SAP 3 2017 Final

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Prof. Zoraida RISSO PATRN
Prof. Mara Anglica VERD
Prof. Leticia TACCONI
Prof. Paola Mabel SCILIPOTI
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Table of Contents
................................................................................................... 3
Instructions for Graded Assignment # 10: ........................................................................................... 4
........................................................................................... 5
ARTICLES ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

How Will You Encounter Experiential Travel? ................................................................................. 6

Breathe in, breathe out a way to conquer students stress ..................................................... 9

Materialism: a system that eats us from the inside out ............................................................11

Ecotourism, Ethical & Sustainable ....................................................................................................14

The Cage by Riley H. Welcker .............................................................................................................19
Package Tour by Sam Lipsyte ............................................................................................................22
Little Victories by Jay Eales..............................................................................................................24
The Chase to Fortune Island by Ian Douglas .................................................................................30
MOVIE: The Hundred-Foot Journey ........................................................................................................37

SONG: Rather Be by Clean Bandit ft Jess Glynne ..............................................................................43

Unit 5 21st Century Reading 3 TED Talks................................................................................................46

Unit 5: Career Paths...........................................................................................................................46

Life - Intermediate Students Book video scripts ...........................................................................47

PROJECT WORK: The Proof is in the Pudding.........................................................................................57
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TRAVEL Types of holidays & holiday destinations Walking for Wildlife:

a pesronal approach to saving wild places The ral cost of
LIFE travel: the impact of tourism on our planet Travel problems.
TOPICS: WELLBEING Food & our eating habits Food around the world Imaginary
eating: a technique to reduce weight Healthy lifestyles A
Units 5 & 6 caffeine-fuelled world: the effects of caffeine on our lives
Eating out Describing dishes

ARTICLE 1: How Will You Encounter Experiential Travel?
THINKING ARTICLE 2: Breathe in, breathe out a way to conquer students stress
through ARTICLE 3: Materialism: a system that eats us from the inside out
ARTICLE 4: Ecotourism, Ethical & Sustainable
CRITICAL The Cage by Riley H. Welcker
THINKING Package Tour by Sam Lipsyte
Little Victories by Jay Eales
The Chase to Fortune Island by Ian Douglas
Bandit featuring READING 3
RESOURCES A Disappearing World The Hundred-
foot Journey Jess Glynne Career Paths
Dangerous dining
Rather be

PATHWAYS TO Writing a Postcard + Writing a formal letter (supporting or objecting to a proposal)

GREAT GR (Great Writing):
+ Unit 4 Moving from paragraphs to Essays (Descriptive Essays)
Unit 21: Food Unit 47: Emotions & Moods
Unit 29: Health & Lifestyle Unit 48: Commenting on
EVIU Unit 30: Travel Problematic Situations
VOCABULARY (Upper- Unit 31: Holidays Unit 64: Referring Words
BUILDING intermediate) Unit 40: Belief & Opinion Unit 66: Linking Words in Writing

Unit 46: Praising & Criticising Unit 70: Prefixes

Unit 72: Abstract Nouns

Module 7: Present Perfect [38, 39 & 40]

Module 9: Modal Verbs [46, 49, 50, 51, 52 & 53]
(Intermediate) Module 10: Conditionals [54]
DEVELOPMENT Module 17: Word Combinations [87 , 88, 89 & 90]

GOING ONLINE: Revisiting Personal Profile 2017

FACEBOOK, PEDCO Participating in a blog post
TASKS & PROJECT The Proof is in the Pudding
21 CENTURY READING 2: unit 6 Food for Life
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Instructions for Graded Assignment # 10:

For this oral assignment, which will be carried out in pairs, you will have the chance to put several
strategies to use. Since we have almost reached the middle of the year and you have been asked to carry
out a multiplicity of tasks while being exposed to a variety of resources (articles, stories, songs, videos,
films, etc.), we believe you are now well-equipped to face the next challenge Read on and youll see what
all this is about!
Objective: We want you to start integrating the carefully selected material that complements our course
book Life in terms of themes. How?
1. Get together with a partner.
2. Read the short stories and the articles, watch the film and listen to the song in this SAP, jotting
down notes focusing on the themes each of them deals with. Use Chart 1 below.
3. Then, look for similarities among them. Are there any themes they have in common? How are they
developed in each case? What different angles of the same topic do they tackle?
4. Start a draft, drawing as many arrows as you need to show the varied connections you have found.
5. Get ready to prepare your TIP (Thematically Integrated Poster), which you will use as a memory aid
during the oral presentation. You should be able to establish relationships between/among a short
story, an article, the film and the song. Dont worry if there isnt a leading theme that connects
everything. What is important is to show the different themes common to two, three or four of
these materials. Use the sample infographic design on the following page as a model. Feel free to
adapt it suiting your creative needs!
6. Your presentation should last between 8 to 10 minutes. Thats right! Each one of you should speak
for only 4/5 minutes non-stop. So make the most of this little time you have to show how many
interesting connections you have found! Practice it beforehand, look up words and check their
pronunciation you are the experts and we want to enjoy what you will prepare to delight us !!!
The criteria we will follow to assess your oral presentation has been outlined in The ABC of LI1 on
pp. 14 & 15. Read it carefully and make any necessary adjustments to your presentation, taking the
outlined aspects into account. This will take place on August 25th, so you have plenty of time to put

Chart 1 Theme Collectors

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article 4

Short Story 1

Short Story 2

Short Story 3

Short Story 4


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Article 1: How Will You Encounter Experiential Travel?

Article 2: Breathe In, Breathe Out a Way to Conquer Students Stress
Article 3: Materialism: a System That Eats Us From The Inside Out
Article 4: Ecotourism, Ethical & Sustainable
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How Will You Encounter Experiential Travel?

BY NICHOLAS KONTIS. THE BLOG 03/28/2015 07:10 PM ET | UPDATED MAY 28, 2015

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, what is an experience worth? The experiences of travel
are what make ones journey priceless. The memories of these experiences are what
make travel last forever.

Perhaps this is because I have been to 85 countries, but when I travel, its no longer
stunning sites that fuel my wanderlust, but rather the connections that I make with local
people. I cherish the memories I have of making new friends from around the world while
immersing myself in local culture that makes an area genuine and unique.

Modern travelers seem to seek these experiences as well. In 2014, the travel industry was
abuzz about the possibilities of experiential travel: living like a local (or even better, with
a local), taking cooking classes, volunteering, and more.
Todays travelers seek more than amenities and creature
comforts, more than getting their picture taken on the Golden
Gate Bridge or under the Eifel Tower, and more than quick
stops at crowded monuments and museums and a quick stop
by the gift shop for baubles. Real experiences - real
connections - are what compel people to travel.

I began to see the benefits of going local at an early age.

During my childhood, my parents and I traveled from San
Francisco to Greece each summer. In Greece, I learned to bake bread when I was 12
years old. When we ate at restaurants, they were authentic and frequented almost
exclusively by locals. The experience of cooking and eating with family and friends in
Greece has profoundly shaped my outlook on travel, food, and culture.

Because of my upbringing and experiences, this new phenomenon of experiential travel

seems natural to me. Doesnt everyone want to live like a local when they travel? Doesnt
everyone want to learn to cook a wonderful seafood risotto in Bologna, to visit a coffee
shop or a happy hour among a citys real inhabitants, and to hike off the beaten path on
a remote island in the Azores? Seeking out and engaging in an unfamiliar culture is what
travel is all about.

There are so many ways to go local. When I was younger, and backpacking in Athens, I
spent a week sleeping on a local familys roof and eating meals in their home. This was a
great way for a 18-year-old to save money and learn from a native family an amazing city.

Amazing things can happen when you immerse yourself in local culture. I was at an
ultra-cool, Polynesian themed Tiki Bar, Sugar Cane in Clapham, London, when I met
Alex and Jenny, art enthusiasts, and fellow fans of uncommon, inebriating watering
holes. After many a fruity rum drink and shots of tequila (bad combination), my
newfound friends invited me to their home for supper. The next night, I ate a most
memorable meal of canard lorange in their Mayfair home. What better way to make
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friends than over a home-cooked meal and bottle or two of wine? My experience in Alex
and Jennys welcoming home is unforgettable.

On another trip to London for the annual World Travel Market, my wife and I met a
wonderful couple, Dave and Jen, who managed a bar in the London neighborhood of
Acton. Oddly enough, we had met over social media - LinkedIn and Facebook. My wife
and I were lucky to meet our new friends in person and stay in a room above their pub,
The George & Dragon. I would come back from a hard days work at the travel
convention, explore the new neighborhood around the pub, and afterwards, go behind
the bar and pour myself a pint of Guinness. My hosts were amazing; the experience of
sleeping above their bar will be etched in my mind forever. My chance online encounter
with this couple and other coincidental encounters like it can make travel experiences

Today, online resources make going local easier than ever before. Far before Airbnb, I
lived abroad with relatives and friends, and even couch surfed in the homes of locals
that I did not know. Now, there are new websites dedicated to every aspect of experiential
travel. You can stay in a real French home, help build homes in Africa, assist marine
biologists in Thailand, and even take cooking classes in Tuscany.

There are so many ways to blend into your new stomping ground using technology. You
may know that you can stay in a locals home using Airbnb. Another great service,, allows you to swap homes with another traveler and exchange your
amazing travel experience for theirs. And through you can stay on
someones living room couch or in a spare room very economically. While using any of
these services, your new neighbors during your stay can be wonderful sources of
information and help you blend into local society. Living in a local home or apartment
can change your perspective of a new place in a profound and meaningful way and make
traveling anywhere in the world a one-of-a-kind social experience.

Another opportunity for unique experiences abroad is sharing meals. Food sharing sites
like,, and connect travelers with local hosts to
experience home-cooked meals. These sites are all about immersing oneself in local
society and culture. Ten years ago, hardly any of us were self-proclaimed foodies. Now,
local cuisine has become an important factor in choosing travel destinations. In the last
decade, some chefs have skyrocketed to celebrity status. Travelers now often seek
vacations in beautiful and relaxing locations, but the focal point of a journey is to
experience the local gastronomy. Consider the timeless and refined cuisines of Paris,
Rome, and Athens. Combining a culinary excursion with the richness of a historical
destination can make for a wonderful holiday experience.

You can also immerse yourself in another culture through volunteering. There are so
many ways to make the world a better place, and what greater satisfaction is there than
knowing that youre making a positive difference in a new place? International Student
Volunteers (ISV) works with grassroots initiatives to offer volunteer projects in Costa
Rica. ISV volunteer programs directly benefit the local communities of Costa Rica and
offer a wide range of volunteer positions in wildlife conservation, community
development, childrens programs, and environmental management. However you wish to
make an impact, there is a volunteer project for you with ISV in Costa Rica. There are
also many other volunteer experiences elsewhere. You can travel to save tigers in Taman
Negara, or turtles on the Perhentian Islands in Malaysia. Wherever you go,
- - offers the experience living with a local family while you volunteer. The
possibilities to make the world a better place are endless.

The next time you travel, truly experience a new place. Go to a local happy hour and
work on learning a new language over a pint. Make friends by sharing a meal or renting a
room in a local home. Research volunteer experiences and homestays. Richer, more
authentic travels further the international community, enrich the senses, make travel
more fulfilling, and truly make the world a better place.

Follow Nicholas Kontis on Twitter:

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Breathe in, breathe out a way to conquer students stress


Earlier this month, The Toronto District School Board released the results of an
extensive study into student mental health that revealed students are anxious, losing
sleep and many feel like crying. The survey made national headlines as the public and
parents wondered how to address the latest crisis in our
classrooms. Educators just nodded knowingly.

The escalating effect of stress on students is obvious to

many teachers. Its a tough time to be a student: We see
students struggle with poverty, shifting family dynamics,
peer pressures and media influences. All of these factors
can affect mental health.

