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Our 20th YEAR!

Scorecard 2016
The legislators pictured below RECEIVED THE HIGHEST SCORES ON OUR LEGISLATIVE SCORECARD. They deserve special recognition for
their efforts to limit the spending growth and reach of Minnesota State Government. Those receiving 100% are Best Friends of the Taxpayer.
Those receiving a score of 88% are denoted Friends of the Taxpayer. Those receiving a score of 80 and above get an Honorable Mention for

House Senate

Sen. Bruce Anderson Sen. David Hann Sen. Warren Limmer

29 - Buffalo 48 - Eden Prairie 34 - Maple Grove

Rep. Steve Drazkowski

21B - Mazeppa

100% Sen.Dan Hall

56 - Burnsville
Sen. Roger Chamberlain
38 - Lino Lakes

88% and above

Rep. Eric Lucero
30B- Dayton
Sen. Eric Pratt
55- Prior Lake
Sen. David Brown
15- Becker
Sen.Dave Thompson
58- Lakeville
Sen.Michelle Benson
31- Ham Lake
Sen. David Osmek
33- Mound
Sen. Mary Kiffmeyer
30-Big Lake

80% and above

Rep. Jim Nash
47A - Waconia
Rep. Sarah Anderson
44A - Plymouth
Full scorecard inside...
What did the Legislature do in The 2016 Session?
Topic What we wanted to see Did they?

t the start of the 2016 session there were 4 major bills expected to money out of the transportation system while making no discernible
be the focus of the session: Taxes, Transportation, Bonding, and a impact on traffic and which would cost more than giving every passenger
Supplemental Spending Bill. a new car. Buses continue to offer more flexibility and efficacy for transit
systems and yet transit advocates appear to distain them because they
After a long, contentious process, the tax bill was passed in both houses dont have the cache of a train.
with a 92% bipartisan vote. But it was all for naught. The Governor Fanatical devotion to the SWLRT funding also torpedoed a compromise
vetoed it citing a typographical error. Although the typo was serious, it bonding bill in the Senate. A last second amendment would have
could have been corrected later with a simple letter of intent from the enabled Hennepin County taxpayers to front the remaining local money
legislature. required by the federal government for final approval of the project.
By attaching the amendment after the House had adjourned, the
No movement happened in Transportation, the House GOP, was amendment effectively killed the bill and the session. The proponents
strongly opposed to a gas tax increase last session and continued to of the amendment probably thought they could flop the bill back to the
hold that position. Governor Dayton and the Senate DFLers pressed house and force them to accept the amendment. Ironically, their timing
the issue less hard this session than last but there were a series of was off because the Senate was meeting across the street in their new
counter proposals, such as a metro sales tax to fund transit and a tab $90M digs and the page who had to run the bill from the House to the
fee hike. 7 DFL senators decided to hijack the entire session and make Senate was delayed by a light rail train.
funding South West Light Rail the price of any transportation or bonding
bill. Think about that for a minute. Rather than fix a dangerous highway, There was a supplemental spending bill which spent an additional
replace an aging bridge or replace failing water or sewage systems in $182M across many state government agencies. It included $25 million
some part of the state, the legislators who signed their for prekindergarten, $35 million for broadband expansion and $35
names to a letter (see right) preferred to fund a million to government agencies and grants to non-profits for racial equity
light rail project which, if built will continue to suck programs.

Daytons Vetoes
Important reforms and timely changes crossed out by the Governor in 2016

Omnibus tax bill: Tax relief for college students, small businesses and working families.
Environment and natural resources --line item vetoes-- because he said they did not spend money the
way environmental activists wanted.
Omnibus state retirement (Pension) bill: By not shoring up the state pension funds with additional
contributions Daytons veto risked sending them into higher unfunded liability.
Other Bills worth mentioning....
A somewhat more realistic pension bill for once. There is so much wrong with Minnesotas government pension system its
hard to know where to start. But one place is that the taxpayers and children should not be punished for the unsustainably
large retirement benefits agreed upon by unions and local governments for years without any thought about how they
would be paid for in the future. Pension reform bills in years past are just a series of Band-Aids on the system which
dont recognize years of increases that pension holders have been able to capture and force state and local taxpayers to
shore up the funds when there are losses. This bill cuts the rate of increase in pension benefits in future years rather than
putting that burden on taxpayers and schools. Governor Dayton vetoed the bill. (HF 588, Repassage)

