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element of the receipt offense, i.e., that the

two images with the LS Models logo em- UNITED STATES of America
bossed on them traveled through inter-
state commerce, the Court also finds that v.
the government proved the jurisdictional Samuel Jason DIAZ.
element of the possession offense, under
Section 2252(a)(4)(B), beyond a reasonable Criminal No. B07608.
United States District Court,
As the Court finds that the government S.D. Texas,
met its burden of proof on the first juris- Brownsville Division.
dictional nexus, it is unnecessary to discuss
the second way in which the government Dec. 20, 2007.
could meet the jurisdictional element. The
Background: In child pornography prose-
Court notes, however, that because the
cution, defendant moved to suppress evi-
jurisdictional element is so similar to that
dence seized in search of his home.
in Section 2251(a), this discussion would
parallel the above discussion of the juris- Holdings: The District Court, Andrew S.
dictional components of Defendants pro- Hanen, J., held that:
duction offenses. See supra III, B. (1) affidavit describing defendants paid
subscription to child pornography web-
site provided probable cause to search
The Court finds, beyond a reasonable his home, and
doubt, that the government met its burden
of proving the jurisdictional elements for (2) good-faith exception applied, assuming
each of the counts in the indictment. As that affidavit did not provide probable
stated previously, Defendant orally stipu- cause.
lated to every other element of each of Motion denied.
these offenses, and the Court accepted this
stipulation. (Trial Tr.) Additionally, after
the Court overruled Zimmermans jurisdic- 1. Searches and Seizures O40.1
tional challenge and determined that the
government proved the jurisdictional ele- Search must be supported by proba-
ments of each offense, Zimmerman offered ble cause particularized with respect to the
a plea of no contest to each count of the person. U.S.C.A.Const.Amend. 4.
indictment.21 (Trial Tr.) The Court ac-
2. Arrest O63.4(2)
cepted this plea and thereby found Defen-
dant Zimmerman guilty of all four counts Searches and Seizures O40.1, 113.1
charged in the indictment. Probable cause is a fluid concept-turn-
ing on the assessment of probabilities in

, particular factual contexts, not readily, or

even usefully, reduced to a neat set of
legal rules. U.S.C.A.Const.Amend. 4.

21. The Court notes that even absent the stipu- do so because Defendant chose to plead no
lation, the government put forth enough evi- contest once the Court found that the govern-
dence to prove Defendant guilty of all four ment proved the jurisdictional elements of
counts. The Court would have found Defen- each offense.
dant guilty of each count, but did not need to
U.S. v. DIAZ 793
Cite as 529 F.Supp.2d 792 (S.D.Tex. 2007)