Students mental health can impact their learning, and

many Canadian educators are asking What can we do about it? Increasingly, teachers
are using the principles of mindfulness to help make the classroom a calmer place and to
improve learning.

The concept of mindfulness originates in Buddhist and Hindu traditions and can be
described as bringing ones complete attention to the present, on a moment-to-moment
basis. Buddhist practice cultivates mindfulness and by noticing the breath and whats
happening with our thoughts we can defuse the stress of our lives.

In the 1970s American doctor John Kabat-Zinn attended a meditation retreat lead by
Vietnamese Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh and wondered if mindfulness could be used to
help treat medical conditions. Dr. Kabat-Zinn established The Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction Program at the University of Massachusetts and through research discovered
that mindfulness is effective in treating stress, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and
addiction. Mindfulness is now commonly used in hospitals, in Fortune 500 companies
such as Google and Monsanto and increasingly in classrooms.

How educators teach mindfulness depends on several factors. Teachers may hold daily
sessions with students, use a prepared curriculum or become trained mindfulness
facilitators. In a typical mindfulness session, students sit quietly as a bell rings. They
listen carefully, raising their hands when the sound dissipates, leaving only silence.
Students then place their hand on their stomachs and feel the movement of their bodies
as they breathe. Teachers help students to remain aware of the breath by reminding
them to breathe inbreathe out. This practice takes only a few minutes out of their
lessons, but helps students relax and improves their focus for the learning ahead. In my
own class, we integrate mindfulness practice into our daily circle by pausing in silence,
listening carefully to the sounds around us and noticing the way the body moves as we
breathe. This helps students to listen to each other during our group discussion.

A common curriculum used to teach mindfulness in schools is MindUP, which was

conceived in Vancouver and developed by The Hawn Foundation, based in California.
The program is designed for students in pre-kindergarten to grade eight, with prepared
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lessons that teachers deliver. MindUP integrates learning about the brain with
mindfulness practice so that students understand how mindfulness works. MindUP
students sometimes explain that feeling the breath helps them make good choices
because when calm theyre using their prefrontal cortex instead of their amygdala.
MindUP is currently used successfully in dozens of schools in British Columbia
Mindfulness Without Borders, located both in San Francisco and Toronto, and it trains
facilitators to deliver mindfulness programs in classrooms. Their program, Mindfulness
Ambassador Council, is currently used in 15 classes in The Toronto Catholic District
School Board and the program is in its second year at Torontos YMCA Academy and
East York Collegiate Institute.

Does it work? Theres lots of research that says it does. In one 2011 study, Dr. Kimberly
Schonert-Reichl and Molly Lawlor, at the University of British Columbia, studied 246
Canadian students in 15 schools in B.C. Their research found that students who
participated in MindUP showed significant increases in optimism, were better able to
make themselves happy and were more likely to help others.

Of course, mindfulness practice can also help educators. Being responsible for students
while following the curriculum, assessing and reporting can be stressful. When every
student needs help and I may only have 15 minutes to get everything done, its
challenging to pay attention to everything thats going on. Thats when my personal
mindfulness practice is helpful. Ive been learning about and practising mindfulness for
over 10 years and its part of my daily routine each morning. When I notice my attention
is narrowing, I pause and feel the breath. This slows down my thoughts and helps me
to think clearly and be present to all my students.

Later this summer, educators will be able to learn more about the benefits and to
practice mindfulness at a Mindfulness Retreat for Educators at Brock University which
Thich Nhat Hahn will be leading.

The more teachers bring the principles of mindfulness into the classroom, the more
seeds of change will be planted: a change that can help students to be less anxious and
afraid. Through mindfulness we have the opportunity to teach students that, in the
words of Thich Nhat Hahn, the present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you
are attentive, you will see it.

Andrew Campbell is a teacher at Major Ballachey Public School in Brantford, Ont., an educator for
over 20 years and the father of three sons.

Campus Life looks at issues affecting faculty, teachers and students.

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Materialism: a system that eats us from the inside out

Buying more stuff is associated with depression, anxiety and broken relationships. It is
socially destructive and self-destructive

DECEMBER 2013 20.30 GMT

That they are crass, brash and trashy goes without saying. But there is something in the
pictures posted on Rich Kids of Instagram (and highlighted by the Guardian last week)
that inspires more than the usual revulsion towards crude displays of opulence. There is
a shadow in these photos photos of a young man wearing all four of his Rolex watches,
a youth posing in front of his helicopter, endless pictures of cars, yachts, shoes,
mansions, swimming pools and spoilt white boys throwing gangster poses in private jets
of something worse: something that, after you have seen a few dozen, becomes
disorienting, even distressing.

The pictures are, of course, intended to incite envy. They reek of desperation. The young
men and women seem lost in their designer clothes, dwarfed and dehumanised by their
possessions, as if ownership has gone into
reverse. A girl's head barely emerges from
the haul of Chanel, Dior and Hermes
shopping bags she has piled on her vast bed.
It's captioned "shoppy shoppy" and
"#goldrush", but a photograph whose
purpose is to illustrate plenty seems instead
to depict a void. She's alone with her bags
and her image in the mirror, in a scene that
seems saturated with despair.

Perhaps I'm projecting my prejudices. But an

impressive body of psychological research
seems to support these feelings. It suggests that materialism, a trait that can afflict both
rich and poor, and which the researchers define as "a value system that is preoccupied
with possessions and the social image they project", is both socially destructive and self-
destructive. It smashes the happiness and peace of mind of those who succumb to it. It's
associated with anxiety, depression and broken relationships.

There has long been a correlation observed between materialism, a lack of empathy and
engagement with others, and unhappiness. But research conducted over the past few
years seems to show causation. For example, a series of studies published in the journal
Motivation and Emotion in July showed that as people become more materialistic, their
wellbeing (good relationships, autonomy, sense of purpose and the rest) diminishes. As
they become less materialistic, it rises.

In one study, the researchers tested a group of 18-year-olds, then re-tested them 12
years later. They were asked to rank the importance of different goals jobs, money and
status on one side, and self-acceptance, fellow feeling and belonging on the other. They
were then given a standard diagnostic test to identify mental health problems. At the
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ages of both 18 and 30, materialistic people were more susceptible to disorders. But if in
that period they became less materialistic, they became happier.

In another study, the psychologists followed Icelanders weathering their country's

economic collapse. Some people became more focused on materialism, in the hope of
regaining lost ground. Others responded by becoming less interested in money and
turning their attention to family and community life. The first group reported lower levels
of wellbeing, the second group higher levels.

These studies, while suggestive, demonstrate only correlation. But the researchers then
put a group of adolescents through a church programme designed to steer children away
from spending and towards sharing and saving. The self-esteem of materialistic children
on the programme rose significantly, while that of materialistic children in the control
group fell. Those who had little interest in materialism before the programme experienced
no change in self-esteem.

Another paper, published in Psychological Science, found that people in a controlled

experiment who were repeatedly exposed to images of luxury goods, to messages that
cast them as consumers rather than citizens and to words associated with materialism
(such as buy, status, asset and expensive), experienced immediate but temporary
increases in material aspirations, anxiety and depression. They also became more
competitive and more selfish, had a reduced sense of social responsibility and were less
inclined to join in demanding social activities. The researchers point out that, as we are
repeatedly bombarded with such images through advertisements, and constantly
described by the media as consumers, these temporary effects could be triggered more or
less continuously.

A third paper, published (paradoxically) in the Journal of Consumer Research, studied

2,500 people for six years. It found a two-way relationship between materialism and
loneliness: materialism fosters social isolation; isolation fosters materialism. People who
are cut off from others attach themselves to possessions. This attachment in turn crowds
out social relationships.

The two varieties of materialism that have this effect using possessions as a yardstick
of success and seeking happiness through acquisition are the varieties that seem to be
on display on Rich Kids of Instagram. It was only after reading this paper that I
understood why those photos distressed me: they look like a kind of social self-

Perhaps this is one of the reasons an economic model based on perpetual growth
continues on its own terms to succeed, though it may leave a trail of unpayable debts,
mental illness and smashed relationships. Social atomisation may be the best sales
strategy ever devised, and continuous marketing looks like an unbeatable programme for

Materialism forces us into comparison with the possessions of others, a race both cruelly
illustrated and crudely propelled by that toxic website. There is no end to it. If you have
four Rolexes while another has five, you are a Rolex short of contentment. The material
pursuit of self-esteem reduces your self-esteem.

I should emphasise that this is not about differences between rich and poor: the poor can
be as susceptible to materialism as the rich. It is a general social affliction, visited upon
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us by government policy, corporate strategy, the collapse of communities and civic life,
and our acquiescence in a system that is eating us from the inside out.

This is the dreadful mistake we are making: allowing ourselves to believe that having
more money and more stuff enhances our wellbeing, a belief possessed not only by those
poor deluded people in the pictures, but by almost every member of almost every
government. Worldly ambition, material aspiration, perpetual growth: these are a
formula for mass unhappiness.

Twitter: @georgemonbiot. A fully referenced version of this article can be found at

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Ecotourism, Ethical & Sustainable

If you spent all your time getting your head around all the terminology in the world
relating to a better form of travel, you would never actually do what you love to do best.
Travel. So, here is a quick glossary of the good and great, from ecotourism to sustainable
tourism, and the reason why we opted for 'responsible'. Which to some is a mouthful.
But we believe it is actually the most meaningful.




Ecotourism is an important movement that grew hugely in the 1980s, just as tourism
was transforming from micro business to mass takeover levels. Ecotourism was the
antidote to the rash of resorts that was spreading all over Europe, the Americas and
other popular holiday hang outs. Conservationists fought tooth and nail to protect
important ecosystems and habitats around the world from development and their
winning argument was that tourism, or eco tourism as it was then coined, could provide
vital income to the area if the
land or coast was left
undeveloped, because being
pristine and prolific in wildlife
was, in itself, the tourist

And so the ecotourism wave

began, with holidays that focused
purely on bringing people back to
nature. Although there were
always people travelling to see
wildlife, wetlands and the
plethora of the planets natural
wonders, ecotourism tours were
now stretching beyond the
bounds of bird watching clubs.

The most popular definition of

ecotourism came from leading Mexican architect and environmentalist, Hector Ceballos-
Lascurain in 1983. Although working for the government at the time in urban
development, he was also President of Pronatura, an influential Mexican conservation
organisation that succeeded in preventing, among various things, the building of
marinas in important wetlands in the Celestn estuary of the Yucatan, an area still
much loved for its flamingo populations. At the time, he defined ecotourism, the
proposed protector of the region, as follows:

However, Ceballos-Lascurain extended his definition in 1993 to include the importance

of supporting communities too, saying "Ecotourism is environmentally responsible travel
and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate
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nature (and any accompanying cultural features - both past and present) that promotes
conservation, has low negative visitor impact, and provides for beneficially active socio-
economic involvement of local populations", a definition that was then adopted by the
IUCN (The World Conservation Union) in 1996. The International Ecotourism Society was
also founded in 1990, celebrating tourism destinations that fitted with this definition.

However, coined phrases are catchy, and indeed a rash of ecotourism businesses and
destinations started to spread, many for the greater good but just as many calling
themselves eco because they were rural, remote or just a tad rustic. The term was, and
still is, hijacked by companies and individuals that wouldnt know an ecological rarity if
it jumped up and hit them in the face, which is one reason why we, at Responsible
Travel, dont use this word, as we believe it has been misused on too many occasions.
Plus, our holidays are about more than being in nature, because, fundamentally, we
believe that the principles of caring for local communities, environments and heritage
can and should be applied to all forms of tourism, which is why we take so much care
to screen all the holiday companies listed on Responsible Travel. Transparency is the
smoothest road to responsibility, so we publish all of their responsible tourism policies,
from wildlife to water, conservation to community enterprise. We also invite tourists to
post their feedback, all of which is published unedited. This is to stop the growing trend
for greenwashing where companies claim the great and the green but, in reality, fail to
really have a positive impact on people or place.