The House Version of the Bonding Bill. Its seldom that a Speaker will bring a bill to the floor with a high expectation of failure
but Kurt Daudt brought this $800 Million bonding bill to the floor with open threats by the DFL to deny the votes because
it did not spend enough. Never mind that the legislature passed and the governor signed a $373 million bonding bill last
year. Although we believed that another bonding bill was not necessary this year, this bill was stacked with transportation
and other infrastructure projects -- our second criteria. In split cases like this we usually dont score the bill. (See below for
a comparison to the other bills).(HF 622)

The Eyelash Bill. We know this bill was the subject of some jokes and some anger about the topic being an unimportant
one for the legislature with so much other pending business. But the back story on this bill was a lot more serious. A small
industry has developed in Minnesota for eyelash extension services. State bureaucrats were about to regulate it out of
existence because they have that power. Yes, it would be better for there to be no need for this bill. If there had to be a
bill we would have preferred it to follow the path of some other recent laws that have simply been a strong statement to
keep regulation away as hair braiders and eyebrow threaders have managed to do. Its a potent reminder of how out of
control occupational licensing is a job killer in Minnesota. (SF 2802)

Three Tries at a bonding bill...

Compromise Bonding
Senate Bonding Bill Bill
House Bonding Bill

$1.5 Billion $800 Million $1.1 Billion

$335M for $700 M for
$390M for Transportation

he House and Senate each tried and failed to pass a bonding bill. Bonding Bills require a 3/5 majority
to pass so some mix of DFL and GOP votes is required to pass them. The Senate had a $1.5 Billion
behemoth with no transportation funding in it at all and only succeeded in getting one Republican
(Sen. Carla Nelson of Rochester) to vote for it. The House put up a much more modest $800M Bonding
bill that was transportation heavy and got very few DFL votes. In this scorecard, we have decided to score
the Senate and the Compromise bill negatively. We did not score the house version because although
we commend the emphasis on transportation and existing infrastructure if this was supposed to be the
Houses offer statement bill they could have been more aggressive about driving home the point with no
items that were not necessary functions of government.
Taxpayers League of Minnesota



