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Circuit swing
function block description

Document ID: PP-11-20112

Budapest, July 2013
Budapest, October 2009
Power swing detection

Users manual version information

Version Date Modification Compiled by

1.0 10.07.2013 First edition Petri

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1 Power swings ................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Power transfer ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Equal area criterion ................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Power swing - Out-of-step state ............................................................................................... 8
1.4 Change of the power angle in time ........................................................................................... 8

2 Influence on distance protection ...................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Power swing in the impedance plane ....................................................................................... 9
2.2 Power swing modeling ............................................................................................................ 14
2.3 Frequency changes during power swings............................................................................... 14
2.3.1 Impedance calculated with changing frequency ................................................................. 14
2.4 Influence on distance protection zones................................................................................... 15

3 Power swing detection ................................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Difference between power swing and fault ............................................................................. 16
3.2 Evaluation on the impedance plane ........................................................................................ 16

4 Setting power swing detection ....................................................................................................... 17

4.1 Criteria ..................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 18
4.3 Binary signals of the function block ......................................................................................... 21
4.4 Decisions for setting the power swing blocking function ......................................................... 22

5 Testing power swing detection ....................................................................................................... 29

5.1 Power swing simulation........................................................................................................... 29

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1 Power swings

In the stable state of the power system all generators rotate with the same speed. A
sudden change in the system (fault, connection or disconnection of a load or a
generator, changes in the system configuration, etc.) however requires a new steady
state. The electromechanical system, consisting of rotating machines and passive
network elements, produces electro-mechanical swings between the starting steady
state and the final steady state.

In a complex system theoretically all generators can swing with different frequency,
when the generator rotor angles are advancing or retarding relative to each other.
This swing is considered to be stable if there is a new steady state, when the
generators rotate with the new common speed. The system is unstable however if at
least one generator in the system slips pole and cannot keep the common speed.

If the pole angles between the generators change then the voltage difference of the
interconnecting passive network elements changes, resulting changing currents and
changing transmitted power.

In this state the distance protection calculates the impedance. Because of the high
current and low voltage, the calculated impedance may be within the tripping
characteristic, causing unwanted trip command. The power swing blocking function is
applied to prevent the splitting of the network at not planned locations.

The application of the out-of-step function has an opposite aim. If one part of the
system slips pole and cannot keep the common speed then this part may not remain
interconnected. The out-of-step function disconnects the generators at optimal

This document summarizes the power swing phenomena and the power swing
detection function. The aim is to provide setting hints for this function.

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1.1 Power transfer

For the simple understanding of the power swing lets start with the steady state
power transfer. Reduce the power system to two nodes. Between these two nodes
the network can be modeled (for network frequency steady state) by a four-pole with
A, B, C and D parameters or an equivalent Pi network. The Pi network is shown in
Figure 1-1.


~ US Z Z UR ~

Figure 1-1 Equivalent Pi model

For the Pi network in Figure 1-1 the following equations can be written:

The power at both sides:


(reference voltage)

is the generator angle.

Separating the active parts:

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Similarly the reactive parts:

The usual approximation for the active part is as follows:

The shunt impedance is considered to be infinite:

The Resistance of the serial impedance is neglected (loss-less


With these approximations:

Note: these approximations are usually not acceptable for a long transmission line
connecting e.g. a small power station to a large system.

The plot of the simplified equation is in Figure 1-2.


Figure 1-2 Power diagram

1.2 Equal area criterion

Considering a generator and a remaining part of the electric power system in steady
state, the turbine drives the generator with a constant torque. The power demand of
the electric power system can be considered as a negative torque. The balance of
the positive mechanical torque of the turbine (Mm) and the negative torque of the
electric system (-Me=Mm) results a rotation with constant angular velocity (constant

At a change in the electric power system the negative torque changes, but the
turbine does not change the mechanical torque. The difference of the torque (M=Mm-
Me), if it is positive, accelerates the rotation of the generator. Consequently the power

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angle increases. The torque is the function of the power angle (M()). If the power
angle changes with d, the energy

dW= M() d

is stored in the rotating system. The angle is increasing during the time when M() is
positive. Up to this angle the total stored energy is the integral:

If we want to apply the diagram of Figure 1-2, then the transformation torque to
power is needed. The power is the time derivative of the energy:

The factor, converting torque to power is the angular velocity, which is

unfortunately not a constant, it depends on the power angle (). Related to the
network frequency however, the change in the angular velocity during the power
swings is small. Accepting this, the accumulated energy can be calculated also using
the power:

This integral means area in the diagram of Figure 1-2.