Can travel really be sustainable? That is the question we probably get asked the most
and which is why we need to look at the original definition of sustainability: Being able
to meet the needs of present generations without compromising the needs for
future generations.

Sustainability and sustainable development is about creating a balance, putting back as

much as we use, and more in some cases. So, it is not overdeveloping on precious land
that cant be restored or extracting resources that cant be renewed. The balance here is
recognising that development and growth can be good, but not if its at the expense of
future generations, who risk struggling for land to live on, resources to live off and jobs
to survive on.

However, we are not convinced that, when it comes to terminology and tourism, the
words sustainable and development are always compatible. The flying debate is a case in
point, because the minute we leave our homes to go on holiday, we enter the transport
torment. The carbon conundrum. The unsustainable use of resources. The minute you
switch on any engine, to get to the airport, ferry port or railway station, your
sustainability meter starts ticking. And so, sustainable tourism is a contradiction in
terms. Which brings us back to definitions, and why we prefer the term responsible

The other question that we are always asked: Is the carbon debate a reason to stop
travelling? We dont believe so, because, fundamentally, we believe that travel is a force
for good. Its unlikely that a technical breakthrough in aviation fuel will happen in time
to prevent serious global warming. Our only conclusion is that we must fly less, and
when we do fly, we must travel responsibly to ensure local benefit. We can keep shouting
this from the rooftops, but the reality is that unless there is a global limiting agreement
or international taxation on flying, people will still fly.
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In short, at Responsible Travel we dont like to overclaim, or pretend that sustainable

holidays are really possible. They arent, unless you walk, swim, cycle there, stay in a
sustainably built hotel with only renewable energy, and eat nothing but locally sourced
organic food. Then you might win the prize.


Although this is a worthy term, the emphasis of ethical travel is on an ethical dilemma.
Should one travel to Burma or indeed, should one call it Burma or Myanmar? What are
the ethics behind second homes in tourism? Should we have swimming pools in
countries where people are deprived of drinking water? Are we turning a blind eye to
human rights issues by travelling to China? Or the growth of the child sex tourism
industry when travelling to places like Madagascar, to name just one of many where
these atrocities are prolific? The issues are all important, and indeed charities
like Tourism Concern and The Code campaign for the
protection of human rights in tourism. However, at
Responsible Travel we believe that weighing up ethical
choices is a fundamental part of becoming a more
responsible tourist and so we tend not to refer to
ethical travel as anything separate to responsible

Some of the ethical travel issues that we address on

our site include the pros and cons of safaris; for example, staying at a private safari lodge
which, although it contributes to conservation in terms of national park fees, may ignore
land rights issues and income sources of indigenous people. At the same time, is it
ethical to travel to Antarctica, observe rare gorillas in the wild, volunteer abroad, visit
post conflict zones, swim with wild dolphins, travel in countries that punish you for
being gay, and so on?

Some ethical issues are black and white in our view including volunteering holidays
that work with vulnerable children. In collaboration with child protection organisations,
we have therefore created very strict criteria to be observed by travel companies offering
these opportunities, such as ensuring that volunteers have professional qualifications
and are subject to child protection checks. See our Volunteering Guide for more details.

The ethical travel issue list is long, which is why we created our responsible tourism
travel guides. These not only detail ethical issues in all of the holiday destinations we
visit, but give you options on how to do some of the things you dream of doing, seeking
out companies that offer these activities but do so responsibly and ethically.


When communities come together and work as a cooperative to create a tourism

destination that benefits them all, and offers tourism products that they, as a
community, want to promote, you have in many ways a utopian, responsible tourism
product. Read our definition of community-based tourism (CBT) here. However, some
community-based tourism businesses get it wrong too, and just because the big
corporate chiefs arent controlling from the board room, doesnt mean that they are
responsible or, indeed, quality. Many are, but others dont quite make the mark and in
doing so, arent going to last for long either.
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At Responsible Travel we have chosen some exemplary community-based tourism

holidays that do work, which our travellers have visited and loved, and you can take a
look at them here.



We believe that responsible tourism incorporates bits of all the above definitions.
Holidays to see wildlife and wilderness, low carbon adventure holidays whether you are
hiking or biking, sailing or kayaking. Holidays that engage with local communities and
support them financially so that they have viable alternatives to unethical ways of living,
such as sex tourism or poaching. And most importantly, we are all responsible for
making tourism for good. From tourism ministers to tourists, multinationals to micro
businesses. We can all celebrate the joys of travel in a way that not only make better
places to live but also better places to visit.

Photo credits: [Nepalise woman: Ivan Borisov] [Flamingos, Celestn estuary : Sergio Kasusky Pech] [Rhino
watching: Steve Jurvetson]

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The Cage by Riley H. Welcker

The Package Tour by Sam Lipstyte

Little Victories by Jay Eales

The Chase to Fortune Island by Ian Douglas

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The Cage by Riley H. Welcker

Not so very far from here, there once lived a fortune. But before he left, his father warned
young man named Idle. He lived at home and him of many frightful dangers to watch out
worked in a small, little-known grocery store for and offered him a still, small compass
called Super Deals down Main Street. His made of solid gold. Idle didnt listen to his
father owned the store, and as one of his few fathers warnings. He believed he knew
employees, Idle was required to do many enough to keep out of harms way and that
jobs. He had to sweep the floor, wash the his father only told him of harbingers and
windows, bag customers groceries, and look horrors to discourage him. His father said the
after the vendors who unloaded their pallets compass would guide him back home and
in the back room early each morning. that he need only heed its needle.
It was well known that Idle did not like Idle looked at the compass. The needle
his work. He complained to everyone about did not point north. Instead, it pointed at his
everyone else. He complained at his broom. father. Idle believed it was broken but
He complained at the store and often called it thought that he might get a good price out
his tomb. of it if he ever got the chance. His father put
One day while Idle was staring wistfully it into his hand and hugged him fast.
out the roll-up door, past the vendors who Idle waved and started off with a spring
came and went, an apron at his waist and a in his step. Having no car, no bike, no form of
broom in his hand, one of the vendors asked transportation whatsoever, he walked the
him what he was searching for. margin of the scenic byway
Freedom, Idle said. out of town like a high-spirited
The vendor looked over hitchhiker. His father watched
his shoulder and smiled. Its a him from the storefront
wide world out there, but it window. He waved just as Idle
isnt a place for the faint- was on the edge of sight but
hearted. Out there, life is full of Idle never turned around and
adventure and danger, riches eventually his body
and pleasures in plenty. Out disappeared altogether over
there you can have anything the last hill. A tear fell from his
you want. fathers cheek, and he turned inside.
Idle just stared. Meanwhile, Idle pressed onward, feeling
The vendor only smiled, finished his free at last and soaking in the wide world
work, and promptly left. around him. He glanced at the compass, no
After a few days, Idle looked at the apron more than the briefest of glances, and
at his waist and the broom in his hand and crammed it into his pant pocket, out of sight
thought to himself, I am not faint-hearted. I and out of mind. The fields around him were
want more than this dull, dreary life. I want sharp and green; the breeze, cool. The trees
more than to slave all day for hardly any pay were upright and cheerful and the clouds
on the hope of some future inheritance. I were, large and frothy. The sun shone bright
want to see some of the world, to experience in his face.
life. And with that, Idle dropped his apron But it wasnt long before fatigue and
and broom and left his work to seek an easier hunger crept on him. At first, it was
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uncomfortable, then it hurt, and finally it offer him anything he wanted. Only a
ached. He felt dizzy. The fields around him second? Idle asked.
became a blur; the air was hot and still. The Only a second, the man said. After
trees seemed to wilt, their branches drooping that, you can have anything you want,
like Idles arms. The sun slid behind a dark anything at all. Only remember that for each
cloud. Idle felt his pockets and found nothing thing more that you want, you must sit here
but the little gold compass. He pushed it in this cage twice as long as the last time.
deeper into his pocket and trudged onward, Idle thought there could be no harm in
feeling bad, when he met a fork in the road. that. All he wanted was something simple to
It surprised him. eat to satisfy his desperate hunger, nothing
At the fork, Idle saw a man. He was more; and besides, the man said he wouldnt
sitting on a stump. His legs were crossed and even close the door.
he was busying himself with a rag and his Idle agreed.
shoes. The man was dressed as any normal And he sat in the cage for a single
person might dressnothing out of the second, his feet dangling from the open cage
ordinary. He wore no cape, no hood, no large door. Idle then leapt from the cage as the
boots as one might think of a traveller or a man promised. The man smiled back at him.
villain in tales. No, he was dressed in a dark Whatever you want, it is yours.
blue suit, almost black. He wore a yellow tie. Idle asked for a bowl of beef and beans,
His hair was clean cut and his black shoes and it was freely given to him. It was nice to
well-polished. A large cage hung from a pole eat food without paying or working for it, and
beside him, like a canary cage, but only large Idle ate and ate until he was hungry no more.
enough for a man. Idle thought he All the while, Rascal talked to him and asked
recognized the man but could not place him. him many questions and they had a nice
He stood there, puzzling, growing ever conversation. Rascal was so harmless and
hungrier and more fatigued when the man friendly. Idle told Rascal all about himself and
saw him, snapped up and took Idles arm. listened intently to Rascals stories, ignoring
Please, have a seat, he said. He smiled a the constant buzzing in his shirt pocket. Of all
familiar smile. his stories, Idle especially enjoyed hearing
Who are you? Idle asked. about the many wide and beautiful paths in
My name is Rascal, the man replied. the world and the clear, sparkling brooks
You look tired and hungry. Do you not have burbling from the mountains and foothills,
any food? which made him feel thirsty.
I have nothing, Idle said. Nothing but Idle thought how nice it would be to
this gold compass. He pulled it from his have just one drink from one of those clear,
pants pocket. The compass buzzed in his sparkling brooks. So he asked the man and
hand, and he tucked it away in his shirt consented to sit in the cage for two seconds,
pocket. his feet dangling through the open cage door
The man nodded. I tell you what. You as before, and when he got out, the man
can have anything you want, anything at all, gave him a clear, cool drink. Idle thought it
and I will give it to you for neither price nor was the best thing that he had ever tasted
work if you will sit in this cage for a single until he heard the word ice cream, and Idle
second. I will even leave the cage door open. could not think of anything better than to
Idle frowned at the cage, but the man have a triple-chocolate scoop in a heavy-
seemed harmless. He was friendly, and he did breaded waffle cone. Again he asked the
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man, but this time the man said he could skip closets of shoes, fleets of boats, and took the
the cage just this once if Idle would give him most exotic vacations.
that curious gold compass. Idle pulled the He wanted until he was spending days,
buzzing piece from his pocket and frowned at months, and even years in the cage, all the
it vibrating in his hand, its needle pointing while basking over the things he would get
away from the man and away from the cage for nothing and no work at all when he had
in a single, steady direction, and promptly finished out his time. Meanwhile, Rascal
gave it to Rascal, feeling that he had made a stood outside the cage and he waited and
good trade as he greedily gobbled watched.
his newfound triple-chocolate pleasure. Idles wants consumed him. He claimed
But Idle could not stop there, no sir. That whole cities, whole countries, and whole
ice cream was just too good. Idle wanted kingdoms. He lived in the most beautiful
more. He truly believed it was great getting places, and saw the most beautiful things,
something for nothingwell, almost nothing. and was wanted by the most beautiful
Sitting in the cage wasnt all that bad, and he women. Idle wanted all that the world could
was soon out again. Whatever Idle wanted he offer until it seemed he might take
got and whatever he got made him want possession of the whole of iteverything,
more and so he kept on asking the man and that is, but the cage to which he returned.
sitting his time out in the open cage. He Meanwhile, Rascal stood outside the cage
required new clothes, and Rascal gave them and waited and watched.
to him. He demanded a motorcycle, a car, his It seemed to Idle there was nothing he
own jet plane, and Rascal gave them to him could not have and no end to getting what
as well. he wanted, and so it was that he began to
Idle sat in the cage for mere seconds, want less and less until his wants were quite
then minutes, and so on until he was sitting small and insignificanta cool drink from a
in the cage for hours at a time. Meanwhile, nearby brook, a friendly smile from passers-
Rascal stood outside the cage and waited and by and finally his freedom. It was on this last
watched. He didnt have to do much, only that he dwelt the longestfor he was now
remind Idle how wonderful his wants were wholly confined to his cage. Simple freedom.
and of the things he might have, and so Idle It seemed to him more than any man could
forgot about his time in the cage. ask for; the freedom to walk about, the
The longer Idle sat in the cage the bigger freedom to lift a broom, the freedom to act
and grander his wants became until he had a according to his own conscience. And so it
house, a 20,000 sq. ft. castle, a moat with was that he dwelt on this, the idea of simple,
ducks in it, land, animals, and hosts of insignificant freedom, what he had so longed
servants. He was certain he was entitled for, until the day he died, curled on the floor
to good health and decreed it so. He owned of his cage, a wistful look in his face, with the
cage door open.

