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My office is a place where I can concentrate on my work and feel comfortable at the same time. Of course, I have
all the necessary equipment on my desk. I have the telephone next to the fax machine on the right side of my desk.
My computer is in the center of my desk with the monitor directly in front of me. I have a comfortable office chair
to sit on and some pictures of my family between the computer and the telephone. In order to help me read, I also
have a lamp near my computer which I use in the evening if I work late. There is plenty of paper in one of the cabinet
drawers. There are also staples and a stapler, paper clips, highlighters, pens and erasers in the other drawer. I like
to use highlighters to remember important information. in the room, there is a comfortable armchair and a sofa to
sit on. I also have a low table in front of the sofa on which there are some industry magazines.


Write the corresponding letter in the parenthesis according to the definition

a. a rmcha ir () items used to complete tasks like computer, photocopie, etc.

b. ca b in et ( ) a piece of furniture that holds objects.
c. desk () a computer you can carry with you.
d. drawer () a metal clip that holds pieces of paper together in.
e. equipment () a comfortable, sit that has 'arms' on which to rest your arms.
f. f ur n itu r e ( ) a word referring to all the places to sit, work, store things, etc.
g. highlighter () a piece of equipment used to staple papers together.
h. laptop () a piece of furniture on which you write or use your computer, fax, etc.
i. paperclip ( ) a space which opens for you to store things.
j. stapler () a bright pen with a thick tip which is usually green or bright yellow.

COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: Choose the correct answer based on the reading.

1. What do I need to do in my office?

A) relax B) concentrate C) study D) read magazines

2. Which piece of equipment do I NOT have on my desk?

A) fax B) computer C) lamp D) photocopier

3. Where are the pictures of my family located?

A) on the wall B) next to the lamp C) between the computer and the telephone D) near the fax

4. I use the lamp to read:

A) all day B) never C) in the morning' D) in the evening
5. Where do I keep the paperclips?

A) on the desk B) next to the lamp C) in a cabinet drawer D) next to the telephone

6. What do I keep on the table in front of the sofa?

A) company reports B) fashion magazines C) books D) industry magazines
TRUE OR FALSE: Decide if the statements are 'true' or 'false' based on the reading.

1 . I w o r k l a te e ve ry nig h t.
2 . I use highlighters to help me remember important information.
3 . I keep reading materials that are not related to my job in the office.
4 . I don't need a lamp to help me read.
S. It is important to me to feel comfortable at work.

USING PREPOSITIONS according to the reading.

1. I h a ve the te le p h o ne ___________ the fax machine on the right side of my desk.

2. The monitor is directly ___________________ me.
3. I sit _____________________ my comfortable office chair.
4. I also have a lamp __________________ my computer.
5. I put the stapler, pens, and erasers __________________ the drawer.
6. I h a ve a t ab le _________________ the sofa.
7. 'There are lots of magazines ___________________ the table.


Where is the cat? It is on the computer

It is under the computer
It is in the computer
It is between Tv and the computer
It is behind the computer It
is next to the computer It is
in front of the computer

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Unit 3

WORD POWER Descriptions

A q 90 Listen and practice.
She's pretty.

B Complete the chart with words from part A. Add two more
words to each list.

heavy friendly

ES Listen to descriptions of four people.
Check (/) the correct words.


1. Karen g friendly [ short tall

2. James funny D" nice thin
3. Stephanie cute shy smart
4. Andrew a little heavy handsome funny
Unit 3
i i i M INE 1 1 0 1 = K

Enj Write the numbers.

1. eleven 6. 13
2. 15 _ 7. 70 ___
3. 50 _______________________ 8. 30
4. 1 0 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. 19 __
5. 2 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. 90 __

Look at the picture. Write sentences. Use the words in the box.
-- -
friendly / good-looking nice serious shy tall
funny a little heavy pretty short smart, thin

Susan, age 17 Jeff, age 17 Jessica, age 40 Victor, age 13

1. Jessica She's short and a little heavy. She's very serious, too.
2. Victor _
3. S u s a n __
4. J e f f
5. J e s s i ca a nd Su sa n _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. Victor and Jeff
A "43

What is an Adjective?
It is a word that describes or qual)fy ea noun. Adjectives describe nouns by giving some information about an
object's size, skpe, age, color, origin or material.