3. Searches and Seizures O113.1 indicia of probable cause as to render the

Neither certainty nor a preponder- officials belief in its existence entirely un-
ance of the evidence is required to estab- reasonable. U.S.C.A.Const.Amend. 4.
lish probable cause for search warrant;
9. Criminal Law O394.4(6)
probable cause, however, means more than
mere suspicion. U.S.C.A.Const.Amend. 4. Officers may rely in good faith on the
warrants validity when a warrant is sup-
4. Searches and Seizures O200
ported by more than a bare bones affi-
Magistrate judges determination of davit containing only wholly conclusory
probable cause for search warrant should statements which lack the facts and cir-
be paid great deference by reviewing cumstances. U.S.C.A.Const.Amend. 4.
courts. U.S.C.A.Const.Amend. 4.
10. Criminal Law O394.4(6)
5. Searches and Seizures O113.1
So long as the magistrate had a sub- Obscenity O7.6
stantial basis for concluding that a search Good faith exception to warrant re-
would uncover evidence of wrongdoing, the quirement applied, assuming supporting
Fourth Amendment requires no more. affidavit could be deemed insufficient to
U.S.C.A.Const.Amend. 4. support warrant to search defendants
home for child pornography, where affida-
6. Obscenity O7.6
vit contained detailed information about
Defendants paid subscription to child
habits of collectors of pornography and
pornography website provided probable
about defendants paid subscription to
cause to search his home for child pornog-
child pornography site and thus was not so
raphy images; according to affidavit, in
lacking in indicia of probable cause as to
order to join, defendant had to access an
advertising website containing multiple render agents reliance on truth of infor-
pages of pornography, website name itself mation objectively unreasonable.
was suggestive of content associated with U.S.C.A.Const.Amend. 4.
pedophilia and child pornography, defen-
dant fit collector profile for pornography,
and intent to obtain illegal images was
further demonstrated by completion of
Edward K. Cyganiewicz, Brownsville,
multi-step process necessary to subscribe
TX, Jack Allen Wolfe, McAllen, TX, Rob-
to website. U.S.C.A.Const.Amend. 4.
ert A. Swofford, Cogdell Law Firm, Hous-
7. Criminal Law O394.4(6) ton, TX, for Plaintiff.
Under good faith exception to warrant Terra L. Bay, U.S. Attorneys Office,
requirement, evidence obtained from a Brownsville, TX, for defendant.
search will not be excluded where probable
cause for a search warrant is based on
incorrect information, but the agents reli-
ance on the truth of the information was
objectively reasonable. U.S.C.A.Const. ANDREW S. HANEN, District Judge.
Amend. 4.
Defendant Samuel Jason Diaz (Diaz)
8. Criminal Law O394.4(6) seeks to suppress all evidence obtained in
Good faith exception to warrant re- the search of his home. (Docket No. 31).
quirement does not apply where the war- Diaz alleges the affidavit supporting the
rant is based on an affidavit o lacking in search warrant lacked probable cause and

was bare bones. (Id.) The government Probable cause is based on factual and
responded, stating the affidavit sets out practical considerations and probabilities,
probable cause and that the federal agent rather than technical requirements or hard
reasonably relied on the warrant in good certainties. Gates, 462 U.S. at 231, 103
faith. (Docket No. 33). S.Ct. 2317 (citing Brinegar v. United
This Court employs a two-step process States, 338 U.S. 160, 176, 69 S.Ct. 1302, 93
when reviewing the validity of a search L.Ed. 1879 (1949)). Probable cause is
warrant. United States v. Froman, 355 therefore a fluid concept-turning on the
F.3d 882, 888 (5th Cir.2004). The Court assessment of probabilities in particular
typically first determines whether the factual contexts, not readily, or even use-
good-faith exception to the exclusionary fully, reduced to a neat set of legal rules.
rule applies, and if not, the Court then Gates, 462 U.S. at 232, 103 S.Ct. 2317.
turns to whether the magistrate had a The Gates court reaffirmed the use of the
substantial basis for finding probable totality-of-the circumstances approach to
cause. Id. A court should address the determine whether probable cause exists
probable cause issue if the case involves a rather than the use of specific tests. Id. at
novel question of law whose resolution is 23031, 103 S.Ct. 2317.
necessary to guide future action by law
enforcement and magistrates. See Unit- [3] Neither certainty nor a preponder-
ed States v. Satterwhite, 980 F.2d 317, 320 ance of the evidence is required to estab-
(5th Cir.1992). This Court finds that the lish probable cause. United States v.
factual situation set out by the search war- Gourde, 440 F.3d 1065, 1069 (9th Cir.2006)
rant in this case involves a novel question (citing Gates, 462 U.S. at 246, 103 S.Ct.
of law, therefore the Court will address 2317, 76 L.Ed.2d 527); United States v.
whether the warrant and support affidavit Froman, 355 F.3d 882, 889 (5th Cir.2004).
establish probable cause and then turn to Probable cause, however, means more
the issue of whether the federal agent than mere suspicion. See United States
relied on the warrant in good faith. v. Gordon, 580 F.2d 827, 83233 (5th Cir.
[4, 5] Judicial review of the sufficiency
A. Probable Cause Standard of an affidavit should not take the form of
[1] The Fourth Amendment bars offi- de novo review. Gates, 462 U.S. at 236,
cials from undertaking search and seizures 103 S.Ct. 2317. A magistrate judges de-
absent individualized suspicion. Chandler termination of probable cause should be
v. Miller, 520 U.S. 305, 308, 117 S.Ct. 1295, paid great deference by reviewing
137 L.Ed.2d 513 (1997). A search must courts. Id. (quoting Spinelli v. United
be supported by probable cause particular- States, 393 U.S. 410, 419, 89 S.Ct. 584, 21
ized with respect to that person. Ybarra L.Ed.2d 637 (1969)). So long as the mag-
v. Illinois, 444 U.S. 85, 91, 100 S.Ct. 338, istrate had a substantial basis for conclud-
342, 62 L.Ed.2d 238 (1979). ing that a search would uncover evidence
[2] A magistrate judge issuing a of wrongdoing, the Fourth Amendment re-
search warrant must answer the common- quires no more. Id. at 236, 103 S.Ct.
sense, practical question whether there is 2317 (quoting Jones v. United States, 362
probable cause to believe that contraband U.S. 257, 261, 80 S.Ct. 725, 4 L.Ed.2d 697
or evidence is located in a particular (1960)). Although in a particular case it
place. Illinois v. Gates, 462 U.S. 213, may not be easy to determine when an
230, 103 S.Ct. 2317, 76 L.Ed.2d 527 (1983). affidavit demonstrates the existence of
U.S. v. DIAZ 795
Cite as 529 F.Supp.2d 792 (S.D.Tex. 2007)