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Package Tour by Sam Lipsyte


At a recent party, a couple from upstate New or hanging gardens, or a colossus plinthed
York told me about a neighborhood in above an Aegean harbor. Its a chance to
Brooklyn, how housing there had been witness grim prehistory, as some Neanderthal
affordable in their youth, if only theyd acted. In family navely ferries
certain cities, this sentiment is repeated Aperol spritzers to
thousands of times a day, to the point that the new Cro-
many people have joined the order of real- Magnon clan next
estate flagellants, staggering around public door. Id love to find
gatherings and scourging themselves with out if the Red Sea
memories of cheap, decent property spurned. really did part for
The conversation took a sci-fi turn, and the Moses, just like in
couple began fantasizing about travelling back the movie with
in time to buy a now priceless brownstone for Charlton Heston.
what my progenitors used to call a bagel. I Maybe Id visit
pictured the couple hunched in some rattling Heston on the set of
claptrap wormhole-traverserbecause all time Soylent Green, tell him the movie hes
machines are built with scrap iron and held fast shooting wont amount to much but will spawn
with duct tape and cut-rate rivets, even those a fine nerdy catchphrase. Id also take a
designed for hunting down investment lofts. moment to set him straight on guns. Because
Their lips would be peeled back by g-forces as thats another worthy approach to temporal
their ship shredded along the seam of the displacement: the do-gooder package tour, the
space-time continuum, until they landed in warn-Pompeii-kill-Hitler itinerary. Its a dicey
Cobble Hill, 1974. There theyd hop out, buy a proposition, messing with the past. But
building, and head back. wouldnt my intrusions cancel each other out if
I brought a teen Hitler to Pompeii just before
Would their lives be any different upon return?
Vesuvius blew? Ill leave you here, Id say.
Would they have scads more cash or just a big
The new arts academy is just over that ridge!
sweet pad? Would they have bought up a few
more places? Would they have sold it all and Maybe Id enjoy a little vacation. But to where
retired early to Marin County? What if one of and to when would I go? Should I get shots? A
them, while attending an open house on first-aid kit? Maybe Id journey to Mayan
Strong Place, had crushed a butterfly beneath Mexico, Ming China, Mughal India, Elizabethan
his or her Italian walking shoe? Would they England, Clintonian Americawhich I detested
come back to a different world? Would they at the time, but look where we are now. (Plus, I
still be married? Would Mitt Romney be could visit the friends of my youth in the form
President? Would Spider-Man be the biggest of a dumpy middle-aged wizard and freak
hit in Broadway history? them out with my knowledge of their future
triumphs and disappointments.) Id jet off to
Is this what the dream has become? A land-
Sodom for the weekend, maybe Gomorrah, or
grab plan?
hit Xanadu and any other International
Time travel should be about more important Pleasure Dome Group locations.
things, like peeping ancient wonders: pyramids,
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For cash infusions, Id fill my notebook with war the tray at the office, reply to those e-mails
and athletic results from down through the instead of resending them to myself as
centuries and find work as a cant-miss court reminders to reply. I could tell my kids that I
clairvoyant or dominate the sports-gambling love them, rather than grunting orders and
scene. I could also invent things, but nothing admonitions like Teeth, Clomping, Tone. I
too mechanical: Monopoly, the Oreo cookie, could stop doing that thing where I leave one
the mouse pad, the Dutch tulip craze. Of tiny corner of the kitchen counter dirty as an
course, its possible that none of these act of rebellion. I could give my wife a real back
schemes would work. They all require what rub instead of one of those fake jobs designed
time travel might not be able to provide: to be so annoying that shell ask me to stop. I
exquisite timing. Its so easy to beam back into could, as people like to put it, be more present,
a dangerous moment. Or just a dumb one. more mindful. I could climb into my
screeching, shuddering, time-busting jalopy
Perhaps my best bet would be a trip back to
and take the long voyage to right now. I could
yesterday. I could pass on that brownie from
try again.

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Little Victories by Jay Eales

Passengers for Flight 437 to New York, please make along with the safety instructions and in-flight
your way to the departure lounge. magazine that would remain unread by most, there
was a tablet device preloaded with a range of games
Jolted from his thoughts, Curtis Becker stood to and movies. They even threw in a 3D headset for
his feet too quickly, and his phone slipped from his that fully immersive gaming experience. Not as
lap to the floor. The floor tiles in the concourse were advanced as the iGlasses the flight crew had, but still
designed to be timelessly classic and hard-wearing. great. Her apartment at home wasnt as well
Unfortunately, that durability was not shared with equipped. If Standard Class had all this, she idly
the current phone hardware, and when Curtis speculated, what wonders were reserved for those
retrieved his phone, he saw the spider-web cracks up in First? Hot and cold running foot massages?
across the screen, and cursed his luck. The flight
announcement repeated from the speakers once In Business Class for despite Sophies
more. Too late to do anything about it now. daydreaming, the plane did not actually have a First
Class section it was not quite the paradise she
As Sophie Dillon climbed the steps to the plane, she imagined. The seats were fewer and further apart,
could hear the flight attendant greeting each and a finer menu was served course by course,
passenger by name. There was a cheery warm word rather than doled out in a complete package. There
or two that changed each time, rather than as were more attendants per passenger, and a better
though read from a cue card. Although she could range of entertainments, but the crowning jewel,
only pick up a word or two, she was impressed by which to the stressed executive riding the redeye
the way he addressed one of the passengers in his was worth its weight in gold, was the lie-flat seating.
native French, confirming his halal meal and extra
leg-room. It was the little touches that meant the Curtis was looking forward to making use of the
most. fully reclining seat later, but first he had more
pressing issues. With the other business class
One older gentleman attempted repeatedly to travellers, he had been seated before the rest of the
hand over his boarding papers flight, and had told them the
and passport, but the attendant saga of his damaged phone.
assured him with a smile that it Without missing a beat, they
was unnecessary. All paperwork had reassured him that they
was pre-cleared automatically could arrange for a local outlet
as he passed through the of his phone service provider to
airport terminal. The old chap courier a replacement handset
was clearly amazed, unused to to JFK for collection as soon as
the developments in air travel he disembarked. As a stop-gap
since his last flight. When measure, he would be able to
Sophies time came, she was customise the standard plane
asked if she had enjoyed her birthday. She was tablet to access any of his data he might need
momentarily thrown by how they would know about access to during the flight. While the smashed
that until she noticed the way the attendant only phone screen made his own handset pretty much
broke eye contact when his gaze flicked up to read useless, all he needed to do to get up and running
from the heads-up display on the iGlass monocle again was to put it against the tablet and pop in his
they all wore as part of their uniform, which was password and fingerprint ID to nudge everything
obviously where he was drawing the information onto the device even quicker than retrieving it from
from. the cloud would have been.

Lovely, thanks, she said eventually, as the As his contacts and settings loaded up, right
attendant directed her towards her seat, and turned down to his choice of desktop wallpaper, Curtis
his attention to the next in line. Sophie looked back relaxed. Now he could get back to the job at hand.
past the attendant at the curtained section beyond He put a proprietary hand on his satchel and
which lay the first class passengers. As a standard glanced across at a couple of his fellow passengers.
passenger, Sophie surveyed her own section. The woman was in her early fifties, though did not
Roomier than some budget flights she could look it, possibly due to her Scandinavian ancestry.
remember, and in the seat pocket in front of her, Dressed well but inexpensively, she was clearly the
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senior partner to her colleague, a good foot shorter, it moved further away from its associated owner, the
and easily twice her waist across. Where she was RFID tag triggered an alert. Ground crew just
pale and European, he was dark and Indian. He was required confirmation from the plane that their
pushing sixty hard, but where his colleagues passenger was indeed aboard, and that done,
demeanour was serious, his eyes shone. diverted the loader to reunite luggage with its
owner, none the wiser for its detour. The airline was
Domino Burgess was famous enough to have a justifiably proud of its boast to have never lost an
household name, but as an author, for the most item of luggage since the introduction of the
part, not a name you could put a face to. That suited system, and they werent
her, as she was able to going to lose it today.
walk the streets
untroubled by her
success. For the most
part. Occasionally she Sophie fired up her tablet
would run into a reader and hooked into the cloud.
who recognised her from There was an immediate flag
her out of date dust from the airline network,
jacket portrait, or which she allowed, pulling
someone familiar with down menu screens
her charity work. Outside containing an assortment of
of her contractual games and movies. As it
obligations, she did not court the worlds media, but drew information from her accounts, the selection
sometimes she had to play the game. This was one shuffled to bring up the titles shed most be
of those times. interested in. But right now, Sophie wasnt interested
in gaming or watching a show. She paged through
Against her better judgement, Domino had the options to bring up her communities, and barely
allowed her long-suffering editor Milan Gohil to able to contain herself, she placed the headset on
persuade her to attend a speaking engagement in her head as though it were a crown. As it activated,
New York. Ostensibly to promote her latest work in software drivers automatically installed themselves
progress, Milan had intimated that it would also be on her tablet. The whole thing was ready for use
a good platform to soapbox about her landmine within seconds.
charity in front of the great and good. The deal
struck, Milan was canny enough to book the tickets Gazing around the plane, Sophie was
there and then. He decided to accompany Domino disappointed by the number of greyed out seats
not as a corporate jolly, but because he wanted to the passengers who either didnt do online, or had
make sure she actually boarded their privacy settings so high they were practically
the flight. Once bitten Milans invisible. Of the rest, there was a
Gujurat-born father taught him temperature gauge of cool blue to
the value of caution. Why trust in red hot. The more open the
a belt when you could also wear network, the more accurate the
braces? match.

