports that were described with autop- unknown. The age of onset is usually in the
sies demonstrating Alzheimer pathology mid-50s to 60s; however, patients in their 70s
(Table10.1). can also develop PCA. Both men and women
It was not until 1988 when Frank Benson can be affected; however, there appears to be
et al. described five patients who devel- an overrepresentation of affected women.
oped a progressive dementia that presented The presenting features of PCA are deter-
with signs and symptoms of higher cortical mined by the posterior cortical anatomical
visual dysfunction. All patients developed areas involved. Common presenting features
features of Balints syndrome, Gertsmanns include a partial Balints syndrome (usually
syndrome, visual agnosia, alexia, agraphia, simultanagnosia), partial Gerstmanns syn-
and transcortical sensory aphasia (Benson, drome, and visual field defects. Other less
Davis, & Synder, 1988). Memory, insight, common features include a language distur-
and judgment were relatively preserved bance and ideomotor apraxia.
until late in the course of the disorder. Both Diagnosis may often be overlooked or
the observed cortical abnormalities and delayed early in the course of the disorder
neuroimaging findings demonstrate dys- because patients complain of visual difficul-
function of the posterior association cortex ties (Table 10.2) (Tang-Wai et al., 2004) and
(Benson et al., 1988; Giannakopoulos et al., usually have normal ophthalmological exam-
1999; Mendez, Mendez, Martin, Smyth, & inations. At times, patients are either given
Whitehouse, 1990; Rizzo etal., 2002). Benson stronger lens prescriptions or even receive
suggested the descriptive term posterior cataract extractions, but despite this, there
cortical atrophy (PCA), to identify the is no improvement of visual symptoms. It is
disorder until a definitive cause could be not until other symptoms and signs develop,
identified. such as a memory complaint, language

TABLE10.1 Posterior Cortical Atrophy Review of the Literature From 1902 to 1988
Source No. of Onset Preserved Balints Gerstmanns Other Cortical Dysfunctions Longitudinal Pathology
Patients Before Early Syndrome (all or Syndrome (all or Follow-up
65years Insight partial) partial)

Pick (1902) 1 N ? Y (partial) ? Alexia, aphasia, agraphia, ? N

Rosenfeld (1905) 1 N ? N ? Visual agnosia, topographagnosia, ? Occipital
Grnthal (1926) 1 Y ? N ? Cortical blindness ? AD
Ptzl (1928) 2 Y (1) ? N Visual agnosia, topographagnosia ? AD (1)
(1), agraphia (1), aphasia (1)
Grnthal (1928) 1 Y ? Y (all) Y Topographagnosia, alexia, agraphia, ? AD
Horn and Stengel (1930) 1 Y ? Y (partial) ? Alexia, agraphia, aphasia ? AD
Von Hagen (1941) 1 Y ? N N Visual agnosia, alexia, agraphia ? N
Leuchtenberg (1942) 1 Y ? Y (partial) Y Topographagnosia, alexia, aphasia, ? N
Delay Nepveu, and 1 Y ? Y (all) N Alexia, agraphia, apraxia, aphasia, ? N
Desclaux (1944) astereognosis
Morel (1945) 1 Y ? Y (Sm, OcAp) N Alexia, aphasia, agraphia, color N AD
Ostenfeld (1963) 1 N N N N Visual agnosia, aphasia ? Bioccipital
Taylor and Warrington 1 Y ? N N Visual agnosia, aphasia, auditory ? N
(1971) agnosia, prosopagnosia
Bender and Feldmann 2 Y ? N N Topographanosia (2), alexia ? N
(1972) (1), prosopagnosia, visual
Flekkoy (1976) 1 N ? Y (partial) Y (acalculia) Alexia, topographagnosia ? N
Faden and Townsend 1 N ? N N Cortical blindness, aphasia ? AD
Cogan (1979) 2 Y ? Y (partial in 1) N Visual agnosia, topographagnosia, ? AD (1)
alexia, apraxia, hemineglect (1),
prosopagnosia (1)

Source No. of Onset Preserved Balints Gerstmanns Other Cortical Dysfunctions Longitudinal Pathology
Patients Before Early Syndrome (all or Syndrome (all or Follow-up
65years Insight partial) partial)

Magnani etal. (1982) 1 Y ? Visual agnosia, topographagnosia, N N

alexia, agraphia, prosopagnosia
Cogan (1985) 3 Y Y N Y (acalculia) Dressing apraxia, alexia, Y AD (1)
topographic agnosia, visual
agnosia, visual hallucination
Nissen etal. (1985) 1 Y ? N Y (acalculia) Visual agnosia, topographagnosia, ? N
alexia, agraphia, prosopagnosia
De Renzi (1986) 2 Y ? N Y (acalculia) Visual agnosia, topographagnosia,
alexia, apraxia, prosopagnosia
Benson etal. (1988) 5 Y Y Y (all) Y Alexia, agraphia, visual agnosia, Y N*
transcortical sensory aphasia
Y = yes or present; N = no or absent; ? = unknown or not clearly documented
CHAPTER 10. Posterior Cortical Atrophy 211

TABLE10.2 Samples of Complaints Expressed by Patients and/or Caregivers in Describing

Their Visual Difficulty

Nonspecific complaints
I could see, but couldn't see dimmed and blurred and ...couldn't focus while reading
[I]get dizzy when [I see] objects [are] moved in certain ways
...when looking at letters, Icant see them togetherbetter if larger print
Complaints suggestive of simultanagnosia
...difficulty seeing things that are right in front of him
I can see it, but Ican't put it together
...when she looks out at the panorama of view, she does not see items that she should see
...having difficulty picking out one thing out of the many when she looked at a multitude of objects
I get dizzy when Iam in a store.
...cant tell where Isign on a cheque
Complaints suggestive of optic ataxia
....with an upright vacuum...with a cord rolled around the handle...she would get confused and
could not put the cord back [around the handle]
Complaints suggestive of visual tracking difficulties
Difficulty tracking reading material horizontally; used a ruler under each line to help
Complaints suggestive of prosopagnosia
Difficulty recognizing faces, geographical and landmark structures

disturbance, visual field cut, or symptoms is helpful in detecting this problem. One set
suggestive of simultanagnosia, that patients of diagnostic criteria has been established
are referred to a specialist. Even at this stage, to help with identification and diagnosis
diagnosis may still remain elusive because (Table10.3) (Tang-Wai etal., 2006).
memory may be relatively preserved and Often patients present with anxiety in the
simultanagnosia is difficult to demonstrate. absence of a prior psychiatric history (Crutch
Using a collage of items (e.g., animals) and et al., 2012). This anxiety appears to be
asking patients to pick out the different items related to their preserved insight that there is

TABLE10.3 Proposed Diagnostic Criteria of Posterior Cortical Atrophy

Core features
Insidious onset and gradual progression
Presentation with visual complaints, in the absence of significant primary ocular disease to explain the
Absence of stroke or tumour
Absence of early parkinsonism and hallucinations
Relative preservation of anterograde memory and insight (early in the disorder)
Plus any of the following symptoms
Simultanagnosia with or without optic ataxia or ocular apraxia
Constructional dyspraxia
Visual field defects
Environmental disorientation
Any of the elements of Gerstmanns syndrome
Supportive clinical features
Presenile onset
Ideomotor or dressing apraxia
Neuropsychological deficits relating to parietal and/or occipital regions
Focal or asymmetric atrophy in parietal and/or occipital regions on structural imaging
Focal or asymmetric hypoperfusion or hypometabolism in parietal and/or occipital regions on
functional imaging
212part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

a cognitive dysfunction, which the patient is demonstrates parietal and occipital atrophy
often unable to spontaneously describe. It is with some involvement of the temporal
often not until the patient is questioned about lobes when compared to persons with nor-
which circumstances cause the anxiety that mal cognition (Fig. 10.1) (Tang-Wai et al.,
symptoms of higher order visual processing 2004). Findings are often similar to typi-
are described, such as being visually over- cal Alzheimers disease (AD), with greater
whelmed in grocery stores, which is sugges- involvement of the parietal and occipital
tive of simultanagnosia. areas and relative preservation of the hip-
Some specific symptoms related to higher pocampi among patients with PCA (Crutch
order visual processing include the following: et al., 2012). Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
studies have demonstrated involvement
Reading difficulties are often reported, in the white matter tracts in the posterior
including letter-by-letter reading and regions of the brain, including the bilateral
using a ruler to help with tracking the line inferior longitudinal fasciculus, inferior
of print (without which the person may fronto-occipital fasciculus, and splenium of
lose track of the sentence on the page) the corpus callosum (Migliaccio et al., 2012;
Inability to fill out forms because the indi- Yoshida etal., 2004).
vidual elements on the form are difficult Functional neuroimaging with either
to process single-photon emission computed tomog-
Ability to a see small portion of a picture raphy (SPECT) or positron emission tomog-
but not the entire picture raphy (PET) mirrors the structural imaging
Inability to read the time on an analog findings with either hypoperfusion or hypo-
watch but not a digital watch metabolism, respectively, of the parietal
Inability to find static objects in front of and occipital areas (Nestor, Caine, Fryer,
the patient, such as a cluttered kitchen Clarke,& Hodges, 2003)(Fig.10.2). Bilateral
drawer, a refrigerator, or doorknobs or hypometabolism of the frontal eye fields has
light switches also been found on PET studies and may
Getting lost or disoriented in familiar areas
Misjudging distancesespecially while
driving or parking a car (resulting in some
cases in dents/scrapes or minor accidents)

Besides visual symptoms, early symptoms

sometimes include difficulty performing cal-
culations, writing, dressing, or using com-
mon objects or tools. Over time, patients with
PCA progress into a generalized dementia as
the other cognitive domains become affected.
The evolution of a patients symptoms can
help elucidate the underlying pathological
process. The later development of REM sleep
behavior disorder, parkinsonism, and visual
hallucinations suggests concomitant demen-
tia with Lewy bodies (Josephs et al., 2006;
Tang-Wai et al., 2004). The development of
asymmetric parkinsonism, dystonia, myoc-
lonus, and apraxia suggests corticobasal
degeneration (Tang-Wai etal., 2003).
Figure10.1 Neuroimaging of posterior
cortical atrophy (PCA). Magnetic resonance
Neuroimaging imaging (MRI) axial FLAIR images of three
patients:normal cognition (left panel), early
Structural neuroimaging with either com- stages of PCA (middle panel), and late stages of
puted tomography (CT) or magnetic reso- PCA (right panel) demonstrating parietal and
nance imaging (MRI) of the brain often occipital atrophy.
CHAPTER 10. Posterior Cortical Atrophy 213


1 2 3 4 8.98

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 2.99

13 14 0.00
Figure10.2 Positron emission tomography (PET) scan of a fourth patient with posterior cortical
atrophy demonstrating parietal and occipital hypometabolism. (See color plate section)

represent the cause of ocular apraxia in PCA Examination of the frequency of apolipo-
(Kas etal., 2011). protein E (APOE) genotype between PCA and
Individual case reports of patients with AD did not demonstrate any difference with
PCA undergoing amyloid-PET imaging typical AD or a significantly lower frequency
with the Pittsburg B compound (PiB) have than amnestic AD (Crutch etal., 2012). In our
shown increased PiB binding in the occipital original series of the 40 patients where we had
regions. However, when compared to typical genetic samples, we did not identify a muta-
AD, patients with PCA also showed similar tion in presenilin-1, presenilin-2, or amyloid
diffuse PiB binding in the frontal, temporal, precursor protein (unpublished data).
parietal, and occipital cortices despite the
typical findings of additional hypometabo-
lism posteriorly in the occipital regions on Biomarkers
FDG-PET (Rosenbloom etal., 2011).
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarker analy-
sis measuring Abeta-42, total tau, and phos-
Genetics phorylated tau among patients with PCA
has shown that the profile is often consis-
There are two major findings thus far about tent with typical AD with high total and
the genetics of PCA. To date, there have not phosphorylated-tau and low Abeta-42 levels
been any published cases of more than one (Baumann et al., 2010). In addition to func-
person with PCA within a family with demen- tional neuroimaging, CSF biomarkers can
tia (Crutch etal., 2012). There is no difference help to discriminate AD from non-AD pro-
in the number of persons with a positive fam- cesses that cause PCA. In one study, three of
ily history of dementia in PCA and persons twenty PCA patients were considered to have
with typical AD (Mendez, Ghajarania, & corticobasal degeneration, two of whom had
Perryman, 2002; Tang-Wai etal., 2004). normal CSF biomarkers while the rest had
214part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

CSF markers consistent with AD (Seguin initiation of levodopa can be useful to man-
etal., 2011). age the additional physical bradykinesia and

Nonpharmacologic Therapy
Although PCA is a reasonably clinically
homogeneous syndrome, there is patho- One of the most valuable interventions that
logical heterogeneity. Corticobasal degen- can be done for patients with PCA is to help
eration, dementia with Lewy bodies, them adapt their surroundings and activities
subcortical gliosis, fatal familial insomnia, to maintain their independence, which can
and Creutzfeld-Jacob disease have all been result in clear improvement in quality of life,
described as causing PCA (Renner et al., at least anecdotally. Since the visuospatial
2004). However, the most common reported and visuoperceptual domains are predomi-
pathological cause is AD with increased den- nantly affected in PCA, resources that benefit
sity of neurofibrillary tangles and in some persons who have limited vision or who are
studies amyloid plaques in the primary and blind would also benefit patients with PCA.
association visual cortex compared to typi- General strategies include increasing the con-
cal AD (Crutch et al., 2012). Hippocampal trast of frequently used items from the back-
sparing is frequent pathological feature and ground, such as light switches or doorknobs,
accounts for the relatively preserved memory increasing light levels within the home/
and insight of these patients at the start of the environment, reducing clutter on floors and
disease (Murray etal., 2011). in drawers to allow easier identification of
items, using a colored rulers edge along a
line of text to help with visual scanning when
Management reading, and the use of talking books and
watches. This is most beneficial in the ear-
Pharmacotherapy lier stages of the disorder while memory and
insight are still relatively preserved. Ideally,
As most of the cases of PCA are attributable to referral to an occupational therapist aware of
AD and some cases due to DLB, it is reasonable the issues regarding PCA who can perform a
to prescribe cholinesterase inhibitors (done- tailored home assessment can help the per-
pezil, galantamine, or rivastigmine) and/or son and his or her family members. At the
an NMDA-receptor antagonist (memantine). University of Toronto, our occupational ther-
Although a few case studies have shown some apist has performed several individualized
benefit, however, the effectiveness of these home visits and has compiled a list of general
medications for use in PCA remains largely recommendations (Box 10.1) for patients with
unknown (Crutch etal., 2012). PCA. Given the relative rarity of PCA, these
For individuals who develop progressive recommendations have not been formally
and significant parkinsonism on examina- tested in studies but have appeared to help
tion, suggesting concomitant DLB or CBD, patients in our clinic.

BOX 10.1 Home Safety Recommendations for Patients With PCA

General Environment (Resource Center; CNIB; Chiu, Oliver, Marshall,& Letts, 2001)
Simplify the environment
Remove clutter and objects no longer in use; keep pathways clear.
Remove unsafe furniture and accents (i.e., low-height stools, chairs, or tables).
Options to decrease the potential falls risk from scatter rugs and doormats:
- Remove all unsafe scatter rugs/mats
- Install nonslip underpadding

CHAPTER 10. Posterior Cortical Atrophy 215

- Replace with rugs/mats that have a rubber backing

- Secure all edges with double sided carpet tape (not for outdoor use)
Relocate and secure trailing cords that are in high traffic areas.
Ensure there is adequate lighting:install extra lights fixtures, use night lights.
Leave lights on prior to nightfall.
Reduce glare in brightly lit areas by covering windows with sheer coverings.
Avoid using bare light bulbs; ensure light shades are in use.
Obtain a door alarm and/or safety lock.
Place stickers on large glass windows or large glass doors to prevent people from
bumping or walking into them.
Increase contrast
Label room doors; use yellow paper with black writing.
Paint doorframes and light switch plates in a contrasting color to the wall.
Use contrasting color dot (sticker, bumper dot, or tactile marker) to indicate the num-
ber/button to release an automatic door, on commonly used appliance settings, and
for hot water taps.
Use contrasting color adhesive strips to mark pathways to important areasbath-
room, kitchen, living room, laundry.

Reduce clutter on bathroom floor, countertop, in drawers and cabinets.
Use high-contrast nonslip bath mat or strips.
Safely install high-contrast grab bars in the shower or bathtub; use contrasting tactile
strip on existing grab bars to differentiate from the tub or towel bar.
Pick up bathmat when not in use and store appropriately to prevent falls.
If there is noted difficulty accurately locating the toilet, consider obtaining a toilet seat
in a contrasting bright color. Also consider obtaining a raised toilet seat with arms and
taping the arms with a bright color in contrast against the toilet seat.
Label important areas in the bathroom:toilet, sink, bathroom door (yellow paper with
black writing).
Tape handles (sink and toilet) with bright color contrasting tape to distinguish handles
from the rest of the sink or the toilet.
Use a contrasting colored tape or dot to indicate the hot water tap.
Keep soap in a bright container (i.e., red) with contrasting color soap (i.e., white).
Use signs as reminders to wash hands, flush toilet, brush teeth, etc.
Keep frequently used items (toothbrush, paste) in small shallow basket or on a mat to
contrast items against the counter.
Use toothpaste that contrasts in color to the toothbrush and bristles (i.e., red toothpaste
on white brush and bristles).
Cover mirrors if necessary:often people with vision problems may not be able to recog-
nize the item as a mirror.

Use bright, contrasting color fitted sheet, top sheet, pillowcases. Each should be a differ-
ent color to optimize identification and orientation to and within the bed.
It may be easier for some to use a duvet rather then numerous sheets and blankets.
Place a bright colored mat on nightstand to contrast against items placed on it.

Label drawers and shelves with high-contrast wording or pictures.
Remove clothes that are no longer being used, including permanent removal of clothes
no longer worn and temporary storage of out-of-season clothing.

216part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Simplify and organize arrangement of clothing; for example, group similar items
together, one drawer for shirts and another drawer for pants.
Lay out clothing for the day.
Minimize clothing requiring buttons and zippers and replace with elastic waists,
pull-over/on, and loose clothing.
Pin socks together when placing them in the laundry so they will stay matched.
Ensure appropriate choice of footwear:flat, nonslip sole, enclosed toe and heel, Velcro

Indicate frequently used settings on appliances with a contrasting color bumper dot,
tactile marker, bright tape, or nail polish (e.g., 350 degrees on the stove, normal cycle for
the dishwasher, and the 1-minute button on the microwave).
Dials at the front of the stove are more desirable than dials at the back of the stove in
order to avoid reaching over the elements.
Supervise the person while using the stove and, if necessary, disconnect the stove and
other appliances when the person is at home alone.
Consider using appliances with automatic shutoff (i.e., kettle).
Place cleaning supplies away from food supplies.
Dispose of hazardous substances that are no longer needed and store other potentially
hazardous substances in a secure place (i.e., locked cupboard).
Try to ensure that everything is put away in its routine place.
Plan an appropriate organizational structure to the kitchen. Consider having one desig-
nated area of counter space for preferred and usual foodsan area that is both accessible
and visible. Trial placing frequently used items on a contrasting mat or tray, located in
the same place every day. This is in an attempt to increase independence in finding fre-
quently used items and participating in meal preparation.
Keep counters clear and minimize clutter.
Other items to optimize safety, independence, and participation in the kitchen:
Elbow-length oven mitts to ensure maximum protection
Knife guard aid to enable safe use and pressure when cutting
Cutting board with a black side and a white side to enhance contrast while cutting
Gooseneck lamp above the cutting area may also assist with vision.
Large-print timer
Liquid measure tool to assist in pouring liquids and avoid spills
Relabel jars and canned goods using a thick black marker, white recipe card, single
words, and elastic bands.

Use brightly colored contrasting dishes and ensure they are all one solid color (no pat-
terns and no ridged edges).
Use a dark solid-colored placemat if using light-colored plates and use a light solid-colored
placemat if using dark plates.
Light-colored food will be easier to see on a solid dark-colored dish and dark food on a
light dish.
Avoid patterned table clothes.
Maintain a strict pattern for mealtime setup. For example, always place the same uten-
sils, drinking glass, and condiments in the same place for every meal.
Avoid cluttering the eating area and only have necessary items within reach.
Use verbal directions as reminders of where items are located (i.e., Your glass is on your
right, and Salt and pepper is on your left.)
Use plate guards if necessary during meal times.

CHAPTER 10. Posterior Cortical Atrophy 217

Ensure adequate lighting on the stairs; with switches at both the top and bottom.
Install secure railings on at least one if not both sides.
Install railing extensions that go further than the top and bottom of the stairs.
Remove or replace unsafe flooring with a plain, nonslip surface.
Contrasting color strips (paint or tape) on the edge of each individual step, as well as a
tactile cue at the tope and the bottom of the stairs (both inside and outside).

Install a lockable door or safety gate to prevent the use of stairs.
Arrange living area that can be maintained on one level.

Medication Routine
Supervision of medication routine is usually recommended.
Store medications in a secure place.
Remove and properly dispose of medications that are no longer needed or have expired.
Inquire whether the medication routine can be simplified (i.e., to once a day instead of
three times a day).
Other ways to simplify a meds routine:prefilled blister packs; medication organizers and
alarms; list of current medications; medication schedule.

Scheduling and Telephone Use

Use a phone with large-print and high-contrast numbers, as well as one-touch program-
mable numbers.
Program emergency and frequently used numbers into the phone and add tactile and/or
high-contrast markers to increase ease of identification.
Establish a dedicated communication area with needed items, including the phone, note-
pad, pen, whiteboard with large writing area, and a black marker.
Place the telephone on a bright contrasting color mat.
Use contrasting colored tape to outline phone cradle.
If possible and necessary, utilize a voice activation service for phone dialing.
Use talking watches or clocks to indicate the time and appointments.

Safety Issues Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 29,

Driving is not recommended in persons with Bender, M. B., & Feldmann, M. (1972). The
PCA. Management of finances will need so-called visual agnosias. Brain, 95, 173186.
Benson, F., Davis, J., & Synder, B. D. (1988).
supervision by family or trusted person. We
Posterior cortical atrophy. Archives of
often recommend, if not already done, that Neurology, 45, 789793.
persons with PCA assign power of attorney Canadian National Institute for the Blind.
for both health and financial decisions in the Independent living. Retrieved March 2014,
future event they become incapable of mak- from
ing decisions for themselves. independent-living/Pages/default.aspx
Chiu, T., Oliver, R., Marshall, L., & Letts, L.
(2001). Safety assessment of function and the
References environment for rehabilitation (SAFER) tool
manual. Toronto, ON:COTA Comprehensive
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Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and

Corticobasal Degeneration
Stephanie Lessig and Irene Litvan

Parkinsonian disorders are defined by a entity by Steele, Richardson, and Olszewski

clinical syndrome of akinesia associated in the early 1960s (Steele, Richardson, &
with rigidity, tremor at rest, or gait difficul- Olszewski 1964). Their description included
ties. Patients with an atypical parkinson- patients with a gait disorder, supranuclear
ism usually have rapid disease progression; vertical gaze palsy, frontal cognitive dysfunc-
no benefit from dopaminergic therapy; early tion, and symmetric parkinsonism, though
gait, dysarthria, dysphagia, or autonomic the definition of PSP has grown to include
symptomatology; and presence of oculomo- several other phenotypes (Imai, Nakamura,
tor, cerebellar, or pyramidal signs. Among Kondo, & Narabavashi, 1993; Matsuo et al.,
these disorders, progressive supranuclear 1991; Williams, Holton, Strand, Revesz, &
palsy (PSP) and corticobasal degeneration Lees, 2007). Progress in the understanding
(CBD) share similar pathology: abnormal of this disorder has been marked by identi-
deposition of the filamentous protein tau fication of the key pathology, standardized
and association with the H1 tau genotype. In diagnostic criteria, description of multiple
addition, they share clinical features of rela- phenotypes, study of genetic factors, neu-
tively rapid progression, poor response to roimaging, and recent development of bio-
levodopa, early dysarthria and dysphagia, logical therapies (Wenning, Litvan,& Tolosa,
and early frontal dementia. Moreover, PSP 2011).
and CBD may have overlapping phenotypic
clinical presentations. This chapter discusses
the clinical features of these two tauopathies Pathology
with a focus on the cognitive problems.
As there are no current diagnostic markers
of PSP, pathology is the gold standard for its
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy diagnosis. PSP is characterized by aggregates
of tau protein in neurons forming neurofi-
PSP is one of the most common atypical par- brillary tangles and in glia as tufted astro-
kinsonian disorders (Litvan et al., 1996). It cytes and oligodendroglial inclusions. These
was first described as a clinicopathological are particularly subcortical (including the

CHAPTER 11. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Degeneration 221

basal ganglia and supranuclear oculomotor TABLE11.1 NINDS-SPSP Criteria for the
nuclei, with the most affected regions being Diagnosis of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
the subthalamic nucleus and substantia PSP (PSP-RS)
nigra), though extension to the frontal cortex
Possible PSP (Clinical Probable)
can occur (Barsottini, Felicio, DeAquino, &
All three of these:
Pedoso, 2010; Dickson, Ahmed, Algom,
1. Gradually progressive disorder
Tsuboi,& Josephs, 2010). Pathological tau in 2. Onset at age 40 or later
PSP is composed of aggregates of 4 repeat 3. No evidence for competing diagnostic
(E10+) isoforms. Neurochemical studies possibilities
show degeneration of the dopaminergic, Plus either of these:
cholinergic, and GABAergic systems in the 4. Vertical gaze palsy
striatum and other basal ganglionic and Or
brainstem nuclei. 5. Slowing of vertical saccades and prominent
postural instability with falls or tendency to fall
in the first year
Clinical Features Probable PSP (Clinical Definite)
All five of these:
The mean age of onset of PSP is between 55 1. Gradually progressive disorder
2. Onset at age 40 or later
and 75 years (Litvan et al., 1996; OSullivan
3. No evidence for competing diagnostic
etal., 2008). The most commonly recognized
criteria for the diagnosis of classical PSP 4. Vertical gaze palsy
phenotype is the NINDS-SPSP criteria (Litvan 5. Slowing of vertical saccades and prominent
et al., 1996, shown in Table 11.1). Using this postural instability with falls or tendency to fall
set of criteria the estimated prevalence of in the first year
PSP is 6.5 per 100,000 (Nath etal., 2001). The Criteria That Exclude PSP-RS From Consideration
inclusion clinical criteria emphasize promi- 1. Recent encephalitis
nent postural instability with falls/tendency 2. Alien limb syndrome, cortical sensory deficits,
to falls within the first year of symptom onset or temporoparietal atrophy
and vertical supranuclear gaze palsy or slow- 3. Psychosis unrelated to dopaminergic treatment
ing of vertical saccades (Litvan, 1998). These 4. Important cerebellar signs
criteria were developed for high specific- 5. Important unexplained dysautonomia
ity, aimed at excluding features suggestive 6. Severe, asymmetric parkinsonism
7. Relevant structural abnormality of basal ganglia
of other parkinsonian syndromes (Litvan,
on neuroimaging
Agid, Calne, et al., 1996). The probable
8. Whipples disease on CSF PCR, if indicated
NINDS-SPSP criteria emphasizes accuracy of
these criteria, when used by experienced cli-
nicians, is about 75% (Osaki etal., 2004), with PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome)
sensitivity of 75% and specficity of 98.5%
(Lopez etal., 1999), as this set of criteria iden- So-called Richardsons syndrome is the clas-
tifies the classical, also called Richardson sical form of PSP. These patients present with
PSP phenotype. early falls, axial rigidity, typically but rarely
The Neuroprotection and Natural History with retrocollis, and usually with the typical
in Parkinsons Plus Syndromes (NNIPPS) history of eye disturbances characterized by
Study Group adapted these criteria for use photophobia, blurred vision/diplopia, tearing,
in large-scale clinical trials. Their criteria and on examination slowed and hypometric
include an akinetic-rigid syndrome, pres- vertical saccades preceding the development
ent for 18 years, with an age of onset after of supranuclear vertical gaze palsy, as well as
age 30years, although none of their patients decreased convergence, square-wave jerks,
were younger than 50. They required a supra- and eyelid apraxia. Although vertical gaze
nuclear ophthalmoplegia and postural insta- palsy is the defining feature, it may occur
bility or falls within 3years of disease onset several years after symptom onset. PSP-RS
in the absence of other conditions, including patients also have early slow and slurred
idiopathic Parkinsons disease, history of speech, and dysphagia. Cognitive features,
stroke or head trauma, or severe tremor at including intellectual slowing and early exec-
rest (Benismon etal., 2009). utive function impairment, are characteristic
222part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

(see later discussion). Most patients become McMonagle, 2010). Initial descriptions of
dependent within 34 years of diagnosis cognitive impairment in PSP were charac-
(Gerstenecker etal., 2013). terized as a subcortical dementia (Albert,
Feldman, & Willis, 1974). This was defined
Motor Features by forgetfulness, slowness of mentation, per-
sonality or mood changes, and impaired abil-
The first motor symptom of PSP is usually ity to manipulate acquired knowledge, in the
postural instability and tendency to fall, absence of cortical features of aphasia, agno-
which is also a large source of morbidity and sia, or apraxia. This was noted to be similar to
mortality. Other common early or present- patients with frontal lobe lesions, and frontal
ing features include dysarthria, bradykinesia, dysfunction does appear early in classical PSP
and monotonous speech (Jankovic, Friedman, (Ghosh etal., 2012; Grafman, Litvan,& Stark,
Pirozzolo,& McCrary, 1990; Litvan etal. 1996). 1995; Pillon, Dubois, Ploska, & Agid, 1991).
Examination may show an akinetic-rigid syn- Complex tasks, including planning, attention
drome, with prominent axial rigidity and set shifting, abstraction, and reasononing,
symmetric bradykinesia. The neck may be are significantly impaired in PSP (Grafman
held in abnormal position (most typical but et al., 1995; Kertesz & Monagle, 2010). This
infrequently retrocollis) (Litvan, Agid, et al., includes decreased abilities on tests of verbal
1996). Gait may appear wide-based and fluency (Maher, Smith, & Lees, 1985; Pillon,
unsteady. In addition to early falls, dysarthria Dubois, Lhermitte,& Agid, 1986), attentional
and dysphagia may be prominent, which set shifting (Robbins etal., 1994), and initia-
increases the risk of aspiration pneumonia, tion and perseveration (Brown etal., 2010).
another source of morbidity and mortality in In addition, other studies point to notable
PSP. At times this phenotype is misdiagnosed deficits in visual attention, slowed informa-
initially as Parkinsons disease postural insta- tion processing, memory retrieval, parallel
bility gait disorder (PIGD) variant. processing, and executive functions (Brown
et al., 2010; Grafman et al., 1995; Kertesz &
Visual Symptoms Monagle, 2010; Soliveri etal., 2000; Vanvoorst
Symptoms of visual disturbance are an infre- etal., 2008).
quent presenting symptom and can include Visual attention difficulty has been iden-
diplopia, difficulties reading, and blurred fitied in several studies, when compared to
vision (Pelak & Hall, 2004). Characteristc eye controls or other parkinsonian disorders such
findings in PSP include supranuclear deficits a multiple systems atrophy (Esmonde, Giles,
in either downward or upward gaze preceded Gibson,& Jodges, 1996; Grafman etal., 1995;
by slowness of vertical saccades and decreased Soliveri et al., 2000). This includes tasks of
or absence of vertical optokinetic nystag- visual search and line orientation (Soliveri
mus, later affecting horizontal gaze. Vertical etal., 2000). Recent studies suggest this defi-
supranuclear gaze palsy may be a present- cit is a primary cognitive problem that cor-
ing symptom in less than 10% of the cases; it relates with the degree of disruption of eye
often develops within 34 years of symptom movement abnormalities (DiFabio, Zampieri,
onset but at times is never clinially manifested Tuite,& Konczak, 2006).
(Litvan et al., 1996). As upgaze abnormalities Slowed information processing has been
can occur in other neurodegenerative dis- described as taking increased time to respond
eases as well as in the course of normal aging, (up to several minutes to respond to a single
limitations in downward gaze are considered question). This feature can be marked (Albert
more specific for PSP (Litvan, Campbell, etal., et al., 1974). This slowing also appears to
1997); however, specificity increases when the be independent of motor slowing (Dubois,
upward gaze abnormalities are associated with Pillon, Legault,& Lhermitte, 1988).
absence of OKNs and slowing of saccades. Memory is usually preserved, although
retrieval is affected. Characteristically, in
PSP-RS short-term storage seems preserved
Cognitive Features
(Grafman et al., 1995), characterized by
Up to 70% of patients with PSP have been impaired free recall with preserved recog-
reported as having a frontal or classi- nition memory (Kertesz & Monagle, 2010).
cally subcortical dementia (Kertesz & Encoding is usually preserved in PSP-RS.
CHAPTER 11. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Degeneration 223

Behavioral changes are typically observed in gaze palsy that allows the diagnosis of PSP
patients with the PSP-RS phenotype. Usually, later in the disease course. Patients with this
they present with significant apathy, fre- phenotype have increased midbrain atrophy
quently confused with depression (Litvan compared to those with pure PNFA (without
et al., 1996), impulsivity and less frequently a gaze palsy) (Rohrer etal., 2010).
disinhibition. There are cases reported of
patients presenting with behavioral distur- PSP-CBS (Corticobasal Syndrome)
bance suggestive of frontotemporal dementia
as well (Hassan, Parisi, & Josephs, 2011). In Recent studies have shown that patients with
fact, frontotemporal dementia can also be a this phenotype may also have underlying PSP.
PSP phenotypic presentation. They usually present with a unilateral ideomo-
tor apraxia, alien limb phenomena, aphasia,
and cortical sensory deficit in addition to uni-
PSP-P (Parkinsonism)
lateral parkinsonism, myoclonus, and dysto-
This phenotype occurs in about one third of nia. The disease spreads contralaterally. Some
patients and is more indolent, with initial may develop eye movement abnormalities,
PD-like features that include asymmetric bra- usually increased latency of saccades affect-
dykinesia and rigidity, rest tremor, and clear ing horizontal and vertical gaze (Zadikoff &
but eventually limited levodopa response. Lang, 2005). Interestingly, review of the videos
Falls and cognitive impairment occur at later corresponding to the original cases described
stages than in PSP-RS. These patients have a by Steele-Richardson-Olsewski show that one
slower progression, though may look simi- of their cases had a clearly asymmetric pre-
lar to PSP-RS in about 6 years. Pathology is sentation. This phenotype is further discussed
greater in the basal ganglia and brainstem, later in this chapter.
with less observed in the cortex than that
seen with PSP-RS (Barsottini et al., 2010;
Dickson etal., 2010). Genetics

PSP-PAGF (Pure Akinesia With Gait Freezing) PSP is typically a sporadic disorder (Jankovic
et al., 1990), but familial aggregation has
Pure akinesia with gait freezing is a rare been recently reported by some investiga-
phenotypic presentation of PSP initially tors (Borroni, Agosti, Magnani, DiLuca, &
described by Imai (Imai, 1996). It is charac- Pakovani, 2011; Donker etal., 2009), although
terized by a gradual onset of pure gait freez- it remains controversial (Vidal, Vidailhet,
ing, in the absence of limb rigidity or eye Derkinderen, Tzourio, & Alprovitch, 2010).
movement abnormalities for several years. There are patients with mutations in the
Micrographia and hypophonia could also be gene responsible for tau protein production,
present. The majority of the patients with this microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT)
phenotype have postmortem PSP pathology. that may present with the PSP phenotype.
They also have a significantly slower pro- Approximately five mutations in MAPT are
gression than PSP-RS (Compta et al., 2007; responsible for a few autosomal dominant
Williams etal., 2007). Pathology is milder and familial cases (Borroni et al., 2011) with this
similar to that seen in PSP-P (Barsottini etal., phenotype. However, there has been a link in
2010; Dickson etal., 2010). polymorphisms in the MAPT gene associated
with PSP. In particular, eight polymorphisms
have been identified, defining two haplo-
PSP-PNFA (Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia)
types, H1 and H2. The H1 haplotype in par-
There are very few case reports of PSP patients ticular has been linked to an increased risk of
presenting with progressive nonfluent apha- PSP in the Caucasian population (Baker etal.,
sia (PSP-PNFA). However, most PSP patients 1999). More recently, using GWAS (Genome
have decreased spontaneous speech and ver- Wide Association Study), in addition to the
bal fluency, which as the retrieval deficits, H1 MAPT haplotype, several genes (STX6,
are characteristic features of their significant EIF2AK3, and MOB) have been identified
executive dysfunction. PSP-PNFA patients that are more prevalent in PSP patients
eventually develop vertical supranuclear (Hoglinger etal., 2011).
224part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Neuroimaging a degree by levodopa. The effects, however,

are usually modest, and often, temporary.
Classic findings on conventional magnetic Retrospective studies report up to 30% of
resonance imaging (MRI) scans for PSP patients with PSP may have some benefit
include the hummingbird sign seen on from high levodopa doses averaging 1000
sagittal images or morning glory sign seen mg (Constantinescu, Richard, & Kurlan,
on axial images, both due to midbrain atro- 2007). Unlike Parkinsons disease, however,
phy (Fig.11.1). However, these findings may PSP patients usually do not develop compli-
occur in later stage disease or never appear. cations of levodopa, including dyskinesias,
Arecent study found the sensitivity of these fluctuations, and hallucinations (Nieforth &
findings to be 73%, though with specificity Golbe, 1993).
of 94% and accuracy of 86% (Massey et al., Select eyelid abnormalities, including
2012). blepharospasm and eyelid apraxia, may be
I-Ioflupane/SPECT binding to striatal treated with local botulinum toxin injections.
dopamine transporter (DAT) uptake has Supportive care, including physical,
been used in PSP, and it has recently been speech, occupational, and swallow therapy,
approved for clinical use in Parkinsons can also be of benefit in PSP. In particular,
disease in the United States. This form of education about cognitive, behavioral, gait,
imaging shows reduced DAT binding in and speech abnormalities can aid families to
the caudate and putamen in PSP (Antonini cope with these problems. Swallow evalua-
et al., 2003). However, this pattern is also tions can be useful in determining the appro-
observed in the other atypical parkinsonian priate food consistency as well as provide
disorders. Other investigations involving education to the patient in safe swallowing
VBM (voxel-based morphology) and DTI practices.
(diffusion-tensor imaging) have variable Recent therapeutic aims have focused
results to date. on reduction of the accumulation of tau
protein, aimed at altering disease progres-
sion. A double-blind placebo-controlled
Therapeutics trial involving GSK - inhibitors such as
tideglusib (NP031112) has been completed,
There are no known therapies to stop or slow as well as a cytoskeleton stabilizer such as
the progression of PSP. Current treatment davunetide (AL 108), both being ineffec-
options, therefore, remain symptomatic. tive. A free-radical scavenger and enhancer
A few of the motor features, in particular of metabolism such as coenzyme Q-10 is
rigidity and bradykinesia, can be treated to being conducted. Unfortunately, to date the

Figure11.1 A70-year-old woman with progressive supranuclear palsy, whose magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) scan illustrates mild brain atrophy as seen from sagittal (left) and axial (right) views.
CHAPTER 11. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Degeneration 225

completed trials have failed to meet primary Wainer, & Watts, 2004), including ideomo-
outcome measures, but the infrastructure for tor, ideational, and limb-kinetic apraxia (see
conducting multicenter clinical trials con- Chapter 5). Ideomotor apraxia is defined as
tinues to mature as a result of these initial impaired motor acts despite intact motor,
attempts, facilitating next-generation trials. sensory, and language function. Since
patients with the CBS frequently show motor
deficits, it is recommended to explore praxis
Corticobasilar Degeneration in the most spared limb. Patients commit
temporal and spatial errors, affecting tim-
The least common atypical parkinso- ing, sequencing, amplitude, orientation, and
nian disorder, corticobasilar degeneration limb position in space (Gross & Grossman,
(CBD), was first described in 1968 (Rebeiz, 2008). This is usually demonstrated by the
Kolodny,& Richardson, 1968). This was ini- inability to mimic activities such as brush-
tially described as asymmetric akinesia and ing teeth or waving goodbye. Ideational
rigidity, dystonia of the upper limb, apraxia, apraxia is defined as the inability to carry out
and myoclonus, now termed the corticobasal a complex, multistep task, such as making a
syndrome (CBS). Understanding of this com- cup of tea. Limb-kinetic apraxia causes gross
plex disorder has included recognition of difficulties with dexterity and fine motions
various clinical phenotypes and standard- of the affected limb, such as using scissors
ization of neuropathological criteria, and (Leiguarda etal., 2002).
recently the standardization of clinical crite- Eye movement abnormalities can also
ria (Armstrong etal., 2013). The various phe- be present, including increased latency
notypes include the corticobasal syndrome, of saccades and jerky smooth pursuit eye
primary progressive aphasia, and behavioral movements. Unlike PSP, however, range of
variant of frontotemporal dementia. movements is generally full. Blepharospasm
CBD typically occurs in the sixth and and eyelid apraxia can also occur.
seventh decade, with a life expectancy of While CBS was traditionally thought
79 years from symptom onset (Wenning, to predict underlying CBD pathology, in
Litvan,& Tolosa, 2011). recent years it has been increasingly recog-
nized that CBD is just one of a broader set
of underlying pathologies. In addition to
PSP, posterior forms of Alzheimers disease,
Clinical Features
Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, and frontotempo-
ral lobar degeneration (usually tauopathy)
Corticobasal Syndrome
can present with this phenotype.
The classic features of CBS include asymmet- In one series, over half of CBD cases had
ric levodopa-nonresponsive parkinsonism cognitive impairment and 70% during the
(akinesia and rigidity) accompanied by corti- disease course (Armstrong etal., 2013). This
cal and basal ganglia dysfunction, including has included deficits in memory retrieval as
limb and oculomotor apraxia (loss of ability well as other aspects of cognition. One study
to perform these movements, despite lack demonstrated patients with CBD had diffi-
of primary motor or sensory disturbances), culties with word fluency, verbal comprehen-
cortical sensory deficits (extinction to double sion, perceptual organization, and cognitive
simultaneous stimulation, agraphesthesia, flexibility (Vanvoorst et al., 2008). Another
astereognosia), dystonic posturing of the study showed executive, language, and
limb, myoclonus (brief jerks), and alien limb visuospatial deficits with relative preserva-
phenomena (inability to recognize owner- tion of episodic memory (Murray etal., 2007).
ship of a limb) (Kouri et al., 2011). Of these Several series have also demonstrated preva-
symptoms, limb rigidity is observed most lent memory loss, where patients with a clini-
frequently (Armstrong et al., 2013). A large cal diagnosis of Alzheimers disease proved
percentage of patients also develop cognitive to have CBD (Grimes, Lang, & Bergeron,
dysfunction or frank dementia during the 1999; Ling et al., 2010; Murray et al., 2007).
course of their illness. See Table11.2 for a list of clinical CBS pheno-
Apraxia is a characteristic feature. Different types and Table11.3 for current CBS diagnos-
types of apraxia are observed in CBS (Stover, tic criteria.
226part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

TABLE11.2 Proposed Clinical Phenotypes (Syndromes) Associated With the Pathology of

Corticobasal Degeneration

Probable corticobasal syndrome

Asymmetric presentation of two of the following:(a)limb rigidity or akinesia, (b)limb dystonia, (c)limb
myoclonus plus two of the following:(d)orobuccal or limb apraxia, (e)cortical sensory deficit, (f)alien
limb phenomena (more than simple levitation)
Possible corticobasal syndrome
May be symmetric:one of the following:(a)limb rigidity or akinesia, (b)limb dystonia, (c)limb
myoclonus plus one of (d)orobuccal or limb apraxia, (e)cortical sensory deficit, (f)alien limb
phenomena (more than simple levitation)
Frontal behavioral-spatial syndrome
Two of the following:(a)executive dysfunction, (b)behavioral or personality changes, (c)visuospatial
Nonfluent/agrammatic variant of primary progressive aphasia
Effortful, agrammatic speech plus at least one of (a)impaired grammar/sentence comprehension with relatively
preserved single-word comprehension or (b)groping, distorted speech production (apraxia of speech)
Progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome
Three of the following:(a)axial or symmetric limb rigidity or akinesia, (b)postural instability or falls,
(c)urinary incontinence, (d)behavioral changes, (e)supranuclear vertical gaze palsy or decreased
velocity of vertical saccades

Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia PSP-RS

Patients with PNFA may initially present Patients with CBD can also present with the
with anomia and eventually may develop classical PSP phenotype described previously.
a progressive loss of expressive language, Some of the series (Kouri etal., 2011)suggest
including word processing, naming, and syn- that CBD patients may have more significant
tax. There is relative sparing of receptive and frontal disturbances than those observed
single-word comprehension. These patients in PSP, but future longitudinal studies are
may also exhibit progressive dysarthria and needed to identify features that could disen-
may eventually become mute. tangle the underlying specific tauopathy.

Frontotemporal Dementia Phenotype Variant Neuropathology

Many patients with CBD present with
behavioral disturbances. This can include Gross findings in CBD patients with the
apathy, disinhibition, irritability, personal- CBS include asymmetric atrophy correlat-
ity changes, and anxiety (Grimes etal., 1999; ing with the onset of symptoms affecting
Kertesz, Martinez-Lage, Davidson,& Munoz, the frontoparietal areas. Proposed criteria
2000; Lee etal., 2011; Ling etal., 2010; Llado for pathological diagnosis (Dickson et al.,
et al., 2008; McMonagle, Blair, & Kertesz, 2002) emphasize tau-positive neuronal and
2006; Murray etal., 2007). Agitation, aggres- glial lesions. Thread-like lesions in both gray
siveness, and emotional lability have also and white matter, as well as astocytic plaques
been reported (Murray et al., 2007). Social (as opposed to tufted astrocytes seen in PSP),
withdrawal can precede motor symptoms of are suggestive of CBD. These lesions seem
CBD (described previously) by several years to be more prominent in the primary motor
(Lee etal., 2011). These patients are thought and somatorsensory cortices and are at times
to have a have a predominant frontal pathol- accompanied by cortical atrophy, which may
ogy at the outset (Lee et al., 2011). Formal be asymmetric in the CBS (Kouri etal., 2011).
assessment of these patients demonstrating
apathy and disinhibition has been carried Therapeutics
out using the Frontal Behavioral Inventory
(Kertesz et al., 2000; McMonagle, Blair, & There has been little advancement in thera-
Kertesz, 2006). peutics in CBD. This has been compounded
CHAPTER 11. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Degeneration 227

TABLE11.3 Diagnostic Criteria for Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD)

Clinical Research Criteria for Clinical Criteria for Possible CBD
Probable Sporadic CBD

Presentation Insidious onset and gradual Insidious onset and gradual

progression progression
Minimum duration of symptoms, y 1 1
Age at onset, y 50 No minimum
Family history (two or more Exclusion Permitted
Permitted phenotypes (1) Probable CBS or (2)FBS (1) Possible CBS or (2)FBS or NAV
or NAV plus at least one or (3)PSPS plus at least one CBS
CBS criteria feature
Genetic mutation affecting tau (e.g., Exclusion Permitted

CBS, corticobasal syndrome; FBS, frontal behavioral-spatial syndrome; NAV, nonfluent/agrammatic variant of primary
progressive aphasia; PSPS, progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome.

by the heterogeneity of this disorder. As system atrophy, and progressive supranu-

mentioned previously, motor symptoms clear palsy. Neurological Sciences, 24, 12.
respond little to parkinsonian medications Armstrong, M., Litvan, I., Lang, A. E., Bak,
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W. J. (2013). Criteria for the diagnosis of
been the most beneficial for action tremor
corticobasal degeneration. Neurology, 80(5),
and myoclonus, as well as for sleep in small
doses. Baker, M., Litvan, I., Houlden, H., Adamson,
Like PSP, supportive therapies such as J., Dickson, D., Perez-Tur, J.,...Hutton, M.
swallow evaluations can determine the (1999). Association of an extended haplotype
most appropriate food consistency. Physical in the tau gene with progressive supranu-
therapy can help maintain mobility and pre- clear palsy. Human Molecular Genetics, 8(4),
vent contractures. Occupational therapy can 711715.
be helpful for daily activities such as use of Barsottini, O. G. P., Felicio, A. C., DeAquino,
utensils. C. C. H., & Pedoso, J. L. (2010). Progressive
supranuclear palsy:New concepts. Arqivos de
In summary: PSP and CBD present with
Neuropsiquiatria, 68(6), 938946.
multiple clinical phenotypes, some of which
Benismon, G., Ludolph, A., Agid, Y., Vidailhet,
overlap such as the CBS, classical PSP, and M., Payan, C.,& Leigh, P.N. (2009). Riluzole
frontotemporal behavioral variant dementia. treatment, survival, and diagnostic criteria in
The diagnosis of classical PSP is usually accu- Parkinson plus disorders:The NNIPPS Study.
rate, but the diagnosis of CBD is much more Brain, 132, 156171.
challenging. Biomarkers for the diagnosis are Borroni, B., Agosti, C., Magnani, E., DiLuca,
needed to diagnose these disorders early and M., & Pakovani, A. (2011). Genetic bases of
more accurately now that biological thera- progressive supranuclear palsy: The MAPT
pies are being translated to the clinic. tau disease. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 18,
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Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons

Disease Dementia
Hasmet A. Hanagas, Basar Bilgi, and Murat Emre

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and on Dementia With Lewy Bodies (McKeith,
Parkinsons disease dementia (PD-D) are neu- Perry, & Perry, 1999; McKeith et al., 2005).
rodegenerative disorders that affect cognition, Subsequently diagnostic criteria for PD-D
behavior, movement, and autonomic function. were also published (Emre et al., 2007). DLB
Both DLB and PD-D are members of the class and PD-D have grossly overlapping clinical
of neurodegenerative diseases collectively features except for the chronology and tem-
referred to as synucleinopathies; they are poral course of symptoms. In the consensus
believed to represent two entities on the same guidelines, an arbitrary cut point was pro-
disease spectrum with overlapping clinical, posed with regard to chronology of symp-
neurochemical, and pathological findings. toms to distinguish these two disorders. Thus,
patients who develop dementia after 1 year
Dementia With Lewy Bodies following the onset of parkinsonian symptoms
should be diagnosed as PD-D, whereas those
Several other terms have been used to who develop dementia and parkinsonism
describe DLB in the past, including diffuse concomitantly or within 1year of each other
Lewy body disease, Lewy body dementia, should be diagnosed as DLB. This so-called
the Lewy-body variant of Alzheimers dis- 1-year rule is largely meant for research pur-
ease, senile dementia of Lewy-body type, poses. In practice, patients who are diagnosed
and dementia associated with cortical Lewy with Parkinsons disease (PD) first and sub-
bodies. The term DLB was proposed at a sequently develop dementia should be given
consensus meeting (the First International the diagnosis of PD-D, whereas those who
Workshop of the Consortium on dementia develop dementia first followed by parkin-
with Lewy bodies) in 1996 (I. G. McKeith, sonism should be designated as DLB.
2006)and is now widely used.
Although the term itself presumes the pres- Epidemiology of Dementia With Lewy Bodies
ence of a particular pathology (i.e., Lewy bod-
ies), clinical diagnostic criteria with reasonable The first pathological description of the
predictive accuracy for the pathological entity entity now known as DLB was made by
have been developed by the Consortium Okazaki et al. in 1961. It is the second

232part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

most common cause of neurodegenerative Genetics of Dementia With Lewy Bodies

dementias after Alzheimers disease (AD),
accounting for 15% to 30% of all demen- Family studies have reported a higher fre-
tia cases at autopsy series (Barker et al., quency of DLB among persons having a
2002; Hulette et al., 1995; Lim et al., 1999; positive family history of dementia com-
Okazaki, Lipkin, & Aronson, 1961). Only a pared to those who do not (Papapetropoulos
few studies have assessed the prevalence etal., 2006; Woodruff etal., 2006). Nervi etal.
and incidence of DLB in patients with reported that DLB and core features of DLB
dementia or in the general population. aggregate in families (Nervi et al., 2011).
Most of these studies have not applied the Compared with siblings of probands with
new clinical diagnostic criteria. In a system- clinically diagnosed AD, siblings of pro-
atic review of studies using the consensus bands with clinically diagnosed DLB were at
diagnostic criteria, prevalence estimates increased risks of DLB and visual hallucina-
were found to vary widely between <1% tions (Nervi etal., 2011).
to 5% in the general population, and <1% The first chromosomal locus for DLB was
to 30.5% in dementia patients (Zaccai, mapped at 2q35-q36 in an autopsy-confirmed
McCracken, & Brayne, 2005). The Cache Belgian family across three generations with
County study revealed an incidence rate different phenotypes including dementia
of 3.2% among all new dementia cases and and/or parkinsonism (Bogaerts etal., 2007).
0.1% in the general population (Miech etal., Molecular genetic analysis, including com-
2002). In a large Finnish community study prehensive sequencing of all candidate genes
including 601 adults aged 75years or older, and analyses of copy number variations, did
the prevalence of DLB was reported to be not reveal a simple pathogenic or gene dos-
21.9% among all demented cases (Rahkonen age mutation that cosegregated with DLB in
et al., 2003). Lower prevalence rates were this pedigree (Meeus etal., 2010).
reported in Asian countries (Chan, Chiu, The findings on APOE polymorphisms
Lam,& Leung, 2002; Kobayashi etal., 2011; in DLB are inconclusive. In some studies
Yamada, Hattori, Miura, Tanabe,& Yamori, an increased APOE4 allele frequency was
2001). reported, whereas others found no such dif-
DLB usually appears later in life, with a ference (Borroni et al., 2006; Engelborghs
mean age of onset between 60 and 80years etal., 2003; Singleton etal., 2002). No associa-
(McKeith etal., 2005); onset before age 60 is tion between APOE4 allele and brain atrophy
rare. Mean survival time (810years; range was found in DLB patients; however, APOE4
220years) and rate of cognitive decline are may be associated with a more accelerated
similar to that seen in AD. However, sev- progression of cognitive decline.
eral case series have reported patients with Duplications or triplications of the
a more rapid progression than that in AD alpha-synuclein gene are known to cause
(Olichney etal., 1998; Walker, Allen, Shergill, familial forms of PD, PD-D, or DLB; muta-
Mullan, & Katona, 2000; Williams, Xiong, tions in the gene itself are very rare. It has
Morris, & Galvin, 2006). Rarely, patients been suggested that gene multiplications
with DLB may show rapid progression to lead to a gene dose-dependent increase in
death within 1 to 2years (Gaig etal., 2011). the expression of alpha-synuclein with a
Relative risk factors for increased mortality concomitant increase in the severity of the
in DLB include older age, neuroleptic sen- disease and a decrease in the age of onset
sitivity, the presence of parkinsonism, fluc- (Chartier-Harlin et al., 2004; Farrer et al.,
tuating cognition, and hallucinations. DLB 2004). Glucoserebrosidase (GBA) mutations
patients with neuroleptic sensitivity show have also been associated with pathologi-
a two-fold to three-fold increase in mortal- cally pure Lewy body disorders, character-
ity (McKeith, Fairbairn, Perry, Thompson,& ized by more extensive, cortical Lewy body
Perry, 1992). Compared to AD, patients with pathology (Clark etal., 2009). Nishioka etal.
DLB have been reported to have a greater reported the presence of GBA mutations
risk of hospital admission (or death), often in 6.8% (4/59) of cases with a pathologi-
due to fall-related injuries and broncho- cal diagnosis of diffuse Lewy body disease
pneumonia (Hanyu etal., 2009). (Nishioka etal., 2011). Mutations or variants
CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 233

of autosomal dominant AD genes (PSEN1, (The Clinician Assessment of Fluctuation,

PSEN 2), genes associated with frontotempo- The Mayo Fluctuations Composite Scale, and
ral dementia (MAPT, GRN), and autosomal the One Day Fluctuation Assessment Scale)
recessive PD genes (Parkin and PINK1) may (Walker etal., 2000a, 2000b).
also have a role (Meeus etal., 2012).

Behavioral Features
Clinical Features of Dementia With
Lewy Bodies Persistent visual hallucinations are the most
common psychiatric symptom and at least two
Clinical features of DLB include cognitive, thirds of patients report visual hallucinations
psychiatric, neurological, sleep, and auto- (McKeith etal., 2005). Hallucinations are usu-
nomic symptoms. ally present early in the course of illness; they
are often recurrent, well formed, detailed,
and consist of mute images (Mosimann etal.,
Cognitive Features 2006). They may be nondisturbing to patients,
but they are usually stressful for the family
The central clinical feature required for the and caregivers. Patients may have preserved
diagnosis of DLB is progressive cognitive insight into hallucinations. Loss of vision and
decline that interferes with normal social a decreased level of consciousness can exac-
and occupational function (McKeith et al., erbate visual hallucinations. Visual illusions
2005). The cognitive profile of DLB is char- are also common where patients perceive
acterized by significant deficits in executive objects differently from their true identity.
and visuospatial functions as well as atten- Auditory, olfactory, and tactile hallucinations
tion (Calderon et al., 2001; Walker, Allen, appear less common, and they usually occur
Shergill, & Katona, 1997). Prominent mem- together with concomitant visual halluci-
ory impairments may be absent in the early nations. Delusions are less prevalent; they
stages of DLB, but they usually appear as the constitute a supportive feature for diagnosis
disease progresses. On the other hand, DLB of DLB (McKeith etal., 2004). They are com-
patients with concurrent Alzheimer-type tau monly in the form of belief of strangers living
pathology may show prominent memory in the home (phantom boarder) or delusions
deficits, more characteristic of AD, even in of persecution; delusions of theft and infi-
the early stage. delity may also occur. Three classes of psy-
A core feature of DLB is the fluctuation chotic symptoms were found to be associated
in cognitive function, which is an early and with dissociable perfusion abnormalities on
prominent symptom, occurring in 50% to single-photon emission computed tomogra-
75% of patients during the course of the dis- phy (SPECT) imaging: visual hallucinations
ease (McKeith et al., 2005). Fluctuation has with dysfunction of the parietal and ventral
been defined as pronounced variations in occipital cortices, misidentifications with
attention and alertness that may vary from dysfunction of the limbic-paralimbic struc-
hour to hour or day to day and has been tures, and delusions with dysfunction of the
found to occur regardless of the severity of frontal cortices (Nagahama, Okina, Suzuki,&
cognitive disturbances (Ferman et al., 2004). Matsuda, 2010). Depression and anxiety may
There is no consistent fluctuation pattern for appear years before the onset of dementia
the same patient. Fluctuations in cognition and up to 40% of DLB patients experience
and attention interfere with neuropsycholog- a major depressive episode in the course of
ical evaluation and lead to high variability of their illness (Auning etal., 2011).
cognitive performance. Fluctuations in cogni-
tion are reported to be associated with cholin-
ergic deficits (Ferman etal., 2004); they can be Motor, Autonomic, and Other
identified in the electroencephalogram and Associated Features
can be measured with neuropsychological
evaluations using timed or paced computer- Another core feature of DLB is the presence
ized tests such as choice reaction time or digit of spontaneous (i.e., non-drug-induced)
vigilance, or using fluctuation rating scales parkinsonism and has a prevalence ranging
234part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

from 70% to 100% (McKeith et al., 2005). incontinence, or constipation. Urinary incon-
Some pathological series indicate that 25% tinence is the most frequent autonomic symp-
of DLB cases may have no parkinsonism. In tom and constipation is the second (McKeith
a prospective clinicopathological study, the etal., 2005). These symptoms are thought to
absence of parkinsonism was found to be be due to the presence of Lewy body pathol-
the most common reason for misdiagnosis of ogy and neuronal loss in the central and
DLB (McKeith etal., 2000). Parkinsonism var- likely also peripheral autonomic nervous
ies in severity; patients usually have rigidity system (McKeith etal., 2005).
and bradykinesia, shuffling gait, stooped Other supporting features of DLB include
posture, and masked faces while resting repeated falls, syncope, and transient loss
tremor is infrequent. Postural instability can of consciousness. DLB patients often report
be profound early in the illness. McKeith frequent unexplained falls; these may be
et al. reported that more than 50% of DLB related to postural instability or autonomic
patients have severe sensitivity to neurolep- dysfunction. Transient and otherwise unex-
tics (Keith etal., 1992). Neuroleptic sensitiv- plained lapses of consciousness, with or
ity is not dose related; it may may appear as without falls, may represent orthostatic
rapid and irreversible worsening of parkin- syncope.
sonism, cognitive decline, drowsiness, and
occasionally with a neuroleptic malignant
syndromelike presentation with autonomic Neuropathological and Biochemical
instability. Severe sensitivity to neuroleptics Correlates of Dementia With Lewy Bodies
increases morbidity and mortality in DLB
patients. The pathologic diagnosis of DLB mandates
the presence of Lewy bodies (LBs) in neu-
ronal cytoplasma; Lewy neurites are also
Other Clinical Features common. They can be seen in the brainstem
nuclei, amygdala, limbic-paralimbic cortices,
Other features suggestive or supportive of basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex (Hansen
diagnosis include sleep or sleep-wake cycle et al., 1990). Gliosis and neuronal loss are
disturbances. REM sleep behavior disorder also present in these regions. LBs are usually
is a parasomnia characterized by loss of nor- found in the deeper layers of the neocortex
mal skeletal muscle atonia during REM sleep, and tend to be widespread; they also involve
with associated motor activity, resulting in medulla and peripheral autonomic nervous
vivid dreams with simple or complex motor system. Alpha-synuclein is the major pro-
behavior (Postuma, Gagnon, & Montplaisir, tein component of LBs and Lewy neurites
2012). It predominately occurs in males and (Spillantini, Crowther, Jakes, Hasegawa, &
has an onset after the age of 5060. It is pres- Goedert, 1998); neurofilaments, ubiquitin,
ent in nearly 70% of DLB patients and may torsin A, and parkin appear to be minor struc-
occur many years before the onset of demen- tural components (Beyer, Domingo-Sbat,&
tia or parkinsonism. It may be the first symp- Ariza, 2009). Morphologically, LBs may be
tom of DLB or other synucleinopathies such divided into brainstem and cortical types
as Parkinsons disease or multiple system (Hansen et al., 1990). Brainstem type LBs
atrophy (Postuma etal., 2012). As the disease are easily seen using standard histological
progresses, it may become less frequent or less methods: They are spherical intraneuronal
symptomatic (Postuma, Gagnon, Vendette,& cytoplasmic inclusions characterized by a
Montplaisir, 2009). The inclusion of RBD as a hyaline eosinophilic core, concentric lamellar
core clinical feature improves the diagnostic band, and a narrow pale halo. Hematoxylin
accuracy of autopsy-confirmed DLB patients and eosin staining is usually sufficient to
(Ferman etal., 2011). Excessive daytime som- detect brainstem-type LBs. Cortical LBs
nolence, a disturbance of sleep-wake cycle, is may occur in limbic and neocortical regions,
also common. mainly in the small neurons of the cortex.
Autonomic abnormalities are frequent Due to their small size and lack of halo,
in DLB patients (Horimoto et al., 2003). they are not readily identifiable with classi-
Autonomic dysfunction may include ortho- cal histological stains; immunohistochem-
static hypotension, impotence, urinary istry with anti-alpha-synuclein antibodies
CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 235

is required to detect them. The last revision hallucinations (Harding, Broe, & Halliday,
of the DLB Consortium criteria proposed 2002). Cholinergic deficits are greater in
a revised pathologic classification using temporal cortex of those with visual hal-
alpha-synuclein immunohistochemistry with lucinations as compared to those without
semiquantitative grading of Lewy-related (Gmez-Isla et al., 1999). Muscarinic M1
pathology (mild, moderate, severe, very postsynaptic receptor binding in the tempo-
severe) in brainstem, limbic, and diffuse neo- ral lobe may be increased in patients with
cortical areas rather than counting LBs in delusional thinking (Ballard etal., 2000).
various brain regions (McKeith et al., 2005). A dopaminergic deficit is the other impor-
However, the validation of this pathologic tant neurochemical feature of DLB. The
classification is as yet limited (Nelson et al., reduction in postsynaptic D2 receptor den-
2010). sity in the striatum is greater in DLB than in
In addition to Lewy body pathology, 75% PD or healthy controls, which may contrib-
to 90% of DLB patients have concomitant ute to the weak response to dopaminergic
amyloid plaques and many patients meet drugs or neuroleptic sensitivity seen in DLB
the pathological criteria for Alzheimers dis- patients (Piggott et al., 1999). Deficits in the
ease according to Consortium to establish serotoninergic and noradrenergic systems
a registry for Alzheimers disease (CERAD) may also be related to cognitive-behavioral
criteria (Consensus recommendations for impairment. LBs occur in the dorsal raphe
the postmortem diagnosis of Alzheimers nucleus, and marked reduction of serotonin
disease, 1997; Lopez etal., 2002; Mirra etal., levels have been reported in the basal ganglia
1991). Concomitant amyloid plaques are and cerebral cortices of patients with DLB
common, whereas neurofibrillary tangles (Perry etal., 1990).
are rare. In addition, vascular pathology
can be found in up to 30% of DLB patients
(Jellinger, 2003). Concomitant AD-type or Neuroimaging Features of Dementia
vascular pathology may have an impact on With Lewy Bodies
the clinical presentation (Merdes etal., 2003).
The presence of concomitant AD pathology Relative preservation of the hippocampus
may be associated with more severe memory and medial temporal lobes compared with
impairment and atrophy in the medial tem- AD patients has been described in pathologi-
poral lobe compared to pure DLB patients, cally confirmed DLB patients (Burton et al.,
whereas LB pathology may be associated 2009). Sabattoli et al. found that there was
with more severe executive and visuospatial mild hippocampal atrophy (10%20%) in
dysfunction. It was suggested that the pres- DLB patients compared to a control group,
ence or absence of AD pathology may deter- but it was less than that seen in AD (Sabattoli
mine the premortem DLB diagnosis, rather etal., 2008). There is, however, considerable
than the distribution of LBs (Nelson et al., overlap between AD and DLB, and the util-
2009). ity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for
Biochemically DLB is associated with pro- differential diagnosis is limited. In patho-
found cholinergic and dopaminergic deficits logically verified DLB cases, LBs but not
(Perry, Irving, Blessed, Fairbairn, & Perry, AD pathology was associated with reduced
1990). A cholinergic deficit is more promi- amygdala volume, while neither LB nor AD
nent in DLB than in AD and tends to occur pathology was associated with volume loss
early in the disease course (Samuel, Alford, in hippocampus or entorhinal cortex, sug-
Hofstetter, & Hansen, 1997). There is loss gesting that other neuropathological fac-
of cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basa- tors account for atrophy in these structures
lis of Meynert (Perry etal., 1994), deficits in (Burton etal., 2012). Others have found that
choline acetyltransferase levels are found in hippocampal atrophy on MRI may be associ-
temporal and parietal cortex, and reduction ated with neurofibrillary tangle pathology in
of choline acetyltransferase activity in tem- patients with LB pathology (Kantarci et al.,
poral lobe is correlated with the degree of 2012). Atrophy in other cortical and subcorti-
the cognitive impairment (Lippa, Smith, & cal structures has also been reported in DLB,
Perry, 1999). Ahigher LB density in the limbic including the striatum, substantia innomi-
system (amygdala) is associated with visual nata, hypothalamus, and dorsal midbrain
236part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

(Kantarci et al., 2012). The rate of overall occipital hypometabolism is not always pres-
cerebral atrophy in longitudinal MRI studies ent and FDG-PET changes may be similar
has been reported to be 1.4% per year, three to that seen in AD. Reduced uptake of 18
times more than that seen in controls, but less F-fluorodopa in the striatum may distinguish
than that seen in AD (2% per year) (OBrien DLB from AD with high sensitivity and spec-
etal., 2001). ificity (Hu etal., 2000). Several studies, using
In an MR spectroscopy (MRS) study, Molina 123I-beta-CIT SPECT, demonstrated reduced
et al. found no changes in the gray matter dopamine transporter binding in the caudate
N-asetyl aspartat/Creatinin (NAA/Cr) levels and posterior putamen in DLB compared to
in DLB patients compared to healthy controls AD patients (McKeith et al., 2007; OBrien
(Molina et al., 2002). In another MRS study et al., 2009), but no difference between DLB
using a single voxel spanning the right and and PD patients. Similarly, thoracic SPECT
left posterior cingulate gyri and inferior pre- imaging using 123-I metaiodobenzylguani-
cunei, Kantarci et al. reported that NAA/ dine (MIBG), a marker of postganglionic car-
Cr levels were reduced in subjects with AD, diac sympathetic innervation, shows reduced
vascular dementia, and frontotemporal lobar cardiac MIBG uptake in DLB and PD patients
degeneration compared with healthy con- as opposed to normal findings in AD (Yoshita
trols but were not reduced in DLB (Kantarci et al., 2001). It was suggested that combin-
et al., 2004). In a diffusion tensor imaging ing SPECT and MIBG scintigraphy could
study, changes (increased diffusivity [D]and increase the diagnostic accuracy for DLB
decreased fractional anisotropy [FA] values) (Tateno etal., 2011). In studies using amyloid
in corpus callosum and pericallosal areas PET imaging, 80% of DLB cases were found
were found in DLB patients as compared to to have increased amyloid load, whereas
normal controls (Bozzali et al., 2005). White only 20% of patients with PD-D have this
matter was also affected in the frontal, pari- finding (Edison etal., 2008; Foster etal., 2010;
etal, and occipital areas with less involvement Gomperts etal., 2008).
of the temporal lobe. The authors suggested Standard electroencephalography (EEG)
that these white matter changes may reflect may show early slowing of background activ-
the pathophysiological process that eventu- ity in DLB patients compared with AD as well
ally affects neurons in the association corti- as epoch-by-epoch fluctuations. Frontal inter-
ces. In another DTI study, the DLB group had mittent delta activity and transient temporal
reduced FA in the precuneus area compared slow waves are other changes that are more
to controls and AD patients (Firbank, Colloby, common in DLB than in AD (Bonanni etal.,
Burn, McKeith, & OBrien, 2003). Areas of 2008; Roks, Korf, van der Flier, Scheltens, &
reduced FA in DLB versus controls were also Stam, 2008).
found primarily in parietooccipital white
matter tracts where the changes were more
diffuse in AD; compared to AD, DLB was Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers
also associated with reduced FA in pons and inDementia With Lewy Bodies
left thalamus (Watson etal., 2012). This study
suggests that patterns of DTI changes in AD Currently, there are no blood or cerebrospinal
and DLB are significantly different and DTI fluid (CSF) markers that can be used for diag-
may be a useful technique to investigate early nosis, to follow disease progression, or as
changes in DLB. Finally, resting-state func- an outcome parameter for therapeutic inter-
tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) ventions in DLB. Alpha-synuclein has been
studies have reported increased functional studied as a potential biomarker for DLB, but
connectivity between the right posterior cin- results have been controversial (Mollenhauer
gulate and other brain areas (Galvin, Price, et al., 2008; Ohrfelt et al., 2009). Amyloid
J. L., Yan, Morris, & Sheline, 2011; Kenny, beta 40-42 in CSF, a biomarker for AD, has
Blamire, Firbank,& OBrien, 2012). been found to be lower in DLB compared
SPECT and positron emission tomography to controls and PD-D cases (Bibl etal., 2006;
(PET) studies have demonstrated decreased Parnetti et al., 2008). In addition, Mulugeta
glucose metabolism and perfusion deficits et al. suggested CSF amyloid 38 as a diag-
in parietal and occipital areas in DLB (Albin nostic biomarker for DLB (Mulugeta et al.,
etal., 1996; Lobotesis etal., 2001). However, 2011); the A42/A38 ratio discriminated
CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 237

AD from DLB with a sensitivity of 78% and a social and occupational functioning of the
specificity of 67%. patient (i.e., dementia). Core features include
fluctuation in cognition with pronounced
variation in attention and alertness, recur-
Diagnosis of Dementia With Lewy Bodies rent and persistent visual hallucinations,
and spontaneous parkinsonism. Consensus
The revised consensus criteria for clinical guidelines recommend that two of the core
diagnosis of DLB are shown in Table 12.1 clinical features have to be present for a diag-
(McKeith et al., 2005). The central feature nosis of probable and one for a diagnosis of
required for the diagnosis of DLB is progres- possible DLB. Suggestive and supportive
sive cognitive decline that interferes with the features may increase diagnostic accuracy.

TABLE12.1 Revised Criteria for the Clinical Diagnosis of Dementia With Lewy Bodies (DLB)

1. Central feature (essential for a diagnosis of possible or probable DLB)

Dementia defined as progressive cognitive decline that interferes with social and occupational
Prominent or persistent memory impairment may not necessarily occur in the early stages but is
usually evident with progression.
Deficits on tests of attention, executive function, and visuospatial ability may be especially prominent.
2. Core features (two core features are sufficient for a diagnosis of probable DLB, one for possible DLB)
Fluctuating cognition with pronounced variation in attention and alertness
Recurrent visual hallucinations
Spontaneous features of parkinsonism
3. Suggestive features (1 or more + a core feature=probable DLB; any 1 alone=possible DLB)
REM sleep behavior disorder
Severe neuroleptic sensitivity
Low dopamine transporter uptake in basal ganglia demonstrated by SPECT or PET imaging
4. Supportive features (commonly present but lacking diagnostic value)
Repeated falls and syncope
Transient, unexplained loss of consciousness
Severe autonomic dysfunction, e.g., orthostatic hypotension, urinary incontinence
Hallucinations in other modalities
Systematized delusions
Relative preservation of medial temporal lobe on CT or MRI scan
Decreased tracer uptake on SPECT or PET imaging in occipital regions
Abnormal (low-uptake) MIBG myocardial scintigraphy
Prominent slow waves on EEG with temporal lobe transient sharp waves
5. Adiagnosis of DLB is less likely
In the presence of cerebrovascular disease evident as focal neurologic signs or on brain imaging
In the presence of any other physical illness or brain disorder sufficient to account in part or in total
for the clinical picture
If parkinsonism only appears for the first time at a stage of severe dementia
6. Temporal sequence of symptoms
DLB should be diagnosed when dementia occurs before or concurrently with parkinsonism (if it is
present). The term Parkinson disease dementia (PD-D) should be used to describe dementia that
occurs in the context of well-established Parkinson disease. In a practice setting the term that is
most appropriate to the clinical situation should be used and generic terms such as LB disease are
often helpful. In research studies in which distinction needs to be made between DLB and PD-D,
the existing 1-year rule between the onset of dementia and parkinsonism DLB continues to be
recommended. Adoption of other time periods will simply confound data pooling or comparison
between studies. In other research settings that may include clinicopathologic studies and clinical
trials, both clinical phenotypes may be considered collectively under categories such as LB disease or

CT, computerized tomography; EEG, electroencephalography; MIBG, metaiodobenzylguanidine; MRI, magnetic reso-
nance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography; SPECT, single-photon emission computerized tomography.

Source:From McKeith etal. (2005).

238part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Suggestive features are significantly more employ behavioral modification strategies.

frequent than in other dementing diseases, Education and family support are also impor-
but their specificity is low. These are REM tant parts of the management and can reduce
sleep behavior disorder, severe neuroleptic undue use of antipsychotics.
sensitivity, and decreased dopamine trans- All drugs with anticholinergic effects (e.g.,
porter binding in striatum. In situations in tricyclic antidepressants, anticholinergics,
which there is one or more suggestive feature antispasmodics) should be discontinued
plus a core feature, a diagnosis of probable because they have the potential to further
DLB can be made. Possible DLB can be diag- impair cognition, exacerbate psychotic symp-
nosed if one or more suggestive features are toms, and may be associated with orthostatic
present in a patient with dementia even in hypotension in patients with DLB (McKeith
the absence of any core features. Supportive et al., 2004). L-dopa is preferred to treat the
features include repeated falls and syncope, motor symptoms of DLB, but it should be
transient or unexplained loss of conscious- started at low doses and increased slowly to
ness, severe autonomic dysfunction, sys- the minimum required dose. Patients with
tematized delusions, hallucinations in other DLB may be less responsive to levodopa
modalities (i.e., auditory and tactile), depres- therapy than those with Parkinsons disease.
sion, relative preservation of medial tempo- Only 30%50% of patients improve signifi-
ral lobe on computed tomography (CT) or cantly (Lucetti etal., 2010; Molloy, McKeith,
MRI scan, decreased tracer uptake on SPECT OBrien,& Burn, 2005). Potential side effects
or PET imaging in occipital regions, abnor- of levodopa include visual hallucinations,
mal 123-I MIBG scintigraphy, and prominent delusions, orthostatic hypotension, and nau-
slow waves on EEG with transient sharp sea. Other antiparkinsonian agents, including
waves in temporal lobe. monoamine oxidase B inhibitors, amanta-
The sensitivity and specificity of the first dine, and dopamine agonists, are usually less
and second consensus clinical criteria for DLB tolerable in DLB patients.
have been examined in several autopsy stud- Orthostatic hypotension can be treated
ies, and while the specificity was found to be with hydration, increased dietary salt intake
high, sensitivity was low (Galasko etal., 1994; or with salt tablets, avoidance of prolonged
Gmez-Isla et al., 1999; McKeith et al., 2000; bed rest, thigh-high compression stockings,
Schneider, Arvanitakis, Bang,& Bennett, 2007). efforts to stand up slowly, and avoidance of
Large autopsy series on sensitivity and speci- medications that contribute to orthostasis.
ficity of new DLB criteria are not yet available. If these measures are ineffective, fludrocor-
The diagnosis of DLB is principally based tisone and midodrine can be considered.
on clinical features and exclusion of other Constipation may benefit from exercise,
diagnoses. Confidence in the diagnosis is increased dietary fiber, increased water
reduced by a history of stroke, focal neuro- intake, and laxative drugs. REM sleep behav-
logical signs, or the presence of significant ior disorder can be treated with low-dose
comorbid physical illness or other brain clonazepam (0.251.0 mg) at bedtime; how-
disorders. ever, clonazepam has the potential to worsen
the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea
(Postuma et al., 2012). Melatonin may also
Management of Patients With be effective at a dose of 3 to 12 mg, either as
Dementia With Lewy Bodies monotherapy or in conjunction with clonaz-
epam. Although the evidence base in DLB is
Management of DLB includes both nonphar- weak, drugs such as modafinil and methyl-
macologic and pharmacologic approaches. phenidate can be considered to treat excessive
Nonpharmacologic approaches have the daytime sleepiness. Serotonin reuptake inhib-
potential to reduce clinical symptoms and itors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine
functional impairment. Recognition of poten- reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) can be used for
tially treatable sensory impairments such as the treatment of depressive symptoms or
impaired vision and environmental changes anxiety.
such as improving lighting may reduce hal- Visual hallucinations are often the most
lucinations and falls. Behavioral symptoms troubling neuropsychiatric feature in DLB,
may be relieved or reduced if caregivers particularly to family members. They do
CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 239

not require drug treatment, however, if they cases (OC) analysis. More than twice as many
are not frightening or otherwise distressing patients on rivastigmine (63.4%) than on pla-
to the patient. Antipsychotics are used to cebo (30.0%) showed at least a 30% improve-
treat psychotic symptoms, but neuroleptics ment from baseline in their NPI-4 scores
should be used with great caution in DLB, (p .001), with psychotic features resolving
as some patients may show severe neuro- almost completely in over half of the treated
leptic sensitivity, which is not predictable in patients. Apathy, anxiety, delusions, and hal-
an individual patient (McKeith et al., 1992). lucinations were the symptoms to show the
In addition, antipsychotics may increase the best response. There was also a significant
risk of cerebrovascular events and death improvement in a computerized test of atten-
in elderly patients with dementia (Raedler, tion, choice reaction time. During a 3-week
2010). As reductions in cholinergic activity washout period, improvements seen with
correlate with hallucinations, cholinesterase rivastigmine returned to baseline. Nausea
inhibitors may be considered for manage- (37%), vomiting (25%), anorexia (19%), and
ment of hallucinations and delusions, if they somnolence (9%) were the most common
are not severe, before using a neuroleptic side effects. Worsening of parkinsonism was
(McKeith etal., 2000; Mori, Ikeda,& Kosaka, not reported, although emergent tremor was
2012). If the symptoms are refractory, cause noted in four rivastigmine-treated patients.
significant impairment or severe burden for In another large randomized, placebo-
caregivers, quetiapine and clozapine can be controlled study, the effect of donepezil (3, 5,
considered. Initial doses should be low and 10 mg/day) was assessed in 140 DLB patients
the dose should be titrated slowly while mon- for 12 weeks (Mori etal., 2012). Patients given
itoring for functional decline. Neuroleptics 5 mg or 10 mg donepezil showed greater
can cause orthostatic hypotension, and blood improvement in the majority of the cognitive
pressure monitoring may be necessary in and behavioral scales, including the MMSE
some patients. and NPI. Donepezil treatment also led to
Since patients with DLB have severe cho- improved global function, as measured by
linergic deficits, several studies have been CIBIC-plus and reduced caregiver burden
performed with cholinesterase inhibitors. at the highest dose. Patients taking donepe-
Results from randomized controlled trials zil were less apathetic, less anxious, had less
with rivastigmine and donepezil indicated cognitive fluctuation, and had fewer delu-
improvements in cognitive function and sions and hallucinations compared to pla-
behavioral symptoms (McKeith et al., 2000; cebo patients. Approximately 8% of the study
Mori et al., 2012). McKeith et al. reported a population withdrew due to adverse events,
multicenter, randomized, controlled study and the prevalence of withdrawal or adverse
of 120 patients with DLB using rivastig- events, including typical cholinergic side
mine or placebo for 20 weeks (McKeith effects, did not differ among treatment groups.
et al., 2000). Patients with a diagnosis of Changes in glutamatergic activity have
probable DLB and a Mini Mental State been reported in patients with DLB (Dalf,
Examination (MMSE) score of greater than Albasanz, Martin, & Ferrer, 2004). The
10 were treated with 612 mg/day of riv- N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist meman-
astigmine or placebo. Although there was a tine was tested in two randomized, placebo-
slight improvement in mean MMSE score in controlled studies including DLB patients; how-
the rivastigmine group at week 20, this was ever, the results were not consistent (Aarsland
not statistically significant compared to pla- etal., 2009; Emre etal., 2010). The larger study
cebo. Clinician-assessed global status was in patients with Lewy-body-related demen-
also not significantly different between the tias included 199 patients, of which 121 had
two treatment groups. Change from base- PD-D and 78 had DLB (Emre etal., 2010). At
line in mean Neuropsychiatric Inventory week 24, patients treated with memantine
(NPI, 10 items) score was also not signifi- had greater improvements in global status
cantly different between the two groups in (as measured by the Alzheimers Disease
the intention-to-treat (ITT, last observation Cooperative Study [ADCS] clinical global
carried forward) analysis at week 20; the impression of change [CGIC] score) than
difference was, however, statistically signifi- did patients who received placebo; improve-
cant in favor of rivastigmine in the observed ments were predominantly in the DLB group.
240part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Behavioral symptoms as assessed with NPI symptoms may be overlooked. If appropri-

total score significantly improved in the DLB ate neuropsychological tests are adminis-
group only. Cognitive test scores, activities tered, subtle deficits can often be detected
of daily living scores, motor symptoms, or even in the early stages of PD. In the major-
caregiver burden scores did not show signifi- ity of patients, overt cognitive impairment
cant improvements in either patient group. tends to become manifest in the late stages
Adverse events in the two treatment groups of the disease. In a community-based study
were similar, except for slightly more sedation in the United Kingdom, 36% of newly diag-
in the memantine group. In another, smaller nosed patients were found to have cogni-
randomized trial of memantine in patients tive impairment at the time of diagnosis,
with Lewy-body-related dementias, including while 57% of this cohort developed cogni-
patients with DLB or PD-D, improved mean tive deficits within 3.5 (+/0.7) years. In the
CGIC score was observed in the total popu- same cohort, 21 incident dementia cases were
lation after 6 months of treatment; the dif- identified over 5.2years of follow-up, corre-
ference was driven by a larger efficacy in the sponding to a dementia incidence estimate
PD-D group (Aarsland etal., 2009). NPI scores of 38.7 per 1,000 person-years of observation
showed a statistically significantly improve- (Williams-Gray etal., 2009). In another study,
ment in the memantine group as compared to 24% of 115 newly diagnosed PD patients
placebo in the DLB group, but not in the PD-D displayed impaired performance on at least
sample. No statistically significant differences three neuropsychological tests and were clas-
were observed for individual cognitive tests, sified as cognitively impaired (Muslimovic,
ADCS-Activities of Daily Living or Zarit care- Post, Speelman,& Schmand, 2005). Apooled
giver burden scores. The incidence of adverse analysis comprising 1,346 nondemented
events and number of discontinuations due to PD patients from eight centers showed that
adverse events were similar in both groups. 25.8% of patients had mild cognitive impair-
In conclusion, cholinesterase inhibitors ment (MCI) (Aarsland etal., 2010).
such as rivastigmine and donepezil should Both prevalence and incidence of demen-
be considered in all patients with a diagnosis tia are increased in PD compared with
with DLB, taking into account potential bene- age-matched controls. Asystematic review of
fits and risks. The data on benefits of meman- 12 selected studies found a point prevalence
tine are less clear, although memantine may of 24%31%. The prevalence of PD-D in the
be considered in patients with prominent general population aged 65 years and over
neuropsychiatric symptoms. was calculated to be 0.3%0.5% and 3%4%
of patients with dementia in the general
Parkinsons Disease Dementia population were estimated to be due to PD-D
(Aarsland, Zaccai,& Brayne, 2005).
PD is one of the most common movement Incidence rates are more reliable than prev-
disorders, affecting 1% of people older than alence rates to estimate the true risk of demen-
60 years. Although considered primarily a tia in PD, as demented patients are unlikely
motor disorder, nonmotor signs and symp- to survive as long as nondemented patients.
toms may accompany PD from early stages The risk of dementia in PD has been reported
onward and be present even before the mani- to vary between 1.7 and 5.9 times that of con-
festation of motor symptoms. Due in part to trols (de Lau, Schipper, Hofman, Koudstaal,&
advances in the treatment and increased life Breteler, 2005; Marder, Tang, Cote, Stern, &
expectancy, cognitive impairment in patients Mayeux, 1995). In the Sydney cohort, 48% of
with PD has become increasingly well recog- surviving patients had developed demen-
nized and research in this field has tremen- tia 15years after the diagnosis (Hely, Morris,
dously accelerated. Reid,& Trafficante, 2005)and the cumulative
incidence had risen to 83% 20years after the
diagnosis (Hely, Reid, Adena, Halliday, &
Epidemiology of Parkinsons Disease Morris, 2008). In another study conducted
Dementia in Norway, 8-year cumulative prevalence of
dementia was 78.2%, with 26% of cases being
In the early stages of PD, when motor symp- demented already at baseline in this preva-
toms predominate, cognitive and behavioral lence sample (Aarsland, Andersen, et al.,
CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 241

2003). The 12-year frequency of dementia in involvement, including speech impairment

this cohort was 60% at the end of the follow-up and postural imbalance; presence of depres-
period (Buter et al., 2008). In the Rotterdam sion; smoking; and excessive daytime sleepi-
study, which employed a door-to-door survey, ness may also be associated with increased
15% of the PD patients developed dementia risk of dementia in PD. Rapid eye movement
compared to the 4.9% of the control group, (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is fre-
during a mean follow-up time of 4.3years for quently seen in PD and may be more frequent
the incident and 6.9years for the prevalent PD in patients who eventually develop demen-
group (de Lau etal., 2005). tia. In one study, PD patients with RBD had
A number of demographic and clinical a six-fold higher occurrence of dementia than
features have been suggested to be associ- those without (Marion, Qurashi, Marshall,&
ated with risk of dementia in PD patients Foster, 2008). In a recent population-based
(Table 12.2), but many have not been con- cohort study, RBD was associated with a
sistently replicated. The best established 2.2-fold increased risk of developing PD-MCI
risk factors for dementia in PD include old over 4 years (Boot et al., 2012). Dementia
age at disease onset or at the time of evalu- seems to be associated with the so-called pos-
ation, severe motor disability, long disease tural instability and gait disorder phenotype
duration, and atypical neurological features of PD (PIGD type), while tremor predomi-
such as early autonomic failure, symmetri- nant PD patients seem to have lower risk of
cal disease presentation, and unsatisfactory developing dementia. Neuropsychological
response to dopaminergic treatment. Both features such as poor verbal fluency as well
cross-sectional and prospective studies have as poor performance on verbal memory, and
found advanced age as a prominent risk the presence of subtle impairment in execu-
factor. The combination of more severe par- tive functions at baseline were significantly
kinsonian symptoms and old age conferred associated with incident dementia (Woods&
a 12-fold increased dementia risk compared Trster, 2003). It was suggested that not all
to young patients with mild parkinsonism patients with cognitive impairment would
(Levy, Schupf, etal., 2002). progress to dementia: Impairment in cogni-
Low cognitive scores at baseline; early tive tests relying on frontal executive func-
development of confusion, hallucinations, or tions were associated with a lower risk of
psychosis on dopaminergic medication; axial dementia, whereas impairment in those tests
tapping more posterior cortical functions was
associated with a higher risk (Williams-Gray
TABLE12.2 Potential Risk Factors et al., 2009). Reduced cerebrospinal fluid
Reported to Be Associated With Cognitive (CSF) -amyloid levels, an established CSF
Impairment and Dementia in Parkinsons biomarker in Alzheimers disease (AD), was
Disease Dementia found to be related with cognitive decline
in PD patients (Siderowf et al., 2010). In
Age another study white matter hyperintensities
Duration of disease were associated with cognitive decline in
Severity of motor disability PD patients regardless of age, sex, education
Autonomic dysfunction status, duration or severity of PD symptoms,
Symmetrical disease presentation
and vascular risk factors (Lee etal., 2010).
Unsatisfactory response to dopaminergic
In addition to constituting risk factors
Postural instability and gait disorder (PIGD) for dementia, the PIGD phenotype and lon-
phenotype ger disease duration were also found to be
Low cognitive scores at baseline risk factors for mild cognitive impairment
Early development of confusion, hallucinations, believed to be representing a predemen-
or psychosis on dopaminergic medication tia state in PD (Sollinger, Goldstein, Lah,
Excessive daytime sleepiness Levey,& Factor, 2010).
Reduction in cerebrospinal fluid -amyloid Although several environmental risk fac-
levels tors have been associated with PD, less is
White matter hyperintensities in magnetic
known about their role in PD-D. Smoking
resonance imaging
was associated with a four-fold higher risk
REM sleep behavior disorder
for dementia in PD (Ebmeier et al., 1990).
242part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Another study with a mean follow-up of to early-onset familial PD, sometimes associ-
3.6 2.2 years found a two-fold increase in ated with dementia. There is, however, a more
the risk of dementia in PD patients with a his- robust relationship with cognitive decline and
tory of smoking. In the same study there was multiplication of alpha-synuclein gene such as
no significant association with head injury, its duplication, and more so with its triplica-
diabetes mellitus, and incident dementia tion (Farrer etal., 2004; Sironi etal., 2010).
(Levy, Tang, et al., 2002). Estrogen replace- Mutations in parkin, PINK1, and DJ-1
ment therapy was found to be protective in genes cause autosomal recessive PD.
one study (Marder etal., 1998). Dementia rates seem to be lower in patients
with PINK1 and DJ-1 mutations, whereas the
rate in parkin mutations may be more simi-
Genetics of Parkinsons Disease lar to idiopathic PD patients. There are case
Dementia reports of cognitive impairment associated
with the G2019S LRRK2 mutations where
In a community-based study, siblings of the inheritance pattern is autosomal domi-
PD-D patients were found to have three-fold nant (Wider, Dickson,& Wszolek, 2010). The
increased risk of history of AD (Marder etal., frequency of dementia in monogenic forms
1999). The data on the association of the apo- of PD does not appear to be higher, and
lipoprotein E 4 (ApoE 4)allele with PD-D indeed it may be lower than in sporadic PD.
have been inconsistent (Huang, Chen, & Relatively younger age of patients, especially
Poole, 2004). in recessive forms, may be one reason for this
Variations in the tau (MAPT) gene seem to observation (Kasten etal., 2010).
be a genetic risk factor: MAPT H1/H1 hap-
lotype has been associated with a greater
rate of cognitive decline and dementia in PD Clinical Features of Parkinsons
patients (Goris etal., 2007; Healy etal., 2004), Disease Dementia
being a strong predictor of dementia with an
odd ratio of 12.1 in the CamPaIGN cohort. Clinical features of PD-D include cognitive,
In a Spanish case-control study consisting of behavioral, or autonomic symptoms as well
PD, PD-D, DLB, and AD patients and control as disturbances of the sleep-wake cycle. In
subjects, the H1 haplotype was found to be typical cases, the profile of dementia can be
strongly associated with PD and has a strong best described as a dysexecutive syndrome
influence on the risk of dementia in PD with prominent impairment of attention,
patients but not in other neurodegenerative executive and visuospatial functions, mod-
diseases such as DLB and AD (Set-Salvia erately impaired memory, and neuropsy-
etal., 2011). chiatric symptoms, including apathy and
A significantly higher frequency of hetero- psychosis (Table12.3).
zygote mutations in the glucocerebrosidase
gene (GBA) has been reported in PD and
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) compared Cognitive Features
with control subjects. GBA mutations may
exert a large effect on susceptibility for Lewy Some degree of cognitive impairment is fre-
body disorders at the individual level, but quently seen already in nondemented PD
they are associated with a modest (approxi- patients, even at the onset of the disease.
mately 3%) population-attributable risk in The most common deficits are in executive
individuals of European ancestry (Mata etal., functions, visuospatial functions, memory,
2008). Up to half of the PD patients hetero- and attention (Table12.4). Cognitive impair-
zygous for GBA mutations developed cogni- ment without dementia can be designated as
tive impairment later in their disease in one mild cognitive impairment of PD, or PD-MCI
series (Goker-Alpan etal., 2008). Recently PD where the activities of daily living are largely
patients with GBA mutations were found to preserved. Transition from MCI to dementia
be at higher risk of dementia with an odds is gradual, both in terms of symptom sever-
ratio of 5.8 (Set-Salvia etal., 2012). ity as well as temporal course. The profile of
Altered expression of or missense mutations cognitive deficits in PD-MCI is variable, but
in the alpha-synuclein gene have been linked the most frequent subtype is single-domain
CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 243

TABLE12.3 Clinical Features of Dementia Associated With Parkinsons Disease

I. Core features
1. Diagnosis of Parkinsons disease according to Queen Square Brain Bank criteria
2. Adementia syndrome with insidious onset and slow progression, developing within the context of
established Parkinsons disease and diagnosed by history, clinical, and mental examination, defined
as follows:
Impairment in more than one cognitive domain
Representing a decline from premorbid level
Deficits severe enough to impair daily life (social, occupational, or personal care), independent of
the impairment ascribable to motor or autonomic symptoms
II. Associated clinical features
1. Cognitive features:
Attention:Impaired. Impairment in spontaneous and focused attention, poor performance in
attentional tasks; performance may fluctuate during the day and from day to day
Executive functions:Impaired. Impairment in tasks requiring initiation, planning, concept
formation, rule finding, set shifting, or set maintenance; impaired mental speed (bradyphrenia)
Visuospatial functions:Impaired. Impairment in tasks requiring visuospatial orientation,
perception, or construction
Memory:Impaired. Impairment in free recall of recent events or in tasks requiring learning new
material, memory usually improves with cueing, recognition is usually better than free recall
Language:Core functions largely preserved. Word-finding difficulties and impaired
comprehension of complex sentences may be present.
2. Behavioral features
Apathy:Decreased spontaneity; loss of motivation, interest, and effortful behavior
Changes in personality and mood, including depressive features and anxiety
Hallucinations:Mostly visual, usually complex, formed visions of people, animals, or objects
Delusions:Usually paranoid, such as infidelity or phantom boarder (unwelcome guests living in
the home) delusions
Excessive daytime sleepiness
III. Features that do not exclude PD-D but make the diagnosis uncertain
Coexistence of any other abnormality that may by itself cause cognitive impairment, but judged
not to be the cause of dementia, e.g., presence of relevant vascular disease in imaging
Time interval between the development of motor and cognitive symptoms not known
IV. Features suggesting other conditions or diseases as cause of mental impairment, which, when
present, make it impossible to reliably diagnose PD-D
Cognitive and behavioral symptoms appearing solely in the context of other conditions such as:
Acute confusion due to
a) Systemic diseases or abnormalities
b) Drug intoxication
Major depression according to DSM-IV
Features compatible with probable vascular dementia criteria according to NINDS-AIREN
(dementia in the context of cerebrovascular disease as indicated by focal signs in neurological
exam such as hemiparesis, sensory deficits, and evidence of relevant cerebrovascular disease by
brain imaging and a relationship between the two as indicated by the presence of one or more of
the following:onset of dementia within 3months after a recognized stroke, abrupt deterioration
in cognitive functions, and fluctuating, stepwise progression of cognitive deficits)

Source:From Emre etal. (2007).

nonamnestic MCI with a slightly higher fre- DLB. PD-D patients tend to be more apathetic
quency than single-domain amnestic MCI, compared to AD patients. Impaired attention
both of which are more common than multi- is an important determinant of activities of
domain MCI (Aarsland etal., 2010). daily living (ADLs) in PD-D; in one study a
Impairment of attentional functions and measure of vigilance and focused attention
working memory is an early and prominent was the single strongest cognitive predictor
feature of patients with PD-D. Reaction time of ADL status, matching the strength of the
and vigilance are impaired; fluctuating atten- effect of motor function on ADLs (Bronnick
tion is similar to those seen in patients with etal., 2006).
244part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

TABLE12.4 Cognitive Features in developing internally cued search strategies,

Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D) although this view has been recently chal-
lenged (Brnnick, Alves, Aarsland, Tysnes,&
Deficits in executive functions Larsen, 2011). Memory impairment of the
Impairment in planning, set shifting, abstract
temporolimbic type, similar to that seen
reasoning, mental flexibility
Memory impairment in AD, can also be seen in a subpopula-
Impairment in episodic memory tion of PD-D patients (Weintraub, Moberg,
Free recall impaired, may improve with Culbertson, Duda,& Stern, 2004).
cueing, recognition usually better Another early cognitive deficit in PD-D
Impaired working memory is impairment in visuospatial functions.
Visuospatial dysfunction Impairment, especially in visuoperceptual
Both perception and constructional deficits abilities, is more severe compared with AD
Usually early and disproportionate to the level patients with similar global dementia sever-
of overall cognitive impairment ity. Visuospatial abilities such as object assem-
Attentional deficits
bly are more impaired in PD-D, whereas
Impairment in focused and complex attention
(e.g., choice reaction time, internally cued visuospatial memory tasks are worse in AD.
behavior) Deficits in visuospatial functions become
Fluctuating attention more evident in more complex tasks, which
Language require planning and sequencing of response
Usually preserved except for word finding or self-generation of strategies. These deficits
difficulties and understanding complex may thus be, at least partly, due to problems
sentences in sequential organization of behavior or in
executive functions.
Primary language functions are largely
Impairment in executive functions is one preserved in PD-D as compared to AD, and
of the core features of PD-D. In the Mattis deficits usually consist of word-finding dif-
Dementia Rating Scale, PD-D patients were ficulties, pauses in spontaneous speech, and
found to have lower initiation, persever- difficulty understanding complex sentences.
ance, and construction, but higher memory In nondemented PD patients, verb gen-
subscores compared to patients with AD eration is more impaired than generation of
(Aarsland, Litvan, et al., 2003). A dysexecu- nouns, suggesting that deficits may preferen-
tive syndrome typically presents early in the tially affect the representation of actions.
course of PD-D and is prominent throughout Several structured scales, some specifically
the disease course. Insight is usually preserved developed for PD, can be used for screen-
in PD-D, in contrast to patients with AD, where ing for cognitive impairment. The Montreal
deficits are often at least partially denied. Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) can be used
Visual and verbal working memory and as a screening instrument; in one study a
implicit memory such as procedural learn- cutoff score of 21/30 yielded a sensitivity
ing can all be impaired in PD-D. The relative of 90% in PD-D patients (Dalrymple-Alford
severity of memory impairment, as com- et al., 2010). Both the MoCA and cognitive
pared to general level of cognitive dysfunc- screening instruments specifically developed
tion, and the profile of impairment usually for PD, including Mini Mental Parkinson
differ from that seen in AD. In typical cases and the Parkinson Neuropsychometric
the memory impairment is characterized Dementia Assessment (PANDA), have been
by a deficit in free recall with relatively pre- shown to be more sensitive than the MMSE
served recognition, indicating that informa- in detecting cognitive impairment in PD.
tion is stored, but not readily retrieved; when More elaborate cognitive scales for in-depth
structured cues or multiple choices are pro- assessment include the general cognitive
vided, retrieval improves. Memory scores in scales such as Mattis Dementia Rating Scale
patients with PD-D were found to correlate and the CAMCOG-R, as well as PD-specific
with performance on executive function tests. scales such as SCales for Outcomes of
Based on this observation, it was suggested PArkinsons disease-cognition (SCOPA-Cog)
that impairment of memory in PD-D, at least and PD Cognitive Rating Scale (PD-CRS)
to some extent, may be due to difficulties in (Kulisevsky& Pagonabarraga, 2009).
CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 245

Behavioral Features Aarsland, 2006). In the CamPaign study,

severity of akinetic-rigid type was associ-
While a wide range of neuropsychiatric symp- ated with a higher risk for dementia inde-
toms are seen in PD, they are more frequent pendent of age (Williams-Gray, Foltynie,
and more prominent in PD-D. The most com- Brayne, Robbins, & Barker, 2007). PD
mon symptoms in PD-D are depression, apa- patients with falls are more likely to have
thy, anxiety, hallucinations, and insomnia; at lower MMSE scores than those without
least one neuropsychiatric symptom is pres- falls and also more likely to have demen-
ent in more than 90% of patients (Aarsland tia. L-dopa-responsiveness may diminish
et al., 2007). Hallucinations and delusions as cognitive impairment emerges, although
may follow treatment with dopaminergic this assumption is largely based on retro-
agents, but they occur more frequently in spective clinical data. Mechanisms under-
PD-D than in PD. When minor forms such as lying relative loss of L-dopa response may
feeling of presence are included, hallucina- include development of alpha-synuclein
tions occur in 70% of patients with PD-D, as pathology in striatum and loss of striatal
compared to 25% of those with AD (Fnelon, dopamine D2 and D3 receptors. On the other
Mahieux, Huon,& Zigler, 2000). Delusional hand, this may simply reflect the develop-
misidentification syndromes are found in ment or predominance of nondopaminergic
17% of PD-D patients and are associated with axial features, such as postural instability.
hallucinations and more severe memory and Autonomic disturbances in PD, including
language deficits (Pagonabarraga etal., 2008). constipation, urinary incontinence, ortho-
In PD-D, apathy is common in the earlier static and postprandial hypotension result-
stages, while delusions increase with more ing in syncope and falls, excessive sweating,
severe motor and cognitive dysfunction. reduced heart rate variability predisposing
In a longitudinal study, patients with PD-D to ventricular arrhythmias, and sexual dys-
were discriminated by the presence of cogni- function are frequent and may significantly
tive fluctuations, visual and auditory hallu- contribute to disability in patients with
cinations, depression, and sleep disturbance PD-D. In a comparative study using a bat-
from patients with AD; these features were tery of autonomic function tests and power
identical to those observed in DLB patients, spectral analysis of heart rate variability,
supporting the concept that these clinical cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction was
phenotypes are part of the same spectrum found to be more frequent in patients with
(Galvin, Pollack,& Morris, 2006). Depression PD-D as compared to those with DLB, vas-
is more common in PD-D than in AD. cular dementia and AD, with PD-D patients
(Allan etal., 2007).
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)
Motor, Autonomic, and Other is common in PD-D. Conversely, half of
Associated Features patients with primary RBD develop a neu-
rodegenerative disease (usually PD or DLB)
In PD-D patients, motor symptoms are over a 10-year follow-up period. The pres-
frequently described as being more sym- ence of RBD in patients with PD is also
metrical with predominance of bradykine- associated with cognitive deficits: In non-
sia, rigidity, and postural instability. Such demented patients with PD, only those
features are also correlated with more rapid with concomitant RBD had impaired per-
cognitive decline, whereas tremor domi- formance on neuropsychological tests,
nance has been associated with relative pres- specifically on measures of episodic verbal
ervation of mental status. In a cross-sectional memory, executive function, and visuo-
study, the PIGD subtype was overrepre- spatial and visuoperceptual processing
sented with 88% in patients with PD-D in (Vendette etal., 2007). In some patients, RBD
contrast to 38% in nondemented patients can be an early indicator of incipient demen-
(Burn etal., 2003). It was also found that in tia and may antedate the onset of dementia
nearly all dementia cases, dementia was pre- for many decades. Excessive daytime sleepi-
ceded by PIGD-dominant PD or by a tran- ness and poor sleep quality are more com-
sition from tremor dominant to PIGD-type mon in patients with PD, PD-D, and DLB as
PD (Alves, Larsen, Emre, Wentzel-Larsen,& compared to AD.
246part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Neuropathological and Biochemical Cell loss in subcortical nuclei projecting to

Correlates of Parkinsons Disease areas involved in cognition or degeneration
Dementia in subcortical structures involved in neu-
ronal loops connecting with cortical areas,
PD-D is characterized by variable com- such as thalamic components of the limbic
bination of three types of pathological loop, are also prominent. Dementia in PD
changes: degeneration in subcortical nuclei, usually develops later in the disease course
cortical AD-type pathology, and Lewy body and may be related to an ascending order
(LB)type degeneration (Emre, 2003). In a of pathological changes, as suggested by
recent study, the combination of LB-type Braak etal. (Braak etal., 2003; Halliday, Hely,
and AD-type pathology was found to be a Reid,& Morris, 2008). Some support for this
better predictive of dementia than the sever- bottom-up hypothesis is also provided by
ity of the single pathology (Compta et al., other studies (Ballard etal., 2006):PD patients
2011). As is the case in other neurodegen- with relatively long disease duration prior to
erative diseases, the topographical and tem- dementia onset had lower levels of cortical
poral sequence of neuronal loss rather than choline acetyltransferase than those with a
the type of protein aggregation ultimately short disease duration before dementia onset,
determines the clinical phenotype. AD-type implying greater loss of ascending cholinergic
and LB-pathology do not need to be mutu- projections. In contrast, a more top-down
ally exclusive as there are interactions pathological process, with greater burden
between different protein aggregations (i.e., of cortical pathology in PD patients with a
accumulation of alpha-synuclein, tau, and more malignant disease course and short
beta-amyloid). For example, alpha-synuclein time before dementia onset has also been
can induce phosphorylation and fibrillia- described (Ballard etal., 2006; Halliday etal.,
tion of tau, while beta-amyloid can promote 2008). A clinicopathological study arising
formation of alpha-synuclein oligomers from the Sydney cohort suggested that there
and polymers. Beta-amyloid deposits in may be three types of pathological constel-
cerebral cortex were found to enhance lations associated with three different clini-
alpha-synuclein-induced damage, and the cal phenotypes, in particular with regard to
presence of beta-amyloid may promote the temporal course of dementia. Younger
the aggregation of alpha-synuclein further patients who developed dementia late in the
exacerbating alpha-synuclein-induced neu- disease process seem to have a predominance
ronal dysfunction (Pletnikova et al., 2005). of alpha-synuclein pathology with little amy-
Hence, protein aggregation may be synergis- loid pathology, whereas those patients with
tic in PD-D, with one protein promoting the a late age of onset and rapid progression to
aggregation of the other, although the con- dementia seem to have mixed alpha-synuclein
sequences of these protein aggregations in and amyloid pathology:Such patients, which
terms of cellular function are uncertain. constituted 25% of the sample with dementia,
Difficulties in defining the underlying had severe neocortical Lewy body disease,
substrate of dementia in PD also relate to more consistent with a DLB-like pheno-
methodological differences. As opposed to type, but also with a high amyloid burden
earlier studies that utilized ubiquitin stain- (Halliday et al., 2008). It is unknown which
ing, more recent studies performed using factors determine this clinical and pathologi-
alpha-synuclein immunohistochemistry cal variability, although age of onset is prob-
revealed that dementia best correlates with ably one of them. Further complicating are
LB pathology, although AD-type pathol- findings from another clinico-pathological
ogy of variable extent (more plaques than study: Approximately 55% of subjects with
tangles) usually coexists. The fact that fami- widespread alpha-synuclein pathology
lies with alpha-synuclein gene duplications (Braak PD stages 5-6) lacked clinical signs of
and moreso those with triplications develop dementia or extrapyramidal signs antemor-
dementia more often also supports a primary tem (Parkkinen, Pirttil,& Alafuzoff, 2008); it
and possibly a dose-dependent role for is unclear why these subjects could tolerate
synuclein-based pathology in development high levels of synuclein deposition without
of PD-D. having symptoms.
CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 247

Biochemically, degeneration of the subcor- substantia nigra (Rinne, Rummukainen,

tical nuclei results in various neurochemical Paljrvi,& Rinne, 1989).
deficits, including cholinergic, dopaminergic,
serotoninergic, and noradrenergic. The most
profound is the cholinergic deficit, although Neuroimaging Features
the others may contribute to some aspects
of mental dysfunction. Loss of cholinergic In structural imaging there is frontal, occipi-
cells in the nucleus basalis of Meynert (nbM) tal, and parietal gray matter loss and an
greater than that observed in AD occurs in increased rate of whole-brain atrophy in
patients with PD-D LBs are frequently found PD-D patients compared with control sub-
in nbM cells. PD patients without dementia jects. Atrophy of gray and white matter in
may also exhibit cell loss and alpha-synuclein PD-D is less prominent compared to DLB
pathology in the nbM, suggesting the degen- patients. Arecent volumetric study revealed
eration of the nbM may precede the clinical a relationship between decrease in cau-
features. Cholinacetyltransfarase activity date volume (but not in hippocampus) and
is markedly decreased in the frontal cortex cognitive decline (Apostolova et al., 2010).
of PD and DLB when compared to normal However, there are also studies showing an
controls and AD. In contrast to AD, PD-D atrophy of medial temporal lobe structures
is also associated with neuronal loss in the such as hippocampus, enthorhinal cortex,
pedunculopontine cholinergic nuclei, which and amydala, but these are not as prominent
project to structures such as thalamus. Using as found in AD. Supratentorial white-matter
vesicular acetylcholine transporter ([123I] hyperintensities were also found to be inde-
iodobenzovesamicol (IBVM)) as a marker pendently associated with cognitive decline
of cholinergic integrity, SPECT demon- in PD-D patients (Lee etal., 2010).
strated reduction in IBVM binding in parietal Reduced fractional anisotrophy (FA) was
and occipital cortices in nondemented PD found in the substantia nigra of the nonde-
patients, while demented PD cases have a mented PD patients with diffusion tensor
more extensive decrease in cortical binding, imaging. PD-D patients showed significant
similar to patients with early-onset AD (Kuhl FA reduction in the bilateral posterior cingu-
etal., 1996). Functional imaging studies with late bundles compared with nondemented
PET demonstrated that compared with con- PD patients (Matsui et al., 2007); both FA
trols mean cortical AChE activity was lowest and mean diffusivity values in cingulate and
in patients with PD-D, followed by patients corpus callosum showed significant corre-
with PD without dementia and AD patients lations with cognitive parameters (Matsui
with equal severity of dementia (Bohnen etal., 2007; Wiltshire etal., 2010). In a recent
et al., 2003). A subsequent study revealed resting-state functional MRI study, cortico-
that the degree of cortical cholinergic deficits striatal connectivity was found to be selec-
correlated particularly well with typical cog- tively disrupted in PD-D patients (Seibert,
nitive deficits found in PD-D, for example, Murphy, Kaestner,& Brewer, 2012).
impaired performance on tests of attention Positron emission tomography in PD-D
and executive functions (Bohnen etal., 2006). may reveal hypometabolism in parietal and
The locus coeruleus, the main source of temporal cortex similar to pattern seen in
noradrenergic input to the forebrain and AD, and hypometabolism in visual areas
cortex, also shows neuronal loss especially and frontal lobe are additionally described,
in demented and depressed PD patients similar to findings seen in DLB. PET with
(Jellinger, 2000). Degeneration in the sero- N-[11C]-methyl-4-piperidyl acetate (MP4A)
tonergic dorsal raphe nucleus was also can be used to assess cholinergic innervation
reported and suggested to be related with of cortex. PD-D patients exhibited a severe
symptoms of dementia (Jellinger, 1991). cholinergic deficit in various cortical regions,
Neuronal loss was observed in ventral teg- including frontal and temporo-parietal corti-
mental area as well, which provides dopa- ces (Hilker etal., 2005). Amyloid PET studies
minergic input to mesolimbic and prefrontal have generally demonstrated relatively low
cortex and medial substantia nigra. In one binding in PD-D, in contrast to DLB, where it
study degree of dementia was found to be is often elevated. In PD-D, the mean cortical
associated with the neuronal loss in medial amyloid load was comparable to controls and
248part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

nondemented PD patients (Maetzler et al., methods can be used to differentiate patients

2008). In another study 83% (10/12) of PD-D with DLB or PD-D from those with AD.
patients had normal PIB uptake, whereas
85% (11/13) of DLB patients had significantly Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers
increased amyloid load in one or more corti-
inParkinsons Disease Dementia
cal regions (Edison etal., 2008). In yet another
study, increased cortical amyloid burden was
Cerebrospinal fluid levels of -synuclein have
found in DLB similar to AD, not in PD-D;
been found to be decreased in patients with
striatal PiB retention in the DLB and PD-D
PD, PD-D, DLB, but increased in patients
groups was associated with less impaired
with AD. When combined with estab-
motor function (Gomperts etal., 2008). These
lished AD biomarkers such as CSF levels of
ndings suggest that global cortical amyloid
-amyloid 1-42, CSF -synuclein levels may
burden is low and infrequent in PD-D com-
be helpful in the differential diagnosis of AD
pared to DLB and AD.
versus PD-D (Hall et al., 2012). Developing
A review of rCBF SPECT studies in PD-D
a panel of markers seems a more promising
found frontal hypoperfusion or bilateral
strategy than using a single biomarker for
temporoparietal deficits (Bissessur, Tissingh,
differential diagnosis of PD-D.
Wolters, & Scheltens, 1997). Perfusion defi-
cits in precuneus and inferior lateral pari-
etal regions have also been described in Diagnosis of Parkinsons Disease Dementia
PD-D. SPECT studies with Iodine-123
meta-iodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG), a The clinical diagnostic criteria for PD-D have
marker of postganglionic sympathetic car- been established by a Movement Disorder
diac innervation, demonstrate innervation Society Task Force (Emre et al., 2007), along
deficits both in PD-D and DLBs, but not in with practical recommendations for diag-
AD. Similarly to DLB, reductions were found nostic procedures (Dubois, Burn, et al.,
in dopamine transporter markers ((123)I-FP- 2007). Clinical features of PD-D are shown
CIT binding) in the caudate, anterior, and in Table 12.3 and diagnostic criteria for
posterior putamens in subjects with PD-D Probable and Possible PD-D, representing
compared to those with AD and controls. two levels of diagnostic certainty, are given
Both 123I-MIBG and (123) I-FP-CIT SPECT in Table12.5. Recently diagnostic criteria for

TABLE12.5 Diagnostic Criteria for Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D)

Probable PD-D
A. Core features:Both must be present
B. Associated clinical features:
Typical profile of cognitive deficits including impairment in at least two of the four core cognitive
domains (impaired attention which may fluctuate, impaired executive functions, impairment in
visuospatial functions, and impaired free recall memory, which usually improves with cueing)
The presence of at least one behavioral symptom (apathy, depressed or anxious mood, hallucinations,
delusions, excessive daytime sleepiness) supports the diagnosis of Probable PD-D; lack of behavioral
symptoms, however, does not exclude the diagnosis.
C. None of the group III features present
D. None of the group IV features present
Possible PD-D
A. Core features:Both must be present
B. Associated clinical features:
Atypical profile of cognitive impairment in one or more domains, such as prominent or receptive-type
(fluent) aphasia, or pure storage-failure type amnesia (memory does not improve with cueing or in
recognition tasks) with preserved attention
Behavioral symptoms may or may not be present
C. One or more of the group III features present

Source:From Emre etal. (2007).

CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 249

mild cognitive impairment in PD (PD-MCI) assess behavioral symptoms, tests of attention

have also been published by a Task Force of and executive functions) showed improve-
Movement Disorder Society. (Litvan et al., ments in favor of rivastigmine; activities of
2012). daily living scores showed minimal worsen-
The diagnosis of PD-D can be complicated ing in patients on rivastigmine, those on pla-
by various factors, such as motor and speech cebo worsening significantly more. Except for
dysfunction. Severe motor impairment may more patients with worsening of tremor (10%
render it difficult to assess whether cogni- under rivastigmine, 4% under placebo), there
tive deficits are present and to what extent were no effects on motor symptoms as com-
they contribute to functional impairment. pared to placebo. The beneficial effects seen
Comorbid conditions such as depression, sys- during the first 6 months were maintained
temic disorders, or adverse effects of drugs in the 6-month extension period, although
may also mimic symptoms of dementia. there was a slight decline in efficacy (Poewe
The onset, course, and pattern of behavioral et al., 2006). A subgroup analysis showed
symptoms and cognitive deficits as well as the that patients with visual hallucinations at
clinical context within which these symptoms baseline derived greater benefits in cogni-
occur can be helpful in differential diagno- tive outcomes; this was mainly driven by a
sis. Conditions that can mimic PD-D include more rapid decline in the hallucinating group
cerebrovascular disease with dementia and (Burn etal., 2006). Another subgroup analy-
parkinsonism, DLB, AD with drug-induced sis focusing on attention as assessed by a
parkinsonism, and PD patients who develop computerized test battery demonstrated that
acute confusion or depression. Adetailed his- all aspects of attention (including focused
tory with emphasis on features known to be attention, sustained attention, consistence of
associated with PD-D, an adequate neuropsy- responding, and central processing speed)
chological assessment, and a review of cur- improved under rivastigmine treatment
rent medication are helpful in diagnosis. (Wesnes, McKeith, Edgar, Emre, & Lane,
2005). On the basis of this study rivastigmine
was approved for treatment of patients with
Management of Patients With mild to moderate PD-D, both in the European
Parkinsons Disease Dementia Union and the United States. Apatch form of
rivastigmine has also become available, and
As is the case for DLB and other dementias, it is approved for treatment of PD-D in sev-
both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic eral countries.
approaches are used in the management of Donepezil, suggested to be beneficial in an
PD-D. As with all of these forms of cognitive initial small placebo-controlled, cross-over
impairment, medical and iatrogenic contrib- study (Ravina et al., 2005), was also tested
utors to relatively more prominent cognitive in a large, randomized, double-blind,
or behavioral symptoms need to be assessed. placebo-controlled trial. In total, 550 patients
Pharmacologic treatment modalities include were included, comparing two doses of
both specific approaches based on neu- donepezil (5 mg and 10 mg) with placebo
rotransmitter deficits and nonspecific drugs over 6 moths, ADAS-cog and CIBIC-plus
to treat behavioral symptoms. being co-primary endpoints (Dubois, Tolosa,
Based on the prominent cholinergic etal., 2007). The difference between placebo
deficits associated with PD-D, ChE-Is and donepezil groups in ADAS-cog was
have been investigated in PD-D patients. not statistically significant in the predefined
There have been two large randomized, statistical model, when treatment-by-
placebo-controlled trials, one with rivastig- country interaction was removed from the
mine and the other with donepezil. model; however, there was a significant,
The rivastigmine trial included 541 PD-D dose-dependent benefit with donepezil. The
patients with mild to moderate-stage demen- 10 mg group but not the 5 mg group had sig-
tia (Emre et al., 2004). At 6 months, both nificantly better CIBIC-plus scores compared
primary endpoints (ADAS-cog, a compos- to placebo. Significant differences in favor of
ite cognitive scale and CGIC, a scale for the both donepezil doses were found on several
assessment of change in global status) as well secondary endpoints, including the MMSE,
as all secondary endpoints (including NPI to Brief Test of Attention and Verbal Fluency
250part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Test, whereas there were no significant dif- population. The ADL scale, caregiver burden
ferences on ADL and behavioral scales. scale, and a number of cognitive tests did not
There was no worsening of motor symptoms. show significant differences between active
In another open-label study, the effects of and placebo in either population (Emre etal.,
donepezil on central processing speed and 2010). These results suggest that memantine
other attentional measures were tested over may have mild beneficial effects in patients
20 weeks. Power of attention, continuity of with DLB but not clearly in PD-D.
attention, and reaction time variability were Another NMDA antagonist, amantadine,
found to be improved as compared to base- was reported to delay the onset of dementia
line (Rowan etal., 2007). in PD and to attenuate its severity in a ret-
In a few open-label studies galantamine rospective analysis (Inzelberg et al., 2006).
was suggested to have beneficial effects in These results should be interpreted with cau-
patients with PD-D (Aarsland, Mosimann,& tion, however, until they are replicated in
McKeith, 2004). In a placebo-controlled, prospective, randomized, controlled trials.
randomized, double-blind 16-week trial of Behavioral symptoms may improve with
galantamine, 1624 mg in 69 nondemented ChE-Is; therefore, patients with behavioral
PD patients, there were no beneficial effects symptoms such as hallucinations should be
on any of the cognitive functions assessed; first treated with these agents before con-
dropouts due to gastrointestinal side effects sidering neuroleptics (Emre et al., 2004).
and self-reported worsening of PD symp- Neuroleptic treatment, however, may
toms were greater in the galantamine group become necessary, especially in patients
(Grace, Amick,& Friedman, 2009). with severe psychosis or agitation. Classical
In a Cochrane meta-analysis evaluating the neuroleptics are contraindicated as they
efficacy of ChE-Is in PD-D, 5.3% of patients worsen motor function and may result in
were concluded to have benefits on outcome life-threatening neuroleptic hypersensitiv-
scales, whereas 10.1% patients on placebo ity. Studies with new generation (atypical)
demonstrated worsening, suggesting that neuroleptics in PD-D patients are few; most
the effect size is close to 15% (Maidment, studies were performed in PD patients with
Fox, & Boustani, 2006). In another, more hallucinations or psychosis, without indicat-
recent Cochrane meta-analysis the authors ing the presence or absence of dementia. In
concluded that the use of cholinesterase a systematic review of atypical neuroleptics
inhibitors in PD-D is associated with a posi- for the treatment of psychosis in PD, clozap-
tive impact on global assessment, cognitive ine was concluded to be the only drug with
function, behavioral disturbance, and activi- proven efficacy and acceptable tolerability
ties of daily living rating scales (Rolinski, provided that appropriate safety monitoring
Fox, Maidment,& McShane, 2012). Based on is performed (Goetz, Koller,& Poewe, 2002).
two large randomized controlled trials and Other atypical neuroleptics such as olanzap-
the results of meta-analysis, treatment with ine and risperidone can worsen motor func-
a ChEI such as rivastigmine or donepezil tion; the efficacy of quetiapine is not well
should be considered in patients with PD-D, demonstrated, although it may be considered
taking into account expected benefits and under careful monitoring for side effects.
risks. There are no randomized, controlled stud-
In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial ies of antidepressants in patients with PD-D.
including patients either with DLB or PD-D, Tricyclic antidepressants such as amitrip-
summarized previously in detail, there was a tyline and nortriptiline may be effective in
significant difference in favor of memantine PD depression; they should, however, not
in the global outcome scale, whereas there be administered in patients with PD-D, as
were no significant differences on MMSE and they may worsen cognition due to their anti-
NPI. Patients with PD-D had more benefits cholinergic effects. The dopamine agonist
as compared to those with DLB (Aarsland pramipexole was shown to be effective in PD
etal., 2009). In the largest ever randomized, depression (Barone etal., 2010), but it has the
placebo-controlled trial, however, which potential to worsen hallucinations and con-
included 199 patients either with DLB or fusion in PD-D patients and should not be
PD-D, there were no significant differences considered in this population. Selective sero-
between memantine and placebo in the PD-D tonin reuptake inhibitors such as paroxetine,
CHAPTER 12. Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Parkinsons Disease Dementia 251

or mixed serotonin and noradrenalin reup- with progressive supranuclear palsy and
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Vascular Cognitive Impairment

Charles DeCarli

While Alzheimers disease (AD) is the most reader is encouraged to review both for fur-
common cause of dementia among older ther details. Evolving consensus, however,
individuals (Evans et al., 1989; Sayetta, has moved toward defining vascular cogni-
1986), the lifetime risk for stroke equals and tive impairment (VCI) as encompassing all
may exceed the risk of AD in some circum- forms of cognitive impairment associated
stances (Seshadri et al., 2006). In addition, with CVD, ranging from subtle impairments
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence in otherwise cognitively normal individu-
of asymptomatic cerebrovascular disease als through mild cognitive impairment to
(CVD) occurs in one third of older individu- dementia (OBrien et al., 2003). In fact, the
als (Decarli et al., 2005). It is, therefore, not most recent consensus specifically states that
surprising that concurrent CVD is often seen the term VCI characterizes all forms of cog-
in older dementia patients, even though they nitive deficits from VaD to MCI of vascular
may have a slowly progressive dementing origin (Gorelick etal., 2011, p.2673) and vas-
illness most consistent with AD (Mungas, cular dementia (VaD) is considered to be the
Reed, Ellis, & Jagust, 2001). This chapter extreme end of the spectrum of VCI (Gorelick
reviews the definition of vascular cognitive etal., 2011; Hachinski etal., 2006), where vas-
impairment as it relates to dementia after cular disease is felt to be the sole cause for the
stroke, slowly progressive dementia, and the cognitive impairment (Fig.13.1).
interaction of clinically silent CVD with AD. VCI also encompasses dementias where
both CVD and AD processes are thought
to co-occur (Gorelick et al., 2011; Hachinski
Vascular Cognitive Impairment Defined etal., 2006). As noted by Gorelick etal.:VCI
encompasses all the cognitive disorders asso-
As our understanding of the relationship ciated with cerebrovascular disease, from
between vascular disease and cognition con- frank dementia to mild cognitive deficits.
tinues to evolve, so does our terminology. Simply put, VCI is a syndrome with evidence
In fact, over the last 5 years, two separate of clinical stroke or subclinical vascular brain
consensus conference statements have been injury and cognitive impairment affecting at
published (Hachinski et al., 2006; Gorelick least one cognitive domain. The most severe
et al., 2011), although the aim of the two form of VCI is VaD (Gorelick et al., 2011,
statements differed slightly. The interested p.2673).

CHAPTER 13. Vascular Cognitive Impairment 261


Figure13.1 Spectrum of vascular and Alzheimers disease pathologies in dementia.

Definition of Vascular Dementia by the presence of symptomatic CVD, usu-

ally due to atherothrombotic stroke, in asso-
The most current consensus statement defines ciation with stepwise declines in cognition
VaD in a manner similar to current consensus (Roman etal., 1993)or evidence of multiple,
diagnoses of AD (McKhann etal., 1984)using bilateral gray-matter infarcts (Knopman
designations of clinically probable and clini- etal., 2003).
cally possible VaD as noted in Table13.1 from An accurate diagnosis for VaD is impor-
Gorelick etal. (2011). Importantly, unlike pre- tant to clinical practice. For example, stroke
vious diagnostic criteria (Roman etal., 1993), is associated with increased mortality
the definition of dementia is more inclusive (Sacco,Wolf, Kannel, & McNamara, 1982),
and the methods to detect dementia are spec- and stroke patients with cognitive impair-
ified. Although VaD may result from many ment have poorer ADL recovery (Wagle etal.,
forms of CVD, VaD is most clearly delineated 2011). Most important, the diagnosis of VaD

TABLE 13.1 Diagnostic Criteria for Vascular Dementia

1. The diagnosis of dementia should be based on a decline in cognitive function from a prior baseline
and a deficit in performance in cognitive domains that are of sufficient severity to affect the subjects
activities of daily living.
2. The diagnosis of dementia must be based on cognitive testing, and a minimum of four cognitive
domains should be assessed:executive/attention, memory, language, and visuospatial functions.
3. The deficits in activities of daily living are independent of the motor/sensory sequelae of the vascular

Probable vascular dementia

1. There is cognitive impairment and imaging evidence of cerebrovascular disease and
a. There is a clear temporal relationship between a vascular event (e.g., clinical stroke) and onset of
cognitive deficits, or
b. There is a clear relationship in the severity and pattern of cognitive impairment and the presence of
diffuse, subcortical cerebrovascular disease pathology (e.g., as in CADASIL).
2. There is no history of gradually progressive cognitive deficits before or after the stroke that suggests the
presence of a nonvascular neurodegenerative disorder.

Possible vascular dementia

There is cognitive impairment and imaging evidence of cerebrovascular disease but:
1. There is no clear relationship (temporal, severity, or cognitive pattern) between the vascular disease
(e.g., silent infarcts, subcortical small-vessel disease) and the cognitive impairment.
2. There is insufficient information for the diagnosis of vascular dementia (e.g., clinical symptoms suggest
the presence of vascular disease, but no CTiMRI studies are available).
3. Severity of aphasia precludes proper cognitive assessment. However, patients with documented
evidence of normal cognitive function (eft annual cognitive evaluations) before the clinical event that
caused aphasia could be classified as having probable vascular dementia
4. There is evidence of other neurodegenerative diseases or conditions in addition to cerebrovascular
disease that may affect cognition, such as:
a. Ahistory of other neurodegenerative disorders (e.g., Parkinson disease, progressive supranuclear
palsy, dementia with Lewy bodies);
b. The presence of Alzheimer disease biology is confirmed by biomarkers (e.g., positron emission
tomography, cerebrospinal fluid, amyloid ligands) or genetic studies (e.g., 11,91 mutation); or
c. Ahistory of active cancer or psychiatric or metabolic disorders that may affect cognitive function.
262part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

suggests the presence of systemic vascular cognitive syndrome generally follows imme-
disease that may require medical treatment. diately from the stroke, thereby assuring a
The diagnosis of VaD is based on two causal relationship. All symptoms months
factors: demonstration of the presence of a to years after a stroke should cause the clini-
cognitive disorder (dementia or MCI) by neu- cian to suspect a secondary cause unless new,
ropsychological testing and presence of vas- clinically silent brain infarction (e.g., frontal
cular disease by neuroimaging. The second lobe infarct) involving cortex or subcortical
critical clinical feature of VaD is determining white matter can be identified with imaging.
the relationship of the CVD to the cognitive It is important that the clinician recognize
symptoms. To appropriately diagnose VaD, it that the occasional strategic infarct can
is critical to identify the presence of cortical cause an abrupt dementia syndrome (Roman,
or subcortical infarcts or other stroke lesions, 2003). Examples include thalamic infarction,
and these should be associated with clinical which can cause a dense amnesia and execu-
symptomatology. Although some authors tive function impairments, or infarction of the
propose that the symptoms should appear angular gyrus, which can cause Gertsmanns
within 3months after a stroke, this is an arbi- syndrome (agraphia, acalculia, finger agno-
trary time and symptoms may develop after sia, and right-left confusion).
this time frame. Studies of the sensitivity of
this diagnostic approach note that it is quite
specific (Gold et al., 2002), but not sensitive Probable Vascular Dementia
to the presence of CVD in combination with With Extensive Subcortical
AD pathology, which will be discussed later. Cerebrovascular Disease

While subcortical VaD is commonly suspected

Clinical Components of the Vascular in clinical practice, it is often difficult to assess
Dementia Diagnosis the extent of subcortical disease necessary to
be the sole cause of a dementia syndrome.
Probable Vascular Dementia Diagnosis Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy
intheSetting of Stroke with subcortical infarcts and leukoencepha-
lopathy (CADASIL), although rare, is one
The diagnosis of VaD involves consider- pathological entity in which subcortical dis-
ing the clinical syndrome as well as the ease is strictly sufficient for the dementia
relationship between the clinical syndrome (Andre, 2010)and serves as an ideal example.
and cognitive impairment. The diagnosis of CADASIL is characterized by a history of
VaD is most certain in the setting of stroke. migraine headaches, mid-adult onset of cere-
The stroke symptoms can comprise any of a brovascular disease progressing to demen-
host of common disabilities, including apha- tia, and diffuse white matter lesions and
sia, agraphia, or agnosia, but must include subcortical infarcts as seen on neuroimag-
impairment of cortical function beyond pri- ing. The pathologic hallmark of CADASIL is
mary sensation and must include a decline in electron-dense granules in the media of arte-
cognitive ability below that of a previously rioles that can often be identified by electron
attained state in more than one area of cog- microscopic (EM) evaluation of skin biopsies.
nitive ability. Therefore, primary aphasic More than 90% of individuals have mutations
disorders, for example, after stroke are gen- in NOTCH3, the only gene known to be asso-
erally not considered dementias even though ciated with CADASIL. Molecular genetic test-
the affected individual may have substantial ing is available on a clinical basis. Supportive
functional impairment. The modified diagno- care and possibly platelet aggregation inhibi-
sis of VaD, however, does allow for dementia tors are the only treatment beyond genetic
diagnosis when the functional impairment counseling. Angiography and anticoagulants
exceeds that due to motor and sensory defi- may provoke cerebrovascular accidents and
cits due to the stroke (Gorelick et al., 2011). smoking increases the risk of stroke in those
For example, an individual with a posterior affected by this disease. There are no formal
aphasia without serious motor disabilities diagnostic criteria, but typical signs and
may be considered demented under the symptoms include the following: migraine
new criteria. In cases of cortical injury, the with aura, stroke-like episodes before age 60,
CHAPTER 13. Vascular Cognitive Impairment 263


T1 T2* SWI

Figure13.2 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with
subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL).

cognitive decline, and behavioral changes. etal., 1998). Individuals with CADASIL pre-
Clinical diagnostic studies that support the senting with psychiatric problems also have
diagnosis of CADASIL include MRI white been described.
matter changes in the anterior aspect of the CADASIL, however, is a unique disease
temporal poles bilaterally and white matter that often begins before 30years of age with
changes in the external capsule (Fig. 13.2). dementia onset by age 55, on average. As a
Additionally, subcortical lacunar infarcts consequence, contamination by AD is rela-
and microhemorrhages are often common. tively rare. In the common clinical setting of
Recent publications note that anterior tempo- dementia, individuals are often mistakenly
ral white matter changes may occur as early diagnosed as mixed dementia or subcorti-
as age 20years (Lesnik Oberstein etal., 2003; cal ischemic vascular dementia when find-
van den Boom et al., 2003). Cerebral micro- ings of modest white matter disease in the
bleeds, located in the thalamus, can also absence of subcortical infarcts. In these set-
occur (Lesnik Oberstein etal., 2003). tings, AD pathology is generally the leading
The pattern of cognitive dysfunction is cause of the dementia (Chui et al., 2006). It,
characterized by deficits in executive func- therefore, is difficult to assess the extent of
tion (timed measures and measures of error subcortical vascular injury necessary to be
monitoring), verbal fluency, and memory sufficient for dementia. Criteria have been
with benefit from cues. In most cases, cog- developed that attempt to codify the extent
nitive decline is slowly progressive with of subcortical pathology necessary to cause
additional stepwise deterioration and is asso- dementia in SIVD (Roman et al., 1993) but
ciated with repeated lacunar infarcts noted by have generally failed (van der Flier, van
MRI (Liem etal., 2007). Some have observed Straaten, Barkhof, & Scheltens, 2005). The
deterioration of working memory and execu- strongest pathological evidence for subcorti-
tive function in individuals with NOTCH3 cal vascular injury sufficient to contribute to
mutations in the prestroke phase, and infer dementia (Knopman etal., 2003)suggests that
that cognitive decline may start insidiously more than four lacunas are necessary with or
before the onset of symptomatic ischemic without extensive white matter pathology,
episodes. Importantly, about thirty percent of particularly if these lacunas occur in strate-
individuals with CADASIL experience psy- gic areas such as the thalamus (Van der Werf
chiatric disturbances, varying from personal- et al., 2003). Neuroimaging, therefore, is an
ity changes to severe depression (Dichgans important tool in the assessment of VCI.
264part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Imaging of Vascular Cognitive Impairment group were significant for CN, WMH, and
MTA with CN and WMH being significantly
Early attempts to compare MRI measures worse in the VaD group, whereas MTA was
among clinically diagnosed AD and VaD significantly worse for the AD group. While
subjects were relatively small and incon- AD subjects generally had worse MTA rat-
clusive. More recent reports of the qualita- ings and CN had low ratings, the VaD group
tive assessment of MRI differences between showed a substantial proportion of subjects
AD and VaD patients with larger samples at each MTA rating level except0.
have suggested that medial-temporal atro- As expected, VaD had a substantially
phy (MTA), particularly hippocampal atro- higher prevalence of large infarcts (39%) com-
phy, is uniquely associated with clinical pared to AD (5%) and CN (2%). Significant
AD as opposed to VaD (Du et al., 2002). In differences in the prevalence of both large
fact, hippocampal atrophy is considered and small infarcts between VaD and AD sub-
the imaging hallmark of clinical AD and is jects were also noted.
strongly associated with AD pathology (Jack Regression models comparing the patho-
et al., 1997, 1999, 2002). Bastos-Leite et al., logical processes underlying these two sam-
however, reported a high rate of MTA in a ples found both similarities and differences.
well-characterized sample of VaD patients For example, among VaD patients, age, sex,
and an association of MTA with cognitive infarcts, WMH, and MTA were significantly
functioning in the same group (Bastos-Leite related to cerebral atrophy. Conversely, only
et al., 2007); similarly other MRI studies age, WMH, and MTA were significantly asso-
have found extensive hippocampal atro- ciated with cerebral atrophy in the AD group.
phy in patients with suspected VaD (Fein In addition, the regression model accounted
et al., 2000), and hippocampal sclerosis has for more variance of cerebral atrophy in
been associated with severe hippocampal VaD patients (R2=0.36) than for AD patients
atrophy on MRI (Jagust etal., 2008). Global (R2=0.27).
cerebral atrophy also has been associated The authors next explored the relationship
with cognitive performance in both AD and between MTA and vascular markers (WMH
VaD patients (Scheltens et al., 1992). While and stroke [yes/no]). Among VaD patients,
VaD characteristically has been associated both presence of stroke and WMH contrib-
with white matter hyperintensities (WMH) uted significantly to MTA, but in opposing
in addition to infarction, WMH have been directions with increasing WMH associated
negatively correlated with cognitive func- with worsening MTA scores, but the presence
tioning in persons with normal cognition of stroke associated with improved MTA
(Au et al., 2006), VaD (Gootjes et al., 2004), scores. Conversely, among AD patients, only
MCI (Nordahl etal., 2005), and AD (Yoshita age and WMH contributed significantly to
etal., 2006), suggesting that the effect of this the model predicting MTA.
pathology transcends clinical diagnosis. Finally, the authors investigated the rela-
Recently, Logue et al. (2011) performed a tionship between MRI measures and cogni-
semiquantitative assessment of MRI mea- tive ability (MMSE) to test the hypothesis
sures from a clinical trial of donepezil in VaD that various MRI measures would show dif-
and a genetic study of AD. A total of 2,237 ferent associations with cognition due to the
individual MRI datasets were assessed with different etiologies of dementia. Surprisingly,
nearly equal distribution between cognitively MMSE scores were related to MTA in both
normal older individuals (CN), VaD, and AD. VaD (R2=0.131) and AD (R2=0.123) with a
Measures of cerebral atrophy, medial tempo- similar magnitude. Examining vascular fac-
ral atrophy, extent of WMH and the presence, tors in relation to MMSE scores, associations
size, and location of cerebral infarcts were were found between MMSE and WMH in the
obtained for each individual scan. VaD group, but this association explained
For all MRI ratings, the CN group was only a limited amount of additional variance
lowest with the VaD group showing the (R2=0.039) in MMSE. There was no associa-
highest scores on cerebral atrophy, white tion between WMH and MMSE for the AD
matter hyperintensities, and number of group.
infarcts. The AD group showed the greatest In summary, this study finds that vascu-
MTA. Differences between the VaD and AD lar injury is apparent in patients believed to
CHAPTER 13. Vascular Cognitive Impairment 265

have VaD with significantly greater WMH 2001; Gorelick etal., 2011; Lopez etal., 2003;
and multiple infarcts. In VaD the vascular Nordahl et al., 2005). This is the vascular
injury also leads to both cerebral and hip- equivalent of MCI commonly used to iden-
pocampal atrophy. However, the cognitive tify subjects in the transition from normalcy
aspects of the dementia syndrome appear to AD (Winblad etal., 2004).
most strongly correlated with the atrophy According to the recent consensus state-
measures. Because of this, the authors con- ment by Gorelick et al. (2011), the same
clude that MRI data from two dementia diagnostic criteria applied to VaD should
cohorts with differing etiologies find that be applied for the diagnosis of VaMCI with
dementia symptoms are most strongly the exception that instrumental activities
associated with cerebral atrophy suggest- of daily living should be unaffected or only
ing that tissue loss is the major substrate mildly affected. Most authors interpret this to
of the dementia syndrome. Therefore, we imply that the clinical dementia rating scale
are left to conclude that there is no specific (CDR) (Morris, 1993) should be no greater
MRI measure to date that reliably predicts than 0.5. This new diagnostic criteria also
VaD, and we can only conclude that MRI includes the condition of unstable VaMCI.
is sensitive to vascular brain injury, but it This term is used to designate individuals
cannot predict the impact on cognition. initially diagnosed with VaMCI who subse-
Further studies on this topic are in progress, quently improve to normal cognitive ability.
and recently published standards for these Reversibility may result from multiple causes
investigations should hopefully improve such as treatment of concurrent medical ill-
the harmonization of methods and report- nesses, treatment of depression, or post-
ing of results across laboratories. stroke recovery. Importantly, this diagnostic
Positron emission tomography (PET) will approach brings VCI into a taxonomy similar
likely prove to be a valuable tool for gener- to the AD community, emphasizing only dif-
ating new insights into the dissociable and ferences in disease etiology.
synergistic aspects of CVD and AD. For The prevalence of VaMCI is likely to be
example, a recent fluorodeoxyglucose PET substantial. For example, multiple studies
investigation in individuals with mild cog- find an increased prevalence of men in MCI
nitive impairment (MCI) who converted to studies (Petersen et al., 2005). Older men
dementia demonstrated that frontal hypo- have substantially greater brain vascular
metabolism was associated with WMH burden (Wolf etal., 1991)and are at a greater
but temporoparietal hypometabolism was lifetime risk for stroke as compared to AD
associated with cerebrospinal fluid amy- (Seshadri & Wolf, 2007). Finally, nearly 40%
loid levels. The advent of cerebral amyloid of all patients diagnosed with amnestic MCI
PET imaging, however, may prove helpful fail to show evidence of amyloid retention
to more precisely understanding the role of when using amyloid imaging (Pike et al.,
cerebrovascular disease in VCI. Preliminary 2007). While many other non-AD dementias
studies suggest that cerebral amyloid reten- have prodromal states, most are not memory
tion is associated with vascular risk factors specific with the exception of vascular dis-
(Reed etal., 2011), but not WMH or cognition ease, suggesting that this may be the second
among older individuals (Marchant et al., most common form of MCI, although this
2011). Although preliminary, the combined remains to be studied.
use of MRI measures of vascular brain injury Given the high prevalence of CVD in
and amyloid PET may offer new insights into the elderly and evidence suggesting that
the pathophysiology of VCI. CVD may strongly contribute to prevalent
dementia, a number of studies have begun to
explore the possible impact of CVD on cogni-
Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment tive impairment among the elderly (DeCarli
et al., 2001; Lopez et al., 2003; Luchsinger
Cerebrovascular disease can also cause et al., 2009; Rockwood et al., 1999, 2000). In
mild cognitive deficits that can affect mul- these studies, evidence of vascular brain
tiple cognitive functions, and some authors injury, primarily identified by risk factors or
have proposed the term vascular mild cog- the presence of WMH on MRI, is increased
nitive impairment (VaMCI) (DeCarli et al., in prevalence among individuals with MCI,
266part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

including amnestic MCI (aMCI). In fact, at 1998; van Dijk, Prins, Vermeer, Koudstaal,&
least one study has suggested that aMCI may Breteler, 2002; Vermeer, Koudstaal, Oudkerk,
result strictly from vascular disease alone Hofman, & Breteler, 2002; Vermeer,
(Nordahl et al., 2005). In addition, a more Longstreth, & Koudstaal, 2007). Moreover,
recent study found evidence that both WMH reports from the Framingham Heart Study
and silent brain infarcts are associated with support the notion that WMH, silent cere-
incident MCI (Debette et al., 2010). Another bral infarcts, and cerebral atrophy increase
intriguing finding of this study was that these substantially in prevalence with increasing
same vascular markers were associated with age and are all related to vascular risk fac-
increased mortality. Competitive mortality, tors within a community population (Decarli
therefore, may explain why fewer individu- et al., 2005; Jeerakathil et al., 2004; Seshadri
als with severe CVD progress onto dementia. etal., 2004).
Although episodic memory has histori- These studies have also explored the rela-
cally been linked to the hippocampus and tionship between CVD and cognition. Much
surrounding cortices, evidence from neuro- of the results from these studies can be sum-
psychological and neuroimaging studies sug- marized by noting that frontal lobemediated
gests that the prefrontal cortex plays a critical cognitive domains of attention, concentration,
role in implementing executive control pro- and psychomotor speed are most affected
cesses that contribute to normal episodic (Au et al., 2006; Elias et al., 2004; Seshadri
memory functioning (Ranganath, Johnson,& etal., 2004; Swan etal., 1998, 2000). Evidence
DEsposito, 2003). Episodic memory failure of frontal lobe dysfunction, particularly by
in VaMCI, therefore, may be secondary to a WMH, is supported by PET imaging, which
more general impairment in executive con- finds reduced frontal metabolism in associa-
trol processes. tion with vascular-related brain injury, par-
ticularly WMH (DeCarli etal., 1995; Tullberg
etal., 2004)as well as significant associations
Impact of Cerebrovascular Disease between frontal lobe metabolism, memory
onCognition in Normal Individuals impairment, and future cognitive decline in
patients with dementia and WMH (Reed,
Finally, to understand the full spectrum of Eberling, Mungas, Weiner, & Jagust, 2000,
VCI, it is important to understand how vas- 2001).
cular brain injury can affect individuals who In summary, community-based studies of
appear cognitively normal. predominately healthy individuals find a sig-
A number of epidemiological studies show nificant inverse relationship between vascu-
strong associations between elevations in lar brain injury and cognitive performance.
middle life blood pressure and the preva- It is important to remember, however, that
lence of later life cognitive impairment and while these differences are significant at the
dementia (Elias, 1993; Elias, DAgostino, population level, they are generally asymp-
Elias,& Wolf, 1995; Elias etal., 2004; Launer, tomatic to the individual, although one study
1995). While the exact mechanism by which (de Groot et al., 2001) found that individu-
CVD leads to cognitive impairment remains als with WMH complain more frequently of
unclear, a number of cross-sectional as well as memory loss.
longitudinal prospective studies suggest that
CVD-related brain changes are associated
with these cognitive changes (Longstreth Interaction of Cerebrovascular
et al., 1996, 1998; Swan et al., 1998, 2000; andAlzheimers Disease
Vermeer etal., 2003).
In older individuals (Decarli et al., 2005; The relative impact of CVD on dementia
Longstreth et al., 1998) who have normal occurrence has a long and debatable his-
cognition, evidence of cerebrovascular injury tory (Brust, 1988; OBrien, 1988). While
is common. Epidemiological studies of cog- there is a well-developed literature with
nitively normal older individuals find sig- regard to dementia after stroke (Henon
nificant increases in WMH burden and silent et al., 2001; Moroney et al., 1996, 1997a,
cerebral infarcts detected by MRI with increas- 1997b; Tatemichi, 1990; Tatemichi etal., 1990,
ing age (Decarli etal., 2005; Longstreth etal., 1992; Tatemichi, Desmond, & Prohovnik,
CHAPTER 13. Vascular Cognitive Impairment 267

1995; Tatemichi, Desmond, Prohovnik, & cardiovascular risk score was created using
Eidelberg, 1995), it remains quite common to all four risk factors and was associated
identify individuals who have a slowly pro- with dementia in a dose-dependent fashion.
gressive dementing illness, multiple vascular Compared with participants having no risk
risk factors, and extensive WMH or lacunar factors, the risk for dementia increased from
infarction detected by brain imaging. The 1.27 for having one risk factor to 2.37 for hav-
impact of this cerebrovascular brain injury in ing all four risk factors. Not only did this
asymptomatic individuals on dementia inci- study identify that the presence of multiple
dence remains unclear, but accumulating evi- cardiovascular risk factors found at midlife
dence suggests that CVD-related brain injury substantially increases risk of late-life demen-
may significantly increase the likelihood of tia but showed that this relationship occurred
developing dementia, possibly through an in a dose-dependent manner with increasing
additive interaction with AD (Esiri, Nagy, exposure.
Smith, Barnetson,& Smith, 1999; Jagust, 2001;
Schneider et al., 2003, 2004; Snowdon et al.,
1997), although individuals for whom their Magnetic Resonance Imaging
vascular disease is limited to WMH generally Measures of Cerebrovascular Disease
have substantial AD pathology at autopsy and Incident Dementia
(Chui etal., 2006).
A number of studies have recently examined
the role of vascular disease identified by MRI
Vascular Risk Factors and Incident Dementia on progression to dementia. For example,
Debette and colleagues (Debette etal., 2010),
In a seminal work, Launer and colleagues studied the relationship between WMH and
studied the relationship between middle-life SBI and risk of future stroke, dementia, and
blood pressure measures and late-life cog- death. In their study, they noted that exten-
nition in a group of Asian Americans living sive WMH and SBI were significantly asso-
in Hawaii (Launer, 1995). This study found ciated with future stroke, dementia, and
an inverse relationship between the pattern death. A prior study by Vermeer colleagues
of middle-life systolic blood pressure and a (Vermeer et al., 2003) found that baseline
measure of general cognition (CASI scores) at thalamic infarcts were associated with mem-
later life. Unfortunately, this study could not ory deficits, whereas infarcts in other brain
determine dementia incidence nor did it iden- regions were most strongly associated with
tify prevalent dementia types at follow-up psychomotor speed. Importantly, in this non-
examination. Since this initial observation, demented group, future cognitive decline
however, a number of studies have exam- was only significantly associated with new
ined these relationships further. For exam- infarction seen on repeat MRI, suggesting
ple, Whitmer and colleagues (Whitmer, that repeated or multiple vascular events
2007 Whitmer, Gunderson, Barrett-Connor, were necessary for cognitive decline. Our
Quesenberry,& Yaffe, 2005; Whitmer, Sidney, laboratory has also studied the impact of
Selby, Johnston,& Yaffe, 2005; Whitmer etal., WMH and SBI on trajectories of cognitive
2008)conducted a retrospective cohort study decline. While we did not find a relation-
of 8,845 participants of a health maintenance ship between SBI and cognitive decline, we
organization who underwent health evalu- found that extensive WMH were associated
ations from 1964 to 1973 when they were with about a 4% drop in yearly cognitive
between the ages of 40 and 44. Midlife car- ability (Carmichael et al., 2010). Moreover,
diovascular risk factors included total choles- similar measures in the Alzheimers Disease
terol, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking. Neuroimaging Initiative cohort (Carmichael
Diagnoses of dementia were then ascertained et al., 2010) concluded that the presence of
by medical records review between 1994 and extensive WMH was associated with sig-
2003. The authors identified 721 participants nificant increases in MMSE and ADAS-Cog,
(8.2%) with incident dementia. Smoking, measures commonly used to test medication
hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes effects on AD treatment.
at midlife were each associated with a 20% to In summary, these data suggest that both
40% increase in risk of dementia. Acomposite vascular risk factors and evidence of vascular
268part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

brain injury are associated with both cognitive vivo markers of CVD. Amyloid imaging is
declines over 12years and incident demen- an emerging technology that appears to be a
tia over longer periods. Moreover, many of reasonable measure of the AD process (Fagan
the individuals with incident dementia are etal., 2006; Ikonomovic etal., 2008). Amyloid
diagnosed with AD. MRI measures, however, imaging, therefore, may offer us the oppor-
are not strictly tied to pathology. Fortunately, tunity to better disentangle the indepen-
a number of pathological studies have been dent and combined effects of AD and CVD
performed. pathologies. For example, amyloid imaging
with Pittsburgh Compound B (PiB) finds that
between 30% and 50% of individuals with
Interaction of Cerebrovascular MCI have normal PiB retention (Forsberg
Disease and Alzheimers Disease etal., 2007; Kemppainen etal., 2007; Lopresti
Pathologies on Cognition etal., 2005; Rowe etal., 2007). Other studies
find that PiB retention correlates with epi-
A particularly elegant series of pathologi- sodic memory impairment in MCI patients
cal studies show evidence that postmortem (Pike et al., 2007), that nonmemory MCI
infarction is associated with nearly twice the patients have normal PiB binding (Pike etal.,
likelihood of incident dementia (Schneider 2007), and that PiB+ MCI patients convert
etal., 2003). In addition, when adjusting for to dementia at a significantly higher rate
the extent of associated AD pathology, post- than nonmemory MCI (Forsberg etal., 2007;
mortem infarction significantly adds to the Kemppainen et al., 2007). These data, there-
likelihood of dementia, particularly when fore, suggest that PiB imaging identifies indi-
AD pathology is relatively mild (Schneider viduals with differing etiologies for their MCI
et al., 2004). Interestingly, the presence of syndrome and that PiB- MCI subjects may
the apolipoprotein E 4 (ApoE 4) polymor- include a subset of individuals with CVD as
phism increases the odds of postmortem the predominant pathology. If correct, PiB
infarction (Schneider etal., 2005)and mixed imaging will provide a unique measure of
pathologies, primarily the combination of AD pathology that can be applied to stud-
infarction and AD, are the strongest predic- ies examining the relationship between cog-
tor of dementia within a community-based nition and the complex interaction of CVD
population (Schneider et al., 2007). Finally, and AD pathologies that commonly co-occur
diabetes, a very common vascular risk fac- in older individuals. Early results support
tor, is independently associated with post- this assertion. Recent PiB studies find that
mortem evidence of vascular brain injury amyloid retention is not associated with
but not AD pathology (Arvanitakis et al., WMH and has little or no impact on cogni-
2006). This series of studies emphasizes tion among cognitively normal individuals,
the additive role of CVD to AD in causing whereas MRI measures of CVD have a nega-
clinically expressed dementia. In addition, tive impact on executive function in the same
these data suggest that ApoE may function group of individuals (Marchant etal., 2011).
as a risk factor for both processes as previ- Possibly even more interesting is the recent
ously hypothesized (Decarli, 2004), but that report that amyloid retention is related to the
vascular risk factors may primarily contrib- degree of vascular risk among cognitively
ute to dementia through vascular injury. Of normal individuals (Reed etal., 2011).
course, not all published research supports
this view. For example, a recent report that
studied subjects recruited through memory Conclusion
disorders clinics failed to show a significant
effect of CVD on dementia (Chui etal., 2006). This review summarized a relatively large
Further work is clearly indicated in this area. and growing literature that shows how CVD
and AD processes combine to cause cogni-
tive impairment ranging from subtle cogni-
Future Diagnostic Methods tive impairments in normal older individuals
through MCI, and that CVD likely contrib-
As noted in the previous section, WMH and utes additively to the cognitive effects of AD
MRI infarction appear to be reasonable in pathology. With the advent amyloid imaging
CHAPTER 13. Vascular Cognitive Impairment 269

it will be possible to assess the relative contri- Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.
butions of both pathologies to brain function, Archives of Neurology, 67(11), 13701378.
thereby further elucidating the combined Chui, H.C., Zarow, C., Mack, W.J., Ellis, W.G.,
effects of these two processes on cognitive Zheng, L., Jagust, W. J.,...Vintners, H. V.
(2006). Cognitive impact of subcortical vas-
aging and dementia risk.
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influence of cerebrovascular disease on brain cular brain injury with incident stroke, mild
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Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy

Ellis S. van Etten, Steven M. Greenberg, and Anand Viswanathan

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a cere- (Zhang-Nunes et al., 2006). Autopsy stud-
brovascular disorder that is commonly found ies have suggested that the sporadic form is
in the brains of elderly people (Jellinger, detectable in 10% to 40% of individuals above
2002). CAA-related vascular dysfunction is the age of 60 (Jellinger, 2002), and this figure
caused by deposition of the amyloid- (A) increases to 50% in individuals above the age
peptide in small and medium-sized blood of 90 (McCarron & Nicoll, 2004). In patients
vessels (Vinters 1987; Vonsattel et al., 1991). with concomitant Alzheimers disease (AD),
CAA can lead to lesions typical of cerebral CAA can be found in 80% or more of the
small-vessel disease (SVD). Indeed, all of the affected brains (Ellis etal., 1996; Jellinger, 2002;
classic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Xu, Yang, & Wang, 2003). In patients with
markers of SVD can be seen in patients with dementia, these two diseases often coexist and
CAA. These include small, punctate, micro- share the same neuropathologic finding of A
hemorrhages (or microbleeds) (Greenberg, deposition (Selkoe, 2001; Smith& Greenberg,
Finklestein,& Schaefer, 1996; Greenberg etal., 2009). Cognitive impairment has, however,
2009), lacunar infarctions (Kimberly et al., also been observed in CAA in the absence of
2009; Menon & Kidwell, 2009), and white extensive AD pathology (Grabowski, Cho,
matter hyperintensity (WMH) (Holland Vonsattel, Rebeck, & Greenberg, 2001; Natt
etal., 2008; Zhu etal., 2012). Although CAA et al., 2001), and CAA has been increasingly
classically presents with a lobar intracerebral recognized as an independent cause of demen-
hemorrhage (ICH), mounting evidence sug- tia (Arvanitakis etal., 2011; Greenberg, Gurol,
gests that there are many patients with CAA Rosand, & Smith, 2004; Neuropathology
without a major hemorrhage (Greenberg, Group, Medical Research Council Cognitive
Vonsattel, Stakes, Gruber,& Finklestein, 1993; Function and Aging Study, 2001).
Greenberg etal., 2009).