probable cause, the resolution of doubtful 2007); see also United States v. Kelley,
or marginal cases in this area should be 482 F.3d 1047, 1049 (9th Cir.2007); United
largely determined by the preference to be States v. Martin, 426 F.3d 68, 7477 (2d
accorded to warrants. Id. at 237, n. 10, Cir.2005).
103 S.Ct. 2317 (quoting United States v.
Ventresca, 380 U.S. 102, 109, 85 S.Ct. 741, The affidavit in Gourde stated the defen-
13 L.Ed.2d 684 (1965)). dant subscribed to a website called Lolita- Gourde, 440 F.3d at 1070. The
B. Probable Cause in Child Pornog- primary content of was
raphy Cases images of child pornography. Id. Sub-
This Court must simply decide whether scribers to the website therefore had ac-
there is a fair probability that, based cess to hundreds of illegal images. Id.
upon the facts set forth and the inferences
The court then turned to the defendants
from them, [the defendants] computer
subscription to the website, holding that
would house child pornography TTTT
the defendants status as a member mani-
United States v. Kelley, 482 F.3d 1047,
fested his intention and desire to obtain
1055 (9th Cir.2007); see Gourde, 440 F.3d
illegal images. Gourde, 440 F.3d at 1070.
at 1071; Froman, 355 F.3d at 88990.
While there is no specific test for when Joining the website required a single sub-
probable cause exists in child pornography mission of personal data and credit card
cases, see Gates, 462 U.S. at 23031, 103 information, however, this only could have
S.Ct. 2317, this Court finds it instructive to been intentional and [was] not insignifi-
review the factors used by other courts in cant. Id. [M]embership [was] both a
cases involving subscriptions to child por- small step and a giant leap. Id. To the
nography websites and search warrants court, this evidence left little doubt that
for defendants homes. [the defendant] had paid to obtain unlimit-
ed access to images of child pornography
1. Probable Cause from a Paid Sub- knowingly and willingly. Id.
scription to a Child Pornography
Website The court rested its holding on a solid
triad of facts from the warrant support-
In United States v. Gourde, the Ninth
ing a finding of probable cause: (i) the
Circuit held that an affidavit accompanying
website had illegal images; (ii) the defen-
a search warrant showing that a defendant
dant intended to have and wanted access
took intentional steps to join a members-
to these images; and (iii) these images
only website whose primary purpose is the
were almost certainly retrievable from his
illegal trade of child pornography estab-
lishes probable cause to search the defen- computer if he ever received or download-
dants home. 440 F.3d at 1070. This rea- ed them. Gourde, 440 F.3d at 1071. The
soning has been followed or mirrored by a court concluded it was common sense,
number of courts. See United States v. based on the totality of the circumstances,
Wagers, 452 F.3d 534, 540 (6th Cir.2006); that someone who paid for access to a
United States v. Meek, 177 Fed.Appx. 576, website that purveyed child pornography
57778 (9th Cir.2006); United States v. probably had viewed or downloaded such
Payne, 519 F.Supp.2d 466, 46869 (D.N.J. images onto his computer. Id. (citing
2007); United States v. Standefer, No. Gates, 462 U.S. at 246, 103 S.Ct. 2317, 76
3:06CR02674, 2007 WL 2301760, *6 L.Ed.2d 527). Based on the facts above,
(S.D.Cal. Aug.8, 2007); State v. Gralinski, the magistrate judge could make a reason-
2007 WL 2481032 (Wis.Ct.App. Sept.5, able inference that the defendant received