In the crew section, the status There were a few hotspots

panel pinged, and an answering around her, in a sea of blue, but
alert vibrated on the airline logo before she could investigate
pin affixed to each flight further
attendants jacket.
Simultaneously, wherever they were in the plane and PING! An avatar popped up on her screen her
whatever their current duties, they all glanced up at university friend Trevor Knight, who she was
the iGlass alert, to determine whether it was meeting up with in New York, grinned out at her in
something they needed to deal with. The attendant miniature.
nearest the station panel was able to respond. It was
a simple enough situation, already taken care of by Hows the flight? Any delays? T
the ground staff, and just requiring confirmation by
Sophie tapped back: All good so far. She
the air crew. One of the loader trucks carrying
dragged open a new window with their shared
luggage to another plane had inadvertently been
holiday itinerary on it. Since shed last looked, the
stacked with a suitcase bound for this flight, and as
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airline software had plugged into it and was Domino did well to prevent her eyes from rolling,
updating it in realtime, with funky animations of and to maintain a half-smile. This did not happen
Sophies plane and the train that Trevor was often, but often enough that she could predict his
currently aboard, and a countdown of around seven next move. Ah yes, here was the book. Fortunes
hours to when they were due to meet up. Fool, naturally. Her 1983 multi-award winner, never
out of print since then. Interestingly, the blue
Hows the US so far? Sophie asked. dustcover. The first edition, then. Dominos hand
rose instinctively to ward the book away. The
Outrageous! Shame you couldnt get out sooner. making of her career, but since that ill-advised
Trevor said, before adding Bringing the British movie adaptation she did not approve it had
weather with you, though! You have to see this and become as much a curse as a blessing.
he switched to video mode. After a rocky blur as he
turned the phone to face the window, Sophie could wouldnt normally dream of asking Curtis
see the dark skies of upstate New York Albany, said, lying. never get another opportunity he
according to the map with its topography of added.
skyscrapers. As she watched, there was an enormous
flash, and lightning lit up the sky. Great, eh? Milan interposed himself between his client and
the fan, as he had done many times during their
Whoah! Sophie typed, Hope thats gone by the association. Ms Burgess is always grateful for the
time I land! Trevor and Sophie raced each other to support of her readers, but regrettably, she is unable
bring up the weather forecast first. Ten points to to provide autographs. In truth, Domino had not
Trevor, but they were both grateful that it appeared signed an autograph in the 21st Century.
the storm front would have passed over NYC by the
time Sophies plane was due to arrive. Curtis continued, as though he had not heard
Milans words, fate, I think, that I should be re-
As Sophie looked at the itinerary, her screen reading Fortunes Fool, right now and on this
flickered and the numbers changed, and the plane, you know?
timeline moved on by ten minutes. She had little
time to ponder when a message box popped up Im sorry, but the answer is no. Domino said, as
from the airline confirming a slight modification to Milan adjusted his position to move further between
the route to skirt the edge of a weather front, to them. The book remained outstretched, and Curtis
minimise any turbulence along the way. There was a wore his most hopeful expression. One hed
ripple effect on Sophies schedule, as the delay practiced in the mirror to be the right mixture of
impacted on her pre-booked taxi at the airport, all pleading and non-threatening. He could see that
cancelled and rebooked automatically. Domino was wavering. Weighing up whether it
would be less trouble to just sign the damn
At the cab companys end, drivers were shuffled autograph and be rid of him before a queue formed,
in the deck and re-routed to the next available fare. or to stand her ground.
All of this was done between the airline and taxi
company systems with very little input needed from Jonathon Pym. Jon-a-thon, with an o. It would
the administrators. Over the course of the average mean the world to me.
flight, bookings were in a constant state of flux,
taking into account any number of variables from Thats not going to happen, Mister Pym. Milan
traffic jams to the unexpected need for a rest stop. spoke more loudly this time, and his eyes no longer
The taxi drivers learned to plan no further than the shone.
next fare, since the exact nature of the next
passenger was like Schrdingers Cat, in a state of Please Curtis began, looking directly into
quantum uncertainty until the last moment. Dominos eyes. Almost. Almost

Ms Burgess? It is Domino Burgess, isnt it? Curtis Can I help? The raised voices had by now
moved across the aisle hesitantly towards Domino, attracted the attention of flight attendants, two of
leaning in front of Milans defensive wall. He held a whom hurried over to defuse the situation.
package behind his back, while he made his
introductions. Im so sorry to disturb you, but Im No problem, Curtis said a little too sharply. He
just so amazed to see you on my plane well, not was reluctant to reclaim his book, despite the
my plane growing awkwardness of the situation.
- -
The attendants eyes flicked up to retrieve data, You met Thomas Dolby! #wearenotworthy
Mister Becker? May I please ask you to return to
your seat? I thought you two could geek about Korgs and
Fairlights while I get on with the important
All Im trying to do is sightseeing stuff. : )

Becker? Milan said, You said your name was


Were done here. Domino said quietly.

At last, Curtis snatched back the book, no longer

able to contain his frustration.

Your seat, sir. The attendant indicated the

empty seat across the aisle. If I have to, I will
remove you from this section, sir.

Curtis considered his position. He knew that the

plane was already at capacity. There were no spare
seats to move him to. But they could upgrade
someone from Standard. Would they do that? And Milan and Domino conducted their conversation in
how would he fulfil his contract then? He had a lot hushed tones. They were not comfortable with
riding on this job, and wasnt used to being unable Curtis remaining so close to them, although he had
to get what he wanted. He sat. remained in his seat since he had been dismissed
earlier. From time to time, he glanced over at them,
the cogs going round in his head as he attempted to
find a way to get the autograph that Jonathon Pym
Have you checked out the menu yet? Sophie typed. the real Jonathon Pym was paying him for.
She pushed the hotel restaurant link across the
internet to Trevors device. They just had a delivery Milan was normally the calming influence, but
of swordfish and BANG! Its on the menu. now, Domino was returning the compliment. Milan
was more agitated than she had seen before. He was
Were living in the future, Soph! Trevor said, Oh sweating despite the ambient temperature, and his
wow! Just checked the desserts. Salted Caramel Bread sentences were confused and hesitant. At times,
and Butter Pudding #drooool what he was saying made no sense. Hed had a
couple of Talisker whiskies, but he was acting as
Count me in! Save an extra place, though. Found
though he were four sheets to the wind.
someone on the flight you should meet. Hannah,
jump in when youre ready. Are you okay? Domino asked, as Milan
hesitantly got to his feet.
PING! <Hannah Delgado has joined the
conversation> Mm going toilet. Milan lurched off in the
direction of the rear of the plane, rather than the
On Trevors screen, Hannahs avatar popped up
Business Class rest room. As he stumbled off, Curtis
for him to click. Hi Hannah!
looked across, as though he might take advantage
of the situation, but one burning glare from Domino
Hi Trevor! Sophie tells me youre into electronica.
changed his mind, and he returned to
contemplating his navel.
Just a bit. Hey! Is that a Blancmange t-shirt youre
The other way! Domino called to her editor, but
he waved away her guidance and plunged through
Thats how I knew youd get on. Trevor wore the
the curtain into the next section.
same shirt until it fell apart. Sophie said.
The station panel pinged an alert to all flight
Think thats good, take a look at this Hannah
attendants as it recognised heightened levels of
typed, before pushing an image from her photo
album at Trevor.
- -
distress from Milans monitor, but he was not where Sophies itinerary pinged repeatedly with updates as
they expected to find him. Flight 437 was forced to detour to the nearest
airport in Atlantic City, but she was too preoccupied
Sophie had left the new fast friends Trevor and to read it until later. There would be other swordfish
Hannah to gabble at each other, while she took out dishes on other days. While the flight attendant had
her battered but faithful eReader to catch up on nominally taken charge of Milans medical
some of the mountain of novels wellbeing, she could see that
shed let build up while she was Milan was drawing strength from
knee-deep in her coursework. A Sophies presence, so she was
Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery allowed to remain by his side.
didnt allow for much reading for
pleasure. Another reason why They had moved him carefully
Sophie was so looking forward to into the business section, and
this holiday. Work hard, play hard, made good use of the lie-flat
they said. seating.

She looked up from her screen as the Indian guy As the ambulance crew stretchered Milan from
made a break for it from the front section. He the plane at Atlantic City, Domino insisted on
bounced off the seats to the left and right before showing her gratitude to Sophie in some way,
taking a tumble right by her. Her initial thought was despite her protestations. She spotted Sophies
that he had started playing hard a bit early, but then battered eReader on her seat, and snatched it up,
she saw that his face had dropped on the right, and borrowing a marker pen from another passenger
saw it for the stroke it was. She slid from her seat and scribbling a note on the back of the case. She
and got down beside him, calling for assistance started to hand it back to Sophie, and then
Someone grab an attendant! This mans having a remembered something. Domino fumbled in her
stroke. bag and pulled out her own tablet the latest
model, courtesy of the publisher, naturally and
By now, attendants were coming from all nudged it to Sophies brand X equivalent like a
directions. Sophie explained that she was a third whaler against a sailboat, pushing the Advance
year medical student, and asked if the plane was Reader Copy of her new book onto it, months
equipped with tPA, or tissue plasminogen activator, before its planned release.
and when no answer was immediately forthcoming,
she asked for soluble aspirin and a glass of water, Dont tell Milan, she whispered into Sophies
which was quickly supplied. ear, or hell have a heart attack on top of the
stroke. Domino smiled, an echo of Milans twinkle
Sophie did her best to soothe Milan as the in her eyes, and she followed her editor from the
attendant helped him to swallow the water. Unsure plane.
as to what else to do, she read to him from the book
she had been reading. He was distressed, unable to Before the other passengers disembarked,
get his words out, and unsure of what was attendants explained all the options they had for
happening to him, but Sophies voice seemed to reaching their destination. Those who wished to
help. Domino had been informed by this were booked onto a short-hop flight to
time, and had come out to do what she JFK, but train and coach options were
could, but the aisle was pretty much also offered. Passengers were reminded
blocked with air crew, so all she could that they should reset the plane tablets
do was identify her ailing editor and be if they made use of them, to ensure that
on hand for any other questions. their data was secure, although the
devices would auto-wipe anyway.
Dont do anything stupid, Milan. Its
taken me fourteen years to get you Naturally, the business class
trained. You mustnt make me start passengers were first to disembark, after
again. Milan and Domino had left with the
ambulance team. They had their own
Milan had enough about him to check-in area, but Sophie was confused
manage a half-smile at that. to find, when she reached her own check-in point,
that Curtis Becker was waiting for her.
- -
How much? he asked, trying every trick in his
extensive book of plays to persuade Sophie to part
with her newly autographed eReader. He offered ten For Sophie,
times what shed paid for it, without batting an
eyelash. It wasnt what his client had requested, but We are all Fortunes Fools.
he was sure that he could salvage something from
the contract for the only new autograph anyone was With love,
likely to get from Domino Burgess.
Domino Burgess.
Sophie played along, if only to see just how high
the price would go, but eventually she tired of the
game and cut him loose. Curtis shuffled away,
defeated. At least his replacement phone was
waiting for him at JFK as promised. Small mercies.

Intrigued by her surprisingly valuable knock-off

eReader, as Sophie sat in the concourse waiting for
her connecting flight, she pulled the treasure from
her bag, realising she hadnt read what Domino had Source:
written on it. She flipped it over, and read:
- -

The Chase to Fortune Island by Ian Douglas

lifetimes, or so said the professors and super-

Dylan had proved them all wrong. Hed written
a code for a working VPA. The trouble was nobody
believed him. As if some twenty-something non-
entity could succeed where the industry eggheads
had failed. Hed been laughed out of so many
Dylan scanned through his emails. offices hed lost count.
Rejection, rejection, declined, rejection, he Lorie, of course, was the first edition of his VPA
muttered. programme. And so far, after a year of testing,
The face of a young woman appeared in the she remained glitch free. If only someone
top left corner of the screen. She had strawberry influential would listen!
blond hair and eyes as blue as a summer sky. It I dont get it, Lorie, Dylan said.
was Lorie. Lorie beamed a radiant smile, and Dylan
You sound disheartened, she said. remembered the long hard week hed spent
Dylan leaned back in his chair. working on those lip movements.
Six months since my last job, Im a bit more The heads from the six most influential
than disheartened. computer companies will be in one room. Why
Lorie threw him a sympathetic look. Come on not make them a pitch?
boy genius, sooner or later someone will Lories sub-code for original thought was
recognise your talent? Would you like me to scan certainly working well. But hijack a business
the Cloud for new opportunities? meeting? Dylans stomach quivered.
Weve done that twice today already, Dylan Maybe, so where are the great and good
replied, sweeping back his black curls. getting together?
Then Ill broaden my parameters, Lorie said Ko Chokdee, Lorie said.
and vanished. Go where now?
Chewing on an old pen, Dylan looked around No, Ko Chokdee, an island near to Ko Samui in
at the clutter of his apartment. That was the the Gulf of Thailand. Its an exclusive getaway, off
funny thing about unemployment; he was too the beaten track. The name means good fortune
busy looking for work to clear up the pizza boxes in Thai.
and unwashed socks. Well, and too busy battling Dylan took a deep gulp.
3D zombies on his games console. But he needed How on Earth would I get there?
something to cheer him up. Lorie closed her eyes, deep in thought. Her
With a bleep Lories pretty features re- multi-gigabyte intelligence was trawling through
appeared. the Internet.
Hey Dylan, Ive got something. OK, direct flights to Samuis international
A job? airport kick off at 3000 e-dollars.
Lorie shook her head. Lorie, you know how much Ive got in the
Theres an industry conference at the bank. Coming up with impossible answers isnt
weekend. The big six are meeting. helping.
Dylans mouth dropped. Lorie laughed. The sound always reminded
The software giants? But hows that a job Dylan of birdsong.
opportunity? Ive cross-referenced your budget with all
I was thinking about the VPA? travel options. There is an affordable route, if we
The acronym stood for virtual personal fly to a cheaper destination and then some
assistant, an artificial intelligence created from overland travel.
algorithms and sub-routines, and shaped to the Dylan frowned.
users unique personality. More than a humble Are you sure? What about visas? Insurance?
programme, the VPA could problem-solve, Trust me Dylan. I can take care of all that in
innovate and create. In short, it could think. For nanoseconds. Let me do the boring stuff and you
years the concept had been nothing more than focus on the pitch of a lifetime. What do you
speculation. A fantastic idea but not in our say?
- -