Dist Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dist Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
55B R Albright, Tony + - - - + - + + + - 50 69 60A DFL Loeffler, Diane + + + - - + - - + - 50 75
62B DFL Allen, Susan + - + - - + A - + - 40 25 39B R Lohmer, Kathy + - + - + - + + - A 50 73
2016 Minnesota House of Representatives Scorecard
09A R Anderson, Chad + - - - + - - + + - 40 40 48B R Loon, Jenifer + - + - + - + + + - 60 78
50B R Anderson, Mark + - + + A - + A A + 50 63 55A R Loonan, Bob + - - - + - + + + - 50 50
44A R Anderson, Paul + - - - + - + + A - 40 69 30B R Lucero, Eric + + - + + + + + + + 90 83
12B R Anderson, Sarah - + + + + - + + + + 80 80
10B R Lueck, Dale + - - - + - + - + - 40 41
05B DFL Anzelc, Tom + - - - - - + - - - 20 8
57A R Mack, Tara + + - - + - + + - - 50 72
44B DFL Applebaum, Jon + - + - - - - - - - 20 23
67A DFL Mahoney, Tim + - - - - + - A - - 20 14
52B DFL Atkins, Joe + - + A - + - - - - 30 10
65B DFL Mariani, Carlos + + - A - + - - - - 30 11
12A R Backer, Jeff + - - - + - + + - A 40 41
17B R Baker, Dave + - - - + - + + - - 40 37 04B DFL Marquart, Paul + - - - - - + - - - 20 22
32B R Barrett, Bob + - + - + - + + - - 50 70 51A DFL Masin, Sandra + - - - - - - - - - 10 10
27A R Bennett, Peggy + - - - + - + + + + 60 51 29A R McDonald, Joe + + - + + - + + + + 80 72
41A DFL Bernardy, Connie + + + - - + - - - - 40 13 54B R McNamara, Denny + - - - + - + + + - 50 63
20B DFL Bly, David + - - - - + - - + - 30 9 06A DFL Melin, Carly + + - A - + A A A - 30 13
45A DFL Carlson Sr., Lyndon + + - - - + - - - - 30 20 06B DFL Metsa, Jason + - - - - + + - - - 30 10
56A R Christensen, Drew + - - + + - + + + + 70 64 17A R Miller, Tim + - - - + - + + - - 40 45
62A DFL Clark, Karen + - - - - + - - - A 20 13 65A DFL Moran, Rena + - - - - + - - - - 20 9
19B DFL Considine Jr., Jack + + + - - + + - - - 50 42 59A DFL Mullery, Joe + - + - - + - - - - 30 18
23B R Cornish, Tony + - - - - - + + + - 40 54 64A DFL Murphy, Erin - + + - - + - - - - 30 15
24B R Daniels, Brian + - - - + - + + + - 50 46 03B DFL Murphy, Mary + - - - - + - - - - 20 7
31A R Daudt, Kurt + - - + + - + + + - 60 81
47A R Nash, Jim + + - + + - + + + + 80 74
28B R Davids, Greg + - - - + - + + - - 40 62
40A DFL Nelson, Michael V. + + + - - + - - - - 40 13
63A DFL Davnie, Jim + + + - - + - - - - 40 15
15B R Newberger, Jim + - - + + - + + - - 50 79
38B R Dean, Matt + + + + + - + + - - 70 80
37A DFL Newton, Jerry + - - - - - - - - - 10 10
59B DFL Dehn, Raymond + + - - - + - - - - 30 10
39A R Dettmer, Bob + - - - + - - + - - 30 80 08A R Nornes, Bud + - - - + - + + + - 50 68
21B R Drazkowski, Steve + + + + + + + + + + 100 90 25B DFL Norton, Kim + - + - - - - A + - 30 20
03A DFL Ecklund, Rob + - - - - - + - - - 20 20 13B R O'Driscoll, Tim + - - - + - + + - - 40 63
49A DFL Erhardt, Ron + - - - - - - + - - 20 14 29B R O'Neill, Marion + - + - + - + + + - 60 78
15A R Erickson, Sondra + - - + + - + + - - 50 80 28A DFL Pelowski Jr., Gene + - - - A - - - + - 20 23
01A R Fabian, Dan + - - - + - A + - - 30 62 34A R Peppin, Joyce + - - + + - + + + + 70 88
53B R Fenton, Kelly + - - - + - + + + A 50 54 05A DFL Persell, John + - + - - - - - A - 20 7
43A DFL Fischer, Peter + - - - - - A - - - 10 13 24A R Petersburg, John + - - - + - + + + - 50 72