Epidemiology Pathophysiology

CAA occurs in a highly prevalent spo- In its most common form, amyloid angiopa-
radic form and a more rare hereditary form thy results from A deposition in the media

CHAPTER 14. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy andCognitiveImpairment 275

and adventitia of cerebral small arteries (e.g., thalamus and basal ganglia) and the
and capillaries. After cleavage of the longer brainstem (Herzig etal., 2004; Vinters, 1987).
amyloid precursor protein (APP), A spe- The potential role of peripheral A in the
cies are formed consisting of 40 to 42 amino development of CAA has recently been high-
acids (Price, Tanzi, Borchelt,& Sisodia, 1998). lighted in a transgenic mouse model, which
Although the A peptide is derived from showed acceleration of CAA and A-related
APP in both sporadic CAA and in AD, cer- brain pathology after peripheral injection of
tain hereditary forms of CAA are associ- A-containing inoculates (Eisele etal., 2010).
ated with accumulation of non-A peptides Peripheral A may be an important precur-
(Zhang-Nunes etal., 2006). sor pool for brain A, as several animal mod-
It has been suggested that the A peptide els have demonstrated that it can cross the
is primarily generated by neurons and is bloodbrain barrier (Ghilardi et al., 1996;
drained with interstitial fluid along perivas- Mackic et al., 1998, 2002; Martel, Mackic,
cular spaces to cervical lymph nodes (Herzig, McComb, Ghiso,& Zlokovic, 1996; Poduslo,
Van Nostrand, & Jucker, 2006; Roher et al., Curran, Haggard, Biere,& Selkoe, 1997; Ujiie,
2003; Weller etal., 1998). A is likely actively Dickstein, Carlow,& Jefferies, 2003; Zlokovic
cleared from the central nervous system etal., 1993).
across the bloodbrain barrier through a vari- Cerebrovascular deposition of A in
ety of mechanisms (Bell et al., 2009; Deane patients with sporadic and hereditary forms
et al., 2003, 2004). Impaired clearance may of CAA results in an array of vessel pathol-
lead to amyloid deposits in the vessel wall ogy. This includes loss of smooth muscle
(Fig.14.1) and amyloid plaques in the brain cells, thickening of the vessel wall with lumi-
parenchyma (Deane etal., 2003; Herzig etal., nal narrowing, concentric splitting of the
2006). Overexpression of serum response fac- vessel wall (vessel-in-vessel appearance),
tor (SRF) and myocardin in vascular smooth microaneurysm formation, and perivascular
muscle cells can downregulate lipoprotein microhemorrhage (Grabowski et al., 2001;
receptor-related protein (LRP-1) and initiate Mandybur, 1986; Vinters, 1987; Vinters etal.,
A accumulation (Bell etal., 2009). 1994, 1998; Vonsattel etal., 1991; Zekry etal.,
For reasons yet to be clarified, there is pref- 2003). These pathological findings can also
erential A deposition in the cerebral cortex, be recapitulated in various animal models
particularly the occipital lobe, with relative of CAA resulting from overexpression of
sparing of the deep hemispheric structures the APP gene (Calhoun etal., 1999; Christie,

(A) (B)

Figure14.1 Pathologic appearance of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. (A) Amyloid deposits replace
media and smooth muscle cells causing thickening of the vessel wall (hematoxylin& eosin; original
magnification, 20). (B) Immunoperoxidase staining for amyloid- peptide showing circumferential
staining of leptomeningeal blood vessels (original magnification, 20). (Images courtesy of
Dr.Matthew P.Frosch, MGH) (See color plate section)
276part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Yamada, Moskowitz, & Hyman, 2001; Fryer Cohen, Hedera, Friedland, & Kalaria, 1996;
et al., 2003; Van Dorpe et al., 2000; Winkler Schmechel etal., 1993).
et al., 2001). Furthermore, deposition of A Interestingly, in AD the presence of the 4
has been shown to affect resting vessel diam- allele is associated with increased risk and
eter (Kimchi, Kajdasz, Bacskai, & Hyman, a more rapid progression of the disease,
2001; Mandybur, 1986) and modify cerebral whereas presence of the 2 allele is associ-
vasoreactivity in animal models (Han et al., ated with decreased risk (Corder etal., 1998).
2008; Niwa, Carlson,& Iadecola, 2000; Niwa, The effect of the different APOE genotypes
Younkin, etal., 2000; Shin etal., 2007)and in in both diseases is likely to be mediated by
patients with CAA (Dumas etal., 2012; Smith the way amyloid accumulation is modulated
et al., 2008). This vascular dysfunction may (Olesen, Mikkelsen, Gerdes, & Jensen, 1997;
underlie the subcortical white matter damage Sanan etal., 1994; Verghese etal., 2011). For
seen in patients with advanced CAA (Gurol example, the 4 allele is thought to increase
etal., 2006; Holland etal., 2008; Smith etal., A aggregation and impair A clearance
2004; Viswanathan etal., 2008). Although the (Verghese etal., 2011).
distribution of white matter disease in CAA In addition to APOE as a risk factor for
appears similar to patients with hyperten- sporadic CAA, there are several genetic
sive vasculopathy (Smith et al., 2010), there mutations that cause rare autosomal domi-
is some suggestion that in at least a subgroup nant familial forms of CAA. Patients with
of CAA patients, the posterior white matter these hereditary forms of CAA usually have
is predominantly affected (Zhu etal., 2012). more severe clinical course and present at
an earlier age (Bornebroek et al., 2003; De
Jonghe etal., 1998; Palsdottir, Snorradottir,&
Genetics Thorsteinsson, 2006; Van Nostrand, Melchor,
Cho, Greenberg, & Rebeck, 2001). To date,
In sporadic CAA, the only specific genetic several mutations have been described, most
risk factor consistently identified has of which involve either missense mutations
been Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. within the A coding region or duplication of
Possession of the APOE type 2 and/or 4 the APP gene. However, mutations in other
is associated with lobar hemorrhage (Biffi, genes unrelated to A such as cystatin C
Sonni, et al., 2010; Greenberg et al., 1998; and transthyretin have also been described
Woo et al., 2002). The presence of either (Ghiso, Pons-Estel, & Frangione, 1986;
APOE 2 or 4 alleles possibly doubles the Jonsdottir& Palsdottir 1993; Palsdottir etal.,
risk of a lobar ICH (odds ratio 2.3; 95% con- 1988; Vidal etal., 1996).
fidence interval 1.24.4) (Woo et al., 2002). The most common form of hereditary CAA
Additionally, the APOE 2 and 4 alleles have is seen in families with autosomal dominant
been associated with an earlier age of onset early-onset AD (ADEOAD). It has been sug-
of a lobar hemorrhage (Greenberg etal., 1998; gested that in 2% to 18% of the individuals
Greenberg, Briggs, etal., 1996)and correlate with ADEOAD, the disorder is caused by
with an increased risk of recurrent hemor- duplication of the APP locus, which often
rhages (ODonnell etal., 2000). causes concomitant CAA (Cabrejo et al.,
The APOE 2 allele alone predisposes 2006; Kasuga et al., 2009; Rovelet-Lecrux
patients with lobar ICH to hematoma expan- et al., 2006; Sleegers et al., 2006). A more
sion (Brouwers et al., 2012) and might have rare form, hereditary cerebral hemorrhage
a role in the severity and clinical course with amyloidosis-Dutch type (HCHWA-D),
of lobar ICH (Biffi et al., 2011). These stud- the first hereditary CAA disorder to be dis-
ies are in line with the finding that APOE covered, is caused by a point mutation at
2 may promote splitting of the vessel wall, codon 693 of APP, which results in modifi-
formation of microhemorrhages, and fibri- cation of the A peptide (Bakker etal., 1991;
noid necrosis leading to vessel breakdown Levy et al., 1990; van Duinen et al., 1987;
(Greenberg et al., 1998; McCarron et al., Wattendorff, Frangione, Luyendijk, & Bots,
1999). In contrast, the APOE 4 allele is asso- 1995). This is a dominantly inherited disor-
ciated with an increase in the amount of vas- der where patients experience recurrent ICH,
cular amyloid (Greenberg, Rebeck, Vonsattel, cognitive decline, and dementia. Although
Gomez-Isla, & Hyman, 1995; Premkumar, cognitive symptoms typically appear after
CHAPTER 14. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy andCognitiveImpairment 277

initial stroke, they can manifest as the first TABLE14.1 Boston Criteria for Diagnosis
symptom of the disease (Zhang-Nunes etal., of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA)
2006). Another hereditary CAA form, first Related Hemorrhage
discovered in an Iowa family, is caused by a
1. Definite CAA
point mutation in codon 694 of the APP gene
Full postmortem examination demonstrating
(Grabowski etal., 2001; Van Nostrand etal.,
a. Lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical
2001). In this disorder, family members may hemorrhage
have dramatically different clinical presenta- b. Severe CAA with vasculopathy
tions, varying from recurrent ICH, to demen- c. Absence of other diagnostic lesion
tia and leukoaraiosis without ICH (Greenberg 2. Probable CAA with Supporting Pathology
etal., 2003). Additionally, hereditary cerebral Clinical data and pathologic tissue (evacuated
hemorrhage with amyloidosis-Icelandic type hematoma or cortical biopsy) demonstrating:
(HCHWA-I) is an autosomal dominant dis- a. Lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical
order seen in Icelandic families caused by a hemorrhage
b. Some degree of CAA in specimen
point mutation at codon 68 of the cystatin C
c. Absence of other diagnostic lesion
gene. It causes cystatin C, a cysteine protein
3. Probable CAA
inhibitor, to form deposits in cerebral arteries Clinical data and magnetic resonance imaging or
leading to ICHs (Palsdottir etal., 2006). computerized tomography demonstrating:
Screening for hereditary CAA gene muta- a. Multiple hemorrhages restricted to the lobar,
tions among patient with sporadic CAA cortical, corticosubcortical, or cerebellar
appears to have little clinical value because the region
familial and sporadic forms CAA are unlikely b. Age 55
to share individual risk mutations. Therefore, c. Absence of other cause of intracerebral
systematic genetic screening in sporadic CAA hemorrhage*
4. Possible CAA
patients lacking a strong family history of
Clinical data and magnetic resonance imaging or
hemorrhage or dementia is not currently rec-
computerized tomography demonstrating:
ommended (Biffi, Plourde, etal., 2010). a. Single lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical
b. Age 55
Diagnosis c. Absence of other cause of intracerebral
Although a definitive diagnosis of sporadic
*Potential causes of intracerebral hemorrhage: exces-
CAA can only be made after histological
sive anticoagution (INR > 3.0); antecedent head trauma
investigation of affected brain tissue through or ischemic stroke; central nervous system tumor, vascular
biopsy or autopsy, clinical diagnostic criteria malformation, or vasculitis; blood dyscrasia.
to identify patients with the disease, called
the Boston Criteria, have been developed.
Most reliably used in elderly patients pre- gold standard of pathologic diagnosis from
senting with lobar ICH, the Boston Criteria specimens from autopsy, hematoma evacua-
serve to identify those individuals likely to tion, or cortical biopsy (Knudsen etal., 2001).
have pathologic evidence of advanced CAA Of the 39 cases diagnosed with lobar ICH on
(Table 14.1) (Greenberg, 1998; Knudsen, clinical and radiologic grounds, all 13 cases
Rosand, Karluk, & Greenberg, 2001; van with probable CAA also had a pathological
Rooden etal., 2009). Probable CAA is defined diagnosis of CAA. Sixteen of the 26 cases with
by the presence of multiple, strictly lobar possible CAA had a pathological diagnosis of
hemorrhages (including microhemorrhages CAA. These data demonstrate the high speci-
or microbleeds) detected by gradient-echo ficity of the Boston Criteria to identify patients
MRI with no other definite cause of ICH such with lobar ICH and sporadic CAA (Table14.2).
as trauma, ischemic stroke, tumor, coagulop- For further validation of the Boston Criteria
athy, or excessive anticoagulation (Fig.14.2). and to refine their image components, they
Similarly, possible CAA is defined by the pres- have recently been applied to patients who
ence of a single lobar hemorrhage without were diagnosed with hereditary CAA after
other definite cause (Knudsen etal., 2001). genetic testing. In groups of symptomatic
The Boston Criteria for diagnosis of CAA and asymptomatic patients with HCHWA-D,
have been compared against the established detection of lesions caused by CAA using the
278part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Figure14.2 Axial slide of gradient recalled echo (GRE) magnetic resonance image (MRI) ofpatient
with probable cerebral amyloid angiopathy demonstrating multiple punctate lobar areas
ofdecreased intensity suggestive of cerebral microbleeds.

Boston Criteria was found to be highly sensi- as superficial siderosis, this finding was
tive, and including microbleeds in the assess- identified by one study in 60% (22 of 38) of
ment further increased the sensitivity (van pathologically verified cases of advanced
Rooden etal., 2009). CAA versus 0 of 22 ICHs due to other causes
Additionally, spontaneous subarachnoid (Linn etal., 2010). Thus, superficial siderosis
hemorrhage localized to the convexity may in elderly individuals with clinical and neu-
be another radiographic manifestation of roimaging features consistent with CAA may
cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Also described be further suggestive of the diagnosis.

TABLE14.2 Clinicopathologic Correlation in the Diagnosis of

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA)
Clinical Diagnosis Source of Pathologic n Pathologic Diagnosis

Probable CAA All 13 13 0

Postmortem brain 6 6 0
Evacuated hematoma 5* 5 0
Cortical biopsy 2 2 0
Possible CAA All 26 16 10
Postmortem brain 8 4 4
Evacuated hematoma 16* 11 5
Cortical biopsy 2 1 1
Total 39 29 10

*Three hematoma specimens (two probable CAA and one possible CAA) did not con-
tain vessels and were not counted in these figures (Knudsen etal., 2001).
CHAPTER 14. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy andCognitiveImpairment 279

Whether sporadic CAA can reliably be Positron emission tomography (PET)

recognized in patients without ICH and, if based imaging using the amyloid binding
so, what degree of precision can be obtained ligand Pittsburgh Compound B has recently
remains uncertain and is an ongoing area of been developed (PiB-PET imaging). It is a
research. Establishing the predictive value of noninvasive imaging technique to detect
microbleeds detected in individuals without a fibrillar A deposits and has been used to
major hemorrhage would be of considerable quantify amyloid deposition in patients with
interest and could potentially identify patients Alzheimers disease (Johnson et al., 2007;
with milder forms of the disease. Indirect evi- Klunk etal., 2004; Mathis etal., 2003). Several
dence is suggestive that lobar microbleeds groups have applied this technique to study
may be a reliable marker of cerebrobvascu- patients with probable/definite CAA or lobar
lar amyloid deposition in subjects without ICH (Johnson etal., 2007; Ly etal., 2010). One
ICH. Several population-based studies have study demonstrated that global PiB retention
found that cerebral microbleeds located in in nondemented CAA subjects was signifi-
exclusively lobar regions are common in cantly increased in CAA relative to healthy
healthy elderly individuals (Mesker et al., control subjects, but lower in CAA than in
2011; Sveinbjornsdottir et al., 2008; Vernooij AD. Importantly, there appears to be a greater
et al., 2008). Neuroimaging results from the proportion of PiB retention in the occipital
Rotterdam study found that microbleeds cortex in patients with CAA compared to
were present in greater than 30% of healthy those with AD (Johnson etal., 2007; Ly etal.,
individuals over age 70 with the majority har- 2010). PiB appears to reliably detect vascular
boring microbleeds in a strictly lobar distri- A as has been shown in Iowa-type heredi-
bution (Mesker et al., 2011). Furthermore, in tary CAA (Greenberg et al., 2008). Further
this study, individuals with the APOE 4 allele studies have suggested increased amyloid
were more likely to have lobar microbleeds. deposition occurs at sites of CAA-related
Although further studies are needed, these microbleeds (Dierksen etal., 2010).
data raise the possibility that there are a large Other ligands for PET may include several
number of asymptomatic elders in the gen- 18
F-labeled tracers such as florbetapir, which
eral population with sporadic CAA. Criteria was recently approved by the FDA (Anon,
to reliably identify these individuals early in 2012). Although such ligands may potentially
their clinical course, before they experience offer the advantage of more widespread use
a devastating lobar ICH or cognitive impair- due to their longer half-lives (Herholz &
ment, need to be established. Ebmeier, 2011), their utility in CAA diagnosis
has not yet been reported.
Another approach to diagnose CAA may be
Potential Emerging Techniques for Cerebral to investigate the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). It
Amyloid Angiopathy Detection has been suggested that A40 concentrations
in CSF are decreased in CAA patients relative
Although the Boston criteria have been to controls and AD patients (Verbeek et al.,
pathologically validated and have proven 2009). Therefore, it is conceivable that the A
to strongly correlate with CAA-related CSF profile could be used as another diag-
pathology in patients with severe disease, nostic tool in CAA detection. Finally, in vivo
the degree of reliability of these criteria in measures of abnormal vascular reactivity
individuals with milder forms of the disease using transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD)
remains uncertain. Furthermore, these cri- (Smith etal., 2008)or functional MRI (Dumas
teria still remain an indirect measure of the etal., 2012)could function as another tool to
effects of A-mediated pathology. This raises help distinguish individuals with emerging
the question as to whether one can directly CAA pathology.
measure vascular A burden during life, and
if so, whether the methods involved reliably
distinguish individuals with advanced CAA Cerebral Amyloid AngiopathyRelated
pathology from those with other A patholo- Cognitive Impairment
gies such as AD. Several emerging techniques
may serve as useful tools for more sensitive Cognitive dysfunction has been described in
detection of CAA during life. both sporadic (Greenberg etal., 1993; Silbert
280part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

et al., 1995) and familial cases (Bornebroek, elucidated, the brain parenchymal injuries
Haan, et al., 1996; Bornebroek, van Buchem, resulting from the cerebrovascular pathol-
et al., 1996; Grabowski et al., 2001; Mead ogy are likely to act as mediators of cognitive
etal., 2000)of CAA, mostly in the absence of decline. Patients with a major hemorrhage
extensive Alzheimer pathology (Grabowski can have abrupt cognitive decline accom-
et al., 2001; Greenberg, Gurol, et al., 2004; panied with focal signs, but the cognitive
Natt etal., 2001). Over 40% of patients with function may recover over time (Korczyn,
CAA-related ICH have some degree of cog- Vakhapova,& Grinberg, 2012). Interestingly,
nitive decline during their life (Vinters, 1987). microbleeds have been shown to be associ-
Interestingly, in very severe cases of CAA, cog- ated independently with loss of cognitive
nitive impairment is a finding independent of functioning and functional dependence (van
a major hemorrhagic stroke (Grabowski etal., Es et al., 2011; Poels et al., 2012; Yakushiji
2001; Greenberg, Gurol, et al., 2004; Natt etal., 2012), and more specifically with frontal
etal., 2001). The MRC study demonstrated a executive dysfunction (Gregoire etal., 2012).
significant association between severe CAA Whether this is due to a direct contribution
pathology and dementia independent for age, of CAA-related microbleeds to cognitive
brain weight, neuritic and diffuse plaques, impairment as suggested in other patholo-
neocortical and hippocampal neurofibrillary gies (Viswanathan etal., 2010; Werring etal.,
tangles, Lewy bodies, and cerebrovascular 2004) or whether microbleeds are a marker
disease (Neuropathology Group, Medical of other CAA-related pathologies such as
Research Council Cognitive Function and white matter hyperintensities (Gurol et al.,
Aging Study, 2001). The Honolulu-Asia Aging 2006), changes in diffusion-tensor measure-
Study (Pfeifer, White, Ross, Petrovitch, & ments (Salat et al., 2006; Viswanathan et al.,
Launer, 2002) found, after controlling for 2008), small infarcts (Kimberly et al., 2009;
potential confounders, the accompanying Soontornniyomkij etal., 2010), or pathologies
presence of CAA in subjects with AD asso- other than CAA like hypertension (Yakushiji
ciated with significantly worse cognitive etal., 2012)remains to be determined.
performance, although CAA was not signifi- Small ischemic infarcts could also play an
cantly overrepresented in demented (55%) important role in developing cognitive impair-
compared with nondemented (38%) brains. ment. Autopsy studies (Chui et al., 2006;
The recent Religious Orders cohort Study Soontornniyomkij etal., 2010)and radiological
(Arvanitakis et al., 2011) showed that mod- studies (Gregoire etal., 2011; Kimberly etal.,
erate to very severe CAA was associated 2009)suggested that CAA-related dementia is
with lower performance in specific cognitive associated with these small silent infarcts,
domains, including lower perceptual speed in both gray and white matter areas, indepen-
and episodic memory. Whether cognition is dent of AD pathology. These ischemic lesions
affected in patients with less severe forms of are a frequent finding in sporadic CAA,
CAA remains uncertain (Greenberg, Gurol, ranging from 37% to nearly 100% of cases in
etal., 2004). autopsy studies (Haglund, Passant, Sjbeck,
In a comprehensive review of the sub- Ghebremedhin, & Englund, 2006; Okamoto
ject, Cordonnier and van der Flier (2011) et al., 2009; Okazaki, Reagan, & Campbell,
concluded that while there is sufficient evi- 1979; Olichney etal., 2000; Soontornniyomkij
dence to suggest that CMBs contribute to etal., 2010; Suter etal., 2002). Neuroimaging
cognitive impairment in association with studies have demonstrated an occurrence of
cerebrovascular disease, the evidence of an approximately 15% of hyperintense lesions
independent effect of CMBs on cognition on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in ICH,
among individuals with AD is less certain. suggestive of ischemic infarction (Garg etal.,
One study suggested an independent effect 2012; Gregoire et al., 2011; Kimberly et al.,
(Goos et al., 2010), whereas another did not 2009; Lansberg etal., 2001; Menon etal., 2012;
(Pettersen etal., 2008). The authors conclude Prabhakaran etal., 2010). Their location, size,
that the evidence may be weak due to the and radiological characteristics correspond
low numbers of individuals in most studies to the ischemic lesions seen on pathologic
(Cordonnier& van der Flier, 2011). examination in CAA patients (Haglund etal.,
Although the exact mechanisms by which 2006; Okamoto et al., 2009; Okazaki et al.,
CAA may cause dementia are not fully 1979; Olichney etal., 2000; Suter etal., 2002).
CHAPTER 14. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy andCognitiveImpairment 281

Assuming these ischemic lesions are visually 1996; Hanyu, Tanaka, Shimizu, Takasaki, &
detectable on DWI 10days after an ischemic Abe, 2003; Nakata etal., 2002; Pettersen etal.,
stroke, the estimated prevalence would be 8 2008).
new infarctions per person-year (Kimberly Why certain patients develop CAA, while
et al., 2009). This estimate is strikingly high others develop AD or CAA and AD com-
relative to the estimated incidence of new bined, is not fully understood, but it may in
small hemorrhage ( 1.4 per year) or major, part be explained by differential accumula-
symptomatic ICH ( 0.14 per year) calcu- tion of A species. The cerebrovascular A
lated from other cohorts with advanced CAA deposits in CAA mainly consist of the shorter,
(Greenberg, Eng, Ning, Smith, & Rosand, more soluble A40 form (Herzig etal., 2004),
2004). whereas parenchymal plaques in AD show
White matter damage is common in CAA more A42 species (Jankowsky et al., 2004;
(Gurol etal., 2006; Holland etal., 2008; Smith Johnson-Wood et al., 1997). Increase in the
et al., 2004; Viswanathan et al., 2008) and ratio between A 40 and A 42 may shift
has been associated with cognitive impair- amyloid deposition from the parenchyma
ment in the disease prior to ICH (Smith, to the vessels (Herzig et al., 2006), and this
Rosand, Knudsen, Hylek, & Greenberg, balance between parenchymal and vascular
2002; Viswanathan etal., 2008). White matter amyloid deposits may be the key determi-
damage is suggested to cause cognitive dys- nant in the pathogenesis of the two diseases
function by interrupting white matter fibers (Fryer etal., 2005; Kumar-Singh, 2008; Love,
linking areas of association cortex, leading Miners, Palmer, Chalmers,& Kehoe, 2009).
to difficulty with executive function and Interestingly, the presence of CAA may be
psychomotor speed (Au et al., 2006; Garde, a predisposing factor for inflammatory reac-
Lykke Mortensen, Rostrup,& Paulson, 2005; tion against the active (Ferrer et al., 2004;
Gupta etal., 1988; Schmidt, Petrovic, Ropele, Nicoll etal., 2003; Orgogozo etal., 2003)and
Enzinger,& Fazekas, 2007; Smith etal., 2004). passive (Black et al., 2010) A vaccine stud-
Patients with CAA have larger white matter ied in AD patients. The inflammation seen in
hyperintensity burden on T2-weighted imag- some patients following A42 immunization
ing compared to either healthy elderly sub- may resemble vasogenic edema seen in a sub-
jects (Holland et al., 2008) or patients with group of patients who develop inflammatory
AD (Gurol etal., 2006)and have evidence of CAA (Salloway et al., 2009; Sperling et al.,
tissue microstructural alterations on diffu- 2011, 2012). The inflammation is thought to
sion imaging (Salat etal., 2006; Viswanathan be an immune response to the cerebrovascu-
et al., 2008). These alterations in global dif- lar amyloid deposits behaving as a foreign
fusion tensor imaging measures using frac- material (Greenberg & Frosch, 2011). This
tional anisotropy have been associated with was hypothesized because of the location
cognitive impairment in CAA (Viswanathan of the inflammatory reaction and the close
etal., 2008). relationship to inflammatory cells to cerebro-
Pathologic studies have suggested that vascular amyloid (Anders et al., 1997; Gray
CAA and AD often coexist. In AD patients et al., 1990; Probst & Ulrich, 1985; Yamada
CAA might have an additive effect by etal., 1996). The finding of markers of CAA
increasing dementia severity and, in patients in AD patients may therefore have consid-
with mild AD, it might aggravate cognitive erable implications for ongoing and future
impairment (Heyman etal., 1998; Petrovitch anti-amyloid trials.
et al., 2005; Schneider, Arvanitakis, Bang, &
Bennett, 2007; Snowdon etal., 1997). By con-
trast, CAA and AD can also present as dis- Therapy Considerations and Future Directions
tinct entities. Approximately 60%80% of
patients diagnosed with CAA-related lobar With no evidence-based treatment options
ICH did not show clinical symptoms of available, optimal management of patients
dementia before their initial ICH (Mandybur, with CAA may be a challenge to many clini-
1986; Vinters, 1987). Similarly, only a minor- cians. Blood pressure control may serve as a
ity of patients with AD demonstrates hem- strategy to reduce risk of CAA-related ICH
orrhages suggestive of advanced CAA (Atri recurrence (Arima et al., 2010). However,
etal., 2005; Cordonnier etal., 2006; Ellis etal., its impact on outcomes such as cognitive
282part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

impairment or progression of small-vessel Atri, A., Locascio, J. J., Lin, J. M., Yap, L.,
disease pathology remains to be determined. Dickerson, B. C., Grodstein, F.,...Greenberg,
An important new therapeutic avenue to S. M. (2005). Prevalence and effects of lobar
prevent major clinical consequences of CAA microhemorrhages in early-stage dementia.
Neurodegenerative diseases, 2(6), 305312.
might be A immunotherapy. As animal stud-
Au, R., Massaro, J.M., Wolf, P.A., Young, M.E.,
ies have shown, antiA therapy can reduce
Beiser, A., Seshadri, S.,...DeCarli, C. (2006).
the A burden in cerebral vessels (Prada Association of white matter hyperintensity
et al., 2007; Schroeter et al., 2008; Thakker volume with decreased cognitive function-
etal., 2009). Whether similar results could be ing:The Framingham Heart Study. Archives of
obtained in patients with CAA and whether Neurology, 63(2), 246250.
such therapy could modify clinical course in Bakker, E., van Broeckhoven, C., Haan,
the disease remains to be investigated. J., Voorhoeve, E., van Hul, W., Levy,
E.,...Frangione, B, (1991). DNA diagnosis for
hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloi-
Summary dosis (Dutch type). American Journal of Human
Genetics, 49(3), 518521.
Bell, R. D., Deane, R., Chow, N., Long, X.,
Over recent decades great progress has
Sagare, A., Singh, I.,...Zlokovic, B.V. (2009).
been made in determining the pathophysi- SRF and myocardin regulate LRP-mediated
ology, genetics, and consequences of CAA. amyloid-beta clearance in brain vascular
Mounting evidence is suggesting that CAA cells. Nature Cell Biology, 11(2), 143153.
is an independent cause of cognitive impair- Biffi, A., Anderson, C.D., Jagiella, J.M., Schmidt,
ment. Because this disease is highly prevalent H., Kissela, B., Hansen, B. M.,...Rosand, J.
in the elderly, its contribution to cognitive (2011). APOE genotype and extent of bleed-
dysfunction could be substantial. Ongoing ing and outcome in lobar intracerebral haem-
research aims to develop methods for early orrhage: A genetic association study. Lancet
Neurology, 10(8), 702709.
identification of patients with CAA and to
Biffi, A., Plourde, A., Shen, Y., Onofrio, R.,
reliably determine the burden of CAA in
Smith, E. E., Frosch, M.,...Rosand, J. (2010).
these individuals. Establishing criteria to Screening for familial APP mutations in spo-
reliably diagnose patients before they experi- radic cerebral amyloid angiopathy. PloS One,
ence a lobar ICH or dementia will be a critical 5(11), e13949.
step in the development of new therapeutic Biffi, A., Sonni, A., Anderson, C. D., Kissela,
strategies to prevent the major clinical conse- B., Jagiella, J. M., Schmidt, H.,...Rosand, J.
quences of this devastating disease. (2010). Variants at APOE influence risk of
deep and lobar intracerebral hemorrhage.
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The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly

Progressive and Rare Dementias
A Clinical Approach

Jeremy D. Schmahmann

This chapter presents a clinical perspective may be atypical, as occurs in primary pro-
on the evaluation of a patient with impair- gressive aphasia, or an apraxia-agnosia
ment of cognitive function. The principal goal syndrome, but Alzheimers disease has a
here is to establish a diagnosis. Determining profile sufficiently well defined that it can be
what disease process is causing the demen- strongly suspected on clinical grounds alone.
tia shapes the clinicians understanding of When the clinical history and examination
the pathophysiology of the process, pro- of a patient with cognitive decline do not
vides insights into prognosis, and guides conform to this rather stereotyped picture of
management. Alzheimers disease, the clinicians level of
It is useful to keep the profile of Alzheimers suspicion should be great that the diagnosis
disease in mind as one approaches the ques- lies elsewhere.
tion of cognitive decline. Alzheimers disease
is characterized by the insidious develop-
ment and progression of cognitive decline Acute Confusion Versus Dementia
in a person usually in the seventh or eighth
decades: initially, the signs are forgetfulness; At the outset it is imperative to distinguish an
then true memory loss for recently acquired acute or subacute (and often life-threatening)
information more than prior knowledge, and acute confusional state from dementia. Abrupt
impaired new learning; followed by deficits onset within hours to days of lethargy, confu-
in language, praxis, visual-spatial aware- sion, and disorientation, or aphasia, memory
ness, and loss of previously acquired skills loss, impaired concentration, and inability to
required for functioning at home and at perform complex functions such as driving,
work. This occurs in the setting of generally dressing, or taking care of personal hygiene
preserved but vacuous social interactions need to be urgently assessed. The history of
and an essentially normal elementary neuro- an acute or subacute onset may have a pre-
logical examination early in the course except cipitant such as head trauma, or associated
for release phenomena. The presentation symptoms pointing to bacterial, fungal, or

292 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

tuberculous meningitis; infectious endocardi- TABLE15.1 Nonprion Diagnoses of

tis; Herpes simplex encephalitis; pneumonia; Patients in University of California, San
urinary tract infections; diabetic hyperglyce- Francisco, Cohort Initially Suspected of
mic nonketotic precoma; delirium tremens; Having Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
the encephalopathy of acute intermittent por-
Condition Cases Percentage
phyria; and others. The hallmark feature on
(n) of Nonprion
examination is the presence of an impaired RPDs
and fluctuating level of consciousness and
inattention. This manifests as easy distractibil- Neurodegenerative
ity, wandering stream of conversation, inabil- Corticobasal degeneration 8
ity to stick with the examiners tasks, and Frontotemporal dementiaa 7
illogical but not necessarily aphasic sentences. Dementia with Lewy bodies 4
Agitation and restless fidgeting movements Alzheimer's diseaseb 5
Progressive supranuclear palsy 2
of the hands are common. Associated features
Subtotal 26 39
on examination include fever, meningismus,
autonomic instability (tachycardia and hyper- Hashimoto's encephatopathy 4
tension), the stigmata of chronic liver disease, Multiple sclerosis 1
or drug use. In this acute setting, one should Sarcoid 1
not make a diagnosis of a neurodegenerative Antibody mediated
dementia as the cause of a patients confu- VGKC 2
sion unless there is a well-constructed history Yo and Hu 1
from reliable sources of a slow and insidious Mac 1
decline of cognitive function progressing over CV2c 1
GAD65 1
years that has been fully and appropriately
Neuropilc 1
evaluated on previous occasions. There are too
Adenylate kinase 5 1
many treatable causes of abrupt or subacute Glial 1
decline of cognition to accept a putative and Subtotal 15 22
possibly misleading diagnosis of baseline Unknown causative factord 8 12
dementia as the working hypothesis for diag- Infeetiouse 4 6
nosis and management in these cases. Psychiatric 4 6
Non-antibody-mediated 2
Scope of the Problem paraneoplastic
Subtotal 4 6
In a study of 178 cases referred to the Toxic/metabolic
University of California San Francisco with Ethanol toxicity 1
a working diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Methylmalonic academia 1
disease (Geschwind, Shu, Haman, Sejvar, & Methotrexate toxicity 1
Miller, 2008), 62% had prion disease, but Subtotal 3 4
38% (67 patients) had nonprion causes, Vascular 3 4
Total 67 100
including autoimmune, infectious, psychi-
atric, malignant, toxic/metabolic, vascular, a
Includes two frontotemporal dementia/acute lateral
and neurodegenerative disorders generally sclerosis and one progressive subcortical gliosis PSG patient.
considered insidious and slowly progres- b
Includes one familial subject.
Includes one paraneoplastic patient.
sive but presenting in a fulminant form. d
Includes one leukoencephalopathy, one pathology-
Leukoencephalopathy and encephalopathy proven astrogliosis, and one suspected cerebral anayloid
of unknown origin accounted for the 4.5% of angiopathy patient.
patients who could not be definitively diag- e
Includes two pathology-proved meningoencephali-
nosed. See Table 15.1 tis and two viral encephalitis patients (unknown agent;
patients recovered).
Includes one thymoma and one systemic lymphoma
with encephalopathy patient and two central nervous sys-
Stepwise Clinical Approach to the Diagnosis tem lymphoma patients. RPD, rapidly progressive demen-
tia; PCNSL, primary central nervous system lymphoma;
VGKC, voltage-gated potassium channel antibody.
The traditional approach to reaching Source: From Geschwind, Shu, Haman, Sejvar, and
a diagnosis rests upon the elicitation of a Miller (2008); reproduced with permission.
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 293

comprehensive history, careful and directed said, and to whom, may not be concerning,
examination, and consideration of appropri- unless the patient is young (under 55years)
ate special investigations. The general prin- and there are other worrisome features such
ciples to be considered in the history are the as a strong family history of dementia and
background of the patient and family, who changes in personality or lifestyle.
provides the history; the time course of the True loss of memory for important aspects
illnessits onset and duration; the principal of work, recent major events, and impor-
defining features of the condition; its pro- tant family milestones, however, does raise
gression over time and the sequence of loss concern. Are there associated features in the
of function; and the associated neurological/ medical and neurological history that lead to
medical/psychiatric issues. The examination suspicion of specific etiologic agents associ-
includes a general medical examination, neu- ated with memory loss such as new medica-
rologic elementary examination, and mental tions (beta blockers, sedatives, psychotropics),
status examination, including both neuro- alcohol consumption, depression, metabolic
logic and psychiatric aspects. disorders such as hypothyroidism, prior gas-
The first part of this chapter takes this clini- trectomy to suggest vitamin B12 or thiamine
cal approach to the differential diagnosis of deficiency, or risk factors for human immu-
the many disorders under consideration (see nodeficiency virus (HIV) infection? Are there
Table 15.2). Accurate diagnosis is likely to be neighborhood symptoms and signs, such as
successful when the examiner adopts a sys- early and prominent change in personality
tematic approach to each aspect of the exam, (frontotemporal dementia), focal weakness,
looking for clues to the core features of the paresthesia, or visual loss (focal brains lesions
case. These are elicited by methodical and such as abscess or brain tumor), gait distur-
hypothesis-driven exploration, allowing the bance and incontinence (normal pressure
examiner to select appropriate and targeted hydrocephalus, Binswangers disease), sub-
investigations. The importance of this diag- acute onset of dementia with myoclonus and
nostic method cannot be overstated, particu- ataxia (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), or associ-
larly in the challenging scenario of the patient ated movement disturbances (Huntingtons
with cognitive decline, and even more so and Parkinsons diseases)?
when the cognitive change is rapid. Is the problem memory loss or a memory
lapse? Is loss of memory transient, lasting
seconds to minutes (as in seizures), or hours
The History (as in partial complex status, or transient
global amnesia)? Did headache occur around
The ability of a patient to present a coherent, the time of the memory lapse (seen in compli-
logical, and chronological account of himself cated migraine)?
or herself is an integral part of the mental state Does the family use the term loss of mem-
evaluation. Patients with acute confusion or ory to mean aphasia or apraxia? Can the his-
dementia do not provide their own history. tory differentiate between hemianopsia and a
Major deficits or nonsequiturs in the history parietal neglect syndrome? Are there features
should be the tip-off that there is something suggestive of alien hand syndrome?
amiss in the cognitive profile. Assuming that Are changes in personality the major or
the history taker is compulsive, poor histo- principal problems reported to the physi-
ries are given by poor historians, and usu- cian? Frontal lobe tumors such as meningio-
ally for definable reasons. mas or gliomas, or frontotemporal dementia
What is the chief complaint? Is it memory may present with changes in drive, ambition,
loss and, if so, what is lost. Forgetfulness judgment, and social and personal responsi-
in later life is common and while interest bility. These disorders may, for example, turn
in the earliest harbingers of Alzheimers is a pleasant, mild-mannered and hard-working
growing, this complaint is not necessarily individual into a stubborn, neglectful, apa-
indicative of a major neurological disorder. thetic, rigid, obsessional, and disinhibited
Forgetting what you went there for and person who engages in socially inappro-
having trouble in dinner conversation com- priate and embarrassing behavior, but not
ing up with names of people, but neverthe- associated with memory loss. The examiner
less remembering who they are, what they needs to interpret changes in behavior in the
TABLE15.2 Dementia:An Approach to Differential Diagnosis by Category and Disease

Diffuse axonal injury, hemorrhage
Chronic subdural hematoma
Postconcussion syndrome
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
Herpes simplex encephalitis
HIV and infectious complications
Focal cerebritis/abscess
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Prion diseaseCJD, variant
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Lyme encephalopathy (with or without meningitis)
Subacute or chronic meningitis (tuberculosis, cryptococcus, cysticercosis, Listeria)
Neurosyphilis (general paresis, gumma, meningovascular)
Cerebral sarcoidosis
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Whipples disease of the brain
Tumorbenign (frontal meningioma, clivus chordoma invading medial temporal structures)
Tumormalignant, 1/2; presentation depends on location
Intravascular lymphoma
Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis
Radiation necrosis
Postchemotherapy cognitive impairment (chemobrain)
Renaluremic encephalopathy (acute or chronic) and dialysis dementia
Hepatic encephalopathy (acute or chronic)
Hypercapnea/hyperviscosity/hypoxemia (acute or chronic)
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency (Wernicke-Korsakoff)
Vitamin B3 deficiency (nicotinic acid/niacinPellagra; dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia)
Vitamin B12 deficiency (+/- pernicious anemia)
Hypothroidism (myxedema madness)
Vitamin E deficiency (neuropathy, ataxia, encephalopathy in Celiac disease)
Acute intermittent porphyria
Focal vascular syndromes (thalamus, inferotemporal, anterior cingulate, bifrontal, triple border-zone
watershed infarction, cerebellar posterior lobe)
Multi-infarct dementia
Binswanger progressive subcortical ischemic leukoencephalopathy
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy +/ amyloid vasculitis
Diffuse hypoxic/ischemic injury
PRES (posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome)
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts, leukoencephalopathy,
MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes)
Nonparaneoplastic limbic encephalitis
Hashimoto encephalopathy (steroid-responsive encephalopathy syndrome [SREAT])
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Isolated angiitis of the nervous system
Temporal arteritis
Wegeners granulomatosis
Polyarteritis nodosa
Susac syndrome
Medications:beta blockers, neuroleptics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, histamine/dopamine
blockade, methotrexate
Alcohol (Wernicke-Korsakoff, Marchiafava-Bignami)
Heroin:chasing the dragon leukoencephalopathy
Mescaline, phencyclidine, cocaine
Marijuana psychosis
Toxic exposure:carbon monoxide, toluene, lead, mercury
Poisoning:arsenic, cyanide
Multiple sclerosis, Schilders, Balos sclerosis
ADEM (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis)
Delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy
Electricity-induced demyelination
Decompression sickness demyelination
Adult-onset leukodystrophy with neuroaxonal spheroids
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Globoid cell leukodystrophy
Vanishing white matter disease
Obstructive hydrocephalus
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Sagging brain syndromemimics frontotemporal dementia
Late-Life Degenerative Disorders
Alzheimer's disease
Frontotemporal dementia/Pick's disease
Parkinsons disease
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Corticobasal degeneration
Lewy body disease
Huntingtons disease
ALS-dementia-Parkinsons complex
Primary progressive aphasia as manifestation of diseases of progranulin, tau, TDP-43
Posterior cortical atrophy as manifestation of Alzheimers disease
Wilsons disease
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation
Cerebellar Related
Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome in pure cerebellar diseasegenetic or acquired
Autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs)
Recessively inherited ataxias and complex hereditary spastic paraplegias
Fragile X tremor ataxia syndrome (FXTAS)
Dentatorubropalidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA)
Gordon Holmes syndrome
Superficial siderosis
Sagging brain syndrome
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Cerebellar agenesis
Very Rare Pediatric Degenerative Disorders With Adult Presentations
MERRF (mitochondrial encephalopathy with ragged red fibers)
Niemann-Pick type C
Gangliosidosis 2 (GM2/Adult Tay-Sachs)
Alexander disease
Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
PLO-SL (polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy)
Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease
296 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

light of the patients prior personality, life- or is there marked asymmetry to the motor
style, and accomplishments, and then test presentation as occurs in corticobasal degen-
cognitive functions in order to diagnose and eration? Are there predominantly psychiatric
treat the underlying disorder or behavioral symptoms such as auditory hallucinations,
abnormality. paranoia, delusional thinking, thought
Could there be depression of which both broadcasting, or anxiety and phobia that may
the family and the patient are unaware? What be overwhelming and limiting the patients
are the circumstances leading up to the eval- activities, interests, and abilities? And are
uation? Is there a family history, or a past per- there circumstances in the history (injury at
sonal history, of depression? Is there evidence work, outstanding litigation) that would lead
of the vegetative symptoms of depression the examiner to suspect that secondary gain
loss of weight, appetite, energy, interest, may play a role in the patients complaints of
concentration? Is the sleep cycle reversed, or disturbed memory, impaired concentration,
does the patient awake in the early hours of and so on.
the morning for no apparent reason? Is there a family history of dementia
What is the time course of the illness? Is it (Alzheimers disease, Huntingtons disease)
an insidiously progressive constellation dif- or psychiatric illness (bipolar affective dis-
ficult to date precisely in its onset, lasting at order, schizophrenia)? Is there a potentially
least months, and probably years, as would relevant history of illness or risk factors such
be the case in most patients with degenera- as HIV disease, systemic cancer (paraneo-
tive dementias? Or is the course rapidly pro- plastic limbic encephalitis), alcohol use, and
gressive and aggressively debilitating over previous surgery (thyroidectomy/ radiation,
weeks and months, as occurs in viral or Bilroth II gastrectomy)?
prion diseases (progressive multifocal leu- What medications is the patient taking?
koencephalopathy, HIV, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Beta blockers, psychotropics, sedating anti-
[CJD]), subacute or chronic meningitides depressants, anticonvulsants at high levels or
(tuberculosis, cryptococcus, neurocysticerco- in multiple combinations, H2-receptor block-
sis, listeriosis), and limbic encephalitis (para- ers, dopamine blockers used for nonneuro-
neoplastic, or non-tumor-related immune logic purposes such as metoclopramide, and
disorders including Hashimoto encephalop- many others agents can produce substantial
athy and voltage-gated potassium channel cognitive impairment particularly in elderly
antibody [VGKC-Ab] syndrome)? Are there patients, or in those whose coping mecha-
precise definable points of decompensation nisms are already limited, as in those with
(stepwise progression) with perhaps some borderline intellectual function at baseline.
improvement but not a return to baseline, as
occurs in patients with vascular dementias or
multiple sclerosis? Is there a specific identifi- The Examination
able initiating event to the behavioral change,
such as traumatic brain injury and repetitive The examination may be diagnostic, or at
closed head trauma, intracranial hemorrhage least help limit the range of possible differen-
from arteriovenous malformation rupture, tial diagnoses. This includes a general medi-
systemic illness, or cardiac bypass surgery? cal examination, an elementary neurologic
Are there associated elementary neuro- examination, and a detailed mental state
logical symptoms in the history, such as evaluation.
focal or transient deficits that accompany
cerebrovascular disease, the dementia associ-
ated with multiple sclerosis, chronic hepatic General Medical Examination
encephalopathy, or alcohol-related demen-
tia? Are there disturbances of gait and blad- A review of the list of diseases associated with
der function, suggesting normal pressure changes in cognitive function underscores the
hydrocephalus, Binswangers disease, or need for a thorough general medical exami-
the cognitive changes seen in patients with nation in order to detect the physical find-
inherited or acquired cerebellar ataxias? Is ings associated with these conditions. This
falling a prominent and early complaint, as includes the typical signs of an overactive
may occur in progressive supranuclear palsy, or hypofunctioning thyroid gland; stigmata
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 297

of chronic alcoholism, hepatic failure, or slit-lamp examination. Neurodegeneration

renal insufficiency; anemia and cachexia with brain iron accumulation with dystonic
of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and choreoathetoid features on examination
(AIDS) or neoplasms; the cardiac and periph- may have an early adult presentation. All the
eral manifestations of endocarditis, atrial inherited cerebellar ataxias (dominant and
fibrillation, or congestive heart failure; and recessive) include a cognitive component;
the hypertension, bruits, pulse asymmetries, and multiple system atrophy, parkinsonian
and other peripheral evidence of risk factors or cerebellar forms, may be associated with
for vascular dementia. The systemic illness mental changes later in the course of the ill-
suggested by these findings on the exam may ness, as discussed further later in the chapter.
be the cause of the cognitive impairment. If, Retinal abnormalities in patients with
however, there were an underlying dement- dementia include optic atrophy in demy-
ing process, medical illnesses such as these or elinating disease; retinitis pigmentosa-like
the fever of a urinary tract infection or pneu- findings in mitochondrial diseases that cause
monia, or tender swollen calf of a deep vein dementia and loss of vision (e.g., mutation at
thrombosis, could exacerbate the cognitive position 8933); and focal pigmentary retinop-
deficits. athy with macular involvement in subacute
sclerosing panencephalitis. Macular degen-
eration and cataracts that impair vision in a
Elementary Neurological Examination person with a clouded sensorium can lead
to visual hallucinations (Charles Bonnet syn-
There are a large number of neurologic dis- drome) and exaggeration of the clinical fea-
eases in which dementia is an integral part of tures of the dementia.
the clinical scenario, and telltale features on a Visual field deficits are seen in focal brain
carefully performed neurologic examination lesions such as stroke, and in progressive
will provide valuable pointers leading to the multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) that
correct diagnosis. has a predilection for the occipital lobes.
Movement disorders are perhaps most Mass lesions in the pituitary gland or hypo-
readily discernible. Parkinsons disease is thalamus may cause visual field cuts (bitem-
characterized by the triad of bradykinesia, poral hemianopsia), cognitive failure from
rigidity, and tremor, but it does not always hydrocephalus, and neuropsychiatric mani-
present classically, is often quite asymmetric, festations from damage to the hypothala-
and is not infrequently heralded by depres- mus and its limbic connections. Posterior
sion. Cognitive decline generally occurs later cortical atrophya focal manifestation of
in the course of the illness. Progressive supra- Alzheimers disease, can start with visual
nuclear palsy (PSP) may present with falls agnosia and progress to visual field cuts, and
and difficulty descending or ascending stairs. usually asymmetric quadrantanopsias.
The examination shows supranuclear verti- Failure of vertical gaze is an early feature
cal gaze palsy (difficulty directing the eye in PSP, along with gait instability and axial
downward on command), axial predominant rigidity. Increased latency of saccadic eye
rigidity, and intellectual decline. Corticobasal movements (slowed initiation of saccades) or
degeneration (CBD) usually includes asym- difficulty with volitionally directed gaze may
metric limb apraxia in the setting of an extra- be seen in CBD or frontotemporal demen-
pyramidal bradykinesia. Lewy body disease tia (FTD), whereas slowing of saccades and
should be in the differential diagnosis of decreased saccade amplitude are seen in PSP.
dementia with early extrapyramidal features These tauopathies (PSP, FTD, and CBD) may
and visual hallucinations. The choreoathetoid manifest as the overlap disorder corticobasal
movements of Huntingtons disease may not syndrome (Armstrong et al., 2013) and thus
present early, and instead one may only see are less distinguishable from each other on
minor movements that resemble simple tics. the basis of the oculomotor examination.
Psychiatric manifestations may herald the Nystagmus indicates disease of the vestibu-
disease onset. Wilsons disease is said to pres- locerebellar system or possible drug effect,
ent in adulthood, with dystonia, dysarthria, and similarly, failure of the vestibulo-ocular
proximal wing-flapping tremor, and corneal cancellation reflex indicates vestibulocer-
Kayser-Fleischer rings best seen with the ebellar impairment. An ocular stare occurs
298 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

in Whipples disease of the central nervous radicular pains in the thoracic distribution
system caused by convergence failure and occur in syphilis, diabetes, and Lyme disease.
impoverishment of extraocular movements. Corticospinal tract signs occur late in pri-
This may be accompanied by the mouth and mary degenerative dementias. If these fea-
jaw movements of oculomasticatory myor- tures are evident early, they make diagnoses
hythmia, a striking constellation in this rare such as Alzheimers, FTD, and Parkinsons
disorder. disease less likely. Long tract signs are found
Focal cranial mono- or polyneuropathies in the amyotrophic lateral sclerosispar-
raise suspicion for life-threatening illnesses, kinsonismdementia complex described
including malignant meningeal infiltration, initially in Guam, now recognized as part
chronic basilar meningitides (e.g., cryptococ- of a spectrum of the manifestations of the
cosis, tuberculosis), and infectious vasculop- progranulin gene with brain deposits of the
athies (e.g., syphilis) that may be associated ubiquitinated TAR-DNA binding protein
with hydrocephalus, parenchymal brain (TARDBP or TDP-43; Hasegawa et al., 2007;
involvement, or apparently silent subcortical Yu et al., 2010). Corticospinal features raise
strokes. Pagets disease of bone may cause the suspicion for focal structural disease
compressive cranial neuropathies (mostly such as occurs in vascular syndromes. Large
VIIIth nerve) and hydrocephalus. Superficial arteriovenous malformations may produce
siderosis that produces progressive deafness a vascular steal phenomenon; intellectual
and cerebellar dysfunction as a consequence decline becomes evident as the hemipare-
of the insidious layering of blood products sis and hyperreflexia worsen over the years
on the surface of the cerebellum and brain- in the affected extremities. Multi-infarct
stem may also result in cognitive impair- dementia reflects the location, number, and
ment. Susac syndrome is an inflammatory size of strokes identified on the imaging
vasculopathy that produces multifocal brain studies. Multiple strokes on imaging stud-
demyelination, including the corpus callo- ies are a prerequisite for this diagnosis. The
sum, along with hearing loss and visual loss dementia results from involvement of the
from branch retinal artery occlusion. Hearing multiple different cortical and subcortically
loss is also a relatively common occurrence based systems that subserve intellect, emo-
in mitochondrial disorders such as mitochon- tion, and memory. Binswangers progressive
drial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and subcortical leukoencephalopathy presents
stroke-like episodes (MELAS), which affects with cognitive decline and intellectual and
cognition and may lead to dementia. emotional blunting, change in gait (slowing,
The masked facies of parkinsonism, and falling), and often with incontinence, making
rarely the trombone tremor of tertiary syphi- it difficult to distinguish clinically from nor-
lis, may be evident. The nature of dysarthria mal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). The two
is an important clue to the underlying diag- are alike for good reasonthe white matter
nosis in dementia, as it can suggest extra- adjacent to the ventricles is compromised
pyramidal or cerebellar disease, or bulbar in both, in Binswangers by true ischemia,
involvement as occurs in the ALS-dementia and in NPH presumably by compression
complex. of the descending corticospinal tracts and
Peripheral neuropathy raises the possibil- the intra- and interhemispheric association
ity of vitamin B12 or multiple vitamin defi- fibers by the slowly enlarging ventricles.
ciency states, alcohol excess, hypothyroidism, The diagnosis is suggested by the clinical
neurosyphilis, HIV, and vasculitis (systemic triad (ataxia, incontinence, and dementia).
lupus erythematosus, polyarterities nodosa), The radiographic studies, stroke risk (lipids,
all of which can be associated with struc- blood pressure, smoking, family history, cor-
tural cerebral changes that cause dementia or onary and/or peripheral vascular disease),
altered behaviors. Neuropathy and dementia and results of therapeutic spinal tap help
may also be seen as paraneoplastic effects of determine which is the more likely diagno-
carcinoma, heavy metal intoxication (lead, sis. Amyloid deposition in cerebral vessels
mercury, arsenic), and adrenoleukodystro- is incriminated as a cause of massive lobar
phy. Lyme disease may be associated with hemorrhage, but this entity also produces
cognitive changes as well as peripheral neu- dementia in the absence of frank hemor-
ropathy or polyradiculopathy. Lancinating rhage (Viswanathan & Greenberg, 2011),
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 299

sometimes with superimposed episodes of spinal fluid analysis, visual and somatosen-
transient unresponsiveness. Diagnosis in sory evoked potentials).
vivo is supported by susceptibility sequence Extrapyramidal findings are expected in
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detection Parkinsons disease, neuroleptic-induced
of multiple microhemorrhages at cortical syndromes including confusion in the
white matter boundaries. Autopsy findings elderly, PSP, Lewy body disease, and the
show areas of microscopic and small macro- Parkinsonian variant of MSA. Patients with
scopic hemorrhage in the setting of amyloid- Alzheimers disease have extrapyrami-
laden blood vessels throughout the brain. dal features late in the course of the illness.
Other entities associated with behavioral In contrast, the young patient (30s) with
changes and long tract signs include diseases early-onset autosomal dominant Alzheimers
not generally considered high on the differ- disease from presenilin mutations can have
ential in elderly persons. Multiple sclerosis marked extrapyramidal features of dystonia
(MS) should be considered in a previously and bradykinesia, together with myoclonus
healthy young adult who presents with cog- that becomes marked as the illness rapidly
nitive changes and long tract signs which evolves.
may be related to concomitant myelopathy Patterns of sensory loss point to periph-
or involvement of the white matter in the eral nerve disease, brainstem syndromes,
cerebral hemispheres. Brainstem and optic or cerebral hemispheric lesions. Primary
nerve disease may be missing, and the tell- sensory loss (touch, pin, vibration, posi-
tale internuclear ophthalmoplegia and tion) is unlikely to be present in degenera-
abnormal evoked responses may be absent. tive dementias, but it may occur with lesions
Cerebral predominant MS can present with of the sensory thalamus and in diseases of
depression, and the diagnosis can be missed white matter such as multi-infarct dementia
until the course is advanced. The differential and MS. Impaired graphesthesia and mis-
diagnosis of the leukoencephalopathies pre- localization of stimulus in the presence of
senting with dementia includes degenera- intact primary sensation occur in degenera-
tive diseases more usually seen in children. tive dementias such as Alzheimers disease,
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy manifests reflecting parietal lobe involvement.
in adulthood in 3% of cases, with dementia Cerebellar features in a rapidly dementing
accompanying long tract signs, hemianopsia, illness, together with spontaneous myoclo-
dysarthria, cortical blindness, and seizures. nus and/or stimulus-evoked startle myoclo-
Autosomal recessive metachromatic leuko- nus raise the possibility of Creutzfeldt-Jakob
dystrophy presents in adulthood as a white disease. The cerebellar features may be pre-
matter disorder with personality change and dominant, and the cerebellar variant of the
cognitive deficits. Krabbess globoid cell leu- illness has cerebellar features as the primary
kodystrophy, also autosomal recessive, has clinical manifestations until fairly late in
rarely been described in adults, with hemi- the course (Brownell & Oppenheimer, 1965;
paresis and ataxia accompanying the demy- Foley& Denny-Brown, 1955). Lesions of the
elinating dementia. Subacute sclerosing cerebellum that affect the limbic and cognitive
panencephalitis (SSPE, a late complication cerebellum in the vermis and posterior lobes,
of measles infection) also produces intense respectively, produce the cerebellar-cognitive
abnormalities in white matter as well as cor- affective syndrome (Schmahmann &
tex, with long tract signs and cortical blind- Sherman, 1998). This includes deficits in
ness accompanying the dementia. An elderly executive function, visual-spatial disorgani-
patient with episodic attacks of generalized zation, impaired verbal fluency, and blunted
weakness and fatigue associated with minor or inappropriate affect. If the lesion spares
neurologic signs may suggest a pattern of the sensorimotor cerebellum in the cerebellar
ischemic disease such as Binswangers. But anterior lobe, the patient will not be expected
if the stroke profile is unimpressive, and the to have gait ataxia or extremity dysmetria.
episodes are too long to conform to transient Release phenomena are helpful in the
ischemic attack, seizure, or migraine, then it examination. They are not specifically local-
is worthwhile considering late-life MS and its izing unless asymmetric, but they usu-
differential diagnosis, and investigating these ally implicate the prefrontal cortex and its
entities with the appropriate studies (MRI, connections. Palmar grasps and traction
300 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

responses so strong as to allow the examiner resemble a loss of memory, whereas in fact
to lift the patient off the examining table can the patient is essentially not there when
be impressive, as are the root, snout, and suck the memories are supposed to be laid down.
reflexes and the palmar grasp. These can be Brief staring spells lasting moments, flut-
the only hard neurologic findings in patients tering of the eyelids, smacking of the lips,
with Alzheimers disease outside the men- an unexpected repetition of a movement or
tal state examination. The glabellar tap sign sentence, or apparent inattentiveness to the
(failure to suppress the blink reflex with tap- examiners questions may be clues to the
ping the forehead) is not a frontal-release presence of an underlying complex partial
phenomenon but indicates extrapyramidal seizure disorder. This needs to be differenti-
disturbance as occurs in Parkinsons disease. ated from confused distractibility. The elec-
The palmomental reflex may be interesting to troencephalogram is of particular benefit in
observe but also occurs in healthy individu- this scenario.
als and is not particularly useful for diagnos- We are reluctant as physicians to entertain
tic purposes. the possibility of feigned physical signs, and
Abulia is the neurologic equivalent of sometimes the differentiation between neu-
psychomotor retardation, with slowness, rologic disease, conversion disorder, and sec-
decreased responsiveness, and apathy ondary gain can be difficult. Acareful inquiry
(Fisher, 1983). The patient is slowed mentally into the background circumstances and reli-
and physically, may have paratonic rigidity ance upon the need for neurologic symptoms
(geggenhalten), does not generally initiate and signs to conform to known patterns of
spontaneous conversation or action, and may injury and deficit are helpful in sorting out
produce accurate answers to mental state the psychological/psychiatric/neurologic
questions but usually after a disquietingly overlap.
prolonged delay. This poverty of spontane-
ity is a hallmark of dorsolateral prefrontal
pathology, the opposite of the gregarious and Mental State Examination
disinhibited, inappropriate jocularity that
characterizes orbitofrontal cortex lesions. The nature of the cognitive profile allows the
Apart from mass or other destructive lesions examiner to draw upon structure-function
of the frontal lobes, many illnesses that result correlations in the nervous system to localize
in widespread white matter damage produce the lesion in cortical and subcortical areas.
a similar syndrome. This includes many of The pattern of involvement of the affected
the white matter dementias that spare the regions generally reflects the underlying
cerebral cortex and the deep nuclei but dev- pathology, particularly in the neurodegenera-
astate the long association fiber tracts that tive dementias such as Alzheimers and FTD.
link cortical association areas. There are Discussion of the mental state examination
many causes of white matter dementia (see and of the neural substrates that subserve the
Table 15.3), but they often have a frontal lobe different elements of cognition is found else-
flavor that includes abulia as a hallmark of where in this volume.
the presentation. Brain imaging is strikingly
abnormal in these cases and helps direct
the appropriate evaluation. Subcortical Brain Imaging
dementias, including Parkinsons disease,
Huntingtons disease, and PSP, among oth- Patterns of disease that cause dementia can be
ers, also produce slowness of response, but so distinctive on brain imaging that the radio-
these entities are usually accompanied by graphic findings help structure the diagnostic
overt movement disorders. thoughts and the further approach to evalu-
Brief lapses of consciousness may be dis- ation and management. MRI is the preferred
cernible in the examination of a patient with and most sensitive method, but computerized
frequent partial seizures. These can be so tomography (CT) is an acceptable alterna-
frequent as to interfere with the patients tive when MRI is not available or contrain-
ability to pay attention to his or her envi- dicatedas in the patient with a permanent
ronment, learn new material, and keep cardiac pacemaker. Note that brain imaging
track with ongoing activities. This could is an extension of the clinical examination
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 301

TABLE15.3 Cerebral White Matter Disorders

Genetic Leukodystrophies (e.g., adrenoleukodystrophy, metachromatic leukodystrophy, globoid

cell leukodystrophy)
Vanishing white matter disease
Alexanders disease
Adult-onset leukodystrophy with neuroaxonal spheroids
Mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acid and stroke (MELAS)
Fragile X tremor-ataxia syndrome
Polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
Aminoacidurias (e.g., phenylketonuria)
Phakomatoses (e.g., neurofibromatosis)
Muscular dystrophy
Callosal agenesis
Demyelinative Multiple sclerosis
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Acute hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis
Schilders disease
Marburgs disease
Balos concentric sclerosis
Infectious HIV and AIDS dementia complex
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Progressive rubella panencephalitis
Varicella zoster encephalitis
Cytomegalovirus encephalitis
Lyme encephalopathy
Inflammatory Systemic lupus erythematosus
Behcets disease
Sjogrens syndrome
Wegeners granulomatosis
Temporal arteritis
Ployarteritis nodosa
Isolated angiitis of the central nervous system
Toxic Cranial irradiation
Therapeutic drugs (methotrexate, BCNU, cyclophosphamide)
Drugs of abuse (e.g., toluene, heroin)
Alcohol (Marchiafava Bignami disease)
Environmental toxins (e.g., carbon monoxide)
Metabolic Cobalamin deficiency
Central pontine myelinolysis
Hypoxic-ischemic injury
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
Hypertensive encephalopathy/eclampsia
High-altitude cerebral edema
Vascular Binswangers disease
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Intravascular lymphoma
White matter disease of prematurity
Traumatic Traumatic brain injury (diffuse axonal injury)
Shaken baby syndrome
Corpus callosotomy
Focal lesions of white matter tracts (e.g., fornix transection, splenium of CC tumor)

302 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Neoplastic Gliomatosis cerebri
Diffusely infiltrative gliomas
Lymphomatosis cerebri
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Focal white matter tumors
Hydrocephalic Early hydrocephalus
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Degenerative White matter changes in Alzheimers disease
Effects of aging on myelin

Source: From Schmahmann, Smith, Eichler, and Filley, (2008).

and supplements, but does not replace the disorders from diffuse conditions such as
traditional clinical method. MR-negative toxic, metabolic, and infectious etiologies.
neurology in the absence of a clearly for- Together with brain imaging and first-line
mulated hypothesis derived from the history laboratory tests, it should not be difficult to
and examination (as in early Alzheimers diagnose mental state changes from brain
disease prior to hippocampal atrophy) is tumor, abscess, cerebritis, or hemorrhage,
both frustrating and misleading. On the other and a wide array of metabolic insults that
hand, obvious findings on MRI, ranging from can cause cognitive decline, or precipitate or
butterfly glioma spreading across the corpus worsen incipient or previously unrecognized
callosum, to multifocal lesions as in cerebral cognitive impairment. Common metabolic
amyloid angiopathy and progressive multi- abnormalities include those accompanying
focal leukoencephalopathy, or normal pres- renal, hepatic, cardiac, and pulmonary fail-
sure hydrocephalus, help set the stage for the ure; severe anemia; and dehydration (Table
further workup and treatment. 15.2). Three particularly useful clinical signs
pointing to a metabolic encephalopathy are
fluctuating level of arousal, wandering of
Diseases That Cause Dementia, Developing attention or easy distractibility with or with-
Over Days to Weeks out agitation, and asterixisthe sudden,
brief, and repeated loss of power in anti-
The timing of disease onset and progres- gravity muscles such as when the wrists are
sion provides clues to the diagnosis. Acute held in extension with the arms outstretched.
life-threatening encephalopathies that Myoclonus, the brief, intermittent, positive
develop into fulminant form in a matter contraction of groups of muscles in the limbs
of hours are not considered here, as these individually or together, occurs in a range of
hyperacute diseases do not enter the differ- metabolic derangements such as magnesium
ential diagnosis of dementia (e.g., bacterial deficiency and drug overdose with lithium,
meningitis, and encephalitides such as east- in hypoxemic ischemic encephalopathy,
ern equine, western equine, and West Nile Hashimotos encephalopathy, and in neuro-
virus). A number of illnesses with subacute degenerative disorders, including presenilin
progression over weeks to months may have early-onset Alzheimers and corticobasal
an abrupt onset, and these are considered degeneration, in addition to CJD.
first before a discussion of more unusual
forms of dementing disorders with a chronic
course over years. Metabolic Disorders

Metabolic disorders not routinely evaluated

Differentiate Structural Disease From will be missed unless the clinician develops
Nonfocal or Multifocal Brain Disease the hypothesis and orders the appropriate
confirmatory laboratory studies. The most
The clinical approach generally allows the common and important of these include the
examiner to distinguish focal structural effects of alcohol, medications, drugs and
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 303

toxins, vitamin deficiency states (B1, B3, B12, used for pain management, such as gabapen-
and E), and altered thyroid metabolism. tin and related compounds, anticonvulsant
medications used for their analgesic proper-
ties, and narcotics that are considered mild
Alcohol in the younger individual but have dispro-
portionate effects in the elderly. The key to
The older individual who may be alone, prevention of confusion with these agents in
depressed, or forgetful can indulge in alcohol the geriatric population is to use the smallest
use which will cause confusion when taken dose of medication possible, raising the dose
in larger amounts, or exacerbate any underly- in small increments over time depending on
ing cognitive impairment even at levels that clinical response.
were previously tolerated. A history of alco-
holism is not necessarily present. Apart from
inebriation, neuropsychiatric complications Thiamine Deficiency:Wernicke
of alcohol use are the alcohol withdrawal Korsakoff Syndrome and Marchiafava
syndrome, which comes on usually within 1 Bignami Disease
to 3 days of cessation of alcohol and includes
confusion, agitation, and autonomic features Most commonly occurring in the setting of
(McKeon, Frye, & Delanty, 2008). When left prolonged alcohol use, thiamine (vitamin B1)
untreated (by benzodiazepines), the severe deficiency is a treatable cause of confusion
and persistent alcohol withdrawal syndrome and a preventable form of dementia. Other
progresses to full-blown delirium tremens, a clinical scenarios that place the patient at
potentially fatal disorder largely because of risk for thiamine deficiency are hyperemesis
the cardiac manifestations of the autonomic gravidarum because of the intractable vomit-
storm (Kelly & Renner, 2008). Excessive ing that leads to decreased oral intake, and
alcohol use is also associated with thiamine previous gastrectomy or gastric surgery for
deficiency, which causes Wernickes enceph- weight loss that can lead to impaired absorp-
alopathy, Korsakoff amnestic syndrome, and tion of this essential vitamin in the small
possibly Marchiafava-Bignami disease, dis- intestine. Wernicke syndrome is recognized
cussed later. by the tetrad of confusion, ataxia, nystag-
mus, and oculomotor impairments such as
sixth nerve palsy (impaired lateral rectus
Medications movement). The percentage of patients who
experience all these findings in the early
The use of prescription medications for neu- stage of the syndrome is small. The recent
ropsychiatric indications (psychotropics, onset of confusion is the most consistent fea-
tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines), ture, and it is the reason for the use of thia-
as well as a large number of medically indi- mine so liberally in confused patients in the
cated agents from beta blockers to hista- emergency room. The metabolically active
mine antagonists, can cause confusion in form of thiamine (thiamine pyrophosphate)
the elderly person, particularly if taken in is necessary for glucose metabolism, and
higher doses or more frequently than pre- therefore administering glucose to a patient
scribed. Inappropriate or incorrect use of with a clinical or subclinical thiamine defi-
hypoglycemic agents, for example, can pro- ciency exacerbates the thiamine deficiency
duce episodes of confusion that are otherwise and can either precipitate or worsen the clini-
unexplained unless the history is carefully cal syndrome. This explains why thiamine is
elicited. Polypharmacy in the older patient administered before dextrose is given intra-
is an established reality because so many ail- venously to the acutely confused patient in
ments in later years respond well to the judi- the emergency room. The common practice
cious use of carefully selected therapeutic of administering the thiamine-narcan-D50
agents. The use of prescription medications cocktail to these patients also addresses
targeted to each of these disorders sets up the possibility of confusion and encepha-
the higher likelihood of drug interactions lopathy resulting from sedating narcotic
and additive neuropsychiatric effects. Some drugs. Korsakoff syndrome is the long-term
of the common offending agents are those sequel of untreated thiamine deficiency, the
304 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

clinical manifestation of hemorrhagic necro- pyramidal sign with true weakness, primitive
sis of the mammillary bodies, dorsomedial reflexes, rigidity, incontinence, sensory symp-
nucleus of thalamus, and periqueductal grey toms, and gaze palsy or diplopia. Seizures
in the brainstem (Victor, Adams, & Collins, may occur. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) may
1971). There is also involvement of the cer- show elevated protein, but leukocytosis in
ebellar dentate nuclei in the acute stage of this setting generally reflects central nervous
Wernickes (Bae, Lee, Lee, Choi, & Suh, 2001). system (CNS) infection (Hillbom et al., 2013).
The amnestic syndrome of Korsakoff syn- Chronic cases have thinning of the corpus cal-
drome is characterized by profound loss of losum and a cognitive profile that conforms to
the ability to lay down new memories, with a frontal lobe syndrome, together with signs
preservation of prior knowledge and recall of interhemispheric disconnection.
of events prior to the initiating illness. The
anterograde amnesia occurs in isolation and
is not associated with the penumbra of other Pellagra
cognitive domains as in Alzheimers disease.
Treatment of the syndrome is by prevention Malnutrition and undernutrition occur world-
of the thiamine deficiency and early recogni- wide, and developed nations are not immune
tion of its appearance in the appropriate clini- to the neurological manifestations of a poor
cal context. diet. Pellagra results from deficiency of nico-
Marchiafava Bignami disease refers to tinic acid (niacin, vitamin B3) or tryptophan,
the necrosis of the corpus callosum seen in which is converted to niacin. Poor diet, alco-
the setting of excessive alcohol use, as well holism, and gastrointestinal disorders with
as in cases of malnutrition. It was originally malabsorption are common precipitants.
described as a fatal disease affecting heavy Hartnup disease, an autosomal recessive con-
consumers of red wine, but brain imaging dition, prevents absorption of tryptophan and
has allowed premortem diagnosis, and not produces a pellagra-like disorder. Pellagra is
all patients succumb. The relationship to thia- known as the three Dsdermatitis, diar-
mine deficiency has been suggested, not least rhea, and dementia, with a fourth D (death)
by improvement in the condition in patients reflecting the unfortunate course if unrecog-
treated promptly with vitamin B1, but this is nized. It is a particularly challenging diagno-
not yet definitive. MRI shows acute demy- sis to make in cases in which the expected skin
elination in the splenium or the genu of the manifestations are absent, depriving the clini-
corpus callosum or the entire callosum, best cian of one of the didactic hallmarks of the ill-
seen on diffusion-weighted imaging but ness. The dermatitis develops on exposed skin
also on fluid attenuated inversion recovery surfaces, but if the patient is not exposed to
sequence (FLAIR) and T2, or as a hypoden- ultraviolet rays by virtue of habit and clothing,
sity on CT. Based on imaging features, type these features may be missing. In this circum-
A is characterized by acute to subacute stance, knowledge of the clinical background
onset of impairment of consciousness and of the patient is paramount. In a Hungarian
pyramidal tract syndromes, with imaging neuropathology surveillance program for
showing callosal edema, and a less favor- CJD, 5 of 59 patients who came to autopsy
able prognosis with considerable disability showed neuropathological features of pel-
and fatality. Type B lacks major impairment lagra encephalopathy with widespread chro-
of level of consciousness, is characterized by matolytic neurons. The course was between 2
acute to subacute onset of cognitive impair- and 24 months, with clinical signs manifesting
ment, dysarthria, gait disturbance and signs as rapid-onset dementia, cerebellar ataxia, and
of interhemispheric disconnection, partial corticospinal signs (Kapas et al., 2012). Pellagra
T2-hyperintense lesions on early MRI, and a encephalopathy is characterized clinically
generally favorable prognosis with treatment by rapidly progressive dementia, fluctuating
(Heinrich, Runge, & Khaw, 2004). The range cognition and frontal disinhibition, release
of clinical manifestations includes confusion, phenomena, startle myoclonus, decreased
delirium, unconsciousness, impaired mem- arousal, a cerebellar motor syndrome, hyper-
ory and/or disorientation, with impaired reflexia, peripheral neuropathy, autonomic
gait, dysarthria, nystagmus, mutism, signs dysfunction, and cranial neuropathies (Ishii
of disconnection or split brain syndrome, & Nishihara, 1981). In the alcoholic patient, it
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 305

can be a challenge to distinguish the acute and such as celiac disease, poor diet, and some
persistent confusional state, disorientation, inherited disorders (ataxia with vitamin E
agitation, irritability, paranoia, and halluci- deficiency; Schuelke, 2013) include the cer-
nations of pellagra from alcohol withdrawal. ebellar motor syndrome of truncal and limb
Knowing of, and suspecting the disease, is the ataxia with dysarthria, loss of deep tendon
key to providing the appropriate therapy. reflexes, markedly diminished perception
of vibration and position, ophthalmople-
gia, ptosis, and muscle weakness (Schuelke,
Vitamin B12 Deficiency 2013; Sokol, 1988). Behavioral and personal-
ity disorders have been noted in the setting of
The myelopathy of pernicious anemia character- vitamin E deficiency in patients with chronic
istically includes upper motor neuron findings liver disease, which of course is a confound
from involvement of the lateral corticospinal in the evaluation of cognition. Burns and
tracts, and impaired position and vibration Holland (1986) reported that in their study
sense from damage to the posterior columns of an elderly psychiatric population, nearly
subacute combined degeneration of the spinal 60% of the patients with dementia had serum
cord (the differential diagnosis of which is HIV, vitamin E levels below the accepted normal
neurosyphilis, and copper deficiency). Both range, and they postulated that an absolute
the myelopathy and the dementia of vitamin or relative deficiency of vitamin E could
B12 deficiency can occur in the absence of the lower the age of onset or increase the rate
hematological parameters of macrocytic mega- of progression of dementia in Alzheimers
loblastic anemia, which require associated folic disease. A quarter century later, it appears
acid deficiency. Reliance on the hematologic that higher vitamin E levels are associated
parameters for the suspicion of B12-deficient with reduced risk of cognitive impairment
cognitive decline is a recipe for diagnostic fail- in noncognitively impaired elderly adults
ure. Cognitive impairment in B12 deficiency (Mangialasche et al., 2013).
includes mania, depression, and psychosis,
with deficits in memory, concentration, visuo-
spatial performance, and executive functions Thyroid Disorders
(Osimani, Berger, Friedman, Porat-Katz, &
Abarbanel, 2005). Relative or absolute B12 Myxedema madness is an old term refer-
deficiency is implicated in exacerbation of ring to the cognitive deficits of apathy, inat-
cognitive failure in patients with other disor- tention, and forgetfulness, and psychiatric
ders, including Alzheimers disease (Meins, symptoms of depression, mania, and psy-
Muller-Thomsen,& Meier-Baumgartner, 2000; chosis with delusions and hallucinations
Werder, 2010). Low normal levels of vitamin that occur in the setting of frank hypothy-
B12 appear to be prevalent in the population, roidism (Heinrich & Grahm, 2003). The pres-
and this is therefore an important entity to con- ence of cognitive and affective impairments
sider and test for in the appropriate clinical con- in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism
text. Elevated levels of methylmalonic acid and as measured by elevated thyroid-stimulating
homocysteine will provide laboratory support hormone (Davis, Stern, & Flashman, 2003) is
for the suspicion of B12 deficiency when the sufficient indication to ensure that thyroid
B12 level itself is borderline. More specific tests levels are checked in patients with cogni-
for pernicious anemia causing B12 deficiency tive decline, be it acute or chronic. Patients
include antibodies to gastric parietal cells and with the hyperthyroidism of Graves disease
intrinsic factor. These are indicated when there report emotional lability, irritability, insom-
is no clear dietary basis of the disorder or a his- nia, restlessness, agitation, depression, and
tory of prior gastric or duodenal resection. anxiety as well as deficits in memory and
concentration (Trzepacz, McCue, Klein,
Levey, & Greenhouse, 1988; Vogel et al.,
2007), and these improve markedly follow-
Vitamin E ing treatment. When the associated medical
features of thyroid dysfunction are evident,
The most common findings in vitamin E the diagnosis is readily suspected, but this is
deficiency, seen in malabsorption syndromes not always the case. Clinical suspicion and
306 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

appropriate laboratory tests are needed to catastrophic illnesses that develop over hours
ensure that these metabolic disorders with or days. The neurotropic double-stranded
relatively high prevalence are not missed. DNA Herpes simplex virus is a little differ-
ent in that its course can be more indolent,
coming on over days or weeks or more. Most
Acute Intermittent Porphyria cases are caused by HSV-1 (which cause cold
sores) and are likely the result of retrograde
This autosomal dominant disorder of enzymes transmission from the trigeminal ganglion,
in the haem biosynthetic pathway presents in or from the olfactory nerve (Dinn, 1980).
acute crisis with gastrointestinal (abdominal Early symptoms that include change in taste
pain, nausea, and vomiting), cardiac (hyper- or smell may be dismissed; the apathy, irri-
tension and tachycardia), and neurologi- tability, and memory loss or confusion from
cal symptoms and signs. Neuropsychiatric involvement of the medial temporal and
manifestations range from anxiety and emo- orbitofrontal cortices (Fig. 15.1) may not be
tional lability to confusion and frank psy- striking at the outset; and the low-grade
chosis, while more widespread neurological fever is nonspecific. Neurological deficits
involvement includes generalized seizures, soon set in, however, with a range of lan-
painful motor neuropathy leading to flaccid guage impairments reflecting the evolving
quadriparesis, and bulbar involvement with aphasia from spread to the ventral prefrontal
aphonia, dysphagia, and respiratory paraly- and temporal cortices and the language path-
sis. The diagnosis, once suspected, is made ways that connect them. Confusion mounts,
by detecting increased serum levels of delta and the patient develops focal or generalized
aminolaevulinic acid and porphobilinogen seizures or lapses directly into status epi-
(PBG), as well as elevated PBG in the urine lepticus or coma. A high level of suspicion
(Disler& Eales, 1982; Whatley& Badminton, is needed to make the diagnosis urgently
2013). Acute intermittent porphyria has a high and initiate treatment with acyclovir as the
prevalence in individuals of Scandinavian agent of choice, as early treatment can stop
descent. Variegate porphyria, which can also the illness, limit further neuronal destruc-
present with an acute neurological crisis, is tion, and improve prognosis for survival
common in southern Africa. and recovery of neuropsychiatric function.
Seizures are a major long-term complication,
particularly when seizures are evident at the
Rapidly Progressive Dementia (Other time of the acute illness (Sellner & Trinka,
Than Metabolic Disorders) 2012). Persistent amnesia is a complica-
tion of damage to bilateral medial temporal
Other than the metabolic disorders discussed structures critical to memory formation and
previously, the following conditions should consolidation. The triad of fever, confusion,
be at the top of the list of diseases to con- and aphasia should be an instant tip-off to
sider in a patient with a rapidly progressive Herpes simplex encephalitis, but the differ-
dementing disorder, both because some are ential diagnosis of this presentation includes
readily treatable, and because of the impor- diseases with very different etiologies and
tance of the diagnosis for the patient and treatmentssubacute infectious endocardi-
family. These are infections, limbic and other tis, temporal arteritis, and thrombotic throm-
immune mediated encephalitides the prion bocytopenic purpura.
diseases, stroke syndromes and vasculitides, In subacute infectious endocarditis (SBE)
focal lesions that produce new onset demen- fever results from the systemic low-grade
tia, and cancers presenting in atypical ways bacterial infection. Almost 30% of SBE
such as stroke and meningeal infiltration. patients experience neurological manifesta-
tions, the commonest of which is confusion
(Jones& Siekert, 1989). Aphasia results from
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis focal infarction in language cortex produced
by the infectious vasculitis in the salient arte-
Viral encephalitides are not usually con- rial supplyfor example, inferior division
sidered in the differential diagnosis of a of the middle cerebral artery or its posterior
subacute encephalopathy because these are temporal branch.
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 307

Figure15.1 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) scans (from ventral to dorsal, right to left) in a 36-year-old woman with
Herpes simplex encephalitis involving the right anterior and medial temporal lobe, right insular
cortex, and the orbital and medial prefrontal cortices bilaterally, R>L.

Temporal arteritis occurs in older indi- Limbic Encephalitis

viduals and may simulate an underlying
neoplasm. Loss of appetite to the point of It was recognized in the 1960s that systemic
cachexia may occur, and intermittent fevers cancer can present with neurobehavioral
commonly accompany the illness together symptoms, with the focus of the degenera-
with a sense of overall systemic ill health tive and inflammatory pathology (neuronal
and the laboratory finding of elevated eryth- loss, astrocytic proliferation with gliosis and
rocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive perivascular infiltration) located in limbic
protein. The confusion and aphasia, like in structures particularly in the medial tempo-
the case of SBE, result from focal or multifo- ral regionsamygdala, hippocampus, and
cal cerebral infarction. Visual loss is a major parahippocampal gyrusbut also in the
risk in temporal arteritis from central reti- cingulate gyrus and hypothalamus, hence
nal artery occlusion, and when suspected, limbic encephalitis (Corsellis, Goldberg, &
should be treated urgently with corticoste- Norton, 1968). Early reports established the
roids even before the diagnosis has been principal clinical features of limbic encephali-
established with certainty by temporal artery tis (LE) as the sudden or subacute onset over
biopsy. days and weeks of seizures, disorientation,
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura confusion, anterograde and retrograde mem-
is a thrombotic microangiopathy caused by ory impairment, psychosis, hallucinations,
inhibition of a metalloprotease that cleaves and marked disturbance of affect such as
large multimers of von Willebrand factor anxiety or depression. Extralimbic involve-
into smaller units (George, 2006). Increased ment occurs in approximately half the cases,
platelet adhesion leads to intravascular including brainstem findings and autonomic
thrombosis. The illness can evolve over instability. It is imperative that the evaluation
weeks, fever may be present, and accom- of a patient with subacute cognitive decline
panied by malaise. Neurological symptoms include the search for these underlying, often
occur in approximately 65% of patients with treatable, immune disorders.
TTP, with confusion, neuropsychiatric fea- New developments in immunology pro-
tures such as hallucinations, focal neurologic vide deeper understanding of the patho-
deficits including aphasia, and seizures. physiology and treatment of these disorders
Recognition (thrombocytopenia with micro- (Asztely& Kumlien, 2012; Darnell& Posner,
angiopathic hemolytic anemia) and urgent 2011; Graus & Dalmau, 2012; Lancaster &
treatment with plasmapheresis prevents Dalmau, 2012). Antibodies directed against
the life-threatening complications of stroke, tumor antigens attack neural tissue, resulting
myocardial infarction, and renal failure in the clinical constellation. Limbic encepha-
(Vesely et al., 2003). litis may predate the symptoms of cancer by
308 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

as much as 4 years. Many of the antibodies itself, but by the T-cell-mediated immune
identified to date are linked with specific response against the neuronal antigen, lead-
types and locations of tumors. There are ing to the inflammation and neurodegen-
instances of tumor-associated LE in which no eration that characterizes the disorder. These
antibodies have yet been identified; cases of antibody-mediated disorders are associated
LE with identified antibodies that may not principally with tumors of the lung, breast,
be associated with underlying tumor; and ovaries, and testicles (see Table 15.4). Because
cases of LE that respond to immunotherapy of the neurodegeneration produced by the
in which there is neither identified tumor nor cell-mediated immune response, recovery
an identified antibody. of neurological function after treatment is
Thus, LE may be categorized as follows: only occasionally successful. The second is
when antibodies target intracellular syn-
LE associated with antibodies from an aptic proteins (such as glutamic acid decar-
identified tumor boxylase and amphiphysin) during synaptic
LE in which tumor is found but no anti- vesicle fusion and reuptake, but T-cell medi-
bodies are detected ated pathogenetic mechanisms may also be
LE in which there are antibodies but important. A third category of more recently
no tumor (i.e., not a paraneoplastic described LE cases are defined by antibody
phenomenon) attack against cell surface or synaptic pro-
LE (after a full diagnostic evaluation is teins, including the N-methyl-D-aspartate
otherwise negative) in which there is (NMDA), -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-
neither antibody identified nor a tumor isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), gamma-
detected, but the patient responds well to aminobutyric acid-B (GABA-B), glycine, and
immunotherapy the metabotropic glutmate receptor mGluR5,
as well as two proteins previously thought to
Three different antigen-antibody scenarios be VGKCs but are now known as leucine-rich
have clinical relevance for the diagnosis and glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) and con-
management of LE. The first is when anti- tactin-associated protein-like 2 (Caspr2; see
bodies produced in response to the tumor Table 15.5). In these disorders, the antibody
that target neuronal epitopes (the part of the directly attacks the cell-surface target pro-
antigen that is recognized by the immune ducing the symptoms, and importantly, these
system) are directed against nuclear or cyto- disorders are usually not associated with an
plasmic proteins such as Hu, Yo, and Ma2. underlying malignancy (Irani et al., 2010).
But antibodies have limited access to these Seizures, psychosis, and confusion with
neuronal antigens, and therefore the princi- memory loss are the hallmark of these disor-
pal pathology is caused not by the antibody ders, which have a time course of onset over

TABLE15.4 Well-Characterized Onconeuronal Antibodies and Paraneoplastic Neurological

Antibody Predominant Tumors Most Common PNS

Hu (ANNAI) SCLC Encephalomyelitis, limbic encephalitis, brainstem

encephalitis, PCD; sensory neuronopathy,
gastrointestinal pseudoobstruction
CV2 (CRMP5) SCLC, thymoma Same as Hu, and chorea, optic neuropathy, isolated
myelopathy, and mixed neuropathies
Amphiphysin Breast SCLC Stiff-person syndrome, myelopathy and myoclonus,
encephalomyelitis, sensory neuronopathy
Ri (ANNA2) Breast, SCLC Brainstem encephalitis, opsoclonus myoclonus
Yo (PCA I) Ovary, breast PCD
Ma2 Testicular Limbic and brainstem encephalitis
Tr Hodgkin's PCD

PCD, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration; PNS, paraneoplastic neurological syndromes; SCLC, small-cell lung cancer.
Source:From Graus and Dalmau (2012); reproduced with permission.
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 309

TABLE15.5 Antibodies Against Cell Surface or Synaptic Antigens Associated With

Paraneoplastic Neurological Syndromes
Syndrome Cancer

NMDAR Encephalitis Ovarian teratoma (rare in children, present in 58% older than
GABABR Limbic encephalitis SCLC (70%)
CASPR2 Morvans syndrome Thymoma (38%)
AMPAR Limbic encephalitis SCLC, breast, thymus (60%)
mGluR5 Limbic encephalitis Hodgkins disease (two cases reported only)

AMPAR, amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor; CASPR2, contactin-associated protein 2;

GABABR, -aminobutyric acid-B receptor; mGluR5, metabotropic glutamate receptor type 5; NMDAR, N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptor; PCD, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration; SCLC, small-cell lung cancer; VGCC, voltage-gated calcium channel.
Source:From Graus and Dalmau (2012); reproduced with permission.

days to weeks. Further, they often respond inflammation; serum and CSF markers for
dramatically and completely to appropriate the antibodies that have been indentified in
immune-based therapies. Morvan syndrome, these disorders; CT of neck, chest, abdomen,
associated with Caspr2 and with thymoma in and pelvis; and ultrasound, if necessary, of
about 50% of cases, is characterized by neu- the testicles. Whole-body positron emis-
romyotonia with myokymia on electromy- sion tomography (PET) scan is necessary if
ography (100%), neuropsychiatric features the level of suspicion remains high but the
(insomnia, 89.7%; confusion, 65.5%; amnesia, first-line modalities do not identify tumor.
55.6%; hallucinations, 51.9%), dysautonomia Management includes definitive treatment
(hyperhidrosis, 86.2%; cardiovascular, 48.3%), of the underlying tumor when present, and
and neuropathic pain including painful mus- immunotherapy with a combination, often
cle cramps (62.1%; Irani et al., 2012). This in successive order, of corticosteroids, intra-
condition responds to thymectomy either venous immunoglobulin, plasmapheresis,
alone or in combination with immune modu- and more recently, cyclophosphamide and
lation (Abou-Zeid, Boursoulian, Metzer, & rituximab, managed by a team of physicians
Gundogdu, 2012; Lancaster & Dalmau, 2012). with the appropriate and necessary skill set
The NMDA receptor antibody syndrome to handle these complex cases. Psychiatric
associated with ovarian teratomas includes symptoms and seizures are all managed as
psychiatric symptoms, catatonia, agitation, indicated.
seizures, decreased level of consciousness,
autonomic instability, and abnormal move-
ments. Executive dysfunction and psychiat- Hashimoto Encephalopathy
ric symptoms endure after the acute phase
has subsided. The glycine receptor antibody An acute or subacute cognitive and psychi-
syndrome is a progressive encephalomy- atric syndrome occurs in the setting of anti-
elitis with rigidity and myoclonus. And the bodies directed against the thyroid gland
mGluR5 antibody syndrome that occurs in (thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase) not nec-
the setting of Hodgkins lymphoma produces essarily associated at the same time with the
a constellation of psychiatric symptoms, cog- symptoms or metabolic markers of thryo-
nitive impairment, and memory loss termed toxicosis or hypothyroidism (Brain, Jellinek,
the Ophelia syndrome (Lancaster et al., 2011). & Ball, 1966). The disorder disproportion-
The approach to the diagnosis involves ately affects women (F:M, 4:1), and the
a full clinical evaluation because the fea- constellation includes personality change,
tures that characterize limbic encephali- dementia, seizures, psychosis, myoclonus,
tis are shared by other disorders as well. altered consciousness, and sometimes gait
Investigations include brain MRI for the impairment. The course may be relaps-
telltale FLAIR and T2 hyperintensities in ing and remitting. The manifestations can
limbic cortices; spinal tap for stigmata of be varied, however, and a high level of
310 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

suspicion is warranted to make the diagno- associated with autoimmune thyroiditis

sis of this treatable cause of a subacute and (Castillo et al., 2006), but the disease does
sometimes rapidly progressive dementia. A not always melt away with steroids and may
vasculitic form with stroke-like episodes has respond quite dramatically instead to intra-
also been described (Kothbauer-Margreiter, venous immunoglobulin (Cornejo, Venegas,
Sturzenegger, Komor, Baumgartner, & Goni, Salas, & Romero, 2010; Drulovic,
Hess, 1996). Chong, Rowland, and Utiger Andrejevic, Bonaci-Nikolic, & Mijailovic,
(2003) reviewed the literature and iden- 2011) or other immune modulating agents
tified 85 patients (69 women; mean age, (Marshall & Doyle, 2006).
44 years) with encephalopathy and high The dementia, myoclonus, tremor, and
serum antithyroid antibody concentrations. ataxia of Hashimoto encephalopathy accom-
Findings included seizures in 66%, psy- panied by an abnormal EEG and nonspe-
chosis in 38%, and stroke-like signs in 27%. cific abnormalities on the MRI thus mimic
Subclinical hypothyroidism was noted in CJD in its earlier stages, and the evaluation
35%, although some patients were overtly of subacute dementia should include the
hypo- or hyperthyroid. Glucocorticoids pro- appropriate tests in search of this entity:
duced improvement in 96% of the patients. thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin anti-
In a retrospective review (Castillo et al., bodies. Similarly, the stroke-like episodes
2006) of 20 cases (14 females), median age and MRI findings place it squarely in the
at disease onset was 56 years and the most differential of MELAS, discussed below, the
frequent clinical features were tremor (80%), acute stroke-like episodes of which can also
transient aphasia (80%), myoclonus (65%), respond to treatment with steroids (Walcott
gait ataxia (65%), seizures (60%), and sleep et al., 2012).
abnormalities (55%). The electroencephalo-
gram (EEG) is abnormal in >90% of cases,
and there is elevated CSF protein in 80% of Vascular Diseases
cases with inflammatory cells in approxi-
mately 25%. MRI abnormalities are noted in Dementia occurs in the setting of cerebral
25% of cases. The condition has prompted autosomal dominant arteriopathy with
controversy as thyroid antibodies are found strokes and ischemic leukoencephalopa-
in the healthy population, and in patients thy (CADASIL; Fig. 15.2), cerebral amyloid
with Hashimoto thyroiditis who do not angiopathy, and Binswangers progressive
have the neuropsychiatric constellation. The subcortical ischemic leukoencephalopathy
levels of antithyroid autoantibody titers also (Fig. 15.3). Instant dementia follows stroke
do not correlate with the severity or type of in cognitively relevant areas such as the ante-
clinical presentation, and the pathogenetic rior thalamus and the medial dorsal thala-
role of antithyroid autoantibodies in this mus (Schmahmann, 2003); the hippocampal
disorder is unknown. Some have preferred formation and entorhinal cortex in the set-
the term steroid response encephalopathy ting of posterior cerebral artery strokes; the

Figure15.2 Coronal fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) scans (from rostral to caudal, right to left) in a middle-aged man with
cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with strokes and ischemic leukoencephalopathy
(CADASIL), showing diffuse subcortical ischemic leukoencephalopathy also characteristically
involving the temporal stem.
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 311

Figure15.3 T1-weighted axial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (left) and fluid attenuated
inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted MRI images (middle and right) show white
matter attenuation in an elderly man with Binswangers progressive ischemic subcortical

anterior cingulate gyrus and cingulum bun- Focal Lesions

dle from infarctions in the territory of the
anterior cerebral artery; and the multitude of The location and extent of space-occupying
behavioral syndromes following infarction lesions determine the nature of the clinical
in cortical and deep branches of the middle presentation. This is exemplified by butterfly
cerebral artery that damage cerebral associa- gliomas that spread across the corpus callo-
tion areas and their interconnected subcorti- sum between the two frontal lobes (Fig. 15.5)
cal regions. These disorders and posterior and which present with a subacute neurobe-
reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES; havioral syndrome reflecting disintegra-
Fig. 15.4) that can cause confusion, amnesia, tion of frontal executive systems. Strokes
and visual deficits are discussed elsewhere in in the tuberothalamic artery of thalamus
this volume. In addition, rare inherited disor- infarct the anterior thalamic nuclei linked
ders that affect blood vessels such as Fabrys with limbic structures, producing antero-
disease and Moya-Moya syndrome also pro- grade amnesia, autobiographical memory
duce cerebral infarction with consequences impairment, and behavioral changes such
for cognition, and they are worth considering as apathy; and infarction in the territory of
in the appropriate clinical and imaging con- the paramedian thalamic arteries produces
texts. Susac syndrome is a vasculopathy that amnestic and language deficits from dam-
mimics multiple sclerosis and is discussed age to the medial dorsal thalamic nuclei
below. that are tightly interconnected with the pre-
frontal cortex (Schmahmann, 2003). A less
appreciated focal behavioral syndrome
Trauma directly relevant to the determination of
the subacute dementia results from mass
Closed head trauma produces neurobehav- lesions in the splenium of the corpus callo-
ioral and neuropsychiatric symptoms, either sum also invading the adjacent retrosplenial
as a result of a single injury or as a conse- cortex (Fig. 15.6) and likely involving the
quence of multiple repeated insults over time. fornix and the hippocampal commissures
The symptoms of concussion, postconcussion that course immediately beneath the cal-
syndrome, subacute and chronic subdural losum. These lesions produce a profound
hematoma, chronic traumatic encephalopa- amnestic syndrome (splenial amnesia;
thy (previously known as dementia pugilis- Osawa, Maeshima, Kubo, & Itakura, 2006;
tica), and direct effects of intraparenchymal Rudge & Warrington, 1991; Schmahmann,
hemorrhage on higher function are discussed unpublished observations in two cases) that
elsewhere in this volume. are similar to those of lesions of the fornix
312 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Figure15.4 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) (from ventral to dorsal, right to left) in a woman with posterior reversible
encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in the setting of severe hypertension, demonstrating the
occipito-parietal location of the signal abnormality.

(DEsposito, Verfaellie, Alexander, & Katz, imaging characteristics, but the diagnosis is
1995; Heilman& Sypert, 1977)and the ante- not always evident from brain imaging, and
rior thalamus (Schmahmann, 2003)sub- biopsy may be indicated to determine opti-
cortical nodes and pathways critical for mal management. This approach is further
declarative memory. The precise nature of necessitated in the case of brain tumors (pri-
a focal space-occupying lesion (tumor, sar- mary or secondary) by the evolving sophis-
coidosis, tuberculoma, syphilitic gumma, tication of pharmocogenomics in targeting
and toxoplasmosis; Fig. 15.7) may be sug- chemotherapeutic agents to different tumor
gested by the clinical background and the types.

Figure15.5 Coronal fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) identifies an infiltrating high-grade astrocytoma distorting the left
anterior hemisphere and spreading across the corpus callosum to the right side (butterfly glioma,
gliomatosis cerebri).
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 313

Figure15.6 Postgadolinium sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) (left) and
coronal image (right) identifying a contrast-enhancing mass (glioblastoma multiforme) centered in
the splenium of the corpus callosum.

AIDS and HIV Nyandaiti, & Danesi, 2013). NeuroAIDS

affects half of the 22 million people currently
The epidemic of dementia seen in the 1980s living with the disease in sub-Saharan Africa.
and early 1990s as part of the acquired immu- The commonest neuroAIDS syndrome is
nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) dementia HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders
complex (ADC) has largely abated in the (HAND), which affects over 1.5 million
developed work that has ready access to Africans yearly. Patients suffer progres-
combination antiretroviral therapy (CART). sive dementia accompanied by motor and
It is still rampant, however, in large swaths of behavioral dysfunction. Impaired memory
the developing world in which there is sub- and concentration with psychomotor slow-
optimal acknowledgment and recognition ing are the most common early presenta-
of the disease, and a combination of inad- tion. Motor disturbances include ataxia, leg
equate neuroimaging, laboratory facilities, weakness, tremor, and loss of fine-motor
and limited access to drugs (Alkali, Bwala, coordination. Behavioral features commence

Figure15.7 Coronal T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans in the coronal plane
(left) and sagittal plane (right) following administration of gadolinium in a patient with HIV and
cerebral toxoplasmosis. Multiple contrast enhancing lesions are identified, some of which are ring
314 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

(A) (B) (C)

Figure15.8 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) (A), coronal T1-weighted MRI (B), and midsagittal T1-weighted MRI
(C) in a young man with HIV showing frontal predominant leukoencephalopathy. Thinning of the
corpus callosum (arrows) is identified in the coronal and midsagittal views.

with apathy, withdrawal, and then psycho- the history of cognitive and behavioral neuro-
sis. The advanced disease is characterized by science. According to Pearce (2012), GPI was
a stereotyped picture of severe multidomain a crucial starting point in which the causes of
dementia, mutism, incontinence, paraplegia, mental illness were slowly transformed from
and myoclonus (Harris, Jeste, Gleghorn, & psychogenic disturbances of mind and spir-
Sewell, 1991; Navia, Jordan, & Price, 1986; its to organically determined diseases. Once
Schmahmann, 1997; 1998). Note that the a major cause of long-term neurological dis-
paraplegia may arise either from severe bilat- ability, including dementia, GPI remains an
eral cerebral disease or from the associated important consideration in the patient with
finding of vacuolar myelopathy (Gabuzda atypical and rapidly progressive dementia,
& Hirsch, 1987). White matter pathology in both in the era of global health and easy access
patients with HIV raises the specter of PML to international travel from countries where
(Schutte, Ranchhod, Kakaza, & Pillay, 2013), the disease incidence is high, and in devel-
but HIV encephalopathy in the absence of oped countries in the setting of the immu-
the full AIDS spectrum includes a clinically nocompromised host with HIV (Knudsen,
relevant leukoencephalopathy (Fig. 15.8), 2013). Tertiary syphilis is characterized by a
as well as axonal damage and neuronal loss subacute onset of disorientation, forgetful-
induced directly by the human immunodefi- ness, and impaired judgment, together with
ciency virus (Gray et al., 2001), the neurobe- psychiatric symptoms, including depression,
havioral manifestations of which include mania, and psychosis (Stefani et al., 2013). In
slowing of information processing, forget- addition to the dementia, behavioral abnor-
fulness, executive dysfunction, and affective malities, and chronic psychosis, tertiary
changes, including notably, depression. It syphilis patients may also experience acute
now also appears that even in the setting of transverse myelitis, chronic myelopathy, and
chronic HIV infection managed successfully syphilitic amyotrophy (Kayal, Goswami,
with CART, progressive changes in the brain, Das, & Paul, 2011). In a recent study of 116
including white matter changes in the frontal patients in China (Zheng et al., 2011), mani-
lobes and neuronal damage to the basal gan- festations included progressive cognitive
glia, can lead to progressive neurocognitive and behavioral deterioration, accompanied
decline (Gongvatana et al., 2013). by psychotic and/or affective behavioral
disorders, hyper-reflexia, frontal release
signs (suck reflex), the Argyll-Robertson
Neurosyphilis pupil, and focal or multifocal brain atrophy
on imaging. This description is consistent
This sexually transmitted disease is caused with classical accounts (see Pearce, 2012) of
by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. Tertiary disease onset 12 to 20 years after primary
syphilis patients suffering from general pare- infection of a progressive mainly frontotem-
sis of the insane (GPI) hold a pivotal niche in poral meningoencephalitis characterized by
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 315

pyramidal weakness, impaired personality active infection, during which 12.5% of the
and memory, mania, erratic judgment, apa- 40 patients studied met criteria for demen-
thy, violence, congestive attacks, and epi- tia. Cognitive decline was less prominent in
lepsy, together with Argyll-Robertson pupils patients in whom the cysts had calcified, and
and concurrent tabes dorsalis. The pattern whereas these patients did not meet criteria
of presentation of GPI may not always be for dementia, more than 50% of this group of
discretely different from the pattern of cog- 40 patients evaluated was impaired on tests
nitive decline in Alzheimers disease. Wang of memory, attention, executive functions,
et al. (2011) found that patients with mild language, and visuospatial skills.
GPI had a pattern of cognitive impairment Listeria monocytogenes, a gram-positive
that resembled the memory, language, and bacterium that is spread by contaminated
executive deficits in mild Alzheimers dis- food, is a concern in patients chronically
ease together with atrophy of the medial immunosuppressed on steroids. The menin-
temporal lobes. The GPI patients had more goencephalitis produces focal neurological
abnormal signs on neurological examina- deficits (Pollock, Pollock,& Harrison, 1984),
tion, however. Diagnosis is established only and it has been associated with persistent
if there is clinical suspicion that motivates the cognitive decline, with impaired short-term
further investigation, or a standard approach memory, concentration, and apathy, as well
to testing that is designed to detect and not as catatonia (Kellner, Sonntag, & Strian,
miss the disease. Meningovascular syphilis 1990), mania, depression, and psychosis
can cause stroke at cerebral and spinal levels, (Duncan, 1989).
and falls within the differential diagnosis of Cryptococcal meningitis may affect immu-
ischemic disorders with or without cogni- nocompetent hosts but is more prevalent in
tive manifestations. Diagnosis of syphilis is immune-compromised individuals, notably
supported by CSF lymphocytic pleocytosis those with long-term corticosteroid use, but
and high protein levels, and serological tests, most dramatically in individuals infected
including the CSF nontreponemal Venereal with HIV (Pyrgos, Seitz, Steiner, Prevots, &
Disease Reference Laboratory (VDRL) test Williamson, 2013). After the acute illness
and the serum treponemal T. pallidum par- has been treated, its principal mechanism
ticle agglutination assay (TPPA), T. palli- for causing long-term cognitive change is
dum haemagglutination assay (TPHA), and through noncommunicating hydrocephalus
enzyme immunosorbent assay (EIA) IgG/ from obstruction of CSF flow at the foramina
IgM. Treatment with appropriate doses and of Luschka and Magendie, or communicating
durations of antibiotics (penicillin remains hydrocephalus by prevention of CSF resorp-
the drug of choice for all stages) cures the tion through the Pacchionian granulations at
illness. The diagnosis should be suspected the vertex. During the active infection, the
and tested for in any patient whose course problem of elevated ICP without hydroceph-
is remotely atypical for Alzheimers disease, alus produces a combination of headache
particularly if there are both cognitive and as well as confusion and obtundation that
psychiatric features. can be life-threatening and which requires
ventriculoperitoneal shunting (Petrou et al.,
Other Subacute and Chronic Meningitides

Neurocysticercosis is endemic in parts of Lyme Encephalopathy

the developing world and is one of the com-
monest causes of epilepsy worldwide. It is Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne
a chronic parasitic disease caused by inva- disease in the United States (highest preva-
sion of the CNS by the larvae of the Taenia lence in the coastal Northeast, northwest
solium worm. It can also result in a spectrum California, and the Great Lakes region) and
of cognitive abnormalities, ranging from Europe. It is caused by the spirochaete Borrelia
impairment in a single domain, to mild cog- burgdorferi and transmitted to humans through
nitive impairment, and dementia. The neu- the bite of the deer tick, Ixodes scapularis, and
rocognitive manifestations (Rodrigues et al., the Western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacifi-
2012) are evident mostly during the phase of cus. There are three stage of the illness. Early
316 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

localized infection causes erythema migrans, functioning, improvement was reported 2

fever, malaise, fatigue, headache, myalgias, weeks after course completion but was not
and arthralgias. Early disseminated infection sustained 3 months later (Fallon et al., 2008).
occurring days to weeks later causes neu- The results of this study, like others that took
rologic, musculoskeletal, or cardiovascular a similar approach, were regarded as nega-
symptoms and multiple erythema migrans tive, demonstrating the absence of any last-
lesions. Late disseminated infection pro- ing improvement in cognitive function by
duces migratory polyarthritis with intermit- the prolonged use of antibiotics for this entity
tent swelling and pain of one or more joints, (Halperin, 2008). Sjowall, Ledel, Ernerudh,
particularly the knees, along with neurologic Ekerfelt, and Forsberg (2012) found that 3
manifestations (Bratton, Whiteside, Hovan, weeks of oral doxycycline treatment did not
Engle, & Edwards, 2008). The neurology of lead to any improvement of either the per-
Lyme (neuroborreliosis) includes lympho- sistent symptoms or quality of life in post-
cytic meningitis, cranial mononeuropathies neuroborreliosis patients. Given the vested
such as facial paralysis, hearing loss, and interests, financial and others, in the Lyme
occasionally oculomotor palsies, and lum- testing industry, and patients with ill-defined
bosacral polyradiculoneuropathy, which can neurocognitive and systemic symptoms
be painful. Arange of encephalitic presenta- thought to be persistent Lyme encephalopa-
tions from confusion and fatigue to cognitive thy (Fallon, Petkova, Keilp, & Slavov, 2009)
decline and neuropsychiatric symptoms have desperate for answers and intervention, it is
been reported, but in the chronic posttreat- unlikely that this controversy will resolve any
ment stage of the illness these are often not time soon. On a cautionary note, about 25%
associated with laboratory evidence of active of patients with long-term IV access develop
CNS borreliosis (Halperin, 2010). Laboratory complications (Fallon et al., 2008). Personal
diagnosis is made by antibody testing and experience of a patient with a remote his-
confirmed with Western blot analysis. In tory of Lyme disease and the cerebellar form
active neurological manifesting Lyme dis- of multiple system atrophy being treated
ease the CSF shows lymphocytic pleocytosis elsewhere with intravenous and intrathe-
(<100200 cells/mm3) with B cell predomi- cal ceftriaxone for over 2 years in the hope
nance, elevated protein, and normal to mini- of clinical improvement is both sobering and
mally decreased glucose. disturbing.
First-line antibiotics used to treat Lyme
include doxycycline and amoxicillin; cefurox-
ime and erythromycin are also used. Late or Central Nervous System Vasculitis
severe disease requires intravenous ceftriax-
one or penicillin G. Lyme-associated vascu- Multifocal cerebral cortical and subcorti-
litis may rarely cause focal cerebral ischemic cal infarcts in the absence of major risk fac-
insults and a marked encephalopathy (Back tors or laboratory evidence for extracranial
et al., 2013), and treatment regimens include or intracranial cerebrovascular disease can
both the appropriate antibiotic regimen as present with subacute confusion and raise
well as immunosuppressant therapy with the differential diagnosis of the inflammatory
mineralocorticoids. This can be lifesaving vasculopathies of the central nervous system.
(authors personal experience of one case). These disorders include primary angiitis of
Controversy has arisen about the length of the central nervous system (PANCS) that
treatment of the late-stage neurologic mani- produces inflammation and destruction of
festations of Lyme and about the entity of CNS vessels without evidence of vasculitis
post-Lyme encephalopathy. Patients may outside the CNS, and cerebral involvement
report persistent symptoms after the stan- by systemic lupus erythematosus that is usu-
dard 3 weeks of IV antibiotic therapy for ally accompanied by systemic markers of
Lyme disease, including fatigue, myalgia, disease.
arthralgia, sensory disturbances, and neuro- PACNS is more common in men, with a
cognitive dysfunction. In a study of IV antibi- peak at age 50. The course is variable, rang-
otics for 10 weeks to treat post-Lyme mild to ing from acutely presenting to chronic and
moderate cognitive impairment and marked insidious. The diagnostic requirements for
levels of fatigue, pain, and impaired physical PANCS are the presence of an acquired
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 317

otherwise unexplained neurological or disorder with vasculitis associated with

psychiatric deficit, with either classic angi- an antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
ographic appearance (beading of blood ves- (Holle& Gross, 2011). It affects the lung with
sels from alternating vasoconstriction and alveolar hemorrhage and the kidneys with
focal dilation) or histopathological features necrotizing glomerulonephritis. In addition
of angiitis within the CNS, and no evidence to peripheral neuropathy, Wegeners causes
of systemic vasculitis or any disorder that CNS infiltrating granulomas of the menin-
could cause or mimic the angiographic or ges and within CNS, with symptoms that
pathological features of the disease (see Hajj- resemble those seen in other vasculitides.
Ali, Singhal, Benseler, Molloy, & Calabrese, Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulo-
2011 for further review and discussion). matous disease of unknown etiology with
There are no associated constitutional wide-ranging effects on the nervous system.
symptoms, weight loss, or non-CNS disease. It produces cranial mono or polyneuropa-
Headache occurs in the granulomatous form thies, peripheral neuropathy, myopathy,
of the illness, together with diffuse and focal and meningeal infiltration, and occasion-
neurological deficits, multiple bilateral isch- ally causes cerebral granulomas with confu-
emic foci on brain MRI, and aseptic men- sion, psychosis, memory loss, and seizures
ingitis documented by chronic meningeal (Sharma, 1997; Terushkin et al., 2010). The
inflammation in the CSF. One can be alerted diagnosis is made by finding lymphade-
to the possibility of CNS vasculitis when the nopathy on chest X-ray or CT, elevated
patient has at least three features of a clinical serum angiotensin-converting enzyme, gal-
tetrad of headache, seizures, psychosis, and lium uptake in lymph nodes, and enhancing
stroke. The headache may be nonspecific or lesions in meninges and brain, and treat-
have a vascular flavor (throbbing, light and ment is with corticosteroids and steroid-
noise sensitivity). Seizures may be focal, sparing immune modulating agents.
partial, or manifest only with irritable ele- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has
troencephalograhy in the absence of overt protean manifestations in the central ner-
clinical seizures. Psychosis can manifest vous system, including focal neurologic and
with a myriad of cognitive and emotional debilitating neuropsychiatric features (see
symptoms. The stroke syndromes may be Joseph, Lammie, & Scolding, 2007; ACR Ad
transient ischemic events or fixed small ves- Hoc Committee, 1999; Sciascia et al., 2013).
sel ischemia or large vessel infarction that is As stated above, the tetrad of headache,
the proximate cause of the neurological pre- seizure, psychosis, and stroke is helpful in
sentation. Diagnosis is made on the grounds determining whether CNS lupus could be the
of clinical suspicion and angiographic evi- basis of a patients subacute cognitive and/
dence of beading of small- and medium- or neuropsychiatric decline. Strokes may be
sized vessels. Diagnostic uncertainty arises small or large vessel, and cortical or subcor-
commonly, however, particularly in those tical. The term psychosis here is used loosely
instances in which the vasculitis manifests as to include a range of manifestations such
a focal brain mass, a condition encountered as confusion, anxiety, depression, mania,
more commonly when the inflammation and mild cognitive impairment. Cognitive
occurs in the setting of an underlying cere- defects may have some relation to the pres-
bral amyloid angiopathy (Hajj-Ali, Singhal, ence of antiphospholipid antibodies, disease
Benseler, Molloy, & Calabrese, 2011; Molloy, activity, and chronic damage (Sciascia et al.,
Singhal, & Calabrese, 2008). When brain 2013). Seizures may be focal or generalized,
biopsy is required, the diagnosis is estab- and headache can be a minor or predomi-
lished with the combination of normal brain nant aspect of the constellation. The diagno-
parenchyma (apart from areas that have sis poses a challenge, and clinical suspicion
sustained ischemic infarction), together leads the practitioner to obtain the appropri-
with an inflammatory vasculopathy. Biopsy ate laboratory tests to establish the diagnosis
also differentiates this condition from mim- with sufficient certainty to warrant targeted
ics such as Wegeners granulomatosis and therapy. Management is optimally under-
sarcoidosis. taken together with colleagues in rheumatol-
Wegeners granulomatosis is an auto- ogy and allied fields, such as in the setting
immune granulomatous inflammatory of stroke in lupus, with antiphospholipid
318 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

antibodies (Kitagawa, Gotoh, Koto, & hemorrhagic transformation. CSF (obtained

Okayasu, 1990) and noninfectious endocardi- prior to the brain swelling that would be a
tis (Libman-Sacks). contraindication to lumbar puncture) shows
lymphocytic pleocytosis. These cases can
resolve dramatically within days when
Acute Disseminated treated with intravenous immunoglobulin
Encephalomyelopathy (IVIG). Corticosteroids are reported to be
first-line treatment (e.g., Sonneville, Klein,
This postinfectious immune-based disorder de Broucker,& Wolff, 2009)but in our experi-
occurs as a monophasic illness, is less com- ence in two dramatic adult cases were inef-
mon in adults than in children, and can be fective and delayed time to initiation of the
devastating and life-threatening unless rec- effective IVIG therapy. Recognition of the
ognized and promptly treated. The disease early features of the clinical scenario, includ-
is located in the cerebral white matter, causes ing recent viral infection within the preceding
marked edema in the area of demyelination 2 to 30days, cognitive and or neuropsychiat-
and necrosis, is multifocal and asymmetric ric manifestations with multifocal demyelin-
(Fig. 15.9), and can spread to contiguous or ation associated with edema and prominent
unconnected brain regions within a matter gadolinium enhancement on brain image,
of days. The early manifestations depend can lead to a gratifying outcome.
on the location of the initial insult and can
include cortical sensory syndromes of the
parietal lobe (neglect, alien limb) among its Mitochondrial Encephalopathy With
early features. Headache may be part of the Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-Like
early clinical syndrome, but this is not invari- Episodes
able. As the illness progresses, cognitive and
sensorimotor deficits mount to the point of Mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic
decreased arousal, leading to coma from acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS)
brain edema and herniation. MRI shows the is a multisystem progressive neurodegen-
dramatic and progressive multifocal demy- erative disorder associated with polygen-
elination with necrosis, sometimes with etic, maternally inherited, mitochondrial

Figure15.9 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) scans in a 23-year-old woman with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis,
during the acute life-threatening stage (left) and after recovery following treatment with
intravenous immunoglobulin (right).
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 319

Figure 15.10 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) scans (from ventral to dorsal, right to left) in a middle-aged man with
mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) showing
signal abnormality and mild vasogenic edema in the left cerebral cortex and subjacent white matter
of the posteromedial temporal lobe, occipital lobe, and medial and lateral parietal convexities. These
findings resolved radiographically and clinically following treatment with intravenous high-dose
methylprednisolone. (From Walcott et al., 2012)

DNA mutations (DiMauro & Hirano, 2001; or together with the cortical injury. The pre-
Sproule & Kaufmann, 2008). It is charac- cise cause of the acute event and its patho-
terized by headache, depression, seizure, physiology is not fully established, although
encephalopathy, and recurrent neurological hypotheses have been offered together with
deficits labeled stroke-like because of their evidence that the acute episodes can resolve
abrupt onset and focal manifestation. Other with the use of corticosteroids (Walcott et al.,
systemic manifestations include cardiomy- 2012). Other therapeutic approaches have
opathy, diabetes mellitus, and sensorineural met with variable success, including the use
hearing loss. The diagnosis is suggested by of coenzyme Q-10, arginine, and succinate.
the combination of stroke-like episodes, pro- One may be alerted to test for this unusual
gressive encephalopathy leading to demen- disorder when a relatively young person
tia, and convulsive or noconvulsive seizures. presents with recurrent episodes of confu-
The range of clinical manifestations reflects sion and focal neurological deficits, and brain
the phenomenon of heteroplasmy, with vari- imaging shows acute ischemic injury in the
able penetrance occurring in different cells. atypical pattern of being confined to the cor-
The most frequent causative genetic muta- tex but in a distribution that does not match
tion is the A-to-G transition at position 3243 a known vascular territory. The serum lactic
of the mitochondrial genome, which can be acid is elevated, muscle biopsy shows the
tested in commercial laboratories. Psychiatric expected ragged red fibers (subsarcolem-
presentations are described, including con- mal aggregates of enlarged and abnormal
fusion, aggression, hallucinations, and para- mitochondria on the Gomori trichome stain),
noia (Kaufman, Zuber, Rueda-Lara, & Tobia, and gene testing identifies the mitochondria
2010; Kim, Schmahmann, Falk, Stern, & mutation. When the case is rapidly evolving,
Norris, 1999). The progressive elaboration of one does not have the luxury of time to wait
structural deficits over time leads to a multi- for the genetic diagnosis to be established;
domain dementia. The location of the lesions in these cases, muscle biopsy to confirm the
in the acute episodes determines the nature clinical suspicion is a defensible approach.
of the clinical presentation, and the key fea-
ture on brain imaging is that the lesion is not
confined to vascular territories (Fig. 15.10). Prion Disease
The stroke-like episodes may be principally
located in the cerebral cortex, but they can This group of disorders is presented last in
also involve white matter, independently this category only because it is presently
320 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

incurable, but it is of great clinical and neu- neurodegenerative diseases and are sufficient
robiological importance and is always to be to create distinct protein-based infectious ele-
considered in the differential diagnosis of ments (Jackson et al., 2013). It is therefore
rapidly progressive dementia. Prion protein important for the clinician to consider prion
C is a normal alpha helical, transmembrane diseases as more than just an academic exer-
protein encoded by PRNP gene on chromo- cise about rare conditions, because the bio-
some 20. Diseases of human prions include logical principles governing prions may have
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), fatal familial direct relevance for some of the most perva-
insomnia, Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker sive and presently intractable neurodegen-
syndrome (GSS), and kuru. A brain disease erative disorders in clinical practice.
in sheep, scrapie, was described in 1732 and
was subsequently recognized as a transmis-
sible spongiform encephalopathy (Alper, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Cramp, Haig, & Clarke, 1967; Prusiner, 1982).
Kuru was the first transmissible spongiform A common polymorphism at codon 129 of the
encephalopathy (TSE) recognized in humans, prion protein (PrP) gene encodes methionine
described in the Fore tribes of Papau, New (Met) or valine (Val) and influences suscepti-
Guinea who engaged in ritual endocanni- bility in familial cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob dis-
balism (Brown, 1954; Gajdusek, Gibbs, & ease (CJD), and the specific genotype at codon
Alpers, 1966; Zigas & Gajdusek, 1957). Kuru 129 influences the phenotype of sporadic CJD
affected the women and children of the tribe (Palmer, Dryden, Hughes, & Collinge, 1991).
who ingested brain tissue. Tremor (shivering Five phenotypically distinct subtypes of the
= kuru) and cerebellar ataxia, with demen- PrP have been identified in the more common
tia and myoclonus commenced within 924 sporadically presenting cases of CJD, based
months (Collinge et al., 2008). The hypothesis on the Met/Val polymorphic genotype of
that TSE was caused by an infectious agent codon 129 of the PrP gene (the great major-
consisting solely of proteins without nucleic ity of which are homozygous for either Met or
acid was developed when Alper, Cramp, Val) and the presence of either one of the two
Haig, and Clarke (1967) showed that scrapie protease K-resistant PrPSc types identified as
was very resistant to radiation, and Griffith 1 and 2 (Cali et al., 2009).
(1967) proposed mechanisms whereby this Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease has an incidence
may happen. The emerging biology of these of about 1 case per million. In medical cen-
noninfectious particles later named prions ters that serve large populations, it is not
(Prusiner, 1982) initiated the study of pro- unreasonable to expect to see a patient with
tein misfolding or conformational change as this disorder a few times annually. Sporadic
the cause of the spongiform encephalopathy CJD accounts for 85%95% of cases, famil-
characteristic of CJD, and which has become ial transmission occurs in 5%15%, and iat-
recognized as the basis for a wide range of rogenic transmission in <5% of cases (from
neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Takalo, human-derived pituitary hormone therapy,
Salminen, Soininen, Hiltunen, & Haapasalo, dural grafts and dural material for emboli-
2013). The brain pathology of kuru was sub- zation, cornea and liver transplants, neuro-
sequently shown to include plaques reactive surgical instruments, and depth electrodes).
to the prion protein in sheep with scrapie The mean age of onset is in the early 60s. The
(PrPSc). The PrPSc is a beta-helical, intracel- mean duration of the illness is 45 months
lular protein that is protease resistant and and rarely more than 2 years. The disease
polymerizes into fibrils or rods. In humans, presents with the triad of ataxia, dementia,
mutations in different regions of the prion and myoclonus, in varying combinations
protein are associated with infectious neu- and in varying degrees. The dementia may
rodegenerative diseases that have very include problems with concentration, mem-
different clinical manifestations and neuro- ory, judgment, personality, and depression
pathological lesions, a phenomenon that is or disinhibition. The ataxia is not necessarily
now being explored in the knock-in mouse typical of cerebellar gait impairment, as the
model, which shows that single codon dif- gait may fail for reasons related to noncer-
ferences in a single gene in an otherwise nor- ebellar systems engaged in the complex act
mal genome can cause remarkably different of walking. Myoclonus occurs commonly,
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 321

Figure15.11 Axial diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans in two patients
with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Signal abnormality is seen maximally in the thalamus and caudate
nucleus with mild involvement of the putamen and insular cortices in one case (left). Asymmetric
L>R cortical ribbon signal hyperintensity is evident in the second case (right).

provoked by acoustic, tactile, or visual startle (Fig.15.11). Treatment trials have been disap-
in 90% of cases. Approaching the patient with pointing, and successful therapies are yet to
an ophthalmoscope may be sufficient to pro- be developed. Management of seizures with
voke a truncal myoclonic jerk. Early visual antiepileptic agents and of myoclonus with
loss reflects occipital location of the pathol- benzodiazepines and levetiracetam can be
ogy in the Heidenhain variety (Cooper, effective as symptom-based interventions.
Murray, Heath, Will, & Knight, 2005), and Variant CJD is the human counterpart to
cerebellar ataxia and oculomotor abnormali- bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
ties in the Brownwell-Oppenheimer variant acquired by ingesting contaminated beef
(1965) reflecting the cerebellar predominant or beef products with BSE. It is exceed-
location of the disease. Extrapyramidal (bra- ingly rare. Described in 1996 (World Health
dykinesia, rigidity) and corticospinal find- Organization, 1996), it affects younger
ings such as spasticity and hyperreflexia individuals (mean age 29), has a relatively
(40%80%) reflect the basal ganglia and slower progression (mean 14months), and is
motor cortical involvement, and thalamic marked by the psychiatric presentation with
pathology adds to the complexity of the depression, anxiety, and psychosis, followed
cognitive, affective, and sensorimotor phe- 46 months later by ataxia, dysarthria, and
nomena. The diagnosis is supported by dementia. Sensory abnormalities are notable,
finding periodic triphasic waves on EEG in myoclonus is occasionally observed, diffuse
67%95% of cases, with a sensitivity of 67% slowing is detected on EEG (not triphasic
and specificity of 86%. CSF analysis includes waves), and unlike CJD, the MRI is not defin-
elevated protein and a modest leukocytosis itive. The PrPSc subtype 4 may be identified
with the presence of 14-3-3 protein, which on biopsy of lymph tissue such as the tonsil,
has a sensitivity of 53% to 85% and speci- but this raises considerable issues of steril-
ficity of 95%. The pathology is spongiform ity and transmissibility for personnel and
degeneration and astrogliosis diffusely dis- equipment. The brain pathology includes
tributed throughout the cortex, basal ganglia, diffuse spongiform changes and kuru-like
thalamus, and cerebellum. The diagnostic plaquesdense amyloid deposition sur-
procedure of choice is MRI that shows hyper- rounded by a halo of vacuolation (Ironside,
intense signal on diffusion-weighted imaging 1998; Mastrianni, 2003).
(DWI) and FLAIR imaging in the locations Fatal familial insomnia is an autosomal
most affected, including the cerebral cor- dominant disorder caused by a D178N muta-
tical ribbon, thalamus, and basal ganglia tion of the prion protein gene on chromosome
322 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

20 in conjunction with methionine at codon posterior brain lesions. PML is the result of
129 mutation of the prion protein gene (Tian infection of CNS myelin-producing oligoden-
et al., 2013). The disease rarely presents as a droglia by the JC polyomavirus. It occurs in
nonfamilial case. It has a mean age of onset the immunocompromised host, most com-
of 35 to 61 years and a mean duration of 13 monly in the setting of HIV disease with CD4
months. Pathological findings include neuro- lymphocyte count <200 cells/mm3, nonsolid
nal dropout and gliosis primarily within the malignancies such as Hodgkins disease and
thalamus and inferior olivary nucleus, with other lymphomas, chronic corticosteroid or
relative lack of spongiform degeneration in immunosuppressive therapy following organ
the cerebral cortex (DeArmond & Prusiner, transplantation, and more recently, in the set-
1997). The illness is characterized by rap- ting of treatment with natalizumab for auto-
idly progressive insomnia, abnormal sleep immune disorders such as multiple sclerosis,
architecture on EEG, prominent autonomic rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus ery-
alterations (hypertension, episodic hyper- thematosis. Brain MRI is strongly suggestive,
ventilation, excessive lacrimation, sexual revealing multifocal, nonconfluent, bilateral,
and urinary tract dysfunction, change in asymmetric white matter hyperintensities
basal body temperature), and dementia with in juxta-cortical white matter on FLAIR and
confusion, impaired concentration, poor T2-weighted imaging (Fig. 15.12). These only
memory, and hallucinations. Brainstem and occasionally enhance with gadolinium; about
cerebellar involvement manifest as verti- 15% in HIV-associated PML, up to 40% in
cal gaze palsy, nystagmus, dysarthria, and natalizumab-associated disease (Berger et al.,
ataxia. Myoclonus, spasticity, and extrapy- 2013). Confluent areas of white matter abnor-
ramidal features are also described (Brown mality may extend across the corpus callosum
& Mastrianni, 2010; Lugaresi et al., 1986; Xie and down into deep regions as well, includ-
etal., 2013). ing the white matter tracts that traverse sub-
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker is an cortical nuclei such as thalamus. It can extend
extremely rare, autosomal dominant disor- into the cerebral peduncle, and when PML
der caused by mutations in the prion protein involves cerebellum it can envelope the deep
gene. Insidious onset commences around nuclei with a curved appearance (shrimp
age 30 to 50, and the course averages about sign, N. Venna, personal communication;
3 to 7years. Some patients have a predomi- Sahraian, Radue, Eshaghi, Besliu, & Minagar,
nantly cerebellar motor presentation; oth- 2012; Schmahmann, 1998; Schutte, Ranchhod,
ers have a cognitive decline with features Kakaza, & Pillay, 2013). The leukoencepha-
suggestive of a frontotemporal dementia. lopathy of PML differs from that of HIV leu-
Pyramidal involvement is heralded by spas- koencephalopathy, which tends to be diffuse,
ticity; extrapyramidal involvement manifests bilateral, symmetric, and predominantly in
with bradykinesia, increased muscle tone the periventricular white matter. Diagnosis
with or without cogwheeling, and masked of PML can be established from the clinical
facies. The pathology includes kuru-like setting, the brain imaging findings, and the
amyloid plaques, which bind to PrP, and presence of JC virus in the CSF detected by
AD-like tangles (Brown & Mastrianni, 2010; polymerase chain reaction. Brain biopsy is
DeArmond& Prusiner, 1997). seldom required, and when performed, it
shows the characteristic triad of multifocal
demyelination, hyperchromatic, enlarged oli-
Uncommon Disorders With Multidomain godendroglial nuclei with nuclear inclusions
Subacute Cognitive Decline (JC virus), and enlarged bizarre astrocytes
with lobulated hyperchromatic nuclei (Berger
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy et al., 2013). The illness has a mortality rate of
30% to 50% in the first few months without
Depending on the location of the pathology treatment, but this has improved in patients
in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopa- with HIV since the introduction of combina-
thy (PML), this disorder may present with tion antiretroviral therapy (CART), and in the
subacute cognitive decline in up to one half case of natalizumab, removal of the inciting
of affected patients rather than sensorimotor agent hastened by the use of plasmapheresis
impairment, or visual loss that occurs with and corticosteroids to manage the immune
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 323

(A) (B) (C)

Figure15.12 Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans in two young men with progressive
multifocal leukoencephalopathy in the setting of HIV. Hyperintense signal is seen in the right
occipital cortex and white matter in the axial T2-weighted image in one case who presented with
a left homonymous hemianopsia (A). The other patient with prominent abulia has multiple areas
of signal hyperintensity on fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted axial
images; bilaterally in the frontal lobes straddling the corpus callosum, in the right posterior parietal
cortex (B), and in the deep white matter of the left hemisphere including the thalamus (C).

reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (Baehring, Longtine, & Hochberg, 2003). The

(Berger, 2011; Tan, McArthur, Clifford, Major, diagnosis can only be made with certainty on
& Nath, 2011). brain biopsy, showing large malignant lym-
phocytes filling the lumina of small vessels.
If diagnosed premortem, the disease may be
Intravascular Lymphoma cured by aggressive chemotherapy.