A practical example is shown in Figure 1-3.



0 1 2 3 4 180

Figure 1-3 Power swing diagram (example)

The Z in the formula of the power diagram is the transfer impedance. This value is
different for different network state of operation: in Figure 1-3 the lowest sinusoid
corresponds to a faulty state, the medium curve is the disconnected state, the highest

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curve is for the starting and final healthy state, showing a scenario near to the reality.
The procedure is as follows:

1. In healthy state the Pm mechanical power is in equilibrium with the

electric power at 0 power angle.
2. At the moment of fault the vector position of the voltage does not
change, but the electric power which can be transmitted jumps to an
extremely low value. The high difference between the constant
mechanical power and the lower curve points accelerates the
3. Disconnection at 1 power angle means that the electric power
which can be transmitted jumps to the medium curve, but the
mechanical power is still higher, the rotation accelerates up to 2
power angle.
4. At 2 power angle the speed of the rotor is higher than the rotation
of the power system. Due to the stored power in the rotor the delta
angle further increases, but the rotation decelerates. This is due to
the fact that now the mechanical power of the turbine is below the
power which is transmitted as the electric power.
5. The successful automatic reclosing at 3 power angle results that the
original power sinusoid is valid again and the positive area
6. At maximum 4 angle the negative and positive areas are equal.
Here the speed of the rotation corresponds again to the network
frequency. At any slight decrease of the power angle the
deceleration continues, and the state after damped swings can
return to the original stable state.

1.3 Power swing - Out-of-step state

In Figure 1-3 the positive (accelerating) and the negative (decelerating) areas can be
equal. Considering the damping, the system with swings can return to a stable state.
If more decelerating area would be needed then the power angle would move toward
higher power angles (to the right of the 4 angle). Here however the mechanical
power (horizontal line) is above the electric power which means again that the
rotation accelerates, the system cannot return to a stable state. The power angle
monotonically increases, this means out-of step operation.

1.4 Change of the power angle in time

The equal area criterion clearly shows the difference between stable power swings
and out-of-step operation but it does not provide information related to the changes
of the power angle in time. This information would be necessary to determine the
required speed of the protection (position of the disconnection angle), and the
permitted dead time of the automatic reclosing (position of the reclosing angle).

The mathematical model of the power system for calculation power swings is rather
complicated. Each generator in the power stations is an electro-mechanical swinging
system, described by a differential equation with individual parameters. These

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generators are interconnected with each other with the electric elements of the
looped power system, consisting inductive and capacitive elements, resulting a
complicated differential equation system.

The real power stations have regulating equipment for controlling voltage and
frequency. The reaction time of these modern controllers is within the time to be
investigated, consequently the consideration of their influence is also necessary.

From power swing blocking aspect the time function of the power angle would be
needed to calculate the locus of the calculated impedance in the impedance plane.
This aspect is discussed in the subsequent chapters.

2 Influence on distance protection

The discussion above clearly shows that during power swings the currents and
consequently the voltages continually change. The distance protection calculates the
impedance, based on the changing current and voltage. There is a chance that the
calculated impedance gets within the operating characteristic and a trip command is

2.1 Power swing in the impedance plane

To understand the phenomena, a very simple network is selected to model the

behavior of the distance measurement (Figure 2-1). This approximation corresponds
to the simplified equation, used above to analyze power swings:

The resistance values are neglected, the reactance value of the remote generator,
together with the reactance of the protected line is involved in the value of (1-m)X.
Additionally it is supposed that there is no parallel impedance between the
generators, i.e. the full current is measured by the distance protection. The shunt
branches of the equivalent Pi model are neglected.
jmX j(1-m)X

j j0
~ Ue U ~ Ue

Figure 2-1 Simplified schema for power swing detection

The current:

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The voltage at the relay location:

The measured impedance, if the magnitude of the voltages is the same:

For easy demonstration, the formula can be rearranged:

The measured impedance is:

In the impedance plane the plot of the function in the brackets is a vertical line, the
position is defined by the m parameter. The multiplication by jX means rotation by
90. The final plot for the simplifications is shown in Figure 2-2.