Dylan scratched his chin. No work, no Hmm, Lorie said. Lets get some advice.
girlfriend, and no social life, what She closed her eyes and surfed the
did he have to lose? He banged Cloud, asking questions in all the
the desk with his fist. relevant chat rooms and social media.
Lorie, youre a genius. Ok, she said, opening her eyes.
No, Dylan, thats you. Ive Josh and Mandy from Sydney,
downloaded a list of travel backpacking their way to Singapore,
essentials to your tablet. You get say try the nasi lemak, the sweet and
packing while I book the coach to the airport. spice is to-die-for.
As it turned out, the meal was indeed exquisite
and the local beer better. Dylan brought up the
The doors of the arrivals terminal swished latest action movie on the touch screen and
open and Dylan walked out into a wall of hot dozed off.
sticky air. He awoke at sunrise to a view of palm trees
Try that taxi and ask for Jalan Sultan and glistening rice fields. A food seller was
Hishamuddin, Lorie piped up from the tablet in working through the compartment selling stubby
Dylans pack. bananas.
Malaysia! Dylan squeaked. Malaysia, he Thailand! Lorie exclaimed. Soon well get off
said again in a less shrill voice. Not even at Chumpon, the gateway to Ko Chokdee.
Thailand, were in the wrong country completely. A violent jolt shook the train. The wheels
Trust me Dylan. Ive traded costs against groaned like tortured beasts, as slowly the vehicle
hours. This is the only route that gets you there in ground to a halt. Two agonising hours passed
time without breaking the bank. If while the passengers in the sealed bubble of the
If? aircon waited for news. None came, but
If nothing goes wrong. eventually the train flickered into life. The
Dylan rolled his eyes, slung his pack over his onboard computers and electrics switched
shoulder and trudged into the blinding tropical themselves back on and the engine began to whir
sunlight. again.
Sat in the cab into Kuala Lumpur, Dylan A malfunction in the circuits. It just needed
chewed frantically on his nails. Outside, he could rebooting, Lorie said.
see an endless world of oriental housing and Dylan flashed her a reproachful stare.
bougainvillaea. Every signpost was in a strange You look worried, she remarked.
language. The people, the stores, the buses, That would be because I am, he replied.
everything was different. It was as if hed landed She smiled her pearl-white smile.
on another planet. He felt very alone. You sleep off that jetlag. I have an idea.
When they reached the train station, a castle
of gleaming white minarets, a young woman
wrapped in a hijab waited for them. The sash Dylan found himself standing on the platform
around her waist indicated she worked for the at Chumpon in the late afternoon. The hum of
booking office. flies and the chirrup of geckoes resonated across
Mr Howard? Your tickets. the tracks.
I thought it quicker than queuing, Lorie Theres no way I can make that ferry now,
explained. Dylan grumbled, mopping sweat from his brow.
Lorie guided Dylan through the crowds of The air was as humid as a sauna.
travellers and noodle soup sellers to the right Trust me, take a taxi to Jetty 31. And dont
platform. Soon the train was speeding through pay more than twenty e-dollars!
rubber plantations, with hundreds of trees lined A grizzled old taxi-driver drove Dylan through
up in orderly rows. the maze of townhouses, Buddhist temples and
The seats were all fitted with screens in their mosques. Dylans heart pounded against his
backs. Dylan leaned forward and touched the one ribcage. Every red light and traffic jam had him
in front of him, bringing up the menu. gnawing on his fist. Were they ever going to get

What shall I order for dinner? he asked. there? And then the buildings parted to reveal a
- -

sapphire blue sea. Fishing boats bobbed alongside didnt even know where the software conference
a wooden pier. was taking place. The sunshine was invisible to
Whats going on? Dylan gasped. Dylan, he was lost in a fog of despair.
A small crowd of fresh-faced backpackers had A hand touched his arm. It was a woman in her
gathered at Jetty 31. The ferryboat churned the late sixties, in the ubiquitous tourist uniform of
water with its engines, while its crew looked on tee shirt and shorts. She took off a straw sunhat
bemused. As Dylan clambered out of the taxi, the and a bundle of silver hair flapped in the sea
crowd cheered. breeze.
Go Dylan! they shouted. Excuse me young man, she said
Too stunned to speak, Dylan blushing. Are you Dylan Howard?
boarded and waved goodbye as the He nodded.
boat chugged out of the harbour. For Only Ive had this text from
a moment he did nothing, leaning someone called Lorie.
over the deck and staring at the Dylans eyes widened. This was
crystal clear waves. Then he pulled incredible.
out his tablet. She says to tell you theres a
A flash mob, Lorie grinned. I phone shop down the street, selling
sent word out that if you missed the cheap mobiles. Actually thats where
trip youd lose the chance of a I got this one.
lifetime. It was amazing how many The sunset found Dylan sitting
wanted to help. They just pleaded with the outside a noodle shop, enjoying a glass of frothy
captain to stall long enough for you to get there. local beer and idly watching rickshaws conveying
Dylan puffed out his chest with a surge of tourists. The shiny new mobile lay on the
confidence. tabletop. The phone shop only stocked the old-
Lorie, nothings going to stop us now. fashioned kind of mobiles, no interactive touch
An unusually large wave smacked into the screen models, but at least Lorie could
bow. The boat tilted sharply and threw Dylan communicate by texts.
against the railings. The tablet slipped from his He picked up the mobile and reviewed Lories
grasp. It dropped into the water and vanished into messages.
the briny depths. No more we can do tonight. Somsaks
Guesthouse has a vacancy, across from this
Ko Chokdee rose from the sea like a jewel, a restaurant.
land carved from emerald and jade. Mango, Dylan had never felt so exhausted. The change
banana, and papaya dotted the hills in a mosaic of of time zones, the heat, the stress of travel all
greens. White sands ringed the shoreline. added up to one heck of a punch. He wondered
whether he could have made it this far without
The sea was a beautiful turquoise. Lorie, always on tap to translate a word or point
in the right direction. The answer was no.
Yet this beauty was lost on Dylan as he trudged Dylan swiped his e-card against the reader in
dejectedly from the ferry to the row of wooden the waiters hand and headed wearily for the
shops. Thanks to his meagre budget he only guesthouse.

A cockerel in fine voice awoke Dylan at dawn.

He lay under the folds of the mosquito net,
watching the pale glow of daylight seep through
the shuttered window. It felt safe here, tucked up
in the womb-like gloom. But this was his big day.
He had to get to the hotel, find a way in, and
somehow persuade a group of powerful company
executives to listen. Back in England the plan had
seemed feasible. Now it seemed halfbaked.
owned one mobile computing device, the same Maybe he should just slope off back to the
tablet now lying on the bottom of the Gulf. All his mainland. At least that way hed be spared the
plans and demonstrations for the VPA were in humiliation of abject failure.
that. And worse, so was Lorie. Here he was on a
remote island, miles from an Internet caf. He
- -

The mobile on the bedside cabinet began of a hurry to quibble. It was the last day of the
trilling its morning alarm. Once again Lorie had conference, before the big six flew out.
predicted his needs. He checked the text inbox. He pedalled furiously along a wide, dusty road,
Good morning Dylan, and dont despair. After lined with ancient banyan trees. The odd peasant
all, you invented me! sat on the verge selling boiled peanuts or rice in
With a bashful smirk Dylan scrambled out of bamboo. Dylan had forgotten to eat breakfast and
the netting. After an invigorating cold shower, he the aromas were as distracting as a sirens song.
approached the landlady in the small, bare- But there was no time to lose.
floored reception. She was a plump middle-aged Lorie texted him to take the next left. Then
woman with saffron skin and jet-black hair. again a few seconds later to say hed missed it
I want to get to the Sandalwood Spa Resort, and to go back. Dylan blessed the phones GPS
and did a u-turn. The road became a lane, then a
trail, then a footpath. On he went, deeper into the
rainforest, and only pausing to swig down the
drinking water. Although the foliage offered some
shade, the sun was overwhelming. Never had
anything tasted as good as those sips of plastic-
bottled water.
Then came a hard uphill slog. The slope was
too steep to cycle and he dismounted. Exotic birds
cawed in the treetops. Their wings glinted with
deep metallic greens and blues.
While Dylans head was in the trees, the
footpath unexpectedly opened up onto a concrete
lattice wall. He peered through the lattice. There
he asked. it was! The Sandalwood Spa Resort, like a vision of
She laughed as though hed said something Nirvana. Pastel-tinted buildings fanned out from
deeply stupid. He repeated the question. She the swimming pool, which boasted a fountain and
jabbed at the sky with her forefinger. a poolside bar. The hotel architecture was all
Only way Mister. Only way. pillars, archways, and cupolas, an odd mix of the
Dylan took a step back, confused. arabesque and a Mediterranean villa. Hotel guests
You mean a plane? in swimwear were lounging around the pool, and
She shook her head vigorously. being pampered with cold drinks and delicacies.
No plane, other thing. Me not know how to The hotel staff wore outfits that looked like the
say in English. wardrobe from a performance of Aladdin,
Oh, you mean helicopter? complete with red turbans, long-tailed coats and
She nodded with equal ferocity. pink cummerbunds.
There must be roads. Dylan whistled.
No roads, mister, jungle too thick. So how do I get in?
Then how do I get there? Try the entrance. Lorie suggested.
The landlady shrugged and walked away. Dylan Dylan approached the steel doors.
grabbed the mobile from his pocket and anxiously Please look into the camera, said an
keyed in a question. automated voice.
Just told no road to hotel help! Dylan lowered his head to the lens on the
He pressed send. A few seconds later the security console beside the doors. A green laser
mobile pinged. scanned his retinas.
No tarmac roads but paths. Hire a bicycle from Identity not recognised, said the voice.
Toms Bike Shanty on the next block. Pedal west. Dylan pressed his hand against the scanner.
Ill send you directions. And Dylan, dont forget to The green light lit up his palm.
buy drinking water. Heat stroke is a possibility. Identity not recognised.
Dylan kissed the phone, a gesture that brought Can I speak to someone in authority, please,
peals of laughter from the landlady. He ignored Dylan said aloud and waving at the surveillance
her and bolted for the doorway. cams overhead.
Toms stock of rusty boneshakers left Identity not recognised, came the pre-
something to be desired. Dylan ended up with a recorded answer.
racer two sizes too small. But he was in too much
- -