It's a big table_ (size)
It's a round table. (shape)
It's an old table. (age)
It's a brown table. (color)
It's an Er2.01' table. (origin)
It's a wooden table. (material)
It's alovely table. (opinion)
It's a br'oken table. (observation)
I t' s a c o f fe e ta b le . (p ur p o se )

T h e tall m an ( el h o m br e a l t o )
A happy child (un nitio feliz)
A dark street (una calle oscura)
A Spanish woman (una mujer espanola)
. 7 The red ball (la pelota roja)

A c o l d w in t e r (u n in v ier n o f r f o )

When an item is defined by its purpose, that word is usually not an adjective, but it acts as one in that

coffee table
pool hall
hunting cabin
baseball player
1-1 rositti-fte
The adjective in English don't have gender.
fast (ropidairt), good (buena'a), cold (io/a), tall (alto/a)...
In general, the adjective don't have plural form. Just the demostrati ye adjective and cuantitatives have
different iornns'fo eiligu I iici ' t k*C4-"'J ( /tit e4,1 u 0


Where Do Adjectives Go in a Sentence?

They come before a noun, and they are separated by commas. but in some cases act as a complement.
Handsome man
Beautiful woman
My beautiful, big, circular, antique, brown, English, wooden coffee table was broken in the move.

If the adjectives come after the verb "be" as the complement, then the qualifier will stay with the noun at
the beginning of the sentence. The adjectives in the complement are s eparated by commas with the final
two being separated by "and."

She looks [seems] tired (parece cansado)
feel good (me siento bier.)
it smells bdti (huele mal)
You are beautiful (eres guapa)
My coffeetable is beautiful, big, circular, antique, brown, English and wooden.

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Types of Adjectives: They have six kinds of adjectives

1. Descriptive/Qualitative (Calificativos)
J./ fat (gordo), blue (aful), nice (simpatico), hot (caliente),
J young (joven), round (redondo), long (largo), early (temprano)...

2. Demonstrative (Demostrativos) V this (esto),

that (eso), these (estos), those frsos)

3. Quantitative (Cuantitativos) V some (alguno/s), any (alguno/s, ninguno),

many (miteho/s), much (macho)...

4. Interrogative (Interrogativos) which? ((sucii?), what? (iquP), where?

Ofironde?), how? ( e:como?)...

5. Possessiv e (Posesivos) V my (rni), your OW,

his (si1), our (nuesto)...

6. Numeric (Numericos) one (two), four (cuatro), first (primero), third (torero)...

'* we can use two or more adjectives together.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
coa,jt....,c,_,... General Specific _*
rA- e ;: e_M 56; V i 4 4i,
opinion opinion S Pok*` e5 C7'' - 3--(-3-0 i-v-kKi

A small black book (un pequerio libro negro)
A pretty Spanish woman (una guapa mujer espanola)
V A large glass table (una gran mesa de vidrio)
V A wonderful old city (una ciudad antigua y maravillosa)

Exercises 1: Write the Adjectives in the correct order

EXAMPLE: Spanish/beautiful/a/woman/young / A beautiful young Spanish woman
1. giC,65porci.naveZ)ass/a/rouno/small/table
A (-out, eik.c.o,5- -4
3. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : : "`"" ur e 4111.Cr: Tico.e.o, 4,10i 0
i. 1

2 . French/city a/oldjwonderful t /40.4 'f'

, 02.,-,
ur al ., boric 0.. eat ck cy a rwe A cer ,se bc,,re
a/blue/cd tonjbath/towel/large
4 . rat/brown/cats/two

fDa6) /Ivey up. corgo rapt() o

5 . re , d /ne i, v/ a / c a rt f as t
/7 i 1 17",::1G 1::::
6 . :may
a y ; a-P,,e c :d i w inter/lon
7 . srnall/three/boOks/black,
-...,-.5e (0so,A,,,,,,, ,z,vv.), ?pyk s,,,.00

8 . -Digired/a/apple/deTicious
9 . *g-IPcin/Canadian/oldlintelligent
aeman.e.,cs, us, 5M* rian0.,0';'.5(-0,,ze
1 0 . wooden/a/cnair/oloi/big

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