or downloaded images and would have 2003); United States v. Perez, 247
them at his home. Id. F.Supp.2d 459, 482 (S.D.N.Y.2003).
A person looking to subscribe to the
2. Probable Cause from an Unpaid
Candyman e-group only saw the message,
Subscription to a Child Pornogra-
[t]his group is for People [sic] who love
phy EGroup
kids when arriving at the opening web-
The Fifth Circuit has not addressed the page. See Perez, 247 F.Supp.2d at 482.
situation in Gourde : whether a paid sub- This opening page did not have any im-
scription to a website whose primary pur- ages, nor the words child pornography.
pose was the distribution of child pornog-
Id. at 482. A person could have sub-
raphy would establish probable cause. In
scribed to the website not knowing what
United States v. Froman, however, the
was on the site. Strauser, 247 F.Supp.2d
Fifth Circuit addressed an affidavit based
at 1145.
on a persons unpaid subscription to the
Candyman e-group, and held that the affi- Further, there was no allegation in the
davit supported reasonable cause. 355 Perez affidavit that the Candyman e-group
F.3d 882, 89091 (5th Cir.2004). engaged only or even primarily in illegal
activity. Perez, 247 F.Supp.2d at 482.
The affidavit in Froman established
that: (i) the defendant subscribed to and The Candyman e-group offered several ac-
was a member of the Candyman e-group; tivities that were legally protected, such as
(ii) the sole purpose of the Candyman e- chatting and answering survey ques-
group was to receive and distribute child tions. Id. All three courts concluded that
pornography; and (iii) Froman had several membership in the Candyman e-group was
screen names registered to his name that insufficient to establish probable cause for
reflected an interest in child pornography. a search warrant. Kunen, 323 F.Supp.2d
Froman, 355 F.3d at 890. The Fifth Cir- at 400; Strauser, 247 F.Supp.2d at 1145;
cuit held it was common sense that a Perez, 247 F.Supp.2d at 482. These courts
person who voluntarily joins a group such did not address the broader question of
as Candyman, remains a member of the whether a subscription to a website whose
group for approximately a month without contents were solely child pornography
canceling his subscription, and uses screen would be sufficient to support a warrant to
names that reflect his interest in child search the defendants home. The general
pornography, would download such por- holding of Froman does not appear to face
nography and have it in his possession. dissent in a situation where the defendant
Id. at 89091. The Fifth Circuit held that subscribed to a website where the primary
those facts and inferences sufficiently es- purpose was trading, collecting and dis-
tablished probable cause to search the de- tributing child pornography.
fendants home for further evidence of
child pornography. Id. at 891. C. The Search Warrant Application
The Froman decision has been criticized The application for the warrant to
by three district courts, who have held that search Diazs residence was supported by
merely subscribing to the Candyman e- a signed, sworn affidavit from Immigration
group was insufficient to support a search and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Senior
warrant for a subscribers home. United Special Agent Maria Gilbert. (See Aff.
States v. Kunen, 323 F.Supp.2d 390, 400 1). The affidavit provided a detailed dis-
(E.D.N.Y.2004); United States v. Strauser, cussion of: (i) background information
247 F.Supp.2d 1135, 114445 (E.D.Mo. concerning the trafficking of child pornog-
U.S. v. DIAZ 797
Cite as 529 F.Supp.2d 792 (S.D.Tex. 2007)

