Simple Harmonic Motion Objective

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A pendulum of length L and bob of mass M has a spring of

force constant k connected horizontally to it at a distance h

below its point of suspension. The rod is in equilibrium in h
vertical position. The rod of length L used for vertical L
suspension is rigid and massless. The frequency of vibration k
of the system for small values of is:
1 kh 1 mgL k
(a) gL (b)
2 L m 2 L m
(c) 2 (d)
mgL kh
1 kh2
2 L m
2. A particle of mass m = 2 kg executes SHM in xy-plane between
points A and B under action of force F Fx i Fy j . Minimum
A (2,2)

time taken by particle to move from A to B is 1 sec. At t = 0 the

particle is at x = 2 and y = 2. Then Fx as function of time t is
(a) 4 2 sin t (b) 4 2 cos t B

(c) 4 2 cos t
(d) none of these
ANS: 2.B

One or more than one correct option questions

3. A particle is subjected to two simple harmonic motions along x and y directions according to, x = 3 sin
100 t; y = 4 sin 100 t .
(a) motion of particle will be on ellipse traversing it in clockwise direction
(b) motion of particle will be on a straight line with slope 4/3
(c) motion will be a simple harmonic motion with amplitude 5
(d) Phase difference between two motions is / 2
ANS: 6.B,C

4. A 20 gm particle is subjected to two simple harmonic motions x1 2sin10 t , x2 4sin 10 t .
Where x1 & x2 are in metre ant t is in sec
(a) The displacement of the particle at t = 0 will be 2 3 m.
(b) Maximum speed of the particle will be 20 7 m/s.
(c) Magnitude of maximum acceleration of the particle will be 200 7 m / s2
(d) Energy of the resultant motion will be 28 J
ANS: 7.A,B,C,D
Comprehension I

Two plane harmonic sound waves are expressed by the equations.

y1 x, t A cos 0.5 x 100 t
y2 x, t A cos 0.46 x 92 t
(All parameters are in MKS):

5. How many times does a stationary observer hear maximum intensity in one second?
(a) 4 (b) 10 (c) 6 (d) 8
ANS: 10.A

6. What is the speed of the sound?

(a) 200 m/s (b) 180 m/s (c) 192 m/s (d) 96
ANS: 11.A

7. At x = 0, how many time the amplitude of y1 y2 is zero in one second?

(a) 192 (b) 48 (c) 100 (d) 96
ANS: 12.C

N4. A simple pendulum is moving simple harmonically with a period of 6 s between two extreme
positions B and C as shown in figure. If the angular distance between B and C is 10 cm, the time
taken by the pendulum take to move from position C to position D exactly midway between O and
C.(in Seconds) is B

ANS: N4.1

Match the following

M1. Column I describes some situations in which a small object moves. Column II describes some
characteristics of these motions. Match the situations in Column I with the characteristics in Column II.
The object moves on the x axis under s
conservative force in such a way that its
speed and position satisfy The object executes a simple harmonic
v c1 c2 x 2 , where c1 and c2 are
positive constants.
The object moves on the x axis in such a
way that its velocity and its displacement
B Q The object does not change its direction.
from the origin satisfy v kx, where k is
a positive constant
The object is attached to one end of a mass
less spring of a given spring constant. The
other end of the spring is attached to the
The kinetic energy of the object keeps on
C ceiling of an elevator. Initially everything is R
at rest. The elevator starts going upwards
with a constant acceleration a. The motion
of the object is observed from the elevator
during the period it maintains this
The object is projected from the earths
surface vertically upwards with a speed
GM e The object can change its direction only
D 2 , where M e is the mass of the earth S
Re once.
and Re is the radius of the earth. Neglect
forces from objects other than the earth.