This rare (1 per million) subtype of extra-

nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma affects Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
elderly patients (median age 70) and is
characterized by proliferation of clonal lym- Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE),
phocytes within small vessels with relative a late complication of the measles virus, is
sparing of the surrounding tissue. It has a rarely encountered in the United States, but
predilection for the central nervous system it is not uncommon in developing countries
(see Ferreri et al., 2004; Zuckerman, Seliem, & like India (e.g., Chakor & Santosh, 2013).
Hochberg, 2006). It causes progressive cogni- The ease of international travel, and interna-
tive and motor decline associated with focal tional adoption, make it imperative to have
areas of ischemia in cortical and subcortical a passing knowledge of this condition. SSPE
regions on brain imaging, but without overt has a latency after active measles infection of
imaging evidence of vascular abnormality. approximately 6 to 15 years. Its manifesta-
Systemic manifestations include B symptoms tions include personality change with con-
(fever, night sweats, and weight loss) and fusion, agitation, and memory loss. Cortical
anemia, with focal sensory or motor deficits, blindness from the posterior location of the
generalized weakness, confusion, rapidly lesions may be a heralding sign. Myoclonus
progressive dementia, seizures, hemipare- is common and can be incapacitating when
sis, dysarthria, ataxia, vertigo, and transient generalized. Convulsive or noconvulsive
visual loss. It mimics other central nervous status epilepticus occur. Ataxia and spastic-
system diseases, the prominent subcortical ity result from damage to motor pathways.
white matter lesions (Fig. 15.13) reminiscent The EEG shows generalized slowing with
of cerebral vasculitis and the demyelination periodic complexes; serum and CSF analysis
of multiple sclerosis. Patients may have high reveals the presence of IgG measles antibod-
serum lactate dehydrogenase levels and ies. The course is relentlessly progressive and
lymphocytosis in the CSF, although cytopa- rapid (18 months), leading to severe dementia
thology is rarely positive for malignant cells 1 to 2 years after clinical onset. Involvement
324 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Figure15.13 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) scans (from ventral to dorsal, right to left) in an elderly man with
subacute progression over weeks of cognitive change and right hemiparesis. Brain biopsy
confirmed intravascular lymphoma.

of the brainstem results in dysautonomia, structures show marked atrophy (Brismar,

coma, and a vegetative stage. There is no Gascon, von Steyern, & Bohlega, 1996;
effective cure at this time. Brain MRI findings Turaga, Kaul, Haritha Chowdary, & Praveen,
range from normal initially, to hyperinten- 2012).
sities on FLAIR and T2 images asymmetri-
cally in parieto-occipital cortical-subcortical
regions, symmetrically in the periventricu- Whipples Disease of the Nervous System
lar white matter (Ozturk, Gurses, Baykan,
Gokyigit, & Eraksoy, 2002), and in the basal Whipple disease (WD) is a chronic, relaps-
ganglia (Turaga, Kaul, Haritha Chowdary, & ing, multisystem infection caused by the
Praveen, 2012) and cerebellum (Fig. 15.14). As gram-positive bacillus Tropheryma whip-
the disease progresses, there is increasing loss pelii. Systemic symptoms include fever and
of white matter with cortical atrophy, and in weight loss with gastrointestinal, arthritic,
the final stage most of the white matter is lost, cardiac, ocular, and cutaneous manifesta-
the ventricles and extracerebral CSF spaces tions (Schmahmann, 2006). Isolated CNS
are severely widened, and posterior fossa involvement occurs in about 5% of cases, has

Figure15.14 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) scans (from ventral to dorsal, right to left) of a young woman with
confusion, lethargy, and gait impairment, showing signal abnormality in the pons, middle cerebellar
peduncles, and to a lesser extent in the cerebral white matter. Aclinical diagnosis of subacute
sclerosing panencephalitis was confirmed at autopsy.
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 325

Figure15.15 Coronal contrast enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in

a middle-aged woman with subacute confusion, memory loss, vertical gaze palsy, syndrome
of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, and amenorrhea. Biopsy of the enhancing
hypothalamic lesion confirmed central nervous system Whipples disease.

a predilection for the midbrain and hypothal- regions, and the basal ganglia. The diagnosis
amus (Fig. 15.15), and has four main clini- is confirmed by polymerase chain reaction on
cal presentations (Gerard et al., 2002; Smith, blood and CSF, which may also reveal foamy
French, Gottsman, Smith, & Wakes-Miller, PAS-positive mononuclear cells. Diagnosis
1965). (1) Oculomasticatory myorhythmia may require duodenal biopsy, and in extraor-
consists of pendular convergent oscillations dinary cases when clinical suspicion is high,
of both eyes with concurrent contractions of brain biopsy may be necessary looking for
the jaw and tongue, occurring at a rate of 1 granulomatous inflammation with granu-
to 2 Hz, associated also with semirhythmic lar ependymitis, microglial nodules, neu-
blinking, and movements of the proximal ronal loss, and rod-shaped bacilli within
upper and lower extremities (oculo-facial- macrophages and glia demonstrable with sil-
skeletal-myorhythmia). (2) Supranuclear ver stains. Cephalosporins are the treatment
vertical ophthalmoplegia may be accompa- of choice.
nied by horizontal gaze palsy, with absent
pupil response with attempted convergence
but preserved with light (the opposite of the Dementia From Diseases Predominantly
Parinaud syndrome). (3) Cognitive changes Affecting Cerebral White Matter
evolving over weeks or months include an
amnestic syndrome with confabulation, The concept of white mater dementia intro-
delusional thinking, confusion, apathy, and duced in 1998 (Filley, 1998, 2012; Filley,
disorientation, and personality changes Franklin, Heaton, & Rosenberg, 1988) rests
include irritability, depression, paranoia, and on the fact that the cerebral white matter
hallucinations. (4) Hypothalamic involve- conveys the association fiber tracts linking
ment produces sleep disruption, polydipsia, cerebral cortical association areas with each
hyperphagia, hypothermia, syndrome of other, as well as the striatal and projection
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secre- fibers that link the association cortices with
tion, and amenorrhea. MRI reveals T-2 and their interconnected subcortical nodes in the
FLAIR hyperintense lesions in hypothala- basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebrocerebel-
mus, rostral brainstem, medial temporal lar circuits (Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006,
326 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

2007, 2008). These fiber pathways are critical Demyelinating Diseases

anatomical substrates of the distributed neu-
ral circuits (Goldman-Rakic, 1988; Jones & Multiple Sclerosis
Powell, 1970; Mesulam, 1981; Nauta, 1964;
Perhaps the paradigmatic white matter dis-
Pandya & Kuypers, 1969; Schmahmann &
ease, MS is now known to cause destruction
Pandya, 2006) that provide the anatomical
not only of myelin, but it also affects axons
underpinning of cognition along with all
(Medana & Esiri, 2003), the gray matter of
neurological function. The notion that hemi-
cerebral cortex (Stadelmann, Albert, Wegner,
paresis or visual loss arises from interruption
& Bruck, 2008), and subcortical areas, includ-
of the corticospinal tracts or the optic radia-
ing thalamus (Minagar et al., 2013). Much is
tion, respectively, provides historical empiric
written about this frequently occurring ner-
support for the importance of the white mat-
vous system illness, but less attention has
ter for neurological function. The description
been paid to the fact that cognitive impair-
of disconnection syndromes resulting from
ment occurs in 40%65% of affected indi-
disruption of these white matter pathways
viduals (Jongen, Ter Horst, & Brands, 2012;
(Geschwind, 1965a, b) introduced behavioral
Rao, Leo, Bernardin, & Unverzagt, 1991),
neurology and neuropsychiatry as a rigor-
and dementia has an estimated prevalence as
ous intellectual discipline. It is now clear
high as 23% (Boerner & Kapfhammer, 1999).
that whereas focal white matter lesions can
Cognitive problems are seen in the subclini-
lead to focal neurobehavioral syndromes,
cal radiologically isolated syndrome, clini-
large-scale devastation of cerebral white
cally isolated syndrome (Fig. 15.16), and all
matter leads to large scale devastation of
phases of clinical MS, and can be prominent
cognitive functionhence, white matter
in pediatric-onset MS (Jongen, Ter Horst, &
dementia (WMD).
Brands, 2012). A wide range of focal neu-
The clinical pattern seen in WMD
robehavioral syndromes and neuropsychi-
includes disorders of executive function,
atric disturbances are reported, including
together with deficits in memory, visuo-
disorders of complex attention, information
spatial impairment, and psychiatric pre-
processing speed, episodic memory, and
sentations, ranging from disinhibition to
executive functions (Filley, 2001). Recognition
paranoia, obsessive-compulsive behaviors,
of these nonmotor manifestations is impor-
delusions, and hallucinations (Filley, 2001;
tant because disease-modifying agents may
Schmahmann, Smith, Eichler, & Filley,
halt the clinical progression or lead to clinical
2008). Depending on the exact nature and
extent of the pathology, there may be pre-
served language, procedural memory, and
extrapyramidal function (Filley, Heaton, Susac Syndrome
Nelson, Burks, & Franklin, 1989). WMD is
thus distinct from the cortical dementias Susac syndrome is an autoimmune endo-
in which memory encoding and language theliopathy affecting the precapillary arte-
are usually impaired, and from the cog- rioles of the brain, retina, and inner ear
nitive decline arising from lesions of the (Rennebohm, Susac, Egan, & Daroff, 2010;
deep nuclei (basal ganglia and thalamus) Susac, 1994). It occurs across the age spec-
in which extrapyramidal function and/or trum, with women (2040 years) most vul-
procedural memory are typically affected nerable. The inflammatory vasculopathy
(Lafosse, Corboy, Leehey, Seeberger, & produces multifocal brain demyelination,
Filley, 2007; Schmahmann, 2003). For a list including the corpus callosum, and a clini-
of diseases that affect the cerebral white cal triad of sensorineural hearing loss,
mater disproportionately or primarily, see visual loss from branch retinal artery occlu-
Table 15.3, Schmahmann, Smith, Eichler, sion, and encephalopathy. Headache is a
and Filley (2008), and Filley (2012). Selected constant feature of the presentation and
examples are highlighted later in the chap- occurs particularly along with the encepha-
ter, and others that may rightly be con- lopathy. This rare disorder (304 cases in the
sidered together with the WMDs (such as published literature; Dorr et al., 2013) has a
SSPE, PML, ADEM, SLE, MELAS, and HIV) wide differential, including MS and other
are described elsewhere in this chapter. vasculitides, given that it can manifest with
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 327

Figure15.16 Axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) following gadolinium

administration in a young woman with impaired speech shows enhancing cerebral white matter
lesions L>R. The pattern of the demyelinating injury is consistent with Baloss concentric sclerosis.

cognitive and psychiatric features. Hearing testing. Treatment is with aggressive and
loss is reported in 86% of cases, but at dis- prolonged immunosuppressants to prevent
ease onset the expected triad of impaired the multiphasic form of the illness.
vision, hearing, and mentation occurs in
only 13% of cases. The encephalopathy
occurs in 76% of cases over the course of Acquired Leukodystrophies
the illness and is characterized by cogni-
tive impairment, mainly deficits in memory, In delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopa-
concentration, and executive functions; thy, massive cerebral demyelination with
confusion with disorientation; and changes delayed onset occurs in the setting of a
in behavior and personality with apathy, unique combination of factors precipitating a
psychosis, and decreased arousal. Personal hypoxemic ischemic event. The sequence of
experience of one case was a severe amnes- events most commonly described is an onset
tic dementia in a man in his 30s, associated over hours of a sublethal dose of the three
with hearing loss, cerebellar motor findings, main forms of cerebral hypoxemia described
and branch retinal artery occlusions on the by Plum and Posner (1966). Namely,
diagnostic test of fluorescein angiography. anoxic anoxia (low environmental tension,
The brain MRI is very suggestive, if not depressed respirations, impaired pulmonary
pathognomonic, showing what have been function), anemic anoxia (the oxygen-carry-
called snowball lesions in the corpus cal- ing capacity of blood is depleted as occurs
losum (Fig. 15.17), with multiple lesions with carbon monoxide), and ischemic anoxia
string of pearlsin the internal capsule (poor cerebral blood flow as in cardiac fail-
(bright on diffusion-weighted imaging). The ure). Common scenarios include overdose of
diagnosis can be established by a combina- medication that both depress respiration and
tion of clinical features, MRI findings, and blood pressure such as hydrocodone, expo-
fluorescein angiography and audiology sure to carbon monoxide (Lee & Marsden,
328 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Figure15.17 Fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) in a young man with impaired gait, profound anterograde memory loss, and
confusion in the setting of Susac syndrome. Sagittal images at left show the snowball appearance of
lesions of the corpus callosum. The axial images (from ventral to dorsal, right to left) show signal
hyperintensities in the middle cerebellar peduncles, posterior limb of the internal capsule L>R, and
coronal radiata.

1994), slow and prolonged hypoxemia with to recognize this rare but essentially pathog-
hypotension as occurs in strangulation with nomonic narrative of the acute initiating
attempted suicide, partial airway obstruction event followed by a period of near normalcy
or prolonged respiratory arrest, and hem- and then the subacute slide (days to a week
orrhagic shock. The characteristic feature or two) into the rigid akinetic mute state
is the near-death experience of the patient accompanied by new, diffuse leukoencepha-
(Chen-Plotkin, Pau, & Schmahmann, 2008) lopathy. This entity needs to be differentiated
with unresponsiveness or coma for a period from acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
of minutes to hours, followed by complete (ADEM) and other toxic leukoencephalopa-
or near-complete recovery to full motor and thies that have a different history and imag-
cognitive health for a period of 23 weeks. ing pattern, so as to avoid invasive diagnostic
The patient then slides into a neuropsychiat- procedures such as brain biopsy. Hyperbaric
ric decline of altered behavior, forgetfulness, oxygen treatment for acute carbon monox-
inattention, confusion, gait impairment, bra- ide poisoning appears warranted (Weaver,
dykinesia, and incontinence, progressing to Valentine, & Hopkins, 2007), but there are no
hypokinesia and immobility to the point of studies of this approach in the patient with
akinetic mutism with striking generalized hypoxic ischemic injury entering phase 2 of
rigidity and cortical blindness (Chen-Plotkin, the illness (the decline after recovery). The
Pau, & Schmahmann, 2008; Shprecher & predilection for this complication of hypoxia
Mehta, 2010; Schmahmann, other unpub- is not known, and the suggestion that partial
lished cases). The brain MRI typically shows arylsulfatase deficiency is responsible in sus-
symmetric white matter T2 and FLAIR hyper- ceptible individuals (Weinberger, Schmidley,
intensities, with diffusion-weighted imaging Schafer, & Raghavan, 1994) has not been
showing restricted diffusion of the white borne out by subsequent studies.
matter confirmed on apparent diffusion coef- Professional underwater divers report prob-
ficient mapping. Over a matter of weeks, and lems with long- and short-term memory and
more notable some months later, is a dra- impaired concentration (Todnem, Nyland,
matic loss of volume of cerebral white mat- Kambestad, & Aarli, 1990). Divers who have
ter with ex vacuo hydrocephalus (Fig. 15.18). experienced decompression sickness (Caisson
Recovery is variable. Some patients may disease, nitrogen gas embolism after surfac-
return to a more functional baseline, although ing too rapidly from depths greater than 10
psychiatric features and executive failure per- meters) have impairments in thinking, visual-
sist (Shprecher & Mehta, 2010; Schmahmann, spatial function, and memory, along with sub-
unpublished data), while in other cases the cortical white matter abnormalities on brain
rigid akinetic state persists with only mini- MRI (Levin et al., 1989). Seven of 19 divers
mal improvement over time. It is important studied with a battery of neuropsychological
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 329

Figure15.18 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) in an elderly woman with delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy. The
left image was taken at the time she presented 2 weeks after recovery from the acute hypoxic event,
with increasing confusion, amnesia, and bradykinesia. The right image was taken 2years later and
shows the loss of cerebral white matter with signal hyperintensity and ex vacuo ventriculomegaly.

tests (Peters, Levin, & Kelly, 1977) performed in attention, concentration, and verbal learn-
significantly below a control group on verbal ing and recall as well as anxiety and somatic
and nonverbal tests, and they had impaired preoccupations (Duff & McCaffrey, 2001).
memory with marked disruption of storage Psychiatric diagnoses including depression
of new information, reduced attention span with or without posttraumatic stress disor-
(tested with forward digit span), slowed pro- der were reported in 78% of a sample of 86
cessing speed (Trails A test), and deficient patients who suffered electrical injury, and
mental flexibility (Trails B test; Peters, Levin, these patients also showed impairments on
& Kelly, 1977). These cognitive features may tests of attention, verbal memory, and execu-
occur together with or independent of the tive function (Ramati et al., 2009).
acute sequelae of decompression sickness, Toxic leukoencephalopathies result from
ranging from spinal cord lesions with paraly- exposure to agents that have a predilection
sis, to hemianopsia, confusion, and coma, and for the cerebral white matter. Toluene (meth-
more chronic neurological findings such as ylbenzene) is a household and industrial
cerebellar ataxia and facial paralysis (Peters, organic solvent used in glue and spray paint.
Levin, & Kelly, 1977). Further, elderly recre- It produces euphoria when inhaled and is a
ational compressed-air divers who have not major drug of abuse. It produces an essen-
experienced decompression sickness (the tially pure leukoencephalopathy with selec-
bends) have white matter hyperintensities tive myelin loss that spares the cerebral cortex,
on brain MRI greater in number and size than neurons, and axons in all but the most severe
controls, which correlate with the number cases (Filley, Heaton, & Rosenberg, 1990;
of hours of diving and are associated with Rosenberg et al., 1988). The clinical manifesta-
decreased mental flexibility and poorer per- tion is a syndrome of dementia, ataxia, dysar-
formance on tasks of visual tracking (Tetzlaff thria, and spasticity. Brain MRI reveals diffuse
et al., 1999). cerebral and cerebellar white matter hyper-
Electrical injury produces long-term cog- intensity. The degree of cerebral involve-
nitive and neuropsychiatric sequelae fol- ment strongly correlates with the severity of
lowing lightning strikes, and industrial or dementia. Autopsy reveals selective myelin
residential accidents. These include deficits loss that spares the cerebral cortex.
330 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Figure15.19 Methotrexate leukoencephalopathy in a middle-aged man seen on fluid attenuated

inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Left and
middle:axial plane; right:coronal plane.

Methotrexate (MTX) chemotherapy may is radiation-induced vasculopathy leading

produce diffuse hemispheric demyelination to slowly evolving ischemic damage to the
(Fig. 15.19) and a clinical syndrome of cog- white matter.
nitive slowing, executive dysfunction, and Postchemotherapy cognitive impairment,
forgetfulness, although this adverse con- referred to as chemo-brain or chemo-fog by
sequence is not universal and patients may patient support groups, occurs after systemic
experience only mild cognitive slowing chemotherapy, particularly for breast cancer.
(Fliessbach et al., 2005). Focal and sometimes Deficits are reported in verbal and visual spa-
reversible neurological syndromes caused by tial abilities, executive function, and mood
MTX are associated with discrete white mat- (Ganz et al., 2013; Jim et al., 2012). The risk
ter lesions (Salkade & Lim, 2012), in addition of this disorder is greater in patients who are
to its recognized causative link to the pos- older and have less cognitive reserve, and
terior reversible encephalopathy syndrome genetic factors appear to play a role (Rodin
(Henderson, Rajah, Nicol, & Read, 2003; & Ahles, 2012). The underlying mechanism
Matsuda et al., 2011). The pathology of MTX is not established, although preliminary data
toxicity includes a disseminated necrotizing correlate changes in attention and execu-
leukoencephalopathy with prominent spher- tive function with decreased connectivity in
oids involving frontal and temporal lobes dorsal attention and default mode networks
disproportionately, a disseminated demyelin- on resting-state functional connectivity MRI
ating leukoencephalopathy with widespread (Dumas et al., 2013).
demyelinated foci without significant axo- Inhalation of heated heroin vapor (chas-
nal changes localized mainly in the occipital ing the dragon) produces a progressive
lobe (Matsubayashi, Tsuchiya, Matsunaga, spongiform leukoencephalopathy with a
& Mukai, 2009), and a severe demyelinat- cerebellar motor syndrome (ataxia, dysmet-
ing, partially liquefactive necrosis-like lesion ria, and dysarthria), bradykinesia, rigidity,
symmetrically in the cerebral hemispheres, and hypophonia, progressing over weeks to
internal capsule, cerebral peduncle, pons, pseudobulbar palsy, akinetic mutism, decor-
and pontocerebellar fibers but sparing the ticate posturing, and spastic quadriparesis.
temporal lobes and the rostral parts of the Death occurs in approximately 20% of cases.
frontal lobes (Yokoo et al., 2007). MRI reveals symmetric and widespread
Cranial irradiation has direct effect on involvement of the white matter of the pos-
cerebral white matter, producing a leukoen- terior cerebral hemispheres, corpus callosum,
cephalopathy in about one third of patients cerebellum, and brainstem. MR spectroscopy
followed for more than 6 months. The demonstrates depressed N-acetyl aspar-
clinical disorder is more severe in patients tic acid (NAA) indicating neuronal loss as
greater than 65 years of age (Ebi, Sato, well as a lactate peak (Fig. 15.20; Bartlett &
Nakajima,& Shishido, 2013). The likely basis Mikulis, 2005; Kriegstein et al., 1999; Offiah&
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 331

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Cho NAA Lac


3 4

Cho Lac 2
1 1

Figure 15.20 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) in the axial plane (A through D, ventral to dorsal) in a young man
following heroin inhalation, or chasing the dragon. Corresponding 1H magnetic resonance
spectrography imaging in two of the images shows characteristic lactate peak and decreased
N-acetyl aspartic acid (NAA). (From Kriegstein et al. 1999 reproduced with permission)

Hall, 2008). Clinical and MRI findings can that are autosomal recessive, and X-linked
progress after cessation of drug use. The adrenoleukodystrophy. Collectively, the
brain shows spongiform degeneration of incidence of these conditions rivals that of
white matter with relative sparing of U-fibers MS. The incidence of adrenoleukodystro-
(Kriegstein et al., 1999). The MRS evidence phy alone is 1 in 17,000, or 20,000 patients
of lactate peak, mitochondrial swelling and annually in the United States (Bezman et al.,
distended endoplasmic reticulum in oligo- 2001). (For further discussion of these disor-
dendrocytes, and apparent benefit of antioxi- ders, see Costello, Eichler, & Eichler, 2009;
dants and mitochondrial cofactors suggest Kohlschutter & Eichler, 2011; Schmahmann,
mitochondrial dysfunction (impaired energy Smith, Eichler, & Filley, 2008.) Related genetic
metabolism at the cellular level) as a basis white matter predominant disorders include
for this disorder (Bartlett & Mikulis, 2005; MELAS and FXTAS, and they are described
Kriegstein et al., 1999; Wolters et al., 1982). elsewhere in this chapter.
Notably, cocaine use can produce a similar Adult-onset leukodystrophy with neuroax-
syndrome, sometimes with good recovery. onal spheroids (AOLNAS) is a familial or spo-
The precise pathophysiology is unknown radic disorder characterized radiographically
(Bartlett & Mikulis, 2005; Bianco, Iacovelli, by symmetric, bilateral, T2 hyperintense and
Tinelli, Lepre, & Pauri, 2011). T1 hypointense MRI signal involving frontal
lobe white matter. Neuropathological exami-
nation demonstrates a severe leukodystrophy
Genetic Diseases with myelin and axonal loss, gliosis, macro-
phages, and axonal spheroids, with early and
The leukodystrophies are a heterogeneous severe frontal white matter involvement, and
group of genetic diseases involving dysmy- complete sparing of cerebral cortical neu-
elination, and some are a result of substrate rons (Freeman et al., 2009; Marotti, Tobias,
accumulation due to enzymatic defects. This Fratkin, Powers, & Rhodes, 2004). Freeman
group includes adult-onset leukodystrophy et al. (2009) detected abnormalities in mito-
with neuroaxonal spheroids, metachromatic chondrial enzymes and complex 1 deficiency
leukodystrophy, globoid cell leukodystro- in one case suggesting mitochondrial dys-
phy, and vanishing white matter disease function. The genetic basis at least in a subset
332 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

of cases has been defined in a recent report by relentlessly progressive dementia with
(Kleinfeld et al., 2013) showing a disease- inattention, amnesia, impaired cognitive
causing mutation in the colony-stimulating flexibility, problem-solving skills, and visual
factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) gene. The disorder spatial disorganization. This progressed to
presents with executive system dysfunction stereotyped nonmeaningful but complex
and other neurobehavioral deficits, progress- behaviors, relentless wandering, persevera-
ing to dementia. The extent and degree of tion, apraxia, and posterior aphasia with
change outside the frontal lobe correlates fluent jargon, impaired comprehension, and
with disease duration. The white matter con- poor repetition. In this case there was relative
taining long association tracts interconnect- sparing of elementary motor features, normal
ing parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes reflexes, and plantar responses, but striking
with the frontal lobe are affected early and release phenomena were present, including
most severely. The rostral and caudal parts of palmar grasp, snout, root, and suck reflexes
the corpus callosum are also involved early (Schmahmann & Eichler in Schmahmann,
in the course, reflecting loss of white mat- Smith, Eichler, & Filley, 2008). These very
ter, particularly in the prefrontal and poste- severe cases of global impairment including
rior parietal association areas. In contrast, aphasias (Edwin et al., 1996) have marked
projection pathways are spared until late in brain atrophy on MRI along with the white
the illness, as exemplified in a patient whose matter damage. The characteristic finding is
cortical blindness corresponded to the late symmetric, posterior parietal and occipital
pathological changes in the sagittal stratum periventricular white matter lesions, with a
that contains the optic radiations (Freeman garland of gadolinium contrast enhancement
et al., 2009). This dichotomy of early demen- (Melhem, Barker, Raymond, & Moser, 1999;
tia, but late failure of gait, strength, dexter- Melhem, Loes, Georgiades, Raymond, &
ity, and sensation, provides an interesting Moser, 2000) reflecting inflammatory demy-
glimpse into the clinicopathological distinc- elination (Fig. 15.21A). MRI spectroscopy
tion between association and projection fiber in normal-appearing white matter on con-
tract involvement in AOLNAS, and the func- ventional MRI (Eichler, Barker, et al., 2002;
tional contributions of these different white Eichler, Itoh, et al., 2002) shows increased
matter tracts (Schmahmann, Smith, Eichler, & choline and decreased N-acetylaspartate.
Filley, 2008). Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) lysosomal storage disorder resulting from a
is characterized by impaired ability to deficiency of aryl sulfatase A leading to intra-
degrade very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) cellular accumulation of sulfatides. Adult
that causes malfunction of the adrenal cortex onset is rare and includes psychosis, behav-
and nervous system myelin (Moser, Smith, ioral disturbances, and dementia (Austin
Watkins, Powers, & Moser, 2000). It pres- et al., 1968; Hyde, Ziegler, & Weinberger,
ents in childhood in approximately 35% of 1992). MRI reveals diffuse white matter
patients. Affected boys develop normally lesions (periventricular, centrum semiovale,
until 4 to 8 years of age, then suffer demen- corpus callosum, internal capsule, cerebel-
tia and progressive neurologic decline that lum; Fig. 15.21B). Punctuate striated (tigroid)
leads to a vegetative state and death. More enhancement corresponds to patchy areas
than 90% have adrenal insufficiency. It pres- of preserved myelin (Faerber, Melvin, &
ents as adrenomyeloneuropathy in young Smergel, 1999).
adulthood in 35% to 40% of patients, with Globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD), or
progressive paraparesis and sphincter dis- Krabbes disease, is caused by deficiency of the
turbances leading to death in 20% of these enzyme galactosyl ceramidase (GALC) that is
patients in <2 years from rapidly progres- responsible for converting galactosylceramide
sive inflammatory demyelination (Eichler into galactose and ceramide, leading to accu-
et al., 2007; van Geel, Bezman, Loes, Moser, mulation of galactosylceramide that prompts
& Raymond, 2001). Cerebral X-ALD in adult- a macrophagocytic response, and psycho-
hood manifests with impaired psychomotor sine that leads to death of myelin-producing
speed, spatial cognition, memory, and execu- oligodendrocytes (see Kohlschutter &
tive functions. This can lead to a presentation Eichler, 2011). Rare adult-onset cases mani-
characterized in one man in his sixth decade fest slowly evolving hemiparesis, intellectual
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 333


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Figure 15.21 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of (A) X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
(X-ALD), T1-weighted image postgadolinium; (B) metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), fluid
attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted image; (C) globoid cell leukodystrophy
(GLD), T2-weighted image; and (D) vanishing white matter disease (VWMD), T1-weighted image.
(From Schmahmann, Smith, Eichler, & Filley, 2008, reproduced with permission)

impairment, cerebellar ataxia, visual failure, at this point in our understanding, an inter-
and spastic paraplegia. Brain imaging reveals esting quirk of medical history. The abun-
symmetrical involvement of the basal ganglia, dance of evidence from neuroanatomical
thalami, and posterior aspect of the centrum studies, behavioral investigation in animals,
semiovale (Fig. 15.21C; Baram, Goldman, & clinical reports of patients suffering from a
Percy, 1986) leading to marked cerebral and wide variety of disorders, task-based func-
cerebellar atrophy. tional neuroimaging experiments, resting-
Vanishing white matter disease, also state functional connectivity mapping, and
known as CNS hypomyelination, is caused most recently neuromodulation of cerebel-
by a defect in any one of the five subunits lum producing improvements in neuropsy-
of eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (eIF2B) chiatric disorders makes it clear that the
(van der Knaap, Pronk, & Scheper, 2006), a cerebellum, like basal ganglia and thalamus,
highly conserved, ubiquitously expressed is a noncerebral structure with a wide range
protein that plays an essential role in the ini- of engagement in the neural control of senso-
tiation of protein synthesis. Manifestations rimotor function, intellect, and emotion (for
range from prenatal-onset white matter dis- review see Koziol et al., 2013; Schmahmann,
ease to juvenile or rarely, adult-onset ataxia, 2004, 2010). In considering the dementias,
dementia, seizures, and ovarian insufficiency there are two avenues of approach with
(Schiffmann & Elroy-Stein, 2006; Schiffmann respect to the cerebellum. The first is the
et al., 1994). The course is chronic and pro- nature of the cognitive and affective profile
gressive, with episodic declines following in patients with injuries confined to the cer-
stressors such as fever, head trauma, or peri- ebellum. The second is the range of cogni-
ods of fright. MRI is striking and shows van- tive and neuropsychiatric phenomena that
ishing white matter over time (Fig. 15.21D), occur either as a result of cerebellar injury or
with variable involvement of cerebellum and as a consequence of damage to noncerebel-
brainstem. Neuropathological abnormalities lar structure in disorders that have a major
indicate a unique and selective disruption of cerebellar signature motorically and/or ana-
oligodendrocytes and astrocytes with spar- tomico-pathologically (i.e., on brain imaging
ing of neurons. Autopsy confirms white mat- or at autopsy).
ter rarefaction and cystic degeneration. There
is no inflammatory response.
The Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome

Cerebellar Related Disorders With This syndrome occurs following damage to

Cognitive Change and Dementia the cerebellar posterior lobe and the vermis,
and it comprises impairments of executive
The fact that the cerebellum used to be functions such as planning, set shifting, ver-
regarded as purely a motor control device is, bal fluency, abstract reasoning, and working
334 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

memory; difficulties with spatial cognition, basis (e.g., Baillieux et al., 2010; Tavano et al.,
including visual-spatial organization and 2007; Tedesco et al., 2011), and patients with
memory; personality change with blunting cerebellar disorders ranging from near-total
of affect or disinhibited and inappropriate cerebellar agenesis (Fig. 15.23) to cerebellar
behavior; and language deficits, including hemorrhage (Fig. 15.24) continue to exem-
agrammatism and dysprosodia (Fig. 15.22; plify this constellation. The neuropsychiatric
Levisohn, Cronin-Golomb, & Schmahmann, presentations of the CCAS reflect dysregula-
2000; Schmahmann & Sherman, 1997, 1998). tion of affect that occurs when lesions involve
The cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome the limbic cerebellum (vermis and fastigial
(CCAS) likely reflects disruption of the cer- nucleus). In adults and children with congen-
ebellar modulation of neural circuits that link ital and acquired cerebellar lesions, observed
cerebellum in a bidirectional manner with behaviors include distractibility and hyper-
the cerebral association and limbic/paralim- activity, impulsiveness, disinhibition, anxi-
bic areas that govern cognition and emotion ety, ritualistic and stereotypical behaviors,
(Schmahmann, 1991, 2010; Schmahmann & illogical thought and lack of empathy, and
Sherman, 1998). Subsequent studies have aggression and irritability (Schmahmann,
provided confirmatory evidence for the exis- Weilburg, & Sherman, 2007). Ruminative
tence of this syndrome and its anatomical and obsessive behaviors, dysphoria and

Figure15.22 T1-weighted coronal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain of a young
woman performed following resection of a midline cerebellar ganglioglioma. Her responses
when asked to draw a clock, bisect a line, and write a sentence reflect the executive dysfunction,
visual spatial disorganization, and linguistic deficit (agrammatism) that characterize the
cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. (From Schmahmann and Sherman, 1998, reproduced with
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 335

Figure15.23 T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing near-total cerebellar

agenesis with marked pontine base hypoplasia in a man now in his fourth decade (coronal image at
left, midsagittal image on the right).

depression, tactile defensiveness and sensory 1991, 1996), the symptom complexes in each
overload, apathy, childlike behavior, and putative domain reflect either exaggeration
inability to appreciate social boundaries and (overshoot or hypermetria) or diminution
assign ulterior motives can also be evident. (undershoot or hypometria) of responses to
These disparate neurobehavioral profiles the internal or external environment, with
cluster in five major domains, characterized some patients fluctuating between these two
broadly as disorders of attentional control, states. These observations and notions have
emotional control, and social skill set as well implications for understanding and manag-
as autism spectrum disorders and psychosis ing the patient with disorders of cognition
spectrum disorders. Within the context of the and emotional modulation in the setting of
dysmetria of thought theory (Schmahmann, cerebellar injury.

Figure15.24 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) scans through the cerebellum and brainstem (from ventral to dorsal, right
to left) show signal hyperintensity and distortion of the cerebellum in a teenager 3years following
rupture of a cerebellar arteriovenous malformation. The clinical picture was overwhelmed by
prolonged mutism, agitation, and aggression.
336 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Cognition in the Ataxias organize access to long-term memory stores.

Most of the spinocerebellar ataxias, includ-
The occurrence of the CCAS in patients with ing those with the highest prevalence such as
the inherited spinocerebellar and other atax- SCA 1, 2, 3, and 7, as well as other neurologi-
ias has also increasingly been recognized cal disorders that progressively debilitate
(Geschwind, 1999; Schmahmann, 1991). The cerebellum such as DRPLA (Tsuji, 2010) and
ataxias in which pathology appears con- Gordon Holmes syndrome (Margolin et al.,
fined to cerebellum include SCA 5, SCA 6, 2013), are not confined to cerebellum, but
and SCA 8. Studies in patients with SCA 6, often also involve the brainstem, basal gan-
for example, demonstrate impairments on glia, thalamus and cerebral cortex, and white
tests of executive function involving skills of matter. These ataxias with additional foci of
cognitive flexibility, inhibition of response, neuropathology have cognitive deficits char-
verbal reasoning, and abstraction (Cooper acteristic of CCAS, such as executive and
et al., 2010). Pathology is also confined to visual spatial dysfunction (e.g. Braga-Neto
cerebellum in autosomal recessive cerebel- et al., 2012), but their deficits also include
lar ataxia type 1 (ARCA 1) seen with greatest impaired short- and long-term memory
frequency in the French Canadian kindred. (Garrard, Martin, Giunti, & Cipolotti, 2008;
Cognition in these patients is character- Orsi et al., 2011), and some of the ataxias,
ized by deficits in attention, verbal working such as SCA 2 (Fig. 15.25; Burk, 2007; Valis
memory, and visuospatial/visuoconstruc- et al., 2011) and SCA 17 (De Michele et al.,
tional skills (Laforce et al., 2010). Unlike the 2003; Toyoshima et al., 2012) manifest with
dementias that devastate memory storage, multidomain dementia. Thus, when cerebel-
lesions confined to cerebellum often affect lar injury and CCAS are accompanied by
working memory to a substantially greater true amnestic dementia, suspicion should be
degree than declarative or episodic mem- high that the pathology includes noncerebel-
ory. Further, the visual and verbal memory lar structures.
impairment in patients with damage con- Spinocerebellar ataxia type 17 (SCA 17),
fined to cerebellum is characterized by dif- rare as it is having been reported in <100
ficulty with free or unstructured recall of families, is an important case in point. This
previously embedded memories, rather than autosomal dominant disorder, caused by
loss of the previously stored information as an abnormal trinucleotide repeat expansion
occurs in Alzheimers disease. These deficits in TBP that encodes the TATA-box-binding
are aided by cognitive strategies that pro- protein (Toyoshima et al., 2012), can occur
vide an external frame of reference to help as a spontaneous mutation in up to 50%

Figure 15.25 T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans (left axial, right midsagittal) in
a teenager with spinocerebellar ataxia type 2. Clinical features were notable for cognitive failure as
the earliest manifestation, followed by progressive dysarthria, ataxia, and extremity dysmetria as
well as oculomotor paresis.
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 337

of cases. It may mimic Huntingtons dis- Fragile XAssociated Tremor

ease because in addition to the cerebellar Ataxia Syndrome
motor syndrome of ataxia, dysarthria, and
extremity dysmetria, patients experience Fragile Xassociated tremor ataxia syndrome
choreiform or dystonic movements as well. (FXTAS) is an adult-onset neurodegenera-
The disorder often starts with cognitive or tive disorder that affects men (rarely women)
psychiatric impairment, however, some- with the premutation expansion of 55200
times in the teens with declining cognitive CGG repeats of the fragile X mental retarda-
abilities or in later life (range 3 to 75 years, tion 1 gene (FMR1). The length of the CGG
mean age of onset about 35 years) with dis- repeat is proportional to the degree of neu-
integration of comportment, judgment, and rological and neuropathological involve-
social skills in a manner resembling fronto- ment (Greco et al., 2006; Jacquemont et al.,
temporal dementia. The disease leads to a 2003; Leehey et al., 2003). Patients present in
multidomain dementia with impairment of older adulthood primarily with gait ataxia
memory and language as well. Brain imag- and intention tremor. Progressive cognitive
ing shows atrophy of the cerebellum, stria- decline is characterized by impaired execu-
tum (putamen, caudate nucleus, and nucleus tive function, working memory, intelligence,
accumbens), frontal and temporal lobes, and declarative learning and memory, speed of
the cuneus and cingulate gyrus (Lasek et al., information processing, temporal sequenc-
2006). Personal experience of this disease ing, and visuospatial functioning. Language
includes two intellectually gifted individu- is generally spared (Grigsby et al., 2008).
als, one whose illness commenced in ado- Erectile dysfunction and urinary urgency are
lescence with school failure, the other, a man common, and peripheral neuropathy may
in his mid-30s, with dissolution of family develop (Hagerman & Hagerman, 2013). The
and personal life because of change in per- diagnosis can be further suspected if there is
sonality. Both progressed over one to two a family history of developmental delay or
decades to severe multidomain dementia autism (FMR1 mental retardation presenta-
with complex motor impairments. For the tion) in male children of an FXTAS patients
clinician facing a patient with slowly evolv- sisters. The MRI pattern of white matter
ing cognitive decline or psychiatric illness pathology in FXTAS is distinctive: increased
with concomitant motor features, knowing T2 and FLAIR signal in the middle cerebel-
that such conditions exist is the first step to lar peduncle (MCP), which is confluent with
recognition, referral to specialty centers, and white matter change within the cerebellum
diagnosisa critical step in management, (Fig. 15.26). There are also scattered and/
counseling, and research. or confluent T2 and FLAIR hyperintensities

Figure15.26 Axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) scans in a middle-aged man with fragile X associated tremor ataxia
syndrome (FXTAS). The characteristic imaging findings of signal hyperintensity in the middle
cerebellar peduncles is seen in the axial image (left), with prominent cerebral and cerebellar atrophy
and frontal predominant white matter signal hyperintensity on the axial (middle) and sagittal views
338 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

predominantly within the frontal lobe along cortical atrophy are seen on brain imaging,
with generalized but frontal predominant with patchy areas of hyperintensity in cerebral
cerebral atrophy (Jacquemont et al., 2003). white matter that may predate the ataxia and
Neuropathology reveals parenchymal pallor, that evolve over time, together with T2 bright
spongiosis, and enlarged inclusion-bearing and T1 dark lesions of thalamus in the three
astrocytes in cerebral white matter, and wide- cases personally followed by the author (Fig.
spread intranuclear and astroglial inclusions 15.27). Neuropathological studies available to
in brain, cranial nerve nuclei, and autonomic date show atrophy and severe neuronal loss
neurons of the spinal cord, with spongiosis and gliosis in the inferior olives, cerebellum,
in the MCPs (Greco et al., 2006). Cognitive and areas CA3 and CA4 of the hippocampus
decline likely reflects both the deafferentation (Holmes, 1908; Margolin et al., 2013).
of associative and paralimbic input to the cer-
ebellum by the MCP lesions (Schmahmann,
1991, 2004; Schmahmann & Pandya, 1997) as Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
well as the disruption of cerebral long associ-
ation fiber tracts from the lesions of the cere- Clonal proliferation of bone marrowderived
bral white matter, particularly those within Langerhans cells or circulating plasmacytoid
the prefrontal cortex. monocytes causes a granulomatous disorder,
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH). It occurs
mostly in children but also in adulthood. CNS
Gordon Holmes Syndrome involvement may be a primary or a secondary
phenomenon resembling paraneoplastic or
This recessively inherited disorder is charac- immune-mediated processes. Primary brain
terized by cerebellar ataxia, hypogonadotropic involvement manifests as granulomas of the
hypogonadism, and dementia (Holmes, 1908; meninges, hypothalamic pituitary region
Seminara, Acierno, Abdulwahid, Crowley, with diabetes insipidus and anterior pituitary
& Margolin, 2002). It was recently shown to hormone deficiency, and multifocal intracere-
be caused by mutations in genes engaged bral histiocytic granulomas with symptoms
in ubiquitination (RNF216 and OTUD4; dependent on location (Prayer, Grois, Prosch,
Margolin et al., 2013) and in protein misfold- Gadner, & Barkovich, 2004). Secondary LCH
ing (STUB that encodes the protein CHIP; Shi is a neurodegenerative disorder (ND-LCH)
et al., 2014). The hypogonadotropic hypogo- with bilateral symmetric lesions in the cer-
nadism presents in early adulthood, leading ebellum and basal ganglia, characterized by
to progressive dysarthria and ataxia, with T-cell-dominated inflammation leading to
personality change, memory loss, and even- neuronal and axonal destruction with second-
tually mutism at end stage. Cerebellar and ary demyelination (Grois, Prayer, Prosch, &

Figure 15.27 Midsagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan (left) showing
cerebellar volume loss in a young woman with Gordon Holmes syndrome as defined genetically
in Margolin et al. (2013). The axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence (FLAIR)-weighted
MRI scans show white matter hyperintensities scattered bilaterally throughout the forceps minor
and major, the corona radiata, and notably in the thalamus as well.
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 339

Figure 15.28 Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans through the cerebellum in
a young man with the neurodegenerative form of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Hyperintense signal
abnormality in the cerebellar white matter (left) on the MRI performed at age 8 years gives way to
cerebellar atrophy when scanned at age 17 years (right). (From Schmahmann, Weilburg, & Sherman,
2007, reproduced with permission)

Lassmann, 2005; Prosch, Grois, Wnorowski, as dural arteriovenous fistulae, other vascu-
Steiner, & Prayer, 2007; van der Knaap, lar malformations, or prior trauma that cause
Pronk, & Scheper, 2008; Wnorowski et al., deposition of hemosidderin over the superfi-
2008). Brain MRI shows symmetrical, nonen- cial layers of the CNS (Fig. 15.29; Kumar etal.,
hancing, T2-bright signal in the cerebellum. 2006). The cerebellum and eighth cranial
Similar abnormality can be seen in posterior nerves are the most severely affected, with
periventricular cerebral white matter. Over involvement to a lesser extent of the orbital
time the imaging findings evolve to marked and medial prefrontal cortices, sometimes
cerebellar and/or cerebral atrophy (Fig. 15.28; with layering of hemorrhage also over the
Prosch, Grois, Wnorowski, Steiner, & Prayer, cerebral convexities. The typical presentation
2007; van der Knaap, Pronk, & Scheper, 2008; is with cerebellar ataxia, hearing loss, and
Wnorowski et al., 2008). Cerebellar motor anosmia, although chronic recurrent spinal
signs may be accompanied by cognitive location of the hemorrhage can have clinical
impairment and neuropsychiatric features features in common with amyotrophic lat-
such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (Grois eral sclerosis (Payer, Sottas, & Bonvin, 2010).
et al., 2010; Shuper et al., 2000). Children with Cognitive and affective changes are routinely
ND-LCH have impaired attention, intellectual reported. These generally conform to the
function, verbal and visual memory, linguistic CCAS and include impairments of visual
skills, and mathematical skills, and those with recall and executive functions, together with
hypothalamic damage may have abnormal deficits in theory of mindthe ability to
eating patternsbinge eating, anorexia, or represent other peoples mental states (van
bulimia, with rage attacks, claustrophobia, Harskamp, Rudge, & Cipolotti, 2005).
agoraphobia, depression, and aggression
(Nanduri et al., 2003). These cognitive and
neuropsychiatric features are also described Niemann-Pick Disease Type C
in adults in whom the cerebellar motor find-
ings may be relatively modest but the brain This rare autosomal recessive neurovisceral
imaging findings of cerebellar involve- lipid storage disease resulting from muta-
ment are marked (Poretti, Boltshauser, & tions in NPC1 (95% of cases) or NPC2 pres-
Schmahmann, 2012; Schmahmann, Weilburg, ents in adulthood in about 5% of cases, at a
& Sherman, 2007). mean age of 25 +/ 9.7 years (see Maubert,
Hanon, & Metton, 2013; Mengel et al., 2013;
Sevin et al., 2007). Neurological manifesta-
Superficial Siderosis tions in adults are cerebellar ataxia (76%),
vertical supranuclear ophthalmoplegia
This unusual condition results from repeated (75%), dysarthria, (63%), cognitive impair-
subarachnoid hemorrhage from such entities ment with deficits in memory and executive
340 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Figure 15.29 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a middle-aged man with superficial siderosis.
Left, midsagittal T1-weighted MRI shows cerebellar volume loss and hypointense signal notably at
the superior vermis. Middle and right images, axial gradient echo (susceptibility-weighted scans)
show marked hypointense signal reflecting hemosidderin overlying the cerebellum at both the
superior and inferior aspects.

function (61%), movement disorders (58%), Epilepsy and Dementia

splenomegaly (54%), psychiatric disorders
(45%), and dysphagia (37%). Seizures and The vast topic of the many neurological dis-
cataplexy are occasionally observed. The orders associated with both seizures and
neuropsychiatric manifestations include cognitive impairment is beyond the scope
schizophrenia-like psychosis with para- of this discussion. It is worth remembering,
noia, auditory and visual hallucinations however, that long-term neurological dis-
and disorganization, depression, bipolar eases may be associated with impaired cog-
disorder, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, nition for at least two separate, but related
confusion, sleep disorders, hyperactivity, reasons. First, the cerebral cortical dysfunc-
agitation, aggression, and self-mutilation. tion leading to the epileptiform disorder
The severity and nature of the symptoms is also the anatomical underpinning of the
may fluctuate and response to psychotro- impaired cognition, as exemplified by the
pic agents may be poor. Whereas visceral tuberous sclerosis complex (Chu-Shore,
manifestations with splenomegaly pre- Major, Camposano, Muzykewicz, & Thiele,
dominate in the perinatal through infantile 2010), and other major disorders such as tem-
ages of onset, neurological and psychiatric poral lobe trauma, and the residual effects of
involvement is more prominent in the juve- Herpes simplex encephalitis that is highly
nile and adult-onset cases. The neurological epileptogenic and also affects structures in
findings of ataxia, dysarthria, dysphagia, the medial temporal lobe critical for memory.
and dystonia may develop after the cog- Second, frequent or uncontrolled seizures
nitive and neuropsychiatric features have may affect cognition directly. There are con-
become established. The clinical tip-off is sequences of the epilepsy on the develop-
the presence of supranuclear vertical gaze ment of normal cognitive and social skills,
palsy (note that this very helpful clinical particularly when the disease onset is early
sign is also seen in the tauopathy progres- in life. Helmstaedter and Elger (2009) exam-
sive supranuclear palsy, in CNS Whipples ined verbal learning and memory in 1,156
disease, and in fatal familial insomnia). patients with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy
Routine laboratory tests in NP-C are nor- (ages 668years, mean epilepsy onset 14 +/-
mal, and therefore clinical suspicion is 11 years) and found that patients failed to
needed to make the diagnosis, which build up adequate learning and memory per-
requires a skin biopsy for fibroblast culture formance during childhood and particularly
to perform filipin staining, and then genetic during adolescence. Decline in performance
confirmation by sequencing the NPC1 and over time ran in parallel in patients and
NPC2 genes. The disease may respond to controls, but because of the initial distance
miglustat. between the two groups, patients reached
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 341

very poor performance levels much earlier. patients by ensuring a good nights sleep.
This increased the risk of premature demen- Note also that one needs to enquire specifi-
tia later on, even in the absence of an accel- cally about the features of rapid eye move-
erated decline. These are relevant factors in ment (REM) sleep behavior disorder with
assessing the cognitive state of a person with thrashing movements of the arms and legs,
epilepsy who is thought to be undergoing and loud vocalization sometimes with terror,
cognitive decline. Knowledge of the patients as this is a useful pointer to the early stages of
premorbid baseline is particularly relevant in neurodegenerative synucleinopathies mani-
this circumstance. festing as the extrapyramidal disorders Lewy
body disease, Parkinsons disease, and mul-
tiple system atrophy (Ferini-Strambi, 2011).
Sleep Deprivation and Cognition

Chronic sleep deprivation contributes to cog- Obstruction to Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow/

nitive impairment. Primary snoring increases Cerebrospinal Leak
risk of neurocognitive impairment and lower
intelligence in children; cognition in the setting Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
of obstructive sleep apnea is more impaired
in older than younger adults; and older Described by some of the preeminent neurol-
adults, particularly women, with obstructive ogists and neurosurgeons of the late 20th cen-
sleep apnea have an increased risk of mini- tury (Adams, 1966; Adams, Fisher, Hakim,
mal cognitive impairment or dementia when Ojemann, & Sweet, 1965; Hakim & Adams,
evaluated 5years later (Grigg-Damberger& 1965), normal pressure hydrocephalus
Ralls, 2012). These findings reflect the (NPH) has proven to be controversial (e.g.,
observation that sleep has measurable con- McGirr, Mohammed, Kurlan, & Cusimano,
sequences on cognitive performance, and 2013). This is likely related to uncertainty
that sleep problems are intrinsically tied to about how to make the diagnosis, includ-
common neuropsychological conditions. In ing the findings on brain imaging, the need
their review of the topic, Waters and Bucks for a single large volume spinal fluid drain-
(2011) found that sleep loss decreases speed age versus a lumbar drain over a few days,
of information processing and attention/ the time course of the onset of the expected
vigilance, and negatively impacts multiple immediate recovery and the duration of such
aspects of cognition, including short-term improvement, and the presence of confound-
memory, mental arithmetic, executive func- ing features that either raise questions about
tions, memory, and language. Intraindividual the diagnosis or contribute to a complex
variability is notable, both within a task and clinical scenario in which NPH may be one
within a testing session, reflecting fluctuat- contributing feature of the case, albeit a clini-
ing vigilance and difficulty maintaining task cally significant one that may be amenable
instructions. Performance worsens as sleep to treatment. This is not a dementing disease
debt accumulates in a dose-dependent man- that should be missed. Erring on the side of
ner. While moderate sleep reduction can have caution in this treatable condition is reason-
serious consequences for cognitive function, able. The diagnostic test of the cerebrospinal
chronic sleep restriction of 6 hours or less fluid tap, when successful, may provide the
per night produces cognitive impairments patient with an alternative to a progressive
equivalent to that seen after two nights with- debilitating cognitive and motor decline.
out sleep. Cognitive deficits may be reversed There are ongoing attempts to better
with return to normal sleep, highlighting the understand this condition. Prognostic fac-
remediable nature of sleep-dependent cogni- tors for response to shunting now include
tive dysfunction, and emphasizing the poten- the callosal angle, measured as the angle
tial for positive effects of sleep intervention. between the lateral ventricles on the coronal
This realization provides the clinician with image through the posterior commissure,
a potentially powerful tool, both for diag- perpendicular to the anterior-posterior com-
nosing cognitive impairment in the setting missure plane (Ishii et al., 2008; Sjaastad &
of sleep deprivation and for the therapeutic Nordvik, 1973). A significantly smaller callo-
opportunity to improve cognition in elderly sal angle predicts response: 59 in responders
342 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

versus 68 in nonresponders, and an angle the ventricular enlargement that is not ex

below 63 is optimal for prognostic accuracy vacuo but is a response to the primary issue
(Virhammar, Laurell, Cesarini, & Larsson, of enlarged ventricles degrades quality of life.
2014). Additionally, the relative degree of Further, VP shunt (and possibly LP shunt) in
CSF in the Sylvian fissures versus the high these cases can provide meaningful clinical
convexity fissures as measured by voxel- improvement in a patients overall quality of
based morphometry distinguishes NPH life.
from Alzheimers disease with a high degree The description by Raymond D. Adams
of specificity and sensitivity (Yamashita et al., (1966) of the phenotypic range of the behav-
2013). In a study of 214 patients with NPH ioral, gait, and sphincter disturbances in his
evaluated with diagnostic intracranial pres- nine patients with NPH is extremely impor-
sure (ICP) monitoring, those with increased tant. It is reproduced here verbatim with
ICP pulsatility had a response rate of 93% minor changes, as follows:
following VP shunt (Eide & Sorteberg, 2010).
Three days of an external lumbar drain may Disturbance in thinking and behaviour:
supplement the single large volume spinal Derangements in this sphere were the
tap as a diagnostic test, and the use of lumbo- most common effect of mild hydrocepha-
peritoneal (LP) shunts rather than ventricu- lus. Developing gradually or being left, as
loperitoneal (VP) shunts are being evaluated, a syndrome of more severe proportions
with good success reported. In a study of subsided (as in the cases of aneurysmal
33 patients (Bloch & McDermott, 2012), all subarachnoid hemorrhage and trauma), a
33 (100%) NPH patients had preoperative change in mental function was the com-
gait dysfunction, 28 (85%) had incontinence, plaint most frequently registered by the
and 20 (61%) had memory deficits. At mean patients family (all 9 cases) and was occa-
follow-up of 19 months after LP shunt, 100% sionally noted by the patient himself. Being
of the patients demonstrated improved forgetful (i.e. mild to severe impairment
gait, 46% improved continence, and 55% of retentive memory) was one feature,
improvement in memory. Shunt failure but observation also disclosed a paucity
requiring revision occurred in 27% after an of thought and action. Less speech was
average of 11 months, but without neurologic initiated; the patient was less lively and
complications. spontaneous; the range and variety of
For the clinician, it is imperative to recog- activities was reduced. A decrease in qual-
nize that the constellation of a change in cog- ity of thinking was observed as well as a
nition (with a wide range of manifestations), quantitative reduction and often it had
together with a change in gait (with many resulted in unintelligent action. Emotional
different possible presentations, and not just reactions likewise seemed less vivid; there
the classical magnetic or slipping clutch gait), was an indifference, an apathy, a lack
and a change in sphincter control, mostly the of enduring affect. In only one case, an
bladder, is sufficient to warrant concern for alcoholic woman, was excessive irritabil-
this diagnosis. The suspicion is heightened if ity noted, and this was principally in the
there is a history of prior head trauma, sub- nature of a lack of inhibition of impulse,
arachnoid hemorrhage, or meningeal inflam- with the immediate reaction conform-
mation, infection, or tumor. The response to ing to her prevailing mood of depression
treatment with ventriculoperitoneal or lum- and anxiety. Inner psychic life seemed
boperitoneal shunt can be so dramatic even impoverished; the patients were bereft
in relatively rapid onset cases that look like of thought. When vaguely aware of their
other disorders (e.g., Schwarzschild, Rordorf, difficulty, reference was sometimes made
Bekken, Buonanno, & Schmahmann, 1997) to it as a trouble in thinking. One woman
that it is incumbent upon the clinician to remarked upon being forgetful but seemed
think of this diagnosis and, when the data to overlook the fact that she had become
point to its presence, treat it definitively and completely incompetent to take care of her
early. Personal experience, supported by the own affairs. Another spoke of herself as
literature, indicates that even in the presence being scatty, meaning absentminded and
of other diseases, including Alzheimers dis- easily distractable. At the earliest or mild-
ease, the decline in function that accompanies est stages of illness examination revealed
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 343

no aphasic disorder; calculation of vary- being bilateral and more easily evinced by
ing degrees of complexity was possible attracting attention to something other than
though slow with the commission of many the hand. The tendon reflexes tended to be
errors; no apraxic or agnosic abnormalities lively, especially in the legs, and were some-
were noted; spatial orientation was intact times accompanied by extensor plantar
though temporal orientation tended to be reflexes on one or both sides, which were
inexact. Other items of behaviour change more frequent in states of mutism or stupor.
consisted of inattentiveness and sporadic We came to recognize the clinical state
incontinence of sphincters, especially uri- as being different from that of other dis-
nary, which appeared to embarrass others eases which impair intellectual function
more than the patient. As the hydrocephalic in late life. We watched for it particularly
symptomatology became more severe the amongst the patients suspected of having a
patient would for long periods remain dementing degenerative disease and found
mute and relatively motionless, episodes that those in whom poor memory, psycho-
that resembled catatonia or early parkin- motor impairment, uncertainty of gait and
sonism. Questions tended to evoke action sphincteric incontinence were early symp-
rather than reply, and verbal responses if toms, and where the evolution of the illness
made at all were usually monosyllabic. occurred over a few weeks to months and
One patient sat for hours with a newspa- fluctuated, should be suspected as having
per in hand or idly staring at a television hydrocephalus rather than presenile or
set, rarely looking understandingly at senile brain atrophy.
either. Visual fixation and following move- Reversibility of the disorder of atten-
ments of eyes would occur and at times tion, memory, thinking and activity was
all types of visual stimuli would seem to more rapid than correction of the gait
be equally attractive, thus revealing what abnormality. In several instances a few
might be termed a distractability of atten- weeks elapsed before locomotion became
tion. Sphincteric incontinence was more dependable, long after intellect had either
frequent at this stage. The most advanced been restored to normal or had reached a
stages of the condition were attended by level of improvement from which it devi-
stupor with grasp and sucking reflexes and ated little (page 1137).
Babinski signs, but no paralysis of limbs.
This could progress to coma. Adams noted that the EEG was abnormal
Disturbance of gait and other neurological in all cases (generalized slowing is common;
abnormalities: Difficulty in walking was frontal intermittent rhythmic delta may occur
noted in each of our cases but it was dif- late). As pointed out by the originators of the
ficult to characterize. The mildest degree concept in 1965, the cognitive, gait, and blad-
consisted of a slight uncertainty, a tendency der manifestations are likely the result of
to make a misstep in one or other direction compression and stretching of brain tissue
which could lead to a fall. Tandem walking in frontocentral regions with involvement
was difficult. Patients preferred to steady of the long association fiber tracts and the
themselves and gain security by taking corpus callosum, explaining why NPH pres-
the arm of a companion or touching an ents early on with a frontal lobe neurobehav-
article of furniture. More severe degrees of ioral syndrome. As the projection fibers and
gait disturbance amounted to an unsteadi- thalamocortical fibers become progressively
ness reminiscent of what has been termed involved, the pyramidal findings and altera-
an apraxia of gait or Bruns frontal lobe tions in level of arousal are affected.
ataxia. As the hydrocephalus worsened
standing and walking became impossible.
In contrast, limb movements were quite Sagging Brain Syndrome
facile showing only slight hesitancy or
slowness. Intracranial hypotension results from occult
A tendency to suck and grasp was vari- or known sources of leakage of CSF from the
ably present in the more advanced stages of subarachnoid space. Spontaneous intracra-
disease; the latter took more the form of an nial hypotension has long been recognized
instinctual grasping than true grasp reflex, as a cause of orthostatic headache (present
344 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

in the erect position, abating with recum- unpublished), the sagging brain syndrome
bency). Other symptoms include neck pain, (SBS) produces motor slowing with cautious
nausea, vomiting, dizziness, hearing loss, and unsteady gait, urinary incontinence,
diplopia, visual blurring, interscapular pain, dysarthria, and dysphagia. There is change
and radicular upper extremity symptoms. in personality characterized predominantly
Characteristic imaging features include dif- by disinhibited and (sexually) inappropriate
fuse pachymeningeal gadolinium enhance- behaviors coupled with apathy, lack of con-
ment, sinking of the brain, subdural fluid cern and empathy, and/or affective changes
collections, enlargement of the pituitary, and with depression and anxiety. Confusion, for-
engorgement of venous sinuses and the epi- getfulness, executive dysfunction including
dural venous plexus (Mokri, 2004). These impaired working memory, and obsessive-
findings together with CSF lymphocytic pleo- compulsive stereotypies are common features.
cytosis, elevated protein, normal glucose, Aphasias are notably absent. Identifying the
and negative culture can lead to the mistaken CSF leak is the key to targeted interven-
diagnosis of aseptic meningitis (Balkan etal., tion. Some patients improve with prolonged
2012). Chronic CSF leak with downward recumbency and autologous epidural blood
displacement of the intracranial contents patch. The acquired dementia of the SBS with
can mimic Chiari 1 malformation (Atkinson, its characteristic clinical and imaging features
Weinshenker, Miller, Piepgras, & Mokri, 1998) may be rare, but it is important to recognize
and produce distortion and expansion of the because of the potential for improvement
midbrain (Fig. 15.30) with few neurological with treatment, and to avoid unnecessary
signs, or patients may become drowsy and investigations and misdiagnosis.
even lapse into coma due to central hernia-
tion (Savoiardo et al., 2007). It has recently
been recognized that this constellation has a Other Rare Neurodegenerative
major impact on cognition with behavioral Disorders With Cognitive Change
and cognitive dysfunction accompanied by
daytime somnolence and headache, and all There are a number of rare neurodegenerative
eight patients in the original report showed disorders that usually present in childhood
evidence on brain PET scan of hypometabo- but that can also manifest in adults and some-
lism of the frontotemporal regionshence, time with a subacute presentation (see Coker,
the frontotemporal brain sagging syndrome 1991). These are exemplified by the following.
(Wicklund et al., 2011). In the three cases fol- Wilsons disease (hepatolenticular degener-
lowed by the author (Schmahmann, as yet ation; Wilson, 1912)is an autosomal recessive

Figure15.30 T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans in the midsagittal plane (left)
and coronal plane (right) show the essential features of the sagging brain syndrome. There is
sinking and distortion of the midbrain, diencephalon, and corpus callosum, and crowding of the
posterior fossa. This middle-aged man presented as a case of frontotemporal dementia.
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 345

disorder of copper metabolism caused by dementia beginning in the fourth decade.

mutations in the ATP7B gene. It manifests Change of personality develops insidiously,
with prominent extrapyramidal signs, nota- with a frontal lobe syndrome, including
bly dysarthria, dystonia, tremor, and choreo- impaired judgment, euphoria, loss of social
athetosis. Cognitive and neuropsychiatric inhibition, poor concentration, and lack of
changes may be mild and include a frontal insight. Memory loss accompanies the per-
lobe syndrome with impulsivity, promiscuity, sonality changes, and seizures are common.
impaired social judgment, apathy, decreased Progressive pyramidal signs develop, lead-
attention, executive dysfunction with poor ing to loss of mobility. Dementia eventually
planning and decision making, and emo- includes aphasia, agraphia, acalculia, and
tional lability, sometimes with pseudobulbar apraxia, and patients succumb before age 50.
features; or a subcortical dementia with slow- Generalized cerebral atrophy is present with
ness of thinking, memory loss, and executive frontal predominance, thin corpus callosum,
dysfunction, as well as depression (Lorincz, severe reduction in cerebral white matter,
2010 for review). It is important to make the and atrophy of the basal ganglia. Cortical
diagnosis, looking for telltale signs on brain neurons show chromatolysis, with neuronal
imaging, Kayser-Fleischer rings at the supe- loss in the caudate nuclei and thalamus, and
rior and inferior regions of the cornea, low cerebral white matter shows loss of axons
serum ceruloplasmin, elevated 24-hour urine and myelin with astrocytic proliferation and
copper, and elevation of hepatic copper on hypertrophy (see Paloneva, Autti,& Hakola,
liver biopsy, as the disease is treatable with 2010 for review and references).
copper chelating agents.
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accu-
mulation (NBIA) refers to a group of inherited Rapid Onset of Late-Life Neurodegenerative
neurologic disorders characterized by abnor- Disorders
mal accumulation of iron in the basal gan-
glia, most often in the globus pallidus and/ The genetic forms of Alzheimers disease
or substantia nigra (for review, see Gregory& caused by the presenilin 1(PS1), presenilin
Hayflick, 2013). Nine genetic types are pres- 2, and amyloid precursor protein mutations
ently recognized. The hallmark clinical mani- have a clinical presentation quite differ-
festations of NBIA are progressive dystonia ent than the older onset AD, whether spo-
and dysarthria, spasticity, and parkinsonism. radic or familial. PS1-AD may include rapid
Retinal degeneration and optic atrophy are onset dementia over months to a year or
common. Onset ranges from infancy to adult- two, manifests as early as the third or early
hood. Progression can be rapid or slow with fourth decade, and often includes early psy-
long periods of stability. Brain imaging shows chiatric changes accompanying profound
generalized cerebral and cerebellar atrophy. amnesia, myoclonus, dystonia, chorea, and
The neuropathological hallmark is axonal cerebellar ataxia. The largest population of
spheroids in the CNS and, in some types, in PS1-AD patients, about 5,000 individuals in
peripheral nerves. Neuropsychiatric features Antioquia, Colombia, show memory impair-
are more frequently seen in the adult-onset ments in the third decade of life, followed
disease, as in pantothenate kinase associated by progressive impairment of language
neurodegeneration (PKAN), which also has and other cognitive processes, mild cogni-
the characteristic, if not pathognomonic, MRI tive impairment at age 45, and dementia at
finding of eye-of-the-tiger sign, T2-weighted age 50 (Sepulveda-Falla, Glatzel, & Lopera,
hypointense signal in the globus pallidus 2012). The wide phenotypic heterogeneity in
with a central region of hyperintensity. this PS1-AD cohort has not yet yielded any
Polycystic lipomembranous osteodyspla- clear patterns of genotype-phenotype cor-
sia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy relation (Larner, 2013). A young man with
(PLO-SL) is an autosomal recessive disorder sporadically presenting PS1-AD personally
caused by mutations in TYROBP (DAP12) examined (Kishore, Kimchi, Cunningham,
and TREM. It is characterized by fractures Frosch,& Schmahmann, 2013)began having
from radiologically demonstrable polycystic difficulties around age 32 with behavioral
osseous lesions starting in the third decade, changes, paranoia, and irritability, followed
frontal lobe syndrome, and progressive by profound anterograde amnesia, lack of
346 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

insight, and impaired gait, with ataxia, cho- examined and followed to autopsy had
rea, and progressively severe myoclonus Lewy body disease present in a precipitous
leading to mutism and demise within 6years. manner, apparently fine one day, and con-
The combination of brain MRI and PET scan, fused and disoriented the next. The reason
CSF markers for Alzheimers disease, and the for these rapid declines has not been defined.
PS1 gene testing permitted a diagnosis dur- Clues to the diagnosis are found in the motor
ing life that was helpful in planning manage- and cognitive features on examination. That
ment and counseling. is, the case can be typical of the usual pre-
This chapter concludes where it started, sentation in all respects but for the timing of
with the observations of the UCSF survey the onset. Caution is warranted in reaching
of patients referred for possible CJD. Fully a diagnosis of these as-yet-untreatable dis-
39% (26 patients out of 67) of these rapidly orders, given the multitude of potentially
deteriorating cases were found at autopsy to treatable conditions outlined before, and the
be neurodegenerative (CBD, FTD, LBD, AD, possibility of intercurrent treatable illness
and PSP; see Table 15.1). Personal experience such as a urinary tract infection exacerbating
provides anecdotal support for these empiric or precipitating the apparently sudden cog-
observations and makes the point that there nitive decline.
are patients in whom these usually slowly A practical list of disorders that should be
evolving disorders have a more rapid, foremost in the consideration of subacute and
subacute onset. Two patients personally rapidly progressive dementias is in Table15.6

TABLE15.6 Subacute Dementia:AWorking Approach to Differential Diagnosis (STOPIM)

Structural, Trauma, Obstructive, Paraneoplastic, Infectious, MetabolicToxic

Strategic stroke (cortical and/or subcortical; location is critical)
Multiple small strokessubacute bacterial endocarditis, vasculitis, TTP
Abscess or cerebritis (e.g., toxoplasma, seeded from lung, blood)
Tumorprimary (focal, multicentric glioma, lymphoma), metastatic
ADEM (acute demyelinating encephalomyelopathy)
Multiple sclerosis and mimics, including sarcoidosis
MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, stroke-like episodes)
Subacute or chronic subdural hematoma (weeks to months)
The concussion that does not resolveintraparenchymal contusions
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Obstructive hydrocephalus
Sagging brain syndrome
Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis
Autoimmune (non-cancer-related) limbic encephalitis
Herpes simplex encephalitis
Prion diseasesCJD, variant
HIV and complications
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)
Meningoencephalitis (Lyme, syphilis, TB, fungus, cryptococcus, cysticercosis, Whipple, SSPE)
Encephalopathy with asterixis
Hepatic, renal, hypoxemic encephalopathy
Magnesium deficiency
Lithium excess
Vitamin deficiencyB1 (Wernicke), B3 (pellagra), B12, and E
Thyroiddeficiency, excess, Hashimoto encephalopathy
Toxins and poisons
Degenerative diseases with rapid onsetcannot stop them...yet
CHAPTER 15. The Differential Diagnosis of Rapidly Progressive and Rare Dementias 347

The acronym STOPIM is intended to convey Acknowledgments

the notion that many of these diseases and
conditions, although not all, will respond to The valuable assistance of Jason MacMore,
appropriate urgent intervention. A practi- BA, is gratefully acknowledged. This work
cal approach to the diagnostic laboratory was supported in part by the Birmingham,
workup of the causes of dementia is offered MINDlink, Sidney R. Baer Jr. and National
in Table 15.7 Ataxia Foundations, the National

TABLE15.7 Laboratory Evaluations for the Cause of Dementia

Investigations are performed in a stepwise and logical sequence, determined by the degree of clinical
First LevelFor All Patients
A. CBC, ESR, BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, glucose, calcium, magnesium, LFTs, TSH, B12, RPR, chest
X-ray, EKG, urinalysis and culture, MRI with gadolinium if suspect enhancing lesions; magnetic
susceptibility study for microhemorrhages for amyloid (CT head +/- contrast, if MRI not available),
neuropsychological testing
B. First level of evaluation if indicated based on the initial history and exam:
HIV, ANA, HbA1c, blood gas, blood culture, thiamine and red cell transketolase, Lyme titer and Western
blot, vitamin E, FTA, PPD, lactate, pyruvate, ACE, porphyrins, methylmalonic acid, homocysteine, toxic
screen (drugs, poisons, metals)
Second Level
Spinal tapcells, protein, glucose, fungus, TB, virus, cytology, HSV-PCR, CSF a, tau, Lyme titer and
Western blot, VDRL, oligoclonal banding, IgG, 14-3-3, glutamine, lactate, measles antibody
Vascular workup:lipid profile/anticardiolipin antibodies/carotid noninvasives/Holter monitor/
Quantitative plasma amino acids, quantitative urine organic acids
Vasculitis workup if ANA+ (anti-dsDNA, Ro, La, Sm, RNP, ANCA, C3, C4, CH50)
Limbic encephalitis paraneoplastic and autoimmune antibodies, CT chest, abdomen and pelvis,
mammogram, testicular ultrasound
All-night sleep study, pO2
Third Level
Cerebral angiography for vasculitis, intravascular lymphoma
Fluorescein angiography
Gene testinge.g., PS1, PS2, MAPT, TDP-43, CADASIL, MELAS, SCAs, FXTAS
Biopsy:brain/meninges, nerve/muscle, skin, liver, kidney
Diagnostic Evaluations in Extremely Rare Disorders
Low serum ceruloplasmin, high urine and liver copper levels in Wilsons disease
Very long chain fatty acidsALD
WBC arylsulfatase AMLD
Serum hexosaminidase Aand BTay Sachs/Sandhoff
WBC for galactocerebroside beta-galactosidaseKrabbes leukodystrophy
Serum cholestanol or urine bile acidscerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
WBC beta-galactosidaseGM1 gangliosidosis
Skin biopsy for biochemical testing of fibroblastsNiemann-Pick type C
X-rays of hands for bone cysts, bone or skin biopsy for abnormal fat cellspolycystic lipomembranous
osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
Urine mucopolysaccharides elevated, serum alpha-N-acetyl glucosaminidase-deficient,
Indications for Brain Biopsy
Focal, relevant lesion(s) of undetermined cause, after extensive evaluation
Distinguish primary CNS lymphoma from PML and other entities if necessary
Central nervous system vasculitis
Rare pediatric neurodegenerative diseases presenting in adulthood:Krabbes disease (PAS + histiocytes);
Kufs disease, intranuclear fingerprint pattern, and osmophilic granules on electron microscopy;
Alexanders disease, Rosenthal fibers; neuronal intranuclear (eosinophilic) inclusion disease
348 Part iiThe Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

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Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia

Alireza Atri

Alzheimers disease (AD) is the most com- the index patient with early-onset AD demen-
mon cause of neurodegenerative demen- tia, was believed to represent a very rare
tia. In the next two to three decades, with condition that caused presenile dementia.
changing demographics and longevity on the It was not until the mid-to-latter part of the
rise, a worldwide pandemic of clinical AD 20th century that the link was made that AD
and dementia is anticipatedthat is, unless greatly contributed, if not caused, most cases
highly effective preventative or curative of senile dementia in older individuals. In
treatments are forthcoming. While our under- the past two decades, there has finally been
standing of the scope of the AD problem and better appreciation that the AD spectrum is
diagnostics has greatly increased in the last the most common cause of neurodegenera-
three decades, our understanding regarding tive dementias, that it encompasses wide age
the etiology, pathophysiology, and therapeu- ranges and heterogeneous presentations,
tics in AD remains in its nascency. Similar to and that in any individual it proceeds along
most chronic diseases in the elderly, AD can a lengthy clinical course that develops, pro-
be managed via a multifactorial approach gresses, and manifests insidiously over one
of nonpharmacological and pharmacologi- or more decades. Brain systems that are pri-
cal interventions that provide variable, but marily affected and are most vulnerable often
measurable and overall meaningful, benefits become symptomatic first in AD.
in slowing clinical decline. However, AD can- The classic AD presentation (typical AD)
not yet be prevented, cured, or blocked from involves initial memory difficulties attribut-
ultimately progressing to cause debilitation able to dysfunction of medial temporal lobe
and death. Until highly potent therapeutic structures, particularly the entorhinal cor-
options become available, clinicians have tex and hippocampus, and associated pari-
an obligation to be knowledgeable about etal memory processing regions. However,
this common and costly condition, and they as the disease progresses, patients accrue
have a duty to compassionately diagnose, additional deficits in parietal and frontal
treat, and care for affected individuals, their regions, thus affecting executive functions,
loved ones, and caregivers using all options language, visuospatial systems, personality
available. and, ultimately, motor programming sys-
When first described in 1906 by Professor tems. Atypical presentations of AD (atypi-
Alois Alzheimer, the case of August Dieter, cal AD) involving primarily disturbances in

CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 361

language, executive function and behavior, Johnson, & Arrighi, 2008). In the United
or visuospatial function are now formally rec- States, AD is the only top 10 cause of mor-
ognized as part of the AD clinical syndrome. tality that is still significantly on the rise (see
Beyond disturbances in cognitive abilities, Fig. 16.1; Alzheimers-Association, 2013).
there is often an overlay of accumulating Cases of AD are also projected to potentially
neuropsychiatric and behavioral symptoms triple in the United States over the next three
and personality changes that include apa- to four decades (see Fig. 16.2; Hebert, Weuve,
thy, anxiety, depression, irritability, agitation, Scherr, & Evans, 2013) and to double every
delusions, hallucinations, impulsivity, insen- 20 years around the world. AD does not
sitivity, and sleep problems. Many of these, always cause impairment in isolation; more
including anxiety, sleep difficulties, apathy, than have half of AD cases around the world
and irritability, may, in retrospect, be the will likely be due to mixed AD and vascular
earliest symptoms. These symptoms, along etiology (Prince et al., 2013; Saxena, 2012;
with common prominent A signs (amne- Wimo& Prince, 2010).
sia, aphasia, agnosia, apathy, and anxiety; The complex genetics of the most common
and others such as apraxia, acalculia, admin- form of AD dementia, the sporadic late-onset
istrative [executive] and attentional deficits; type, is not well understood, nor are the etiol-
see Chapter 19), contribute to progressive ogy or pathophysiology of AD. The leading
difficulties in executing activities of daily liv- models of AD etiology posit a central and
ing (ADLs) and self-care, and the emergence early role of accumulation of synapto- and
of problem behaviors. Taken together, these neurotoxic forms of the amyloid-beta pro-
eventually lead to disability and complete tein (A) in inducing pathological processes
dependence on others. involving activation of inflammatory and
As the population ages in the developing microglial cascades, broad ionic and neu-
world, and as the percentage of elderly with rotransmitter abnormalities, mitochondrial
dementia increases with age, the burden of dysfunction, and oxidative stress. In the
care and the costs of AD will also increase prevailing model, these processes are then
(Alzheimers-Association, 2013; Prince posited to lead to hyperphosphorylation of
et al., 2013; Ziegler-Graham, Brookmeyer, the microtubule stabilizing protein tau and

60 + 68%

8% 2%
10 16%
20 23%

Cause Alzheimers Stroke Prostate Breast Heart HIV

of Death disease cancer cancer disease

Figure16.1 Mortality from Alzheimers disease dementia is on the rise:percentage changes in

selected causes of death (all ages) in the United States between 2000 and 2010. (Figure adapted from
Alzheimers Association Facts and Figures [Alzheimers-Association,2013]data are from National
Center for Health Statistics)
362part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Millions of people
Ages 6584 Ages 7584 Age 85+
with Alzheimers

14 13.8
12 11.6

10 8.4

Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Figure16.2 Projected numbers of individuals age 65 and over (total and by age group) in the US
population anticipated to develop Alzheimers dementia from 2010 to 2050. Projections from Hebert
etal. (2013) used the US Census Bureau estimates of US population growth. Numbers, in millions of
individuals, indicate middle estimates per decade, and colored area indicates different age groups
(6574; 7584; and 85+ years of age). (Figure adapted from Alzheimers Association Facts and
Figures; Alzheimers-Association, 2013)

formation of tangles. Tau-mediated processes cases, can be supplemented by more experi-

are then posited to cause further synaptic mental biomarker diagnostics. Biomarkers of
and neuronal dysfunction and destruction, AD trait and state include cerebrospinal fluid
and, ultimately, to lead to widespread cor- (CSF), neuroimaging (e.g., structural mag-
tical dysfunction. Other emerging models netic resonance imaging [MRI], fludeoxyglu-
posit a role of microvascular injury leading cose [FDG] and molecular positron emission
to tipping the balance in favor of accumula- tomography [PET]), and genetic tests, which
tion of toxic A and subsequently a runaway are increasingly available and can be helpful
cascade of synaptic and neuronal destruc- to support establishing underlying pathol-
tion. Supporting evidence for A accumula- ogy in selected clinical cases and in research
tion playing an essential and early role in the studies (see Chapter22). AD diagnostics have
etiology of AD mainly comes from individu- progressed not only to reliably aid in the
als with dominantly inherited forms of AD, identification of individuals at the dementia
usually in individuals with early-onset AD, stage of AD but also to help detect high-risk
and chromosomal abnormalities that cause individuals in potentially preclinical stages
greater production of A. (see Chapter 18) and to assist in diagnosing
While AD neuropathological changes and early clinical stages of mild cognitive impair-
measures of amyloid and tau abnormalities, ment (MCI) due to AD (see Chapter17).
and neuronal destruction and dysfunction are While a cure for AD may be far away, an
being better understood, the diagnosis of AD individualized and multifactorial approach
remains a clinical oneno single biomarker to AD evaluation and care that emphasizes
or test provides the diagnosis. Newly revised early detection and multidisciplinary treat-
AD clinical criteria can be reliably applied ments can provide significant benefits to
and do not require brain tissue to provide affected individuals and their caregivers.
accurate diagnose. While the ancillary role of Psychoeducation and establishing a pro-
AD biomarkers in the clinical realm are being active and individualized care plan in the
iteratively delineated, the role of obtaining a context of a strong clinician and patient
thorough and reliable history and appropri- caregiver dyad therapeutic alliance lays the
ate cognitive testing remains central to estab- foundation for long-term management and
lishing diagnosis in the AD clinical spectrum care for the patientcaregiver dyad. Both
(see Chapters19 and 20). Diagnosis, in some pharmacologic and nonpharmacological
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 363

therapies seek to minimize the effects of dis- reinforcing the behavioral and environmen-
abling problem symptoms, to slow clinical tal care plan. Use of neuroleptic medications
progression, and to mitigate care burden in (e.g., antipsychotics) in AD is sometimes
AD. Currently available anti-AD medica- necessary as a last resort in severe and refrac-
tions are not disease modifying but are dis- tory cases or in situations where safety risk is
ease course modifying by slowing clinical, high, but it comes with a high clinical thresh-
if not neuropathological, progression. From a old and high long-term risk-benefit ratio.
clinical viewpoint, therapies aim to preserve, Persistent multifactorial treatment and care
for longer than would be possible without in AD can delay time to reaching costly clini-
intervention, cognition, independence, qual- cal milestones:the late stages of illness when
ity of life, and comfort. From a health eco- individuals require 24-hour supervision and
nomics perspective, therapies that minimize care, and which is often, in developed coun-
caregiver burden and delay nursing home tries, provided in an institutional setting. AD
entry translate into significant increases in care in the end stages of the illness should be
productivity and savings of health care dol- palliative and focus on facilitating a good
lars (Cappell, Herrmann, Cornish,& Lanctot, death. Clinicians can, by maintaining a pro-
2010; Weycker etal., 2007). active, positive, flexible, multifactorial, and
Pharmacotherapy in AD first involves a individualized approach to compassionately
thorough review of a patients existing medi- caring for patientcaregiver dyads, provide
cations and supplements in order to eliminate meaningful care that is not only invaluable to
redundancies and potentially inappropri- patients, families, and caregivers on a micro
ate and deleterious treatments. Currently, level, but that is also cost-effective and ben-
FDA-approved anti-AD pharmacotherapies eficial to society on the macro level.
(the acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs)
donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine,
and the NMDA antagonist memantine) Epidemiology and Risk Factors
can offer meaningful benefit by potentially
reducing short-term as well as long-term Alzheimers disease and dementia are on
clinical progression of symptoms. First-line the rise in the United States, in developed
treatment for behavioral problems is non- countries, and globally. As longevity trends
pharmacological and involves identifying the continue to ensure that most individuals will
trigger for the problem behavior. Once the live well into their 70s, 80s, or 90s, the preva-
trigger is identified, it is necessary to institute lence of AD dementia is anticipated to rise
appropriate interventions, make environ- dramatically, two- to three-fold in the com-
mental modifications, and then to evaluate ing three to four decades (see Fig. 16.2). The
the impact of the interventions. Finally, it major risk factors of developing AD demen-
is important to complete the loop by itera- tia (see Table 16.1) are older age (past age 65,
tively and flexibly adjusting, as necessary, or but particularly past age 80) (see Fig. 16.2);

TABLE16.1 Risk Factors for Alzheimers Disease Dementia

Modifiable Nonmodifiable

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risks: Age

Diabetes Gender (female > male)
Hypertension Family history (particularly in first- or second-degree
Dyslipidemia relative or multiple generations)
Metabolic syndrome Race
Cerebral hypoperfusion Downs syndrome
Cerebrovascular injury or stroke ApoE-4 allele
Severe head trauma or traumatic brain injury Cerebral amyloidosispositive AD biomarker
Low cognitive reserve (low education, intelligence, profile*
professional or social attainment/occupation)

*Currently a nonmodifiable risk factor, but clinical trials with amyloid-modifying drugs are about to begin (see
364part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

family history of AD or dementia in a first- or until age 91.3 In the 34 countries that are
second-degree blood relative (approximately members of the Organization of Economic
two- to six-fold relative risk [RR]); vascular Cooperation and Development (OECD), the
risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipid- proportion of those aged 80 years and over
emia, metabolic syndrome, smoking), altered will increase from 4% of the total population
cerebral perfusion, cerebrovascular injury in 2010 to 10% in 2050 (Prince et al., 2013).
and stroke; severe or repeated brain trauma; Between 2010 and 2050 in the United States,
female gender; race (in the United States, the percentage of people age 65 and older is
African American and Hispanic race are at 1.5- expected to increase from 14% to 20% of the
to 2-fold RR compared to White Caucasians); population (Vincent& Velkof, 2010). By 2050,
markers of low cognitive reserve (low educa- the number of Americans age 85 years and
tional, professional, or social attainment; low older will nearly quadruple to 21 million,
intelligence); Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), which will result in an additional 13 mil-
and genetic markers for higher susceptibility, lion oldest-old Americans who will be at the
most notably individuals who carry one or highest risk for developing AD (Hebert etal.,
two 4 alleles of the apolipoprotein-E (APOE) 2013; Vincent& Velkof, 2010)(see Fig. 16.2).
gene (APOE-4) (3-fold and 8- to 10-fold The 2010 Alzheimers Disease International
RR, respectively, compared to homozygous (ADI) and the 2012 World Health Organization
APOE-3/3s). Deterministic dominantly (WHO) World Dementia Report estimate the
inherited AD mutations are rare and account total number of people with dementia world-
for 1%2% or less of AD cases, most of whom wide in 2010 at 35.6million and project a near
develop AD dementia before age 60. Finally, doubling every 20 years, to 65.7 million in
individuals who have positive biomarkers of 2030 and 115.4million in 2050 (Saxena, 2012;
A accumulation (e.g., CSF or amyloid-PET Wimo& Prince, 2010). These reports estimate
profile of the AD trait) suggesting cerebral a total number of new cases of dementia each
amyloidosis are at increased risk of progress- year worldwide of nearly 7.7million, which
ing to MCI and dementia stages of AD (see translates into one new case of dementia
Chapters17, 18, and 22). every 4 seconds; the vast majority, 60%80%,
Alzheimers disease is strongly associated of these cases are due to AD or mixed demen-
with increasing age beyond 65. The preva- tia due to a combination of pathology due
lence of AD is estimated to approximately to AD and vascular dementia (Prince et al.,
double every 5years from age 65 to 85 going 2013; Saxena, 2012; Wimo& Prince, 2010).
from approximately 1%2% at age 65 to more Estimates using data from the 2010 US
than 30%50% by age 85. With the advent of Census and the Chicago Health and Aging
greater longevity in all populations, barring Project (CHAP) and older AD criteria (e.g.,
development of a substantial medical break- the 1984 NINCDS-ADRDA AD criteria) place
through that will effectively prevent, retard, the current number of individuals with AD
stop, or cure AD, countries that will expe- in the United States at 5.2 million (Hebert
rience a large demographic shift to greater et al., 2013) (see Fig. 16.2). Of these 5.2 mil-
numbers of elderly individuals over age 65 lion, approximately 5 million are age 65 or
in the coming decades will also experience older while 200,000 are younger individuals
a commensurate large increase in the preva- who can be classified as having early-onset
lence (number of cases) of AD. In high- and AD. Current estimates are that 11% (1 in
middle-income countries falling mortality for 9) of individuals age 65 and older, and 32%
older adults, due to improvements in adult (1 in 3)of individuals 85 and older have AD
medicine and health care, are co-occurring (Hebert et al., 2013). The prevalence of all
with falling fertility rates (fewer children forms of dementia from population-based
being born per adults) and improvements studies, including the Aging, Demographics,
in child health, therefore causing further and Memory Study (ADAMS), are that 13.9%
increased life expectancy. For example, in (approximately 1 in 7)of Americans age 71 and
Japan, total life expectancy is now 86years at older have dementia of any kind (including
birth for women and 79years for men; those AD) (Plassman etal., 2007; Wilson, Leurgans,
reaching the age of 60 can be expected, on Boyle,& Bennett, 2011). Early-onset AD cur-
average, to survive until age 88.1, and those rently accounts for approximately 4% of AD
reaching the age of 80, to survive, on average, cases. Of the remaining 96% of AD cases who
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 365

are 65 and older (late-onset AD), 13% are about two thirds of Americans with AD
between age 65 and 74, 44% are between age who are age 65 and older are women. This
75 and 84, and 38% are 85 or older. is principally due to greater longevity in
The prevalence of AD in the United women compared to men. Recent estimates
States is expected to nearly triple over the suggest that 16% of US women and 11% of
next 3540 years (Alzheimers-Association, US men age 71 and older are affected by AD
2013; Hebert et al., 2013) (see Fig. 16.2); this and related dementias (Hebert et al., 2013;
is mainly due to the upcoming age demo- Seshadri etal., 1997).
graphic the silver tsunami. The number Racial differences in US prevalence esti-
and percentage of Americans who will be mates for AD and associated dementias sug-
among the oldest-old will increase substan- gest that, proportional to their population
tially in the next three decades due to a com- compared to Whites, older African Americans
bination of increasing longevity and the baby are more than 1.52 times and older Hispanics
boomer generation entering the high AD risk are 1.41.5 times more likely to be affected
age category of 65 and older. Currently the 85 by AD and dementias than older Whites
and older US population includes approxi- (Gurland et al., 1999; Potter et al., 2009). In
mately 2million individuals with AD, or 40% addition to genetic differences, disparities in
of all people with AD who are age 65 and health conditions related to cerebrovascular
older. Recent projections by Hebert and col- health, such as stroke, diabetes, hyperten-
leagues are that in year 2031, when the first sion, and educational and socioeconomic
wave of baby boomers reaches age 85, more factors, have been especially strongly impli-
than 3 million individuals age 85 and older cated as the driving factors that account for
will be affected with AD (Hebert etal., 2013). the significant differential racial prevalence
There will be a 40% increase from 2013 to 2025 proportions (Alzheimers-Association, 2013).
in the number of Americans affected by AD; The concept of cognitive reserve has also
going from approximately 5.2million now to been implicated as a factor that can mediate
7.1million in 2025 (Hebert etal., 2013). Using the manifestation of AD dementia (Mitchell,
year 2000 and 2010 US census data, the num- Shaughnessy, Shirk, Yang,& Atri, 2012; Stern,
ber of people age 65 and older with AD is 2009). Stern observed that individual dif-
projected to nearly triple from approximately ferences in how people process tasks allow
5 million now to between 13.8 and 16 mil- some people to cope better than others with
lion individuals by 2050 (Hebert etal., 2013; brain pathology; Stern has defined cogni-
Hebert, Scherr, Bienias, Bennett, & Evans, tive reserve as the brains capacity to main-
2003). tain cognitive function despite neurologic
The increasing incidence of new AD cases damage or disease (Stern, 2009). The related
in the United States is also projected to con- concepts of brain reserve, neural reserve,
tinue to rise rapidly in the coming decades. and neural compensation, along with cogni-
While compared to 2000 (411,000 new annual tive reserve, have several roots but all posit
AD cases), there was a 10% increase in 2010 that the brain has the ability to functionally
(454,000 new annual cases) in the estimated compensate for neurological damage. These
number of new AD cases per year, projections concepts can help to explain early findings of
estimate a 50% increase by 2030 (615,000 new discrepancies between clinical severity/cog-
annual cases) and a 130% increase (959,000 nitive performance and measures of disease
new annual cases) by 2050 (Hebert, Beckett, burden. These observations include findings
Scherr,& Evans, 2001). Future estimates that of high amyloid plaque counts in individuals
will utilize the recently updated or new AD who performed well on cognitive tests, pres-
criteria, including the AA-NIA (Alzheimers ence of AD neuropathology in the absence
Association-National Institute of Aging), of clinical dementia, and that 10%40% of
DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of individuals who exceeded pathological bur-
Mental Disorders), and IWG (International den for amyloid burden by PIB-PET scan-
Working Group) criteria would greatly ning or plaque and tangle burden at autopsy
increase the incidence and prevalence of AD showed no previous cognitive impairments
as they all place emphasis on early detection. (Blessed, Tomlinson,& Roth, 1968; Katzman,
Alzheimers disease is approximately 1988; Rentz et al., 2010). While there is no
twice more prevalent in women than men; one measure of cognitive reserve, proxies
366part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

for it have been proposed that include years variations and environmental factors likely
of education; performance on tests of intel- interact to cause complex diseases such as AD.
ligence, measures of verbal literacy, word Despite great effort, only three Mendelian
reading, and vocabulary; occupational attain- genetic causes of AD have been identified; all
ment; level of participation in social, mental, of these result in autosomal dominant famil-
and leisure activities; and physiological, ial AD (FAD), and individuals who carry the
structural, and neuroimaging measures of mutation have a 95% or more lifetime risk
brain function (e.g., brain volume, cortical to develop the clinical manifestation of AD
thickness, neuronal count, synaptic density, dementia if they live beyond the expected
activity of brain regions on functional neu- range for age of disease onset, which is
roimaging). Years of education, performance often before age 65. These early-onset AD
on tests of estimated intelligence, and occu- (dementia onset prior to age 65)dominantly
pational attainment have all been implicated inherited genetic mutations are due to the
as factors that may account for differential Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP), Presenilin
prevalence among populations with lower 1 (PSEN1), and Presenilin 2 (PSEN2) muta-
versus higher levels of AD (Fratiglioni, tions. PSEN1 mutations account for 60% of
Paillard-Borg, & Winblad, 2004; Mitchell dominantly inherited AD, and APP muta-
et al., 2012; Stern et al., 1994). For example, tions account for about 15%. PSEN2 muta-
in the Washington Heights longitudinal tions that cause AD are very rare and have
observational cohort study, the relative risk only been described in 22 families (Loy,
of developing dementia was approximately Schofield, Turner, & Kwok, 2014). However,
twice greater in low education as well as in overall, all three gene mutations only account
low occupation groups compared groups for 1% or less of all AD cases (Loy etal., 2014).
with high levels (Stern etal., 1994). As a complex genetic disease, there are
Finally, there is a very high prevalence of likely many genetic variations that contrib-
an Alzheimers-like dementia syndrome in ute to risk. The genetic AD susceptibility fac-
older individuals with Trisomy 21: Down tor with the greatest risk identified to date
syndrome (DS). While there are no widely is the apolipoprotein-E (APOE) gene. Of the
accepted criteria to characterize dementia three alleles of APOE (2, 3, and 4), pos-
in DS, about 40% of such individuals over session of one or more 4 alleles confers a
60 years of age have a diagnosis of demen- higher risk, relative to having the 3 allele,
tia (Margallo-Lana et al., 2003). By age 40, for accelerated A deposition and manifest-
virtually all individuals with DS accumulate ing the AD clinical phenotype. Possessing
significant AD-like brain pathology due to the 2 allele appears to delay A deposition
higher production and deposition of amy- and to be relatively protective. Meanwhile,
loid as well as some neurofibrilliary tangles the SorL1 gene mutation has been implicated
secondary to increased tau hyperphosphor- in late-onset AD (age 65 or older); it interacts
ylation (Hanney et al., 2012). The cause is with APOE, affects APP trafficking, and gene
believed to be due to more copies of the amy- product overexpression reduces A produc-
loid precursor protein (APP) gene, which is tion by decreasing APP and -secretase inter-
located on chromosome 21. There are over 5.8 actions (Ballard et al., 2011; Rogaeva et al.,
individuals with DS worldwide, and even in 2007; Scherzer etal., 2004).
the absence of a dementia diagnosis, the mil-
lions of individuals with DS over age 40 are
at high risk for accelerated cognitive decline The Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis
of about 11% per year (Hanney et al., 2012; ofAlzheimers Disease
Morris& Alberman, 2009).
The leading hypothesis for the etiology of AD
has been the amyloid hypothesis (Hardy &
Genetics and Etiology Higgins, 1992; Selkoe, 1991) and remains
controversial (Davies, 2000; Hyman, 2011;
The genetics and the etiology of AD are com- Zlokovic, 2011) (see Fig. 16.3). All known
plex and incompletely understood. While AD gene mutations affect A metabolism
degree of AD risk attributable to genetics to increase relative or absolute production
has been estimated at 70%, many genetic of the A42 form of the polypeptide; this
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 367

AD genetic link to A has provided some hyperphosphorylation, synaptic and neuro-

of the strongest supporting arguments for nal dysfunction, excitotoxicity, neurotrans-
the amyloid cascade hypothesis (Haass, mitter dysregulation, and neuronal death
Koo, Mellon, Hung,& Selkoe, 1992; Hardy& (Hardy & Selkoe, 2002). Initially, the AD
Higgins, 1992; Selkoe, 1991; Selkoe, Abraham, degenerative process appears to target vul-
Podlisny,& Duffy, 1986)(see Fig.16.3a). The nerable entorhinal, hippocampal and limbic
original hypothesis posited that neuronal structures, and important hubs including the
dysfunction and degeneration was a func- posterior cingulate, precuneus, and lateral
tion of total A deposition and plaque load. parietal association cortices, which play cen-
The iterative evolution of this hypothesis, tral roles in memory and rest-state intrinsic
in various forms, posits that toxic forms of networks such as the default mode network
A oligomers play a critical and upstream (Buckner, Andrews-Hanna,& Schacter, 2008).
role in the pathogenesis of AD, which sub- While there is controversy regarding the
sequently causes synaptic instability, acti- amyloid hypothesis and whether amyloid is
vation of inflammatory cascades, oxidative the root cause of AD, there is greater consen-
stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, tau sus that misfolded and aggregated amyloid

Amyloid cascade hypothesis

Missense mutations in APP, PS1, or PS2 genes

Increased A42 production and accumulation

A42 oligomerization and deposition

as diffuse plaques

Subtle effects of A oligomers on synapses

Microglial and astrocytic activation

(complement factors, cytokines, etc.)

Progressive synaptic and neuritic injury

Altered neuronal ionic homeostasis;

oxidative injury

Altered kinase/phosphatase activities tangles

Widespread neuronal/neuritic dysfunction

and cell death with transmitter deficits

Figure16.3 Hypothesis regarding the etiology of Alzheimers disease (AD) dementia. (A) The
amyloid cascade hypothesis revised (Hardy and Selkoe). The leading model for AD etiology posits
the sequence of pathogenic events that lead to AD dementia. Curved violet arrows indicate that
A oligomers directly injure synapses and neurites of brain neurons as well as activating microglia
and astrocytes. The hypothesis remains controversial and several others have been proposed
(Davies, 2000, Zlokovic, 2011), including (B) the two-hit vascular hypothesis (Zlokovic, 2011)of AD,
which posits that vascular factors and injury all converge on a common final disease pathway that
involves brain microvascular dysfunction and/or neuronal degeneration (hit one), which results in
further neuronal injury and degeneration due to amyloid- accumulation and tau pathology. BBB,
bloodbrain barrier.
368part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Vascular factors
(Hypertension, diabetes,
cardiac disease and/or stroke)

Hit one

BBB dysfunction Oligaemia

App expression
and processing

Amyloid- Amyloid-
Toxic accumulates clearance production Capillary hypoperfusion
Hit two

Amyloid- p-tau

Neuronal dysfunction and injury

Cognitive decline Neurodegeneration



formations, whether intra- or extracellular, local disruption of the neuropil, loss of den-
are associated with direct and indirect synap- dritic spines, remodeling of neurites, and
totoxicity and neurotoxicity that can lead to the inflammatory cascade. Over time, this
neurodegeneration. process becomes increasingly decoupled
from amyloid in the amyloid-independent
second stage to cause further neurofibril-
The Two-Stage Amyloid-Dependent and lary tangle (NFT) formation, neuronal and
Amyloid-Independent Hypothesis of synaptic loss, glial activation and responses
Alzheimers Disease in limbic and association cortices and later
throughout the cortical mantle, and finally
While the amyloid hypothesis remains a extensive neurodegeneration and the discon-
leading hypothesis in the field, there are nection and disruption of intrinsic cognitive
many other hypotheses, including those that and behavioral networks, which ultimately
view amyloid formation as a by-product leads to organ failure (Hyman, 2011). This
and not a root cause of AD, and variants hypothesis also serves to support the critical
and reformulations to the amyloid hypoth- amyloid link found in genetics.
esis that have been proposed. For example,
a two-stage reformulated hypothesis has
been proposed (Hyman, 2011), which posits The Two-Hit Vascular Hypothesis
that the pathogenic process of AD may have ofAlzheimers Disease
an amyloid-dependent first phase, led by
soluble oligomeric and fibrillar A accumu- Another emerging hypothesis is the two-hit
lation, that starts a pathogenic cascade of vascular hypothesis for AD (Zlokovic,
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 369

2011) (see Fig. 16.3B). A significant propor- in three or more generations and the age of
tion of confirmed cases of AD at autopsy in onset is less than 60years. If there are two or
older patients contain mixed vascular pathol- more first-degree relatives and age of onset
ogy and small-vessel disease. There is sub- is less than 61 years, the probability is 68%,
stantial overlap in the risk factors for AD and but this probability falls to 15% with age of
the risk factors for cerebrovascular disease onset less than 65years, and to <1% for age
(e.g., hypertension and diabetes). Finally, of onset greater than 65years old (Loy etal.,
cerebral ischemia, leukoaraiosis, transient 2014). Causative mutations are rare both in
ischemic attacks, and infarcts all increase the patients with onset later than 65 as well as in
risk of AD. Taking these observations into those with early onset but who do not have
consideration, Zlokovic proposed a model in a family history. The latter can be concealed
which microvascular dysfunction (Hit one) by nonpaternity and reduced penetrance
induces and aggravates -amyloid accumula- confounds.
tion (Hit two). In this formulation vascu-
lar factors are posited to all converge on a
common final disease pathway that involves Susceptibility Alzheimers Disease Mutations
brain microvascular dysfunction and/or
degeneration, as well as amyloid- and tau The APOE gene is associated with relatively
pathology. Hit one is posited to proceed accelerated deposition of A in individuals
along a non-amyloid- pathway caused by with one or two e4 alleles and higher risk of
vascular risk factors and conditions that manifesting Alzheimers dementia. Relative
lead to bloodbrain barrier dysfunction and to individuals with the common APOE 3/
a reduction in cerebral blood flow (oligae- 3 genotype, individuals with the APOE 2/
mia), thus initiating a cascade of events that 2, 3/4, 4/4 genotypes are 0.5, 3, and 810
precedes dementia. In the non-amyloid- times more likely to develop Alzheimers
pathway (see the Fig.16.3b, shown in green dementia, respectively (Corder etal., 1993; Loy
boxes) early neuronal dysfunction is caused etal., 2014). APOE is a major cholesterol trans-
by toxic accumulates and capillary hypoper- port protein and is the major lipoprotein in the
fusion (Zlokovic, 2011). This vascular injury brain; it binds Adifferent APOE isoforms
then induces Hit Two, which proceeds have different cholesterol transport and A
along an amyloid- pathway by reducing binding efficienciesand is involved with A
amyloid- clearance at the bloodbrain bar- clearance, amyloid load (it is codeposited with
rier and increasing its production from the it in neuritic plaques), and cholinergic dys-
amyloid- precursor protein (APP), leading function (Ballard et al., 2011). Other recently
to amyloid- accumulation (the amyloid- identified risk genes have significantly less
pathway; see the figure, shown in red boxes). effect than APOE in AD and include genes
Increases in amyloid- then amplify neuro- that increase risk for NFTs including GSK3
nal dysfunction, accelerate neurodegenera- (tau phosphorylation), DYRK1A (tau phos-
tion and dementia, and contribute to disease phorylation), and Tau, and genes that affect
self-propagation. Neurofibrillary tangle for- other mechanisms, which include TOMM40
mation is then caused by hyperphosphory- (mitochondrial protein that interacts with
lation of tau (p-tau), which can be induced APP), CLU (chaperone protein involved in A
by amyloid- accumulation and/or vascular formation), and PICALM (phosphatidylino-
hypoperfusion. sitol binding clathrin assembly protein in
endosomes)see AlzGene Database (www. for regularly updated synop-
Deterministic Alzheimers Disease Mutations sis of genetic association studies (Bertram,
McQueen, Mullin, Blacker,& Tanzi, 2007).
Multigenerational inheritance and young age The first step in genetic assessment of AD
of onset (<60 years of age) are the key ele- is to obtain a thorough family history from
ments that suggest a high likelihood of find- multiple first-degree family relatives (and
ing a causative mutation in one of the known spouses for collateral information). Next, a
AD genes. There is an 86% probability of find- detailed history should establish the demen-
ing a pathogenic mutation in PSEN1, APP, or tia phenotype, including age of onset of pri-
PSEN2, if there are affected family members mary and salient symptoms, progression of
370part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

symptoms and signs, age of death, availabil- Presentations of AD in the MCI phase of
ity of medical records, and pathological diag- the illness (MCI due to AD) are reviewed
nosis. When there is a high index of suspicion in greater detail in Chapters 17, 19, and 20.
for a pathogenic AD, the affected individual Early neuropsychiatric symptoms of AD are
should be offered testing, and if a known reviewed in Chapter 21. In the earliest clini-
mutation is detected, then early genetic con- cal stages a relatively isolated impairment in
sultation should be recommended. memory formation and inefficiency in learn-
ing is typical, and if function and behavior are
not significantly affected, then the individual
Clinical Features is likely in the transitional MCI due to AD
stage of the AD clinical spectrum. While the
Clinical symptoms in patients with AD do not amnestic presentation of MCI (a-MCI) due to
necessarily present or progress in a uniform AD is the most common, multidomain a-MCI
pattern. While certain core clinical features in and nonamnestic MCI can also be associated
typical (or classic) AD are remarkably con- with AD pathology, the former much more
sistent (e.g., early difficulty with formation of than the latter. The MCI syndrome signifi-
new memories and learning, apathy, mood cantly increases the annual rate (incidence)
changes, irritability, anosognosia), atypical of progression to the Alzheimers demen-
presentations of the AD clinical syndrome are tia stage by six- to eight-fold, from approxi-
still more common in older patients than typ- mately 1%2% per year for individuals 65 and
ical presentations of much less common neu- older to approximately 15% per year. With the
rodegenerative dementing conditions (e.g., advent of more recent use of biomarkers of
FTD, CBD, MSA, PSP). This is due to (1)the amyloid deposition (e.g., amyloid-PET and
high prevalence AD pathology contributing CSF amyloid levels) and neurodegeneration
to dementia symptoms in the old (>65years of (e.g., structural MRI, FDG-PET, and CSF tau
age) and especially in the elderly population and phospho-tau levels), progression rates
over 80years of age where coexistent AD and can be further refined in individuals who
vascular-ischemic pathology can additively have the clinical MCI phenotype and possess
contribute to a mixed dementia syndrome; zero, one, or more positive AD biomarkers;
and (2)selective vulnerability (and selective the incidence rates may be two to three times
resilience) of cognitive and behavioral net- higher (8% vs. 17%22%) (Petersen et al.,
works in any individual patient can trump 2013)in those with one or more positive AD
the nature of the underlying neuropathology. biomarkers than those who are biomarker
While the predominant presentation of negative.
AD is an amnestic one (typical AD) where
the individual has poor recent and day-to-
day memory and better memory for remote Mild Alzheimers Disease Versus Normal
events, there can be large heterogeneity in Cognitive Aging:Whats Normal and
the AD clinical phenotype; this is particularly WhatsNot
true regarding the most prominent and initial
cognitive, behavioral, and functional deficits, While the etiology and mechanisms that
and the course of symptom progression and underlie AD and cognitive aging are both
clinical decline. Recently, atypical presenta- incompletely understood, it is more appar-
tions/variants of AD (atypical AD) have been ent that cognitive impairments and dementia
formally recognized as part of AD clinical in Alzheimers disease do not represent the
criteria; for example, the 2011 NIA-AA AD normal aging process but rather a disease
criteria recognize nonamnestic AD presen- process with its own, rather heterogeneous,
tations that include language, visuospa- clinical phenotype and spectrum.
tial, and executive dysfunction features
(McKhann etal., 2011). Yet the final common
pathway of all neurodegenerative demen- Cognitive Aging and Changes in Cognitive
tias converges to leave individuals who are Domains Across the Life Span
completely dependent on caregivers and are
bereft of any significant cognitive, daily liv- The phenomena of cognitive aging, and
ing, or motor function. the mechanisms underlying it, are not well
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 371

understood. However, converging evidence levels of initiative, motivation, sociability,

suggests that several important aspects of sensitivity to others, sympathy, affect, and
age-related cognitive decline begin in early behavior. However, some of the earliest
adulthood, different cognitive domains signs of AD, are, in retrospect, often mani-
decline at different rates, and individu- fest years prior to receiving a clinical diag-
als differ vastly in their rates of decline. nosis of dementia and include changes in
Age-related declines in measures of cognitive mood, affect, behavior and sleep patterns,
functioning are relatively large and become and heightened anxiety; depressive symp-
evident in several different types of cogni- toms, particularly apathy and withdrawal
tive abilities, particularly mental processing are highly prevalent in preclinical and early
speed, as early as ones 20s (Salthouse, 2009). stages of AD (Farlow & Cummings, 2007).
Performance on measures of fluid intelli- Progression to later stage symptoms such
gence, such as speed of mental processing, as impaired judgment, disorientation, and
working memory, recall and retention of confusion; major behavioral changes such
verbal and visual information (learning and as aggression, and agitation; and neuropsy-
memory), in particular visuospatial memory, chiatric symptoms such as delusions and
and reasoning, begin to decline in many indi- hallucinations can go unrecognized and
viduals in their 20s and early 30s (Salthouse, undertreated until AD diagnosis. Recognition
2009; Weintraub etal., 2013). These cognitive of these warning signs by appropriate screen-
changes can affect creativity, abstract reason- ing, and proper clinical evaluation is the first
ing, and novel problem-solving abilities. step of effective AD care.
However, with increasing age, accumula- The Alzheimers Association 10 early warn-
tion of greater experience and knowledge ing signs of AD (Alzheimers-Association,
can allow for better performance on mea- 2013)provide a practical review of the clinical
sures of crystallized intelligence. These manifestations of very mild to mild AD that
include improving or stable performance in is useful for patients, families, and caregivers,
ones 50s70s on tests of specific procedures as well as for clinicians to provide psychoed-
(e.g., acquired skills), semantic knowledge ucation. The AD-8 screening instrument (see
(e.g., facts about the world), and reading and Chapter19) provides a very practical screen
vocabulary (Salthouse, 2009; Weintraub etal., for changes in thinking and memory that can
2013). These abilities still rely on successful be a red flag for underlying clinical AD.
retrieval of stored procedures and informa- The Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR)
tionloss of storage is not a normal part of also provides a useful guide for the clinical
cognitive aging. Yet there is no consensus features that are salient in the different stages
on the definition of successful cognitive of AD dementia. Chapter19 also provides a
agingshould this be defined as remaining practical introduction to changes in cognitive,
free of any disease or condition that adversely functional, and behavioral domains that can
affects cognition (e.g., AD, MCI, dementia) be seen in early AD and dementias, as well
or reserved for those older individuals who as information regarding the process and
cognitively perform similarly to average specifics of the evaluation of these domains
younger adults (Daffner, 2010)? and standard instruments that are useful in
clinical practice to screen, detect, track, and
stage clinically significant abnormalities
Characteristics of Alzheimers Disease:The (e.g., AD-8, MoCA, BDS-IMC, ACE-R, FAQ,
Symptoms and Signs ADL-Q, NPI, and CDR). Table 16.2 from
Snowden etal. (2011) provides a good sum-
Individuals with very mild or mild AD mary of the characteristic symptoms and cor-
dementia have variable but significant responding signs elicited in the assessment of
changes and/or mild to moderate impair- individuals with mild AD.
ments in multiple cognitive, functional, and
behavioral domains. These levels and pat-
terns of change and impairments are not part Memory Function
of normal cognitive aging. Normally aging
persons typically retain their longstanding With regard to memory function, individu-
personalities and interests, including their als with very mild or mild AD dementia
372part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

TABLE16.2 Characteristic Symptoms and Signs of Alzheimers Disease Dementia

Symptoms Obtained From Client History On Assessment

Poor recent/day to day memory Disorientation in time and place
Better memory for remote than recent past Impaired recall and recognition memory
Repetitive in conversation Loses information over a delay
Mislays objects Consistent performance
Would get lost if unaccompanied Impaired working memoryreduced digit and word
span, patent loses track of test instructions
Difficulty finding words Conversational speech hesitant and halting, with
unfinished sentence
Difficulty remembering peoples names Word retrieval difficulty
Loses train of thought in conversation Impaired repetition, with phonemic errors
Difficulty following group conversation Impaired sentence comprehension
Reads less Difficulty following multistage commands
Difficulty writing, producing a signature Problems with left/right (spatial) commands
Reading consistent with conversational speech
Impaired writing and spelling
No longer deals with bills, household accounts Impaired mental and written arithmeticespecially
subtractions involving holding and manipulating
numbers, carrying across columns
Difficulty reckoning change
Perception, Spatial Skills, Praxis
Slow to locate and/or identify objects (doesn't Impaired object perception for degraded stimuli/
see things in front of him) unusual Views
Difficulty remembering locations of objects (puts Visually based errors on perceptual tasks
things in wrong place)
Disoriented in familiar environment Slow to localize stimuli in visual field
Difficulty negotiating stairs (judging depth) Impaired space perception
Car accidents suggesting poor spatial judgement Loss of spatial configuration of drawings
(e.g., hitting parked car)
Difficulty executing manual tasks with spatial Spatially impaired reproduction of hand postures
demands (folding clothes, dressing laying table)
Impaired gestural praxis (spatial configuration and
position in space)
Executive Skills
Difficulty working out use of gadgets (e.g., Poor executive test performance. Patient
washing machine, TV remote control) overloaded by complex tasks
Difficulty organizing household affairs
Difficulty grasping complex ideas
More irritable Socially appropriate. Preserved social facade
More anxious Anxious/low mood depending on insight
Less confidenttakes a backseat in social
Physical status
Minimal physical symptoms Few signsmild akinesia and rigidity
Slowingusually mid-course Myoclonus, impaired tactile localization

Source:From Snowden etal. (2011).

show consistent difficulty with learning and (and have difficulty retracing their steps); be
remembering new information; they may highly repetitive with questions and state-
partially or entirely forget important con- ments (e.g., repeatedly ask for the same infor-
versations, life events, dates, appointments, mation, make the same statements, or tell
and obligations; misplace or lose belongings the same stories); and increasingly need to
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 373

rely on external memory aids (e.g., reminder Executive Functions, Concentration,

notes, appointment books, calendars, PDAs) Judgment, Reasoning, and Insight
and others for activities they used to handle
efficiently and entirely independently (e.g., With regard to executive and administrative
recipes, hobbies, taxes, banking/finances, functions, reasoning, judgment, insight, and
travel). Patients may constantly misplace decision making, individuals with AD also
or lose belongings and be unable to go back experience progressive difficulties that often
over their steps to find them again, or they manifest in daily challenges in organization,
may even put things in unusual places (e.g., planning, problem solving, social interac-
eyeglasses in the freezer). In the moderate to tions, doing or completing familiar tasks at
severe stages of AD, progression of memory home and at work, making proper judgments
dysfunction usually results in severe mem- and decisions, and appreciating the extent
ory loss and difficulty with new learning and nature of their cognitive, functional, and
such that only highly learned or overlearned behavioral changes and limitations. Some
material is retained, and new information is individuals may experience changes in their
rapidly lost, including current and histori- ability to develop and follow a plan, work
cal events (usually with a retrograde gradi- with numbers and money, problem solve,
ent) and semantic knowledge. Yet patients follow a familiar recipe, or keep track of
in the moderate stages of AD may still be and manage monthly bills, finances, and tax
able to remember details of life events from records. They may be less efficient or effec-
many decades ago. In severe dementia no tive accomplishing tasks that they previously
new learning and memory formation takes did or have great difficulty learning new
place and only memory fragments remain. tools or procedures. For example, relative to
Patients increasingly lose elementary the past, they may consistently produce work
semantic knowledge about the world, and of inferior quality, accomplishing their work
personal and autobiographical information may be more effortful and take much longer
including relationships and names of close to complete, or they be unable to adequately
family members and basic details of their learn a new system or procedure (e.g., writ-
life become patchy or lost (e.g., whether they ing a report, managing a budget, learning
were married, where they went to school, a new computer program or workflow at
and what their profession was). While this work). They may also have frequent diffi-
general progression is characteristic, it is culty with concentration, be easily distract-
important to keep in mind that individuals ible, and often lose their train of thought.
with AD often have both patchiness and fluc- Additionally, their ability to grasp informa-
tuations in cognition, function, and behavior tion, manipulate, and make important con-
that do not preclude islands of relative sta- nections and deductions necessary to make
bility in some mental or daily functions and reasoned judgments and good decisions often
occasional moments of clarity interspersed deteriorates. For example, they may have
with otherwise low function and confusion. poor judgment when dealing with money;
In contrast, patients who experience nor- give large amounts to telemarketers, strang-
mal cognitive aging may occasionally have ers, or associates; make poor purchases; dis-
difficulty retrieving a name, appointment, or play major changes in their spending habits
details of a conversation, but this informa- such as buying things they would not have
tion is not consistently lost and can typically in the past or that they do not need; and not
be remembered later. This phenomenon is fully appreciate that their ability to function
like a lazy Susan retrieval effect:the name or and make decisions has changed (i.e., have
information is not readily within reach, but anosognosia). Finally, they may be less able
ultimately, as one waits long enough it comes to modulate their affect, have poor impulse
back around and is retrieved. Cognitively control and insight regarding their behavior,
healthy individuals may also occasionally and have diminished awareness of proper
misplace items but, with time, are usually grooming and hygiene.
able to remember and retrace their steps. While normal cognitive aging does not
By definition, this type of memory change preclude occasionally making an error balanc-
does not consistently adversely affect daily ing the checkbook; being late with a check;
374part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

having to look up a recipe; needing greater can translate into significant difficulties with
time or help to use a new device, tool, or pro- work and particularly with driving.
gram; having to be reminded of details of a Individuals who are undergoing normal
conversation; or sometimes losing concen- cognitive aging can have changes in their
tration and being distracted during a task, vision related to their eyes as opposed to
the frequency of these occurrences is signifi- how their brain integrates and interprets
cantly greater in AD. Occasionally making a visual images. For example, they may have
poor decision, being distractible (especially shortsightedness or loss of visual clarity, due
in the context of multitasking or not being to cataracts, and low visual acuity, due to
present in the moment), or making an occa- changes in the retina.
sional careless mistake is normal.

Word Finding and Language

Spatial and Temporal Orientation
Language difficulties in AD often present as
Regarding spatial and temporal orienta- new problems with word finding, expres-
tion, patients with AD have increased diffi- sion, comprehension, reading, writing,
culty keeping track of dates, the passage of repetition, naming, and understanding the
time, and geographic relations and locations. meaning of words. Individuals may have
Initially this may manifest as being disori- trouble following or joining a conversation,
ented about the day and date, but as AD pro- frequently have long pauses in the middle of
gresses into the moderate and later stages, a sentence, struggle with vocabulary, and use
patients can forget or be confused about wrong or imprecise words (e.g., call a watch a
the month, season, and year. In later stages, hand clock, frequently use thing instead
patients can have trouble understanding of the correct word). Over time their speech
something if it is not happening immediately. becomes increasingly inarticulate, devoid of
Additionally, they become increasingly con- information content, simplified, agrammatic,
fused about their spatial location (e.g., hospi- and short. With progression of disease they
tal or town) and can easily forget where they also require frequent repetition and use of
are or how they got there. simple and short sentences to affect under-
In normal cognitive aging it is not uncom- standing. Early on, this language problem
mon to occasionally not immediately remem- can be mistaken for a hearing problem.
ber the date (or even day of the week) but While a frequent complaint of older indi-
then figure it out, or to sometimes become viduals experiencing normal cognitive aging
distracted or lose ones way, look for ones is the inability to retrieve the right word or
car in the parking lot, become unsure about name, which invariably comes back later,
a particular travel route, or have to ask for this difficulty is of insufficient magnitude
directions, a map, or GPS. to affect consistent efficient and successful

Visuospatial Function
Personality, Mood, Motivation, Behavior, and
Regarding visual and spatial relationships Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
patients with AD, even in the mild stages, can
have trouble understanding or interpreting As detailed in Chapter 2, as well as in
visual images and spatial relationships, and Chapters19, 24, 25, and 26, the neuropsychi-
navigating through space. This may include atric symptoms of AD and dementias, while
not appreciating the big picture or objects varied, are common and can predate clinical
that are right in front of them, and having diagnosis by years. The NPI questionnaire
difficulty judging distances, colors and con- (see Chapter19) provides a good instrument
trasts, and reading. For some individuals, to detect and track neuropsychiatric symp-
these kinds of problems can be a predomi- toms in AD.
nant and presenting sign of AD (i.e., patients Individuals with AD can have signifi-
with the visuospatial variant of AD). This cant changes and impairments in social
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 375

interactions, mood, and affect that include that leads to the dementia stage, Alzheimers
being less self-motivated and more apathetic; dementia, is now believed to start decades
having more anxiety and low mood; being prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. Jack
less inhibited and more insensitive in their et al. (2010) proposed a model of AD bio-
actions; being more irritable and easily agi- marker pathology that involves a progres-
tated; becoming more perseverative, fixated, sive sequence of measurable biochemical,
and compulsive; and paying less attention to neurophysiological, and neuroanatomical
grooming and hygiene. For example, individ- alterations that can be potentially detected
uals with early or progressing AD can show years prior to psychometrically and clinically
diminished initiative and greater passivity noticeable deterioration in cognition, behav-
and withdrawal from activities and work. ior, and function.
They may appear less confident and start Typical AD neuropathology starts and
to remove themselves from hobbies, social spreads in a remarkably consistent pattern.
functions and interactions, work projects, The neuropathological hallmark of AD con-
and interests such as engaging in exercise sists of a widespread but regionally specific
and hobbies, and keeping up with a favor- pattern of intraparenchymal diffuse and
ite sports team. They may show significant neuritic -amyloid (A) plaques (cortical lay-
changes in mood, behavior, and personality, ers II and III) and intracytoplasmic (initially,
and reactions to events and stressors. For and then extracellular) NFTs (cortical layers
example, they may become more anxious, III and V) with synaptic and neuronal loss,
depressed, and fearful; be easily upset and and gliosis (see Fig.6.6 in Chapter6) (Braak,
angry at home, at work, with friends, or in Alafuzoff, Arzberger, Kretzschmar, & Del
places where they are out of their comfort Tredici, 2006; Hyman etal., 2012; Jellinger&
zone or when a routine is changed; be less Bancher, 1998; Parvizi, Van Hoesen, &
inhibited, appropriate, and sensitive and Damasio, 2001). Amyloid plaques con-
more judgmental in their comments and sist mostly of extracellular deposits of the
actions; become paranoid that others are 42-amino acid polypeptide A (A-42),
stealing from them or want to hurt them; which is cleaved via the enzymes secre-
develop fixed delusions such as their spouse tase and secretase from the larger inter-
is having an affair; become very obsessive, membrane amyloid precursor protein (APP).
compulsive, and fixated about a particular Soluble A-42 oligomers (212 or more) are
story, event, or behavior such as constantly considered synapto- and neurotoxic and to
watching a particular TV channel, talking play an integral role in the amyloidogenic
about the same news subject, and repeating pathway of AD pathogenesis. Cleavage
the same actions such as wiping the table or of APP by -secretase produces shorter A
scratching; or develop hoarding habits. fragments that enter a nonamyloidogenic
Occasionally having less energy, being pathway that is considered pathogenic.
more tired and weary, feeling less social, APP is an integral membrane protein that is
wanting to stick to routine, and experienc- expressed in many tissues but that is most
ing anxiety and fluctuations in mood in reac- concentrated in the neurons and synapses.
tion to life stressors, events, and health and The APP gene is located on Chromosome 21,
physiological changes is a normal part of liv- and while its primary function is unknown, it
ing and cognitive aging; having major and has been implicated as a modulator of neural
sustained changes in personality, behavior, plasticity, synaptic formation, and modeling,
comportment, and social interactions is not. and to play a role in memory and learn-
Such changes cannot be simply ignored in ing. Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) consist
older individuals and explained as normal of intracellular (then extracellular) depos-
aging idiosyncrasies, eccentricity, and its of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, a
quirkiness. microtubule-stabilizing protein.
At death, gross examination of the brain
reveals that more than 90% of patients with
Neuropathology clinical AD have substantial loss of brain
weight and atrophy (with shrinkage of gyri
In Alzheimers disease, like all other dement- and widening of sulci) that is more marked
ing neurodegenerative conditions, the process in the temporal (particularly the hippocampi
376part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

and medial temporal lobes), frontal, and the previous guidelines from 1997 in several
parietal lobes. There is relative sparing of important areas; these include that a clinical
primary motor and sensory cortices (less so diagnosis of dementia is no longer required
with olfaction than in the visual cortex) in for a neuropathological diagnosis of AD to be
AD. Ex vacuo dilation of the ventricles and made, that in addition to the Braak& Braak
pallor of the nucleus coeruleus is also often NFT stage (Braak & Braak, 1991) and the
seen. Many patients with AD also show CERAD (Consortium to Establish a Registry
evidence of cortical and cortico-subcortical for Alzheimers Disease) neuritic plaques
microhemorrhages related to cerebral amy- scores, the new guidelines also incorporate
loid angiopathy-related vasculopathy and the Thal Phase (Thal, Rub, Orantes,& Braak,
leakage (see Chapter 14; Attems, Jellinger, 2002)for A regional accumulation. Whereas
Thal, & van Nostrand, 2011); evidence for the previous guidelines offered little guid-
these types of cerebral microhemorrhages, ance on neuropathology related to comorbid
from hemosiderin microdeposition, can be conditions, regions to sample and stain, and
seen during life by gradient echo or suscep- reporting and clinicopathological correlation,
tibility weighted MRI sequences in 15%20% the new criteria offer explicit recommenda-
of patients with AD (Atri etal., 2005). tions and guidelines.
The hippocampal formation, entorhinal The CERAD classification scheme placed
and perirhinal cortices, and their related emphasis on neuritic plaques based on using
memory networks show a selective vulner- silver stain and/or thioflavin S to determine
ability for the earliest micropathology in burden in the worst areas by examination of
AD; the large hippocampal pyramidal neu- frontal, temporal, and parietal cortex. Neuritic
rons and entorhinal stellate neurons are par- plaque density is reported as absent/none,
ticularly susceptible to NFT formation (Lace sparse, moderate, or frequent. When there is
et al., 2009). Usually AD tangle pathology evidence of any neuritic plaques, based on
then spreads to homotypical association cor- age category (<50, 5075, or >75years of age)
tices, whereas heterotypical motor and visual and presence or absence of clinical dementia,
cortices are often relatively spared until later a classification of definite AD, probable AD,
stages of the disease. and possible AD is made.
Though not specific to AD, the cholinergic The Braak & Braak staging scheme
neurons of the nucleus basalis of Meynert (Braak& Braak, 1991), Stage IVI, is based on
and substantia innominata undergo either silver staining techniques and assesses NFT
primary or retrograde degeneration, and the distribution. Based on brain autopsy and
large cholinergic neurons of the neostriatum clinical data from 83 individuals with and
(caudate nucleus, putamen, nucleus accum- without dementia, Braak & Braak Staging
bens) often also undergo neurofibrillary assumes that AD NFT pathology is tempo-
degeneration in AD. Limbic thalamic nuclei, rally acquired and progresses in a stereo-
including the anterior and dorsomedial typed spatiotemporal order. Stages I and II
nuclei, also appear selectively vulnerable to represent transentorhinal disease; none of
neurofibrillary tangles in AD and show neu- the cases had clinical diagnosis of dementia.
ronal loss. Patients with AD often also depict Stages III and IV represent limbic disease;
neurpathological changes in the amygdala 5/10 Stage III cases and 5/10 Stage IV cases
and in important brainstem adrenergic (locus had clinical diagnosis of dementia. Stages
coeruleus) and serotonergic (dorsal and V and VI represent isocortical disease; all
median raphe) projection nuclei. AD patients cases with Stage V or VI NFT pathology had
with greater extrapyramidal symptoms dur- a clinical diagnosis of dementia.
ing life also often have tangle-related neuro- The Thal Phase classification of regional
nal loss in the pars compacta of the substantia A distribution (Thal et al., 2002) utilizes
nigra. antibody based methods to assess parenchy-
The most current neuropathological crite- mal A deposits (cerebral amyloid angiopa-
ria for AD are the 2012 National Institutes of thy [CAA] is excluded from this assessment)
Aging (NIA)-Alzheimers Association (AA) according to five progressive stages: 1
guidelines for the neuropathological assess- Neocortical; 2Allocortex (hippocampal);
ment of AD (Hyman etal., 2012). The new 3Thalamus, striatum, nucleus basalis of
2012 guidelines/criteria are different from Meynert; 4Brainstem; and 5Cerebellum.
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 377

The 2012 NIA-AA guidelines state that clinicobiological categorization of the AD

any plaques and tangles are considered a spectrum where AD biomarker evidence can
form of Alzheimers disease neuropatho- aid in elevating the probability of the clini-
logical changes (ADNC), report an ABC cal phenotype being caused by underlying
score (A for Amyloid regional distribu- AD biological and pathological changes (par-
tion Thal Phase, B for Braak & Braak ticularly to aid research classification of AD
Stage NFT distribution, and C for CERAD for clinical trials), the latter, DSM-5 criteria,
neuritic amyloid plaque score) that is trans- retains a purely clinical phenotype symp-
formed into one of four levels, Not, Low, toms approach.
Intermediate, or High, to characterize
the AD Neuropathological Changes (ADNC),
and uses population-based observations to The 2010 IWG-Dubois New Lexicon Criteria
suggest likelihood of cognitive impairment.
The IWG-Dubois New Lexicon criteria (see
Table 16.3) establish preclinical, prodromal
Diagnosis (predementia), and AD dementia stages.
The preclinical stage is further subclassi-
The first pillar in appropriate patient care is fied into asymptomatic-at-risk state for AD
proper and timely diagnosis. The diagnosis (clinically normal but evidence of brain
of Alzheimers dementia remains a clinical amyloidosis from PET tracer or CSF) and
diagnosis. There is no one simple binary test presymptomatic AD (clinically normal but
result that provides the diagnosis. Instead, known to carry a monogenic AD mutation
the diagnosis is made through a clinical for APP, PS-1, or PS-2) states. The prodromal
evaluation process that ultimately conforms AD stage refers to nondemented individuals
to established clinical criteria. Recently, three with early symptomatic changes in which
major criteria for AD dementia have been clinical symptoms include episodic memory
established or revised; they are the revised loss of the hippocampal type (have free recall
NIA-AA 2011 criteria (Dubois et al., 2010; deficits that are not normalized with cuing)
McKhann et al., 2011), the International and supportive biomarker evidence from
Working Group (IWG, also known as Dubois) CSF or imaging for AD pathological changes.
2010 revised New Lexicon criteria (Dubois The MCI classification in the IWG-Dubois
et al., 2007, 2010), and the DSM-5 criteria New Lexicon criteria is a term of exclusion
(APA, 2013). This section will review all three for individuals who have measurable cogni-
criteria, with a main focus on the NIA-AA tive impairment without dementia but who
2011 criteria, and the process of the diagnos- deviate in the clinicobiological phenotype of
tic evaluation of Alzheimers dementia in the prodromal AD by having memory symptoms
clinical setting. or biomarker profiles that are not characteris-
While all three AD dementia criteria now tic of AD (Dubois etal., 2010). AD dementia
acknowledge that the AD process occurs on is subclassified into typical AD, atypical AD,
a clinical continuum, for practical purposes and mixed AD (see Table 16.3).
they polychotomize the process into one or
more predementia stages and a dementia
stage, each with its own criteria. For exam- The 2013 DSM-5 Criteria
ple, the NIA-AA criteria provides criteria for
the preclinical AD, MCI due to AD, and AD The recently published DSM-5 criteria essen-
dementia stages of the Alzheimers disease tially replace the diagnostic term dementia
spectrum (Albert etal., 2011; McKhann etal., from DSM-IV with major neurocognitive
2011; Sperling et al., 2011) (see Chapters 17, disorder (NCD), and dementia of the
18, and 22); the IWG-Dubois New Lexicon Alzheimers type (dementia due to AD)
criteria provides classifications for preclini- with major NCD due to AD. Based on the
cal, prodromal, and AD dementia (Dubois degree of cognitive symptoms and inde-
etal., 2010); and the DSM-5 criteria provide pendence on ADLs, DSM-5 distinguishes
minor and major neurocognitive disorder between mild NCD and major NCD. Mild
(NCD) due to AD (APA, 2013). Whereas the NCD is defined by modest reported or
two former criteria opt for an integrated observed cognitive decline, and cognitive
378part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

TABLE16.3 The IWG-Dubois New Lexicon Criteria for the Alzheimers Disease Spectrum
Panel:Anew lexicon to Alzheimers disease

Alzheimers disease (AD)

This diagnostic label is now restricted to the clinical disorder that starts with the onset of the first specific
clinical symptoms of the disease and encompasses both the predementia and dementia phases. AD thus
refers to the whole spectrum of the clinical phase of the disease and is not restricted to the dementia
syndrome. The diagnosis is now established in vivo and relies on a dual clinicobiological entity that
requires the evidence of both specific memory changes and in-vivo markers of Alzheimers pathology
that can include the following:cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) amyloid , total tau, and phospho-tau;
retention of specific PET amyloid tracers; medial temporal lobe atrophy on magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI); and/or temporal, parietal hypometabolism on fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission
tomography (PET). The clinical phenotype can be typical or atypical. Additionally, two different stages
might still be meaningful:a prodromal and a dementia phase.
Proldrornal AD (also called predementia stage of AD)
This term refers to the early symptomatic predementia phase of AD in which (1)clinical symptoms
including episodic memory loss of the hippocampal type (characterized by a free recall deficit on testing
not normalized with cueing) are present, but not sufficiently severe to affect instrumental activities of
daily living and do not warrant a diagnosis of dementia; and in which (2)biomarker evidence from CSF
or imaging is supportive of the presence of AD pathological changes. This phase is now included in the
new definition of AD. The term of prodromal AD might disappear in the future if AD is considered to
encompass both the predementia and dementia stages.
AD dementia
This term refers to the phase of AD during which cognitive symptoms are sufficiently severe to interfere
with social functioning and instrumental activities of daily living, a threshold that is considered to
define dementia in association with changes in episodic memory and in at least one other cognitive
domain. It might still be meaningful to identify the dementia threshold for clinical trials or social/
economic evaluations.
Typical AD
This term refers to the most common clinical phenotype of AD, which is characterized by an early
significant and progressive episodic memory deficit that remains dominant in the later stages of the
disease and is followed by or associated with other cognitive impairments (executive dysfunction,
language, praxis, and complex visual processing impairments) and neuropsychiatric changes.
The diagnosis is further supported by one or more in-vivo positive biomarkers of Alzheimers
Atypical AD
This term refers to the less common and well characterized clinical phenotype of the disease that occurs
with Alzheimers pathology. This clinical syndrome includes primary progressive nonfluent aphasia,
logopenic aphasia, frontal variant of AD, and posterior cortical atrophy. In the presence of one of these
clinical presentations, the diagnosis of AD is supported by in-vivo evidence of amyloidosis in the brain
(with retention of specific amyloid labeling radioligands) or in the CSF (with changes characteristic of
Alzheimers pathology in amyloid , tau, and phospho-tau concentrations).
Mixed AD

This term refers to patients who fully fulfil the diagnostic criteria for typical AD and additionally
present with clinical and brain imaging/biological evidence of other comorbid disorders such as
cerebrovascular disease or Lewy body disease.