raphy using computers and the Internet; sense of security which a computer affords
(ii) the nature of ICEs investigation of and the known desire to retain child por-
websites containing images of child por- nography for long periods of time, provide
nography advertising for a members-only probable cause to believe that computer
website Pedoland; (iii) the multi-step sub- images will be retained for as long as other
scription process and monthly fee required types of child pornography, if not longer.
to become a member of Pedoland; and (iv) (Aff. 9(f)).
evidence establishing that Defendant sub-
scribed to Pedoland. 2. The Investigation of the Pedoland
Website and its Accompanying Ad-
1. Computers and Child Pornography vertising Websites
The affidavit recited Agent Gilberts The affidavit then described the investi-
training and experience related to cases gation by the ICE Cyber Crimes Center
involving the sexual exploitation of chil- (C3) into Pedoland and its advertising
dren, including the investigation of child websites. (Aff. 1819). Advertising
pornography cases. (Aff. 2). Based on websites for Pedoland contained images of
her experience, Agent Gilbert is familiar
pre-pubescent boys and girls engaged in
with methods used by individuals engaged
various sexual acts with adults. (Aff. 19,
in the collection and distribution of child
20). C3s investigation identified over 300
pornography. (Aff. 3). Collectors ob-
such advertising websites associated with
tain child pornography TTT by ordering
the members-only website Pedoland.
and/or obtaining it by discreet contact with
(Aff. 20). All of the advertising websites
other individuals and underground busi-
investigated by C3 were identical. (Id.)
nesses that have child pornography collec-
tions. (Id.) Each advertising website consisted of
four webpages: an opening page with links
As a result of her training and experi-
ence, Agent Gilbert also provided a profile to three other pages: a security page,
of people who collect child pornography, preview page, and a join page.
including information that: collectors of (Aff. 19). All four pages contained im-
child pornography do not dispose of the ages of child pornography. (Id.) An indi-
pornography and that collectors go to vidual who clicked the Join now button
great lengths to maintain their child por- was directed to the payment page.
nography. (Aff. 8). Further, collections (Aff. 19). On this page, the person could
of child pornography tend to grow over either pay with an e-gold currency account
time. (Id.) Collectors of child pornogra- or pay by credit card. (Id.) A person
phy typically maintain and possess child opting to pay by credit card first entered
pornography in secure locations, most of- all of his or her credit card information
ten at a residence or other secure loca- along with contact information, including
tion. (Aff. 8(k)). his or her e-mail address. (Id.)
The affidavit provides background on An e-mail was then sent to the persons
how computers and the Internet permit e-mail account he or she just provided on
individuals to trade and collect child por- the Join Now page. (Aff. 20). The e-
nography without risk of easy identifica- mail informed the subscriber that there
tion. (Aff. 8(e)). The affidavit also gave were more steps in the verification process
a background on how images can be stored and that to complete the transaction the
and transmitted by computer. (Aff. 10 person needed to follow a hyperlink con-
15). [T]aken together, the increased tained in the e-mail and submit his or her