Comprehension 3

A 100 gm block is connected to a horizontal massless spring of force constant 25.6 N/m. As shown in figure,
the block is free to oscillate on a horizontal frictionless surface. The block is displaced 3 cm from rest at x =
0. It executes simple harmonic motion with the positive x-direction indicated in figure. The position-time
(x-t) graph of motion of the block is as shown in figure (B).
x= 0

x O

(A) (B)

8. When the block is at position A on the graph, its

(a) position and velocity both are negative (b) position is positive and velocity
is negative
(c) position is negative and velocity is positive (d) position and velocity both are
ANS: 16.B

9. When the block is at position B on the graph, its

(a) position and velocity both are positive (b) position is positive and velocity
is negative
(c) position is negative and velocity is positive (d) position and velocity both are
ANS: 17.C

10. When the block is at position C on the graph, its

(a) velocity is maximum and acceleration is zero (b) velocity is minimum and
acceleration is zero
(c) velocity is zero and acceleration is negative (d) velocity is zero and acceleration
is positive
ANS: 18.C

N1. A particle is executing a linear simple harmonic motion. At time t 0, it is at one extreme position and travels a
distance 2 cm in the first second and 5 cm in the next second moving in the same direction. The amplitude of the
motion (in cm) is.
ANS: N1.8

N3. A simple pendulum has a time period T1 when on the earths surface, and T2 when taken to a height R above the
earths surface, where R is the radius of the earth. The value of T2 / T1 is
ANS: N3.2

N6. Three traveling waves in same direction are superimposed. The equations of waves are y1 A0 sin kx t and

y2 3 2 Ao sin kx t and y3 4 Ao cos kx t if 0 and the phase difference between resultant

wave and first wave is for then Bo = __________________
4 4 Bo
ANS: N6.3

1. Four massless springs whose force constants are 2k, 2k, k and 2k respectively
are attached to a mass M kept on a frictionless plane (as shown in figure). If the
mass M is displaced in the horizontal direction, then the frequency of the system.
1 k 1 4k k
(a) (b) 2k 2k
2 4M 2 M
1 k 1 7k
(c) (d)
2 7M 2 M 2k

ANS: 23.C

2. A particle of mass m is performing SHM along the line

AB with amplitude 2a with centre of oscillation as O. At A B
t = 0 particle is
at point c (OC = a) and is moving towards B with velocity v a 3m / s. The equation of motion can be given by

(a) x 2a sin t 3 cos t (b) x 2a 3 sin t cos t

(c) x a sin t 3 cos t (d) x a 3 sin t cos t
ANS: 24.A

3. Two particles A and B are vibrating about a point O along common line such that equation of A is
x1 a sin t and equation of B is x2 b sin t then motion of A with respect to B is

(a) SHM with period (b) SHM with amplitude a b

(c) non SHM, periodic (d) SHM with amplitude a b
ANS: 25.B
4. A particle performs linear SHM x A sin t . The time interval in which it covers the distance
between mean position x = 0 to extreme point x = A in its path is T. If its amplitude is doubled
keeping the frequency same then the time taken to complete the distance between same points x = 0
and x = A is
(a) T (b) T/2 (c) T/3 (d) T/12
ANS: 26.C

5. A particle of mass m is attached to three springs A, B and C of

equal force constant k. The particle is pushed slightly against the B
spring C and released, the time period of oscillation will be, k
m m
(a) 2 (b) 2
k 2k 450 m A
m 2k
(c) 2 (d) 2
3k m C
ANS: 27.B
6. A block is on a horizontal surface which makes oscillations horizontally with frequency 2Hz. The
coefficient of friction between the block and the surface is 0.4. What is the maximum amplitude so
that the block does not slide?
(a) 2.5 cm (b) 0.8 cm (c) 0.2 cm (d) 0.4
ANS: 28.A
7. A long uniform rod of length L and mass m and a particle m
of mass m is attached to the other and as shown in figure.
When the rod in equilibrium it is parallel to the ground than
time period of small oscillation is L
3m 3m
(a) T 2 (b) T 2
k 4k
4m 2m
(c) T 2 (d ) T 2
3k k
ANS: 29.C
8. A simple pendulum of length L is suspended from a point
O, distance ' ' below O, a nail is fixed (d < L) find time
period of oscillation of pendulum for small displacement L
(a) 2 (b)

g g
(c) 2 (d) 2
g g g
ANS: 30.B

A particle of mass 1 gm is placed in a force field. Its potential energy value is given by 5 x 2 10
Joule then the angular frequency of oscillations is in rad/sec is
(a) 100 (b) 10 (c) 100 / 2 (d)
insufficient information
ANS: 31.A
10. Three masses 700gms, 500gms and 400gms are suspended
at the end of a spring as shown and are in equilibrium. When
the 700gms mass is removed, the system oscillates with a
period of 3 seconds. When 500gms mass is also removed,
it will oscillate with a period of 700gms
(a) 1 sec. (b) 2 sec. 400gms
(c) 3 sec. (d) none of these
ANS: 32.B