Preclnical states of AD (including both asymptomatic at-risk state for AD and

These terms refer to the long asymptomatic stage between the earliest pathogenic events/brain lesions of
AD and the first appearance of specific cognitive changes. Traditionally, a preclinical or asymptomatic
phase was recognized postmortem by evidence of histological changes typical of Alzheimers pathology
in individuals considered as cognitively normal before death. Today, two preclinical states can be
isolated in vivo:
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 379


Asymptomatic at-risk state for ADthis state can be identified in vivo by evidence of amyloidosis in the
brain (with retention of specific PET amyloid tracers) or in the CSF (with changes in amyloid , tau, and
phospho-tau concentrations). In the absence of knowledge about the value of these biological changes
to predict the further development of the disease the asymptomatic phase of AD should still be referred
to as an at-risk state for AD.
PresymptomaticADthis state applies to individuals who will develop AD. This can be ascertained
only in families that are affected by rare autosomal dominant monogenic AD mutations
(monogenic AD)
Alzheimers pathology
This term refers to the underlying neurobiological changes responsible for AD that span the earliest
pathogenic events in the brain and that include specific neuronal brain lesions (senile neuritic plaques
and neurofibrillary tangles synaptic loss, and vascular amyloid deposits within the cerebral cortex).
This term can be applied irrespective of the existence of clinical manifestation.
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
This term applies to individuals with measurable MCI in the absence of a significant effect on
instrumental activities of daily living. This diagnostic label is applied if there is no disease to which
MCI can be attributed. It remains a term of exclusion for individuals who are suspected to have but
do not meet the proposed new research criteria for AD, in that they deviate from the clinicobiological
phenotype of prodromal AD because they have memory symptoms that are not characteristic of AD or
because they are biomarker negative.

impairment in one or more domains (usually introduces unnecessary discontinuity and

a single domain) that does not interfere with hardship (Tompa, 2013).
capacity for independence in daily activi- While the DSM-IV criteria for dementia
ties (i.e., preservation of independence on of the Alzheimers type required memory
ADLs). In contrast, major NCD is defined by impairment and one or more of the follow-
reported or observed cognitive decline that ing: aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, or deteriora-
results in significant impairment in one tion in executive function, memory loss is not
or more (often multiple) cognitive domains necessary for the diagnosis of major NCD.
that is evident or reported and that interferes However, in order specify mild or major
with independence to the point that assis- NCD due to AD requires clear evidence of
tance is required with daily activities (i.e., decline in memory and learning.
loss of independence on ADLs). The defini-
tion of mild NCD is essentially the definition
of MCI (see Chapter 17), while major NCD The 2011 NIA-AA Criteria
represents dementia. These diagnoses are
precluded by the presence of delirium or pri- Similar to the IWG-Dubois New Lexicon cri-
mary attribution to another Axis Idisorder. teria, the NIA-AA criteria for the AD spec-
The DSM-5 still recognizes dementia trum formally characterizes asymptomatic
as an acceptable alternative for the newly (Sperling et al., 2011) (preclinical AD; see
minted term major NCD, which the APA pre- Chapter 18) and mildly symptomatic non-
fers due to a potential stigma associated with dementia stages of AD (MCI due to AD; see
the term dementia, which is argued to be Chapter17) (Albert etal., 2011), incorporates
inaccurate and stigmatizing since it can be the use of AD biomarkers to allow greater
due to any of several causes (e.g., HIV-related, specificity in diagnosis, and admits nonam-
alcohol-related, vascular-related) and liter- nestic (atypical) presentations of AD.
ally means without mind when translated The original 1984 NINCDS-ADRDA cri-
from Latin. Others have disagreed with the teria for Alzheimers disease (McKhann,
usefulness of the new DSM-5 terminology, 1984) relied on older data and conceptual-
arguing that dementia is a medical term that izations that AD is a clinico-pathological
is well established and widely used, and to entity with an all-or-none and one-to-one
change terminology from DSM-IV to DSM-5 coupling between the typical AD dementia
380part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

phenotype and brain pathology (i.e., AD-type Lewy bodies, the FTD spectrum, or vascular
brain pathology and typical AD symptoms dementia), there was only Picks disease and
are synonymous) such that having AD little appreciation of mixed dementia, there
pathology meant the clinical AD demen- was a much greater belief that reversible sys-
tia phenotype was present and that if there temic disorder mimicking AD was common
was no AD dementia phenotype then no AD (e.g., vitamin B12 and thyroid deficiency),
brain pathology was present. However, it is and the dominantly inherited monogenic
now established that 20%40% of individu- causes of AD (mutations in APP, PS-1 and
als age 70 and older who do not show the PS-2 genes) had not been identified. The pos-
dementia phenotype nonetheless possess AD sible AD dementia classification in the 1984
brain pathology at autopsy or biomarker evi- criteria included a very heterogeneous group
dence consistent with the AD cerebral amy- of individuals, many of whom would now
loidosis profile (see Chapter22). AD severity be classified as MCI (not necessarily due
was considered binary (nondemented ver- to AD).
sus demented) as opposed to being on a The 2011 NIA-AA criteria for AD demen-
continuum; the 1984 criteria did not account tia update the 1984 NINCDS-ADRDA
for cognitive impairment that did not reach Alzheimers disease criteria and incorporate
the dementia threshold. The 1984 criteria more recent clinical, imaging, and laboratory
also only recognized AD presenting as an innovations. First, an updated definition of
amnestic disorder, defined definite AD by all-cause dementia is provided utilizing core
requiring tissue confirmation from biopsy clinical criteria (see Table 16.4). The defini-
or autopsy, and imposed strict age cutoffs tion requires cognitive or behavioral symp-
for AD (4090years of age). The 1984 crite- toms of sufficient magnitude to interfere
ria were also drafted during a period when with usual work or daily function; evalu-
many common non-AD dementias were ation of cognitive change and impairment
neither well understood nor defined (e.g., via subjective (history from the patient and
there was no definition of dementia with a knowledgeable informant) and objective

TABLE16.4 2011 NIA-AA Core Clinical Criteria for All-Cause Dementia

Dementia:Cognitive or Behavioral (Neuropsychiatric) Symptoms Are Present That:

1. Interfere with the ability to function at work or at usual activities; and
2. Represent a decline from previous levels of functioning and performing; and
3. Are not explained by delirium or major psychiatric disorder;
4. Cognitive impairment is detected and diagnosed through a combination of:
(a) History-taking from the patient and a knowledgeable informant and
(b) An objective cognitive assessment, either a bedside mental status examination or neuropsychological
testing. Neuropsychological testing should be performed when the routine history and bedside
mental status examination cannot provide a confident diagnosis.
5. The cognitive or behavioral impairment involves a minimum of two of the following domains:
(a) Impaired ability to acquire and remember new information
Symptoms include repetitive questions or conversations, misplacing personal belongings, forgetting
events or appointments, and getting lost on a familiar route.
(b) Impaired reasoning and handling of complex tasks, poor judgment
Symptoms include poor understanding of safety risks, inability to manage finances, poor
decision-making ability, inability to plan complex or sequential activities.
(c) Impaired visuospatial abilities
Symptoms include inability to recognize faces or common objects or to find objects in direct view
despite good acuity; inability to operate simple implements or orient clothing to the body.
(d) Impaired language functions (speaking, reading, writing)
Symptoms include difficulty thinking of common words while speaking, hesitations; speech,
spelling, and writing errors.
(e) Changes in personality, behavior, or comportment
Symptoms include:uncharacteristic mood fluctuations such as agitation, impaired motivation,
initiative, apathy, loss of drive, social withdrawal, decreased interest in previous activities, loss of
empathy, compulsive or obsessive behaviors, and socially unacceptable behaviors.
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 381

(mental status exam or neuropsychological The 2011 NIA-AA classification criteria

testing) measures; and cognitive or behav- for AD dementia proposed the following
ioral impairments that involve a minimum of terminology for classifying individuals with
two domains (memory; executive function, dementia caused by AD: (1) probable AD
reasoning, and judgment; visuospatial func- dementia, (2) possible AD dementia, and
tion; language; personality, behavior, and (3) probable or possible AD dementia with
comportment). Additionally, these significant evidence of the AD pathophysiological pro-
changes must represent a clear decline from a cess. While the first two classifications are
previous higher baseline of performance and intended for use in all clinical settings, the
functioning, and they cannot be explained third remains, for now, intended for research
solely by delirium or another psychiatric purposes. It is important to note that in order
illness. to qualify for any of these classifications, an
The diagnosis of MCI remains a matter of individual must first meet criteria for demen-
clinical judgment made by a skilled clini- tia as delineated in Table 16.4
cian as to whether there is significant inter-
ference in the ability to function at work or Probable Alzheimers Disease Dementia
in usual daily activities, and it needs to be
individualized to the patient in the context Table 16.5 delineates the core criteria for
of the patients particular circumstances and probable AD dementia. The salient inclu-
premorbid level of function and performance sion criteria are as follows: (1) dementia
as appreciated through clinical interview present; (2) insidious onset over months
with the patient and informant (McKhann to years; (3) history of decline/worsening;
etal., 2011). (4) initial and most prominent cognitive

TABLE16.5 2011 NIA-AA Core Clinical Criteria for Probable Alzheimers Disease Dementia

A diagnosis of Probable AD dementia can be made when the patient

1. Meets criteria for dementia described in Table4, and
2. In addition has the following characteristics:
A. Insidious onset:
Symptoms have a gradual onset over months to years, not sudden over hours or days;
B. Clear-cut history of worsening of cognition by report or observation; and
C. The initial and most prominent cognitive deficits are evident on history and examination in one of the
following categories:
a. Amnestic presentation:It is the most common syndromic presentation of AD dementia. The deficits
should include impairment in learning and recall of recently learned information. There should also
be evidence of cognitive dysfunction in at least one other cognitive domain, as defined earlier in the
b. Nonamnestic presentations:
(i) Language presentation:The most prominent deficits are in word finding, but deficits in other
cognitive domains should be present.
(ii) V isuospatial presentation:The most prominent deficits are in spatial cognition, including object
agnosia, impaired face recognition, simultanagnosia, and alexia. Deficits in other cognitive
domains should be present.
(iii) E
 xecutive dysfunction:The most prominent deficits are impaired reasoning, judgment, and
problem solving. Deficits in other cognitive domains should be present.
D. The diagnosis of probable AD dementia should not be applied when there is evidenceof
(a) Substantial concomitant cerebrovascular disease, defined by a history of a stroke temporally related
to the onset or worsening of cognitive impairment; or the presence of multiple or extensive infarcts
or severe white matter hyperintensity burden;or
(b) Core features of Dementia with Lewy bodies other than dementia itself;or
(c) Prominent features of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia;or
(d) P rominent features of semantic variant primary progressive aphasia or nonfluent/agrammatic
variant primary progressive aphasia;or
(e) Evidence for another concurrent, active neurological disease, or a nonneurological medical
comorbidity or use of medication that could have a substantial effect on cognition.
382part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

deficits fall under either an amnestic (deficit allele of the apolipoprotein E gene, however,
in short-term and recent memory and learn- is not sufficiently specific to be considered in
ing) or nonamnestic (language, visuospa- this category.
tial, or executive dysfunction) presentation.
The salient exclusion criteria are evidence Possible Alzheimers Disease Dementia
for prominent features that are consistent
with (1) vascular cognitive impairment/ A diagnosis of possible AD dementia should
dementia (e.g., temporally related strokes; be made if either the individual has an atypi-
multiple infarcts; extensive leukoaraiosis); cal course or an etiologically mixed presentation.
(2) DLB (see Chapter 12); (3) bvFTD (see In patients with an atypical course the core
Chapter 8); (4) semantic-variant or nonflu- clinical criteria in terms of the nature of the
ent/agrammatic-variant PPA (see Chapter9); cognitive deficits for AD dementia are met,
or (5) evidence for another concurrent, but either there has been a report of sudden
active neurological disease, or a nonneuro- onset of cognitive impairment or there is
logical medical comorbidity or use of medi- insufficient historical detail or objective cog-
cation that could have a substantial effect on nitive documentation of progressive decline.
cognition. By definition, all patients who Patients with an etiologically mixed pre-
previously met criteria for probable AD by sentation meetall core clinical criteria for AD
the 1984 NINCDSADRDA criteria still meet dementia but have evidence of (a)concomi-
the 2011 NIA-AA criteria for probable AD tant cerebrovascular disease, defined by a his-
dementia. tory of stroke temporally related to the onset
or worsening of cognitive impairment; or the
presence of multiple or extensive infarcts or
Probable Alzheimers Disease Dementia With
severe white matter hyperintensity burden;
Increased Level of Certainty
or (b)features of dementia with Lewy bodies
This classification (see Table 16.6) can be other than the dementia itself; or (c)evidence
assigned to individuals who meet the crite- for another neurological disease or a nonneu-
ria for probable AD dementia and are either rological medical comorbidity or medication
clearly declining (worsening) by history and use that could have a substantial effect on
testing (probable AD dementia with evidence cognition. Of note, a diagnosis of possible
of documented decline) or are known to carry AD by the 1984 NINCDS-ADRDA criteria
a causative AD mutation. would not necessarily meet the 2011 NIA-AA
Documented cognitive decline in patients criteria for possible AD dementia. Such a
with probable AD dementia increases the patient would need to be re-evaluated.
certainty that the condition represents an
active, evolving pathologic process, but it Probable Alzheimers Disease Dementia
does not specifically increase the certainty With Evidence of the Alzheimers Disease
that the process is that of AD pathophysiol- Pathophysiological Process
ogy. However, in carriers of a causative AD
mutation (APP, PSEN1, PSEN2) who meet In individuals who meet the core clinical cri-
criteria for probable AD dementia, the cer- teria for probable AD dementia, biomarker
tainty that the condition is caused by AD evidence consistent with an AD profile
pathology is increased. Carriage of the 3/4 increases the probability that the basis of the

TABLE16.6 Probable Alzheimers Disease Dementia With Increased Level of Certainty

In persons who meet the core clinical criteria for Probable AD dementia
1. Probable AD dementia with documented decline
Can be diagnosed when there is evidence of progressive cognitive decline on subsequent evaluations based on:
(i) Information from informants, and
(ii) Cognitive testing in the context of either formal neuropsychological evaluation or standardized
mental status examinations.
2. Probable AD dementia in a carrier of a causative AD genetic mutation
Can be diagnosed when there is evidence of a causative genetic mutation (in APP, PSEN1, or PSEN2).
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 383

clinical dementia syndrome is the AD patho- 2011). Based on the results of AD biomarker
physiological process (see Chapters 17, 18, tests that can fall into three categories:clearly
and 22). Currently, the major AD biomarkers positive, clearly negative, and indeterminate.
can be broadly divided into two classes based Table 16.7 from McKhann etal. (2011) pro-
on the biology that they measure: (1) bio- vides operational classifications (lowest, inter-
markers of brain amyloid-beta (A) protein mediate, high, uninformative) for the utility
deposition that include low CSF A42 and and probability that the underlying dement-
positive amyloid-PET imaging; and (2) bio- ing process is due to AD pathophysiology.
markers of downstream neuronal degenera-
tion or injury that include an AD CSF profile Pathophysiologically Proven Alzheimers Disease
of elevated total tau and phosphorylated tau Dementia
(p-tau); an AD FDG-PET profile of decreased
uptake in temporal and parietal cortices; and The diagnosis of pathophysiologically proven
disproportionate atrophy on structural mag- AD dementia applies if the individual meets
netic resonance imaging in medial, basal, and the clinical and cognitive criteria for AD
lateral temporal lobes, and medial parietal dementia, and the neuropathological exami-
cortices. nation, using widely accepted criteria, dem-
However, due to lack of widespread stan- onstrates the presence of the AD pathology
dardization, availability, and longitudinal (Hyman & Trojanowski, 1997; Hyman et al.,
data, the use of AD biomarker tests for rou- 2012).
tine clinical diagnostic purposes is not cur-
rently recommended. Their use to enhance
Dementia Unlikely to be Due to Alzheimers
certainty of AD pathophysiological process
has been deemed as potentially useful in
three circumstances: investigational stud- The individual does not meet clinical criteria
ies, clinical trials, and as optional clinical tools for AD dementia or (1)regardless of meeting
for use where available and when deemed clinical criteria for probable or possible AD
appropriate by the clinician (McKhann etal., dementia, there is sufficient evidence for an

TABLE16.7 Alzheimers Disease Dementia Criteria Incorporating Biomarkers

Diagnostic Category Biomarker A (PET or CSF) Neuronal injury (CSF tau,
Probability of AD FDG-PET, structural MR1)

Probable AD dementia
Based on clinical criteria Uninformative Unavailable, conflicting, Unavailable, conflicting,
or indeterminate or indeterminate
With three levels of Intermediate Unavailable or Positive
evidence of AD indeterminate
Intermediate Positive Unavailable or
Pathophysiological process High Positive Positive
Possible AD dementia
(atypical clinical
Based on clinical criteria Uninformative Unavailable, Unavailable, conflicting,
conflicting,or or indeterminate
With evidence of AD High but does not Positive Positive
pathophysiological rule out second
process etiology
Dementia-unlikely due to AD Lowest Negative Negative

A, amyloid-beta; AD, Alzheimer's disease; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; FDG, fluorocleoxyglucose; MRI, magnetic reso-

nance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography.

Source:From McKhann etal. (2011).
384part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

alternative diagnosis such as HIV dementia, that are of unclear etiology or thought to be
dementia of Huntingtons disease, or oth- related to medications or dehydration, sub-
ers that rarely, if ever, overlap with AD; or clinical cognitive impairment or dementia
(2) regardless of meeting clinical criteria for should be considered high in the differential
possible AD dementia, both -amyloid and diagnosis as a potential major contributing
neuronal injury biomarkers consistent with cause that warrants further investigation.
AD biology are negative. For details of history and cognitive test-
ing, please refer to Chapter19 on the screen-
ing clinical mental status examination and
Evaluation of Alzheimers Disease:History, Chapter 20 on neuropsychological evalu-
Cognitive Testing, and Laboratory and Imaging ation. For further details of studies in AD,
Studies please refer to Chapter22.
History should be obtained from the indi-
In the absence of a request for an evaluation vidual as well as knowledgeable and reliable
of cognitive change or dementia, clinicians collateral informant. In addition to cognitive
need to have a high index of suspicion for symptoms and dementia warning signs, his-
cognitive, functional, or behavioral changes tory should also include an assessment of
and dementia warning signs in older current and previous level of function and
patients. Diminished cognitive capacity can activities of daily living in the home and the
seriously affect the ability of patients to man- community; changes in social interactions,
age their medications and follow medical rec- personality, or behavior; and heightening of
ommendations. As detailed previously, there premorbid personality traits (e.g., hoarding
are no specific laboratory or imaging studies she always had a hard time throwing things
that, in isolation or combination, definitively away but now her whole house is overflow-
rule-in the diagnosis of AD dementia; the AD ing with junk; irritability, agitation, or
dementia diagnoses require the presence of a aggressionhe always had a short fuse and
clinical dementia syndrome that is consistent a temper, but its much worse recentlyvery
by history and clinical (cognitive, functional, small things can set him off). Qualitative
and behavioral) profile with an AD presenta- and quantitative assessment of cognition,
tion, which can be further supported by an function, and behavior should be flexibly
AD biological profile, but that is not excluded individualized with the consideration of the
by substantial evidence to support presence individuals level of education and likely
of another neurological, psychiatric, or medi- intelligence, previous level of function and
cal condition that can account or contribute accomplishments, primary language, and
to the cognitive and behavioral deficits. ethnic and cultural considerations.
Unrecognized cognitive impairments
affect patient health and safety, and clinicians
may contribute to poor patient outcomes by History of Present Illness
violating primum non-nocere (above all
do no harm) when we form wrong impres- In obtaining history, it is important to assess
sions and plans based on unreliable infor- both the initial presenting symptoms as well
mation from a patient who may be forgetful as the most salient symptoms, complaints,
or has unrecognized diminished cognitive and problems, and how they have pro-
capacity. In older patients with escalating gressed. These questions include the follow-
decompensation of otherwise well-managed ing:(1)When was the last time the patients
and stable chronic medical condition, such as thinking was normal? (2) In retrospect,
diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart fail- what was the first major change that was
ure; new onset sleep, confusion, delirium (in noticed? (3)What is now the most prominent
the context of medical illness, medications or symptom or change? (4) What is the most
surgery), weight-loss, failure to thrive, anxi- bothersome symptom, problem or behav-
ety, social withdrawal, apathy, depressive ior? and (5)How have these symptoms pro-
and behavioral symptoms (e.g., agitation, gressed? It is important to delineate both the
personality changes, hoarding, delusions); course (e.g., generally linear decline versus
and symptoms of presyncope, syncope, TIA clearly stepwise decline) and the pace (e.g.,
or chronic dizziness, unsteadiness, and falls very slow initially but more rapid in the last
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 385

6months) of the progression of symptoms and making household repairs; and managing
problems, including any major fluctuations or medications) and basic ADLs (e.g., dressing,
full or partial recovery. Other important ques- eating, bathing, grooming, feeding, mobil-
tions include whether there are any (1)major ity, toileting, continence) that are related to
fluctuations in symptoms on a day-to-day (or changes in cognition and behaviors. Amulti-
hour-to-hour) basis; (2) unusual associated domain review of the frequency and severity
features (e.g., falls, focal weakness, tremor, of any personality changes, neuropsychiatric
myoclonus, episodes of unresponsiveness, symptoms, and problem behaviors should
changes in speech or handwriting, major include false beliefs and delusions, hallucina-
personality changes, food cravings, or odd tions, apathy and indifference, anxiety, irrita-
behaviors); and (3) temporal associations bility and lability, dysphoria and depression,
with symptoms onset or worsening (e.g., a inappropriate elation or euphoria, agitation
stepwise decline after a major illness or sur- and aggression, disinhibition and impulsiv-
gery; happening mostly at night or when ity, aberrant or repetitive motor behaviors,
the patient is tired). For example, regard- disrupted sleep and aberrant nighttime behav-
ing the onset and pace of progression, rapid iors, changes in eating habits and tastes, or
onset and deterioration (hours and days) is aberrant oral intake. Distress in caregivers due
most consistent with an overlying encepha- to these changes and symptoms should also be
lopathy/delirium, whereas a more subacute formally quantified (see Chapters 19, 20, and
onset and progression (over weeks and 27, and the NPI questionnaire as an example of
months) may be more indicative of an over- a suitable instrument) (Cummings etal., 1994).
lying indolent or chronic infection, metabolic
disorder, mass lesion, medication side effect,
sequelae of vascular insults and infarcts, or Review of Systems
hydrocephalus; all these may be overlying
and decompensating a subclinical cognitive A thorough review of symptoms can be very
vulnerability in individuals with undetected informative regarding potential confounders
cognitive impairment or dementia. and contributing causes to cognitive decom-
Purely neurodegenerative causes of demen- pensation and unmasking of the AD clinical
tia have an insidious onset and slow progres- phenotype. It also plays an important role in
sion over many months and years but can be excluding potential primary causes other than
unmasked in the context of encephalopathy/ AD. Symptoms relating to chronic infection
delirium or other cognitive stressors. (e.g., Lyme disease, syphilis, HIV), malig-
nancy, autoimmune and collagen-vascular
disease (e.g., Lupus, Giant Cell Arthritis),
Review of Cognitive, Functional, and hormone and vitamin deficiency are par-
andNeuropsychiatric Domains ticularly relevant to address. Neurological
symptoms, including dysarthria, tremor,
Ideally, there should be a comprehensive imbalance, poverty of movements, difficulty
domain-by-domain review of cognitive sys- walking or shuffling gait, abnormal move-
tems, daily function, and neuropsychiatric ments, stiffness, incoordination, numbness or
symptoms and problem behaviors. Review dysesthesia, weakness, and dysphagia, can be
of cognitive systems should include changes helpful to alert the clinician to non-AD causes
and problems with memory, orientation, lan- or contributing conditions (e.g., parkinsonian
guage, attention, executive functions, judg- syndromes). It is highly recommended to
ment, reasoning, problem solving, visuospatial always specifically ask about falls, balance,
functions, and insight. Review of any changes sleep, appetite, weight changes, incontinence,
to daily level of function should assess both choking or coughing with food, and new or
instrumental ADLs (e.g., keeping appoint- unusual visual problems and headaches.
ments and checkbook; making payments
and managing finances; shopping; handling
money; engaging in hobbies; driving; commut- Pertinent Past Medical History
ing and traveling; preparing meals and cook-
ing; using tools, electronics, and appliances; This should include eliciting history
doing laundry; cleaning and housekeeping; regarding all potential cardiovascular and
386part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

cerebrovascular risk factors such as transient alerts regarding problem behaviors or cogni-
ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke, hyperten- tive and functional trends. Social history can
sion, dyslipidemia, diabetes, arrhythmias, also provide clues regarding interpersonal
coronary artery or vascular disease, myocar- relationships and support networks.
dial infarction, congestive heart failure, and
related procedures, smoking, and snoring
or obstructive sleep apnea. Other important Hobbies, Community Activities, and
past medical history items to be delineated Health-Related Habits
are history of seizures or epilepsy, concus-
sion or traumatic brain injury (including These can inform the physician regarding
duration of loss of consciousness and any past and current level of engagement, activ-
sequelae), meningoencephalitis, delirium/ ity, and performance. Does the individual
encephalopathy, immunosuppression, malig- exercise regularly? What is the current level
nancy, hormonal disorders, thyroid disease of alcohol intake (specifically quantify)? Has
or deficiency, vitamin deficiency (particularly there been a history of past heavy drinking,
vitamin B12 deficiency), severe lung disease, alcohol problems, or drug use?
exposure to toxic substances (at work or
environmentally), excessive alcohol use or
alcoholism, substance abuse, clinical mood Family History
disorder, depression or anxiety, electrocon-
vulsive therapy (ECT), or other neurological It is important to ask whether any family
or psychiatric condition. It is also important member (parents, siblings, children, aunts/
to discuss developmental and school history uncles, cousins, etc.) has ever been diag-
and ask about any potential long-standing nosed with (or is highly suspected to have
learning, attentional, or cognitive problems. had) Alzheimers disease or suffered from
For example, did the individual repeat a dementia or senility. Even if the answer
grade, receive extra academic support, or is no, it is valuable to follow up by asking
attend a special education program? whether any such relative ever needed sup-
port for living when older due to changes in
mental function or behavior, or whether any
Medication and Supplement History relative was placed in a nursing home and, if
so, when and why. The ages of parents and
There should be special attention to medica- siblings should be noted. For instance, if the
tions that are included in the updated Beers patients parents died at relatively younger
Criteria that are potentially inappropriate ages (<65 years) of causes unrelated to
in older individuals due to potential cogni- dementia (e.g., cardiac, cancer), they would
tive side effects (American Geriatric Societ not have lived long enough to express the
[AGS], 2012). Particular attention should be late-onset AD phenotype if they possessed
paid to use of medications with strong anti- the trait. Family history regarding other neu-
cholinergic effects (e.g., diphenhydramine, rological and psychiatric diagnoses should
scopolamine, antimuscarinic agents used also be sought. When a potentially affected
for urinary incontinence, antispasmod- relative is identified, the age of onset, nature
ics, skeletal muscle relaxants, and tricyclic and progression of symptoms, age at death,
antidepressants, and some antipsychotics), and pathological confirmation of a diagnosis
benzodiazepines, sedative-hypnotics, and should be noted.
narcotics (see Table 16.8).

Review of Safety and Well-Being

Educational, Work, and Social History
Are there any safety issues surrounding
Years of formal education, educational and the patients environment, insight, judg-
work history, performance, achievement, and ment, decision making, and behavior? This
the nature of occupation can inform the phy- is an essential issue to address during the
sician regarding past level of function and care plan; however, details of the patients
potential cognitive reserve, as well as serve as environment, daily routines, monitoring
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 387

TABLE16.8 Medications to Avoid in Older Cognitively Impaired Individuals

Potentially Inappropriate Medications for Cognitively Impaired Older Adults (2012 Beers Criteria)

Anticholinergic Other Mechanisms

Antihistamines Antiparkinson agents Barbiturates

Brompheniramine Benztropine Amobarbital
Carbinoxamine Trihexyphenidy Butabarbital
Chlorpheniramine Skeletal muscle relaxants Butalbital
Clemastine Carisoprodol Mephobarbital
Cyproheptadine Cyclobenzaprine Pentobarbital
Dimenhydrinate Orphenadrine Phenobarbital
Diphenhydramine Tizanidine Secobarbital
Hydroxyzine Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics
Loratadine Eszopiclone
Meclizine Zolpidem
Chloral hydrate
Antidepressants Antipsychotics Benzodiazepines
Amitriptyline Chlorpromazine Short- and intermediate-acting:
Amoxapine Clozapine Alprazolam
Clomipramine Fluphenazine Estazolam
Desipramine Loxapine Lorazepam
Doxepin Olanzapine Oxazepam
Imipramine Perphenazine Temazepam
Nortriptyline Pimozide Triazolam
Paroxetine Prochlorperazine Long-acting:
Protriptyline Promethazine Chlorazepate
Trimipramine Thioridazine Chlordiazepoxide
Thiothixene Chlordiazepoxide-amitriptyline
Trifluoperazine Clidinium-
Antimuscarinics Antispasmodics chlordiazepoxide
(urinary incontinence) Atropine products Clonazepam
Darifenacin Belladonna alkaloids Diazepam
Fesoterodine Dicyclomine Flurazepam
Flavoxate Homatropine Quazepam
Oxybutynin Hyoscyamine products
Solifenacin Loperamide
Tolterodine Propantheline
Trospium Scopolamine

Source:Adapted from Beers Criteria (AGS, 2012).

and support systems, and access and use of studies aid to exclude common comorbid
machines and tools that may cause danger to conditions in older individuals that can
self or others can be gathered during the ini- contribute to cognitive impairment in sus-
tial evaluation. For example, it is very impor- ceptible individuals and can be treated. It is
tant to inquire about the details of driving, exceedingly rare for a hormonal or vitamin
access to firearms, the use of the stove and deficiency, or metabolic, infectious, autoim-
power tools, and wandering. mune, toxic, neoplastic, or paraneoplastic
condition to mimic the clinical phenotype
of typical late-onset AD dementia. While
Laboratory Studies many of these comorbid conditions can cause
decompensation of cognitive and behavioral
There are no laboratory studies that rule in function in susceptible individuals with sub-
the diagnosis of AD dementialaboratory clinical or unrecognized mild impairments
388part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

or dementia, they are rarely the sole cause. with a low-threshold for reason, initially or
Ajudicious and stepwise approach to screen- performed later based an individuals par-
ing labs that stresses more common and ticular clinical and epidemiological profile,
reversible conditions, along with prioritizing and findings on exam or past lab testing. For
less invasive and more cost-effective tests, example, an individual living in an endemic
is suggested in evaluating individuals who area for Lyme disease who has a history of a
present with a typical AD dementia profile. tick bite (with or without a rash) or a patient
In individuals presenting with symptoms found to have unexplained or previously
consistent with early-onset, highly atypical, undiagnosed distal symmetric neuropathy
or rapidly progressive dementia, a more com- on exam (several of these labs can be then
prehensive approach to laboratory evalua- be informative depending on index of sus-
tion should be pursued (also see Chapters15 picion, including HgA1c, lead, Lyme, RPR,
and 22), which includes assessment of spinal HIV, ANA, SPEP, and lipid profile).
fluid and/or obtaining amyloid brain PET Standard brain imaging, preferably brain
to confirm the AD profile of abnormalities MRI, should be obtained as part of the initial
(i.e., low CSF A42, high tau and phospho-tau evaluation of dementia. Administration of a
with a amyloid-tau index [ATI] of less than contrast agent is not routinely indicated; nor
1.0; excessive and widespread binding of an is additional Tier 3 or 4 blood tests and stud-
amyloid PET agent in the brain) and exclu- ies such as EEG and vascular brain imaging
sion of other less common dementing syn- in most individuals with LoAD who have a
dromes (e.g., Hashimotos encephalopathy/ typical AD profile and essentially normal ele-
SREAT). mental neurological examination and routine
A multitiered and individualized approach screening laboratories.
to laboratory screening in the evaluation
of AD dementia is suggested here (see
Table16.9). It is reasonable to include most, Biomarkers in Clinical Practice
if not all, Tier 1 labs to evaluate all individu-
als who present with dementia symptoms. Use of AD biomarkers is not recommended
These laboratory tests are widely available, for routine use in clinical practice (Albert
low cost, and relatively high yield with etal., 2011; Jack etal., 2011; McKhann etal.,
respect to broadly screening for common 2011; Sperling et al., 2011). For a review of
abnormalities in older adults. For example, CSF and neuroimaging biomarkers, includ-
thyroid and vitamin B12 deficiency are com- ing CSF measurements of A, tau, and
mon and can cause neurological, including phospho-tau; FDG-PET; amyloid-PET; and
cognitive, decompensation in susceptible structural volumetry, and their potential uses
individuals. Measurement of serum homo- in different stages of the AD clinical spectrum,
cysteine levels can provide a functional/bio- see Chapters 17, 18, and 22. In highly select
chemical test of vitamin B12 deficiency that situations, such as evaluation of early-onset,
is inexpensive, and when elevated, and can atypical, and/or rapidly progressive demen-
support functional B12 deficiency even when tia, a dementia subspecialist may consider
serum B12 levels fall within the normal obtaining additional biomarker data to help
range; hyperhomocystenemia is also asso- determine etiology. Finding consistent AD
ciated with vascular damage and cardio/ biomarker patterns of abnormalities in CSF
cerebrovascular risk. Anemia, dehydration (low A42, high phospho-tau and tau with a
(suggested by BUN:Cr ratio of >20:1), hypo/ relative amyloid-to-tau/p-tau index of <1.0),
hypernatremia, hypomagnesemia, hypercal- amyloid-PET (abnormal uptake of amyloid
cemia (and hypocalcemia), hypo/hypergly- tracer), FDG-PET or SPECT (bilateral parietal
cemia, uremia, and hepatic dysfunction can and temporal hypometabolism in early/mild
also decompensate cognitive function. ESR AD), and bi-hippocampal and cortical atro-
and CRP can provide a very broad screen phy in other temporal and parietal regions
for systemic indolent or insidious inflamma- on structural imaging (see Chapter 22) in
tory/autoimmune, infectious, and neoplas- an individual would be highly supportive
tic processes (e.g., undetected lung, liver or that AD-related pathology may be primar-
colon cancer). Tier 2 labs are not suggested ily causative or contributory to his or her
in all individuals, but they can be ordered, dementia syndrome.
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 389

TABLE16.9 Multitiered Testing in Alzheimers Disease (AD):ASuggested Tiered Approach

to Laboratory and Ancillary Studies in the Evaluation of Alzheimers Disease and Related
Tier Type What When/Who Why/Comments

1 Serum TSH, B12, homocysteine, CBC with Always or often A broad and relatively
imaging differential, complete metabolic panel All individuals inexpensive lab
(including calcium, magnesium, liver screen
function tests), ESR, CRP Brain MRI (or
brain MRI without gadolinium (preferable) CT). Assess for
or noncontrast head CT hippocampal and
2 Serum Ammonia, lead, Lyme antibody, RPR, HIV, Frequently or cortical atrophy
ANA, SPEP, methylmalonic acid (MMA), sometimes consistent with
HgbA1c, lipid profile, folate, PT, PTT Individualize AD; contributing
based on infarcts,
epidemiology, leukoaraiosis, and
and profile of microhemmorhage;
history, exam, rule out
or lab/studies hydrocephalus,
3 Serum Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO)*, Occasionally or mass lesions.
Urine antithyroglobulin antibodies (TGA) *, sparingly Recommend most Tier
CSF FTA-ABS, ACE, ANCA, viral antibody Include some 3 and 4 tests to be
Imaging studies (hepatitis B/C, EBV, CMV) of these done by a specialist
Other Urinalysis, urine culture, UPEP, Bence-Jones tests based or in consultation
proteins on atypical with specialist
Cell count, glucose, total protein, AD CSF clinical profile, TPO and TGA for
biomarker panel (AB-42, tau, phospho-tau) early-onset*, Hashimotos
with calculation of Amyloid-Tau Index (ATI)*; or high index encephalopathy/
Lyme PCR; viral PCRs and cultures, VDRL, of clinical SREAT
T.pallidum PCR; suspicion Assessment of
MR or CT angiogram of head and neck, early-onset AD
carotid ultrasound, brain MRI with should include CSF
gadolinium or head CT with contrast, chest analysis for AD
films, brain FDG-PET (or SPECT) scan* biomarkers (and/or
EEG brain amyloid-PET)
4 Serum AD mutation genetic panel*, APOE allele Very sparingly or and brain FDG-PET
Urine genotype*, paraneoplastic antibody panel, rarely (or SPECT) scan
CSF anti-voltage-gated potassium channel Include based to establish AD
Imaging (VGKC) antibody, non-Lyme tick borne on index of biological trait
Other disease panel (Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, suspicion along with clinical
Anaplasmosis, Rickestsiosis, Powassan), in atypical phenotype
copper and ceruloplasmin, tumor markers, cases or rapid See text above
rheumatological studies progression and Chapter22
24-hour urine collection for heavy metals, regarding role of
porphyria, and/or copper genetic testing in
Protein 14-3-3, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), dominantAD
T.whipplei PCR, paraneoplastic antibody See Chapter15
panel, anti-voltage-gated potassium regarding
channel (VGKC) antibody, cytology, flow comprehensive
cytommetry, other stains and cultures for testing for rare or
infectious agents (bacterial, fungal, AFB) rapidly progressive
CT of chest/abdomen/pelvis, cerebral dementia
angiogram, brain amyloid tracer-PET scan*, syndromes
body PET scan
Brain and/or meningeal vessels biopsy

*Consider in individuals with phenotype of early-onset AD and selected individuals with atypical AD presentation.
390part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Cognitive Testing proactive care plan that is customized to

the patientcaregiver dyad; (2) nonphar-
Specific testing and standardized measures macological interventions and behavioral
are discussed in detail in Chapter 19 on the approaches; (3) appropriate pharmacology;
mental status evaluation in clinical practice and (4) dynamically adjusting the care plan
and in Chapter20. Cognitive testing should in a pragmatic manner according to changes
be individually adapted with additional in the patientcaregiver dyads condition and
tests as needed and performance should be resources that facilitates continued thera-
interpreted in the context of the individu- peutic alliance, adherence, and patient and
als symptoms, history, demographics, and caregiver health and safety. In this analogy,
expected level of performance. As general caregivers provide the glue that hold the
screening instruments in AD, the MoCA and therapeutic legs and stool together.
ACE-R, are both very practical, if time allows, There is no cure for AD dementia; the
both can be administered; if time is limited current AD treatment paradigm is one of
to about 10 minutes, then the MoCA is rec- multifaceted management of symptoms
ommended. The BDS-IMC, along with the and reduction of long-term clinical decline.
ACE-R, are both useful for tracking progres- Optimal AD management involves devel-
sion in AD dementia since they will accom- oping and sustaining a close therapeu-
modate performance across a broad range of tic alliance within the context of caring
AD stages, from mild all the way to severe; in for a patientcaregiver dyad that requires
contrast, performance on the MoCA reaches early diagnosis and multimodal care. This
floor values in the moderate to severe stages approach to AD management, first and fore-
of AD dementia. most, involves individualized and nonphar-
Formal neuropsychological testing can macological tailoring of approaches based
be particularly useful (1) when the initial on the patientcaregiver dyads priorities,
evaluation is borderline; (2)in patients with personal strengths, limitations, resources,
unusual clinical profiles; (3) to establish a and environment. Astage-appropriate phar-
comprehensive baseline, including percentile macological treatment plan can then be insti-
performance in each test and domain, and to tuted based on this foundation. Long-term
detect and track longitudinal changes with management of AD dementia is a dynamic
good sensitivity; (4)to comprehensively clar- process that requires proactive planning and
ify patterns of cognitive impairment; (5) in flexibility to modify care plans according to
individuals with superior premorbid ability; changes in the condition and resources of the
(6) to help distinguish between depression patientcaregiver dyad. Providing this mul-
and mood disorders versus dementia; (7) to tidisciplinary care provides measurable and
help determine competency; (8) to assist in meaningful short- and long-term benefits for
the determination of disability; (9) to delin- patients, families, caregivers, and society.
eate specific weaknesses and strengths; and
(10) to provide individualized recommenda-
tions regarding effective compensatory strat- Customizing Care to the
egies, safety, further evaluation, and care. PatientCaregiverDyad

Individualized tailoring of treatments and

Management of Alzheimers Disease Dementia care customization should include psycho-
education; eliminating and ameliorating con-
The optimal management of AD is dynamic, tributory factors (e.g., potentially harmful
multifactorial, and multidisciplinary. An medications, comorbid medical conditions,
analogy to the legs of a stool can be made:All treating anxiety and depression, optimiz-
the legs (principles of care) are necessary ing sleep quality, simplifying routines and
to affect a functioning stool that can sup- diminishing stress); fostering and shoring
port the patient. Broadly speaking, the support systems; advocating for appropriate
analogous important legs for AD manage- monitoring and supports to minimize health
ment fall under the following categories and safety risks to the patient, caregivers, and
(see Table 16.10): (1) early recognition and the public (e.g., monitoring or dispensing
diagnosis of symptoms combined with a medications; home safety, driving); assisting
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 391

TABLE16.10 Key Elements of Effective Multifactorial Management of Alzheimers

Disease:The Multilegged Approach to Effective Management of Individuals With Alzheimers
Disease Dementia Incorporates the Following Necessary Components

Individualization of Diagnosis and Care Plan

Early detection, assessment, and staging (see Chapters19, 20, and 22).
Sustained targeting and tailoring of a proactive care plan to the patient and caregivers (see Chapters19,
27, and 28).
Nonpharmacological Interventions and Behavioral Approaches
Psychoeducation including regarding AD dementia in general and effects on cognition, function and
behaviors, dementia care, expectations, the progression and regression model of aging and dementia
(see Chapter26).
Behavioral approachesboth general and targeted to the patientcaregiver dyad; these include
simplification of environment; establishing routines; providing a safe, calm, and consistent care
environment; utilizing strategies such as interacting calmly, redirection to pleasurable activities and
environment, reassurance, providing only necessary information in a manner that the patient can
appreciate (i.e., in simple language and small chunks) and at the appropriate time; benign therapeutic
fibbing and Never saying No to allow the moment to pass (see Chapter26).
Establishing and fostering support networks for the patient and caregivers (see Chapter27).
Identifying and monitoring health and safety risks for patient and others, advance planning for medical,
legal, and financial decision making and needs (e.g., stove, weapon, and driving safety; falling prey to
fraud or poor work or financial decision making) (see Chapter28)
Caring for caregivers, including caregiver support and respite care (see Chapter27).
Appropriate Pharmacology
Elimination of redundant and inappropriate medicationssee Beers Criteria (Table8)
Treating underlying medical and psychiatric conditions that can exacerbate dementia symptoms
(e.g., dehydration, pain, constipation, infections, electrolyte and metabolic derangements, anxiety,
depression, psychosis) (see Chapters24, 25, and 26)
Prescription of stage-appropriate anti-AD medications; monotherapy or combination therapy with ChEI
and memantine
Dynamic and Pragmatic Modifications to Sustain Alliance, Adherence, and Well-Being of Patient
Caregiver Dyad
Flexibility to modify care plan according to important changes in the patientcaregiver dyad (see
Forging and sustaining a therapeutic alliance (see Chapter27).
Promoting the safety, health, and well-being of the caregivers, as well as the patient (see Chapter27).
Adopting a pragmatic approach to ongoing care that includes establishing and simplifying care routines
where possible; modifying the environment to suit the patientcaregiver dyad; and consideration of
patient and caregiver preferences, capacity, environment, and resources in devising and implementing
care plans (see Chapter26).
Seeking, when possible, to find humor, enjoyment, and positive meaning during the dementia journey.

in identification and planning for current therapeutic alliance between the clinician the
and future personal, psychological, medi- patientcaregiver dyad.
cal, and legal needs; optimizing behavioral
approaches and strategies to care; institut-
ing stage-appropriate nonpharmacological Long-Term Treatment
interventions and pharmacological treat- Expectations:SlowingDecline
ments; and promoting a healthy lifestyle for
both the patient and caregivers. A success- The current AD treatment paradigm is to
ful long-term pharmacotherapy plan with reduce progression of symptoms and dis-
anti-AD medications, principally involv- ability. Despite ongoing efforts, a cure for
ing combination treatment with a ChEI and AD dementia appears to still be far away
memantine, requires sustaining a solid foun- (see Chapter 23). In contrast to the other
dation of psychoeducation, use of behavioral leading medical causes of mortality in the
care strategies, and maintaining clarity in United States, AD therapeutic research
treatment goals, expectations, and a strong has taken place mostly for a few decades
392part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

under drastically underfunded conditions. severe indifference and amotivation; hypero-

Nonpharmacological management and phar- rality; poor eating or hyperphagia; repetitive
macological therapies for AD dementia seek motor or verbal behaviors, vocalizations,
to minimize the disabling effects of cogni- or shouting; obsessive-compulsive behav-
tive and functional decline and emergence iors; hallucinations and psychosis can be
of problem symptoms. Alone, and particu- variably experienced at various times,
larly in combination, the only FDA-approved degrees, and durations in individuals with
anti-AD pharmacotherapies, the ChEIs AD. Left untreated, they will lead to severe
donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine, distress and negatively impact the health
and the NMDA antagonist memantine, can and well-being of patients and caregivers.
reduce progression of clinical symptoms and Problem behaviors and neuropsychiatric
disability. From a public health and econom- symptoms (also known as noncognitive
ics perspective, therapies that minimize care- behavioral symptoms [NCBS]; behavioral
giver burden and delay nursing home entry and psychological symptoms of demen-
can translate into significant benefits related tia [BPSD]) are associated with more rapid
to worker productivity and health care sav- decline, earlier institutionalization, higher
ings (Cappell et al., 2010; Weycker et al., distress, worse quality of life, and greater
2007). health care utilization and costs (Kales etal.,
2005; Okura etal., 2012). Treatment of BPSD
using pharmacology alone has low treatment
Nonpharmacological Interventions and benefit effect sizes (Cohens d of 0.2 or less)
Behavioral Coping Strategies and, in some cases (e.g., antipsychotics) is
associated with substantial side effects and
Nonpharmacological interventions and short- and long-term risks for morbidity and
behavioral strategies should be used as the mortality (see Chapters24, 25, and 26).
first-line option to ameliorate neuropsychi- Early and ongoing BPSD screening,
atric symptoms (e.g., agitation, apathy, delu- root-cause analysis, intervention, monitor-
sions, disinhibition) and problem behaviors ing, and care plan modification are important
(e.g., resistance to care, caregiver shadowing, components of comprehensive AD dementia
hoarding, obsessive-compulsive behaviors) care; they can facilitate prevention and treat-
in AD dementia. These problems are not ment efficacy by eliminating triggers and
only distressing to patients and caregivers directing treatments to the root cause, not just
but also, left untreated, their chronic effects at the symptoms. Adopting this kind of com-
can exact a devastating toll and lead to poor prehensive approach to BPSD care decreases
outcomes for patients and caregivers (Kales, the likelihood of BPSD emergence, frequency,
Chen, Blow, Welsh, & Mellow, 2005; Okura severity, and treatment failure. Unfortunately,
et al., 2012). At least 85%90% of patients rates of screening for BPSD in primary care
will experience significant neuropsychiatric are low and, even when clinically identi-
symptoms and problem behaviors during the fied, individuals often receive inappropri-
course of their illness (see Chapters 24, 25, ate, ineffective, temporary, and fragmented
and 26). care. However, often in a crisis, clinicians are
Neuropsychiatric symptoms and problem called upon by caregivers and colleagues to
behaviors such as resistance to care; repetitive acutely treat severe BPSD, including prob-
statements and questions; caregiver shadow- lems that are not only severely distressful
ing and separation anxiety; irritability, agita- but can also place the patient or others at risk
tion, and aggressiveness; argumentativeness; of substantial harm. When identified, BPSD
loss of inhibition; insensitive comments and should be characterized, a thorough investi-
socially inappropriate behaviors; sexualized gation of the underlying causes undertaken
inappropriate behaviors; using poor language (root-cause analysis), and an individualized
and manners; utilization behavior and hoard- care and monitoring plan implemented.
ing; inappropriate or messy urination, defe- Nonpharmacological interventions and
cation, and cleaning; pacing and wandering; behavioral strategies for BPSD may include
sleep-wake disturbances; paranoid delusions a general approach such as caregiver psycho-
of theft, infidelity, and harm; spells of cry- education and training in dementia-specific
ing or inappropriate joviality and laughing; approaches to trigger avoidance, problem
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 393

solving, communication, environment modi- strategies such as always trying to interact

fication, and task simplification; patient calmly with the patient while redirecting
engagement and activities; and more tar- their attention (also known as distracting) to
geted and individually tailored approaches a pleasurable activity, and remaining reas-
in which precipitating conditions of a spe- suring. Avoidance of confrontation by not
cific behavior (triggers for a specific BPSDs) contradicting and arguing with the patient
are identified, modified, and continually and utilizing the never saying no and
assessed. therapeutic fibbing approaches can also
be helpful. For example, if the patient is con-
fused and wants to go home to see her dead
Appreciating That the Disease Is Responsible, spouse, not realizing at that moment that she
Not the Patient is in her own home and that her husband has
been deceased for years, it may be better to
Psychoeducation for caregivers should allow the moment to pass by acknowledg-
include general models to better under- ing the request and responding in a calm and
stand the biopsychosocial substrates behind reassuring manner while redirecting her by
the emergence of BPSD in AD (e.g., loss of saying something like:Id like to go and see
behavioral and coping reserve, compromise dad too, lets go make an apple pie to take
of top-down control from frontostriatal net- to himits his favorite, but first lets get a
works, regression to childhood capacities and yummy snack and something to drink so we
behaviors in a progression-regression model can have some energy to do all this; mean-
of dementia), and strategies to better commu- while, why dont you tell me about the first
nicate, manage, and care for the patient. time you and dad went to the vineyard...
It is important for the caregivers to have Its not always what we say to the patient,
time to grieve and, over time, come to a reso- its also how we say itthe patient will often
lution that their loved one has changed and respond to the emotional content and expres-
is demented. It is also vital for caregivers to sion of the interaction and not always what is
come to appreciate that overall poor and explicitly stated. It takes resourcefulness and
problem behaviors by the demented individ- emotional reserve to remain calm and be able
ual are not because the patient is being inten- to skillfully negotiate such interactions.
tionally mean, ornery, or vindictive, but are
due to the disease and diminished capacities.
This is no ones faultit is just part of the ill- Providing Only Necessary Information in the
ness. It is also critical for caregivers to hear Appropriate Way and Time:The Presenting
from clinicians that their feelings of guilt, Small Digestible Chunks Only When Ready to
loss, anger, and sadness are expected, nor- Eat Approach
mal, and are very common experiences and
responses under the difficult circumstances It can be a difficult and lengthy process for
of caregiving for a loved one with AD. Not family and caregivers to learn and adjust
taking the behaviors personally and find- to the new dynamics necessary to interact
ing a supportive environment to share these and to care for the patient with dementia.
feelings is an integral part of being able to Decade-long interpersonal patterns of com-
successfully cope with the long-term burdens munication, behavior, and roles will need
and to find meaning in caregiving. to be adjusted as the patient with demen-
tia progresses and has increasingly dimin-
ished capacity to remember, reason, and
Facilitating the Moment to Pass react. Maternal and paternal, caregiving,
and familial leadership roles are reversed or
Several general behavioral strategies that can changed, and the process of discussing, mak-
be helpful, and which leverage the fact that ing, and implementing small and large daily
patients with severe memory impairment and long-term life plans and decisions needs
often live in the moment, relate to help- to be altered. Based on the patients capaci-
ing to keep the patient comfortable while ties, sometimes decisions have to be made de
getting her/him unstuck and allowing the facto and plans implemented without com-
moment to pass. These include utilizing municating with the patient and allowing
394part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

him or her to fully participate in the manner very distressful. For example, telling some
that had been the norm. This is a delicate bal- forgetful patients that they have a doctors
ance that has to be achieved on a moving tar- appointment in 2days or that they are going
get. Doing so does not imply, and should not to travel on the weekend can be highly dis-
be interpreted as, disrespect or dishonesty. tressing, even when it is a potentially plea-
The process should be driven by appreciating surable activity or appointment. The patient
the patients diminished capacity and driven may experience anticipatory anxiety, or, even
by doing no harm/nonmaleficence and when the patient forgets the exact reason (e.g.,
benevolence; these trump autonomy when appointment or travel), she or he may con-
the patients diminished capacity poses a sig- tinue to experience underlying fear or worry
nificant risk of distress and harm for self and that she or he may have forgotten something,
others. is not prepared, or that something bad is
Engaging in an open process of commu- going to happen. For some patients it is bet-
nication, planning, decision making, and ter to wait until the last moment to get them
implementation that relies on the patients ready and to inform them that we have to
previous abilities to reason and appreciate go out now.
consequences, have insight and foresight, An approach of providing information and
to make good judgments and decisions, to requests in short and easy-to-understand
relate associations and remember facts, and phrases (i.e., easily digestible chunks) and
to correctly execute decisions and wants can simple step-by-step commands, and only
be frustrating, distressing, and dangerous at the time when the individual with AD
at times. For example, at different stages is ready and absolutely needs to know this
relying on the patient to be responsible information (i.e., is prepared or needs to
or to monitor her or his own medications, eat) can be very pragmatic and appropri-
investments, driving, guns, power tools, ate, particularly as the individual progresses
transportation, and meals, even when the to the moderate stages of AD dementia and
patient emphatically expresses the desire for experiences greater difficulty with receptive
it, can be risky and lead to catastrophe (see language, understanding, reasoning, plan-
Chapter28). ning, making decisions, insight, judgment,
A kind, respectful, and yet pragmatic and anticipatory anxiety.
approach to communication and shared deci-
sion making has to be adapted to the patients
capacities and may necessitate simplifying Environmental Modification, Establishing
information and language, providing infor- Simple Routines, and Maintaining Consistency
mation piecemeal and at the appropriate
time, and sometimes a degree of maternal- Modifying the patients environment to suit
ism and paternalism. For example, in the the needs and capacities of the individual
patient with advanced dementia who still patient is also very important. In general, it
insists on driving despite multiple attempts is best to create a calm, simple, and soothing
and conversations to bring him or her to environment that feels secure and familiar
appreciate their clearly diminished capacity to the patient (e.g., old pictures, a favorite
and very high risk, a pragmatic approach of comfy chair or couch, some memorabilia, soft
removing the car and allowing the moment favorite or music from their childhood or early
to pass by addressing the immediate need adulthood playing), is quiet, and is not over-
for transportation but stating that the car stimulating and full of distractions (e.g., not
is still in the shop under repair can allow cold, crowded, noisy, or too bright). Having
time for adjustment by the patient and for the TV playing in the background all the time
progression of illness to serve as a solution. may not only be overstimulating but may also,
It is also very common for older patients with at times, serve as a BPSD trigger for aggres-
dementia to develop significant anticipatory sive or inappropriately sexualized behaviors
anxiety in the face of even minor changes (see Chapter 25). Occasionally, patients may
of routine and impending activities, travel, develop attachments and be soothed by secu-
and appointments. This anxiety can, in many rity objects, akin to the security blanket or a
patients, serve to significantly decompensate favorite stuffed animal that can provide com-
the patients diminished capacities and be fort and security to young children.
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 395

Together with environmental modifica- As difficult as the caregiving experience can

tion comes simplification and establishing be for many individuals, it does not have to be
routines. For example, providing finger viewed and experienced negatively through-
foods when the individual has difficulty out; it can be a rewarding, fulfilling, and
using utensils properly; establishing a bed- meaningful experience. To provide care for
time routine; providing pants with elastic a loved one can be satisfying and purposeful
waist bands without buttons or zippers, in several ways. It can be viewed and experi-
and shoes with Velcro fasteners instead of enced as an opportunity to fulfill a duty and
laces; allowing a patient who is apt to pace give back; to have positive feelings about the
and wander to do so in an appropriately good quality of care, love, and kindness being
safe and enclosed space; using door locks provided; embraced for the new dynamic and
that the individual cannot open; and dis- relationships being forged; and for serving as
guising doors or mirrors with curtains. An a positive role model for others in the family
environment that is too cluttered and rou- and community. Caregiving can also lead to
tines that are too complex and taxing can be experiencing higher respect from others and
very stressful and fatiguing for patients with to greater self-actualization, self-esteem, and
diminished capacity. Going at a reduced sense of purpose for the caregiver.
psychomotor pace that suits the capabilities Learning to appreciate the deep meanings
of the patient (e.g., not talking too quickly, in the serenity prayer can be particularly
giving multistep commands, or rushing the useful for patients, caregivers, and clini-
patient while dressing), and allowing the cians alike when facing, caring, and treating
patient to rest adequately between stimu- dementia. The serenity prayer states: May
lating events are important factors to avoid Ibe granted the serenity to accept the things
triggering BPSD. Individuals come to rely I cannot change; the courage to change the
on routine and often find comfort in an envi- things Ican; and the wisdom to know the dif-
ronment that is consistent. Therefore, abrupt ference. Though the caregiving journey is
changes in environment, caregivers, and often arduous and challenging, it can also be
routines, even if relatively small from an out- a positive force for finding some serenity, per-
siders perspective, may have great potential sonal rewards, and blessings. This can come
to be very confusing, disruptive, and anxiety with the appreciation that one is trying to do
provoking to individuals with AD dementia. the right thing and ones best under difficult
circumstances, though no one can achieve
this 100% of the time, and the acknowledg-
Experiencing Humor, Meaning, and Serenity in ment that this work is hard, that there is no
Facing, Caregiving, and Treating Dementia formula or optimal solution to provide care,
and that one cannot restore or prevent decline
Finally, last but not least, as much as pos- in dementia, but that one can still positively
sible, trying to maintain a sense of humor, affect the process of care and the experience
and finding meaning and experiencing some for the patient and oneself. Peace and personal
enjoyment and serenity in caregiving and rewards for caregivers can also come with the
facing and treating dementia can serve as greater sense of meaning that can be expe-
high-level coping strategies that can be use- rienced by performing unheralded service,
ful, fun, and healthy. For patients, caregiv- doing good, and becoming an instrument
ers, and clinicians, warm smiles and laughter of kindness, compassion, and care that makes
can have powerful diffusing and therapeutic a difference in the path and experiences of the
effects. Occasionally, odd and absurd state- patient with dementia, even if they do not
ments, behaviors, and circumstances that alter the destruction and destination.
patients and caregivers face can be, with
the right perspective, fodder for a quick and
hearty laugh; seen from another perspective, Pharmacological Management
the same behaviors and circumstances can
instead be very discouraging and depressing. Eliminating Deleterious Medications
When given lemons, its okay, and therapeu-
tic, for caregivers to sometimes make their The initial step in the pharmacologic manage-
own lemonade. ment of AD consists of eliminating redundant
396part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

and potentially deleterious medications. For infections (e.g., urinary tract infections, pneu-
example, diphenhydramine, often taken as monia). Other conditions such as pain, for
an over-the-counter drug combination with example from arthritis, constipation, hunger,
acetaminophen for sleep and pain relief, and thirst, and fatigue, are also very common in
many medications prescribed for anxiety patients with AD dementia, and, particularly
(e.g., benzodiazipines), urinary incontinence in later stages when patients cannot appro-
(e.g., those with high anticholinergic activ- priately recognize or communicate their
ity), and sleep are listed as medications to symptoms, can lead to BPSD, particularly
be avoided in the elderly. Such medications, anxiety, irritability, agitation, aggression,
according to the Beers Criteria, are generally and sleep-wake disturbances. Depression,
contraindicated in the elderly, require close anxiety, and sleep problems should also be
scrutiny, and can be particularly deleterious identified and appropriately treated. When
in cognitively vulnerable older persons (AGS, necessary, cautious and judicious use of
2012; Rudolph etal., 2008)(see Table16.8). other, non-anti-AD medications can nonethe-
less significantly contribute to the compre-
hensive AD therapeutic plan.
Identification and Treatment of Comorbid
Conditions That Decompensate Dementia
Antipsychotics:Use With Extreme Caution
The weakest link shows itself first; similarly, andOnly in Particular Circumstances
systemic conditions can affect cognitive
and functional compensatory mechanisms Another class of medications to be used with
in the brain of individuals with dementia. extreme caution, with ongoing monitoring,
Treating these conditions can affect better and only under strict circumstances, are anti-
cognition, function, and behavior in patients psychotics (also known as neuroleptics) (see
with AD dementia. A striking example of a Chapter24). Though antipsychotics are com-
common clinical scenario is an elderly indi- monly used in an off-label manner in clinical
vidual (with or without a known diagnosis practice in the United States, they carry an
of cognitive impairment or dementia) who FDA black-box warning for use in demen-
is brought to the emergency department for tia. Short- and long-term antipsychotic use
confusion, lethargy, and change in mental in patients with dementia is associated with
status and found to have a urinary tract infec- substantial risk of cognitive decline, mor-
tion (UTI) or pneumonia. In this scenario, the bidity (e.g., parkinsonism, falls, pneumonia,
weakest link, the patients cognitive reserve, cardio- and cerebrovascular events), and
has become decompensated, manifesting in mortality; they should be used as a last resort
worsening cognitive impairments clouded for severe refractory behavioral disturbances
by delirium (also known as encephalopa- without an identifiable and treatable cause
thy) (Fong et al., 2012; Rudolph et al., 2008, (e.g., severe aggression and agitation not
2010). In many undiagnosed individuals, this due to delirium, pain, or infection) or when
is often indicative of a failed stress test that a serious risk of immediate harm or safety
has unmasked an underlying true subclini- exists that cannot be otherwise ameliorated.
cal or undiagnosed cognitive impairment or The antipsychotic risperidone is approved in
dementia. In patients with known demen- Europe by the EMA for short-term, 12-week
tia, this is often a trigger for rapid deterio- use in dementia when there is refractory
ration in cognition, function, and BPSD. In severe agitation or psychosis. Antipsychotics
many conditions, the symptoms and signs of should optimally only be prescribed after a
decompensation are more subtle and chronic. careful evaluation by a dementia care special-
Screening studies, particularly Tier 1 and Tier ist and with the consent of caregivers; their
2 studies discussed previously, can identify cautious use in this manner should be limited
many common conditions that exacerbate to the lowest effective dosages for short dura-
dementia symptoms. These include dehy- tions. The continued use of antipsychotics
dration, electrolyte and metabolic derange- requires ongoing monitoring, assessment of
ments, anemia, cardiac or cerebral ischemia, risk-benefit, and understanding and consent
hypoxia, thyroid and vitamin deficien- from the family regarding the goals of treat-
cies (e.g., vitamin B12 deficiency), as well as ment and the potential clinical trade-offs.
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 397

Antidementia Medications:Cholinesterase combination therapy with both (Atri, 2011;

Inhibitors and Memantine Bullock, 2006 ; Livingston & Katona, 2004).
Estimates for the number-needed-to-treat
Cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) (done- (NNT) to achieve significant improvement
pezil, galantamine, rivastigmine) and the on multiple domains simultaneously are
NMDA antagonist memantine are the only approximately 8:1 for combination therapy in
FDA-approved treatments for AD demen- moderate to severe AD. In contrast, marked
tia; they have complementary mechanisms clinical worsening, defined by simultaneous
of action, potentially additive effects, and significant worsening on multiple domains
demonstrate good tolerability and safety is also reduced by 48%68% in patients on
profiles. A pharmacological foundation of ChEI-mematine combination therapy com-
anti-AD therapies, whether with ChEI or pared to ChEI alone (Atri etal., 2008). There is
memantine monotherapy or, ultimately, com- no evidence to support that patients who do
bined together as combination therapy, most not show significant improvement or stabili-
often as memantine added on to stable ChEI zation on treatment in the first few months
therapy, have demonstrated benefits in the after starting anti-AD treatment will not
short- and long-term to reduce decline in derive benefit from therapy in the longer run
cognition and function, retard the emergence and should therefore be taken off pharmaco-
and impact of neuropsychiatric symptoms, logical treatment due to presumed nonre-
and to delay nursing home placement with- sponse. To the contrary, discontinuation of
out prolongation of time to death (Rountree pharmacological treatment has been shown,
etal., 2012). Viewed from the social perspec- on aggregate, to be harmfulpatients taken
tive, anti-AD pharmacotherapy (donepezil, off or those who are impersistent in tak-
memantine, galantamine, rivastigmine) can ing anti-AD medications appear to progress
reduce the economic burden of the illness, more rapidly than patients who continue
even in later stages of illness (Cappell etal., treatments, particularly ChEIs. Therefore,
2010). clinicians should not discontinue anti-AD
Short-term responses to AD medication medications for a trial of lets see if there is
treatments vary greatly between individu- worsening since even temporary periods of
als. Aggregate data suggests that during discontinuation have been associated with
the initial 612 months of treatment, per- irreversible declines (Courtney et al., 2004;
formance on measures of cognition, ADL, Doody etal., 2001; Farlow, Anand, Messina,
behavioral symptoms, or global clinical Hartman,& Veach, 2000; Howard etal., 2012;
impression of change may significantly Raskind, Peskind, Wessel,& Yuan, 2000).
improve in a minority (10%20%), plateau in Yet, with disease progression, patients who
nearly half (30%50%), or continue to dete- may initially show improvement or stability
riorate in about a third (20%40%) of treated will eventually decline over years. With sus-
patients. Some estimate higher benefits tained pharmacological treatments, the care
compared to placebo treatment with ChEI plan for individual patients should be evi-
treatment: a four-point improvement on the dence based but also customized to include
ADAS-Cog (roughly equivalent to revers- patientcaregiver dyad goals, preferences,
ing six months of naturalistic decline) in and circumstances. On aggregate, sustained
25%30% of ChEI-treated patients compared treatments provide a modest expectation of
to 15%25% of placebo treated patients, overall stabilization in the short term and
and a seven-point improvement (roughly reduction in the rate of clinical decline in the
equivalent to reversing 12 months of natu- long term. However, even a modest slowing
ralistic decline) in 12%20% versus 2%6% of clinical progression provides a meaning-
for ChEI- versus placebo-treated patients, ful goal in the treatment of AD dementia.
respectively (Cummings, 2004). Estimates for Pharmacological treatments best facilitate
number-needed-to-treat (NNT) in patients potentially maintaining and subsequently
with AD dementia to achieve stabiliza- reducing decline in abilities and behavior
tion or improvement in one or more clinical when instituted appropriately early, before
domains (e.g., cognition, function, behav- further abilities are lost, and when sustained
ior, global severity) range from 5 to 9:1 for until later stages of illness. In AD dementia,
monotherapy with ChEI or memantine, and once an ability is lost it is very difficult to
398part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

regain, and once a problem behavioral pat- modulatory neurotransmitter whose role in
tern is established it is hard to eliminate or the neocortex includes arousal (Jones, 2005),
suppress indefinitely. The anti-AD medica- attention (Himmelheber, Sarter, & Bruno,
tions are best thought of as chronic, albeit 2000), as well as learning and memory (Atri
modest, supportive crutches or lids on boil- etal., 2004; Hasselmo, 2006), the cholinergic
ing pots; acute and high potency treatments hypothesis regarding AD posits that patients
and cures they are notunfortunately, the with AD have a central ACh (cholinergic)
pot will ultimately boil over in the long term. deficit with resultant reduction in choliner-
It is therefore important for clinicians to effec- gic neurotransmission. Low levels of choline
tively communicate the practical issues asso- acetyltransferase (ChAT), an enzyme that
ciated with pharmacologic treatment that catalyzes the synthesis of ACh, in the brain
include its rationale and the expectations for is believed to be at least partially responsible
treatment outcomes. for a decreased synthesis of ACh in choliner-
What to expect, when to start and stop gic neurons affected by AD pathology. Lower
pharmacological therapy, and how to moni- levels of ACh, in, turn affect reduced cholin-
tor progression and medication side effects ergic neurotransmission and hence contrib-
are all crucial questions for patients, families, ute to inefficient and disordered memory and
caregivers, and treating clinicians to discuss cognitive processing, and abnormal function
openly. For clinicians, an appropriate per- and behavior in AD.
spective about AD outcomes and treatment Through early observations that choliner-
expectations is especially important to guide gic blockade with scopolamine impairs epi-
stage-appropriate individualized care. To sodic memory function (see Atri et al., 2004
maximize treatment adherence and benefits, for a review), and that ChEIs such as phy-
it is crucial to effectively communicate that sostigmine can reverse these impairments
the current treatment and disease course par- (but have strong peripheral nervous system
adigm in AD includes progression of symp- side effects including nausea and vomit-
toms, long-term global decline in function, ing), centrally acting ChEIs were specifically
accumulation of disability, and a loss of inde- developed as anti-AD medications to inhibit
pendence in late-stage disease. In the long acetylcholinesterase by more selectively
run, our current treatments of AD dementia delaying the breakdown of ACh in choliner-
mitigate decline but do not prevent it. gic synapses in the CNS. With the introduc-
tion of tacrine in 1993, ChEIs were the first
drug class approved for the treatment of AD.
Cholinesterase Inhibitors The current generation of anti-AD ChEIs in
routine use includes donepezil, rivastigmine,
Cholinesterase inhibitors developed for the and galantamine (see Table 16.11).
treatment of AD dementia were produced a
result of rational drug design. ChEIs facili-
tate central cholinergic activity by reducing Pharmacokinetics and Characteristics
the physiological breakdown of ACh by the
enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the Although there are mechanistic and phar-
synaptic cleft. Inhibition of AChE by ChEIs macokinetic differences among the available
thus enhances cholinergic neurotransmission. ChEI drugs (see Table 16.11), there are no
quality data to support that there are signifi-
cant differences between them with respect
Acetylcholine and Cholinesterase Inhibitor to aggregate efficacy in AD dementia. An oral
Mechanism of Action in Alzheimers Disease formulation of all three ChEIs is now generi-
cally available in the United States. Donpezil
The central nervous system (CNS) functions and rivastigmine have approved FDA-label
of acetylcholine (ACh) include modulation of indications in mild, moderate, and severe AD
sleep, wakefulness, learning, and memory; dementia; galantamine has an FDA-approved
suppression of pain at the spinal cord level; indication for mild and moderate AD.
and essential roles in neural plasticity, early Donepezil (introduced in 1997) remains the
neural development, immunosuppression, most frequently prescribed ChEI in the United
and epilepsy (Atri, 2011). As an important States (~70% of prescriptions). Rivastigmine
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 399

TABLE16.11 Pharmacokinetic and Mechanistic Characteristics of the Anti-Alzheimers

Disease Dementia Cholinesterase Inhibitors
Drug Half-life Bioavail Tmax (h) Hepatic Absorption Reversible Other
(h) ability (%) Metabolism Affected by Inhibition Cholinomimetic
Food ofAChE Effects

Donepezil 6090 100 35 Yes No Yes --

Rivastigmine 1.52* 40 0.81.8 No Yes No** BuChEI
Rivastigmine 3.4* 55-65 812 No No No** BuChEI
Galantamine 58 85100 0.51.5 Yes Yes Yes nAChR agonist
Galantamine 2535 85100 4.55 Yes Yes Yes nAChR agonist

*Rivastigmine has plasma half-life of 23.4 hours but a duration of action for AChE inactivation of 9 hours.
** Rivastigmine is a pseudo-irreversible inhibitor of AChE and BuChE.
AChE, acetylcholinesterase; BuChEI, butyrylcholinesterase inhibitor; galantamine ER, galantamine extended-release
capsules; nAChR agonist, nonpotentiating ligand of the nicotinic receptor; Tmax=time to maximum plasma concentration.

is a pseudo-irreversible cholinesterase secretions can be increasedincluding skin,

inhibitor since it forms a labile carbamoylate oral, and nasal. Occasionally, patients can
complex with AChE (and BuChE), inacti- develop mild rhinorrhea. Others can experi-
vating the enzyme until the covalent bond ence vivid dreams or mild insomnia; thus,
is broken; the inhibitory effects of rivastig- doses should ideally be given after a meal in
mine on CSF cholinesterase have a half-life the morning. The rivastigmine transdermal
of 9 hours. Rivastigmine is available both as patch can also cause skin irritation, redness,
an oral twice-daily preparation and, more or rash at the site of application. For transder-
recently, as a transdermal once-daily patch. mal rivastigmine, adverse effects can be min-
Galantamine is both a reversible ChEI and a imized by applying the patch to a different
nonpotentiating nicotinic receptor ligand. All site each day (usually the back, upper trunk,
three drugs exhibit linear pharmacokinetics, or shoulders; applying the patch on the lower
and their time to maximum plasma concen- body can decrease bioavailability by 20%
tration (tmax) values and elimination half-lives 30%). Overall, adverse effects may occur in
are prolonged in elderly patients. 5%20% of patients starting on ChEIs but are
usually mild and transient, and often related
to the dose and rate of dose escalation. These
Safety and Tolerability of medications may also decrease heart rate and
CholinesteraseInhibitors increase the risk of syncope, particularly in
susceptible individuals (e.g., those with sick
With slow titration in appropriate individu- sinus syndrome or AV block) and with over-
als, these medications are generally tolerated dose. Use of these agents is contraindicated
well and have a safe adverse effect profile in patients with unstable or severe cardiac
(with the exception of tacrine, which is rarely disease, uncontrolled epilepsy, unexplained
used due to reports of hepatotoxicity). While syncope, and active peptic ulcer disease.
these centrally acting anti-AD ChEIs are
mostly selective for CNS cholinesterase, the
most common adverse effectsincluding Efficacy and Effectiveness
nausea, vomiting, anorexia, flatulence, loose
stools, diarrhea, salivation, and abdominal In over 40 short-term randomized, placebo-
crampingare related to peripheral cholino- controlled trials (RCTs) over 2428 weeks
mimetic effects on the gastrointestinal tract. investigating efficacy, and in meta-analyses
For the oral preparations, the adverse gastro- of RCTs, all three ChEIs have demonstrated
intestinal effects of ChEI can be minimized by small to medium effect size treatment ben-
administering the drug after a meal or in com- efits at the patient-group level in terms of
bination with memantine. In general, bodily improving, stabilizing, or delaying decline
400part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

in cognition, activities of daily living, and the sole medication in its class. Memantine
global status, and in ameliorating BPSD and affects glutamatergic transmission; it is a low
caregiver burden (Atri, Rountree, Lopez, & to moderate affinity N-methyl-d-aspartate
Doody, 2012; Ballard et al., 2011; Birks, 2006; (NMDA)-receptor open-channel blocker,
Cummings, 2004; Cummings, Schneider, which, in a voltage-dependent manner,
Tariot, Kershaw, & Yuan, 2004; Cummings modulates calcium flux through the opened
et al., 2006; Farlow & Cummings, 2007; channel.
Farlow et al., 2000; Greenberg et al., 2000;
Howard et al., 2012; Mohs et al., 2001; Raina
et al., 2008; Rockwood, 2004; Rountree et al., Glutamate and Memantine Mechanism
2012; Tayeb, Yang, Price, & Tarazi, 2012; van ofAction in Alzheimers Disease
de Glind et al., 2013). A majority of RCTs have
been conducted in patients with MMSEs in Glutamate is the major excitatory neu-
the range of 1026 (roughly considered rotransmitter in the neocortex and plays
equivalent by some to the range of perfor- an important role in memory and learning
mance in individuals with mild to moderate (Riedel, Platt,& Micheau, 2003). The gluta-
AD), have been of 6 months duration, and matergic hypothesis links cognitive decline
have demonstrated average MMSE treatment in patients with AD to neuronal damage
gains of 1.52 points over 612 months, and a resulting from overactivation of NMDA
43% increase in the likelihood of remaining receptors by glutamate (Francis, 2005).
functionally stable at 12 months compared Glutamatergic transmission is disrupted in
to placebo (Ballard et al., 2011; Mohs et al., AD and the sustained low-level activation of
2001). Several RCTs and meta-analyses have NMDA receptors, which are pivotal in learn-
demonstrated similar benefits in patients ing and memory, may result from deficien-
with moderate to severe AD dementia (Black cies in glutamate reuptake by astroglial cells
et al., 2007; Bullock et al., 2005; Cappell et al., in the synaptic cleft, and the NMDA subtype
2010; Doody et al., 2001; Farlow et al., 2011; of ionotropic glutamate receptors has been
Feldman et al., 2001; Feldman, Schmitt, & implicated (Francis, 2005; Parameshwaran,
Olin, 2006; Gauthier et al., 2002; Howard et Dhanasekaran, & Suppiramaniam, 2008;
al., 2012; Winblad et al., 2006, 2009). In the few Parsons, Danysz, Dekundy, & Pulte, 2013).
studies that have directly compared cholines- While synaptic NMDA receptor activation
terase inhibitors to each other, no significant may be neuroprotective, there is evidence to
differences were found (Bullock et al., 2006; support that aberrant activation of extrasyn-
Wilcock et al., 2003). In longer term open- aptic NMDA receptors may be neurotoxic
label trials, including extension trials from and lead to calcium-induced excitotoxicity,
the original placebo-controlled, randomized neuronal amyloid-beta release, and neu-
studies, the cognitive benefits of the ChEIs rodegeneration (Bordji, Becerril-Ortega, &
appear to continue for at least 24 years Buisson, 2011; Parsons et al., 2013).
(Burns, Gauthier, & Perdomo, 2007; Doody Memantine preferentially targets extrasyn-
et al., 2001; Raskind, Peskind, Truyen, aptic NMDA receptor signaling pathways.
Kershaw, & Damaraju, 2004). Long-term It has been further posited that due to aber-
prospective observation clinical cohort stud- rant glutamatergic exposure and stimula-
ies have also provided support for signifi- tion in AD, synaptic signal-to-noise ratio is
cant benefits of sustained ChEI treatment on degraded, leading to failure or inefficient
ameliorating decline in cognition and func- neural transmission (Francis, 2005; Parsons
tion, delaying institutionalization, but not etal., 2013).
altering survival (Gillette-Guyonnet et al., Physiological NMDA receptor activ-
2006; Wattmo et al., 2011a; Wallin et al., 2004; ity is critical for normal neuronal function.
Wallin et al., 2007; Wallin et al., 2011). However, excessive exposure to glutamate
or overstimulation of its membrane recep-
tors leads to excitotoxic neuronal injury
NMDA Antagonists (Memantine) or death. Excitotoxic neuronal cell dam-
age is mediated in part by overactivation
Memantine was the last FDA-approved treat- of NMDA-type receptors, which results
ment for AD dementia (2002) and remains in excessive Ca(2+) influx through the
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 401

receptor-associated ion channel and subse- cleared and does not affect the hepatic
quent free radical formation (Lipton, 2007). CYP450 enzyme system.
Thus, potential neuroprotective agents that
excessively block NMDA receptor activity
will likely produce unacceptable clinical and Safety and Tolerability of Memantine
cognitive side effects (e.g., hallucinations
with phencyclidine). However, meman- Titrated appropriately, memantine has a
tine, through its action as an uncompeti- highly favorable safety and tolerability pro-
tive, low-to-moderate affinity, open-channel file. Mild and transient treatment-emergent
blocker may preferentially block excessive side effects include confusion, dizziness, con-
NMDA receptor activity without disrupting stipation, headache, and somnolence; these
normal activity (Lipton, 2007). Entering the may be encountered during, or soon after,
receptor-associated ion channel preferen- titration to the maximum total daily dose
tially when it is excessively open, and with of 10 mg twice daily for immediate-release
a fast off-rate, memantine does not substan- memantine or 28 mg once daily for meman-
tially accumulate in the channel to interfere tine extended release. In patients with severe
with subsequent normal synaptic transmis- renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance
sion (Lipton, 2007). <30 mL/min) a dose adjustment to 5 mg
twice daily for immediate-release memantine
and 14 mg daily for memantine extended
Pharmacokinetics and Characteristics release is recommended. Memantine can be
taken with or without food, does not produce
Memantine is available in immediate-release significant changes in heart rate or blood
twice daily (expected to be available generi- pressure, and does not have significant inter-
cally in the United States by mid-2014) and actions with other medications, including the
extended-release once daily (recently avail- ChEIs. Due to its mechanism of action, how-
able in the United States) preparations. The ever, coadministration with other medica-
pharmacokinetic profiles and characteris- tions that have antiglutamatergic effects (e.g.,
tics of these formulations are reviewed in amantadine, dextromethorphan) should be
Table 16.12 Memantine is mostly renally approached with caution.

TABLE16.12 Pharmacokinetic Characteristics and Effects of the Anti-Alzheimers Disease

Dementia Voltage-Dependent, Low-Affinity, Open-Channel NMDA Blockers
Drug Half-life Bioavail Tmax Hepatic Renal Absorption Effects Other Notes
(h) ability (%) (h) Metabolism Excretion Affected by on Other
Food Receptors

Memantine 6080 95100 912 Little Yes** No HT3 10 mg twice

(<10%)* antagonist daily max
dose (20
mg total
daily max)#
Memantine 6080 95100 1825+ Little Yes** Yes+ HT3 28 mg once
extended (<10%)* antagonist daily max
release dose#

*Memantine does not significantly inhibit the CYP450 hepatic enzyme system
**Renal excretion is the main factor for memantine eliminationmaximum dosages are halved in individuals with
Memantine extended release absorption is slower after food than on an empty stomach; peak plasma concentrations are
achieved 18 hours on an empty stomach and 25 hours after food.
Memantine extended release affects a slower release compared to memantine and a potentially higher target dose (com-
pared with twice-daily 10-mg dosing of immediate-release memantine it achieved a 48% higher steady-state maximum
plasma concentration (Cmax) and 33% higher area under the plasma concentration time curve from time 0 to 24 hours
Tmax=time to maximum plasma concentration.
402part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Efficacy and Effectiveness et al., 2009; Gillette-Guyonnet et al., 2011;

Lopez et al., 2009; Rountree et al.; Vellas
Memantine is FDA-approved for the treat- etal., 2012).
ment of moderate to severe AD dementia,
as monotherapy or in combination with
Add-on Combination Therapy With Acetyl
a ChEI (often added on to existing ChEI
Cholinesterase Inhibitors and Memantine
treatment). In moderate and severe stage
AD dementia, the short-term efficacy of
Several types and grades of clinical
memantine monotherapy over treatment
data, including those from short-term
with placebo has been demonstrated in
(612 months) RCTs (Level I evidence), lon-
several RCTs of 1250 weeks duration and
ger term (1236 months) open-label exten-
supported by meta-analyses; these treat-
sions to RCTs (Level II/III evidence), and
ment benefits include improvement, stabi-
from long-term (2 to 5-plus years) observa-
lization or reduced decline in the domains
tional prospective clinical cohort effective-
of cognition, function (ADLs), and global
ness studies (Level II evidence) support the
status, and by amelioration of BPSD and
safety and benefits of anti-AD treatments in
caregiver burden (Atri et al., 2008; Bullock,
combinationmost frequently as memantine
2006; Doody, Wirth, Schmitt, & Mobius,
added on to a stable regimen of background
2004; Grossberg et al., 2009; Howard
ChEI treatment (Atri etal., 2008; Chou etal.,
et al., 2012; Livingston & Katona, 2004;
2009; Gillette-Guyonnet et al., 2011; Lopez
McShane, Areosa Sastre, & Minakaran, 2006;
etal., 2009; Rountree etal., 2009; Vellas etal.,
Puangthong & Hsiung, 2009; Reisberg et al.,
2012). Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
2003; Schmitt, van Dyck, Wichems, & Olin,
also provide Level II grade evidence for the
2006; van Dyck, Tariot, Meyers, & Malca
benefits of ChEI-memantine add-on combi-
Resnick, 2007; Weycker et al., 2007; Wilcock,
nation treatment in AD dementia (Atri etal.,
Ballard, Cooper, & Loft, 2008; Wilkinson &
2011; Molinuevo, Gauthier, & Molinuevo,
Andersen, 2007; Wimo, Winblad, Stoffler,
2013; Raina etal., 2008; Rountree etal., 2013;
Wirth, & Mobius, 2003; Winblad, Jones,
Patel& Grossberg, 2011).
Wirth, Stoffler, & Mobius, 2007; Winblad &
Poritis, 1999). Short-term (6 months or less)
memantine treatment effect sizes are small Mechanism of Action, Preclinical Data,
to medium in size and clinically signifi- andRationale for Combination Therapy
cant at the moderate to severe stages of AD
(Livingston & Katona, 2004; Wilkinson et al., Cholinergic and glutamatergic brain path-
2009; Winblad et al., 2007). However, effect ways are highly structurally and functionally
sizes associated with memantine treatment linked (Francis, 2005). Glutamatergic corti-
may be smaller and not readily detectable cal and hippocampal neurons receive wide-
in mild AD, particularly over short dura- spread cholinergic inputs, and this, along
tions of treatment (Atri et al., 2008; Bakchine with cholinergic suppression of excitatory
& Loft, 2008; McShane et al., 2006; Peskind feedback, allows ACh to set up the neural
et al., 2006; Porsteinsson et al., 2008; Raina dynamics to enhance encoding of new infor-
et al., 2008). Yet the practice of off-label pre- mation and to diminish proactive interfer-
scription of memantine, most often in com- ence from previously learned information
bination with a ChEI, in patients with mild (Atri et al., 2004; Francis, 2005; Hasselmo,
AD is common, particularly in patients who 2006). Conversely, glutamatergic inputs to
are younger or may have faster progression, cholinergic projection neurons can facilitate
and has been criticized as unsupported by increased firing and ACh release, while ACh
some (Schneider, Dagerman, Higgins, & serves as a key modulator in glutamatergic,
McShane, 2011; Schneider, Insel, & Weiner, hippocampal, and cortical memory networks
2011). Nonetheless, longer term prospective (Parsons etal., 2013).
observational clinical patient cohort stud- Parsons and colleagues have proposed the
ies have reported reduced clinical decline three-neuron model to explain the higher
in patients with AD who are treated at any efficacy of combination treatment com-
stage of the illness (Atri et al., 2008; Chou pared to monotherapy with either ChEI or
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 403

memantine alone (Parsons et al., 2013) (see use of ChEI and memantine combination
Fig. 16.4). According to this model, since therapy is supported by a sound scientific
memantine and the ChEIs intervene at sepa- basis and rationale.
rate points of the disrupted signaling cas-
cades in AD, memantine, acting at the NMDA
receptor, and ChEIs, by delaying breakdown Efficacy in Short-Term Randomized,
of ACh at cholinergic synapses, together Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials
act to better facilitate LTP and successful
memory processing. As seen in Figure 16.4, Three 24-week, randomized, double-blind,
memantine is posited to lower the pathologi- placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) have inves-
cally increased tonic level of excitation of the tigated the efficacy and safety of meman-
glutamatergic synapse at rest (neuron 2see tine 2028 mg/day in combination with a
Fig. 16. 4). A dual impact is hypothesized ChEI (see Table 16.13) (Tariot et al., 2004;
from this: (1) reduction of the background Porsteinsson etal., 2008). Two of these trials
noise, so that incoming physiological signals were conducted with patients in the moder-
can be better distinguished; and (2)reduction ate to severe range of AD severity and were
of the constant pathological influx of Ca2+, successful in demonstrating efficacy on mul-
thereby reducing the likelihood of the neuron tiple prespecified outcome measures at study
from being stimulated in a way that would endpoint (Tariot et al., 2004). Another study
cause dysfunction, synaptotoxicity, and, ulti- conducted in patients in the mild to moder-
mately, cell death (neuron 2). In this model, ate AD severity range failed to demonstrate
combination treatment reduces the overall statistically significant results on prespecified
tonic activation of NMDA receptors, which outcomes and is considered an underpow-
delays neurodegeneration of cholinergic ered and indeterminate study by some (Atri
neurons bearing NMDA receptors and thus etal., 2013; Porsteinsson etal., 2008). All three
facilitates synaptic NMDA receptor activa- studies demonstrated overall good tolerabil-
tion. Supplementing this effect, the ChEIs are ity and safety for combination treatment com-
posited to amplify (i.e., bring toward normal) pared to chronic baseline ChEI monotherapy.
the AD pathologically weakened signal from The first RCT of anti-AD combination
cholinergic neurons by delaying ACh break- treatment assessed the efficacy of admin-
down at cholinergic nerve endings such that istration of memantine (10 mg twice daily)
neurotransmission (to neuron 3)is preserved versus placebo to patients with moderate
by the improved signal detected against to severe AD (MMSE 514; n = 404) receiv-
the lowered background noise (Fig. 16.4). ing stable donepezil therapy (Tariot et al.,
Together, these effects are posited to help 2004). Relative to placebo, memantine pro-
maintain glutamatergic/cholinergic signal- duced significant benefits in all primary and
ing cascades and to consequently facilitate secondary outcome measures and all four
LTP and memory processing (Parsons etal., key symptom domains of ADcognition,
2013). function, behavior, and global status (Tariot
Not only do ChEIs and memantine work et al., 2004). Notably, the average score on
via different mechanisms, thus providing the primary outcome measure of cognition,
a dual pharmacologic strategy, but in vitro the Severe Impairment Battery (SIB), was 0.9
and animal data suggest that the combina- points better at the 24-week study endpoint
tion of a ChEI and memantine may, under than at baseline with ChEI-memantine treat-
certain conditions, act potentially synergis- ment. In contrast, with donepezil-placebo
tically to increase release of hippocampal treatment SIB scores worsened by 2.5 points
ACh (Ihalainen et al., 2011). In preclinical in the same interval. Combination treatment
animal models, both ChEIs and memantine effect sizes on cognition (SIB) and global
have been observed to improve memory per- severity (CIBIC-plus) were 0.4 and 0.24,
formance (Wise & Lichtman, 2007; Yamada respectively. Several post-hoc analyses of
et al., 2005). As they work via potentially this data have identified specific significant
complementary mechanisms and data sup- benefits of memantine add-on treatment
port benefits of these drugs in improving relative to chronic donepezil monotherapy;
memory performance in animal models, the these include the following (1) decreases in
Neuron 1
Neuron 2 Neuron 3



Alzheimers Disease
Neuron 1
Neuron 2 Neuron 3



Alzheimers Disease - Memantine

Neuron 1
Neuron 2 Neuron 3



Alzheimers Disease - AChEI


Neuron 1
Neuron 2 Neuron 3



Alzheimers Disease - Memantine and AChEI

Neuron 1
Neuron 2 Neuron 3


Glutamate AMPA Na+ Oligomers Ach Choline Acetylcholinesterase
Glutamate 2+
Uptake NMDA Ca Mg2+ Acetate Ach Receptor
Memantine Cholinesterase Inhibitor

Figure16.4 Mechanism of action for ChEIs, memantine, and combination treatment with both
in Alzheimers disease (AD) (from the Parsons etal. three-neuron model for the action of
memantine and the AChEIs in AD; Parsons etal., 2013).
TABLE16.13 Level Iand Level II Evidence Grade Controlled Clinical Efficacy and Effectiveness Studies of and Memantine Add-on Combination Therapy
Study Design No. of Duration AD Stage Study Goal Primary End Points Results Evidence
Patients or Mean Level

Tariot etal. RCTefficacy 404 24 weeks Moderate Safety and efficacy of Cognition:SIB Significantly Better outcome ClassI
(2004) trial severe adding 10 mg twice Function:ADCS-ADL19 with addition of memantine
daily memantine Safety& tolerability:TEAE vs. placebo in all primary
immed iate-release endpoints; good safety
to stable background profile and well tolerated
donepezil treatment
Porsteinsson RCTefficacy 433 24 weeks Mild Safety& efficacy of Cognition:ADAS-cog No statistical treatment ClassII
etal. (2008) trial moderate adding 20 mg once Global Change:CIBIC-Plus differences on primary
daily memantine Safety& tolerability:TEAE endpoints; underpowered
immediate-release to study*; good safety profile
stable background ChEI and well tolerated
treatment (donepezil,
rivastigmine, or
Grossberg RCTefficacy 677 24 weeks Moderate Safety and efficacy of Cognition:SIB Significantly Better outcome ClassI
etal. (2013) trial severe adding 28 mg once Function:ADCS-ADL19 with addition of memantine
daily memantine Behavior:NPI vs. placebo in all primary
extended-release to Global Change:CIBIC-Plus endpoints (SIB and
stable background ChEI Fluency:VFT CIBIC-Plus), and secondary
treatment (donepezil, Safety and endpoints of NPI and VFT,
rivastigmine, or tolerability:TEAE but not ADLs. Good safety
galantamine) profile and well tolerated
Howard etal. RCT 295 52 weeks Moderate Comparative effectiveness Cognition:SMMSE Significantly better outcomes ClassII (due
(2012) effectiveness severe of discontinuing Function:BALDS on SMMSE, BALDS, to >72%
trial background donepezil Behavior:NPI and NPI at 52 week attrition and
and adding placebo QOL:DEMQOL-proxy endpoint for all treatment inadequate
or memantine, or Caregiver health:GHQ-12 groups compared to power
continuing donepezil discontinuation of
and adding placebo or donepezil and starting
memantine placebo; overall, treatment
groups undifferentiated at

Study Design No. of Duration AD Stage Study Goal Primary End Points Results Evidence
Patients or Mean Level

Atri etal. CLOC 382 Mean Mild, Long-term clinical Cognition:BDS Significantly slower trajectory ClassII
(2008) effectiveness 2.5years moderate, effectiveness of Function:ADL of cognitive and functional
cohort study and severe combination therapy decline for CT; slower
(CT) vs. ChEI alone vs. decline in cognition for
standard care without ChEI than standard care;
ChEI or memantine effect sizes increase with
time on CT
Lopez etal. CLOC 943 Mean Mild, Effects of combination Time to nursing home Longer time to nursing ClassII
(2009) effectiveness 5.2years moderate, therapy vs. ChEI alone admission or death home admission for CT
cohort study and severe vs. standard care without over ChEIs alone, and for
ChEI or memantine on ChEIs vs. standard care. No
time to death or nursing differences in time to death.
home admission
Rountree etal. CLOC 641 Mean Mild, Clinical effectiveness of Cognition:ADAS-cog, Treatment persistence ClassII
(2009) effectiveness 3.0years moderate, persistence of anti-AD MMSE, BPMSE associated with significant
cohort study and severe therapies with ChEI, Function:PSMS& IADL benefits in outcomes (slower
memantine, and CT Severity:CDR-sb decline) in all domains;
treatment benefits are
Gillette- CLOC 686 Mean Mild, Delineation and Cognition:ADAS-cog, Significantly lower rates of ClassII
Guyonnet effectiveness 2.6years moderate, comparison of rates of MMSE, Function:ADL deterioration on MMSE and
etal. (2012) cohort study and severe deterioration on clinical Behavior:NPI ADAS-cog in treated
measures between ChEI Severity:CDR-sb AD patients compared to
and/or memantine untreated patients in the
treated and untreated Pre-ChEI era. No Pre-ChEI
(historical) cohorts vs. post-ChEI/memantine
era comparative data for

*Numerically favorable results observed for CT at an effect size (0.12) that was lower than the effect size estimate (0.325) the study was powered for to detect a statistically significant difference.

ADAS-cog, AD Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale; ADCS-ADL19, modified 19-item AD Cooperative StudyActivities of Daily Living Inventory; ADL, Weintraub Activities of Daily Living Scale;
BALDS, Bristol Activities of Daily Living scale; BDS, Blessed Dementia Scale; BPMSE, Baylor Profound Mental Status Examination; ChEI, cholinesterase inhibitor; CIBIC-Plus, Interview-Based Impression
of Change Plus Caregiver Input; CLOC, controlled long-term observational prospective clinical cohort; CT, combination therapy (ChEI plus memantine); DEMQOL-proxy, Health-related Quality of Life;
GHQ-12, General Health Questionnaire 12-item; IADL, instrumental activities of daily living; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; NPI, Neuropsychiatric Inventory; PSMS, Physical Self-Maintenance
Scale; RCT, randomized clinical trial; SIB, Severe Impairment Battery; SMMSE, standardized MMSECDR-sb, Clinical Dementia Rating-Sum of Boxes; TEAE, Treatment Emergent Adverse Event reporting;
VFT, semantic verbal fluency test.
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 407

frequency, severity, and duration of existing Porsteinsson et al. study in mild to moder-
neuropsychiatric and behavioral symptoms, ate subjects was underpowered to be able
in addition to a reduction in the emergence to detect a potentially statistically signifi-
of these symptoms; (2)lowering of caregiver cant benefit of combination therapy in this
distress and burden; (3) improved daily population, and that, along with increased
functioning in ADLs that require greater severity range-, ChEI type- and dose-related
connectedness/autonomy and higher level heterogeneities, may have contributed to the
functions; and (4) better cognitive perfor- observed null results. This hypothesis was
mance related to memory, language, and tested in a recent post-hoc meta-analysis
praxis (Cummings etal., 2006; Feldman etal., that included this data. This study reported
2006; Schmitt etal., 2006). significant results with effect size estimates
The second 24-week RCT assessed the in the 0.210.36 range for multiple domains
efficacy of administration of memantine (20 (cognition, function, global status) in favor
mg once daily) versus placebo to patients of stable donepezil-memantine add-on com-
with mild to moderate AD (MMSE 1022; bination therapy in patients in the moderate
n=433) taking a stable dose of any approved range of severity (MMSE 10-19) (Atri et al.,
ChEI therapy (donepezil, rivastigmine, 2013). Long-term effectiveness studies in
galantamine) (Porsteinsson et al., 2008) and clinical cohorts of patients with AD demen-
failed to meet a priori outcome endpoints tia support beneficial combination treatment
in cognition and daily functioning. There effects for at least 2 years; these benefits
were no significant differences observed in were not limited to patients with moderate
tolerability and safety between the meman- or severe stage dementia but were statisti-
tine and placebo groups. There were also cally observed in the later years of treatment
no clinically significant differences between (Atri, Shaughnessy, Locascio, & Growdon,
treatment groups in laboratory tests, vital 2008). For example, Atri etal. observed that
signs measurements, or electrocardiogram in mild AD, cognitive and functional effects
parameters. A greater proportion of partici- of combination therapy over ChEI monother-
pants in the memantine group (9.7%) than apy have small effect sizes (0.100.21 range)
in the placebo group (5.0%) demonstrated a within the first year of treatment (Atri etal.,
significant weight increase (at least 7% over 2008)but manifest larger benefits (effect sizes
the baseline value), which may be a clinically in the 0.340.73 range) as treatment continues
important beneficial side effect in this often over 4years.
frail elderly populationa population that is Unless similar studies in mild AD are pow-
highly susceptible to anorexia and weight ered accordingly (and/or are appropriately
loss due to potential side effects from ChEIs extended to multiple years), they may not be
and from low caloric intake due to forgetful- able to adequately address whether an actual
ness, depression, and apathy. treatment benefit has been missed due to
Other than dementia stage (as gauged by inadequate design (an indeterminate study)
MMSE inclusion criteria:314 versus 1022), or that it simply does not exist. Statistically
the major inclusion and design differences failing to observe an effect (i.e., to reject the
between these first two RCTs were that the null hypothesis) is not the same as confirm-
Porsteinsson etal. (2008) study (MMSE 10-22) ing that a significant effect does not exist (i.e.,
allowed use of any ChEI (not just donepezil) to confirm the null hypothesis of equiva-
and had a once daily dosing regimen using lence)absence of evidence is not evidence
immediate-release memantine (as opposed to of absence. This is an important caveat for
a twice daily dosing in the Tariot etal., 2004, the interpretation of studies with design or
study). The observed effect size of 0.118 on execution limitations that produce potential
the ADAS-cog cognitive outcome, which was bias (e.g., disproportional and nonrandom
numerically in a favor of ChEI-memantine missing data between comparison groups),
add-on combination treatment but was not unplanned variability, and results that fail
statistically significant (p=0.18), was a much to meet a priori criteria to detect a difference
lower value than was used a priori (effect size in outcomes at the desired significance level.
of 0.325) to power the study for an adequate Also, results from studies that fail to reject
sample size to be able to reliably detect a pos- the null hypothesis cannot be interpreted
sible treatment effect. This suggests that the as having demonstrated equivalence of
408part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

treatments. To show this, an appropriate Howard et al., 2012; Lopez et al., 2009) (for
equivalence analysis must be designed that reviews see Atri etal., 2012; Rountree etal.,
specifies the parameters for treatments being 2012).
deemed equivalent (e.g., less than a +/ 0.5 The DOMINO-AD 52-week RTC in
point difference in drug-placebo perfor- patients with moderate to severe AD (MMSE
mance on the MMSE at 24 weeks). 513) in the United Kingdom treated in
The third and final short-term RCT was a the community was a recently reported
recently published study by Grossberg etal. effectiveness study (Howard et al., 2012).
(2013) that also demonstrated multidomain Despite its significant methodological limi-
superiority of ChEI-memantine add-on tations, which included high and imbal-
combination treatment compared to chronic anced attrition (72% overall; attrition was
ChEI-placebo add-on treatment in 661 sub- significantly less in patients on 2 vs. 1 vs.
jects with AD in the moderate to severe no anti-AD medications) and inadequate
range (MMSE 3-14; Grossberg et al., 2013). power and analysis to demonstrate poten-
This study was novel in that it utilized a tial equivalence of treatments at 52 weeks,
once-daily memantine extended-release it nonetheless provided further evidence to
preparation at a higher dose of 28 mg daily. support that, compared to discontinuation
It also allowed baseline ChEI treatment of donepezil, the continuation of donepezil,
with any oral ChEI preparation (donepe- and the starting of memantine treatment
zil, rivastigmine, galantamine). Significant despite discontinuation of donepezil, pro-
combination treatment benefits were vided significant benefits on cognition,
observed at the 24-week study endpoint on function, and behavior (Atri et al., 2013;
primary and secondary outcome measures Howard etal., 2012; Shaw, 2012). The addi-
in the domains of cognition, global status, tion of memantine to donepezil to achieve
neuropsychiatric symptoms and behaviors, combination therapy was again well toler-
and verbal fluency (p <.01 for all). Activities ated (significantly fewer patients withdrew
of daily living showed statistical trends in who were on combination treatment) and
favor of combination treatment at weeks 18 no less effective, while discontinuation of
(p = .068) and 24 (p = .155). The combina- donepezil was clearly detrimental to cogni-
tion treatment again showed an expected tion and function (Atri etal., 2013; Howard
and good profile of overall tolerability and etal., 2012; Shaw, 2012).
safety. Long-term observational clinical cohort
studies performed in naturalistic settings
with prospectively collected data show simi-
Longer Term Randomized Controlled lar patterns to RCTs. They provide supportive
Trials,Open-Label Extensions, and Level II grade and more generalizable evi-
Naturalistic Observational Clinical dence to patients treated in clinical practice
CohortStudies that combination treatment is more effective
than monotherapy, and that monotherapy
The preponderance of evidence from longer is better than no antidementia medication
term clinical studies also supports that the treatment (Atri etal., 2008, 2012; Gauthier&
benefits of anti-AD medications, particularly Molinuevo, 2013; Lopez etal., 2009; Rountree
in combination, are sustained for 1 or more et al., 2009). In patient cohorts, long-term
years when treatment is continued (see Table ChEI-memantine combination therapy sig-
16.13). Multiple, open-label extension studies nificantly reduced cognitive and functional
of short-term RCTs have reported sustained decline (see Fig. 16.5), and delayed time to
benefits for persistent treatment with ChEIs nursing home admission, compared to ChEI
(35 years) (Doody et al., 2001; Lyketsos, monotherapy and to standard care with-
Reichman, Kershaw, & Zhu, 2004; Raskind out a ChEI or memantine (Atri et al., 2008;
et al., 2004; Rogers, Doody, Pratt, & Ieni, Gillette-Guyonnet et al., 2011; Lopez et al.,
2000) and memantine (52 weeks) (Reisberg 2009; Rountree etal., 2009). Furthermore, the
et al., 2006). Longer RCTs and long-term benefits of combination therapy accumulate
observational clinical cohort studies also with time on treatment and are sustained for
support effectiveness of ChEI, memantine, years (Atri etal., 2008; Rountree etal., 2009).
and combination therapy (Atri et al., 2008; Benefits of anti-AD medications significantly
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 409

(a) 5
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

Predicted mean BDS score (errors)

versus no medication;
10 *** ## p<0.01, ###p<p<0.001 versus ChEI
*** monotherapy

ChEI+Memantine Combination Therapy
25 ChEI Monotherapy
No medication (standard care only)
0 1 2 3 4

(b) 20
*p<0.05, versus no medication;
30 * ***p<0.001 versus no medication;
###p<0.001 versus ChEI
Predicted mean level of

ADL dependence (%)

40 monotherapy

ChEI+Memantine Combination Therapy
70 ChEI Monotherapy
No medication (standard care only)
0 1 2 3 4
Figure16.5 Clinical effectiveness of ChEI-memantine add-on combination treatment to reduce
long-term progression of cognitive and functional decline in Alzheimers disease (AD) dementia.
(A) Estimated trajectory of cognitive decline over 4years for groups of patients with AD dementia
starting with 10 errors on the BDS (~MMSE 22)is lowest in the combination treatment group. (B)
Estimated trajectory of functional decline over 4years for groups of patients with AD starting with
25% dependence on the Weintraub ADL scale is lowest in the combination treatment group. Similar
graphs (not shown) demonstrate significant benefits of combination treatment to reduce clinical
progression in groups of patients with very mild and with severe AD dementia (Atri etal., 2008).

increased with treatment persistence in sev- followed annually for a mean duration of
eral symptom domains (cognition, func- 5.2 years, those patients taking combination
tion, global severity) and in all stages of AD therapy were three to seven times less likely
(Rountree et al., 2009). Gillette-Guyonnet to be placed in a nursing home than patients
et al. (2011) also reported slower decline of receiving ChEI monotherapy. The same study
cognition associated with anti-AD medica- found no association with anti-AD medica-
tion use in France. tion use and time to death; similar results
were reported by Rountree and colleagues,
who also concluded that anti-AD medica-
Delaying Major Clinical Milestones:Nursing tions do not prolong survival (Rountree
Home Placement and Death et al., 2012), and by Wallin and colleagues,
who reported early response to chronic ChEI
There is evidence that ChEI and memantine, treatment was associated with delayed insti-
especially in combination, delay clinically tutionalization but not with increased sur-
relevant endpoints, particularly nursing vival (Wallin et al., 2011). These data infer
home placement. Several studies support that anti-AD treatments with ChEIs and
delayed nursing home placement in patients memantine, alone or in combination, may
treated with ChEIs (Lopez etal., 2005, 2009; cause an expansion of the mid- to late-stages
Wallin etal., 2011), memantine (Wimo etal., of AD-related disability, thus to effectively
2003), and combination therapy (Lopez etal., delay end-stage disability and to produce a
2009). In two separate cohort analyses total- contraction of the end/terminal stages of AD
ing more than 932 patients with AD demen- without prolonging life in the profound and
tia (mean MMSE 18.8 at baseline study entry) end stages of AD.
410part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Reduction of Caregiving Time and Health combination treatment demonstrated signifi-

CareCosts cant benefits over ChEI monotherapy on the
SIB in two large 24-week RCTs (Grossberg
Data also support the pharmacoeconomic et al., 2013; Tariot et al., 2004). A post-hoc
and direct benefits of AD therapies on reduc- analysis reported particularly beneficial com-
ing costs and in beneficially affecting qual- bination treatment effects in the domains of
ity of life, particularly for patient caregivers. memory, language, and praxis (Schmitt etal.,
Caregivers of patients enrolled in a 24-week 2006). A recent meta-analysis of 24-week
RCT who received memantine (Reisberg RCTs that included 510 subjects reported
etal., 2003)spent an average of 52 hours fewer benefits on cognitive measures (ADAS-cog
per month on caregiving tasks than caregiv- and SIB) with effect sizes ranging from 0.28 to
ers of patients in the placebo group (p=.02) 0.36 in patients with MMSEs from 3 to 19 (Atri
(Wimo et al., 2003). A reduction of 52 hours etal., 2013). A12-week RCT with memantine
per month equates to saving caregivers, on mono- or ChEI combination-therapy reported
average, 1.7 hours per daya clinically and treatment benefits on functional communi-
financially meaningful outcome. Wimo etal. cation, as recognized by caregivers (Saxton
also reported a treatment advantage in terms etal., 2012). In the DOMINO-AD RCT, treat-
of patients remaining in residential status ment benefits of donepezil and memantine,
longer and delaying time to institutionaliza- alone or in combination, were also evident
tion (Wimo etal., 2003). Originally the United throughout 52 weeks on the MMSE (Howard
Kingdoms National Institute for Health and et al., 2012). Benefits on cognition have also
Care Excellence (NICE) recommended, on been reported from observational prospec-
the basis of perceived cost-effectiveness and tive clinical cohort effectiveness studies.
highly flawed data and interpretations from Patients on ChEI-memantine combination
the AD-2000 study (Courtney etal., 2004), to therapy, as compared to a ChEI alone, accu-
reserve donepezil treatment only for patients mulated significantly fewer errors on the
with moderate-stage dementia (MMSE10-20). Attention-Memory-Concentration subscale
However, more recent data demonstrated of the Blessed Dementia Scale (BDS) over
clear cost benefits in terms of reducing both several years (Atri etal., 2008)(see Fig.16.5a).
direct patient care costs and unpaid caregiver Lower rates of cognitive decline on the
time in the UK health care system (Getsios, MMSE, equating to about one point less
Blume, Ishak,& Maclaine, 2010), and the indi- decline per year, and the ADAS-cog, equating
cation for treatment was expanded to all stages to about 4.56.5 less errors per year, have also
of AD dementia. Donepezil prescribed in rou- been reported by Rountree and colleagues
tine clinical practice was demonstrated in a and Gillette-Guyonnet and colleagues to be
case-control study in patients with predomi- associated with anti-AD medication persis-
nantly mild to moderate AD to be associated tence and use (Gillette-Guyonnet etal., 2011;
with reduced health care costs to a Medicare Rountree etal., 2009).
managed care plan (Lu, Hill, & Fillit, 2005).
Similarly, when adding memantine to stable
doses of donepezil for patients with moderate Effects on Daily Function
to severe AD, cost reduction in terms of for-
mal and informal care outweighed the addi- In the 24-week Tariot et al. RCT (MMSE
tional cost of memantine itself (Weycker etal., 314), caregivers rated patients who received
2007). Reductions in cost benefits are not sur- combination therapy as being significantly
prising when considering that each month of more independent and higher functioning on
delay in nursing home placement can save up ADLs than those on donepezil alone (Tariot
to $2,029 in direct health care and supportive etal., 2004). The recent meta-analysis by Atri
care costs (Stefanacci, 2007). et al. showed a similar pattern in ADLs in
favor of combination treatment over ChEI
alone with a treatment effect size of 0.21 in
Effects on Domains of Cognition patients with both moderate AD and more
severe AD (MMSE ranges of 519) (Atri etal.,
Patients with MMSEs in the 3-15 range (mod- 2013). Long-term observational prospective
erate to severe AD dementia) who were on clinical cohort studies have also reported
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 411

similar results. Patients on ChEI-memantine add-on combination in the 52-week DOMINO-

combination therapy as compared to a ChEI AD RCT. Memantine add-on combination
alone also retained more independence on treatment was associated with a signifi-
ADLs over several years with effect sizes of cantly smaller worsening of NPI scores, and
0.23 at year one, 0.46 at year two, 0.62 at year with a benefit that was equivalent to 83% of
three, and 0.73 by year four of combination the 12-month deterioration (4.8 NPI points)
treatment (Atri et al., 2008) (see Fig. 16.5b). observed in the group of patients who dis-
Similarly, Rountree etal. also reported slower continued donepezil and received placebo
decline on daily function as measured by (Howard etal., 2012).
the Physical Self-Maintenance scale (PSMS),
and Independent Activities of Daily Living
scale (IADL) for patients with more persis-
tent treatment with anti-AD medications Safety and Tolerability of ChEI-Memantine
(Rountree etal., 2009). Add-on Combination Treatment

Several studies have reported on safety and

tolerability of combination therapy; overall,
Effects on Domains of Neuropsychiatric there is a good profile for both. Addition of
Symptoms and Behavior memantine to stable doses of ChEIs does not
correspond to significant overall increases in
The benefits of monotherapy with a ChEI or adverse events (AEs). The rates of discon-
memantine on ameliorating BPSD may be tinuation due to AEs for ChEIs and meman-
complementary (see Fig. 16.6). Compared to tine combination treatment are low, between
24-week treatment with placebo, donepezil 5% and 10%, and not generally significantly
monotherapy was associated with significant different from placebo (Choi et al., 2011;
behavioral benefits in the NPI subdomains of Grossberg et al., 2013; Porsteinsson et al.,
depression/dysphoria, anxiety and apathy 2008; Reisberg etal., 2003; Tariot etal., 2004).
(Feldman, Van Baelen, Kavanagh, & Torfs, Among ChEIs, the highest reports of AEs are
2005) (Fig. 16.6a), while memantine mono- due to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and
therapy was associated with benefits in the appear to be higher for patients taking oral
subdomains of delusions, agitation/aggres- rivastigmine; this is much less of an issue
sion, and irritability/lability (Gauthier, with the rivastigmine patch. The rates for
Loft, & Cummings, 2008) (Fig. 16.6b). The donepezil are approximately 5% for those
benefits of combination treatment on BPSD taking 10 mg daily and 12% for those taking
appear to be superior to monotherapy with 23 mg daily (Farlow etal., 2011). Meanwhile,
a ChEI donepezil (Cummings et al., 2006). memantine monotherapy is not associated
Cummings et al. analyzed data from the with a significant increase in AEs compared
Tariot etal.s 24-week RCT and observed that to treatment with placebo (Reisberg et al.,
memantine added on to chronic background 2003).
donepezil treatment was associated with sig- In Tariot etal., significantly fewer patients
nificantly reduced agitation, irritability, and on donepezil-memantine (10 mg twice daily
appetite/eating changes compared to add- memantine immediate release) combination
ing placebo to chronic background treatment treatment, compared to donepezil-placebo,
with donepezil (Cummings et al., 2006). In discontinued the study due to AEs (Tariot
patients receiving donepezil-memantine et al., 2004). Reports of transient and mild
combination treatment, caregivers also or moderate confusion were higher (7.9%
reported significantly less distress related to vs. 2.0%), but reported AEs for agitation
agitation and aggression, nighttime behavior, (9.4% vs. 11.9%), diarrhea (4.5% vs. 8.5%),
and eating changes, and there was greater and fecal incontinence (2.0% vs. 5.0%)
delay and reduction in the emergence of new were lower in the combination group. In
agitation and aggression, irritability, and Porsteinsson etal.s study, overall AE reports
nighttime behaviors compared to patients were no different between ChEI-memantine
on donepezil-placebo (Cummings et al., (20 mg once daily immedeiate-release) and
2006). Beneficial treatment effects on the NPI ChEI-placebo (Porsteinsson et al., 2008).
were also reported for donepezil-memantine In the recently published study with the
412part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Donepezil (n = 72)
LS mean change from baseline

1.5 Placebo (n = 73)

item score at Week 24 (LOCF)

p = 0.0116

1.0 p = 0.0380
p = 0.0348



1.0 ur
ns ns ion ia ty ria y n ity ur g
sio tio ss or xie ho ath ibi
tio bil vio vio tin
lu a e s ph An p Ap h la a a /ea
De cin gr /dy /eu sin ty/ eh eh ite
llu ag ion Di ili or
b b
Ha n/ ion t ab t me
io es
Ela Irr
it mo t-t
i Ap
it pr nt gh
Ag De r ra Ni
A be

Arithmetic mean change from baseline

0.1 ***
0.1 *** **

Memantine Placebo
s s n ia ty ria ce n ty ur ur ge
s ion t ion s sio h or
n xie pho r en i b itio abili vio vio han
elu ina re sp A eu f e h / l h a a
eh ite c
D llu
c gg n/
dy n/ dif sin bility be eb
/a tio /in Di or pe
Ha tio
io l a h y i t a o t t i m
ita e E p at Irr t m h t- Ap
pr A n g
Ag De er
ra Ni
Figure16.6 Complementary efficacy of anti- Alzheimers disease (AD) medications (ChEIs,
memantine) on amelioration of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) as
measured by NPI domains in AD dementia. (A) Donepezil, compared to placebo, treatment was
associated with significant behavioral benefits over 24 weeks in the NPI subdomains of depression/
dysphoria, anxiety, and apathy (Feldman etal., 2005); and (B) memantine, compared to placebo,
treatment was associated with significant behavioral benefits over 24 weeks in the NPI subdomains of
delusions, agitation/aggression, and irritability/lability (Gauthier etal., 2008).

higher dose of 28 mg once daily memantine to background donepezil 10 mg daily did not
extended release, AEs with a frequency of at result in an AE profile that was significantly
least 5.0% that were more prevalent in the different compared to donepezil and placebo
ChEI-memantine extended-release group (see Table 16.14); there were also approxi-
than the ChEI-placebo group were diarrhea mately half as many reports of agitation as
(5.0% vs. 3.9%) and headache (5.6 vs. 5.1%) an AE in donepezil-memantine combination
(Grossberg etal., 2013). In a meta-analysis of treatment compared to donepezil-placebo
520 subjects, adding memantine 20 mg daily (Atri etal., 2013).
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 413

TABLE16.14 Comparison of Adverse Events With an Incidence 5% Between Alzheimers

Disease Treatment Groups
Adverse Event Moderate and Severe Moderate ADMMSE 1019b
AD MMSE<20 (519)a

Memantine Added Placebo Added Memantine Added Placebo Added to

to Donepezil to Donepezil to Donepezil Donepezil (n=185)
(n=269) (n=251) (n=190)

Patients with AEs 206 (76.6) 186 (74.1) 144 (75.8) 136 (73.5)
Dizziness 20 (7.4) 19 (7.6) 17 (8.9) 16 (8.6)
Agitation 17 (6.3)* 29 (11.6) 9 (4.7)* 19 (10.3)
Confusional state 15 (5.6) 6 (2.4)
Diarrhea 14 (5.2) 21 (8.4) 12 (6.3) 14 (7.6)
Nasopharyngitis 14 (5.2) 6 (2.4)
Falls 11 (4.1) 15 (6.0) 10 (5.3) 11 (5.9)
Urinary tract infection 10 (5.3) 8 (4.3)
Depression 6 (3.2) 11 (5.9)

Note:Incidence of AEs over 24 weeks was similar between the patients treated with memantine added to donepezil
versus placebo added to donepezil (Atri etal., 2013).
Data are number (%).
Moderate to severe AD (MMSE 519 at baseline), receiving donepezil (10 mg/day).
Moderate AD (MMSE 1019 at baseline), receiving donepezil (10 mg/day).
*p <.05 versus placebo added to donepezil.
APT, all patients treated; AD, Alzheimers disease; AE, adverse event. denotes AEs with an incidence <5% in both
treatment groups in the respective severity subgroup.

Evidence-Based Medication Therapeutics by severe > moderate >> mild and very severe
Stage of Alzheimers Disease >> very mild and in MCI; the latter are from
subsets of patients in long-term observational
In the United States, the ChEIs donepezil cohorts. Some of this evidence is reviewed
and rivastigmine are FDA approved for use according to stage of disease severity.
in mild, moderate, and severe AD dementia, Overall, regardless of severity stage, higher
while memantine is FDA approved for use persistence, dose (approved dosages), and
in moderate and severe AD dementia. There duration of treatments are associated with
is, however, support in the literature, with better outcomes over slowing clinical decline.
differential grades/levels of evidence and
treatment effect sizes, for use of anti-AD med-
Mild Cognitive Impairment:Very Early/Mild
ications at different stages of AD. Overall, it
Alzheimers Disease
appears that the grade of evidence is higher
and the effect sizes are bigger for use of ChEI Randomized, placebo-controlled trials
monotherapy in mild and moderate AD of ChEI treatment in MCI have shown
dementia than in severe AD dementia; the mixed results; while some studies suggest
grade of evidence and effect sizes then drop treatment-related preserved cognitive func-
in very mild AD dementia and are lowest for tions (but no effects for other outcome mea-
MCI (i.e., mild and moderate > severe > very sures) (Salloway et al., 2004), other data
mild > very severe and MCI). For memantine support that ChEI treatment (donepezil)
monotherapy the overall gradient of evidence delays time to dementia diagnosis by up to
and effect sizes are as follows according to 23 years in those who carry one or more
AD dementia stage:moderate-to-severe and APOE 4 alleles (Petersen et al., 2005) or in
severe > moderate > very severe >>> mild; those who show symptoms of depression
none in MCI. Finally, for combination treat- (Lu et al., 2009). Petersen et al. found that
ment with memantine added on to baseline/ the observed relative reduction in the risk of
chronic ChEI, the overall gradient of evidence progression to Alzheimers disease of 58% at
and effect sizes are as follows according to one year and 36% at two years in the entire
AD dementia stage:moderate-to-severe and cohort is likely to be clinically significant.
414part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

However, systematic reviews of RCTs have add-on combination treatment with a ChEI.
yet to demonstrate clear efficacy for all MCI Level II grade evidence from clinical effec-
groups (Raschetti, Albanese, Vanacore, & tiveness studies in observational cohorts have
Maggini, 2007). supported that long-term clinical treatment
Heterogeneity of underlying pathology benefits are not limited to moderate and later
leading to MCI in different subjects in past stages of the disease but may be observed in
RCTs, including non-AD pathology, may con- early/mild stages of AD, increased with sus-
found results and obscure potential efficacy; tained use and time on treatment, and that
for this reason, more recent and future RCTs rates of cognitive and functional decline are
investigating MCI due to AD are starting to lower now in cohorts treated with antide-
employ AD biomarker inclusion criteria (e.g., mentia medications than in untreated con-
AD CSF profile, evidence of amyloid-PET trol or historical cohorts (Atri et al., 2008;
positivity) along with biomarkers of neuronal Gillette-Guyonnet et al., 2011; Lopez et al.,
injury (e.g., CSF tau profile, FDG-PET hypo- 2009; Rountree etal., 2009; Vellas etal., 2012;
metabolism pattern, structural MRI atro- Wallin etal., 2011; Wattmo etal., 2011).
phy pattern) to ensure a diagnosis of High For those RCTs that have specifically
Likelihood MCI due to AD according to the limited enrollment to those in the mild to
new NIA-AA criteria (Albert etal., 2011). moderate stages of AD, the ChEIs have dem-
While there are potential signals of ben- onstrated significant, if modest, benefits in
efit observed in RCT and clinical effective- terms of cognitive and global decline versus
ness studies with observational cohorts that placebo (Takeda etal., 2006; Whitehead etal.,
there may be long-term clinical treatment 2004). Even in those patients who decline
benefits even in early disease and with sus- substantially while on a ChEI, evidence sug-
tained use of antidementia medications (Atri gests that the magnitude of decline may be
et al., 2008; Petersen et al., 2005; Rountree significantly less for patients who are treated
et al., 2009), the strength of evidence does than those on placebo (Wilkinson etal., 2009).
not provide support for a clear recommen-
dation for or against the use of donepezil or Moderate Stage
other antidementia medications (memantine
and combination treatment) in persons with There is Level I and II support for monother-
MCI. The general good safety and tolerabil- apy with ChEI and memantine, and combi-
ity profile of these medications, along with nation treatment in the moderate stages of
signals of potential efficacy and effectiveness AD dementia (Atri etal., 2008; Feldman etal.,
and the generic availability of most of these 2001; Howard etal., 2012; McShane etal., 2006;
medications, could prompt a discussion Reisberg etal., 2003; Rountree etal., 2009; Tariot
between the clinician and the patient about et al., 2004). Atri, Molinuevo, and colleagues
this possibility. assessed, by meta-analysis of short-term effi-
cacy RCTs, the benefits of combination treat-
ment with memantine added to baseline
Mild Stage
donepezil and observed that treatment benefits
Level I grade evidence for the efficacy of with effect sizes in the range of 0.20.3 were
ChEI monotherapy in mild AD has been evident in moderate, as well as moderate to
established by multiple RCTs for benefits in severe, stage AD in the domains of cognition,
the domains of cognition, function, global daily function, and global status (Atri et al.,
status, and behavior. The ChEI treatment 2013).
effect sizes for cognition in short-term RCTs
appear to be small (Cohens d:0.20.3 range)
Moderate to Severe, and Severe Stages
but larger than treatment effects on functional
measures. There is no Level Igrade evidence Level Igrade evidence from short-term RCTs
to support short-term efficacy of memantine supports anti-AD medication treatment, in
monotherapy or combination treatment in monotherapy or combination therapy, in the
mild AD (Schneider etal., 2011). moderate to severe and severe stages of AD
Level II grade evidence exists for short- and (Feldman et al., 2001; McShane et al., 2006;
long-term effectiveness of ChEI monotherapy, Reisberg et al., 2003; Tariot et al., 2004; van
memantine monotherapy, and memantine Dyck et al., 2007; van de Glind et al., 2013).
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 415

Tariot and colleagues 24-week RCT (Tariot may be equivalent to expanding the span of
etal., 2004)demonstrated that the combina- the early and mid-stages of the illness up to
tion of memantine added to long-term sta- 56% or more (Rountree etal., 2009).
ble donepezil therapy has beneficial effects
on cognition, ADLs, and global function
at these stages of AD. Grossberg and col- Best Practices and Recommendations
leagues recently reported treatment benefits
of memantine add-on combination treat- The evidence supporting use of ChEIs and
ment with any baseline ChEI in multiple memantine reviewed supports, with Level
domains (Grossberg et al., 2013). Level II I evidence, initiating a ChEI in the mild
grade evidence from multiple studies sup- stages of AD and adding memantine at the
ports the long-term benefits of antidementia moderate stage. For those not diagnosed
medication treatments in multiple domains until the moderate to severe stages, either
(Atri et al., 2008; Gillette-Guyonnet et al., a ChEI or memantine can be initiated. Data
2011; Howard etal., 2012; Lopez etal., 2009; further support the added benefits of achiev-
Rountree etal., 2009; Vellas etal., 2012; Wallin ing ChEI-memantine add-on combination
etal., 2011; Wattmo etal., 2011). therapy in moderate and later stages of AD
dementia. Level II evidence or equivocal
Level Idata suggest that treatment with ChEI
Very Severe (Nursing Home) Stage
may also be significantly beneficial in very
Treatment benefits of ChEI therapy, even mild stage AD or for particular subgroups
when initiated in individuals in nursing of patients with MCI due to AD (i.e., carriers
homes with very severe stage dementia, have of APOE-e4 allele; Petersen etal., 2005; those
been demonstrated in RCTs to be of ben- with depression or depressive symptoms; Lu
efit in the domains of cognition, function/ et al., 2005). Such off-FDA label pharmaco-
ADLs (Winblad etal., 2006), and global func- therapy is not sufficiently supported by Level
tion (Black etal., 2007). Similarly, an RCT by Ievidence to warrant an unequivocal recom-
Winblad and colleagues (Winblad & Poritis, mendation for blanket use in all patients.
1999) reported that initiation of memantine However, available benefit, risk (tolerability
in late-stage nursing home patients with and safety) and cost data, individual clinical
dementia (AD dementia, vascular dementia, circumstances, and patientcaregiver dyad
or mixed dementia from both) was associated preferences warrant prompting a discussion
with significant functional improvement and between clinicians, patients, and caregivers
reduction of care dependence. about this possibility.
In practice, patients are treated differently
depending on their geographic location and
Persistence, Dose, and Duration of Treatment Are
what kind of clinician evaluates them (Iliffe,
Associated With Better Outcomes
2007; Vellas etal., 2012). While treatment rates
There is evidence that persistence in antide- with one or more antidementia medications are
mentia therapyeither ChEI monotherapy on the rise in the United States and elsewhere
or combotherapyresults in better cognitive, (Gillette-Guyonnet et al., 2011; Vellas et al.,
functional, and disease severity outcomes, 2012), regrettably, a significant percentage of
even in those with advanced dementia (Atri patients remain untreated with medications at
etal., 2008; Rountree etal., 2009). Higher doses any given stage of AD dementia, and too many
of ChEI (up to the recommended maximums), patients who are prescribed stop medications
have been shown to correlate with better within 12 years (Alzheimers-Association,
long-term cognitive, functional, and global 2013; Sun, Lai, Lu,& Chen, 2008). In the United
outcomes over 3 years of follow-up (Wallin States, patients are more likely to receive a
etal., 2011; Wattmo etal., 2011). Rountree and ChEI and/or memantine when seen in a spe-
colleagues calculated that high persistence in cialized dementia clinic than if seen in a mental
adherence to antidementia medication regi- health setting (Rattinger, Mullins, Zuckerman,
mens is of 1 point/year benefit in reducing Onukwugha, & Delisle, 2010). Among US
decline in MMSE score, and their data sug- neurologists, most routinely prescribe ChEIs
gest that incremental benefits associated with for mild to moderate AD and add memantine
greater cumulative antidementia treatment later, but some, at least at times, also prescribe
416part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

ChEIs in MCI and, less often, memantine for placebo-controlled trial performed in a
individuals with MCI or mild AD (Roberts, U.S.veterans with mild to moderate AD who
Karlawish, Uhlmann, Petersen, & Green, were already taking a cholinesterase-inhibitor
2010). Among academic Alzheimers disease further supported the benefits of high-dose
research centers, for those patients followed vitamin E (-tocopherol 1,000 international
from early disease stages for 6years, the domi- units twice daily) treatment on slowing func-
nant practice pattern was to initiate ChEIs in tional decline (Dysken et al., 2014). In this
the mild to moderate stages and memantine multiyear study, decline in activities of daily
in the moderate to severe stage (Schneider living was 19% per year slower in the group
et al., 2011). A similar pattern was observed of subjects who received vitamin E in addition
in France: Over 90% of patients were treated to their background cholinesterase-inhibitor
with anti-AD medications, with a ChEI usu- treatment, than in the group of subjects who
ally started first and then memantine added in received placebo in addition to their back-
the moderate stages (Gillette-Guyonnet etal., ground cholinesterase-inhibitor. Furthermore,
2011). all-cause mortality and safety analyses did not
suggest increased risks, compared to placebo,
of vitamin E supplementation (Dysken et al.,
Vitamins, Medical Foods, and Supplements 2014).

Supplements, including vitamin E, fish oil, Medical Foods

and vitamin C, may benefit some patients
with AD, although controversy surrounds Souvenaid, a prescription nutritional
their efficacy and potential risks. supplement (also known as medical food),
containing Fortasyn Connect includes pre-
cursors (uridine monophosphate; choline;
Vitamin E
phospholipids; eicosopentaenoic acid; doco-
Unless contraindicated due to bleeding dia- sahexaenoic acid) and cofactors (vitamins E,
theses, coronary artery disease, or another C, B12, and B6; folic acid; selenium), which
comorbidity, vitamin E (-tocopherol 1,000 are posited to support synapse synthesis
international units twice daily) may be con- and the formation of neuronal membranes
sidered. In a randomized, double-blind, in individuals with AD. Short-term (12- to
placebo-controlled study of moderately severe 24-week) efficacy data have been conflicting
AD (n=341), patients received selegiline, vita- and generally do not support significant ben-
min E, both, or placebo and were followed for efits of Souvenaid in patients with AD who
2 years (Sano et al., 1997). The primary out- are being treated with anti-AD medications.
comes were time to severe dementia, loss of Potential signals of very modest benefit were
ability to perform ADLs, institutionalization, reported in two short-term 12- to 24-week
or death. All active treatment groups had sig- studies in drug-nave patients with mild
nificant delays in the time to primary outcome AD dementia (Ns = 225259 subjects; mean
compared with placebo. Ameta-analysis sug- MMSE 24-25) (Scheltens etal., 2010; Scheltens
gested that low-dose vitamin E supplementa- etal., 2012). However, a very recently reported
tion (up to 150 IU daily) is associated with less 24-week study of Souvenaid added onto
all-cause mortality but that high-dose vitamin baseline anti-AD medications did not show
E may be associated with a very small increase any benefit of slowing cognitive decline in
in relative risk (RR) of mortality (approximately individuals treated for mild-to-moderate AD
1.05). However, the subgroup of patients with (Shah et al., 2013). In 527 individuals with
AD included in this study was observed to mild to moderate AD (mean MMSE score 19.5;
have a lower relative risk of mortality associ- SD=3.1, range 1424), taking anti-AD medi-
ated with high-dose vitamin E supplementa- cations who were randomized 1:1 to daily, 125
tion. Alarge longitudinal observational clinical mL (125 kcal) oral intake of the active prod-
cohort study also supports that high-dose uct (Souvenaid) or an iso-caloric control,
vitamin E supplementation is not associ- at the 24-week study endpoint, there were
ated with death in patients with AD (Pavlik, no significant differences between treatment
Doody, Rountree, & Darby, 2009). Finally, a groups on the primary outcome of cognition
recently published randomized, double-blind, as assessed by the 11-item ADAS-cog subscale
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 417

(Shah etal., 2013). In this study, Souvenaid uncontrolled seizures, active peptic ulcer
was, however, well tolerated in combination disease and gastrointestinal bleeding, and
with standard care anti-AD medications. unexplained syncope, ChEI therapy should
be initiated and slowly titrated over months
Other Vitamins and Supplements to a maximal clinical or tolerated dose fol-
lowing diagnosis of AD dementia (see Table
Unfortunately, large RCTs have, thus far, 16.15). For patients with moderate to severe
failed to support any significant benefit from AD, memantine can be initiated once patients
ginkgo biloba, high-dose vitamin B12/folic have received stable ChEI therapy for several
acid combinations, omega-3 fatty acid/fish months without adverse effects (Table16.15).
oil components/preparations, nonsteroidal Memantine monotherapy can be initiated
anti-inflammatory drugs, and statin medi- on-label in the United States if the patient
cations at the dementia stage of AD (Ballard has moderate or later stage AD; conversely,
etal., 2011; Tayeb etal., 2012). While epidemi- a ChEI can be added after several months of
ological and Level III/IV grade evidence has stable memantine therapy. The latter may be
suggested potential benefits associated with a particularly useful strategy in patients who
individuals who take these supplements, all are very sensitive to or experience gastroin-
efficacy RCTs in individuals with AD demen- testinal side effects with ChEIs. In the event
tia have failed to show benefit. of marked AEs, trying a very low and slow
titration (e.g., starting donepezil 2.5 mg daily
after breakfast; increasing it to 5 mg daily if
Practical Implementation of Pharmacotherapy no side effects emerge within 6 weeks) may
be helpful. In highly refractory situations,
Unless contraindicated due to conditions, switching to another ChEI at a low dose can
including unstable cardiac arrhythmias, also be tried.