credit card information for a second time. authorizing the search of Diazs house for
(Id.) The hyperlink directed the subscriber evidence of child pornography. Diaz ar-
to a secure PayPal website to complete the gues the affidavit fails to state probable
transaction. (Id.) cause.
After payment was received via PayPal,
the website sent the subscriber a second e- D. Diazs Paid Subscription to Pedo-
mail with the Uniform Resource Locator 1 land Creates Probable Cause to
for Pedoland, a user name and a password Search His Home
giving the subscriber to access to Pedoland [6] The affidavit against Diaz presents
for thirty (30) days. (Aff. 20). the following evidence and permits the fol-
C3 purchased access to Pedoland as lowing inferences: (i) Diaz accessed an
described above using one of the advertis- advertising website containing child por-
ing websites. (Aff. 20). The Pedoland nography; (ii) this website advertised for
website had approximately 6.4 GB of con- Pedoland; (iii) Diaz used the Join Page,
tent, consisting of a user forum, over seven which also contained child pornography
thousand JPG images, approximately 300 and only images of child pornogprahy, to
computer video files, and approximately 28 obtain a subscription to Pedoland; (iv)
ZIP archive files. (Id.) Diaz provided an e-mail address and his
home address as a part of the verification
3. Diazs Subscription to Pedoland process to join Pedoland; and (v) after
ICE obtained transaction records from subscribing to Pedoland, Diaz had access
PayPal indicating that on March 26, 2005, to all the images, videos, and ZIP files on
Diaz purchased access to Pedoland the Pedoland website.
through one of the advertising websites While neither party noted nor objected
using a MasterCard. (Aff. 21). The Pay- to the fact that the affidavit did not ex-
Pal records also revealed that Diaz used pressly state the images found on Pedo-
the e-mail account and land were child pornography, this Court
provided an address in Harlingen, Texas will now address this issue. (See Aff.
as part of the transaction. (Id.) 1821). A magistrate judge may make
Agent Gilbert sought information on this reasonable and common-sense inferences
Harlingen address by checking records of based on the facts established by a search
the Texas Law Enforcement Telecommu- warrant affidavit. United States v. Kelley,
nication System, the Treasury Enforce- 482 F.3d 1047, 1055 (9th Cir.2007); see
ment Communication System, Accurint, Gourde, 440 F.3d at 1071; Froman, 355
Texas Drivers License records, and by F.3d at 88990. Here, the affidavit pro-
speaking with Diazs neighbors. All vides facts and inferences demonstrating
sources indicated that the address used as that Diaz accessed an advertising website
a part of the purchase of a subscription to with multiple images of child pornography.
Pedoland was Diazs home address in Har- While on this website, Diaz clicked the
lingen, Texas. (Aff. 22, 23, 24, 25). Join Page which also contained multiple
Based on all the information stated images of child pornography. This web-
above, Magistrate Judge John William site advertised for Pedoland. This Court
Black issued a warrant on June 15, 2006, holds that because a person accessing Pe-

1. A Uniform Resource Locator is the unique

address for a website on the Internet. See locator & r=67.
Uniform Resource Locator, available at http://
U.S. v. DIAZ 799
Cite as 529 F.Supp.2d 792 (S.D.Tex. 2007)

doland had to go through an advertising images of child pornography knowingly

website for Pedoland containing child por- and willingly. See id.
nography and the website name Pedo- The evidence and inferences from the
land indicates content associated with pe- affidavit, therefore, are stronger than the
dophilia and child pornography, that the evidence provided in the Froman affidavit.
Magistrate Judge could have made a rea- See Froman, 355 F.3d at 890. Unlike
sonable and common-sense inference that Froman where the defendant was only
the images and videos found on the Pedo- required to click on a subscribe link or
land website were child pornography. send an e-mail to the group administrator
This Court now turns to whether the to join the Candyman e-group, here, Diaz
totality of the circumstances as set out by had to submit personal information, includ-
the facts in the warrant and the reason- ing his home address, an e-mail address
able and common-sense inferences drawn and a credit card number. See id. at 885.
from those facts demonstrate probable Diaz then had to submit that information
cause. The affidavit demonstrates that again after following the instructions on an
Diaz accessed the advertising website with e-mail sent to the address that Diaz origi-
multiple images of child pornography and nally submitted on the advertising website.
accessed the Join Page which also con- The intent demonstrated by the elaborate
tained multiple images of child pornogra- subscription process to Pedoland is much
phy. stronger than the intent shown by more
Diaz entered a credit card number and minimal steps necessary to join the Candy-
his personal information at the Join man e-group in Froman.
Page. Then he was sent an e-mail requir- This Court further finds that applying
ing him to verify the information he had the evidence of Diazs intent to the
just sent. He had to click on a hyperlink paragraphs in the affidavit providing a
contained in the e-mail to access a PayPal background profile on collectors of child
payment page. On the PayPal page, Diaz pornography shows that Diaz fits the
again had to enter a credit card number collector profile. See Gourde, 440 F.3d
and his personal information, including an at 1072. Finding that an individual fits
e-mail address and his home address. the collector profile for collecting child
Only then was Diaz sent an e-mail with pornography supports a finding of prob-
instructions on how to access Pedoland, a able cause. See, e.g., id.; United States
members-only website which reasonable v. Lacy, 119 F.3d 742, 746 (9th Cir.
inferences show to contain many images 1997); Martin, 426 F.3d at 75.
and videos of child pornography. This search warrant therefore falls into
The combination of a website containing the triad of facts that have been held to
images of child pornography advertising support a finding of probable cause: (i) the
for another child pornography website cou- website had illegal images; (ii) the defen-
pled with the multi-step process necessary dant intended to have and wanted access
to subscribe to that website demonstrates to these images; and (iii) these images
Diazs intention and desire to obtain illegal were almost certainly retrievable from his
images of child pornography. See Gourde, computer if he ever received or download-
440 F.3d at 1070. Like the court in ed them. See United States v. Gourde,
Gourde, this Court also finds that this 440 F.3d 1065, 107071 (9th Cir.2006). It
evidence leaves little doubt that [the de- is common sense that someone who paid
fendant] had paid to obtain [ ] access to for access to a website that purveyed child