Comprehension 1Comprehension 2
A brass bob suspended by a cotton string from rigid end serves as simple pendulum. Instead a student
takes a uniform rod of mass M and length suspended from a rigid support to serve as a pendulum. Such
a pendulum is called compound pendulum. When disturbed from its mean position, the rod oscillates like a
pendulum. Take small amplitude of oscillations as , then answer the following question.
11. The time period of oscillating rod hanging from one end is:

(a) 2 (b) 2
g 2g

2 3
(c) 2 (d) 2
3g 2g
ANS: 37.C
12. A heavy point mass M is suspended from free end of rod of length ,
mass m. Then the new time period will be:
(a) 2 (b) 2
g 3g
8 8
(c) 2 (d) 2
9g 15 g
ANS: 38.C
13. Two identical rods each of mass M length are suspended as shown in figure. The time period of
system when oscillating about point O is :
(a) 2 (b) 2
g g
5 6
(c) 2 (d) 2
6g 5g
ANS: 39.C

14. The time period of oscillating uniform ring of radius R about a thin nail O as
shown in figure
2R R
(a) 2 (b) 2
g g
3R 2R
(c) 2 (d) 2
g 3g
ANS: 40. A
1. The displacement of a particle executing simple harmonic motion varies with time t as

x a sin t a sin t . The amplitude of oscillation is
(a) a (b) 2 a (c) 3 a (d) 2 a
ANS: 2.C
1. In the arrangement shown in the figure, gas is thermally insulated. An ideal gas
is filled in the cylinder having pressure P0 (> atmospheric pressure P0). The
spring of force constant K is initially unsstretched. The piston of mass m and
area S is frictionless. In equilibrium, the piston rises up a distance x0 , then: k
Kx mg
(a) final pressure of the gas is P0 0
m, s
(b) work done by the gas is Kx02 mgx0
2 P0
(c) decrease in internal energy of the gas is Kx02 mgx0 P0 Sx0
(d) all of the above

1. Four massless springs whose force constants are 2k,

2k, k and 2k respectively are attached to a mass M
kept on a frictionless plane (as shown in figure). If
the mass M is displaced in the horizontal direction,
then the frequency of the system. 2k 2k k
1 k M
(a) (b)
2 4M 2k
1 4k
2 M
1 k
(c) (d)
2 7M
1 7k
2 M
ANS: 3.C

2. The position time (x t) graph of motion of the x

block is as shown in figure
(a)When the block is at position B on the A

graph, its position is negative and O

velocity is positive B
(b)When the block is at position A on the
graph, its position is positive and
velocity is negative
(c)when the block is at position C on the
graph, its velocity is zero and
acceleration is negative
(d) None of these
ANS: 7.A,C,D
1. Two uniform rods each of mass m and length l are joined together as shown in figure. Y
The system is hinged at O as shown in figure which would enable the system to oscillate
about different axes. Then the time period of the system for small oscillations:
(a)About an horizontal X axis is 2 .
(b)About an horizontal Z axis is 2 .
(c)About horizontal X-axis and Z- axis would be the same.
(d)About horizontal x- axis and Z-axis would be different.


