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First Right of Reply Speech

Mr. President, Indonesia would like to exercise our right of reply to the statements
delivered by Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, Echoed by Nauru, Marshal Islands,
Tuvalu and Tonga. Regarding Matters concerning Papua, a Province of Indonesia.

Exercise : Affect, Inclination,

Exercise refers to show Nara Masistas interest to response the statements

delivered by asia pacific countries

Refers to show her demand in response the statement of Asia Pasific Countries.

Echoed : Affect, Dissatisfaction, Trigger by Statements

Refers to show her dissatisfaction triggered that Nauru, Marshal Islands, and
Tuvalu also involves to deliver intervention statements.

Concerning : Appreciation, Reaction, Triggered by Cases of Papua

Refers to show of her process of feeling.

Indonesia is shocked to hear that at this important stage, where learders gathered in
this august body, to address the early implementation of SDGs (Sustainable
Development Goals). The transformation of our collective actions and other global
challenges such as climate changes, of which the Pacific countries are affected the

Shocked : Affect, Unhappiness

Important Stage : Appreciation, Valuation,

Leaders : Appreciation, Valuation, Worthwile

August Body : Appreciation, Valuation

Our Collective Actions : Appreciation, Valuation

Global Challenges : Affect, Insecurity

The said leaders chose instead to violate the UN charter by interfering in other
countrys sovereignty and violating its territorial integrity.

chose instead to violate : Judgement, Propriety,

To evaluate the action made by Asia Pasific countries There is an option but
they choose to violate.

Interfering : Judgement, Capasity, They tried to interefere

Violating its territorial integrity : Judgement, Propriety, Intervension has gone

too far

We categorically reject the continuing insinuations in their statements.

categorically reject: Affect, Unhappiness, Dislike

Insinuations : Appreciation, Reactions toward statements

To evaluate the statements Insinuation is Bad

They clearly reflect an unfortunate lack of understanding of the history, current

situation and progressive developments in Indonesia

Unfortunate lack : Judgement, Capasity

Progressive Development : Affect, Satisfaction, Pleased.

Including in the provinces of Papua and West Papua, and also an unfriendly and
rhetoric political manuver.

An unfriendly : Appreciation, Reaction, presents what have been done by

Reaction that Happen

Rhetoric Political Manuver : Judgement,

What they did is part of Political Manuver

Their politically motivated statements were designed to support separatist groups

in the said provinces,

politically motivated : Judgement

What they did is full of Political Intention

support separatist groups : Judgement

What they did is to support separatis group which is they are dangerous

who have consistently engaged in inciting public disorder and in conducting armed
terrorist attacks upon civilliances and security personnel.

consistently engaged : Judgement, capacity

What they did intensivically

inciting public disorder : Appreciation, Reaction

To evaluate the action made by separatist group

terrorist attacks: Judgement,

What they did is Dangerous

Evidently, the statements made by those countries clearly violates the purposes and
objectives of the UN Charter and the principle of International Law and friendly
relations among well as the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.

Evidently : Affect, Security, Confident

Menunjukkan ada celah yang dapat di serang dari statement para Negara asia

clearly violates : Judgement

to show content of statements intervention is contradictive with purpose UN


friendly relations among states : Judgement, Normality

to show the purpose of Law

I repeat it is a violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. .

it is a violation : Judgement, Veracity

Penekanan, bahwa sebenarnya satetement mereka adalah bentuk pelanggaran

It is highly regrettable and dangerous for states to misuse the United Nations,
including this august assembly

highly regrettable and dangerous : Appreciation, Reaction

refers speakers evaluations of Violation action,

Misuse : Judgement, Normality

Suppose not to doing that

august assembly : Appreciation, Valuation

Still show how the speakers valued toward the Evnt

These countries are using the General Assembly to advance their domestic agenda
,.and for some countries to divert attention from political and social problems at

home. The said countries are also using false and fabricated information as the
basis of their statement.

Advance : Judgement, Capasity

Motive : Truth

Capasity : Advance

How they use they power untuk memperkuat atau melaksanakan Agenda politik
dalam negeri

Divert Attention : Judgement, Veracity

The truth is some countries mencoba untuk mengalihkan perhatian public

terhadap persoalan di internal Negara mereka

False and Fabricated Informations : Appreciation, Valuation

Informasi yang mereka gunakan itu worthless, tidak berdasar, insignificant.