pornography probably had viewed or The information must provide the magis-
downloaded such images onto his comput- trate with facts, and not mere conclusions,
er. Id. Analyzing the totality of the cir- from which a magistrate judge could de-
cumstances provided by the evidence in termine probable cause. Id.
the affidavit and reasonable inferences tak- [10] The affidavit supporting the war-
en therefrom, and taking into account the rant in the instant case was not a bare
deference to be accorded to warrants and bones affidavit. It contained detailed in-
the determinations of magistrate judges, formation from Agent Gilbert regarding
this Court finds that the affidavit provides the investigation of the Pedoland website
a substantial basis for the Magistrate and its accompanying advertising web sites
Judges finding of probable cause to search that contained images of child pornogra-
Diazs home. Defendants Motion to Sup- phy as well as evidence and inferences
press is hereby DENIED. demonstrating that Diaz subscribed to the
members-only child pornography website,
Pedoland, through one of its advertising
BARE BONES AFFIDAVITS websites which also contained child por-
[7] The good-faith exception provides nography. Since the affidavit was not
that the evidence obtained from a search bare bones and the affidavit was not so
will not be excluded where probable cause lacking in indicia of probable cause as to
for a search warrant is based on incorrect render the agents belief in the existence
information, but the agents reliance on the of probable cause entirely unreasonable,
truth of the information was objectively the officers relied in good faith on the
reasonable. Froman, 355 F.3d at 888 (cit- validity of the affidavit and the search
ing United States v. Leon, 468 U.S. 897, warrant the good-faith exception applies.
91920, 104 S.Ct. 3405, 82 L.Ed.2d 677 Defendants motion to suppress is also
(1984)). This Court reviews the reason- DENIED pursuant to the good-faith ex-
ableness of an officers reliance upon a ception.
warrant issued by a magistrate de novo.
Satterwhite, 980 F.2d at 321.
[8, 9] The exception does not apply
where the warrant is based on an affidavit
so lacking in indicia of probable cause as
to render the officials belief in its exis- THOROUGHBRED SOFTWARE
tence entirely unreasonable. Leon, 468 INTERNATIONAL, INC.,
U.S. at 923, 104 S.Ct. 3405, 82 L.Ed.2d 677 Plaintiff,
(quoting Brown v. Illinois, 422 U.S. 590, v.
61011, 95 S.Ct. 2254, 45 L.Ed.2d 416 DICE CORPORATION, Clifford V.
(1975) (Powell, J., concurring in part)). Dice, Fred Wager, and John
When a warrant is supported by more Does 110, Defendants.
than a bare bones affidavit, officers may
No. 03CV10259.
rely in good faith on the warrants validity.
Satterwhite, 980 F.2d at 321. United States District Court,
E.D. Michigan,
Bare bones affidavits contain wholly
Southern Division.
conclusory statements which lack the facts
and circumstances from which a magis- Dec. 19, 2007.
trate can independently determine proba- Background: Manufacturer and seller of
ble cause. Satterwhite, 980 F.2d at 321. computer software products brought action

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