A beaker containing an ideal fluid executes plane SHM in a horizontal plane S

according to the equation x sin t , O being the mean position. A bob is
2 L

suspended at S through a string of length L as shown in the figure. The line SO

is vertical. Assuming L .
2 x
3. The tension in the string is maximum at time t =
(a) / 2 (b) / (c) / 4 (d) none
of these
ANS: 16.B

4. The magnitude of maximum buoyant force and the time with it occurs for the second time are,
(a) 2 g , / 2 (b) g ,3 / (c) 2 g ,3 / 2 (d)
g, /
ANS: 17.C

5. The direction of buoyant force at time t / 2 is best represented by

m m m

(a) (b) (c) (d)

ANS: 18.B

M2.A square plate of mass m is hold by eight springs, each of

spring constant k in vertical plane. Knowing that each spring
can act in either tension or compression. Column I indicate
the small displacements given to the plate in a specific
direction (or) axis and released. Column II frequency of y
oscillation. Then match the following

A Vertical displacement P None of these

1 8k
B Rotated through small angle about G Q f
2 m

Displacement along the line y x 1 4k

C R f
2 m
1 12k
D Horizontal (along x) displacement S f
2 m
N4. A simple pendulum has time period T1 . The point of suspension is now moved upward
according to the relation y Kt 2 , K 1m / s 2 where y is the vertical displacement. The time
is g 10m / s 2 . Find the value of y.
period now becomes T2 . the ratio of
T22 y
N5. Displacement - time equation of a particle executing SHM is: x 4sin t 3sin t / 3.
Here, x is in cm and t in sec. The amplitude of oscillation of the particle is approximately in
N6. A block rides on a piston that is moving vertically with simple harmonic motion. The
maximum speed of the piston is 2 m/s. If the amplitude of motion will the block and piston
separate is 5x cm. Find the value of x. g 10m / s 2

1. Three spring mass system in vertical plane

are shown in the figure. The mass of the
pulleys connecting of strings and springs are 8k 4k
4k 4k
negligible friction all contacts is absent
( g 10m / s 2 )
. If 1 2 and T3 are the time
T ,T
periods of small vertical oscillations of mass
m is system I, system II and system III m m m
respectively then.
(a) T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
System II System III
(c) T1 T2 T3
System I
T1 T2 T3

ANS: 5.C

2. The energy of particle executing SHM is given E Ax 2 By 2 where x is the displacement from mean
position x = 0 and v is the velocity of the part at x then choose the correct statements
(a) amplitude of SHM is
(b) Maximum velocity of the particle during SHM is
(c) Time period of motion is 2
(d) Displacement of the particle is proportional to the velocity of the particle
ANS: 8.A.B.C

3. For a SHM, the state possible are

(a) x 0 v min a 0 (b) x A v 0 a min (c) x 0 v max a 0 (d)
x A v 0 a max
ANS: 9.C,D

Comprehension I

Two holes each of area a drilled in the wall of vessel filled Y

liquid with liquid as shown in the figure. The point P is the
print where the streams flowing out of the holes intersect. The
level of water is maintained in the vessel by regulated supply.

4. The x-co-ordinate where the streams flowing out of the h1

holes intersect. h2

(a) 2h1h2 (b)

H h1 H h2 0(0,0)

(c) 2 H h1 H h2 (d)

2 H 2h1 H 2h2
ANS: 10.C

5. The y-co-ordinate where the streams flowing out of the holes intersect.
(a) h1 h2 2H (b) h1 h2 H (c) h1h2 H (d)
2 h1 h2 H
ANS: 11.B

6. Time taken by a drop of liquid flowing out of upper hole to reach the point P is t1 and time taken by a
drop of liquid flowing out of lower hole to reach the point P is t2 . Then t1 / t2 is
H h2 H h2 H h1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
H h1 H h1 H h2
H 2h1
H 2h2
ANS: 12.A
N2. A solid cylinder of mass m and radius R is kept in P k
equilibrium on a horizontal rough surface. Three 2k
unstretched springs of spring constants k, 2k, 3k are attached 3k
to cylinder as shown in the figure. Find angular frequency O
of small oscillations. (Given that surface is rough enough to
m 23
prevent slipping of cylinder and )
k 27
ANS: N2. 3

2. Position of a particle is given by r a sin(t )i a cos(t ) j . Choose the wrong option
3 4
in the following
(a)it executes periodic motion (b)it repeats its path
(c)it executes S.H.M. (d)its motion is not S.H.M.

3. Two uniform rods each of mass m and length l are joined together as shown in figure. Y
The system is hinged at O as shown in figure which would enable the system to oscillate
about different axes. Then the time period of the system for small oscillations:
(a)About an horizontal X axis is 2 .
(b)About an horizontal Z axis is 2 .
(c)About horizontal X-axis and Z- axis would be the same.
(d)About horizontal x- axis and Z-axis would be different.