46A DFL Flanagan, Peggy + + + - - + - - - - 40 40 56B R Peterson, Roz + - - A + - + + + - 50 50
08B R Franson, Mary + - - + A - + + + - 50 74 26B R Pierson, Nels + - - - + - + + + - 50 50
45B DFL Freiberg, Mike - + - - - + - - + - 30 18 64B DFL Pinto, Dave - + - - - + - - - - 20 31
58B R Garofalo, Pat + - - A + - + + + - 50 74
27B DFL Poppe, Jeanne + - - - - + - - - - 20 12
02B R Green, Steve + - + + + - + + - - 60 70
33B R Pugh, Cindy + - - + + A + + + + 70 81
18B R Gruenhagen, Glenn + - - + + - - + - + 50 80
25A R Quam, Duane + - - + + - - + - - 40 79
23A R Gunther, Bob + - - - + - + + - - 40 64
31B R Hackbarth, Tom + - - - + - + + - - 40 77
11B R Rarick, Jason + - - - + - + A + - 40 41
51B DFL Halverson, Laurie + - + - - - A - - - 20 17 49B DFL Rosenthal, Paul + - - - - - - + + - 30 17
22B R Hamilton, Rod + - - - - + + + - - 40 60 38A R Runbeck, Linda + - - + + - + + + - 60 78
02A R Hancock, Dave + - + + + A + + - - 60 73 37B R Sanders, Tim + + - - + - + + + - 60 78
52A DFL Hansen, Rick - + + - - + - + - - 40 12 54A DFL Schoen, Dan + - + - - + - - - - 30 15
66A DFL Hausman, Alice + + - - A + - - + - 40 14 22A R Schomacker, Joe + - - - + A + A A - 30 61
10A R Heintzeman, Josh + - - - + - + + - - 40 41 07A DFL Schultz, Jennifer + + A - - + - - - - 30 40
33A R Hertaus, Jerry + - - + + - + + + + 70 82 35B R Scott, Peggy + - - + + - + + + + 70 85
40B DFL Hilstrom, Debra + - + - - + - - - - 30 15 48A DFL Selcer, Yvonne + - + - - - - + + - 40 24
47B R Hoppe, Joe + - - - + - + + - - 40 75 07B DFL Simonson, Erik + + + - - + - - - - 40 17
61A DFL Hornstein, Frank - + + - - + - - + - 40 13 50A DFL Slocum, Linda + + + - - + - - + - 50 22
36B DFL Hortman, Melissa + - A - - - - - - - 10 9 34B R Smith, Dennis + - - + + - + + + + 70 56
13A R Howe, Jeff + - - - + - + + A - 40 67
11A DFL Sundin, Mike + + - - - A + A A - 30 18
42B DFL Isaacson, Jason + - - - - - - - - - 10 9
16A R Swedzinski, Chris + - - - + - + + - - 40 65
32A R Johnson, Brian + - - - + - + + - - 40 67
14A R Theis, Tama + - - - + - + + - - 40 60
19A DFL Johnson, Clark + + - - - + - - + - 40 20
67B DFL Johnson, Sheldon - + - - - + - - - - 20 13 61B DFL Thissen, Paul - + + - - A - - - - 20 12
60B DFL Kahn, Phyllis + - - - - + - - + - 30 12 16B R Torkelson, Paul + - - - + - + + - - 40 74
21A R Kelly, Tim + + + - + - + + - - 60 60 36A R Uglem, Mark + - - - + - - + + - 40 58
01B R Kiel, Debra + - - - + - + + + - 50 64 18A R Urdahl, Dean + - - - + - + + - - 40 60
14B R Knoblach, Jim + - - - + - - + - - 30 31 20A R Vogel, Bob + - - + + - + + + + 70 60
58A R Koznick, Jon + - A + + - + + + - 60 59 63B DFL Wagenius, Jean + + + - - + - + - - 50 15
09B R Kresha, Ron A - - - + - + + + - 40 62 53A DFL Ward, JoAnn + - + - - - - A A - 20 17
41B DFL Laine, Carolyn + + + - - + - - - - 40 9 35A R Whelan, Abigail + - - + + - + + + + 70 64
66B DFL Lesch, John - + + - - + + - - - 40 16 57B R Wills, Anna + - - - + - + + + + 60 72
26A DFL Liebling, Tina - + A - - + - - + - 30 20 42A DFL Yarusso, Barb + - - - - - - - + - 20 15
04A DFL Lien, Ben + + - - - - + - + - 40 22 46B DFL Youakim, Cheryl + + + - - + - - - - 40 33
43B DFL Lillie, Leon + - - - - - - - - - 10 10
30A R Zerwas, Nick + + + - + - - + + - 60 76
Vote Descriptions 2016 Minnesota Senate Scorecard

