Pathophysiology CHF Mine

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Modifiable Non-modifiable
*Diet *Family history of hpn,
-high fat, high sodium heart problems
*smoking *Age:76 yrs. old

Bad cholesterol (LDL) congest into the wall of


Activation of specialized cells

Theyll become enlarge cholesterol and rich cell

(film cells)

Invasion to the vessel wall


Increase size of the plaque

Narrowing of the vessels

Decrease oxygenated blood flowing into the heart
Hypertension muscle

Decrease heart contraction

Decrease blood flow Reduces efficiency of myocardium through

all over the body damage and overloading

Activation of RAAS
Decrease oxygen supply Increase systemic vascular
and demand resistance
The kidney will
release Renin
Chest pain Stimulation of adrenergic
Increase force of left
ventricle contraction
Angiotensin I
Increase left ventricle
Angiotensin II (ACE)

Aldosterone Increase left ventricle

oxygen demand
Increase sodium
Left ventricle hypoxia
Water retention
Pulmonary edema

Bipedal Edema Pulmonary vascular

Right ventricular failure

Activity Intolerance Weakness and Decrease cardiac output

Easy fatigability
Ventricular remodelling

Progressive loss of
cardiac output

Myocardial hypertrophy

Loss of myocytes

Congestive heart failure

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