A platform is executing SHM in a vertical direction, with an amplitude of 5 cm and a frequency of 10/
vibrations/sec. A block is placed on the platform at the lowest point of its path. ( take g = 10 ms -2)

4. At what point the block leave the platform? ( choose the best option )
(a)2.5 cm from mean position when acceleration is acting down and velocity is in upward
(b)2.5 cm from mean position when platform is moving up
(c)2.5 cm above mean position when platform is moving down
(d)2.5 cm below the mean position

5. Mark the correct statement(s).

(a) Normal contact force between the platform and block is constant.
(b)As platform approaches mean position from bottom, the normal contact force between
the block
and platform increases.
(c)As platform moves up away from mean position, the normal contact force between the
block and
platform decreases.
(d)Both b and c are correct.

6. For the given amplitude (5 cm), find out the maximum frequency that can be given to the platform
so that the block wont leave the platform?
5 2 10 2 4 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)

6 2


Numerical ANS:7

N5. Time period of SHM of a spring- block system isT0. Now the spring is divided into four equal pieces and all
are used parallel. the new time period is T 0/b. then b = ?


1. A particle slides back and forth between two inclined frictionless

planes as shown below. Which of the following statements are
correct with respect to the motion of the particle? (Neglect the
jumping at lowest point)
(a) The motion is oscillatory (b) The motion is simple
(c)If h is the initial height then period of oscillation is
4 2h
sin g
(d) If h is the initial height then period of oscillation is
ANS: 8.A,C

Comprehension I

An ideal spring supports a disc of mass M. A body of mass m is released from a m

certain height from where it falls to hit M. The two masses stick together at the
moment they touch and move together and from then on the oscillations reach to a
height a above the original level of the disc and depth b below it.
2. The constant of the force of the spring is
2mg mg
(a) (b)
ba ba
mg mg
(c) (d)
a b 2 b a

ANS: 10.A

3. The frequency of oscillations is

1 mg 1 2mg 1 2mg
(a) (b) (c) (d)
m M b a 2 m M b a 2 mM
1 2(m M )
2 a b mg
ANS: 11.B

4. The height above the initial level from which the mass m released is
m M ab m ab ab
(a) (b) (c) (d)
m b a m M b a b a
m 2ab

mM ba
ANS: 12.A

Comprehension 2

The displacement of the medium in a sound wave is given by the equation y A cos ax bt where A, a &
b are positive constants. The wave is reflected by an obstacle situated at x = 0. The intensity of the
reflected wave is 0.64 Times that of incident wave.

1. The wavelength of incident wave is

2 2
(a) (b) (c) (d) none
a b a
of these
ANS: 13.A

2. Equation of reflected wave is

(a) yr 0.8 A cos bt ax (b) yr 0.8 A cos bt ax
(c) yr 0.8 A cos bt ax (d) yr 0.8 A cos bt ax
ANS: 14.D

3. In the resultant wave formed after reflection, the maximum value of particle speed is
(a) 1.8 Ab (b) 0.8 Ab (c) Ab (d) ab

ANS: 15.A

Comprehension 3

In perfectly inelastic collision between two bodies momentum A

remains constant and the bodies stick together. Angular frequency A/2
of a spring block system is and maximum speed of
particle is SHM is A, where A is amplitude.

Two identical blocks P and Q have mass m each. They are attached to two identical springs initially
unstretched. Now the left spring (along with P) is compressed by (A/2) and the right spring (along with Q)
is compressed by A. Both the blocks are released simultaneously. They collide perfectly in elastically.
Initially time period of both the block (Assuming each block was individually connected to one spring) was
4. The time period of oscillation of combined mass is
(a) T / 2 (b) 2T (c) T (d) T / 2
ANS: 16.C

5. The amplitude of combined mass is

(a) A/4 (b) A/2 (c) 2A/3 (d) 3A/4
ANS: 17.A

6. What is energy of oscillation of the combined mass?

1 1 1 2
(a) kA2 (b) kA2 (c) kA (d)
2 4 8
ANS: 18.D

N7. A block of mass m is attached with the springs as shown in figure. If the
B m K
block is slightly displace, the time period of SHM for the block is m
3 k K
then B _____________