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-3 -2 -1 03 1 2 R3




Figure 2-2 Measured impedance during power swing(R neglected)

If the protection is located near to the center of the network (m=0.5) then at =180
the measured impedance is zero. This point is certainly inside the distance
characteristic; the protection trips the circuit breaker.
The example in Figure 1-3 shows that the power angle can be near to 180, even if
the swings are stable.
If the resistances of the network may not be neglected then the plot of Figure 2-2 is
rotated less than 90, resulting similar to Figure 2-3.

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-3 -2 -1 03 1 2 R3




Figure 2-3 Measured impedance during power swing

If the magnitude of the voltages are not equal at both ends then the formula of the
measured impedance is extended by another parameter

Using this parameter the measured impedance is:

Accordingly the straight lines are transformed to circles, and the plot gets more

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-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8


Figure 2-4 Measured impedance during power swing(with voltage magnitude

difference (k=1.1)
One may not forget that usually the system cannot be reduced to two generators,
because different generators can swing with different frequency, resulting more
complicated plots.
The main problem is however that for detection the power swings, the impedance
changes as the function of time must be known. The equal area criterion and the
impedance plot based on the power angle do not provide the necessary

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2.2 Power swing modeling

The correct calculation of power swings needs a complicated dynamic electro-

mechanical system model. It is obvious that the full complexity of the electric power
system, considering all electric and mechanical parameters is not yet possible.
The system reduction, considering several power stations as a single equivalent
generator can result to neglecting effects and phenomena, which can influence the
power swing detection.
Finding an appropriate model itself is not sufficient. The correct simulation of
subsequent events, as e.g. faults, disconnection, reclosing is also needed. Every
change in the power system starts new swinging transients. If the previous one is not
damped then the subsequent transients are superposed, they are not independent of
each other.
Additionally the controllers, for keeping voltage and frequency, influence the swings.
If the reaction time of these controllers is within the operation time of the protection
then these effects need extended modeling.

2.3 Frequency changes during power swings

2.3.1 Impedance calculated with changing frequency

In the explanation of power swings above the changes in the frequency around the
network frequency were neglected. During the swings, however, the frequency is
changing. Based on the experiences the frequency is

Note: Here the frequency of the swings is considered to be constant. Based on

experiences it is in the range of 0.5-5 Hz. This is an approximation again. The real
swings are not harmonic swings, the torque is changing continuously and additionally
large steps are added due to the changes in the electric power system.
Remember that the impedance (in the approximation above the pure reactance)
depends on the frequency:

The impedance calculation in the protective algorithms usually cannot track the
changing frequency. Consequently the calculated impedance has amplitude and
phase error. Accordingly the locus of the calculated impedance is not a smooth line
as the figures above indicate. An example (Omicron Netsim synthetic test), the
locus of the calculated impedance is shown in the impedance plane in Figure 2-5

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Figure 2-5 Locus of the measured impedance during power swing(Omicron test)
The locus of the measured impedance also depends on the calculation algorithm
(A3, Fourier, combined Fourier, etc.).
The calculation in a protection device is more complicated. As an example: if the
voltage is small (the protection is near to the swing center) then the voltage samples
stored in the memory are applied in combination with the actual current samples for
directional decision. In this case however the frequency of the voltage is different for
that of the current. The result is more confused plot in the impedance plane. (Note: if
the voltage is small then after a short time there are no stored voltage values in the
memory either. In this case the algorithm cannot decide the direction.)

2.4 Influence on distance protection zones

The normal setting of the zones of a distance protection is that zone 1 has the
smallest polygon with no intentional time delay. Then the second zone has a larger
polygon with a time delay of a selective time step, etc. Consequently the higher
zones, which are easily violated by power swings, have a relatively long time delay.
If the frequency of the swings results that during the delay time the impedance leaves
the polygon, then the swing cannot influence the operation. This zone need not be
involved in power swing blocking.

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3 Power swing detection

3.1 Difference between power swing and fault
The main difference between power swing and fault is the speed of changing.
In case of power swings the inertia of the mechanical rotating part does not permit
sudden changes in the generator angles. As a consequence, there are sudden
changes neither in the voltages nor in the currents. The experienced frequency of the
swings is in the range of 0.5-5 Hz. The time period is 200-2000 ms.
The fault changes the voltage at the fault location, and as a consequence, after the
relatively short transient time, also the current reaches the steady state fault value.
The longest experienced time constant is in the range of 100 ms.

