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ALESA Wk 4 Annotated Bibliography Template

Guidelines for your annotated bibliographies

i. Summarize the article so that it is clear what the articles topic and argument is
ii. Summarize the sources major finding(s) or conclusion(s)
iii. Evaluate the source for its strengths and weaknesses
iv. End by explaining how the source fits into your essay topic by explaining if the source is useful,
how it might shape your argument, or how it might support or change your position

Source reference:

Make sure you include the following information:

Author (Family name first, then first name initials)

Year of publication

Title of the article

Title of the book, journal, publication, or website

Volume and issue number

Location of publication if its a book

Publisher name

Page numbers (range) of the article

Fadul, R. M., Brown, L. M, & Powell-Cope, G.(2014). Improving transfer task practices used with air travelers
with mobility impairments: A systematic literature review. Journal of Public Health Policy: Basingstoke Vol.
35, Iss. 1, (Feb 2014): 26-42.
ALESA Wk 4 Annotated Bibliography Template

Summary (Guidelines i & ii)

Write a five-sentence long summary that states: a) the problem addressed by the article (the "topic"); b)
the article's method of analysis; c) the article's conclusions and/or recommendations. Remember, if you
record any direct quotes or use paraphrases (not your own words/ideas) be sure to include the page
number where this information came from.

In this article, the authors argue that when disable people are transferred airline personnel who transfer them
and people with disability have danger of being injured. In order to understand the situation and solve the
problem, they take researches which reveals how many airline companies use assisting devices, the proportion
of airline personnel who have musculoskeletal disorder, and how disable people feel during transferring task.
They insist on importance of using mechanical lift device which is useful for both of them.

Assessment and reflection (Guidelines iii & iv)

Now write a few sentences evaluating the source and assessing its usefulness for your research goals

This paper points out that there is a problem when airline companies support people with disability, for example,
disable people and airline personnel may be injured and they actually feel danger during being transferred. That
idea is based on researches of scientific references about report from tree airline companies, 8 Patient Safety
Center of Inquiry, and the Ohio State University Biodynamics Laboratory databases.

These reliable idea and data is useful to construct my opinion smoothly and disclose my position to others.
Because my research goal is to reveal idea gap between people with disability and companies or governments
and discuss how to shrink the gap taking example LCC Vanilla Air Problem, I can use this source as a more
concreate solution. And I also can show my solution more abstract.

To sum up, through quoting this reference, a foundation that is there is a trouble will be made, then own my
opinion will be leaded without a hich.

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