ANS: N7. 2

Match the following

M1: In SHM match the following

A Position (y) VS time (x) P


B Velocity (y) VS time (x) Q


C P. E (y) VS time (x) R


D T.E (y) VS time (x) S



2. A block of mass m is attached to a spring of force constant k by means of a string Pulley
going over a frictionless pulley as shown in figure. The block is held in position
so that the spring is unstretched. The block is then released and it begins to
oscillate with small amplitude. The maximum velocity of the block during
oscillation is
mg mg
(a) (b) m
k k
k m
(c) g (d) g
m k
ANS: 3. D
3. A trolley of mass m is connected to two k k
identical springs, each of force constant m
k, as shown in figure. The trolley is
displaced from its equilibrium position
by a distance x and released. The
trolley executes simple harmonic
motion of
period T. After some time it comes to rest due to friction. The total energy dissipated as heat is (assume
the damping force to be weak)
1 2 2 mx 2 mx 2
(a) kx 2 (b) kx2 (c) (d)
2 T2 T2
ANS: 7.B,C

N4. A simple pendulum is moving simple harmonically with a period of 6 s between two extreme
positions B and C as shown in figure. If the angular distance between B and C is 10 cm, the time
taken by the pendulum take to move from position C to position D exactly midway between O and
C.(in Seconds) is B

ANS: N4.1

N5. A particle is executing a linear simple harmonic motion. At time t 0, it is at one extreme position and travels a
distance 2 cm in the first second and 5 cm in the next second moving in the same direction. The amplitude of the
motion (in cm) is.
ANS: N5.8

N7. A simple pendulum has a time period T1 when on the earths surface, and T2 when taken to a height R above the
earths surface, where R is the radius of the earth. The value of T2 / T1 is
ANS: N7.2

1. Four massless springs whose force constants are 2k, 2k, k and 2k respectively are attached to a mass M
kept on a frictionless plane (as shown in figure). If the mass M is displaced in the horizontal direction,
then the frequency of the system.
1 k 1 4k
(a) (b)
2 4M 2 M
1 k 1 7k
(c) (d)
2 7M 2 M
2. A particle of mass m is performing SHM along the line
AB with amplitude 2a with centre of oscillation as O. At A B
t = 0 particle is
at point c (OC = a) and is moving towards B with velocity v a 3m / s. The equation of motion can be given by

(a) x 2a sin t 3 cos t (b) x 2a 3 sin t cos t

(c) x a sin t 3 cos t (d) x a 3 sin t cos t
3. Three spring mass system in vertical plane
are shown in the figure. The mass of the
pulleys connecting of strings and springs are 8k 4k
4k 4k
negligible friction all contacts is absent
( g 10m / s 2 ) . If T1 , T2 and T3 are the time
periods of small vertical oscillations of mass
m is system I, system II and system III m m m
respectively then.
(a) T1 T2 T3 (b) 8k

T1 T2 T3
(c) T1 T2 T3 (d) System I System II System III

T1 T2 T3

4. A heavy point mass M is suspended from free end of rod of length mass M. Then the new
time period will be:
(a) 2 (b) 2
g 3g
8 8
(c) 2 (d) 2
9g 15 g

5. Two identical rods each of mass M length are suspended as shown in figure. The time
period of system when oscillating about point O is :
(a) 2 (b) 2
g g
5 6
(c) 2 (d) 2
6g 5g

6. A solid cylinder of mass m and radius R is kept in equilibrium on a horizontal P k

rough surface. Three unstretched springs of spring constants k, 2k, 3k are 2k
attached to cylinder as shown in the figure. Find angular frequency of small 3k
oscillations. (Given that surface is rough enough to prevent slipping of O
m 23
cylinder and )
k 27
(a) 1 (b)5 (c)0 (d) 3
7. Three masses 700gms, 500gms and 400gms are suspended at the end of a spring as shown and
are in equilibrium. When the 700gms mass is removed, the system oscillates with a period of
3 seconds. When 500gms mass is also removed, it will oscillate with a period of
(a) 1 sec. (b) 2 sec.
(c) 3 sec. (d) none of these
8. Which of the following quantities are always negative in a SHM?
(a) F . a (b) v. r (c) a.r (d)
F. v
M1. x-t equation of a particle in SHM is given as : x = 1.0 sin 12 t in SI units. Potential energy at mean
position is zero. Mass of particle is kg .
Frequency with which kinetic energy 1
oscillates 2
B Speed of particle is maximum at time t = Q 18 2