3.2 Evaluation on the impedance plane

The algorithm for impedance calculation is prepared for the time constant of the fault
currents. The decision time for distance protection is in the range of one network
period i.e. 20 ms.
Consequently the locus of the calculated impedance on the impedance plane,
starting from the pre-fault steady-state calculated impedance reaches the estimated
fault impedance range within one network period. (Note: due to the various transient
on the network, reaching the exact value needs somewhat longer time.)

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4 Setting power swing detection

4.1 Criteria

Power swings can be stable or they can result in an out-of-step operation.

Accordingly, the power swing detection function can block the distance protection
function in case of stable swings, or it can generate a trip command if the system
operates out of step (See Figure 4-1).

Stable swing

Stable swing
Out of Step

Ratio of the outer characteristics set by:

The load encroachment modifies the shape of the characteristics

Figure 4-1 Characteristics of the power swing and out-of-step detection function

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4.2 Parameters

The parameters of the power swing detection function are explained in the following
Enumerated parameters
Parameter name Title Selection range Default
Parameters for power swing detection (with out-of-step detection) concerning the number of the
involved phases:
Operation Off,1 out of 3, 2 out of 3, 3 out of 3
DIS21_PSD_EPar_ 1 out of 3
Parameter enabling out-of-step function:
DIS21_Out_EPar_ Off,On Off

Table 4-1 The enumerated parameters of the power swing detection function
Boolean parameters for the individual zones to be blocked by the Power Swing
Detection (PSD) function:
Parameter name Title Default Explanation
DIS21_Z1St_BPar_ PSD Block Z1 0 1 for Zone1 to be blocked by PSD
DIS21_Z2St_BPar_ PSD Block Z2 0 1 for Zone2 to be blocked by PSD
DIS21_Z3St_BPar_ PSD Block Z3 0 1 for Zone3 to be blocked by PSD
DIS21_Z4St_BPar_ PSD Block Z4 0 1 for Zone4 to be blocked by PSD
DIS21_Z5St_BPar_ PSD Block Z5 0 1 for Zone5 to be blocked by PSD
Table 4-2 The Boolean parameters of the distance protection function
Integer parameters
Parameter name Title Unit Min Max Step Default
Definition of the ratio of the outside and inside rectangles of the characteristics for
power swing detection:
DIS21_RRat_IPar_ PSD R_out/R_in % 120 160 1 130
DIS21_XRat_IPar_ PSD X_out/X_in % 120 160 1 130

Table 4-3 The integer parameters of the power swing detection function

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Floating point parameters

Parameter name Title Dim. Min Max Default
X and R setting of the internal rectangle of the characteristics:
DIS21_Xin_FPar PSD Xinner ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Rin_FPar PSD Rinner ohm 0.1 200 10
Table 4-4 The floating-point parameters of the power swing detection function

Timer parameters
Parameter name Title Unit Min Max St Default
PSD Time
DIS21_PSDDel_TPar_ ms 10 1000 1 40
Very Slow
DIS21_PSDSlow_TPar_ ms 100 10000 1 500
DIS21_PSDRes_TPar_ PSD Reset ms 100 10000 1 500
DIS21_OutPs_TPar_ ms 50 10000 1 150
Table 4-5 The timer parameters of the power swing detection function

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Parameters of the distance protection needed coordinate the power swing detection:
Floating point parameters
Parameter name Title Dim. Min Max Default
R and X setting values for the five zones individually:
DIS21_Z1R_FPar Zone1 R ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Z2R_FPar Zone2 R ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Z3R_FPar Zone3 R ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Z4R_FPar Zone4 R ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Z5R_FPar Zone5 R ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Z1X_FPar Zone1 X ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Z2X_FPar Zone2 X ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Z3X_FPar Zone3 X ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Z4X_FPar Zone4 X ohm 0.1 200 10
DIS21_Z5X_FPar Zone5 X ohm 0.1 200 10
Load encroachment setting:
DIS21_LdR_FPar R Load ohm 0.1 200 10
Table 4-6 The related floating point parameters of the distance protection function