TABLE16.15 Recommended Dosing for Anti-Alzheimers Disease Medications

Drug Dose

Donepezil Starting dose:5 mg/day; can be increased to 10 mg/day after 46 weeks. Before
starting donepezil 23 mg/day, patients should be on donepezil 10 mg/day for at least
Rivastigmine Oral:Starting dose:1.5 mg twice daily. If well tolerated, the dose may be increased to 3
mg twice daily after 2 weeks. Subsequent increases to 4.5 and 6 mg twice daily should
be attempted after 2-week minimums at previous dose. Maximum dose:6 mg twice
Patch:Starting dose:one 4.6 mg patch once daily for a period of 24 hours
Maintenance dose:one 9.5 mg or 13.3 mg patch once daily for a period of 24 hours.
Before initiating a maintenance dose, patients should undergo a minimum of 4 weeks
of treatment at the initial dose (or at the lower patch dose of 9.5 mg) with good
Galantamine Extended-release:Start at 8 mg once daily for 4 weeks; increase to 16 mg once daily for
4weeks; increase to 24 mg once daily.
Generic:Start at 4 mg twice daily for 4 weeks; increase to 8 mg twice daily for 4 weeks;
increase to 12 mg twice daily.
Memantine Immediate-release:Starting dose:5 mg once daily; increase dose in 5-mg increments to a
maximum of 20 mg daily (divided doses taken twice daily) with a minimum of 1week
between dose increases. The maximum recommended dose in severe renal impairment
is 5 mg twice daily.
Extended-release:For patients new to memantine, the recommended starting dose of
memantine extended release is 7 mg once daily, and the recommended target dose is
28 mg once daily. The dose should be increased in 7 mg increments every seventh day.
The minimum recommended interval between dose increases is 1 week, and only if
the previous dose has been well tolerated. The maximum recommended dose in severe
renal impairment is 14 mg once daily.
418part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

All patients should have their vascular risk activating (e.g., stimulants) and who are also
factors managed diligently. This includes, being treated with large dosages of sedative/
in at-risk individuals, optimization of lipids hypnotics at night in order to induce sleep.
(preferably with a statin), blood pressure, and
serum glucose, and, if not contraindicated, use Antipsychotics for Treatment of Severe and
of daily enteric-coated baby aspirin (81 mg). Refractory Agitation, Aggression, and Psychosis
There should be screening and ongoing moni-
toring for anxiety and clinical depression, and Severe agitation, aggression, and psycho-
when present these should be treated with a sis are prevalent BPSDs in advancing AD
trial of an antidepressantpreferably with that can respond to atypical antipsychotics.
a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor with However, the use of antipsychotics for BPSD
low anticholinergic load and a favorable geri- in AD dementia is off-label in the United
atric profile (e.g., citalopram, sertraline). Sleep States, and the prescribing information carries
and nutrition should be optimized, and any a FDA black box warning. Clinicians should
deficiencies (e.g., thyroid, vitamin B12) and resist starting antipsychotics in patients with
systemic conditions that can decompensate dementia and only do so when strict con-
mental functions should be treated (e.g., UTI, ditions have been met, including a careful
dehydration, hyponnatremia). Promotion of consideration of risks, benefits, side effects,
good health habits, including exercise, nutri- and alternatives. As antipsychotics can have
tion, stress management, adequate sleep, and detrimental effects on cognition, function,
social and mental engagement, should be and patient safety, they should generally be
actively promoted. reserved for a trial in selected patients who
In general, benzodiazepines (e.g., loraz- are on a multidisciplinary behavioral plan,
epam used for anxiety or as a sedative- already on stable background combination
hypnotic) and medications with high anti- therapy, and are under the supervision of a
cholinergic activity, for example, those used dementia specialist; or when there is an imme-
in the treatment of urinary incontinence, diate or impending high risk to the safety or
allergies (antihistamines), pain or sleep well-being of the patient or others.
disorders (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants, In the absence of a great immediate or
diphenhydramine), should be avoided (see impending safety risk, an alternative phar-
Table 16.8). Antipsychotics should be used macological approach that can be considered
with great caution and only under specific is a trial treatment with low-dose citalopram.
circumstances (see Chapter 24 and below). A very recently published study, the CitAD
Along with psychosocial interventions, a trial, reported that among AD patients with
trial of low-dose citalopram (starting low at clinically significant agitation who were
10 mg nightly, and increasing after 4-6 weeks, receiving psychosocial intervention, the addi-
if response is insufficient, to preferably no tion of citalopram (started at 10 mg daily and
higher than 20 mg nightly) can be consid- titrated, based on response and tolerability, to
ered in individuals with significant agitation 30 mg daily over three weeks) compared with
(see below). Stimulants are seldom indicated placebo significantly reduced agitation and
except for a trial in patients with severe and caregiver distress (Porsteinsson et al., 2014).
refractory daytime somnolence or apathy, in However, it is cautioned that potential wors-
which case low-dose modafinil may be tried. ening of cognitive functions and emergence
However, all stimulants may lower threshold of cardiac adverse effects (e.g., prolongation
for causing irritability, agitation, aggression, of QT interval) could limit the practical appli-
and dysphoria, particularly in individuals cation of citalopram at dosages as high as 30
who are susceptible. Additionally, one can mg per day. For a more detailed discussion of
avoid the common syndrome of chasing approaches to treating agitation, aggression
ones tail, which includes prescribing medi- and psychosis, see Chapter24.
cations that exacerbate a seemingly sepa-
rate condition for which another medication When to Start and Stop Anti-Alzheimers Disease
is being prescribed for as treatment. For Medications
example, it is not uncommon to come across
patients who are treated with increasing The questions of when to start and when
numbers and dosages of medications that are to stop AD medications are of utmost
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 419

importance to clinicians, patients, and fami- dressing, grooming, and bathing; and the
lies. While there is no clear consensus on elementary processes of movement, turning,
either front, the question of when to start sitting, standing, chewing, and swallowing.
anti-AD medications appears to be the sim- The benefits may also extend to reducing
pler one to address as there are FDA indica- antipsychotic usage.
tions for each drug class. Yet this presupposes In the end/terminal stages of AD when per-
that the clinician is adept at appropriately sonhood has disintegrated, and when there
staging dementia severity in all individuals is no meaningful communication or interac-
with AD, and that individuals in other stages tion, patients should only receive care (phar-
may not benefit from treatment. As the first macological or otherwise) that is directed to
caveat, there is no single measure of cogni- provide palliation and comfort. There is no
tion, function, or behavior that can, in isola- economic, moral, scientific, or ethical reason
tion, characterize AD dementia stage in every for other medications, including anti-AD
patient. Staging disease severity should also medications, statins, or for performance of
consider changes from premorbid levels and intrusive evaluations and interventions. The
the impact of the illness on family and care- health care team must focus on providing an
givers; it requires a multidimensional picture environment that promotes a good death;
of an individual and depends on a variety of one that fosters, supports, and safeguards
subjective factors. Per US FDA prescribing the dignity and integrity of the patients life-
information, clinicians may start a ChEI in long wishes regarding his or her dying pro-
mild, moderate, or severe AD, and meman- cess and also provides the necessary care,
tine in moderate or severe AD. Patients in the consideration, and comfort to the patients
moderate stages can be started with a ChEI or loved ones to prepare and assist them in this
memantine, and, ultimately, the complemen- process.
tary agent should be added to achieve com-
bination therapy. As reviewed previously,
there are data with lower grades of evidence Practical Tips for Other Therapeutic
to support potential benefits of antidementia Challenges:Sleep-Wake Disturbances,
medication in other stages of AD. Therefore, Wandering, Eating Issues, and Incontinence
based on the patientcaregiver dyad prefer-
ences and clinician comfort and expertise, an These challenges posed to caregivers and
individualized discussion may be prompted patients are myriad and often incompletely
regarding the pros and cons, cost and uncer- respond or are suboptimally addressed only
tainties of potential off-label prescription of by drug interventions (see Chapters 24, 25,
anti-AD medications. and 26 for further discussion and recommen-
There are no appropriate studies to guide dations regarding approaches to common
when anti-AD medications should be with- BPSD). Many of these conditions are also
drawn in AD dementia. In addition to other incompletely studied and clinical recommen-
stages, memantine and the ChEIs donepezil dations regarding them often fall in the realm
and rivastigmine have FDA indications in of evidenced-based opinion as opposed
severe ADstudies support their treatment to being fully supported by evidence-based
benefits even in late stages of dementia when medicine.
patients may require nursing home level of
care. It is important for clinicians, caregiv-
Sleep-Wake Dysregulation
ers, and families to appreciate that the prac-
tical benefits of anti-AD medications in very Abnormal or distorted sleep-wake patterns
severe/late-stage AD are no longer aimed at are very common in AD dementia, and they
reducing decline in memory and other higher often become worse as the illness progresses.
level cognitive functions; these functions are This can lead to significant additional strains
no longer viable. Anti-AD medications can on caregivers, such as when patients are
be maintained in late-stage AD with a goal awake or wander at night, wake up too early,
to support basic psychomotor processes; or sleep most of the day. Patients with signifi-
praxis; functional communication; behav- cant apathy who experience inactivity during
ioral responses required to assist caregiv- the day and who are not kept engaged may sit
ers to deliver basic care involving feeding, around and regularly fall asleep several times
420part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

during the day. This can produce fragmented and then be at higher risk of aspiration and
and poor quality sleep and lead to a vicious falls. Providing the individual with plenty
cycle of sleeping/napping several times dur- of engagement and activity (including exer-
ing the day and difficulty sleeping or awak- cise during the day) and a safe environment
ening during the night or very early morning. to roam (e.g., a fenced back yard, corridors
A review of systems for obstructive sleep without access to the outside) is key. The use
apnea (OSA) should be undertaken, and, if of door locks and alarms that the patient can-
positive, appropriate evaluation and treat- not disengage, and disguising routes of entry
ment of OSA should be sought, particularly and egress can also be helpful. Finally, the
early in the course of dementia. Additionally, patient who has a tendency to wander should
in some individuals ChEIs, especially if given be provided with a medical identification
at night, can adversely affect sleep by being bracelet and can be registered in a safety pro-
overly activating, delaying sleep onset, pro- gram (e.g., the Alzheimers Association Safe
ducing very vivid dreams, or affecting low Return program).
quality sleep.
First-line treatment is nonpharmacological Abnormal Eating Behaviors and Eating-Related
and involves common sleep hygiene strate- Problems
gies. These include keeping the individual
awake and physically, socially, and mentally Individuals with AD dementia can experi-
active during the day; avoiding caffeine in ence a variety of eating changes and problems
the afternoon and nicotine in the evening; that can include overeating, undereating, and
limiting naps to at most one 11.5 hour abnormal eating behaviors (Ikeda, Brown,
scheduled nap in the early afternoon; limit- Holland, Fukuhara, & Hodges, 2002). Food
ing stimulating activities, exercise, and big tastes and preferences can change along with
meals in the later evening or before bedtime; an individuals interest, mood, motivation,
ensuring that a strict sleep and wake sched- energy, appetite, and self-restraint. Changes
ule is kept and that the individual is out of in an individuals senses of taste and smell
bed and dressed in the morning; and ensur- are common, and so is a particular craving
ing the bedroom is quiet, dark, cool, devoid for sweets. In some individuals with AD or
of TV and other distractions. In refractory mixed AD dementia, especially in those with
situations, melatonin can be tried. In severely particular frontal syndromes, hyperoral-
refractory cases, pharmacological treatment ity, poor impulse control, compulsions, and
can include trials of low-dose trazodone (25 memory problems can synergize to manifest
50 mg to start; increased to 100 mg at bedtime in binging or overeating (or drinking), and
as needed); zolpidem; or quetiapine or mir- eating and tasting things that inappropri-
tazipine, particularly if these are being con- ate, inedible, or dangerous. In others, lack of
sidered for pharamacological treatment of appetite, interest, and activity, and forgetful-
coexisting severe refractory agitation, aggres- ness can lead to undereating that results in
sion, or psychosis (quetiapine), or anxiety medically significant dehydration, malnutri-
and depression (mirtazipine). tion, and frailty.
As always, a root cause analysis should
include investigation of potential biopsy-
chosocial causes, particularly medical and
A particularly disturbing and dangerous medication-relation causes, including thy-
behavioral symptom in individuals with AD roid, diabetes and other endocrine abnor-
dementia is wandering, particularly when malities. Commonly prescribed medications
it occurs at night or when the patient strays such as antipsychotics (particularly quetiap-
outside in unhospitable conditions. The ine), antidepressants (tricyclic antidepres-
underlying etiology of wandering should be sants, SSRIs, mirtazipine), and antiepileptics
sought and treated, and it can include anxiety, (valproic acid, gabapentin) can increase appe-
confusion, lack of physical and social activ- tite and weight gain. Stimulants can have the
ity, and side effects from medications (e.g., opposite effect. Behavioral interventions and
antipsychotics). Medications are unlikely strategies usually provide the most effective
to be of benefit to safely suppress wander- approach. In binge-, compulsive-, and over-
ingthe individual can become oversedated eaters regulating access to food, drink, and
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 421

objects provides the most effective strategy. wearing adult diapers; wearing clothes that
In some cases, cabinets and refrigerators have are easy to quickly remove (and to clean);
to be locked, and in other cases, the particular facilitating easy access to the bathroom (e.g.,
food or drink that is being compulsively con- clear path and lighting); providing a uri-
sumed has to be rationed and brought into nal or bedside commode; using bed or floor
the house in limited quantities. Compulsive pads that are absorbent and easy to clean;
eating in some individuals may respond to a and using special incontinence bed sheets
trial of SSRI or carbamazepine. (rubber-like). Pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises
For individuals who are undereating, can be taught and may be of benefit to women
practical approaches such as providing and men with urge and stress incontinence or
favorite foods (particularly from childhood); urinary leakage who have sufficient cogni-
high caloric foods, drinks, and nutritional tive function. Identifying patterns, clues, and
supplements; eating with the individual triggers for incontinence can also be helpful.
(social eating); providing small portions on For example, if urinary incontinence occurs
a large plate and then replenishing it when at night, one can limit fluid and caffeinated
the portion is eaten; allowing more time for product intake in the later evening, switch a
individuals to eat; and serving meals in an diuretic dose to earlier in the day, and ensure
environment that is peaceful, uncluttered, that the individual is not oversedated due to
and devoid of distractions (e.g., is quiet but medications or supplements. Unfortunately,
has peaceful music in the background) may common medications prescribed for urinary
be effective. In more advanced stage patients, incontinence in the elderly all have anticho-
providing supervision at mealtime and fin- linergic properties (see Table16.8), effectively
ger foods; and ensuring that dental and counteract ChEIs, and can cause increased
denture problems and chewing and choking confusion in individuals with dementia. In
difficulties do not exist can also be helpful. individuals in whom prostatic hypertrophy
For individuals who are inactive, increasing can contribute to their urinary problems, a
their activity and facilitating exercise is rec- trial of low-dose tamsulosin by be tried.
ommended. If a comorbid condition such as
depression or severe agitation is also being
treated, then switching to a medication in the The Therapeutic Glue:The Caregivers, and
same class that also increases appetite, such Caring for Them
as mirtazipine or quetiapine, may be tried.
Appetite stimulants, such as megestrol and Caregivers are the glue in the clinician and
dronabinol, can be tried as a last resort. patientcaregiver dyad therapeutic relation-
ship. They are where the rubber meets the
Incontinence roadno plans for therapeutics and care,
no matter how detailed and optimized in
Urinary and, particularly, fecal incontinence theory, can be realized without the caregiv-
are very challenging for patients and care- ers. The importance of forging and maintain-
givers. When a medical assessment and ing a therapeutic alliance with caregivers in
medication review eliminates other contrib- order to provide the best care to the patient
uting causes such as a urinary tract infection, caregiver dyad cannot be understated. The
prostatic hypetrophy, or a poorly scheduled complex biopsychosocial and cultural factors
diuretic dose, then behavioral and envi- that influence patient care and their effects
ronmental strategies are the recommended on caregiver well-being and participation are
approach to management of incontinence. reviewed in Chapter 27. Caregivers require
These include optimizing the timing of food psychoeducation, support, and carethis
and fluid intake and coordinating and sched- can provide meaningful benefits to both
uling bathroom visits with meals, travel, and patient and caregivers.
sleep (e.g., reminding or taking the individu-
als to the bathroom immediately after meals,
then an hour later; before naps; and before The Medication Drift Syndrome
travel; limiting fluid intake in the evening,
particularly fluids such as caffeinated tea, The syndrome of chasing ones tail frequently
coffee, and sodas that can act as a diuretic); arises from another syndrome:the medication
422part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

drift of subtraction by addition. Many avoided and substituted when possible (see
elderly individuals unnecessarily suffer from Table16.8). This type of addition by subtrac-
this syndrome by gradually accumulating, tion can be a powerful clinical approach to
without professional review or discontinu- regain seemingly lost cognition and func-
ation when appropriate, numerous medica- tion in individuals with AD dementia, and
tions prescribed by a multitude of clinicians it should be undertaken periodically, even
and specialists for various and seemingly before anti-AD medications are prescribed.
separate, but in reality related, conditions.
Often, medications prescribed for different
conditions can have additive effects (e.g., anti- Recommendations
cholinergic load) to produce deleterious out-
comes (e.g., confusion, orthostasis, falls). In Evidence- and experience-based opinion
some cases the medications are prescribed for supports the following: (1) AD dementia
complementary or opposite conditions, such treatments should be individualized based
as excessive daytime sleep or lethargy versus upon an open discussion with the patient
inability to initiate or maintain asleep at night and caregivers regarding the prognosis,
(e.g., stimulants versus sedative-hypnotics), goals, and expectations of therapy; (2) all
and produce effects that are counteractive discussions should involve clarifying goals
(e.g., anticholinergics prescribed for urinary and expectations of treatments, make clear
incontinence and ChEIs prescribed for AD). which treatments are on-label or off-label,
A good example of this was reported by and include an honest assessment of cur-
Tsao and Heilman in the case of an elderly rent and future potential benefits, risks, side
woman who began to experience cognitive effects, costs, alternatives, and uncertainties;
and memory problems and hallucinations (3)elimination of redundant and potentially
soon after being prescribed tolterodine, an inappropriate medications; (4)initiation and
anticholinergic agent used in the treatment maintenance of anti-AD medications: Level
of urinary incontinence (Tsao & Heilman, I evidence supports short-term benefits
2003). Her primary care physician, suspect- of ChEI-memantine add-on combination
ing that the cognitive and neuropsychiatric therapy in moderate and severe AD, and
symptoms were due to dementia, then pre- long-term Level II evidence support that for
scribed the ChEI donepezil, which resulted in any individual, irrespective of AD stage, sus-
improvement of her memory problems and tained combination therapy may potentially
resolution of her hallucinations. Later, when best provide the greatest likelihood of slow-
the patient discontinued the tolterodine, her ing long-term clinical decline; (5) first-line
memory and cognitive improved further. treatment of BPSD involves psychoeducation
However, upon subsequently reintroduc- and behavioral and environmental interven-
ing the tolterodine, her memory and cogni- tions; the prescription of atypical antipsy-
tive problems re-emerged, and they did not chotics for BPSD should be reserved for a
resolve until this medication was finally dis- trial in selected highly refractory patients
continued. While this particular patient effec- who are on a multidisciplinary behavioral
tively failed the anticholinergic stress test plan, are already on stable background com-
of tolterodine and appeared to be demented, bination therapy, and are under the supervi-
and potentially may have been particularly sion of a dementia specialist; or when there is
susceptible due to a subclinical stage of AD an immediate or impending high risk to the
or another neurodegenerative dementia, she safety or well-being of the patient or others;
was, however, not demented at the time, and and (6) maintaining an open-minded, pro-
her symptoms were due to iatrogenesis. active, positive, and flexible individualized
Clinicians should, therefore, adopt a approach to compassionately caring for indi-
broad and integrative perspective regarding viduals and caregivers that utilizes thinking
medical conditions and cognitive health to and caring on the margin, which is real-
periodically review all medications and sup- istic but does not take away hope, and that
plements and to safely eliminate potentially establishes a strong therapeutic alliance that
cognitively deleterious and redundant medi- is holistic and pragmatic and involves psy-
cations. Medications that appear on Beers choeducation; behavioral and environmental
Criteria (AGS, 2012) should be particularly approaches to care; planning for current and
CHAPTER 16. Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Dementia 423

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Mild Cognitive Impairment

Meredith Wicklund and Ronald C. Petersen

The field of aging and dementia is moving Scale (Reisberg et al., 1988). The construct
toward an earlier identification of symp- was limited to individuals with that partic-
tomatic subjects with the intent to identify ular degree of severity on the scale, but the
individuals as soon as possible in the patho- clinical criteria were not clearly delineated.
physiologic process of disorders such as In 1999, investigators at the Mayo Clinic
Alzheimers disease (AD), and a great deal published criteria for memory-impaired
of effort is being expended toward detect- individuals who did not meet criteria for
ing individuals early in the symptomatic dementia and called them MCI. These crite-
disease process (Petersen et al., 1999). With ria are shown in Table 17.1 and became heav-
the recent publication of sets of criteria for ily investigated in the field to determine their
individuals along the AD spectrum, demen- validity. The criteria emphasized a change in
tia is the most advanced stage while mild memory function for individuals from their
cognitive impairment (MCI) constitutes the prior level of performance, and yet other cog-
earliest manifestation of clinical symptoms. nitive domains such as language, attention,
In addition to dementia and MCI, a preclini- executive function, and visuospatial skills
cal stage was also proposed as being useful were preserved. Functionally, the individuals
for identifying individuals with the biologi- were essentially normal without the degree
cal predisposition to AD but being clinically of loss of social or occupational function con-
asymptomatic (Jack et al., 2012; Knopman sistent with dementia. These subjects were
etal., 2012; Sperling etal., 2011). followed longitudinally and were shown to
have an increased risk of developing subse-
quent dementia.
Brief History of the Mild Cognitive In 2003, an international conference was
Impairment Construct held in Stockholm to expand the construct
of MCI and determine its relevance for the
The construct of MCI has risen and become field (Petersen, 2004; Winblad et al., 2004).
popular over the past 15years (Petersen etal., At that time, MCI was divided into two
2009). Initially, investigators at New York subclasses, amnestic MCI (aMCI) and non-
University used the term MCI to charac- amnestic MCI (naMCI). The aMCI subtype
terize individuals whom they designated as essentially conformed to the 1999 criteria
being at Stage 3 on the Global Deterioration cited and characterized a set of individuals

CHAPTER 17. Mild Cognitive Impairment 433

TABLE17.1 Criteria for Amnestic Mild to report results in the 10%20% range, and
Cognitive Impairment1999 these figures are generally accepted (Manly
etal., 2008).
1. Cognitive concern Incidence studies for the conversion from
2. Objective impairment in memory
normal cognition to MCI have only recently
3. Relative preservation of nonmemory cognitive
functions been reported and characterize subjects who
4. Preservation of activities of daily living have been tracked from being clinically nor-
5. Not demented mal to newly diagnosed with MCI (Larrieu
etal., 2002; Roberts etal., 2012). Again, there
is a great deal of variability in this literature,
but the majority of the studies have indi-
who had a primary memory impairment
cated an annual incidence rate of from 3% to
with relative preservation of other cogni-
10% per year (Roberts etal., 2012). As such,
tive domains and function. Technically, these
the incidence rates are significant and have
individuals could also be slightly impaired
implications for aging societies around the
in other cognitive domains such as executive
function, and as such, the constructs of aMCI
single domain (memory only) and multido-
main (memory plus one or more other cog- Clinical Characterization
nitive domains) were established. However,
if the individual was judged to be between
Clinical Vignette
normal cognition and dementia but not have
significant memory impairment, the naMCI
label was given with the additional qualifi-
ers of single and multiple domains. Over the A 68-year-old businesswoman with a masters
ensuing years, these entities were investi- degree began noting increasing forgetfulness for
gated quite extensively, and general support recent events. She had been having some problems
for the entity was achieved, but notable con- coming up with the names of acquaintances with
cerns were also raised. These criteria were whom she had not had contact for several months,
also used for several epidemiologic explora- but perhaps more bothersome to her was the fact
tions (Busse, Hensel, Guhne, Angermeyer, that she was occasionally missing appointments.
& Riedel-Heller, 2006; Di Carlo et al., 2007; She was quite meticulous about her daily calendar
Manly etal., 2008). but now was overlooking important appointments,
which was uncharacteristic of her. When her hus-
band was questioned about this, he indicated that
Epidemiology of Mild Cognitive Impairment he had noticed the same behaviors in her but was
not concerned about them. They both noted that
Numerous epidemiologic studies have been she continued to run her business quite well with-
conducted internationally to determine the out any problems, and those around her who had
frequency of MCI (Ganguli, Dodge, Shen, & been working closely with her had not noticed a
DeKosky, 2004; Lopez et al., 2003; Ritchie, change. On a personal level, she still handled her
Artero, & Touchon, 2001; Unverzagt et al., own finances, was driving, and showed no signs
2001; Larrieu etal., 2002). In general, the prev- of depression or anxiety. She came for a clinical
alence figures have varied from 3% to 30% in evaluation, and the history, in addition to the
the literature with most studies coalescing above, revealed that her maternal grandmother
around 15% (Ganguli etal., 2004; Lopez etal., had developed dementia in her late 70s, but oth-
2003; Petersen etal., 2010). Numerous meth- erwise, there was no other dramatic history for
odologic issues contributed to the variable cognitive impairment. She was on medications for
prevalence rates reported in the literature, hyperlipidemia and a calcium supplement. Her
including the nature of the underlying popu- clinical assessment revealed a Mini-Mental State
lation, the specific implementation of the cri- Exam score of 28, and the remainder of the neuro-
teria for MCI, and whether the studies were logic examination was normal.
performed retrospectively or prospectively. At this point, do you reassure her that she is
In recent years, prospective studies employ- manifesting signs of aging but nothing more wor-
ing MCI criteria at the outset have tended risome, or do you pursue it further?
434part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

The clinician wanted to obtain neuropsycholog- Cognitive Assessment (Nasreddine etal., 2005),
ical testing to get a more complete picture of the among others, but it should be augmented by
womans cognitive profile. The testing revealed additional tools to determine the presence and
summary scores in the area of executive function extent of cognitive impairments since the global
and attention at the 60th percentile for her age screening instruments may be insensitive, par-
and education. Comparable measures on language ticularly in individuals with a high level of
(70th percentile) and visuospatial skills (65th per- educational or occupational attainment (Lonie,
centile) were above what would be expected. Her Tierney, & Ebmeier, 2009). Neuropsychological
memory profile, however, including several mea- testing can be quite useful in this regard since
sures of delayed verbal and nonverbal recall indi- it will provide a more thorough characteriza-
cated performance at the 40th percentile. As such, tion of cognitive function in multiple domains
this clinical profile corroborated her and her hus- as well as the degree of impairment if one
bands concern and raised a suspicion of amnestic exists (Petersen et al., 2010). Preferably, neu-
mild cognitive impairment. ropsychological testing should be used in the
setting of appropriate normative data for the
patients age, education, and ethnicity. Often in
What Does the Clinician Do at This Point? the clinical setting, the individual is seen at one
time point and a diagnosis needs to be made.
Figure 17.1 depicts the general evaluation However, if longitudinal data are available,
scheme for an individual suspected of having they can be very helpful in assessing change
MCI (Petersen, 2004). Typically, a patient will for a given individual with respect to his or
present to a clinician with a concern about a her own baseline. The criteria for MCI require
new memory problem, and the clinicians obli- the clinician to assess whether or not there has
gation is to determine whether this is a mani- been a change in cognitive function over time.
festation of aging or may represent the earliest Again, if serial data exist, they can be quite
stages of a pathologic condition. As is indicated helpful; but often, the clinician has to infer this
in Figure 17.1, the clinician should start with from the history provided by the patient and
the history, preferably from the patient and someone who knows the patient well. The his-
someone who knows the patient well, and tory of a change coupled with appropriate neu-
examination in the office. This can involve a ropsychological data can be very useful for the
mental status exam such as the Mini-Mental clinician to determine whether there has been a
State Exam (Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, substantive cognitive change.
1975), the Short Test of Mental Status (Kokmen, If the clinician determines that the patient
Naessens, & Offord, 1987), or the Montreal has experienced a change in cognition, and yet

Cognitive complaint

Not normal for age

Not demented
Cognitive decline
Essentially normal functional activities


Yes Memory impaired? No

Amnestic MCI Non-Amnestic MCI

Single non-memory
Yes No Yes cognitive domain No
impairment only?

Amnestic MCI Amnestic MCI Non-Amnestic MCI Non-Amnestic MCI

Single Domain Multiple Domain Single Domain Multiple Domain
Figure17.1 Diagnostic scheme for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and subtypes.
CHAPTER 17. Mild Cognitive Impairment 435

MCI Subtypes

Degen- Medical
erstive Vascular Psychiatric conditions

AD Depr
Clinical classification

AD VaD Depr

Non- domain
MCI Multiple

Figure17.2 Clinical classification and etiology in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). AD,
Alzheimers disease; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; LBD, dementia with Lewy bodies; VaD,
vascular dementia.

general function is well preserved, the diag- clinical picture may involve behavioral
nosis of MCI can be entertained. The next task abnormalities prior to actual cognitive
for the clinician is to determine the cause of the impairment. Similarly, in DLB, some of the
clinical syndrome. Difficulties in investigating presenting clinical features may constitute
MCI have arisen due to issues in terminology. sleep disorders, parkinsonism, or behavioral
Since the bulk of the literature on MCI has disturbances, and these may be the hallmarks
arisen in the setting of AD, some individuals of prodromal DLB (Molano etal., 2009).
assume that MCI means early AD. However, Recently, MCI has been described in the
as is evident from Figure17.1, MCI is a clini- setting of Parkinsons disease, and the condi-
cal syndrome, and there may be multiple tion known as PD-MCI has been described
etiologies. As is shown in Figure 17.2, while (Litvan etal., 2012). In this situation, patients
degenerative diseases are common causes of must first have the diagnosis of Parkinsons
MCI, especially in older patients, there can be disease, and then criteria for PD-MCI, to
other etiologies. For example, vascular insults characterize impaired cognitive function in
can produce cognitive impairment in various these individuals prior to the development
domains, and this has typically been referred of Parkinsons disease dementia, have been
to in the literature as vascular cognitive published (Emre etal., 2007).
impairment (Hachinski et al., 2006; Petersen It is important to determine the etiology of
etal., 2009). In addition, MCI can arise in the the MCI syndrome since it may be possible to
setting of certain psychiatric illnesses such as reverse or at least slow the course of some of
depression and anxiety as well as in the set- these conditions; if this is possible, the MCI syn-
ting of medical comorbidities such as diabetes, drome can improve. This has also led to some
heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmo- misunderstanding in the literature since, when
nary disease. As such, it is incumbent upon the MCI is viewed as prodromal AD, generally,
clinician to investigate other possible causes of this is not believed to be reversible. However,
MCI or contributing factors to MCI even in the when MCI is due to other conditions, such as
setting of a degenerative disease. depression or medical comorbidities, when
Mild cognitive impairment can also arise the underlying conditions are treated, the MCI
as a prodromal state of other dementing syndrome may improve. This has led to criti-
disorders in addition to AD. There can be cism in the literature that the MCI construct is
prodromal states to frontotemporal lobar unstable when, in fact, one would expect an
degeneration (FTLD) and dementia with improvement in the symptoms if the underly-
Lewy bodies (DLB). In FTLD, the presenting ing cause is potentially reversible.
436part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Predictors of Progression dementia stage more rapidly than those with

less severe impairment. In many respects,
Over the past decade, a great deal of litera- this represents a further progression of the
ture has accumulated regarding the ability to underlying pathology, usually degeneration,
predict which MCI patients will progress to and constitutes more extensive pathological
dementia more rapidly than others. Table17.2 involvement.
outlines several of these predictors, and addi-
tional data are accumulating at a rapid pace.
In general, the greater the clinical severity Magnetic Resonance Imaging
of the MCI at the time of diagnosis tends to
predict a more rapid progression (Dickerson, There has been more literature generated on
Sperling, Hyman, Albert, & Blacker, 2007; the utility of MRI in predicting progression to
Visser et al., 1999). That is, individuals who dementia than most of the other biomarkers
have more severe memory impairment or (Apostolova etal., 2006; Jack etal., 2008, 2010),
have memory impairment plus the involve- particularly hippocampal atrophy (Fig. 17.3).
ment of other cognitive domains (mul- Jack and colleagues documented the utility
tidomain aMCI) tend to progress to the of hippocampal atrophy at predicting rates of
progression in MCI over a decade ago (Jack
et al., 1999). In general, more sophisticated
TABLE17.2 Possible Predictors of MRI measures have evolved in recent years,
Progression in Mild Cognitive Impairment including other volumetric measurements
such as ventricular volume and whole-brain
1. Severity of clinical impairment
2. Apolipoprotein E4 carrier
atrophy, entorhinal atrophy (Dickerson etal.,
3. MRI:Atrophy of medial temporal lobe 2001), as well as cortical thinning (Bakkour,
structures Morris, & Dickerson, 2009) and functional
4. FDG PET:Evidence of parietotemporal MRI studies of the medial temporal lobe
hypometabolism (Dickerson et al., 2005). While some of
5. Amyloid imaging:Positive for the presence of these measures may vary in a given study,
amyloid in general, the greater the degree of hippo-
6. Cerebrospinal fluid:Lower Abeta 42 and campal atrophy, whole-brain atrophy, ven-
elevated tau tricular dilatation, and cortical thinning are
7. Positive family history for dementia
present, the progression rate is accelerated

(A) (B) (C)

Figure17.3 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Coronal T1 MP
RAGE sections through the hippocampus in a cognitively normal individual (A) and individuals
with MCI (B) and dementia (C). The presence of hippocampal atrophy (long white arrows),
ventricular dilation (short white arrows), and cortical thinning (black arrows) with widening of the
sulci in MCI predicts conversion to dementia. These structural brain changes are first subtly noted
in the MCI stage (B) and rapidly increase through the dementia stage (C), when they become quite
CHAPTER 17. Mild Cognitive Impairment 437

(Bakkour et al., 2009). The Alzheimers advanced that standardized measurements

Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) has are being established and will likely become
been a hallmark study designed to evaluate available to the clinician. It is anticipated that
the utility of a variety of imaging and fluid volumetric MRI measurements of the brain
biomarkers with respect to their ability to may be used in a fashion similar to bone
predict progression in MCI (Landau et al., density measures used to assess osteoporosis
2010). Numerous studies have documented (Jack etal., 2011).
that many of these individual quantitative
measures are quite useful at predicting pro-
gression and, when used in the setting of a Positron Emission Tomography
clinical trial, can reduce the number of sub-
jects needed to document a change in perfor- The application of positron emission tomogra-
mance (Landau etal., 2010). phy (PET) imaging to degenerative dementias
The data indicate that certain measures has increased dramatically in recent years.
are more indicative of progression at various Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) has been avail-
stages in the evolutionary process of degen- able for many decades to evaluate metabolic
eration in the AD spectrum, and these have activity in the brain. Certain patterns that have
proven to be quite useful. While quantitative been characteristic of an AD-like process have
measures may not be available in most clini- been known for years and generally involve
cal situations, the efficacy of visual rating of hypometabolism in the temporal and pari-
hippocampal atrophy can be useful (van de etal regions (Fig. 17.4). This pattern is in dis-
Pol etal., 2007). There are several scales that tinction to that seen in frontotemporal lobar
have been introduced to allow the clinician degeneration where hyperperfusion is most
to assess medial temporal lobe atrophy in prominent in the anterior frontal and temporal
the office, and for the practicing clinician, lobes. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid
they can be quite useful. However, auto- Services (CMS) has approved coverage for
mated volumetric MRI measurements have the FDG distinction between frontotempo-
also become available through programs ral lobar degeneration and AD, and conse-
like FreeSurfer (Fischl etal., 2002), and these quently, this has been a useful technique for
are becoming more widely available for use that clinical distinction. Early work had indi-
in clinical practice. The field is sufficiently cated that individuals with an apolipoprotein

(A) (B) (C)

0 1 2 3 4

Figure17.4 Fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in mild cognitive

impairment (MCI). Axial section of FDG-PET scans in a cognitively normal individual (A) and
individuals with MCI (B) and dementia (C). Red indicates the greatest areas of metabolism,
while blue and black are the least. FDG-PET hypometabolism is a marker of neuronal injury and
dysfunction. Bilateral temporoparietal hypometabolism is noted in MCI (B, white arrows) and even
more so in dementia (C, white arrows) due to Alzheimers disease and is indicative of an increased
rate of progression from MCI to dementia. (See color plate section)
438part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

E4 carrier status had a hypometabolic pattern the progression from MCI to dementia due
on FDG-PET prior to the demonstration of to AD (Wolk et al., 2009). Again, ADNI has
any clinical symptoms (Reiman et al., 1996). been at the forefront of these studies and
This pattern was most prominent in apoli- has shown that individuals with the clinical
poprotein E4 homozygotes but also has been symptoms of MCI and having a positive amy-
seen in heterozygotes, raising the question loid imaging scan progress to the dementia
of evidence for the pathophysiologic process stage much more rapidly than MCI subjects
leading to the dementia of AD many years with a negative amyloid imaging scan (Jack
before symptoms appear (Reiman etal., 2001). et al., 2010, Landau et al., 2012) (Fig. 17.5).
More recently, there have been several studies While these data are convincing, precise pre-
documenting the utility of the temporopari- diction models have not been generated as of
etal hypometabolism pattern in MCI as being yet. There still can be a considerable time lag
indicative of increased rate of progression to for individuals with positive amyloid imag-
dementia (Chetelat et al., 2003). The ADNI ing scans with respect to their progression
has generated data in support of this position, from the MCI to the dementia stage of AD,
as well, and FDG-PET has been compared and more research needs to be done to clarify
to other indices of progression from MCI this progression pattern.
(Landau etal., 2010).
More recently, the utility of amyloid imag-
ing in characterizing patients who have MCI Cerebrospinal Fluid
has become apparent (Engler et al., 2006).
Amyloid imaging was introduced around In recent years, a great deal of data regard-
2004, using the carbon 11 Pittsburgh com- ing the utility of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
pound B (PiB) (Klunk et al., 2004). A great in characterizing the underlying AD patho-
deal of data have been generated over the physiology has emerged. In particular, with
past several years, suggesting the utility of a respect to MCI, numerous studies have
positive amyloid imaging scan in predicting documented that individuals with the AD

(A) (B) (C)

0 2 4

Figure17.5 Amyloid imaging in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Axial section of PiB-PET scans
in a cognitively normal individual (A) and individuals with MCI (B) and dementia (C). PiB is a
positron emission tomography (PET) tracer useful for detecting amyloid deposition in the brain.
Brain areas where amyloid is absent appear blue; brain areas with the greatest tracer uptake appear
red, while areas with less tracer uptake appear green or yellow. Amyloid deposition of the white
matter, but not gray matter, is seen in cognitively normal individuals, creating a clear contrast in
radioactivity between gray and white matter (A, short arrow). When amyloid is deposited in the
cortices, as occurs in MCI (B, long arrow) and dementia (C, long arrow) due to Alzheimers disease,
diffuse reduction or loss of the normal gray-white contrast is noted. Amyloid deposition occurs
early in the pathological cascade and before development of symptoms, creating relatively similar
distribution and concentration of deposition between the MCI and dementia subjects. (See color
plate section)
CHAPTER 17. Mild Cognitive Impairment 439

pathophysiologic fingerprint (i.e., low amy- this presents a problem for the practicing
loid beta 42 levels and elevated total tau or clinician. Nevertheless, CSF is likely to be
phospho-tau levels) predict a more rapid very useful in characterizing the underlying
progression (Shaw etal., 2009). Agreat deal pathophysiologic nature of clinical symp-
of this work has been done in Europe, and toms found in MCI.
there are several review studies indicat-
ing that combining samples from several
medical centers have demonstrated that Theoretical Foundation for
the low Abeta 42 and elevated tau or p-tau Biomarkers
ratios can also be quite suggestive (Hansson
et al., 2006). Investigators from ADNI have A great deal of work has been completed
also demonstrated the utility of CSF in pre- and is undergoing regarding the establish-
dicting progression from MCI to dementia ment of the utility of the variety of fluid and
(Shaw et al., 2009). While these data have biomarkers in characterizing the AD patho-
been intriguing and likely to be quite useful physiologic process. Jack and colleagues pre-
in assisting clinicians, there has been a great sented convincing data in a very influential
deal of difficulty encountered in standardiz- paper in 2010, setting forth the hypothetical
ing CSF assays around the world (Mattsson sequence of events that occurs as the AD pro-
et al., 2009). Currently, there is an interna- cess unfolds (Jack etal., 2010). As is seen in
tional standardization exercise under way Figure 17.6, the initiating process in the AD
sponsored by the Alzheimers Association to cascade involves the deposition of amyloid
bring multiple laboratories together to stan- in the brain typically during the asymptom-
dardize the methodology for CSF collection atic stage. The precise timing of this relative
and the assays themselves. While this work to the subsequent presentation of clinical
is progressing, there is currently not a stan- symptoms is not known, and the shape of
dard cutoff threshold for CSF measures, and the deposition curve needs to be elucidated,

Abnormal A
Tau-mediated neuron injury and dysfunction
Brain structure
Clinical function
Biomarker magnitude

Cut points
Cognitively normal MCI Dementia
Clinical disease stage
Figure17.6 The evolution of biomarkers in the Alzheimers pathological cascade. With the early
deposition of amyloid in the pathological cascade, corresponding biomarkers (low cerebrospinal
fluid [CSF], A declines, and positive amyloid imaging) are detected before the development of
clinical symptoms. Following this, there is a sequence of events characterizing neurodegeneration
where evidence of brain dysfunction can be measured through CSF tau levels or fludeoxyglucose
positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). As memory and clinical function decline, structural
changes of the brain are noted on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MCI, mild cognitive
impairment. (Reprinted from The Lancet Neurology, Vol. number 9, Clifford R Jack, David S
Knopman, William J Jagust, Leslie M Shaw, Paul S Aisen, Michael W Weiner, Ronald C Petersen,
John Q Trojanowski. Hypothetical model of dynamic biomarkers of the Alzheimers pathological
cascade, pages 119128. Copyright (2010), with permission from Elsevier) (See color plate section)
440part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

but the construct of the initiating event being in the chapter, this model also serves as the
amyloid deposition is well documented framework for the revised criteria for the AD
(Hardy & Selkoe, 2002). Following the depo- spectrum.
sition of amyloid, there is a sequence of
events characterizing neurodegeneration.
One of the early events may be the devel- New Criteria for the Alzheimers
opment of an abnormal pattern of glucose DiseaseSpectrum
metabolism on FDG-PET scanning. There is
some evidence that this may occur quite early In 2011, the National Institute on Aging and
in the pathophysiologic process but at pres- the Alzheimers Association published the
ent is being characterized as occurring after results of several expert groups who had
the deposition of amyloid. Another event been working on a revision of the criteria for
that occurs to index neurodegeneration is Alzheimers disease (Jack et al., 2011). The
depicted by the abnormal processing of the previously published criteria from 1984 were
tau protein (Buerger etal., 2006). In general, updated and expanded to reflect all of the
when tau becomes hyperphosphorylated, activity in the field over the intervening two
it reflects underlying neurodegeneration, and a half decades. There were two major
and this can be an early event in the neuro- changes to the overall conceptualization of
degeneration process. The model then indi- the criteria. First, the notion of Alzheimers
cates that, after these events have occurred, disease being a clinical-pathologic entity
one is likely to see structural changes on was discarded. Since the clinical spectrum
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) such as can vary according to disease severity, it was
hippocampal atrophy, whole-brain atrophy, believed that the clinical aspects of the dis-
ventricular dilatation, and cortical thinning ease should be characterized from the most
(Dickerson et al., 2009; Fox, Warrington, & severe state being dementia back through
Rossor, 1999; Jack et al., 2004; Kaye et al., the intermediate state of MCI and ultimately
1997). As such, quantitative measures of to a preclinical state, which is the point at
MRI can be very useful but are likely most which individuals are clinically normal but
dynamic during the symptomatic stage of may harbor the underlying pathophysiologi-
the process such as that seen during MCI. cal characteristics of Alzheimers disease.
As is depicted in Figure17.2, it is only after Correspondingly, there is a pathological
these events take place that clinical symp- spectrum for Alzheimers disease stretch-
toms evolve. Typically, memory impairment ing backward from the most severe stage of
is the first hallmark characterized during well-established neuritic plaques and neu-
the MCI stage, and as that progresses and rofibrillary tangles to stages of much lesser
other cognitive domains become impaired pathophysiology, yet believed to be on the
and daily function is compromised, then one pathology spectrum. Secondly, as indicated
crosses the threshold for dementia. previously, the disease was now being char-
This model, which was recently revised acterized as a full spectrum and not just at
(Jack etal., 2013), has proved to be extremely the dementia stage. Relevant to our current
useful for the field of aging and dementia at discussion, the MCI stage is now called MCI
characterizing putative pathologic processes due to AD. This stage is meant to reflect the
and their consequences. However, as indi- fact that a person may be minimally symp-
cated previously, the precise temporal order- tomatic, demonstrating a mild episodic
ing of these events, the shapes of the curves, memory deficit, but has underlying features
and the thresholds for normal and abnor- of Alzheimers disease pathophysiology.
mal on each of these markers are largely To implement this thinking in the criteria,
unknown. Awealth of research is being done biomarkers become an essential component.
to elucidate these processes further, but the As mentioned previously, the theoretical model
specific calibration of the various biomark- characterizing the evolution of Alzheimers
ers remains to be done. However, this basic disease pathophysiology and clinical symp-
formulation of pathological events provides toms was outlined by Jack and colleagues
the backdrop for the use of individual bio- (Jack et al., 2010). This model implies that
markers in characterizing individuals across the deposition of amyloid was the initiating
the AD spectrum. As will be discussed later event followed by neurodegeneration and
CHAPTER 17. Mild Cognitive Impairment 441

TABLE17.3 Use of Biomarkers to Enhance Diagnostic Certainty in Mild Cognitive

Impairment (MCI)
Diagnostic Category Biomarker Probability A Neuronal Injury
of AD Etiology (PET or CSF) (tau, FDG, sMRI)

MCI Uninformative Conflicting/indeterminant

MCI due to AD Intermediate Positive Untested
intermediate likelihood Intermediate Untested Positive
MCI due to AD Highest Positive Positive
high likelihood
MCIunlikely due Lowest Negative Negative
to AD

AD, Alzheimers disease; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; PET, positron emission tomography.

then clinical manifestations. With this model of certainty that the MCI syndrome is due
in mind, the MCI-due-to-AD stage is charac- to underlying Alzheimers disease patho-
terized as a state in which the subjects have physiology is achieved when the clinical
minimal clinical symptoms, usually mild syndrome is present and is accompanied by
memory impairment, but are otherwise func- evidence for amyloid deposition and neuro-
tioning reasonably normal. The subjects may degeneration. For completeness, a low level
have some inefficiency in conducting their of certainty is also demonstrated when the
daily activities but are able to do them with- clinical syndrome is present and biomarkers
out any assistance. The subjects may have a are available, but they are negative for under-
memory impairment (aMCI) or, less com- lying Alzheimers disease pathophysiology.
monly, mild impairments in nonmemory cog-
nitive domains (naMCI). However, the new
criteria for MCI due to AD do not distinguish Clinical Vignette
between aMCI and naMCI, but this remains
an area of investigation. Part2
To enhance the clinicians suspicion that Resumption of Evaluation of Clinical Case
the clinical syndrome of MCI is due to
Alzheimers disease, biomarkers must be Due to the concern about possible aMCI, the cli-
invoked. As is shown in Table 17.3, the first nician decided to obtain additional measures. An
level of certainty is reflected in just the clini- MRI scan was performed, which showed only
cal syndrome alone. That is, in addition to slight atrophy in the medial temporal lobe, most
the MCI diagnostic criteria being fulfilled, notably in the hippocampal formations, but was
the clinician does not have any information judged to be within normal limits for age. Afunc-
regarding the underlying biomarker status tional imaging test involving FDG-PET also was
for a given person. The next level of certainty, equivocal. There was a suggestion of temporopa-
which is called intermediate, is higher with rietal hypometabolism on the left, but it was of
respect to the likelihood of the clinical syn- insufficient severity to be judged as abnormal.
drome being due to underlying Alzheimers However, an amyloid imaging study was per-
disease, and this can be achieved by either formed, and this was positive. The patient was
having evidence for amyloid deposition, entered into a research protocol, and a lumbar
via amyloid PET or CSF Abeta, or evidence puncture was performed, and the cerebrospinal
for neurodegeneration, as indicated by an fluid measure for Abeta 42 was low, and the indi-
abnormal FDG-PET scan, CSF tau levels, or ces for total tau and p-tau were elevated.
atrophy on MRI. The criteria do not weight
one set of biological markers as being more
important than the other at this point in time Conclusion
due to insufficient data. However, as the field
evolves, it is likely that these biomarkers will It appears that this woman had a gradual onset
be rank ordered. Finally, the highest level of a memory difficulty which by evaluation was
442part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

judged to be beyond what one would expect for These data are beginning to emerge, and their
age. The neuropsychological testing profile con- implication for the application of the new cri-
firmed her suspicions of a decrement in memory, teria remains to be determined.
and by history, one can infer that this is a change
in performance for her. As such, the diagnosis
of aMCI was established, but the etiology was Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for
uncertain. Since the woman was relatively young, Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition
additional imaging studies were performed, and
the structural imaging MRI and functional imag- In conjunction with the National Institute
ing FDG-PET scan were equivocal. However, the on Aging/Alzheimers Association criteria
more definitive molecular neuroimaging mea- for the Alzheimers disease spectrum, the
sures, as determined by amyloid PET imaging Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental
and CSF, did, in fact, indicate that she had the Disorders (fifth ed.) (DSM-5) was recently final-
presence of amyloid in the brain, and the suspicion ized and published (Ganguli etal., 2011). The
is that this is now MCI due to AD with a high construct of MCI is included in the section
likelihood, according to the new criteria. dealing with neurocognitive disorders. This
At this point, these criteria are for research area of neurocognitive disorders is labeled
purposes, and a great deal of additional data minor neurocognitive disorders and essen-
needs to be developed. In particular, as men- tially captures the clinical criteria of MCI, as
tioned previously, we need to determine discussed here. The construct of neurocog-
whether markers for amyloid deposition nitive disorders for DSM-5 is broader than
carry more weight than those of neurodegen- just Alzheimers disease, and consequently,
eration with respect to Alzheimers disease the criteria must be more flexible to encom-
pathophysiology specificity. One would sus- pass other disorders such as frontotemporal
pect that this is the case given that amyloid is a lobar degeneration, dementia with Lewy
sine qua non for the diagnosis of Alzheimers bodies, Parkinsons diseasemild cogni-
disease pathophysiologically. That is, one tive impairment, vascular cognitive impair-
must have evidence of amyloid deposition ment, HIV, AIDS, neurocognitive disorders,
in the brain to make the pathophysiologic and traumatic brain injury. Nevertheless, the
diagnosis of Alzheimers disease, and hence, construct of a predementia clinical state has
a biomarker reflecting that pathologic charac- officially been recognized in DSM-5, and this
teristic would be quite reasonable. will coincide with MCI due to Alzheimers
There is also a variable degree of specific- disease, as discussed previously.
ity of the biomarkers. As indicated, the amy-
loid biomarkers reflect underlying amyloid
pathology, as has been demonstrated in amy- Clinical Acceptance
loid PET pathology correlations, whereas
biomarker measures of neurodegeneration In summary, the construct of MCI has been
are relatively nonspecific. One can see atro- intensely investigated over the past 10 to
phy on an MRI from a variety of pathologic 15 years. While there is not complete agree-
entities, including neurodegeneration, vascu- ment on the clinical characterization, it has
lar disease, or combinations of them (Barber, been adopted in clinical practice. A study
Ballard, McKeith, Gholkar, & OBrien, 2000, published in Neurology reflecting the opin-
OBrien etal., 2001). Similarly, CSF tau can be ions of practicing neurologists with respect
elevated in a variety of neurologic conditions, to the construct of MCI was quite illuminat-
such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, or ing (Roberts, Karlawish, Uhlmann, Petersen,
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (Hesse etal., 2001; & Green, 2010). This study indicated that
Ost etal., 2006; Otto etal., 2002). In addition, most practicing neurologists see patients
research needs to be done to characterize with this intermediate degree of cognitive
the outcome of subjects whose biomarkers impairment and prefer to use the term MCI
do not agree. That is, how does one classify to other nomenclatures. The neurologists
an individual who may have evidence for indicated that MCI is a useful term for them,
amyloid deposition but no degeneration? and in spite of the challenges of making the
What about the subject who has evidence for diagnosis at times, they find it quite useful.
neurodegeneration but is amyloid negative? They prefer to use MCI rather than other
CHAPTER 17. Mild Cognitive Impairment 443

terms such as prodromal Alzheimers dis- significant number of discontinued subjects.

ease because there is uncertainty at the MCI As such, that and several other factors con-
stage as to the outcome of the patients, and tributed to a null finding. The galantamine
clinicians are reluctant to mislabel someone trials were suggestive of therapeutic effect,
with an Alzheimers disease type of label but again, no statistical effect was found after
because of the disservice that would be done 2 years of treatment (Winblad et al., 2008).
to the patient. As such, they would prefer Interestingly, a study with rofecoxib failed to
to use the term MCI since it does reflect a demonstrate a beneficial effect, and there was
probabilistic progression to dementia due to even a suggestion of more rapid progression
Alzheimers disease but not a definitive state. in the rofecoxib-treated group; however, the
This more accurately characterizes the clini- cognitive data did not support that conclu-
cal condition, and as such, most clinicians are sion (Thal etal., 2005).
quite comfortable using it. Several studies evaluating lifestyle modi-
fications and nonpharmacologic treatments
have been suggestive of a benefit (Jean,
Treatment of Mild Cognitive Impairment Bergeron, Thivierge, & Simard, 2010). Aerobic
exercise appears to be effective a reducing
Currently, there are no FDA-approved treat- the rate at which subjects may progress in
ments for MCI. There have been numerous degree of cognitive impairment in aging, and
clinical trials conducted over the past several numerous other studies are currently under
years, largely involving established thera- way (Lautenschlager etal., 2008). At present,
pies for Alzheimers disease, and virtually many clinicians recommend subjects engage
all of these have been unsuccessful (Petersen, in physical exercise, stay intellectually
2011). One trial sponsored by the Alzheimers engaged, and maintain their social networks.
Disease Cooperative Study through the From a dietary and supplement perspective,
National Institute on Aging in conjunction there is no evidence of any particular diets or
with Pfizer, Inc., evaluated high-dose vitamin compounds that can be used to prevent cog-
E (2000 IU) and donepezil for the treatment of nitive impairment.
MCI with the clinical endpoint being conver-
sion to dementia (Petersen etal., 2005). This
study was designed as a 36-month trial and, Conclusion
as such, was unsuccessful at demonstrating
the utility of either of these treatments over The field of aging and dementia is progress-
that timeframe. However, a prespecified ing rapidly with regard to clinical character-
analysis indicated that donepezil was effica- ization of persons at earlier stages of cognitive
cious at reducing the rate at which subjects impairment. The construct of MCI has been
progress to dementia over the first 12months useful as a heuristic and, clinically, to encour-
of the study and for up to 24months in sub- age research on this stage of impairment and
jects who were Apolipoprotein 4 carriers. also allow clinicians a category to use in char-
However, as indicated previously, all of the acterizing subjects who are not normal but do
treatment curves converged at 36 months. not meet criteria for dementia. Ultimately, as
Vitamin E was not demonstrated to be of any biomarkers evolve, these types of arbitrary
value throughout the treatment. A subse- clinical distinctions may not be necessary,
quent trial of donepezil alone for 18months, and the field will move to a more biologi-
however, failed to replicate the ADCS finding cal characterization of subjects underlying
(Doody etal., 2009). pathophysiologic spectra. However, prior to
Additional studies using galantamine and that stage of development, the clinical labels
rivastigmine were not successful (Feldman such as MCI are useful and facilitate commu-
etal., 2007; Winblad etal., 2008). These stud- nication with patients and promote research.
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Preclinical Alzheimers Disease

Reisa A. Sperling

In 2010, more than a quarter of a century after Moreover, the presence of A markers in
the original clinical criteria for Alzheimers these asymptomatic individuals was often
disease (AD) were published (McKhann associated with functional and structural
etal., 1984), the National Institute on Aging brain alterations, consistent with the patterns
and the Alzheimers Association convened of abnormality seen in patients with mild
three working groups to develop recom- cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia
mendations for updated diagnostic criteria due to AD. In addition, longitudinal stud-
for AD. One of the workgroups was charged ies suggest that are very subtle alterations
with exploring the border zone between in cognition and behavior that are detectable
normal aging and the earliest stages of AD. in these normal individuals years prior
After much discussion and debate, this work- to meeting criteria for MCI and AD demen-
group suggested the term preclinical AD to tia. Thus, it is increasingly evident that AD
connote the stage when the pathophysiologi- represents a disease continuum, beginning
cal process of AD has begun in the brain but with a preclinical phase that may gradually
clinically evident symptoms of AD are not progress toward the earliest symptomatic
yet clearly manifest. stages of AD, through MCI due to AD and
Converging evidence from studies of ultimately to AD dementia.
clinically normal elders and genetic at-risk It is also clear, however, that some clini-
cohorts strongly suggests that the AD patho- cally normal older individuals with bio-
physiological process begins years, perhaps marker evidence of AD may not become
decades, prior to the diagnosis of clinical symptomatic during their lifetime. The moni-
dementia. Recent advances in neuroimaging, ker preclinical AD does not suppose that
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) assays, and other all individuals with evidence of preclinical
biomarkers now allow the in vivo detection AD will progress to AD dementiamerely
of AD pathology. As data began to accumu- that the pathophysiological process of AD is
late from large cohorts of cognitively normal present prior to clinically evident symptoms
older individuals and asymptomatic autoso- of AD. Currently, there are insufficient data
mal dominant mutation carriers, it became to predict the likelihood of clinical decline
clear that a substantial proportion of these on an individual basis. Thus, the workgroup
individuals harbored biomarker or imaging recommendations for defining the preclinical
evidence of amyloid- (A) accumulation. stages of AD are intended only for research

CHAPTER 18. Preclinical Alzheimers Disease 449

purposes and have no clinical utility at this measures to identify individuals at high risk
point. for cognitive decline
It is likely that even the preclinical stage of
AD represents a continuum from completely
Redefining the Earliest Stages asymptomatic individuals with biomarker
ofAlzheimersDisease evidence of AD to biomarker positive indi-
viduals who are already demonstrating very
To facilitate the possibility of presymp- subtle decline but whom do not yet meeting
tomatic treatment of AD in the future, the standardized criteria for MCI (see Fig.18.1).
NIA-AA workgroup felt it was important It is for this reason that the NIA-AA work-
to define AD as including the underly- group chose the term preclinical AD rather
ing pathophysiological disease process, as than asymptomatic or presymptomatic, as it
opposed to having AD connote only the is clear that there is evidence of decline from
clinical stages of the disease as suggested baseline and very subtle symptoms that are
by other criteria (Dubois etal., 2010). In par- detectable prior to the stage of MCI or pro-
ticular, emerging evidence from both genetic dromal AD. The continuum of preclinical AD
at-risk and aging cohorts suggests that also encompasses:(1)individuals who carry
there may be a time lag of a decade or more one or more apolipoprotein E (APOE) 4
between the beginning of the pathological alleles who are known to have an increased
cascade of AD and the onset of clinically risk of developing AD dementia, at the point
evident impairment. The extent to which they are biomarker positive, and (2)carriers
biomarkers of AD predict a cognitively nor- of autosomal dominant mutations, who are
mal individuals subsequent clinical course in the presymptomatic biomarker positive
remain to be elucidated, and it is likely that stage of their illness, and who will almost cer-
some of individuals with biomarker evi- tainly manifest clinical symptoms and prog-
dence of AD will never manifest clinical ress to dementia.
symptoms in their lifetime. Thus, it is criti-
cal to determine the factors that best predict
the emergence of clinical impairment and Models of the Pathophysiological
progression to eventual AD dementia, and Sequence of Alzheimers Disease
to identify individuals most likely to benefit
from early intervention. The majority of biological models of AD con-
Although the concept of a preclinical tinue to suggest that abnormal accumulation
stage of AD has been somewhat controver- of A42 is an early event in the pathophysi-
sial, this notion should not be too foreign, as ologic cascade. All of the known autoso-
medical professionals readily acknowledge mal dominant, early-onset forms of AD are
that cancer can be detected at the stage of thought to be due, at least in part, to altera-
carcinoma in situ and that hypercholester- tions in amyloid precursor protein (APP)
olemia and atherosclerosis can result in nar- production or enzymatic cleavage (preseni-
rowing of coronary arteries that is detectable lin 1 and 2). Similarly, trisomy-21 invariably
prior to myocardial infarction. In most areas results in AD pathology in individuals who
of medicine, symptoms are not required have three intact copies of the APP coding
to diagnose human disease. Type II diabe- region located on chromosome 21. Finally,
tes, hypertension, renal insufficiency, and apolipoprotein E (APOE), the major genetic
osteoporosis are primarily detected through risk factor for late-onset AD, has been impli-
laboratory tests (i.e., biomarkers), and effec- cated in amyloid trafficking and plaque
tive treatment can prevent the emergence of clearance. Both autopsy and biomarker stud-
symptoms. The field of AD has not yet firmly ies suggest that A42 accumulation increases
established the link between the appearance with advanced aging, the greatest risk factor
of any specific biomarker in asymptomatic for developing AD. There remains significant
individuals and the subsequent emergence of debate in the field as to whether abnormal
clinical symptomatology; however, accumu- processing or clearance of A42 is actually
lating data suggest that we will someday be an etiologic event in sporadic, late-onset AD
able to utilize a combination of biomarkers, (Mawuenyega et al., 2010), and some inves-
genetics, and sensitive neuropsychological tigators have suggested that sequestration
450part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

Healthy Aging
Subtle decline
function Preclinical AD
MCI due to AD
(Prodromal AD)

AD Dementia

Figure18.1 The continuum of Alzheimers disease (AD). The stage of preclinical AD precedes mild
cognitive impairment (MCI) and encompasses the spectrum of asymptomatic biomarker-positive
older individuals at risk for progression to MCI due to AD and AD dementia, as well as
biomarker-positive individuals who have demonstrated subtle decline from their own baseline
that exceeds that expected in typical aging but would not yet meet criteria for MCI. Preclinical AD
also encompasses individuals at genetic risk for AD, both presymptomatic autosomal dominant
mutation carriers and asymptomatic APOE 4 carriers at the point they begin to demonstrate
abnormalities on AD biomarkers.

of A into fibrillar forms may even serve Fig.18.2). Figure18.2 was adapted from the
as a protective mechanism (Lee et al., 2004; original graph proposed by Jack (Jack etal.,
Shankar etal., 2008). 2010), which has recently been revised, to
It is also clear that intracellular hyper- expand the preclinical phase. This biomarker
phosphorylated forms of tau, synaptic, and model parallels the hypothetical pathophysi-
neuronal loss invariably occur in AD. Thus ological sequence of AD and is particularly
far, markers of synaptic and neuronal injury relevant to tracking the preclinical stages of
appear to correlate better than A plaque AD. Biomarkers of brain A amyloidosis are
burden with clinical status. Although over- reductions in CSF A42 and increased amy-
production of A due to autosomal dominant loid positron emission tomography (PET)
mutations appear to result in downstream tracer retention. Elevated CSF tau is thought
neuronal pathology (Bateman etal., 2012), it to be a biomarker of neuronal injury but is
remains to be proven whether A accumu- not specific to AD, whereas increased CSF
lation is sufficient to incite the downstream phospho-tau may reflect ongoing injury and
pathological cascade of AD in late-onset AD. make be somewhat more specific. Decreased
Furthermore, it is not yet clear whether the fludeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake on PET in
associated neurodegenerative processes a characteristic temporal-parietal pattern
are related to direct synaptic toxicity from is thought to reflect AD-related synaptic
oligomeric forms of A, disruption of axo- dysfunction. More recently, resting state or
nal trajectories from fibrillar forms of A, or task-free functional connectivity magnetic
a second hit (another X factor) that leads resonance imaging (MRI) has also demon-
to synaptic dysfunction, neurofibrillary tan- strated a similar pattern of dysfunction in
gle formation, neurodegeneration, and ulti- early AD. Note that biomarkers of synaptic
mately neuronal loss. dysfunction may demonstrate abnormalities
very early, particularly in apolipoprotein E
(APOE) 4 allele and autosomal dominant
Biomarker Model of the Preclinical mutation carriers, who may manifest func-
Stage of Alzheimers Disease tional abnormalities prior to detectable A
deposition (Filippini et al., 2009; Reiman
Jack and colleagues proposed a hypothetical et al., 2004, 2012; Sheline et al., 2010). Brain
model in which the most widely validated atrophy on structural MRI in a characteristic
biomarkers of AD become increasingly abnor- pattern involving medial temporal regions
mal in an ordered manner (Jack etal., 2010; see and thinning of temporo-parietal cortices
CHAPTER 18. Preclinical Alzheimers Disease 451

Amyloid- accumulation (CSF/PET)
Synaptic dysfunction (FDG-PET/fMRI)
Tau-mediated neuronal injury (CSF)
Brain structure (volumetric MRI)
Clinical function

Preclinical MCI Dementia

Clinical disease stage

Figure18.2 Hypothetical model of dynamic biomarkers of Alzheimers disease (AD) expanded
to explicate the preclinical phase:A accumulation detected by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) A42
assays or positron emission tomography (PET) amyloid imaging. Synaptic dysfunction evidenced
by fludeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET or functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with a dashed
line to indicate that synaptic dysfunction may be detectable in carriers of the 4 allele of the
apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) prior to detectable A deposition. Neuronal injury evidenced by CSF
tau or phospho-tau. Brain structure by structural MRI. Biomarkers change from maximally normal
to maximally abnormal (y axis) as a function of disease stage (x axis). The temporal trajectory of
two key indicators used to stage the disease clinically, cognition and clinical function, are also
illustrated. MCI, mild cognitive impairment. (Figure adapted with permission from Cliff Jack [Jack
etal.,2010]) (See color plate section)

are later biomarkers of AD-related neuro- pathologic insult, perhaps due to greater
degeneration that may also become subtly synaptic density or larger number of healthy
abnormal even before clinical symptoms are neurons, such that sufficient neural substrate
evident. remains to support normal function. It is not
The temporal lag between the earliest posi- clear, however, that the data support a clear
tivity on AD biomarkers and the emergence demarcation between these two concepts, as
of clinical symptoms also may be altered by many factors, such as higher socioeconomic
factors such as brain or cognitive reserve status or engagement in cognitively stimulat-
(Stern, 2009). The concept of reserve was ing activities, may contribute to both types
originally invoked to account for the obser- of reserve. Recent studies suggest that high
vation that the extent of AD histopathologic reserve may primarily influence the capa-
changes at autopsy was not tightly corre- bility of individuals to tolerate occult AD
lated with the degree of clinical impairment. pathology without evidence of subtle cogni-
Reserve can be conceptualized as the ability tive signs (Rentz etal., 2010; Roe etal., 2008),
to tolerate higher levels of brain injury with- but it may be associated with rapid decline
out exhibiting clinical symptoms. Cognitive once the tipping point is reached and com-
reserve is thought to represent the ability to pensatory mechanisms begin to fail (Fotenos,
engage alternate brain networks or cognitive Mintun, Snyder, Morris, & Buckner, 2008;
strategies to cope with the effects of encroach- Wilson etal., 2010).
ing pathology, whereas brain reserve refers Epidemiological studies suggest there are
to the capacity of the brain to withstand factors that may significantly modulate the
452part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

clinical expression of AD pathology, although closely parallels the percentage of individuals

evidence that these factors alter the underly- diagnosed with AD dementia a decade later
ing pathophysiologic process itself is less (Rowe et al., 2010). Similarly, genetic at-risk
clear. Large cohort studies have implicated cohorts demonstrate evidence of A accumu-
multiple health factors that may increase the lation many years prior to detectable cognitive
risk for developing cognitive decline and impairment (Bateman etal., 2012; Klunk etal.,
dementia thought to be due to AD (Yaffe 2007; Moonis etal., 2005; Reiman etal., 2009;
etal., 2009). In particular, vascular risk factors Ringman et al., 2008). Both autosomal domi-
such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, nant cohorts and APOE 4 carrier data suggest
and diabetes have been associated with an that synaptic function markers may be abnor-
increased risk of dementia, and they may con- mal prior to detectable A deposition on PET
tribute directly to the impact of AD pathol- amyloid imaging or the drop in CSF A levels,
ogy on the aging brain (Arvanitakis, Wilson, supporting the hypothesis that soluble forms
Bienias, Evans, & Bennett, 2004; Craft, 2009). of A may be responsible for synaptic toxicity.
On the positive side, there is some evidence Multiple groups have reported that cogni-
that engagement in specific activities, includ- tively normal older individuals with low CSF
ing cognitive, physical, leisure, and social A1-42 or high PET amyloid tracer retention
activity, may be associated with decreased demonstrate disruption of functional net-
risk of AD pathology (Landau et al., 2012; works during cognitive tasks or altered con-
Vidoni et al., 2012), and also progression nectivity at rest (Hedden etal., 2009; Kennedy
toward MCI and AD dementia (Wilson, et al., 2012; Mormino et al., 2011; Sheline
Scherr, Schneider, Tang, & Bennett, 2007). et al., 2009; Sperling et al., 2009). In addi-
tion, A-positive clinically normal older
adults demonstrate decreased brain volume
Biomarker Evidence Linking Alzheimers at baseline (Becker etal., 2011; Desikan etal.,
Disease Pathology to Early Symptomatology 2010; Dickerson etal., 2009; Fjell etal., 2010;
Oh et al.,) consistent with the patterns seen
Several multicenter biomarker initia- in AD dementia, and increased rates of atro-
tives, including the Alzheimers Disease phy (Chetelat etal., 2012; Sabuncu etal., 2011;
Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), and the Schott, Bartlett, Fox, & Barnes, 2010). There
Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle have been variable reports in the literature
Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL), as well as thus far as to whether A positive individu-
longitudinal biomarker studies in preclinical als demonstrate lower neuropsychological
AD populations at several academic centers, test scores cross-sectionally at the time of bio-
including Harvard, Washington University, marker acquisition (Aizenstein et al., 2008;
and the Mayo Clinic, are ongoing. Many of the Hedden et al., 2012; Mormino et al., 2009;
recent studies have focused on markers of A, Pike etal., 2007; Rentz etal., 2010; Sperling,
using either CSF assays of A42 or PET amy- Karlawish, & Johnson, 2013), which may
loid imaging with radioactive tracers that bind represent heterogeneity in where these indi-
to fibrillar forms of A. Both CSF and PET viduals fall on the preclinical continuum,
amyloid imaging studies suggest that a sub- the cognitive measures evaluated, and the
stantial proportion of clinically normal older degree of cognitive reserve in the cohorts.
individuals demonstrate evidence of A accu- Interestingly, two recent reports also link PET
mulation (De Meyer et al., 2011; Gomperts evidence of A to increased subjective cogni-
et al., 2008; Jack et al., 2008; Mintun et al., tive concerns, particularly with self-report of
2006; Montine etal., 2011; Rowe etal., 2006). increasing memory difficulty in everyday life
The exact proportion of amyloid-positive (Amariglio et al., 2012; Perrotin, Mormino,
normal individuals is dependent on the age Madison, Hayenga, & Jagust, 2012). Several
and genetic background of the cohort, but it longitudinal studies have now reported that
ranges from approximately 20%40% and is A positivity in clinically normal older indi-
very consonant with large postmortem series viduals an increased risk of cognitive decline
(Arriagada, Marzloff, & Hyman, 1992; Morris and progression to dementia (Chtelat etal.,
etal., 1996, Bennett etal., 2006). Interestingly, 2011; Doraiswamy et al., 2012; Fagan et al.,
the percentage of amyloid-positive normal 2007; Knopman etal., 2012; Li etal., 2007; Lim
individuals at autopsy detected at a given age etal., 2013; Morris etal., 2009; Resnick etal.,
CHAPTER 18. Preclinical Alzheimers Disease 453

2010; Storandt, Mintun, Head, & Morris, 2009; individuals at increasing risk of progression
Villemagne et al., 2008). Additional longitu- toward MCI and dementia (Sperling, Jack, &
dinal studies are clearly needed to confirm Aisen, 2011). Table18.1 summarizes the cat-
these findings and to elucidate the combina- egorization of biomarkers across the stages
tion of factors or biomarkers that best predict of preclinical AD. Stage 1 is characterized as
likelihood and rate of decline, and to better asymptomatic cerebral amyloidosis; Stage
understand individual differences in risk for 2 is amyloidosis plus neurodegeneration;
decline. and Stage 3 is amyloidosis, neurodegenera-
In addition to the aforementioned longi- tion, and evidence of very subtle change in
tudinal studies in older at-risk populations, cognition, including subjective cognitive
researchers continue to investigate the bio- concern, or behavior that is insufficient to
marker changes associated with genetic risk be diagnosed with MCI. Cliff Jack and col-
for AD. To date, the best established genetic leagues from the Mayo Clinic added two
risk factors for AD include common allelic additional categories that may be useful in
variants of APOE, the major late-onset AD capturing the full spectrum of the clinically
susceptibility gene, uncommon early-onset normal populations: (1) Stage 0 to connote
AD-causing mutations in the presenilin 1 older individuals without any biomarker
(PSEN1), presenilin 2 (PSEN2), and amyloid evidence of AD pathology and (2)Suspected
precursor protein (APP) genes, and Trisomy non-Alzheimers pathology (SNAP) to cat-
21 (Down syndrome). Biomarker studies in egorize individuals who do not have bio-
presymptomatic carriers of autosomal domi- marker evidence of amyloid pathology but
nant mutations have revealed evidence of A who demonstrate abnormalities on markers
accumulation on CSF and PET amyloid imag- of neuronal injury or subtle cognitive abnor-
ing more than 20years prior to the expected malities (Jack et al., 2012). Additional work
age of dementia onset in their families, as is required to determine the utility of such a
well as FDG-PET hypometabolism, func- staging framework; however, initial results
tional MRI abnormalities, and brain atrophy suggest that individuals in preclinical Stage
that may also precede symptoms by more 2 or 3 are indeed at increased risk of progres-
than a decade (Bateman etal., 2012; Reiman sion to MCI and AD dementia (Knopman
etal., 2012). etal., 2012).
The definitive studies to determine
whether the majority of asymptomatic indi-
A Conceptual Framework for Staging viduals with A accumulation are indeed
Preclinical Alzheimers Disease destined to develop AD dementia, and to
elucidate the biomarker and/or cognitive
Based on the available data in 2010 and the endophenotype that is most predictive of
biomarker framework utilized by the MCI cognitive decline will likely take more than
and AD dementia workgroups, the NIA-AA a decade to fully accomplish. Even if all of
preclinical workgroup proposed a three-stage the postulates mentioned previously prove
model for preclinical AD to characterize to be correct, a number of challenges remain

TABLE18.1 Staging Categories for Preclinical Alzheimers Disease Research

Stage Description Markers of A Markers of Evidence of
Accumulation Neuronal Injury Subtle Cognitive
(PETor CSF) (CSF tau, FDG, Change

Stage 1 Asymptomatic cerebral amyloidosis Positive Negative Negative

Stage 2 Asymptomatic amyloidosis+ Positive Positive Negative
downstream neurodegeneration
Stage 3 Amyloidosis+ Positive Positive Positive
neuronal injury+
subtle cognitive decline

Source:From Sperling etal. (2011).

454part ii The Dementias: The Major Diseases and Clinical Syndromes

before these research recommendations can would reduce the lifetime risk for AD demen-
be translated into clinical practice (Sperling tia for a 65-year-old from 10.5% to 5.7%.
etal., 2013). The ethical and practical implica- The recognition that the pathophysiologi-
tions of future implementation of making a cal process of AD is already well under way
diagnosis of AD at a preclinical stage need prior to the stage of clinically evident symp-
to be carefully studied before any of these toms has already spurred plans for very
diagnostic tests are offered to clinically nor- early intervention trials. These studies might
mal older individuals. In particular, the poi- be thought of as secondary prevention to
gnant question of Why would individuals delay the onset of the clinical syndrome in
want to know they have AD a decade before individuals in whom the brain disease has
they might develop symptoms, if there is already begun. The Alzheimers Prevention
nothing they can do about it? needs to be Initiative (API) (Reiman et al., 2011) and
carefully considered well before any results Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network
from research is translated into clinical prac- (DIAN) (Bateman et al., 2012) clinical trials
tice. There may be important reasons, includ- will enroll asymptomatic individuals from
ing social and financial planning, that some families with autosomal dominant mutations
individuals would want to know their like- with two monoclonal antibodies against A
lihood of developing AD dementia within (solanezumab and gantanerumab). The A4
the next decade, even in the absence of an Anti-Amyloid Treatment of Asymptomatic
available disease-modifying therapy. It is Alzheimers disease trial will enroll clini-
our hope, however, that the advances in pre- cally normal older individuals with evi-
clinical detection of AD will enable earlier, dence of amyloid pathology on PET amyloid
more effective treatment, just as nearly all of imaging and treat with a monoclonal anti-
therapeutic gains in cancer, cardiovascular body against A (solanezumab) for 3 years
disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes involve in a placebo-controlled trial. Additional
treatment before significant clinical symp- anti-amyloid trials in preclinical AD popu-
toms are present. lations are currently in the planning stages.
The results from these studies will provide
important information regarding the role of
Why Would We Want to Detect Alzheimers amyloid in early cognitive decline in AD.
Disease a Decade Before Dementia? The success of these prevention trials, how-
ever, does not require that amyloid is the
The long preclinical phase of AD provides cause of AD, merely that amyloid is a criti-
a critical opportunity for potential interven- cal factor in the pathway that can be treated at
tion with disease-modifying therapy, if we the right stage of AD. A useful analogy may
are able to elucidate the link between the be cholesterol lowering in cardiac disease.
presence of AD biomarkers in asymptom- Many individuals with high cholesterol never
atic individuals and the emergence of the experience a myocardial infarction (MI), but
clinical syndrome. As our population ages, lowering cholesterol at the population level
with 10,000 baby boomers turning age 65 has substantially decreased cardiac morbid-
every day in the United States and entering ity and mortality over the past decade. The
the age of increased risk for AD, early detec- relationship between cholesterol and cardiac
tion and intervention is increasingly impera- disease took many years to establish, requir-
tive. Recent analyses by the Alzheimers ing both large natural history studies, such as
Association suggest that a hypothetical the Framingham study, and multiple preven-
intervention that delayed the onset of AD tion trials in familial hypercholesterolemia,
dementia by just 5 years would result in a individuals with early symptoms of ischemic
57% reduction in the number of AD dementia hear disease, and ultimately in healthy indi-
patients and reduce the projected Medicare viduals at high risk for coronary heart disease.
costs of AD from $627 to $344 billion (http:// Lowering cholesterol may be very helpful in reducing an individuals risk prior to any car-
asp). These models suggest that a screening diac symptoms, and even after a single MI, but
instrument for the presence of AD pathology is unlikely to improve cardiac function at the
(with 90% sensitivity and specificity), and end stage of ischemic heart failure. Similarly,
a treatment that slows progression by 50%, it is likely that we may need to intervene with
CHAPTER 18. Preclinical Alzheimers Disease 455

anti-amyloid therapies at a much earlier stage thinning in clinically normal elderly. Annals
of AD to maximally impact the clinical course of Neurology, 69(6), 10321042.
of the disease (Sperling et al., 2011). Studies Bennett, D., Schneider, J., Arvanitakis, Z., Kelly, J.,
with transgenic mouse models strongly sug- Aggarwal, N., Shah, R., & Wilson, R.S. (2006).
Neuropathology of older persons without cog-
gest that A-modifying therapies may have
nitive impairment from two community-based
limited impact once neuronal degeneration
studies. Neurology, 66, 18371844.
has begun (Oddo, Billings, Kesslak, Cribbs, Chtelat, G., Villemagne, V. L., Pike, K., Ellis,
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Part III

Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive

Treatment:From Principles to Practice

Dementia Screening and Mental Status

Examination in Clinical Practice
Meghan B. Mitchell and Alireza Atri

The mental status examination is a criti- evaluation of different aspects of a patients

cal first step in identifying individuals with level of awareness and cognitive function, in
potential cognitive problems in primary care, addition to one of several standardized mea-
specialty clinic, and other outpatient settings. sures that provide a brief assessment of mul-
It is additionally an invaluable tool for track- tiple domains of cognitive function. These
ing changes in a patients overall level of measures are typically summarized in one
cognitive function in an inpatient setting or global summary score, and cutoff scores can
after a clinical dementia diagnosis has been be applied to optimally maximize the sen-
established. It is frequently a mental status sitivity of the measure at detecting impair-
examination that provides a first indication ment. As such, these tools can be thought
that a patient may be in the early stages of of as screening tools that identify cases for
dementia. Frequently, it is also a change in which a referral can be made for more exten-
mental status noted in an inpatient setting sive evaluation of cognitive function by a
that can alert clinicians that an acute and sys- neuropsychologist or other subspecialized
temic change in a patients health has led to clinician.
a potentially reversible cognitive, functional, Typically the goal of a mental status exami-
or behavioral problem such as delirium nation is to provide a brief assessment of
(Rudolph etal., 2008). This chapter provides multiple aspects of the patients behavioral,
a review of approaches to the mental status psychological, daily, and cognitive function-
examination that includes comparison of ing. This typically includes consideration of
standardized instruments and measures to the patients appearance, ability to carry out
detect cognitive impairment and dementia in activities of daily living, mood and insight,
the office or hospital setting, as well as addi- level of arousal and orientation, and multiple
tional observations and tests that can comple- aspects of cognitive function, including pro-
ment standardized measures in the screening cessing speed; psychomotor function; atten-
mental status evaluation. tion; and executive, language, visuospatial,
While there are many approaches to con- and memory functions. The examination
ducting the mental status examination, clini- should ideally be applied using a flexible
cians typically include their own qualitative approach, in which the clinician adapts to the

462 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

presentation of each patient. For example, if to other cognitive domains if the presenting
it becomes clear upon initial introductions symptoms differ (e.g., if a patient presents
that a patient is extremely disinhibited (e.g., with language or visuospatial symptoms).
making inappropriate sexual comments), a
mental status examination with more elabo-
rate assessment of executive and frontal lobe Qualitative Evaluation by Domain
functioning would be warranted, whereas
memory function might be more of a focus Many behaviors can be informally assessed
if the patient has trouble recalling details of through careful behavioral observations of
her recent personal history. Before and while the patient. While some clinicians prefer to
meeting with a patient, consider the fol- do this assessment in an unstructured for-
lowing questions to form a hypothesis and mat, others benefit from having the struc-
appropriate plan of action: ture of a checklist, outline, or standardized
tool for answering basic questions about the
What is the purpose of this examination? patients presentation. We will first provide
What is the primary presenting symptom, an overview of the domains that are typically
complaint, or problem? assessed in a mental status examination and
What is/has been the most salient symp- provide examples of observations or tasks
tom, complaint, or problem? that illustrate or assess each. Next, we will
What is the pace of progression of symp- review some of the most common and empir-
toms or problems? ically supported standardized tools for the
Are there any unusual associated features brief evaluation of mental status. Whenever
or temporal associations? possible, we recommend use of a standard-
What diagnoses may be considered in this ized tool in addition to informal observations.
What particular aspects of cognition or
psychological function may be affected? Appearance and Indicators
How should the testing and interpre- ofFunctional Status
tation of the results be adjusted to the
patients level of education, intelligence, Basic observations regarding the patients
and estimated previous intellectual and physical characteristics, such as the patients
functional capacities? sex, age, race, dress, posture, hygiene,
Are there cultural, ethnic, or primary grooming, and social interactions are essen-
language considerations that should be tial to consider and describe in the office
made while testing and interpreting the report. Functional status is a term used
results? to describe ones ability to carry out basic
activities of daily living (BADLs; e.g., dress-
In the context of performing mental status ing, bathing) and instrumental activities of
examinations where dementia diagnosis is daily living (IADLs; e.g., grocery shopping,
at the forefront of the differential diagnosis, financial management) (Lawton & Brody,
appropriate consideration of the base rates 1969; Njegovan, Hing, Mitchell, & Molnar,
of different forms of dementia is warranted. 2001; Weintraub, 1986). While not always a
Specifically, as Alzheimers dementia is the standard component of a mental status exam
most common form of dementia (Hebert, with all patient populations, assessment
Weuve, Scherr, & Evans, 2013), and changes of functional status is an essential aspect
in memory function tend to be the first clini- of dementia diagnosis (Mckhann et al.,
cally observable signs in the Alzheimers 2011) and is thus an essential component of
disease (AD) spectrum (Albert et al., 2011; the mental status examination with geriatric
Mckhann et al., 2011; Petersen et al., 1999; patients. Regardless of the consideration of a
Sperling et al., 2011), evaluation of memory dementia diagnosis, it is important to assess
is almost always an essential aspect, if not functional status of older adults, as impair-
the central focus, of a mental status examina- ment in daily functioning puts patients at
tion in this context. Despite this point related risk for many detrimental outcomes, such as
to prior probability, this primary focus on car accidents (OConnor, Kapust, & Hollis,
memory function should be flexibly shifted 2008); falls (Lakhan, Jones, Wilson, & Gray,
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 463

2012); medication noncompliance (Edelberg, (e.g., depression, anxiety), or is the current

Shallenberger, Hausdorff, & Wei, 2000; change in mood or behavior the patients
Edelberg, Shallenberger, & Wei, 1999); and first experience of significant psychiatric
fraud, abuse, and poor decisions; or undue difficulties? If the latter is the case, consid-
influence related to finances, health, sexual eration of dementia as the potential cause
consent, legal contracts, and living situation of the change should be considered. While
(Edelstein et al., 2008). While several stan- it is possible for depression or other psychi-
dardized measures of daily function will be atric problems to emerge in later life, it is
summarized later in the chapter, there are more likely for psychiatric changes in older
many signs of impaired daily function that adults with no prior history of such prob-
are directly observable and evident within lems to be driven by an underlying neuro-
the first few minutes of meeting with a degenerative process (Barnes et al., 2012;
patient. Any subtle or obvious suggestion Boustani, Peterson, Hanson, Harris, & Lohr,
of a problem with self-care is clinically rel- 2003; Jost & Grossberg, 1996). Other aspects
evant, should be noted, and can be explored of psychological functioning that are directly
further with questions regarding specific observable are overt signs of psychosis (e.g.,
activities of daily living. For older adults hallucinations, delusions, paranoia), which
who require assistance for activities, it is can emerge in the context of delirium but can
important to determine whether their limita- also be present in advancing dementia, and as
tions are attributable to physical versus cog- a prominent earlier feature in dementia with
nitive limitations. For example, if a patient Lewy bodies. Such signs can be observed
has exhibited a recent change in the ability to in patients who appear to be responding
dress herself, clarification is needed to deter- to internal stimulus (e.g., talking or laugh-
mine whether she has experienced a physi- ing to themselves), who express delusional
cal change or injury (e.g., increased arthritis thoughts or beliefs during conversation (e.g.,
symptoms), or whether she has instead expe- people are coming in the house and taking all
rienced a cognitive change (e.g., forgetting to my things; my wife is having an affair; my
get dressed or lacking the volition to initiate wife is not my wife but an imposter), or who
getting dressed). Functional impairments have grossly disorganized speech (e.g., cir-
that are clearly attributable to a cognitive cumlocutory, tangential). Disinhibition; com-
change would be consistent with those seen pulsive behaviors; perseveration; utilization
in dementia, while any functional change is behavior; and insensitive, inappropriate, and
of course clinically relevant and warrants odd behaviors can also be directly observed
further evaluation to ensure safety (e.g., con- and are cardinal symptoms of frontal systems
sideration of a referral to physical or occupa- dysfunction that can be featured prominently
tional therapy to provide modifications to the in vascular-ischemic cognitive impairment
home). or dementia, traumatic brain injury/chronic
traumatic encephalopathy, and particularly
in behavioral-variant frontotemporal demen-
Mood and Psychological Functioning tia (bv-FTD; Hardy, Momeni, & Traynor,
2006; Rascovsky etal., 2011; Slachevsky etal.,
Informal evaluation of mood and psycho- 2011).
logical functioning includes observing the
patients affect. Overt signs of depression or
dysphoria include tearfulness, verbal expres- Arousal and Orientation
sion of feeling hopeless or in extreme cases
suicidal, and can also be expressed by overt General level of arousal and alertness can be
emotional outbursts of anger or irritability. assessed through passive observation of the
Another important aspect of mood that can patient, and in cases where extremely dimin-
go undetected is apathy or emotional with- ished arousal or fluctuations in arousal are
drawal. In evaluating psychological func- present, a thorough and active assessment
tioning in older adults, it is important to of level of consciousness may be necessary;
determine the onset and duration of mood verbal, nonverbal, and motor responses are
symptoms. Specifically, does the patient have assessed to determine what level of stimu-
a lifelong history of psychiatric problems lation is required to elicit different levels of
464 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

response from the patient. As a clinician, it is or subacute change or fluctuation in mental

important to keep in mind that the same word status is due to an acute or gradually pro-
may represent different meanings between gressing underlying medical complication
individuals; for example, sleepy can elicit that is causing mental decompensation that
a different mental picture to the reader, rang- may manifest as confusion and delirium.
ing from awake and relatively alert to nearly Fluctuations in arousal or orientation are
comatose. It is therefore better to describe often a prominent feature in the early stages
the patients spontaneous engagement and of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) (see
responses to the examiners commands and Chapter2 for a review), but they can also be
stimuli (e.g., The patient had his eyes closed seen in some patients with mild or moder-
without spontaneous movements, was ate vascular-ischemic dementia and cerebral
breathing loudly, and did not open his eyes to amyloid angiopathy.
loud voice command or to gentle tactile stim-
uli, including tickling of his feet and shaking
of his fingers and hands. He partially opened Attention, Working Memory, Processing
both eyes for less than 5 seconds and grunted Speed, and Psychomotor Function
to vigorous sternal rub while also reaching
with his left hand to localize by grabbing Attention, working memory, and processing
my hand on his sternum). If the patient speed are interrelated concepts that are repre-
appears to have low arousal and alertness, sented diffusely in the brain and tend to show
consideration of current medications, assess- a gradual decline in normal aging (Robitaille
ment of sleep quality, and questioning the et al., 2013; Salthouse, 2010). As they have
patient and a reliable informant about spe- diffuse neuroanatomical substrates, impair-
cifics regarding the energy and activity level ments in these aspects of cognition can be
of the patient during the day (and night) can due to many underlying causes.
help to determine whether the sedation rep- Attention was famously described in
resents a change in the patients typical level 1890 by the father of American psychology,
of functioning. William James, in The Principles of Psychology
Assessment of orientation can be more as follows:Every one knows what attention
formally assessed by asking the examinee is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in
to provide levels of details about her or his clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem
knowledge regarding current location (spa- several simultaneously possible objects or
tial orientation; e.g., state, town, name of trains of thought. Focalization, concentration
location/hospital/clinic, address, building, of consciousness are of its essence. It implies
floor), aspects of time (temporal orientation; withdrawal from some things in order to
e.g., year, season, month, date, day, time of deal effectively with others, and is a condi-
day, estimate of exact time), persons (ori- tion which has a real opposite in the con-
entation to person; e.g., people present at fused, dazed, scatterbrained state which in
evaluation; name(s) of clinician, person(s) French is called distraction, and Zerstreutheit
accompanying the patient, the patient her/ in German (James, 1890, pp. 403404).
himself), and situation (orientation to con- Informally, elements of the patients attention
text; e.g., medical/neurological/psychiatric can be observed by how attentive she is to
evaluation of patient for cognitive change the examiner, conversation, and instructions;
or problems by the clinician). While some how distractible she is; and whether she has
of these questions may have limited utility difficulty maintaining focus or loses her train
in detecting subtle signs of early demen- of thought and is impersistent during con-
tia, they can provide useful information for versations, actions, tasks, or instructions.
staging and tracking patients who are in the Evaluation of attention is typically covered
middle to late stages of dementia or have by items on formal mental status exams that
mild dementia but have a relatively greater involve asking the patient to repeat a string
disorientation, impairment in forming new of numbers in forward and backward order.
memories, or lack of insight and awareness Other commonly used tasks include asking
into their cognitive problems. Assessment a patient to recite the days of the week or
of arousal and orientation may also provide months of the year in forward and reverse
the clinician with an indication that an acute order, to count or spell words in forward and
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 465

reverse order (e.g., counting back from 20 to flexibility. Formal assessment of elements of
1; spelling world or sailor forward and executive function can be done by asking the
backward), to repeatedly do fixed subtrac- patient to alternate between reciting or draw-
tions from starting number (e.g., subtracting ing lines on a piece of paper between two
7s starting from 100, subtracting 3s starting sequences (e.g., alternating between count-
at 20), or to rearrange a sequence according ing by 7s and reciting the months of the year;
to a certain rule (e.g., reordering the alpha- alternating between stating the letters of the
numeric sequence:8, A, 3, L, 6, I presented alphabet starting at A and ending at Z and
at one number/letter per second into ascend- counting numbers from 1 to 26; alternate
ing alphabetic and numerical order as A, I, between connecting numbers and letters on a
L, 3, 6, 8). These tasks all have the common page as in the trails B test (Reitan & Wolfson,
component of asking a patient to attend to a 1985). There are a diverse array of formal
verbal instruction set and to mentally hold and informal measures of many aspects of
and manipulate a set of information to pro- executive function that have been developed;
vide accurate responses. some provide qualitative information regard-
Many patients with mild Alzheimers ing a patients approach to problem solving,
dementia can display relatively preserved and some have systematic scoring criteria
attention but may show subtle deficits in for objective quantification of performance.
speed or psychomotor function. In dementias Several commonly used screening measures
that have more subcortical or diffuse white include items specifically designed to assess
matter involvement, such as Parkinsonian executive function (e.g., MoCA, ACE-R),
dementias or vascular dementia, more nota- while there are also domain-specific screen-
ble difficulties with speed and motor func- ing measures, such as the Clock Drawing Test
tion are often evident (Cherrier et al., 1997; (see later for a review of several variants on
OBrien etal., 2002). At the outset of any clini- this task). Importantly, the Mini Mental State
cal office visit, motor function can be assessed Examination provides very limited assess-
by informally observing the patients gait, ment of executive functioning through spell-
posture, stability, facial movements (e.g., ing of the word world backward. Other
blink rate), and the speed of performing basic bedside tasks to assess executive function
motor functions and overall movements (e.g., include performance of Luria-type motor
rising from sitting to standing). Processing programming sequences to test ordering,
speed can also be informally observed by set-maintenance/shifting, and persevera-
the patients response latency to questioning tion, and the visual pattern completion test.
during the interview. For example, Weiner and colleagues (2011)
devised a more difficult Luria-type task
by modifying the original Luria three-step
Executive Function sequence task of fist-cut-slap by asking the
patient to first mimic the examiner and then
Executive function, a term often used to to perform several cycles of a hand motor
refer to the cognitive tasks primarily con- sequence of cut, fist, slap (Weiner, Hynan,
trolled by the frontal lobes or frontal systems Rossetti, & Falkowski, 2011)with the knuck-
of the brain, includes cognitive abilities such les pointing down during the formation of a
as planning, organization, inhibition, shift- fist (see Fig. 19.1). An example of the visual
ing from one task to another, fluency, and pattern completion task involves asking the
abstract reasoning (Stuss & Alexander, 2000). patient to extend an alternating pattern of
Informal assessment of executive functions connected open-square and triangular shapes
can be obtained by observing for signs of (i.e., ramparts; see Fig.19.2).
disinhibition, such as frequently interrupt- Another aspect of executive functioning
ing or making socially inappropriate com- is the ability to generate responses, either
ments. Patients with executive dysfunction verbally or nonverbally. Verbal fluency is
also commonly have difficulty shifting from discussed later in the language section, but
one task to another; this can be observed the executive component of these types of
during interview if the patient exhibits diffi- tasks is that they require the examinee to
culty when the topic of conversation or task generate novel responses according to a set
changes, is perseverative, or has poor mental of rules (e.g., to say or write words following
466 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

1 2 3

1 2 3

Figure19.1 Demonstration of the original Luria motor sequencing test (top) and the modified,
slightly more challenging motor sequence (bottom) used by Weiner etal. (2011).

to make is whether a patient has a motor

speech disorder (e.g., dysarthria) or aphasia,
is a disorder of communication. General ele-
ments of the language exam include fluency,
Figure19.2 Examples of graphomotor comprehension, reading, writing, repeating,
sequences that can be started by the examiner and naming. While a fine-grained analysis
and completed by the patient. of language function would not be possible
or appropriate in a screening mental sta-
tus examination format, a gross evaluation
a rule set; to create designs by connecting of expressive abilities can be obtained, for
dots according to a rule set). Difficulties with example, by noting the patients ability to
executive function are reflected on these verbally express herself in conversation and
tasks by a reduction or inability to generate to state an understanding of the purpose
responses, difficulties maintaining cognitive of the current office visit (unless there is an
set (e.g., when instructed to say as many underlying lack of awareness of deficits).
A words as she can, a patient says a word Brief informal evaluation of naming abil-
beginning with another letter), and persever- ity can be assessed by asking the patient to
ative errors (i.e., repeating previously stated name a few objects starting with items that
responses). are higher frequency words (e.g., glasses,
thumb) and progressing to lower frequency
words (e.g., the lens of a pair of glasses, fin-
Language gernail, cuticle, lapel). Comprehension can
be assessed by asking a question that requires
Evaluation of the patients speech and lan- processing of sentences with complex gram-
guage includes noting gross signs of the matical constructions (e.g., If a lion is eaten
motoric aspects of speech (e.g., dysarthria, by a tiger, which animal is still alive?) or the
and speech rhythm, prosody, and volume) performance of a multistep command, pref-
as well as multiple aspects of language func- erably across midline (e.g., Please take your
tion, which can broadly be conceptualized as left thumb, touch your right ear, and then
receptive language abilities (i.e., the ability point to the door). It is important to keep in
to process and understand written or spo- mind that longer verbal statements such as
ken language) and expressive abilities (i.e., these draw on not only language abilities but
the ability to express oneself in verbal or also working memory abilities, so if a patient
written language). An important distinction fails to perform such a task, further testing
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 467

is warranted to better define the nature of Visuospatial Function

the performance deficit. Reading and writ-
ing can be assessed directly by asking the Visuospatial function involves the abilities
patient to read a paragraph and to write a to identify, integrate, and analyze space, and
complete sentence (which should include a visual form, details, structure, and spatial
subject and a verb). Repetition is tested using relations in several (usually two or three)
medium to long phrases or sentences (e.g., dimensions. Visuospatial skills include spa-
The naughty boys always chased the inno- tial navigation; perception of distance, depth,
cent girls during recess or The Patriots movement, and visual relations; visuospa-
scored two touchdowns in the fourth quarter tial construction; and mental imagery. Gross
to beat the Bears). Fluency can be assessed visuospatial dysfunction can be observed
by noting the fluidity, speed, and ease with by evidence that the patient has trouble
which a patient expresses him or herself in navigating through space (e.g., observed to
conversationlong pauses or word-finding frequently bump into things). Importantly,
hesitations or word substitutions may be intact visuospatial functioning is essential
indicative of a nonfluent or dysnomic lan- for driving (Reger et al., 2004), and given
guage disorder (assuming psychomotor pro- the safety implications, detailed questioning
cessing is not also generally affected to the of patients and their caregivers regarding
same degree). recent changes in driving ability is essen-
Verbal fluency is an aspect of language tial. Common difficulties with driving that
abilities that is conceptualized to fall under emerge in early dementia that reflect difficul-
both the domain of executive and language ties with visuospatial function include minor
function. Formal evaluation of verbal fluency accidents due to misjudging the location of
is included on several of the standardized surrounding objects (e.g., hitting adjacent
measures summarized later (e.g., SLUMS, cars while parking).
MoCA, ACE-R) and is typically assessed by Brief assessments of visuospatial abili-
asking the patient to say as many words as ties are included in all of the standardized
she can think of that begin with a certain mental status examination tools discussed
letter (letter or phonemic fluency task) or later. In the event a standardized tool is not
that belong to a certain semantic category used, a basic screen for visuospatial problems
(e.g., animals, vegetables, tools; semantic may include instructing the patient to copy
category task). The pattern of verbal flu- predrawn shapes on a page, starting with
ency deficits can also be informative. For simple shapes (e.g., a square, pentagon) and
example, in early AD the pattern of language progressing to more complex shapes (e.g.,
dysfunction is often a verbal fluency profile a cube, intersecting pentagons), building
of worse performance on semantic than let- shapes with triangles or blocks, and draw-
ter fluency tasks, likely reflecting temporal ing a clock. Simple visual perception can
cortical dysfunction. In contrast, early-stage be tested by asking the patient to count the
patients with vascular cognitive impairment number of irregularly spaced dots on a card
(VCI) or other disorders that prominently without using any fingers to point or count.
affect frontoparietal language systems (e.g., More complex visual perception, attention,
agrammatic or logopenic variants of pri- and integration can be tested by showing the
mary progressive aphasia) often show pro- patient a picture and asking him to describe
files of impaired word finding and naming what he sees (e.g., using the Boston Cookie
(but improved naming when provided with Theft Picture, from the Boston Diagnostic
hints or cues), and worse performance on let- Aphasia Examination, where a line draw-
ter fluency than semantic category fluency. ing picture portrays a complex scene).
If language difficulty is the primary symp- Visuospatial construction can also be tested
tom, a more detailed language assessment by asking the patient to imitate the construc-
is essential, usually performed by a special- tion of different interlocking finger patterns
ist. A patient whose most salient symptom made by the examiner. Navigation can be
involves language may be presenting with tested by asking the patient to recount a
primary progressive aphasia (see Chapter9) familiar route that can be verified by a reli-
or another variant of frontotemporal demen- able informant (e.g., Turn by turn, can you
tia (see Chapter2). tell me how you get from your house to the
468 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

grocery store?) or the route the patient trav- Assessment of recent episodic memory
eled to come to the office visit; the latter task can be evaluated informally while inter-
also makes demands on episodic memory viewing the patient by asking questions
function. Mental visualization may also be about recent events in the news. Ideally, this
tested by asking the patient to perform men- is done after obtaining some information
tal rotations, spatial navigation, or by the about the patients interests (e.g., a particu-
clock visualization and projection (CVP) task. lar sports team; a current political issue) and
During this multimodal screening task, which asking questions specific to those interests
also requires good attention, comprehension, (e.g., details and the score of the last game he
and working memory, the patient is asked to watched) that can be verified. Alternatively,
close her eyes and to visualize a clock face; if a family member is available to provide the
the patient is then instructed to imagine the clinician with details about a recent family
short-hand of the clock is pointing to three event, the clinician can ask questions about
and the long-hand is pointing to five. What the patients recent personal history. If such
time will the clock show in half-an-hour? It information is not readily available, one can
is possible, however, to use alternative strate- assess nonpersonal semantic memory by ask-
gies, such as using semantic knowledge and ing the patient to name, for example, the cur-
working memory without utilizing mental rent president (prime minister or monarch),
imagery, to solve the CVP task. vice president, state governor or senator,
Visuospatial function can be impaired early the mayor of the patients town, the name
in several conditions, including dementia of the US President who was assassinated
with Lewy bodies, vascular cognitive impair- in the 1960s (and what city he was in), or
ment, corticobasal syndrome, or the posterior naming the US Presidents in reverse tempo-
cortical atrophy syndrome. A patient who ral order starting with the current president.
reports abnormalities in perception, such as Often the last type of memory to be affected
detailed visual hallucinations or subtle per- is personal or autobiographic memory such
ceptual distortions, should be referred for as the patients current age, date and place of
further subspecialty evaluation. Visual hallu- birth, her profession and names and places
cinations can also be due to a medication side of past major employment, names of schools
effect in susceptible individuals, such as in attended, and names of family members.
patients with Parkinsons disease prescribed All of the cognitive screening tools dis-
dopamine-enhancing medications. cussed later provide objective assessment
of memory and include tasks on which the
patient is asked to learn and recall (or rec-
Memory Function ognize), after a delay in which the patient
is mentally engaged and not allowed to
Memory is the capacity to store, retain, and rehearse the presented materials, a verbally
recall information and experiences (see presented word list or story, or to redraw a
Chapter 1 for review of memory systems). previously copied figure. When expressive
The aspect of cognition most affected by language function can significantly interfere
Alzheimers disease in its earliest stages with verbal recall during memory testing,
is episodic memory, and the difficulty lies other alternatives to redrawing previously
with the formation of new memories. This copied figures include testing recognition
can often translate to a patient with early memory through presenting lists of words,
Alzheimers disease who may have an excel- patterns, or pictures, or to hide objects in par-
lent memory for information learned and ticular locations in the exam room and ask
events that occurred in their remote past the patient to remember and later show you
(e.g., many lines of poetry, autobiographical their locations.
information such as where she went to grade It is important to always assess that the
school) but may have less ability to learn patient has been able to immediately register
new information or form detailed memories or encode the material, as well as to ensure
for more recent events (e.g., names of new that the patients hearing is intact, by ask-
coworkers, details of current events, what ing the patient to first repeat the presented
restaurant she went to last week, what meal items (at least once, and preferably twice or
she ate last night). more when a greater learning load is being
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 469

demanded). If the patient is unable to ade- Simple reasoning and problem solving can
quately register this material (e.g., because be tested in a variety of ways, including ask-
of an attentional, learning, or severe hear- ing the patient to address a simple life sce-
ing problem) then subsequent assessment nario such as What would you do if you
of memory storage capacity may not be found a stamped and addressed envelope on
completely made. After a delay, ideally of at the street? or You find water pouring out
least 5 minutes, when the patient has been from a cracked pipe in your bathroom; what
mentally engaged with other tasks that do do you do?
not require substantial learning and remem- Abstraction can be assessed by asking for
bering of material that can interfere with this the meaning of common proverbs as well as
material/information, the patient is asked to asking the patient to delineate the similar-
recall the specific information he was asked ity (e.g., In the most general sense, how are
to remember. Any items the patient cannot bicycle and train similar?) and difference
recall can be first cued by category (e.g., a cat- between two things (e.g., What is the differ-
egory cue of building for the learned item ence between a lie and a mistake?).
of church) and then by multiple-choice Agnosia, derived from a-gnosis or
recognition (e.g., Was it school, church, non-knowledge, is the loss of ability to rec-
hospital, or train station?). The hallmark of ognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or
patients with early to mid-stage Alzheimers smells while the specific sense is not defec-
dementia is a relatively preserved ability to tive. Anosognosia is the lack of awareness of
immediately register new information but or denial of the existence of a deficit or handi-
significant storage loss for this information cap (Greek: nosos or disease and gnosis or
when tested after an adequate delay that is knowledge) and is a common (but not nec-
not substantially amenable to cues or recog- essary), and relatively early, feature of sev-
nition by multiple/forced-choice testing. eral dementias, particularly AD and bvFTD.
It is important to gauge anosognosia, and the
patients overall insight, for several reasons,
Specialized Mental Functions and Multimodal including to advise the caregivers about the
Cognitive Operations best approaches to the patients care and
safety considerations (including driving,
While not necessary to evaluate these func- guns, cooking). Anosognosia can be assessed
tions during all screening MSEs in the pri- by comparing actual facts to the patients
mary care setting, some tests of specialized insight, perception, and understanding of her
cognitive functions can be included in certain condition (deficits, disabilities, and behav-
primary care situations and should be often iors, and their impact on others), current
included in screening MSEs by subspecial- station in life, and the reason and context of
ists. These include assessment of calculations, the medical evaluation. Patients with simul-
reasoning and problem solving, abstrac- tanagnosia can recognize objects or details in
tion, agnosia, neglect, praxis (see Chapter1), their visual field, but only one at a time. They
insight, and judgment (see Table19.1). cannot make out the scene they belong to or
Complexity of calculations should be make out a whole image out of the details
adjusted to the patients level of education or they literally cannot see the forest for the
highest function. This can range from simple trees. Simultanagnosia can be tested using
arithmetic (e.g., What is 9 plus 14?) to cal- scenes (e.g., The Cookie Theft Picture) or
culations involving money (e.g., How many asking the patient to identify specific targets
nickels are there in 65 cents?), to making of various sizes such as letters, numbers, or
change (e.g., If you bought something that shapes on a pageaffected patients may be
cost $3.73 and you paid with a $5 bill, how able to identify smaller individual targets but
much change should you receive back?), to not larger ones (e.g., the patient can circle all
calculating more complex bills involving per- small As on a page with an array of small
centages (e.g., If you went to a restaurant and large letters, but not the very large As)
and the bill came to $120, how much total or ones that are produced by smaller shapes
money would you leave if you wanted to (see Fig.19.3).
also include a 15% tip?), and to solving more Hemispatial neglect (also known as uni-
complex word problems. lateral neglect, spatial neglect, or neglect
470 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

TABLE19.1 Summary of Cognitive Domains and Examples of Their Informal Assessment in

an Office Visit
Domain Instruct the patient to...

Orientation State his or her name; name family members present

Person Name the state, county, town, hospital building, floor
Place State the year, month, date, day, time of day
Attention Recite the days of week or months of year in forward, then reverse order
Spell a word (e.g., WORLD) in forward, then reverse order
Recite a string of numbers (presented at a rate of a number per second, starting
with a shorter string and increasing string length by one number each time; e.g.,
Working memory Recite a string of numbers using the same method as above, but instructing the
patient to recite the numbers in reverse order of what you say (e.g., If Isay 7-8-3,
you would say 3-8-7)
Recite a string of numbers using the same method as above, but instructing the
patient to recite the numbers in numeric order, starting with the lowest number
(e.g., If Isay 7-2-5, you would say 2-5-7)
Processing speed Note the response latency and overall speed of verbal response on attention measures
above (e.g., counting in forward and reverse order)
Sequencing Imitate hand movements in a sequence demonstrated by the examiner (see Fig.19.1)
Continue a sequenced drawing that is started by the examiner (e.g., XOXO; ramparts)
Set switching Alternate between counting and reciting the alphabet (e.g., I want you to switch
between counting in numeric order and reciting the alphabet, like this:1-A-2-B-3...
now you try it)
Alternate between counting by 6s and reciting the days of the week (e.g., I want you
to alternate between counting by 6s and reciting the days of the week in order, like
this:0-Sunday, 6-Monday, 12... now you try it)
Fluency Recite as many words as possible in 1 minute that start with a given letter (e.g., C)
or a given semantic category (e.g., grocery store items)
Language Name several objects in the room, starting with high-frequency items (pen, pencil,
watch, ruler, glasses) and moving to low-frequency items (glasses lens, watch clasp,
tip of pencil).
Follow a multistep verbal command (e.g., Touch your left ear with your right index
finger, then touch your nose).
Follow a written command (e.g., Close your eyes).
Answer a complex question (e.g., If a lion and a tiger fight and the tiger eats the lion,
which animal is still alive?)
Visuospatial Copy a simple shape (e.g., a square), then a more complex shape (e.g., a cube)
Draw a mark where they think the middle of a provided line is.
Memory Repeat a list of words immediately, and again after 10 minutes
At the beginning of the visit, tell the patient you will be hiding three objects in the
room (e.g., watch, pencil, ruler). Then show the patient where you are hiding them,
and ask the patient to try to remember the items and their location. At the end of
the visit, ask the patient to name the objects and to show (or tell) you where they
are located.
Specialized mental functions/multimodal operations
Calculations Perform mental arithmetic (e.g., What is 28 minus 17?)
Make change (e.g., Of you bought something for $3.73 and paid with a 5 dollar bill,
how much change should you get?)
Reasoning/ Provide solutions to everyday problems (e.g., What should you do if you are in a
problem movie theatre and you smell smoke)
Abstraction Identify the similarities between words (e.g., In what way are a banana and an
orange alike?)
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 471


Domain Instruct the patient to...


Anosognosia Describe his or her understanding of the reasons why a given safety measure has been
taken or restriction has been made (e.g., if the patients drivers license has been
revoked) and compare his or her provided reasons to known facts (e.g., the patient
has a recent history of several minor car accidents).
Simultanagnosia Describe a complex scene (e.g., the Boston Cookie Theft picture) or identify a large
object that is made up of smaller shapes (e.g., an Amade on a page with small As)
Neglect Bisect a line drawn on a page
Apraxia Show you how he or she would cut with scissors; sweep with a broom; strike a match

syndrome) is broadly defined when a deficit is touched simultaneously on the right and
in attention to the opposite side of space is left). While the sequelae of large right middle
observed. When florid, it will be symptom cerebral artery stroke is the most common
described by the informant, which can be cause of hemispatial neglect, traumatic brain
observed during the examination by notic- injury, brain tumors, and neurodegenerative
ing that the patient has not shaved, applied conditions such as corticobasal degeneration
makeup, or brushed the hair on the left side (CBD) and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease may
of her body. When more subtle, it can be also cause this condition.
assessed by asking the patient to bisect a Apraxia can be broadly defined as the loss
horizontal line, cross out a target letter on a of the ability to execute or carry out learned
page of randomly placed letters, copy a geo- purposeful movements, despite having the
metric figure, describe the examination room, desire and the physical ability to perform
or a picture presented to her (see Fig. 19.4 the movements (see Chapter 1). Ideomotor
for an example task). When the primary praxis, the ability to correctly form the nec-
modality is intact, extinction to double-sided essary postures and movements to perform
stimulation in any modality (e.g., visual, a task using a tool, can be tested by asking
tactile) can also indicate neglect (e.g., with the patient to pretend by showing you how
eyes closed the patient indicates the light
touch by the examiner on the left and right
side of his body when touched in sequence, S
but not when touched at the same timein A S A B A
left-sided neglect he would only indicate A C
being touched on his right side though he A F A T A J
Figure19.4 Example of a task that evaluates
visual field perception and hemifield attention.
A A The patient can be shown such an array of
A A letters or objects on a page and be instructed
A A to cross out all of the As on the page. People
Figure19.3 Asample of a hierarchical figure with visual neglect (typically left) will have a
in which the smaller letters make up a larger high rate of omissions on the left side of the
letter. In patients with simultagnosia (seen in page. Similarly, when asked to bisect a line by
Balints syndrome), there would be difficulty in marking the center of the line, patients with
seeing the larger letter (H)below. neglect will mark the line to the right of center.
472 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

she would scramble an egg with a fork (a and traveling independently. Each item on
transitive task) or by asking her to show you the FAQ is rated on a scale of 03, with a rat-
how she would salute (a nontransitive task). ing of 0 indicating complete independence
Ideational praxis, the ability to correctly tem- and a score of 3 indicating complete reliance
porally sequence independent actions/task on caregivers. The FAQ is helpful as a screen-
components to perform a goal, can be tested ing tool, as any score greater than 0 would
by asking the patient to verbalize, step by indicate some level of functional impairment
step, how she would make a sandwich. and would thus represent a red flag for fur-
An overall general estimate of the patients ther evaluation of dementia. As suggested by
insight and judgment can be made after the Alzheimers Association recommenda-
obtaining a complete history (from patient tions for primary care clinicians conducting
and informant), performing the assess- the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit (Cordell
ment discussed previously, and gauging etal., 2013), a questionnaire such as the FAQ
the patients understanding, response, and to screen for functional impairment should be
receptiveness to the clinical impression and used in conjunction with a screening tool for
recommendations made by the clinician. cognitive function, such as those described
later. This recommendation is made because
subtle changes in cognition often predate
Review of Common Standardized Mental overt problems with daily function (Petersen
Status Examination Tools etal., 1999).

Functional Status and Dementia Symptom AD8

The AD8 is an eight-item questionnaire
Functional status instruments are meant to assessing changes in cognition or daily func-
capture the degree to which cognitive and/ tion that are attributable to problems with
or behavioral symptoms interfere with a thinking or memory (Galvin etal., 2005). Each
patients independence in daily functioning. item on the AD8 is rated dichotomously with
It is critical for the clinician to gauge func- a Yes/No answer indicating whether there
tional status in order to develop an overall has been a change from a previous level of
assessment of the patients clinical status function for the patient. The important factor
(i.e., mild cognitive impairment vs. demen- is to indicate whether there has been a change
tia). Dementia symptom questionnaires are and not to attribute cause or reasons for the
meant to capture the types and severity of change. The measure is ideally administered
behavioral symptoms, many of which are not by a clinician in an interview with a reliable
yet possible to measure using psychometric informant, but it can also be completed by
tests. All of these instruments can be sent (or the informant or patient independently if the
can be adapted to be sent) to the informant in situation necessitates.
advance or filled out in the waiting room, and The AD8 was developed by the creators
then reviewed with the clinician to increase of the Clinical Dementia Rating scale (CDR)
efficiency in a practice setting. (Morris, 1993), by independently adminis-
tering the CDR and a separate 52-item infor-
mant questionnaire regarding aspects of
Functional Assessment Questionnaire
cognitive and daily function to informants
The Functional Assessment Questionnaire of participants enrolled in the Washington
(FAQ) is a 10-item questionnaire assessing University Alzheimers Disease Research
instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) Center. The initial 52-item questionnaire was
administered by a clinician to a reliable infor- analyzed in a subset of participants with
mant (e.g., caregiver or spouse) regarding CDR scores of 0.5, indicating questionable or
the patients ability to carry out complex very mild dementia (n=103), to identify the
daily tasks independently (Pfeffer, Kurosaki, optimal subset of 10 of the 52 items that were
Harrah, Chance, & Filos, 1982). Ten differ- the strongest predictor of CDR sum of boxes
ent items assess instrumental tasks of daily (CDR-sb) in this group. Using these 10 items,
living such as managing finances, shopping, an eight-item questionnaire was developed
food preparation, managing appointments, and then validated in a separate sample of
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 473

participants and found to have a sensitivity probable dementia (n = 132). Using the cut-
of.74 (ROC AUC = .83) when using a cutoff off of 4 on the GPCOG Informant Interview
of AD8 2 to distinguish between nonde- had a sensitivity of.89 (ROC AUC = .84),
mented participants (CDR=0, n=112) and and when combined with the cognitive test-
participants with questionable or very mild ing portion (GPCOG Patient Examination
dementia (CDR = 0.5, n = 68), while sensi- discussed later), the total scale had a sensi-
tivity improved to.85 (receiver operating tivity of 0.82 (ROC AUC = .91). These sen-
characteristic area under the curve, ROC sitivities were significantly higher than the
AUC = .90) when using the same cutoff to Abbreviated Mental Test (AMT; Hodkinson,
distinguish between the nondemented group 2012; sensitivity=.42; ROC AUC=.78) and
and participants at all levels of dementia were higher (although not significantly
(CDR 0.5, n = 124). Replication studies higher) than the MMSE (sensitivity = .81,
have further supported the validity and reli- ROC AUC=.85).
ability of the AD8. In 225 patientcaregiver A benefit of the GPCOG is that it integrates
dyads, the AD8 was found to have very good both objective cognitive testing and caregiver
interrater reliability (intraclass correlation report into one comprehensive summary
coefficient=0.80, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.92) and a score, and also allows the clinician to choose
ROC AUC of 0.92 (95% CI 0.88 to 0.95) that to administer either or both sections based on
suggests excellent discrimination between the clinical situation at hand. Furthermore,
nondemented individuals and those with in the initial validation paper of the GPCOG,
cognitive impairment regardless of etiology both individual components had higher spec-
(Galvin, Roe, Xiong, & Morris, 2006). The ificity values compared to the MMSE, provid-
AD8 is estimated to only take 3 minutes to ing support for potentially using one of these
complete and can be used alone or in con- subtests in lieu of the MMSE. However, as
junction with a brief cognitive screening tool, is the case with the MMSE, the sensitivity
as is recommended by the measures authors. to detect decline in the earlier stage of mild
Finally, the AD8 is freely available for general cognitive impairment (MCI) has not been
clinical use at: established. The Informant Interview por-
About_Us/PDFs/AD8form2005.pdf. tion of the GPCOG is extremely brief, taking
approximately 13 minutes to administer.
General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition
Informant Interview Relevant Outcome Scale for Alzheimers Disease
The General Practitioner Assessment of The Relevant Outcome Scale for
Cognition (GPCOG) is a dementia screen- Alzheimers Disease (ROSA) is a 16-item,
ing tool that includes both a brief informant clinician-administered questionnaire that is
interview (GPCOG Informant Interview; ideally administered to a patient caregiver,
Brodaty et al., 2002), discussed here, and a although it can be administered to the patient
brief cognitive screening test for the patient in early stages of dementia. As opposed to
(GPCOG Patient Examination), discussed in the other measures mentioned in this sec-
the cognitive screening tool section discussed tion, which were primarily developed to
later. The informant interview consists of six detect the first signs of dementia, the ROSA
questions, rated dichotomously regarding the was designed to track the progression of
patients current cognitive or daily function symptoms of dementia over time, and thus
relative to his level of function a few years includes items that are largely inapplicable
prior (e.g., Does the patient have more trou- to many patients in the earliest stages of AD
ble remembering things that have happened (e.g., experiencing delusions or becoming dis-
recently?). Each item with a yes response oriented). However, the ROSA does include
is given a score of 1, and a total score 4 is several items relevant to early-stage AD (e.g.,
recommended as the cutoff for impairment. difficulties remembering details of recent
In the original validation study for the events), and the rating of each item on the
GPCOG (Brodaty etal., 2002), both informant ROSA is on a scale of 010, with 0 indicating
and patient sections were administered to 283 the most difficulty and 10 indicating no dif-
older adults and divided into a nondemented ficulty. Thus, the ROSA offers the benefit of a
group (n=151) and a group with possible or wider range of scores on each item and can
474 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

thus potentially be used as a more sensitive an abbreviated form of the Neuropsychiatric

measure of very early changes in cognitive Inventory (NPI), both of which were designed
or daily function. However, administration to grade the presence and severity of psychi-
time for the ROSA is estimated to be approxi- atric and behavioral problems often seen in
mately 1315 minutes and requires a clini- dementia (e.g., agitation, irritability, disinhibi-
cian to administer (versus measures such as tion, delusions). Similar to other noncognitive
the AD8, which could be completed by the screening instruments for dementia detection,
reporter in the waiting room), which may the NPI-Q is intended to be used in conjunc-
make it less attractive for use in the busy pri- tion with complementary measures of cogni-
mary care settings. tive and daily functioning, and it may be more
useful in tracking noncognitive behavioral
problem symptoms in established demen-
Brief Measures of Psychological Function
tia cases versus screening for the presence of
dementia in general clinical practice. However,
Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form
when there is concern on interview with a
The Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form patient regarding a recent change in behavior,
(GDS-SF) is a 15-item, yes/no symptom the NPI-Q is extremely helpful in operation-
checklist containing 15 of the 30 items from alizing each of the most common behavioral
the original, longer version of the geriat- disturbances seen in older adults with demen-
ric depression scale (Sheikh & Yesavage, tia. Furthermore, several forms of dementia
1986; Yesavage et al., 1983). The GDS and include early behavioral disturbances as hall-
its short form were developed specifically mark symptoms (e.g., the behavioral variant
for older adults; this is in contrast to most of frontotemporal dementia; dementia with
other self-report inventories of depres- Lewy bodies; vascular cognitive impairment/
sion that were developed and validated in dementia).
younger samples and include depression
symptoms less prevalent in older adults. Cognitive Test Instruments
Furthermore, the wording and complexity and Screening Tools
of items on depression inventories designed
with younger patients in mind may also The following is a review of the most widely
be difficult for older adults with cognitive used and extensively studied standardized
impairments to complete accurately. For mental status tests in the context of dementia
example, the Beck Depression Inventory evaluations. Which tool is chosen by a given
(Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, clinician in any given context can be deter-
1961) requires the patient to choose from mined by practical (e.g., time) and clinical
four multiple-choice responses to question considerations (e.g., does the patient have a
items that often have complex wording. high level of education and previous func-
A cutoff score of >5 on the GDS-SF is rec- tion), clinical experience with the measures,
ommended for further clinical evaluation of and consideration of the empirical support
depression by the scales authors. The GDS for each instrument (as reviewed later). We
is solely designed to screen for depression recommend an approach that individualizes
and should be used in conjunction with a the evaluation by integrating the qualitative
cognitive or dementia screening tool in the aspects of the mental status examination dis-
context of mental status exams with older cussed previously with administration of at
adults. Both forms of the GDS are freely least one standardized screening tool with
available for clinical use at the authors Web which the clinician has acquired appropri-
site: ate training and supervision in administering
GDS.html and interpreting. For clinicians who are not
familiar or comfortable using standardized
measures, we have provided information dis-
Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire
cussed later on how to obtain the measures
The Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire and resources on receiving training in their
(NPI-Q) is a 13-item clinician-administered administration.
questionnaire that is conducted with an infor- It is important to note that most screening
mant (Kaufer etal., 2000). The questionnaire is tools are purposely designed to be sensitive
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 475

to many types of cognitive impairment and Clock Drawing Test and Its Variants
should not be used as standalone measures
to attribute cause and diagnose dementia. The Clock Drawing Test (CDT) has the ben-
An ideal screening tool for dementia would efit of being an extremely short measure
correctly classify all patients with dementia (approximately 1 minute) that taps multiple
as having dementia (i.e., 100% sensitivity) cognitive abilities, including visuospatial,
and all those without as normal (i.e., 100% memory, and executive functions. While the
specificity). Of course, such a perfect screen- brevity and complexity of the task make it a
ing test does not yet exist, sensitivity and very good screening tool, it is important to
specificity trade-offs have to be considered note that the sensitivity of the test comes at a
for all tests, and there are multiple factors, cost to specificity; there are many underlying
such as education level, cultural and lan- cognitive problems that can lead to impaired
guage barriers, and premorbid level of cog- clock drawing, and the CDT does not test
nitive function that influence performance learning and remembering of new infor-
on even the most basic screens of cognitive mation (including episodic memory), thus
function (Crum, Anthony, Bassett, & Folstein, underscoring the importance of viewing this
1993). The threshold for a score on a screening task as a limited screening tool when used in
tool to be flagged as abnormal is typically isolation.
determined by choosing a cutoff score that In the most common variant of this task,
minimizes the change of a false negative (i.e., the patient is given a blank sheet of paper
sensitivity:incorrectly classifying a dementia and given the verbal instructions to Draw
patient as not demented), the idea being that the face of a clock, place all of the numbers on
it would be less desirable to miss a diagno- the clock face, and set the hands to ten after
sis of dementia than to have a false alarm eleven. There has been an entire literature
(i.e., incorrectly classifying a nondemented on this task and its variants (Cahn-Weiner
individual as demented). Thus, the screen- et al., 1999; Royall, Cordes, & Polk, 1998),
ing should be framed to the patient as part and there have been many different pro-
of a procedure (answering some questions) posed scoring criteria (Libon, Swenson,
that can help to determine whether further Barnoski, & Sands, 1993; Storey, Rowland,
evaluation may be helpful, and performance Basic, & Conforti, 2001; Sunderland et al.,
should never be presented or interpreted as a 1989)and classic signs of impairment that
definitive pass or fail on a test. are exhibited on the task. To highlight a few
With these points in mind, the follow- of the main considerations that a clinician
ing review considers the main aspects of should look for in this task, there are several
test comparison for the clinician to con- types of errors reflecting different cognitive
sider: (1) test length; (2) ease of obtaining problems, including graphomotor difficul-
test materials and appropriate training; ties, perseverative errors, stimulus-bound
(3)complexity of administration and scoring responses, errors in conceptualization, and
procedures; and (4) evidence of a tests sen- problems with planning and spatial orga-
sitivity to detect mild cognitive impairment nization (Eknoyan, Hurley, & Taber, 2012).
(versus more advanced stages of dementia). Graphomotor problems (e.g., imprecise lines,
Aspects of screening tests that we regard distorted or illegible numbers, micrographia)
with less emphasis in this review include the reflect underlying problems with motor func-
availability of alternate test forms for serial tioning and are more common in subcortical
evaluations, development and availability dementias (e.g., Parkinsons disease, vascular
of translated versions for international clini- dementia) than in early stages of Alzheimers
cal or research use, and evidence for a tests disease (Kitabayashi et al., 2001; Rouleau,
specificity (i.e., the ability of a test to distin- Salmon, Butters, Kennedy, & Mcguire, 1992).
guish between different forms of cognitive Planning ability can be assessed by observ-
impairment or diagnostic groups, including ing the approach the examinee takes to draw-
false positives in nondemented individu- ing the clock, with a planful approach being
als). While all of the following are considered characterized by anchoring, or first plac-
brief screening measures, they are presented ing the numbers 12, 3, 6, and 9 on the clock
in order of estimated administration time face, and then filling in the other numbers
from the shortest to longest (see Table19.2). appropriately. Aclassic example of a poorly
476 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

TABLE19.2 Brief Screening Tools for Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults

Measure Time Score Suggested Cutoff Strengths Weaknesses
(~min.) Range

Clock Drawing 1 Varies by scoring system Very brief; taps Low specificity; many
multiple cognitive scoring systems
functions in a single
Mini-Cog 24 03 See decision rules in Simple scoring Limited evidence for
text algorithm sensitivity to MCI
Memory 4 08 See decision rules in Better sensitivity than Only assesses memory
Impairment text three-word recall
Screen (MIS) from MMSE
General 25 09 7 indicates Has accompanying Limited evidence for
Practitioner impairment informant interview sensitivity to MCI
Assessment questions
of Cognition
Patient Version
St. Louis 7 030 Varies by education Evidence for Largely studied in VA
University level: sensitivity to clinical settings
Mental Status 26 for those with predementia
(SLUMS) 12+ years cognitive
examination 24 for those with impairment
7-minute Screen 712 Requires use of scoring Multidomain tool Original validation
(7MS) calculator availableat study had small sample size; Limited
evidence for
sensitivity to MCI
Mini Mental State 710 030 <24 indicates Widely known, Limited evidence for
Examination impairment, allowing for ease sensitivity to MCI
(MMSE) but use of available of communication
normative data among clinicians
(Crum etal., 1993)
The Modified Mini 10 0100 <77 generally Generates MMSE Limited evidence for
Mental Sate indicates and 3MS score sensitivity to MCI
Examination impairment, from a single
(3MS) but use of available administration;
normative data verbal fluency item
recommended improves sensitivity
(Tombaugh etal., of original MMSE
Blessed 10 037 >3 errors generally Ideal for tracking Limited evidence for
Dementia Scale indicates global impairment sensitivity to MCI
Information- impairment in established
Memory- 410 errors:suggests dementia cases
Concentration mildAD
(BDS-IMC) 1116 errors:suggests
1737 errors:suggests
advanced AD
6-Item Impairment 46 016 >7 errors indicates Superior sensitivity to Limited sensitivity
Test (6CIT) impairment MMSE with shorter toMCI
administration time
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 477


Measure Time Score Suggested Cutoff Strengths Weaknesses

(~min.) Range

Montreal 1012 030 <26 indicates Superior sensitivity to Empirical support

Cognitive impairment MMSE for its use as a
Assessment screening tool for
Addenbrookes 1220 0100 <83 indicates Global and Lengthier than most
Cognitive impairment domain-specific screening measures
Examination, scores are generated

MCI, mild cognitive impairment.

planned clock draw would be one in which is scored on a scale of 03 with 0 indicat-
the numbers are drawn in numeric order and ing no impairment and 3 indicating severe
poorly spaced, such that the examinee runs impairment according to the Consortium to
out of room for the last few numbers on the Establish a Registry for Alzheimers Disease
clock. (CERAD) scoring criteria (Morris etal., 1989).
Several different scoring criteria have been These scores were reduced to a dichoto-
proposed for the CDT, ranging from dichoto- mous scale (0 = normal, 13 = abnormal) to
mous scoring for normal versus abnormal evaluate the Mini-Cogs diagnostic accu-
performance, to detailed scoring of each racy (Borson et al., 2000). Words recalled
aspect of the clock drawing. Generally, scor- (after a filled delay during which the CDT
ing systems include consideration for the is completed) are scored on a scale of 03.
general shape or contour of the clock face The scoring algorithm specifies that one
(i.e., specifying that the clock face is approxi- would arrive at a dementia classification in
mately circular in shape), accurate placement one of two ways: (1) 3-Item Recall = 0, or
and sequencing of the numbers on the clock (2) 3-Item Recall = 12 and CDT is abnor-
face (i.e., all numbers present and spaced mal. Conversely, a nondemented classifica-
approximately evenly around the entire tion would be given if 3-Item recall=3, or if
inner circle of the clock face), and accurate 3-Item recall = 12 and CDT is normal. The
placement of clock hands (i.e., pointing to the Mini-Cog has been reported to have higher
correct numbers with a clear differentiation sensitivity than the Mini Mental State Exam
in the lengths of the hour and minute clock (MMSE;.99 versus.91) when distinguishing
hands). Overall, the CDT, when scored on between older adults with normal cogni-
10-point scale, has been found to have good tion (n = 120) versus those with dementia
interrater reliability and sensitivity in distin- (n=129). The Mini-Cog has the added benefit
guishing patients with mild AD from cogni- over the MMSE of having a shorter admin-
tively normal older individuals (Nair et al., istration time (approximately 3 versus 10
2010). minutes). However, in contrast to some of the
tools listed later (e.g., the MoCA and ACE-R),
Mini-Cog the diagnostic accuracy of the Mini-Cog has
not been well characterized in distinguishing
The Mini-Cog consists of a combination of between normal aging and MCI.
a clock drawing task and a three-item word
list recall (Borson, Scanlan, Brush, Vitaliano,
Memory Impairment Screen
& Dokmak, 2000). Scoring for the Mini-Cog
consists of numbered scores for each item as The Memory Impairment Screen (MIS;
well as a scoring algorithm to classify exam- Buschke et al., 1999) is a screening tool
inees as demented or nondemented. The designed to detect memory impairment at the
clock drawing test (CDT) for the Mini-Cog exclusion of any other cognitive difficulties
478 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

and is thus designed to better detect AD Using the cutoff of 7 on the GPCOG Patient
dementia compared to other forms of demen- Examination, the measure had a sensitivity
tia. The MIS is estimated to take approxi- of.82 (ROC AUC = .86), while the total scale
mately 4 minutes to administer and consists had a sensitivity of 0.82 (ROC AUC=.91), both
of a 4-item learning and memory task during of which were higher than the sensitivities
which the examinee is presented with a page observed for the AMT or MMSE. An advan-
and asked to read the four printed words on tage of the GPCOG is short time of adminis-
the page. Next, the examinee is asked to state tration as it is estimated to take approximately
the word on the page associated with a given 25 minutes to administer. The main limita-
semantic category (e.g., the examiner says, tion of the GPCOG Patient Examination is that
Which word is a type of fruit? to which there is limited evidence of its sensitivity to
the examinee would respond, Orange). distinguish between older adults with normal
After these semantic associations are made versus mildly impaired cognitive function.
for all words, the examinee engages in a dif- The GPCOG is freely available in multiple lan-
ferent mentally occupying task for 23 min- guages for general clinical use on the authors
utes and is then asked to freely recall the four Web site:
words. The examiner provides semantic cues
for those items not freely recalled, and the St. Louis University Mental Status Examination
total score on the MIS is represented by dou-
bling the number of items freely recalled and The St. Louis University Mental Status
adding that number to the number of items (SLUMS; Tariq, Tumosa, Chibnall, Perry,
recalled with semantic cueing (MIS = (free & Morley, 2006) is a screening tool that has
recall X 2) + cued recall), generating a sum- been largely studied in a VA geriatric clinic
mary score ranging from 0 to 8 with higher setting that takes approximately 7 minutes to
scores indicating better performance. The administer. Similar to the MMSE and MoCA,
MIS has been compared to the 3-word recall SLUMS scores range from 0 to 30, with higher
from the MMSE and found to have higher scores indicating better performance. As is
sensitivity than the 3-word recall MMSE the case with the MoCA, the SLUMS pro-
item at detecting dementia (sensitivities=.86 vides normative score ranges for older adults
and.65, respectively). Limitations of the MIS at two education levels (12+ years versus less
include that it only assesses memory function than 12 years), and three different levels of
and has not been demonstrated to be sensi- cognitive impairment (normal, mild neuro-
tive to detecting MCI. cognitive disorder or MNCD, and demen-
tia). Also similar to the MoCA, the SLUMS
includes items that assess a broader range of
General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition,
cognitive domains compared to other screen-
Patient Version
ing measures, including items to assess ori-
The General Practitioner Assessment of entation, memory, attention, and executive
Cognition (GPCOG; Brodaty et al., 2002) function. Items for each of these domains
Patient Examination is one of two subtests are also more difficult than the comparable
that comprise the GPCOG and includes six items on the MMSE (e.g., the SLUMS, like
clinician-administered items assessing mem- the MoCA, as a five-word list learning task
ory (recall of a previously repeated name and as opposed to the MMSEs three-word item).
address), orientation (to exact date), informa- In the original validation study (Tariq etal.,
tion (ability to provide examiner with a news 2006), sensitivity of the SLUMS to detect
item occurring in the last week), and execu- mild neurocognitive disorder (MCND) and
tive, and visuospatial function (clock drawing dementia were compared with the MMSE
test). Scores on the GPCOG range from 0 to in a sample of older veterans (n=702), who
9 with higher scores indicating more impair- were classified into three groups: normal
ment. In the original validation study for the cognition (n = 440), MCND (n = 180), and
GPCOG (Brodaty et al., 2002), both infor- dementia (n = 82). Using different cutoff
mant and patient sections were administered scores for those with <12 versus 12+ years of
to 283 older adults who were divided into a education, the SLUMS was consistently more
nondemented group (n = 151) and a group sensitive than the MMSE at detecting MCND
with possible or probable dementia (n=132). from normal cognition. Specifically, in the
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 479

<12-year education group, using the optimal assessment capable of distinguishing between
SLUMS cutoff score of 23.5, sensitivity was.92 cognitively healthy older adults and those
(ROC AUC=.93), while the optimal cutoff for with AD. The measure is comprised of four
the MMSE was 28.5 with a sensitivity of.60 previously developed tests, each with slight
(ROC AUC = .67). Similarly, in the 12+ year modifications, including a modified version
education group, using a SLUMS cutoff score of the Free and Cued Selective Reminding
of 25.5, sensitivity was.95 (ROC AUC=.94), Test (Grober & Buschke, 1987), a 60-second
while the optimal cutoff for the MMSE was trial of semantic verbal fluency (animal nam-
29.5 with a sensitivity of.75 (ROC AUC=.64). ing), the Benton Temporal Orientation Test
Both SLUMS and MMSE did an acceptable (Benton, Sivan, Hamsher, Varney, & Spreen,
job at detecting dementia from normal cog- 1994), and a variant of the clock drawing test
nition across education groups, although (with instructions to set the hands to seven
the sensitivity and ROC AUC values for the to four and use of a 7-point scoring system
SLUMS in these analyses were consistently originally developed by Freedman and col-
higher than the MMSE. Detailed information leagues (Freedman etal., 1994).
on all recommended cutoff scores for each The original validation study for
diagnostic distinction and education level the 7MS compared performance in 60
can be found in the original SLUMS valida- community-dwelling older adults to a demo-
tion paper (Tariq etal., 2006). graphically comparable clinical sample of
The SLUMS shows clear superiority to older adults with probable AD diagnoses.
the MMSE at detecting mild neurocognitive It reported the 7MS to have extremely high
disorder, but more research is needed on sensitivity in the overall sample (1.0), and
the sensitivity of the SLUMS to detect MCI. when repeatedly testing sensitivity on 1,000
The diagnosis of MCND is based on a set of random samples of 30 AD and 30 control
suggested research criteria set forth in the subjects, sensitivity was found to have an
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental average value of.92. Strengths of the 7MS
Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV, American include its relative brevity, while still provid-
Psychiatric Association, 2000), which essen- ing a more detailed assessment of memory
tially defines MCND as impaired function function than most screening measures, and
in two or more cognitive domains that cause its high sensitivity. Limitations of the 7MS
impaired daily function for at least 2 weeks include the small sample size with which it
and is accompanied by medical evidence was developed and validated, and its admin-
(e.g., neurologic exam or imaging) thought to istration and scoring, which require slightly
be related to the cognitive change. Essentially, more training than some of the more widely
the main difference between the criteria for used measures. Finally, the 7MS has not
MCND and frank dementia in the DSM-IV been well studied in distinguishing between
definition is the description of the cognitive groups of older adults with normal cognition
symptoms in dementia gradually worsening versus patients with MCI.
over time. Thus, MCND as a diagnostic entity
is much closer on the continuum to the diag-
nosis of dementia than the diagnosis MCI, Mini Mental State Examination
as it includes individuals with two domains
of impaired cognition with associated func- Historically, the Mini Mental State
tional impairment. While the SLUMS holds Examination (MMSE; Folstein, Robins, &
promise as a dementia screening instrument, Helzer, 1983)has been the most widely used
it needs further validation at detecting subtle and recognized of standardized mental status
cognitive problems in patients with MCI and measures, which greatly increases the ease of
validation in nonveteran patient populations. communication among clinicians regarding
The SLUMS is freely available for general scores and specific test items. The test takes
clinical use at approximately 10 minutes to administer and
generates a summary score ranging from 0 to
30, including items assessing orientation to
7-Minute Screen
time and place (10 points), repetition of three
The 7-Minute Screen (7MS; Solomon et al., words (3 points), attention and mental con-
1998) was developed to provide a rapid trol (5 points), recall of three words following
480 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

a 3-minute delay (3 points), language abili- of the MMSE is that it is not free but copy-
ties (8 points), and visuoconstruction (1 righted; it can be purchased for general clini-
point). The original validation study for the cal use at
MMSE suggested use of a cutoff score of 24
(Folstein, Folstein, & Mchugh, 1975), but sen-
The Modified Mini-Mental State Examination
sitivity of the MMSE using cutoff scores alone
has been shown to be highly dependent on The Modified Mini-Mental State Examina
the sample with which its accuracy is tested. tion (3MS; Teng & Chui, 1987)is a modifica-
Specifically, as a broad-based screening mea- tion of the MMSE that was developed upon
sure in a general population, the MMSE on the concept that adding a few additional
has limited utility in providing distinctions items to the original MMSE and chang-
between older adults with normal cognition ing the scoring to create a broader range of
versus MCI (Lonie, Tierney, & Ebmeier, 2009), scores (030 versus 0100) would increase
while it generally distinguishes older adults the sensitivity of the screening tool while
with normal cognition from those with more still allowing for the provision of an original
advanced stages of dementia (Folstein etal., MMSE score. The benefit of this approach is
1975). that the full 3MS expands on the original,
Despite its limitations, the MMSE is still while still allowing clinicians familiar with
often considered a corner stone standardized the original MMSE to reference the 0100
test to include in dementia clinical trials; this scale performance to a 030 MMSE score.
is likely a function of its long history of use The original paper presenting the 3MS
(first published in 1975), and its wide use in (Teng & Chui, 1987)offers a full description
clinical and research settings to detect and of the changes in scoring from the original
track cognitive impairment (Cullen, Oneill, MMSE to the 3MS and includes side-by-side
Evans, Coen, & Lawlor, 2007; Tangalos administration and scoring protocols for
etal., 1996), in epidemiologic studies (Crum both the 3MS and MMSE. Briefly, the 3MS
et al., 1993), in clinical trials as a tool for includes additional items assessing orien-
operationalizing inclusion/exclusion crite- tation (year, month, day, town, and state of
ria based on level of cognitive impairment birth), more unusual words for the 3-item
(Raskind, Peskind, Wessel, & Yuan, 2000), registration and recall, standardized seman-
and as a cognitive outcome measure to track tic and multiple-choice cueing for 3-item
response to treatment (Wallin, Wattmo, & recall, finer gradation of scoring for existing
Minthon, 2011). Given its ubiquity, it is fre- MMSE items (e.g., a 10-point scoring system
quently used as a reference for comparison for overlapping pentagon copy versus the
for newer mental status exams and cognitive dichotomous 0 vs. 1 scoring on the original
screening measures and has generally been MMSE), additional naming items, a brief
shown to stand the test of time as a tool for (30-second) test of semantic verbal fluency,
detecting and tracking moderate to severe several word similarity items, and a sec-
levels of cognitive impairment. However, ond 3-word recall trial at the end of the test,
the MMSE does not perform as well as sev- allowing for additional memory testing.
eral newer screening tools (e.g., the Montreal In a study comparing sensitivity of the 3MS
Cognitive Assessment) at detecting the more to MMSE in a sample of cognitively healthy
subtle changes in cognitive function seen in older adults (n = 406) versus those with
MCI (Freitas, Simoes, Alves, & Santana, 2013; Alzheimers disease (n=119), Tombaugh and
Nasreddine et al., 2005). Additionally, using colleagues (1996) found that the 3MS was
traditional cutoffs, the MMSE has been par- more sensitive than the MMSE overall (.926
ticularly criticized for having low sensitivity versus.905), and that this difference was more
to detect cognitive impairment and dementia pronounced in a subsample of individuals
in individuals with high education or intel- with lower (08 years) education (.901 ver-
ligence (Alves, Simoes, Martins, Freitas, & sus.848). While these differences in sensitivity
Santana, 2013; Christensen & Jorm, 1992). were not statistically significant, the authors
As is reflected in the reviews of these other suggest that the addition of a verbal fluency
screening tools, there are several alternatives test to the MMSE would increase its sensitiv-
to the MMSE that have higher sensitivity for ity (Tombaugh, Mcdowell, Kristjansson, &
this diagnostic distinction. Afinal limitation Hubley, 1996).
CHAPTER 19. Dementia Screening and Mental Status Examination in Clinical Practice 481

Blessed Dementia Scale shown in the same study to have superior sen-
Information-Memory-Concentration sitivity to the MMSE (using a cutoff of 23)in
this sample at distinguishing between those
The Blessed Dementia Scale Information-
with normal cognition versus mild dementia
Memory-Concentration (BDS-IMC; Blessed,
(MMSE sensitivity = .51 versus 6CIT = .79).
Tomlinson, & Roth, 1968) was originally
The sensitivity of the MMSE improved to
designed to track cognitive impairment in
.79 when distinguishing the control group
patients with established dementia diagnoses
from the entire dementia group, while 6CIT
and thus contains a number of test items that
sensitivity improved to.90. With superior
have ceiling effects in less impaired patients
sensitivity and shorter administration time
and may be less sensitive at detecting early,
(approximately 46 minutes), the 6CIT also
subtle signs of cognitive impairment seen
appears to be superior to the MMSE for
in MCI. While the BDS is heavily weighted
detecting dementia, but again it has limited
toward a continuum of memory and orien-
empirical support at distinguishing between
tation items of easy to moderate difficulty, it
normal cognition and MCI.
also includes several items that assess work-
ing memory and executive function (e.g., Montreal Cognitive Assessment
reciting the months of the year in reverse
order; counting backward from 20 to 1). The The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA;
BDS is scored on a scale of 037, with higher Nasreddine etal., 2005)is a mental status test
scores indicating more errors and more cog- that was specifically designed as a screen-
nitive impairment. The generally accepted ing tool for MCI, and thus it includes sev-
cutoff score for dementia-level cognitive eral test items that are intentionally more
impairment on the BDS is >3 errors, and non- difficult than comparable test items on the
adjusted (e.g., for age, education, premorbid MMSE. It additionally includes more items
IQ) error score ranges for mild, moderate, that assess executive and visuospatial func-
and severe impairments in patients with AD tions than many of the other screening tools;
are reported as 410, 1116, and 1737 errors, these include an abbreviated version of the
respectively (Locascio, Growdon, & Corkin, Trails B test (Reitan & Wolfson, 1985), a cube
1995). While neuropsychological testing copy, and a clock drawing task. In addition
plays an important role in detecting, verify- to these items that assess combined visuospa-
ing, and delineating patterns of cognitive tial and executive functions, the MoCA has a
dysfunction in AD, the BDS, due to its range, two-item word similarities task that requires
has been shown to be superior to cognitive abstract reasoning and several items each
test domains in staging and tracking demen- to assess the domains of language (3-item
tia severity in patients with AD. confrontation naming, 2-item sentence repe-
The BDS-IMC has been adapted to create a tition, and a single verbal fluency trial), atten-
shorter, 6-item version that is more amenable tion (2-item digit span, an item assessing
for use as a screening tool; this was originally vigilance, and serial 7s subtraction from 100),
named the 6-Item Cognitive Impairment Test memory (5-word list learning, free recall, and
(6CIT) (Katzman et al., 1983) but has also recall with semantic and multiple-choice cue-
been referred to in the literature as the 6-Item ing), and orientation (date, month, year, day,
or Short Orientation-Memory-Concentration place, city). Similar to the MMSE, the MoCA
Test (6OMCT), or the Short Blessed Test (SBT) generates a summary score ranging from 0
(Brooke & Bullock, 1999). Scoring from the to 30. In contrast to the MMSE, however, the
original BDS-IMC was modified in the 6CIT MoCA has an adjustment for lower educa-
to include a broader range of scores and to tion (an additional point is added to the total
weight some items more than others to yield score if the examinee has 12 or fewer years
a total score range of 016, with higher scores of education) and a relatively higher cutoff
indicating more impairment. The 6CIT has score of 26 or greater has been recommended
demonstrated a strong correlation to MMSE as a general guideline to indicate perfor-
(r=.91) in a sample of 287 older adults rang- mance in the normal range. In a direct com-
ing from normal cognitive function to severe parison of the sensitivity of both measures
dementia (Brooke & Bullock, 1999). Using a at distinguishing between a sample of older
cutoff score of 8 or more on the 6CIT, it was adults with MCI (n=94) and those who were
482 part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

cognitively healthy (n = 90), the MoCA was (Ahmed et al., 2012). Given the MoCA is
found to be significantly more sensitive than shorter in administration time (1012 versus
the MMSE (.90 versus .18) (Nasreddine etal., approximately 1225 minutes), it can present
2005). Subsequently, the superiority of the a more attractive choice than the ACE-R for
MoCA to the MMSE in regards to sensitivity, use in the primary care setting. A potential
specificity, positive predictive value, negative benefit of the ACE-R over the MoCA, how-
predictive value, and classification accuracy ever, is that it provides cognitive domain
between normal cognition, MCI, and AD has scores, for which normative ranges have been
been shown at different cutoffs (i.e., cutoff provided for general clinical use, thus allow-
of 17 for MCI and 22 for AD) (Freitas et al., ing for a more detailed summary of cogni-
2013). tive functioning. The ACE-R has been used
Advantages of the MoCA over other extensively in AD clinical trials in England
screening tools include its increased sensi- and worldwide, and it is available in many
tivity at distinguishing normal aging from languages and alternate test forms that are all
MCI, the ease of obtaining test materials, its freely available to the public by request to the
relative ease of administration, and strong tests authors.
evidence for its acceptance by general prac-
titioners. It is additionally available in many
different languages, and the English version Conclusion
is available in alternate, co-normed test forms
helpful for serial evaluations. Administration The mental status examination can be used
time for the MoCA is estimated to be approx- in a succinct form for screening for demen-
imately 1012 minutes, making it a slightly tia or in an extended form to evaluate the
longer test to administer than the MMSE. The type and severity of cognitive impairment
MoCA and its alternate versions in English or dementia. In addition to the informal and
and several languages are freely available at qualitative descriptions of mental status that are routinely performed by geriatricians,
primary care physicians, neurologists, and
psychiatrists, incorporating a standardized
Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination, Revised
screening tool into routine clinical practice is
The original Addenbrookes Cognitive recommended. The relative objectivity and
Examina tion (ACE) was developed as a consistency with which these measures are
screening tool to detect early dementia and administered and interpreted reduces the
distinguish between AD and other forms subjectivity of clinical judgment and pro-
of dementia (Mathuranath, Nestor, Berrios, vides a quantifiable metric of a patients cur-
Rakowicz, & Hodges, 2000). Several modifica- rent cognitive function and any change from
tions were made in the revised version, which the patients own baseline.
includes the full test items for the MMSE in
addition to a number of additional items to
assess attention, orientation, memory, verbal References
fluency, language, and visuospatial func- Ahmed, S., de Jager, C., & Wilcock, G. (2012).
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Tombaugh, T. N., McDowell, I., Kristjansson, test: What is it and what does it tell us?
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Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia

A Large-Scale Neuroanatomical Network Approach

Sandra Weintraub

This chapter presents a model for the neu- etal., 2011). Recognition of this slow evolution
ropsychological assessment of dementia makes it imperative to detect disease early, at
based on a large-scale neurocognitive net- a time when the neuropathologic change is
work approach. For most of the last cen- not advanced and there is the potential for
tury, the neurodegenerative dementias had treatment or prevention. In the very earliest
been clinically characterized as conditions stages of cognitive decline and dementia,
in which cognitive deficits are widespread, deficits can be quite focal, that is, clinically
and associated brain pathology diffuse. It is restricted to a single cognitive domain or
now understood, however, that clinical and process. This focality of symptoms mirrors
neuropathologic changes are not widespread the neuroanatomical specificity of the earliest
until the later stages of illness, when much neuropathologic and physiologic changes.
of the cerebral cortex associated with cog- For reasons still not well understood, these
nition has been ravaged by the cellular and diseases target portions of large-scale distrib-
molecular abnormalities that mark each dis- uted neurocognitive networks, disrupting
ease and that cause neuronal cell death and anatomical and functional connectivity, and
synaptic dysfunction. Most recently, revision affecting specific cognitive domains, such as
of the criteria for the diagnosis of dementia episodic memory, visuospatial function, and
due to Alzheimers disease (AD) (Jack etal., executive function and language, which are
2011)has taken into consideration the notion subserved by these networks (Weintraub &
that there are stages of disease that include Mesulam, 1996). Most recently, this principle
a biomarker-positive but symptom-negative has been further supported by the work of
period, the so-called preclinical stage Seeley and colleagues (2009).
(Sperling et al., 2011); a period where mild This chapter focuses on the neuropsy-
symptoms are evident but not incompatible chological evaluation of the patient with
with independent living, the so-called mild neurodegenerative dementia for purposes
cognitive impairment stage (Albert et al., of differential diagnosis and also for recom-
2011); and, finally, the stage of dementia mending management. Vascular dementia
marked by cognitive and disease progression and syndromes of progressive cognitive
as well as functional impairment (McKhann decline related to nonneurodegenerative

488 part iiiAssessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

etiologies (e.g., normal pressure hydroceph- a dementia-like picture. Figure 20.1 shows
alus, brain tumors, toxic/metabolic enceph- classes of cognitive decline based on their
alopathy, and others) are not covered in mode of onset.
detail. However, the conceptual framework The DSM-IV (American Psychiatric
presented here can also be used to derive a Association, 1994) criteria for the diagnosis
neuropsychological profile for these disease of dementia were recently revised in part
entities, with the diagnosis resting addition- because memory loss need not be the present-
ally on the history, neurologic examination, ing, or even predominant, symptom in many
and diagnostic testing. Tests and strategies forms of dementia (which was required in the
for screening for dementia; gauging demen- DSM-IV criteria). The newly proposed crite-
tia severity; and evaluating the domains of ria for the diagnosis of dementia due to AD
attention, mood, language, visual percep- also have recognized that while amnesia is
tion, episodic memory, reasoning, executive a hallmark symptom of AD, other domains
functions, and social cognition are sug- can be affected first (McKhann et al., 2011).
gested. Red flags that should alert clini- This chapter uses the following definition of
cians, especially the primary care physician, dementia:
to the possibility of dementia are high-
lighted, with emphasis on the more atypi- The decline and progressive worsening
cal presentations of AD and the class of of one or more cognitive functions (e.g.,
diseases under the umbrella of frontotem- memory, attention, language, visual per-
poral lobar degeneration (FTLD) in which ception, reasoning) and/or comportment
language deficits, behavioral changes, and (e.g., characteristic personality traits,
motor disorders, rather than memory loss, insight, judgment, social cognition), from a
characterize onset. Finally, there is a brief prior, customary level of functioning, to the
discussion of the need to establish metrics point where usual activities of daily living
of brain health throughout the life span are negatively affected; caused by irrevers-
for purposes of early identification and ible brain disease. (Wicklund & Weintraub,
intervention. 2005, p.568)

There is no one-to-one correspondence

Definitions and Diagnosis of Dementia between the clinical symptoms of demen-
tia and the underlying neuropathology but
Dementia is a clinical syndrome with a dif- systematic relationships have been demon-
ferential diagnosis. Some restrict the use of strated (Weintraub & Mesulam, 1993, 1996,
this term to progressive syndromes caused 2009). The amnestic dementia profile has a
by neurodegenerative disease or multiple, high likelihood (85% or more) of predict-
successive strokes, while others use this ing AD pathology at postmortem autopsy
term to refer to any type of widespread cogni- (see Weintraub, Wicklund, & Salmon, 2012;
tive impairment, even if static in course, such Wicklund & Weintraub, 2005). In contrast,
as might be seen following a single strate- progressive language disorders are more
gic stroke (Roman, 2003). Yet others may often associated with one of the forms of
use the term dementia to refer to any syn- FTLD (approximately 70%) but also can be
drome in which there is progressive cogni- associated with AD pathology (30%40%)
tive decline due to any cause. Some causes of (Mesulam, 2008; Mesulam & Weintraub,
cognitive decline are due to factors extrinsic 2008).
to the brain that temporarily affect its abil-
ity to function normally (also called treat-
able or reversible dementia) and that State-of-the-Art Dementia Evaluation
may be reversed with treatment (Cummings,
Benson,& LoVerme, 1980). Others are intrin- The neuropsychological evaluation is often
sic to neurons (i.e., primary dementia) and conducted within the framework of a compre-
caused by neurodegenerative brain disease. hensive evaluation of dementia at a specialty
Tumors, large strokes, or strokes in strate- clinic or coordinated by the primary care physi-
gic areas and traumatic brain injuries are cian. Information from all sources can be com-
other pathologic processes that can cause bined with the neuropsychological findings to
CHAPTER 20. Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 489



Traumatic Paraneoplastic Hydrocephalus
Vascular Infectious Tumor


Non Alzheimers Disease Disease

Lewy Body FTLD

Pick Disease, CBD, TDP-43 +
Argyrophilic Grain FUS
Dementia pugilistica
Figure 20.1 Differential diagnosis of cognitive decline and dementia. Cognitive and behavioral
decline can occur acutely/subacutely or in an insidious and slowly progressive manner. This
branching diagram shows some of the diseases that can be associated with each type of onset.
The rectangle encircles the neurodegenerative disorders that cause a dementia syndrome and that
are the main focus of this chapter. BIBID, basophilic inclusion body disease; CBD, corticobasal
degeneration; FTDP-17, frontotemporial dementia with parkinsonism-17; FUS, fused in sarcoma
protein; TDP-43, tar DNA binding protein 43; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy.

predict the underlying etiology of the demen- neuroimaging (magnetic resonance imaging,
tia. The state-of-the-art dementia evaluation, amyloid imaging, positron emission tomogra-
which may not be available in some settings, phy [PET], single-photon emission computed
performed at major research medical centers tomography [SPECT], and electroencephalog-
includes a specialized clinical examination raphy [EEG]) may be ordered to further evalu-
and testing often coordinated by a behavioral ate the patient. Cerebrospinal fluid may be
neurologist, geriatrician, and/or neuropsychi- obtained for routine or specialized assessment,
atrist. In the initial examination, the major clin- including possibly to measure levels of tau and
ical characteristics of the patients syndrome amyloid (Jack etal., 2010)(see Chapter22).
are determined through history and exami-
nation and provide information about the
types and severity of cognitive, affective, and Screening for Dementia
motor symptoms and other clinical features
that help the specialist narrow the differential Most of the current pharmacologic treatments
diagnosis. Depending on the patients clinical for neurodegenerative dementia aim to treat
characteristics, blood tests may be obtained symptoms or slow the rate of progression.
to evaluate for systemic illness that could be Thus, early detection is essential. In some set-
contributing to or accounting for mental state tings, however, neuropsychological assess-
changes (e.g., thyroid dysfunction, conges- ment may not be available. In this instance, the
tive heart failure, paraneoplastic syndromes, clinician can use brief mental state screening
lupus, etc.). Neuropsychological assessment is tests to identify symptoms. The Mini Mental
often recommended. Structural and functional State Examination (MMSE) (Folstein, Folstein,
490 part iiiAssessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

& McHugh, 1975) is commonly used in clinical screening examination. At the least, a com-
practice and clinical trials but is not sensitive prehensive evaluation serves the purpose of
to very mild decline and does not cover all rel- providing a baseline against which future
evant domains. Measures such as the Montreal development of symptoms can be measured.
Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) (Nasreddine Table 20.1 provides some rules of thumb
et al., 2005) and the Addenbrookes Cognitive regarding complaints that are more likely
Examination (ACE) (Mathuranath, Nestor, to be more representative of dementia than
Berrios, Rakowicz, & Hodges, 2000) are more of normal, age-related decline. However,
sensitive to a wider range of impairment at these guidelines are not steadfast.
very mild levels (Pendlebury, Mariz, Bull,
Mehta, & Rothwell, 2012; Smith, Gildeh, &
Holmes, 2007), although the ACE does require The Neuropsychological Examination
slightly more time than the MMSE or MoCA. of Mental State
It has been suggested that the MoCA should
be interpreted with caution in an ethnically Unlike a mental status examination in the
diverse sample where different cutoff scores neurologists office, where a particular behav-
may need to be employed to reflect a range ior may be briefly sampled, the neuropsycho-
of demographic variables (Rossetti, Lacritz, logical assessment requires multiple items to
Cullum, & Weiner, 2011). Recent revisions assess each domain in order to derive a reli-
of the MoCA introduce a scoring system that able score that can be compared with norma-
groups items into different domains and also tive values. Thus, the full examination can
that allows for more sensitive scoring of the take from 24 hours of face-to-face contact
word learning portion (Julayanont et al., 2014). with the patient and caregiver, depending
The clinician should keep in mind that on the level of symptoms and the patients
some dementias do not affect memory in the former level of ability. More extensive testing
early stages and that screening tests may may be necessary in the patient who is still
miss these disorders. The group of disorders gainfully employed, where symptoms are
caused by FTLD presents with changes in subtle or noncognitive in nature. The compo-
personality, reasoning, and executive func- nents of the comprehensive neuropsycholog-
tions, or with aphasia, most of which are not ical examination for dementia are as follows.
suitably measured with screening tests. This First, conduct a careful history. A clinical
class of diseases may also present with motor diagnostic interview should be conducted
symptoms. Since the screening examinations with the patient and an informant, ide-
have drawbacks from the standpoint of dif- ally independently. Gathering information
ferential diagnosis and care planning, formal from a reliable informant is critical since
neuropsychological assessment is the most many individuals with cognitive decline
desirable way to demonstrate the deficits in may not be aware of or may minimize their
mental state at a time when other diagnostics symptoms (Cacchione, Powlishta, Grant,
may be normal or unremarkable. Buckles, & Morris, 2003; Gavett, Stern, Cantu,
Individuals with previously high levels of Nowinski,& McKee, 2010). All of these factors
intellectual ability may subjectively experi- will influence the clinicians interpretation of
ence symptoms despite normal performance test performance and, ultimately, the differ-
on screening and other tests of mental state. ential diagnosis. As part of the history, the
The significance of subjective cognitive following information should be obtained.
complaints for the subsequent diagnosis of The nature of the onset (abrupt, subacute,
dementia has been debated, but most recent insidious, and gradual), duration, and course
evidence suggests that cognitively normal (worsening, static, fluctuating) of symptoms
individuals with cognitive complaints show is critically important. Information regarding
biological evidence of hippocampal vol- prior medical, neurological, and psychiatric
ume reduction on structural neuroimaging history, with special emphasis on factors that
in comparison with noncomplaining adults could contribute to cognitive deficits (e.g.,
(Saykin et al., 2006). It is, therefore, recom- sleep apnea, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes,
mended that neuropsychological evalua- history of or current substance dependency/
tion be considered for patients who have abuse, etc.). The list of current medications
subjective complaints but pass the standard should be reviewed. It is critical to obtain
CHAPTER 20. Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 491

TABLE20.1 Comparison of Symptoms Consistent With Normal Aging Versus Dementia

Normal Age-Related Symptoms Symptoms of Dementia

Independence in daily activities preserved Individual becomes critically dependent on others

for key independent living activities, such as check
Complains of memory loss but able to provide May admit to mild memory problems only if
considerable detail regarding incidents of specifically asked; unable to recall instances
forgetfulness; this, however, should still be where memory loss was noticed; informant relays
taken seriously since individuals may become incidents of forgetfulness or other cognitive or
aware of very subtle alterations at a time that behavioral symptoms which patient may deny or
functioning is still normal minimize
Recent memory for important events, affairs, Memory for recent events is impaired; repetitive
conversations NOT impaired questions, repetitive comments
Occasional word-finding difficulties Frequent word finding, pauses, and substitutions
Does not get lost in familiar territory; may have to Gets lost in familiar territory while walking or
pause momentarily to remember way driving; may take hours to eventually return home
Able to operate common appliances and learn to Unable to operate common appliances; unable to learn
use new ones with little difficulty to operate even simple new appliances
Maintains prior level of interpersonal social skills Loss of interest in social activities; exhibits socially
inappropriate behavior
Character remains unchanged Changes in character, typical ways of reacting to
situations, emotional responses. Changes can
be perceived by caregivers as more positive
(more laid back) or negative (obstreperous,

details about the patients educational and or civic duties may yield a better estimate of
psychosocial history and current functional prior cognitive ability.
status. Is there is history of pre-existing cog- Next, obtain a general measure of demen-
nitive dysfunction (e.g., learning disabilities, tia severity. The MMSE, Blessed Dementia
developmental disorders, prior head trauma, Scale (BDS), or MOCA scores can be used
etc.?). Finally, the clinician should carefully for this purpose and/or to follow the patient
review the family history for medical, neu- over time. These tests are especially useful in
rologic, or psychiatric disorders that might later stages of illness when other neuropsy-
inform the differential diagnosis. chological tests are too difficult. Several ques-
Next, the neuropsychologist should esti- tionnaires (e.g., the FAST (Reisberg, 1988)are
mate the patients premorbid level of func- also available for patients in the severe stages
tioning against which to compare current test of illness. For patients in the milder stages of
scores. Some tests, for example the AMNART dementia, the Dementia Rating Scale (DRS)
(Grober & Sliwinski, 1991) can be used to (Mattis, 2001) is more sensitive to change
derive an estimated IQ since most individuals over time (Salmon, Thal, Butters, & Heindel,
have never had detailed cognitive testing prior 1990) and has normative data for individu-
to the onset of dementia. Estimates also can be als over 89 years of age (Lucas et al., 1998;
derived from demographic variables (Barona, Schmidt et al., 1994). The mean score for
Reynolds, & Chastain, 1984). The Vocabulary high-school educated individuals over 70
subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence is 27/30 on the MMSE, 34/37 on the BDS,
Scale-III (WAIS-IIII) (Wechsler, 1998)is robust and 137/144 on the DRS (Spreen & Strauss,
in the face of brain damage and can be used 1998). These scores need to be adjusted for
for this purpose, especially in the absence of education and age (Tombaugh & McIntyre,
aphasia. The Wechsler Test of Adult Reading 1992). The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR)
(Wechsler, 2001)and the reading subtest of the is a survey of the impact of dementia symp-
Wide Range Achievement Test-IV (Wilkinson toms on activities of daily living and has been
& Robertson, 2006)can also yield an estimated shown to have high reliability, validity, and
IQ. In patients with limited levels of educa- association with pathologically verified AD
tion, the highest level of achievement in work (Morris, 1997). Caution should be exercised
492 part iiiAssessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

in examining the aphasic patient with most patient. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory
tests since questions require normal language (NPI) (Cummings et al., 1994) and the
for responding. Thus, the MMSE, for exam- BEHAVE-AD (Reisberg, Auer, & Monteiro,
ple, may overestimate the severity of impair- 1996)provide a review of symptoms such as
ment in a patient with PPA (Osher, Wicklund, paranoia, depression, agitation, and hostility
Rademaker, Johnson, & Weintraub, 2007). and the extent to which they cause distress
Also, cultural and language differences can to the caregiver. The Geriatric Depression
affect performance (Dodge etal., 2009). Scale (Yesavage et al., 1983) may be use-
Next, the neuropsychologist should ful in early stages. The Frontal Behavioral
review test performance in each of the neu- Inventory (Kertesz, Davidson, & Fox, 1997;
rocognitive domains and construct a profile Kertesz, Nadkarni, Davidson, & Thomas,
of strengths and weaknesses. Tests or ques- 2000) reviews symptoms specific to fronto-
tionnaires should be administered to evalu- temporal dementia and is completed in an
ate attention, mood and motivation, episodic interview with the informant.
memory (including learning and retention of In addition to assessing the cognitive and
information), visual perception, language, affective domains described previously,
executive functions, and reasoning. Box 20.1 the neuropsychologist needs to obtain a
contains suggested tests to evaluate symp- measure of the patients ability to perform
toms in each domain. These domains are activities of daily living. The Activities
well defined in terms of their cerebral orga- of Daily Living Questionnaire (ADLQ)
nization and are also relevant for detecting (Johnson, Barion, Rademaker, Rehkemper,
patterns, or profiles, that are associated & Weintraub, 2004) measures the impact of
with different types of dementia (Table20.2). dementia on daily living activities in mildly
Thus, the amnesia of AD is a primary defect demented, noninstitutionalized individu-
and not secondary to impairment in other als. The ADLQ shows distinctive patterns of
processes such as poor attention, decreased functional limitations in patients with non-
motivation, or anomia. A careful examina- Alzheimer dementia (Wicklund, Johnson,
tion can distinguish among these possi- Rademaker, Weitner, & Weintraub, 2007)
bilities. Patients also differ with respect to and may be preferable to the MMSE as a
specific symptoms, and knowledge of their measure of dementia severity in patients
specific deficits can lead to more personal- with PPA (Osher et al., 2007). The ADLQ
ized recommendations for management. To correlates with the CDR and is sensitive to
construct the profile of strengths and weak- change over time. Activities that may jeop-
nesses in these domains, the patients scores ardize the patients or others safety (e.g.,
must be compared to normative values for a driving, financial management, cooking)
group of individuals of the same age, level of should be reviewed carefully. Sometimes
education, gender, and race, where available, there is a request for assistance with a deter-
and also to the patients estimated premorbid mination of competency to manage finances
level of functioning. From this information, or make health care decisions and there are
the neuropsychologist can answer the fol- neuropsychological test performance factors
lowing question:Is the patient performing as that can affect decision making in different
well as others in his or her own peer group? realms (Marson, Cody, Ingram, & Harrell,
Based on this information and information 1995; Marson, Ingram, Cody, & Harrell,
from the history, the neuropsychologist can 1995; Marson et al., 2000, 2009). Assessment
infer whether the patient is functioning at the of safety can be accomplished with the
level of her or his own peak prior ability. Independent Living Scales (Loeb, 1999).
Noncognitive behavioral symptoms, Neuropsychological tests are tools and
including apathy, disengagement from the require professional interpretation. Clinical
environment, depression, agitation, and neuropsychologists are trained in psycho-
hallucinations can constitute the earliest metric theory and measurement, psychology,
symptoms of a dementia, as is often the case brain anatomy, and physiology and on the
in Lewy body dementia or frontotempo- impact of neurological, psychiatric, and med-
ral dementia. These are typically evaluated ical disorders on brain functioning. The neu-
using interviews or questionnaires given ropsychologist interprets test findings just
to the informant and in some cases also the as the physician might interpret laboratory
CHAPTER 20. Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 493

BOX 20.1 Testing for Dementia

Screening and Functional Assessment

Short Mental Status Tests
Mini Mental State Examination (Folstein etal., 1975)
Blessed Dementia Scale (Blessed, Tomlinson, & Roth, 1968)
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (Nasreddine etal., 2005)

Brief Dementia Batteries

Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (Mattis, 2001)
Alzheimers Disease Assessment Scale (Rosen etal., 1984)
CERAD Battery (Morris etal., 1993)
RBANS (Randolph, 1998)

Activities of Daily Living

Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire (ADLQ) (Johnson etal., 2004)
Functional Assessment Questionnaire (FAQ) (Galasko etal., 1997, Pfeffer, Kurosaki, Harrah,
Chance, & Filos, 1982)
Independent Living Scales (ILS) (Loeb, 1999)

Behavioral Symptoms
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI-Q) (Cummings etal., 1994, Kaufer etal., 2000)
Frontal Behavior Inventory (Kertesz etal., 1997)

Clinical Ratings
Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) (Knopman, Weintraub, & Pankratz, 2011; Morris, 1993)
Functional Assessment Staging (FAST) (Reisberg, 1988)

Estimate of Premorbid IQ
Wechsler Test of Adult Reading (Wechsler, 2001)

Beck Depression Inventory-II
Geriatric Depression Scale

Tests of the Neurocognitive Domains

Concentration:Span/Vigilance/Working Memory
Digit Span, Visual Span (WMS) (Wechsler, 1998)
Number-Letter Sequences (WMS) (Wechsler, 1998)

Serial Recitation Tests (WMS) (Wechsler, 1998)
Word List Generation (Spreen & Strauss, 1998)

494 part iiiAssessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

Executive Function
Trail Making Tests (Reitan, 1958)
Motor Go- No Go (Weintraub, 2000)
Stroop Test (Golden etal., 2002)

Perceptual/Constructional Tasks
Hooper Visual Organization Test (Hooper, 1958)
Judgment of Line Orientation (Benton, Hamsher, Varney, & Spreen, 1983)
Facial Recognition (Benton et al., 1983)
Visual Target Cancellation Tasks (Weintraub, 2000)
Benson Complex Figure (Possin et al., 2011)
Copying a cube, drawing a clock

Verbal Fluency Measures (Lezak, Howieson, & Loring, 2004; Spreen & Strauss, 1998)
Boston Naming Test (Kaplan, Goodglass, & Weintraub, 1983)
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) (Goodglass etal., 2001)
Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) (Kertesz, 2006)
PALPA (Kay, Lesser, & Coltheart, 1992)
Northwestern Anagram Test (Weintraub et al., 2009)
Northwestern Naming Battery (Thompson, King, Lukic, Mesulam, & Weintraub, 2012)

Calculation Abilities

Episodic Memory
Wechsler Memory Scale (stories, word lists, designs) (Wechsler, 1998)
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (word list) (Rey, 1941)
California Verbal Learning Test (word list) (Delis, Kramer, Kaplan, & Ober, 2000)
Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure (Rey, 1941)
Selective Reminding Procedure (Buschke, 1973)
Three Words Three Shapes Test (Weintraub, 2000; Weintraub etal., 2012, 2013)
Drilled Word Span Procedure (Weintraub, 2000)

Reasoning and Abstraction

WAIS Similarities, Matrix Reasoning (Wechsler, 1997)
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (Heaton etal., 1993)
Visual-Verbal Test (Wicklund etal., 2004)

Planning and Sequencing

DKEFS Tower Test (Delis, Kaplan, & Kramer, 2001)

Note. This list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive. For additional instruments, consult Spreen and
Strauss (1998) and Lezak and colleagues (2004).
TABLE20.2 Neuropsychological Profiles of Mental State in Clinical Dementia Syndromes
Clinical Dementia Syndrome Defined by Primary Neurocognitive Domains Neuroanatomical Network
Prominent Symptoms
Attention Emotions/ Language Visuospatial Explicit Comportment
Mood Memory Executive

Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) - - x - - Left cerebral hemisphere

Variants:agrammatic, semantic, logopenic
Progressive visuospatial dysfunction (posterior * - * x * - Bilateral occipito-parietal regions
cortical atrophy)
Primary amnestic dementia * * * * x Limbic system
(probable Alzheimers disease [PrAD]
dementia of the Alzheimer type [DAT[)
Progressive comportmental dysfunction * - * x Bilateral frontal and/or temporal
(Behavioral variant or frontal variant FTD),
Dementia with cortical Lewy body disease * x - * - - Brainstem locus coeruleus
(associated with extrapyramidal symptoms)
Corticobasal degeneration syndrome - - x x - -
Acute confusional state x - Frontal networks (interferes with
metabolic milieu)
Normal pressure hydrocephalus x - Frontal networks (interferes with
white matter connections)
Vascular dementia ** x * * * * Frontal networks (multifocal
cortical/subcortical lesions; also
white matter lesions)

*=Impairment may be present and likely is stage or severity dependent.

