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The Third Edition of Today’s Science and Health

with Key to the Scriptures

By Cheryl Petersen
One hundred years ago, Mary Baker Eddy died, leaving an astonishing legacy to the world. A
few people cherish the religious organization and church buildings Eddy left behind; however,
one of Eddy’s books is regarded as the most valuable heirloom given to humanity, Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Weather and exposure tarnish gold, silver, and marble. Similarly, human language, time, and
misinterpretation tarnish the written word. Therefore, the 19th century church buildings are
restored and Science and Health is revised.
The revision I produced, 21st Century Science and Health, required years of preparation,
prayer, and research. Thankfully, Eddy revised Science and Health over 300 times during her
lifetime so there was a definite pattern to follow. And, I can honestly say, this work was
motivated by immense appreciation for Eddy’s explanation of divine Science. I did not revise
Eddy’s book out of desperation; I did not do it to prove a point; and I did not do it because I
thought I could do a better job than someone else. The work was done vigilantly, delicately,
meticulously, conscientiously, prudently, firmly―through sweat and tears.
Eddy’s Science and Health was carefully excavated. I gently removed decaying language,
clichés formed by institutionalized religion, misconceptions found in society, and outdated social
references. Readers of 21st Century Science and Health can now relate to examples and
illustrations apropos to today’s globalization and technological discoveries. Science and Health
is no longer aloof or weird.
The requisite revisions were made in order to present Eddy’s ideas intact and correct to this
present time. A case in point is the paragraph discussing “Novel Diseases.” Eddy listed new
diseases of the 19th century while I listed new diseases of today. I also updated terminology such
as: animal magnetism, phrenology, humors, brainology, and consumption. Science and Health is
now gender-inclusive. Also, Biblical quotes come from the diverse English Bible versions
available to people at the many bookstores around the world.
I continue to update Science and Health, keenly noting the thoughts and suggestions of my
editors, however I am quick to repeat Eddy, and say in essence, Do not change my words.
Editors, or even well-meaning Christian Scientists, are to respect my copyright, as I respect
Eddy’s copyright.
Eddy’s Science and Health gleams again with the facts that: divine Science is timeless; the
ability to heal spiritually is accessible to people of all backgrounds,
ethnicities, and faiths; a divine perspective of truth can’t be hidden;
other cultures and people have discovered these spiritual principles in
their own way; there is no mystery to understanding and practicing
scientific mental healing; and, the elements of human ideologies
never harmed Mind-science.
Immense work is yet needed to advance divine Science and its
interpretation of health, harmony, and holiness. I continue to buck the
lure of remaining in a human comfort-zone and consequently have
successfully finished the 3rd edition of 21st Century Science and
Health which can be read side-by-side with Eddy’s version. The 3rd
edition can be purchased from in paperback, or as a Kindle eBook from

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