Integer parameters
Parameter name Title Unit Min Max Step Default
Definition of the load angle of the polygon characteristic:
DIS21_LdAng_IPar_ Load Angle deg 0 45 1 30
Definition of the line angle:
DIS21_LinAng_IPar_ Line Angle deg 45 90 1 75

Table 4-7 The related integer parameters of the distance protection function

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Timer parameters
Parameter name Title Unit Min Max Step Default
Time delay for the zones individually:
DIS21_Z1Del_TPar_ Zone1 Time Delay ms 0 60000 1 0
DIS21_Z2Del_TPar_ Zone2 Time Delay ms 0 60000 1 400
DIS21_Z3Del_TPar_ Zone3 Time Delay ms 0 60000 1 800
DIS21_Z4Del_TPar_ Zone4 Time Delay ms 0 60000 1 2000
DIS21_Z5Del_TPar_ Zone5 Time Delay ms 0 60000 1 2000
Table 4-8 The timer parameters of the distance protection function

4.3 Binary signals of the function block

The binary output status signals of the power swing detection function.
Binary output signals Signal title Explanation
Distance function power swing signals generated by the PSD module
DIS21_PSDDet_GrI_ PSD Detect Signal for power swing detection
DIS21_OutTr_GrI_ OutOfStep Trip Signal for out-of-step tripping condition
DIS21_PSDslow_GrI_ VerySlow Swing Signal for very slow power swing detection
Table 4-9 The binary output status signals of the power swing detection function

All these binary signals can serve as binary inputs for the graphic equations, to be
programmed by the user.

The binary inputs are signals influencing the operation of the distance protection
function. These signals are the results of logic equations graphically edited by the
user. E.g., the DIS21_PSDBlk_GrO_ signal can be programmed using these inputs
to block the power swing detection.
Binary input signals Signal title Explanation
DIS21_PSDBlk_GrO_ Block PSD Blocking signal for power swing detection
Table 4-10 The binary input signals of the power swing detection function

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4.4 Decisions for setting the power swing blocking function

Operation PSD
Oper. OutOfStep

The functions Power Swing Detection (PSD) and Out of Step Detection functions can
be enabled or disabled independently, but some parameters are common.
The basic decision is if Power Swing Detection (PSD) and Out of Step Detection
functions are needed. If the power system has no long transmission lines, the system
is looped and the power stations are strong then these functions are usually not
applied. In this case set these parameters to Off. These functions are blocked and
the subsequent parameters have no influence on the operation.

NOTE: The binary input Block PSD has the same blocking effect, if the binary input
logic value is TRUE.

If these functions are needed, then select another setting value. Set Out of Step
function to On and/or Power Swing Detection function to one of the choices 1 out
of 3, 2 out of 3, 3 out of 3. The power swing is usually a three-phase phenomenon,
but in special applications, the line can operate also when one phase is switched off.
Set this parameter according to the application (1 out of 3, 2 out of 3, 3 out of 3), or
using this parameter, the blocking of the distance protection can be disabled (Off).

Example: when the selection is 2 out of 3 then at least two phase-to-ground

measuring loops are required to detect power swing to block the distance protection.

PSD Block Z1
PSD Block Z2
PSD Block Z3
PSD Block Z4
PSD Block Z5
The next decision is the selection of the individual zones, to be blocked by the Power
Swing Detection function.
For the decision, the expected period of time of the power swing is needed. If this
time is shorter than the zone time delay then the swing will leave the characteristic
before the expiry of the time delay and the power swing has no influence on the
operation of the zone.
Example: the time delay for the Zone 3 is 800 ms and the expected slowest wing
frequency is 1.5 Hz (666 ms) then this zone does not need blocking. The decision
about the expected swing frequencies are the result of comprehensive dynamic
stability studies and/or operational experiences. These studies need to consider

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various operating conditions (topologies, contingencies) and expected event

sequences (fault-trip-reclosing).
In the further explanation it is supposed that Zone 1 and Zone 2 need power swing
blocking. In this case select parameters PSD Block Z1 and PSD Block Z2 for
blocking ( ).
For additional zones, e.g. reverse zone settings the method can be extended.

