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To Whom It May Concern: July 15, 2009

I am the President and Founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF;, an
IRS-approved, civil rights award-winning, nonprofit charity devoted to preserving the Constitutional religious freedoms of our
nation's honorable and noble United States marines, sailors, soldiers, airmen, and veterans. Formerly, I served in the Reagan
Administration as Assistant General Counsel, White House Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President of the
United States and as General Counsel to two-time Presidential candidate H.Ross Perot and Perot Systems Corporation.

Pesach Lattin is a very close friend of mine and an active supporter of, and major donor to, MRFF. He is intricately involved with
our charitable work on a day-to-day basis. He has shown a selfless dedication to preserving precious freedoms in this country;
freedoms that are being attacked at this very moment, and he has resolutely and steadfastly refused to simply and "safely" sit on the
proverbial sidelines while many others conveniently do. Edmund Burke once opined that all that is necessary for the forces of evil to
triumph is for enough good men to do nothing. Mr. Burke would have loved Pesach Lattin.

MRFF currently represents well over 13,000 active duty U.S. armed forces personnel, many in the battle zones of Iraq and
Afghanistan. These brave men and women in uniform are having their Constitutional rights to freedom of religion mercilessly
trampled upon by their own military chains of command attempting to use the draconian specter of command influence to
force-feed fundamentalist Christianity down their respective throats. Ironically, 96% of MRFF clients are actually Christian
themselves but are being told by their military superiors that they aren't "Christian enough”. Pesach Lattin's daily efforts of support,
on many different fronts in this battle, are irreplaceable to both MRFF staff and MRFF clients. Indeed, Winston Churchill stated
often that we make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. Pesach Lattin "gives" so very generously continually of
his blood, sweat and tears besides his checkbook. America and the American armed forces are far better places with stellar people
like him in it; so is The World.

Please consider this letter a personal recommendation of only the highest order on behalf of my dear friend, Mr. Lattin.

Very respectfully,

Michael L. "Mikey" Weinstein, Esq.

Founder & President
Military Religious Freedom Foundation

13170-B Central Avenue SE Suite 255 Albuquerque, NM 87123 800-736-5109

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