**=Because of multifocal lesions typical of this disorder when it is progressive, the most common syndrome is that of frontal network dysfunction.
=Performance on tests of this domain may suffer secondary to primary deficits.
X=Most salient domain of impairment, accounting for functional daily impairments.
= Associated with characteristic asymmetric motor symptoms that may be preceded by focal cognitive impairments (e.g., PPA, unilateral neglect).
=Characteristically due to toxic/metabolic encephalopathy.
496 part iiiAssessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

values, in the context of a diagnostic hypoth- decline in memory and other cognitive test
esis and comprehensive understanding of the scores after age 65. A decline in cognitive
history. test scores, or the normal aging trajectory,
The examiner should have the flexibility to however, can be identified in cross-sectional
choose tests that are suitable for the individ- normative data even in younger individu-
ual patient. Thus, a patient with a third-grade als (Evans, Grodstein, Loewenstein, Kaye, &
education who worked as a housekeeper Weintraub, 2011). It is not known if a faster
should be given tests that avoid floor effects, decline over early and middle adulthood
while a patient with advanced education and presages later development of dementia.
occupational attainment should be given However, if detected earlier, such cognitive
tests that avoid ceiling effects. In the for- decline could be potentially amenable to
mer example, if the tests are so hard that the interventions aimed at reducing risk. Second,
patient fails everything, there is no resulting the neuropsychological assessment should
profile of strengths and weaknesses. In the identify the overall level of cognitive impair-
latter case, if the patient performs normally ment (i.e., absent, questionable, very mild,
for age on all tests, subtle decline could be mild, moderate, or severe), as well as the
missed. relative level of impairment or preservation
Neuropsychologists also consider demo- among the specific domains. Third, based on
graphic variables that can alter the interpre- the history and functional assessment, the
tation of test scores based on such factors neuropsychologist should be able to deter-
as age, gender, ethnic/racial background, mine the impact of cognitive dysfunction on
years of education, and quality of education activities of daily living. This is critical since
(Brickman, Cabo, & Manly, 2006; Manly, 2005, the diagnosis of dementia requires that the
2008; Manly etal., 2011). In medical practice, cognitive changes have had an impact on
there is a desire for norms, or standards, functional capacity. Fourth, the results of the
against which to measure individual patient neuropsychological examination should help
values on laboratory tests. In neuropsycho- to narrow or expand the differential diag-
logical assessment, as already noted, unlike nosis. Neuropsychological reports should
in medical laboratory tests, there are many contain specific suggestions for further
variables that can affect the interpretation of workup as needed (i.e., neurological and/
a score in the individual patient. In addition, or psychiatric evaluation, medical evalua-
the individuals test performance should tion, and neuroimaging.) The examination
be interpreted not only in comparison with results provide a neurocognitive profile of
age-relevant norms but also with respect to relative strengths and weaknesses that can
his or her own past peak level of cognitive be used to predict the neuroanatomical dis-
ability. For example, if an individual would tribution of pathology and the probability
have performed in the top 2% of the popula- of different neuropathologic (disease) diag-
tion on a memory test at the age of 30, the noses (Weintraub & Mesulam, 1993). Finally,
fact that her current score at age 80 is aver- the neuropsychological examination should
age for age by normative standards alerts contribute to management planning tailored
the neuropsychologist to the fact that there to the patients individual profile of strengths
has likely been cognitive decline for that par- and weaknesses. Potential safety issues can
ticular individual, even though the score is be identified and recommendations made
not abnormal. Some test scores (Vocabulary, regarding further resources (e.g., a driving
estimated IQ) can be used to correct other evaluation or financial supervision). Specific
obtained test scores before comparing them suggestions for practical community-based
with normative data to obtain a measure of resources for assistance are also useful (e.g.,
how much an individual has changed from Alzheimers Association, Association for
her own peak performance level (Rentz etal., Frontotemporal Degeneration, local social
2004, 2006, 2007; Rentz and Weintraub, 2000). service agencies, adult day health programs,
The comprehensive neuropsychological geriatric care managers). Some neuropsy-
examination should accomplish the following chologists may also provide education and
goals. The first goal is to detect the presence of counseling services for patients and caregiv-
cognitive impairment. Most longitudinal cog- ers. While not changing the nature of the dis-
nitive aging studies have shown a significant ease itself, such support and information can
CHAPTER 20. Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 497

improve a patients (and caregivers) quality and temporal disorientation (see Weintraub
of life (Weintraub & Morhardt, 2005). et al., 2012). The original description of the
clinical syndrome of probable AD (PrAD)
was marked by impairments on tests of learn-
Neuropsychological Features of Selected ing and delayed recall (McKhann etal., 1984).
Dementia and Prodromal Syndromes Delayed recall shows a floor effect early in
the course of AD and therefore cannot be
Neuropsychological Features of Mild used to track disease progression, but recog-
Cognitive Impairment nition memory performance can be used for
this purpose (Locascio, Growdon, & Corkin,
Some individuals experience an isolated 1995). Although amnesia is a salient feature
impairment of memory or other cognitive of AD, other cognitive deficits also emerge,
functions but may perform relatively nor- including decreased verbal fluency on cate-
mally in daily living activities. This state has gory list generation and reduced object nam-
been referred to as mild cognitive impair- ing. Impairments of attention and working
ment (Petersen, 2000a, 2000b; Petersen etal., memory can be seen in patients with mild
1997) or age-associated memory impair- to moderate dementia severity. In the most
ment (Crook, Bahar, & Sudilovsky, 1987-88). recent revision of the diagnostic criteria for
Petersen (2004) has proposed a classification AD dementia, it is also recognized that other
to include nonamnestic and multidomain cognitive deficits (e.g., language, visuospa-
forms of MCI. Individuals in whom episodic tial dysfunction) can lead the clinical pic-
memory is impaired are at elevated risk for ture in the early stages, although memory
progressing to AD dementia (Dubois & Albert, loss remains the most common presenting
2004; Dubois etal., 2007). The significance of symptom (McKhann et al., 2011, online.).
other profiles of MCI, for example, isolated The Multilingual Aphasia Examination can
attention impairment, is not currently known screen for language deficits in adults up to
(Luis etal., 2004; Luis, Loewenstein, Acevedo, 69 years of age (Benton, Hamsher, & Sivan,
Barker, & Duara, 2003). It is important in this 1994). On average, patients with AD demen-
population to obtain a detailed neuropsycho- tia decline annually by 3.24 points on the
logical assessment and then to use the patients Information-Memory-Concentration sub-
own raw scores for comparison over time. test of the BDS, 2.81 points on the MMSE,
Scores on memory and executive function and 11.38 points on the DRS (Salmon et al.,
tests (e.g., Trail Making Test) are particularly 1990). The Alzheimers Disease Assessment
useful in predicting who is likely to progress Scale (ADAS) (Rosen, Mohs, & Davis,
to AD dementia in the future (Albert, Moss, 1984)has been used extensively to measure
Tanzi, & Jones, 2001). In addition, some inves- medication effects on the symptoms of AD
tigators have suggested that intraindividual dementia in clinical trials. The CERAD test
variability in test performance, rather than a battery focuses on the salient symptoms of
single-point-in-time measurement, may have AD dementia and includes tests of word
greater predictive value for MCI or dementia list learning, category generation, naming,
(Strauss, Bielak, Bunce, Hunter, & Hultsch, and constructions (Morris etal., 1989; Welsh
2007). Much of the work on this topic to date et al., 1994). See Chapter 16 for additional
has focused on groups of participants in lon- information on AD.
gitudinal studies; further work in this area is
required to develop prognostic models appli-
cable to individual patients in clinical practice. Neuropsychological Features ofPrimary
See Chapter17 for more information on MCI. Progressive Aphasia

The earliest symptom of PPA is commonly

Neuropsychological Features of Alzheimers word-finding difficulty in conversation.
Disease Dementia There are three major types of aphasia syn-
dromes reported in PPA (Gorno-Tempini
Symptoms described in patients with AD et al., 2011; Mesulam et al., 2009): agram-
dementia usually include a primary amnesia matic, semantic, and logopenic. The first type
with forgetfulness, repetitiveness, and spatial is characterized by preserved naming and
498 part iiiAssessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

single-word comprehension and impaired Neuropsychological Features of Behavioral

grammatical comprehension and/or pro- Variant Frontotemporal Dementia
duction. The second is distinguished by
impaired naming and single-word compre- Patients with behavioral variant frontotempo-
hension but relatively preserved grammar. ral dementia (bvFTD) experience symptoms
The third manifests with spared compre- of a change in character and/or personality
hension but reduced verbal output due to (Rascovsky etal., 2007, 2011). The changes can
frequent pauses for word finding in conver- be exaggerations of prior existing traits or a
sation and no agrammatism. Although there complete departure from them. Insight is typ-
is no one-to-one relationship between the ically reduced. Decreased initiative and emo-
clinical PPA variant and the underlying dis- tional responsivity are often observed. The
ease, these clinical variants can predict the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (Kertesz et al.,
etiology with some degree of certainty. Thus, 2000) aims to provide measures of comport-
agrammatism is more likely to be associated mental and language changes associated with
with FTLD-tauopathy, while the logopenic FTLD. Patients may demonstrate deficits on
variant of PPA is more likely to be associ- tests of reasoning and cognitive flexibility, such
ated with Alzheimers neuropathology as the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (Heaton,
(Mesulam, 2008). Specialized aphasia testing Chelune, Talley, Kay, & Curtis, 1993) or the
is necessary to document the clinical syn- Visual Verbal Test (Wicklund et al., 2004).
dromes of PPA, using such instruments as Attentional deficits can be detected with the
the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination Trail Making tests (Tombaugh, 2004), Stroop
(Goodglass, Kaplan, & Barresi, 2001) and (Golden, Freshwater, & Golden, 2002) and
the Western Aphasia Battery (Kertesz, 2006). Go No Go procedure (Weintraub, 2000).
These instruments survey many language Symptoms of utilization behavior and envi-
modalities, including spontaneous speech, ronmental dependency syndrome (Lhermitte,
single-word and sentence comprehension, Pillon, & Serdaru, 1986), whereby patients
repetition, naming, reading comprehension, behaviors become driven by stimuli in the
and writing. The Northwestern Anagram environment regardless of their relevance,
Test (Weintraub etal., 2009) was designed to can also be observed. Social cognition is dif-
sample syntactic processing without requir- ficult to assess in the clinical setting, but defi-
ing the patient to speak or rely on work- cits in this area are key components of bvFTD
ing memory to decode lengthy utterances. and contribute to the functional impairments
Measures that do not rely heavily on language prevalent in this group of patients (Rankin
comprehension or output are most useful for et al., 2008). Informant reports and observa-
testing the integrity of reasoning (Wicklund, tion of the patients demeanor in the course
Johnson, & Weintraub, 2004) and episodic of the evaluation can provide important clues
memory in this population (Weintraub & to deficits in social cognition. Chapter8 pro-
Mesulam, 1996; Weintraub et al., 2012). vides more information on bvFTD.
Insight is usually preserved in the early
stages and patients may become depressed
as a result. The Geriatric Depression Scale Neuropsychological Features of Lewy
(Yesavage, Brooks, Taylor, & Tinklenberg, Body Dementia
1993) has been used to demonstrate elevated
symptoms of depression in patients with PPA Neuropsychiatric symptoms of delusions
(Medina & Weintraub, 2007). Over time, as and/or hallucinations are the distinguish-
the pathology becomes more widespread, ing early features of this form of dementia
however, patients may develop symptoms (McKeith etal., 2003). Although extrapyrami-
of behavioral and other cognitive changes dal symptoms are also usually a prominent
(Banks & Weintraub, 2004, 2008). Activities early feature, early visual hallucinations and
of daily living, with the exception of those deficits on visuospatial constructional tasks
dependent on normal language, are often are highly predictive of cortical Lewy body
spared for several years after onset (Wicklund disease on autopsy examination (Tiraboschi
et al., 2007). See Chapter 9 for more details et al., 2006). Constructions can be tested
on PPA. with a subtest from the CERAD battery
(Morris et al., 1989) or the Benson Complex
CHAPTER 20. Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 499

Figure Test (Possin, Laluz, Alcantar, Miller,& in other domains as the disease spreads to
Kramer, 2011). Patients are often described other cortical areas. The profiles of PPA and
as fluctuating in their mental state with epi- bvFTD differ from these two profiles in the
sodes of confusion interspersed with near early prominence of language and behavioral
normal functioning (Ferman et al., 2002; symptoms, respectively.
Geser, Wenning, Poewe, & McKeith, 2005; Even though the dementia may be quite
Metzler-Baddeley, Baddeley, Lovell, Laffan, & selective in its behavioral and cognitive
Jones, 2010; Salmon etal., 1996). Fluctuation profile, however, it may be difficult to dif-
on neuropsychological test scores from one ferentiate among syndromes solely on the
test session to another over time is common basis of objective neuropsychological tests
in this syndrome. See Chapter 12 for more (Weintraub & Mesulam, 1993). The reason for
details on dementia with Lewy bodies. this is that most neuropsychological tests are
multifactorial and tend to engage more than
a single cognitive process. For example, clock
Determination of the Clinical drawing is intended to serve as a visuospa-
Neuropsychological Profile tial test. However, a primary disturbance in
executive functions can lead to poor perfor-
At the completion of the neuropsychological mance on this task even in the presence of
evaluation, a clinical profile will emerge that preserved visuospatial functions. Similarly,
can assist in differential diagnosis. Especially word-finding difficulty may impair perfor-
in the earliest stages of illness, it is likely mance on verbal memory tests despite pre-
that a patient will show significant impair- served episodic memory. Thus, the clinician
ment in one or a few domains with either needs to determine whether failure on a
normal or relatively preserved performance test is indicative of dysfunction in the tar-
in others. Figure20.2 illustrates this concept geted domain or if it is secondary to failure
using early- and late-stage neurocognitive in another domain not targeted by the test
profiles of the progressive amnestic demen- construct. In early stages of frontotemporal
tia associated with AD neuropathology and dementia, all formal neuropsychological test
contrasts this profile with that seen in the scores may be abnormal, because impair-
clinical syndrome of progressive visuospatial ments of motivation and executive functions
dysfunction, also known as posterior cortical may interfere with performance in a general
atrophy (PCA; see Chapter 10). The visuo- manner. Conversely, all test scores may be
spatial profile of PCA is also associated with normal because the primary deficit lies in
AD neuropathology (Renner etal., 2004), but social cognition and is not reflected in stan-
in an unusual neuroanatomical distribution dard testing. Table 20.2 illustrates primary
that favors the visual association cortex (Hof, and secondary deficits on neuropsycho-
Bouras, Constantinidis, & Morrison, 1990; logical testing of common clinical dementia
Hof, Vogt, Bouras, & Morrison, 1997). Other syndromes.
pathological entities associated with PCA
include cortical Lewy body disease and fatal Neuropsychological Consultation:When
familial insomnia (cf. Renner etal., 2004). andWhy?
See Figure 20.3 for a summary of clinico-
pathologic relationships in AD dementia Neuropsychological consultation is not nec-
and PCA. Early in the course of the amnes- essary in every patient with dementia. The
tic dementia of the Alzheimer type, episodic following section provides some guidelines
memory scores are typically impaired, while for identifying patients for whom a neuro-
scores on tests in other domains are normal psychological evaluation may be helpful.
or relatively preserved. With time, how- In some patients, the detection of cognitive
ever, performance on tests in other domains decline may be difficult in a routine physi-
becomes impaired as well. In progressive cians office visit. This is particularly true in
visuospatial dysfunction, the earliest impair- mild phases of neurodegenerative dementias
ments are seen on tests of visuospatial func- or in patients with high premorbid intelli-
tions, while scores on episodic memory and gence. Thus, the clinician may request neu-
other tests remain normal. With time, how- ropsychological assessment to determine
ever, these patients also develop deficits whether the patient is experiencing cognitive
500 part iiiAssessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

Level of Impairment







vis ge

o it



em lic


Pe l

Re ry



M Exp








Level of Impairment Early







vis ge

or it



em lic


Pe l



M Exp










Figure20.2 Neuropsychological profiles in early and late stages of neurodegenerative dementia.

The charts display the neurocognitive profiles associated with early and late stages of the amnestic
dementia of the Alzheimer type (top) and that of progressive visuospatial dysfunction, also known
as posterior cortical atrophy (bottom). The early symptom profile can be clinically focal and is
associated with the regional brain dysfunction. As the disease progresses, symptoms become more
widespread, affecting several domains.

deficits that are abnormal for his or her age work, other activities, or social relationships,
and level of education. For example, a patient neuropsychological testing may help reveal
may complain of, and family members may evidence of early-onset dementia. With
corroborate, memory difficulties in daily life, regard to atypical dementias, the early symp-
and he or she may obtain a normal score on toms of primary progressive aphasia are
the MMSE; neuropsychological assessment often misdiagnosed as symptoms of stress
may be helpful to determine whether there is or depression; formal cognitive assessment
a memory deficit on more sensitive measures. often reveals subtle but clear language abnor-
Neuropsychological testing may be use- malities in these patients. Early symptoms of
ful for the detection of atypical or early-onset behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia
(young-onset or presenile) dementias. In a are often also misdiagnosed as psychiatric in
patient under 60 who presents with unchar- nature, and often executive dysfunction can
acteristic behavior that is interfering with be observed on neuropsychological testing.
CHAPTER 20. Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia 501

Progressive Visuospatial
Amnestic Dementia
Dementia (aka Posterior
(aka PrAD) Cortical

AD Prion

FTLDs Lewy
(CBD) Body

Figure 20.3 Neuropsychological profiles predict neuropathologic diagnoses with different
probabilities. There is no one-to-one correspondence between clinical dementia profiles and the
disease diagnosis at postmortem brain autopsy. This figure shows the association between the
clinical diagnosis of dementia (circles at top, an early amnestic dementia profile and an early
visuospatial dementia profile) and the neuropathologic tissue diagnoses following postmortem
brain autopsy (circles at bottom). The thickness of the arrows represents the relative probability
with which different types of diagnoses are associated with each profile.

Generally speaking, when a patient or family for the future. Since dementia is progressive,
presents with cognitive-behavioral concerns regular checkups are important for alter-
and the initial physician office evaluation ing management strategies and considering
does not offer a clear diagnosis, neuropsy- alternative living/care arrangements and
chological testing can be a reasonable next safety issues. This monitoring may be pos-
step in the evaluation; results can provide not sible to accomplish in the physicians office
only documentation of a cognitive-behavioral or may be augmented through longitudi-
deficit but also assistance in determining the nal neuropsychological testing. In addition,
likely cause of these deficits (e.g., differen- this testing can help measure the effects of
tial diagnosis between depression, stroke, treatment, although it is always impossible
Alzheimers, traumatic brain injury, etc.) to know how the patient would have per-
based on the test profile. formed without treatment. In addition, if a
Neuropsychological testing can also pro- patient with a known dementia experiences
vide valuable information regarding safety, an acute or subacute worsening in behav-
planning, and related issues. In a patient ior, brief focused cognitive or neuropsy-
with an obvious dementia or milder cogni- chological assessment may be valuable in
tive impairment, the test profile can give identifying whether there is another factor
indications of whether he or she is safe to (e.g., toxic-metabolic encephalopathy) that
live alone, drive, make financial decisions, or is temporarily worsening mental state (i.e.,
related activities. causing a beclouded dementia?).
In addition to the value of baseline testing,
longitudinal neuropsychological assessment
can be very important since it enables the A Word on Brain Health Throughout
clinician to identify changes in performance the Life Span
relative to the patients own prior baseline.
In a patient diagnosed with dementia, this The field of neuropsychology has highlighted
can help to document the rate of decline and the importance of brain health throughout
assist the patient and caregiver in planning the life span. Developmental disorders that
502 part iiiAssessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

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Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia

Haythum O. Tayeb, Evan D. Murray, and Bruce H. Price

In 1907, Alois Alzheimer described the husband or daughter and seems to have
first case study of Alzheimers dementia auditory hallucinations. Often, she screams
(AD) (Alzheimer, Stelzmann, Schnitzlein, & for many hours in a horrible voice.
Murtagh, 1995). His patient had significant
and disruptive behavioral and psychiatric In this case, neuropsychiatric symptoms
symptoms in addition to memory and cogni- preceded and developed coincident with the
tive difficulties. He reported: onset of cognitive difficulties. Delusions of
jealousy and paranoia were early manifes-
The first noticeable symptom of illness tations. Later, her social graces deteriorated
shown by this 51-year old woman was sus- and auditory hallucinations developed along
piciousness of her husband. Soon, a rapidly with agitation and a delirious appearance.
increasing memory impairment became evi- Although AD has been viewed as predomi-
dent; she could no longer orient herself in nantly a disorder of memory and cognition,
her own dwelling, dragged objects here and the vast majority of AD patients develop neu-
there and hid them, and at times, believing ropsychiatric symptoms during the course of
that people were out to murder her, started the illness (Lyketsos, 2002). It has been estab-
to scream loudly. On observation at the insti- lished that AD pathology prominently dis-
tution, her entire demeanor bears the stamp turbs cerebral networks crucial for episodic
of utter bewilderment. She is completely memory functioning, namely the entorhinal,
disoriented to time and place. Occasionally, hippocampal, and mesial temporal struc-
she remarks that she does not understand tures. Similarly, neuropsychiatric symptoms
anything and is at her wits end. Sometimes occur when AD pathology affects regions of
she greets the doctor as if he were a visitor cerebral circuitry responsible for regulating
and excuses herself that she has not fin- mood and affect, motivation, decision mak-
ished with her work; on other occasions, ing, and higher level perceptual processing.
she screams that he wants to cut her open, Specific circuitry involved includes the orbi-
and on yet others, she dismisses him, full of tofrontal regions, the anterior cingulate, the
indignation and with expressions indicating dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, heteromodal
that she fears him as a threat to her honor regions of the neocortex, as well as the amyg-
as a woman. At times, she is totally deliri- dala, periventricular and septal nuclei, and
ous, drags her bedding around, calls for her striatum.

CHAPTER 21. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia 509

Neuropsychiatric symptoms are not lim- be associated with worse cognitive perfor-
ited to AD among the dementing illnesses. mance, reduced functional ability and quality
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Lewy of life, and increased caregiver and patient
body dementia (DLB), vascular demen- distress (DOnofrio, 2012; Hargrave, Reed,&
tia (VaD), and other dementia subtypes all Mungas, 2000; Lechowski, 2009; Schneider,
have prominent neuropsychiatric manifes- Murray, Banerjee, & Mann, 1999). They are
tations. Recognition and treatment of these a major reason for institutionalization and
features can substantially impact the clinical nursing home placement (Callahan, 2006;
course of the disease and the well-being of Rabins, 1991).
caregivers. The following sections review the major
In this chapter, the neuropsychiatric aspects neuropsychiatric manifestations of dementia,
of dementia will be reviewed focusing on their neuroanatomical substrates, and the rel-
the phenomenology and a clinical approach ative prevalence of these features in the major
toward evaluation. Subsequent chapters will dementing illnesses.
focus on management of symptoms.

Overview of the Major Neuropsychiatric
Symptoms in Dementia Both depression and cognitive impairment
occur commonly in the elderly. The relation-
A variety of neuropsychiatric features ship between the two is complex (Box 21.1).
are well recognized as integral aspects of Elderly patients with depression can have
dementing illnesses. These features may associated cognitive impairments, previously
precede or develop concurrently with the referred to as pseudodementia, but now more
cognitive and functional decline. Whereas accurately designated as depression-related
cognitive and functional deficits in demen- cognitive impairment (DRCI). There is evi-
tia tend to be relentlessly progressive and dence that such depression-associated cogni-
show relatively linear decline within differ- tive impairments may persist in a subset of
ent stages of the illness, neuropsychiatric elderly individuals despite resolution of their
symptoms may emerge more variably. They depression. Indeed, epidemiologic studies
may remit, relapse, or transition from one have correlated depression with an increased
symptom to another. The neuropathologi- later risk of developing dementia (Devanand
cal correlates of these symptoms are only & Sano, 1996). A potential mechanism for
partially understood. A growing body of this may be found in the excessive glucocor-
evidence links individual symptoms to ticoid induction associated with depression,
dysfunction in discrete cerebral networks which in turn may result in a cascade of neu-
affected by neurodegenerative processes rotransmitter-induced excitotoxicity, leading
(see Table 21.1 and Table 21.2 for a synopsis to subsequent neuronal injury. Alternatively,
of the cerebral substrates of neuropsychiat- late-life depression could be viewed as a
ric symptoms). prodromal symptom for a dementing ill-
Neuropsychiatric symptoms adversely ness, related to early involvement of cere-
impact not only patients but also their care- bral circuits crucial for mood regulation that
givers. Many symptoms have been shown to are damaged by the neurodegenerative or

TABLE21.1 Synopsis of the Cerebral Localization of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms:Cortical

and Subcortical Structures Implicated in Selective Psychiatric Symptoms

Depression Hallucinations Delusions

Orbitofrontal cortex Orbitofrontal cortex Orbitofrontal cortex
Striatum Striatum Striatum
Thalamus Thalamus
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex Paralimbic/limbic cortex Amygdala
Anterior cingulate gyrus Unimodal association cortex
TABLE21.2 Summary of the Major Imaging Studies Linking Apathy, Depression, and
Psychosis in Dementia to Cerebral Substrates
Author Imaging NP Tool Localization

Ott, Noto,& Fogel, 1996 SPECT DBDS Right temporoparietal
Craig etal., 1996 SPECT NPI Prefrontal and anterior temporal
Benoit etal., 1999 SPECT NPI Right cingulate
Migneco etal., 2001 SPECT NPI Anterior cingulate bilaterally
Benoit etal., 2002 SPECT NPI Left ACC, right inferior and medial gyrus frontalis,
the left OFC, right gyrus lingualis
Benoit etal., 2004 SPECT AI Bilateral superior OFC, left middle frontal gyrus,
right ACC, left superior DLPFC
Robert etal., 2006 SPECT AI Right ACC
Lanctot etal., 2007 SPECT NPI Right OFC, left ACC
Holthoff etal., 2005 FDG-PET NPI Left OFC
Marshall etal., 2007 FDG-PET SANS Bilateral ACC, medial OFC, bilateral medial
Apostolova etal., 2007 MRI VBM NPI Right superior, bilateral middle frontal, left superior
frontal, anterior cingulate correction
Bruen etal., 2008 MRI VBM NPI Bilateral ACC and frontal cortex, left head of
caudate, bilateral putamen
Levy-Cooperman etal., SPECT CSDD Right superior and bilateral middle frontal gyri, left
2008 superior frontal gyrus, AC gyrus
Akiyama H, 2008 SPECT NPI Left prefrontal cortex
Galynker etal., 2000 SPECT SANS, HDS DLPFC, AC gyrus
Liao etal., 2003 SPECT HDS Anterior and posterior cingulate, precuneus

Kotrla etal., 1995 SPECT HDS, BPAD Left frontal (delusions)
Parietal (hallucinations)
Staff etal., 1999 SPECT Right hemisphere (frontal and limbic)
Mega etal., 2000 SPECT NPI DLPFC, left AC, dorsolateral parietal
Staff et al., 2000 SPECT Presence of Right frontal lobe
Fukuhara etal., 2001 SPECT Presence Right medial posterior parietal
of theft
Nakano etal., 2006 SPECT NPI Posterior cingulate, precunei, parietal association
cortex with right-sided dominance
Starkstein etal., 1994 SPECT PSE Bitemporal
Metnis etal., 1995 PET Presence of OF and cingulate and left medial temporal
Hirono etal., 2998 FDG-PET BPAD Left inferior temporal (hypermetabolic), left medial
Lopez etal., 2001 FDG-PET Left DLPFC, left medial temporal (delusions)
Right parietal, left medial temporal, left DLPFC
Sultzer etal., 2003 FDG-PET NRS Right superior DLPFC, right inferior frontal pole,
and right lateral OF region
Geroldi etal., 2002 CT NPI Right temporal and left frontal

ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; CT, computerized tomography; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; FDG-PET, flu-
deoxyglucose positron emission tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NPI, Neuropsychiatric Inventory; OFC,
orbitofrontal cortex; SPECT, single-photon emission computed tomography.
CHAPTER 21. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia 511

BOX 21.1 The Relationship Between Depression and Dementia

1. Depression can be associated with cognitive impairment (properly termed depression

cognitive impairment).
2. Late-life depression may be a risk factor or prodrome for dementia.
3. In dementing illnesses, depression is a common comorbidity.

100 in AD have been shown to correlate with

hypoperfusion or hypometabolism in the
prefrontal cortical areas, including the dor-
solateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), presumably
50 as a result of the neurodegenerative process
(Akiyama, 2008; Butters, 2008; Galynker, 2000;
25 Levy-Cooperman etal., 2008; Liao, 2003).
Depressive symptoms in dementia can
be very similar to depressive syndromes in
other contexts, especially when they occur







in the mild stages of dementia (Chemerinski,








Petracca, Sabe, Kremer, & Starkstein, 2001).


However, the cognitive deficits in demen-

Figure21.1 Estimates of the relative tia, such as anosognosia and aphasia, may
prevalence of depression in major dementia mask symptoms of depression by impairing
syndromes and neurodegenerative disorders.
the individuals ability to recognize deficits
AD=alzheimer disease, LBD=Lewy
and communicate about them. Furthermore,
body dementia, fv-FTD=frontal-variant
there is a resemblance between the features of
frontotemporal dementia, tv-FTD=temporal
depression and those of dementia. Changes
variant FTD, VaD=vascular dementia,
MCI=mild cognitive impairment. in appetite and sleep, and the presence of
apathy, concentration difficulties, and slow-
cerebrovascular pathology. Finally, depres- ing of psychomotor processing occur in both
sion may result from the overwhelming conditions. This superficial resemblance may
stress of an evolving dementia (Geda, 2010). lead to misdiagnosis. It is useful in such cir-
Depression is prevalent in patients with cumstances to include a caregivers collateral
established dementia, and it occurs at vari- history and to be vigilant while obtaining
ous stages. Figure 21.1 illustrates the aver- the history and performing the examination
age prevalence of depression in the major to assess for features that may indicate a pri-
neurodegenerative disorders. A weakness of mary depressive illness (Box 21.2) versus a
this data is that there is considerable varia- dementing illness. Preliminary diagnostic
tion with regard to the populations stud- criteria for late-life depression in AD have
ied, stage of disease, and criteria utilized to been proposed taking these diagnostic chal-
diagnose depression. Depressive symptoms lenges into account (Table 21.3) (Olin, 2002).

BOX 21.2 Clinical Clues That May Improve the Detection of Depression in Patients With
Rapid uncharacteristic and unexplained deterioration of cognition
Blunted affect, decline in psychomotor reactivity
Dysthymic agitation
Disturbance in sleep/wake cycle
Food refusal, appetite decrease, and rapid weight loss
Prior history of depression
Family history of depression
Change in environment or caregiver
TABLE21.3 Proposed Diagnostic Criteria for Depression in Alzheimers Disease
Major Depressive Episode Depression of AD

Number of Five (or more) of the following Three (or more) of the following symptoms
symptoms symptoms have been present during have been present during the same 2-week
required the same 2-week period and represent period and represent a change from
a change from previous functioning previous functioning
Caveat Do not include symptoms that are Do not include symptoms that, in your
clearly due to a general medical judgment, are clearly due to a medical
condition, or mood-incongruent condition other than AD or are a direct
delusions or hallucinations result of non-mood-related dementia
symptoms (e.g., loss of weight due to
difficulties with food intake)
Symptoms 1. Depressed mood most of the day, 1. Clinically significant depressed
nearly every day. as either indicated mood (e.g., depressed, sad, hopeless,
by subjective report or observation discouraged, tearful)
of others
2. Markedly diminished interest 2. Decreased positive affect or pleasure in
or pleasure in all, or almost all, response to social contacts and usual
activities most the day, nearly every activities (either 1 or 2 is required)
day (either 1 or 2 is required)
3. Significant weight loss when not 3. Disruption in appetite
dieting or weight gain or decrease or
increase in appetite nearly every day
4. Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly 4. Disruption in sleep
every day
5. Psychomotor agitation or retardation 5. Psychomotor changes (e.g., agitation or
nearly every day retardation)
6. Fatigue or loss of energy nearly 6. Fatigue or loss of energy
every day
7. Feelings of worthlessness or 7. Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness,
excessive or inappropriate guilt or excessive or inappropriate guilt
nearly every day
8. Diminished ability to think or 8. Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal
concentrate ideation, plan, attempt
9. Recurrent thoughts of death, 9. Social isolation or withdrawal
recurrent suicidal ideation without a
specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a
specific plan for committing suicide
10. irritability
Other Does not meet criteria for a mixed All criteria are met for dementia of the
considerations episode Alzheimers type (DSM-IV-TR). The
symptoms are not better accounted for by
other conditions such as major depressive
disorder, bipolar disorder, bereavement,
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder,
psychosis of AD, anxiety disorders or
substance-related disorder
The symptoms are not better accounted
for by bereavement
Physiological rule The symptoms are not due to the direct The symptoms are not due to the direct
out physiological effects or a substance physiological effects of substance (e.g., a
(e.g., a drug of abuse or a medication) drug of abuse or medication)
or a general medical condition (e.g.,
Functional The symptoms cause clinically The symptoms cause clinically significant
impairment significant distress or impairment distress or disruption in functioning
in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning

AD, Alzheimer's disease; DSM-IV-TR, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, text revision.
Source:Olin etal. (2002).
CHAPTER 21. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia 513

The course of depression in dementia paucity of volition, and as having a decrease

may be mild and self-remitting over time in goal-directed and emotional responsiveness
(Devanand, 1997), but this is not uniform. A (Marin, 1990). Although there continues to
sizable proportion of patients with demen- be lingering controversy about its syndromic
tia will have a chronic major depressive ill- validity (Starkstein & Leentjens, 2008), it is
ness that is resistant to treatment (Janzing, now recognized as a distinct neuropsychiat-
Teunisse, Bouwens, van t. Hof, & Zitman, ric syndrome. Despite the overlap in clinical
2000; Starkstein et al., 1997). The recurrence appearance between apathy and depression,
rate of depression in dementia is also elevated they are distinct and independent syndromes
at 85% (Levy et al., 1996). Careful monitor- with different courses. The neuropsychiatric
ing of depression is a necessary component profile of patients presenting with apathy is
of the comprehensive care of patients with different from that of depression. Depression is
dementia. Clinical assessment tools such as neither necessary nor sufficient for apathy to
the Beck Depression Inventory, the Hamilton be present (Levy et al., 1998). Proposed diag-
Depression Scale, and others discussed else- nostic criteria for the apathy syndrome delin-
where in this text, can be useful. eate its most salient features (Box 21.3) (Robert
et al., 2009).
Apathy is a common early feature in neuro-
Apathy degenerative disorders (Fig. 21.2). It is thought
to result from dysfunction in frontal-subcortical
As recently as 1990, the term apathy was neural networks affected by the neurodegener-
defined as a syndrome of dysmotivation, ative process (Apostolova, 2007; Benoit, 1999,

BOX 21.3 Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosis in Alzheimers Disease

A. Characteristic symptoms:Presence of one (or more) of the following symptoms:

1. Visual or auditory hallucinations
2. Delusions
B. Primary diagnosis.
All the criteria for dementia of the Alzheimer type are met.*
C. Chronology of the onset of symptoms of psychosis versus onset of symptoms of demen-
tia:There is evidence from the history that the symptoms in Criterion Ahave not been
present continuously since prior to the onset of the symptoms of dementia.
D. Duration and severity.
The symptoms(s) in Criterion Ahave been present, at least intermittently, for 1month
or longer. Symptoms are severe enough to cause some disruption in the patients and/or
others functioning.
E. Exclusion of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders.
Criteria for schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, or mood disor-
der with psychotic features have never been met.
F. Relationship to delirium:The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course
of a delirium.
G. Exclusion of other causes of psychotic symptoms:The disturbance is not better accounted
for by another general medical condition or direct physiological effects of a substance
(e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication).
Associated features:(Specify if associated)
With agitation:when there is evidence, from history of examination, of prominent agita-
tion with or without physical or verbal aggression.
With negative symptoms:when prominent negative symptoms, such as apathy, affective
flattening, avolition, or motor retardation, are present.
With depression: when prominent depressive symptoms, such as depressed mood,
insomnia or hypersomnia, feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt,
or recurrent thoughts of death, are present.
Source:Jeste and Finkel (2000).
514part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

100 Cummings, & Gornbein, 1991; Rockwell,

Krull, Dimsdale,& Jeste, 1994).
75 Delusions, defined as fixed, false, and cul-
turally unaccepted beliefs, occur commonly
in dementing illness. There are recognized
25 themes and patterns of paranoid delusions
in dementia. Examples of these include those
0 of theft, marital infidelity, and misidentifica-
tion syndromes (Table 21.4) (Apostolova &
er D








Cummings, 2010). Bizarre delusions, such





as those commonly seen in schizophrenia,


are rare. Self-deprecating delusions should

Figure21.2 Average prevalence ranges of
raise suspicion for concomitant depression.
apathy in MCI and the major dementias.
Visual hallucinations are more common than
AD=alzheimer disease, LBD=Lewy
other perceptual disturbances in dementia,
body dementia, fv-FTD=frontal-variant
although all types of hallucinations can be
frontotemporal dementia, tv-FTD=temporal
variant FTD, VaD=vascular dementia, seen, including olfactory and tactile hallu-
MCI=mild cognitive impairment. cinations (Berrios, 1982; Marin et al., 1997;
Simard, van Reekum,& Cohen, 2000).
Psychotic symptoms may occur during the
2002; Bruen, McGeown, Shanks, & Venneri, course in all dementing illnesses. The aver-
2008; Craig, 1996; Lanctot etal., 2007; Marshall, age prevalence of psychotic symptoms in the
Fairbanks, Tekin, Vinters,& Cummings, 2006; major dementias is depicted in Figure 21.3.
Marshall et al., 2007; Migneco, 2001; Ott, The time at which psychotic symptoms
Noto, & Fogel, 1996; Robert, 2006; Skogseth manifest may have diagnostic implications.
et al., 2008). Anywhere between 25% and Psychosis tends to occur earlier in DLB (and
88% of individuals with Alzheimers disease to a lesser extent in FTD, especially in patients
manifest apathy (Landes, Sperry, Strauss, & with genetic C9ORF72 repeat expansions; see
Geldmacher, 2001; Landes, Sperry, & Strauss, Chapter 8) and comparatively later during
2005). It is one of the early symptoms in AD, the course of AD (Ballard etal., 1999; Marin
but it is also commonly seen in later disease etal., 1997; Simard etal., 2000). Patients with
stages. Apathy is the presenting symptom in psychotic symptoms are more likely to have
a large percentage of patients with FTD, and worse cognitive deficits than nonpsychotic
it eventually develops in 62%89% (Mendez, patients (Flynn etal., 1991)and have a more
Lauterbach,& Sampson, 2008). The estimated rapid rate of cognitive decline (Ballard etal.,
prevalence of apathy in mild cognitive impair- 1999). Psychotic symptoms may remit in later
ment (MCI) is as high as 59% (Apostolova & stages of illness, when agitation and behav-
Cummings, 2008; Geda & Roberts, 2008). ioral dyscontrol tend to dominate the clini-
The presence of apathy is associated with cal picture (Ballard et al., 2001; Lopez et al.,
an increased risk of conversion from MCI to 1991).
dementia, as apathy was found to be present
in more than 90% of MCI patients who eventu-
ally convert to AD (Robert etal., 2006). Anxiety

Generalized anxiety is the most common

Psychosis:Delusions and Hallucinations late-life psychiatric disorder, with a preva-
lence of close to 10% in the elderly popula-
Psychotic symptoms, including delusions, tion (de Beurs et al., 1999). This prevalence
hallucinations, and psychotic agitation, are is higher in people with dementia, estimated
recognized as part of dementing illnesses. to be between 38% and 72% (Ballard, Boyle,
Proposed diagnostic criteria summarizing the Bowler, & Lindesay, 1996; Ballard et al., 2000;
clinical features of psychosis in dementia are Mega, Cummings, Fiorello, & Gornbein,
provided in Box 21.3 (Jeste & Finkel, 2000). 1996). The prevalence is also higher in MCI,
Psychosis may be accompanied by anxiety, where it ranges from 11% to 39% (Geda
agitation, and disruptive behavior (Flynn, & Roberts, 2008; Mega et al., 1996). The
CHAPTER 21. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia 515

TABLE21.4 Proposed Diagnostic Criteria for Apathy

For a diagnosis of apathy the patient should fulfil the criteria A, B, C, and D:
ALoss of or diminished motivation in comparison to the patient's previous level of functioning and
which is not consistent with his age or culture. These changes in motivation may be reported by the
patient himself or by the observations of others.
BPresence of at least one symptom in at least two of the three following domains for a period of at least
4 weeks and present most of the time.
Domain B1Behavior
Loss of, or diminished, goal-directed behavior as evidenced by at least one of the following:
Initiation symptom:loss of self-initiated behavior (e.g., starting conversation, doing basic tasks of day-to-
day living, seeking social activities, communicating choices)
Responsiveness symptom:loss of environment-stimulated behavior (e.g., responding to conversation,
participating in social activities)
Domain B2Cognition
Loss of, or diminished, goal-directed cognitive activity as evidenced by at least one of the following:
Initiation symptom:loss of spontaneous ideas and curiosity for routine and new events (i.e., challenging
tasks, recent news, social opportunities, personal, family, and social affairs).
Responsiveness symptom:loss of environment-stimulated ideas and curiosity for routine and new events
(i.e., in the person's residence, neighborhood, or community),
Domain B3Emotion
Loss of, or diminished, emotion as evidenced by at least one of the following:
Initiation symptom:loss of spontaneous emotion, observed or self-reported (e.g., subjective feeling of
weak or absent emotions, or observation by others of a blunted affect)
Responsiveness symptom:loss of emotional responsiveness to positive or negative stimuli or events (e.g.,
observer-reports of unchanging affect or of little emotional reaction to exciting events, personal loss,
serious illness, emotional-laden news)
GThese symptoms (A and B) cause clinically significant impairment in personal, social, occupational, or
other important areas of functioning.
0The symptoms (A and B) are not exclusively explained or due to physical disabilities (e.g., blindness
and loss of hearing), to motor disabilities, to diminished level of consciousness, or to the direct
physiological effects of a substance (e.g., drug of abuse, a medication).

Source:From Robert etal. (2009).

50 Delusions
40 Hallucinations















Figure21.3 Prevalence of delusions and hallucinations in major dementias and MCI.

AD=alzheimer disease, LBD=Lewy body dementia, fv-FTD=frontal-variant frontotemporal
dementia, tv-FTD=temporal variant FTD, VaD=vascular dementia, MCI=mild cognitive
516part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

100 overeating, outbursts of frustration, exces-

sive sentimentality, touching strangers, inap-
propriate sexual behavior, urinating in public,
75 loss of social graces, and other changes in con-
duct. In FTD overeating or eating only certain
foods may be present. During disease progres-
50 sion, the deterioration in judgment may lead
to criminal behavior (such as shoplifting, inde-
cent exposure, running stop lights) or impul-
25 sive buying. There may also be behaviors such
as hoarding or repetitive rituals as seen in
persons with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
0 These changes can cause stress, frustration,
and embarrassment to family and caregivers









(Apostolova& Cummings, 2010).







These behaviors may occur in all the


Figure21.4 Prevalence of anxiety in major major dementias, including AD, VaD, mixed
dementias and MCI. AD=alzheimer dementia, DLB, and FTD (Fig. 21.5), with
disease, LBD=Lewy body dementia, some differences in the typical neuropsy-
fv-FTD=frontal-variant frontotemporal chiatric profile of each of these illnesses as
dementia, tv-FTD=temporal variant FTD, discussed later. As many as 70% of persons
VaD=vascular dementia, MCI=mild with dementia manifest agitation during
cognitive impairment. the course of their illness (Cohen-Mansfield,
1986). Physical injury to the patient or oth-
ers may result. Agitation adversely impacts
comorbidity of anxiety with depression is prognosis, is associated with an increase in
high. Seventy-five percent of those who have the rate of cognitive decline, and reduces
dementia with anxiety also have depression functional status. Agitated behaviors are a
(Starkstein, Jorge, Petracca, & Robinson, major precipitant of institutionalization and
2007). As dementia severity increases and nursing home placement (Chen et al., 2000;
insight deteriorates, overt anxiety becomes DOnofrio, 2012; Rabins, 1991).
less prevalent (Chen, Borson, & Scanlan, The root causes of agitated behaviors may
2000). Anxiety may then manifest as agitated sometimes lie in other symptoms present in
behavior (Twelftree & Qazi, 2006). Anxiety the dementia. Those who have agitation are
can be a feature of all major dementia syn- more likely to have other neuropsychiat-
dromes (Fig. 21.4), with some reports sug- ric symptoms (excluding apathy) (Deutsch,
gesting it is particularly common in early to Bylsma, Rovner, Steele, & Folstein, 1991).
moderate AD, Parkinsons disease dementia The increased comorbidity of anxiety with
(PDD), and FTD (Aarsland et al., 2007). agitation may suggest that anxiety is a con-
tributing factor to agitation (Twelftree &
Qazi, 2006). Depression may also be impli-
Agitation, Impulsivity, and cated, since 75% of those who meet criteria
Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors for dementia plus generalized anxiety disor-
der also fulfill diagnostic criteria for depres-
Patients with dementia may manifest a wide sion (Starkstein et al., 2007). Evidence points
range of disruptive behaviors. Agitation is toward psychosis occurring more commonly
an umbrella term that is usually defined to in persons who have agitation. Furthermore,
include motor or vocal behaviors that are the root cause of agitated behaviors may lie
disruptive or unsafe in a given environment in medical issues that are overlooked due
(Rosen etal., 1994). This includes various com- to the inability of patients to fully appreci-
binations of irritability, restlessness, scream- ate and effectively communicate their prob-
ing, threatening behavior, aggressiveness, and lems. Physical discomfort and malaise due
even violence and crime. Patients with demen- to illness may produce agitation. Infections,
tia may also manifest other forms of related upper or lower gastrointestinal distress, mus-
impulsive and obsessive behaviors such as culoskeletal pain, headaches, neuropathic
CHAPTER 21. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia 517

100 judgment, and complex reasoning are often

90 subtly impaired during the early course of
dementing illnesses. These may be pres-
ent years before a clinical diagnosis is made
(Sperling et al., 2011). Subtle changes occur-
60 ring during early dementia may include
50 diminished insight and concern (Starkstein,
40 Jorge, Mizrahi, & Robinson, 2006), denial
of illness, and reduced planning skills
(Baddeley, Baddeley, Bucks, & Wilcock,
2001; Baudic et al., 2006; Johns et al., 2012;
10 Leyhe, Saur, Eschweiler, & Milian, 2011).
0 These changes may establish themselves at
a stage when cognitive and behavioral abili-








ties, and the ability to complete basic daily






living activities appear grossly intact to


Figure21.5 Estimated prevalence of agitation families and health care providers. This may
in the major neurodegenerative dementias and lead to the erroneous conclusion that com-
MCI. AD=alzheimer disease, LBD=Lewy plex decision-making abilities are entirely
body dementia, fv-FTD=frontal-variant preserved (Carr, Ott, Noto, & Fogel, 2010;
frontotemporal dementia, tv-FTD=temporal Tarawneh & Holtzman, 2012). This can have
variant FTD, VaD=vascular dementia, significant medical, financial, and legal con-
MCI=mild cognitive impairment. sequences related to the patients and their
families. Examples of complex competencies
pain, dystonia, medication side effects, and and social skills that can be impaired early
environmental factors may each produce in dementia are listed in Box 21.4. Clinicians
agitation. Physical abuse may also result in must be prepared to assist patients and fami-
agitated behavior. lies in determining whether a patient with
Agitation represents a distinct and inde- dementia has the capacity to make medical,
pendent clinical syndrome in dementia legal, and financial decisions. Involving fam-
(Senanarong etal., 2004). It is consistently found ily members early during this process can
in association with increased dementia severity be beneficial by allowing more time to make
(Aries etal., 2010; Ballard etal., 1999). Avariety decisions. Advanced directives and a living
of evidence supports that it is a manifestation
of dysfunction in frontal cortical-subcortical cir-
cuits. Neuropsychological studies have shown
an association between agitation and executive BOX 21.4 Complex Competencies That
dysfunction, indicating that it might be viewed May Be Impaired Early On in the Early
as another feature of frontal lobe dysfunction Course of a Dementing Illness
(Chen, Sultzer, Hinkin, Mahler,& Cummings,
1998). Functional imaging abnormalities in The abilityto:
frontal lobe regions have been associated with
symptoms of agitation (Hirono, Mega, Dinov, Respond to emergencies
Mishkin, & Cummings, 2000; Sultzer et al., Pilot or drive transportation vehicles
1995). Pathological corroboration is found in Make medical decisions
the increased prevalence of neurofibrillary tan- Manage complex medical treatments
gles occurring in these same areas in persons Stand trial
with AD who manifest agitation compared to Testify as a witness
their age-matched peers (Tekin etal., 2001). Qualify as a juror
Handle firearms
Fulfil social and occupational roles
Impairments in Insight, Judgment,
Engage in intimate, sexual relations
andComplex Competencies Resist undue influence over personal
As a product of the neuropsychiatric and
Execute a will and last testament
cognitive changes of dementia, insight,
518part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

will promote the recognition and incorpora- physical enactment of dream activity. This
tion of the patients wishes and values into can result in self-injury or injury to a sleep-
their health care when they are no longer able ing partner. This condition is associated
to make these decisions for themselves. These with neurodegenerative synucleinopathies,
documents may spare the family conflicts including Parkinsons disease (PD), DLB,
that can sometimes arise in such situations. and multiple system atrophy (MSA) (Boeve,
As a general principle of care for the elderly, Silber, & Ferman, 2003, 2004). In fact, evi-
it is to the patients and familys advantage dence suggests that the presence of RBD may
for the health care provider to encourage the be an early manifestation of synucleinopa-
completion of estate planning before cogni- thies, which appear to have selectivity for
tive impairment occurs or progresses. brain stem structures important in REM sleep
regulation (Boeve etal., 2004). RBD may pre-
cede parkinsonism as may visual hallucina-
Sleep Disturbances tions in persons who later go on to develop
DLB. Persons with dementia and RBD have
The prevalence of persistent sleep distur- cognitive profiles similar to those with DLB,
bances has been estimated to be 44% of demonstrating visuospatial and executive
patients with AD (Vitiello & Borson, 2001). functional impairments in contrast to per-
Poor sleep hygiene is present in a relatively sons with AD who manifest more significant
large proportion of the demented popula- deficits in memory and language function
tion, particularly in nursing homes (Bliwise, (Boeve etal., 2004; Ferman etal., 2002).
2004). Circadian rhythm disturbances are Medications commonly used for treating
a feature of dementias that can be particu- dementia may also be associated with sleep
larly problematic during the period when disturbance. For example, the cholinester-
daylight is lengthening (Hofman & Swaab, ase inhibitors, particularly donepezil, may
2006). Damage to thesuprachiasmatic hypo- cause insomnia in 10% of persons (Grossberg,
thalamic nucleus, disturbance of melatonin Irwin, Satlin, Mesenbrink, & Spiegel, 2004).
secretion, optic nerve axonal degeneration, Galantamine and rivastigmine are less asso-
loss of retinal ganglion cells, and decreased ciated with this potentially troublesome side
exposure to environmental light may all be effect (Schnelle et al., 1998). Daytime dosing of
contributing factors (Ancoli-Israel etal., 2003; the medication or switching to different mem-
Blanks etal., 1996; Shochat, Martin, Marler,& bers of the same class may be helpful in some
Ancoli-Israel, 2000; Wu& Swaab, 2005). cases. Antipsychotics may produce painful
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a dystonia, akathisia and sleep disturbances.
well-known comorbidity of dementia that Periodic limb movements of sleep tend
can potentially worsen cognition (Bedard, to be elevated in patients with LBD and PD
Montplaisir, Richer, Rouleau, & Malo, 1991; and may disrupt sleep architecture leading to
Redline et al., 2010; Young, Peppard, & daytime hypersomnolence (Hibi et al., 2012).
Gottlieb, 2002). It also adversely impacts Painful conditions, frequent urination due to
cardiovascular health and may increase the prostatic hypertrophy or diuretic treatment of
chance of stroke (Redline et al., 2010) and hypertension, urinary tract infections causing
diabetes (Botros et al., 2009). Its effects on discomfort and polyuria, poorly regulated dia-
cognition may be mediated via chronic inter- betes, consumption of caffeine or stimulants
mittent cerebral hypoxia and/or sleep depri- during the day or night, nighttime pill admin-
vation with subsequent daytime sleepiness. istration, and acquisition of vital signs at night
Treatment, such as with continuous positive may each contribute to sleep disruption.
airway pressure (CPAP), may improve cogni-
tive performance (Ferman etal., 2002). There
is also a potential risk for irreversible execu- Neuropsychiatric Symptom Profile
tive dysfunction, most likely due to anoxic ofMain Dementia Subtypes
brain damage to frontal systems, highlight-
ing the importance of early detection and Alzheimers Disease
treatment of OSA (Bedard etal., 1991).
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) occurs The neuropsychiatric profile of AD encom-
as a result of the loss of the normal skeletal passes the breadth of neuropsychiatric symp-
muscle atonia during REM sleep, allowing toms described in previous sections. These
CHAPTER 21. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia 519


Prevalence (% of patients)

60 rhythm
Social Aggression
withdrawal Anxiety Mood
Paranoia change Hallucinations
20 Socially unacceptable behaviors
Suicidal Accusatory behavior Delusions
ideation Sexually inappropriate behaviors
40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30
Months Before/After Diagnosis
Figure21.6 Neuropsychiatric profile depending on disease stage in Alzheimers disease (Jost&
Grossberg, 1996).

symptoms may occur at any point during increased caregiver dissatisfaction (Steele,
the course of the illness, but certain features Rovner, Chase, & Folstein, 1990).
are more likely to appear in different disease Delusions are rarely bizarre as in primary
stages (Fig. 21.6). Using the Neuropsychiatric psychotic disorders. Common delusional
Inventory (NPI), it has been found that up themes include theft, infidelity, and delu-
to 60% of patients with AD had at least one sional misidentification syndromes (Table
neuropsychiatric symptom at the time of 21.5). Hallucinations are less common, are
presentation (Fig. 21.7). Apathy and depres- typically visual, and tend to resolve over
sion are common early features. Apathy is time (Marin et al., 1997). The occurrence of
present in 42% of mild AD, 80% of moder- psychotic symptoms early in the disease
ate AD, and 92% of advanced AD patients course is not typical of AD and may be a clue
(Boyle et al., 2003; Mega et al., 1996). It is to the diagnosis of DLB or FTD. Psychosis
associated with a reduced quality of life. also occurs in the context of delirium, often
Depressive symptoms are present in about driven by infections, medications, or toxic or
half of AD patients and are associated with metabolic factors. Hence, acute or subacute
diminished quality of life, functional impair- onset psychosis in a patient with dementia
ment, aggression, and institutionalization should prompt a thorough evaluation to rule
as well as increased caregiver burden and out medical illness. Persons with dementia
depression (DOnofrio, 2012; Hargrave, are more vulnerable to mental status changes
2000; Rabins, 1991). Psychotic symptoms due to illnesses, electrolyte derangements,
occur in 30% to 40% of AD patients during baseline respiratory hypoxia, and medica-
the course of the illness, typically in the mid- tion side effects. They also recover more
dle to late stages (Mega et al., 1996; Wragg & slowly than the cognitively normal popu-
Jeste, 1989). They are a common reason for lation. Persons with AD usually have rela-
early residential placement, institutionaliza- tively intact social graces early during the
tion, increased levels of patient distress, and disease. However, as many as 15% of AD

TABLE21.5 Delusional Misidentification Syndromes (Apostolova and Cummings, 2010)

Capgras syndrome Believing that familiar individuals are replaced by imposters

Fregoli syndrome Believing strangers are familiar individuals
Foleys syndrome Believing that images in the mirror are of other individuals or spirits
Autoscopy Believing ones own body is a double
Doppelganger/Heautoscopy Believing one has a double
Reduplicative paramnesia Believing a familiar location is duplicated
520part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

70.00% Eating
60.00% Irritability
50.00% Disinhibition
30.00% Anxiety
20.00% Depression
10.00% Hallucinations
0.00% Delusions
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
Figure 21.7 Relative prevalence of various neuropsychiatric symptoms in AD (Aarsland et al., 2007;
Ballard et al., 1999; Geda & Roberts, 2008; Liu et al., 2004; Lyketsos et al., 2000; Mega et al., 1996).

patients have a frontal variant wherein they delusions, and hallucinations can be seen in
present with difficulties attributable to the both early and late phases during the course
frontal circuits rather than an amnesic syn- of FTD (Liu etal., 2004).
drome (Balasa etal., 2011). Nonetheless, early
impairment in social comportment and dis-
inhibition should prompt consideration of Lewy Body Dementia
other possible causes such as conditions that
primarily affect the frontallobe. The neuropsychiatric profile can often be
helpful for distinguishing DLB from other
dementias (see Chapter12). Visual hallucina-
Frontotemporal Dementias tions are common in DLB, occurring in up to
80% of those affected at some point during
Our focus here will be on bvFTD, as opposed the course of the illness. These may be early
to the aphasic forms of FTD, in which neu- features. More than 90% of patients who have
ropsychiatric symptoms are the sine qua non visual hallucinations coupled with a mild
(see Chapter2). These same features may also dementia will be found to have DLB rather
occur in the other FTD subtypes (Modirrousta, than other types of dementia. In one series,
Price, & Dickerson, 2013). The presenting visual hallucinations were seen at onset in
manifestation is often a personality change 65% of pathologically proven DLB, compared
marked by disinhibition, impulsivity, loss to only 25% in AD patients. Visual hallucina-
of social comportment, apathy, and impair- tions in DLB are typically well formed and
ment in judgment and insight. The behav- complex, and more commonly involve ani-
ioral symptoms can be attributed to regions mate rather than inanimate objects (Ballard
where the degenerative process has taken its etal., 1996). Multimodal hallucinations occur
earliest toll, in the frontal and temporal lobes. and can be a distinguishing feature compared
Orbitofrontal cortical dysfunction is more to AD, where they occur rarely. Auditory
associated with disinhibition and impulsiv- hallucinations occur in up to 25%, olfactory
ity, while mesial frontal dysfunction is more hallucinations in 5% to 10% of patients, and
associated with apathy and abulia. Patients tactile hallucinations in up to 3% (Ballard
with FTD may show obsessive-compulsive et al., 1999; Simard et al., 2000). Delusions
behaviors, hoarding behaviors, hyperorality, occur in 50% of cases and revolve around
and complex ritualistic behaviors (Bathgate, themes similar to those seen in AD (Ballard
Snowden, Varma, Blackshaw,& Neary, 2001; etal., 1999).
Mendez etal., 2008). Depressive symptoms in REM sleep behavior disorder is a neu-
FTD have received relatively little systematic ropsychiatric feature that may precede the
investigation and may be confused on the onset of extrapyramidal, cognitive, and even
part of caregivers with apathy, but they may psychotic symptoms in up to 80% of patients
occur in as many as 30% to 40% of patients. with DLB (Bedard et al., 1991). Hence, its
Inappropriate sexual behaviors, agitation, presence may herald the condition, with
CHAPTER 21. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia 521

a positive predictive value of 92% (Wu & depression in stroke and the lesions closer
Swaab, 2005). Depression and anxiety are proximity to the frontal pole or its involve-
also common in DLB. The prevalence of ment of the caudate nucleus (Schmahmann,
depression in DLB is about 30% (Ballard 2003), whereas mania tends to have more
et al., 1999). The depressed cognitively of an association with strokes involving
impaired patient is much more likely to have right-sided basal frontotemporal regions
DLB than AD (Papka, Rubio, Schiffer,& Cox, (Starkstein etal., 1990).
1998). Anxiety is reported in 84% of patients
(Ballard et al., 1999). Although treatment
issues will be discussed in further chapters, Awareness, Assessment, and
it is worth mentioning that the diagnosis of Intervention:General Principles
DLB has special implications for treatment
of psychiatric symptoms since these patients Clinicians evaluating dementia patients
are exquisitely sensitive to typical and atypi- should routinely and regularly screen for
cal neuroleptics. Clozapine is the only neuro- neuropsychiatric symptoms. Initial evalua-
leptic that can be safely recommended for use tions should establish a baseline to facilitate
when one is needed. early detection of subtle behavioral altera-
tions and accurate monitoring of changes
in preexisting ones. This is important since
Vascular Dementias neuropsychiatric manifestations can change
throughout the course of the illness, and
Psychomotor slowing is often a prominent they may fluctuate with medication changes,
feature of vascular dementia, particularly stress, or changes in the patients living
multi-infarct dementia, with a heavy vascu- arrangements. The practitioner should edu-
lar disease burden in the subcortical white cate the patient, family, and significant oth-
matter (see Chapter 13). Cognitive deficits ers about neuropsychiatric symptoms so as
frequently include memory retrieval, and to improve recognition. Their observations
attentional and processing speed difficulties can be vital to understanding the cause of the
(Schmidtke & Hull, 2002). Depression and symptoms and to selecting the best manage-
aggression, followed by apathy, irritability, ment options (Rabins etal., 2007).
and anxiety, are commonly seen. Delusions, Measurement scales are important for
hallucinations, disinhibition, aberrant motor research purposes but can also be useful in
behavior, and euphoria may occur, but they the clinic to monitor behavioral changes.
are less frequent than in other dementias Some scales focus on the assessment of a
(Lyketsos etal., 2000). single neuropsychiatric feature, whereas
Strategic-infarct dementia occurs when the others rate a number of them together. The
vascular insult affects a crucial hub in cogni- BEHAVE-AD (Reisberg, Auer, & Monteiro,
tive and neuropsychiatric circuitry. Examples 1996)is an example of a multisymptom rating
include various thalamic vascular syndromes scale and is considered by some to be the gold
that each have different neuropsychiatric standard. The NPI (Cummings et al., 1994),
profiles. Personality changes, apathy, and validated against BEHAVE-AD, may be easier
abulia are seen in the tuberothalamic artery to use within the time constraints of a clinic
syndrome, which involves the reticular, intra- evaluation. Other assessment scales focus on
laminar, ventral anterior, rostral ventrolateral, quantifying single symptoms (see Table 21.6
mediodorsal, and anterior thalamic nuclei. for examples) and may be useful alone or in
Altered social skills, apathy, aggression, and combination with a multisymptom tool.
agitation are seen in the paramedian artery Regular clinical assessment allows for
thalamic syndrome, which involves the ven- timely implementation of intervention strate-
tral internal medullary lamina, ventral amyg- gies to improve the quality of life for patients
dalofugal pathway, and mamillothalamic tract. and their caregivers (see Chapters 2426).
Poststroke dementia is another presenta- Management strategies include pharmaco-
tion of vascular dementia that is associated logical and therapeutic interventions as well
with neuropsychiatric symptoms related as alterations in the patients living environ-
to the location of the stroke. There is a high ment. Cholinesterase inhibitors, memantine,
positive association between the incidence of antidepressants, anxiolytics, neuroleptics,
522part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

TABLE21.6 Some Measurement Tools of Single-Domain Neuropsychiatric in Dementia

Symptom Tool

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Cornell Scale for Depression (Alexopoulos, Abrams, Young,& Shamoian, 1988)
Dementia Mood Assessment Scale (Sunderland& Minichiello, 1997)
Agitation Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory
Apathy Apathy Evaluation Inventory (Robert etal., 2002)
Anxiety Worry Scale (LaBarge, 1993)
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) (Bjelland, Dahl, Haug,& Neckelmann,
Rating of Anxiety in Dementia (RAID) (Shanka, Walker, Frost,& Orrell, 1999)

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classes that may be helpful in managing Neuroscience Letters, 441, 328331.
neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia. Alexopoulos, G., Abrams, R., Young, R., &
Electroconvulsive therapy may have a role in Shamoian, C. (1988). Cornell Scale for
Depression in Dementia. Biological Psychiatry,
carefully selected cases.
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Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers,

and Genetic Testing in Dementia
Bradford C. Dickerson

Candidate disease-modifying therapies for (DeKosky& Marek, 2003). Partly because sub-
Alzheimers disease (AD) have been in clini- stantial synaptic and neuronal loss is typically
cal trials for a number of years (Cummings, present by the time patients exhibit mild AD
Doody,& Clark, 2007), with a growing list of dementia (Gomez-Isla etal., 1996; Price etal.,
failures. These compounds are being tested 2001; Scheff, Price, Schmitt,& Mufson, 2005),
in patients with a clinical diagnosis of prob- it is possible that some disease-modifying
able AD dementia to determine whether they therapies may be less efficacious if initiated
will slow the inexorable course of progressive at this stage than they would be if begun
decline. Yet a clinical diagnosis of probable earlier. There has been growing consensus
AD has traditionally required the determina- for over 5 years that adequate knowledge
tion that the patient has dementia, defined exists about the clinical and neurobiologic
as the loss of social or occupational function phenotype of typical AD that we should be
due to multidomain cognitive impairment. attempting to make an earlier diagnosis
In practice, this is often operationalized for prior to mild dementiaparticularly for the
clinical trial criteria as a Clinical Dementia purposes of earlier clinical trial enrollment
Rating (CDR) of 1 (mild dementia) or in some (Dubois et al., 2007, 2010). Although a care-
cases CDR 0.5 (very mild dementia) and a ful history and examination is at the core of
Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) score less clinical practice and research (Chapter9), the
than 24 or in some cases 26 (as discussed in new diagnostic criteria that were published
detail in Chapter19). By the time this level of in April 2011 formally incorporate the use of
impairment is reached, many patients have various types of biomarkers in the diagnosis
substantial difficulties in complex activities of of AD at dementia and prodromal dementia
daily living, such as community affairs, driv- stages (Albert et al., 2011; Jack et al., 2011;
ing, financial or household management, and McKhann etal., 2011; Sperling etal., 2011). As
planning and decision making. If efficacious discussed in other chapters in this book, we
disease-modifying treatments for AD are can now diagnose an individual with mild
developed, it would be ideal to administer cognitive impairment that is highly likely
them to patients with the disease prior to the to be due to AD based on a combination of
point at which impairment is this prominent clinical and biomarker data. Furthermore, we

CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 529

can identify individuals with preclinical AD situations, and other kinds of biomarkers may
for recruitment for research, including clini- be valuable in this regard as well. Traits mea-
cal trials of interventions aimed at delaying sured by biomarkers are typically thought of
symptoms. as risk factors for disease, which may involve
A major source of such information is genetic, anatomic, or physiologic elements.
neuroimaging technology. Various types of For example, a number of imaging studies
neuroimaging techniques enable elements of cognitively intact individuals at a younger
of brain structure and function to be visual- age than the typical onset of AD have begun
ized in living people and allow quantitative to investigate anatomic or physiologic dif-
measurements to be made of the anatomy, ferences between those at elevated genetic
connectivity, perfusion, metabolism, and risk for AD and controls, and to follow these
activity of various brain regions and net- changes over time (e.g., temporoparietal
works. Furthermore, new molecular imag- hypometabolism in young APOE-4 carriers;
ing techniques allow amyloid pathology to Reiman et al., 2004). Ultimately, since most
be identified in living individuals, and in AD-related traits indicate risk but are not
vivo molecular imaging markers are emerg- deterministic (i.e., not all APOE-4 carriers
ing for tau. Specific abnormalities in brain will manifest clinical dementia symptoms),
structure and function, and the presence of long-term clinical follow-up coupled with
pathologic molecular markers, have taken on the longitudinal assessment of biomarkers
prime importance in the early diagnosis and will be needed to determine which individu-
monitoring of progression of AD and related als in these risk groups develop cognitive
disorders. While to date many of these decline and clinical AD. Thus, biomarkers
advanced imaging approaches have primar- of disease traits would indicate susceptibil-
ily been used in research and clinical trials, ity and could potentially be combined with
they are rapidly moving toward use in clini- other risk factors to improve the accuracy of
cal practice. In parallel, cerebrospinal fluid risk estimation and prediction of clinical dis-
(CSF) biomarkers of amyloid and tau have ease, or to increase the yield of screening for
rapidly matured as very valuable biomarkers preclinical AD.
of AD molecular pathology and are used in A biomarker of disease state enables the
both research and practice in many countries detection of an abnormality associated with
(Herskovits& Growdon, 2010). disease pathobiology in an individual, and
While knowledge about imaging and CSF it is typically thought of as a diagnostic
markers of AD is robust, such knowledge is marker. In AD, disease markers are usually
less mature in other neurodegenerative dis- considered to reflect the presence of neuropa-
eases that cause dementia. Further funda- thology, and they include measures derived
mental research is needed to improve our from neuroimaging, serum, and cerebrospi-
knowledge of the anatomic, physiologic, nal fluid, and other biologic materials. The
and molecular phenotypes that can be mea- individual in whom a marker is positive
sured using in vivo methods in patients with is presumed to have a biological abnormal-
non-AD dementias. This chapter will provide ity consistent with AD neuropathology, but
a detailed review of imaging and fluid bio- he or she may or may not have symptoms.
markers with an emphasis on AD but with Studies of markers of disease state have been
discussion of other dementias as well. confounded by the notorious difficulty in cor-
relating neuropathologic states themselves
with clinical state. That is, patients with
Biomarker Constructs clinically probable AD who are equated on
clinical metrics may exhibit marked variabil-
Before considering specific biomarkers, it is ity in the density and distribution of senile
important to review a general framework plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, neuronal
for how they can be used. Fox et al. (2004) loss, and other measures of abnormal brain
enumerated three aspects of disease patho- structure. Furthermore, postmortem studies
physiology in which biomarkers may play indicate that some cognitively intact individ-
important roles:as markers of trait, state, and uals and many mild cognitive impairment
rate. Neuroimaging- and fluid-based mea- (MCI) patients already carry a heavy burden
sures may provide useful data in all of these of AD neuropathology (Gomez-Isla et al.,
530part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

1996; Kordower etal., 2001; Price etal., 2001). (e.g., hippocampal volume, fludeoxyglucose
Thus, it is not surprising that findings from positron emission tomography [FDG-PET]).
cross-sectional studies show imaging-based Finally, individual variability in rates of
markers of brain structure and function in decline in MCI and AD and related disor-
MCI overlap substantially with both cogni- ders is substantial. Imaging-based biomark-
tively intact older control groups and with ers may offer an opportunity for additional
AD patient groups. These significant individ- power in this regard, which could be gained
ual differences that confound cross-sectional using a run-in phase to quantify subjects
studies of clinicopathologic state again rein- individual rates of change in the imaging
force the notion that detailed longitudinal marker (e.g., hippocampal volume) prior to
investigations are needed to clarify the rela- the randomization phase of the clinical trial.
tionships between clinical state and measures However, the widely ranging initial esti-
of neuroanatomy, physiology, and pathology. mates of sample sizes for clinical trials from
These ideas have been further reinforced by preliminary studies have highlighted the
recent papers proposing biomarker trajectory need for further fundamental knowledge
models of AD (Jack etal., 2010, 2013). Some regarding the natural history of in vivo ana-
of these types of measures might be useful tomic and physiologic and biofluid changes
not only to increase or reduce confidence in in MCI and AD, which will likely be similarly
a particular presumed pathologic diagnosis true in frontotemporal dementia (FTD), pro-
in a symptomatic patient but also to iden- gressive supranuclear palsy with corticobasal
tify asymptomatic/preclinical disease states syndrome (PSP/CBS), Lewy body dementia
(e.g., a cognitively normal individual with (DLB), and other diseases. Sample size esti-
brain amyloid, similar to a neurologically mates derived from power calculations are
intact patient with imaging evidence of prior influenced primarily by the proposed size of
stroke). the effect of interest (e.g., difference in rate
Finally, imaging markers of the rate of of atrophy in treated vs. control patients)
disease progressionwhich allow the and the variance of the data derived from
tracking of changes over time in pathoana- the particular measure used. The effect size
tomic or pathophysiologic alterations in the may range from 0% (no difference) to 100%
brain associated with ADwould be par- (maximum difference, which is the differ-
ticularly useful in evaluating the efficacy of ence between atrophy rates in AD patients
disease-modifying therapeutics. Importantly, and controls). Imaging data on which to
although changes in any of these markers base estimates of effect sizes for putative
may represent changes in the underlying dis- disease-modifying therapies for AD have
ease process, the rates of change of a marker increasingly begun appearing in the litera-
may or may not correlate with that of other ture. Variance of the data may be influenced
biomarkers or of clinical metrics during the by biologic variability, such as heterogeneity
time period of interest. Using imaging-based of atrophy rates in the sample, which may
measures, it may be possible to detect the relate to age, disease severity, or individual
ability of a putative disease-modifying agent differences in rate of disease progression.
to impede the degenerative process of AD in Variance is also influenced by measurement
a shorter period of time than would be nec- variability, which may result from differences
essary to judge slowing of cognitive decline. in the data acquired between multiple time
While validation of biomarkers against clini- points (e.g., due to changes in instrumenta-
cal outcomes is ultimately essential, as the tion or signal acquisition) or in differences in
focus of therapeutics shifts toward preven- postscan processing of the data (e.g., selection
tion or modulation of the neurodegenerative of regions of interest). Both sources of mea-
process prior to the presence of substantial surement variability may be compounded by
symptoms, such validation takes longer differences between sites in multicenter stud-
and becomes more difficult. Therefore, the ies. Such data may be seriously confounded
validation of new potential imaging bio- if systematic bias is introduced in any of
markers (e.g., amyloid imaging, functional these sources of variability. Further serial
magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI]) may imaging studies examining the natural his-
be performed more efficiently in conjunc- tory of changes in brain structure, function,
tion with more established imaging markers and molecular composition in the context of
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 531

detailed clinical assessments in MCI and AD common in the elderly with or without other
has been under way as part of the American neurodegenerative diseases, but they can be
Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative easily visualized using CT or MRI. Although
(ADNI) (Weiner etal., 2013), as well as simi- now thought to be relatively uncommon,
lar initiatives around the world. There are normal pressure hydocephalus is a condi-
also similarly designed studies under way in tion in which imaging has been viewed as
FTD and PSP/CBS. essential:if at least part of the clinical triad of
ataxia, incontinence, and dementia is associ-
ated with MR or CT evidence of ventriculo-
Traditional Role of Structural Neuroimaging megaly, the diagnosis is strongly suggested.
in the Diagnosis of Alzheimers Disease and As described further in Chapter 15, a large
Other Dementias volume lumbar puncture may or may not
produce substantial clinical improvement,
In the past, the major role of neuroimaging potentially predicting shunt responsiveness.
in dementia assessment has been to assist in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease often has charac-
the exclusion of nondegenerative etiologies teristic diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI)
of cognitive impairment or dementia (such MRI abnormalities (hyperintensity of cortical
as tumors, inflammatory conditions, infec- ribbon and deep gray structures) (Fig. 22.1),
tious processes, etc.) or the identification of as described in more detail in Chapter 15.
features of unusual forms of dementia (such Anumber of other rare and/or rapidly pro-
as prion diseases) (Knopman et al., 2001). gressive dementias are associated with rela-
Neuroimaging can also be particularly useful tively sensitive and specific neuroimaging or
for the detection of cerebrovascular contribu- CSF or other biomarker findings, as described
tions to cognitive impairment. in detail in Chapter15.
Some examples of differential diagnoses
of cognitive disorders that can be informed
by structural imaging include the following The Neurobiologic Phenotype of Typical
(see Chapter 15 for more detail on many of Amnesic Alzheimers Disease Dementia
these conditions). In suspected cerebrovascu-
lar disease or patients with a history of stroke Research over the past two decades has led
or significant cardiovascular risk factors, revolutionary changes in dementia research
computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic and practice, with a growing array of imag-
resonance imaging (MRI) can be very helpful. ing and fluid biomarkers taking center stage
However, it is difficult to determine to what in diagnostic evaluation and monitoring of
degree cerebrovascular disease is the primary progression. AD has led the way as an exem-
cause of a patients dementia, as opposed to plar showing how imaging and fluid assay
being a contributing factor along with neu- technology can be used to measure biomark-
rodegenerative disease (see Chapter 13). ers of the disease and incorporate these into
Mixed dementia is a clinical diagnosis clinical diagnostic criteria, as described in
that is associated with structural evidence of more detail in Chapters 1618, but nearly
infarction (often with cavitary or encephalo- all other major forms of dementia have also
malacic change) or signal changes consistent now incorporated biomarkers into diagnostic
with small vessel cerebrovascular disease, evaluation formally or informally (see Part II
along with evidence of neurodegenerative of this volume).
atrophy consistent with AD or a related Although a great deal of our knowledge of
disorder. Neoplastic processes may include the neurobiologic phenotype of AD has come
primary or metastatic brain tumors that can from postmortem studies of brain tissue, a
sometimes present with cognitive decline rapidly growing body of literature includes
rather than focal sensorimotor dysfunction or in vivo measurements that attempt to cap-
other neurologic signs. Meningiomas may be ture elements of the biology of AD (Jack etal.,
possible to treat surgically. These lesions usu- 2010, 2013). While many of these studies have
ally, but not always, present with symptoms not followed patients to autopsy, and so we
that are atypical for a neurodegenerative dis- do not yet have the gold standard diagnosis
ease and raise the question of a focal brain of definite AD to corroborate the clinical diag-
lesion. Subdural hygroma/hematomas are noses, there is enough consistency in some of
532part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

Figure 22.1 Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, image left is patient left)
from a patient who presented with progressive aphasia, which evolved over rapidly 2 years to
severe dementia and death. The cortical ribbon hyperintensity shown here was localized in part to
frontoparietal language regions, consistent with initial symptoms.

these measures to provide confidence that Initiative (Mueller et al., 2005; Weiner et al.,
they are valid biomarkers of neurobiologic 2011)and other large natural history studies
abnormalities of AD. These markers include around the world.
neuroimaging measures of brain structure,
function, and connectivity, all of which are
able to show patterns of abnormalities char- Imaging the Anatomic Changes of Alzheimers
acteristic of AD rather than simply exclud- Disease
ing other possible contributors to cognitive
impairment. Thus, they can provide data in Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
support of a diagnosis of probable AD. Even Measurements of the Medial Temporal Lobe
more importantly, measures from molecular
neuroimaging and CSF have been developed In the late 1980s, the first magnetic resonance
in the past decade that are sensitive and spe- imaging (MRI) data began appearing that
cific indicators of amyloid or tau pathology. enabled the clear visualization of the human
The important advantage of such in vivo hippocampal formation in vivo (Jack et al.,
biomarkers is that they can be measured 1989; Naidich etal., 1987a, 1987b; Seab etal.,
in individuals at a time when their clinical 1988). Initial efforts at quantification pro-
phenotype is specifically characterized, in vided data indicating that manual tracings
contrast to postmortem studies in which the by trained operators were valid and reliable
clinical phenotype may have less specificity (Jack et al., 1988, 1989). These new meth-
due to progression to advanced disease. All ods were immediately applied to visualize
of these putative biomarkers have under- and quantify atrophy in patients with AD
gone intensive longitudinal study as part (Jack et al., 1987; Jack, Petersen, OBrien, &
of the Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Tangalos, 1992; Seab et al., 1988). As stated
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 533

Figure22.2 Manual tracing of the hippocampal formation and parahippocampal gyrus performed
by the author in 1996. Image on left is from a cognitively intact older adult, and the image on the
right is from a patient with mild Alzheimers disease dementia.

by Jack (Jack etal., 1992), these new methods was determined possible to detect atrophy of
were quickly seen as having utility in the these regions up to 5years before the expres-
diagnostic evaluation ofAD: sion of clinical symptoms in individuals with
APP mutations (Schott etal., 2003).
The rationale for quantitative MRI of MTL As MRI and computational technologies
atrophy in the diagnosis of AD is: (1) a have matured, it has become possible to
memory impairment is usually the earliest perform increasingly sophisticated inves-
and most severe clinical manifestation of tigations of brain morphometry, includ-
AD, (2)MTL limbic structures are central to ing automated measurement of a variety of
the integrity of declarative memory func- brain regions, voxel-based morphometry and
tion, (3)MTL limbic structures are involved related unbiased exploratory analyses of
earliest and most extensively in the pathol- the whole brain or cerebral cortex, and analy-
ogy of AD, and (4)several principal MTL sis of the shape and other sophisticated mea-
limbic structures are amenable to accurate sures of aspects of brain structure (Ashburner
volumetric quantitation by MRI--the hip- etal., 2003). In addition, new techniques for
pocampal formation, amygdala, and para- the coregistration of one scan to another
hippocampal gyrus (PHG) [page183]. improved the quantification of structural
change over time within individuals (Fox&
During the 1990s, the scope of quanti- Schott, 2004). This enables individuals to be
tative structural MRI efforts expanded to used as their own controls, which reduces
include more sophisticated studies of larger the noise of individual differences in neu-
samples of patients with AD, in addition to roanatomy that are inherently present in
investigations of normal development and group-comparison studies. MRI measures of
aging. During those early years, quantita- brain structure may also be confounded by
tive MRI-based measures of brain anatomy within-subject variability in hydration status
were almost entirely obtained from manual and probably other as yet unknown factors
tracings by anatomists or trained technicians. (Walters, Fox, Crum, Taube,& Thomas, 2001).
Hippocampal volume derived from MRI was Despite these caveats, longitudinal MRI mea-
shown to correlate strongly with histologi- sures of changes in brain structure have been
cal HF volume and neuronal loss (Bobinski successfully used as outcome measures in
et al., 2000) and severity of AD pathology clinical trials of disease-modifying thera-
(Gosche, Mortimer, Smith, Markesbery, & pies for multiple sclerosis (Filippi, Dousset,
Snowdon, 2002; Jack et al., 2002), as well as McFarland, Miller, & Grossman, 2002), and
memory impairment (De Leon et al., 1997; they have been increasingly investigated in
de Toledo-Morrell etal., 2000). Hippocampal AD clinical trials (Fox etal., 2005).
and entorhinal volumetric measures were The most intensively investigated
also demonstrated useful for the identifica- MRI-based biomarkers include atrophy
tion of subgroups of individuals with MCI of the whole brain, hippocampal forma-
who would progress to a clinical diagno- tion, and entorhinal cortex or enlargement
sis of AD within a few years (Convit et al., of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle
2000; Dickerson etal., 2001; Jack etal., 1999; (Dickerson & Sperling, 2005). Since it is
Killiany et al., 2000; Mungas et al., 2002; highly reliable, whole brain atrophy (as mea-
Visser etal., 1999)(Fig. 22.2). Furthermore, it sured using typical volumetric approaches
534part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

or using longitudinal methods such as the pattern-matching techniques are being

brain boundary shift integral) may be very developed to provide a probabilistic score
sensitive in the context of measuring progres- to an individual persons scan as being con-
sive atrophy over time in patients with AD sistent or inconsistent with AD (Davatzikos,
dementia (Fox, Cousens, Scahill, Harvey, & Resnick, Wu, Parmpi,& Clark, 2008; Vemuri
Rossor, 2000; Schott etal., 2006)or even prior etal., 2008). This is an area of the research lit-
to dementia (Jack etal., 2007). But because erature that is literally exploding with prom-
at least in typical amnesic ADthere is early ising new methods, but we are still in the
pathology in the medial temporal lobe, hip- early phase of determining how to use these
pocampal and temporal horn measures are markers in clinical trials or practice.
very sensitive (Schott et al., 2003). Yet they
may be somewhat nonspecific because these
regions can be affected by other pathologies, Hippocampal Shape and Subregional Analysis
including frontotemporal lobar degeneration
(FTLD), cerebrovascular disease, hippocam- Although hippocampal volumetry has
pal sclerosis, and alpha-synuclein pathology provided many scientific insights and is
(Jagust, Zheng, et al., 2007). On theoreti- undoubtedly a clinically useful tool for certain
cal grounds, entorhinal measures should be conditions, the entire volume of a structure as
both sensitive and relatively specific because complex as the hippocampus provides a rela-
this region of medial temporal cortex is tively crude measure. Therefore, a number of
affected prominently early in the course teams have devoted effort to the analysis of
of AD, although it can also be involved in the shape of the surface of the hippocampal
some forms of FTLD. However, there are formation. The scientific techniques involved
still challenges involved in its measurement draw from fields of geometry and topology
from MRI, although semiautomated entorhi- and in their most straightforward implemen-
nal morphometric methods are improving tation essentially determine where along
(Dickerson etal., 2007). the entire surface of the hippocampus there
are deformations. For example, a localized
inward deformation of the hippocampal sur-
Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging face may or may not be detectable as a reduc-
Measurements of the Cerebral Cortex tion in overall volume but may nevertheless
be an indicator of significant abnormalities in
Since AD is known to affect limbic and het- particular regions of the hippocampus. The
eromodal regions of the neocortex, inves- location of such a deformation can then be
tigators have focused increasing effort on used to identify, at least in probabilistic terms,
measuring atrophy in distributed cortical the subregion(s) where the abnormality is
and limbic regions, including lateral tem- most likely localized. Several groups have
poroparietal and posterior cingulate cortex used this approach to identify localized hip-
(Scahill, Schott, Stevens, Rossor,& Fox, 2002; pocampal shape abnormalities in AD among
Whitwell etal., 2008). Automated or semiau- other neuropsychiatric conditions (Boccardi
tomated methods have been developed that etal., 2010; Cole etal., 2010; Csernansky etal.,
provide high-throughput capacity to measure 2000, 2002; Dager et al., 2007; Hogan et al.,
the distributed pattern (signature) of atro- 2004; Miller et al., 2009; Morra et al., 2008;
phy consistent with AD in individuals with Nicolson et al., 2006; Posener et al., 2003;
mild dementia or MCI, and to differentiate it Tepest, Wang, Miller, Falkai, & Csernansky,
from normal age-related atrophy (Bakkour, 2003; Wang etal., 2005).
Morris,& Dickerson, 2009; Bakkour, Morris, In addition to inferring the hippocampal
Wolk, & Dickerson, 2013; Dickerson et al., subregion-specific localization of abnormali-
2009) (Fig. 22.3). Atrophy in AD-vulnerable ties in the shape of the hippocampal surface,
brain regions can be consistently detected in several groups have begun developing and
individuals who do not yet have symptoms applying protocols for the measurement
but who harbor brain amyloid (Dickerson of the volumes of hippocampal subregions
etal., 2009)or who will eventually progress (Kerchner et al., 2010; Mueller et al., 2007;
to AD dementia after longitudinal follow-up Mueller, Schuff, Raptentsetsang, Elman, &
(Dickerson et al., 2011). Computational Weiner, 2008; Mueller& Weiner, 2009; Neylan
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 535

Right Left


Figure 22.3 Computational neuroscience now offers methods to quantify aspects of brain
structure from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. The left image depicts cortical thickness
measurement from a T1-weighted MRI scan. The right image shows a map of the areas in yellow
and red where the cerebral cortex is thinner in a group of mild Alzheimers disease dementia
patients compared to controls. (See color plate section)

etal.; Van Leemput etal., 2009; Wang etal., disease is being scanned. Previously, the MRI
2010; Yushkevich et al., 2008, 2009, 2010). data acquisition methodology for obtaining
The development of new methods for higher reasonably high-resolution images suitable
resolution MRI data acquisition is fueling for the assessment of regional atrophy existed
many of these efforts, along with new com- primarily in specialized research centers. It
putational analytic methods. Some of these is now commonplace on clinical scanners
methods can be used to visualize and mea- in routine use to obtain three-dimensional
sure detailed aspects of medial temporal lobe (which can be reformatted in multiple planes,
(MTL) atrophy in AD and other neurodegen- as opposed to the early scans that were essen-
erative diseases (Fig. 22.4). tially only viewable in one orientation) MRI
data with high signal-to-noise properties at
resolutions of 1mm3 or better. Using widely
Clinical Use of Structural Magnetic available MRI technology, radiologists can
Resonance Imaging in Dementia Evaluation set up protocols (e.g., Dementia protocol
or Memory Loss protocol) in which rela-
The atrophy patterns typical of neurodegen- tively high-resolution three-dimensional
erative diseases are often very difficult to visu- coronal sequences are obtained in addition
alize from relatively thick, two-dimensional to routine diagnostic images. Particularly
axial slices that are still often the routine with the use of new parallel acquisition tech-
protocol in many imaging centers when a niques that enable faster data collection, such
patient with suspected neurodegenerative high-resolution sequences can be acquired

Figure22.4 Higher resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans offer better visualization
of neuroanatomy. The left image shows a 500 micrometer resolution T1-weighted MRI scan of a
cognitively intact 72-year-old adult, and the right image shows a similar image of a patient with
mild Alzheimers disease dementia, illustrating mild hippocampal atrophy.
536part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

in 58 minutes as part of a comprehensive straightforward for a specialized team to be

multisequence MRI protocol (i.e., total time assembled for the purposes of evaluating
typically on the order of about hour), and these disorders in a comprehensive fashion
newer scanning technology is continuing to using contemporary clinical and radiologic
improve this efficiency. We routinely obtain methods (typically including a radiologist or
both T1-weighted and T2-weighted scans, neuroradiologist; and a neurologist, psychia-
since T1-weighted sequences typically show trist, and/or neuropsychologist).
many anatomic details very clearly and If a patient is not able to obtain an MRI scan
T2-weighted sequences demonstrate signal due to a contraindication (e.g., pacemaker,
hyperintensities associated with cerebrovas- claustrophobia), relatively high-resolution
cular, gliotic/sclerotic, inflammatory, neo- CT scans can now be acquired with multipla-
plastic, or other types of pathology. These nar reformatting that allows for inspection of
images can be visually inspected for the pur- images in multiple planes, including coronal,
pose of identifying the variety of pathologic which provides the clearest view of the MTL
changes, including atrophy, that are associ- and many cortical regions involved in AD
ated with specific neurodegenerative diseases and other neurodegenerative diseases.
(Fig. 22.5). Anumber of efficient visual rating Visual inspection of MRI or CT scans for
protocols have been described with the goal characteristic patterns of atrophy is still
of enabling relatively standardized descrip- the most widely used approach for clinical
tions of the magnitude of hippocampal/ interpretation of structural neuroimaging
MTL atrophy (Galton etal., 2001; Vermersch, scans. Quantitative analysis of hippocampal
Leys, Scheltens,& Barkhof, 1994)and poste- volume or volumetrics of other structures
rior temporoparietal atrophy (Koedam etal., is performed in some centers, but it is still
2011; Lehmann et al., 2012; Likeman et al., not in widespread practice, partly because
2005; Ryan & Fox, 2009). With these proce- robust normative data are still scant and
dures now being available, it is relatively partly because a variety of analysis methods

Figure22.5 Visual inspection of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans can reveal patterns of
atrophy consistent with a particular type of neurodegenerative dementia. Top/bottom left images
show a patient with typical amnesic Alzheimers disease (AD) dementia, illustrating medial
temporal and parietal atrophy. Middle top/bottom images show a patient with posterior cortical
atrophy with cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers consistent with AD pathobiology, illustrating relative
preservation of medial temporal lobe with prominent parietal atrophy. Top right image shows a
patient with agrammatic primary progressive aphasia. Bottom right image shows a patient with
semantic primary progressive aphasia.
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 537

are employed (and partly because of unclear (Drummond etal., 2000), and aging (Cabeza,
reimbursement practices). Efforts are under Anderson, Locantore, & McIntosh, 2002).
way to try to harmonize these measurements The evidence aforementioned also indicates
for the purposes of clinical research and trials that increased MTL activation can be seen
(Frisoni& Jack, 2011), and hopefully this will in the absence of significant MTL atrophy,
facilitate the use of quantitative MRI-based which provides in vivo support for labora-
morphometry in clinical practice. tory and animal data suggesting that physi-
ologic alterations may precede significant
structural abnormalities in very early AD
Imaging the Physiologic Changes of (Selkoe, 2002; Walsh& Selkoe, 2004)and may
Alzheimers Disease With Magnetic represent inefficient neural circuit function
Resonance Imaging (Stern etal., 2004). Thus, fMRI may provide
a means to detect changes in human mem-
Task-Related Functional Magnetic Resonance ory circuit function that underlie the earli-
Imaging est symptoms of AD (Sperling et al., 2009),
and it may be useful in identifying groups
A number of fMRI studies in patients with of subjects at high risk for future cognitive
clinically diagnosed AD, using a variety of decline prior to a diagnosis of AD (Miller
visually presented stimuli, have identified etal., 2006).
decreased activation in hippocampal and Recent studies are extending these initial
parahippocampal regions compared to con- insights using longitudinal and multimodal
trol subjects during episodic encoding tasks approaches. We recently showed that MCI
(Kato, Knopman, & Liu, 2001; Machulda subjects who declined over 2years of clinical
et al., 2003; Rombouts et al., 2000; Small, follow-up demonstrated an initial hippocam-
Perera, DeLaPaz, Mayeux, & Stern, 1999; pal hyperactivation during encoding but after
Sperling et al., 2003). As for MCI, the pro- 2years a reduced level of activity, consistent
dromal stage of AD, studies have demon- with the inverse U-shaped curve model
strated conflicting results with some findings (OBrien etal., 2010). Evidence of the earliest
of hippocampal hypoactivation (Johnson stages of this process can be seen in cogni-
etal., 2006; Machulda etal., 2003)similar to tively intact older adults with brain amyloid,
that seen in AD dementia and some findings who hyperactivate the hippocampus during
of hyperactivation (Dickerson et al., 2005; memory encoding relative to the activation
Hamalainen etal., 2006; Kircher etal., 2007). of similarly aged adults without brain amy-
Despite the inconsistencies, which we believe loid (Sperling et al., 2009). Extending these
can be explained by a number of factors approaches to genetic risk, in cognitively
(Dickerson & Sperling, 2008), there is repli- intact older adults (Bondi, Houston, Eyler,&
cated evidence to support the hypothesis that Brown, 2005; Bookheimer etal., 2000; Fleisher
there is a phase of increased MTL activation etal., 2005; Xu etal., 2009)at elevated genetic
early in the course of prodromal AD, prior to risk for AD, hippocampal activation during
clinical dementia. memory tasks is greater than in those with-
Accumulating evidence indicates that out such elevated risk.
task-related regional brain hyperactiva-
tion may be a universal neural response to
insult, as it occurs in a variety of neuropsy- Resting-State Functional Magnetic
chiatric disorders and conditions, includ- Resonance Imaging
ing AD/MCI, Huntingtons disease (Rosas,
Feigin,& Hersch, 2004), Parkinsons disease Recent functional magnetic resonance imag-
(Monchi et al., 2004), cerebrovascular dis- ing (fMRI) studies are beginning to reveal a
ease (Carey etal., 2002; Johansen-Berg etal., link between disease-related hemodynamic
2002), multiple sclerosis (Morgen etal., 2004; alterations and the well-described resting
Reddy et al., 2000), traumatic brain injury perfusion/metabolic abnormalities in AD.
(McAllister etal., 1999), HIV (Ernst, Chang, Hypoperfusion/metabolism is typically seen
Jovicich, Ames, & Arnold, 2002), alcohol- with nuclear medical imaging techniques
ism (Desmond et al., 2003), schizophrenia (such as FDG-PET or single-photon emission
(Callicott et al., 2003), sleep deprivation computed tomography [SPECT], as reviewed
538part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

later in the chapter) in temporo-parietal/pos- a standard MRI protocol on widely available

terior cingulate cortical regions in AD patients scanners.
during the resting state. The medial pari- In part because of the relatively low reso-
etal/posterior cingulate cortex, along with lution of PET scanning technology, there has
medial frontal and lateral parietal regions, been relatively little investigation of hippo-
appears to compose a default mode net- campal perfusion and metabolism. Although
work that is more active when individuals are some studies suggest that hippocampal perfu-
not engaged in particular tasks, and which is sion may be reduced in normal older adults
thought to play a role in vigilance, readiness, compared with younger adults (Heo et al.,
or monitoringthese regions deactivate 2010)while some indicate that it is preserved
(BOLD signal amplitude falls below baseline) (Rusinek etal., 2011), analysis of hippocampal
during cognitive task performance (Raichle metabolism in relation to global gray matter
etal., 2001). Agrowing number of studies in metabolism has shown that it is relatively
AD patients and individuals with prodromal spared (much more so than many frontal and
AD as well as asymptomatic individuals with parietal regions) or even increased in rela-
brain amyloid have demonstrated alterations tion to global metabolism in normal aging
in the deactivation and functional connec- (Kalpouzos et al., 2009; Willis et al., 2002).
tivity of these regions, suggesting that this One longitudinal study of older adults dem-
default mode network is disrupted by the onstrated that, in individuals with preserved
biology of disease early in its course (Celone memory over an 8-year interval, hippocam-
et al., 2006; Greicius, Srivastava, Reiss, & pal blood flow was also preserved (relatively
Menon, 2004; Lustig et al., 2003; Rombouts, increased compared to global blood flow)
Barkhof, Goekoop, Stam,& Scheltens, 2005). (Beason-Held, Kraut, & Resnick, 2008). More
Substantial overlap is present between these detailed high-resolution studies suggest that
default mode areas and the localization of particular hippocampal subregions, espe-
positron emission tomography (PET) amy- cially the dentate gyrus, are vulnerable to
loid tracer binding (Buckner et al., 2005). metabolic decline in normal aging while other
In addition to hyperactivation during task subregions may be resilient (Small, Chawla,
performance, MTL regions appear to have Buonocore, Rapp,& Barnes, 2004).
increased resting-state connectivity in MCI Complicating matters further, several
patients (Das etal., 2013). recent reports suggest that the hippocampus
and nearby MTL cortex may be hyperper-
fused in AD compared to controls (Alsop,
Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Casement, de Bazelaire, Fong,& Press, 2008;
Scarmeas etal., 2004). Another investigation
Another measure related to brain function is of the relationship between hippocampal vol-
perfusion. Perfusion refers to the delivery of ume and perfusion in MCI and AD provided
blood, oxygen, and nutrients to tissue, and further support for these observations, indi-
it is tightly coupled with metabolism. Thus, cating that MTL perfusion and atrophy were
although measures of perfusion are of direct not correlated (Luckhaus et al., 2010). As
relevance for clinical disorders of blood flow, expected based on prior literature, this study
such as stroke, these measures are also of found that hippocampal volume was smaller
value as surrogates of regional brain metabo- in APOE 4 carriers than in noncarriers, but
lism and function. The gold standard method that MTL perfusion was not different based
for quantifying brain perfusion in vivo is PET on APOE genotype.
scanning with 15O-labeled water, and that for
metabolism is 18fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG).
With regard to perfusion, water in arterial Clinical Use of Physiologic Magnetic
blood can also be labeled via magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods in Dementia
resonance imaging using a technique called
arterial spin labeling (ASL). This method has Despite the promising research data on
been developed over the last two decades physiologic measures that can be obtained
but has received increasing attention in the from various types of MRI imaging, these
past few years in part because it is noninva- techniques are not yet used in clinical prac-
sive and relatively easy to obtain as part of tice. Most of them are being investigated as
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 539

part of natural history studies such as ADNI, scans, but they are generally less widely
which will likely provide clearer data regard- available. The measures commonly obtained
ing their potential for use in clinical trials or using these tools include blood flow, glu-
practice settings. cose metabolism, and oxygen consumption.
Measures of neurotransmitter function have
also been developed.
Molecular Imaging in Alzheimers Disease It has been known for nearly 20years that
PET and SPECT imaging reveals a fairly
Molecular neuroimaging techniques enable specific pattern of lateral temporoparietal
in vivo images to be obtained of radiolabeled and posterior cingulate hypometabolism or
compounds (radioligands) that are typi- hypoperfusion in AD (Herholz et al., 2002;
cally injected intravenously into the person Jagust, Friedland, Budinger, Koss, & Ober,
undergoing imaging. A wide range of com- 1988)(Fig. 22.6). The presence of such a defi-
pounds can be labeled, and radiochemists cit in regional brain function is useful for the
regularly develop new compounds of use prediction of AD dementia in mildly symp-
for neuroimaging. The two primary methods tomatic groups of subjects (such as MCI)
for obtaining images are PET and SPECT. In (Chetelat et al., 2005; Johnson et al., 1998;
PET scanning, positrons are emitted by the Mosconi etal., 2005; Minoshima etal., 1997).
radioligand, collide with electrons, and gen- Furthermore, in the proper clinical context,
erate gamma radiation, which is ultimately the spatial locations of functional impairment
detected by the sensor arrays and used to relate to the presence of AD pathology in the
derive an image. Commonly used radioli- same regions (Buckner et al., 2005; Mega
gands include carbon-11, oxygen-15, and etal., 1999).
fluorine-18 (18F). 18F is desirable because it
has the longest half-life. SPECT scans work
in a somewhat similar manner but employ Molecular Imaging in the Differential
compounds such as technetium-99 and Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
xenon-133, which have longer half-lives than
compounds used in PET scanning. For a vari- The early detection and differential diagnosis
ety of technical reasons, PET scans are able to of neurodegenerative disorders is a promis-
obtain higher resolution images than SPECT ing aim for further work using molecular

Figure22.6 In mild Alzheimers disease, cortical glucose metabolism is typically reduced in the
temporoparietal region, as well as posterior midline and orbitofrontal regions. This now classic
finding is useful clinically in differential diagnosis and may be valuable as an imaging biomarker
for early detection of the metabolic signature of the disease in patients with minimal or no
symptoms. This figure shows the largest reduction in metabolism in yellow, with lesser reductions
in red hues from a single patient with mild AD, displayed on that patients cortical surface as
reconstructed from the anatomic magnetic resonance image. Areas without color exhibited normal
metabolism compared to age-matched cognitively intact individuals. (See color plate section)
540part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

imaging. Since molecular imaging is sensitive 2007)demonstrated that FDG-PET improved

to both the character and severity of symp- upon the sensitivity and specificity of clini-
toms, it seems reasonable to hope that its cal diagnostic evaluation in predicting
potential capability to detect alterations in the pathological diagnosis of AD. Foster and col-
pattern and degree of regional brain activity leagues have performed a series of studies
may provide additional useful data to comple- evaluating the practical value of FDG-PET
ment clinical and psychometric evaluations. in the diagnostic assessment of patients with
In elderly individuals with cognitive dementia, with a particular emphasis on AD
symptoms, it can be difficult to distinguish and FTLD, and also showed that FDG-PET
a neurodegenerative process from depres- improved upon clinical assessment with par-
sionmolecular imaging may be helpful in ticular value in situations in which clinical
this setting. In depression, the typical pattern diagnostic confidence was not high (Foster
of AD-related hypometabolism is not seen, etal., 2007; Womack, 2011). For example, in
but prefrontal or global hypometabolism may one of these studies, six dementia experts
be seen (Guze et al., 1991). In patients with independently reviewed the PET and clini-
AD, those with depression have greater dor- cal data and made diagnostic decisions, and
solateral prefrontal hypometabolism, while the use of the PET pattern improved the
those with apathy have greater orbitofrontal accuracy of clinical diagnoses, particularly
hypometabolism (Holthoff etal., 2005). in cases in which there was uncertainty.
Furthermore, different forms of neurode- The differentiation of vascular dementia
generative dementias may be challenging to (VaD) from AD has been full of challenges
diagnose specifically early in their course. not only in neuroimaging but also clinically
Molecular imaging may provide helpful and even pathologically. FDG-PET data have
data to assist in differential diagnosis of suggested that vascular dementia may be
the dementias. In 2004, the US Centers for characterized most prominently by reduc-
Medicare and Medicaid Services approved tions in frontal metabolism and blood flow
reimbursement of FDG-PET for the differen- (Sultzer etal., 1995), but this finding has not
tial diagnosis of AD versus FTLD (Fig. 22.7), been universal (Duara, Barker, Loewenstein,
based largely on autopsy data relating AD Pascal,& Bowen, 1989). And despite some of
pathology to FDG hypometabolism in tem- the differences that have been reported, there
poroparietal association cortex (Hoffman is significant overlap in the hypometabolic
etal., 2000; Silverman etal., 2001). In a clini- regions in AD and VaD. In the largest study
copathologic study, Jagust and colleagues to date seeking to differentiate VaD from AD
(Jagust, Reed, Mungas, Ellis, & Decarli, using hypometabolic FDG-PET patterns,

(A) (B) (C)

Figure22.7 Fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) can be very useful in the
clinical evaluation of patients with dementia, particularly for the differentiation of Alzheimers
disease (AD) versus frontotemporal dementia (FTD). (A) Cognitively normal older adult; (B) mild
AD dementia patient; (C) mild FTD dementia patient. (Images courtesy of Dr.Keith Johnson,
Massachusetts General Hospital) (See color plate section)
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 541

principal component analysis was applied with a number of studies having been done
to 153 subjects and was able to differentiate in populations at elevated genetic risk for AD
the groups with 100% accuracy (Kerrouche, and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Herholz, Mielke, Holthoff, & Baron, 2006). The APOE 4 allele is a major genetic sus-
The AD group showed the typical findings ceptibility factor associated with increased
as described previously, but the VaD group risk for AD (Saunders, 2000). A number of
showed hypometabolism in deep gray nuclei, studies have demonstrated that cognitively
cerebellum, primary cortices, middle tempo- intact subjects who are carriers of the APOE
ral gyrus, and anterior cingulate gyrus. 4 allele show evidence of temporo-parietal
Further insights into the utility of molec- hypometabolism with a pattern similar
ular imaging in assisting with differential to, but of milder severity, that of AD. In
diagnosis may potentially be gained through individuals in their 50s without cognitive
prospective studies of patients presenting decline, progressive metabolic decline has
for clinical evaluation with subtle symptoms been observed in 4 carriers after 2 years
consistent with a degenerative condition (Reiman etal., 2001). Intriguingly, this find-
who do not yet have a clear clinical diagno- ing has been observed in carriers of the 4
sis. If such individuals are scanned and then allele who are young, in their 20s and 30s
followed clinically (and ultimately patho- (Reiman, 2007). Thus, it may be a lifelong
logically), it may be possible to learn more vulnerability pattern (endophenotype) that
about the predictive power of molecular mediates the risk effects of the gene, since it
imaging in differential diagnosis (Herholz, would be very unusual for young individu-
2003). als to already have begun to accumulate AD
Tantalizing results are emerging from lon-
Molecular Imaging as a Biomarker for gitudinal studies with serial FDG-PET mea-
Monitoring or Prediction of Clinical Status sures in subjects at elevated risk for clinical
AD, but in whom symptoms are very mild
Longitudinal studies have shown that base- or absent. Progressive metabolic abnormali-
line PET and SPECT measures are useful for ties parallel cognitive decline in both older
the prediction of future cognitive decline in cognitively intact individuals (de Leon etal.,
AD patients (Jagust, Haan, Eberling, Wolfe,& 2001)and subjects with mild memory impair-
Reed, 1996; Wolfe, Reed, Eberling,& Jagust, ment who carry the APOE- 4 allele (Small
1995)and the early detection of disease state etal., 2000).
in individuals with MCI (Arnaiz etal., 2001;
Chetelat et al., 2003; Herholz et al., 1999;
Johnson etal., 1998). Serial functional imag- Uses of Molecular Imaging in Understanding
ing studies have demonstrated that pro- and Monitoring Neurotherapeutics
gressive metabolic decline correlates with
cognitive decline in AD patients (Haxby Molecular imaging may be particularly valu-
etal., 1990; Jagust etal., 1988). Power calcu- able in evaluating acute and subacute effects
lations suggest that PET measures may be of medications on neural activity. PET and
more sensitive than cognitive measures in a SPECT measures of resting brain function
1-year clinical drug trial (Alexander, Chen, appear to be sensitive to medication effects
Pietrini, Rapoport,& Reiman, 2002). in clinical drug trials and relate to clinical
measures in a manner that suggests their
potential utility as surrogate markers. In four
The Modulatory Effects of Genetic Risk studies of cerebral metabolism or perfusion
Factors for Neurologic Disease on Brain in AD patients given cholinesterase inhibi-
Activity tors, these functional brain measures parallel
clinical measures in demonstrating stability
In the last 15 years, there has been an or improvement in treated versus placebo
explosion in literature on the basic science groups or in predicting response in treated
of genetic modulators of brain function patients (Mega et al., 2001; Nakano, Asada,
(Hariri & Weinberger, 2003). This is an area Matsuda, Uno,& Takasaki, 2001; Nobili etal.,
that is ripe for study in neurologic disease, 2002; Tune etal., 2003).
542part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

Clinical Use of FDG-PET or SPECT in Molecular Imaging of Pathologic Markers

the Evaluation of Dementia Patients inNeurodegenerative Diseases

Although the 2001 American Academy Radiochemistry research has led to the devel-
of Neurology practice parameter for the opment of a class of tracers that specifically
diagnostic evaluation of dementia did not bind to amyloid plaques in mouse models
recommend the use of FDG-PET or related of AD (Mathis etal., 2002), cross the blood
techniques, citing the need for further brain barrier, and label plaques in vivo in
prospective establish the value humans. The first such compound, known as
that it brings to diagnosis over and above Pittsburgh Compound B (PiB), was initially
a competent clinical diagnosis (Knopman developed through rigorous studies in ani-
et al., 2001, page 1147), a number of stud- mal models of AD, human AD postmortem
ies in the decade since then have provided brain tissue, and in living healthy elderly
clear evidence of added value in certain subjects and patients with a clinical diagnosis
situations, as summarized previously and of AD (Klunk etal., 2004).
reviewed elsewhere in more detail (Bohnen, PiB and other [18F] amyloid imaging
Djang, Herholz, Anzai, & Minoshima, tracers have now been tested extensively
2012). in living human subjects, including nor-
Nevertheless, FDG-PET faces several chal- mal elderly and patients with the clinical
lenges in becoming more routinely used in diagnosis of mild probable AD. The abso-
the diagnosis of AD and related disorders. lute level of PiB retention is approximately
First, the clinician needs to be familiar with the same in the cerebellum and white mat-
its utility and have access to a facility in ter of AD patients and normal control sub-
which it is performed. Second, reimburse- jects, brain areas known to lack substantial
ment for FDG-PET in the diagnostic evalu- deposits of fibrillar amyloid. In contrast,
ation of dementia or cognitive impairment PiB retention is very high in AD patients in
needs to improve in the private sector; it is frontal, temporal, and parietal neocortical
often particularly difficult (and sometimes regions (Klunk etal., 2004; Nordberg, 2007).
impossible) to obtain authorization from As expected, PiB binding similar to AD is
private insurers for FDG-PET in patients seen in some subjects with MCI (Forsberg
younger than Medicare-eligible age, ironi- et al., 2007), reflecting the presence of sig-
cally the patients in whom it may be most nificant pathology even at this mild level of
useful. Finally, improved standardiza- clinical impairment, as has also been seen
tion of interpretation and quantification of in pathologic studies. However, many MCI
FDG-PET scans is an important goal; a num- subjects have intermediate or low levels of
ber of research groups are working on com- tracer uptake on amyloid imaging, reflecting
parisons of different quantitative techniques clinical heterogeneity. PiB imaging has also
and on comparisons of visual interpretation confirmed what has long been known from
versus quantitative analysis, partly with the postmortem studies (Tomlinson, Blessed, &
goal of incorporating FDG-PET into clinical Roth, 1968):Many elderly cognitively intact
trials. individuals carry a substantial burden of
Further research in clinical practice settings AD neuropathology (Mintun et al., 2006).
will be necessary to determine the best place Yet brain amyloid levels may plateau and
for FDG-PET in relation to structural MRI, remain fairly stable longitudinally in AD
other forms of MRI, and spinal fluid mark- dementia (Engler et al., 2006). Thus, PET
ers of diseases causing cognitive impairment pathology markers may assist in diagnosis,
and dementia. Investigations of the com- but PET metabolic markers or MRI atrophy
parative utility of FDG-PET versus amyloid markers will likely be important for measur-
PET imaging are badly needed. As these ing changes in the rate of disease progres-
new tests become more widely available, sion. Whether these findings will be useful in
practically oriented studies will contribute the prediction of the eventual development
importantly to dialogue among neurologists of AD dementia in nondemented individu-
aiming to balance diagnostic rigor with cost als remains a topic of intense investiga-
effectiveness. tion. Nevertheless, amyloid imaging factors
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 543

(A) (B)

Figure22.8 Amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is revolutionizing dementia

research. Pittsburgh compound B (PiB) scan of (A) a cognitively intact 74-year-old adult
demonstrates nonspecific binding (negative), while a scan of (B) a 73-year-old patient with mild
Alzheimers dementia shows robust signal throughout multiple cortical areas (positive). (Images
courtesy of Dr.Keith Johnson, Massachusetts General Hospital) (See color plate section)

prominently in the revised diagnostic crite- measures of tracer uptake and cut point
ria for MCI and particularly for preclinical thresholds of abnormality. Quantitatively,
AD, as discussed in Chapter2 (Fig. 22.8). FDG-PET was AD-like if tracer uptake was
The successful visualization of direct mark- more abnormal in temporoparietal than in
ers of AD neuropathology in living humans either frontal or temporal FTLD-vulnerable
is a major step forward in the field, and it regions and was FTLD-like if metabolism
suggests that more specific in vivo diagnos- was worse in the FTLD-vulnerable areas. PiB
tic and monitoring capabilities may be on the PET was AD-like if it exceeded a threshold
horizon. Furthermore, initial studies compar- that was based on the mean of a PiB-negative
ing AD and FTD patients suggest that it may normal control group. The authors report
be possible to differentiate neurodegenerative that PiB qualitative and quantitative readouts
diseases using specific tracers that bind to were virtually identical, which is consistent
pathologic proteins (Rabinovici et al., 2007), with the very large difference in the amount
rather than indirectly through the effects of of tracer retained after 90 minutes in most
the diseases on brain function and structure. amyloid-positive patients compared to most
In a recent study (Rabinovici et al., 2012), amyloid-negative patients. In contrast, FDG
107 patients with early-onset AD or FTLD, specificity was substantially improved by the
12 with known histopathology, underwent quantitative readout compared to the visual
both FDG-PET and amyloid PET with PiB. readout, similar to a previous report (Foster,
Images were classified as either AD-like or 2007).
FTLD-like with a pair of blinded qualita- These data are convincing that the pres-
tive, visual reads and also with quantitative ence or absence of AD neuropathology in
544part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

these two dementias can be determined by with brain amyloid may remain relatively
the use of PiB, and that PiBwhether read stable over time, which would challenge the
visually or analyzed quantitativelyis also value of these markers for prognostication at
highly sensitive to the clinical diagnosis of the individual level.
AD. FDG, on the other hand, may still play a Further research will be necessary to deter-
very important role with its ability to improve mine the best place for amyloid PET in rela-
specificity of the diagnosis of AD (i.e., in this tion to FDG-PET, MRI, spinal fluid analysis,
case to identify FTLD). The authors point out and other tests in the sequence of steps rec-
that the use of FDG in clinical settings is less ommended for the diagnostic evaluation of
consistent than PiB with regard to interrater patients with dementia, which will likely vary
reliability, especially when a quantitative depending on the setting and the goals. An
comparison with a group of normal subjects international committee of experts recently
is not available. One unstated conclusion is published appropriate use guidelines for
that such quantitative FDG comparisons the clinical use of amyloid PET imaging in
could improve clinical practice and should be the evaluation of patients with cognitive
more widely adopted. For example, a recent impairment (Johnson etal., 2013a, 2013b) (see
report focused on a different regional strat- Table 22.1). This consensus greatly restricts
egy for identifying FTLD-like FDG patterns, the recommended usage of amyloid PET
in which greater emphasis placed on ante- imaging to specific scenarios with an empha-
rior cingulate and anterior temporal regions sis on clinically uncertain dementia cases in
resulted in greater accuracy (Womack, 2011). whom AD is a possible diagnosis.
Thus, it is possible that the method used here Exciting new tracers have very recently
underestimated the value of FDG in differ- been developed for putatively measur-
ential diagnosis of AD versus FTLD since a ing brain tau aggregates (Chien et al., 2013;
substantial proportion of patients with FTLD Fodero-Tavoletti etal., 2011; Maruyama etal.,
exhibit temporoparietal hypometabolism. 2013; Small et al., 2006). Work is currently
The authors are appropriately cautious ongoing to validate these ligands against
about generalizing these conclusions to postmortem tissue autoradiography as well
situations in which other confounding fea- as in patient populations highly likely to har-
tures, such as older age and vascular disease bor brain tau pathology, such as MAPT muta-
comorbidity, could play an important role. tion carriers or patients with a classical PSP
They also point out that amyloid imaging clinical syndrome.
will likely have less value in differentiating
AD from DLB since many DLB patients have
relatively high uptake consistent with amy- Clinical Use of Molecular Neuropathology
loid pathology (Gomperts et al., 2008) and Imaging in the Evaluation of Dementia
in differentiating among amyloid-negative Patients
In addition to use in differential diagnosis, The US Food and Drug Administration
imaging molecular tracers that bind to neuro- has approved amyloid PET imaging in the
pathological constituents of AD and related evaluation of dementia, starting with [18F]
disorders may be very useful in the burgeon- florbetapir in April 2012. The European
ing efforts to improve translational research Medicines Agencys Committee for Medicinal
between animal models and humans. Products for Human Use similarly recom-
However, a number of issues will need to be mended approval for this ligand in October
addressed as part of the validation of these 2012. Although it remains unclear whether
methods as surrogate markers in clinical tri- major reimbursement agencies will decide
als or practice. While visualization of a sig- to pay for clinical use of amyloid imag-
nal of pathology has been demonstrated, ing, it is now available and beginning to be
work is still in progress to refine quantitative used. As mentioned previously, the Amyloid
metrics, harmonize the reporting standards, Imaging Task (AIT) Force, a joint effort of the
and determine the specificity of these mea- Society for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular
sures. Finally, it is not yet clear whether some Imaging and the Alzheimers Association,
prodromal or presymptomatic individuals has published two papers addressing the
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 545

TABLE22.1 Appropriate Use of Amyloid Imaging in Clinical Practice

Appropriate Patients with persistent or progressive unexplained
In patients in whom (1)a cognitive complaint with MCI
objectively confirmed impairment is present; (2)AD Patients satisfying core clinical criteria for possible
is a possible diagnosis, but when the diagnosis AD because of unclear clinical presentation,
is uncertain after a comprehensive evaluation by either an atypical clinical course or an
a dementia expert; and (3)when knowledge of etiologically mixed presentation
the presence or absence of amyloid pathology is Patients with progressive dementia and atypically
expected to increase diagnostic certainty and alter early age of onset (usually defined as 65years or
management. less in age)

Inappropriate Patients with core clinical criteria for probable AD

with typical age of onset
To determine dementia severity
Based solely on a positive family history of
or presence of apolipoprotein E (APOE) 4
Patients with a cognitive complaint that is
unconfirmed on clinical examination
In lieu of genotyping for suspected autosomal
mutation carriers
In asymptomatic individuals
Nonmedical use (e.g., legal, insurance coverage, or
employment screening)

AD, Alzheimers disease; MCI, mild cognitive impairment.

most important issues related to the use of important goals, including greater physician
this class of biomarkers in clinical practice. confidence in the diagnosis of or exclusion of
Interested readers are encouraged to refer to AD. Hopefully, this will result in improved
those primary articles (Johnson etal., 2013a, comprehensive management, including phar-
2013b). macotherapy and education of the patient
In summary, the group pointed out some and family about prognosis. Furthermore,
of the limitations of amyloid imaging, amyloid imaging may help to reduce the use
including the possibility that a positive of additional and repeated tests. Most impor-
scan may be purely incidental given the tant, the continued investigation of amyloid
age-related increase in cerebral amyloid in imaging in practice is warranted.
cognitively normal older adults. In addition,
they pointed out that a positive scan can be
seen in conditions other than AD, including Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers
DLB and CAA. Probably most important, the
group highlighted the need to consider the Although major efforts are under way to
results of amyloid imaging in the context of explore cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples
the comprehensive evaluation of a patient from patients with a variety of dementias
with cognitive impairment and/or demen- to try to identify new biomarkers (Hu etal.,
tia, including other biomarkers and ele- 2010), one set of biomarkers is now mature
ments of the clinical profile. Questions were enough to be relatively widely used clini-
also raised about the potential psychological cally in the evaluation of dementia patients
and social implications of a positive amyloid to determine whether they exhibit underly-
scan, which have received very little formal ing CSF indicators of AD pathology. These
investigation. measures are amyloid- 1-42 peptide (A
Ultimately, the hope of the AIT is that amy- 1-42), total tau (t-tau), and tau phosphory-
loid imaging will be used in this context by lated at threonine 181 (p-tau). A number of
dementia experts to achieve a number of studies have demonstrated the utility of
546part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

these measures for identifying patients who Genetic Testing

appear to have underlying AD pathobiology
(Blennow, Hampel, Weiner, & Zetterberg, Genetic testing is often thought of as inform-
2010). One foundational study demonstrated ing family members of patients with a
that, when particular cutoffs for these mea- dementia of their own potential risk for
sures are used, A 1-42 has a sensitivity of dementia. Although this is a potential goal
96% and a specificity of 77% for detection of genetic testing in relatives of dementia
of AD pathology in patients followed to patients, a much more clinically relevant goal
autopsy. T-tau and p-tau performed with is to assist in the diagnosis of the dementia
sensitivities of 70% and 69% and with speci- patient. In this setting, it is typically thought
ficities of 92% and 73%, respectively (Shaw of as being of potential utility in patients with
et al., 2009). An assay of this type is now strong family histories of similar dementias.
commercially available and CSF can be sent For example, there are rare families with
for analysis for clinical diagnostic purposes early-onset familial AD in whom multiple
(Fig. 22.9). An increasing number of neurolo- members of the family develop AD dementia
gists are now including CSF as a diagnostic at an early age (often 40s or 50s). The genetic
test in the evaluation of dementia patients mutation in these families typically involves
(Herskovits& Growdon, 2010). the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene on
chrosomosome 21, or one of the presenilin
(PSEN) genes on chromosome 1 or 14, with
PSEN1 being by far the most common.
A case example (Case 1) from my practice
was a 39-year-old woman who presented
with 2-year history of gradually progressive
amyloid- dementia primarily involving executive func-
level tion with the lesser involvement of memory.
Her father had been diagnosed clinically with
B Picks disease with a dementia onset in his
early 50s and death at age 57. No autopsy
CSF tau level had been performed. Workup of the patient
Figure22.9 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed neuropsychological evidence of exec-
biomarkers are playing an increasing role in the utive dysfunction and an acquisition-retrieval
evaluation of dementia patients. Currently, the memory deficit with a lesser effect on stor-
primary biomarkers used in clinical practice age, prominent parietal atrophy with a
are Alzheimers disease (AD)-related measures lesser degree of medial temporal atrophy on
of amyloid-, total tau, and phospho-tau. This high-resolution MRI, and temporoparietal
graph illustrates results from two cases. Case hypometabolism on FDG-PET (Fig. 22.10). At
Ahas levels of both proteins that are within the time she was evaluated, amyloid imaging
the normal range (relatively high amyloid- was not yet available and we had not yet incor-
and relatively low tau). Case B has levels porated CSF analysis into our practice. Given
of both proteins that are within the range the family history of early-onset dementia and
associated with AD pathology (plaques and the lack of clarity in her diagnosis, we per-
tangles) based on postmortem studies. The formed genetic testing and identified a PSEN1
other quadrants are more difficult to interpret,
mutation. Autopsy revealed AD pathology.
although it appears that amyloid- levels
This case illustrates the potential diagnos-
decline prior to the elevation of tau levels, at
tic value of genetic testing, which in this case
least in some cases, so an individual in the
provided confirmation of my suspicion that
lower left quadrant may be in the early cerebral
amyloidosis phase of the biological process of she had early-onset AD and that her father
AD. An individual in the upper right quadrant likely had the same condition. Thus, genetic
would have elevated levels of tau with normal testing for diagnostic purposes provided con-
levels of amyloid-, suggesting the possibility firmation that the molecular etiology of her
of a non-amyloid-associated tauopathy. The dementia was highly likely to be AD, since
interpretation of data from both of these latter the genetic mutation was known to be a
two quadrants is challenging and warrants pathogenic mutation leading to AD. This was
further clinical investigation. further confirmed on pathologic analysis.
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 547