Briefly Dylan considered smashing the console Dearie, thats decades away, said the woman
with a stone. in a cut glass British accent.
Please can I come in, he begged. Her phone rang, as did every other phone in
Please contact our customer representatives the room. And each phone lit up to show Lorie,
for a brochure on our resort. Have a nice day, perfect as a goddess, on the screen.
said the recording. Listen to him. Im the living proof.
And that was that, it was over. Hed failed. Somebody call security, the American said.
Head down and shoulders slouching, he retreated Dont, pleaded Dylan. Ive had to travel
into the vegetation. Frustration screamed in his halfway round the world.
head. So near and yet his mobile was ringing! You look like you walked every step of the
You cant give up now, Dylan. way, the British woman said and raised a
It was Lories honeyed voice. This was a new haughty eyebrow.
trick, using audio software in the Cloud to speak Without Lorie, I wouldve done. Im broke.
rather than text. Without who?
Its over Lorie. Nice try but no cigar. My VPA.
Maybe not. Ive spotted a back entrance. That would be me, Lorie said, materialising
Come on! on the huge plasma screen.
Five minutes later Dylan clenched
Dylan found the exit. It his fists.
was deserted. Every time
No security? he disaster struck she
asked, pressing the was there to save
mobile to his ear. the day.
Well, someone just The British
got summoned to answer the phone. woman placed her tablet on the table and said,
Lorie giggled. tell us more
Dylan sneaked into the grounds, and directed
by Lorie, made his way to the conference suite.
He stepped into a hissing, air-conditioned
Keep going, Lorie said. Daylight was waning as Dylan enjoyed a
He came to a door. cocktail by the pool. On his lap were a bundle of
Thats the one, in you go! contracts. A new tablet, courtesy of the big six, lay
Dylan lingered for a second. A second that beside him. Lorie was looking out, beaming like
lasted an eternity. His mind raced through the last the sunshine.
six months of rejections and the failures. Images You did it, she said.
from the last forty-eight hours jostled in his head. It was true. The tale of how his VPA overcame
Hed been on a quest, a foolhardy, lunatic quest. every obstacle and enabled him to make the
And now it all came down to this moment. conference had gripped the executives. Dylan had
He took a deep breath and entered. won them over.
Five men and one woman were grouped Look at these digital rights, worth a few
around a conference table. The far end of the million e-dollars, he said, and guzzled down the
room was dominated by an enormous 3D screen. fruity drink.
Graphics flashed across its surface, bar charts, pie Congratulations.
charts and graphs. The men wore expensive suits Dylan reclined into the cushions on the deck
and the woman was dripping with gold jewellery. chair. So much had happened in the last forty-
They froze like mannequins, wide-eyed and eight hours that his mind was in a blur. Hed flown
mouths gaping. Two hours in the jungle had left around the world, caught a train, sailed in a ferry
Dylan a dishevelled and sweaty sight. and even rented a bike. Hed been helped out by
Nobody spoke. Dylan coughed nervously. a flash mob, online surfers and even the old lady
Is this the cabaret? a stout American asked. with the outmoded mobile. Instructions were
Everyone roared. translated, bills were paid, and reservations were
My names Dylan Howard and Ive perfected made. And it was thanks to Lorie. Thanks to her
the VPA. My programme fits the users needs like things were on the up and up and there was
a glove and its capable of intelligent thought. nothing to worry about. Or was there?
The executives broke out with laughter.
- -

Dylan sat up abruptly, gripping the empty How on Earth are we getting back to
glass. England?
Just one little thing, Lorie.
Which is?
Well, itll be a few weeks before these
cheques can be cashed. The End

- -

Film: The Hundred-Foot Journey

Song: Rather be by Clean Bandit
21st Century Reading 3:
Career Path: The Power of Time Off
Video Scripts LIFE:
A Disappearing World
Dangerous Dining
- -

MOVIE: The Hundred-Foot Journey

The family of talented cook,
Hassan Kadam, has a life filled
with both culinary delights and
profound loss. Drifting through
The Hundred-Foot Europe after fleeing political
Journey violence in India, the Kadams
arrive in France. A chance auto
accident and the kindness of a
young woman, Marguerite, inspire
Directed by Lasse Hallstrm
Papa Kadam to set up an Indian
Runtime: 122 minutes
restaurant there. Unfortunately,
Year: 2014
this puts the Kadams in direct
competition with the snobbish
Madame Mallory's acclaimed haute cuisine establishment across the street The
resulting rivalry eventually escalates and will change both sides forever.
(Adapted from


(A). INDIAN CUISINE: dipping ourselves into a world of spices.

1. You will be given small bottles that contain different spices. Perceive their scents and try to discover
the spices in each of them, matching them with the labels below.

Bottle N. Bottle
N. Bottle N. Bottle N. Bottle N.


Bottle N. Bottle N. Bottle N. Bottle N. Bottle N.

2. Choose one bottle and make use of all your senses (smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch) to go
deeper into analysing the spice. Connect this sensory experience with past memories and bear these
questions in mind:
Does it remind you of a dish? Which one?
Did someone use to prepare this meal? Who?
Why is it relevant for you?
Does this spice bring other memories which are not related to food? Which ones?
- -

3. The following quote is part of the beginning of the film. What do you think the movie is about?
Which connections can you establish with the aromatic bottles and this extract?

Hassan: [narrating] And my mother was my instructor.

Mama: The sea urchins taste of life, don't you think? Life has its own flavor. Hidden in that shell, raw,
beautiful life.
Hassan: [narrating] It was an education for all of the senses.
Mama: But to cook, you must kill. You make ghosts. You cook to make ghosts. Spirits that live on in every
Hassan: [narrating] But mostly, I was taught.
Hassan: [Slurping] How to taste.
Mama: Can you taste them?

Taken from


(A). THE CHARACTERS: connecting the character to a theme or idea.

Think of at least three main issues that the film deals with and complete the chart taking into account
the leading characters and how their traits contribute to the development of those matters.

Character Theme: Theme: Theme:





(B). STORYLINE: summarising the main events.

1. The quotes below, uttered by different characters in The Hundred-foot Journey, represent key
moments in the storyline. Recall the scenes in which they were used and put them in chronological
2. Since the ending is missing, choose a quote that illustrates the final scene and copy it in the box.
3. Finally, write a short summary including the quotes given and the one of your choice
- -



Quote of the final scene


(C). VOCABULARY BUILDING: becoming aware of language use through recipes.

1. Go through the recipes below and find out where they come from. Then, highlight vocabulary and
expressions related to food, ingredients, measures and ways of preparing dishes.
2. Design a semantic field grouping these lexical items within subcategories of your choice.
3. If you like any of them, give it a try and bring some for your teachers to taste!!!
- -

- -


1. In groups, read the phrases in the images and discuss your opinion on their content.
2. Individually, choose one and write a 150-word paragraph expressing your views.
- -




How can you connect the themes or conflicts analysed in The Hundred-foot Journey with the topics dealt
with in Units 5 & 6 in our coursebook Life?
- -

SONG: Rather Be by Clean Bandit ft Jess Glynne

1.1 What do you know about the band Clean Bandit?
1.2 Click on the link below and watch a BBC interview published in
2014, where Grace and Neil chat to Charlie and Naga on BBC
Breakfast. Jot down the information you feel most interested in and
find answers to these questions:
a. Now that their music is being played all
the time, how do they feel about playing it themselves?

b. Where did they film the video Rather be? Who were the
people that appeared in the bar? Explain.
c. How did the group get together?

d. How do they describe themselves?

1.3 Read the following quotes and discuss their meaning. Do you agree with what they state? In
which contexts would you use them?
- -


2.1 Watch the official video of Rather be available at

M1AtrxztU. In one sentence express who you can see on screen and where this person is. What do
you know about this place? The song mentions Kyoto and The Bay, how are these two places related
to the video? Find out more about them.
From Kyoto (it is a city located in the central part of the
island of Honshu, Japan. It has a population close to 1.5
million. It was formerly the Imperial capital of Japan for
more than one thousand years. It is now the capital city
of Kyoto Prefecture located in the Kansai region, as well
as a major part of the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe metropolitan
area. Kyoto is also known as the thousand-year capital)
to the Tokyo Bay (it is a bay located in the southern
Kant region of Japan that spans the coasts
of Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Chiba Prefecture.
Tokyo Bay is connected to the Pacific Ocean by
the Uraga Channel. Its old name was Edo Bay. The
Tokyo Bay region is both the most populous and largest
industrialized area in Japan)

2.2 Now watch the video again and say which cultural aspects you can perceive through the actions
2.3 Before listening to the song, replace the definitions in brackets with the words/phrases in the box.
Also, paraphrase in your own words the fragments which appear in bold. Then, listen to the song
and check.
- -


3.1. The song and its meaning: Match the lines below with what they might
1. "We're a thousand miles from comfort...
a. It's more important than place
2. "I would wait forever... As long as I am with
b. It's more important than time
c. It's more important than pleasure
3. "When I am with you, there's no place I'd
rather be."

3.2. The song and you:

a. What is the song or person that makes you think theres no other place Id rather
be (l.4).?
b. Through the video, we see how the ordinary life of a cook in Tokyo starts
becoming extraordinary. She obsesses about the song Rather Be and starts seeing
Clean Bandit band members everywhere. Ever felt like a song's always with you? Not
just because it's always being played on every radio station,
but more because you so identify with the words and the
rhythm that you can't stop hearing it in your heart. Identify
those songs, the songs that are YOUR songs, and share them
with the partner.
c. "We're different and the same, get you another name."
(l.11). This line has been explained as Love is meant to be about making that
special other's differences your complement . Do you agree with this
interpretation? Why (not)?

3.3. What connections can you find between the song/video and the topics in Units 5 & 6 in LIFE?

3.4. Write a paragraph (80 to 100 words) expressing your views on one of the topics below.
Provide a suitable title.
a. When Im with XXX, theres no other place Id rather be.
b. Good company is what really matters when travelling.
c. Love is what makes the world go round.
d. Music is all I need to be in a good mood.

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Unit 5 21st Century Reading 3 TED Talks

Unit 5: Career Paths

Lesson A Lesson B

Reading text: My year in the Ted talk: The Power of Time Off
Arctic (pp. 74 to 81) (pp. 82 to 87)

You can access this material on the 21st Century Reading Album on our Facebook group.
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Life - Intermediate Students Book video scripts

Intermediate Students Book

Video script of the video in UNIT 5 Travel: A Disappearing World
Task: Go over it and highlight interesting expressions.