1. The Dont Stop Believing Tax Bill. A lot of great reforms were left behind (Phasing out the tax

on social security benefits, for instance) and there weresome political gifts for the election year. But on Dist Name 2 2a 3 3a 3b 4 6 10
balance, the good predominated in this overwhelmingly bi-partisan bill. Too bad the Governor chose to veto 35 R Abeler, Jim - + + - + - + + 63% 63

it. The Taxpayer friendly vote was YES. (HF 848) 29 R Anderson, Bruce D. + + + + + + + + 100% 92
3 DFL Bakk, Thomas M. - - - - - - - - 0% 13
2. The 2016 Garbage Bill. The official term for this bill is the supplemental spending bill and it contains 31 R Benson, Michelle R. + + + - + + + + 88% 92
extra spending for all state government that didnt get what they asked for last year. The Taxpayer friendly 44 DFL Bonoff, Terri E. - - - - - - - - 0% 20
vote was NO. (HF 2749) 15 R Brown, David M. + A + + + + + + 88% 72
51 DFL Carlson, Jim - - - - - - - - 0% 12
2a. Doubling down on MNSures Failure. This amendment was offered on the Senate version of the 38 R Chamberlain, Roger C. + + + + + + + + 100% 91
supplemental spending bill. It would have stripped out a study on implementing a single-payer health 59 DFL Champion, Bobby Joe - - - - - - + - 13% 9
care system in Minnesota. The Taxpayer Friendly vote was NO. (HF 2749 ROSEN/GAZELKA 57 DFL Clausen, Greg D. - - - - - - - - 0% 10
AMENDMENT) 64 DFL Cohen, Richard - - - - - - - A 0% 9
20 DFL Dahle, Kevin L. - - - - - - - - 0% 15
3. The Senate Bonding Bill. This $1.5 Billion Dollar behemoth was the closest to what the Governor
16 R Dahms, Gary H. - + + - + - - + 50% 53
wanted to see. It also contained the smallest proportion of transportation items of any of the bonding bills
61 DFL Dibble, D. Scott - - - + - - - - 13% 13
this session.The taxpayer friendly vote on this Senate Version of a Bonding Bill was an NO. HF 3467
60 DFL Dziedzic, Kari - - - - - - - - 0% 12
as AMENDED BY THE SENATE) 40 DFL Eaton, Chris A. - - - - - - - - 0% 13
3a. The Final Compromise Bonding Bill. This bill layered on an additional $300 million in borrowing from 4 DFL Eken, Kent - - - - - - - - 0% 8
the House version. At the last minute, Sen. Ron Latz amended the bill with a provision to make Hennepin 13 R Fischbach, Michelle L. - + A - A - - + 25% 67
County taxpayers pay the remaining cost of Southwest light rail. The taxpayer friendly vote on this bill in 49 DFL Franzen, Melisa - - - - - - - - 0% 11
both the House and the Senate was NO. The Senate bill was worse with the funding of SWLRT added. (HF 9 R Gazelka, Paul E. - + + - + + + + 75% 83
622 THIRD ENGROSSMENT House: Senate: THIRD ENGROSSMENT AS AMENDED) 41 DFL Goodwin, Barb - - - - - - - - 0% 5
56 R Hall, Dan D. + + + + + + + + 100% 91
3b. Getting State Borrowing under control. This amendment on the Senate Bonding bill caps the 48 R Hann, David W. + + + + + + + + 100% 93
states debt at 3% of all non-dedicated general fund revenue. Current guidelines (not law) from previous 67 DFL Hawj, Foung - - - - - - - - 0% 6
administrations suggest a cap of 3.25%. The Senate, the Governor and Revenue Commissioner have 62 DFL Hayden, Jeff - - - - - - - - 0% 10
been pushing for the state to borrow more. The taxpayer friendly vote was YES. (HF 3467 PRATT 36 DFL Hoffman, John A. - - - - - - - - 0% 11
AMENDMENT.) 39 R Housley, Karin - + + + + - - + 63% 73
8 R Ingebrigtsen, Bill - + + - + - + + 63% 68
4. Raises for the states pension directors. Asking for a raise at the same time that a shortfall in the 24 DFL Jensen, Vicki - - - - - - - - 0% 11
funds required increased contributions from taxpayers? The Taxpayer friendly vote was NO. (SF 2626) 37 DFL Johnson, Alice M. - - - - - - A - 0% 8