(A) (B)

Figure22.10 Case 1.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography
(PET) often provide a reasonably convincing set of biomarkers in early-onset or atypical dementia
patient evaluations. In this 39-year-old woman with familial dementia initially thought to be
frontotemporal dementia, (A) an MRI scan showed relatively mild medial temporal lobe atrophy
but prominent bilateral parietal atrophy, and (B) a fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
(FDG-PET) scan showed prominent bilateral temporoparietal hypometabolism, supporting the
diagnosis of Alzheimers disease (AD). She was later found to carry a PSEN1 mutation and
ultimately was determined to have AD pathology at autopsy. (See color plate section)

The other genetic tests relevant at pres- was determined to have a MAPT mutation
ent for early-onset dementia are those for (Fig. 22.11). Our approach, similar to that
frontotemporal lobar degeneration: the described in the algorithm cited, is to per-
microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT), form genetic testing on any young patient
progranulin (GRN), and the hexanucleo- with dementia regardless of family history.
tide repeat expansion on chromosome 9 In the case presented here, it is thought
(C9ORF72) (see Chapter 8 for more infor- that this mutation was possibly inherited
mation). In some cases in which there is a but nonpenetrant in a parent or possibly de
clinical diagnosis of FTD and a strong fam- novo in the patient. Similar cases have been
ily history of a similar condition, the test can reported previously.
be used for diagnostic purposes to confirm While the search continues for novel genes
the molecular etiology. In other cases, there associated with AD, FTD, and other demen-
may be an unclear family history, or even tias, it is currently possible to test for several
the lack of a family history, and genetic test- known genes. Itypically test for these genetic
ing may still reveal a pathogenic mutation. mutations in patients in whom there is a fam-
A recently published study from a large ily history of dementia (often unclear due to
cohort at the University of Pennsylvania lack of precise diagnosis in prior generations)
proposed a valuable algorithm for assigning or in whom the onset is young, which is a
probabilities of genetic abnormalities based similar approach to what others have recom-
on family history information (Wood et al., mended. Several articles serve as excellent
2013). For example, Ifollowed a very young references for the approach to clinical genetic
man with behavioral-variant FTDsymp- testing in dementia (Goldman et al., 2004,
tom onset age 28, death age 33who lacked 2011; Williamson, Goldman,& Marder, 2009).
a family history of any form of dementia but In our group, such testing is usually done
548part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice




Figure22.11 Case 2.Serial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans 3years apart show rapid
progression of frontotemporal atrophy in this 31-year-old man who died of frontotemporal
dementia at age 33. (A) Aseries of coronal FLAIR MRI images demonstrates left greater than
right temporal lobe atrophy at a time when symptoms were clearly present but overall function
was mildly impaired. (B) Asimilar series of coronal T1-weighted MRI images demonstrates
marked progression of frontal, insular, and temporal atrophy with parietal involvement at a
time when the patient was minimally communicative and dependent for most activities of daily
living. (C) Postmortem histology demonstrated neuronal and glial cell loss with prominent tau
immunohistochemical abnormalities (left), including Pick bodies (middle). The hematoxylin and
eosin stained sections (right) also clearly demonstrated cellular inclusions typical of Pick-type
tauopathy. (See color plate section)

after a discussion with our genetic counselor, APOE genotype in asymptomatic individu-
who provides extensive education about the als for risk assessment purposes (American
purpose of such testing as well as risks and College of Medical Genetics/American
benefits. Genetic testing for diagnostic pur- Society of Human Genetics, 1995; Post etal.,
poses in symptomatic patients should be 1997), some clinicians believe that testing of
considered distinct from testing of asymp- this gene has value in symptomatic patients
tomatic individuals for the purposes of risk for diagnostic purposes, since its presence
assessment. or absence appears to modulate the clinical
Finally, apolipoprotein E (APOE) will be expression of AD as well as other demen-
briefly discussed. The APOE 4 allele has tias (Agosta et al., 2009; Wolk et al., 2010).
been known to be a major genetic risk fac- Furthermore, APOE genotype may modu-
tor for late-onset AD since 1993 (Saunders late response to or side effects from putative
etal., 1993). Although expert consensus pan- disease-modifying therapies, and in some
els have recommended against testing for clinical trials the dose is adjusted based on
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 549

APOE genotype (Salloway et al., 2009). The 2012). Increase CSF tau and brain atrophy
jury is still out on whether this information could also be detected about 15 years prior
provides value in routine clinical settings, to symptoms, while cerebral hypometabo-
and additional study is needed. lism on PET could be detected about 10years
prior to symptoms. Although the precise
number of years and the specific ordering of
The Combined Use of Multiple Biomarkers these markers will almost certainly change
with continued research, our understanding
The use of multiple biomarkers in combina- of the pathophysiologic process of AD (and
tion will likely be of great value for identifying likely similarly for other neurodegenerative
candidates for clinical trials. Nondemented diseases) will be greatly increased through
mildly amnesic patients with clear abnor- natural history studies of multimodal bio-
malities in two or more of the aforemen- markers. Ultimately, treatment at the pre-
tioned biomarkers will probably be a strong clinical stage will hinge in multiple ways on
candidate target population for clinical trials these measures (Langbaum etal., 2013).
of disease-modifying therapies, as they will
likely be at relatively high risk of progression
to mild dementia within a few years. The Beyond Exclusion:The Use of Imaging
analysis of multiple types of putative bio- and Biofluid Disease Biomarkers
markers has only recently begun, and to date
it has been performed largely in patients with At present, the potential efficacy of
mild to moderate AD dementia. Several stud- disease-modifying therapies for AD and other
ies have been performed of brain structure neurodegenerative diseases is evaluated pri-
and function, highlighting the brain regions marily using clinical measures of cognition,
in which atrophy and hypometabolism occur movement, and other behaviors, but this is
together as well as those in which there is a shifting in recent years to include increasing
dissociation (Chetelat et al., 2008; De Santi information from biomarkers. Although the
et al., 2001; Mosconi et al., 2006). There are efficacy of disease-modifying treatments for
also data to suggest that the diagnostic util- AD and other neurodegenerative diseases
ity of hippocampal volume in differentiating must ultimately be demonstrated using clini-
patients with MCI from controls is improved cally meaningful outcome measures such
with the addition of CSF biomarker measures as the slowing of decline in progression of
(de Leon etal., 2006), and that reduced pari- symptoms or functional impairment, such
etal blood flow and abnormal CSF measures trials will likely require hundreds of patients
are useful together in predicting conversion studied for a minimum of 12 years. Thus,
to dementia in MCI patients (Hansson etal., surrogate markers of efficacy with less vari-
2007). Such initial forays into the territory of ability than clinical assessments are des-
multibiomarker studies provides an optimis- perately needed to reduce the number of
tic perspective on the value of ongoing larger subjects. These markers may also prove par-
scale studies in which multiple data types are ticularly valuable in the early phases of drug
being collected for use in biomarker analyses, development to detect a preliminary signal
such as ADNI. of efficacy over a shorter time period.
Based on results from several groups Since the pathophysiologic process under-
studying early-onset autosomal dominant lying cognitive decline in AD and other
forms of AD, it appears that combinations of neurodegenerative diseases involves the
biomarkers are likely going to be particularly progressive degeneration of particular brain
useful for identifying and monitoring pre- regions, repeatable in vivo neuroimag-
clinical and prodromal phases of the disease. ing measures of brain anatomy, chemistry,
For example, results from the Dominantly physiology, and pathology hold promise as
Inherited Alzheimers Initiative, while based an important class of potential biomarkers
on cross-sectional data, suggest that CSF (DeKosky & Marek, 2003). A growing body
amyloid-beta levels may begin to decrease as of data indicates that the natural history of
much as 25years before expected onset, while gradually progressive cognitive decline in
cerebral amyloid can be detected by PET AD can be reliably related to changes in such
about 15years prior to onset (Bateman etal., imaging measures. Furthermore, regionally
550part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

specific changes in brain anatomy, chemistry, important? Although specific pharmacologic

physiology, and pathology can be detected by treatment options are still limited at present
imaging and CSF and other biomarkers prior for most dementias, there are a growing num-
to the point at which the disease is symp- ber of clinical trials in which patients may
tomatic enough to make a typical clinical participate. Furthermore, it is imperative for
diagnosis. Thus, potential disease-modifying the specialist clinician to guide a comprehen-
therapies may act by impeding the accumu- sive approach to the treatment of cognitive
lation of neuropathology, slowing the loss of impairment and dementia, including man-
neurons, altering neurochemistry, or preserv- agement of behavioral symptoms; programs
ing synaptic function; biomarkers exist to and strategies to optimize functional inde-
measure each of these putative therapeutic pendence; caregiver education and support;
goals. and assistance with prognostication, plan-
As advances in research provide data to ning, and connection with specific resources
support the use of specific biomarkers, it to assist with these issues.
becomes apparent that these measures could All the new diagnostic criteria sets for vari-
be useful in diagnosis, and eventually may ous dementias that have recently been pub-
find applications in routine clinical practice. lishedAD (McKhann et al., 2011), bvFTD
As neurologic diagnosis of neurodegenera- (Rascovsky etal., 2011), PPA (Gorno-Tempini
tive diseases moves beyond the simple use et al., 2011), vascular cognitive impairment
of imaging for the exclusion of mass lesions (Gorelick et al., 2011)emphasize the value
or other potentially reversible causes of of structural and functional/molecular
dementia or other symptoms, these tools neuroimaging, as well as CSF markers, in
will become increasingly more important in increasing diagnostic confidence or speci-
routine practice (Scheltens, Fox, Barkhof, & ficity. Although these criteria were in large
De Carli, 2002). The American Academy of part aimed at the clinical research communi-
Neurology guidelines propose that a neuro- ties studying these diseases, they also serve
imaging study should be performed in the as guidance for practicing clinicians. These
workup of all cases of dementia (Knopman reports emphasize elements that can be
et al., 2001). An increasing number of diag- summarized as the practitioners two major
nostic criteria sets, including AD, FTD, PPA, goals: (1) start by establishing a diagnostic
DLB, and cerebrovascular dementias, are hypothesis based on a careful clinical evalu-
including neuroimaging or other biomarker ation emphasizing history and examination
evidence as a core or supportive component (including office-based cognitive testing that
(Albert etal., 2011; Dubois, Burn, etal., 2007; may be supplemented with formal neuropsy-
Dubois, Feldman, et al., 2007; Dubois et al., chological testing); (2) perform diagnostic
2010; Gorno-Tempini et al., 2011; McKeith testing judiciously to test this hypothesis.
et al., 2005; McKhann et al., 2011; OBrien For most clinicians, the first diagnostic
et al., 2003; Rascovsky et al., 2007, 2011; test in a patient with cognitive impairment
Sperling et al., 2011). Thus, research moti- is a brain MRI. In many patients with a pre-
vated toward improving our understanding sentation that is prototypical for a specific
of the natural history of neurodegenerative neurodegenerative disease, this test and a
diseases and toward the development of new few other tests (e.g., thyroid testing, vitamin
therapies is also assisting in the translation of B12) may be all that is necessary to establish
diagnostic tools from bench to beside. a confident diagnosis. For example, multiple
studies have shown that the original 1984
diagnostic criteria for AD, which advocate
Summarizing the Role of Biomarkers essentially this approach, demonstrate a sen-
in My Current Clinical Practice sitivity and specificity of approximately 81%
and 70%, respectively (Knopman etal., 2001).
The evaluation of a patient with cognitive Yet there are many patients in whom the
impairment or dementia is part of many diagnosis is still uncertain after this infor-
dementia specialists daily practice. Once it mation has been obtained. In my opinion,
has been established that a patient has mild the clinician faced with this situation should
cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia, our strongly consider using additional relatively
job is to determine the etiology. Why is this new diagnostic testing to further evaluate
CHAPTER 22. Neuroimaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers, and Genetic Testing in Dementia 551

(A) (B) (C)


CSF tau level

Figure22.12 Case 3.Biomarkers in a 54-year-old woman with mild cognitive impairment with a clinical
presentation suggestive of frontotemporal dementia. (A) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed
a hint of hippocampal atrophy unilaterally but was otherwise normal. (B) Fludeoxyglucose positron
emission tomography (FDG-PET) demonstrated bilateral (left greater than right) temporoparietal
hypometabolism suggestive of Alzheimers disease (AD) pathobiology. (C) Cerebrospinal fluid
biomarkers were strongly consistent with AD pathobiology. (See color plate section)

the patient: molecular neuroimaging with diagnosis for her prognosis as well as treat-
FDG-PET and/or a spinal fluid examination ment considerations. Temporoparietal hypo-
for amyloid- and tau proteins. For example, metabolism was demonstrated, suggesting
a patient presenting in her 50s or 60s with a an atypical form of AD. To confirm this sus-
syndrome of executive or language impair- picion, I obtained CSF, which demonstrated
ment and a relatively unrevealing MRI scan an amyloid/tau profile consistent with AD.
can be challenging to confidently diagnose. Ibegan treatment with donepezil and added
In such patients, I find FDG-PET to be an memantine as her impairments progressed,
extremely valuable next step in the diagnostic and began discussions of AD clinical trials.
evaluation, since it is minimally invasive and She and her family were also referred to the
may provide a clear indication of whether the Alzheimers Association for assistance with
patient has a hypometabolic pattern consis- planning and support. Ibelieve that the con-
tent with atypical AD as opposed to a pattern fident diagnosis was particularly helpful for
supportive of FTD or another neurodegener- her family to proactively adapt to her grad-
ative disease. Ioften perform CSF analysis at ual loss of independent function in a fashion
this stage depending on the patients willing- that has continued to afford her a reasonably
ness to undergo or ability to tolerate a lum- high quality of life, now 4years later into the
bar puncture. Amyloid imaging may become phase of mild-to-moderate AD dementia.
a key element of this stage of the diagnostic
evaluation but has largely not entered center
stage due to reimbursement issues. Acknowledgments
As a final case example (Case 3), a
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difficulty in her job as a psychologist and was National Institute on Aging (R01-AG029411),
found to have a flat affect, mild executive National Institute for Neurological Disorders
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with possible subtle atrophy of the MTL disease-specific effects on brain atrophy in
and parietal cortex (Fig. 22.12). I obtained Alzheimers disease and frontotemporal
an FDG-PET to attempt to maximize my dementia. Proceedings of the National Academy
confidence given the value of a confident of Science USA, 106, 2018-2022.
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Pharmacological Therapies
Clinical Trials and Future Directions

Michael Rafii and Paul Aisen

The neuropathology of Alzheimers disease In 2011, the FDA approved a new formulation
(AD) is characterized by degeneration and loss of Aricept (donepezil hydrochloride), a 23 mg
of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, lead- continuous release pill and in 2012, the FDA
ing to decreased cholinergic transmission and approved a 13.3 mg formulation of the Exelon
impaired memory and cognition (Bartus, Dean, (rivastigmine) transdermal patch. In 2013 a 28
Beer,& Lippa, 1982; Whitehouse etal., 1982). The mg extended-release formulation of Namenda
symptoms of AD dementia can be improved (memantine), Namenda XR, was introduced in
with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) the United States.
(Birks, 2006). However, such pharmacologic In recent years, many drug candidates have
treatments merely afford palliative relief and do advanced into large, randomized controlled
not slow or reverse the progression of the dis- trials but have not demonstrated efficacy in
ease. Approved AChEIs include donepezil, riv- treating AD dementia. In part because of these
astigmine, and galantamine. Adysfunction of failures and in part because results from mul-
glutamatergic neurotransmission, manifested tiple longitudinal biomarker and clinicopatho-
as neuronal excitotoxicity, is also hypothesized logic studies have shown that the AD disease
to be involved in AD. Targeting the glutamater- process begins at least a decade before symp-
gic system, specifically NMDA receptors, offers toms of dementia develop, the field is moving
a novel approach to treatment in view of the toward earlier identification and treatment of
limited efficacy of existing drugs targeting the the disease (Weiner etal., 2012).
cholinergic system. Memantine is a low-affinity Major efforts are ongoing in academia
voltage-dependent uncompetitive antagonist and the pharmaceutical industry to develop
at glutamatergic NMDA receptors (Chen & drugs targeting the following mechanisms of
Lipton, 2005). Memantine is approved for treat- action in AD therapeutics:
ment of moderate-to-severe AD dementia. The
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not 1. Reduction of beta-amyloid (known as
approved any new drugs for the treatment of -amyloid, Abeta, or A) production,
AD since memantine was approved in 2003. notably secretase inhibitors

564part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

2. Reduction of beta-amyloid plaque burden advanced into randomized controlled trials

via inhibition of aggregation or disrup- for AD therefore target beta-amyloid. As the
tion of aggregates amyloid hypothesis represents the prevailing
3. Promotion of beta-amyloid clearance via focus of research in AD, the majority of drug
active or passive immunotherapy candidate failures have also been in this area.
4. Prevention of tau protein phosphoryla- These include flurbiprofen, semagacestat, tra-
tion or fibrillarization miprosate, ELND006, AN1792, ponezumab,
bapineuzemab, and others. However, most
In this chapter, we will discuss these four of these failures are thought to have resulted
categories aimed at slowing the progression from the disease being treated too late in its
of the disease, as well as a category of other course, where significant neurodegeneration
therapies, which includes treatments that do has already taken place, rather than incorrect
not fit under a single mechanism of action but target selection.
represent rational interventions for the treat-
ment of the symptoms and, in some cases, the
underlying pathology of AD. Drugs to Reduce Beta-Amyloid Production
The first three categories are motivated by
the amyloid hypothesis, which has been Beta-Secretase Inhibitors
the focal point of research and development
for the treatment of AD for the past 30years The beta-amyloid peptide is cut out of
(Selkoe, 2011). This theory is based on results the amyloid beta-protein precursor (APP)
from studies that indicate aberrant process- by the sequential action of beta- and
ing of APP in the brain leads to the produc- gamma-secretases. APP is a single-pass
tion of a short fragment of APP known as membrane protein that is sequentially
beta-amyloid, which mainly consists of two cleaved in the luminal/extracellular region
peptidesone that is 40 amino acids in length by beta-secretase and within the transmem-
(Abeta40) and the other 42 units (Abeta42). brane domain by gamma-secretase to release
Soluble forms of beta-amyloid 1-42 have beta-amyloid (Haass & Selkoe, 2007). The
been shown to be neuro- and synaptotoxic, AD-associated missense mutations in APP
and it is thought by some investigators to are found in three different regions:(1)near
play an important causal role in neurodegen- the beta-secretase cleavage site, leading
eration in AD (Selkoe, 2008). Beta-amyloid to elevated beta-amyloid; (2) within the
1-40 is thought to be the underlying cause beta-amyloid sequence, changing the bio-
of amyloid angiopathy (Viswanathan & physical properties of the peptide; or (3)near
Greenberg, 2011). The insoluble deposits of the gamma-secretase cleavage site, increas-
beta-amyloid are known as amyloid plaques. ing the proportion of beta-amyloid that is 42
The theory posits that there is either overpro- residues long (Abeta1-42) and much more
duction of beta-amyloid (i.e., in dominantly prone to aggregation than the predominant
inherited forms of AD) or problems with the 40-residue peptide (Abeta1-40) (Tanzi &
mechanism that usually clears it from the Bertram, 2005). These findings have provided
brain (sporadic AD), or possibly both. The strong support for the amyloid hypothesis of
excess of beta-amyloid is also thought to AD pathogenesis.
lead to hyperphosphorlyation of the protein Furthermore, recent genetic evidence
tau within neurons, and this subsequently shows that mutations near the beta-secretase
leads to neurodegeneration (Ballatore, Lee,& cleavage site that prevent such cleavages are,
Trojanowski, 2007). While the sequence of in fact, protective for AD and lead to decreased
events that leads to the development of production of beta-amyloid (Jonsson et al.,
AD is still ambiguous, soluble oligomers 2012). Data on the beta-amyloid cleaving
of beta-amyloid and the resulting forma- enzyme-1 (BACE1) inhibitor, MK-8931, in a
tion of amyloid plaques are considered key once-daily oral, single and multidose Phase
features of disease pathogenesis. The tight 1 clinical trial in healthy volunteers, reduced
link between all genetic determinants of the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) amyloid-beta
AD and the generation of amyloid peptides peptide by greater than 90% without observ-
is compelling support for the hypothesis. ing dose-limiting side effects. Phase II/III
The majority of drug candidates that have studies in patients with mild to moderate AD
CHAPTER 23. Pharmacological Therapies for Alzheimers Disease 565

dementia began in late 2012. ACI-91 is a com- is necessary for Notch signaling and cell fate
pound that acts indirectly on beta-secretase determinations. These findings began to raise
and is currently being studied in a Phase II concerns about gamma secretase as a target
multicenter double-blind, placebo-controlled for AD:Inhibition of this protease, while low-
trial for the treatment of mild to moderate ering beta-amyloid production, might cause
AD dementia. The study will evaluate the severe toxicities due to blocking critical cell
compounds safety, tolerability, and efficacy differentiation events.
of 12months of treatment. A Phase II study evaluating the safety
and tolerability of the investigational oral
gamma secretase inhibitor avagacestat
Gamma-Secretase Inhibitors andModulators (BMS-708163) in patients with mild to mod-
erate AD dementia failed to reach its end-
Production of beta-amyloid is also regu- points. The compound is Notch-sparing,
lated by gamma secretase, a protease with and a single-ascending dose study suggested
numerous substrates. Gamma-secretase is a that it was tolerated at a single-dose range
membrane-embedded protease complex that of 0.3 to 800 mg, raising hopes that it would
cleaves the transmembrane region of APP to be suitable for further clinical development
produce beta-amyloid. In August 2010, devel- (Tong et al., 2012). Unfortunately, when a
opment of semagacestat, a gamma-secretase preliminary data from a Phase II study of
inhibitor, was halted when preliminary avagacestat in patients with prodromal AD
results from two ongoing long-term Phase III was examined, the company announced in
studies showed that it did not slow disease late 2012 that the results did not look favor-
progression and was, in fact, associated with able and thus development of this compound
worsening of clinical measures of cognition was halted.
and the ability to perform activities of daily
living. In addition, data showed semagace-
stat was associated with an increased risk Drugs to Prevent Beta-Amyloid Aggregation
of skin cancer compared with those who
received placebo. ELND005 (scyllo-inositol) is an oral
Tarenflurbil (r-flurbiprofen, Flurizan) was beta-amyloid antiaggregation agent. ELN005
the first gamma-secretase inhibitor that was is specifically designed to target the abnor-
stopped in Phase III clinical trials due to lack mal forms of beta-amyloid. In preclinical
of efficacy. Tarenflurbil (Flurizan), the enan- studies, ELND005 has been shown to slow
tiomer of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory the progression of AD pathology by neu-
drug flurbiprofen, is a modulator of tralizing beta-amyloid oligomers, inhibiting
gamma-secretase activity, and a Phase II their toxic effects on synaptic transmission,
trial of tarenflurbil for mild to moderate preventing the formation of beta-amyloid
AD indicated that the drug was well toler- fibrils, and breaking down existing fibrils
ated (Wilcock et al., 2008), while a post-hoc (Dasilva, Shaw,& McLaurin, 2010).
analysis suggested a potential signal of ben- A Phase II placebo controlled study was
efit on ADAS-Cog and the CDR-sb. However, completed in 351 patients with mild to mod-
in June 2008 a Phase III trial with over 1,700 erate AD who received study drug (250 mg
subjects failed to show efficacy, and further twice daily; 1,000 mg twice daily; 2,000 mg
development of tarenflurbil (Flurizan) for twice daily; or placebo) for up to 18months
treatment of AD was discontinued. (Salloway et al., 2011). The two higher dose
Gamma-secretase provides additional groups were discontinued in late 2009 due to
functions, besides contributing to the pro- greater rates of adverse events, including nine
duction of beta-amyloid in the brain, which deaths, in these dose groups. The study did
may explain some of the side effects expe- not achieve significance on primary outcome
rienced with semagacestat. The enzyme is measures. The 250 mg twice daily dose dem-
also critical for the processing of Notch, a onstrated a biological effect on beta-amyloid
protein that controls normal cell differentia- in the CSF and showed some effects on clini-
tion and communication (De Strooper etal., cal endpoints in an exploratory analysis,
1999). Notch, like APP, is cleaved within its particularly on the emergence of new neu-
transmembrane domain, and this proteolysis ropsychiatric symptoms. After reviewing
566part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

the final safety data, it was concluded that group of 27 patients, 22 received 150 g of
the 250 mg twice daily dose has acceptable CAD106 and 5 received the placebo. In the
safety and tolerability for further study, and first group, 67% of the patients receiving the
a Phase II study commenced in late 2012 of vaccine developed the antibody response.
this compound on agitation and aggression In the second higher dose group, 82% of the
in patients with moderate to severe AD. CAD106-treated participants had the anti-
body response (Winblad et al., 2012). The
Phase II trial, currently under way, is a ran-
Drugs to Promote Beta-Amyloid Clearance domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
parallel group study to evaluate the safety
Active Immunotherapy and tolerability of CAD106 when adminis-
tered as repeated subcutaneous injections in
The first human vaccination trial in AD, subjects with mild AD dementia.
AN-1792, was discontinued over a decade ACI-24, an active oligo-specific amyloid vac-
ago (in 2002). The vaccine used in that study cine, stimulates the patients immune system
activated T cells, which led to an unaccept- to produce beta-sheet conformation-specific
ably high incidence of meningoencephali- antibodies that prevent plaque deposition
tis (Orgogozo et al., 2003). Interestingly, in and enhance clearance of plaques (Pihlgren
long-term follow-up measurements, 20% etal., 2012). The vaccine is designed to break
of subjects had developed high levels of immune tolerance. During preclinical devel-
antibodies to beta-amyloid (Gilman et al., opment in animal models, ACI-24 has shown
2005). While placebo patients and nonan- high efficacy in vivo by memory restoration
tibody responders worsened, these anti- and plaque reduction. The vaccine is also
body responders showed relative stability characterized by a very high specificity due
in cognitive performance as assessed by the to generating a conformation-specific anti-
Neuropsychological Test Battery (although body response. The favorable safety profile of
not by other measures) and had lower lev- ACI-24 is underlined through the absence of
els of tau protein in their CSF. These results local inflammation in relevant models as well
suggest reduced disease activity in the as its T-cell-independent mechanism shown
antibody-responder group. Autopsies found in preclinical development.
that immunization resulted in clearance of
amyloid plaques, but it did not prevent pro-
gressive neurodegeneration (Vellas et al., Passive Immunotherapy
ACC-001 is a second-generation Solanezumab is a humanized monoclonal
beta-amyloid vaccine intended to induce antibody that recognizes the middle region of
a highly specific antibody response to beta-amyloid and binds soluble forms of the
beta-amyloid. ACC-001, an amino-terminal peptide (Farlow etal., 2012). Bapineuzumab,
immunoconjugate, was shown to be safe in a humanized monoclonal antibody against
a Phase Istudy and is currently being evalu- the N-terminus of beta-amyloid, is designed
ated in ongoing Phase II clinical studies. to bind and remove insoluble beta-amyloid
Another beta-amyloid vaccine clinical peptide (Salloway et al., 2009). Comparing
trial is CAD106, which is being evaluated in the two monoclonal antibodies, bapineu-
patients with mild AD dementia. CAD106 is zumab binds to aggregated beta-amyloid,
also designed to induce antibodies against the which is found primarily in the brain,
beta-amyloid. Results have been published while solanezumab binds to monomeric
from the Phase I clinical trial looking at the beta-amyloid oligomers, found throughout
safety, tolerability, and antibody response of the body. Solanezumab differs from bap-
active immunization with the CAD106 in 58 ineuzumab in several ways: It recognizes a
patients with AD dementia. The study par- distinct epitope in the central portion of the
ticipants, aged 50 to 80, had mild to moderate peptide, and whereas bapineuzumab binds
AD dementia and were split into two groups amyloid plaques more strongly than soluble
for a study period lasting a year. In one group beta-amyloid, solanezumab selectively binds
of 31 patients, 24 received 50g of CAD106 to soluble beta-amyloid with little to no affin-
and 7 received a placebo. In the second ity for the fibrillar form.
CHAPTER 23. Pharmacological Therapies for Alzheimers Disease 567

Bapineuzumab failed to meet its primary treatment of AD. The ADCS findings sug-
endpoints in two Phase III, multicenter, ran- gested that although the drug appeared to
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, slow cognitive decline, it did not slow func-
efficacy and safety trials in patients with mild tional impairment. The company announced
to moderate AD dementia. One of the trials in 2013 plans to conduct a confirmatory Phase
was in patients who are Apolipoprotein E 4 III clinical trial in patients with mild AD
(APOE 4) carriers and the second trial was dementia, diagnosed using more stringent
in patients who are APOE 4 noncarriers. In criteria, including amyloid imaging. Finally,
both trials, the primary outcome measures Solanezumab is being tested in the A4 trial
were cognitive and functional scales and were (Anti-Amyloid in Asymptomatic Alzheimers
evaluated at 18months. In the previous Phase Disease). The A4 trial is intended to bridge the
II trial, bapineuzumab had not met its pri- gap between trials for autosomal-dominant
mary efficacy endpoint in mild to moderate and sporadic AD.
AD dementia. Furthermore, amyloid-related Gantenerumab is a fully human anti-beta-
imaging abnormalities due to vasogenic amyloid antibody that has a high capac-
edema (ARIA-E) were observed in 0.8% of ity to specifically bind to cerebral amyloid
placebo and 15.8% of bapineuzumab-treated plaques (Bohrmann et al., 2012). Results
subjects overall. Risk factors for ARIA-E from Phase 1 clinical trials demonstrated
were dose, ApoE-4 allele, female gender, that gantenerumab treatment results in a
and baseline ARIA due to microhemorrhoage dose-dependent reduction of brain amy-
or hemosiderin deposits (ARIA-H), but not loid, possibly through phagocytosis via
age or disease severity. Symptoms associ- brain microglial cells, whereas amyloid load
ated with ARIA-E (e.g., headache, confusion, increased in patients receiving placebo treat-
and gait abnormalities) occurred in 2.5% of ment. APhase II study is currently recruiting
treated subjects overall but increased to 7.8% 770 patients in 15 countries to investigate the
in the 2.0 mg/kg group that had led to early efficacy and safety of gantenerumab in sub-
termination of the high-dose arm. Further jects with prodromal AD. The Phase II study
development of this compound has been is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind,
discontinued. placebo-controlled, parallel-group 2-year
The primary endpoints, both cogni- study to evaluate the effect of subcutaneous
tive and functional, were also not met in gantenerumab on cognition and function in
either of the two Phase III, double-blind, prodromal AD.
placebo-controlled solanezumab trials in Crenezumab, a humanized anti-amyloid
patients with mild to moderate AD demen- 1-40 and 1-42 antibody, is in a Phase II ran-
tia. However, a prespecified secondary analy- domized, double-blind, parallel group,
sis of pooled data across both trials showed placebo-controlled study clinical trial in
small but statistically significant slowing of mild to moderate AD dementia. In the Phase
cognitive decline in the overall study popu- I trial that concluded in 2010, crenezumab
lation of patients with mild to moderate AD demonstrated encouraging safety data in
dementia. In addition, prespecified second- patients with mild to moderate AD, with no
ary subgroup analyses of pooled data across signs of vasogenic edema in any of the sub-
both studies showed a statistically significant jects. Plasma beta-amyloid levels correlated
slowing of cognitive decline in patients with with serum crenezumab concentration. The
mild AD dementia, but not in patients with ongoing Phase II trial will enroll more than
moderate AD dementia. 370 patients in multiple centers globally. The
Adverse events with an incidence of at primary outcome measures are cognitive and
least 1% that occurred more frequently in the global function.
solanezumab group than in the placebo group Finally, another passive immunotherapy
were lethargy, rash and malaise, and angina. approach employed intravenous immu-
An independent analysis of the data from noglobulin (IVIG). Despite suggestions of
the solanezumab studies was performed by potential signals of benefit in earlier studies,
the Alzheimers Disease Cooperative Study the primary efficacy endpoints were not met
(ADCS), an academic national research con- in a 2013 report on the Phase III clinical trial
sortium that facilitates the discovery, devel- in 390 patients with mild to moderate AD
opment, and testing of new drugs for the over an 18-month period. Investigators are
568part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

continuing to analyze data from these trials, Beta-amyloid interacts with the signaling
given that several post-hoc analyses in sub- pathways that regulate the phosphorylation
groups of patients suggested the possibil- of tau. These two proteins and their associ-
ity of cognitive benefits, at least in APOE 4 ated signaling pathways therefore repre-
carriers. sent important therapeutic targets for AD.
Accordingly, a possible therapeutic strategy
for AD and related tauopathies is treatment
Nonimmunotherapy Clearance with MT-stabilizing anticancer drugs such as
ofBeta-Amyloid paclitaxel. However, paclitaxel and related
taxanes have poor bloodbrain barrier per-
Results of a study by researchers from Case meability and thus are unsuitable for dis-
Western Reserve University demonstrated eases of the brain. The MT-stabilizing agent,
that an oncology drug bexarotene (Targretin) epothilone D (EpoD), is brain penetrant and
reduced beta-amyloid plaques in the brains has been evaluated in tau transgenic mice
of a transgenic mouse model of AD (Cramer that develop forebrain tau inclusions, axonal
et al., 2012). Bexarotene activates retinoid degeneration, and MT deficits. In studies in
receptors on brain cells that increase produc- aged tauopathy mice, epothilone-treated ani-
tion of apolipoprotein E that helps rid excess mals retained more healthy axons, lost fewer
amyloid in the fluid-filled space between hippocampal neurons, and performed better
neurons (Mandrekar-Colucci, Karlo, & on memory tests compared to vehicle-treated
Landret, 2012). It also appears to enhance animals (Zhang etal., 2012). APhase Ib trial
another cleanup process, called phagocyto- of epothilone D in mild AD patients is cur-
sis. Bexarotene is FDA approved to treat cuta- rently enrolling patients.
neous T-cell lymphoma.
After 14days of treatment with bexarotene,
beta-amyloid plaque levels decreased by 75%. Tau Immunotherapy
In the study, transgenic mice treated with
bexarotene showed an improvement in their Tau-based immunotherapy is fairly new,
behavior based on several different behavioral but interest in the approach is growing.
and cognitive tests, such as ability to make Boutajangout et al. demonstrate that target-
nests and odor discrimination. The results ing phosphorylated tau by active immuniza-
of this animal study lend further support for tion prevents cognitive decline in the htau/
continued testing of the amyloid hypothesis as PS1 mouse model. This was the third study
a way to address this devastating illness. demonstrating the efficacy of active vaccina-
tion using phosphorylated tau fragments in
different animal models and confirmed pre-
Drugs to Prevent Tau Protein Phosphorylation vious findings (Boimel etal., 2010).
Many labs have generated antibodies
The second major target being pursued in the specific for tau oligomers. These polyclonal
quest for disease-modifying treatments for and monoclonal antibodies to tau oligomers
AD is the intracellular protein tau. Tau is a were prepared in vitro by seeding soluble tau
ubiquitous protein that binds to and stabilizes with oligomeric A (Lasagna-Reeves et al.,
microtubules (MT). Hyperphosphorylation 2010). The antibodies do not recognize tau
of tau disrupts its normal function in regu- monomers, but they do recognize both non-
lating axonal transport and leads to the accu- phosphorylated and phosphorylated tau in
mulation of neurofibrillary tangles and toxic neurofibrillary tangles. Elevated levels of tau
species of soluble tau (Iqbal etal., 1998). The oligomers have been quantified in postmor-
phosphorylation state of tau plays a critical tem AD brains, compared to control speci-
role in mediating tau mislocalization and mens. About 10% to 20% of total tau in AD
subsequent impairment of synaptic trans- brains is oligomeric, and the few tau struc-
mission (Rapoport, Dawson, Binder, Vitek,& tures found in control brains all appeared to
Ferreira, 2002). Furthermore, degradation of be neurofibrillary tangles.
hyperphosphorylated tau by the proteasome Finally, another tau-modulating compound
is inhibited by the actions of beta-amyloid, called tideglusib, an oral glycagen synthe-
further compounding the issue. tase kinase-3 (GSK-3) inhibitor, has been
CHAPTER 23. Pharmacological Therapies for Alzheimers Disease 569

evaluated for the treatment of AD. GSK-3 of 278 patients with moderate AD dementia
is the main enzyme involved in tau hyper- given the serotonin/5-hydroxytryptamine-6
phosphorylation (Takashima et al., 1998). (5-HT6) receptor antagonist Lu AE58054
Overexpression of GSK-3 leads to hyperphos- along with the donepezil suggested that Lu
phorylation of the tau protein (Sirerol-Piquer AE58054 in combination with donepezil pro-
et al., 2011). Tideglusib is a member of the vided added cognitive benefit, measured by
thiadiazolindindione family of the GSK-3 the ADAS-Cog, compared to placebo added
inhibitors. It is hypothesized that GSK-3 to donepezil.
may play a key role in the pathogenesis of Activation of the 5-HT6 receptor, a recep-
AD and possibly serve as the link between tor primarily expressed in the cerebral cortex
extracellular beta-amyloid and intracellular and hippocampus, usually represses cholin-
tau phosphorylation. Data from the Phase IIa ergic function (see Bentley etal., 1999), while
double-blind, placebo-controlled, escalating 5-HT6 antagonists elevate glutamatergic neu-
doses trial of tideglusib in 30 mild to mod- rotransmission (see Dawson et al., 2003). It
erate AD patients were reported showing a is posited that since Lu AE58054 selectively
trend toward cognitive benefit. A Phase IIb blocks serotonin from activating 5-HT6 recep-
clinical trial of tideglusib for the treatment of tors, it may result in an overall enhancement
AD dementia in 308 patients was reported in of acetylcholine and glutamate levels, thereby
2013 as not meeting primary endpoints. potentially producing beneficial effects on
attention, arousal, memory, learning, and
Other Therapies Other 5-HT6 antagonists have been pre-
viously tested in AD dementia clinical tri-
Alpha-7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor als. Data from four Phase II clinical trials in
Agonist patients with mild to moderate AD demen-
tia treated with SB-742457 (NCT00348192,
EVP-6124, a selective alpha-7 nicotinic acetyl- NCT00224497, NCT00708552, and
choline receptor agonist, enhances synaptic NCT00710684) suggested a potential sig-
transmission and acts as a coagonist in com- nal for modest benefit on the Clinicians
bination with acetylcholine (ACh) to enhance Interview-Based Impression of Change with
cognition (Prickaerts et al., 2012). By sensi- Caregiver Input (CIBIC+) (Maher-Edwards
tizing the alpha-7 receptor, EVP-6124 makes etal., 2010), and similar benefits when com-
it possible for smaller amounts of naturally pared to donepezil (Maher-Edwards et al.,
occurring ACh to be effective in activating 2011). Several other 5-HT6 antagonists have
the alpha-7 receptor. This mechanism could completed or are in Phase Itrials. Dimebon,
potentially alleviate the undesirable side a drug that, among other things, antagonizes
effects caused by other systemic compounds, 5-HT6 receptors, showed cognitive benefits
such as AChEIs, which are dose limited by in Phase II trials, but it failed to show effi-
toxic side effects. Additionally, beta-amyloid cacy in larger Phase IIItesting. Alarge Phase
binds directly to alpha-7 receptors with high III clinical trial program with Lu AE58054
affinity (Wang et al., 2010). A multicenter, added to background stable therapy with
double-blind, placebo-controlled, 24-week donepezil and other cholinesterase inhibi-
Phase 2b study of EVP-6124 has been com- tors in patients with mild to moderate AD
pleted. In the trial of 409 people with mild to dementia begins enrollment in late 2013 and
moderate AD, the drug met seven of its nine early 2014.
endpoints with statistical and clinical sig-
nificance, with trends on the remaining two.
APhase III trial is reportedly being planned. Nerve Growth Factor

CERE-110 is a gene therapy product designed

5-Hydroxytriptamine-6 Receptor Antagonists to deliver nerve growth factor (NGF). It
is composed of an adeno-associated viral
In July 2013 data presented at AAIC 2013 (AAV) vector carrying the gene for NGF
from a 24-week Phase II randomized and is neurosurgically injected into the
double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM). NGF is
570part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

a neurotrophic protein that can enhance the people with mild cognitive impairment,
function of cholinergic neurons in the NBM, and 40 mild to moderate AD patients, were
prevent their death, and increase production given daily placebo or insulin (20 or 40
of ACh (Hefti, 1986). The drug has the poten- international units). The lower insulin dose
tial to induce sustained expression of NGF, improved delayed memory, and both doses
which may result in a long-lasting restoration staved off decline in general cognition (mea-
of function, protection of neurons, and slow- sured by ADAS-Cog) and functional abili-
ing the progression of AD. The Phase Iopen ties (measured by the Alzheimers Disease
label study in 10 patients with mild to moder- Cooperative Study Activities of Daily Living,
ate AD demonstrated that CERE-110 was safe i.e., ADCS-ADL).
and well tolerated (Rafii etal., 2014). Amul- A subset of participants consented to spi-
ticenter, placebo-controlled Phase II clinical nal taps for measuring cerebrospinal fluid
trial in collaboration with the Alzheimers AD biomarkers and to fluorodeoxyglucose
Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS) is under positron emission tomography (FDG-PET)
way. scans to assess brain glucose usage. On the
whole, CSF levels of A42, A40, tau, and
phosphorylated tau stayed the same in
Insulin treated participants over the 4-month study.
In exploratory analyses, correlations between
Diabetes increases the risk of developing CSF biomarker changes and cognitive mea-
any dementia by at least 100% and of AD by sures were observed in the treatment group
about 65%, with the risk increasing the lon- (low and high doses were pooled), but not in
ger the patient has had diabetes. According placebo participants. On FDG-PET, metab-
to a current hypothesis, learning takes place olism decreased in AD-affected regions
as a result of changes at synapses instigated (bilateral frontal, right temporal, bilateral
by convergent inputs from other neurons that occipital, and precuneus/cuneus) in the
stimulate various types of receptor on the placebo group more than in the treatment
neurons surface. The action of the main neu- groups (Craft et al., 2012). In collaboration
rotransmitter glutamate on its receptors is with the Alzheimers Disease Cooperative
amplified by intracellular signaling pathways Study group, a larger, 18-month Phase IIB
stimulated by insulin binding to the insulin multisite trial testing similar doses of intra-
receptor. An important enzyme activated by nasal insulin in MCI and mild AD patients is
these signals is protein kinase C (PKC), which under way. The study includes cognitive and
among other actions, promotes the release of functional tests, as well as CSF biomarker
calcium from intracellular stores. PKC seems and imaging endpoints.
to be central to the activation of synapses in
the hippocampus during learning tasks, as
well as stimulating the expression of genes for Aerobic Physical Exercise
receptors involved in learning, including the
insulin receptor. As the production of insulin The putative benefits of aerobic physical exer-
receptors declines with age, or as receptors cise for maximizing cognitive function and
become resistant to insulin, PKC is no longer supporting brain health have great potential
activated so strongly, weakening the increase for combating AD. Aerobic exercise offers a
in synaptic efficacy and the growth of new low-cost, low-risk intervention that is widely
synapses thought to be essential for learning available and may have disease-modifying
(de la Monte, 2012). Insulin stimulation also effects. Demonstrating that aerobic exercise
helps maintain healthy neuron infrastructure alters the AD process would have enormous
by preventing the activation of GSK3. This public health implications.
enzyme causes the hyperphosphorylation A wealth of animal research data sug-
of the tau protein, an abnormal modification gest that exercise positively impacts brain
leading to the formation of neurofibrillary health. Increased physical activity may
tangles. have a trophic effect on the brain, particu-
A Phase II trial of intranasal insulin for larly the hippocampus. Exercise appears to
AD has been completed (Craft etal., 2012). It stimulate neurogenesis, enhance neuronal
was a double-blind, 4-month trial. Sixty-four survival, increase resistance to brain insults,
CHAPTER 23. Pharmacological Therapies for Alzheimers Disease 571

and increase synaptic plasticity. Exercise pro- turn away from further investments in this
motes brain vascularization, mobilizes gene area. But the need for therapeutic progress in
expression profiles predicted to benefit brain the face of an exploding global epidemic is
plasticity, and maintains cognitive function. undeniable.
Additionally, exercise effects on the brain Despite the failures, the amyloid hypoth-
may reduce vascular risk factors (heart dis- esis has been strengthened by recent find-
ease, atherosclerosis, stroke, and diabetes) ings. While the solanezumab trials failed
that are believed to place an individual at to meet their primary endpoints, analysis
risk for dementia, vascular dementia, and of the pooled data provides the strongest
AD. Further, there is limited but compel- support yet for the therapeutic potential
ling animal data suggesting that exercise of targeting amyloid. This is further bol-
may have disease-modifying benefits in AD. stered by the discovery of a rare genetic
For instance, increased physical activity in polymorphisms associated with reduced
mouse models of AD reduces neuropatho- beta-secretase cleavage that affords dra-
logical burden and may promote hippocam- matic protection against sporadic AD. So,
pal neurogenesis. while other targets must be vigorously
In one recent study, Buchman and col- pursued, anti-amyloid treatments may still
leagues (2012) looked at how exercise affects hold the greatest promise in the treatment
cognition and risk of AD. All prior stud- of AD.
ies relied on self-reported exercise regi- Each of the negative pivotal trials of
men. None had prospectively measured the anti-amyloid agents has been conducted in
amount of exercise or activity. In this pro- individuals with AD dementia. As biomarker
spective, 4-year study, 716 subjects activ- findings have been incorporated into diag-
ity was measured using actigraphy for 10 nostic approaches and trial methodology,
hours per day. At the end of the observation academia and pharmaceutical companies
period, a total activity score was calculated have been moving therapies into earlier inter-
for each person using the information from ventional studies, particularly prodromal AD
the wrist device. During the study, each per- (mild cognitive impairment linked to AD by
son had at least two cognitive assessments. biomarkers). It is reasonable to anticipate that
At the beginning of the study, none of the clinical benefits will be greater with earlier
participants had AD dementia. On average, treatment.
each person wore the actigraphy monitor for But the neurobiology of the AD pathologic
just over 9 days to assess his or her activity cascade begins many years before prodro-
level. Cognitive testing was done, and it was mal AD symptoms develop. So presumably
repeated each year. The group was followed disease-modifying treatment, particularly
for an average of 3.5years. During that time, if targeting the amyloid accumulation that
9.9% of the group developed AD dementia. defines the earliest disease stage, should begin
At the end of the observation period, a strong prior to the onset of cognitive symptoms. We
association was observed between exercise now have diagnostic criteria for preclinical
and the risk for developing AD. If a person AD (see Chapter 18) based on imaging or
had a low overall physical activity, he or she cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers. As discussed
had a faster rate of cognitive decline. Subjects in detail in that chapter, these ideas have
with the lowest activity were most likely to now been incorporated into trial designs by
develop AD dementia. Compared to those several academic consortia, and trials will
with high rates of activity, the risk of devel- commence in 2013 and 2014. The ongoing
oping AD dementia was two times higher. ADCS Anti-Amyloid in Asymptomatic AD
(A4) trial should provide the strongest evi-
dence for or against beta-amyloids central
Future Directions role in driving AD pathology during preclini-
cal stage of the disease. Regulatory agencies
The overall failure of disease-modifying have been supportive of this strategy, despite
drug development for AD has led to frustra- the absence of clinically relevant outcomes
tion and even fatalism within industry and in such trials. The enormous need has gen-
academic research programs. Some fear that erated effective, precompetitive collabora-
the major pharmaceutical companies will tion that enables the launch of these studies.
572part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

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Management of Agitation, Aggression,

andPsychosis Associated With
Clive Ballard and Anne Corbett

Worldwide, 35 million people suffer as hitting and biting others, and throwing
from dementia (Alzheimers Disease objects. These symptoms most commonly
International, 2008), the majority of whom manifest when people with AD are being
have Alzheimers disease (AD). It is a dev- assisted with personal care. Common symp-
astating illness, resulting in progressive toms of agitation include restlessness and
decline of cognitive ability and functional pacing, excessive fidgeting, motor activities
capacity and the emergence of behavioral associated with anxiety (such as hand wring-
and psychological symptoms of demen- ing and following a caregiver around the
tia (BPSDs). The progressive decline and house), and shouting/screaming. Common
the BPSDs can cause enormous distress to symptoms of psychosis include visual hal-
patients, their caregivers and families, and lucinations (most frequently of people or
have a major societal impact. More than 90% animals), auditory hallucinations, delusions
of people with dementia develop at least one (most often simple nonsystematized delu-
clinically significant behavioral or psychiat- sions of theft, harm, or infidelity or other
ric symptom (Steinberg etal., 2008)over the people living in the house) and delusional
course of their illness. BPSDs present as three misidentification (e.g., Capgras syndrome,
main syndromesagitation, psychosis, and believing that people on TV or in photo-
mood disordersalthough these syndromes graphs are real or believing that a mirror
frequently coexist. The overall frequency of reflection is someone else (Ballard, Gauthier,
BPSD, in particular agitation and aggres- etal., 2009).
sion, increases with the severity of demen- Aggression and nonaggressive agitation
tia (Aalten etal., 2003; see Chapter21). This occur in approximately 20% of people with
chapter focuses predominantly on treatment AD in contact with clinical services (Burns,
strategies for agitation, aggression, and psy- Jacoby, & Levy, 1990b) or living in the com-
chosis. Common symptoms of aggression in munity (Lyketsos etal., 2000)and in 40%60%
people with AD include verbal insults and of people in care facilities (Margallo-Lana
shouting, as well as physical aggression such et al., 2001). Delusions and hallucinations

576part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

are present in 25% of people with dementia Nonpharmacological Treatments

in clinical settings (Burns, Jacoby, & Levy,
1990a). Longitudinal studies indicate that hal- All best practice guides recommend nondrug
lucinations often resolve over a few months approaches as the first-line treatment option
(Ballard, Patel, Solis, Lowe,& Wilcock, 1996; for BPSDs (see Chapter26), except in excep-
Haupt, Kurz,& Janner, 2000), but that delu- tional circumstances of substantial risk or
sions and agitation (Ballard et al., 2001; extreme distress (Lyketsos etal., 2006). BPSDs
Haupt etal., 2000)are more likely to persist that are sporadic and do not cause distress
(Ballard etal., 1996). or risk may be effectively managed without
In most individuals BPSDs have a signifi- a specific therapy or may respond well to
cant impact on daily life (Lyketsos, 2007). They simple psychological therapy or behavioral/
are often distressing for the person experienc- environmental modification approaches.
ing the symptoms (Gilley, Whalen, Wilson,& When symptoms are mild to moderate,
Bennett, 1991)and can lead to distress, added valuable insights can be gained by work-
burden, and depression in those who care for ing with relatives or care staff to monitor
them (Ballard, Eastwood, Gahir, & Wilcock, the symptoms and avoid the need for more
1996; Rabins, Mace,& Lucas, 1982). They are intensive treatment. As an example of a prac-
also associated with a reduced quality of life tical approach to implementing nonphar-
(Banerjee etal., 2006)and are often the trig- macologic interventions for BPSDs, a range
ger for institutional care for people living of psychological intervention tools have
in the community (Steele, Rovner, Chase, & been developed by Cohen-Mansfield. These
Folstein, 1990). interventions are based on activities and
interactions that can be personalized within
the structured framework of a care home
Treatment setting, such as structured social interaction
and personalized music. These approaches
General Considerations were rigorously evaluated in a robust, ran-
domized controlled trial (RCT) with 167
A broad clinical assessment is essential participants, 105 of whom showed signifi-
before specific therapies are considered (see cant benefits in agitation overall. A smaller
Chapter 26). Physical health problems such 6-week study also showed improvement in
as infection (including urinary tract, chest, specific symptoms of agitation such as shout-
or dental infections), pain, or dehydration ing (Cohen-Mansfield, Libin, & Marx, 2007;
are common and often precipitate BPSDs, Cohen-Mansfield & Werner, 1997). RCTs of
as can visual and auditory impairment people with dementia living in their own
(Chapman, Dickinson, McKeith, & Ballard, homes have also demonstrated significant
1999; Holroyd& Laurie, 1999). Acomprehen- benefits in the treatment of BPSD, including
sive review of pharmacologic treatments may agitation, with approaches focusing on pro-
identify therapies exacerbating depression, moting activities (Gitlin etal., 2008).
confusion, or other BPSDs. Pain is difficult to Despite these positive outcomes, it can be
assess in people with dementia and is under- difficult to implement these individualized
diagnosed, but better pain management does interventions in all clinical and care home
reduce BPSDs (Cohen-Mansfield & Lipson, settings because of the time constraints and
2008). A recent cluster randomized trial level of skill required of the care staff. To try
compared stepped analgesia with usual care and address this issue, our group designed
over 8 weeks and showed a marked and sig- a simplified version of the Cohen-Mansfield
nificant reduction in agitation in the group intervention called the brief psychosocial
receiving analgesia, which was correlated therapy (BPST). The BPST involves a daily
with improvement in pain (Husebo, Ballard, personalized social interaction for 10 to 30
Sandvik, Nilsen, & Aarsland, 2011). This minutes to be delivered by a care assistant
perhaps indicates that treating even minor, under the supervision of a therapist who
low-level pain may confer considerable ben- has attended a 2-day BPST training course
efit as part of the management of agitation (Ballard, Brown, et al., 2009). The BPST
and other BPSDs. was evaluated in an open trial of more
CHAPTER 24. Management of Agitation, Aggression, and Psychosis Associated With Alzheimers Disease 577

than 200 participants and showed a sig- undertaken in 12 care homes with 347 resi-
nificant seven-point improvement on the dents and led to a significant reduction in
Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory. It antipsychotic prescriptions for people with
should be noted that the absence of a control dementia, without increasing agitation or
treatment means that it is difficult to deter- disruptive behavior (Fossey et al., 2006).
mine the proportion of the benefit attrib- Similar benefits have also been demon-
utable to the intervention. Nevertheless, strated in a study that delivered a nursing
this study supports best practice guid- home liaison service to nine care homes,
ance for BPSDs, providing professionals involving a part-time old-age psychiatrist
with options for simple, first-line nondrug and a community psychiatric nurse. This
interventions and highlights the finding study was based on cognitive-behavioral
that most individuals experience improve- therapy as a first-line treatment choice
ment without pharmacologic treatment. (Ballard et al., 2002). Further evidence to
Reminiscence therapy also confers modest support training approaches includes an
but significant benefits in BPSDs and may excellent three-arm cluster RCT that dem-
be valuable as part of a personalized treat- onstrated the additional value of dementia
ment and care plan. care mapping to person-centered care in
People experiencing more severe or chal- 15 care homes with 289 participants with
lenging BPSDs still benefit from more intense dementia. The dementia care mapping was
individualized psychological interventions. used as a tool to improve person-centered
Evidence from large case series and a cou- care planning and substantially reduced
ple of small but well-designed clinical trials agitation by more than 10 points on the
supports the effectiveness of individualized, Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory com-
comprehensive interventions delivered by pared with treatment as usual (standard-
a clinical psychologist and designed using ized effect size Cohens d > 0.5 for both
antecedent, behavior, consequence (ABC) treatments; Chenoweth etal., 2009).
For example, one cluster randomized trial
compared a clinical psychology model based Pharmacological TreatmentsAntipsychotics
on the ABC principles with a traditional
old-age psychiatry service in 55 referrals The first generation of antipsychotic drugs
of people with BPSD. Both groups showed (usually referred to as typical antipsy-
favorable responses to the interventions, but chotics) was introduced as a treatment for
the model led by the clinical psychologist schizophrenia in the 1950s and 1960s. By the
resulted in additional reduction of antipsy- 1970s these compounds were in frequent
chotic prescriptions and fewer hospital days clinical use as an off-license (off-label)
(Bird, 2002). treatment for BPSD. In the early 1990s, a
A different but equally important second generation of antipsychotic agents
approach is to improve the training and (usually referred to as atypical antipsy-
skill set of care staff to enable more effec- chotics) such as risperidone, olanzapine,
tive management of BPSDs and to improve aripirprazole, and quetiapine were intro-
the overall quality of care. Studies evaluat- duced for the treatment of schizophre-
ing this approach have reported variable nia. The adverse effect profiles of atypical
results, with many shorter studies indicat- agents are generally favorable in compari-
ing that initial benefits are not sustained son to those of typical agents in people
beyond the end of the training period. with schizophrenia and bipolar affective
However, more recent RCTs of intensive disorders. Consequently, atypical antipsy-
training packages and interventions to chotics also became the preferred option
develop practice have conferred substantial for the treatment of BPSDs in patients with
benefit over 4- to 12-month periods. One AD and other dementias by the mid-1990s
9-month cluster RCT analyzed the effec- because of the perceived better tolerability.
tiveness of a person-centered care train- However, several important safety issues
ing package delivered 2 days a week by a related to the use of these agents in patients
health care professional. The study was with dementia have become apparent.
578part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

Efficacy of Antipsychotics for the Treatment significant improvement in aggression com-

of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms pared to placebo, with a larger effect size con-
ofDementia ferred by a dose of 2 mg/day. In the BeHavaD
(Behavioral Pathology in Alzheimer Disease)
The evidence regarding the use of antipsy- rating scale, an effect of 0.84 points (95% CI
chotics for the treatment of BPSDs presented 1.28 to 0.40 points) was seen for a dose of
in the sections later in the chapter is summa- 1 mg daily, and 1.50 points (95% CI 2.05 to
rized in Table24.1. 0.95 points) for a dose of 2 mg daily, over 12
weeks of treatment. This equates to a small
treatment effect size (Cohens d of 0.2 at the
optimal dose). There is only limited evidence
Typical Antipsychotics that risperidone confers benefit in the treat-
ment of other BPSDs (Ballard & Howard,
At present, there are 11 RCTs in the literature 2006; Schneider, Dagerman, & Insel, 2006).
that have evaluated the efficacy of typical There is additional evidence from two trials
antipsychotics for the treatment of BPSDs. that aripiprazole confers a similar magni-
The trials have mostly involved small sample tude of benefit to that seen with risperidone
sizes and have mostly been performed over (Schneider, Dagerman, & Insel, 2006). The
periods of between 4 and 12 weeks. Agood evidence pertaining to olanzapine is more
outcome in these studies is defined by con- equivocal, and there is clear evidence that
vention as a 30% improvement on stan- quetiapine is ineffective. Beyond this there
dardized behavioral rating scales. Typical is limited evidence from published RCTs
antipsychotics confer a significant but mod- regarding other atypical antipsychotics
est advantage compared to placebo (59% (Ballard& Howard, 2006).
versus 41%), albeit in the context of a very The evidence base pertaining to the treat-
high placebo response (Schneider, Pollock,& ment of psychosis in AD is more limited.
Lyness, 1990). The most comprehensive evi- A recent meta-analysis discussed seven tri-
dence base for the treatment of agitation als that reported psychosis as an outcome
and aggression by agents in this drug class (Schneider, Dagerman, & Insel, 2006). Three
pertains to haloperidol, for which four RCT trials demonstrated a modest but significant
trials (Lonergan etal., 2005)have been com- improvement with risperidone compared to
pleted. These trials indicate a significant placebo at 1 mg/day but not at other doses
improvement in symptoms of aggression (0.8 point in BEHAV AD, Standardized
with haloperidol and more modest but sig- effect size Cohens d < 0.2). Two trials with
nificant benefits in the treatment of psychosis olanzapine showed a nonsignificant trend
compared with placebo. There is no evidence toward benefit. Only two RCTs have specifi-
for substantial improvement in other symp- cally focused on people with AD with clini-
toms such as agitation. Very little clinical trial cally significant psychosis. The first indicated
evidence is available regarding the efficacy of that risperidone did not confer a significant
other typical antipsychotics for the treatment benefit compared to placebo (Mintzer et al.,
of BPSDs. 2006). More recently Mintzer and colleagues
(2007) reported that aripiprazole conferred
significant benefits for the treatment of clini-
Atypical Antipsychotics cally significant psychosis in more than 400
people with AD in care settings. The only
A more substantial number of trials published placebo-controlled RCT of que-
have focused on atypical antipsychot- tiapine in people with AD examining psycho-
ics for the treatment of BPSDs. In total, 18 sis as an outcome did not demonstrate any
placebo-controlled RCTs have been con- benefit compared to placebo.
ducted (Ballard & Howard, 2006; Schneider, Evidence for longer term efficacy (6months
Dagerman,& Insel, 2006)examining efficacy or longer) of antipsychotics for the treatment
in people with AD over 6 to 12 weeks. The of BPSDs is very limited. The AGIT and DART
best evidence of efficacy for the treatment of studies did not demonstrate any advantage
agitation and aggression relates to risperi- for antipsychotics compared to placebo over
done. Five trials have indicated a modest but 6months (Ballard etal., 2005, 2008), and the
TABLE24.1 Pharmacological Treatment of Agitation and Aggression in People With Dementia:Summary of Key Evidence
Treatment Approach Trials Conducted Evidence Major Adverse Effects Interpretation

Typical antipsychotics 11 randomized, Early meta-analysis concluded significant Parkinsonism, dystonia, Adverse events associated with
placebo-controlled trials, but modest advantage over placebo in tardive dyskinesia typical antipsychotics make their
mostly small sample the treatment of behavioral symptoms. QTc prolongation use inadvisable in people with
sizes and of 412 weeks, Recent meta-analysis reports only one Significant increase in Alzheimers disease.
one up to 16 weeks placebo-controlled trial showed mortality risk compared
significant benefit of thioridazine. to atypical antipsychotics
Small thiothixine study suggested efficacy (180days, relative risk 1.37)
at low doses, but that symptoms return
after discontinuation.
Meta-analysis of haloperidol indicates
improvement in aggression, but not in
other symptoms of agitation.
Atypical 18 placebo-controlled Significant benefit in the treatment of Extrapyramidal symptoms Probably still the best option for the
antipsychotics trials over 612 weeks, aggression over 12 weeks. More limited Sedation short-term (612 weeks) treatment
only three trials of benefit for other symptoms and do Increased mortality of aggression that is severe,
612months not appear to be beneficial over longer (1.51.7-fold) persistent, and treatment resistant,
treatment periods Increased cerebrovascular but the serious adverse events
adverse events (3-fold) are a major caution to long term
580part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

CATIE study described no overall benefit dyskinesia appears to be less frequent than
(Schneider, Tariot, etal., 2006). However, the with typical antipsychotics, but Q-Tc prolon-
CATIE trial did indicate that antipsychotics gation has also been reported as a significant
were less likely to be discontinued because of problem with several atypical antipsychotics
perceived ineffectiveness over 9months than (Reilly et al., 2000). A recent meta-analysis
placebo (Schneider, Tariot, etal., 2006). also identified a significant increase in
respiratory and urinary tract infections and
peripheral edema among people treated with
Safety risperidone compared to placebo (Ballard &
Howard, 2006). These are likely to be class
Typical Antipsychotics effects for atypical antipsychotics. The lim-
ited trial data for other atypical antipsychot-
Typical antipsychotics are associated with ics precluded a comprehensive meta-analysis
numerous severe adverse effects in patients of adverse events.
with AD. These include parkinsonism (Tune, Over the last few years, the most seri-
Steele,& Cooper, 1991), dystonia, tardive dys- ous concerns regarding atypical antipsy-
kinesia, acceleration of cognitive decline, and chotics have related to emergent data
prolongation of the QTc interval on electro- suggesting an increase of cerebrovascu-
cardiogram (ECG), leading to added risk of lar events and increased mortality in AD
cardiac arrhythmias. Prolonged QTc has been patients. Observation of combined data
demonstrated with several typical antipsy- from placebo-controlled trials shows that
chotics which have been widely prescribed in risperidone has been associated with a
the past, including thioridazine and droperi- three-fold increased risk of serious cerebro-
dol (Reilly, Ayis, Ferrier, Jones, & Thomas, vascular adverse events compared to placebo
2000). Both have now either been withdrawn (37/1,175 vs. 8/779, OR 3.64, 95% CI 1.72 to
or are prescribed only very infrequently to 7.69, p = 0.0007; Ballard & Howard, 2006).
people with dementia. Furthermore, there is In the Mintzer trial of aripiprazole (Mintzer
a significant increase in mortality, which is et al., 2007), cerebrovascular adverse events
even greater than the mortality risk associ- were reported in four patients who were pre-
ated with atypical antipsychotics (reviewed scribed aripiprazole 10 mg/day but in none
in the next section). of the placebo-treated patients. Other sources
Until 2000, thioridazine, promazine, and of information, such as prescription event
haloperidol were all widely used in the clini- monitoring, would indicate that this is prob-
cal setting. However, prescribing practice has ably a class effect.
changed substantially in response to specific In 2005, the US Food and Drug
concerns related to the cardiac safety of thio- Administration published a warning high-
ridazine and general concerns regarding the lighting a significant increase in mortality
side effect profile of typical antipsychotics. risk (odds ratio [OR] = 1.7) for people with
The potential use of haloperidol remains con- AD treated with atypical antipsychotics
troversial, and it is still recommended and compared to individuals receiving placebo
widely prescribed as a treatment for aggres- in RCTs. Schneider has reviewed the evi-
sion and psychosis in some countries, despite dence from 15 of these trials and confirmed
higher risks of important side effects, includ- a significant increase in mortality (OR=1.54)
ing parkinsonism, gait disturbance, tardive with no difference between specific agents
dyskinesia, and mortality. (Schneider, Dagerman, & Insel, 2005). The
recent DART-AD RCT indicated that this
excess mortality risk continues over longer
Atypical Antipsychotics periods of prescribing, with an increasing
impact on the absolute number of attribut-
Widely reported side effects of atypical anti- able deaths (Ballard, Hanney, etal., 2009). An
psychotics include extrapyramidal symp- additional important study demonstrated an
toms, sedation, gait disturbances, and falls. even greater excess of mortality for typical
Many agents also lead to anticholinergic antipsychotics (Wang etal., 2005).
side effects, including delirium (Ballard & The most common cause of death in
Howard, 2006; Tune et al., 1991). Tardive people with dementia who are prescribed
CHAPTER 24. Management of Agitation, Aggression, and Psychosis Associated With Alzheimers Disease 581

antipsychotics is pneumonia (Ballard, rises significantly, and the impact on cogni-

Creese, Corbett,& Aarsland, 2007). However tive decline appears to be substantial. We
thromboembolic events (including stroke, would therefore recommend that long-term
deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embo- treatment with antipsychotics should be an
lism, and cardiac events) and an increase in absolute last resort when all other treatment
sudden cardiac arrhythmias also contribute approaches have failed, and it should not be
(Ballard, Creese, Corbett,& Aarsland, 2007). undertaken without regular trials of antipsy-
Oversedation, dehydration, and prolonga- chotic withdrawal. Pharmacogenetics may
tion of QTc interval are all likely mediating provide safer and more effective targeting of
factors. Importantly, many of these events antipsychotic treatment in the future.
may be potentially preventable by closer As the risks associated with antipsychotic
monitoring and early intervention. use have become increasingly clear, there
has been considerable pressure to reduce
prescribing of antipsychotics to people with
Pharmacogenetics dementia. It is, however, imperative that
this is conducted within a framework which
In a 3-year cohort study, Angelucci etal. (2009) improves the overall management of BPSD,
reported that the T allele of the 5HT2A T102C general clinical assessment, treatment of pain,
polymorphism is significantly associated and the optimal use of nonpharmacological
with poorer response to risperidone treat- interventions as well as judicious short-term
ment than the C allele. More recently, prelim- and well-monitored use of antipsychotics in
inary findings in the only genetic-association the small number of people where their use
RCT study to date (Dombrovski et al., is clinically indicated.
2010) to investigate the adverse effects of
atypical antipsychotic treatment in demen-
tia indicate that the length polymorphism in Best Practice Guide
the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) is
associated with a greater number of early side To address the current priority of reducing
effects and reduced early treatment response the prescription of antipsychotics for people
in risperidone-treated individuals. Although with dementia, a new best practice tool has
this finding does require replication, it serves been developed by Alzheimers Society and
to highlight the importance of close moni- Department of Health in the UK (n.d.). The
toring in some individuals prescribed anti- tool builds on the best available evidence
psychotics and shows that genetic data may and emphasizes the importance of reduc-
assist with the initial clinical decision about ing the use of these drugs within the con-
prescribing. text of improved overall treatment and care.
Despite the safety concerns, the best evi- The tool aims to support health and social
dence of efficacy for the pharmacological care professionals in implementing clinical
treatment of aggression relates to atypical practice to reduce the emergence of BPSDs
antipsychotics, particularly risperidone. in addition to providing alternative treat-
Risperidone is also the only antipsychotic ment options when symptoms do occur. The
specifically licensed for the treatment of guide also provides a framework for moni-
aggression. In our view, their use should, toring and review of ongoing prescriptions,
however, be restricted to short-term man- with a focus on encouraging the discontinu-
agement (6 to 12 weeks) of severe physical ation of antipsychotics after 12 weeks. The
aggression and severe psychosis causing key elements of the guide are framed within
tangible risk or extreme distress, when non- person-centred care, as well as introducing
drug treatments have not been effective. This the concept of a period of watchful waiting
is consistent with best practice guidelines. when symptoms first emerge. This suggested
We would also recommend close moni- strategy involves a 4-week period of ongoing
toring during the period of antipsychotic assessment and simple person-centered psy-
prescription to reduce the risk of serious chological, social, and environmental inter-
adverse outcomes. Over longer term peri- ventions to be implemented as a first-line
ods of use, antipsychotics confer minimal approach. The guide further highlights more
benefit, the absolute increased mortality risk specific evidence-based nondrug approaches
582part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

that provide useful alternatives to pharmaco- score within 6 weeks (Holmes et al., 2004).
logical treatment. The guide provides medical However, there was no short-term benefit for
care plans and assessment tools to support treatment of clinically significant agitation
decisions regarding treatment, including the with donepezil over 12 weeks in a large RCT
prescription and discontinuation of antipsy- (Howard etal., 2007), or over 24 weeks with
chotics, and effective monitoring and review. rivastigmine in a smaller RCT (Ballard etal.,
Based upon the evidence base and current 2005), indicating that ChEIs do not appear to
drug licenses, risperidone is highlighted as be useful in the management of acute agita-
the preferred treatment if an antipsychotic is tion. A 5-month placebo-controlled RCT of
necessary. However, the guide emphasizes the galanthamine suggested that ChEI treatment
importance of considering the benefit of phar- may delay the emergence of overall BPSDs
macological and nondrug treatment of other (Tariot et al., 2000), and pharmacogenetic
general and mental health conditions before studies have suggested the possibility of a
resorting to an antipsychotic prescription. The preferential response to rivastigmine in the
limitations regarding the evidence base for treatment of overall BPSDs in people with the
other nonantipsychotic psychotropic drugs is wild-type Butyrylcholinesterase genotype
also highlighted. It particularly highlights the (Blesa etal., 2006). However, within the over-
importance of avoiding the practice of substi- all BPSD spectrum, ChEIs appear to have
tuting antipsychotics for other drugs with an their greatest effects on depression and dys-
even more limited evidence base which may phoria, apathy and indifference, and anxiety
be equally or more harmful. The guide is avail- (Gauthier etal., 2002).
able for professionals to use in clinical practice,
although it is not designed for use in acute
hospital settings. It is available as a download Memantine
from the Alzheimers Society (n.d.) and is
endorsed and promoted by the Department of Individual studies, meta-analyses, and pooled
Health, Royal College of General Practitioners analyses indicate that memantine may confer
and Royal College of Psychiatrists as a key benefit in the treatment of mild to moderate
tool in the drive to reduce antipsychotic drugs irritability and lability, agitation or aggression,
in people with dementia. and psychosis over 36 months in patients
with AD (Gauthier, Loft, & Cummings, 2008;
Gauthier, Wirth, & Mobius, 2005; McShane,
Other Pharmacological Treatments Areosa Sastre, & Minakaran, 2006; Wilcock,
Ballard, Cooper, & Loft, 2008). Although this
No pharmacological treatments other than evidence is potentially encouraging with
risperidone were considered to have a suf- respect to memantine as a useful adjunct to
ficient evidence base to recommend for the treatment of mild BPSD, there is limited RCT
treatment of agitation, aggression, or psycho- evidence regarding the use of memantine in
sis other than risperidone. Abrief review of the acute treatment of clinically significant
the emerging evidence regarding other can- BPSD. The recent MAGD trial compared
didate treatments is presented next. memantine and placebo over 6 and 12 weeks
in 153 people with AD and clinically signifi-
cant agitation. Memantine did not confer any
Cholinesterase Inhibitors significant benefit in the treatment of agitation
over 6 or 12 weeks in compared to placebo as
A meta-analysis demonstrated a small but measured by the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation
significant overall advantage of cholines- Inventory as the primary outcome measure.
terase inhibitors (ChEIs) over placebo with There was a significant benefit on the over-
regard to the treatment of BPSDs in AD (Trinh, all Neuropsychiatric Inventory score, but
Hoblyn, Mohanty,& Yaffe, 2003). Additional no advantage for memantine on the Clinical
support for beneficial effects of ChEIs on Global Impression of change as an overall
BPSDs comes from a randomized with- clinician-measured outcome, suggesting that
drawal study, in which cessation of donepezil overall benefits were not sufficient to recom-
was associated with a significant worsening mend memantine as a clinical therapy for acute
of the total Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) agitation or aggression in people with AD (Fox
CHAPTER 24. Management of Agitation, Aggression, and Psychosis Associated With Alzheimers Disease 583

etal., 2012). Apost-hoc analysis (Wilcock etal., specific symptom clusters such as delusions,
2008), supported by a recent RCT (Howard hallucinations, aggression, and agitation to
et al., 2012), has, however, highlighted the develop more targeted therapies. One exam-
potential contribution of memantine to the ple is the potential use of muscarinic agonists
reduced emergence of overall BPSDs, with for the treatment of delusions:Anumber of
a 5.5 point significant advantage favoring postmortem studies have indicated an asso-
memantine over placebo at 6-month follow-up ciation between altered muscarinic receptor
on the total Neuropsychiatric Inventory in binding and delusions in dementia patients
the DOMINO trial (Howard etal., 2012). It is (Konovalov, Muralee, & Tampi, 2008), and
hoped that ongoing RCTs in Canada and in preliminary data from secondary analyses
the United Kingdom may clarify the role of of RCTs with muscarinic agonists such as
memantine in treating agitation and aggres- xanomeline (Ballard et al., 2000) indicate
sion in patients with AD in the near future. a potential treatment effect on psychosis.
Another example is the relationship between
altered adrenoceptors and agitation or
Antidepressants for Agitation aggression in postmortem studies in people
andAggression with AD (Bodick etal., 1997); a preliminary,
small RCT of the alpha-adrenoceptor blocker
In a 17-day trial in psychiatric inpatients with prazosin indicates potential benefit in the
severe BPSDs related to AD, Pollock and col- treatment of BPSDs in AD patients (Sharp,
leagues (2002) reported that citalopram was Ballard, Chen, & Francis, 2007). Targeted
superior to placebo, with the greatest efficacy drug development based upon the principles
for agitation or aggression, an effect not seen of evidence-based experimental medicine
with perphenazine. In a later study, citalo- is more likely to lead to the development of
pram was found to be comparable in efficacy effective therapies.
to risperidone, differentiated by its significant
effect on agitation symptoms and its superior
tolerability in the treatment of moderate to Conclusion
severe BPSDs (Pollock et al., 2007). RCTs of
sertraline (Finkel etal., 2004)and trazadone Agitation, aggression, and psychosis are fre-
(Teri etal., 2000)have been less promising. quent and distressing symptoms in people
with Alzheimers disease. Implementing the
best currently available evidence to optimize
Anticonvulsants safe and effective management is imperative.
These best practices include medical treat-
Two small parallel-group RCTs of carbamaze- ment of underlying conditions; treatment
pine for the treatment of agitation and aggres- of pain; routinely implementing effective
sion in AD, both conducted over a period of nonpharmacological care; and the judicious
6 weeks or less, suggested potential benefit short-term use of antipschotics, when appro-
(Olin, Fox, Pawluczyk, Taggart,& Schneider, priate, for severe symptoms that have not
2001; Tariot et al., 1998). A meta-analysis of responded to other approaches and pose sub-
the two trials (Gauthier etal., 2002)indicates stantial safety risk to the indiviudal or others.
significant improvement on both the Brief To move the field forward considerably, more
Psychiatric Rating Scale (mean difference focus is needed to evaluate potential phar-
5.5; 95% CI, 8.5 to 2.5) and on Clinical macological alternatives through adequately
Global Improvement (OR, 10.2; 95% CI, 3.1 powered RCTs.
33.1). Both studies also suggest good toler-
ability. In contrast, valproate has not shown
treatment benefits for BPSDs References
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Management of Depression, Apathy,

andSexualized Inappropriate Behavior
James M. Ellison and Cynthia T. Greywolf

In the care of a person with Alzheimers dis- Among the BPSDs that complicate the care
ease (AD) or another dementia, management of demented people, whether at home or
of behavioral disturbances can present even in an institutional setting, depression, apa-
greater practical difficulties than manage- thy, and sexualized inappropriate behavior
ment of diminished memory. The majority present particularly important concerns. In
of demented individuals will at some time this chapter, we will address these behav-
manifest behavioral and psychological symp- ioral syndromes. After reviewing the nature
toms of dementia (BPSDs), such as agitation, of these behaviors and the evidence-based
sometimes resulting in a crisis for caregivers approaches to their management, we will
(Tractenberg, Weiner, Patterson, Teri,& Thal, suggest practical management guidelines for
2003; see Chapter21). Depression, aggression, clinicians and caregivers.
or sexualized inappropriate behavior can dis-
turb and endanger not only the demented
person but also others in their vicinity. BPSDs Depressive Symptoms
are often the source of stress that precipitates
institutionalization. The diagnostic criteria Depressive symptoms frequently accompany
for AD and other dementias have not focused the cognitive symptoms of dementia (Jost&
on behavioral aspects of these disorders, yet Grossberg, 1996). Some 30%50% of indi-
BPSDs make an undeniable contribution to viduals with AD display depression, though
the morbidity of dementia. Perhaps even the number or severity of symptoms in
the hospitalization of Alzheimers index about half of these falls below the threshold
dementia patient, Auguste D, would have required for a diagnosis of major depressive
been delayed had her memory difficulties disorder (Lyketsos, Steinberg, et al., 2000).
not been accompanied by pathological jeal- The presence of depressive symptoms in AD
ousy, paranoid delusions, auditory halluci- does not depend upon the severity of cogni-
nations, screaming, and agitation (Graeber& tive symptoms, and depressive symptoms
Mehraein, 1999). can appear even before AD is diagnosed

CHAPTER 25. Management of Depression, Apathy, and Sexualized Inappropriate Behavior in Dementia 589

(Jost & Grossberg, 1996). In some cases, an depressive affect that is expressed behavior-
individuals awareness of cognitive decline ally. In one study, the presence of depres-
can initiate a depressive reaction; however, sion appeared responsible for the weight
it is likely that the pathophysiologic changes loss in about one third of the 19% of nursing
inherent in AD, which include loss of norad- home residents who lost 5 pounds or more
renergic and serotonergic neurons, contribute (Morley& Kraenzle, 1994).
to depressive symptoms in AD (Lyketsos & As with depression among the cognitively
Olin, 2002). intact, treatment interventions include both
Self-assessment of depressive symptoms psychosocial and pharmacologic approaches.
demands a level of cognitive and emotional Early in the course of dementia, the value
awareness that may erode early in the course of insight-oriented interventions is more
of dementia. Depression that is comorbid with apparent. The progression of dementia inevi-
dementia has an independently deleterious tably brings with it greater need for assis-
effect on functioning and quality of life, so it tance from others, and this forced increase
can be valuable to recognize its presence even in dependency can be very unwelcome and
when the sufferer cannot articulate an eas- even quite frightening. Adults who have
ily recognizable set of diagnostic clues. For been especially autonomous and self-reliant
this reason, a more lenient set of criteria has may find it helpful to grieve their loss of
been proposed for use in diagnosing depres- independence. Others, who have taken pride
sion among AD patients (Olin et al., 2002). in intellectual achievements, may be deeply
The suggested criteria, which are in unoffi- pained when experiencing an increasing dif-
cial but common clinical usage, require only ficulty in cognitive performance. Inability to
three rather than five depressive symptoms to complete a project of personal significance,
be present in order to justify the diagnosis of such as the writing of a book planned before
major depressive disorder. Depressed mood is significant cognitive decline had begun, may
listed among the depressive symptoms, but its undermine self-esteem and become a focus of
presence is not a prerequisite for the diagnosis. self-deprecation.
Masked expressions of depression in Later during the course of dementia, when
dementia are often encountered, perhaps a persons insight contributes less to the relief
because dysphoric feelings that cannot of distress or the production of behavioral
be put into words may find their expres- change, behavioral interventions can still be
sion in actions. The presence of delusions useful for alleviating depressive symptoms.
in a demented patient, and perhaps espe- Many patients with milder depressive symp-
cially delusions with a depressive tone, toms appear to enjoy engaging in activities
should raise a clinicians suspicion that such as listening to music of their choice or
depression might be present. In one patient participating in appropriate levels of physi-
cohort, the presence of depression among a cal exercise. An important principle in such
community-dwelling group of patients with activities is to recognize the patients limita-
probable AD was associated with a 1.8-fold tions and avoid making functional or cogni-
increase in the likelihood of delusions, tive demands that are excessively frustrating.
an increased likelihood that became even Given the clinical significance of depres-
greater with control of potential confounding sive symptoms in dementia, it is truly
variables (Bassiony et al., 2002). Aggressive unfortunate that no specific medication
verbal or physical behaviors, too, may be an has been designated by the Food and Drug
expression of emotional distress originating Administration (FDA) as safe and effective
in depression (Menon et al., 2001). In some in treating dementia-associated depression.
cases, patients may direct aggression toward The cognitive-enhancing cholinesterase
themselves, resulting in self-destructive or inhibitors have not proven effective in treat-
suicidal behavior. Verbal outbursts or disrup- ing established depressive symptoms in
tive vocalizations can reflect the presence of demented subjects (McDermott & Gray,
depression that is difficult for a demented 2012). Memantine, a cognitive enhancer that
patient to describe in more understandable exerts its effects through the glutamatergic
language (Dwyer& Byrne, 2000). Resistance system, lacks data supporting or refuting
to care, refusal to eat, and resulting loss antidepressant effects. Stimulants have not
of weight, too, can indicate dysphoric or been studied in recent years as a treatment
590part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

for depression associated with dementia, irritability, but no improvement in cogni-

though an older report suggested a role for tive symptoms was noted (Nyth& Gottfries,
methylphenidate (Branconnier& Cole, 1980). 1990). Asmall double-blind study of depres-
Antipsychotic medications, considered a lim- sion in patients with AD comparing sertra-
ited but sometimes valuable treatment for line at doses up to 150 mg/d (12 subjects) to
agitation in demented patients, appear not placebo (10 subjects) demonstrated a signifi-
yet to have been studied as antidepressants cant benefit as measured by changes in the
or antidepressant augmenters in demented Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia
cohorts, perhaps in recognition of the FDAs (Lyketsos, Sheppard, et al., 2000). Studying
concerns about their safety in demented, psy- a group of AD patients residing in a nursing
chotic older adults. Electroconvulsive ther- home setting, most of whom met criteria for
apy (ECT), a highly effective treatment for minor rather than major depression, Magai
depression in later life, has been studied only and colleagues reported no superiority of ser-
to a limited extent in the elderly. Currently traline in doses up to 100 mg/d over placebo
available data suggest that ECT is effective (Magai, Kennedy, Cohen,& Gomberg, 2000).
in treating depression in demented patients, Fluoxetine in doses up to 40 mg/d, studied
and that it is not expected to worsen cogni- in another small but double-blind study,
tive symptoms in AD patients but might have failed to show superiority over placebo in
more deleterious cognitive effects in patients treating depressive symptoms in a group of
with vascular or other non-AD dementia eti- AD subjects, though the high rate of placebo
ologies (Oudman, 2012). response in this study may have obfuscated
A variety of antidepressant medications a beneficial effect of the experimental medi-
have been studied in cohorts of depressed and cation (Petracca, Chemerinski, & Starkstein,
demented adults. The results of these inves- 2001). The only controlled trial we could
tigations are best described as not definitive, locate in which a serotonin-norepinephrine
with inconsistent indications of effectiveness. reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) was investigated
An early negative double-blind study with as a treatment for major depressive disorder
imipramine failed to show a significant supe- in demented patients showed no statistical
riority over placebo, perhaps because of the superiority of venlafaxine over placebo (de
large improvement in depression ratings in Vasconcelos Cunha etal., 2007).
both the imipramine and control groups. This The most recent large study to address
was attributed by the authors to the attention antidepressant treatment of depressive
that subjects received as a result of study par- symptoms in AD, the DIADS-2, recruited a
ticipation (Reifler etal., 1989). Moclobemide, large sample of AD patients diagnosed with
a selective MAO inhibitor that is not FDA depression of AD (Olin et al., 2002) and
approved in the United States, was compared compared sertraline (mean achieved dose of
to placebo in the treatment of depression and 91.1 mg/d) to placebo in a double-blind, ran-
cognitive decline in a large international mul- domized design (Weintraub etal., 2010). The
ticenter study. It was reported to be safe, effec- majority of subjects showed improvement in
tive in reducing depressive symptoms, and depressive symptoms, and sertralines effects
not associated with further cognitive decline failed to achieve superiority over placebo.
(Roth, Mountjoy,& Amrein, 1996). Although Some authorities, in reviewing these cited
its side effect profile might discourage use studies, have concluded that antidepres-
in older adults, the tricyclic antidepressant sants are ineffective in treating depression
clomipramine was shown in a double-blind in AD patients. Others have pointed out
study to reduce depressive symptoms in the large placebo effect that typically occurs
depressed, demented subjects (Petracca, and have noted that depressive symptoms
Teson, Chemerinski, Leiguarda,& Starkstein, in this population can be shifting, transient,
1996). A multicenter Nordic study using a or responsive to nonspecific factors. The use
combination of open and blinded treatment of antidepressants for behavioral symptoms
with citalopram, 10 to 30 mg/d for 4 weeks, other than depression, too, may in some cases
versus placebo in depressed, demented be reasonable. For dementias other than AD,
patients found significant improvement in the effectiveness of antidepressant treatment
emotional symptoms, including depressed in reducing depressive symptoms has been
mood, emotional bluntness, anxiety, and less thoroughly investigated, though one
CHAPTER 25. Management of Depression, Apathy, and Sexualized Inappropriate Behavior in Dementia 591

open study has suggested that depressive (Howland, 2011a, 2011b), but it is none-
symptoms in frontotemporal dementia may theless reasonable to assess cardiac risk
benefit from treatment with a serotonin reup- factors and to obtain an electrocardio-
take blocking antidepressant (Swartz, Miller, gram as part of the workup of any older
Lesser,& Darby, 1997). For the clinician, the adult for whom antidepressant treatment
choice of whether to prescribe an antidepres- is planned. Although the adverse effects
sant to a demented person can be confusing, of the newer antidepressants are often
though the relatively good toleration of anti- quite mild, appropriate psychoeducation
depressant treatment in demented patients should be given to the patient and/or
(Nelson& Devanand, 2011), as compared to authorized health care representative. The
poorer tolerance of cholinesterase inhibitors prescribing clinician should review the
or antipsychotics, encourages consideration reasons for prescribing, the limited data
of a potentially beneficial clinical trial despite supporting the use of antidepressants in
the limited evidence supporting specific demented patients, the available treat-
effectiveness of antidepressants in target- ment alternatives, and the most common
ing AD patients depressive symptoms. We and most serious potential adverse effects.
suggest the following approach, taking into 4. Depressive symptoms should be mea-
account the limitations of availabledata: sured at baseline using an appropri-
ate instrument. For patients with
1. In any demented patient with behavioral higher scores on the Mini-Mental State
disturbances, treatment interventions Examination (>15/30 points), the
should be preceded by a differential diag- Geriatric Depression Scale is often an
nostic assessment process that takes into efficient measure (Yesavage, 1988). For
account environmental and medical fac- patients with greater cognitive impair-
tors, past psychiatric history, and family ment, the Cornell Scale for Depression
psychiatric history. in Dementia can be used (Alexopoulos,
2. The more clearly the patients symptoms Abrams, Young,& Shamoian, 1988).
resemble major depressive disorder, the 5. Eventual discontinuation of the phar-
more appropriate it may be to consider macotherapy should be an objective of
an antidepressant trial. Post-hoc analysis treatment, although in some cases that
of the DIADS-2 results, for example, indi- will prove inadvisable. Periodic monitor-
cated that a subgroup of AD patients who ing of depressive and other BPSD symp-
met baseline criteria for major depressive toms will inform the decision whether to
disorder showed a noticeable trend toward taper and stop antidepressant treatment.
achieving superior results with sertra- As yet, there are no standard guidelines
line, although the outcome was still not for antidepressant discontinuation in
statistically superior to placebo. Patients demented patients with depressive dis-
with symptoms suggesting a masked orders. A reasonable standard might be
depression, too, could be considered for to begin gradual dose reduction after
treatment. Along these lines, it should be 6months of continuous depressive remis-
noted that some antidepressants (e.g., cita- sion. However, a recent double-blind
lopram) have demonstrated a potential antidepressant discontinuation study in
signal of benefit in treating nondepressive demented patients documented a sub-
BPSDs (see Chapter24). sequent increase in depressive symp-
3. The serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and toms supporting that clinicians who
particularly sertraline or citalopram, may discontinue a demented patients anti-
be considered first-line antidepressants depressant should watch for subsequent
in treating depression in AD patients. re-emergence of depressive symptoms
Caution should be exercised with citalo- (Bergh, Selbaek,& Engedal, 2012).
pram dosing, given the recent FDA warn-
ing regarding prolonged QTc interval
and the suggestion that older adults not Apathy
be dosed higher than 20 mg/d. Clinical
data have not entirely supported this Apathy has been defined as diminished
level of specific caution about citalopram motivation not attributable to diminished
592part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

level of consciousness, cognitive impair- single-photon emission computed tomogra-

ment, or emotional distress (Marin, 1991). phy (SPECT), was associated with apathy in
Although dementia is not the only cause of AD and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB),
apathy, apathy is the most frequent BPSD suggesting basal ganglia involvement in
found in demented patients (Landes, Sperry, these patients (David et al., 2008). In vascu-
Strauss, & Geldmacher, 2001). Apathy may lar dementia and AD dementia, apathy has
appear less debilitating, dramatic, and been correlated with increased white matter
disruptive than depression in demented hyperintensities on MRI (Starkstein et al.,
patients; nonetheless, it can undermine the 2009).
cooperation of a patient with personal care As with other BPSDs, the initial approach
or activities of daily living, participation in to management of apathy includes differ-
pleasant events, involvement in social inter- ential diagnosis of the target symptoms.
action, and engagement in physical activity. The list of medical factors to consider is
Apathy easily escapes notice when lack of long and varied. A stroke or the sequelae
initiative passes for contentment or lack of of trauma from a fall or other accident may
distress. On the other hand, attentive caregiv- result in brain injury manifested as apathy.
ers may mistakenly interpret the disengage- Hypothyroidism, if undetected, can diminish
ment of an apathetic person as an indication initiative. Cardiopulmonary disease, sleep
of depression. Antidepressant treatment disorders, and neglected nutritional needs
must be undertaken with caution, however, deplete a patient of energy. It is important,
as in some cases the serotonergic agents too, to pare down the list of medications
will increase rather than diminish the target that can contribute to sedation. Selective
symptoms of apathy. serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antide-
In differentiating apathy from depres- pressants, interestingly, occasionally initiate
sion, it is useful to distinguish the symptoms or increase apathy (Padala, Padala, Monga,
shared by these syndromes from symptoms Ramirez,& Sullivan, 2012). Use of alcohol or
more characteristic of one or the other con- sedative hypnotics should be limited, if used
dition. Diminished interest, psychomotor at all by demented people. Prescribed medi-
retardation, fatigue, hypersomnia, and lack cations with sedating effects should be lim-
of insight can be found both in depression ited to the extent possible, and their potential
and apathy. Depression often includes dys- interactions should be reviewed.
phoria, suicidal ideation, self-criticism, guilt, Psychosocial factors also contribute to the
pessimism, or hopelessness. Apathys char- development of apathy. The initiative of a
acteristic symptoms may include a blunted bored or understimulated person who has
emotional response, low social engagement, been left unattended for long periods of time
and diminished initiation and persistence of may improve once activities and interac-
activities (Landes etal., 2001). tions increase. Frustration with unsuccess-
Recent neuroanatomical and imaging ful attempts to continue performing tasks
studies have sought to understand the neu- that were previously manageable can lead to
rological mechanisms of apathy, although desperation and irritable or apathetic disen-
the structural lesions associated with apa- gagement. Sometimes the careful matching
thy may vary among different diagnostic of a demented person with a companion or
populations. In AD, neuropathologic studies caregiver with shared enthusiasms or inter-
have demonstrated loss of neurons in frontal ests can alleviate apparent apathy that was
subcortical circuits (Landes et al., 2001) and increased by a sense of alienation. When
increased anterior cingulate neurofibrillary there is a clear temporal pattern of disinter-
tangle count (Marshall, Fairbanks, Tekin, est or sleepiness, the scheduling of stimulat-
Vinters,& Cummings, 2006). Consistent with ing and absorbing activities at the patients
these findings, quantitative structural mag- usual time of disengagement can be helpful
netic resonance imaging (MRI) has correlated in diminishing apathetic withdrawal. In one
apathy with changes in the anterior cingulate 4-week controlled, randomized cross-over
cortices bilaterally and in the left medial fron- clinical trial, a program of music and art ther-
tal cortical regions (Apostolova et al., 2007). apy and psychomotor activity was shown
Diminished synaptic dopamine reuptake in more effective than free activities in reduc-
the right and left putamen, visualized using ing apathy among demented subjects. This
CHAPTER 25. Management of Depression, Apathy, and Sexualized Inappropriate Behavior in Dementia 593

finding was more pronounced in those with Cameron, 2002). Galantamine, in two
less severe apathy (Ferrero-Arias etal., 2011). double-blind studies and other open-label
Positive benefits from pharmacotherapy trials, has been associated with improvement
in the treatment of apathy among demented in apathy in subjects with AD dementia and
subjects have been documented for several in vascular dementia (Berman et al., 2012).
classes of medications: cognitive enhancers, In one double-blind placebo-controlled trial,
stimulants, and antidepressants (Berman, the emergence of apathy in subjects with
Brodaty, Withall, & Seeher, 2012). By con- AD dementia was reduced (Cummings,
trast, two groups of medications often used Schneider, Tariot, Kershaw, & Yuan, 2004).
to treat BPSD in demented patients, the anti- An effect on apathy with memantine treat-
psychotics and the anticonvulsants, have ment has been less consistently supported.
demonstrated little or no value as treatments Two brief, randomized, double-blind,
for apathy in demented cohorts (Berman placebo-controlled studies showed signifi-
et al., 2012). The studies that have assessed cant improvements in apathy compared to
pharmacotherapy of apathy in demented placebo in subjects with AD dementia or
subjects are limited in duration and power, vascular dementia, while several other stud-
and focus primarily on AD. More needs to be ies have supported nonsignificant a trend
learned about prevention of apathy, longer toward benefit (Berman etal., 2012). The data
term pharmacologic management of apathy, on memantine as a treatment for apathy in
and pharmacotherapy of apathy in non-AD patients with frontotemporal dementia have
dementias. produced mixed results; two small case series
Based on the results of several double-blind (Swanberg, 2007)or case reports (Links etal.,
trials, and consistent with the findings of 2013)suggest benefit, but a small open-label
open-label trials, cognitive enhancers appear study was negative (Diehl-Schmid, Forstl,
to reduce apathy in AD patients. The cholin- Perneczky, Pohl,& Kurz, 2008).
esterase inhibitors have been studied more Dolder and colleagues recently reviewed
extensively than memantine in this regard. the literature on stimulant medications in
Standard doses of donepezil, in two ran- treating apathy among demented patients
domized controlled trials, were associated (Dolder, Davis, & McKinsey, 2010). While
with a decreased likelihood of the emergence there are scarce data to reach conclusions
of apathy during the 24 weeks of assess- about the potential benefits of stimulants
ment (Waldemar et al., 2011). In a series of among patients with different types of
other trials, mostly open-label studies in dementia or with regard to specific types of
which apathy was one of multiple behaviors stimulants, the little available data appear to
measured, treatment was associated with be strongest for treatment of patients with
reduced behaviors in groups of patients with AD dementia and for the use of methylphe-
AD dementia (Berman et al., 2012) and also nidate. Divided daily doses of methylphe-
in small case series with patients with Lewy nidate between 10 and 40 mg/d have been
body dementia (Lanctot& Herrmann, 2000). used in the reviewed studies. Yet clinicians
Greater levels of apathy at study baseline who prescribe stimulants in elderly patients
were associated with a greater likelihood of must carefully consider and monitor cardiac
response, but apathy was noted to increase in effects, as the use of these medications can be
some subjects (Mega, Masterman, OConnor, associated with increases in heart rate and
Barclay, & Cummings, 1999; Tanaka et al., blood pressure.
2004). While rivastigmine has been reported The use of antidepressants in treating
to reduce apathy in subjects with AD demen- apathy has been explored to only a limited
tia and in Lewy body dementia, small and degree, and authorities have questioned
perhaps underpowered studies have failed to whether their effects reduce or, perhaps in
show significant treatment benefits in fron- some cases, exacerbate apathy (Benoit etal.,
totemporal dementia and vascular dementia 2008). The SSRIs may be of particular con-
patients (Berman etal., 2012). Apathy is very cern as potential contributors to apathy. Yet,
common in the dementia of Parkinsons dis- on the other hand, measures of psychomo-
ease (Aarsland etal., 2007), and the usefulness tor retardation were improved in a trial with
of rivastigmine in treating this apathy was demented hospitalized patients with behav-
suggested in a small case series (Bullock & ioral disturbances treated with citalopram
594part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

(Nyth & Gottfries, 1990). Bupropion, which Caution is warranted before labeling sex-
possesses stimulant properties, has also been ual or other behaviors as inappropriate, since
reported to be useful in the management of in some cases the behaviors may actually be
apathy in patients with organic brain disease appropriate or at least acceptable. A cogni-
(Corcoran, Wong,& OKeane, 2004). tively impaired individual can remain capa-
ble of sexual interest, excitement, and activity
that is appropriate within certain contexts,
Sexualized Inappropriate Behavior such as clearly consensual sexual involve-
ment with a relationship partner. An inap-
Sexualized inappropriate behavior, which propriate and apparently sexualized grab at
is estimated to occur among 7% to 25% of an attendant sometimes represents a poorly
demented patients, is less frequent than modulated request for attention and affec-
either depression or apathy, yet it presents tion. The engagement of the limbic system
one of the most challenging management does not necessarily deteriorate in tandem
dilemmas (Stubbs, 2011). To begin with, many with that of more recently evolved cortical
caregivers are uncomfortable with expres- areas, and there are circumstances in which
sions of sexuality among these older and offering a demented person a nonsexual hug
cognitively impaired individuals; this can or a relaxing hand massage is both welcome
result in a focus on the sexual content rather and appropriate.
than the inappropriate quality of the behav- Thinking beyond SIB as normal behav-
ior. Relabeling these behaviors as sexualized ior or an expression of the wish for contact
inappropriate behavior (SIB), a small seman- and affection, there are other psychosocial
tic change that refocuses attention on disin- considerations. Our currently aging group
hibition rather than sexuality as the target of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered
of our treatment interventions, can in some individuals may express sexuality in a way
cases reduce caregiver shock, disgust, or that caregivers in institutional settings will
aversion in the presence of behaviors that are find unfamiliar (Benbow & Beeston, 2012).
socially unacceptable among the cognitively Cognitive impairment may modulate sexual
intact. Males are more likely than females to behavior that is intended to be appropri-
show this variety of BPSD, and disinhibited atefor example, through misidentification
sexualized behavior is more characteristic of of another person as a spouseleading to
frontotemporal dementia than of AD. behaviors that would be appropriate in the
SIB usually consists of masturbation in correct context. Delusional misinterpreta-
areas that lack privacy or sexualized intru- tion of anothers behavior as an invitation
sions upon others using words or actions to intimacy can lead to unwanted advances.
that are unacceptable for a variety of rea- Sexual behavior in some demented individu-
sons (Stubbs, 2011). Unwanted consequences als may merely represent manifestation of a
can include embarrassment, disruption of a preexisting mental disorder such as mania or
milieu or home setting, psychic or physical paraphilia or continuation of habitual inap-
trauma to others, transmission of a commu- propriate behavior that predated cognitive
nicable sexual disease, and reactions of vari- impairment.
ous sorts that may range from inappropriate A neurological explanation of SIB should
participation in sexual activity to aggressive take into account the possibilities both of
responses. In some cases, SIB can result in decreased inhibition and increased drive.
legal allegations and liability. To the conster- Black and colleagues, in a comprehensive
nation of family caregivers, SIB can occur in review of SIB, suggest that four brain sys-
public places such as health clubs or restau- tems are potential contributors to SIB (Black,
rants. In the home, it represents a potential Muralee,& Tampi, 2005). Failure of inhibition
hazard for children who spend time with and social judgment suggests impairment of
an older, demented relative. In institutional the frontal executive systems restraining
settings, it can represent a reason for hospi- capacity. An increase in sexual drive, similar
talization or even expulsion. Inpatient units to the hypersexuality seen in the Kluver-Bucy
often encounter great difficulty finding resi- syndrome, has been invoked and may be of
dential placements for demented patients particular importance in frontotemporal
whose disinhibited behavior is sexualized. dementias. Striatal involvement is suggested
CHAPTER 25. Management of Depression, Apathy, and Sexualized Inappropriate Behavior in Dementia 595

by a compulsive quality to some SIBs. Finally, open-label trials. As with the other off-label
hypothalamic involvement, through disor- uses described in this chapter, it is necessary
dered hormonal control, has also been con- that the competent patient or the authorized
sidered a possible contributor to some cases health care representative be informed about
of SIB. the use of a medication for this nonindicated
As with other BPSDs, SIB should initially purpose and be educated about the poten-
be addressed behaviorally. Psychoeducation tial risks, benefits, and alternative treatment
of the caregiving system is an important ini- approaches. As a prelude to pharmacother-
tial step. Spouses, children of sufficient age apy of SIB, it may be appropriate to discon-
and capacity to understand, and caregiving tinue medications that increase sexual drive
institutional staff may initially fail to under- or expression such as androgens, levodopa,
stand that the SIB is a symptom of neurode- or disinhibiting sedative-hypnotics. When
generation rather than the unmasking of an using one of the medications suggested
evil or aggressive character. Reframing the helpful for managing SIB, it is advisable to
SIB as a common symptom of dementia can follow the universal guideline for geriatric
diminish the moral stigmatization that might pharmacotherapy, which is to start low, go
otherwise occur and can facilitate behavioral slow, but do not undertreat or declare failure
management that may include more accept- prematurely.
able ways of responding to whatever needs Pharmacologic management of SIB has
the patient is expressing through sexualized aimed to reduce sexual drive or to diminish
behaviors. Sex education is an important disinhibition. Evidence is not available to
aspect of training for institutional care staff assess the effects of cognitive-enhancing cho-
who may lack experience in distinguishing linesterase inhibitors or memantine on sexu-
acceptable and inappropriate behaviors from alized behavior, though one letter describes a
those that are not tolerable within an institu- case in which rivastigmine alleviated sexually
tional setting. aggressive behavior of a demented woman
Behavioral interventions often suffice (Alagiakrishnan, Sclater, & Robertson,
in managing SIB and should in general 2003). The libido-reducing and antiorgasmic
be employed prior to pharmacotherapeu- effects of serotonergic antidepressants, some-
tic approaches because their effectiveness times a cause of treatment nonadherence in
may be as great and the hazard of potential younger adults, may serve advantageously
adverse medication effects can be avoided. in managing SIB in some demented patients.
To begin with, overstimulating external cues Paroxetine (Stewart & Shin, 1997), cita-
such as sexually exciting television shows lopram (Chen, 2010; Tosto, Talarico, Lenzi,&
or movies should be eliminated. Although Bruno, 2008), and clomipramine (Leo& Kim,
confrontation of inappropriate behavior may 1995)each have been prescribed at standard
fail to have lasting beneficial consequences, a antidepressant doses and claimed to be help-
sexualizing person may be responsive to dis- ful in reducing sexualized behaviors in case
traction and redirection toward involvement reports. Trazodone, though in other con-
in a more acceptable activity. Sexualized texts occasionally a cause of hypersexuality,
intrusions on a roommate or family member has also been used in this way. The famil-
may necessitate a room change or avoidance iar adverse effects of these antidepressants,
of unchaperoned time together. Public mas- and especially of clomipramine, can under-
turbation or undressing can sometimes be mine their use in managing SIB. Cimetidine
managed by use of clothing modifications (Wiseman, McAuley, Freidenberg, &
that make it more difficult to remove clothing Freidenberg, 2000)(600 to 1,600 mg/d), per-
without assistance, such as pants that fasten haps through its secondary effect on testos-
in the back rather than the front and do not terone levels resulting from hepatic enzyme
have a zipper. induction, has been used to lower libido
Although not yet supported by random- and manage SIB. As an unwanted conse-
ized, controlled, double-blind clinical tri- quence of its use, blood levels of hepatically
als, many different medications have been metabolized coadministered medications
tried in the management of SIB. Clinical may also be diminished. Nonspecific seda-
practice to date appears to rely primarily on tion or increased impulse control is a treat-
the reported results of small case series or ment objective when using antipsychotics
596part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

to manage SIB, and these medications are term management of these symptoms in both
therefore often used in an effort to affect SIB patients with AD dementia and in those with
despite an evidence base apparently limited other neurodegenerative disorders.
to a couple of case reports describing the use
of haloperidol (Jensen, 1989) or quietiapine References
(MacKnight & Rojas-Fernandez, 2000) and
a post-hoc analysis supporting risperidones Aarsland, D., Bronnick, K., Ehrt, U., De Deyn,
use at low doses in a Korean nursing home P. P., Tekin, S., Emre, M., & Cummings,
cohort (Suh, Greenspan, & Choi, 2006). The J. L. (2007). Neuropsychiatric symptoms
in patients with Parkinsons disease and
adverse effects of the antipsychotics are
dementia: frequency, profile and associ-
described in detail in Chapter 24, including ated care giver stress. Journal of Neurology,
the increase in overall mortality risk that Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 78, 3642.
is associated with their long-term use in Alagiakrishnan, K., Sclater, A., & Robertson,
demented older adults. Pindolol (40 mg/d), D. (2003). Role of cholinesterase inhibitor
through adrenergic antagonism or perhaps in the management of sexual aggression in
through its serotonergic effects, was reported an elderly demented woman. Journal of the
to manage SIB successfully in one patient American Geriatrics Society, 51, 1326.
(Jensen, 1989). There is also a case report of Alexopoulos, G. S., Abrams, R. C., Young,
gabapentins use in managing SIB (Miller, R. C., & Shamoian, C. A. (1988). Cornell
Scale for Depression in Dementia. Biological
Psychiatry, 23, 271284.
In more severe or treatment-resistant Apostolova, L. G., Akopyan, G. G., Partiali,
cases, hormonal agents have been used N., Steiner, C. A., Dutton, R. A., Hayashi,
to lower libido through effects on the K. M.,...Thompson, P. M. (2007). Structural
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal hormonal cir- correlates of apathy in Alzheimers disease.
cuit. Medroxyprogesterone (Light& Holroyd, Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 24,
2006) (doses of 100 to 300 mg/d given as an 9197.
intramuscular injection), diethylstilbesterol Bassiony, M. M., Warren, A., Rosenblatt,
(Kyomen, Nobel, & Wei, 1991) (1 mg/d), or A., Baker, A., Steinberg, M., Steele,
leuprolide acetate (Ott, 1995)(7.5mg/month C. D.,...Lyketsos, C. G. (2002). The relation-
ship between delusions and depression in
given as an intramuscular injection) have
Alzheimers disease. International Journal of
been reported in one or more cases to manage Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 549556.
SIB. Estrogen (Lothstein, Fogg-Waberski, & Benbow, S.M.,& Beeston, D. (2012). Sexuality,
Reynolds, 1997)(0.625 mg/d), used in a larger aging, and dementia. International
sample of patients, was also reported effec- Psychogeriatrics, 24(7), 10261033.
tive in managing SIB. The side effects of these Benoit, M., Andrieu, S., Lechowski, L.,
hormonal agents include weight changes, diz- Gillette-Guyonnet, S., Robert, P. H., &
ziness, nausea, insomnia, pain, edema, and Vellas, B. (2008). Apathy and depression in
depression. Alzheimers disease are associated with func-
tional deficit and psychotropic prescription.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23,
Conclusion Bergh, S., Selbaek, G., & Engedal, K. (2012).
Discontinuation of antidepressants in people
In the management of demented patients in with dementia and neuropsychiatric symp-
home or institutional settings, BPSDs present toms (DESEP study): Double blind, ran-
challenges that often exceed those of reduced domised, parallel group, placebo controlled
memory capacity. Preventive management of trial. British Medical Journal, 344, e1566.
the environment, early recognition of BPSDs, Berman, K., Brodaty, H., Withall, A., & Seeher,
and monitoring of the safety of patient and K. (2012). Pharmacologic treatment of apa-
caregivers are important steps in providing thy in dementia. American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry, 20, 104122.
optimal care. Behavioral interventions should
Black, B., Muralee, S., & Tampi, R. R. (2005).
generally precede pharmacologic treatment Inappropriate sexual behaviors in dementia.
approaches, and sometimes the combina- Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology,
tion is optimal. Further research must seek 18, 155162.
a fuller understanding of BPSDs neuropsy- Branconnier, R. J., & Cole, J. O. (1980). The
chiatric mechanisms and explore the longer therapeutic role of methylphenidate in
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Nonpharmacological Approaches to Managing

Behavior Symptoms in Dementia
Sumer Verma

And as with age his body uglier grows, It was the seminal work of Alois Alzheimer
So his mind cankers. that provided the first clear understanding
Shakespeare, The Tempest (act IV, of a disease that is now named after him
scene1,213214) (Berchtold& Cotman, 1998).
Increase in global life expectancy and con-
sequent aging of the population has resulted
Last scene of all, in an unprecedented increase in the inci-
That ends this strange eventful history, dence and prevalence of dementia. This shift
Is second childishness and mere oblivion, will continue to pose increasing demands
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans on global health care resources. In 2006, the
everything. worldwide prevalence of Alzheimers dis-
Shakespeare, As You Like It (act II, ease was 26.6million. It is projected that by
scene7, 143170) 2030, the number of persons suffering from
dementia worldwide will rise to nearly 1 bil-
lion. By 2050, the prevalence will quadruple,
The contemporary history of dementia by which time 1 in 85 persons worldwide will
begins in 1906 with the report at a conference be living with the disease. The impact of these
in Tubingen, Germany, by Alois Alzheimer demographic changes requires us to consider
On a peculiar disease process of the cerebral carefully the means by which we manage
cortex. However, the awareness of (senile) this epidemic while we await the discovery
dementia and the cognitive and behavioral of an agent or agents that can effectively
disturbances that result from this disease alter the course and outcome of dementia.
dates back thousands of years. Medical lit- Despite the very significant advances over
erature and fiction are replete with descrip- the past 100 years in our understanding of
tions of the personal and social consequences the pathogenesis of dementia, we still lack
of the illness. Older descriptions of demen- any effective intervention that can provide
tia largely attributed the development of any more than modest slowing of the inexo-
dementia to the cognitive decline that was rable cognitive and functional decline. We
believed to inevitably accompany old age. are a long way from preventing or reversing

CHAPTER 26. Nonpharmacological Approaches to Managing Behavior Symptoms in Dementia 601

the process. It is estimated that about 43% prevalence rates for these symptoms vary
of prevalent cases will need a high level of widely depending on the study population
care, equivalent to that of a nursing home. If and the criteria used to ascertain symptoms
effective interventions could delay disease (Okura etal., 2010). Between 56% and 74% of
onset and progression by a modest 1 year, persons with moderately advanced dementia
there could be nearly 9.2million fewer cases exhibit at least one BPSD (Geda et al., 2008;
of the disease by 2050, with nearly the entire Lyketsos etal., 2002). Most studies show that
decline attributable to decreases in persons the frequency and severity of BPSDs increase
needing a high level of care (Brookmeyer, with dementia severity. For example, depres-
Johnson, Ziegler-Graham,& Arrighi, 2007). sion, social withdrawal, and anxiety dis-
The appropriate management of dementia orders are seen more commonly in early
needs to focus on two main issues: slowing dementia while agitation, disinhibition, and
the deficits imposed by cognitive decline aggression are more common in advanced
and managing the behavioral and psycho- dementia (Jost& Grossberg, 1996). Although
logical symptoms (BPSDs) that develop as generalizable patterns can be seen in some
the disease progresses (Cohen-Mansfield, aspects of behavioral symptoms across
1994; Finkel, Costa e Silva, Cohen, Miller,& groups of patients with dementia, they may
Sartorius, 1996; Tariot, 1996). Although cli- vary substantially in intensity and severity
nicians are more knowledgeable about from person to person and from time to time
pharmacological interventions that treat the in the same person. For the most part, these
cognitive deficit, less is understood about forms of variability are not well understood.
the appropriate management of the BPSDs. Although cognitively intact persons may
For the most part, the dominant approach respond to sources of distress in the environ-
has been pharmacological, yet there are ment (e.g., uncertainty, unpredictability) or in
increasing questions being raised about the themselves (e.g., pain or other physical dis-
appropriateness of this approach. The US comfort) in a variety of ways, they are gen-
Department of Health and Human Services erally able to communicate their distress in
Office of the Inspector General reported that ways that are understandable by others and
99.5% of nursing facilities in the United States socially acceptable. In persons with demen-
were noncompliant regarding the regulations tia, however, communication abilities and
concerning the use of antipsychotic agents insight are often impaired, which may cause
in nursing homes. The Center for Medicare forms of distress experienced by all of us to be
Services implemented an initiative to reduce expressed in ways we describe as BPSDs. In
the use of antipsychotic agents in nursing addition, premorbid personality traits likely
homes by 15% by 2013. As a result, increasing color how distress is expressed as BPSDs.
emphasis is being placed on developing and This may explain, in part, why one person
utilizing nonpharmacological interventions. exhibits aggressiveness and another exhib-
its apathy. Just as nondemented people are
different, so also are people suffering from
A Conceptual Overview of Behavioral dementia. Aone-size-fits-all approach to this
and Psychological Symptoms problem fails to account for the tremendous
variations seen in BPSDs.
As detailed in Chapters21, 24, and 25, BPSDs One way to explain this behavioral variation
are a varied group of symptoms that com- is to draw a parallel with normal human devel-
plicate the course of dementia to varying opment. Human growth and development
degrees in many patients with dementia. unfolds along a predictable sequence of events
These disturbances result in immense dis- from birth to adult life. The ability to manage
tress to patient and caregiver alike (Cerejeira, basic and instrumental activities of daily living
Lagarto, & Mukaetova-Ladinska, 2012). (ADLs and IADLs) independently is acquired
Symptoms such as apathy, agitation, aggres- hierarchically as the nervous system matures.
siveness, depression, and psychosis are Normal aging is often accompanied by a grad-
associated with substantial personal and ual loss of some previously acquired motor,
caregiver distress, increased health care costs cognitive, and psychosocial abilities. The ensu-
both direct and indirect, and a greater risk ing functional decline is modulated by adap-
for institutional placement. Estimates of the tive capacity and coping skills. When late life
602part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

is complicated by prominent cognitive decline, George E. P. Box famously stated,

there is also loss of previously effective adap- Remember that all models are wrong; the
tive and coping skills. Anxiety and depression practical question is how wrong do they have
develop with the fear of impending failure. to be to not be useful (Box& Draper, 1987,
As dementia worsens, functional communica- p.74). While some of the preceding discussion
tion becomes difficult and attempts at coping is clearly oversimplified, it is meant to serve
become less effective and more primitive or as a model that can be applied to caregiving
childlike. The difference is that in attempting in dementia. Thus, a substantial number of
to understand some of the chaotic behavior of BPSDs can be viewed as a consequence of the
infancy and adolescence, one has to consider breakdown of the communication between
where the person is headed, whereas in late amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal
life it is useful to understand where the per- cortex. When pathology exceeds a certain
son has come from. A thorough review of threshold, the person loses the top-down,
the life story of the individual and his or her reason-guided and learned modulation of
premorbid style may be helpful in explain- the more primitive bottom-up, childlike,
ing some of the origins of and ways BPSDs are impulsive, fight-or-flight responses. Like a
expressed, and it may also help in developing young child, the cognitively impaired indi-
caregiving strategies. vidual has increasing difficulty in processing
Yet another, and perhaps complemen- change and in expressing distress appropri-
tary, conceptualization that can be used to ately. With disease progression, as impulse
understand BPSDs is to examine the inter- control and communication abilities are
actions between the limbic system and the lost, the individual becomes progressively
cortex. The human brain is the product of less able to contextualize bodily feelings
evolution. The triune brain, as postulated (some of which may be symptoms such as
by Paul MacLean in the 1960s, consists of pain, constipation-related discomfort, etc.),
the reptilian complex (the amygdala), the regulate emotion, and communicate needs.
paleo-mammalian complex (the limbic sys- Unexpected environmental change may be
tem), and the neo-mammalian complex (the interpreted as chaos, and without the cortical
neocortex). Among mammals, the human brake with which to modulate the associ-
brain is the largest, and the cerebral cortex ated feelings, BPSDs emerge.
is the thickest. In essence, it is what makes
humans the most evolved species. The
complex interconnections between the vari- Common Behavior Problems
ous parts of the brain that allow us to seam-
lessly integrate sensory inputs and organize Behavior can be defined as an action by an
effective responses are far from completely organism in response to its environment.
understood. Nevertheless, this conceptual- Humans possess a highly evolved and com-
ization can serve as a useful brain model plex nervous system, and they have devel-
when conceptualizing the origins of BPSDs oped the ability to acquire an extensive
and behavioral/environmental strategies repertoire of responses that enable them to
for intervention. The prefrontal neocortex adapt to their environment. A corollary to
provides us with the ability to apply reason this observation is that based on their dif-
over the more basic fight-or-flight reactions ferent life experiences, these behaviors vary
that emanate from the reptilian brain. The from person to person. Their acceptability
neocortex acts as a top-down brake applied or unacceptability is determined by societal
to the bottom-up reptilian drives that norms. Barring extremes, the judgment of
originate from the amygdala and other parts what makes a behavior acceptable or unac-
of the limbic system. In this model, the inter- ceptable can vary from culture to culture and
mediary in this process is the hippocampus. is very much in the eyes of the beholder.
An important function of the hippocampus is Every species needs a system by which
to encode and retrieve a variety of types of to quickly assess threatreal or imagined.
memories. Bilateral damage to the hippocam- Without this ability, survival of the species is
pus results in difficulty in both anterograde threatened. The triune brain hypothesis pro-
and, to a lesser degree, retrograde amnesia, poses that this is an important ability, ema-
thus making learning difficult. nating from the amygdala and other parts of
CHAPTER 26. Nonpharmacological Approaches to Managing Behavior Symptoms in Dementia 603

TABLE26.1 Disturbed or Disturbing Behaviors

Disturbed/Dangerous Disturbing/Troubling

Assaultive Wandering or pacing

Aggressive physically or verbally Sleep cycle disruption
Psychosis Inappropriate sexuality
Paranoia Hoarding
Mood changedepression, mania Foul language
Inappropriate or predatory sexuality Social withdrawal
Destruction of property Anorexia or hyperphagia
Inappropriate voiding/defecation Resistance to care

the reptilian brain. From birth, humans learn There is no consensus on the most appro-
(to varying degrees) to tolerate frustration, priate and effective way of ameliorating the
delay gratification, and act in accordance BPSDs that complicate management at differ-
with social norms. This is largely a function ent stages of the illnessthis is likely because
of the prefrontal and other parts of the neo- there is no one-size-fits-all method that
cortex, and the process takes about 20years applies to each individual. General and per-
to complete. Disruption of higher cortical sonalized nonpharmacological approaches,
functions can occur following cortical dam- sometimes combined with pharmacology,
age, states of intoxication, and in dementia. are generally recommended. While in the
Depending on the degree of damage, there past, pharmacological treatment has been a
can be disinhibition, a disregard for social mainstay of treatment efforts, there has been
norms, disruption of language fluency, and increasing concern raised about the efficacy
a regression to a less developed or childlike and appropriateness of these interventions,
state. The unacceptable behaviors that result especially the use of antipsychotic drugs.
can broadly be classified as either disturbed Nearly one in three nursing-home residents
and dangerous, or disturbing and troubling in the United States received antipsychotic
(see Table26.1). drugs in 2007, which is the highest reported
level of use in more than a decade (Chen etal.,
2010). Twenty-eight percent of all Medicare
To Medicate or Not beneficiaries in nursing homes received
at least one prescription for antipsychot-
The management of BPSDs remains largely ics during the study period: 20.3% received
empiric and inconsistent. When confronted atypicals only; 3.7%, conventionals only;
with distressing BPSDs, the clinician is con- and 3.6%, both atypicals and conventionals.
fronted with the dilemma of whether to Less than half (41.8%) of treated residents
drug or not to drug. The disruptive behav- received antipsychotic therapy in accordance
iors often exhibited by infants, children, and with prescribing guidelines. Almost one in
adolescents are tolerated as normal and, four (23.4%) patients had no appropriate
rightly, few would resort to the use of phar- indication for antipsychotic treatment, 17.2%
macological agents to contain the average had daily doses exceeding recommended
episode of bad behavior. Yet, when con- levels, and 17.6% had both inappropriate
fronted with similar behavior in demented indications and high dosing. Patients receiv-
elderly, there has often been a rush to treat- ing antipsychotic therapy within guidelines
ment with psychotropics. A survey by the were no more likely to achieve stability or
Office of the Inspector General in May 2011 improvement in behavioral symptoms than
examined the use of atypical antipsychotic were those taking antipsychotics outside the
drugs in nursing homes and found that guidelines (Briesacher etal., 2005).
off-label conditions were associated with 83% Few clinicians would deny the useful-
of claims for atypical antipsychotic drugs for ness of nonpharmacological interventions
elderly nursing home residents; 88% were for BPSDs. However, the relative paucity of
associated with the condition specified in the high-quality studies that demonstrate the
FDA boxed warning. effectiveness of many nonpharmacological
604part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

treatments for BPSDs have made many clini- drugs are vastly superior in efficacy and side
cians reluctant to use them for all but the most effect profile to the older drugs. That being
trivial disturbances. Additionally, despite said, they are not entirely free of serious car-
many nonpharmacological treatments being diac, metabolic, and central nervous system
both effective and well tolerated, reluctance effects, especially in the elderly in whom the
to institute them in the long-term care setting use of these drugs, as a class, has been associ-
has been influenced by the fact that they often ated with increased risk of death, stroke, and
require a dedicated and trained staff with cognitive decline (Narang etal., 2010; Vigen
time and patience to try different modalities. et al., 2011). Before utilizing these agents, a
Having said that, it must be added that there careful workup must be completed. The pres-
are situations in which patients are refractory ence of a psychosis or serious mood disorder
to nonpharmacological interventions or pose should be the only acceptable indication for
serious risk to themselves and others that prescribing first- and second-generation anti-
necessitate the acute use of pharmacological psychotic medications. To date, however, not
interventions. To deny a distressed patient one of these agents has been granted FDA
any appropriate treatment is unacceptable approval for use in dementia and, if used, is
and unethical. Pharmacology must be consid- used off label. (In the United Kingdom, the
ered when the safety of the patient or others is only drug licensed for the treatment of per-
at risk or when the benefits of pharmacology sistent and refractory agitation and psychosis
clearly outweigh the risks. Pharmacotherapy in dementia is risperidonefor short-term
should always be employed in conjunction treatment 12 mg daily for only up to 6
with nonpharmacological methods. In all weeks.) Suffice it to say that the prescription
such instances the drug should be used for of antipsychotics for older demented individ-
approved indications, in the lowest possible uals is coming under increased scrutiny and
effective dose and for a limited period of regulation in both the lay and professional
time. All interventions must be documented press. Some have gone so far as to say that
in terms of risk benefit and rationale, and The way antipsychotic drugs are used in
they must be appropriately monitored. nursing homes is a form of elder abuse (as
As matters stand today, the question is not stated by Patricia McGinnis, executive direc-
to drug or not to drug but rather how to tor of California Advocates for Nursing Home
use both modalities effectively in conjunc- Reform, to the Senate Special Committee on
tion. No single modality works for all situ- Aging in 2010)and that Instead of providing
ations or persons; it is up to the treatment individualized care, many homes indiscrimi-
team to decide which modality is most nately use these drugs to sedate and subdue
effective in a particular situation. Until the residents.
advent of atypical antipsychotic drugs in
the early 1990s, conventional agents were
the most commonly prescribed agents for Developing Nonpharmacological
BPSDs, despite the fact that these drugs were Approaches
developed and approved for the treatment
of psychosis. Most cases of dementia do not The ensuing section is based on experience
exhibit frank psychosis. In addition, these gained over the past 7 years at Briarwood
conventional antipsychotic drugs were asso- Nursing and Rehabilitation in Needham,
ciated with serious side effects that limited Massachusetts. The program is based on the
their use in older patients. Concern with the Eden Alternative model and provides care
overuse of these drugs led to the Omnibus for 40 residents. Over the prior 7 years, the
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, which use of antipsychotic drugs on the dementia
mandated that these drugs be used only as service has been reduced to about 5% with-
a last resort to treat BPSDs. The atypical or out any noticeable increase in distress to
second-generation antipsychotic drugs were patients or staff or increase in use of other
initially believed to be free of most of the psychotropic drugs. The process of achieving
side effects that limited the use of conven- this goal is discussed in the ensuing section
tional antipsychotics. Two decades of clinical to provide practical suggestions on develop-
experience and data have proved otherwise. ing nonpharmacological interventions. These
Unquestionably, these second-generation suggestions are offered as general guidelines
CHAPTER 26. Nonpharmacological Approaches to Managing Behavior Symptoms in Dementia 605

with the understanding that each facility has for patients. This training had an immedi-
its own patient and caregiver demographics ate impact on the understanding, confidence,
and characteristics, as well as staff and milieu and ability of the staff to deal effectively with
strengths and limitations. BPSDs without reflexively resorting to use of

Interdisciplinary Teamwork
Modification of the Physical
Long-term care and more so, dementia care is Environment
effective when it becomes an interdisciplin-
ary effort. It takes a team to care for a person There is no perfect environment for patients
with dementia. Traditional hospital-based with dementia. Unless one has the luxury of
care is directed at cure and the lead clini- designing a facility from scratch, most facili-
cian, often a physician, is the coordinator ties have to work within the limitation of the
of care. On the other hand, dementia care is existing structure. Yet within these constraints
directed at the maintenance of function and a lot can be done to modify the environment.
quality of life. The most effective model is Color and visuals were extensively used.
one in which the roles of nursing, social work, Doors to rooms were painted in different col-
family, and rehabilitation services become ors, and display boxes outside every room
central. The lead clinician assumes a less help cue patients to their own environment.
central role in the decision-making process. Room occupancy is limited to single or dou-
Perhaps the most important member of the ble occupancy, and hallways are brightly lit.
team is the nursing assistant. This is the per- Floors are not polished to a high gloss and
son that provides most of the care and in turn the area was conditioned to prevent echo and
absorbs the brunt of the BPSDs. In addition sound distortion. Most important, ambient
to the nursing staff, social worker, and, when noise is kept to a minimum.
feasible, the nursing attendant, a nutritionist
and physical therapist meet with a psychia-
trist to coordinate care. The core team con- Proposed Models of Care
sisting of a nurse, social worker, psychiatrist,
and geriatric internist meet twice a week to No single model of care fits all situations.
review problem patients. Whenever possible, Staff are encouraged to attempt different
the appropriate certified nursing assistant, models of care based on the perceived needs
occupational therapist, physical therapist, of the individual resident. These include the
speech therapist, and the consulting pharma- following:
cist join the group.
1. Cognitive/emotion-oriented interven-
tions (reminiscence and life review,
Staff Education simulated presence therapy, validation
With significant support from the facility 2. Sensory stimulation interventions (aro-
administrator and the director of nursing, matherapy, light therapy, massage/touch,
all staff in groups of three or four, attended a music therapy)
6-week program (The Oasis Program) led by 3. Behavior management techniques
a nurse educator who educates all members 4. Psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral
of the team about patient-centered care. therapy, psychoeducation)
The objective of this program is to get staff 5. Other psychosocial interventions such as
to understand how to communicate effec- animal-assisted therapy and exercise
tively with demented individuals at differ-
ent stages of the illness with an emphasis Unfortunately, consistent and reliable data
on attempting to appreciate the needs of the about the efficacy of the various psycho-
resident. Staff learn to distinguish between social therapies are lacking. Before opt-
disturbed and disturbing behaviors. ing for any intervention in relation to
They learn that it is often possible to redirect agitation and aggressive behavior, and
the behavior and remain flexible in caring before opting for any intervention, it is
606part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

important to carefully analyze the poten- pertinent to the residents care. Asignificant
tial causes for the disruptive behavior (e.g., part of this discussion focuses on gathering
antecedents-behaviors-consequences) and to information about the residents premorbid
attempt to minimize the antecedent. These personality, including likes and dislikes and
causes may include pain, medical illness, responses to frustration. Another area of dis-
fatigue, depression, loneliness, under or cussion is devoted to the family and the resi-
overstimulation, and social or environmental dents stated desire for limitations in care and
stressors. No single intervention can work end-of-life choices. Families are encouraged
to manage the disruption caused by differ- to meet with members of the team informally
ent types of BPSD. Our experience suggests as and when the need arises as well as for-
that the key to managing disruptive behav- mally for a monthly support group meeting.
iors using psychosocial interventions is flex-
ibility and an institutional commitment to
limiting pharmacological intervention. If the End-of-Life Care for Severely
tenets of the conceptual model for BPSDs Demented Persons
described earlier in this chapter are consid-
ered valid and are entertained, then it helps No discussion of dementia care can be con-
staff to understand that many disruptive sidered complete without some appreciation
behaviors are no different than those that of end-of-life care. Caring for terminally ill
they have experienced as parents of young persons is always a complex process in which
childrenand they did not resort to phar- clinicians are confronted with their own reli-
macology to control them. The limbic system gious and ethical beliefs, their clinical judg-
interprets change as chaos, and many of the ment, and their interpretation of the legal
symptoms of BPSDs are primitive attempts boundaries within which to practice. What
at restoring order to the environment. To this defines quality of care at the end of life for
end, it helps to remember that pharmacologi- persons suffering from dementia is not well
cal interventions should be resorted to only understood. In 2009 Alzheimers disease was
when the safety and well-being of the patient the sixth leading cause of death in the United
or others is at risk. Persons suffering from States. Dementia-related deaths are the most
dementia need to feel safe and experience a rapidly increasing cause of mortality in the
sense of control. This becomes most evident United States. Despite the fact that 70% of
when very personal activities such as bath- dementia-related deaths occur in the nursing
ing and toileting are met with resistance and home, the provision of hospice care remains
agitation. Whenever possible, these activities significantly limited (Kiely, Givens, Shaffer,
should be provided by same-sex caregivers. Teno,& Mitchell, 2010). This is mainly because
The environment should remain constant; dementia is, erroneously, not considered by
routine is very important. Noise should many to be a terminal illness, and therefore
be kept to a minimum. When language is persons with advanced dementia often do not
impaired and communication becomes dif- receive optimal palliative care. Areview of the
ficult, it becomes important to be sensitive to literature on this subject indicates that many
nonverbal cues. As in communicating with patients with dementia die without adequate
nonverbal infants, touch and body language pain control, with feeding tubes in place,
become key methods of communication. and without the benefits of hospice care.
Caregivers have to appreciate that it is not Only about 6% of nursing home residents
what you say but how you say it that is most are admitted to hospice (Mitchell, Kiely, &
applicable to patients with dementia. Hamel, 2004; Mitchell, Morris, Park,& Fries,
2004; Sachs, Shega,& Cox-Hayley, 2004. There
are many myths that confound decision mak-
Family Involvement ing in the ambiguity surrounding the end of
life. One of the more common myths is that
A key component is the involvement of the forgoing life-sustaining treatment and pre-
residents family at every stage of the resi- scribing high doses of opiates to relieve pain
dents stay on the unit through discharge and distress will lead to criminal prosecution
or death. Family members meet with the (Meisel, Snyder, & Quill, 2000). Although it
team at admission and provide information has been shown that the health care needs of
CHAPTER 26. Nonpharmacological Approaches to Managing Behavior Symptoms in Dementia 607

patients dying from dementia are comparable and Alzheimers disease: Greco-Roman
to those of persons dying from cancer, these period to the 1960s. Neurobiology of Aging,
needs are not well articulated. Respecting 19(3), 173189.
patient preferences is key to quality care at the Box, G. E. P., & Draper, N. R. (1987). Empirical
model-building and response surfaces. NewYork,
end of life, but by virtue of severe cognitive
and functional deficits, these patients can-
Briesacher, B. A., Limcangco, M. R.,
not participate in treatment decisions at late Simoni-Wastila, L., Doshi, J.A., Levens, S.R.,
stages of illness. Shea, D. G., & Stuart, B. (2005). The quality
As the numbers of persons dying with of antipsychotic drug prescribing in nursing
advanced dementia continue to increase, more homes. Archives of Internal Medicine, 165(11),
attention needs to be directed to this aspect of 12801285.
health policy. Median survival in advanced Brookmeyer, R., Johnson, E., Ziegler-Graham,
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The Role of the Family in the Care and

Management of Patients With Dementia
Licet Valois and James E. Galvin

The cognitive, functional, and behavioral order to facilitate care provision. To better
decline experienced by individuals diag- address the needs of both the patient and
nosed with dementia can be severe and the caregiver, the public and health care pro-
debilitating, leading to a significant need of viders must recognize the caregiverpatient
support from family caregivers beginning dyad as two distinct people, not just one.
early in the course of the disease. As such, Early identification of caregiver stress, bur-
there is an increasing sense of burden, as den, and grief allows for optimum medi-
spouses and adult children often take on a cal and psychosocial interventions, as well
multitude of new responsibilities previously as access to community resources, such as
managed by the person with dementia, often caregiver support groups and online caregiv-
beginning prior to when a dementia diagno- ing communities. The goal of this chapter is
sis is made. In conjunction with increasing to review the nature of caregiving, identify
burden, there is often an accompanying sense some of its positive and negative aspects,
of grief and loss as the disease progresses. and provide practical guidance for dementia
A number of adverse outcomes for the caregivers.
dementia caregiver, such as stress, depres-
sion, and diminishing health status of
the caregiver, directly lead to increases in What Is Caregiving?
(1) institutionalization of the person with
dementia and (2)declines in quality of life for Caregiving scenarios can be represented in
both the patient and the caregiver. Additional many waysfor example, the wife that cares
caregiver burden comes from for her husband who suffered a stroke; the
(1) inadequate understanding of the dis- daughter who from a distance supervises
ease for which they are providing care, and the care of her aging parents; or the neigh-
(2) a delay in recognition, diagnosis, and bor who helps the woman next door who is
treatment of symptoms related to dementia dealing with cancer. The definition of care-
(Galvin etal., 2010a, 2010b). giving relates to all the activities performed
It is critical to increase the understanding by a concerned individual who contributes
about the dementia caregivers stressors in to the well-being of another individual. At

610part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

times, this definition can be confounded training is necessary for the informal care-
with the provision of direct care or assistance giver. Relatives and friends provide care
with activities of daily living (ADLs); how- without receiving specific training to assist
ever, caregiving can be performed in differ- their loved ones. Experience is developed
ent forms and at different levels. Caregiving over a period of years as caregivers learn
responsibilities do not necessarily have to from their interactions while providing care.
be fulfilled by individuals with specialized There are many factors that exert influence
training. As long as there is a special interest during the informal caregiving process; for
or a caring attitude toward others, caregiv- instance, the nature of the relation between
ing responsibilities can be fulfilled. A care- the caregivers and their loved ones, their
giver is therefore defined as an individual history, and how their interactions evolved.
who oversees the welfare of another person. Caregivers usually play different roles in
This individual can provide basic assistance their families and social networks besides
and care for someone who is frail, disabled, being caregivers. They can simultaneously be
ill, and/or needs help in one or more aspects spouses, daughters, siblings, friends, neigh-
of life. Caregivers perform a variety of tasks bors, and so on. In part because of the variety
to assist someone in his or her daily life, for of roles played at the same time, caregivers
example, balancing a checkbook, shopping, may become overwhelmed attempting to ful-
visiting doctors offices, giving medication fill the goals of their variety of roles. In many
reminders, or helping someone to eat, take instances, family dynamics are disturbed
a bath, or dress. For many caregivers, this when the time to assume caregiving respon-
assistance and care are not considered care- sibilities arrives. Additionally, the caregiving
giving. According to Carol Levine, caregiv- process is affected by the cultural and ethnic
ers do not think of what they do in terms of background of the caregiver and the person
performing tasks related to activities of daily receiving the care.
living (ADLs) and instrumental activities To fulfill their role, caregivers do not need
of daily living (IADLs); they do whatever to live in the same household as the indi-
needs to be done. Then they watch and wait vidual for whom they are caring. They can
until the next thing needs to be done, and be in the vicinity or just supervise the care of
the next and the next (Levine, 2003, p.117). someone from a distance. A2004 study from
Caregivers are often ready to take care of the Alzheimers Association and National
their loved one when needed, regardless of Alliance for Caregiving noted that only one
their own circumstances. This means that, at quarter of dementia caregivers actually lived
times, caregivers can suffer or even sacrifice with the person for whom they were pro-
themselves while caring for others. viding care (Alzheimers Association, 2013).
In general, caregivers are divided into for- Other caregivers, particularly adult children
mal or paid caregivers and informal or and friends, can reside quite a distance from
unpaid (often family) caregivers (Alzheimers the patient with dementia. The Alzheimers
Association, 2013). All professionals who Disease Facts and Figures Report from the
receive a financial reimbursement for directly Alzheimers Association reported that 10%
caring or in some form supervising the care of the nearly 10 million family and other
of other(s) are considered formal caregiv- informal caregivers lived more than 2 hours
ers, including home health aides, geriatric from the patient with dementia (Alzheimers
care managers, social workers, and so on. Association, 2013).
All individuals who provide care or over- Whether it is from far away or close by, an
see someones care without receiving finan- individual can be the source of care or the
cial reimbursement are considered informal focus of care. According to the Alzheimers
caregivers, for instance, family members and Association, most people will become care-
friends. In this chapter we are specifically giversor need one at some point in their
addressing informal, family caregivers of lives. To foresee who will play the caregiver
patients with dementia. role or the care receiver role is not easy to
Considering the professional context in determine. For example, caregiving can occur
which formal caregivers carry out their gradually over time, or it can occur over-
tasks, specialized training is required. night. In some cases, caregivers anticipate
However, no experience or formalized taking on the caregiving role and know in
CHAPTER 27. The Role of the Family in the Care and Management of Patients With Dementia 611

advance what is expected of them (Sheets& Family caregivers assist older relatives in
Mahoney-Gleason, 2011). Some relatives can dealing with the physical and psychosocial
see themselves performing specific tasks that consequences of dementia. Cognitive impair-
they might feel comfortable doing or because ment impacts the patients ability to live
it is their area of expertise. In other cases, it is independently. The care provided by family
more difficult to be prepared due to the unan- caregivers encompasses emotional support,
ticipated nature of caregiving. Similarly, it is financial aid, and provision of services rang-
difficult to think about receiving assistance ing from instrumental aid and personal care
from others without feeling that ones inde- assistance to health care tasks and mediation
pendence and dignity are jeopardized. with formal care providers. Dementia care-
Caregivers may play their caregiving role giving can involve a substantial expenditure
on a full-time or part-time basis. Fulfilling the of time over a long-lasting period (Schulz&
responsibilities of caregiving demands time, Martire, 2004). The consequences to caregiv-
and this can constitute a job within itself for ers are widespread and include financial,
the caregiver. Whether it is full time or part health, and psychosocial burdens (Cucciare,
time, the value of caregiving is great at all Gray, Azar, Jimenez,& Gallagher-Thompson,
levels. The value of the services that family 2010). Cultural beliefs and expectations
caregivers provide for free, while caring for may inform families interpretation of the
older adults, is estimated at $375 billion a signs, symptoms, causes, and management
year. This amount is almost twice as much as of dementia and their commitment to care
what is actually spent on homecare and nurs- provision (Napoles, Chadiha, Eversley, &
ing home services combined ($158 billion) Moreno-John, 2010; Sayegh& Knight, 2010).
(National Alliance for Caregiving, 2009). The For example, Hispanic cultural beliefs
cost of care for patients with dementia is esti- regarding Alzheimers disease etiology view
mated at $172 billion annually (Alzheimers it as part of the normal aging process, so
Association, 2013). when behavioral and psychological symp-
As previously noted, caregivers can be cat- toms emerge, their loved one is stigmatized
egorized as formal or informal. Many persons as gone crazy (Gray, Jimenez, Cucciare,
with dementia have more than one caregiver Tong, & Gallagher-Thompson, 2009). There
at the same time:a formal caregiver, such as is also the concept of La Tercera Edad (the
a home attendant or home health aide, who third and final cycle of life) with a need for
provides assistance with daily living activi- increased family assistance and transition of
ties; and an informal caregiver, such as a rela- responsibilities across generations as elderly
tive or friend, who oversees matters like mail family members undergo normal aging
and bills. Informal caregiving is considered (Flores, Hinton, Barker, Franz, & Velasquez,
the most common form of providing com- 2009). In Asian cultures, illness events are
munity care to frail older persons (Toseland, family focused, with elderly relatives trust-
1995). Regardless of the type of caregiving ing that family members will make the treat-
provided, self-identification as a caregiver ment decisions that are in their best interest
facilitates access to services. It is important (University of Washington Medical Center,
to educate and empower informal caregivers 2007).
to recognize their role and the importance of
this role. In the United States, there are ser-
vices designed to assist caregivers specifi- Personal Challenges Faced by the
cally, but if the individual does not identify Family Caregiver
himself or herself as a caregiver, the opportu-
nity to access such services diminishes. Caregiving is a responsibility that requires
strength and support as dementia pro-
gresses, robbing the memories, energy, and
The Family Caregiver freedom of loved ones. Any type of caregiv-
ing, especially for people with dementia, can
There is widespread recognition of the criti- have serious physical and emotional effects.
cal disease management and care provision Caregivers may be too overwhelmed, frus-
tasks performed by family members of per- trated, or depressed to seek the help they
sons with dementia (Talley & Crews, 2007). need. It is important for caregivers to seek
612part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

help to cope with the strains of caregiving as the disease progresses, from finances and
well as to make sure they attend to their own legal matters to the daily household chores
health. Caregivers play a critical role and (Gallagher-Thompson et al.,2003). As previ-
should be empowered to speak freely to their ously mentioned, caring for a relative with
loved ones health care providers with any dementia is linked to negative psychosocial
questions or concerns about caring for some- and physical consequences for the caregiver
one with dementia. It is essential to have (Pinquart & Sorensen, 2003). The negative
open discussions to maintain the well-being health effects caused in some caregivers can
of the caregiver and health of the patient. severely diminish their quality of life and, in
Working with a team of care providers who some cases, accelerate the need for institu-
are connected in some way allows the provi- tionalization of the patient (Gaugler, Leitsch,
sion of quality care. An alliance developed Zarit,& Pearlin, 2000). Caregiving can be very
between the caregiver and patients provid- difficult, full of challenges, and very taxing at
ers can only be advantageous. the spiritual, emotional, physical, social, and
Chronic progressive diseases such as economic levels (Sheets& Mahoney-Gleason,
dementia result in increasingly severe func- 2011).
tional limitations that last indefinitely.
Subsequently, these will require long-term
caregiving by family members, while trig- Benefits of Caregiving
gering stress reactions associated with
altered relationship dynamics (Saban, Much of the caregiving literature assumes
Sherwood, DeVon, & Hynes, 2010), result- a view of the caregiver as being burdened
ing in growing caregiver burden and depres- without consideration of the caregivers
sion (Schoenmakers, Buntinx,& DeLepeleire, expectations and experiences (Flores et al.,
2010). Caregivers of individuals with chronic 2009). Yet within the caregiving journey, indi-
disease are at elevated risk for depression; viduals can experience a variety of emotions
anxiety; poor quality of life; and health prob- that are not solely negative. The 2009 Report
lems such as heart disease (Lee, Colditz, of Findings on the Aging Services Network
Berkman, & Kawachi, 2003), headaches noted that while caregiving can be stressful,
(Kreutzer et al., 2009), digestive problems there are also benefits and rewards (Levine,
(Thompson etal., 2004), and disturbed sleep Halper, Peist, & Gould, 2010). Caregivers
(Brummett et al., 2006). Biological marker have reported positive feelings about care-
abnormalities among caregivers include giving (e.g., family togetherness and the
increased cortisol secretion (Bremner, 2006), satisfaction of helping others) while simulta-
abnormal glucose regulation (Altuna, Lelli, neously reporting high levels of stress during
San Martn de Viale, & Damasco, 2006), the care provision (Alzheimers Association,
inflammation (Hamer, Gibson, Vuononvirta, 2013). Thus, in addition to the detrimental
Williams, & Steptoe, 2006), and abnormal aspects of caregiving, there are a number of
immunologic function (Kavelaars& Heijnen, perceived benefits associated with caregiv-
2006). The personal implications of caregiv- ing, such as (a)the opportunity to give back;
ing can involve feelings of grief and depres- (b) improved relationships; (c) feeling good
sion. Caregivers are not only responsible for about the quality of care; (d)serving as a role
supervising the care of another person but model for others; (e) increased self-esteem;
also for caring for themselves in order to be (f)an enhanced sense of purpose; and (g)feel-
better prepared to provide care. ings of pleasure and satisfaction (Coon etal.,
According to researcher and caregiver 2004).
Carol Levine, Dementia caregivers struggle
with particularly difficult responsibilities and
wrenching losses (Levine, 2003, p.116). The Cultural Differences in Knowledge,
negative impact associated with caregiving Attitudes, and Caregiving
is likely to be greater for dementia caregiv-
ers than caregivers of frail nondemented The older adult population in the United
elders (Ory, Hoffman, Lee, Tennstedt, & States is becoming more diverse. In 2006,
Schulz, 1999). The dementia caregiver starts 81% of adults age 65+ were Caucasian; by
assuming more and more responsibilities as 2050 this is estimated to decrease to 61%
CHAPTER 27. The Role of the Family in the Care and Management of Patients With Dementia 613