00.1400.52 Its September in the Congo, just north of the equator. An expedition unlike any other is
beginning. A team of scientists and researchers is travelling almost 2,000 kilometres through a rain
forest that covers over 150,000 square kilometres! Their aim is to make a scientific record of a world
which could be disappearing from Earth the Congo Basin. Dr Michael Fay is a scientist from the
Wildlife Conservation Society.
Hes leading the expedition he calls The Megatransect, or the big crossing.
According to Fay, if they dont document the wildlife here now, there may never be another chance
to do it.
00.5301.10 Michael Fay What Im trying to do, in a desperate way, is to show the world that were
just about to lose the last little gem in the African continent. And, if we dont do something now, if
we dont do it today, we can forget about it.
01.1101.32 The Congo Basin contains almost one quarter of the worlds rain forests. It may have up
to half of all the wild plants and animals found in all of Africa.
Fays plan is to collect and record data on almost every part of the rain forest. He wants to document
the trees, the plants and the animals that he sees there. Its a job thats going to take time.
01.3401.53 After eight months of travelling, the team is now in Gabon. Their next challenge is to
reach a group of strange hills that are made of stone and which rise far above the forest floor. At last,
the men reach the hills and begin to walk up. Suddenly, they realise that theyre finally above the
tops of the trees.
01.5402.09 Michael Fay We can see a long way here, you know, 70 or 80 kilometres in every
direction. And we can see 360 degrees around. There are no humans. Theres not a single village,
theres not a single road. Its an amazing place.
02.1102.15 The team continues. They can hear their next challenge before they reach it. Rapids!
02.2002.50 Michael Fay OK, wow!
The Kongou Chutes are an important part of the landscape that the team wants to protect. This land
of fast water and old forests is in danger because of logging.
Right now, the team has a more immediate problem. They must cross the dangerous river here. Its
only a few hundred metres wide, but the team must use guide ropes, stepping stones and everything
they know to get across. It takes a full day and theres still a long way to go!
02.5302.57 After more than a year, the team finally reaches the end of their travels.
02.5803.06 Michael Fay Wed been walking in the woods in our own little world for fifteen months
and now it was over. I was overwhelmed.
03.07end Dr Fays expedition walked through some of the wildest lands of Africa. They documented
as many of the things they found as possible. And they did it all in an attempt to save a disappearing
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Video script of the video in UNIT 6 Well-being: Dangerous Dining

Task: Go over it and highlight interesting expressions.
Part 1
00.1600.52 Fish is a major food in Japan. Every morning, thousands of fish sellers crowd the famous Tsukiji
seafood market in Tokyo. Here, no product has a higher price than the one thats the most dangerous the
puffer fish, or fugu. Eating this fish is like playing a dangerous game. If a person gets a piece that has poison
in it, he or she may die! Despite the danger, fugu appears on more than 80 menus in the Asakusa restaurant
area of Tokyo. The puffer is so ugly, its cute, but it doesnt fool most diners.
00.5501.18 Tom Caradonna has come to Tokyo for the complete fugu experience, and hes brought his
friend, Aki. Wisely, Tom has chosen to eat at the famous Matsumoto restaurant. This fugu restaurant is 120
years old and its well-known for its careful preparation of puffer fish. Thats important when youre taking
risks with a toxin that is 1,000 times stronger than cyanide!
01.1901.25 Ive heard stories about people dying by trying the fugu, but it hasnt really concerned me.
01.2601.39 Even though Tom isnt too worried to try fugu, there is a big risk. Over the years, hundreds of
people have died from eating it. Chef Hayashi is the one who must prepare the fish safely so that Tom and
Aki dont get sick.
01.4001.55 Itll be fine, dont worry. Ive been doing this for 53 years. I took the exam in 1949 and passed.
This is my fugu chef licence.
01.5602.39 After World War II, there were many deaths from eating fugu. Many Japanese people were very
hungry, and some looked for food in restaurant rubbish. Sometimes they found fugu which had been thrown
out. When they cooked and ate the fish, they got sick or died. Eventually, General Douglas MacArthur, who
led the US forces in Japan, created strict controls and regulations. Fugu chefs had to get licences for
preparing and serving puffer fish. Even with more regulations, fugu killed 2,500 Japanese people between
1945 and 1975.
Regulations and education have cut the number of deaths to only three annually, but many diners still get
02.4002.49 About 70 per cent of the poisonings happen in private homes where people catch and prepare
fugu on their own and get poisoned. Thats most common.
Part 2
02.5203.01 At the Tokyo University of Fisheries, Yuji Nagashima studies fugu poison carefully. He hopes to
develop an anti-toxin, a medicine that will stop people from dying from fugu poisoning.
03.0203.15 A tiger fugu has enough toxin to kill 30 people. The toxin itself, to give you an idea, is 1,000
times stronger than cyanide.
03.1803.38 One milligram of the toxin is strong enough to kill a person. It kills by paralysing peoples nerves
so that the poisoned person cant move. It also paralyses the lungs so that they cant breathe. The only way
to save them is to use a respirator. This special machine can breathe for them until the toxin wears off.
03.3903.48 This is the heart. These are the gills. They are poison.
03.4904.08 Toxins make about half of the puffer fish impossible to eat. Chef Hayashi throws those parts out
and then cuts the remaining flesh very thinly. He then places the fugu on a plate in the shape of a
chrysanthemum, a beautiful flower thats popular in Japan. Appropriately, its also a common flower at
04.1504.18 Still breathing? I can still breathe!
04.2004.35 A fugu meal is usually eight different dishes, including sake that is topped with a cooked fugu fin
And I still feel fine! And grilled fugu. I think thats the best.
04.3704.48 The puffer fish may be dangerous, but for some its a delicious meal. Luckily, Tom has survived
his dangerous dining experience at least this time!
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The following units have been specifically chosen from English Vocabulary in Use (Upper
intermediate) to match the topics dealt with in Units 5 & 6 (Travel & Well-being) in our
course book Life. They are meant to help you revise, consolidate and
enlarge your vocabulary repertoire. It is important that you do them
systematically so that you can put them into practice in class for oral work
and in all the writing tasks assigned.

We consider this self-study, so it is your responsibility to cover them

all and ask us for help in case of doubts. Once you complete a unit, tick it
so that you keep a record of what you have covered and what is still to be done.
Remember that we will have a progress check on these units on
. So be strategic and plan a number of units per week so that you
can reach the deadline in perfect shape !


Unit 21: Food

Unit 29: Health & Lifestyle

Unit 30: Travel

Unit 31: Holidays

Unit 40: Belief & Opinion

Unit 46: Praising & Criticising

Unit 47: Emotions & Moods

Unit 48: Commenting on Problematic Situations

Unit 64: Referring Words

Unit 66: Linking Words in Writing

Unit 70: Prefixes

Unit 72: Abstract Nouns

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The following units have been specifically chosen from My Grammar Lab (Intermediate) to
match the grammar areas dealt with in Units 5 & 6 (Travel & Well-being) in our course
book Life. They are meant to help you revise and consolidate your grammar. It
is crucial that you do them systematically so that you can speak and write
We consider this self-study, so it is your responsibility to cover them all
and ask us for help in case of doubts. Once you complete a unit, tick it so that
you keep a record of what you have covered and what is still to be done.
Remember that we will have a progress check on these units on
. So be strategic and plan a number of units per week so that you
can reach the deadline in perfect shape !

MY GRAMMAR LAB (Intermediate)

Module 7: Present Perfect

38: Present Perfect or Past Simple?
39: Present Perfect Continuous
40: Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?

Module 9: Modal Verbs

46: Ability & Possibility
49: Rules
50: Necessary & unnecessary actions
51: Advice & criticism
52: Permission
53: Requests and Suggestions; offers, promises & warnings

Module 10: Conditionals

54: Present & Future Conditions

Module 17: Word Combinations

87: Common Collocations
88: Adjective or noun + preposition
89: Verb + preposition (1)
90: Verb + preposition (2)
91: Phrasal Verbs
92: Confusing Verbs (1)
93: Confusing Verbs (2)
94: Confusing Adjectives
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Unit 4:
From Paragraphs to Essays
[Pages 90 to 113]
Descriptive Essays
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PROJECT WORK: The Proof is in the Pudding

Since Well-being is a topic of importance for us, we will embark on a task
related to this from the perspective of eating habits. For this project, which
you will hand in in two parts (Parts A & B), get into groups of four: two
students belonging to the teachers group and two students from the
translators group.
Part A will include section 1: Getting Started and
section 2: Differentiated Tasks (for Teachers).
Part B will include section 2: Differentiated Tasks (for Translators) and
section 3: Mixing and mingling.

Submission Deadline: August 22nd

1. Getting started

To get immersed into the topic of healthy eating, we need you to:
read the text Food Revolution,
watch the Ted Talk Teach Every Child about Food and
do the activities in the worksheets on pp. 78 to 85 & 86 to 90 respectively.
This material is available in the 21st Century Reading Album on our Facebook group and you can
access the Ted Talk at

Unit 6: Food for Life

Lesson A Lesson B

Reading text: Food Revolution (pp. Ted talk: Teach Every Child about
78 to 85) Food (pp. 86 to 91)
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Once you have read the text, watched the video and worked with the guidelines, make a clean copy
of only the following tasks to hand in:

Critical Thinking: Reading Passage (P.85)

1. Applying: How are your eating habits similar to or different from the habits mentioned in the
reading passage?

2. Reflecting: Oliver wants supermarkets to hire food ambassadors. What do you think the role
of a food ambassador would be? Do you think its a good idea? Why (not)?

Critical Thinking: Ted Talk (P. 89 - 90)

1. Inferring: Jamie Oliver talks about children not using cutlery. Why do you think its a
problem that kids do not use knives and forks?
2. Evaluating: do you think the wheelbarrow of sugar helped Oliver make his point?
What do you think it added to his presentation?
3. Reflecting: Oliver says that every child should know how to cook ten recipes that will
save their life. List ten meals you think are important to know how to make. What
makes these ten healthy and life-saving?

2. Differentiated tasks

The tasks that follow have different instructions for Teachers & Translators, so read the section that
corresponds to your selection of course of study.

For Teachers
A. Watch Season 1 Episode 1 of Jamies School Dinners (2005) and answer the following

What are the challenges Jamie faces to change the

menu at Kidbrooke School?

Why does he want to change it?

What are the students views on the regular menu and

Jamies alternative?

What do nutritionists say about the regular menu?

How does Jamie prepare low-budget but healthy

school dinners?

Can you draw any connections between the issues

presented in this episode and any experiences you
may have had during your school/uni life? Which
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B. Analyse the information provided in Jamies Ted Talk (the one you watched in the
Getting-Started Stage) and School Dinners on healthy eating in terms of tips,
suggestions and steps to follow, among other possible analyses and then:
jot down notes on the most salient aspects of the ideas he puts forward.
taking them into account, design a survey (8 questions) to carry out among your
classmates to gather data on the kind of food served at the cafeteria in our
then, write a paragraph to report your findings and illustrate it with graphic

For Translators
A. Watch Season 1 Episode 1 of Jamies America Road Trip (2009), available at, and
answer the following questions:
What stereotypes of the Mexican culture can you
identify in this episode?

What differences does Jamie perceive as regards the role

families play in the Mexican and British societies?

How is the issue of opportunity present here?

What is the role of food for the Mexican community

depicted in this show?

What are the main characteristics of Mexican-American


Can you draw any connections between the issues

presented in this episode and any experiences you may
have had in your life? Which ones?

B. Explore the cultural aspects shown in this episode and design an illustrated
encyclopedic dictionary entry that will reflect the traditions of Mexican people in the
US, their typical dishes and any other features that you consider relevant. To do so,
follow these steps:
discuss what you understand by illustrated encyclopedic dictionay entry. Explore
the meaning and characteristics of an encyclopedia and look for examples to get
inspiration for your own entry.
come up with a broad thematic entry that allows you to comprise 6 words and/or
expressions that are closely connected to the topic of your choice,
design your entry including these words pronunciations, categories, translations,
definitions, collocations and examples.
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Here is one possible example of an illustrated encyclopedic dictionay entry:

Tex-Mex cuisine is a fusion of Texan and Mexican food rooted in two cultures: Texans of Spanish or
Mexican heritage and Mexican immigrants who came largely from Northern Mexico. Tex-Mex dishes
consist of a mixture of ingredients found in the United States
with the particular signature of Mexican gastronomy, making
them unique in flavor and distinctive from the ones in the
Mexico. Common ingredients in this type of culinary style are
shredded cheese, meat (particularly beef and pork), beans,
and spices like cumin, in addition to flour tortillas. The most
popular inventions known in this cuisine are Real Texas Chili
Con Carne, Steak Fajitas, Cheese Enchiladas and Shakshuka, to
mention a few.

Consulted source:

3. Mixing and mingling

Now, teachers and translators will work together again.

A. Share the content and the answers to everything you did in the previous tasks.
Edit and compile what you have done to hand in a joint copy of the differentiated
B. Drawing information from all the materials you have worked with (texts, Ted
Talks & videos), design:
a balanced menu for the cafeteria at FaDeL, Comahue University in
which you will include a typical dish from Argentina. (See sample menu
an illustrated recipe of this typical dish from Argentina which should be
healthy and fit a low-cost budget. Justify your choice in a short paragraph. (See
sample illustrated recipe below).

For the menu and the recipe, you will need to use the information gathered in the survey
(Teachers). You can use the recipes from the movie The Hundred-Foot Journey as a model or the
following one taken from Jamie Magazine issue 6 Oct/Nov 2009.
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Picture from:

We hope you can both enjoy this project and put all your creativity at work!

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