5. State Government Worker Labor Contracts with more transparency. This bill ratified contracts for a 53 DFL Kent, Susan - - - + - - - - 13% 15
30 R Kiffmeyer, Mary + + + - + + + + 88% 81
handful of state government worker unions but there were provisions added that would have made future
17 DFL Koenen, Lyle - - - - - - - - 0% 6
contract negotiations more transparent. The Taxpayer friendly vote was YES. (HF 3585 HOUSE ONLY)
46 DFL Latz, Ron - - - - - - - - 0% 6
6. Real ID. Federal Government mandate is not an emergency. For some reason, there was a crisis this 34 R Limmer, Warren + + + + + + + + 100% 92
session over Minnesota not complying with the new federally mandated enhanced ID despite Minnesota 11 DFL Lourey, Tony - - - - - - - - 0% 11
getting another extension to comply. There are still concerns with data privacy. it might also be better to wait 66 DFL Marty, John - - - - - - - - 0% 16
until a new ID system they are switching over to at DVS is completed before throwing a new ID into the mix. 52 DFL Metzen, James P. A - - A - - A - 0% 13
The taxpayer friendly vote was NO. (HF 3589) 28 R Miller, Jeremy R. - + + - + - - A 38% 50
26 R Nelson, Carla J. - + - - + - - + 38% 54
7. Sunday Liquor Sales. This amendment would have allowed municipalities to license liquor sales 18 R Newman, Scott J. + + + - + + - + 75% 86
on any day of the week including Sundays. YES Vote. (HF 3699 LOON AMENDMENT) 32 R Nienow, Sean R. + + + - + A + + 75% 78
47 R Ortman, Julianne E. + A + - + A - + 50% 85
8. Reforming the IRRB. The Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board has generated a lot of 33 R Osmek, David J. + + + - + + + + 88% 97
controversy in recent years. This bill would have changed the composition of the board and provided more 65 DFL Pappas, Sandra L. - - - - - - - - 0% 6
legislative oversight. The taxpayer friendly vote was YES. (HF 3925 HOUSE ONLY) 14 R Pederson, John C. + + + - + A + + 75% 63
9. Fireworks. Stop making lawbreakers out of Minnesotans who just want to have a good time.The free- 55 R Pratt, Eric R. + + + + + + - + 88% 79
dom loving vote was YES. (HF 1089 HOUSE ONLY) 7 DFL Reinert, Roger J. - - - - - - - - 0% 10
45 DFL Rest, Ann H. - - - - - - - - 0% 22
10. Refunding over collected Unemployment Insurance. The Taxpayer friendly vote on the House bill 23 R Rosen, Julie A. - + + - + + - - 50% 59
was an NO since the House cut the Unemployment provision out to avoid controversy and just made it a 10 R Ruud, Carrie - + + - + - - + 50% 74
bill for an employment extension for the Rangers. (SF 1006) In the Senate, the Taxpayer Friendly vote was 5 DFL Saxhaug, Tom - - - - - - - - 0% 9
YES on an amendment to the Unemployment Insurance bill that added the Unemployment credit 42 DFL Scalze, Bev - - - - - - - - 0% 12
provision in. (SF 1006 DAHMS AMENDMENT). 21 DFL Schmit, Matt - - - A - - - - 0% 11
25 R Senjem, David H. + + + - - + - + 63% 66
19 DFL Sheran, Kathy - - - - + - - - 13% 8
LEGEND See additional notes at 54 DFL Sieben, Katie - - - + - - - - 13% 6
2 DFL Skoe, Rod - - - - - - - - 0% 11
HF= House File/SF=Senate File 27 DFL Sparks, Dan - - - - - - - - 0% 14
1 DFL Stumpf, LeRoy A. - - - - - - - - 0%
+= Pro-taxpayer vote; = anti-taxpayer vote A= did not vote 14
58 R Thompson, Dave + + + + + A + + 88% 95
All scores except for amendments were bills voted on re-passage except as 6 DFL Tomassoni, David J. - - - - - - - - 0% 10
noted. 63 DFL Torres Ray, Patricia - - - - - - - - 0% 8
Lifetime scores are calculated from a members first session, through all 22 R Weber, Bill - + + - + - - + 50% 67
sessions served or the first scorecard in 1997. 12 R Westrom, Torrey N. - + + - + + + + 75% 67
43 DFL Wiger, Charles W. - - - - - - - - 0% 17
50 DFL Wiklund, Melissa H. - - - - - - - - 0% 8
our mission...
The Taxpayers League stands
We publish the Taxpayers
League Scorecard, sponsor a
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enterprise through nonpartisan and office holders to their
grassroots advocacy and full constituents that they will
empowerment of taxpaying citizens. oppose increasing taxes. We
also keep taxpayers informed Ted Lillie,
Harold Hamilton,
Chairman of the Board,
about fiscal issues through President of the
social media and a podcast. Taxpayers League of

our Vision...
Taxpayers League of

The Taxpayers League advocates for prosperity by

fighting to reduce and reform taxation, eliminate
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THE Taxpayers Protection Pledge
I _______________pledge to taxpayers of the District ______ of Minnesota and all of the people of this State
that I will oppose any and all efforts to raise taxes.


This pledge is for legislators and any officials elected in single member districts.

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