(Napoles etal., 2010). Given that the number Pacific Islander American Health Forum,
of Americans from minority backgrounds is 2006). It is important to consider that these
predicted to increase at a rate greater than groups might be deprived from accessing
Caucasians, studies of cross-cultural differ- caregiving services because of their linguistic
ences in caregiving experiences and out- barriers rather than a lack of need for such
comes are needed (Sayegh & Knight, 2010), services.
particularly since minorities may bear a dis- Family members require education and
proportionate burden of Alzheimers disease knowledge about dementia, treatment, and
caregiving (Napoles et al., 2010). Increased services to cope effectively with caregiving
stress, strain, and burden associated with (Gray, 2003). Substantial evidence suggests
caregiving may increase risk of psychologi- that caregiving experiences of minority care-
cal and physical morbidities (Napoles etal., givers differ significantly from those of White
2010). There are five important themes when caregivers (Aranda & Knight, 1997). To bet-
considering caregiving in a multicultural ter understand caregiver help-seeking and
community:(1)the perceived role of the fam- help-accepting perspectives and actions, it
ily in care (a term known as familism) (Flores is critical to learn about cultural values and
et al., 2009; Losada et al., 2010; (2) gender expectations (Valle, 1998). Minority elders,
roles (Del Gaudio et al., 2012); (3) family especially Latinos, are a growing and diverse
traditions and cultural identity (Gray et al., population that tends to delay entry into care
2009); (4) expectations about caregiving until the moderate and late stages of the dis-
(Flores etal., 2009); and (5)role of faith and ease. Consequently, this makes advance care
religion (Herbert etal., 2007). planning more challenging to implement and
Cultural beliefs and influences can shape caregiving more stressful. Insufficient knowl-
health care choices and service use and edge about dementia, especially prognosis
impact the ways in which patients and their and progression, obstructs efforts to plan
families both view and manage Alzheimers and prepare. Ethnic minorities may lack the
disease (Knight& Sayegh, 2010; Livney etal., necessary information or hold to culturally
2011). Asignificant challenge in establishing influenced beliefs that delay accessing the
an Alzheimers disease diagnosis in diverse help needed.
populations is to validate and standardize Ethnic differences at intrapersonal, inter-
assessments across different ethnic and racial personal, and environmental levels are pres-
groups. This includes not only differences in ent across multiple psychosocial domains.
symptom presentation across groups but also For example, compared with non-Hispanic
cultural perceptions about cognitive health Caucasians, Hispanics make less use of
and attitudes and beliefs about care. For long-term care institutions and report more
example, it is common for Korean Americans positive appraisals of coping, increased spiri-
to consider themselves in good health if tuality, and beliefs in filial responsibility and
they are symptom free, sometimes delay- familism, while at the same time reporting
ing seeking care until symptoms become higher levels of burden and depression and
severe (Han, Kang, Kim, Ryu,& Kim, 2007). diminished psychosocial health (Napoles
Hispanic older adults are more likely to et al., 2010). A study of African American
believe memory changes are part of normal family caregivers found that caregiving
aging and that Alzheimers disease is due to was viewed as a traditional family value
experiencing a difficult life, loneliness, stress, (Sterritt & Pokorny, 1998). A study pub-
trauma and family problems, or attribute it lished by Gelman and colleagues suggests
to external forces such as Gods will or el mal that general beliefs about aging and memory
de ojo (evil eye). Hispanics also include more loss among Latinos are a significant barrier
emotional and behavioral symptoms as part to early diagnostic evaluations for memory
of the spectrum of Alzheimers disease symp- loss (Gelman et al., 2010). Minority fam-
toms compared with Caucasians (Hinton, ily caregivers may feel too overwhelmed to
Franz, Yeo,& Levkoff, 2005; Karlawish etal., participate in available community services
2011). Groups with high linguistic isolation and may even experience them as intrusive
have greater difficulty accessing basic health and unwelcome. Regardless of the percep-
and social services, requiring outreach and tions minority caregivers may have about
services in their native language (Asian and community services, if they are presented
614part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

strategically with cultural sensitivity, care- more than two decades. The NYUCI dem-
givers often welcome the assistance. onstrated the value of social support and
counseling for spouse caregivers, alleviat-
ing some deleterious effects of care pro-
Impact of Providing Caregiver Support vision on the spouse-caregivers mental
health, and postponing nursing home place-
The stress associated with caring for an older ment of their Alzheimers disease patient
relative suffering from Alzheimers disease spouses by 557 days compared with usual
or another dementing illness is often con- care (Mittelman et al., 2004a, 2004b, 2006,
siderable (Mittelman, Haley, Clay, & Roth, 2007). Moreover, the interventions effects
2006; Mittelman, Roth, Clay, & Haley, 2007; on spouse caregivers depression were
Mittelman, Roth, Coon, & Haley, 2004a; long-lasting, continuing through nursing
Mittelman, Roth, Haley, & Zarit, 2004b). home placement and the death of the patient
Caregivers frequently neglect their own (Mittelman et al., 2004a, 2004b, 2006, 2007).
needs as they focus on satisfying the patients A mediation analysis demonstrated that a
needs. Many authors have acknowledged the substantial proportion of effect on change
importance of providing encouragement to in these outcomes could be attributed to
caregivers to take better care of themselves, intervention-induced increases in the spouse
as they can become so involved in care provi- caregivers satisfaction with their social sup-
sion that they may delay or forget to attend port (Roth, Mittelman, Clay, Madan,& Haley,
to their own personal needs. According to 2005; Roth, Perkins, Wadley, Temple,& Haley,
Shaw, caregiver support groups have been 2009). The fundamental message underlying
developed as a treatment response to the NYUCI was that real and perceived social
obvious need for relief from the stress asso- support improves spouse caregivers ability
ciated with caregiving (Shaw, 1997, p.165). to withstand the difficulties of caregiving and
The stress-coping paradigm (Pearlin, defers the need for nursing home placement.
Mullin, Semple, & Skaff, 1990) has been
adopted by many researchers to explain
caregiver response to interventions (Brodaty, Family-Centered Care in Dementia
2007). When caregivers feel well supported,
they report reduced burden, stress, and The family has a dual status in care of indi-
depression. Research suggests that social viduals with dementia. In their caregiving
support resources can reduce the conse- capacity, family members are viewed by the
quences of stressful life experiences and health care and social service system as part
contribute to preservation of psychological of the care team. In this status, family care-
well-being (Fiore, Coppel, Becker, & Cox, givers experience a variety of burdens and
1986; House, Landis, & Umberson, 1988; strains that may compromise family function-
Keyes, Shmotkin,& Ryff, 2002; Krause, 1995). ing, compete with day-to-day role respon-
Social support may be effective in part by sibilities, adversely impact their health, and
increasing the perception that resources are generate a variety of emotional sequelae.
available to handle stress, thereby decreasing Involvement in care also negatively impacts
appraisals of stressors as potentially harm- caregivers own health promotion activi-
ful (Cohen, 2004). Individuals with greater ties, including delaying or canceling routine
social support report more positive affect health care, screening exams, or other pre-
and a greater sense of control (Ferguson & ventive health activities (Schulz & Martire,
Goodwin, 2010). Regarding support groups, 2004). However, family caregivers can be
Toseland said:During group meetings, care- further impacted by dementia, apart from
givers can gain valuable information about the strains and burdens they experience from
the processes of aging and the progression of care provision. When learning of their rela-
specific ailments. Understanding disease pro- tives dementia diagnosis, family members
cesses helps caregivers to anticipate and plan may be simultaneously confronted by fears
for future caregiving demands (Toseland, for their own susceptibility due to genetic
1995, p.33). risk (Raveis, 2004; Raveis, Pretter,& Carrero,
The NYU Caregiver Intervention (NYUCI) 2010), particularly in families in which more
was a longitudinal, controlled trial spanning than one person has developed dementia. In
CHAPTER 27. The Role of the Family in the Care and Management of Patients With Dementia 615

these situations, involvement in care provi- services he or she would like to access. It is
sion can impose additional stress, for as care- not always easy for caregivers to verbalize or
givers, they are afforded firsthand exposure clarify their needs, and subsequently, to iden-
to their relatives experience. While this can tify the resources available to satisfy such
serve to normalize or demystify dementia, needs. It is essential for the clinician to assist
the witnessing of their relatives difficulties the caregiver in articulating needs and to
may intensify caregivers own health-related respect caregiver preferences. Most caregiv-
fears and concerns. It can be very challenging ers benefit from discussing their needs with
for caregivers to address concerns about their a social worker or a geriatric care manager.
loved ones condition while coming to terms Once the specific needs of the patient and
with their own uncertain future. caregiver are identified, it is imperative to facil-
Over the last few decades, an expanding itate the exploration of services, programs, and
body of family-based research has docu- benefits offered in their community. It is also
mented the ramifications of illness on the vital to remember that benefits are different
family system (Bachner, Karus, & Raveis, according to location. Furthermore, availabil-
2009; Beard, Sakhtah, Imse, & Galvin, 2012; ity of programs and services varies from state
Galvin et al., 2010b; Raveis, 2004; Raveis to state and from community to community.
etal., 2010). These efforts have informed the After the identification and exploration has
growing paradigm shift from a biomedi- taken place, a plan of action has to be imple-
cal model of care to one that is patient and mented to satisfy caregiver and patient needs.
family centered and have led policy makers Assimilating and adjusting to a demen-
and the health professions to acknowledge tia diagnosis is a difficult task, for both the
that family caregivers must be recognized as patient and the family. For most individuals
partners in care (Reinhard, Brooks-Danso, affected by dementia, receiving the diag-
Kelley, & Mason, 2008) and be supported nosis is just the first step of the journey.
in their care responsibilities (Raveis, 2004; Unfortunately, many patients and family
Talley & Crews, 2007). Nearly half of infor- members leave the physicians office mis-
mal family caregivers are performing medi- informed or lacking information about the
cal and nursing tasks in addition to helping diagnosis. Assuming that a probable diagno-
with activities of daily living for patients sis has been given in a clear and informative
with dementia. The landmark State of the manner, people can still use terms incorrectly
Science Symposium: Professional Partners and interchangeably, have misconceptions
Supporting Family Caregivers issued a primary about what a dementia diagnosis means, and
recommendation to develop and promote do not have a clear treatment plan. In addi-
a patient and family-centered service para- tion to all the questions that might be gener-
digm (Kelley, Reinhard, & Brooks-Danso, ated after receiving a dementia diagnosis, the
2008, p.11). Family-centered care recognizes question of what to do next also rises.
that supporting family members in their criti- Here we provide a practical list of activi-
cal role is integral to the patients medical ties each caregiver should consider to better
and psychosocial health. Although families prepare for his or her caregivingrole:
are directly involved in health care, caregiv-
ing, treatment decision making, and health 1. After the diagnosis is given, take time to
advocacy, a comprehensive attempt to attend discuss what the diagnosis means to you
to their concerns and information needs is and your loved one. Write down ques-
not routinely targeted. tions you have about the diagnosis, prog-
nosis, treatment plan, and so on. Then
make a follow-up appointment with the
Developing an Individualized Care Plan diagnosis provider to ask those questions.
2. Consider getting a second opinion from a
Although caregivers of dementia patients specialist (neurologist, psychiatrist, geri-
typically deal with a partially predictable atrician) if there are still questions about
set of issues, every caregiver, and thus every the diagnosis and treatment plan.
caregiving experience, is unique. For a vari- 3. Consider any special needs of the patient.
ety of reasons, a caregiver may have particu- Does the patient have difficulties with
lar preferences for the type of programs and walking and balance? If so, he or she may
616part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

TABLE27.1 Family Caregiver Checklist

Although every case is different, here are some key points that might be helpful after a diagnosis of mild
cognitive impairment or dementia is given:
1. Learn as much as possible about the diagnosis (Internet, books, or support groups)
2. Learn how to monitor the progression of symptoms and their response to therapies (see Table27.2)
3. Identify and contact organizations associated with the diagnosis (see Table27.3)
4. Participate in physically and mentally stimulating activities (exercising, dancing, museum visits, or
computer access)
5. Join social gatherings (YMCA, local clubs, or senior groups, etc.)
6. Eat a healthy diet (consulting with a dietitian or nutritionist, if necessary)
7. Learn about the following:
a. Transportation services (Access-A-Ride, local transit organizations, or services through Medicaid)
b. Safety devices/alert systems at home (Comfort zone or personal response services)
c. Meals options (home-delivered meals through Meals on Wheels or cooking assistance)
d. Home care services or companionship services (home care agencies)
e. Housing options:
Independent living
Senior housing
Naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs)
Assisted living
Nursing homes
Continuum care retirement communities
8. Consider registering for the MedicAlert + SAFE Return Program (Alzheimers Association)
9. Plan and organize legal and financial matters (using an elder law attorney, if necessary):
Designate a health care proxy
Plan to complete a living will and a durable power of attorney
Consider obtaining Social Security Disability, if applicable
Apply for early retirement if applicable
Add a cosigner to financial accounts

benefit from seeing a physical therapist. Monitor (Monahan etal., 2012)(Table27.2)

Does the patient need help completing that can be filled out by the family care-
activities of daily living (e.g., cooking, giver and brought to the physicians
hygiene, dressing)? If so, he or she may office to discuss the loved ones condi-
benefit from meeting with an occupa- tion. The full instrument can be viewed
tional therapist. Does the patient have at the following URL: http://www.
difficulty communicating or swallowing
food? If so, he or she may benefit from an healthy-aging-brain-center/resources
evaluation by a speech therapist. 7. Develop a long-range plan. Consider
4. Create a checklist of tasks to perform what resources are needed and available
(Table 27.1). This will assist the patient for care at the mild, moderate, and severe
and caregiver in determining how to pro- stages of dementia. Review financial
ceed according to their individual needs. resources and consider discussing estate
5. Build a local support system to get the planning with a lawyer skilled in elder
help you will need. Asupport system can care.
include family, friends, faith or religious 8. Seek additional information from reli-
groups, and local Alzheimers organiza- able sources (Table27.3) to increase your
tions. Each caregiver creates a unique sup- knowledge about dementia and caregiv-
port system according to individualized ing. There are a number of organizations
needs. that deal with dementia, caregiving, or
6. Perform regular in-home evaluations of both that have a wealth of information
dementia symptoms to track progression and may also offer financial assistance or
of disease and response to interventions, other forms of aid.
both medicine related and behavioral/ 9. Consider joining a support group or
environmental. An example of a monitor- obtaining other support services. Some of
ing tool is the Health Brain Aging Care the programs and services that have been
CHAPTER 27. The Role of the Family in the Care and Management of Patients With Dementia 617

TABLE27.2 The Healthy Aging Brain Care Monitor (HABC-Monitor) Caregiver Assessment
Cognitive Domain Functional Domain Behavioral Domain Caregiver Domain

Judgment or decision Planning, preparing, or Feeling down, depressed, Your quality of life
making serving meals or hopeless
Less interest or pleasure in Taking medications in Being stubborn, agitated, Your financial future
doing things, hobbies, or the right dose at the aggressive, or resistant
activities right time to help from others
Repeating the same things Walking or physical Feeling anxious, nervous, Your mental health
over and over such as ambulation tense, fearful, or
questions or stories panicked
Learning how to use a tool, Bathing Believing others are Your physical health
appliance, or gadget stealing from them or
planning to harm them
Forgetting the correct Shopping for personal Hearing voices, seeing
month or year items such as things, or talking to
groceries people who are not
Handling complicated Housework or Poor appetite or
financial affairs such as household chores overeating
balancing checkbook,
filing income taxes, and
paying bills
Remembering Leaving her/him alone Falling asleep, staying
appointments asleep, or sleeping too
Thinking or memory Her/his safety Acting impulsively,
without thinking
through the
consequences of her or
his actions
Her/his quality of life Wandering, pacing, or
doing things repeatedly
Falling or tripping

Note. The Healthy Aging Brain Care Monitor is a copyrighted instrument by Drs. Malaz Boustani, James Galvin and
Christopher Callahan and the Indiana University School of Medicine. The HABC-Monitor and scoring rules are available

developed to assist caregivers to cope and overcome. Alzheimers disease and

with the stress of caregiving include sup- related dementias are complex syndromes
port groups, individual and/or family with a spectrum of cognitive, functional,
counseling, respite care, and psychoedu- behavioral, and psychological symptoms that
cational programs (National Institutes of reduce the quality of life of both patients and
Health, 2010). Avariety of interventions, their caregivers. While caregiving is often
including respite, financial support, and stressful, there are also potential benefits
primary care interventions, have been fulfilling family obligations, feelings of
shown to effectively improve caregivers self-satisfaction by giving back, and delays
psychological health and well-being in nursing home placement. However, these
(Gray, 2003). benefits cannot be obtained if caregivers do
not develop a care plan for the person with
dementia, seek out available community
Conclusions resources, and maintain their own physical,
mental, and emotional health. With pub-
Caregiving is a journey, and like all journeys, lic policies and practice models shifting the
there will be challenges that need to be faced focus of care to outpatient settings and the
618part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

TABLE27.3 Caregiver Resources and Useful Web Sites

Dementia-Related Sites
Alzheimers Association
Alzheimer Disease Education and Referral Center
Alzheimers Foundation of America
American Parkinsons Disease Association
Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration
Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Foundation
Lewy Body Dementia Association
US Department of Health and Human Services
Health-Related Sites
American Heart Association
American Stroke Association
American Diabetes Association
General Information Sites
Administration on Aging
Caregiver Action Network
Department of Health& Human Services:Eldercare
Elder Care Lawyers
Family Caregiver Alliance
Federation Employment and Guidance Services
Healthcare Proxy
Leading Age (How to tour a Nursing Home)
Long Term Care Information
Medline Plus
National Academy of Elder Law Attorney
National Association of Geriatric Care Managers
National Institute on Aging
National Institutes of Health:Senior Health
Social Security Administration

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Mental Competence and Legal Issues

inDementia Care
Barry S. Fogel

Ultimately, all patients with dementing ill- The lack of certainty about the underlying
nesses will lose their mental competence. diagnosis and rate of progression should not
Competence for more subtle and demanding deter the physician from beginning the dia-
tasks and decisions will be lost first. At the logue about competency. The mere fact that
same time, patients with dementing illnesses there is a substantial risk of losing compe-
usually will lose many elements of self- tency should be sufficient to raise the issue.
awareness, including awareness of their areas At the outset the physician should clarify
of incompetence, and will lose their ability his or her role in the process of diagnos-
to conform their behavior to adjust even for ing and managing each specific patient and
those deficits they acknowledge. This con- should resolve any ambiguity about that
flict can lead to significant challenges for role. The physician should know (1)whether
physicians and other professionals involved the patient will authorize him or her to talk
in dementia care. Competency issues can with family members, which ones he or she
be extremely emotional ones for patients may talk with, and whether any subjects are
and caregivers; clinicians must remain calm off limits; (2)whether other professionals are
and rational in the face of families emo- involved, including lawyers and others who
tions. Basing assessments and recommenda- might provide counsel and advice to family
tions on clear principles helps; a particularly members; and (3)whether there are any legal
important principle is beginning the discus- proceedings contemplated or already under
sion of competency issues as early as possible way. If other professionals are involved, the
after the diagnosis of a dementing disease physician must know whether the patient
preferably before critical competencies are will allow all professionals involved to com-
lost and while the patient retains sufficient municate freely with one another about the
metacognition, executive function, and cred- patients case. If there are legal proceedings
ibility within the family to participate fully in in the offing, the physician should know
the process. At this stage the patient may be whether he or she will be expected to provide
diagnosed as having mild cognitive impair- testimony, in what context, and on whose
ment or questionable/very mild dementia. behalf.

CHAPTER 28. Mental Competence and Legal Issues in Dementia Care 623

Principles and executive function. Both of the latter are

important. Patients must know they have a
Competency Is Specific to the Task deficit if they are to compensate for it; such
andtheContext self-awareness is a form of metacognition.
They must be able to keep that knowledge
Competency is not an all-or-nothing determi- in mind when faced with a situation they
nation; it depends on the task and on the con- are not competent to manage, turning to
text in which the task is performed. Patients another for help rather than doing their best
can be competent to decide where they want and failing; this requires executive functions,
to live but not competent in how to manage including working memory, inhibition of
an investment portfolio or to judge whether inappropriate responses, and possibly also
it is safe for them to drive at night. They may planning to have help available when needed
be competent to choose between two reason- (see Chapter3 for further discussion).
able alternative treatments for a medical con- Patients lacking awareness of their limita-
dition but not to refuse necessary, life-saving tions will not ask for help when they need it,
care. They may be competent to make certain may refuse help when it is offered, and may
decisions when in good general health but persist in dangerous behavior. Those who are
not when suffering from a febrile illness with aware of their deficits will modify their behav-
an associated mild delirium. ior to compensate. For example, patients with
A formal determination of incompetence reduced insight and self-awareness are likely
with designation of a legal guardian or con- to be unsafe drivers even when cognitive
servator involves a global judgment about a impairment in other domains is relatively
patients competence to manage their daily mild (Kay, Bundy,& Clemson, 2009).
activities, their health care, or their assets.
Such a determination may be appropriate for
a patient with moderate to severe dementia Overall Cognitive Performance,
but is likely to be inappropriate for a patient Metacognition, and Executive Function
with mild dementia or mild cognitive impair- CanDecline at Different Rates
ment with selective and/or intermittent
impairment of competence. For such patients Frontotemporal degeneration, especially its
other legal strategies or informal solutions behavioral variant, impairs executive func-
may be better. tion and awareness of deficits long before it
grossly affects memory or language. Such
patients may be able to pass simple tests of
Executive Function and Metacognition orientation, memory, calculation, and lan-
Are Critical to Competency guage at a point in their course when they
make self-destructive decisions or engage
Executive function is the most important in dangerous behavior. They either do not
cognitive factor in determining the perfor- understand that they are causing harm to
mance of instrumental activities of daily themselves or others, or know they are act-
living (IADLs) in patients with demen- ing badly but cannot help it at the time. In
tia (Cahn-Weiner et al., 2007; Marshall addition to frontotemporal dementia, other
et al., 2011) and in older adults in general dementias that can show this pattern include
(Vaughan& Giovanello, 2010). Furthermore, Lewy body dementia, dementia associ-
impairment in executive function predicts ated with Parkinsons disease, and various
further decline in IADLs, and patients with forms of dementia associated with chronic
more rapid decline in executive function psychosis. Other brain diseases with dispro-
have more rapid decline in IADLs (Royall, portionate damage to the frontal lobes and
Palmer, Chiodo, & Polk, 2004). While their connections can cause a similar disso-
patients and families often focus on memory ciation of deficits. In Alzheimers disease,
loss as a chief complaint, loss of declara- patients with early disproportionate involve-
tive memory (as opposed to procedural ment of the nondominant hemisphere also
memory or working memory) often mat- can show disproportionate impairment of
ters less for competency than metacognition metacognition.
624part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

Criteria for Competency Should Be Clinical Observations and Neuropsychological

More Stringent When the Patient Is Testing Have Complementary Roles in
Making a Bad Decision Competency Assessment

When a patient with acute appendicitis agrees Competency is a legal judgment that is based
to surgery, the patients consent (or even pas- in large part on clinical observations and
sive assent) will be accepted as valid even if their interpretation. Neuropsychological
the patient suffers from delirium or demen- test results supplement clinical observations
tia. In the same situation, refusal of surgery and aid in their interpretation, but they do
would be presumed incompetent unless it not substitute for a clinical inquiry more
could be shown that the patient understood specific to the individual patients situation.
the proposed surgery and its alternatives, Moreover, the context of neuropsychologi-
understood the potential consequences of cal testing is standardized, but the context of
refusing surgery, understood the implica- real-life decision making is not; real decisions
tions of those consequences, and could are made in a context that can have more cues
explain how, considering the implications, but also more stress and potential distraction
his or her decision was rational. A patient than a neuropsychologists office. Benefits of
giving competent refusal might point out neuropsychological testing in assessing and
that although untreated appendicitis could managing competency issues are discussed
lead to life-threatening peritonitis, he or she later in the chapter.
had had severe adverse reactions to anesthe-
sia in the past that made surgery especially
dangerous, that initial treatment with antibi- Competency-Related Issues Should
otics might obviate the need for surgery, and Be Addressed as Early as Possible
so on. The ability to assemble such facts and
marshal such arguments would be unneces- When a patient is diagnosed with mild cogni-
sary if the recommendation for surgery were tive impairment or mild dementia, it is likely
accepted. that he or she is still competent in many areas.
In particular, patients may be competent to
designate who they would like to make deci-
sions for them if they become incompetent
Competency Can Fluctuate later. Designating proxy decision makers
through health care proxies, durable pow-
Fluctuating deficits are the rule in demen- ers of attorney, and provisions in trust docu-
tia. Drugs, acute general medical illness, ments can avoid legal emergencies in which
pain, lack of sleep, stress, and depression the medical or financial decisions are press-
all can exacerbate deficits that impair ing and there is no one with clear authority
decision-making competence. Fluctuating to act on the patients behalf. Also, as will be
cognitive deficits can lead to intermittent or discussed further, patients with professional
state-dependent decision-making incompe- responsibilities should be advised to relin-
tence. When they do, the physician should quish them before their cognitive deficits
seek informed consent for medical proce- lead to expensive, embarrassing, and some-
dures during intervals of better function, times tragic mistakes.
designing the consent to be durable if the
patient subsequently becomes delirious or
otherwise incapable of making a rational Communication Should Be Clear,
decision. Soon after a diagnosis of dementia Redundant, and Multimodal
or mild cognitive impairment is made, the
potential for fluctuating competency should Issues of competency can be subtle for phy-
be pointed out; it may help patients and fami- sicians and lawyers, even more so for lay
lies recognize the importance and urgency of people. Results of a competency assessment
executing a durable power of attorney and a should be communicated in writing as well
health care proxy. as explained orally, and patients and families
CHAPTER 28. Mental Competence and Legal Issues in Dementia Care 625

can be directed to a range of resources, includ- command is given in a soft voice and slowly
ing support groups, Websites, and books. if the command is given in a loud voice). The
An individual practice can develop hand- Executive Interview Test (Royall, Mahurin,&
outs customized for the specific populations Gray, 1992; Royall et al., 2004) is a concise,
served by the practice and for the approaches practical survey of executive function that
to testing and evaluation the practice most is intermediate in length between a typical
often uses. office examination and neuropsychological
testing; it takes 1015 minutes to do and can
be administered by a nurse or technician.
Formal Legal Proceedings to Establish Metacognition and awareness of noncogni-
Incompetence Are Not Always Necessary tive functional deficits involve the same brain
systems. Both can be assessed by compar-
When medical, financial, or practical deci- ing the patients self-reported performance
sions can be made for the patient, the substi- with the performance observed on exami-
tute decision maker is benign and trusted, the nation and the performance reported by
decision is a reasonable one, and the patient family members or other collateral sources.
assents (or does not object), the patients A review of instrumental activities of daily
competency to decide or to agree is rarely living such as shopping, transportation, tak-
challenged. When any of these factors is not ing medications, keeping appointments, and
present, or when the decision involves a great managing money may yield markedly differ-
deal of money or substantial medical risk, a ent answers when asked of the patient than
formal legal proceeding should be consid- when asked of a caregiver.
ered. Clinicians practicing in a hospital setting Metacognition has two dimensions: the
can consult the hospitals risk management feeling of knowing and confidence in ones
department or hospital counsel for assistance knowledge. Metacognition requires func-
with making the judgment. Greater formality tioning of the dorsomedial frontal region,
and rigor in competency assessment is neces- especially in the right hemisphere, and the
sary when there is disagreement, conflict, or right parietal lobe. In general, metacognition
mistrust between concerned parties. is more impaired in cortical dementias than
in subcortical dementias. Certainty about
wrong answers and gross denial of deficits is
Executive Function and Metacognition a great threat to competent decision making;
it is more likely to occur early in cases with
Adequate executive function is a prerequisite prominent right hemisphere involvement.
for successful goal-directed activity, for safe Office cognitive testing affords a natural
independent living, and for acceptable per- opportunity to assess the patients awareness
formance of complex activities like driving, of his or her cognitive deficits. Comparison of
managing money, or practicing a profession. directly measured and self-assessed deficits
Dementias of several different etiologies, can be quantitated (Williamson et al., 2010),
including Alzheimers disease but most but a more qualitative approach provides
consistently frontotemporal dementia, can additional information useful in competency
impair executive function disproportionately assessment. Before testing, ask the patient
early their clinical course. It is thus important how he or she thinks he or she will do on tests
to assess executive function adequately at the of memory and concentration and other cog-
time dementia or mild cognitive impairment nitive abilities. Separately, ask family mem-
is diagnosed. If neuropsychological testing bers whether the patients behavior reflects
is not done, the office-based testing done by any adjustment for cognitive impairments.
the neurologist or psychiatrist should screen After the test but before telling the patient the
for executive dysfunction using procedures results, ask the patient again to assess his or
like the Clock Drawing Test, the Luria hand her performance. After giving the results, ask
sequence, Trail Making B, or presentation of the patient if he or she agrees or disagrees,
conflicting stimuli (e.g., asking the patient and note whether the patient acknowledges a
to raise his or her right arm quickly if the poor performance but excuses it or minimizes
626part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

its import. If the patient does not accept the to environmental changes and the use of
presence of a cognitive deficit during the cues and mnemonic aids. They also will be
office visit, he or she should be given a written open to accepting help with activities and
report to review at home and be asked again decisions they find difficult. Patients who
about awareness of deficits on the next visit. deny deficits are at the highest risk for unsafe
In this way patients can be placed on a con- or self-destructive actions. These relation-
tinuum of self-awareness that progresses from ships apply at all levels of overall cognitive
full appreciation of deficits to frank denial. impairment, but they deserve special atten-
Some points on the continuum are as follows: tion in the earlier stages of dementia, when
the patients life makes frequent demands on
1. Knowing they have cognitive deficits, cognitive functions that have declined.
appreciating their implications, and
making adjustments to their behavior to
account for them; The Role of Neuropsychological Testing
2. Knowing they have cognitive deficits,
appreciating their implications, but not Neuropsychological testing is not required to
modifying their behavior; establish competency or lack of competency
3. Knowing they have cognitive deficits but to make a specific decision in a specific con-
not appreciating their implications; text. However, results of neuropsychological
4. Acknowledging cognitive deficits after testing can be useful in several important
failing a test but before being told of the ways in managing competency-related issues
test results, and then showing apprecia- in dementiacare:
tion of their implications;
5. Acknowledging cognitive deficits after 1. Clear-cut abnormalities on neuropsycho-
failing a test but before being told of the logical testing can be used in conjunction
test results, but excusing their perfor- with imaging results and other biomark-
mance or regarding the results as insig- ers in convincing a patient or his or her
nificant or irrelevant; family that the patient is indeed cogni-
6. Acknowledging cognitive deficits only tively impaired, that competencies even-
after being confronted with test results tually will be lost, and that the problems
and their significance by the physician; associated with a loss of competency
7. Acknowledging deficits after extensive should be anticipated and mitigated by
persuasion and review of a written report preventive actions.
of performance; and 2. Serial neuropsychological testing indicat-
8. Completely denying deficits despite ing the pace of dementia progression can
efforts at persuasion and confrontation aid in suggesting a time frame for action
with evidence. in advance of incompetence to perform
a specific function or make a specific
Metacognition can be formally tested by decision.
neuropsychologists and by occupational 3. A neuropsychological profile suggesting
therapists. Some neuropsychological tests disproportionate loss of executive func-
of memory explicitly incorporate questions tion and/or lack of awareness of cognitive
about how sure the patient is of his or her deficits can be helpful in explaining why
answer. In addition, the neuropsychologist a patient who looks relatively intact may
can make and record systematic observations already lack competency to make major
of the patients comments and behavior as the financial decisions, to drive safely, or to
testing proceeds and deficits are uncovered. validly change his or her will. Test results
Occupational therapists can perform struc- carry weight in legal proceedings; when
tured assessments of performance in instru- conflicting opinions of experts appear to
mental activities of daily living and compare cancel one another, evidence from testing
them with patients self-assessments of the can tip the balance.
same functions. 4. A neuropsychological profile can sug-
Patients with higher levels of self-awareness gest specific areas of potential incom-
will be more open to memory training and petency. Some neuropsychological tests
other cognitive rehabilitation activities and are face valid and persuasive in this
CHAPTER 28. Mental Competence and Legal Issues in Dementia Care 627

regard:Financial incompetence would be a difficult decision might choose to rely on a

strongly suspected in a patient unable to trusted physicians advice rather than try to
do simple calculations. understand a complex medical issue at all,
5. The quantitative aspect of neuropsycho- basing his or her reliance on the rational rea-
logical tests can translate into quantitative son that the physicians past advice has been
estimates of impairment. sound or that the issues are complex and
arcane and recommendations are offered by a
In addition to standard neuropsychological well-reputed specialist with extensive knowl-
tests, specialized tests for decision-making edge and experience with those issues. Or a
competence have been devised, especially patient may have a long-held personal belief
focusing on competency to consent to medi- that trumps other considerations and implies
cal treatments and procedures. One, the what choice should be madefor example, a
MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool belief that it is always better to live than die,
(MacCAT) (Grisso & Appelbaum 1998), has regardless of the expected quality of life.
been most widely utilized in clinical research Despite their limitations, the use of a stan-
and in studies of the neuropsychological dardized assessment like the MacCAT is
basis of decision-making competence and has appropriateand perhaps even necessary
relatively strong empirical support (Dunn, for assessing capacity to consent to clinical
Nowrangi, Palmer, Jeste,& Saks, 2006). One trials of treatments for patients with demen-
version, the MacCAT-T, targets competency tia. When a patients participation in a clini-
to consent to medical treatment; another ver- cal trial is completely elective, erroneously
sion, the MacCAT-CR, targets competency determining that the patient is incapable
to consent to clinical research. The MacCAT of giving valid consent does no harm, and
is based on presenting the patient with a documentation of a rigorous, standardized
vignette specifically designed for the clinical assessment of capacity to consent protects the
decision in question, then conducting a semi- researcherand the researchif there is an
structured interview to assess the patients adverse event during the study.
understanding of the vignette, his or her
appreciation of its personal relevance and
implications, his or her reasoning about risks Dementia and Professional Competence
and benefits, and his or her ability to express
a decision. Each of these is rated on an ordinal As people in business and the professions
scale; in the end the clinician makes a binary retire later than they did in the past, impaired
judgment of competence or incompetence to professional performance due to dementia
make the clinical decision. There are no spe- is becoming more common. Bad judgments
cific cutoff scores on the ordinal items that by lawyers, physicians, money managers,
link them to the final judgment; this allows and executives (among others) can have very
room for consideration of contextual factors. serious consequences, including harm to cli-
The MacCAT requires training to administer ents, financial liability, and the destruction of
reliably, and variability in how vignettes are reputations built over lifetimes. Competent
related to actual clinical circumstances is a professional practice requires a high level of
potential source of unreliability. executive function, appropriate social behav-
While research on the MacCAT-T and a few ior, working memory, and recall of many
other less widely used standardized compe- details. For this reason professional compe-
tency tests has shown acceptable psychomet- tence is lost earlier in the course of dementia
ric properties, patients can do poorly on such than competence to make everyday decisions.
tests yet make competent decisions about At the time when professional competence
their own medical treatment. One reason is first declines ordinary cognitive screening in
that real clinical decisions have a rich con- a physicians office or at the bedside usually
text of cues, motivations, and circumstances is above the cutoff for abnormality, because
that are absent from a standardized vignette; professionals are highly educated and begin
another is that patients with impaired ver- with superior baseline performance.
bal fluency can have a hard time articulating When a physician makes the diagnosis of
rational reasons for their choice when they a dementing diseasewhether the current
do in fact have them. Further, a patient facing clinical presentation is one of mild cognitive
628part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

impairment or one of mild dementiathe irrational purchases. Examination of broker-

physician should consider whether the age account statements can show behavior
patient is still employed and inquire in detail like unexpected and unnecessary withdraw-
about the actual duties of the job. (In some als and transfers of funds, erratic patterns
family businesses and partnerships senior of buying and selling securities, investment
people may be paid but have essentially choices inconsistent with the patients goals
honorary roles.) Neuropsychological testing and past behavior, or activity suggesting the
usually should be done, even if the diagno- influence of a self-serving financial advisor.
sis is not in doubt, and the neuropsychologist The onset and progression of signs of bad
asked to concentrate on areas of cognitive financial judgment can be used to support a
performance essential to the patients profes- diagnosis of dementia and estimate its rate of
sional activities. progression. Further, financial records may
If relevant deficits are confirmed, the be useful objective evidence in legal proceed-
physician should meet with the patient and ings. Review of financial records, of course,
explain the risk of a costly or embarrassing requires the patients written permission or
professional mistake if the patient continues his or her physical delivery of the records;
to work. The physician should emphasize however, if accounts are jointly held with a
that it is far better to retire with honor than caregiving spouse, it may suffice to obtain
retire in disgrace. With the patients consent, and record the patients verbal consent to the
family members or trusted professional col- physicians discussing financial details with
leagues can be included in the conversation. the caregiver.
If the patient is under the age for full pension As an alternative to direct examination of
benefits at the time of the diagnosis, he or she financial records, patients financial compe-
should be encouraged to assert a disability tency can be assessed with a structured instru-
claim rather than simply to retire early. ment, the Financial Capacity Instrument
(FCI-9) (Martin et al., 2008). The FCI-9 tests
the patient on 18 financial tasks covering nine
Dementia and Financial Management domains; they range from identifying coins
and currency and making change to explain-
Competence to manage money is a contin- ing the parts of a bank statement and com-
uum ranging from management of an invest- paring investment options. It has acceptable
ment portfolio to determining whether one psychometric properties, and its face validity
has received correct change at a convenience is particularly appealing.
store. As dementia progresses, patients can The physicians response to dementia-
be at risk for financial exploitation or victim- related changes in money-related compe-
ization, as well as for dire consequences from tency depends on the context; understand-
unpaid bills if they have primary responsibil- ing the context may require the assistance
ity for paying for housing, taxes, and utili- of a social worker, a lawyer, or both. Key
ties. The consequences of financial mistakes considerations include the following:(a)the
are greater in money terms when the patient stage of dementia; (b) the projected clinical
has more money; but the consequences of course, including the rate of progression and
lost money for daily life are greater when the expected needs for care; (c)whether there is
patient has less money. However, even mod- someone trusted by the patient (and worthy of
erate dementia does not necessarily imply his or her trust) who can make financial deci-
complete loss of money-related capabilities; sions on the patients behalf; (d) what must
a patient might be unable to calculate yet still be spent on the patients care at present and
roughly understand the value of money. in the future; (e)the assets and income avail-
Money-related behavior is of special diag- able for the patients care; and (f)whether the
nostic interest because financial transactions patient is responsible for financial decisions
other than cash payments leave a documen- and actions that affect other peoples welfare.
tary record. Review of credit card statements, Patients with early dementia may not yet
checking account statements, and cancelled have made any harmful financial errors but
checks can show such inappropriate financial show some evidence of financial mistakes
behavior as repeated payment of the same and/or deficits in calculation, memory, or
bills, failure to make necessary payments, or executive function likely to cause them. In
CHAPTER 28. Mental Competence and Legal Issues in Dementia Care 629

this situation the physician should point out the neuropsychological deficits that might
that the patient has an illness that gradually affect the patients financial judgments, tes-
will affect his or her financial ability and sug- tamentary capacity, and susceptibility to
gest that changes be made before the patient undue influence. It would be within those
loses his or her money. The specific emphasis professionals scope to elicit and implement
in the appeal to the patient can take advan- the patients broader intentions for his or her
tage of the patients expressed concerns; assets while addressing the patients needs
either a fear of being cheated or a concern to to pay for his or her care and provide for
leave a legacy can motivate reconsideration of dependents. If the physician suspects that the
financial arrangements. The changes must be patients advisers are not sufficiently familiar
made while the patient is competent to make with the nuances of dementiain particular,
them; since the dementing illness is progres- the potential for disproportionate impair-
sive, there is no time to lose. Competence ment of executive function and metacog-
to change financial arrangements requires a nition, and the potential for a new onset of
basic understanding of what ones assets are, paranoid thinking or depression that might
what bills one is responsible for paying, who further impair judgmenthe or she should
would control the assets following a change, seek an opportunity to educate the advisers.
and an appropriate rationale for choosing
that person. Apatient can retain this compe-
tence even after he or she has lost the abil- Dementia and Driving
ity to handle financial details such as paying
bills on time and not paying the same bills Patients with moderate or severe demen-
twice. tia cannot drive safely, and if they are cur-
When a reasonable prediction can be made rently driving, they should be unequivocally
about the needs for care in the future and advisedboth orally and in writingto
what they might cost, and when the patient stop driving immediately. In states where
and family have some combination of assets reporting of such patients to the licensing
and insurance that could cover the costs, they authority is mandatory, this should be done
can be advised to set aside the money that without delay. When reporting the patient is
will probably be needed for care and protect not permitted without the patients consent,
it from unplanned withdrawals. Legal coun- the physician should ask the patients con-
sel usually will be needed to do this. sent to make the report and should, unless
As soon as possible after the demen- the patient objects, advise family members or
tia diagnosis, the patient should be asked other caregivers of the recommendation.
whether there is someone, typically a family Since failing to make a required report on
member, whom they would trust to handle a driver with dementia is a major legal risk,
his or her money when the patient is no lon- physicians should know whether their state
ger able to do so. If the answer is other than has mandatory reporting of dementia and, if
an unqualified yes, someoneoften a social so, what the criteria are for making the report.
worker or family therapistshould investi- In some states the diagnosis of Alzheimers
gate the reason and determine whether the disease would trigger mandatory report-
trust issue within the family is resolvable or ing, even if the disease process were at an
whether an external trustee might be needed early stage and causing only mild cogni-
to protect the patients assets. tive impairment. The contemporary view of
When the patient has substantial assets separating the clinical syndrome from the
well beyond those needed to ensure his or presumed neuropathology has not yet pen-
her own care, it is likely that there is already etrated motor vehicle licensing agencies. For
a lawyer, banker, and/or other professional the physicians legal protection the patients
involved in creating and implementing an medical records must make such distinctions
estate plan. Here the physician can per- clearly, in the unfortunate event that a patient
formas always with the patients con- with mild cognitive impairment continues to
senta valuable service by explaining to the drive and is involved in a crash.
patients advisers the patients current men- Advising patients with mild cognitive
tal capabilities, the diagnosis of a degenera- impairment or mild dementia about driving
tive disease, the probable clinical course, and is especially challenging because for many
630part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

patients driving is essential to independence, crash risk is mitigated by their decreased

activity, quality of life, and self-esteem; driv- desire to drive.
ing cessation for those patients can lead to an Even when there is no legal obligation,
acceleration of functional decline, increased physicians have a professional obligation
caregiver burden, earlier institutionaliza- to advise patients with dementia that they
tion, and even earlier mortality. On the other should not drive, and physicians are at risk
hand, the increase in crash risk associated legally if they do not do so and the patient
with dementia is unequivocal. Specific errors subsequently causes a crash. Notice should
associated with dementia in general include be given both orally and in writing, and
lower and more variable driving speed, errors documented in the medical record. When the
at intersections with an increase in rear-end patient has given the physician permission
collisions, increased steering variability, less to talk with a family caregiver, the caregiver
awareness of pedestrians and other drivers, should be given the same message.
worse lane control, and unexpected braking. The physicians task is more demanding
Even very mild dementia is associated when the patient has mild cognitive impair-
with increased crash risk. The increase in risk ment and has focal or multifocal cognitive
is greater for mild dementia (CDR 1.0) than it deficits that can impair driving performance
is for very mild dementia (CDR 0.5). Aroad but do not warrant a dementia diagnosis,
test study of dementia clinic patients at or has a dementing disease but does not yet
Washington University showed that 14% of have a definitive diagnosis. In this situation
patients with CDR 0.5 were unsafe and 42% the patient should be tested to quantitatively
of those with CDR 1.0 were unsafe. Half of estimate the extent of driving impairment
the CDR 1.0 patients who were judged safe at and come up with a recommendation either
baseline were unsafe when tested 6 months to cease driving immediately or to drive
later; half of the CDR 0.5 patients judged safe with restrictions that can mitigate crash risk
at baseline were unsafe 1year later (Duchek while developing a plan to eventually cease
etal., 2003). Dementia patients with impair- driving. The plan should include whatever
ment in executive function, especially those changes in living arrangements, caregiver
with impaired insight, are likely to be unsafe relationships, and formal services are needed
drivers even when there is relatively mild to maintain a healthy and active life without
impairment in other cognitive domains. the need to drive. If the patients prognosis
Asimakopulos etal. (2012) comprehensively is sufficiently clear, a time frame for making
review studies of neuropsychological tests such changes may be suggested.
of executive function that have been corre- In addition to examination of the patient,
lated with driving performance, providing there are several historical points that have a
very strong evidence that executive func- strong association with increased crash risk:
tion is probably the most consistent cogni- recent actual at-fault crashes, getting lost
tive determinant of driving performance. In while driving, falling while getting into or out
their review they note the criterion of driving of a car, and having traffic violations due to
performance used in each studythe most failure to heed signs or signals. The likelihood
common being on-road tests, driving simu- that a patient with mild cognitive impairment
lation, a history of crashes, and subsequent or mild dementia will have a second crash if
cessation of driving. he or she has a first at-fault crash is unaccept-
Driving impairment from early dementia ably high; an at-fault crash after the diagnosis
can be exacerbated by the neuropsychiat- of mild cognitive impairment is made is suf-
ric complications of dementia. Depression ficient reason to advise immediate cessation
is associated with psychomotor slowing, of driving. However, fault in a crash can be
increased reaction time, and lapses of atten- ambiguous, so even with the history of a crash
tion. Patients with psychosis can misperceive or a single moving violation, a patient who
their environment while driving or be dis- greatly depends on driving for mobility may
tracted by internal stimuli. Aggressiveness appropriately insist upon being tested before
and impulsivity associated with orbitofrontal giving up the car keys. Getting lost while
dysfunction can manifest as aggressive driv- driving in itself implies an unacceptable risk
ing. Apathetic patients fail to anticipate pre- of continuing to drive, with a potential excep-
dictable road hazards, although their overall tion for getting lost while suffering from a
CHAPTER 28. Mental Competence and Legal Issues in Dementia Care 631

medication side effect. In that case the patient 3. Testing of driving performance in the vir-
should be advised to abstain from driving tual reality of a driving simulator. Driving
until further evaluation of his or her driving simulation can present the patient with
ability can be done. Falls getting into or out unexpected events and emergency situ-
of a car suggest problems with weakness or ationsthings a patient with dementia
coordination of the legs that could interfere may find difficult to manage, and things
with a timely response to a traffic situation. that cannot be incorporated into an
There are several ways in which the extent on-road test. The best validated and most
of increased crash risk can be estimated: widely researched driving simulator is
the STSIM system (see the developers
1. Office-based testing or neuropsychologi- Web site,,
cal testing of cognitive functions known to for details). The base configuration of the
be associated with driving performance and system includes 80 different driving sce-
crash risk, such as reaction time, visual per- narios; the software counts crashes and
ception, and ability to read and interpret road near misses as well as driving irregulari-
signs. A few of the specific test perfor- ties such as lane departures.
mances that have been explicitly linked to 4. Automated analysis of black box (telematics)
increase crash risk include recalling two recordings of actual driving behavior. Systems
or fewer of four words on delayed recall, for recording and analyzing driver behav-
a Trails B time of greater than 180 seconds, ior currently are used by some automobile
and a time outside of normal limits for insurance carriers for rate setting, and by
navigating a maze on a computer screen motor vehicle fleet operators to monitor
(Anderson et al., 2012; Emerson et al., their professional drivers. Current tech-
2012; Ott etal., 2008). The Clock Drawing nology can detect and record several of
Test, scored on a 7-point scale with a cut- the driving problems commonly seen in
off for abnormality of four or less, may be patients with dementia, including lane
a highly specific screening test for unsafe departures, excessive variation in speed,
driving (Freund, Gravenstein, Ferris, inappropriately slow driving, sudden
Burke,& Shaheen, 2005). In a study of 119 stops, and abrupt turns. Units with GPS
older drivers evaluated with a driving functionality can establish whether the
simulator, the test was 64.2% sensitive and driver got lost on a familiar route, even if
97.7% specific in identifying unsafe driv- the driver eventually found his or her way
ers. The interrater reliability of the 7-point home. Specialized black box recording
scale for scoring the CDT was 0.95 in their analysis for evaluating drivers with mild
study. The combination of low cost, brief cognitive impairment or early dementia
administration time, and high reliability is not yet commercially available, but it is
is impressive, but the results need to be likely to appear given the ever-increasing
confirmed on a larger and more diverse scale of the issue.
sample of older drivers. 5. On-road testing by an examiner specializing
2. Testing of the Useful Field of View (UFoV), in assessing the safety of older drivers and
a standardized, computer-administered test people with diseases that can affect driving
of visual attention. It measures the visual ability. Aroad test by a specialized exam-
information that can be acquired in a brief iner will be more sensitive than a road test
glance, with or without a distracting con- for drivers license renewal; the former
dition. The developers of the test present will look for potentially risky behavior that
evidence that a reduction of 40% or more would not in itself cause the driver to fail
in UFoV is associated with a seven-fold the test for licensure.
increase in crash risk. The same criterion
is 89% sensitive and 81% specific in pre- In addition, the patient should have tests of
dicting that an older individual will have hearing and vision if these were not recently
one or more motor vehicle crashes if he done and passed. However, it has been estab-
or she continues to drive. (See the devel- lished that poor visual acuitythe visual func-
opers Web site, http://www.visuala- tion tested for licensing of driversdoes not, for a summary of research predict motor vehicle crashes in older drivers.
findings and bibliography.) Glare sensitivity, loss of peripheral vision, and
632part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

diminished useful field of view all are associ- For those patients who continue to drive,
ated with a significant increase in crash risk. crash risk can be mitigated somewhat by
The evidence for these relationships is direct; specifying circumstances under which the
it comes from a study where baseline visual patient should not drive. Also, patients
testing was performed in 1,801 drivers aged should be strongly cautioned against using
6584years; state motor vehicle crash records a mobile phone while driving. Crash risk
were then reviewed a specific time point for any driver increases with mobile phone
24years later, by which point 120 drivers had use. The incremental risk for drivers with
been involved in crashes (Rubin etal., 2007). mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia
On-road testing is not the gold standard of is greater because of their difficulty dealing
driving evaluation. While failing a road test with distractions, redirecting attention, and
implies impaired driving performance under processing conflicting stimuli.
the conditions of the test, road test perfor-
mance can be worsened by anxiety or fatigue
and may not be representative of the patients Testamentary Capacity
performance in the particular situations in
which he or she usually drives. On the other When patients with dementia make wills
hand, passing a road test does not imply that disinherit natural heirs or give large
that a patient could cope with the additional sums to unrelated caregivers, their wills are
demands of night driving, bad weather, or often contested. When the assets involved
heavy traffic, and it does not imply that the are substantial, the contests can lead to
patient will respond appropriately and in expensive and emotionally stressful litiga-
time to an unexpected event like a child run- tion. In this litigation physicians are called
ning across the street in front of the car. The to testify regarding the patients mental
assessment of these capabilities is better done state at the time of writing (or rewriting) his
in a driving simulator. The special value of or her will. There are two implications for
road tests is that failing one can get the unsafe physicians treating patients with dementia.
driver off the road immediately. The first is that shortly after the diagnosis
The expense and inconvenience of road of dementia (or even a dementing disease
testing or testing in a driving simulator can be with the current syndrome of mild cognitive
avoided if the results of cognitive testing or impairment) the physician should encourage
UFoV testing are sufficiently bad to be highly the patient to review his or her willor to
specific for unsafe driving. When it becomes make a will if one is not on fileand make
widely available, black box recording and any desired changes before the disease pro-
automated analysis of actual driving behav- gresses. If there already are obvious defi-
ior may be an efficient method for evaluating cits in memory or judgment, special pains
driving competence that offers the advantage should be taken to establish and document
of not requiring a testa situation that may the ingredients of testamentary capacity.
evoke the patients anxiety or potentially his This activity can beand usually should
or her resistance. bea separately scheduled patient encoun-
In persuading a patient to discontinue ter, carried out either by the principal phy-
driving, it is useful to identify any noncogni- sician or by a neurologist or psychiatrist
tive reason why the persons driving might with an interest in dementia or experience
be unsafe. In addition to impaired hear- with competency assessment. The interview
ing or vision (especially peripheral vision, should establish that the patient:
glare intolerance, or UFoV), decreased neck
mobility, diminished limb strength, and falls 1. Knows what a will is;
getting into and out of a car should be con- 2. Knows what his or her assets are;
sidered. As to the importance of leg strength 3. Knows the people who have a reasonable
and balance, patients who require more than claim to be beneficiaries;
10 seconds to walk 10 feet, turn around, and 4. Understands the impact of a particular
come back have double the rate of crashes. distribution of assets;
Driving cessation for a noncognitive reason is 5. Does not have delusions or other psy-
face saving for the patient and may be more chotic phenomena that would affect the
readily accepted. decisions made; and
CHAPTER 28. Mental Competence and Legal Issues in Dementia Care 633

6. Can express his or her wishes clearly and the prevalence of dementia increases, reflect-
consistently. ing changes in the age distribution of the
population. A study of voting-related com-
If the patients decisions seem likely to evoke petency in patients with Alzheimers disease
family conflict, video recording of the inter- suggested that a general understanding of
view is advised. If the assets are modest and the nature and effect of voting and the abil-
there is nothing unusual about the will, it is ity to express a choice usually are preserved
sufficient to document these basic criteria for in mild dementia and often are preserved
testamentary capacity in the clinical record. in moderate dementia. However, as demen-
As with other competencies, criteria for tes- tia progresses, patients are less able to rea-
tamentary capacity are interpreted more lib- son about political issues or to understand
erally when less is at stake and the choices the likely personal implications of election
made are typical ones. results (Appelbaum, Bonnie, & Karlawish,
The retrospective signs of potential testa- 2005). While in practice citizens compe-
mentary incapacity include the following: tency to vote is not verified, the issues are
similar to those of testamentary capacity.
1. Radical change from previous wills; One might grant a lifelong Democrat or life-
2. Changes that disinherit natural heirs such long Republican a right to vote for the party
as a spouse or a child; he or she has always supported. A sudden
3. Changes made reflecting prob- change in voting behavior inconsistent with
able delusions, misperceptions, or long-held opinions would raise the issue of
misunderstandings; competency to vote (or perhaps of dyslexia
4. Changes that disregard the testators per- or dyspraxia interfering with marking a bal-
sonal history and reflect only the persons lot or operating a voting machine in a way
current circumstances; and consistent with the patients intentions).
5. Changes suggesting undue influence, such
as an unusually large bequest to a recent
caregiver who is not related and who was Dementia and Firearm Safety
not named at all in the previous will.
In the United States 17 million people
When these signs are present, a judge might over the age of 65 own one or more guns
invalidate the will unless there is positive evi- (Mertens & Sorenson, 2012). Eighty percent
dence that the testator was fully competent at of all homicides committed by persons over
the time of making the new will. If the phy- 65 are committed using guns, as are more
sician learns that the patient with dementia than half of all suicides. Impairments in
plans to revise his or her willor that the judgment and impulse control, mood dis-
patient has recently done sothe physician turbances, and paranoid thinking associated
should suggest a special interview assessing with dementia increase the risk of violence
the elements of testamentary capacity, point- in general and gun violence in particular.
ing out that given the diagnosis the patients For this reason patients with dementiaor
will might be challenged and that such an even mild cognitive impairment thought to
interview will be helpful in ensuring that be due to a progressive degenerative brain
the patients valid intentions are carried out. diseaseshould not have access to firearms;
Gutheil (2007) offers advice regarding pitfalls at the very least firearms in their possession
in the assessment of testamentary capacity, should be disabled.
specifically emphasizing that neither a neu- A study conducted in a university hospi-
rological or psychiatric diagnosis nor the tal memory clinic found that 60% of patients
presence of cognitive impairment is in itself with dementia had a firearm in the home. In
evidence for testamentary incapacity. 45% of cases the family knew that the fire-
arm was kept loaded and in another 38% the
family did not know whether the gun was
Dementia and Voting loaded (Spangenberg, Wagner, Hendrix, &
Bachman, 1999). These statistics do not only
Participation of people with mild to moderate imply a risk of gun violence perpetrated by
dementia in voting has increasing salience as the patient; for example, an unlocked and
634part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

loaded gun might be appropriated and mis- sides in a legal dispute. Also, some clinicians
used by a visiting grandchild. have strongly held biases toward a more pro-
The first step in mitigating gun-related tective attitude or a more libertarian one.
risk is recognizing the problem. Every ini-
tial evaluation of a dementia patient should
include inquiry about firearms in the home. Dementia and End-of-Life Planning
If patients are not able or willing to answer
questions about firearms, they should be Ultimately patients with dementia will die,
asked of their caregivers. Interventions to either because they develop a general medi-
remove, disable, or securely lock up guns are cal condition such as pneumonia or because
more likely to succeed early in the course of they stop eating and drinking. If patients with
illness when some insight and judgment are dementia receive aggressive treatment for
preserved, or late in the course where impair- general medical conditions, and receive tube
ments in memory and praxis would make it feedings when they stop eating and drink-
hard for a patient to defeat simple measures ing, they can live on for months or even years
like locking the weapon in a gun safe and after they have lost the ability to participate
securing the key, or removing ammunition actively in life. Many people say that if they
from the home. lose their basic mental capacities, they would
In situations where there is immediate prefer not to live and not to be kept alive by
danger related to gunsas when a patient artificial means. However, confronted with
with dementia has paranoid delusions and a very specific and treatable condition like
threatens to use the gun against an alleged pneumonia, the patients spouse or child may
persecutor, or when a gun-owning patient find it hard to direct that treatment be with-
with dementia is depressed and suicidal held, and the patients physician may find it
state mental health laws can be invoked. difficult to withhold the treatment. For such
A physician with knowledge of the situa- reasons patients write living wills and desig-
tion, not necessarily a psychiatrist, can call nate health care proxies. When a patient with
upon the police to remove the patient from mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia
the home for emergency psychiatric evalua- chooses a health care proxy, or reviews his or
tion. A caregiver can remove the guns from her choice of a health care proxy, the physi-
the home and secure them while the patient cian should advise the patient to choose a
is away being evaluated. proxy who would feel comfortable about
implementing the patients advance direc-
tive. In some cases the spouse, who is the
Why Assessors of Competence May Disagree default substitute decision maker, would be
a poor choice for health care proxy, because
Skilled evaluators may disagree about the spouse may know in advance that he or
whether a particular patient is competent she would be unwilling to say no to treating
to make a particular decision or undertake an infection or to giving tube feedings even if
a specific activity. Such disagreements arise it was the patients expressed wish.
for several reasons. Competence itself is con- When implementing advance directives,
text dependent and can fluctuate over time, it is worth considering that what patients
so two assessments at different time points think they would want under a given set of
may begin with different data. Context circumstances is not necessarily what they
dependency is more important when there would want if those circumstances came to
is greater impairment of executive func- pass and they were competent to decide at
tion. Assessors may differ in the way they the time. A health care proxy tasked with act-
test competence. They may apply different ing in the interest of the patient might in fact
thresholds for determining that a patient is determine that the choices indicated in the
competent. advance directive do not accurately reflect
Differences between assessors conclusions what the patient would want at the given
usually can be resolved when the reason for time if he or she were competent to say. In
them is understood. In exceptional cases dis- that case is the proxys obligation to follow
agreements are driven by conflicting motives, the patients advance directive or to use his
as when two experts are engaged by opposite or her judgment based on full knowledge of
CHAPTER 28. Mental Competence and Legal Issues in Dementia Care 635

the patients pre-illness personality and the the patient a deep thinker who was concerned
current medical and social circumstances? about the meaning of life and would regard
In many jurisdictions law permits a health years spent in a nursing home as empty and
care proxy to make decisions contrary to the meaningless even if they were pleasant? Did
patients advance directives, i.e., the latter are the patient prefer to spend his remaining
not binding. One resolution is for the health assets putting his grandson through college
care proxy to follow the advance directive and medical school rather than paying for
unless there is a compelling reason to do long-term care in a facility? Would his view
otherwise, and for the proxy to discuss the of paying for his nursing home care change if
deviation from the advance directive with a the grandson inherited money from someone
disinterested (and unprejudiced) third party. else and no longer needed help with tuition?
Consider the following situation. A The decision to disregard an advance
90-year-old widower with mild dementia directive is a weighty one. In a situation
would prefer to die rather than live in a nurs- where a health care proxy thinks the patients
ing home and no longer be able to manage advance directive no longer makes sense, the
his own affairs. He designates his son as his physician should direct the health care proxy
health care proxy and completes an advance to a third party to help with thinking through
directive stating he wants no extraordinary the issues. It is always helpful, and it is essen-
measures to be taken to keep him alive, spe- tial if the health care proxy has a financial
cifically mentioning ventilators. Over the next interest in the decision to be made.
year his dementing illness proceeds. He must The considerations just outlined can be
relinquish control over his assets to a trustee. anticipated in the design of an advance direc-
He can no longer maintain his apartment. He tive. The patient can state the assumptions
loses weight because he eats poorly, and he behind the advance directive and ask the
becomes incontinent and confused at night. health care proxy to reconsider the directive
Finally he grudgingly accepts admission to a if those assumptions are no longer true. The
nursing home after intensive lobbying by his health care proxy can be directed to discuss
children. He is admitted to a nursing home, any potential deviation from the directive
where to his surprise he is happy:He makes a with a disinterested third party such as a
couple of friends. He likes the food and gains family friend or clergyman.
weight. He is relieved to be rid of oppressive
responsibilities and does not care about los-
ing control over many aspects of his life. Finding and Developing Resources
A few months later he develops severe
pneumonia with respiratory failure. He needs Physicians who see a significant number
intubation and ventilation along with antibi- of patients with dementia in their practice
otics to have a good chance of survival. He often will find that they need the help of
is delirious from fever and hypoxia. Should other professionals with specific expertise.
his son honor his prior directive or contradict Developing a panel of such professionals and
it by opting for aggressive treatment on the using them consistently makes care more
grounds that the patient was happy with his efficient. Periodic conversations with them
life in the nursing home immediately prior to can touch on the issues of several different
the acute illness, and that the patient would patients. Also, physicians can make sure
have written a different advance directive if that they are up to date on dementia and its
he knew at the time how life in the nursing care, and aware of any special features of the
home was going to turn out? patient population they treat (e.g., cultural
In this case the health care proxy should or religious issues). A physician who regu-
draw on his full knowledge of the patient and larly refers patients to the same lawyer for
not just his expressed intentions at the time help with estate planning can educate that
he signed the advance directive. At that time lawyer about such things as executive func-
was the patient depressed and passively sui- tion and metacognition, and the lawyer can
cidal? Did he have a realistic idea about life educate the physician about such things as
in a nursing home, or was his idea based on how trusts operate when a trustee or benefi-
frightening newspaper stories about neglect ciary develops impaired judgment in finan-
and abuse in long-term care institutions? Was cial matters.
636part iii Assessment, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment:From Principles to Practice

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Note: Page numbers followed byfand tindicate figures and tables.

abstract attitude, 72 Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH), 339

abulia, 300, 521 Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340
acalculia, 50, 262, 345, 361 paramedian artery infarction, 50
acetylcholine, 88 pharmacological treatment of, 579t
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), vascular dementias, 521
148, 313314 aging, 364
acquired leukodystrophies, 327331 agitation, 575583
action-intentional disorders, 126127 about, 575576
activa interpolation models, 19 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 361
active immunotherapy, 566568 antidepressants, 583
Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire frontotemporal dementia, 226
(ADLQ), 492 neuropsychiatric symptoms, 516517
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340
328 paramedian artery infarction, 50
acute disseminated encephalopathy, 318 pharmacological treatment of, 579t
acute intermittent porphyria, 306 prevalence of, 517f
AD8, 472473 vascular dementias, 521
Adams, R.D., 145, 342343 agoraphobia, 339
Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination, agraphia, 208210, 262, 345
Revised (ACE-R), 186, 477t, 482 akinesia, 126
AD Lewy body variant (ADLBV), 156 akinetic mutism
adult-onset leukodystrophy with neuroaxonal delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
spheroids (AOLNAS), 331332 328
aerobic exercise paramedian artery infarction, 50
Alzheimers Disease (AD), 570571 alcohol, 303
mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 443 alertness, variation in, 237
affect, 83, 344 Alexander, G.E., 73, 74f
affective dysregulation, 58 Alexander, M.P., 82
aggression, 575583 alexia, 208211, 381
about, 575576 alien limb phenomena
antidepressants, 583 corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 225
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 162 PSP-CBS (Progressive Supranuclear
frontotemporal dementia, 226 Palsy-Corticobasal Syndrome), 223

Alper, T., 320 best practices and recommendations, 415422

alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, biomarkers in clinical practice, 388389
569 characteristic symptoms and signs, 371, 372t
alpha-synuclein gene, 232, 236 clinical features, 370375
alpha-synuclein-positive Lewy bodies (LBs), cognitive aging and changes in, 370371
168 cognitive testing, 390
Alzheimer, A., 176, 177, 508, 600 criteria incorporating biomarkers, 383t
Alzheimers Association, 191, 440, 442, 544, 610 customizing care to the patient-caregiver
Alzheimers Dementia. See Alzheimers disease dyad, 390391
and dementia deterministic Alzheimers disease mutations,
Alzheimers Disease (AD) 369
about, 151f, 448449 diagnosis, 377384
active immunotherapy, 566568 educational, work, and social history, 386
aerobic physical exercise, 570571 environmental modification, 394395
alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor epidemiology, 363366
agonist, 569 etiology, 366370, 367368f
amygdala in, 149 evaluating, 384390
associated with cognitive disorders and executive functions, concentration,
ideomotor apraxia, 135 judgment, reasoning, and insight, 373374
Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia family history, 386
and, 9091 genetics, 366370
beta-secretase inhibitors, 564565 history of present illness, 384385
biomarker evidence, 452453 hobbies, community activities, and
biomarker model, 450452, 451f health-related habits, 386
cholinesterase inhibitors for, 89 laboratory studies, 388
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) long-term treatment expectations, 391392
and, 165168 management of, 390392, 391t, 395415
compared with episodic memory, 115116 medication and supplement history, 386
conceptual apraxia and, 129 memory function, 371373
conceptual framework, 453454 mild Alzheimers disease versus normal
detecting early, 449, 454455 cognitive aging, 370
ELND005, 565566 mortality from, 361t
evidence-based medication therapeutics by multitiered testing in, 389t
stage of, 413415 neuropathology, 375377
5-hydroxytriptamine-6 receptor antagonists, neuropsychological features, 497
569 nonpharmacological interventions and
gamma-secretase inhibitors and modulators, behavioral coping strategies, 392395
565 past medical history, 385386
insulin, 570 personality, mood, motivation, behavior, and
interaction with cerebrovascular disease, neuropsychiatric symptoms, 374375
266267 pharmacological management, 395415
molecular imaging in, 539542 prevalence of, 364365
nerve growth factor, 569570 review of cognitive, functional, and
neuroimaging in, 531 neuropsychiatric domains, 385
neuropathology of, 153 review of safety and well-being, 386387
neuropsychiatric symptoms, 518520, 519f review of system, 385
passive immunotherapy, 566568 risk factors, 363t
pathophysiological sequence of, 449450 Souvenaid, 416417
preclinical, 448455 spatial and temporal orientation, 374
p-tau pathology of, 166f susceptibility Alzheimers disease mutations,
tau immunotherapy, 568569 369370
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 360423 2010 IWG-Dubois New Lexicon Criteria, 377,
about, 360363 378379f
Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis of Alzheimers 2011 NIA-AA Criteria, 379384, 380t, 381t
Disease, 366368 2013 DSM-5 Criteria, 377379
CHAPTER . Index 641

two-hit vascular hypothesis of Alzheimers antipsychotics

Disease, 368369 about, 396
two-stage amyloid-dependent and avoiding, 387t
amyloid-independent hypothesis of BPSDs, 578580
Alzheimers disease, 368 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 239
visuospatial function, 374 for treatment of severe and refractory
vitamins, 416417 agitation, aggression, and psychosis, 418
word finding and language, 374 anxiety
Alzheimers Disease Cooperative Study Alzheimers disease and dementia, 361
(ADCS), 239 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 321
Alzheimers Disease International (ADI), 364 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233, 239
Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative frontotemporal dementia, 226
(ADNI), 437, 452 limbic encephalitis, 307
Alzheimers Prevention Initiative (API), 454 neuropsychiatric symptoms, 514, 516
amantadine, 250 prevalence of, 516f
American Academy of Neurology, 550 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
American Psychiatric Association, 177 apathy, 588596
AMNART, 491 about, 588
amnesia, 48, 110, 115, 184, 248, 262, 293, 304, cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome
306, 332, 488, 492, 497, 602 (CCAS), 335
amnestic syndrome, 50 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 239
amoxicillin, 316 depressive symptoms, 588591
amyloid beta, 236 diagnostic criteria, 515t
Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis of Alzheimers frontotemporal dementia, 226
Disease, 366368 frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD),
amyloid hypothesis, 564 182
Amyloid Imaging Task (AIT) Force, 544 Herpes Simplex Encephalitis, 306
Amyloid PET Imaging meningoencephalitis, 315
as AD biomarkers, 383 neuropsychiatric symptoms, 513514
approved in evaluation of dementia, 544 neurosyphilis, 315
Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), 236 paramedian artery infarction, 50
FDG-PET versus, 542545, 545t Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245
with Pittsburg B compound, 213 relationship with cerebral substrate, 510t
for understanding role of cerebrovascular Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
disease in VCI, 265 Susac Syndrome, 327
using for identification of AD pathology, 203 tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50
AN-1792, 566 vascular dementias, 521
Anderson, M.C., 83 Wilsons Disease, 345
anemia, 323 Aphasia
Angelucci, F., 581 Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD),
anomia, 48, 60, 67, 135, 226, 492 180, 185
anorexia Ideomotor Apraxia, 131, 132
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 239 polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH), 339 with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
anoxic anoxia, 327 (PLO-SL), 345
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), 8081, 86, 566 posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 208
anterior commissure (AC), 3940 primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 198204,
anterior limb of the internal capsule (ICa), 40 536
anterograde amnesia, 115116 PSP-CBS (Corticobasal Syndrome), 223
anticonvulsants, 583 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
antidementia medications, 397398 Aphasia Quotient, 201
antidepressants, 387t, 583 APOE polymorphisms, 232
antihistamines, 387t apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene, 170171, 213,
antimuscarinics, 387t 276, 548
antiparkinson agents, 387t apperceptive agnosia, 8

APP gene autonomic dysfunction, 60, 234, 238

Alzheimers disease and dementia, 375 autonomic features
cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 277 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233234
apraxia Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 225 autonomic simple classical conditioning, 109t
defined, 471 axonal injury
motor programming disorders, 126139 chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 167
polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia mild traumatic brain injury, 162
with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
(PLO-SL), 345 Baddeley, A.D., 72
tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50 Balints syndrome, 208
unilateral dominand hand apraxia, 190 ballooned neurons (Pick cells), 151
apraxic disorders, 127128 bapineuzumab, 566567
arcuate fasciculus (AF), 36, 37f barbituates, 387t
Argyll-Robertson pupil, 314, 315 Barkley, R.A., 73
Aristotle, 11 Barrett, A.M., 134
arousal basal ganglia
decreased, 327 clinical features of basal ganglia lesions,
disturbances, 50 4244
qualitative evaluation by, 463464 connectional neuroanatomy of, 42
arthralgias, 316 thalamus and, 134135
ascending arousal system, 84 Basso, A., 134
ascending reticular activating system (ARAS), Bastos-Leite, A.J., 264
84 Beers Criteria, 422
aseptic meningitis, 317 BEHAVE-AD, 521
Asimakopulos, J., 630 behavioral and psychological symptoms of
association cortex projections, 55 dementia (BPSDs)
association fibers, 3233, 33f about, 575576, 588
association fiber tracts, 3538 anticonvulsants, 583
Association for FTD, 191 antidepressants, 387t, 583
associative agnosia, 8 antipsychotics, 578580
associative thalamic nuclei, 4748 best practices, 581582
asymbolia, 131 cholinesterase inhibitors, 582
asymmetrical levodopa-nonresponsive memantine, 582583
parkinsonism, 225 pharmacogenetics, 581
asymmetrical pyramidal signs, 199 pharmacological treatments, 577
asymmetric bradykinesia, 223 safety, 580581
ataxia treatment, 576577
cognition in the, 336337 Behavioral Assessment of Dysexecutive
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 320, 321 Syndromes (BADS), 9293
delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy, behavioral-cognitive syndromes, categories of,
329 42
intravascular lymphoma, 323 behavioral control test, 94
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), behavioral disturbances, 603t
323 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 374375
atomoxetine, 251 delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
Atri, A., 360431, 461486 328
attention, qualitative evaluation by, 464465 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233
attentional biasing, 78 Frontotemporal dementia, 182184
attention disturbances, 60t, 7778, 162, 222, 237, metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), 332
339, 345 multiple sclerosis, 299
Attention-Memory-Concentration subscale, 410 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245
Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle Primary progressive aphasia, 185
Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL), 452 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 223
autism spectrum, 60t Susac Syndrome, 327
CHAPTER . Index 643

behavioral neurology of subcortical systems, cerebellar related disorders with cognitive

neuroanatomy and. See neuroanatomy and change and dementia, 333
behavioral neurology of subcortical systems Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), 237
behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, depression, 243
9091, 181184, 498 focal lesions, 312
Benson, F., 208 genetic diseases, 333
Benson Complex Figure Test, 498499 Gordon Holmes Syndrome, 338
benzodiazepines, 387t for initial evaluation of dementia, 388
best practices intravascular lymphoma, 323
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 415422 Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, 339
BPSDs, 581582 Marchiafava Bignami, 304
beta-amyloid, 568 mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic
beta-secretase inhibitors, 564565 acidosis and strooke-like episodes, 318319
bexarotene, 568 normal pressure hydrocephalus, 341
Bianchi, L., 7172 primary progressive aphasia, 198199
binding, 2123 progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy,
binge eating, 339 322
Binswanger disease, 148, 298 vascular cognitive impairment, 267
biomarkers Wilsons disease, 345
Alzheimers disease, 383, 388 brainstem, 149, 234
combined use of multiple, 549 Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, 583
constructs, 529531 brief psychosocial therapy (BPST), 576
mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 439440, Broca, P., 131
441t Brocas area, 28, 110
molecular imaging as, 541 Brownwell-Oppenheimer variant, 321
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 213214 buccofacial apraxia, 50
role of, 550551 Buchman, A.S., 571
use of imaging and biofluid disease, 549550 Bucks, R.S., 341
bipolar disorder, 340 Bugiani, O., 180
Black, B., 594 bulimia, 339
Blessed Dementia Scale (BDS), 410, 491 Burgess, P.W., 93
Blessed Dementia Scale butterfly gliomas, 311
(BDS-IMC), 476t, 481 C9ORF72 gene, 180181
blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal, Cache County Study, 232
2324, 55 CAMCOG-R, 244
Blumbergs, P.S.G., 162 CamPaign study, 245
body-part as tool errors (BPTEs), 130131 cardiopulmonary disease, 592
Boston Criteria for Cerebral Amyloid caregivers and caregiving
Angiopathy, 277279 about, 421
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, 467, benefits of, 612
498 checklist for, 616t
Boston Naming Test (BNT), 201 cultural differences, 612614
bottom-up attention, 86 family, 611
botulinum toxin injections, 224 support for, 614
Braak, H., 246 time, 410, 609611
bradykinesia, 137, 328 cataplexy, 340
brain, 150f, 152f, 155f catatonia, 315
biopsy of, 322 categories
diagram of, 117f about, 45, 28n1
health of during lifespan, 501502 differential diagnosis by , 294295t
brain imaging relationship with concepts and word
about, 300302 meanings, 1012
cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome of visually presented objects, 512
(CCAS), 337 caudate head lesions, 42

cefuroxime, 316 delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services 329
(CMS), 437, 601 Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), 234
central nervous system vasculitis, 316318 5-Hydroxytriptamine-6 Receptor
centromedian (CM) nucleus, 44 Antagonists, 569
CERAD classification scheme, 376 Ideomotor Apraxia (IMA), 131
CERE -108, 569570 mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic
cerebellar ataxia, 339 acidosis and stroke-like episodes, 319
cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome multiple sclerosis (MS), 326
(CCAS), 60, 333335 Parkinsons Disease Dementia, 246
cerebellar infarction, 59f quantitative magnetic resonance imaging
cerebellar motor syndrome of gait ataxia, mewasurements of, 534
appendicular dysmetria, dysarthric cerebral hemispheres, 3242
speech, and oculomotor abnormalities, 58 cerebral white matter, 32, 147, 148, 162, 168f,
cerebellar related disorders with cognitive 301302t, 318, 324f, 325330, 327f, 329f, 338,
change and dementia, 333 339, 345
cerebellum cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers, 528551,
about, 53, 55 546f
clinical features of cerebellar lesions, 5861 about, 528529, 545546
connectional neuroanatomy of the, 5558 acute disseminated encephalopathy, 318
neuropsychiatric manifestations in cerebellar cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 279
disorders, 60t dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 236237
projections from, 56f frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD),
cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 274282 187
about, 274 mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 438439
Boston Criteria for diagnosis of, 277t Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 248
clinicopathologic correlation in diagnosis of, posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 213214
278t rapid onset of late-life neurodegenerative
cognitive impairment and, 279281 disorders, 346
diagnosis, 277279 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
epidemiology, 274 subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE),
genetics, 276277 323
pathologic appearance of, 275f cerebrovascular disease, 41, 116, 137, 147, 187,
pathophysiology, 274276 237t, 243t, 249, 260262, 261t, 265269, 280,
potential emerging techniques for detection 296, 316, 369, 381t, 382, 531, 534, 537
of, 279 change blindness, 13
therapy considerations and future directions, Charles Bonnet syndrome, 297
281282 chemo-brain, 330
cerebral atrophy, 149 chemo-fog, 330
cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy Chicago Health and Aging Project (CHAP), 364
with subcortical infarcts and childlike behavior, 335
leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), chloral hydrate, 387t
262263, 263f cholinergic deficit, 235
cerebral cortex cholinesterase inhibitors
about, 39, 41, 112f, 602 about, 249250
Alzheimers Disease, 379t, 533 Alzheimers Disease, 89, 541
anatomic connections with, 42, 44, 55 Alzheimers disease (AD), 363
cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome BPSDs, 582
(CCAS), 336 combination therapy with memantine and,
cerebellar lesions, 58, 60 402, 593, 595
cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 275 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 239240
cognitive functions and, 328 mechanisms of action, 404
connection with subcortical areas, 32, 33f pharmacological management, 397398,
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 322 398400, 399t
degeneration of, 147148 posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 214
CHAPTER . Index 645

primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 204 vascular cognitive impairment (VCI),

sleep disturbances, 518 262263
tolerance of, 591 vascular dementia (VaD), 262263
for treating memory disortions, 116 Clinical Global Impression of change (CGIC),
Chong, J.Y., 310 239, 582
chorea, 53 Clinical Global Improvement, 583
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), Clock Drawing Test (CDT), 475, 476t, 477, 625,
160172 631
about, 160, 162163 clomipramine, 595
acute mild traumatic brain injury, 160162 clonazepam
Alzheimers Disease and, 167168 corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 227
axonal injury, 162, 167 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 251
axonal pathology of, 168f CNS hypomyelination, 333
clinical diagnosis of, 170 cocaine use, 331
comorbidities and, 167169 Cochrane meta-analysis, 250
compared with Alzheimers Disease, 165167 cognition
concussion, 160162 about, 1516
criteria for pathological diagnosis of, 163165 in the ataxias, 336337
frontotemporal lobar degeneration and, effects on domains of, 410
168169 rate of decline of, 623
genetic risk for, 170171 See also cognitive features
guidelines for prevention and treatment of, See also cognitive functions
171 cognitive aging, executive control and, 8990
hyperphosphorylated tau pathology, 164t, cognitive deficits
165 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 361
Lewy Body Disease and, 168 cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and. See
microscopic pathology, 163167 cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)
motor neuron disease, 169 corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 225
neuropathology of, 163 differential diagnosis, 326, 489f
pathogenic mechanisms of, 169170 fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome
phosphorylated TDP43 pathology of, 167f (FXTAS), 337
postconcussion, 160162 meningoencephalitis, 315
p-tau pathology of, 166f Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 339340
stages of, 165f vascular dementias, 521
subconcussion, 160162 Whipples Disease (WD), 325
TDP-43 pathology in, 167 cognitive domains, interactions of different, 15
cingulum bundle (CB), 37, 38, 39f cognitive features
citalopram, 595 about, 79
claustrophobia, 339 Alzheimers disease (AD), 371, 450f
Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR), 472, 491 cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 280
clinical features delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 370375 329
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 170 Dementia, 261t
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 225226 Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), 233, 239
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233234 late-life neurodegenerative disorders, 345
differential diagnosis, 292293 Lyme Encephalopathy, 316
frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 189 Parkinsons Disease (PD), 243t, 250
of frontotemporal lobar degeneration Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D),
(FTLD), 181 242244, 243t, 244t
mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 433435 primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 198
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 221222
242247, 243t vascular cognitive impairment, 264, 265
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 208212 white matter dementia (WMD), 326
progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), See also cognitive functions
221223 cognitive flexibility disturbances, 332

cognitive functions comorbidities, chronic traumatic

about, 35, 87, 115, 121, 365 encephalopathy (CTE) and, 167169
Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination, compensation-related utilization of neural
Revised (ACE-R) 482 circuits hypothesis (CRUNCH), 8990
aerobic physical exercise for, 570571 competency, 517518, 624
age-related declines in, 371 comprehension, impaired, 48
Blessed Dementia Scale compulsive behavior, 183
Information-Memory-Concentration, 481 computed tomography (CT), 212
categorization of visually presented objects, concentration disturbances
512 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 373374
cerebral cortex and, 328 chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 162
citalopram, 418 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 320
cognition, 1516 meningoencephalitis, 315
control processes, 1215 polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia
evaluating, 291347 with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
Functional Assessment Questionnaire (FAQ), (PLO-SL), 345
472 Susac Syndrome, 327
General Practitioner Assessment of concepts
Cognition, 478 activation of, 2425
incontinence, 421 relationship with categories and word
interactions of different cognitive domains, meanings, 1012
15 conceptual apraxia, 128129
mental status examination, 461, 469, 480 conceptual priming, 109t
metacognition and awareness of, 672 concomitant amyloid plaques, 235
mild cognitive impairment, 413, 497 concussion, 160162
neuropsychological testing and, 434435 confusion
perceptual identification of visually pre- delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
sented objects, 512 328
persistence in antidementia therapy and, 415 Herpes Simplex Encephalitis, 306
recognition of visually presented objects, intravascular lymphoma, 323
512 limbic encephalitis, 307
regional functional specialization for, 2628 Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340
sleep deprivation, 341 in paramedian artery infarction, 50
test instruments and screening tools, 475 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
See also cognitive features sarcoidosis, 317
cognitive neuroscience, contributions of Susac Syndrome, 327
primary progressive aphasia (PPA) to, with thalamic lesions, 48
203204 congestive attacks, 315
cognitive systems, 27, 27f Connor, C.E., 17
Cohen, J.D., 79 consciousness, fluctuating levels of
Cohen-Mansfield, J., 576 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233
Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory, 577 with tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50
color constancy, 6, 6f consequences, anticipating, 7881
coma, 344 consolidation, 111112
combination antoretroviral therapy (CART) Consortium to establish a registry for
AIDS and HIV, 313 Alzheimers disease (CERAD) criteria, 235,
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 477
(PML), 322 constipation
combination treatment dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 238
mechanisms of action, 404 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245
safety and tolerability of, 411413 continuous perseveration, 126
commissural fibers, 3940 control processes, 1215
Committee for Medicinal Products for Human convexity premotor cortex, 134
Use, 544 cord fiber system, 3941
communication, clarity in, 624625 cord of fibers, 32, 3334, 33f
CHAPTER . Index 647

Cordonnier, C., 280 Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System

corpus callosum (CC), 3940 (DKEFS), 9293
cortical and basal ganglia dysfunction, 225 delusional misidentification syndromes, 519t
cortical blindness delusions
adult-onset leukodystrophy with Alzheimers disease and dementia, 361
neuroaxonal spheroids (AOLNAS), 332 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233, 239
delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy, neuropsychiatric symptoms, 514
328 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), dementia
323 definitions and diagnosis of, 488
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, 299 differential diagnosis, 489f
cortical inputs, 7374 from diseases affecting cerebral white matter,
cortical organization, models of, 2526 325333
cortical sensory deficit driving and, 629632
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 225 end-of-life planning and, 634635
PSP-CBS (Corticobasal Syndrome), 223 executive control and, 9092
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 220227 financial management and, 628629
about, 220, 225 firearm safety and, 633634
associated with cognitive disorders and improving memory in, 120121
ideomotor apraxia, 136 laboratory evaluations for cause of, 347t
associated with limb-kinetic apraxia metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), 332
associated with cognitive disorders, 137 normal aging versus, 491t
characterizations of, 297 testing for, 493494
clinical features, 225226 voting and, 633
clinical phenotypes associated with, 226t See also specific topics
diagnostic criteria for, 227t Dementia Associated with Lewy Bodies (DLB),
neuropathology, 226 231251
therapeutics, 226227 about, 91, 231
corticosteroids amygdala in, 149
acute disseminated encephalopathy, 318 autonomic features, 233234
MELAS, 319 behavioral features, 233
corticostriatal fibers, 33 cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers, 236237
Craik OBrien Cornsweet (COC) figure, 19, 20f clinical features, 233234
cranial irradiation, 330 cognitive features, 233
cranial mononeuropathies, 316 criteria for clinical diagnosis of, 237t
crenezumab, 567 definitions of, 231
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 149, 152, 214, diagnosis of, 237238
292, 292t, 320322 epidemiology of, 231232
Critchley, M., 160 genetics, 232233
Crucian, G.P., 127 management of patients with, 238240
cryptococcal meningitis, 315 motor features, 233234
neuroimaging features of, 235236
Damasio, A.R., 25 neuropathological and biochemical correlates
Debette, S., 267 of, 234235
decision making, poor, 345 neuropathology of, 154156
declarative learning, 337 dementia of the Alzheimer-type (DAT), 198
default-mode network, 17, 85, 85f Dementia Rating Scale (DRS), 491
defective response inhibition, 126127 demyelinating diseases, 326327
deficits in emotional expression, 58 depression, 588596
degenerative diseases, 146f about, 588
Dejerine, J., 50, 198 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 361
delayed complex hyperkinetic motor syndrome cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome
with ataxia, 52 (CCAS), 334335
delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 162
327331 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 320, 321

depression (Cont.) primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 185, 199,

delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy, 201f
329 progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 220
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233 psychosis, 513t
depressive symptoms, 588591 Vascular Dementia (VaD), 261262
diagnostic criteria, 512t Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH), 339 (VaMCI), 265
limbic encephalitis, 307 differential diagnosis, 291347
meningoencephalitis, 315 about, 291
multiple sclerosis, 299 acquired leukodystrophies, 327331
neuropsychiatric symptoms, 509, 511, 513 acute confusion versus dementia, 291292
neurosyphilis, 314 acute disseminated encephalopathy, 318
Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340 acute intermittent porphyria, 306
relationship with cerebral substrate, 510t AIDS and HIV, 313314
Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344 alcohol, 303
vascular dementias, 521 brain imaging, 300302
Wilsons Disease, 345 by category and disease, 294295t
De Renzi, E., 137 central nervous system vasculitis, 316318
DEsposito, M., 79 cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome
deterministic Alzheimers disease genetic (CCAS), 333335
mutations, 369 cerebellar related disorders with cognitive
de Weerd, P., 17 change and dementia, 333
dexterity, 332 cerebral white matter disorders, 301302t
diagnosis clinical approach, 292293
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 377384 cognition in the ataxias, 336337
cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 277279 cognitive decline, 489f
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 237238 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 320322
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), cryptococcal meningitis, 315
186189 delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 327331
248249 dementia, 489f
See also differential diagnosis dementia from diseases affecting cerebral
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental white matter, 325333
Disorders, 177 demyelinating diseases, 326327
diagnostic criteria diseases causing dementia, 302
about, 177, 181182, 184, 550 elementary neurological examination,
Alzheimers Disease (AD), 448 297300
Alzheimers Disease Dementia, 497, 531 epilepsy and dementia, 340341
apathy, 513, 515t examination, 296300
BPSDs, 588 focal lesions, 311312
Behavioral variant Frontotemporal fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome
Dementia, 182t (FXTAS), 337338
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA), 277, general medical examination, 296297
277t genetic diseases, 331333
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 227t Gordon Holmes syndrome, 338
corticobasal syndrome (CBS), 225 Hashimoto Encephalopathy, 309310
Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), 231232 Herpes Simplex Encephalitis, 306307
depression, 511, 512t, 516 history, 293, 296
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTD), intravascular lymphoma, 323
185, 186 Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH),
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), 441, 441t, 338339
542543 limbic encephalitis, 307309
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 248, Lyme Encephalopathy, 315316
248t medications, 303
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 211t meningoencephalitis, 315
CHAPTER . Index 649

mental state examination, 300 disinhibition

metabolic disorders, 302306 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 320
mitochondrial encephalopathy with frontotemporal dementia, 182, 226
lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes vascular dementias, 521
(MELAS), 318319 disorganization, 340
multiple sclerosis, 326 disorientation
neurocysticercosis, 315 limbic encephalitis, 307
neurodegeneration with brain iron neurosyphilis, 314
accumulation (NBIA), 345 paramedian artery infarction, 50
neurosyphilis, 314315 posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 212
Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 339340 Susac Syndrome, 327
normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50
341343 distances, misjudging, 212
obstruction to cerebrospinal fluid flow/ dizziness, 344
cerebrospinal leak, 341344 DJ-1 gene, 242
Pellagra, 304305 Dolder, C.R., 592
polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia domains, qualitative evaluation by, 462472,
with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy 470471t
(PLO-SL), 345 Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network
Prion Disease, 319320 (DIAN), 454, 549
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy donepezil, 89, 214, 239240, 249250, 264, 363,
(PML), 322323 392, 397399, 403, 405t, 407417, 412f, 413t,
rapidly progressive dementia, 306 417t, 419, 422, 443, 518, 551, 563, 569, 582, 593
rapid onset of late-life neurodegenerative dopamine, 87, 88, 235
disorders, 345347 dopamine transporter binding, 238
Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 343344 doppler ultrasound (TCD), 279
scope of problem, 292 dorsal and midregions of putamen, lesions of, 42
sleep deprivation and cognition, 341 dorsal attention network, 78f
structural disease versus nonfocal or dorsal nucleus, 44
multifocal brain disease, 302 doxycycline, 316
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), Drachman, D..A., 146
323324 driving, dementia and, 629632
superficial siderosis, 339 DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Susac Syndrome, 326327 Mental Disorders), 365
thiamine deficiency, 303304 DSM-IV, 488
thyroid disorders, 305306 Dubois, B., 186
trauma, 311 dysarthria
vascular diseases, 310311 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 321
vitamin B12 deficiency, 305 delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
vitamin E deficiency, 305 329
Whipples Disease (WD), 324325 intravascular lymphoma, 323
Wilsons Disease, 344345 Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 339
See also diagnosis primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 199
diffuse axonal injury (DAI), 162 Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia (PNFA), 226
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 161 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 236 tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 212 X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, 299
diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), 321 dyscalculia, 199
diplopia See also acalculia
PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222 dysexecutive syndromes, 81
Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344 dysphagia
direct line feedforward hierarchical processing, Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340
26 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222
disconnection syndromes, 24 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344

dysphoria, 334 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 366370

dystonia mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 435f
posterior choroidal artery infarction, 5253 euphoria
PSP-CBS (Corticobasal Syndrome), 223 polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia
dystonic posturing of the limb, 225 with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
(PLO-SL), 345
eating behavior changes, 183 vascular dementias, 521
ecologically valid neuropsychological tests, European Medicines Agency, 544
9293 examination, differential diagnosis, 296300
effector thalamic nuclei, 47 executive control, 7194
electroconvulsive therapy, 522 about, 71
electroencephalography (EEG) Alzheimers disease and dementia, 373374
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 321 CCAS, 58
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 236 chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 162
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), clinical assessment of, 9294
187 cognitive aging and, 8990
Hashimotos Encephalopathy (aka. Steroid competency and, 623
Responsive Encephalopathy associated contributions of neurotransmitter function
with Autoimmune Thyroiditis (SREAT)), to, 8789
310 dementias and, 9092
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233
323 fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome
elementary neurological examination, 297300 (FXTAS), 337
Elger, C.E., 340 frontal networks and, 7375
ELND005, 565566 frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD),
emotional control, 60t, 83 183184
emotional liability goal-directed behaviors and, 7587
frontotemporal dementia, 226 Gordon Holmes syndrome, 336
Wilsons Disease, 345 historical perspective, 7173
empathy, lack of, 183, 344 mental competence and legal issues, 625626
encephalopathy, 326, 327 Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340
end-of-life care, 606607, 634635 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 221222
energization, 82 qualitative evaluation by, 465466
enlarged inclusion-bearing astrocytes, 338 questionnaires, 92t
environmental dependency syndrome, 127 rate of decline of, 623
epidemiology Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 363366 Susac Syndrome, 327
cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 274 top-down modulation and, 79
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 231232 Wilsons Disease, 345
frontal temporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD),
177 332
frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 177 Executive Control Battery (ECB), 9293
mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 433 executive control network, 75, 75f
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), executive deficit (frontal aging) hypothesis, 89
240242 explosivity, 162
epilepsy external capsule, 38, 39
dementia and, 340341 extrapyramidal signs, 199
neurosyphilis, 315 extreme capsule (EmC), 36, 37f
epilepticus, 323 eye movement abnormalities, 53, 225
episodic memory, 108117, 109t, 111f, 114f,
115116, 115f, 201, 266 Fabrys disease, 311
erectile dysfunction, 337 face recognition, 2324
erythema, 316 facial emotional recognition test, 94
erythromycin, 316 facial paralysis, 316
etiology Faglioni, P., 134
CHAPTER . Index 651

falls, repeated, 222, 234, 238 formal neuropsychological testing, of patients,

family role, 609618 9294
about, 609 Fox, N.C., 529
family caregiver, 611 fractional anisotrophy (FA), 247
family-centered care, 614615 fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome
individualized care plan, 615617 (FXTAS), 337338
See also caregivers and caregiving Franceschi, F., 198
fatal familial insomnia, 320, 321322 Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test, 479
fatigue, 316 FreeSurfer, 437
Faux Pas recognition test, 94 Freund, H.J., 134, 137
feature bundles, 13 Fries, P., 23
feature integration theory (FIT), 22 Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), 9293
feedforward hierarchical convergence models, Frontal Behavioral Inventory, 202, 226
22 frontal lobe, divisions of, 73f
fever frontal lobe syndrome, 72
intravascular lymphoma, 323 frontal networks, 7375
Lyme Encephalopathy, 316 frontoinsular cortex (FI), 86
Whipples Disease (WD), 324 fronto-occipital fasciculus (FOF), 36, 38f
Financial Capacity Instrument (FCI-9), 628 frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 116117,
financial management, dementia and, 628629 176192, 226, 520
Findings on the Aging Services Network, 612 frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD)
firearm safety, dementia and, 633634 about, 9091
Fisher, C.M., 48, 145 behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia,
5-hydroxytriptamine-6 receptor antagonists, 569 181184
fixation of belief, 16 chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)
FLAIR imaging and, 168169
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 321 clinical characteristics of, 181
delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy, diagnostic assessment of suspected, 186189
328 epidemiology, 177
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), genetics of, 179181
324 neuroimaging, 186188
Flechsig-Meyer loop, 41 neuropathology of, 154, 177179
fluctuation pedigree diagram, 180f
in cognitive function, 233, 237 progressive aphasic subtypes of, 184185
of competency, 624 treatment of, 189192
fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography functional and structural neuroanatomy, 202
(FDG-PET), 187f, 189, 190f, 213, 236, 370, Functional Assessment Questionnaire (FAQ),
383, 383t, 388, 389t, 414, 437f, 438442, 439f, 472
451f, 453, 510t, 530, 537, 540544, 540f, 546, Funkiewiez, A., 186
547f, 551, 551f, 570 fusiform face area (FFA), 2324
fluent and meaningless discourse, 48
fluoxetine, 590 gait ataxia
fMRI, 161162, 537538 fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome
focal infarction, 52t (FXTAS), 337
focal lesions, 311312 Hashimotos Encephalopathy (aka. Steroid
focal sensory/motor deficit, 323 Responsive Encephalopathy associated
Fodor, J., 11 with Autoimmune Thyroiditis (SREAT)),
Fogassi, L., 137 310
forces, affecting behavior, 4 gait impairment
forgetfulness adult-onset leukodystrophy with
delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy, neuroaxonal spheroids (AOLNAS), 332
328 delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
neurosyphilis, 314 328
PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222
Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344

galactosyl ceramidase (GLAC), 332 response/behavioral selection, 8283

galantamine, 417t working memory, 7678
apathy, 592 goal selection, 8387
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 250 about, 8384
relationship with sleep disturbances, 518 ascending arousal system, 84
gamma-secretase inhibitors and modulators, 565 how changes in salience influence
gantenerumab, 567 goal-directed behaviors, 8587
Gazzaley, A., 79 representation of future and past, 85
Gebhardt, A., 137 representations of the self, 8485
general medical examination, 296297 Goebel, R., 17
general paresis of the insane (GPI), 314 Goldenberg, G., 135
General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition Goldstein, K., 72
(GPCOG), 473, 476t, 478 Goodglass, H., 129130
genetic diseases, 331333 Gordon Holmes syndrome, 336, 338
genetics and risk factors Gorelick, P.B., 265
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 366370 Gray. C.M., 23
cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 276277 Griffith, J.S., 320
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), GRN mutations, 203
170171 Grossberg, G.T., 415
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 232233 Guam Parkinsonism-dementia complex, 169
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), GWAS (Genome Wide Association Study), 223
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 242 Haaland, K.Y., 133, 134
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 213 hallucinations
primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 203 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 361
progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 223 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233, 235,
genetic testing, 528551, 546549 237, 238239
geons, 67, 9f limbic encephalitis, 307
Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form neuropsychiatric symptoms, 514
(GDS-SF), 474, 498 Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245
(GSS), 320, 322 with thalamic lesions, 48
Gerstmann syndrome vascular dementias, 521
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 208 haloperidol, 578, 580
primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 199 Halsband, U., 133
Geschwind, N., 24, 128, 132, 133 Hanna-Pladdy, B., 134135, 136137
Gestalt laws, 7f, 8f, 23 headaches
Giovannetti, T., 138 acute disseminated encephalopathy, 318
Glasgow Coma Score, 161 central nervous system vasculitis, 317
gliosis, 234 chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 162
Global Deterioration Scale, (GDS) 432 Lyme Encephalopathy, 316
global dysphasia, 48 Susac Syndrome, 326
globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD), 332333 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 317318
globus pallidus (GPi), 44 health care costs, reduction of, 410
glucocorticoids, 310 Healthy Aging Brain Care Monitor
glucoserebrosidase (GBA) mutations, 232 (HABC-Monitor) Caregiver Assessment
glutamate, 400401 Tool, 617t
goal-directed behaviors hearing loss
executive control and, 7587 Lyme Encephalopathy, 316
how changes in salience influence, 8587 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
See also executive control Susac Syndrome, 327
goal execution, 7583 heated heroin vapor, 330
about, 7576 Hebert, L., 365
outcome/reward anticipation and Hedley-Whyte, E.T., 145
monitoring, 7882 Heilman, K.M., 129, 133, 136137, 422
CHAPTER . Index 653

Helmstaedter, C., 340 impulsivity

hemianopsia, 299 neuropsychiatric symptoms, 516517
hemiparesis Wilsons Disease, 345
inferolateral artery infarction, 5052 inappropriate social behaviors
intravascular lymphoma, 323 cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome
hemispatial neglect, 50 (CCAS), 335
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis, 306307, 340 paramedian artery infarction, 48
heterozygote mutations, 242 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
hierarchical structure, of concepts, 12 inattention
hippocampal commissures, 40 delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
hippocampal shape, 534535 328
hippocampus, 22, 44, 53, 88, 110112, 111f, 112f, tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50
115, 146151, 150f, 153f, 164167, 164t, 165f, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), 332
166f, 178f, 188f, 235, 247, 266, 307, 338, 360, incident dementia
436f, 534, 537538, 569, 570, 602 MRI, 267268
Hirano bodies and granulovacuolar vascular risk and, 267
degeneration, 150151 incompetence, establishing, 625
historical perspective, 7173 incontinence, 328, 421
Hitch, G.J., 72 individualized care plan, 615617
HIV, 313314 inferior longitudinal fasciculus, 36, 38f
HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders inferior temporal gyrus (ITG), 23
(HAND), 313 inferolateral artery infarction, 5052, 52t
Hoehn and Yahr score, 92 information processing, slowed, 222, 337
Holl, A.K., 136 inhibitory control, 83
horizontal gaze, 223 inhibitory deficit hypothesis, 89
Hotel Test, 93 insensitivity, 361
hubs, 26 insight impairments
Hull, C.L., 83 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 373374
Hummelsheim, H., 134, 137 frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD),
hummingbird sign, 224 184
Huntingtons disease, 42, 136, 156157, 297 neuropsychiatric symptoms, 517518
hyperactivity, 340 polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia
hyperbaric oxygen treatment, 328 with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
hyperphosphyorylated tau pathology in deep (PLO-SL), 345
nuclei, 165 insulin, 570
hypersomnolence, 50 integrative agnosia, 10f
hypokinesia, 126, 328 intellectual function
hypophonia fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome
PSP-PAGF (Pure Akinesia with Gait (FXTAS), 337
Freezing), 223 Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH), 339
tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 221
hypophonic dysarthria, 42 internal capsule, 40
hypothalamic involvement, 325 internal monitoring, 7879
hypothyroidism, 592 internal state, control of, 79
International Working Group (IWG), 365
ideational apraxia, 137138 interscapular pain, 344
ideomotor apraxia (IMA), 129136 intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, 342
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 225 intralaminar thalamic nuclei, 44
primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 199 intravascular lymphoma, 323
PSP-CBS (Corticobasal Syndrome), 223 intrinsic factors, role of, 16
I-Ioflupane/SPECT binding, 224 intrinsic network, 75
Imai, H., 223 intrinsic properties of cells, relationship with
immobility, 328 plasticity, 28n5
impersistence, 126 in vivo neuroimaging, of neuropathologic
implicit memory, 244 markers, 188189

irritability Lewy Body Dementia (LBD)

Alzheimers disease and dementia, 361 neuropsychiatric symptoms, 520521
frontotemporal dementia, 226 neuropsychological features, 498499
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis, 306 Lewy Body Disease
vascular dementias, 521 characterizations of, 297
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)
Jack, C.R., 438, 440441, 450, 532533 and, 168
Jackson, J.H., 71 Lewy neurites, 234
Jacob-Creutzfeldt disease, 203 Lezak, M., 72
Jagust, W., 540 Lhermitte, F., 127
Johnson, M.K., 8485 Lichtheim, L., 132
joint pain, 316 Liepmann, H., 128, 131, 132, 137138
judgment disturbances limb apraxia
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 373374 corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 225
neuropsychiatric symptoms, 517518 task specific versus general forms of, 127128
neurosyphilis, 314, 315 tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50
polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia limbic encephalitis, 307309
with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy limbic thalamic nuclei, 44
(PLO-SL), 345 limb-kinetic apraxia, 136137
Wilsons Disease, 345 linguistic processing, deficits in, 60, 339
Judgment of Line Orientation, 202 listeria monocytogenes, 315
local feedback, 26
Kantarci, K., 236 Logue, M.W., 264
Kaplan, E., 129130 longer term randomized controlled trials,
Kluver Bucy syndrome, 183, 594595 408409
knowledge, impaired ability to manipulate Loring, D.W., 136137
acquired, 222 Lucchelli, F., 137
Korsakoff syndrome, 303304 lumbar drain, 342
Krabbes disease, 331332 lumbosacral polyradiculoneuropathy, 316
kuru, 320 Lund-Manchester criteria, 182
Kuypers, H.G., 137 Luria, A.R., 127
Luria motor sequencing test, 465466, 466f, 625
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH), 338339 Lyme disease, 298
language Lyme Encephalopathy, 315316
fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome lymphocytic meningitis, 316
(FXTAS), 337
Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia (PNFA), 226 Maas, O., 131
qualitative evaluation by, 466467 MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool
lateral dorsal (LD) nucleus, 44 (MacCAT), 627
lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), 44, 46 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
lateral posterior (LP) nucleus, 47 cerebral cortex, 534
La Tercera Edad, 611 clinical use, 535537, 538539
Launer, L.J., 267 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 321
Lawrence, D.G., 137 delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
L-dopa-responsiveness 328, 329, 330, 331
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 238 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 235236
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245 Hashimotos Encephalopathy (aka. Steroid
PSP-P (Parkinsonism), 223 Responsive Encephalopathy associated
legal issues. See mental competence and legal with Autoimmune Thyroiditis (SREAT)),
issues 310
Leiguardia, R.C., 135, 136, 138 incident dementia, 267268
leukodystrophies, 331 medial temporal lobe, 532534
Levine, C., 610, 612 mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 436437,
levodopa, 224 436f
Lewy body, 155f perfusion, 538
CHAPTER . Index 655

posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 212 fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (FXTAS), 337
(PML), 322 Herpes Simplex Encephalitis, 306
progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 224 limbic encephalitis, 307
rapid onset of late-life neurodegenerative Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 339340
disorders, 346 in paramedian artery infarction, 50
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia
324 with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
Susac Syndrome, 327 (PLO-SL), 345
vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), 264 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), qualitative evaluation by, 468469
332 sarcoidosis, 317
malaise, 316 Susac Syndrome, 327
mammillothalamic tract (MMT), 41, 53 Wilsons Disease, 345
management X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD),
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 390392, 332
391t Memory Impairment Screen (MIS), 476t,
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 238240 477478
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), memory systems, 108121, 109t
249251 about, 108
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 214217 disruptions in, 110t
Manes, F., 186 episodic memory, 108117
mania improving memory in dementia, 120121
meningoencephalitis, 315 priming, 119
neurosyphilis, 314, 315 procedural memory, 118119
MAPT gene, 223 semantic memory, 117118
Marchiafava Bignami Disease, 303304 simple classical conditioning, 118
Marcuse, H., 137138 working memory, 119120
Marsden, C.D., 133, 134135 meningoencephalitis, 315
Martin, A., 25 meningovascular syphilis, 315
mathematical skills, 339 Menon, V., 90
Mattis Dementia Rating Scale, 244 mental activity
McKhann, G.M., 177, 383 inhibiting or stopping, 8283
McKone, E., 17, 23 initiating and sustaining, 82
Meador, K.J., 136137 mental competence and legal issues, 622636
measurement tools, 522t about, 622
mechanisms, examples of, 7f, 8f disagreements in, 634
medial dorsal (MD) nucleus, 47 driving, 629632
medial geniculate nucleus (MGN), 44 end-of-life planning, 634635
medial pulvinar (PM), 4748 executive function and metacognition,
medial temporal lobe, 112f, 113f, 532534 625626
Medication Drift syndrome, 421422 financial management, 628629
medications, differential diagnosis, 303 firearm safety, 633634
See also specific medications neuropsychological testing, 626627
melatonin, 251 principles, 623625
memantine, 417t professional competence and dementia,
BPSDs, 582583 627628
efficacy and effectiveness of, 405406t resources for, 635636
mechanisms of action, 404 road maps for, 636
pharmacological management, 397398, testamentary capacity, 632633
403408 voting, 633
memory deficit mental status examination. See screening and
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 371373 mental status examination
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 320 meprobamate, 387t
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233 Mesulam, M.M., 26, 84, 176177

metabolic disorders, 302306 molecular neuropathology imaging, 544545

metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), 332 Molina, J.A., 236
metacognition Molinuevo, J., 414
competency and, 623 Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), 128,
mental competence and legal issues, 625626 186, 244, 434, 477t, 481482
rate of decline of, 623 Monza, D., 136
methotrexate (MTX) chemotherapy, 330 mood and psychological functioning,
microphagia, 223 qualitative evaluation by, 463
microscopic pathology, 163167 mood changes
microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT) Alzheimers disease and dementia, 374375
gene, 179 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222
middle longitudinal fasciculus (MdLF), 37f, 36 morning glory sign, 224
Middleton, F.A., 73 Morvan syndrome, 309
migrans, 316 motivation, 374375
mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 432443 motor features
about, 432 control of, 79
aerobic exercise, 443 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 233234
biomarkers, 439440, 441t inhibiting or stopping, 8283
cerebrospinal fluid, 438439 initiating and sustaining, 82
clinical characterization, 433435 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245
criteria for, 440441 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222
diagnostic scheme for, 434f vascular dementias, 521
epidemiology, 433 motoric simple classical conditioning, 109t
etiology, 435f motor neuron disease, 169
history, 432433 motor perseveration, 126
MRI, 436437, 436f motor programming disorders, 126139
neuropsychological features, 497 about, 126
positron emission tomography (PET), action-intentional disorders, 126127
437438 apraxic disorders, 127128
predictors of progression, 436440, 436f conceptual apraxia, 128129
rofecoxib, 443 ideational apraxia, 137138
vitamin E, 443 ideomotor apraxia, 129136
Miller, E.K., 79 limb-kinetic apraxia, 136137
Millspaugh, J., 160 movement disorders, 340
Mini-Cog, 476t, 477 Movement Disorder Society Task Force, 248249
Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), 128, Moya-Moya syndrome, 311
136, 186, 201, 239, 434, 465, 476t, 479480, MPFC, 84
490 MR spectroscopy (MRS), 236
Mintzer, J.E., 578 Multilingual Aphasia Examination, 497
mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic multimodal cognitive operations, 469, 471472
acidosis and stroke-like episodes Multiple Errands Test, 93
(MELAS), 318319 multiple sclerosis, 148, 326
Miyake, A., 7273 Multiple System Atrophy, 136
mobility, loss of, 345 multiscale spatial frequency models, 19
moclobemide, 590 Mulugeta, E., 236237
modafinil, 251 Muratoff bundle (MB), 34f, 38
Modofied Mini-Mental State Examination muscle biopsy, 319
(3MS), 476t, 480 myalgias, 316
molecular imaging myoclonus
in Alzheimers Disease, 539542 corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 225
as biomarker, 541 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 320321
in neurodegenerative diseases, 539541 Hashimotos Encephalopathy (aka. Steroid
neurotherapeutics, 541 Responsive Encephalopathy associated
of pathologic markers in neurodegenerative with Autoimmune Thyroiditis (SREAT)),
diseases, 542545 310
CHAPTER . Index 657

posterior choroidal artery infarction, 5253 neurodegenerative neuropathology, in

PSP-CBS (Corticobasal Syndrome), 223 cognitively normal individuals, 145149
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), 323 neurofibrillary changes, pathological hallmarks
of, 150
narrow localization, 2526 neuroimaging, 528551
National Alliance for Caregiving, 610 about, 528529
National Institute for Health and Care anatomic changes of Alzheimers Disease,
Excellence (NICE), 410 532537
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 440, 442 biomarker constructs, 529531
Natural Action Test (NAT), 138 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 235236
nausea diagnosis of Alzheimers Disease, 531
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 239 frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD),
Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344 186188
Neary, D., 185 molecular imaging in Alzheimers Disease,
neck pain, 344 539542
neglect, 48 molecular imaging of pathologic markers in
neocortex, 148f, 148 neurodegenerative diseases, 542545
neologisms, 48 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D),
nerve growth factor, 569570 247248
neural mechanisms physiological changes of Alzheimers
about, 1617 Disease, 537539
neurological correlates of aspects of visual posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 212213,
object recognition, 1726 212f
regional functional specialization for progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 224
cognitive functions, 2628 typical amnesic Alzheimers Disease
neural networks, 17 Dementia, 531532
neural responses, stimuli provoking, 28n2 neuroleptic sensitivity, 234, 238
neuritic plaques, pathological hallmarks of, 150 neurolinguistics, 203204
neuroanatomy and behavioral neurology of neurological deficits, 316, 317
subcortical systems neurologic disease on brain activity,
about, 32 modulatory effects of genetic risk factors
basal ganglia, 4244 for, 541
cerebellum, 5361 neuronal loss, 234
clinical features of white matter lesions, 41 neuropathologic markers, in vivo
thalamus, 4453 neuroimaging of, 188189
white matter tracts of cerebral hemispheres, neuropathology
3241 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 375377
neurocysticercosis, 315 chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 163
neurodegeneration with brain iron corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 226
accumulation (NBIA), 345 frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD),
neurodegenerative dementias, neuropathology 177179
of, 145157 primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 202203
about, 145 Neuroprotection and Natural History in
Alzheimers Disease, 153 Parkinsons Plus Syndromes (NNIPPS)
frontotemporal lobar degeneration, 154 Study Group, 221
Huntingtons Disease, 156157 neuropsychiatric behavior, effects on domains
neurodegenerative neuropathology in of, 411
cognitively normal individuals, 145149 Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), 239, 519, 582
neuropathy of Dementias associated with Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire
Lewy Bodies, 154156 (NPI-Q), 474
pathological hallmarks of major neuropsychiatric symptoms, 508522
neurodegenerative dementias, 149152 about, 508509
neurodegenerative disease agitation, 516517
evidence of, 182t Alzheimers Disease, 518520, 519f
molecular imaging in, 539541 Alzheimers disease and dementia, 374375

neuropsychiatric symptoms (Cont.) developing, 604606

anxiety, 514, 516 end-of-life care, 606607
apathy, 513514 family involvement, 606
awareness, assessment, and intervention, interdisciplinary teamwork, 605
521522 models of care, 605606
cerebral localization of, 509t modification of physical environment, 605
delusions, 514 overview of behavioral and psychological
depression, 509, 511, 513 symptoms, 601602
frontotemporal dementias, 520 posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 214
hallucinations, 514 reasons for medicating, 603604
impairments in insight, judgment, and staff education, 605
complex competencies, 517518 norepinephrine, 8788
impulsivity, 516517 normal aging, dementia versus, 491t
Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), 520521 normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH),
obsessive-compulsive behaviors, 516517 341343
prevalence of, 520f Northwestern Anagram Test (NAT), 201, 498
psychosis, 514 nursing home placement, 409
sleep disturbances, 518 nystagmus, 297
vascular dementias, 521 NYU Caregiver Intervention (NYUCI), 614
neuropsychological assessment, 487502
about, 487488, 488489 Oasis Program, 605
Alzheimers Disease Dementia, 497 object recognition, 810, 10f, 2526
behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, obsessive-compulsive behavior
498 cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome
clinical profile, 499501 (CCAS), 334
definitions and diagnosis of dementia, 488 neuropsychiatric symptoms, 516517
Lew Body Dementia (LBD), 498499 Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340
mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 497 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
neuropsychological examination of mental obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 518
state, 490497 occasional paraphasias, 50
primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 497498 occupational therapy
screening for dementia, 489490 corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 227
neuropsychological profiles, 200202, 495t, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 224
500f, 501f ocular stare, 297298
neuropsychological testing, role of, 626627 oculomasticatory myorhythmia, 325
neurosyphilis, 314315 oculomotor apraxia, 225
neurotherapeutics, 541 oculomotor palsies, 316
NIA-AA (National Institute on office cognitive testing, 625626
Aging-Alzheimers Association) Okazaki, H., 231
clinical criteria for dementia, 380383, 380t, Olszewski, J., 220, 223
381t, 440 Onari, K., 176, 181
diagnostic criteria for Alzheimers disease, onconeuronal antibodies, 308t
365 Oppenheimer, D.R., 162
three-stage model for preclinical AD, 453, optic atrophy, 345
453t orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), 7980, 86
Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 339340 orexin, 88
night sweats, 323 organization, as role in task setting, 77
Niki, C., 138 Organization of Economic Cooperation and
NINDS-SPSP criteria, 221, 221t Development (OECD), 364
Nirkko, A.C., 137 orientation, qualitative evaluation by, 463464
NMDA antagonists (memantine), 400402 orientation invariance, 9f
nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics, 387t orthostatic headache, 343344
nonpharmacological approaches, 600607 orthostatic hypotension
about, 600601 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 238
common behavior problems, 602603 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245
CHAPTER . Index 659

oscillatory synchrony models, 2223 neurological and biochemical correlates of,

outcome/reward anticipation and monitoring 246247
about, 7881 risk factors, 241t
anticipating consequences/outcomes, 7881 paroxetine
performance/reward monitoring, 8182 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D),
overrecruitment, of neural activity, 89 250251
sexualized inappropriate behavior, 595
Pagets disease, 298 passive immunotherapy, 566568
pallidotomy, 43 pathogenetic mechanisms, 169170
Pandya, D.N., 61 pathological diagnosis, 163165
pantothenate kinase associated pathology
neurodegeneration (PKAN), 345 posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 214
Papez, J.W., 110, 113 progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP),
paracentral (Pcn) nucleus, 44 220221
parafascicular (Pf) nucleus, 44 pathophysiology, 274276
paralimbic projections, 55 Paus, T., 82
parallel processing, 222 Pavlov, I.P., 87
paramedian artery infarction, 50, 52t PD Cognitive Rating Scale (PD-CRS), 244
paraneoplastic neurological syndromes, 308t, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-IV), 201
309t Pellagra, 304305
parenchymal pallor, 338 perceptual identification, 512, 2526
parietal lobe, 132133 perceptual priming, 109t
Park, D.C., 90 performance/reward monitoring, 8182
parkin gene, 242 perfusion MRI, 538
Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia peripheral neuropathy, 298, 337
Assessment (PANDA), 244 perseveration, 48, 86
Parkinson Plus Syndromes personality changes
associated with cognitive disorders and Alzheimers disease and dementia, 361,
ideomotor apraxia, 136 374375
associated with limb-kinetic apraxia autosomal recessive metachromatic
associated with cognitive disorders, 137 leukodystrophy, 299
Parkinsons Disease (PD), 9192 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 320
associated with cognitive disorders and frontotemporal dementia, 226
ideomotor apraxia, 135 frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD),
associated with limb-kinetic apraxia 184
associated with cognitive disorders, 137 neurosyphilis, 315
basal ganglia lesions and, 4243 polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia
characterizations of, 297 with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
dopaminergic agents for, 88 (PLO-SL), 345
hypophonic dysarthria in, 42 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), Susac Syndrome, 327
231251 tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50
about, 231, 240 vascular dementias, 521
autonomic features, 245 Petersen, R.C., 413
behavioral features, 245 pharmacogenetics, 581
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers, 248 pharmacological management
clinical features, 242247, 243t agitation, aggression, and psychosis, 579t
cognitive features, 242244, 244t antidementia medications, 397398
diagnosis, 248249 antipsychotics, 396
diagnostic criteria, 248t BPSDs, 577
epidemiology, 240242 cholinesterase inhibitors, 400
genetics, 242 combination therapy, 402403
management of patients, 249251 eliminating deleterious medications, 395396
motor features, 245 glutamate and memantine mechanism,
neuroimaging features, 247248 400401

pharmacological management (Cont.) polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia

identifying and treating comorbid with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
conditions, 396 (PLO-SL), 345
memantine, 403408 Porsteinsson, A.P., 407
NMDA antagonists (memantine), 400402 positron emission tomography (PET)
pharmacological therapies, for Alzheimers about, 88
Disease, 563572 Alzheimers disease, 265, 378t, 383t, 437438,
about, 563564 450, 451f, 540f, 547f, 551f
active immunotherapy, 566568 cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 279
aerobic physical exercise, 570571 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 236
alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD),
agonist, 569 186187
beta-secretase inhibitors, 564565 mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 437438
drugs to prevent tau protein Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D),
phosphorylation, 568569 247248
ELND005, 565566 posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 212, 213f
future directions, 571572 primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 202
gamma-secretase inhibitors and modulators, rapid onset of late-life neurodegenerative
565 disorders, 346
insulin, 570 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
nerve growth factor, 569570 vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), 265
nonimmunotherapy clearance of Posner, J., 327
beta-amyloid, 568 Posner, M.I., 72
passive immunotherapy, 566568 postchemotherapy cognitive impairment, 330
tau immunotherapy, 568569 postconcussion, 160162
pharmacology, practical implementation of, posterior-anterior shifts in aging (PASA)
417419 hypothesis, 90
pharmacotherapy posterior choroidal artery infarction, 5253
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 363 posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 208217
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 214 about, 135, 208
Pharr, V., 136 biomarkers, 213214
phosphorylation, drugs to prevent, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers,
568569 213214
physical therapy clinical features, 208212
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 227 diagnostic criteria of, 211t
progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 224 genetics, 213
PiB-PET imaging, 279, 438 home safety recommendations for, 214217
Pick, A., 137138, 176, 177, 198, 208 literature review, 209210t
Pick bodies, 151, 177 management, 214217
Pick cells, 177 neuroimaging, 212213, 212f
Picks disease, 72, 149, 154, 176, 177178, 178f, nonpharmacologic therapy, 214
179, 181 pathology, 214
PIGD phenotype, 241, 245 pharmacotherapy, 214
pindolol, 596 safety issues, 217
PINK1 gene, 242 posterior fossa syndrome, 60
planning posterior limb of the internal capsule (ICp), 40
management, 81 postlesion pain, 50
poor, 345 postprandial hypotension, 245
as role in task setting, 77 poststroke dementia, 521
plasticity, relationship with intrinsic properties postural errors, 129
of cells, 28n5 postural instability
Plum, F., 327 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 234
pneumonia, as cause of death, 580581 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222
Poeck, K., 138 pramipexole, 250
Pollock, B.G., 583 Pramstaller, P.P., 133, 134135
CHAPTER . Index 661

praxicons, 132133 PSP-P (Parkinsonism), 223

predictors of progression, 436440 PSP-PAGF (Pure Akinesia with Gait Freezing),
prefrontal cortex (PFC), 7375, 76 223
preserved syntax, 50 PSP-PNFA (Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia),
primary angitis of the central nervous system 223
(PACNS), 316 PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 221223, 226
primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 198204 psychiatric disorders, 340
about, 198199 psychiatric symptoms, 314
contributions of to neurolinguistics and psychomotor function
cognitive neuroscience, 203204 qualitative evaluation by, 464465
criteria for classifying, 201 vascular dementias, 521
functional and structural neuroanatomy, 202 X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD),
genetics and risk factors, 203 332
neuropathology, 202203 psychosis, 575583
neuropsychological features, 497498 about, 575576
neuropsychological profiles, 200202 central nervous system vasculitis, 317
patient care, 204 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), 321
subtyping and terminology in, 199200 diagnostic criteria, 513t
priming, 119 limbic encephalitis, 307
Prion Disease, 319320 meningoencephalitis, 315
problem-solving skills, deficits in, 332 metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), 332
procedural memory, 109t, 115f, 118119 neuropsychiatric symptoms, 514
processes, 28n3 neurosyphilis, 314
processing priorities, attentional control and, pharmacological treatment of, 579t
7778 relationship with cerebral substrate, 510t
processing speed, qualitative evaluation by, sarcoidosis, 317
464465 Susac Syndrome, 327
processing speed hypothesis, 89 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 317318
professional competence, dementia and, psychosis spectrum, 60t
627628 punch drunk. See chronic traumatic
progranulin (GRN) gene, 180 encephalopathy (CTE)
progressive aphasic subtypes, 184185 pyramidal weakness, 315
progressive encephalopathy, 319
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy qualitative observation, of patients, 92
(PML), 148, 322323 Qureshi, M., 138
Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia (PNFA), 226
progressive pyramidal signs, 345 Rabinovici, G.D., 189
progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 220227 racial differences, 365
about, 220 radicular upper extremity symptoms, 344
associated with cognitive disorders and rage attacks, 339
ideomotor apraxia, 136 rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior
associated with limb-kinetic apraxia disorder (RBD), 241
associated with cognitive disorders, 137 rapidly progressive dementias. See differential
characterizations of, 297 diagnosis
clinical features, 221223 rapid onset of late-life neurodegenerative
genetics, 223 disorders, 345347
neuroimaging, 224 rare dementias. See differential diagnosis
NINDS-SPSP criteria for diagnosis of, 221t reading difficulties, 212, 222
pathology, 220221 Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET), 94
therapeutics, 224225 reasoning, 373374
projection fibers, 4041 recognition, of visually presented objects, 512
promazine, 580 recurrent perseveration, 126
promiscuity, 345 reduced heart rate variability, 245
pseudobulbar features, 345 Relevant Outcome Scale for Alzheimers
PSP-CBS (Corticobasal Syndrome), 223 Disease (ROSA), 473474

Religious Orders cohort Study, 280 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 343344
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), 238, 245, sagittal stratum (SS), 4041
518 salience, early, 199
repetitive behavior, 183 salience network, 75, 75f, 86
representation, 4 sarcoidosis, 317
response/behavioral selection SCales for Outcomes of PArkinsons
about, 82 disease-cognition (SCOPA-Cog), 244
inhibiting or stopping motor and mental schizophrenia-like psychosis with paranoia,
activity, 8283 340
initiating and sustaining motor and mental Schmahmann, J.D., 61
activity, 82 scope of problem, 292
response criteria thresholds, setting, 28n4 scrapie, 320
response maintenance, 82 screening and mental status examination,
resting state functional connectivity magnetic 461482
resonance imaging (rs-fcMRI), 55, 537538 about, 461462
rest tremor, 223 appearance and indicators of functional
reticular thalamic nucleus, 44 status, 462463
retinal degeneration, 345 arousal and orientation, 463464
retinotropic objects, 67 attention, working memory, processing
retrograde amnesia, 115116 speed, and psychomotor function, 464465
reversal learning and extinction test, 94 executive function, 465466
Ribot, 115116 functional status and dementia symptom
Richardson, E.P., 145 questionnaires, 472474
Richardson, J.C., 220, 223 language, 466467
Richardson PSP phenotype, 221 measures of psychological function, 474482
rigidity memory function, 468469
delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy, mood and psychological functioning, 463
328 multimodal cognitive operations, 469,
PSP-P (Parkinsonism), 223 471472
risk factors qualitative evaluation by domain, 462472
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 363366, specialized mental functions, 469, 471472
363t tools, 476477t
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 241t visuospatial function, 467468
ritualistic behavior, 183 Seeley, W.W., 7475, 90, 179, 487
rivastigmine, 417t seizures
apathy, 592 central nervous system vasculitis, 317
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 239 epilepsy, 340
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 249 Hashimotos Encephalopathy (aka. Steroid
relationship with sleep disturbances, 518 Responsive Encephalopathy associated
Robots law, 110, 110t with Autoimmune Thyroiditis (SREAT)),
Roe, A.W., 19 310
rofecoxib, 443 intravascular lymphoma, 323
Rosenfeld, M., 198 limbic encephalitis, 307
rostral head, lesions of, 42 MELAS, 319
Rothi, L.J.G., 133 Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340
Rountree, S., 415 sarcoidosis, 317
Roussy, G., 50 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 317318
rubral tremor, 53 X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, 299
ruminative behaviors, 334 selective regional vulnerability of the aging
brain, 147
Sabattoli, F., 235 self, representations of the, 8485
safety issues self-knowledge, 85
BPSDs, 580581 self-mutilation, 340
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 217 self-referential processing, 85
CHAPTER . Index 663

self-regulatory model, 73 spasticity

semantic memory, 910, 109t, 115f, 117118 delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy,
sensation, 332 329
sensorineural hearing loss, 326 subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE),
sensory input, control of, 79 323
sensory loss, 50 spatial and temporal orientation, 374
sensory overload, 335 spatial cognition, 332
sequencing, impaired, 50 Spatz, H., 176, 181
Srieux, P., 198 specialized mental functions, 469, 471472
serotonin, 88 specific sensory thalamic nuclei, 44, 4647
7-Minute Screen (7MS), 476t, 479 speech patterns stereotyped, 183
sexual dysfunction, 245 speech therapy, 224
sexualized inappropriate behavior (SIB), splenomegaly, 340
588596 spongiosis, 338
Shallice, T., 72, 93 spontaneous parkinsonism, 233234, 237
short-term memory loss Starkstein Apathy Scale, 94
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 162 State of the Science Symposium:Professional
meningoencephalitis, 315 Partners Supporting Family Caregivers, 615
Short Test of Mental Status, 434 static objects, inability to find, 212
silver tsunami, 365 status spongiosus versus spongiform changes,
Simchowicz, T., 146 pathological hallmarks of, 151152
simple classical conditioning, 118 Steele, J.C., 220, 223
Singer, W., 22 Steinthal, P., 127, 128
single-photon emission computed tomography Stern, Y., 365
(SPECT) stimulants, 88
clinical use, 542 St. Louis University Mental Status Examination
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 236 (SLUMS), 476t, 478479
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), STOPIM, 346t, 347
186187 stop-signal tasks, 77
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), 212 strategic-infarct dementia, 521
primary progressive aphasia (PPA), 202 strength, 332
Sjwall, J., 316 stress-coping paradigm, 614
skeletal muscle relaxants, 387t striatal fibers, 32, 33f, 38
sleep apnea, 341 Strick, P.L., 73
sleep deprivation, cognition and, 341 stroke
sleep disturbances central nervous system vasculitis, 317
about, 419420 MELAS, 319
Alzheimers disease and dementia, 361 probable vascular dementia diagnosis in, 262
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 234 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 317318
Hashimoto Encephalopathy, 310 tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50
neuropsychiatric symptoms, 518 Stroop Interference Task, 77, 81
Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, 340 Stroop Test, 92
small world organization, 26 structural descriptions, 78, 9f
smell, changes in, 306 structural MRI, 186187
social cognition, tests of, 9394 Stuss, D.T., 82
Social Cognition and Emotional Assessment subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE),
(SEA), 94 323324
social inhibition, loss of, 345 subconcussion, 160162
social skills, 60t, 521 subcortical bundle (SB), 34
Society for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular subcortical dementia, 222, 345
Imaging, 544 subcortical disease, 262263
solanezumab, 566567 subcortical nuclei, 148149
somnolence, 239 subcortical structures, 32
Souvenaid, 416417 subregional analysis, 534535

superficial siderosis, 339 thinking, slowed, 345

superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), 3536, thioridazine, 580
35f three-dimensional object-centered
supervisory attentional system (SAS), 72 representation, reconstruction of, 1821
supplementary motor area, 133134 Three Words Three Shapes (3W3S) test, 201202
supportive therapies, 227 thyroid disorders, 305306
supranuclear vertical opthalmoplegia, 325 top-down attentional control, 78
Susac syndrome, 298, 326327 top-down modulation, 78
susceptibility Alzheimers disease mutations, clinical features of enhancement, 80t
369370 executive control and, 79
swallow evaluations, 227 Torralva, T., 186
swallow therapy, 224 Trail Making Test B, 92, 625
sweating, excessive, 245 transcortical sensory aphasia, 208
swelling in joints, 316 transient aphasia, 310
sympathetic dyspraxia, 199 transient loss of consciousness, 234, 238
sympathy, loss of, 183 transient visual loss, 323
synchronous oscillations, 26, 28n6 transmissable spongiform encephalopathy
syncope, 234, 238 (TSE), 320
systematized delusions, 238 trauma, 311
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 317318 traumatic axonal injury (TAI), 161
traumatic brain injury, 160162
tactile defensiveness, 335 trazodone
Tariot, P.N., 410, 411, 415 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 251
Task Force Movement Disorder Society, 249 sexualized inappropriate behavior, 595
task management, 81 treatment. See specific issues
task-related fMRI, 537 Treisman, A., 22
tasks, impaired, 222 tremor, 310
task setting, 7677 Troxler fading paradigm, 1921, 21f
taste, changes, 306 Tsao, J.W., 422
tau (MAPT) gene, 242 tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50, 52t, 53f
tau immunotherapy, 568569 Tulving, E., 11
TDP-43 pathology, 167 2010 IWG-Dubois New Lexicon Criteria, 377,
temporal-parietal junction (TPJ), 86 378379f
temporal sequencing, 337 2011 NIA-AA Criteria, 379384, 380t, 381t
testing 2013 DSM-5 Criteria, 377379
for dementia, 493494 two-hit vascular hypothesis of Alzheimers
episodic memory, 201 Disease, 368369
of social cognition, 9394 two-stage amyloid-dependent and
See also specific tests amyloid-independent hypothesis of
thalamic arterial supply, 52t Alzheimers disease, 368
thalamic peduncles, 41 typical amnesic Alzheimers Disease Dementia,
thalamus 531532
about, 44, 45f
anatomical features and connections, 4448 U-fibers, 3233
basal ganglia and, 134135 Uluduz, D., 136
behavioral roles of thalamic nuclei, 46t uncinate fascoculus (UF), 36, 37, 39f
clinical features of thalamic lesions, 4853 unilateral parkinsonism, 223
projections from, 49f, 50f urinary incontinence
vascular supply, 51f dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 234
Thal Phase classification, 376377 Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 245
therapeutics Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 226227 urinary urgency, 337
progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), US Census, 364
224225 Useful Field of View (UFoV), 631
thiamine deficiency, 303304 utilization behavior, 127
CHAPTER . Index 665

van der Flier, W.M., 280 visual field deficits

vanishing white matter disease, 333 focal brain lesions, 297
vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), in posterior choroidal artery infarction, 5253
260269 visually presented objects, p erceptual
about, 91, 260 identification, recognition, and
cerebrovascular disease, impact of, 266 categorization of, 512
clinical components, 262263 visual memory, 48, 339
future diagnostic methods, 268 visual object recognition, 1726
imaging, 264265 visual spatial disorganization
interaction with Alzheimers Disease, CCAS (Cerebellar Cognitive Affective
266267 Syndrome), 58
MRI, 267268 Gordon Holmes syndrome, 336
vascular dementia (VaD), 261262 X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD),
Vascular mild cognitive impairment 332
(VaMCI), 265266 Visual Verbal Test, 202
vascular risk and incident dementia, 267 visuospatial function, 233, 244, 337, 374,
vascular dementia (VaD), 116, 261263, 521 467468
vascular diseases vitamin B12 deficiency, 305
associated with cognitive disorders and vitamin E, 305, 416, 443
ideomotor apraxia, 135 vitamins, 416417
differential diagnosis, 310311 vomiting
Vascular mild cognitive impairment (VaMCI), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 239
265266 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
Venereal Disease Reference Laboratory (VDRL) Von Economo neurons, 148
test, 315 voting, dementia and, 633
venlafaxine, 251
ventral anterior (VA) nucleus, 47 Wallin, A., 409
ventral attention network, 78f, 8687 wandering, 420
ventral frontal cortex (VFC), 86 Wang, J., 315
ventral lateral (VL) nucleus, 47 Waters, F., 341
ventral nucleus (AV), 44 Watson, R.T., 134
ventral striatum, lesions of, 43 weakness, 323
ventricular enlargement, pathological Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III, 491
hallmarks of, 149 Wegeners granulomatosis, 317
ventromedial (VM) nucleus, 47 weight loss
ventroposterior nucleus, 46 intravascular lymphoma, 323
verbal fluency dysfunction Whipples Disease (WD), 324
in paramedian artery infarction, 50 Weiner, M.F., 465
PSP-PNFA (Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia), Wernicke, C., 132
223 Wernicke area, 132
PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222 Wernicke syndrome, 303304
tuberothalamic artery infarction, 48, 50 Western Aphasia Battery (WAB-R), 201
verbal memory, 339 Western blot analysis, 316
vertical gaze/gaze palsy Whipples Disease (WD), 297298, 324325
PSP-CBS (Corticobasal Syndrome), 223 white matter dementia, 299300
PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 221 white matter fiber pathways, 33f
vertical supranuclear gaze palsy, 223 white matter lesions, 41
vertical supranuclear opthalmoplegia, 339 white matter tracts, 3242
vertigo, 323 Whitmer, R.A., 267
violence, 315 wide-based gait, 222
vision loss, 222, 233, 326 Wilsons Disease
visual agnosia, 208 characterizations of, 297
visual blurring differential diagnosis, 344345
PSP-RS (Richardsons Syndrome), 222 Winblad, B., 415
Sagging Brain Syndrome, 344 Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, 83, 92

word meanings, relationship with concepts and qualitative evaluation by, 464465
categories, 1012 Sagging Brain Syndrome (SBS), 344
working memory, 109t, 115f, 119120 task setting, 7677
about, 72, 76 World Health Organization (WHO), 364
attentional control and processing priorities,
7778 X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD),
fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome 332
(FXTAS), 337
Parkinsons Disease Dementia (PD-D), 244 Zlokovic, B.V., 369
About the Editors

Brad C. Dickerson, MD, is a behavioral Alireza Atri, MD, PhD, is a cognitive neurolo
neurologist and neuroscientist at Harvard gist/neuroscientist and clinical-educator at
Medical School and Massachusetts Gen Harvard Medical School, ENRM Bedford VA
eral Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Medical Center, and Massachusetts General
Dr.Dickerson runs a busy weekly clinic car Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, dedicated
ing for patients with various forms of cog to improving awareness, early diagnosis, treat
nitive impairment and dementia, as well as ment, and clinical practice regarding cognitive
providing training for clinical and research aging and dementia syndromes, particularly
fellows. His research focuses primarily on Alzheimers disease (AD). Dr. Atri special
the use of quantitative structural and func izes in providing care to patients and families
tional neuroimaging techniques to under affected by cognitive impairment, AD, espe
stand the neurobiology of Alzheimer's cially early-onset AD, and unusual dementias.
disease, primary progressive aphasia, fron His research involves integrating pharamaco
totemporal dementia, and other dementias, logical, functional neuroimaging, mathemati
and on the relationships between imaging cal, neuropsychometric, and clinical methods
measures and behavior. He also investigates to improve the design, implementation, inte
the neural substrates of changes in memory, gration, and analysis of multimodal studies
affect, and other abilities in healthy young to better risk stratify, detect, track, and pre
adults and in normal aging. He has pub dict clinical trajectory, and to assess treatment
lished widely and has won a number of responses in individuals along the cognitive
awards, including the prestigious American agingimpairmentAD spectrum. Dr.Atri has
Academy of Neurology Norman Geschwind published, and lectures widely, on AD-related
Award in Behavioral Neurology. research and clinical practice, directs integrated
memory clinics and undergraduate and gradu
ate medical courses, and teaches nationally and
internationally on best evidence and practices
in AD and dementia evaluation and care.

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