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Create System Pies for MapInfo from .


Open MapInfo
Open .xls file as a table
File Open Table
File type = Microsoft [.xls]
File = choose file
Excel Information
Named Range = OTHER
Other Range = start at second row
Check box Use Row Above Selected Range for Column Titles
Make Table Mappable
Table Maintenance Table Structure
Choose File, click OK, check box = Table is Mappable

*Close Table

Create Sectors from table

Tools Run MapBasic Program
Sector Creator.mbx
Choose Table

Export Table as AutoCAD

Table Export
Save as Type = AutoCAD DXF [*dxf]
DXF Export Information
Check Box - Preserve Multi-Polygon Regions as DXF Blocks
Check Box Preserve Attribute Data
Click OK

*Close Table

Import AutoCAD File

Table Import
Choose File , click OK
Check Box - Preserve Multi-Polygon Regions as DXF Blocks
Check Box Preserve Attribute Data
Click Projection
Category = Longitude / Latitude
Category Members = Longitude / Latitude
Click OK
Click OK
Click OK to Import Table
Click OK to overwrite table

*Close Table
*Re-Open Table

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