PSD Rinner
PSD Xinner
The quadrilateral characteristic of the power swing blocking function need the
following consideration.
The role of this characteristic is to separate the measured lowest load impedance in
normal operation form the distance characteristics. The inner rectangle should be set
around the largest zone setting
(in this example Zone 2). Accordingly:
PSD X inner = kx * Zone2 X
PSD R inner = kr * (Zone2 R + Zone2 X * ctg(LineAngle))

where Zone2 X is the X setting for Zone2

Zone2 R is the R setting for Zone2
kx is a security factor in X direction, at least 1.2
kr i s a security factor in R direction, at least 1.2.

PSD R inner considers the upper right angle of the Zone 2 distance characteristics.
(See Figure 4-2 below.) (The setting applies the cotangent function.)
The parameters Zone2 R, Zone2 X and LineAngle are parameters of the distance
protection function.
400 kV line protection
Current transformer ai=2000A/1A
Voltage transformer au=400kV/0.1kV
Zone2 R(Prim) = 75 Ohm (Secondary value)
Zone2 X(Prim) = 75 Ohm (Secondary value)

Zone2 R (Sec)= ai/au* Zone2 R(Prim) = (2000/1)/(400/0.1)*75 = 37.5

(Secondary value)
Zone2 X (Sec)= ai/au* Zone2 X(Prim) = (2000/1)/(400/0.1)*75 = 37.5
(Secondary value)
Line Angle = 73
In this example the security factor is selected 1.2

PSD Rinner (Sec) = 1.2 * (Zone2 R + Zone2 X * ctg(Line Angle))

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= 1.2 * (37.5 + 37.5 *ctg(73)) = 58.8

PSD Xinner (Sec) = 1.2 * 37.5 = 45
NOTE: the setting is secondary impedance value, similar to the Zone setting!


PSD X inner

Angle 2nd Quad angle
Zone Reduct Angle

Zone X

Load Angle
angle Line Angle

R Load PSD R inner

Angle 4th Quad

LdLioad angle

Zone R

Figure 4-2 Basic setting of the power swing and out-of-step detection function

PSD R_out/R_in
PSD X_out/X_in
These two parameters set the ratio of the outer rectangle to the inner rectangle. The
setting decides the width of the power swing measuring band. The algorithm
measures the time period during which the measured impedance is within this band.
Accordingly these parameters have a close relationship with the measuring time PSD
Time Delay . Increasing these setting values permits longer and more secure
measuring time.
On the other hand the outer rectangle may not include the measured impedance
during the highest expected load. Considering the resistance:

PSD R_out/R_in = 1/1.2 * RLoad min / PSD R inner

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In this calculation the security factor is selected 1.2, and RLoad min is the
measured load resistance at maximum load.
The setting range of PSD R_out/R_in is 1.2 1.6 (120% 160%). It is advised to
select the highest possible setting.
If the calculation results a value less than 120% then apply the load encroachment
characteristic. R Load X Load and Load Angle are parameters of the distance
protection function. The setting is common with the power swing detection function.

The parameter PSD X_out/X_in can be set to the same value as PSD R_out/R_in:

PSD X_out/X_in = PSD R_out/R_in

400 kV line protection
Current transformer ai=2000A/1A
Voltage transformer au=400kV/0.1kV
Max load (slightly below thermal limit) Pmax=1000 MW
PSD R inner (Sec) = 58.8 (See calculation above)

Rload min(Prim)= U2/Pmax=(400 kV)2/1000 MW=160

Rload min(Sec)= ai/au*Rload min(Prim)=(2000/1)/(400/0.1)*160 = 80

PSD R_out/R_in = 1/1.2 * RLoad min / PSD R inner = 1/1.2*80 /58.8 = 1.13
This ratio results a slightly narrow band; it is advised to apply load encroachment

If RLoad (Sec) = 50 is selected then

PSD R_out/R_in = 1/1.2 * RLoad min / (RLoad (Sec) * PSD R_out/R_in )
PSD R_out/R_in =Sqrl( 1/1.2*80 /50 )= Sqrl(1.92)= 1.38 results a suitable band.

If Load Angle = 25 is selected then the setting and the coordination with the
distance zone characteristic is shown in Figure 4-3.

