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Social Science, CLASS III-H

Name:________________ Class:___________ Roll no.:_____ MM=25
Section A (MM=15)
Q1) Fill in the blanks: -
bones flesh fire hut
cold time nomads producer

i) Early man did not have any idea about _______________.

ii) ___________ is the biggest discovery of early man.
iii) The hunter and food gatherer became a food ____________ .
iv) Tools were made of _______________ and ivory.
v) The early man ate _____________ of animals.
vi) __________ are made of bamboo, straw, mud and dried leaves.
vii) Wood keeps a house warm in _____________ weather.
viii) _____________ do not live permanently at one place.

Q2) State whether true or false: -

i) The ancient man moved from place to place in search of food. (T/F)
ii) The early man lives settled life. (T/F)
iii) Early mans most useful tool was Spear. (T/F)
iv) Early man was religious, hence started worshipping. (T/F)
v) The early man lived caves. (T/F)

Q3) Name them: -

i) A house that is always made above the ground level. _____________
ii) The material used in making permanent house is :- _______________
iii) House on wheels is :- ___________________
iv) Most useful tool made by early man is ___________________
v) Biggest discovery of early man __________________

Q4) Map Skills: -

i) Punjab ii) Gujarat iii) Assam
Q5) Match the following: -
1. Discovery of fire a) Spear
2. Most useful tool b) Cooked food
3. Caravans c) Moving house
4. Stilt houses d) Flood prone areas
5. Sloping roofs e) Mountain houses

Q6) Question & Answer: -

a) Why did early man move from place to place?

b) Why were early settlements made close to rivers?


c) How did discovery of fire helped the early man?

d) Why do we need a house?

e) How do people living in hot climate keeps their houses cool?

f) Differentiate between mountain house and stilt house.

Q7) List any two examples:

a) Material used for making pucca house.
_______________ and _________________
b) Material used for making katcha house
_______________ and _________________
c) Early mans tools were made up of
_______________ and _________________
d) Fire gave early man
_______________ and _________________
Section B (MM=10)
Q1) Value Based Question: -
1) Describe your reaction if you have to
a) live without electricity
b) Sit on mats instead of desks in the class rooms
2) What would be your reaction when you see leaking taps at home or schools
i) At home:_________________________________________________
ii) At School:________________________________________________
Q2) Complete the Web Chart: -

Material used in

Kutcha House Pucca House

Q3) Complete the following: -
Q4) Give examples: -
Q5) Encircle the correct option: -

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