C Maximum potential energy R 12

D Force constant K S 36 2

Comprehension - 1

A block with mass m attached to a horizontal spring that has a force constant K, is moving with SHM that
has amplitude A and period T.

1. At the instant when the block passes through its mean position, it suddenly splits into two identical
pieces. One piece remains attached to the spring the other is quickly pushed out of the way. The new
Amplitude is
(a) A / 2 2 (b) 2A (c) A / 2 (d) A


2. The new Time period is

(a) T (b) 2T (c) T / 2 (d) T / 2

3. At the instant when the block passes through its extreme position, it suddenly splits into two identical
pieces. One piece remains attached to the spring the other is quickly pushed out of the way. The new
Amplitude is
(a) A / 2 2 (b) 2 2A (c) A / 2 (d) A

A Linear combination of two S.H.Ms P T 2 and not T
S.H.M. for equal frequencies and
B y A sin 1t A sin(2t ) Q
Time period of a pendulum of infinite
C R Superposition may not be a S.H.M
Amplitude will be 2 A for 1 2 and a
Maximum value of time period of an
oscillation pendulum
phase difference of .
Comprehension - 3

One end of an ideal spring is fixed to a wall at origin O and

axis of spring is parallel to x-axis. A block of mass m = 1 kg is
attached to free end of the spring and it is performing SHM.
Equation of position of the block in co-ordinate system shown in
figure is x = 10+3 sin (10 t) where t is in second and x in cm.
Another block of mass M = 3 kg, moving towards the origin with m M
velocity 30 cm/s collides with the block performing SHM at t = 0
and gets stuck to it. O x
13 Angular frequency of oscillation after collision is
(a) 20 rad/s (b) 5 rad/s (c) 100 rad/s (d) 50

14 New Amplitude of oscillation is

(a) 3 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 10 cm (d) 100

15 New equation for position of the combined body is

(a) ( 10 + 3 sin 5 t) cm (b) ( 10 3 sin 5 t) cm
(c) (10 + 3 cos 10 t ) cm (d) (10 3 cos 10t ) cm
N5. A pendulum having time period equal to two seconds is called a seconds pendulum. Those used in pendulum clocks are
of this type. Find the length of a seconds pendulum in metres at a place where g 2 ms 2 .
ANS: 1

N6. The angle made by the string of a simple pendulum with the vertical depends on time as Find the
sin[( s 1 )t ].
length of the pendulum in metres if g 2 ms 2 .
ANS: 1
6. A solid cylinder of mass M and radius R is attached to a horizontal M, R

light spring of force constant k as shown, so that it can roll without k

slipping on the surface. If the cylinder is displaced from its

equilibrium position and then released, the cylinder performs SHM
whose time period is given by
M 3M 2M
(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 2 (d)
k 2k 3k
N5. A solid cylinder of mass m and radius R is kept in equilibrium on a horizontal rough P k
surface. Three unstretched springs of spring constants k, 2k, 3k are attached to Q
cylinder as shown in the figure. Find angular frequency of small oscillations. 3k
m 23
(Given that surface is rough enough to prevent slipping of cylinder and )
k 27
ANS: 3
M1:A particle is acted upon by two SHMs. The path traced by the particle is called Lissajous figure. Column
I gives two waves superposing on each other, having different phases and amplitudes. Column II gives

you the path traced. Match the proper path with the waves superposing. Take and , a b
x a sin t
A P Circle
y b cos t
x a sin t
B Q Straight line with negative slope
y a sin t
x a sin t
C R Ellipse
y b cos t
x a sin t
D S Straight line with positive slope
y b sin t

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