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PSD R_out/

Zone2 X

Line Angle

Load Angle

Zone2 R PSD Rinner R

R Load

Figure 4-3 Coordination with the distance zone characteristics (Example)

PSD Time Delay

This timer parameter is related with the time, needed for the measured impedance to
pass the defined impedance band. If the measured time is longer than this parameter
value then the power swing state blocks the trip command. If the time is shorter,
which means that the measured impedance jumps inside the characteristic, the fault
is detected, and trip command can be generated.

The approach starting from power swing simulation is very difficult. Detailed dynamic
electro-mechanical simulation of power swings would be needed, considering several
network configurations and fault scenarios. The elaboration of the shortest time is
needed, during which, in case of power swings, the impedance passes the defined
impedance zone and additionally gets into the distance zone characteristic and would

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generate an unwanted trip command. In this approach the time setting should be
shorter than the shortest time found during comprehensive simulations.

The other approach starting from the algorithm side is more useful. Here the longest
possible time is needed for the calculated impedance to pass the defined impedance
band during fault transient. In this case the power swing detection function may not
block the distance protection.

The behavior of the algorithm is known. The impedance, starting from the pre-fault
calculated value, gets practically within a network period (20 ms in 50 Hz systems)
into the characteristic, generating a trip command. The impedance is a steady-state
term; consequently even theoretically a whole network period is needed to reach the
final value during a fault. In the practice the applied calculation algorithms cannot
filter out fully the transient components; consequently the impedance needs
somewhat more than a period to reach the steady-state value.

The movement of the calculated impedance is faster at the beginning of the

transients, and practically it is guaranteed that the band is left within the network
period time.

Set the value:

PSD Time Delay = 20 ms

If the highest expected swing frequency is 5 Hz then the whole swinging period
needs 200 ms. Considering that the speed of the swing is slow at the beginning of
the swings, when the impedance band is passed and highest only when the
impedance reaches the minimum, the setting of 20 ms is usually correct. If the
detailed electro-mechanical swing simulation suggests then the time setting, from
algorithm aspect, may be decreased.
If the impedance is within the impedance band then after this time delay the algorithm
generates the PSDdet binary output signal on the binary output of the distance
protection function block. This signal is reset if the measured impedance leaves the
outer polygon and the PSD reset time expires (see below). The state is also reset if
during power swing a fault is detected, i.e. if the calculated impedance jumps.
When the PSDdet state is active, the power swing detection function blocks the trip
commands of the dedicated distance zones.

Very Slow Swing

This time delay releases the blocking if the measured impedance is too long within
the power swing detection polygon. (This is possible for example if the load is higher
than the expected load, or the swing detection polygon is set to high value. If needed
apply correct load encroachment setting.) In this case the algorithm generates a
warning signal after this time delay PSDslow. This state is reset if the measured
impedance leaves the outer polygon and the PSD reset time expires (see below).
Set this time longer than the expected slowest power swing time period. If for
example the experiences predict 1 Hz power swings then set this value not longer
than 1000 ms.

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Power swing detection

PSD Reset
The setting of this parameter has two functions:
Extending the duration of the blocked state.
Extending the duration of the Very Slow state.

The power swing is expected either to return to a stable state of the system, or the
continuous change of the angle between the voltages results out-of-step operation of
the systems at both line ends. In both cases, the measured impedance leaves the
characteristics, defined by the outer characteristic lines. At the moment of leaving the
band, a timer is started, which runs for the time defined by this parameter. This
means that the blocking state is kept additionally for PSD Reset time.

If there are no further considerations leave the factory setting.

OutOfStep Pulse
This parameter defines the duration of the generated pulse indicating out-of-step
operation of the systems at both line ends. This pulse of the binary output OutTr of
the distance protection function block can be applied for out-of-step trip command
using the graphic logic editor. Set this value high enough to trip the circuit breaker
(e.g. 200 ms.)

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Power swing detection

5 Testing power swing detection

5.1 Power swing simulation
For testing the power swing detection function, certain kind of power system
simulation is needed.

The simplest method is to generate voltage and current signals assuming source
impedances and protected line impedance then describing the changing power angle
(the angle between the equivalent voltage sources) with mathematical formulae
(linear changing the angle for out-of-step simulation, or damped sinusoidal change
between a starting and final angle for simulation sable power swings.

For comprehensive testing, however, the detailed dynamic simulation of the power
system is needed. These simulations need to consider various operating conditions
(topologies, contingencies) and expected event sequences (fault-trip-reclosing).

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