The conduct of these countries undermine the UN Charter and are detrimental to the
credibility of this assembly

Undermine : Judgement, Tenacity

Undermine disini menjelaskan bahwa Asia Pasific Countries menyepelekan UN


Detrimental : Judgement, Normality

Menjelaskan further effect dari Penyalahgunaan akan berakibat kerusakan.

Atau pengahancuran

Credibility : Appreciation, Valuation

Nara Masista percaya bahwa Assembly kredibilitas Assembly ini masih harus

Mr. President, Indonesias commitment to protection of human rights is
unquestionable. Indonesia is a founding member of the UN Human Rights
Council. Indonesia has sat as member of the council for three previous periods and
is currently a member of the council for the fourth time. Indonesia is the Initiator
of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Comission on Human Rights and OIC Independent
Permanent Commission of Human Rights. Indonesia has ratified Eight out of the
Nine core International Human Rights Instruments. All incorporated into our
national legal system in compared 4 by Solomon Islands and 5 by Vanuatu.
Indonesia is among few countries who have a continued national action plan on
Human Rights, and Currently is on its four generation of the plan from 2015 to
2019. Indonesia has an active and robust national commission on human rights
since 1993, vibrant civil society and free media. Indonesia is also a country with
full fledged democracy in function, with such a fiber national democracy, coupled
with the highest commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights at
all levels. It would be nearly impossible for any human rights allegations to go
unnoticed and unscrew tonight.

Commitment : + Judgement, Tenacity

Commitment menunjukkan Indonesia still loyalm constant, untuk menjalankan

proteksi human right

Unquestionable : + Appreciation, Valuation

Menunjukkan keseriusan Indonesia itu tak perlu diragukan lagi, effective,


A Founding member : + Appreciation, Valuation

Member penjelasan lebih dari commitment, Indonesia itu salah satu Negara
pendiri human right council,

has sat as member : + Affect, Satisfaction

For the fourth time : + Affect, Satisfaction

Memberi penjelasan lebih, dalam waktu yang 4 tahun itu cukup membanggakan

Indonesia is the initiator : + Appreciation, Valuation

Menujukkan kebanggaan bahwa Indonesia adalah sang Inisiator

Indonesia has ratified : + Affect, Satisfaction

Menunjukkan rasa puas terhadap Komitmen Indonesia

In Compared : - Judgement, Capasity

Menunjukkan rasa sinis

Mr. President We re-affirmed that there are domestic mechanisms in place at the
national level in Indonesia, as well as at the provincial level in Papua and West

re-affirmed : +Affect, Inclination

Say something in a confident way, show her strong belief

Domestic Mechanism : - Judgement, Veracity

Hidden agenda

For our part, Indonesia will continue to give appropriate focus to the development
of Papua and West Papua Provinces, and to the best interest of all

will continue to give appropriate focus : Judgement, Tenacity

In conclusion Mr. PresidentWe have a saying in our Asia-Pacific region when one
points the index finger to others, the thumb finger automatically points to ones
own face.

I thankyou

Second Right of Reply Speech

Mr. President, Im compelled to take the floor again to exercise our right of reply,
due to the response of the delegation of Solomon Island,

Compelled :

The remarks just delivered by the delegation of Solomon Islands, show the use of
the allegations of human rights to support separatist movement

The Remarks :

Allegations : - Judgement,

Something saying that someone has done something wrong

support separatist : - Judgement

And it is only reaffirming the persistent violation to principles and purposes of UN

Charter by blatantly interfering and violating internal affairs of other states,
soverignity and territorial integrity of other nations

the persistent violation : -Judgement , Propriety

continuing beyond the usual

Blatantly Interfering : - Judgement, Propriety

Very obvious

violating internal affairs : Judgement, Propriety

to do something that is not allowed by law

This also shows they continued ignorance of the facts on the ground and falls into
the trap and trash information from the separatist groups, I thankyou

continued ignorance : Judgement, Capasity

Falls into the trap and trash information : - Appreciation, Composition



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